Genecology and Adaptation of Douglas-Fir to Climate Change Brad St.Clair1, Ken Vance-Borland2 and Nancy Mandel1 1USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station 2Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon Objectives To explore geographic genetic structure and the relationship between genetic variation and climate To evaluate the effects of changing climates on adaptation of current populations To consider the locations of populations that might be expected to be best adapted to future climates Genecology Definition: the study of intra-specific genetic variation of plants in relation to environments (Turesson 1923) Consistent correlations between genotypes and environments suggest natural selection and adaptation of populations to their environments (Endler 1986) Methods for exploring genecology and geographic structure – common garden studies Classical provenance tests Campbell approach intensive sampling scheme particularly advantageous in the highly heterogeneous environments in mountains Objective 1: Geographic structure and relationship between genetic variation and climate Douglas-fir common garden study Raised beds Distribution of parent trees and elevation Analysis Canonical correlation analysis Determines pairs of linear combinations from two sets of original variables such that the correlations between canonical variables are maximized Trait variables emergence, growth, bud phenology, and partitioning Climate variables modeled by PRISM annual and monthly precipitation, minimum and maximum temperatures, seasonal ratios Use GIS to display results Results from CCA Component Canonical Correlation Canonical R-squared Proportion of trait variance explained by CV for traits Proportion of trait variance explained by CV for climate 1 0.86 0.73 0.39 0.29 2 0.59 0.35 0.11 0.04 3 0.34 0.11 0.04 0.005 First component accounted for much of the variation. First component may be called vigor – correlated with large size (r=0.65), late bud-set (r=0.94), high shoot:root ratio (r=0.60), and fast emergence rate (r=0.71). Results from CCA First CV for Traits correlated with: Dec min temperature 0.79 Jan min temperature 0.73 Feb max temperature 0.73 Mar min temperature 0.77 Aug min temperature 0.42 Aug precipitation 0.30 Model: trait1=-0.08+0.38*decmin –0.25*janmin+0.09*febmax +0.13*marmin-0.12*augmin+0.02*augpre Geographic genetic variation in first canonical variable for traits CV 1 for Traits Dec Minimum Temperature Objective 2: Effects of changing climates on adaptation of current populations Methods 1. 2. 3. Develop model of the relationship between genetic variation and environment using climate variables. Given model, determine set of genotypes that may be expected to be best adapted to future climate. Given climate change, determine degree of maladaptation of current population to changed climate as determined by the mismatch between current population and best adapted population. Step 2: Given model, determine set of genotypes that may be expected to be best adapted to future climate Some assumptions: A population is better adapted to its place of origin than any other populations. The map of adaptive genetic variation is also a map of the environmental complex that is active in natural selection. Thus, the map of the future climate is also a map of the genotypes that may be expected to be best adapted to that climate. Climate change predictions Two models: Canadian Center for Climate Modeling and Analysis Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research We assumed no geographic variation in climate change Climate change predictions Expected Values for Climate Change (ºC) Model/Year Dec Min Temp Jan Min Temp Feb Max Temp Mar Min Temp Aug Min Temp Aug Precip (ratio) C 2030 2.5 2.5 1.8 2.0 1.0 0.9 H 2030 2.3 2.3 1.7 2.1 1.8 1.0 C 2090 6.0 6.0 5.8 5.5 4.4 1.0 H 2090 5.5 5.5 4.0 5.2 4.7 0.9 Geographic genetic variation that may be expected to be best adapted to present and future climates Present 2030 2095 Step 3: Given climate change, determine degree of maladaptation of current population to changed climate as determined by the mismatch between current population and best adapted population to the future climate (risk index as proposed by Campbell 1986) current population future environmental complex Degree of mismatch a function of: difference = 0.5 additive genetic variance a= 0.52 percentage mismatch = 37 % Maladaptation from climate change Present 2030 2095 Model Difference Risk Difference Risk Canadian Hadley 0.56 0.50 0.41 0.37 1.46 1.11 0.84 0.71 Summary of Objective 2: Effects of changing climates on adaptation of current populations 40% risk of maladaptation within acceptable limits of seed transfer (Campbell, Sorensen). 71-84% risk is somewhat high. Enough genetic variation present to allow evolution through natural selection or migration. Maladaptation does not necessarily mean mortality. Trees may actually grow better, but below the optimum possible with the best adapted populations. Objective 3. To consider the locations of populations that might be expected to be best adapted to future climates Focal Point Seed Zones present 2030 2095 How far down in elevation do we go to find populations adapted to future climates? Year 2095 3 Year 2030 Year 2000 2 CV Trait 1 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Elevation r = -0.69 Conclusions Douglas-fir has considerable geographic genetic structure in vigor, most strongly associated with winter minimum temperatures. Climate change results in some risk of maladaptation, but current populations appear to have enough genetic variation that they may be expected to evolve to a new optimum through natural selection or migration. Populations that may be expected to be best adapted to future climates will come from much lower elevations, and, perhaps, further south. Forest managers should consider mixing seed from local populations with populations that may be expected to be adapted to future climates.