Land­use Decision Support: Reducing the Risk from Hazards SFU Harbour Centre, 2010/09/17 Bert Struik

Land­use Decision Support:
Reducing the Risk from Hazards
SFU Harbour Centre, 2010/09/17
Bert Struik
Thank you
Thank you for helping us help you
Thank you to your agencies for supporting this effort.
Natural Resources Canada
Public Safety Canada
What are we doing here
Creating a guide for considering land­use options to build disaster resilience
Why are we doing it
To provide a risk­based planning, decision support tool for urban centres to build disaster resilience
To provide a mechanism to self­examine the community risk­based planning process
To support a mitigation network
Defining Risk Governance Making Decisions
Laurie Pearce will guide you.
Lisa Arora will draw your ideas throughout the meeting. A host of facilitators will walk you through.
Follow up
Draft results from this workshop and last Monday's risk­based planning land­use simulation presented for commentary and input at:
Canadian Risk and Hazards Network (CRHNet) Annual Symposium in Fredericton, New Brunswick, October 27 ­ 29, 2010
Emergency Preparedness Conference in Vancouver, BC, November 22 ­ 24, 2010. Draft guide written and distributed to you for several iterations of review
Guide published.