THE PLASTIC BENDING OF CURVED BARS by CHARLES OLIVER SMITH B. S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute (1941) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (1947) Signature of Author Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 12 September 1947 Certified by Thlsis Supervisor Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Stu ~b~n6' ·-- nts 12 Septemoer l94f Proressor Joseph S. Newell Secretary or the Faculty Massachusetts Institute or' Tecinology camorldge, Massacausetts Dear Professor Newell: I tereoy suomit tnis tnesis entitled, "THE PLASTIC BENDIiNG OF CURVWED BARS," in partial rul- rillment or tne requirements ror the degree of Master of Science in Meclanlcal Engineering rrom the Massachusetts Institute of Tecnnology. Respectrully submitted, Charles O. Smith Table of Contents CONTENTS OF TA 3 LE . . . . . . . . . . iii List of Figures ....... Nomenclature . . . . . . . vl . . . . . . . . ix Suggestions for Future Investigation . . . . . . . 12 aeneral Preliminary Investigation . . . ... . 13 . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . 21 Assumptions Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Purpose . ... Previous Contributions to the Subject Procedure . . Summary and Discussion . Case I .............. General Elastic Condition . . . . . Partially Plastic Condition Stress Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . 25 . . . . Equation for Neutral Axis . . . . . . . . . . 27 Bending Moment Equation . . . . . .. . . 30 Differential Deflection Equation .. .. . . 32 Calculations for the Specific Case . . . . . . 33 Stress Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . 35 Deflection Equations Case II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 General Equation for Neutral Axis Bending ioment Equatio Stress Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . 58 . . . . . . . 59 . . . . . . . 60 ii Table of Contents Case II, General Differential Deflection Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculations for the Specific Case Stress Distribution . . . . . . Deflection Equation . Case III . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . S . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 62 63 64 84 General . . . S. Equation for Neutral Axis Bending Moment Equation Stress Distribution ., . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 89 .. 90 Differential Deflection Equation . . . . . . . . Calculation for the Specific Case Stress Distribution . . . . . Deflection Equation . . . Appendix . . ............. Bibliography Notes on Integration S. . . . 92 . . . . . . . . 93 . . . . . . . . 96 . . . . . . . . . . 115 A-1 ......... . 91 . . . 87 . . .. . . . A-3 iii LIST FIGURES OF Title Figure Page 19 1 Geometry of the Curved Bar 2 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case I, 49 P . 0.000984 So 3 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case I, P 4 - 50 0.001236 So Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case I, P = 0.001396 So 5 51 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case I, 52 P a 0.001493 So 6 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case I, P : 0.001524 So 53 54 Case I 7 Deflection Curves, 8 Maximum Deflection vs. Load, 9 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribu- Case I 55 tion on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case II, P = 0.001220 So 10 77 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, P = 0.001364 So Case II, 78 iv List of Figures Figure 11 Page Title Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case II, P = 0.001579 So 12 79 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case II, 80 P a 0.001939 So 13 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case II, 81 P = 0.002749 So 82 14 Deflection Curves, Case II 15 Maximum Deflection vs Load, 16 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribu- Case II 83 tion on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case III, 108 P = 0.001102 So 17 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case III, 109 P - 0.001258 So 18 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case III, 110 P = 0.001532 So 19 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, Case III, P = 0.001902 So 20 111 Extent of Plastic Region, Stress Distribution on Plane of Maximum Stress, P = 0.002812 So Case III, 112 List of' Fiures Fi-ure Title 21 Deflection Curves, Case III 22 .aximum Deflection vs Load, Case III M Page 113 114 vi NOMENCLATURE a - a constant, see Case I A - cross-sectional area or bar, square inches b - width of bar, inches c a constant, see Case I Cl , 02 - constants of integration E - modulus of elasticity, pounds per square inch h - depth of bar, inches I - moment or inertia of cross-section,(inches) 4 k - a constant, used for integrating, Cases II and II M bending moment at any point, inch pounds, considered positive when decreasing the curvature or the bar Mc - oending moment for complete yielding, inch pounds Mi - bending moment for initial yielding, inch pounds Ms - bending moment for secondary yielding, inch pounds P - applied load, pounds Ri - inner radius or curved bar, inches Ro - outer radius of curved bar, inches S - stress at any point, pounds per square inch So - yield stress, pounds per square inch w - deflection, inches vii Nomencia ture y -distance of' a point from the neutral axis, inches, measured positive upward Y distance from neutral axis to bottom or bar, - inches Y. distance from neutral axis to top or bar, - inches . distance from neutral axis to edge of plastic yl region, measured downward, inches y" - distance from neutral axis to edge of' plastic region, measured upward, inches 7 - vertical distance between neutral axis and horizontal axis through the centroid, inches S- width of oar at any point, inches E- unit strain at any point, inches per inch E, - a Eo - eo unit strain on bottom of bar, inches per inch unit strain on top of bar, inches per inch unit strain at yield stress, inches per inch - radius of curvature at any point, inches - initial radius of curvature, inches - angle of position, measured from fixed end, degrees or radians @1 " angle to whicn plastic region extends on bottom or oar 02 - - same to top of oar degrees or radians viii Nomenclature Numbers in parentneses refer to bibliography. ix ASSUMPTIONS 1. Transverse cross-sections or the bar originally plane and normal to the center line ol the bar remain so aiter Dending. 2. The material of which the bar is composea is homogeneous and isotropic. INTRODUCTION The general fleld or the plastic oehavlor or materials is or great importance since many common raoricating processes are entirely dependent upon the plastic properties or materials. The bending or curved bars, in the plastic as well as in the elastic range, is or great importance since many such elements are used in structural engineering and electrical machinery, walle others serve as essential machine parts. quently, it is Conse- desired to know or the betavior or such elements and to oe aole to predict the stress conditions and tne derlection or such curved bars under various loading conditions. 2 PURPOSE It is the purpose or tlhis tnesls to develop analytical expressions ror stress distribution ana ror deli'ection or a curved bar, whicn is Duiit in at one end, of a length surriclent to rorm an are or 900, and loaded by a single load at the Tree end, this load being applied in the plane or0curvature. I for the geometry or the curved bar.) (See Figure PREVIOUS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SUBJECT Several contributions have been made to knowledge of the general field of plastic behavior of materials by various individuals. A great deal of the work of formu- lating the laws of plastic behavior has been done by NADAI (2, 5, 6, 7). Murphy and Timoshenko (4, 11) have written textbooks on the advanced theory of the mechanics of materials. Both of these texts contain expressions for stress distribution and deflection of a curved bar loaded in the plane of curvature, but these expressions apply only within the elastic range and for a stress-strain curve in which stress is directly proportional to strain. WINSLOW and EDMONDS (12) did considerable work on comparison of experimental results with theoretical predictions but, again, this work was only within the elastic range. HOGAN (3) developed expressions for design purposes for stress distribution, deflection angle of slope, and angle of twist in circular cantilever beams loaded normal to the plane of curvature under various load conditions; but these expressions also hold only for the elastic region. NADAI (7) has developed expressions for determining the extent of the plastic region, the stress distribution, and deflection of a bar subjected to plastic bending using an idealized stress-strain curve and a curve accounting for the effect of work hardening (somewhat idealized), but these expressions apply only to a straight beam, not to an 4 PREVIOUS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SUBJECT initially curved bar. So far as the author could determine, there have been no publications of work on the plastic bending of a curved bar. 5 PR 0 0 EDURE Three separate cases were considered. The case of a bar with rectangular cross-section and an idealized stressstrain curve, the case of a bar with rectangular crosssection and an arbitrary stress-strain curve of the form S~= ~O (~- , and the case of the bar with triangular cross-section and an arbitrary stress-strain curve of the form $ = -. Case I, Case II, ; these being hereafter referred to as and Case III, respectively. The first consideration was to determine a general method and then apply it to each of these cases separately. This is necessary since both the cross-section of the bar and the stress-strain curve will affect the results obtained. In fact, the results and their form are entirely dependent on these two factors. The method developed is simple in idea but very likely to be unwieldy in execution. (1) The method followed is: The use of the equilibrium condition, , • SSCA to determine the position of the neutral axis. (2) The use of the equilibrium condition, M~ SS VA , to determine the bending moment in terms of the geometry of the cross-section and the stress-strain curve. (3) The combination of the bending moment expression just derived and the stress-strain expression to obtain an expression for stress distribution in terms of the bending moment and the geometry of the cross-section. PROCEDURE (4) The determination of the expression, from the bending moment expression derived in Step 2., and the substitution of this term in the differential equation This will give expressions for the stress distribution and deflection in general terms of M for the particular cross-section and stress-strain curve being considered. These expressions must then be used to determine the stress distribution equation and the deflection equation for the geometry of the bar and the particular type of loading. For the geometry and the loading considered in this work, the steps to be followed are: (5) The substitution of -P P, cos9 for M in the stress distribution relation derived in Step 3. (6) The substitution of -P ýcos9 for M in the differential equation derived in Step 4, and the solution of the differential equation for the deflection in terms of P and cose. For each of the three cases, the extent of the plastic region, the stress distribution on the plane of maximum stress, and the deflection curve was determined for five different loads, varying from that required for initial yielding to that required for complete yielding (Case I) or for extensive yielding (Cases I and II). The maximum deflection versus load relation was determined for each of the three cases. S UMMAR Y DISCUSSION AND. Case I For the geometry of the curved bar and the type of loading considered (Figure 1), the stress distribution is given by: For the completely elastic beam, For the partially plastic-partially elastic beam, S = -So S for y" y (y 2 for y' ( y -o y" (elastic portion) S : So for y' ( y <Yl I_ S.•ea4_,_ S:jl, __ _ P-.., It is possible to combine the expression for stress distribution and bending moment to eliminate y' and obtain a new expression for stress distribution in the elastic portion. This expression is: _I-y For the geometry of the curved bar and the type of loading considered (Figure 1), the deflection equation is: Summary and Discussion - Case I For the completely elastic beam, For the partially plastic-partially elastic beam, for the partially plastic portion \," E. + 4 c. for the completely elastic portion Several attempts were made to find an analytical solution to the differential equation given above. all attempts met with no success. Unfortunately A solution may be made by numerical integration by the method of successive approximations (1, 8, 9). This was done making use of the boundary conditions that e-) At the point = 0 =o, o= where the partially plastic-partially elastic and the completely elastic portions of the beam meet, the constants of integration, C1 and C2 , may be evaluated from the boundary conditions that (t a 9 Summary and Discussion - Case I A question might well be raised as to the validity of the expressions derived for this case since the position of the neutral axis does not remain fixed but shifts from its position at initial yielding to coincide with the horizontal axis through the centroid at complete yielding. In this particular case, with the depth of the beam small in comparison with the radius of curvature, this neutral axis shift is very small and therefore its effect is negligible. For example, in the numerical case for which results were calculated, this neutral axis shift was 0.002" in an original radius of curvature of 10.248". Case II For the geometry of the curved bar and the type of loading considered (Figure 1), the stress distribution is given by: For the geometry of the curved bar and the type of loading considered (Figure 1), the deflection equation is: 10 Summary and Discussion - Case II 1ZT+ 4So These expressions for stress distribution and deflection apply to both the completely elastic and the partially plastic-partially elastic cases. The reason for this is that the stress-strain curve applies to both the elastic and plastic regions. Case III For the geometry of the curved bar and the type of loading considered (Figure 1), is the stress distribution given by: 4 - 11 Summary and Discussion - Case III For the geometry of the curved bar and the type of loading considered (Figure 1), the deflection equation is: S3 L ( + V These expressions for stress distribution and deflection apply to both the completely elastic and the partially plastic-partially elastic cases. The reason for this is that the stress-strain curve applies to both the elastic and plastic regions. 12 SUGGESTIONS FOP, FUTURE INVESTIGATION Since this thesis covers only a very narrow range of possibilities, future investigation could well be done in this field by using different cross-sections (circular, trapezoidal), various other stress-strain relations, other boundary conditions (arcs greater or smaller than 900, bars built in at both ends, bars simply supported), and other conditions of loading (constant moment, uniformly distributed load, uniformly varying load, more than one concentrated load, loading normal to the plane of curvature). An investigation which should prove interesting would be to determine the analytical expression for stress as a function of strain for a particular material, derive the stress distribution and deflection equations as was done in this thesis, and compare the predicted results with those obtained experimentally for a curved bar of the same material having the same boundary and loading conditions. This could be done with a number of materials and for a variety of combinations of cross-sections, boundary conditions and loading conditions. 13 GENERAL PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION Consider the general case of a curved bar in bending (elastic or plastic) 14 *1~ Jt~~ C awn parallel From the similarity of trianSles, JL Z0 JL. +1h C e.- JL * St.C - - At · i -Le Ib (-L Q0+I 15 P ~h ? "b" ---- 7 +~n, 9_ {(7~.e de (eo - Xx It should be noted that for which is I EQU ATON e = &o= the case of a straight beam. a. I FRaom eC0 Co E _. e. ?L eo e.e I - eo eCo eE ~ EQ U ATION 2 16 e.e.. (Ceo - ) jeo E QuArrtoN ) I C o C~ Co- e'-.z (.. Where at - 4% -1 &, 4 -4-'. F are the unit strains respectively. -~ ý&~F-z q vp, - 10N S' 0'U Consider the cross-section Z. z ( 4 A m 7-4 A N zvJ S·-,E A 17 For equilibrium Ss -o over the cross-section of the beam. Ss4LQo ý(1) A P*G.2 I a C,ý.k4.PCtO --VF~sw ,(C, e-) 0o- 55JA - S~iL~~cr~) eP,(e0- S3 I JA 2 FnASs, 5t e. b. 4tE o 4Z Ecuw- •~N 7 Le·-ejl4E.4 orIv~ 6o•- -~e~eez) = fC•) NAT S De- ý-,I(-)o,(I-C, ) ) 6, cNTON EQw 8 18 There are six variables: e ) There are five equations: Therefore, ;= (9) can be found. EQtVAvr-o1V . Deflection Equation It has been shown (10) that the solution of the following differential equation will yield the deflection equation. a I// zw _ i i , w .QuATION 10 Substituting Equation 9 in Equation 10, and solving for \WI= A (e) will yield deflection equation of the bar. FIGURE 0O.oO O Al* .A osoO" P GEOMETRY OF T HE CURVED CASE 1301 CASE ISI & CRO3SS- CASFE MI ECTION OF THE BAR BAR Case I Consider a curved bar of rectanxular cross-section with depth of beam small in comparison with the radius of curvature and an idealized stress-strain curve such as Q so I /I I, -- I 21 For the Completely Elastic Condition (4) eo S A EQ~vATtN I1 L M eA1 Equ%-TIOM Z. EQVNTOQN 13 A- o M Q0A E7_ =& If the idealized stress-strain curve is assumed, it is obvious that beyond the yield point the neutral axis will shift toward the centroid of the crosssection until at the point of complete yielding, the neutral axis will coincide with the horizontal axis passing through the centroid. 22 Partial Plastic Yielding 41 -N.A. Considering the elastic stress equation (Equation 12) 5 assume in the elastic portion of the bar, in which "a" and "a" are constants for the particular section. For the plastic portion, - S= t soO 4· (- S 0 It C so Sr 'L-I C- 'b ' 23 C l C, 4 cl -e3 C4-' '; 21 ife~ Y ^h"("'bl ~t· '^h_ ~cb '~ So so % tI +·I -- e. )Q. j~r5 it eo - ~ e~-~V~8~·, EoG illt'' lo S- to11_1 (jiye. ' 2a- 2- 1 2) 11 - 3 gt1 R-* ver V 2 I gIlk i L 25 s S S,= ,* 26 sS JA 0 s7 S. 5%~t% -a -~·p-] i I5 I ±R'L-A jr -ýLt+ s* ~'a · · dil. C .•,•" 4L.&j C· a ' 0 i• •C•- "•0 ,I I S £c-~ 24I -- e C"S1 a c+; s.o \(A\ l. -- ' oR eDY~I_ e.- I ' ea-2-h~r Ab 4a eo&-~"bI a_ II So -, b * a --• +b',] M. s·iia c.. 27 go-i• Q0 -ZZae /eo C. ~b*% ~ V -2"~' = ea' .A-Z6I -^ - _c -C • I - a --A - - o .- ). i .- ,•')Z _ __.-_ ' . (A2e,) E Qov T1ON 15 This expression is used to determine the position of the neutral axis. A trial and error solution is recommended since the expression is not readily solvable by algebraic means. Care should be taken to insure accuracy since the solution involves the small difference of two comparatively large numbers. 28 SSSIA M +yAj~ f4b 1j.* NA Isaiikg) -I M·%s I ,so - S6 , NAI c i14 S a. so) •,, -8 -a, , + SL ?-z-c'. (ea Az'-- , vo c+~' M . S~()s La"-~ eo Q t. +sa. r:c-,. N\C 4a . Olt o, r, + (C 4tz ~xi +L9 S&.'s -~)~ ca-z . 3 29 V\a S7' (C+:") 2 So L.(•*•")z ' •'•"] fS- Q0 - eSa(z4 Q)eoxc.1' (Z I'' c6 •"J L ) (c. Lso 04 Se. + S& o+ 9 s~ - · (o · 'S so~Pr 4 m -.-S.Iý-t So a8~~ er k.L (e.) J a M .,) ,o· •t see--•~)r (C~) . Z pt + f 91ý t, - (zfA sa eo~x It - £,~ ,I tjeo e·+'a LX 1(~ a E% PAN S Ow +.1 It ,- S,$p~ \ _ eo~2~ 1- 0.*1 (r~-- S<AI Cii;Y) B +1 3 SoL." \zr "I / •-,, Ne t••U.'• srT " u 'Ia 3 3kIirSt RE ,- t ' . f -• S 30 56Ge 3 so t t s, S.L e a I 23 aI +2,0 %1, M NA E Q•TloN 4 saa' SoO t 3(e"- E QuVnT\ON 31 M·SGng Aeoao _o1 \ 3(i -2- ') fg CoN PlmETE Mc NA- IE DITN,, IIO Ai S<'-'W 4t 4M 1 I 3 S(o ¾M t , co Z•) CO ( Co$ -0 > 4eo ' ®r Az - v a A-- too 7Z Co - /M Co I 0 32 I -L. ' -ei77 M S•u ST ew+ Ade UTING 'r Ns A TION Q.E. I* _4 e:/3Q tO E QuA T• oN 33 Calculations for the Specific Case (Figure 1) I M =- P e R= o.?-•0 u 0 O. SoO 0= Initial Yielding R&L From Equation 11 *o.0o 0 lo. ooO 10. .4 8 11 From Equation 12 and using y = y' So -M-MM... ......- .•SD x 004o-ooo1 .500 XSoo L , . --- O. o.0 1o0 8 So PO. o00 0 4 So kN.8. 1B - Yl 10.000 34 Secondary Yielding From Equation 15 y1 a -0.248" or -o a 10.248" From Equation 16a using y" z Y2 : 0.252" Ms : -0.01058 So inlb P : 0.001032 So lb Complete Yielding From inspection of the equilibrium condition, Qo : 10. 250" From Equation 16a or 16b using y' - y" : 0 Mc : -0.01562 So inlb P : 0.001524 So lb Stress Distribution For any value of applied load up to that required for initial yielding (P = 0.000984 So) and for the elastic portion (completely so) of the curved bar, the stress distribution is given by Equation 12. For lrger values of applied load up to that required for complete yielding, in any section which has partially yielded, the stress is given in the elastic portion by Equation 14, S = -S•o.i• - and in the plastic portion by So for -y and by -So for ~y. 35 Deflection Equations 0 <' "< MA. E atua 13 toN APp%,es he • 2. AG -M F-t i3ur M = OtZiAJ + Wi - -= ct.Ga • cEoe ElI o(w La ME N AR Y So %.uTI W\ C, 1 e - oN cz co (9 PART(CUL.AR SoluTLoanl GENS So LVT.o 1e5 + C2 cbe e w O, A Ae 9 =0 vVA I Ar I c. C, - o ZE1 a . =O0 CZ. CZ,- P 2.. 3 E QAvTiON 18 36 NiK <M <M' o (e (e, ~.q EA__i. + w .es Aeppi.,mrE ON i• con 13o... Strictly, Equation 17 applies only 0 < < 82, and Equation 13 applies only G1 < @( -- , leaving the small range @2 < 8 < 91. expression. For this range there would be a new However, since for the case under considera- tion, ie, a thin bar with large curvature, the difference between Mi and Ms is very small and consequently the difference between 81 and @2 is very small. This small difference can be neglected for Equation 17 will extend over this region with sufficient accuracy. Several attempts were made to find an analytical solution to Equation 17a. met with. Unfortunately, no success was Accordingly, the equation was solved by numerical integration using the method of successive approximations (1, 8, 9). 37 The general solution for Equation 13a is c =0 w Wz O 0\A I Aw de The four constants of integration may be determined from the boundary conditions as stated above. Thus the complete deflection curve may be determined; by numerical integration from 0 to e 1 and by substitution in Equation 13a (after evaluation of the integration constants) from 81 to , 38 CASE I INITIAL YIELDING (y' = -0.248") M a -0.01008 So in lbs P = 0.000984 So lbs fow 10.248 in Extent of Plastic Region There is no plastic region. 39 Case I - Initial Yielding Stress Distribution Deflection Curve on Plane of Maximum Stress e Y inches psi radians w inches 0.252 -0.968 So 0.200 -0.772 So 0.100 0.203 . 0.150 -0.582 So 0.200 0.808 e. 0.100 -0.390 So 0.300 1.802 e. 0.050 -0.196 So 0.400 3.166 lo 0 0 0 0 0.500 4.873 Ea -0.050 0.198 So 0.600 6.886 .o -0.100 0.397 So 0.700 9.166 E~ -0.150 0.599 So 0.800 11.66 E. -0.200 0.803 So 0.900 14.33 E. -0.248 1.000 So 1.000 17.10 F. 1.100 19.93 E. 1.200 22.74 E. 1.300 25.46 E. 1.400 28.04 E• 1.500 30.41 Eo 1.5708 31.93 eo 40 CASE I YIELDING TO ONE QUARTER OF DEPTH OF BEAM (y' a -0.186") M = -0.01267 So in lbs P = 0.001236 So lbs Eo= 10.248 in Extent of Plastic Region Y' y" in ches in ches degrees -0.186 0.191 0 -0.190 0.197 9024' -0.200 0.208 16028' -0.220 0.230 25046' -0.230 0.241 29045' 0.252 33023' -0.248 8 37017' 41 Case I - Yielding to One-quarter of Depth of Beam Stress Distribution on Plane of Deflection Curve Maximum Stress y S 9 inches psi radians w inches 0.252 -1.000 So 0.200 -1.000 So 0.100 4.818 e. 0.191 -1.000 So 0.200 19.13 ~o O.150 -0.780 So 0.300 42.50 E. 0.100 -0.523 So 0.400 74.29 E. 0.050 -0.263 So 0.500 113.7 Em 0.600 159.7 Eo 0 0 O 0 -0.050 0.265 So 0.700 210.7 Fo -0.100 0.533 So 0.800 260.8 P. -0.150 0.804 So 0.900 308.6 e, -0.186 1.000 So 1.000 353.6 F. -0.200 1.000 So 1.100 395.4 Ea -0.248 1.000 So 1.200 433.5 E. 1.300 467.4 Eo 1.400 496.8 E. 1.500 521.3 e. 1.5708 535.6 Ea 42 CASE I YIELDING TO ONE-HALF OF DEPTH OF BEAM (y' = -0.124") M PQo: -0.01431 So in lbs 0.001396 So lbs 10.249 in Extent of Plastic Region yI yn" 9- inches inches degrees -0.124 0.127 0 -0.132 0.136 906 ' -0.150 0.154 16056 ' -0.175 0.181 24054' -0.200 0.208 31053' -0.225 0.235 38026 0.251 420191 -0.249 45013' ' 43 Case I - Yielding to One-half of Depth of Beam Stress Distribution on Plane of Deflection Curve Maximum Stress 6 inches psi radians inches 0.251 -1.000 S< 0.200 -1.000 S5 0.100 7.206 C. 0.150 -1.000 Sc 0.200 28.39 4. 0.127 -1.000 S( 0.300 62.35 G. 0.100 -0.789 S( 0.400 107.6 E. 0.075 -0.593 Sc 0.500 162.4 -o 0.050 -0.396 Sc 225.0 to 0.025 -0.199 Sc 0.600 0.700 0.800 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 293.9 £o 367.6 E. -0.025 0.200 So 0.900 -0.050 0.400 So 1.000 440.7 to 509.7 - -0.075 0.602 So 1.100 574.0 -0.100 0.805 So 1.200 632.8 E. -0.124 1.000 So 1.300 685.5 e. -0.150 1.000 So 1.400 731.5 &. -0.200 1.000 So 1.500 765.4 c. -0.249 1.000 So 1.5708 793.2 E. . 44 CASE I YEILDING TO THREE-QUARTERS OF DEPTH OF BEAM (y = -0.062") M = -0.01530 So in lbs P = 0.001493 So lbs Qo = 10.250 in Extent of Plastic Region y"I 9 inches inches degrees -0.062 0.063 0 -0.100 0.102 14059' -0.150 0.154 26031' -0.200 0.208 37022' 0.250 46015 ' -0.250 48047' 45 Case I Yielding to Three-quarters of Depth of Beam - Stress Distribution Deflection Curve on Plane of Maximum Stress e Y inches radians psi 0 w inches 0 0.250 -1.000 So 0.200 -1.000 So 0.100 14.26 Z. 0.150 -1.000 So 0.200 54.32 Eo 0.100 -1.000 So 0.300 114.8 ýo 0.063 -1.000 So 0.400 190.8 e. 0.050 -0.797 So 0.500 278.4 E. 0.025 -0.400 So 0.600 374.4 Eo 0.700 476.3 Eo 0 0 -0.025 0.401 so 0.800 581.8 Ec -0.050 0.805 0.900 688.2 Ea -0.062 1.000 1.000 788.9 Es -0.100 1.000 30 1.100 882.0 E. -0.150 1.000 So 1.200 966.7 E, -0.200 1.000 30 1.300 1042 ~. -0.250 1.000 so 1.400 1107 E. 1.500 1161 E. 1.5708 1192 Et 30 46 CASE I COMPLETE YIELDING (y' : y" : 0) KE: -0.01562 So in lb P : 0.001524 So lb e, : 10.250 in Extent of Plastic Region y l inches inches 9 degrees 0 -0.050 0.051 90141 -0.100 0.102 18054' -0.150 0.154 28048 -0.200 0.208 38053 ' 0.250 47022 ' 49049 ' -0.250 ' 47 Case I Complete Yielding - Stress Distribution Deflection Curve on Plane of Maximum Stress w inches psi radians 0.250 -1.000 So 0.200 -1. 000 So any other 0.150 -1.000 So value 0.100 -1.000 So 0.050 -1.000 So 0 -1.000 So 0 1.000 So -0. 050 1.000 So -0.100 1.000 So -0.150 1.000 -0.200 1.000 -0.250 1.000 30 So 0 inches 0 48 Case I Maximum Deflection Wmax lbs 0 inches 0 0.000492 So 15.96 0.000984 So 31.93 E. 0.001236 So 535.6 E. 0.001396 So 793.2 Eo 0.001493 So 1192 0. 001524 So ., eo 49 .?.00 2 0 () I .100 I'U z~ STRES3 -•. FI GURE . EXTENT OF PLASTIC oo ui REGION DISTRIB'TION ON PLANE OF MAX. STRESS STRESS CASE 3 p = 0.o000 84 So 0 -. 100 Z 50 PLASTIC PLASTIt 2 .2.00 .100 1*- w M-6.e STRESS 0 0 U. FIGURE 3 EXTENT OF PLASTIC REGION STRE3S ON PLANE -. too ZI DISTRIBUTION OF MNA. STRES5 CASE I P= 0.00,1 36 So 0., J 51 PLAST IC .aoo.•00- .100 J it 2 -S. 0 0-e FIG URE 4 IL EXTENT OF PLASTIC REGION STRESS DI3TR~IUTION ON PLANE OF MiPAX. S"TR ESS CASE r P = 0.00 o 31 6 So - .100 u 1- 52 .too .J .100 STRESS +4 -050 io * I-. 0 I.L w FIGVURE 5 EXTENT OF PLASTIC 3TRESS REGION DOSTRI BUTION ON PLANE OF MAK. CASE STI T P= 0.001433 So -. 1000 D 53 .aoo _ I UJ, .?00 .J .100 z STRESS -So 00 IL FIQURE 6 EXTENT OF PLASTIC REGION STRESS DISTRIBUT ION ON PLANE OF MAX. 5TRE SS CASE T P = 0.00 t S,4 So -. 0OOt tu 0 -. 00oo I--0 ~ 0.00(4 9 s So 1000 fo 7 SOfo 2z S500e 6 5o o 150 (* P=0.000 O o .4 0-ANGLE FRO \ .8 .2 FIXED END - RADIANS 84 So0 55 IS00 o "50to It . 0 50l C 5~ otn 0 0.001 So P-APPLIED LOAD - O.OaZS. LB8. 56 Case II Consider a curved bar of rectangular cross-section with depth of beam small in comparison with the radius of curvature and a stress-strain curve of the form s-s. ~ EO)1 57 IZZ2 -r- S j1*i f-t·- L 005 kf- 't,-e%~o so5( -- ,-~ -Kxs f It. a. Eoev L aw So, , C, ) - - N.A. 58 SS 7 tAA0 So '0 [((e~~~~~a)I. C~·a' =. 0o, -\ 0 C4A': - oi V -- 4." =C e -cc'AS EQUATIoN j.t. 4AU-[ 13 Using absolute values, Equation 19 becomes This expression is used to determine the position of the neutral axis. A trial and error solution is recommended since the expression is not readily solvable by algebraic means. 59 M= s" ( 4 S ·, AIF C•.)I 0 'k C-~·i~·~ '4 Cb ' Ift )t+3 (A (et 4 " Fi IFoeq I + . 3 e . L I~r +~~S;O·a· M=Ar C f ý-I?-pt +a .4 oo ?- A_11i) IL AL 49 L *4j. 2.1 Z -, 3 ·( s. SZ. N SoL((9 LXo-e,1c rzI-I-,+ ,-Q 44A 1 eo · ?-~blJ~V ~de.rd~ EveorloN .0 2 ) 60 Using absolute values, Equation 20 becomes 1\A So Ir eo EQ 2-0 . TLoN T Care must be taken' to use a high degree of accuracy when evaluating the expression in Equation 20 (or 20a) contained in the brackets since it involves the very small difference of two comparatively large numbers. S-- M'I 6quamoN 2i. When using Equation 21, the + signs apply to + values of y, the - signs to - values of y. F•oM EQuh-T toN " Me. .O,1. ý"I tt Su3STTUTIrlG A · (pit IN EB)QuPAtON 10 Fit 62 Calculations for the Specific Case (Figure I) / M , ~ ~-.-P b = 0.250" A trial and error solution h = 0.500" of Equation 19a yields the Ro - 10.500" result that Ri - 10.000" Qo 10.249" By the substitution of M = -PC cos@ in Equation 21 --' Pe,,, w~·P Equation 21a 63 Evaluating Initial Yielding From Equation 21a, S z So, y - y' = yl Mi = -0.01250 So in-lb P - 0.001220 So lb Secondary Yielding From Equation 21a, S = -So, y - y" = 72 Ms = -0.01276 So in-lb P = 0.001245 So lb Complete Yielding From Equation 21a, S = Mc = P So, y = y' a y" = 0 00 in-lb oO lb Stress Distribution The stress distribution at any angle e from 0 to • for any load P from 0 to oO is given by Equation 21a. This applies to both the elastic and plastic regions since the stress-strain curve also applies to both the elastic and plastic regions. 64 Deflection Equation Substitution of M a -P (c os6 and eom = coaZ t +' z in Equation 22 yields P"z t-w+ Ae~ 4c~o oL 45"f oc~: +l0 :Fit 0\i 3~)· ,.9; Fi FR )]rR,ý )] IF Complementary Solution W= C A% C eC 9 Particular Solution - ?-ý)] rw ý-J, U9* 4s,,.2 Lk.foL • i· Flo)I ,3~flr~ 9 1~ d Lre, + General Solution e W3 9Act aw 09e - a (C-I)S 4110,T ý-p Boundary Conditions = 0, nd iN va0u ~(yi·F.·~~32 -J1 =0 Evaluation of 0l and C2 0 3 P(bf c Ir r R 3 o .+ 3 cate+ 3 FRO - --- - 'E 3esf R~ Equation 23 This deflection equation (Equation 23) applies for all values of P from 0 to oO , ie, it applies over both the elastic and plastic regions. The sign of the deflection must be the same as that of the bending moment before the moment term is squared and substituted in Equation 22. 66 CASE II INITIAL YIELDING (y' = -0.249) M = -0.01250 So in lbs P = 0.001220 So lbs . = 10.249 in Extent of Plastic Region There is no plastic region. 67 Case II - Initial Yielding Stress Distribution on Plane of Deflection Curve Maximum Stress w inches psi 0.251 -0.980 0.200 -0.877 So 0.100 1.027 Co 0.150 -0.761 So 0.200 4.075 6. 0.100 -0.623 So 0.300 9.055 0.050 -0.442 So 0.400 15.85 e. 0.040 -0.395 So 0.500 25.84 Ea 0.030 -0.342 So o.600oo 33.85 E. 0.020 -0.280 So 0.700 44.60 E. 0.010 -0.198 So 0.800 56.11 E. 0.900 68.00 f. radians So 0 0 inches 0 e. -0.010 0.198 So 1.000 80.11 Eb -0.020 0.280 So 1.100 91.97 Ea -0.030 0.343 So 1.200 103.3 Ea -0.040 0.397 So 1.300 113.9 E -0.050 0.444 123.6 Eo -0.100 0.629 So 1.400 1.500 132.0 Co -0. 150 0.772 30 137.2 ~. -0.200 0.894 3So -0.249 1.000 So So 1. 5708 68 CASE II YIELDING TO ONE-FIFTH OF DEPTH OF BEAM (y' - 0.200) M = -0.01398 So in P = lb 0.001364 So lb co = 10.249 in Extent of Plastic Region e inche s inches degrees -0.200 0.208 0 -0.209 0.218 120 6' -0.215 0.224 15028 -0.230 0.241 21024' 0.251 240 9' -0.249 26037 ' ' 69 Case II - Yielding to One-fifth of Depth of Beam Stress Distribution on Plane of Deflection Curve Maximum Stress inches psi radians inches 0.251 -1.096 So 0.200 -0.981 So 0.100 1.285 E. 0.150 -0.851 So 0.200 5.098 4e 0.100 -0.697 So 0.300 11.33 Co 0.050 -0.494 So 0.400 19.83 E. 0.040 -0.442 So 0.500 32.33 Eo 0.030 -0.383 So o0.60o 42.35 E, 0.020 -0.313 So 0.700 55.80 E. 0.010 -0.221 So 0.800 70.20 4e 0.900 85.07 f. O 0 0 0 -0.010 0.222 So 1.000 100.2 E4 -0.020 0.313 So 1.100 115.1 Eo -0.030 0.384 3o 1.200 129.3 Eo -0.040 0.444 So 1.300 142.6 Eo -0.050 0.496 So 1.400 154.6 C. -0.100 0.704 So0 1.500 165.2 Eo -0.150 0.864 1. 5708 171.7 E. -0.200 1.000 -0.249 So 1.118 So So 70 CASE II YIELDING TO TWO-FIFTHS OF DEPTH OF BEAM (y' - -0.150") -0.01618 So in lb FM 0.001579 So lb 10.249 in Extent of Plastic Region 8 Y 7" inches inches degrees -0.150 0.154 0 -0.155 0.160 10026' -0.164 0.169 170 7' -0.180 0.187 24017' -0.209 0.218 32022' -0.230 0.241 36027' 0.251 37059 ' 39026 ' -0.249 71 Case II Yielding to Two-fifths of Denth of Beam - Stress Distribution Deflection Curve on Plane of Maximum Stress inches psi radians inches 0 0 0.251 -1.269 So 0.200 -1.135 So 0.100 1.722 4o 0.150 -0.985 So. 0.200 6.832 E. 0.100 -0.807 So 0.300 15.18 Co 0.050 -0.572 So 0.400 26.57 Ea -0.512 So 0.500o 43.32 .4 0.030 -0.443 So 0.600 56.75 Ea 0.020 -0.362 So 0.700 74.78 Eo 0.010 -0.256 So 0.800 94.07 Co 0.900 114.0 Co Ea 0 0 -0.010 0.256 So 1.000 134.3 -0.020 0.363 So 1.100 154.2 Ea -0.030 0.445 So 1.200 173.2 4E -0.040O 0.514 So 1.300 191.0 E. -0.050O 0.574 So 1.400 207.2 4o -0.100 0.814 So 1.500 221.3 Ea -0.150 1.000 So 1.5708 230.0 Ea -0.200 1.158 So -0.249 1.295 So 72 CASE II YIELDING TO THREE-FIFTHS OF DEPTH OF BEAM (y' = -0.100") M - -0.01987 So in lb P = e 0.001939 So lb = 10.249 in Extent of Plastic Region 9 y inches inches degrees -0.100 0.102 0 -0.110 0.112 17038' -0.125 0.128 26027' -0.150 0.155 35028' -0.200 0.210 45017' 0.251 500 4# -0.249 510 1' 73 Case II - YieldinE to Three-fifths of Depth of Beam Stress Distribution on Plane of Deflection Curve Maximum Stress Y inches psi radians inches 0.251 -1.558 So 0.200 -1.394 So 0.100 2.595 fo 0.150 -1.210 So 0.200oo 10.28 e, 0.100 -0.990 So 0.300 22.88 do 0.050 -0.702 So 0.400 40.06 e. 0.040 -0.628 So 0.500 65.31 0.030 -0.544 So 0.600 85.55 Eo 0.020 -0.445 So 0.700 112.7 6o 0.010 -0.314 So 0.800 141.8 Eo 0.900 171.8 Cc O0 0 0 0 E. -0.010 0.315 So 1.000 202.4 4. -0.020 0.445 So 1.100 232.4 E6 -0.030 0.546 So 1.200 261.2 Eo -0.040 0.631 So 1.300 288.0 E. -0.050 0.705 So 1.400 312.3 Co -0.100 1.000 So 1.500 326.0 -0.150 1.228 So 1.5708 346.7 E, -0.200 1.421 So -0.249 1.590 So . CASE II YIELDING TO FOUR-FIFTHS OF DEPTH OF BEAM (y m -0.050") M P : -0.02817 So in lb 0.002749 So lb o= 10.249 in 4 Extent of Plastic Region y' yt" inches inches -0.050 0.051 -0.053 0.054 13048' -0.058 0.059 21056' -0.066 0.067 29035' -0.075 0.076 35022' -0.100 0.102 450 8' -0.150 0.155 54°56' -0.200 0.210 60015' 0.251 630 4' -0.249 degrees 0 63040' 75 Case II Yielding to Four-fifths of Depth of Beam - Stress Distribution Deflection Curve on Plane of Maximum Stress y S 9 inches psi radians inches 0 0.251 -2.208 So 0.200 -1.976 So 0.150 -1.715 So 0.200 20.70 e. 0.100 -1.404 So 0.300 45.99 E. 0.050 -0.995 So 0.400 80.51 e. 0.040 -0.391 So 0.500 131.3 C. 0.030 -0.772 So 0.600 172.0 e. 0.020 -0.630 So 0.700 226.5 4o 0.010 -0.446 So 0.800 285.0 Co 0.900 345.4 0 0 0 5.216 e. Eo -0.010 0.446 3So 1.000 406.9 Eo -0.020 0.632 So 1.100 467.1 E. -0.030 0.774 So 1.200 524.9 -0.040 0.3894 1.300 578.8 Eo -0.050 1.000 So 1.400 627.6 L. -0.100 1.418 So 1.500 670.5 &. -0.150 1.741 So 1.5708 696.9 E -0.200 2.015 -0.249 2.254 30 e. 76 Case II Maximum Deflection P Wmax lbs inches 0 0 0.0002 So 3.689 1. 0.0004 So 14.76 Co 0.0006 So 33.20 E. 0.0008 so 58.29 C. 0.0010 So 92.23 Eo 0.0012 So 132.8 C. 0.0014 So 180.4 Eo 0.0016 So 236.1 e. 0.0018 So 298.8 E. 0.0020 So 368.9 Eo 0.0022 So 446.4 E. 0.0024 So 531.2 Eo 0.0026 So 623.5 E- 0.0028 So 723.1 c. 0.0030 So 830.1 eo 77 .aoo - .J .100 dc Z 6TRE 56 .mso o 20 U. FIGURE 3 EXTENT OF PLASTIC REGION .100 I" STRES3 DISTRIBUTION ON PLANE OF MAY. STR ES CA6E 2I P = 0.00 a?.0 So -. eoo jd 78 PLASTiC PLASTIQ .- 00 .100 STRE S S dc 0- z '.5. 0 FIGURE 10 EXTENT OF PLASTIC REGION STRESS DISTRIB UTION ON PLANE OP MAX. STRESS CASE 3X P.0.001364 So .100 Z a 79 PLASTIC PLA ST tC .too STRIESS -6. -. 0 .tO Ir FIGURE II EXTENT OF PLASTIC REGION -. 100 3TRESS DISTRIBUTION ON PLANE OF MAX. STRESS CASE : Pm 0.00157 9 So 1 (1 80 & ,qk .Zoo .100 _J al- w STRE38 -.LS - zS. 2S. a&. z a0 FIGURE 12 EXTENT OF PLASTIC REGION STRESS ON DISTRIBUT ON PLANE OF MAX. STRESS CASE P W0.00 -.- oU. at -.0 I3I 33 So -. zoo0o 81 .1oo0 .100 -map -S FI GURE L STRESS S. So. Z 2 0 13 EX'TENT OF PLASTIC -O Ii REGION -. 100 Q z STRESS DISTRIBU10 N ON PLANE OF MPNX. STRESS 1-C 0) CAp E UI p 0.00 2z749 So · · · FI GU .E 14 DEFLECTION -500 0 CASE CURVES 31 0 .40 - .8 ANGLE FIKOM 1.. FIX D END-RADI NS 1.6 I000Eo 750&o O Ul lil LL. wd 500E. I1506, a 0 0.09 10o P-APPLIED 0o ?.So LOAD- LBS. 0.0030 Case III Consider a curved bar of triangular cross-section with depth of beam small in comparison with the radius of curvature and a stress-strain curve of the form 5S1E. •---Fo T '1I t4 bo . (4 X-) 0 IT- •o0 3- 3+ ba itT I -/ VNr 3 "S rc er-H 20 86 -o SAPA= N= ? dRAR z /, 5¾ e%. ýA (A- Iv(AL- 0 -A L i~;",)~~&a L (I·-a= 0 -so, (-a , ji' ý,Q. vt C ÷~sai [ %·i~ o A) -t \I I ~ \2 l~bta/ $0 a· ·~QL( _j3Y~ ThJ Io~ iva o e -e - . 4FS~ 1~ +i~ fl]0 r COTar CIO KI G. z lakx F -e n~~·~e Je-a 87 --'K T %- Co 8"b' ýTcý0 _V1s, +3 . -is~ ý )] toAA,%F- - ý0 nAýý' 2. Fý 0 - 3 co- ( /A I - Z -Con 9, 0 (it +3 1 + V QAJAtION ?'+ Using absolute values, Equation 24 becomes + Q0 Z A'e Ae - ,-e A) r a Eq UQAT I~ON•9.. This expression is used to determine the position of the neutral axis. A trial and error solution is recommended since the expression is not readily solvable by algebraic means. 88 N= 1 s §t tVV~ 0 cA AA (·ap 3 0 ^b 91 zC- r 2 4~i ~"a eb eo"br ÷ ,•h A•t ! 0 S3 TA NL4 eo C 3 3.r55\) + S8 12. 'I - e. v Q* ýcý01 J. toE 9 e. O 3 8 8 a 89 NA 4-__ Lj3 ~ 3 8 8 " a 4- 4 - '0 CO~S~d C 3 3 6 8 V _ 4 C 3 C 41 e/CO Tz7. r Eb 3 s ^b ·a 1 . q UA toN Z S 90 Using absolute values, Equation 25 becomes Care must be taken to use a high degree of accuracy when evaluating the expression in Equation 25 (or 25a) contained in the brackets since it involves the very small difference of two comparatively large numbers. EQUATLON 2 When using Equation 26, the values of y, the - signs apply to signs to - values of y. 91 From Equation 25a m. A_ a~• FRO e ",- f,Ty r-ý V Substituting in Equation 10 Q0 " A w 4 lW E0. 5r--0. asd: 3,' · a+S, 4 Yi, If v _ se8 r3 +:Lrsdii·--O -Q 3 O c~a~-~~s~s~ -? Ueai.s eC. reo 4rl r'R.4 EQ AT oN 2.7 92 Calculations for the Specific Case (Figure 1) M -Pt 0 co b = 0.025" A trial and error solution h = 0.500" of Equation 24a yields the Ro = 10.500" result that Ri = 10.000" Q0 = 10.165" By the substitution of M = -P tocos9 in Equation 26 +( \2z 25k E QVNT oN Z6o4L 93 Evaluating Initial Yielding From Equation 26a, S : -So, y : y" : y2 Mi : - 0.01120 So in-lb P : 0.001102 So lb Secondary Yielding From Equation 26a, S : So, y : y' " Y1 Ms : -0.01557 So in-lb P = 0.001532 So lb Complete Yielding From Equation 26a, S : So, y - y' : y" : 0 Mc = - oo in-lb P o lb Stress Distribution The stress distribution at any angle 9 from 0 to i for any load P from 0 to cO is given by Equation 26a. This applies to both the elastic and plastic regions since the stress-strain curve also applies to both the elastic and plastic regions. 94 Deflection Equation Substitution of M = -PtocosS and oe in Equation 27 yields Complementary Solution Patt c, 4eo o e Particular Solution - P 4+ :,v CR + 0 ?.Eo + a.~ AL ~ 2 ( :3 *4AV lebl a 6 ~ofA (2 ~ \yL 2.l .s13 -~vz, 95 General Solution Ck\N C +A e 3 4Cace gar o Lz3 co 4co + 7\ + Boundary Conditions eo), \N = O l-e J ae O Evraluation of C,and C2 C, = 0 3 t~a E0 + ac - - 0 dow 12 V~z3:t j~i -i~~h4~ s+s~ I5 RO r 96 Equation 28 This deflection equation (Equation 28) applies for all values of P from 0 to O , le, it applies over both the elastic and plastic regions. The sign of the deflection must be the same as that of the bending moment before the moment term is squared and substituted in Equation 27. 97 CASE III INITIAL YIELDING (y" z 0.335") M a -0.01120 So in lb P = 0.001102 So lb o= 10.165 in Extent of Plastic Region There is no plastic region. 98 Case III - Initial Yielding Stress Distribution Deflection Curve on Plane of Maximum Stress inches psi radians inche s 0 0 0.335 -1.000 So 0.300 -0.948 So 0.100 0.795 Co 0.250 -0.867 So 0.200 3.154 0.200 -0.778 So 0.300o 7.010 e. 0.150 -0.675 So 0.400 12.24 E. 0.100 -0.553 So 0.500 19.55 C. 0.050 -0.392 So 0o.600 26.20 0.040 -0.351 So 0.700 34.52 Em 0.030 -0.304 So 0.800 43.43 0.020 -0.248 So 0.900 52.63 E. 0.010 -0.176 So 1.000 62.01 Eb 1.100 71.19 Eo O 0 0 o. ,. i. -0.010 0.176 So 1.200 79.99 E. -0.020 0.249 30 1.300 88.20 ~. -0.030 0.305 1.400 95.64 E. -0.040 0.352 So 30 1.500 102.2 C. 1.5708 106.2 E, -0.050 0.394 -0.100 0.558 So -0.150 0.685 So -0.165 0.719 So 99 CASE III YIELDING TO ONE SIXTH OF DEPTH OF BEAM (ON TOP) (y" = 0.255") -0.01278 So in lb M4 P = 0.001258 So lb = 10.165 in o• Extent of Plastic ReRion y" e inches degrees 0.255 0 ' 0.260 7052 0.265 110 4' 0.275 15027 ' 0.300 22029 ' 0.335 28051 ' 100 Case III - Yielding to One-sixth of Depth of Beam Stress Distribution on Plane of Deflection Curve Maximum Stress S inches psi radians inches 0.335 -1.142 Sc) 0.300 -1.082 Sc2 0.100 1.036 0.250 -0.990 Sc2 0.200 4.112 0.200 -0.888 Sc) 0.300 9.138 0.150 -0.771 Sc 0.400 15.96 0.100 -0.631 Sc) 0.500 25.43 0.050 -0.447 Sc) 0.600oo 34.16 0.040 -0.400 Sc) 0.700 45.01 0.030 -0.347 Sc 0.800 56.62 0.020 -0.283 Sc 0.900 68.62 0.010 -0.200 Sc 1.000 80.84 1.100 92.81 0 0 0 0 -0.010 0.201 So 1.200 104.3 -0.020 0.284 So 1.300 115.0 -0.030 0.348 So 1.400 124.7 -0.040 0.402 So 1 3,3 -0.050 0.449 So 1.500 1.5708 -0.100 0.637 So -0.150 0.782 So -0.165 0.821 So 2 138.5 i 101 CASE III SECONDARY YIELDING -0.165", (y' y" = 0.171") M = -0.01557 So in lb P = 0.001532 So lb e,: 10.165 in Extent of Plastic Region v" inche s e degrees 0.171 0.175 90 7' 0.185 160 6' 0.200 22022 ' 0.250 340 0' 0.300 400 391 0.335 440 1' 102 Case III - Secondary Yielding Stress Distribution on Plane of Deflection Curve Maximum Stress inche s psi radians 0 inches 0 0.335 -1.391 So 0.300 -1.318 So 0.100 1.537 E. 0.250 -1.206 So 0.200 6.099 E. 0.200 -1.081 So 0.300 13.55 Eo 0.150 -0.939 So 0.400 23.68 ~. 0.100 -0.786 So 0.500 37.71 E. 0.050 -0.545 So 0.600 50.67 0.040 -0.487 So 0.700 66.76 E. 0.030 -0.422 So 0.800 83.98 ~. 0.020 -0.345 So 0.900 101.8 Eo 0.010 -0.244 So 1.000 119.9 ~. 1.100 137.7 O 0 ,. e. -0.010 0.244 So 1.200 154.7 Eo -0.020 0.346 So 1.300 170.5 E. -0.030 0.424 So 1.400 184.9 Eo -0.040 0.489 So 1.500 197.65 . -0.050 0.547 So 1.5708 205.4 e. -0.100 0.794 So -0.150 0.953 So -0.165 1.000 So 103 CASE III YIELDING TO ONE-HALF OF DEPTH OF BEA•M (ON TOP) (Y" 1 0.110") M = -0.01933 So in P = q,• lb 0.001902 So lb 10.165 in Extent of Plastic Region inches inches degrees -0.108 0.110 0 -0.113 0.115 11059' -0.122 0.125 200 9' -0.146 0.150 30054' -0.165 36021' 0.175 37019' 0.200 41051' 0.250 480 6' 0.300 52020' 0.335 54036' 104 Case III Yielding to One-half of Depth of Beam (On Top) - Stress Distribution Deflection Curve on Plane of Maximum Stress y inches S e psi radians 0 inches 0 0.335 -1.726 So 0.300 -1.636 So 0.100 2.369 4o 0.250 -1.497 So 0.200 9.400 L 0.200 -1.343 So 0.30o0 20.89 Eq 0.150 -1.165 So 0.400 36.49 E, 0.100 -0.932 So 0.500 58.12 E. 0.050 -0.676 So 0.600 78.09 E. 0.040 -0.605 So 0.700 102.9 Eo 0.030 -0.524 So 0.800 129.4 E. 0.020 -0.428 So 0.900 156.9 , 0.010 -0.303 So 1.000 184.8 eo 1.100 212.2 0 0 Ea -0.010 0.303 So 1.200 238.4 to -0.020 0.429 1.300 262.9 Ea -0.030 0.526 So 1.400 285.0 4a -0.040 0.607 So 1.500 304.5 Ea -0.050 0.680 3So So 1.5708 316.5 EO -0.100 0.963 So -0.150 1.183 So -0.165 1.241 So 105 CASE III YIELDING TO SIX-TENTHS OF DEPTH OF BEAM (ON TOP) (y" - 0.050") M - -0.02859 So in lb P - 0.002812 So lb te: 10.165 in Extent of Plastic Region e y inches inches degrees -0.050 0.050 0 -0.054 0.055 17030 -0.064 0.065 28038' -0. 074 0.075 35010 -0.098 0.100 44052' -0.146' 0.150 54032' ' ' 570 o' -0.165 0.200 59046' 0.250 630 91 0.300 65036 0.335 66056' ' 106 Case III - Yielding to Six-tenths of Depth of Beam (On To) Stress Distribution on Plane of Deflection Curve Maximum Stress y S 9 inches psi radians w inches 0.335 -2.553 So 0.300 -2.420 So 0.100 5.181 Za 0.250 -2.214 So 0.200 20.56 e. 0.200 -1.986 So 0.300 45.69 Ea 0.150 -1.724 So 0.400 79.81 4. 0.100 -1.411 So 0.500 127.1 Eo 0.050 -1.000 so 0.600 170.8 E. 0.040 -0.895 so 0.700 225.0 E. 0.030 -0.775 So 0.800 283.1 E. 0.020 -0.633 So 0.900 343.1 &. 0.010 -0.448 So 1.000 404.2 Co 0 0 0 0 1.100 464.0 Cc -0.010 0.449 So 1.200 521.4 Co -0.020 0.635 So 1.300 574.9 Ea -0.030 0.778 So 1.400 623.4 ea -0.040 0.898 So 1.500 666.1 4 -0.050 1.005 So 1.5708 692.3 e. -0.100 1.425 So -0.150 1.749 So -0.165 1.836 So 107 Case III Maximum Deflection P Wmax lbs inches 0 0 .0002 So 3.501 4. .0004 So 14.00 e. .0006 So 31.51 E. .0008 So 55.32 C. .0010 So 87.53 E. .0012 So 126.0 C. .0014 So 171.6 EO .0016 So 224.1 E. .0018 So 283.6 Ea .0020 So 350.1 C~ .0022 So 423.6 E. .0024 so 504.2 E. .0026 So 591.7 E. .0028 so 686.2 C. .0030 So 787.8 ~, 108 .0oo I, 4) C IUot b. STRESS -So _U - Q FIGURE 16 E.TENT OF PLASTIC 0 REGION DISTRI UTION STRES3 ON PLANE OF MA%. STRESS CA SE MIm P= 0.00110.o So -. 00oo t 109 PLASTIC 100 'C J00 I- 0 *So STRE 58 Q 0 FI QURE I EXTENT OF PLASTI 3TRESS ON PLANE DISTR OF AAA) CASE I= P= .00.I 56 So 110 .300 I p.s .100 Z O 0 cd STAE S8 emS. FIGVRE O U 2 18 EXTENT OF PLASTIC DISTRIBUTION STRESS ON PLANE OF NIMAX. STRESS CASE I3 P=i0.00132 0.. REGION So5 inIQ ' 11l PLASTIC I .300 , w .200 Z 1 .IOO ST RESS b1 ~ 4 -0 FIGURE 1S EXTPENT oF PLASTic REGION .1001 STIESI3 3TRISUt1TION ON PLAANE OF MNAX. STRESS ,I CASE Mt P a 0.00180.. So 112 I ) z D QQ .100 w 2 3TRESS ___ -so __ I So z FIGURE 0.O I- EXTENT OF PLASTIC REGION STRES 0DISTRIBUTION ON PLANE OF M~X. STRESS II CA3E If p * 0.00PI•a. So "750So I- o 2 250to tso. .4 O-ANGLE .8 FROM FIXED EhND- 1.6 RAOIANS oIooEo FIGURE Et 750~. MAX. DEFLECTION GASE VS. LOAD lt= 5OOo aoo I So P-APPLIED 0.002 5o LOAD -- L56. 0.OSoQ 4H 115 APPENDIX A-1 B I B L I OGRAP H Y 1. P. CROUT, - - D. "An Application of Polynomial Approximation to the Solution or Integral Equations - - Arising in Physical Proolems" Journal or Mathematics and Physics, Vol XIX, No. ..1iECKi, - - H. 1, January i40 "The New Theory of Plasticity, Strain Hardening, and Creep, and the Testing of the - - Inelastic Behavior of Metals" ASME, 3. Transactions or Vol 55, 19Y3 - - M. B. HOGAN, "Circular Beams Loadea Normal to - - the Plane or Curvature" Transactions of ASME, Vol 60, 195d 4. MURPHY, - - - - G. "Advanced Mechanics of Materials" Book, First Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York and London, 1946 5. NADAI, A. - - State of Metals" "On the Mechanics or the Plastic - - Transactions or ASME, Vol 52, 1930 6. NADAI, A. - - "Theories of Strength" - - Trans- actions of ASME, Vol 55, 1953 7. NADAI, A. (and WAHL, A.M.) Book, - "Plasticity" First Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York and London, 1931 Inc., - - A-2 BIBLIOGRAPHY b. SCARBOROUGH, Analysis" J. B. - - - - BooK, "Numerlcal Matiematical The Jonns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1930 9. "Tables or Lagrangian Interpolation Coerricients" - - Prepared oy tae Mathematical Taoles Project, Works Projects Administration or tne Federal Works Agency, Columoia University Press, New York, 1944 10. TIMOSHENKO, - - S. - - "Theory or Elastic Staol•ity"' Book, First Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York and London, 1956 11. TIMOSHENKO, S. - - "Strength or Materials" - - Part II (Adv Theory and Problems), Book, Second Edition, D. Van Nostrand, New York, 1941 12. WINSLOW, A. M. (and EDMONDS, R. H. G) ana Theory of Curvec Beams" - - ASME, Vol 46*, 192b - - "Tests Transactions or A-3 *NOTES ON INTEGRATIONe Integration of Equation 17a . ÷ • = - o , °Peaoe This differential equation was integrated by the method of successive approximations using an interval in e of 0.02 radians, which is an interval of very slightly over 10,. The three point method was chosen. The basic reason for this choice was that since some approximations had been made at various points in arriving at the equation which was being integrated the accuracy was not sufficient to warrant the use of four or five point integration. Use was made of the integrating ahead coefficients to predict points in advance. are: The coefficients for three point integration o A 0.41667 -0.08333 0.41666 0.66666 0,.66666 -1.33333 -0o08333 0.41667 1.91667 At 9 = 91, the equation W C1 becomes effective. e The constants, 01 and 02, are evaluated from the boundary conditions that when A-4 9 1el, w = w', dw/de a dw'/de. For the case where P = 0.001236 So lb, 91 = 37 17' which is 0.65 radians. From numerical integration w a -184.99 4. dw/de = -518.03E. Evaluation of Cl and 02 C1 - -495.44 Eo 02 : 156.88 E. For the case where P = 0.001396 So lb, e1 which is 45 13' 0.79 radians. From numerical integration w : -360.05 ~o dw/de = -752.02 o Evaluation of C1 and C2 C1 = -747.86 eo 02 = 266.22 Eo For the case where P = 0.001493 So lb, e 1 which is 0.85 radians. From numerical integration w = -635.30 C° dw/de = -1072.5 £E Evaluation of C1 and 02 C1 z -1143.6 EC 02 z 369.01 Eo 48 47' A-5 Integration of Certain Integrals in Cases I and II Integrals containing terms of the form can be readily integrated by substitution. (oý) For example, consider This new integral is of a form which can be readily integrated by the use of any set of integral tables.