This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. Your use of this material constitutes acceptance of that license and the conditions of use of materials on this site. Copyright 2006, The Johns Hopkins University and Gregory E. Glass. All rights reserved. Use of these materials permitted only in accordance with license rights granted. Materials provided “AS IS”; no representations or warranties provided. User assumes all responsibility for use, and all liability related thereto, and must independently review all materials for accuracy and efficacy. May contain materials owned by others. User is responsible for obtaining permissions for use from third parties as needed. Ecological Principles of Disease Systems: Population Interactions and Dynamics Gregory E. Glass, PhD Johns Hopkins University Module 1 Introduction, by Dr. Vern Carruthers, PhD Module 1: disease ecology − Disease ecology principles − Infectious diseases − Dr. Greg Glass, professor of molecular microbiology and immunology 3 Section A Disease Ecology, Epidemiology, and Niche Disease Ecology In this lecture, we will: − Characterize the biological level of organization that disease ecology represents − Differentiate disease ecology from observational epidemiology − Introduce the key concept of niche − Demonstrate how niche overlap is related to risk of disease 5 Ecology of Infectious Diseases Differs from a traditional medical approach in that it’s not concerned with describing the pathology of individuals Differs from epidemiology in that the emphasis is on general processes of population interactions rather than characterization of specific diseases 6 Differences with Epidemiology Epidemiology: the study of the determinants of diseases and injuries (in human populations) − What causes disease? − How do you identify the causes? − Mechanistic Disease ecology: the study of the underlying principles that influence the spatio-temporal patterns of diseases − Why do the patterns of disease occur as they do? − Conceptual: what variables are important? 7 Epidemiologic Disease Model Host Agent Environment 8 Disease Ecology Paradigm Incidence, spatial distribution, and timing of diseases reflect the interactions of populations with each other, in the environment 9 Populations Populations are systems of organisms interacting with and in the environment, and these interactions result in emergent properties 10 Emergent Properties Emergent properties: outcomes of higher-order interactions among components of a system that can’t be anticipated by studying the components in isolation − Example: can the introduction of an efficacious vaccine actually make a disease situation worse? 11 Ecology of Infectious Diseases Basic concept of ecology is related to the niche Niche: those sets of biotic and abiotic conditions in the environment that define the limit of a species’ ability to survive In disease ecology, the dynamics of infectious disease are viewed as the overlap in time-space of niches of the component populations 12 Ecology and Public Health 100 Percent humidity (%) 90 Environment 80 70 Human 60 50 40 30 20 Pathogen 10 0 -50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 Temperature (°F) 13 Examples of Population Interactions Environmental diseases − For example, toxins (lead poisoning), cancers, environmental shortages, (famine) ENVIRONMENT Human 14 Infectious Diseases Directly transmissible infectious disease Two-population system − For example, many viral (influenza, measles), bacterial (tetanus), fungal (aspergillus) infections ENVIRONMENT Human Pathogen 15 Zoonoses Zoonotic diseases − Pathogen primarily resides in a second species and is transmitted to humans without an intermediary species X For example, rabies, schistosomiasis ENVIRONMENT Human Pathogen Reservoir 16 Vector-Borne/Zoonoses Vector-borne diseases − Infectious agents transmitted to humans through action of another species Many vector-borne diseases are transmitted by arthropods − For example, ENVIRONMENT Lyme disease, bubonic plague, Vector Bartonelloses, WNV Human Pathogen Reservoir 17 Section B Real-Life Examples Examples of Rodent-Borne Pathogens Organism Host Transmission Capillaria hepatica R. norvegicus and other rodents Oral Trichinella spiralis R. norvegicus and other mammals Oral Yersinia pestis R. norvegicus and other rodents Vector Leptospira R. norvegicus and other mammals Contact LCMV M. musculus Aerosol Hantaviruses A. agrarius, R. norvegicus, C. glareolus Aerosol 19 Niche Differences—Example: LCMV Family: Arenaviruses Host: Mus musculus (house mouse) Transmission: air-borne from feces, urine, saliva Disease: aseptic meningitis Epidemiology: one of the main causes of aseptic meningitis in urban areas 20 Niche Differences—Example: Hantavirus Family: Bunyaviruses Host: P. maniculatus, R. norvegicus, C. glareolus Transmission: airborne from feces, urine Disease: hantaviral pulmonary syndrome, acute kidney failure Photo: Greg Glass 21 Different Niches Affect Prevalence in Humans Note: strikingly different prevalences for LCMV and HTNV The number of people in sample infected with hantaviruses is very small A large fraction had been infected with LCMV Graph used with permission of James E. Childs. Source: Childs JE, Glass GE, Korch GW, Ksiazek TG, Leduc JW. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection and house mouse (Mus musculus) distribution in urban Baltimore. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1992 Jul;47(1):27–34. 22 Contacts Between Rats/Mice and Humans Differ Baltimore, Maryland Photo courtesy of James E. Childs. 23 Rodent Exposure in Baltimore Source: Adapted by CTLT from Childs JE, Glass GE, Korch GW, Ksiazek TG, Leduc JW. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection and house mouse (Mus musculus) distribution in urban Baltimore. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1992 Jul;47(1):27–34. 24 Niches and Consequences for Control Example: Schistosomiasis − Infection with Schistosoma spp. − Eggs shed in feces or urine of infected individual − Infect selected species of snails − Eggs hatch into infective forms (cercariae) in water − Prevalence in some villages Æ 80% 25 Schistosomiasis and Large-Scale Agro-Ecosystems Schistosomiasis is associated with large-scale agro-ecosystems needing water Agricultural field in Egypt affected by building of Aswan Dam Photo: Courtesy of Clive Shiff 26 Is Schistosomiasis an Occupational Disease? Increased conditions are suitable for snails Concurrent increase in human activity that contacts with snails Photo: Courtesy of Clive Shiff 27 Is Schistosomiasis Associated With ADL? Water canal in Abioka village, Egypt Study site for schistosomiasis and snail contact Photo: Courtesy of Clive Shiff 28 Abioka Village Over 900 out of 1500 sampling site had no snails The majority of the canals at this site are unsuitable environments for snail host 29 Hantaviral Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) Spatio-temporal fluctuations in niche overlap affects disease rates HPS is associated with hantaviruses from sigmodontine rodents Associated with capillary leak syndrome, noncardiogenic shock, interstitial pulmonary edema, respiratory failure First recognized in spring, 1993 Courtesy of Jonathan Samet 30 Epidemic Curve Mortality is extreme Number of human cases relatively low − 327 cases as of August, 2002 Number of cases vary among years Courtesy of Jonathan Samet 31 Hyper-Endemic Area for HPS in North America Greg Glass 32 HPS: Southwestern, USA: 1992 Greg Glass 33 HPS: Southwestern, USA: 1993 Greg Glass 34 HPS: Southwestern, USA: 1995 Greg Glass 35 HPS: Southwestern, USA: 1998 Greg Glass 36 Grasslands/Herbaceous Vegetation grows more rapidly, more lushly, longer during season where risk is high Grasslands/Herbaceous 10000 8000 NDVI factor 10k 6000 4000 2000 0 -2000 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 hi-risk hi-risk hi-risk hi-risk non-risk non-risk non-risk non-risk non-risk DoY Greg Glass 37 HPS and Elevation HPS cases may be rare because people do not live at elevations where persistent high-risk conditions are common 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 15 00 16 00 17 00 18 00 19 00 20 00 21 00 22 00 23 00 24 00 25 00 26 00 27 00 28 00 29 00 30 00 Elevation (meters) Controls (1450-2450m) Refugia (1650-3400m) Greg Glass 38 Summary Populations: systems of organisms interacting with and in the environment Niches: sets of biotic and abiotic conditions in the environment that define the limit of a species’ ability to survive Dynamics of infectious diseases: represent the overlap in time-space of niches of the component populations − The extent of overlap can vary with time and space 39