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Fertility Change Fertility Trends and Differentials TFR 6.5 to 7.5 5.9 to 6.4 5.5 to 5.8 4.3 to 5.4 2 to 4.2 (11) (12) (7) (13) (11) Module 5a Learning Objectives Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to Describe the trends and differentials in fertility over time and place Trends and differentials in age specific fertility rates over time and place 3 The Fertility Transition Definition Generally defined as having started in a country when there is at least 10% decline in fertility which begins an irreversible trend downwards Said to be “completed” when replacement level fertility levels are achieved 4 Fertility Transition Current Status Began in most industrialized countries in the late 19th century and competed by early/mid 20th century Began in most of Asia and Latin America after World War II and completed or nearing completing in some (e.g., Brazil, Thailand, China) Just beginning in most sub-Saharan African countries 5 Total Fertility Rates by Region of the Developing World,1950-55 to 1985-90 Source: Fig1, Bongaarts and Watkins,1996 6 Decline in Fertility by World Region,1950-55 to 1990-95 Latin America &Carribean 3 5.9 1990-95 1950-55 2 North America 3.8 1.6 Europe 2.6 2.9 Asia 5.9 5.9 SSA 6.6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Fertility Rate Data Source: UN, World Population Prospects: The 1998 revision 7 Africa – Regional Map Northern Western Eastern Middle Southern Map by: Adam78 via Wikimedia Commons. Some rights reserved. 8 Decline in Fertility in Africa by Region 6 West Africa 6.4 3.7 Southern Africa 6.5 4 North Africa 6.8 1990-95 1950-55 6.5 5.9 6.2 6.9 Middle Africa East Africa 5.9 6.5 SSA 0 2 4 6 Total Fertility Rate 8 Data Source: UN, World Population Prospects: The 1998 revision 9 Total Fertility Rates in Africa, 1999 TFR 6.5 to 5.9 to 5.5 to 4.3 to 2 to 7.5 6.4 5.8 5.4 4.2 (11) (12) (7) (13) (11) Source: World Population Data Sheet, 1999, PRB 10 Trends in Age Specific Fertility Across Regions During fertility transition, the proportion of decline in fertility may not be same across age groups With delay in age at marriage over time with no concomitant increase in premarital fertility, the fertility in age group 15-19 will decline over time as observed in East Asia, esp. in Japan 11 Trends in Age Specific Fertility Rates Across Regions However, in some regions e.g. in Southern Africa, an increase in fertility in 15-19 year age group is observed over time. Further, the fertility patterns may shift up with delay in initiation of child-bearing with rising level of women’s education and labor force participation Fertility may decline disproportionately in higher age groups with rise in use of contraception in these age groups 12 Trends in ASFR over time across different regions Source: UN, World Fertility Patterns,1997 13 Summary Slide This concludes this session, the key concepts introduced in this session include: – Fertility transition – The status of fertility transition in different countries around the world – The trends and differentials in fertility across different regions of the world and among different countries in SSA 14 Fertility Change Determinants of Fertility Trends and Differentials TFR 6.5 5.9 5.5 4.3 2 Module 5b to to to to to 7.5 6.4 5.8 5.4 4.2 (11) (12) (7) (13) (11) Learning Objectives Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to : Describe the proximate and underlying determinants of fertility responsible for observed trends in fertility 16 A Model of Fertility Change Underlying Determinants (Socio-economic, cultural and other factors) Proximate Determinants (Biosocial mechanisms) Fertility (Biological processes) 17 Fertility: Biological Processes 18 Fertility – Biosocial (Proximate) Determinants Davis and Blake (1956) introduced the concept of “proximate” or biosocial determinants – that is, behavioral factors that directly affect the biological processes controlling fertility. continued 19 Fertility – Biosocial (Proximate) Determinants Bongaarts (1982) provided an analytical model for measuring in surveys the most important proximate determinants that affect fertility. 20 Bongaart’s Proximate Determinants 1. *Proportion of women in a sexual union (married) 2. *Use of contraception 3. *Post-partum amenorrhea (due to breastfeeding) 4. *Induced abortion 5. Frequency of intercourse 6. Spontaneous fetal losses 7. Sterility (due to disease) * Major determinants of variability in fertility in most populations. 21 The four most important proximate determinants - based on sensitivity of fertility levels to changes in these, and their variability over time and place Proportion of women in sexual unions The level of contraceptive use Duration of postpartum infecundability The level of induced abortion These 4 factors substantially account for the trends and differentials seen in fertility over time or place 22 The remaining three proximate determinants The level of permanent sterility Frequency of intercourse (fecundability) Spontaneous intrauterine mortality Relatively less important determinants of the trends or differentials in fertility (though sterility due to disease is important in some SSA regions) 23 The Contraceptive Revolution and Fertility Change Since 1960 Trends in Contraceptive Use in Developing Countries 1960-90 Trends in Fertility in Developing Countries 1960-90 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6.76.5 1960 1990 1960 1990 80% 7 6 5.9 5.1 5.8 0.7 70% 0.6 60% 4.2 3.2 50% 2.6 20% 10% 0.4 0.36 40% 30% 0.08 0.05 0.15 0.11 0.17 0.02 ia As E. . er Am L. ia As S. r. Af A /N ME SS ia As E. ica er Am L. sia .A So a ric Af A /N ME SS 0% 24 25 Underlying Determinants of Fertility in Populations The underlying determinants of fertility are those socio-economic, cultural, health and programmatic factors that result in changes in reproductive behaviors in populations. All underlying determinants must operate through the proximate determinants to influence the level of fertility in a population. 26 Underlying Determinants of Fertility: Some Examples ♦ Social: education, income, work, status of ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ women Cultural: marriage practices, post-partum abstinence, religious beliefs about contraception Health: prevalence of STDs, malaria Political: government policies regarding family planning, female education Programmatic: availability of contraceptive information and services 27 re Ke a 1 C n y 99 5 o M mo a 1 ad ro 99 ag s 8 as 19 c 9 M ar 6 a 19 R law 9 7 w i1 a Ta nd 99 nz a 1 2 a 9 U nia 92 g So an d 199 M uth a 1 6 oz e 99 a m rn 5 bi Afr N que ica am 1 ib 9 Za ia 97 Zi mb 199 m ba i a 1 2 bw 99 Bu W e 1 6 rk es 99 in a t Af 4 Fa ric s a Be o 1 n i 99 n 9 C ot CA 1 99 e d R 6 C 'Ivo 199 am ir 4 er e 1 oo 99 G n1 4 ha 9 G na 98 ui ne 199 a 8 M 199 N ali 9 ig 19 er 9 ia 6 N 19 Se ige r 90 ne 19 ga 98 C l 19 ha 9 d 7 To 19 go 97 19 98 Er it % using modern methods Contraceptive prevalence rates by the Level of Mother’s Education, SSA, 1990-1999, Demographic and Health Surveys 60 50 No education Primary secondary 40 30 20 10 0 28 Summary Slide This concludes this session, the key concepts introduced in this session include: – The proximate determinant of fertility – The underlying or distal determinants of fertility 29 Fertility Change Classic Theory of Demographic Transition TFR 6.5 to 7.5 5.9 to 6.4 5.5 to 5.8 4.3 to 5.4 2 to 4.2 Module 5c (11) (12) (7) (13) (11) Learning Objectives Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to : Describe , interpret and critique the classic theory of demographic transition to explain the current and historical trends in fertility decline 31 Why Does Fertility Decline? Theories and Controversies Fertility decline - No uniform pattern, much diversity in the origin, speed and correlates in different historical and geographical setting. No consensus on a common theoretical framework. 32 Malthusian Theory of Population Growth (Early 19th Century) The “cause” of poverty Population tends to increase at a geometric rate Food can only increase arithmetically Population expands to eat up any surplus Subsistence wages forever unless “moral checks” (abstinence from marriage) Otherwise “positive checks” on population growth - misery (wars, famines) and vice (use of contraception) 33 Why Fertility Declines: The Classic Demographic Transition Theory (Notestein and Davis, 1950s) Socio-economic development leads to: – Increased supply of children due to reduced mortality – Reduced utility of children – Reduced desired family size Declining mortality and, after some lag period, declining fertility follow from socioeconomic development 34 What Does Empirical Evidence Say about the Demographic Transition? Princeton European Fertility Project: launched in 1963, two decade long endeavor- designed to test transition theory with historical data from roughly 700 provincial -level units throughout Europe. World Fertility Surveys: launched in the 1970s provided evidence on fertility change from over 40 less- developed countries 35 Relationship between TFR and the Human Development Index (HDI) for less developed countries in 1960-65 Source: Fig. 4, Bongaarts and Watkins, 1996 36 Relationship between TFR and level of development (HDI) for 69 developing countries,1960-65 to 1985-90 Source: Fig2, Bongaarts and Watkins,1996 37 What Does Empirical Evidence Say About the Demographic Transition Theory? No consistent relationship can found between the timing of the onset of fertility decline or level of fertility and measures of social and economic development as one looks across countries 38 Necessary Preconditions for Decline in Marital Fertility (A. Coale, 1973) A setting that allows fertility control to be part of calculus of conscious choice Clear economic advantages of smaller family size Availability of information about, and means of, fertility control 39 Summary Slide This concludes this session, the concepts introduced in this session include: – Malthusian theory of population growth – Classic theory of demographic transition – Necessary preconditions for decline in marital fertility as proposed by A. Coale 40 Fertility Change Theories of Fertility Transition TFR Module 5d 6.5 to 7.5 5.9 to 6.4 5.5 to 5.8 4.3 to 5.4 2 to 4.2 (11) (12) (7) (13) (11) Learning Objectives Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to : Describe , interpret and critique the existing theories to explain the current and historical trends in fertility decline 42 Recent Fertility Transition Theories Theory of intergenerational wealth flow (Caldwell, 1982) Easterlin’s theory of supply and demand (Easterlin an Crimmins, 1985) Diffusion of innovation theory (Cleland and Wilson, 1987) 43 Theory of Intergenerational Wealth Flows Changes in child labor, compulsory education, extended families, etc., shifts child-to-parent “wealth flow” to parent-tochild Fertility is limited as children become a burden to the family Criticism: little empirical evidence to support this theory 44 Economic Theories of Fertility: Easterlin theory of supply-demand Three basic determinants of fertility: 1. supply of children, initially limited by poor health conditions 2. demand for children for economic and social reasons 3. cost of fertility regulation, including social and psychic as well as monetary costs Modernization can lead first to a rise and then to a fall in fertility 45 Economic Theory of Supply and Demand: Criticism Does not specify what socioeconomic variables account for demand for children Does not explain the variations in pretransitional marital fertility 46 Diffusion of Innovations (Ideational) Theory (Cleland and Wilson) The key element is diffusion of: – knowledge (of birth control methods) – attitudes (towards use of contraceptives) – innovations (in birth control technologies and behaviors) 47 Diffusion of Innovations Theory: Implications Population sub-groups open to outside influence would be affected first In the process of transition, fertility differentials across diffusion barriers (race, language, education) will first increase, then decline Fertility decline is most rapid in homogenous populations Family planning programs can help to bring about fertility decline 48 Diffusion of Innovations Theory: Criticism Narrow in focus, the human drama of fertility decline is more than just a technological issue related to changing contraceptive behaviors Places culture out of social, economic and political context Limited empirical evidence – e.g., does not indicate when innovations will actually be adopted by a population 49 Gaps in Current Theories on Fertility: Role of Power and Culture Role of authoritarian political power, e.g, in China and Indonesia Role of democratic institutions, e.g., in Thailand and India The interaction of cultural traditions and political decisions, e.g., in Pakistan and subSaharan African 50 Gaps in the Current Theories on Fertility: Role of Gender How have gender roles and relationships shaped reproduction in different times and different places? Importance of gender in population policies has been highlighted in the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development Limited research in this area 51 Role of National Family Planning Programs in Fertility Decline Provide information on fertility regulation methods Reduce the costs (and enhance the effectiveness) of contraceptive practice (monetary, time, and psychic) May influence demand for children by changing the social norms about ideal family size, role and status of women, etc., through IEC activities continued 52 Role of National Family Planning Programs Hard to quantify and separate the effect of family planning programs on fertility decline from other socio-economic factors Mauldin and colleagues (1978,1984,1996) collected information on FP program effort in different countries and found a consistent positive relationship between contraceptive prevalence and program effort score even when controlling for level of SE development 53 Is There a Theory of Fertility Decline Applicable to All Areas? Fertility transitions are the result of a complex interaction of social, economic, cultural and political forces that change patterns of family formation, family size desires, and fertility control behaviors The relative importance of different forces may be quite different in different settings There may not be a single theory that fully encompasses these processes 54 Summary Slide This concludes this session, the key concepts introduced in this session include – Theory of intergeneration wealth flow – Easterlin’s theory of supply and demand – Diffusion of innovation theory – Role of gender, power and culture in fertility decline – Role of national family programs in fertility decline 55