A Survey of Stud ent i-Tuman Genetics KIlovrlede;e and Related Value stances An Honors Thesis (ID 499) By Kathleen Walter Thesis Director 13a11 St2.te Uni versi ty Nuncie, Inriian8 Hay, 1981 6fC.nI! I he.'::f.S t:... r),Lt:;S"'1 i- l (H', { .IJJ2if Ir~t:::,oduction .. • • • Literature Review • • • • -=:8 C k~rOlly;·1 • • • • • • . . • . • • • . • • • • . • • pp. 1 • • • • . • . • . • • • • • • • • • .. • .. .. . • Table II • • • • • • .. .. • • • • • • • • Eor8.1/:-;;thic2.1 TlesnOY;~3es . . . . .. . • • I~'\:r,~8r ,',uor-tiol1. • • rr8.1 )1e III · iJenetic~~ . ,c;UI)(;rl'll1Ya!lG. . ..• • • • • • • ~ • • 3 . T ,Corn18.t.5. on .. • .. • of :!n. 2 • • • Table I . . . . . . . . . . . .. • • :'~nnvTle(1::;8 . • • GovernrlPnt InvoJv(.;"e nt. • • ';oci8.1- 1-Tec1 ic,cc,} TloJ lcies • • .. . . • . . . .. . • pp. 5 • pp. 7 • 1)p. '"' ( ) • . =y~') • ('< j TlP • 12 .. . up. 12 pp. 13 • • • • • . • I}P .. 16 • • • D.p. 17 . In'). 17 • • Li~er3ture ~it8d. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • . . . 20 "DP. 21 INTRODUCTION Artificial insemination? Amniocentesis? Recomhinant DNA research? Genetic counseling? Genetic screening? These are issues that teenafSers and young adul t:3 in our society must understand b8c;=tuse they may be required to make decisions concerning them -- either in their ovm lives or for society. The recent and numeY.'ous advances in genetic research have opened the door to tremrmdous TIotential for use or misuse of new knowledc;e and technology in the me(Hcal field. Therefore, the decisions phout such issues must be made wisely Cl.ud carefully, tplcine: into consideration both longrange as we:n as short-ran:::e effects. Yet, p!:,ev5.ous studies, sU8h as the.t done by Hertens (1980), have sho~··rn that even 8cademic;::;.11y su-oe1:':i.or ~li<~h scnool 8raduates are not adequate} y knoHled.e;eable to make iYl.forr!ed decisj ons concerni nE?,' the hUFIP.n eenetics problems they face. The nurnose of this study wa.s to assess both hi3h schoo} and coller:e students for the extent of their l,'J1owled a:e of so:-ne of today' s genetic issueR anrl the valup stances they hold with respect to these issues. Bow many have even heard of sooe of tbe most common p.nd ser-iolls genetic birth defc~cts? are scientifically literate vith regard to Dew eloDment:::? !{OV.J How many ~enetic dev- many could vote knouleJc;eahly on Thesp issues or rna1re mature decisions c011cerning th.eir 0 1;111 futur'3 fared.Jies? 2 To answ'?r theRe ~.U(~st.ion8, ('1 survey of collese fresh:lan and hi:!h school spni.ors ':ra8 t.8 1cen -::\nc1 cOJ112}ared to a similar survey talcen three yeDrs a.:;o. 'I'he -b,"o ob j ecti ves of t."he study 'dere to d etermi ne : 1) RO'iT l:::no\Vled:reable today' [) stUdents are ui th respect to humar 8'enetics and \'lhether their :C1eerl for h11rn8.n zenetic8 knovrlede:e is being met 51' the secondary schools; and 2) Whether there have beeYl changes, pos8ibly due to popular wass rnedin coverage, d1Jl:'i.n: the precedinz three ye8.r8 in t~e knowled~e "P1"evio~w - - have 8ho"d11 8. base and value stances of stUdents. studies of hiFrh school and colleR'e stud ents "--_ • ...-J lack of knovrledz,e of hllman an0 )TJedi cal senetics and the :'1eed for enohasis i11 the8e subjects ir l")oth h5gh school and coll':!2"e biology and senetics classes. liilson, et al. (1975) in their su!"vey of high school ann college f3tudents fOFnd thFl.t these students '·Iere not 1mowledgeable about n2.j1:Y areas of hUIYJan eenetics. College stUdents v/ere "better il1 fOI'T'l.ec than high school stl1dents, but both graufs nE~eder1 more i nforroation to be able to maJ:e Elature decisions on valuc-18.nen issues. Eertens (1980) also found that colleGe freshyr,en WAre lac1rine: in their knowleclee of hasic human genetics, genetic diseases, and recent developrflents i"Yl these areas. 3 I," ;:>n other study (Hertens and Hendrix, 1978! rlfertRns et 8.1., 197 Q ), htrsh .school biology teachRrs were surveyed relative to their Imowled;::e of hurJ.an eenetics. It founc1 1tfClS that althouc;h teachRrs felt cOY'fjdent in their ability to teach about cla,ssic;=tl and fIlolecu18,r p;enettcs, IlthRy lhrRre much }J'!ss Jm 01'r1ede:eable of the rece'T1t developments in e;en8tics that inrpinged upon the science/ socipty interf8ce. fl fi1he biology tpachers nepderl more instructtnrl in human a Yld 1'1edical genetj cs and in thp uethoc1 0103ies of te8chin.<'2: contr(')versi 81 iS8ues, so that their students could be better inforQed. i\ 38-ite!n survey tnstrlment (see Apr>endix 1\) was ad- I"inisterpcl to 148 stud ents, 56 of whom were hi3:h school serd 'Jrs fl"on an I11<:1 ianapoJi.s, Ind tana 1Jublic nchool, and 9? of whom 1,rere students at 3::l,11 State TTniversity. The high school stud ents \'Jere a r<=tY'don sar:rpliYI,:?: of the 8e111.0r class at ErlIl1erich f~stm~:-ll High '3cilrJol a;nd the co11e[;e st'udpnts '!ere p.l1rolled in ::3iolo:sy '199 as fI'RS}lf1a,j1 nonors ~ollege stl).clel'ts dur:L:l:3 the fall ql)artRY', 1980 r:md "1;:lter (lU~Lrter, The (lUest iOYH12.i T'e c1 esicn8cl by Drs. ~homas St8t(? URAd in this shJ(ly 1/a8 1980-(31. j'iRrtells and .Jon FenrlTix, prof8Rsors of (ii.olo e y Unjversit~T. ~he r:lU82ti.0 11n a:i.:re Btlll ;c;t was ftrst adrninistered to 117 fresh,["rla n HO:1nr!'1 Colle:::e studnnt,C] and 542 Recolldary sellOnl l)iolocrY te<'1.chers iT' i~he fall of 1977, and ~'!511tRr of 1977-78. time. ;tbout The hio10~y te2chers werp ll()t surveyed a seconri Illhe S1J!:'vey instrunent 1.rap desi e,ll pel to gather datR tl~e respondents t 08."'ic 1mni'r1edo:e of hUTl18.n their ve.lne stanceA cnYlcernin~ )n!) C':eYH~tics c'rr]d jor ethic8l questions relC"lted to human genetics. The first seven oue2tioYls dealt \'lith :0ersonal bac1,:rouml inforoation coneerning the inrlividuals responrlinz to the survey i. n strw:1rmt. thei 1:' in the b~l.ckeromlo The studeJlts vere que~ltionnai re If1he last two questi(Yl1s of section one of (1 eal t with the resDondents t hlll8n [enetic topjcs and riiseases. check the asked to inrl.icate in high school bio10FIY, ann, il0re specifically, eenetics. hlUJaYl 8180 to~ics 8n~ ~G10\'lled StudentA were lYe of as~erl to diseases they had studeed in high school. The second section of the Questionnaire inrluded fifteen nul ti plE~ choice ~11estj OP8 which tested the stud ents t srecific, vlorl:::Ll1l!, kn01,·.rledge of basic r:;enetics. (stron~lv ap~ee, \, ~ v J agree, _~ disa~ree, '-" In tlP last section of stroYl~lv disa~ree, \...) " ........ or, no opircion) "fhi ch beAt reflected their ouinions or Dosi tions on sixteen controversial morRl/ethical iqsues. rrhe student res:;:onses to the i tens on the s1 1 rvey Vlere ta8ul8.ten and the p2 reeut response recorci eel for e.:.ch i te::n. The cur-:-ent survey was tlH'n analyzer) com~aratively to note not only differences between the high school studentG, college freElhnan honors student"" ,C).TId biology teachers, hut, 81so, to note any clLffei"ences hehreen th\C~ i)oD'",lati8118 nf cnllep;e 8tucentf3 surveyed in 1981 and 1977. DATA AND T)ISCTJSSIOl'T Backg::'onnd Inform2.tion Th(j averacse a:-:e fo-(' the high school pOImlation in the present study :=mrl 26 :females. they wej~e ,,,roup inclll.dc<l 30 males Only fO'.lr of the 56 students indicated +h8t cornpletiYlf" Rcience 30 were not, takinc: ;=t indicateri snendinv TlJPI jorR. T\-renty-six 1·rere, anrl college nreparatory curr1.cul ur'l. the students he,d t2Jren geneticn. ~he 17 • .1 years. "JaG fro~ .':1 VJaf~ three to five hours on the Aubject of S"Qne studeYlts, hm'lever, reportecJ that ?ero to more devoted +0 OYl WheYl 8s 1'.:ed hOlv ouch the subject of hUJnan c(:metics, three to five hours, with spent 54?~ 111.[;h school biolof"':Y course and than 20 hours Herp s:r;:>ent in this area. time All of so~e ~erortin~ 45~j renorte(l as J.ittle as no time the sun ~ pct to sor:::e renorting more tban five hours devoted to this area. The college TJopulation consisteri of 24 mal e8 and 68 females" ::'1.t an average 8ge of 18.h years. Bil2"ht~T-six sturlent::; bad taker a hi.sh school hiology courR8 a110 of 92 34q~ re- Dorted spending three to five hourR on the subject of genetics. Again! f'one students renorted spendi:i18 no ti1·le on this subject an 6. othe~s illdicPltec1 a r;:m~e of one hour to 1:IOre than t·vlenty ·hours spent rl.iscussin;: :::enetics. Stud ents 8J.SO v8ri eri in thej.r responses as to how much time was devoted to the 6 area of hurlan e:e-aetics, \Vi th 32?j indic8,ting three to five hours devoted to this tOpj c and SOY:1e reporting zero to more therl five hours spent. 13nth the colleGe anrl the high school sturlents ~'rere asked to indicCl.te "lhether or not they had been instructed about or Ch't'OLlOsonal defects. genet~~c 18 reSDOnSe[3 and the l."'e ~8,ble I shm'[S their sponses of tl1e collerre st.udents in the 1977 survey. The responses sho\lecl ',frat one }:noVl1edg'~ r1i.~ht exy>ect: an increaserl (as cor~<p::',re(l to the students of three years ae:o) of those rUseasEE uhich have been disCllssed freq,uently in the n.C'i'TS r:;eo ia -- sickle cell aneraia and cystic fibrosis, for exaL1})le. 3'enetic Yet, concerninc; some of the ,:lOst severe and comnon ~Jise3.ses, POJ~ e:;ccrn::!le: th"" 1~t)Jlece 2, only the ir~cre2.f;e 14~~ 8.8 re0..ui't'ed ,Tust 1:' of the Yle'lrbor~,.. s ~Jy 1m'.' ~o11ese "TaS only slight. of the riiCh scho01 seniors and 10;':; of students hJ.d any lmO''lledEP of !1i3e8se for '.rhich all hirtil in kllo'l:TledCe nhf'~TJJ'eto'Yn.1ria (pKTJ), are screened shnrtly after ifl the st:ode of 111diana (!lertens, 19'30). frf~;,hi,:en 21.'1(1 ,3.1JI)11.t. 13~( of the high school stur1ents kn8ll 0: s3'ina bif:i.da, vJhich can be one of the ~ost severe 3enetic deformities. ~hE:! infcrT;1atiop sm'lT'1ari381_L in T~lhle I sUGgests that the high 8cl-lonl. st;vdent.s rec211ec1 188r:nin:::: YC)ore about hUPlan (lj ,~enei;i.c sease:-; and 0efects in their lli8'h school bioloGY classes than the colle~e studerts did. Possible reasons for this could be: 1) ~Tot all of the collero;e students had ta"f;::8D [t h1.r:h SCh00J 10 I. Percentage of survey respondents \'r110 recalled ::::tudying about various huw'lYl o;enetic diseases/ defects in their 11i[';11 school biology courS8S. DiseasYDefects·· : . n},cnyl};:etonuric} (PZU) 27,01.1.82: 8 1 Q'7'7-7rr- J!olle~ 1980-81: 10. 3~6 9.8S!' Hip;h School 1980-81 14. yi cystic fib!:'osis 4.3 15.2 28.6 rCay-Sachs d iseane G.O 9.8 17.9 50. it ,1.4.6 42.3 32.S ~·3. t:) [)().4 5.1 1 ~5. 0 23.2 henonhili8 59.(3 fl-3.5 h4.3 colorr)lirlcb-!8s8 52.1 S5.4 67.9 .'I • .c;- 1 5. L~ 41S.4 22.2 37.0 73.2 6.0 5.4 26.8 5.1 ~-. 3 8.9 T~h fr'1,ctor inconrQtibili ty sicle cell anemia H'untinrrtoll 1~ d iSA,~:\S0 I'luscular eli stro:9hy '}(yvm' 8'3vndrome T[1urll et" s Sy<1d rome TCJ,inefelte~,~' s Syndrome ~ spinA, bifi(la 0.0 1.2 12.5 cleft r21~te/lir 7.7 14.1 19.6 'oli tUB 12.0 14.1 51. R ,9 1.2 7.1 0.0 1.2 Fl.9 ,le81')(~tesl T)olyclactyly synrl ~,ctyly -.J 8 h5.olo;~y COU:'~S8; and :2) the :;li ,:,:11 school students h2d ta1:en their ''ci:)loCY conY'f"e8 1':1Ore recently than thc col1e',,",:2 students hael, ClY'd TlO:lt likely conJd. recal.l r10re accurately \'!hat they hc:"c"\ studied. ICnm'Jled~se of Hu""aTl Genetics 111}}"in~ the 12st fe',! years, there have been r'.aY1Y sig- nifj.cant 2re2,3 of ri evelODT'181-;t at the interface of hunan e;eneticE3 cmd human i:07e1f8.re. fIlable II is a sUDn,~_1ry of the responses of 1iOth the 1<;181 and 1977 survey grou0s \lhen asked to identify the topic8 2.hont '.'rhi ch they had learned in high school; l'any of th0SP torics were associated VIi th 11ei:[ areas of deveJopIH~nt in human :(Y'letios. ~he seconrl section of the survey contc;1..i neel. test i tn"ls applying the d efi Yli tions of rnay of these topics. It is interpstin~ to note whIch topics the Gtudentfl hac' studied in 115.gh school 8Yld I'Thich trrpics they could correctly identify through lYlultiple choice tteT:1s. instance, 89\~ of the high school stuclents in thl~ 1 QS1 }'or stu6y rerorted learntn9: 8brmt reconl,inar1t DNA (Table II); yet, ,'rheYl a8ked to identify a cl efinj, tion as being that of rec()T'1b,i.nant DTirA in the secon rl section of the survey, only five out of 56 (9;~) re:::ponded correctly. '1:'his suggests recognition of the nane, po ssi bIy due to 118SS nedj.a cove:ra.::;e of' tl"ci.s controver sial issue in recent :rears, b'ut lac!:: of' a tru.e concept of reconbiTla:Ylt "DNA. o~)serveii fJ1he :9osRible ):.'(')le of mass L1edia can also be 'Iihen exarninil1,3 the responses to bther tODtrs. Even ri\",)lu II. -~~-:--- Topics PeL'CentRR:e of survey respondents who recalled studyine:"yarious topic:=) related to 8:enetics in their hi[':11 school biology course8. _. ___ .• C'oll.e:n-Q-"\97'7-78 Co2d~r:e1980-81 High 8chool-1380-81 nitoAis 8~.• 6;~ 73.<:)% t:) 7°1 G... /' meiosis 79.5 71.7 8n.4 ~.o. 2 ~S.O 28.6 Ilcndelir-m jXlheri t;:mce--9: 3: 3: 1 l'!l.tio 18.8 15.2 21 • ~ ~robability 38.5 t1.5.7 35.7 hW:lan genetic c1 i8eases ~.6. ? 37.0 80.4 planG ?: 53.8 60.9 9~.6 ceil otic cOllI'soli11[,; 6.0 6.5 12.5 cenetic Rcreenin...q: (for diseases) 7.7 c.r, 19.6 11.:3 41.3 75.0 '0.4 9.8 26.8 :5?5 35.9 64.3 26.5 37.0 89.3 9.4 4.3 25.0 11 • 1 6.5 e::enen and e:rvironment 25.6 20.7 66.1 c;enes, r8.ce and 1(2 2~). 9 27.2 67.9 22.2 16.3 55.4 ?O.5 14.1 25.0 22.2 23.9 75.0 I~enrlelicm principles 2.1"'.h'12.1 s0.x-l~.rl,:ecl ~enetic inheri tnnce-- 3: 2 ratio f','enetic8 f1'PYJet:i.c (1 efect8 eneineering nucleic acid s in protein s~T1lthesis recoJEhi'r1ant TJF1\ oth5.cG of hunnn Genetics prejlat~.l (1 i9.c;Y1osi8 of genetic clisease history of eenptiCs f am 011 s rteYJet if,d. 8 '-' "enen and t:3 ;:1 811"t.AJ. re-Garc1ation . . .". r:- ~.!) IJ) 10 thoui~h of students irFlicatec] ~enetic en~ineerin~, clia[,;l1osis (Table in r!?ro~ni?;inc; Jj, ttle }(no"vrlede;e froTi hia:h school cOlillseling, screening, or, prenatal II), they cOl1sistAntly responded correctly defi.:nJ,t10ns of these terns in ages thc:m the 1 g7 7 surve:r group. hi~r,hpr iJeY'cent- Further verifyine; this sl1;:;e:estion Has the hie;h percentage who reC()r:D~, ?;ed definitions of cloYling (50;~ of the high school ,,'roup ·'l,nrl 85SS of the colle8e e;rou:p), armiocentesis (3·1·~< OT the hi,r:h school stuc1ents and 74;< of the colleC;A stl1dents), artificial insemination (71 ~'; of the hiS11 school ar::d 94[,£ of the college stud eY)ts), and genetic 8urcrerv (6r);~ of thf:' hi9:h scnool ;4no 77?< ('If thp colleze student::"). in thr~ These percentaces are hil!her them those obtained 1977 survey. These tonics have all been disCl.lSsed extensive1y in the news medi;4 in recent years, which could :D0ssibly account for the hi::her 1)ercentae;8 of r0cog'Ylition found iy, the p(1)H18,tio11 currently surveyed. 'Ilio:::t of the 8tnnpnts fror,1 both survey groups (1 g77 a:(1,0 1981 ~ rE!calJ.ed. stuovin,rr ahont 1'1i tosis and mei.osi, s in thpir , v "-/ hig'lJ. SC1,'l('lol lJiolor"y cla~se8 (TablA II). uhich are included in a11 high percentage eli tinnal, h::lSics. knoVlledE~e indic~eA ~s th8 be~inni 11~ the biolocY courses l~owlArt~e ~lesti0nR These ,'1.7'e subjects ;:ij1 el the retained of the tra- c0ncernin~ Rcientific of hlUlJan 3:enAtics beco;le more s:0ecific, however, OnJ.y 20;\ of the 1] i~}1 schoo 1. stuclents \'Tere able to irl enti fy deo y yrihoYJ,llCleic nci,rl as hei'YlJ; synonYT:1nUA \'ri th :3en8s 8Ylcl just 11 <5S~ rAcogYlizp(l r:ihoYll1cleic 8,cid as bpinc: the resu18.tor of Only 13% correctly defined "eene poollY. protein synthesis. The college students han. correct anS1;[ers: 8 245" c0rr Actly a"1sociated :0Nr\ vJi th the zenes; 36% reco::;nized RNA 88 the and, 41S'~ sl i.ghtly hie;her pe!'centage of re~u18tor of prot.ein synthp.sis; kne;"l the defiuit.ion of "eene pool." iJ:hEl studeYlt.s from bot.h cnrrpntly surveyed nODulation8 also 1,vpre 8sJeed Questi,ol1 s th8,t re~uirpd to explc=dn the the~J f'leche:nisl'1 of t:rel1smission from !,aY.'ents to offsD"Y>:i,nc; (If t.hree n,-enetic dj8ease8. They rl:i d unt have to f8miliar \'Ii +;h the 1)f> specific diseases hlvol vea: eno 1 l:=h i"forrlJatioY'. to C1J18':ier COl'T'2CtJ.,7 i;:> til'~ -J:::!;:: :nl'ovided basic princi 91e8 VTere 1)Jh)'-'T'stood. The results,Tere 8.·3 :;:ollOVG ~ 1 )iVhe:t1 ::l.sked to e:,:~) 18 i:r t:he 5,;~he1.'i t8.l1ce of tllP hi~h sC}lool stud ents RY'ld 52;< of tl1P colle (~0 ;::-~tudent.s auto- an8':!erec1 corL'Pctly. 2) Only 13S~ of tl~ e l-'i.~h :'?:i"Ol'2."' COlllc1 0~::plaj.r. I(roup ::l.l'ld ~,7oj of colleGe 081100 1 . the inlieri t3!lcr~ (\f' fj1ay :::ach8 (;i,~e.qRP, c:'1userl by :=1.n 8. ut,()sonal recessi Vp .>:::en8 .. :5) Or'ly fnl1!' 01,:.t or r;o (7~~) of the 1)j0"h 8C 11001 stl.l.dents and 27;\ of' the 0.()]Jec;p studr>:nts could e;cnlajn tllp t:rqmnIi.ssi,rm of :re·'" /rn"'een colorhJ.ln(1Yles 8, j,rh ~ ell 1.s dur:~ to ar' '(-linl(prJ reces.siYe sene. The data Dresenteri a gPYlsral he~e incre::l$egrlO11~ -------_._- hj p'b 8u~gest 8011001 th~t the~e hRS been and colle:I8 students in their awareness of hUfIPl' r:.:en o tic8 lcnm·rledge and topicp as cOr1nareo to three years 8Z0. j·Ia·'1Y 81:'e88 of thp. subject of huncm £::;enetics are controversial and have been pu1Jlicly discusseo in thp n8\'18 nerii8 i.n recent years. r;01..11d this covera["e in the ne '.'!s rJpdia account for the hetrrh+.en':3d ~ ~ al'!areness of h1FTlO.n genetics tonics? It is a nossihili ty. rrher(3 sti 11 exists ~ hOHever, i'Il1orpYlce concernin:! many of tht=! ~Jasic diseases. if faced conce=t;rts :nertainin~ :.i1J.at tY:ge of decisions ~ith ~osAtbility the Its voters, on vrhat kn01'rled:;e on to hm,18n Geneti CP4 anrl rrei1e tic reco~1inant ~R~ H011J d these ptudents nake of genetically ~'Tould +.hey (lase research, for instance? ~efective thei~c children? decisions It is obvious that the::;e 3.:re current, relevant issues ".'Thich deserve Eoral/Ethical ReA:0onses TabJe III is a summary of the percentage vIho aGreed or stronely a~reed to each of the 16 moral/ethical issues from both the 1981 and 1977 survey Groups. ~1i2ll. Abortion is undoubtedly one of the most contJ:'oversial issues in the United states today ;::mc. one that ~ will not only be 2. -. i/eroonal, 110ral decision but also an i 8Aue that may very well he decided at the ~lolls. rrhe survey ~)J.8 --.. II=!~. :':ercent8, . .~e of res1')onr ents \'Tho a0'ree r1 Or:' strm1~ly aereeel to each of 1 b y~.otlue lar1 en issnes. )}8t8. fron prp8ent st'ndy c()T'l]1oserJ to studies rl one in 1977-78. . -. -_ .. ,----~ . nioethical Issues --.-- -------~------------------.-~~---- ___._ _ _ _ _ . _. ___~_ . -Co\\'ege __ 1<)77-78 j. t'et:u8 s11011.1 r1 be aborted 5.1' bv nedical test in the second tJ:'i.:,eter of~ nregnEll1CV lt 5.8 sho,'m to be c~ovr',,'el v::;enetical1"'iT clefective (i.e., tlw ellil~l "lOuld rlie ~rior tn itn fourth ·hirth,clay). ,17 ::2. Illl e cipvel(1)j.1l0' lTlli'l"n fy'n;t Co}}cr:ntlo n t:o 1:lirth oh0111(1 h8ve the saEle ::,:,j.Zhts Wl.I 1 er til e 1::1\1 as rl OOS a ;)lunilJl i y ) !",'"1.nt fron tllp mm'1(mt of birth. [:)0.4 3. ·~c5elltific 1"8 :le~.rch (lesigYlerl to rl evelo::! the 1~~0~Dert3c and skills necessary fn~ ~roducin~ hl1Y'l8.:r1S ui tn SIJccial o.1lili ties 0)" physical, -;-,]ental, and. b"'?havi.oral trai +'8 8 1--'0' lrl enc(mr2,~ed .qn,l 8u]>~")orted. 4. :~oci.ety '.fiJI on!? C1,'ly mrmd8te the lJ.se of 8ci.811tii'ic kl"o','lledt~e to ]JrnducG the individuals 'ri th certain JYlh8ri ted traits that wiJl enp.bIe thoRe indivi~u~ls to ~rovidc 0xccBtio~~11y ::lll::,prior :Je"vi0e to society. :;;~J. s. /~ 1• . niolo-SY - - Cotlege '.::eachers 1977-1f) 1980-81 H" , .. J.!!11 Scheol 1QSO-81 An.9:< 39. )~~ 3(-).6 (1°,.9 ?~.2 ?9.0 3CJ.7 21).0 L16.4 r:; 2;1,. '3 31.5 It 1 .1 con~C'le ShOl).!Jl 1'8vn the Y'i?~ht to ;:TO "2]>errl 1)',·".\··11 onrl 0110088 s:norIl th~.t 'ITould l~e li1~01v to rei V8 t;'ei:,.' lC~~f1.1 o:Pfr)!)ri.·'l2: c e·l?t~ctj_!'-l () 0 G i . rr;~l (! }18,118~CtAIl5. s ~ci c s • ~?7 53.3 :) 1;. • :; :'3.~) leal procedl1~'~8[] c·.ho1. 1 1cl. b-: used .to "'co'C) ;·'li."'iTC) r<) llJO";-", " '5.th 88rio'-lsly de 1J i}. 1. t;l,JI~i:n :~' ::.lj.~l~; l~ t ~\~ c;d (;. o:f en -t r; or lJ i. 8 r~rt8 e s • 27.6 12.G 19.6 51 .:;-:; ..... __ ...J , C)e! • _< I " f"S4. y< v ...... or: to G. ""1'1"ie,1 0. ~;;vtl'8,nrci. i l1a':~'le(; .-I. ',.)'-1 7. I~;,'~' C011Ul!:; ~1"3' ?!:j T)r;"C8 11 t; (o:I(;-cmt-ofPn1Jl?) 011011 c:e n f :n·t'nrl u~i:'i:: :""1 '~pv'?;->l~r (' pf Goti ch.1.1c1, thpv ~ r'r)f)1 1 l,c1 -"ot 11"vt::> <",Y'y r'-:.iJr;T''-:'Y). C). ve ,1 ;1·1 • ;:; "1 2. () 30.11. G. High 81 Oollege (]1e:::lCners 77-78 77-78 \ r'18 Y'~"i pel c0urle shnl,l ' 11i'1vr; +,1) '3 1"i:-;'h+ to iilOd e1"n GC icntifi. ~ tE'c1molo?;y to cJ etect +'11(0 8PX n'f:' t'hc il' 11y-,hnr-n child in the secon(l tI'.i,l~P'Gte!:' nf T'lY'e r ":I,,011C-V and ahort it j f the child i:; not the 0'C:7 the cOl.1~)le prefers. ~-. 3~ ~ 8.2;< 3. 3 J'']clividu;::;18 "'iJOrll lIl-Cn SCV0i"p. inherited nhvsica] and/or mpnt;::;l. ~(0~pct8 that could 1:1ct~le 1)een rl ~tr;(!tcd_ -~)T'ioJ7 to lliT'tll s]loulll have the rir-ht to 81.H~ t 1lei!:' nnrents for 21lowinc; tbG] to 1)(; born. 4.3 3.5 2.2 5.4 83.8 95.4 95.7 89.3 70.1 92.8 69.6 66.0 1~.n 68.2 2.2 21.0 t ;(~Jl)J~o ~II :~;o~:!..t. l' ~~c CollP:';o':: P,()-Pi ~ 80-81 101 10. 7;;~ of q. 10. ?l)vsici8.DS ll~"Te t;he refll1011sibilitv of in:forrninc; t;1i()l,Y' D3.tient's (:Dros~)ecti ve ~·r )t;I?!'.-r, :l:~,l.i(!nl. :~~i·~·covcri. oG (/eneticn c0111cJ affect thE' ,'reJl- i )81nc; 0:;: their yet-to-be-1Jo~,~n chi] l~ren. n,':1'?Ttt,S) ;),(1\." reloted to hUr 'p ';:)11. tax' OJ.JJ1Y'S s'hnlJl,el 11.T."(>(1 eral. :'Pf,e8rc11 :i,rl ,~'>rlical 118 usee; to Sm:rp01,'t n'(~11ptics. 12. 111r1 i virluals ,,1'0 have an i.nhe1"i ted fo:rm of rnen-GFll retaT'rl i" tio11 o::c fl -fee hJe-!T1incledness II sho'1.lcl bo stol'ilized. 13. T:iolo(l'V t.~,q.C}18:rS h!'lve t110 responsi bi ljtv of iJl:formi np th.eir studAnts nf C'eneti.~ ~ iTIfn~!T1ation that could affect f'uture deciRions of these stuc1 ents rerrard ~,nf" narriar-e and u _ hnvin.=:: 8, f;.:),miJ. 3T • 88.9 93.4 79.3 73.? 14. :~ fetus s1101)lr1 be aborted i,f by n8(' ical tests in the ;38C:O).l(J tr'ineRt.er of I'I'e,,!nancy it is sJln'.,rn to ho,ve lIo~m11 R :~~y11clJ:'m'8, 'rl"ich resFl ts ill physic;.:).l (1 eJects, T:18Tked T'lental rst8Y.'rl r;,tion , t:mil :;horteniYlr" of life oyueot.c))' CiT. 34.2 71.5 20.7 '3'3.9 1),.3 59.0 1 .2 21.4 _ 15. OJ ,()tatp (lJ")d/o:p ferier;-tl le~isl;Jt.ion ~t>re8cribiJ'lC' uho is (J'OYlAttc811 v fi,t to rCDJ:'octuce sl-lOulcl be cmact.erl (111(1 8Tlforced. v ..... J 16. _'.. ';'eS;ja:t:'cJ.l on n~lOulc1 ~)e __ 1'(~cr)r ll'ill~~ltl)I'-;-\ Y'er~1118terl in lX'1cte:eia l'3rfec1.p.ral le,:::islation. -l. ~ 33.3 5g.0 29.3 37.5 15 results indicate t1!at both of the recently surveyed :':;TOl!.pS of students f el t abortion t)e('ar'J8 nore of an o:;)tioYl aR t.he seve'Y'i t3 T incre~tsed. of the [Ipnetic defect the hieh school students and 3:~ only 11 c~ of For examnle: of the collec;e frashmen iY1r1icaterl they would a:3ree to the terr1in8,tion of a nrer:;nancy (i tem :~!8) faL' the purposes of sex pre-selection. 'Ii th regarci to a fetus shmm to have DOI'mls .synrJrorne (item 1r14), 347'~ of t1'le hieh schonl seniol's and 21?\ of tr.e colles::e frnshmen i:rdicated th.ey '.',Tould 8 0 ree to an abo!:'tion. Oorrmare this to the 39;< of the hi,,;h school stud ents and the 49:~ of the col1e,:e stud(mt}3 "Tho would 8[';ree to an ~:tbortio:n (i ten 41) if the child were shO'lm t.0 be seveTely ,Senetically Clefectj_ve (i.e., the child would die prior to its fOln. t11 bi-rt.hday). 1 ce~n:in,r:" PDV case of :Ctbortinn, "11m-lever, no i1-;ore than ei th'?:t' student STOU:') o.~Teer!. v'Ti th th8 in the 1977-72., survey (son iteIJl there were no major ~ifferences college students in t}y~ of the colles::e anG }1 and ;r14). 1977 rmcl 1981 surveys. school ~rou~8 2.l'"(reel.~ent iS~le fro~ to ener:e +'0 to or 4-9:~ ::1ho~ct, 4'or itern ;~l1 in the rpsnonscs of the stude"!'.tE; beir_0' ;Jore In see~e~ (~eci8~ 0 Y1 Oon- .il.<!aill, with the colleQe VIi th te't'rninat il, r: a :r!I'e::;n3.ncy. this ptudy (Ree ite8R #8 ::1bortion, 110';[ 8~d !;~1 " d ic1 the stucients it 1 I / • reFmond to the id ea of sinply not to h8\T8 any CI'OOS 1.:n0: children (i tem ~1:7) if the couple a severly d8 T ecti ve chil:]? [13S a 25;~ chance of ~lavil1,3 The stuc18nt' S 1:'e(1)On8e8 shOl;red I i ttle sun-oort TOJ" forego inc parenthood under theRe cirClJ]]stances. I:(1terestin.zl~r, infcmt does (lote" ... _ 1 4 j~?1. .,'.,,;" "a+ v ,.~ -', L1 This 5nd i catec, ~t lnast for some of the 8tu~e~ts, (iteD #1). develo!.iinS I 1'3';< of thp hi.:-::h sc'hoo] students believed -f~he tech~l()loc~:J to nrocluce 8upeJ:'i or individuals. In reST)OYlSe to both issues, fe\'Ter college stllcle:,1tn theY' hie;!l school studerts indicated en~ir~eerint~ of hUrrJa:- genetic is not r'lY] res~'n1,!.ciAd i terns, 8uc;gesti'i1C: ::J o]Jtion, onl_y b as 3uc;eesterJ in i ~he te'~s prospect //3 ?,:'1d 1M 18.C 1,: '!i th 111'10 of cnrrent o~Jiniol1" to both of these \l101;Jled~;e on the subject. a lesser sC2,le, the stl.' (1 Ants 'Jere c.sl:::ed to res-')oYld tn the ',.-) ,j::~.) ~, n08itive response., llYiJih?ly one; yet, Rluost one-fourt:l of the hiGh school students (In ~ 3~:< 0:'-;> t_.'hP) t. f-l. 0, n2,J:'rlC'O w nsn011.C'_ ' 1" COl1..t:-=' thp hip:h schoo1 students (~id. n.ave the 17 QQ:~rnl:]en-t. Ir:volve r lent. ·f~othSJ:'ou:'s of students 'IIere consistent in their o,infuns of the role the federal shouJd :Jlay in T1er 1 ic8l 'se r 'l8+.i cs. that ta~ dollRrs (it~~ 11 ~11(1 oYL1~T e~"-'11nE'~lt 1 Olrt of hot}1 .::r,J:'OU:]8 8.D;reeL~ ) should be used to sunnert research of 97 (1;j) of the coDJ:~c:e :-::eouJ! felt thc.=d:: GOv- U ter~ }13) :Pi t to ·YY'oduce. cerni:n.: the 65:~ Over ~overnueTIt llad t''le ri :.;ht to dec:iJle ,;,'rho is :=enetica.1.ly TTnlike the Fl.'=). j ori ty opin iO::l expr:-essed CO'l- ai)ove nentj oned iSr'ues, the 8tHrl e1:its d i0 not t>,'IO seem to knml vrhrt-'c strl1l.(l to talc? em federal rSeu18tion of recoTnbinp.nt 1)1:;\ rese8.rch (i ten '!/=13). school at ctll, 'Oeen ;~e''liors an:l. A.6;< of the cGlle::'-e fresbr.:2i1 too= 1'1.0 position i1'1dicatinr~ ::1. 1]i(1 ely Iy! fact, 3CY< of t11e 11i:::h lack of l:::'lovrleclGe on ::1 r::easure that has discUf-iSed cr'1d cO:Dsidereri in Con ~ress for the T)8.st So.!~i.8)-IIeclicaJ Policies. Contenporar:T r:jedicaJ. technolo.3",T not only Hl10i;TS society to detect sOttle genetic (1 efects 8.ne1 devE:lo!! new tre8tr1 e:,ts; it also makes survival :DGssible fDr many 0e!l~tically defective people. Iten #6 asks, "Should extraordinaJ':'Y T·ledical proceuures be used to }:::eeu 8.1.i iTe newbornR \,r:!. th seri olwly debi1i tatin8' inherited (1 efects Gr d iseCl.se'/tI 0ver 51;< ni pf'fort 3h01.1.l(1 'he takeYl.. t~e hir:'h srhool stue1 entR tllOU,'2;ht every ''lJ.1ic}1 is morc hn r1 ane'? stud.ents may be renuj red to an3\'rer this fuh:'re ;:<S Cl1.v~stion Sorne of these :i n the TIP-ar they 881::e decisions concerni:n[,; their own familieR. 18 The stuctents were more strongly responSE~s o~inionated in their as to 1ilhetheY' or not ind i vidu.::lls ,-,ho 118,ve iJlheri teG forns of feeble-rail1dedness (item 1112) shoulci be sterilized. 21;~ Of thE" 'hieh schoo] students, agreed; and, only ?C~ of the IJI the ePTly :part of tile century, colJ ee;e stun ents a.;::reed. ho\vever l' such 18.i/J8 I'rere en~.~ted 811d irYtplemented (:'Iilson, 197':)). 11ecently, court cases COMe to the public eye. he~('i ted Do eOJ:1~ernbJe; hunan genetics have tnd~vidu~ls ~orn with severe in- physical or wental rlefect ( item }~)) t11~,t cmld have been rietecte(l urior to biY'th ..... tile riaht to sue thei):' narents h~.ve ~"'..I. for allG1Ji.YI c: t:h.r: n to be horn (tort of '\,lronsflJ1. life)? Both the high school seniors and the college freshnen felt that defective ind i vi rl u('1,ls shoulrl not have tho.t l'i:=;ht. that only 2;< of the co11e=e stl1.dents 8.nd 5::< of' i~;l~ iilote h5gh schoo] seniors eouId acceut the concept of 8. tOJ:'t of \!J'011gful life. r/Tost of the stud ents felt th8t, r:hysicial1 s (i tern thei1~ T'18.t:i.nn that ~lhe affeet 0) and (i teT'i :!13) rl ° 118.ve the TPs:Qonsi.hil:L ty of hiol()t:~T teachers informin:r; ~!'1 p8,rents ~ol.lld anr1 st1J()ents 8J'lOUt affect dpr.isi.cns ,~e}1etic :re8,grdijl~ infor- fut1.l-r'e chilriren. iSSUAS presented here 8j:'e those whicll CITe likely to stude~ts di~ectly resronsi1)l.e voters. anone hiCh sr.hool 2nd - as ~otential parent q 8nri as It r.8n be inferred fr.on t1}p data th:lt collp;'~e stud ents there h88 hee,' 8. :o;ene1'a1 increase durine the D8st three years in their lmderstanding 19 of conce:::d:s IJertaiYlin;: to human e;e-netics. uno erstanrl ill?; ~overage "possi lil y be attriljut0d to Ti2.Y of -L8SUeS such 2.,S ~,lhere ';,!hic;~c stud~nt;8 ~-'lJ:,e? ,oj rna~ori tv nf citic~e-n~ ~_r;sues r' Data t<~,U.:::11t bl the sPcC'lldaTY nw(t rler.'::Lde t S :;!Cl.rents 8, 11le-h 8chool edur.atio11'.. such as those cl is ~U~8 3(1 h0)'0 ret:..uj J::'e +:0 Pi1::,loy critic81, serious, P18tU'Y'8 -l)l~ i~he Yote:"s "Jill h2vc no r]ore t1'18J1 Bioeth icc].l about 11e8d for more brl.sic information of hUT lr:-n c;"metics to SChO(l}S, sirlce thr:> a11,n tech'~f)10C;Y 'dert" rlOt: :"lcin·'.tifj,r.ally knowledceahle.. fron tl'is survey i1,-,1 iCErb:;s .in th':l medjJ" ":ere stiJ 1 -!lany in nlHan genetics ::"1,n6 relf).tcd a:r~~8,8 ~1ass 8.rtificial ill serlliYlP-tion, 8J!mio- cent8sis, and genetic screenin::::;. basic The increasen ;~Y1oi·,lecJ~:e"hle thinkij,~ ecisions - b0th socirl.lly alld ~eT'''lor tn nakp '::l.lly. ::'0 J.Iert0YJS" T. R. 192,0. You 8nc1 Your Genetic ql 1otient, :Part I .. ~~ Hoosier ~;cience Teacher.V(4\:119-12~. vertens~ 1J:1hE~ ~. R. 1QSO. You and Your ~enetic 1uotient, Part II. Hoosier ;c:cience Teacher VI (1 ) : 1 R-?L1. rrcnrlrix. 1978." A SU:r'VP',r of the "Teeds of Inc] iana Seconrlary School 'P.j olo::~y/T!ifeSciencp ' 11 eachers. ~he Hoosier Science ~~Q..her IV (1 ): 5-12. EertenR,. fil. R., a-rrl J. f}eYleti~R ::I.• 1<~(,i11cpt.tom'lJ I,=erte 11 S, ~~. ?., cT. Pc. 'lTpl'1r1 rix:-, and T,. W. Henril:pen. 1q79. T',ioloSY Teachei::'S: Genetics Tiiducatio-na1 Needs mId T~81ater1 V""lJ,1)e :'::tpJ10PS. rphe ,Jour:q.§!;l .Qf Hered.i.t~T 7(): 161-16 f) . 1'.'i1so:1., s. n., T. :{. lcerte,1S, "md J. p. Hencl:t~':i.::'T. 1Q7:-'i. Hunan Genetic 3n::ineerine;: l~ Survey of Student 1[,,1u(.> (::tances. The iJ~1erican :Siolo!'",! Teacher 37 (9) : 52~-527. --_.. --- 21 StU0 ents inclu0 eri thr0e PJU tio:n:::>.1 lluestio11 Q under CIUAGt5011 identicn l to tlle onep'i VAl] to thp colle2'e stun ents ; therefore, only t}le first 1)8,0'8 -- '--' 0 1'" the hi;3h be included in this appendix. ~,c}l()ol ouestioY)nc:dre vrill FaDe : _________ Section: Date: Eajo:r: ------- ---------------------------------- "8io 199 - Honors SyrJpOsiLr;:l n~=tl1 ~3tate University 1980-81 3. H2.ve Y01'. tal::831 ::1 }li:.o;h fem::11e ---sf!hool biolo'.,.y course ___ ,ves _ _no If you rave ta::e:1 ~"1.i:ll school l'd Illo(,"y, hill! T'1n~'. f!la3Sr001' ti.lle (Eel. the ir'.strlwto:r (i8vote -Co t~le 8uhject of ~'(~'r,icG? (:S8st sstin.) no ti):e at all -----'1-2' }wurs -3-5 1,OUY.'S ---6-10 hours --11-15 hour8 16-20 hours ]'101'8 thpTl 20 hours --~ If V0 1 1 rL8.i,re ta}~el1 hi,'31' schoo1 bj oloey, hOI'! ;'luc'h cl:::mroQrn tine di (1 '1-;11e~ ilJ8t~cnctor devote to the sub~ect of hunar. ~cY1etics? (J3e s t 8stin.) --- '5. ___n.o time c.t all 1 r.01Jr _ _ _ 2 honrs 3-~' hours Flore than S hours ---, ----h. In the i'ollol'rinr: Ii st chec'~ those tonics th8 t yov studiecl in school biollle;y. ___m.itosis ___meiosis ___ r~eNleli8:n inheritance--3: 1 r,qti () ___J.1ey.d.eli 'J.n inheri t8.nce--9 ~ 3::3: 1 ratio ___nrooahili ty principles _ _ _nUTJaJ') ~;enetic disea.ses ___·ple.nt f':( anim81 aenetics _ __..o:eneti c cOlmE,~lir\[" ____Ge::--etie screening ~ (for diseases) ___ sex-lirl:cecJ genotic defects ____ger'etic enginee1_~i112~ ___nucleic acids j_Y1 protein synthese ~_recombinant DEi\. ___ ehtics of hUIT8n cenetics ___prenatal (~ia:::llosis of genetic diseaf3A _ _ _'3enes 8.nrl enVirOYlT1ent __--'f.;l::mes, race 8:nci IQ ___hL::tory of cenetics ___ faLous aeneti c'Lsts ___S8Yles Rnd ment8l retard.'1ti_on ____ specify____________________________________________ 0ttle~, h.:1.L::h School Senior Survey ~~ip'l IY)dl~::()aT)oli8 Publie Schools ,. A. General 1. 2. Jae~zround ~;Jhat ','!a~: 1981 Infonation a~:e at your lRst birthc.1 ay? female 1:,That is vovr seY? _ _ _ _r:l8,1 e your ---- 2a. 2c. curpicnlum? ___yep - no ',P'lat i:=: your c1888 rank? ""res _ _-...In ... , L', If 1l0',J. }1,:--l,ve t,qlce-n }li::-·~}l sC!1oo1 biolo';:,\r, 110 i ',r 11111Ch Cl~lB8T'oorll ti~:~e tJ.i(~ the~ instTllctor devoL;;: t.o the subject" of r;enetics';' (:',ive be0t estir].) time at ---no 1-:2 hours all --3-'') hours 6-10 flours --11·-15 1101J.rs 16,-20 hours ___more t~18,YJ. ?O hours --- h l. If VOllhave takerl tIl d1. sc'l1ool bioloP'Y, hov1 L1uch classToou time did t}!e" in~3trw:tor (:e70te to t}l'~ subject~ of hUI11an .:.enetj.c8? (3e:=:t est i f:18) _ _ _no tipe at all ___ 1 hour 2 hours ___3-5 hO'.1TS - - -T'ore than 5 QOllrS --- 6. In the followiYW Iist ------ hj~~ school - bi0io~v. .... chec'~ those to!)icS thcli~ :rou stud ici in -) nitos5s - - - :nleiosi.s _ _--'j.:cYldpli~)<n inheri tan(;e--3: 1 ratio ___llf:ndelian inheri tance--9: 3: 3: 1 ratio _ _ _"D,robabili ty !;)rinci:ples ______huYlan Genetic dj seaSGS _ _ _'Plant and animal genetics _ _......L.r;enetic cOUY! selin r: _ _~~enetic screeninc;' (for d:tseases) _ _--'sex-lin;=eri ::::enettc defects _ _--..:F:enetic engin8eri.n,rz: _ _ _n,occlej.c 8,cj.OS in 'orotein synthesis _____recornbinant Dr~\. _ _ _ethics of hmnan ;o-enetics _ _uI'cnatal (iiagnosis of c;enet:ic eli seaRe _____ ~e:nes and eT,vironment ~eDpq. race ~nd 10 - h i . s t o r y of cen2tir;s _ _.....;;f:OtIn0US geneb,cists --- _ _~!rrE:nes and mentoJ. 2:'otardation ______ ~ v other, s1Jeci fv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 2 7. B. In hi,o-11 school biolop-y classes did you learn anythinc; ~f the folJn,...ril,R'crenetic or chronosonal diseases or defects?'" (0.heck appropri,8t~ i tens. ) ___-phenylketonuria (pYU) cystic fibrosis ---rra"lr-Sachs disease _ _ _Rh' factor in c orrroatibi Ii tv - sicle cell aremia ' - - -HWltin I:!'ton , 8 disp~se --hOE10phi li2 - -cC'lC'rb lindness muscular dystrophy --Do'.,m I s Syndron8 -Tl1rner' s Svnri rOI,]8 ----'Klinefelter'8 Syndrome . spina bifida '. ---cleft palate/lin --diabetes Dell i. t~lS _ _-"po lydactyly ___ s~Tndac tyly - - -0ther, s!.leci fy The following ~uestions pertain to terms and ideas discussed in rA,....ent rnagazirlP 2.rticJ es that you may have read. ~he artic] E'S appeaY'ec1 iY'. ~, ~Tational Geop;raphic, tsychology Tod8.iT , ':loman' s Day, ano Saturday Review. Ta~<:e the short non-credit (J.1XlZ to see hm'[ famil tar you are wit'b t:nese te1~T<18 8Jld ideas. Girc] e the letter preceding the best response. 1• l'8oxyrj bOYlnc] eic aco] d is synnnyr'1ou.s with ,r01X:C abou_~ ;::mv a. b. Chr011'10so:ces •. genes. c. RNA. d. the ~itochondria. the nucleus. The regulator of protein synthesis is callen deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). 8.. b. adenosine trisphosphate (ATP). ribonucleic acid (RNA). c .. d. gl1Jcose () nh08l')hate dehvdro "'enase (G6PD). e. sodi un chlorirfe (HHCl). 3. 2. U 3. '-' rrhe process ";y which ti.1P nucleus of a body cell of one individuCll is int:roduced into an enucleated er;£!:, of the S8~le epecies to produce an ind i vidua.l that is a "carbon <:Opyll of the nucleus donor is calJed a. recofnoinant ,,)NA .. o. gene surgery.c. trans]ilantattcn. d. clonin~ e. transforTT1.8+'in:n '~Y:~, lJ1" -:':=r ~ )~; ~t'-' i3:' J j, it --I 1 'I l~l -- ., r; L, . '-:<'PrI{'(' "J ,',) '::"~\l~ I.;.'" ,1 A -~Yl{~ C,l c'; C! ("( ~--;~>:l ,:~ rOj ,:"; bl I -,', ('j ~) T'} 9 <~ [" 1::_ -:n '-r 5~ ~'l (~ ," +:C<!~iil,~' 'r.~l0":.-, r .. n;' 11 (:'\ ,-~ 'i +:,(~ ""'!f"::~~1 r-p~}~"t:";,e lPC: t:tl en! l'lln'~:;'~,~> (le,q~~- 11,-:-':-",TP c': f,(-: (~tV ,~p't.·li(~f~. :PY!sti.. ed. )l~' f 1'!10,1 Y);C' ":'01:"+"[100,] • Yl8,tur"J.Q818cti.01'1 ~ • "P~"; ~ ~--: D 01) ,-, .i ('llJ, ~ ,,1()11'1\'_':'i~1,t -;-" ,,~~,",! "'1;,'" ~C").i:I1'-:-' ;=) 5 e rl f ;~~,,~\:: rl • ,~, 0 r: (~.-: ') t:-: i:; i r:-; ,. rieti e e1") ~:i.-r11~1;~-~'~1 .~:(~Y1 c' r~l]:~" _~e1~~r • ; -".1:' ,r" t:rr, j Y1 '" • (~. l,-:~,;'-1 "~IA,P ~:-l ;::1 • ). '(I"\Tl,:) Tn"I-· \ ~C 01,1[:. "1. ',~! '-'(·~n(;+;5 r \"~ oflll j rl i 811..:"'~ (;::. \ll prl It 0.1,7_1 7,~lyaf? tn Fl1"o. f· tl1;) ;:'1~;:Ll,\Tf:!i~ ;';j-, r1'" C ~. C (.~ 11 : "; f:' . ;~; {,"l l~·t:::' " +l', etr Cf18.n ~ f? ;:~ () i:-> 1'1, ~l~"\,T i 1'\ (~ lJrOp~'eetjv'-' ~'..~ i P:"A,0t: 0.0;, "'t i t:vl;r.· Q -• el,1~~4(~l!,i C,~ • n. -~~r=l'~ n tj_ ~ A1"~, :2~ i ,A (, e l---in ~~. c. .:,edi~~rn~~ , ., • e. 1) ; n crn:-)]. ::~Sl~'~;. fer>' 1,,;\ e: -• "8"'etic Coul1c:;clin c/ . 7. ,(~~,..!~~ "'1 orm'l.1 r; JCf'!<~ ,For-,> '>')l~'" ':n:-~·,:-; 1')::r ()f' 8Jl(! j . -t.s -!~p.n18~;?·'tlef:t rO'):~l~:'":.)e+'i·nrr :'i 3(~=t1(-~t:j-~ 2, d pf0(-~t i. ,,~ e3.11r:=::; {'t r:. 4 ·~~11, 11'(.)J.1 i (': F~. -'8';;; ,=>t::j c 118::!;)i,-'1-::: n. '-". (I • (~ l. "n,:1 i y, ~: • :::,. :::l:1',11-1P";1.icn. f1h8 jy f; A.r.'t i 0[" ,=o'-Iro'f~ic 8U1~(~eT ('nY1,,~j t~lC: +i.-utioy' 'h;~f~t~-r-:_il' :':~S11(~'c:, ~~1,r.! ,,1:': (> ~;lI"l }J8(lt" i~l r' ,ct. -"f~nr, '1~ T'T) i 'l.~". ~. r8~~ nnnlinrr. 10. iT. 810:1j..-,. T',i)lpcul;n:, c~. -'-''--''CO - l'l7(l''')li0r~ [I:f J2~'=;?,:r')"")~'~or~ 8.,1 "'(~Y',~-·~~l. ,',1 c,+ i(~ "'+ 0-~i (i,' :Pr(\~" ~ rEt+: i:l"1 t (\ t~"lP ~,:p y) t: i r: "c'cteriy' i.11 ili.."'I)0r' r" ,1 (>t''''l: ,iy'p ",1"'+1)2 1 ' 0 :r' o:,~ ;.~ ~:(~r-~e ':)-:~()(J-ucts t\T:')r~ 0'-' ClVnllcti >:,in~'~'lt t11P n,' j:':' =,~"p+:i.n (,OPTl ~!3T'! {::tj_ C :"I(-t~91~ ~j,I') :';f~rl ~ (I"'tT lJ,1~,d8J7 ., ['" ::?)~ ? ~~ • r?,l:1_i11'o:- (\ tAc1~,-.~li (1l1P~J " e01J·t,i"iO}. J"c.,·1 ~!~:'''88rC~~ ~eli / ,=::. Hl1.C~eT>. ,~.':enC'tic f3Cj:eer,i"<. .. • ~r·0-Yf -to ,r] '~~et8-rr:i:!~ "n~:) r-t.i e1l J,:-:'l ~~ ":1'1 irrl i, '1,1 tvi ,111." 1 ~e~0tic Jofect: 1 q -i~~,trr,; Hi. '-('J:10 'r~lac::_Ylr:- 8D·~!{lr· I).r- fT-a0,-' i-:1)p :~Jlr"~)8.Jld ~ T(>rl~,le :r~-o:'~0d"llcti.ve ~~r,J,ct ,:r,enetlr: en I'Tl ~T8.1l -Prj" (OJ'l ~ n;::lp](lY)or) t:!(> '\lll'T'(,'~~' nJ' j]lT,O ':Lr'-vi11 ?: ,'':'c 1 i~,('():rin "1-:11,:y"t8tio:il. cloni11r<'. l-'}?il'(iP:::f rl:-:n'~e11ti1()()d. ~1 rt i fi c:t:'1.1 :i 11J->:n 1iYl ,0t i 11. (Y(l • \'!1 tl"p lP·jts of 11,~,~p(:it.v(n-e a ,!;!~r't1,C1J.}_ar sIH~cies thAt cOl ,ld ' e~('r-lnJl'::p(1 'h~T lute'': ,:,cc',i-i liE 'Ji thivl thHt FP,ecip~~ ('('\'Dsti+:lJte t~')E~ ~)P a. (~hrOT"loso':'les. ,ge:ne 2)00] .• c .he:::-ecl_i ty -b8~n'. I). (:. r.-.ll')(I:::30P1PS. (~. tr8.i ts. ~'~1"T lUP'"r;li'l -j i,t: P:FITPY) tin!, ",l-d_ Cl[ corre :~tn reneti c d e:fe ct'? 8." cJ t:>tere'I':l ;,)lte r s hUlan :~ene fr'equ P 11 c i en i8 called a. ()'enE~tic enp"i_neprj,l. 0'. ~(>nptic screerin~. 0. c. clonine:· :r'0l(~cul;Cl1:' evoJl1tiOfI. c1 • re COT ;1") i,1:3-+:i OY'l • e. YOI)."!""- na-n 'rho~p "'ot:le:c~;iect of f:Tunin,)·ton'.s disease. 31] 5l JJ1e:<r; :n:r('\(lnce(~ C)y 8)', rl,11t:OS01I1al r1 or"ina'nt sen p, 1-'8<" ~"fhcl-t -..J • ..., -,nroi)c!)i,'l:Ltv . c. n. ~,) r1 • e. f. 14. ha'rj,c1.r': tn(; 6i8e~<:w l'1iLlf:;elf" (I 1 /:~ 1 It ., i ') , I ,- ~/. ") .'1 1 '_ hU~',~md C'\Y\.d 1,'ri T-?, r)Qt-f' of "':}~0Ul 9T8 ~U1Y'ijDtonal~i(: carriers of ti, e ,":'i1 tr-) SOj·'(3l. r:'eCfH~r: i ve '-er' e f nl' rrH~v-S8 0.h8 1iJ~';-::l ,S l1avp. "r~'(J+: nroo8"nili ty o-::nY'()liuc~ i.n~,,: '~l h81)~r Hi th the '! i C"(>;18'~'; P, ::":l • b. c. ,-1. 'J. ".:"). ,- .r.- 15. o:~ '-..... . () '/'p, 1 ' 1/,1 1 I ~: 7.,/ L_ 1 '~'ro;c-'-!l llE!vir'C nor"p,1 co}nt' visi01' iq flPr:-ried tn ,'" r,ny! h~viJ:1(r ,~en / :~;:"(:; e:[1 'Jolorblj.-":dr' e:::, G, ;-1 -1-:j'<1 i. t C~iU8 ed [Y'/, "T~-l in~~e(1 r''''r;'::>f:si ve f!0-'le. r~}, WT f'ClYC" e c n lorlll,-i.'hi sOY). It w0uld -!)P cor,'p.r+, to cf)nc~11i(1:~ tbat -I>, p:;or hClVin? rui/ :31.~(>e-'i eo 1 OJ:,~)l i. "r','h"~:'i G :i JJ1'lerited-j ,do "t:".\Tf> (~('\1_0T vi [Lio-') t'rnF' ? ~li.:~ fnther. iJ. '1j J i1ot~eT. ". hnth f2rentS. d nejthe-c ',)Cl,re'lt. '3d.ence .g;n(1Society. F'/my of t.hr: i f18ue~ r p late0 tn 11un2 1• rc n :ret i c8 a,') (1 the anT)15 c;'Pt::G-\1' r:d~ [18':: :}I]i.ei·'tifi C J:]'10',10('0-8 to 11111].'1::1 1")"'1','10';3 ;J:rl~ hirrhl'r cr,:"tTOver:::;:!.<::ll ;::mr1 rai.so 'iP:r'iO:l f;0:e;:11/ethlc2.1 (l118."'t.ioT~8. ··!r:>f";.(:t t(' , eru-:ll 0:;' the TolJo·.rj }1': 3";~atpne:lt.,:" ~r1f c.i.rclilli3 t.l~O re'~,;o"(lse th~~t best. n ~oflpctn ~..:.?it:t.2.L ~~ t]1e~ J..s~me. .::::.221£ ,2J2..tSb222 .2Z: G~ c',- ... 1-' .:,.,:. 0 :+ ::; ,,-,.... f-' .. ',... ' .:) q <; ,") ''; ... -' .' ~ ;-:. '< Xl , ,, ;-q '. '-' 1-'; <T, (;) (J) m .- , I,~' .l .-'"." ~ , 1. c~b.()ulcl be 0.,[)ol'to.d i:." ;yt r nedic8.1 test:< jJl t11(~ second tri.r~pstpr of' ,):'~"~~:-nct:~lC~! it i:'< Sh01F; to 1)f~ severely p:enetiJ~?ll~" ,] efecti (i. e., the "'Ol,lr' cl]-'~ -.. ··~l·(\·' +~ iJ-,.....(·nll·~t.ll "·-l-'i·'-.r'''''·\ .... _L J L ." l.,,",1. JJ:.d . ." . / . C_' 'l1~lr' "fetu·s .. _ / ,; \ .-... _.. / J) r:I~1 <v (J) ~ ') 'j ~ 1-''::l 1-'- 0) i-j 0 0 CD ~. ,--.,. ... ........... la -' '-' ) -" '~~ 'J ~_/ ./ 1: C' --c " ire r ,___ ) _.1:"", d e-~reJ_o,irl.~~~ lTtr fjli'1e ::1}1 o1.1.1(~ t1-, (; ~1;:~. \r8 J l)_J. _'. 12_-~'1. ..../ . f~l~o-,' S:~!.1;1 e (~!_O(;C3 .3, ""~ll1I18jl ii""f~:'!t • __ 1_ ,.../ • \. J _ ~01.! (~PT)-t10~f.! T') i ~'";~il_·t G 1rj-l <8 ~~: -t~0 tl1e f~~~()D tll(- :~.O:~le(;"·r·-, ~,., [J .. o'r -'~~'~_J1i;"-"~ 12.\,' ~1.::~ ~-ii:~:··t;l'l. '. <~n ,'~ e . ..j"'f:~:_O~) t~).e' :) r i 821 . t;5_:f i 0 l~e 8 e8j.:'C~1" l e si. j~~~~: G: ~ OJ.~ ~}~O ·,:;.1~ {~~_ f"! [ . ' ;=nm11e''f:::e c.~'1(1 "'~'~il18 1]e{.~2'·~3, lml:18.r~:3 ·,r:!.. th slJecial",bili tie:=:-' or phy35 cal, E)s:ntal, a.nd behavi or.'";.l tra:!.. t:~:3I" or1(; 1'0 c:ncou).::'a:::e(l "mel ) 3Ui)~)Or'~e' • .'i Jl So C i, et~T ~rJ~ 11;'11" tr ";-:'-'()"/J_F:(~;~9 :Lnl)~~'ite:1 t;r~~i tL~ (.uaJ.s to D:l:'0Vi,i,::; to s00j.etS,. • . '2.r:;':i r' ~}e l~ounJ...e e rl ~);'T1Lr: "(:P),,),"" ~.I~:~~J_~T f) 8Gi:2,'?(' . ~() r':C" T T";:::>,j',':, +.<: ~nr()(;'_11J~(.~ t:h e 'rj.Jl 8'lablo t;12,-:~ ('-~ct'nti(n"'llly shou]/ ;':-::/ ~~.ive 11.;._~ e irL1i_·'~;lj.C~.11.~t~_S 11,T'l0 ~,:~lJ~iJ? ::~ c j. e~1 t.; - tlle[~e inrjivi:::;{.>::.~vir:,:: til ~:i2:ht to ",0 "10ulc~ t'12+' 10 ~~;'1.1 n :~"f-:'~~f(·~i_~'·I2", '?e~('t~1"iY' c~I;~Tact;e"i.:-:-;t.7CS. fio ·':';:tr:::1 OTl1 i,lFl..1",r 11<?c15,c"J "r0Cc>(lllTeS Rho1,].·1 ')e user] to l::p,e!", ~).l~.ve P2'."!bnrl f:"- ,.. d, t.~l '" eric"llJsly r1(~biJ i .. t~)tin:::: ~~heTited ~efects or diseanes. 7. '::C (') counl p h28 " ?5 C"8 n .ce of 111:"yi.uci''l;: ' t(18 V ,..;1'011),: n.o+, h-"'v'.:l - _." v 8. _ '"p-~cpnt -L .:'1)1,,· • -" \. ' " . . - - J' c>'il'.~r.e". '}arriecl (:l)uTlle ShOl110. ~;-"'ve tl~c riJ"I,t tl) liSP '," n(1eI~Y\ Scj_f~11ti.Tic tec h n.0J_0P'"\T i;') (~etect -t~lC 8(~_~'~ nf thejJ' n:rl")oJ:'" chil(: j_" +?l~ neCO"l1(" tri'estp." o~f' :91~(:;Gll"2<..l'1Cy crnd 2-,)Ort it i~ ·1~11p r"~(1iJ_d" is not t1!e tliP sp.:;: t~lP )'\ (()ne-ol'+;-(l'f-fnu1" 1 ;c;evr;rly rl.pfer.tivt? cbild, ~'l. 0T iTO cp.rt;:)j_lt ::.~l'~)'?:ri(Yp +,',,,0. c}looc~f'~l;eTr- of ~}i.t:·l couJ,")ln 1)Y'e<'8'.'::;. ',l ='l!divt!1unls oorY'l ::?hysi~aJ \"i+'~l ;:Ll,cJJ01~ IIr-mta.,1, 8 0 Ve}:'p j_Y'~..,.o:y~tt.ocl (lr;fectD i;il:~t 0011J (1 118"1re beer" ete8tcrl T)''''iOl~ to ld_,'t 1) SJlr)l~:(l h;:>ve -I~he 1"idrr. to 8'1.18 til; L1"1),11'8,1 t;, .C'()~, 8:J.mii '(I (~ t ,e r \ t~; :)P bor-(l. ' ?»y:"'iC:i_n.118 have tile ',::'r:'sno(ls5. " i15 tv of' i:r:cornil"lp their n8,ti ~>lts (-n'r'os'')Pcti ve :,:,qT'Em+'S) (\t~ nO',r T'ecel1T ;-led ;.c8.1 r1 i ?c('veries l'elr\tc(_l to ;IlF:.0;' '-"Pll o t5_eG c011,l.d .g.f:fe~t thp 1'[pll-h'2i.nr~ of' their yPt-to·· be-horn cll; Iii "e~;l • 11. T;\", c1 er8,-1 tax ,ioJl:'l}"'s rr"se2-('C!11 1-::'. "0' 1, -'" . jJl ;3: 1 0171" 1w to 11<::8(1 2 1 l1)!"(i:rt ,~ ; t· ,\ :1 'Hr' T~ ~'( ;'·'e(~'; cal.:::e~ietic~:. In(liYi r1 uO-'1s ",'!1-,0 ;~:~ve -l,l1;,,;,P~~;tPI:J fo:r:'::"If ,,,,"'t8 1 T'PtClTn,2tiC",[ 0::~ !1i""'e 1,1"'-"'j,Y}decl1\eSRIl Rl'1ou1'-' r)8 steri,li7.ed. \ ~ t\ tP 1 ch r j.'8 'l"'vr~ -en.., re P ly,l"''1i "iIi t7 nT i·ll.f'orni.rtrF thei r st1)(l,I;~1tn r;f 0'PYIPtic iY"fr)):'rJ<1i:inn th8t C01J,tri ::-1ff8ct '~l1tn:re Il(-"c:i>:~i01~q of tr-'cRe ~tnr:le·.,t'? l"?:£:-l.J::'rji:"[,; Yl;·,rTj.,rl::·(,! ;V'"i h~vL~r~ ::.:' ;'~)I 'Ii ly., -;-ji()lO'-~':r ~' fetu~3 tl"'p l:'") 8l1(Y~'lJ'~ i:·, s1. -m~Jl F:e8 t i:c il:':"l,-v0 :<,)f l if b:r ) '0'" ,',~ rl.b'.)1~i:er' -Cl·'"iJ"j_·leS~~A:-(" !)Q~.'.TY'! f 8 ;,c~l ~ei3tr:; 0T ~-ee:'~Y);:·~{1c~r :~;2r-nd~p(li:-i!-:-;, \!~'iiCl1 ,1.)hy'dc~~l.(~'~1-:>e<?tG~ ~il'3rl-efi 'IPY'lt::-'l slln:ete-":::_Yl":' OJ 'l,."J~ e v :::,ectal1CY. l t l8 Tl0~Jl1_J tG retar::'()8+i.on, ('~lln 15. ;'('(1 ,j / ":;,' £0(1.:,,::°::; l 1 e (l'i !='1.1t5 0'" 'ore SCJ:'i \);.'''1 ~ if" ;:.:n1J:·:~j 88,J,17 ,no t h) ::,e'iJrocluc'" f~hr11l1rl 151'" :-:;-'3.ctp, :'1,11.. an f'o"('('()d. ;:ta-te 'flO 16. "L~ ': e;'::-cJJ !",'~"0111(1 fi'l,is ,Toc, l,p 1;-,' Y'(} (' ("1:,":" '~r:>--llJ .():!.,., t '):r \I"e~1t'i()nn?i:re ':rap 1)._ He·(;:lriV, 'unci_e. I',r] 5.8.1'1':'1 t~1j.S i '''t.ol' ~,:\A:::8:,.·t:' LL 73(Jh. '(},tl8CJt:i.o 1 P'l"'i:re ")i'T' , i." fr->(~ p,';:::l ~F' ctr->'~i~' J..nr;i 81::1tiol'1. (I,Avplo'nec1 1 ly ')rs. 7:lhol'18,~ l . ;,r8T'te118311(~ ero+ 0'(" ':);()'_o~~y, '~,':lJ 1 :~t8.t:p nntve:rnit:~~, ';'{'-'(11V"Gt;; fo-'" Sll()"1(~ ';)?~ f':i.':"'''ctwJ "-'r:'L';;l:i.Gsior tn-'111n l 'i)"~. TT8 y 'tp'"nG p to ;_ :::a-i:''''