Spanish to EnSlish Pascal Translator An Honors Thesis (ID 499) Joseph S. Steele T h (:.~ s :i. <!; D:i. T' (.:' c t () r Dr. Michael McGrew B<=lll ~;·:·' ~:)PT':i.n~.~ - Un :i. vp r·<:; :i. t.';:! 19B6 <), ," . - . to EI"I~lish Translator. Pas~al P 'j"O<~ Y';:>.ml' 'j"un" I,..Jhr:·:,,", translate it into an version so t.hat it can be compiled without En~lish ~;. F·' (.:., and lan~ua~e C·OIYIPut(·" l" ThE' the command to translator compile been translates thp 'I.'.hp input. r·· Y'(')<.:.l )". a l'it OI"lC(:·~ comPll(O'r. c :i. a 1 the the translator version alol"ld with al"ls prrors that mi~ht.. .::~ version. En~lish compiled out pro~ram compiled t.·.lPi:·'n hi:>.,,; pro~ram back into Spanish have occurred durin~ con,F' :i.l at. :i. 01"1. The Spanish version of Pascal was t.he (.oJ 0 f" thf'! prod rammer ('i <:;. simpls :i. d (.:.~ 1"1 t . :i. f :i. (.:., 'f' !::. l' ,.),~)(",,:I. :I./·7BO. by i:>. 1"1 d·:::. :::, (.:.:, T h (.:.:. f 0 developed t.ransl2tin~ cia 1 i ci E- 1"1 t. :i. f :i 1 :I CI '/J i 1"1 <.:.l i·:·:' bs the reserved t () r' ';:. : .I 1", :i. n u c·, is thE- list of t.he EI"I!.:.:;l i!:;h t.ho:::·i r Spanish corrE-sPol"ldil"l~ KE-swords. the kE-swords are not presE-l"Itv :it If onEis morE- of Of" bE-caUSE- there al",ci b(,·~~? :i.1"I con~::.t. ca'::;n C'OI"l !;; t. an t E' i.'.1 :i. \l "".1 n \. .J n t. C) i:.iivi<::.:i.ol"l , . () .:::, -...1 ~:~ 1'- a 1":i.1"I cio h.:;::Cf.'·f' E,l !:. €~ f11 f2 CIt ro rch i 'v'O fUl"lc:i.ol"l F'l"Ici ~>. for ':.lntD :i !:;.:i. :i.n ("'1"1 (,:' t. :i. n 1..1 f:~ t. i:>. I'ilDij '110(11.1 1"10 of i.'.i(·~ fUl'lct..:i.ol"l if I al:.l(:·~l I"IDt.. Dr PT'oCf:!dI.JT'f.~ r (.:.~ c CJ y. i.'.i !;;(·,t t.C) 1..11", t.:i I DC) F' rDC(':~i:.l (,.~ ~< F' e i HI :i. f:' I"It 0 ci :i. f' 1", t (~n :-:.l a':;:· t ..::>. r F' T' .::* I C) F'i:>.ck.f'd 11('-'1"10 F' r P PD''.! 1'am.::>. C) <:.1 r i:>. riI rep.:::'at. T' (::. F' f~ t.hf'l"I ("'l"It.DncF";; '1:.. <:11"('" t. i Y' tiF'D <./.::))"·:i.;;;I.')1 (:., i (,·)nt Y'B":· <:!l:.1,,:.C) lul,D 'lJhilc-:·! IYI i'lb~;. adc.lre!;;!;; t:. . :i. tI"IE:,;.;-I:, card .-:.1 :i. t r():·:·~nF-· Y'D>~ chI' clock C,:l T' CDS CD ~:; dbl!·:·' d :i. sl'>o~;;p E'Df E~stabl i!:;h 1.".11::o1c-:' I.".i :i ..:;; F' Cr n (.:.) T' f :i. nClf'i:l 1'ch :i. VD e;.~r"C) :i. n 1 (,·)nc on·1:- r-a T' Y'I::·)CC i 01""1 :i. m"l ta y' ... i(,~ta r(,~lCl ....i :i. nD \ ,,:; ci (i .... i n t. (,,) Y' :I. n c k P (.I tl :i. n (.'1 :i. t<;; :i. :;.~(~) chaT' e 1 f),,:' T' ... :i. ntF! T' 1. Dck (.:,' . 0.1 ·:;l r·j a ci i 1' .. t. T'" i'l b <3 l"t.., :i. n ·:'l 1"" :i. D t r·ozDti:>'I)",ano C .::>'1". act (.:.) T' c 1. a T'ot T',:;t.'1<'l r c:l D~:;f) C e1<:;"\"..(.":' (.\ f:: 1 (,.) t find ~:iet (ioublE:' (·:··o1n f,,~:I. ';;E) h(·:·);.; :I.n::'ut. :i. n t. e !::' E·) l' :I. inel :i.lTI:i. t 1 Clcatf!.' fila;.~ :i. nt en-l.". f.·:, !-:'·l""Ic·ont r·a T""k fi f" halt :i. n 10.1 t:·) ~< ob "1".. (':)1""1 (;'. T' h (:~ >~ :i. d f' C :i. ITI a :I. (.:.,1""1 t. r-ar:.ia Pi'>. Pi:; lin,::,.:::::!. :i.I"fli tf' :l.C)c~ll i:;·::aY' ITI i:l ::< :i. m() f,! n t E·' T' C) r· :i. r·lei i c(::, c:'nt.:I. on'.:j :i. t.ud :i.r·,t. :I (·::'n<:J"i:. h T'O i::' r· Y' i:l r fE·cha t.ach,:; r· c.lotll (:~ f:i. ndp:l. :i. f""IP<:l E' ~< F' r· (:" <:,. i D n f.::;::I. !"Cl ~:.o F!!::. tab:l. E'C("'!.' r· ('·);<F'C)nE~nc con 1 D,.,j.;!(' :i.l"flnn,:;tu 1"" a 1 :i. nf·(.",' r :i. D r· nupvo In lO/r.IE'r n(O:'\.-..I n:i.l Delel I""/(~).;t F'ro;.~:i.rlta oct out·F'ut (letal at:. . 1"" :i. T' !::.i:ll :i. r:'i:lCk I1pnaT' pad co-.i:i.n F';;;!.:.!(·:'~ p< F' Y'f:·)1.".1 P Y' EO' (I (.:.• c C·lUCld cl..lad r·at :i. CD Y'E·)<:l1.".1 lE~e DF'pn k f"(7:'t.-·)Y':i. te ~;;fO't __ i nt.(·:~ r:l. ock E~ r:.l c~ua(l r ~';C'l T't F'onp r· T'ur,l (:.) rl..l:::' 1 (.:., 1 (.:'(."-, r·1 n T'E·) a..iu,,; taT' CI..I i'>. (1 "('(·:~ad:l.n f:)n;,:.Ii:>.S -1.".. a !;;C) 1 tF! :!. ilYlpar' o r·1'.1 :i.nB:I. l' ci F,ut T'f.:'< r' f:,) v (::.) r t r·(·,:·ajl..l!;; ta rk T' f:' (.:.) .;:; C r :i. t.".l :i. T' ~;;in;,~lf? ~;;I""I~:.1 (,.) ~::. C) Y' lppr·v Y'f:)<:ldv T' (,' !;; t' t c) n;:'cl.::; \!ol'v'pr-a l' (,:.• cion cl p a "",('-'nD "\",.:;l 11 a "('our'lei 1't. raba T' Sl1""1 si r·o :;.~ (.:.~ 'i' solo SC'lT"" <::"1..1<":(·.1 PiOlC.lD ri:l :i. ;:·~cui'>.d rai.".ia <:;"\",atl..l':; t.(;;,;.:-I:, condiciDn t(·:·)::.;-I.",o 1..1 c·:r'ltE· f:;I..ICC !;;UCf:·)·:;;Dr· tinle i"', C) r' .::~ ty'unc t r·urlca . . .ln uancl 1..1 r, cl f·) f :i. n f:) c.i u ~:! t 1'1..1(,.: t. f"ur·,cat(·:·) u:i.nt :i.ndE·f :i. n :i. elo unlock ci (,., ~:;. Ll 1 n n 1..1 (.:., i:>. "j' unD un}';'<:lck cl ~:.) ~::. (.:.:. mt·, a 1 a I..Ipd;:;tf~ !:; r·lTtar 1TI0r:.iE:' 1'1""1 i :;.~ aT' uor· 1..1 Y'()Ul""ld 1..1 UI""IClt. 1..1 1""1 !;; i ;:.:11""/(0cl U:-:Dr l,J Y' :i. t f::' :I. 1""1 :;';'d(·:~scY' ;(.:i.rtcluci("! ~(.~;; tdE'!::.C r Dt.hf:) r~.., i E~ ';;c r· :i. t.".l :i. 1'ln (.IEo!:;.c Y' :i. F,to r I.-,IT':i. t(·:·)V c 1..1 (,:., l' ei <:l elf> ~;;C T' :i. pt.o l' %:i. ITIIT! (,.) el i~ y~ (.:.! f 1)"1 C) el u :I (:.) !;;E' \/.:;) 11..1 f:·) cl i ~::. t. :i. n t ',} '::' 1 Cl r ViOl l' '::1 The ITiUst l' (.".' n cl :i. do c) prO~T'am fi T'"':;t ID~ T"" UCl ut.T'unc \.-..IT' :i. tE) omF" 1"0 alto r· E·) r:.i Cl n cl (.::. ,:J r· C trunC2>.r ut. runcaclo (·:)<;'.C"i"':i. (:.l:i. T' ~:)<:;C T' :i, i:·.l :i, r·v :i IYlITI(,·'i:.i:i.ato rf·)ff::' T""pnc i i:1 IYlndu 1. a c·DITlf>nt.a r· :i. 0 'v' ,:>. r :i. ant. f;) T' (") IT! itself is :i. n,.,j VP1'~ F!as~ to in tn a terminal attachF!d to thF! VAX clu·::;t(·:·,y' (. Once this is done the command followin~ must be entered into a lo~in command file. 1; t Y" a n~; t ::==:: <t>b~:.u'l;u <;'.f:' i'? ! r: oO...J ,,; <:; t. f~(.'·' 1 ::I m;:l ,.i • f' ~< F' The word "trans" can be that the done the t~: replaced bs can run the word Once t . hi .:::. user feels comfortable with. user ans translator b~:.. 'j ,::. <;:. i mF,1 ':1 to the . p:j.n:::l. $trans <filename.ext The "filename.ext" is tran~,.lat.or • the input file The extension IS not necessars if it is 11.< .PAS, since that IS the default extpnsion. must. F'recE'ijE' th(:·; :i.nput f:i.l(·:·' l"!i'''Il,E-' ti'I~:\ Or' F'rO!:.Ir-<:llYl n .I:i.ll 1.,. After this command has been iS5Uedy the pro~ram occur sc Y' (.:.:. f:' n wIll perform the translations. durin~ in compilation, thes Enf..lli,,;h~ but \..J:i.ll in the compiler listin~. object file fDr linkin~. Jf i:.l(.'~ t h (!., J f.;;; n '::1 (.:.:, ¥' r 0 I' ~;; will tr;:"n<::.J,:>,t.(.'·\iJ t.n P j'" 0 ':.! l' a IT, :i. ~:,. ~~F';:ln:i.<:;h tD be /::jo+::* * :; * F' '::!. ~::. t ~~, 111 r[)~.:!. n ·::i HI (;~ ram namE) Spanish Pascal Translator IT,a:i.n :>I:: * F' Y'o!:3, * Df:'<::criptiol"l * r::'-ITiI1tE' r :>I:: :>I:: :>I:: :>I:: * * *:+: T h :i. '3 :i. -::; t h F' IYt ,'l :i I"t fun c t i Cl n D f t h :i. <:; F' Y" D ~.'.i '('. ,,,: I'll • I '1', declares the variables used, and is the Clnly l' u n c t :i. 0 n :i. n v () I ~) (.;:' cl :i. nth f.' (:., ',; (,., C I. It, ion 0 f' t. hE:' t;:l <=; k ~' and calls the nther subfunctions involved in the processinS of the task. This proSram acts as a Spanish to EnSlish Pascal : col1tPuter lanSuaSe translater. It takes as input a program written usins the set of Spanish Pascal kE'\:ll"tOY'ci!:>!1 l.hat hav(;~ !:.lE·~('·'n d(·~rivE~d fT"Olll th(·:> En~1Iic',h set, and translates into an EnSlish version that can be compiled bs the resular Pascal compiler. ()nce the proSram has been compiled, bs the proSram, th(::~ F,pn~:!ram tT",n<:;l' t.,hE' .I...I~:; f:i.l(;·) !.'.lack :i,nt.o ~:~}'·"i:lni!:;h,. Not on1':! ,:>ore tht':' ke-:.>~:IW()rds t.l·'<'ln!::.latpcl back into Spanish, but also ans conpilation errors that ha'Jra occu 1" Y·(·:,'ci 1,..' :i, 11 i'll !:;o bf." t. ran,,; I at (::.)ci :i. nt.n it< * * * * * * :>I:: ::{< * * ** * Linkage ** * * Last update * Mod i f i cat :i. on ** t ** * * * * :>I:: ::{< F~~;)tuT'n H :i. ~:; : This fUnctiCln calls the-:.> functions to translatp from Spanish to En~lish. It compiles the new English vepsion, and thpn calls the rClutines to translatp the compilpd input proSram back into ~:;}··:·':ln:i. -::;1'1. n ( ,'i r~Jc y a T'~:.!V ) i nt a p!:1c ; char tBY':=JV[::I; HI8 i codi--~~:> 01":1 * * * ****.1 4.12l 4.1:.:>2 4/213 4/30 ~.'j/:1. ~:) /~S ~:)/:I. :I. 5/:1.4 5/:15 <~::. t,. ci :i, () • h > linclude <ctspe.h> lirlclude <descrip.h> :0= :i. n c ] '. i c.l E~ 'ft:def:i. !"If' YE~:;:I :1I:r:.iE~f:i.nE' N() Idefine SIZE 100 0 T':.!Pt:·'cl :i. n funct i O!", DpbuSSe-:.>d PY'oSram until it compiled with no p J" 1'0 Y'~::.• Chan~ed the-:.> r'~:llinS procpduJ"Ps to CHECK_WORD anci I Nf:lF'FC I ,~L.. Adde-:.>d c.nme comments. Adde-:.>d code to compile the translatpd vprSlCln. Added thp call to TRANSBACK. Added the call to TRANSFRR. Chansed the callin~ procedures for TRANSBACK an(1 TF\('~N~:;ERR ,. Put in more comme-:.>nts. /::{< '::' tancia y'd :i. nF'ut/ CJutF'ut df..'C' I.", Tat, i nn~:; */ / :;1< ."' t l' :i n '.:,j IT! ,::: n i F' '.11 at :i. n n f!J 1"1 C t :i. ClI', <=:. a 1"1 d mi:i C T' C) ,,:. / t f C) r ab i 1 :i. t\,~ to !J!:;t':' nCL (~'DI1'llli'lr·"j,,; *- / /* . .1(;,' f :i. n f:·' (:.\ */ f n r f:> ;:i ':; :i. (:.:, r 1.1 <:; F' 1..) :i. t h i nth (.) ::., Y' C) <.:,i r' a IT, t . ' defil"lpd fop easier use within the pPo~ri'lm tl /::{< ck''f''inE'ti t.o !:H:'~ 1..1<5(-;)1.'.1 foY' l.hE' in:::. ut arT',';',1 *.1 /* rnain(arScv arSv) Iii< nl..lmi·.".l~:·~ r- clf a r !.:.';I..1I1I~:'nt~;; :i n "\"..h(·:·:, C o ITI In a 1""1 cl 1 :i.n(·:·:' il<1 :i. nt a l"'!.:.!c;: chaT' :ti:lr!.?v[::I;: Iii< arra~ holdin~ the arSurnel""lts from the command line -{ FILE *fin~ :tfout; cha T' c f F' r(,·)vc;: for :i.nput and DUt.r:'l..It. f:i.l~:\<;; *1 \J,:lr-iahli':' fCIT' th!-:-~ :i.nput char-i:lct. (·:~T' -"!nij l.he character- pr-eviol..lsly input :tl Iii< vay'ial:.ll(O~<:; ;* l:t counters and a control :i. nt i? n, z , i ncolY!; SDESCRIPTOR(command,"PAS/LIS SPAN"); Iii< U~;;e(:.l to C (\ IntT, i:HH".I ar-ra~ is the ..y\.1 DCI P~.;(:~cut(·:·~ COITIF' :i. 1 e :t. I * all the reservej words, used by VAX Pascal. The iI< :t words appear in both upper- and lower case? since Vax Pascal :t iI< IS net case sensitive. il<1 I:t. This .J.- / var·:i.ahl(~ ar-ra~ iI< identifiers and special static char containin~ ke~wor-ds *re~ke~[::I=-{·and·~"arT·ay",Ube~in",·ca<;;e","col""lst",·div", "do·,"downto","else","end","file","for",Hfunction", " !.:I 0 t c). , " if· !' • :i. n" , " 1. a b E·~ 1 " f • Ii, 0 cl· , " not" !! Dof· , " 0 r· \' " P i:l C k F' d" !' " F' 1"" 0 C (':~ (.11..1 r· (.:., " , " F' l' Ci : .:; T' i:llT, " , " 1"" E' coT' d " , " T' (,~ F' (.:.~ i:l t " , II ·set","thel""l","tCi","t~pe"'"l..Intil","var·,"while·,·with·, "ahs.,"add_interlocked","address",Ubin","bitnext", "bitsize","card","char","chy·","clear_interlocked", nclockn,"clo~.p","cDs","date·,"deleteU,"dispose", "dol..lble","eof","eoln","establish","exp","expo", " of' ·::l :I. 5 c·~ " , " of :i. 1""1 (I" , "f :i. n (j k " !' " '.:.1 \:.~ t . " '} " hal t " !' " h f· >: :i. n (i f·);-( " II , II , "input·,·int","inte~er","len~th","linelimit",":l.n·, "locate","lower- ,"maxint 8 ,"new","next","nil",·oct", "D(".ld· , "ClF'f:~n" , "or·d· , " Dutp'..I"t" , "F'<;lck pa.-:.l" , F'<··.<:\(:~" , "pred","","Quad","Buadrl..lple","read","readln H , I U , " r f':- i:l (.j v·, • r (,.~ ~:; (.:., t " !:; C ·1:, .... k " , • r c·~ v fl T't :i. n .. !} " ';; in!.:.! 1 I:'~" " , • l"' (\ S E' t :i. n t (.:.) r 1 0 c k E' (".1" , " ~;;. " , .. , " <:; II H r· E~ {.) r :i. t (~ " , • r 0 unci" , :<~ E:· , • S ".j !:1:1. " , "':; G Y' • i , !}"<::.ucc", ·t(:·~;<t", "tim!'·", "tT'I..Ii'::" I' "tT'l..Inc·, n d .. y "1..1 i n t " !} " 1..1 n () (,.) f :i. n !:.~ d .. , " 1..1 n 1. C) C k • , "1..1 not " , ·!;;C~T't", "!:;ti:ltl..l~:;" • -1:.. T' 1..1 n cat E'" , • 1..1 2 "l..Inpack"'"l..Insi~ned"'"l..Ior","update","upper"'·l..Irol..lndn, "utrunc","uxor 8 ,·write R,"writpln",·wr-itev·,"%descr", • %:i. 11,,11 (,~ d " , 8 ~{, :i. n c 11..1 d c' " y " :x. T' (,., f·, ":.: . ~;; t (:.1 f.~ s C T'" I' • IT, 0 d I..f :I. f~ .. , ·othp'·wise","rem·,·value·,"var~inSR,"AND",·ARRAY", • BEG IN" , " C,; ~:; E " , " CCl Nf:)T " , " DH) " , UDD " , • II Cl Wr-rr CI " , "F I... ~3 F " , "END·!} "FII...E" !.' "F~DF;:"!, "FUNCTION", "GClTD", "IF", "IN", "LABEL","MOD","NOT","DF","OR","PACKED","PRDCEDURE", "PRDGRAM","RECORD","REPEAT",·SET","THEN",UTO","TYPF", ·UNTII...·, .'...J,'ip., " !",JHII . F " , "t<.IITH", " (1Hf:;" ,·AOIl .... INTEr,I...DCI<FD", "ADDRFSS","BIN","BITNEXT·,"BITSIZE","CARD","CHAR", "CHR","CLEAP_INTERI...DCKED","CLOCK","CLClSE","COS", "DATF",·DEI...FTE",·DISPOSE","DOUBLF"Y"EOF·."EDLN"~ "ESTABLISH"y"FXP","EXPO","FALSE","FIND","FINDK","GET", "HAL1","HEX·,"INDEX","INPUT","INT",8INTEGEP","I...ENGTH", "I...If. .Jr:::I...I~1IT", DI...N"!} "LOC(.lTF"!, "I...CJI}JFF~",' "~1t;XINT", "r~EI,J", " N[: X T" '} "N 11... " , "0 C Til, " 0 n1"1 n !} " nP F N " , " () ~~: D· , " () U T F'I.1 T • , a F' 10 CI·;;" "PAn" , "PAUE" , "F'r~ED" !} • PUT" \' "DU(.UI" ~, "ClUADfUH:'LF" !' "F~[J)D" " "PFADI...N", "P[(,:,Dt)" ,"I~:Ef:)FT" '} "F~F!:;FTI':;·, "F~E'·')FF'T", "r~FI..IPTTE"!} ·~:;FT .... TNTFF~I... Cl('I{FI:t", "nIN", ·SINGLE" . "qIZF"!} DSNGL","SClR","SQRT","STATUS","SUCC","TFXT","TIME", "THUC"!} uTPUNC 8 !} "TPUNCATC" , "tH1NIt"!, "UJNT", "UNJIFFINFD", • UNLOCt.:; a !} "!.lNOT", " I...INP,'iCI< " ,"tIN(:;IGNFD", "UnF~", "UPDATE"" " UF' P F F;: !} • II fW 1.1I\1l:J" !} " 1rn;: 1..1 NC " • "U)( np • • "bJ PIT F " !' "('J F' TT F I t·p , "I"IF:TTF'·.)" \' ":.:::DF!:;CP"!' " 'X: If···ii"IF:O " :} ":.:('TNCl...tlftF" !.' "%F'FF"!, "F;:ClUND"" Q !' il<1 II /~!:)TDF.::~:;n~ n ~, • MOntH. F" , • OTHFPI..nHF "',)(.IF.:Y I NG")- v - 1* * * ~:; U , • F(Fpl" , II ')()I..UF II ;' * * */ This a1'1'all contains the corresponding Spanish reserved worrl~. idE' n t, :i. f :i. (,.) r <,; < Th f.~ t:'!! n t. r :i .:.:., '" CDr r (.:., ~,; F' D n c! cl ire· c t :I. I:'. t D t. h p T' (.:.) ~:,. (.:.) r v (.:., (! I..J Cl r cl ~,; :i. n t. h (.:) F n !.1l :i. ~:. t·, .,:~ T' r ,:~ \::1 <. a 1", (! tat :i. C c h a r * !:.}"". ,:~ n k (.:.! H I:: ::I ::: -( " \::1 c:! " I' • <:; (,.! )'" :i. e" I·' " E·' mF' (,.' :.:.~ a T' " c· U C· i:~ .:,:. D· I' " C C) n ~:; t ...:,~ n t (.'1 " c' " r:.J :i. 'v' :i. ~,; :i. 0 nUl' " hac (.:., Y' " v " 1:.1 i:l ..i ,:l Y' a " y " 0 t r <:' " c' " f :i. n • , H,:>'l" C h :i. 'v' 0 " I·' "por",·funcion","i1'a","si","en","etinuet3","modu:l.o·, " no" , " r:.l f~'· y U 0 ()" I' n :I. :I. (-) n n " , • F" T'D C (.;) ('.1 :i. m:i. (.:, n t. 0 II V • F" l' Co ::.:.i y-..:::: 1"1, i::" I' "E'xpediente","rE'peti1''',"engasta1''',''pntonces",''aa'', • t :i. f:' D II , " h.::::" \. . ::>,"?" ....-' .::; T' :i..::~ t.l 1. P " ? "ITI :i. p n t 1",~ <:; " , II C n n " , " ,,,: i:.l !:,. 0 1 1..1 t. (", I' " i:l n a d :i. Y' .... t T' a i:.l i:>. T' " , " 1.'1 :i. 1" C'· .... c' i D I", 1:.\ 1. n .::>. 1" :i. 0 " , "t1"ozop1'oxima", "trnzotamano","ta1"..ieta", "c31'acte1'''' "car"y·cla1'ot1"aba1'",ul"plo..i","cerra)"'","coseno", • f (.:; chi:>. " , II t i:l C 1"1 d r" . I (.:.:. r- • ., II . . .! D b :I. (t., U , II f :i. n d par' C' h :i. v 0 II , " f :i. 1""1 c! f.:' :I. :i. n (.:., ,:>. II I' n E' ~,; t a i::o :I. e c (.) r" , • (-) >( F" 1'" (.:.:. <:,. :i. () n" , II ,:.:, C) 1"1 (t.' 1"1 C "i. ,,-:t " ., "f a 1 ~,;C). I' "(·:·'ncont '(',:l r II I' II (::'neont. r·':l 1'k" c' • obt.(·:~n" 'f"" , • :::"i:,. ra T'· I' II h (.:.);< :i. i"i " ,. .. j. 1ft ,:>,:1 • I' " :i n ('\ i c (.:~ • , • p n t.. l' ad;:l II 9 1"1 t" ~ II (:., 1"1 t. r-: .o r· o· ~ II H , !I ..: ; • , . ,. H ('., • ] (", n ~:.! i t IJ (:.\. ~ " 1 i n (.:.) a 1. i IYI i t p" c' " '1 .':::: r' :i. 1ft Cl n ,:j t 1..1 T'.::>.1 • ). ulocalizar",Uinfp1'ior" "1ft3ximopntr-::.oro","nu8voH, • P T' n ;.( :i. 111;:>'· I' • n i:l ,': ".,. net.. i'l 1. • \' • :i 111 P ;:j l' • , R ,::j h 1" :i. 1"" I , R D l' ('\ i l"t a 1 II " F" C) 1"1 ('.\ "(". II , " C'.I;:>' ci r i,l t :i. r:~ 0 " J (:., (.:., r . /" , • '('. E' ·:'l '. i 1..1 <::, t. a r- II • • RC 1..1 .,:l d r' 1..1 :::.. :I. I:' " , • 1 F' E·' T' I :' II 1 E·' t:" r' 'I. n· I' "\l n 1 \J (.:: ['..:::: " 1 t. E' r D " , • ":. i:l 1. 1 ,:l " :' • <:; C) 1 n· Hc"()r",c.f·!.c·i()r"t"~) II~;:.I..IC(:';'·:::.(·· _,n" • t. r 1..1 n C .::j dO" " " :'.:' ~::. t·, 1 n c;.' .I Eo a +r II I"i (" .::>. T'" ~ 1"" " ). " un (') I "l'ilorl(·:) r'n:i :;'~i'>..,..• ~ ";:l:1 " (", <:; c r :i. f:.l :i. Y' " , " (.:., ',:. C " ., " T' (t:. i:l ....i 1..1 ~:; t a .... k " ·T'eescr-ihi1'""."redonJe31'"","en~astar • .,::. 0 9 I' " t . n I )' R ..': : ,.'.1 I'" nl. F~>~tnH "~·)()1·an~} 1.1 C:!· 9 " I. I P 1"1 t. E' a 1" " T'f:'r:.lnnijpa r " r :i. i·.'.l :i. r I,.. , " , " (.:.) <::. C r 0 !I , 'F.~r·;~Cln ~ 1I ...... II :i. 1"1 ci (,~ fin i ci n" , ~:; :i. n f i .,.. 111.::1 T" • \' " 1..1 0 " "l..It Y'l.Inci:l 11 " " ' .. 1>::0 l' :i. i:.l :i. l' \I " II " . . : '.. ::. Ii': r :i. F' t. 0 r' " ,. 1.'1 (,.) <:; P 111 b i::: :I. "1..1 y ~~aba1'"","st:"no", r ;:>. ('.1 u • , II r .:,; :i. :.:.~ C 1..1 a ('I T' i:l ('! a " , y " :.' '.' R 'J ":i.mmed:i.ato",lIcomprenJidn","~efe1'"pnci.a"y " C I .I f' Y' cl ,~ d (-'.:. <:=. c rip t.. n r" , U ITI c' ':. J a • 'J • d :i. <:; t :i. f'I t. n" , " c n ITI e n t.. a r :i II .J " \I:::: T"j .' , ,t i e.:.· 9 II YY II , • SF 1:< I FRy " F MP F Zp, F( • y n C,6,~; Cl" y 0" , • v.::>. 1. 0 r· uCONST~NTF·,IIDIVISInN·y·HACFRR?·BAJARA"yIOTPO"~IFJN·, P 0 H· , • F U i'··j C ION • ;! • T~~; (.:1 " ~ • S J • ). • F N " !' " F TTl) I.! F T (':) " I' "MODUI..O","NO","DF"."OO","LI..FNO·,"ppnCFDIMTFNTO·, ·PROGRAMA","FXPEDTFNTF","REPETJR"."FNGASTAP", " (I F: C H T l) () " I' " " F NT Cl N C F~;" , " (.:) A·, "T TP () " ~, " H tl ~:) T A " , • l) (':) P T(.:i B L F " , " t'i TF N T I:~ (.:1 S 8 " "CON" c' "PIFl~;DLUTC;!I·· " B I i\1 (1 P T C)" 1\ C (l P tl C T F F' "C()~)FNO H , "(.,r···.li':)DIF: .... TF·(.lF~t,F·", "DTPFCCTClN" c' T F: D :7 D F' F' D X I MI~) " , • T F~ D 7 n T i':) Mt) r· ·) n • • • T t) F: J F TAd , C {i F:" • • C1 (1 F: 0 ... TF;; i':) B ('1 P • !' "I:~ F I.. D. .!" c' "C F F'I:~ (, P " , "FFCH(,:)" " "T (:,CHt,F~ II '.' "n J ~;PClNFF~" , "DOBL F " , I' " 11 IJ " "FTNDFAPCHTVn"."FINDFI..INFA","FHTABI..FCFP·,RFXPPFSION", "FXPONFNCTAL","FAI..SD"y"FNCONTPAR","FNCONTPAPK", " c) B T F !. .) FR' I' " I::' () F: (.:1 F;:" .' " ,., F X I DF C J r I':) L " I' " TN D TCF·)· "F N TF.: If.) Dr':) " , "FNT·, nFN'TFF:(')" I' "LClNGTTUD", "LINFAI...TMTTER, "L.n(-)(,PTMClt··!tlT'JF'(.:ll.." , "LOC(.:ILTZAF~·, "TNFFF~IOP" c' "MAXTMDFNTFRCl","NUFVO","PROXIMA","NADA","ClCTAI.." I T t'l P (':) R" , " PI nr; J P " , " () I;: DT N t,1... " , "~:; (.:) L. TD(.:1 " I' • I... L. F i···.1(':'1 F;; II , " C D..1 Ti···.I • , IlPAGINA" yIlPPFDFCFSClR" , "PClNFR", "CUADRATTCO·, "CI..\{~lnHLlpL.F" I' 11 L ELF 11 9 "I...FFF:LI'--.I" Y • L.FFF;l)" , 11 F?Ft~..JU~:nAF:" , HRF,~J!J~:;T(..IF(I<H, 11 '.}!]I.I.)FI:?t.l " ',' uF.:FF~:'CF;:TBIH" I' 11 Fi'F:nONDEt-,P" , " F N D (1 ~:; 'r () r; . . T F? An f:':j p" ~ • SF N nil., • ~:; Cl L. T F F;; n c' • T A 1..1 .. tl· ? " r-; 0 L. 0" v \ II I' "CUADRADO"vIlRATZCUADRADA","CONDICTDN"~RHUCFSDPII, UTFXTO",HHDRA".u')FPDAD"y"TPUNCADO",nTPUNCAP","UY", T NIrFF 1 N J Df]· y "OF~:;BL.ClDUF(:lF: " , " 1..INCl " \. "DFSFMBAI..AR" ' "STNFIRMARIl."Un" ,"MODFPNTZAp·,"AI..TCl" , " UF: F II f) t···1DF AH II UTP 1.1 i'J C,:~ DOli .' 1.1 XD·, " E ~:; CF: I BII:;; " , II F ~::; Cf.: I r: TP Lr··.' "F (:; C' F;; THTr;: lv' DF ';;; CFo: TP T0 F;; I II Th i"1 En I If.) Tn c' "UFNTFF?D H )' " II '.' II 'J II U , • 9 II " CU (I I::' F' [ i'! n I n Cl" ~ • F~ F F' F F;: F N C I A·? ,. C l.J [ F~ D t) n F f:; C I:~ r P T DP n l' "~10DUI .. ,~" ,,"fI:r~:;TTNTn·? uCnMFNT()I:~I()· y uUAL.ClF:"? "l,),~PIt,NTF"}~ I i :::: Z 0:: 0 /* i f /* 1* .~ ~, -1:.. h f·) -1-,0 >- 1) (i:::r~.\c (: C) u n t :i ::;(·:·)1. t . 1'1 (,.• po:; to a prev~ IJ I::. ~':; C Y" "l Y" ~',~ I..! In (0:.) I", t funi.:t,ion if Set ./ * s ~ :i. F' t, f :> :1 ~:; I' 1"1'1',(':"1":; 0 T' meanin~less 'I', h (0:.:, character :i. n F' u t. tl U f f :t: / p l' +, h (,.) 1"1 c.:::::1 'I. :t: / t.., z=set_def~ult(ar~c'2r~v,Rfil"l.&fout); /* if an :i. f t.j·"! ;:::t ·:::·D :in thE> inF'ut <:;t.T'p<'lm, DCC'.I·i'·o-r·cl noth i n<.:~ ~,.J :i. l:l 1:)(.:.' (,·~~-:f-:'cut(·:·'ci :;~ <:;(.:.,t, */ :t. / (z) ~., ./k /t ha·:;:. (':-;1''1'01' ./:t: t, co F. DF r()\.'c'=:[OF;) T ,;.:,:::, ",!! 2:+, thr' nul.I~~ T' J.lnt lOO1'" :i. 1 thp cha T'2C-l-..<:·) r i <:; :t../ th~:~ [DF character :t./ while (prevc I~ [OF) && «c=f~etc(fjn» != [OF»{ l:t. :i.f t.h(:·' ch.::::rClct,f·)r :i.~:; 2 char',,,:ctF'Y-' OY" a ;:'1' th(,~n :it:l< start of 2 keyword, so the chpck_ is call~d to determine if it is 01' :t: * could be the * wrd function * *./ :t. not :i. f (.:' a' -::: :::: (c c = -::: :::: I 7 I ) : : ( I (., I -::: :::: c:- & & c -::: :::: I 7 I :::: .' I : : , • If the rharacter is not a character or %y then could be the be~jnnin~ of a commenty strin~ 0 c Co 1', '::; t . <:~ nt, ,. T h (.:.:. in':::, :::, (.:., c i ·::l I f 1..11", C t :i. n n :i. ':;; C i:i I 1 eel to determine if any of these conditions exist ** itr * ) cher~_wrd(c?rp~key,spankey,fin,folJt); F.. r"(0VC· It &l? c C /:;~:'){ =::::= * ** *1 ., ..r 1* If the files were successfully openE>d then they to be closed, the translated pro~ram will be compiled, and then translated back throu~h a call to transback * need * * :i.·f * * * *1 (! ~.:~ ) -( fe 10<:;(':" (foul.) ~ 'f c: :I. D S 1'-:,\ ( f :i. n ) ; libSsP2wn(&c:-ommand); z=transback(ar~v,re~key,spankp~); '\ . •J I:t: If the first three parts of the * * into successfu:ll~ pro~ram have been completed, the errors are translated Spanish if (!z) '\ ..' . z=transerr(ar~v); * * *1 *1 - ::¥. ~:; ':::~ ~:; t . (.:.~ m n i:l fYI (,.~ * P r·o':.! T'i:lfYI Spanish Pascal Translator chF·ch .... ~,J T":.I nalYl(,') :I<: ::j( **- J P 1'0<:1, r';:lIYII1iP r' * I);::' * * ** ***- •• *- I...inki:l!.:.i(·:·) -1:..1..1 l' 1""1 a~:;t s h f:) t. (.:., e Dat(·:): ll~' ~j/:I. 9/06 chpck_wrdCch,reSkes,spankey,fin,fout) char ch,*reSkes[],*spankps[]; FILE *f:i n, *fout. y "I. <:3 ~::. t C () 1.1 (:.• ':;. C' h ,:; r' ;:\ c t. Err E'! a cl f T' 0 111 t. h (::. :i. n put f i I r:.' ~.:j/:\' ~.'i.lnf.; uF··dat(-':· t~o.:.lifical.:ion ::I< ~:; f? p : This function rpads in charactprs until a : nonalphabetic character is rpad. As thp characters are read thes are placed into a buffp 1"'., I;Jh(·:·'n a nona:l. phal:.l(:·:t :i. c ch;:l r;:lct.(~~ r is enc~untered, the function calls thp skescfYIP functiDI""I to compare the char~cter strins to the existins Spanish keswords. ;}.: *** F: (.:., * I... * H:i. * *l C) to r':l Tsppd in function nebu~~ed proSralYl until it cOlYlpiled wit.h no '::) l' l"' Cl l' ~:; • 4.1?D Modified fol"' one letter words Added somp coml1ients. 4.130 ~5/1~) Pl.Jt in '"flO r'f:~ C'ommpnt.s. 4.121 : 4.122 ***/ 1* stal""ldard input/output dpclarations *1 fincludp <stdiD.h> lincludp <ctype.h> :11= d (~! f :i. fI E·' y[~:; :1~I.J;:::f :i.I"IE· /t 1 0 manipulation functions ~nd macros t / 1* dpfinpd fCl1' easipr usp within the pro~ralYl */ 1* defined for easier use within the PT'ClSram *1 ND SIZr::: 100 :H:;:.i(:· strin~ /* defined to be used for the input arras check_wrdCch,l"'eSkey,spankey,fin,fout) char ch,*re~keYr],tspankpYr]; 1* arrays holdins keywords *1 1* and alphabetic character *.1 FILE *fin,*fout; /*pointel"'5 to input and output files *1 -{ ch.::< "('.:;Iet!':) r to put :i nput. cha "I'act!!:: r :i. nt.o *1 1* and al"'ras to put charactprs into for */ .It comparison :in skeycmp */ /::j( :i.nt ...i y It ;::j( Set j contl"'ol variable */ to :\., put the P3sspd charactpr into the buff Pl'. * T h n t.. act. f t hf: :i. n t. character :is not alphabetic. When this * ',:; k (-:! r t :i. n NUL. Ltc-' T' :i. n t . n T' the buffer ** Return the last character rpad. ~:~ :;.:.~ E' (~h i:>. l' (~, T'~:; l' OIYI F' 1..1 f"i.]' (.:.' u 1"1-1:.. :i. 1 l.hi·" :I<: \~ C In F' ...i ::: aft (:~, put <:~ i:i :I., [0::1 ::::ch;: whilp «cha=f~etc(fin» 1= EOF)-{ f ( .: " a.' <: :::: C /-'1 ;:>. & & c h a <: :. '~-::. / ) : : ('A' <= chs && cha <= 'Z'»{ ITI ;:>. OCCUl"'S, call t h!':! f!! n':.I [) f ,:1 t *- * * *- * */ */ 1:,11..1 f I:: j J .. c h ·::l ; ...i++ ; F·l-::.(·:·!{ - I:.iuf[j] ::: '\O"; i·:·"·1,Cmp (1:)I.lf ~ rptl..l T'n ( cha ) ; ~:.k r("~~3k('~~!, sp<:~nkE~~:!' fout) ; 'x.I } !* * * If the ne~t character read happens to be the EOF, then send the one passed character to skeycmp F:: (0" t 1..1 r nth i,) 1. a!;;· -\:, c h <:l T' i:l C t. ~:.~ l' T' (:~ a cl • l.)uf [..3::1 ::: '\0 " ; ske~cmp(buf,reSkey,spankey~fout); r·c'-!:..u r-n '\. .! (Ch;:i ) ? * * *./ - />,\(*>,\( * f:; In n a ITI (.:.:, * P r·o:'.'.l am nalll(,'! **' P r a l'ilIYI r- Spanish to ':! '::. t. f·' T' 0 ~.:l .Joseph Steele (.:.! Date: 5/19/86 This function is c~lled in the event that a cOlTiment has been encountered durin~ the execution of the pro~ram. This function will ~et characters and print them out until the end of the comment, It then returns the last character read so theprn~r-am c~n use it as the previous cha r'acti':') T'. D(·:"s;c T' :i. pt :i. on >,\( Pascal Translator :i. nCOmlTlf:)nt l' *- [n~lish * ':jc: ::+: * )\( t t L.:i. n k a !.:.l ,~:, :::'o:l.n-l:.·0'1') ~ >,\( * * ** ** Last upclat. * Mod :i. f i c t :i. * Hi',:. t. r * F'ut >,\( F~f·!tUY'n FILE :I<:i.nfilepointer.:I<outfilepointer; ('1'1,,>, r ch.::! T'ac·te 1'; char- incomment(prevchl :I. ,:>, ,::. t coclr·!,::. ,!l 0 ~.:j/:t p 0 rI '::! ;t. C' h.;::: i' .::; C t. ('-' ." r p cl d !::.i/B6 in function added the pointers for the output and :i.n 4/2:J. 4/2B T~ped ~)/:I. !:.'.i added more commpnts *- ***/ :!J: :i. n c 1 u i.:i f~ -::: s -1'., ci tinclud0' <ct~pe.h:::- ~1:dE'f YES 1 :i. nE~ :i 0 .:. h:::- :1I:r;j(::., NO :~ cl (.:! f SIZE :1.00 :i. n ~:! 0 /:1< standard input/out~ut declarations >,\(/ /:1< ,::. t. r' :1 1"1 <:; n! ,:; nip u 1 at. ion ·f u net :i. 0 n ~::. .:,>, 1'1 ci ITI ,:l C l' C) <:; :I< / /t Cif!!f :i. npd for e<'>.',;i f) r ~"ithin t . hE' r:' ro:<.:! T'anl t/ /t ,j(·:·)f i !"it?d for- f::'~ {:!. -::; i '=' T' 1..1 ~~~ F:' 1"lith:i.n th(::, F·' Y"(JS T'(:~ITI tl /:« df:.,f i I"tPcl t.o 1.'.1(':" IJS(·:·)ci foT' th(·:·:, inpl..It a r- T'('l':! t/ u~:;p incomment(pT'evchyfin,fout) FILE tfin. tfout; /t filp pointprs passpd from thp main function char prevch; /* characteT' passed from the main function t / */ -( ehal' ch; :i. nt i ncoITI; :i.I"ICOITI ;;:: YES; b~ funct.ion */ boolpan to dptermine if the char2ctprs being / t read in are still within t.he comment t / /* charactpT' to rpad in />,\( /t set thp boolean variable to t.rue t / It if the character- is not EOF 8nd is still within the commentv 1* set another character */ while «(ch~f~ptc(fin» f":'utc (ch·, fout) ; :i. f « ( F' T' (.:., '-.! c h :;;: ;::: t ') 1= I it. &: [OF)&&(incom»{ (c h ;::: :::: ') I ) ) if the end of the comment */ It is encountered, set incom */ to false. Move the character tl / t into pr-evch for later comparisons ( /* '* */ ch */ */ incom = NO; prevch = ch; } returnCch); } 1* return the last character read *1 ;*** ** Ssstem name ** Pro~ram name Spanish to Joseph Steele Pro~rammer ch?racter=instrin~(character?infilepointervoutfilep FILE *infilepointerv*outfilepointer; char character; char instrin~(prevch); last character read 5/15/86 YES 1 NO 0 SIZE 1 00 char prevch; { = Tsped in function Added the pointers for input and output Added more comments 4/?8 5/1 5/15 tinclude <stdio.h) linclude <ctspe.h) instr Date: 5/19/86 This function is called in the event that a strin~ is found durin~ the execution of the main function. This function will ~et characters and print them out until the end of the to the main to be used as ~he previous character. linka~e char ch; int instr; Pascal Translator instrin~ * * Description ** * * ** ointer); * * ** Return codes * Last update * Modification * Histors * * ***1 Idefine Idefine Idefine En~lish 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* *1 defined for eas] er use within the pro~ram defined for eaSIer use within the pro~ram defined to be used for the input arras 1* 1* file pointers passed from the main function last chararter read from the file standard input/output declarations strin~ manipulation functions and macros *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 1* *1 holds the character read by this flJnction boolean variahle for jf the rharacters read are still within the strin~ *1 1* YES; intializ0 variable to TRUE *1 1* It 1* if the character is not FOF and st.ill within the strin~ put out the character if a "\" is encountered, ~et the next character and print it out while «(ch=f~etc(fin» 1= EOF)&&(instr»{ fputcCch,fout); if (ch == ' \ \ ' ) { ch = f~etc(fin); fputc(ch,fout); ~ ~ *1 } else { jf Cch instr = , \. , NO; ) 1* 1* *1 if the character is a ·v the end of the strin~ has been It reached, so set boolean to FALSE *1 *1 *1 *1 } prevch - ch; 1* 1* put the character into comparisons *1 prev~h ~ f return(ch); 1* return the last character rearl *1 for future *' ./*** ** S':l<:.;t.(-":.m * P o!'i a n *P ** [lpscripi:..iort * * ** ** * * I.. :i.l""lk.a<.:Je 1"" T' Spanish to n,:lIYil-.·:' ITI :i. nt.(,~ r ) Pascal TT'al""lslator :i.ncon<:; <'lITI(·:.:, Jo'::.pph Stp(·::, 1 E' r n!'.~ r aIlIHt(:~ 1"' (J [n~lish This function lS called in the event that a is encountered durin~ : constant offset bs' t . hE' p::<pcut i 01""1 of '!:-hf' Ina :i. n funct. :i. on. Th(·:·' function will ~et char~cters ond print thpm out until the end of the constant is T'eached. It then passes the last character read back to the main to be used as the previous charact. p·I' .' ; FILE *infilepointer,*; chaY' chaT'aclpT'; char incons(prpvch); * * * F:E,tU T'n * Last. * t'l (i i f :i. * H :i. t * ****1 last rhaY'actpr T'ead codE""; uPI.".lat(·:·~ c ;:>.t :i ~:; C) r' ~:l 0 ~.:i/:1 ~'i/:1. ~.:; 'include <stdio.h> 'include <ctspe.h> 1* 1* ldpf:i.nE~ /* :lJ:d(7~f ~I:d(,",'f YES :I. NO :i. nE' :i. n[~ Tsppd in function Addpd pointers foT' input and output Added mOT'e comments 4/2::'> Ct r, ~; 0 T 7.[ "100 *1 l:,tanl.".la r-el i nput/ ClI.ltF-ut d(,",c I a rat :i. on~:; strin~ manipulation functions and macT'OS *1 cipf i 1""10:::'1."1 foY" I:~:! .::~ S :i. (~.~ l' 1..1<::.(;:' \.,1 i l.hi n t.h(~ }':; rC)~.:.i T'alTi */ /* (.l(·:·'f:i. 1""1 (:·'d fDr (~~) .:~~ s i (·:·'r II<:;·P I.) th(":~ :::r T'O~:.! ram *.I ;o1(:"-(-':i ni.::ici to t:lP 1..1",(·:·:,.-.:1 for th(,"~ :i.nFut ar'ri:>":l ltV 1* incons(prpvch,fin,fout) FT I... F *f :i. n I' *f· /* f·j:l. F' PO i n·tp T'<::· F'i'ls<:;[·~d f T'OI1l th(,·' ma :i. n funct :i. on */ char prpvch; last charactpr read in the main */ 1* /* charactpr to bp rpad in the function */ /* boolean-- set t¥ stil within the constant char' ch; :i. nt :i. r,c on;; incc)n ::: /* /* YES~ :i.f char,3ct.E'T' :i.":. not. EDF print Clut thp charactpr whilp «(ch=f~etc(fin)) fpu·tc (ch 9 foul.) y :if (ch::::::::'\\'){ ch :::: f~.:.l~.;!tc ( f :i. n) ; f:::'utc (ch, fout) ; 1* 1* tll..I"1:, ';:.t,il1 1.-,""t thE' CCln~;;t.. :ll""lt. *; *1 1= [DF)&&(incon»){ ~el if thp chaT'actpT' is a "\", character and print it out *1 }- !* *1 if thp chara~ter is a '. thpl""t it marks the pnd I t of the constant. so set the boo]pan to FALSE */ *1 thp next */ (,:,~ 1 f.:, E,' -( if (ch i nCOI"1 ::;: } F' Y"(',,\,och } r(,~t,uT"1"I }, (ch) ; :::: ch ~ 1* NO? 1* 1* let prevch eQual the character for future comparisons *1 return the last character read *1 *1 /*** **- ~)'")s -1;, f:~ HI I""ti:l **- P rCl<.=.l T'am **- rllf:' nalTl€" Spanish to Fng]ish Pascal Translator ·::;pt .... d(·:·'faul t DatE~: F' T' 0 '.;.ll' alllni (.:.:. r * II (.:.:. ** * *-* ~;;. c Y' :i. F't. :i. 0 n This function t~kps the ar~ument list and spts thp pointers to the dpsirpd input fi]p. If thpre arp any problems opening the filp, a flas is spt and a messaSe is printpd to thp screpn. An input filp **- !... i nkc>.<.;.lf.' ****- R€"tuT'n codp<:. * **- La.;::. t.. **M i *' * **CI ci :;:;/:\. <j/Bf) prpceeded with a IS _(n. set.defalJlt(argc,arSv~tnfilppointpr,outfilepointer) FILE *infilppointpr,outfilepointer~ i nt. .:>. ·P!'.lc; Chelf' *aT'<;.lvrl; upcli;~t..p f i c i:>. t :i. 0 n Typed in the function and debusSpd DebugSed somp more ArJrl!'-'d ITIO f'P C()lllmE~nt<:; and chan<.;.lE·,j f.:. T' I'O r' m!'-'ssa~es. Also madp it so that if an ext!'-'nsion is not specified, it d!'-'faults "'i/l ~.;.i/3 Hi<:;tnT'~3 ~.;;/J 4 t,C) ::t:: I PA~; Added more cClmmpnts * * ***/ * tincludp (stdio.h> 'include (ctype.h> .I ;t~ci(~)f :i.I"ti!.:· :O;df!!f :i.n!'" ;n;cl(·:~f :i.I"I(·c) /* I.''\(o·,f :i.n(,::·rl fo r· /* iJf~f :i.n(,·'I.'.\ for y[~; ND :t. 0 f:;I7E :1.00 / :01< /t: <;.;. t . a "; n cl ;;>. r d t. 1" i n ".~ df-)f'i :i. n F' u -I:. / () 1..1 t i P 1..1lat. :i. 0 IYI a 1"1 rtf·:rC) t.o (.:.~ ;:~ t d (·c) c 1 i;l y-. at :i. Ci I"I~:; 1"1 f 1..11"1 C t :i. 0 1"1 ;;; ·::l n :i ,. '\. :i.nt. char' p(-:o"! z¥i~j~Pf·~r·~ t.priIP[~:)~.'j]; ;* ~: if , control var:i.ablps t:/ temporarY ~rT'ay of chaT"actpT"s PGl..lal thp nl..llYlbpT" of the command */ :i.f i is Srpatpr than 2 then print an and spt flas to :I. */ (i>:1.){ pril"ltf("Error in input :7 ;:: 1. .'\. *.1 /* lpt i /t: /* */ *; r::::O f. :i. ::::.:'l r:;.:jc· ..·:I. ;* argument list */ .I~;:.p /* fiJi':" F-·D:in+'.i'~Y''';. fY'DIYI t.h(:·' IYlain funt-i.on / t arSulYlent list count *.1 /* /* Y' Cl ~;; (.:.~ :i. (:,'l' set_def31..1It(ar~c,ar~v, FILE **f:i.I"I~**f()ul,~ int arSc; char *arSv[]; *.1 d m;;>. c r 1..1;;;(:.) 1.,..I:i.t.h:in t.he·) F' T' 0 ~.;.l T' a III 1. within the F' T' (:) ~:.l T' a III 1.lspd foT' t.h!'" :i.n~:' aT" T',a'::~ */ 0::; F' i:~ ~::, t.)I~:1 P I.J ; stre~m\n\n·); PI'I'OI' ar~l..Ill1ents lYIessa~!'" *; b!'-'sides */ th8 input file nRrne into temp. Then check to see *1 if the file name has an extension on it. If it does *1 ~opy ./* f:~ 1 !:;P f -( (? :i. 0 )' if :> 0 ; :i......... ) -( == '(') { (ar~v[i][O] for (J=O;J{strlen(ar~v[i]);J++) t (", rt, P r.: , i J ::" a r ~;l'v' I:: :i. ::I r.: J +:I. ::I ? for (,j :::: () ; j { <=; t Y' I (,~ r', ( t f~ IYI P ) ~ J + +) -{ "i. f (t':"!I"i,F' r.: -i ~I ::::::" '.') "'. . .' 1* 1* If per is not 1 then the .PAS extension must be added to the filp name *1 :i. f *1 (! F'\:~Y')-{ J::::~:; t y':I. (·:·'n ( tpmF'r.:.j]:::: I t101Y1P) :: • I ;; t. (.,~ In p I:: .j +:1 ::I::" I F·' , ;; 1:. (,~ IY1 F' r.: ~; +2 ::I :::: ! a ' ; tE'IYIP[-i+3]:":'s' ; t (:., IYI!"'" I:: ,j -+- 4 ::I :": ' \ 0 ' y } It .I Qpen the input file and span.pas as a tplYIPorarY * f :i. :I. f.-~. *.1 *1 tfin = fopenCteIYlPyBr·); *fout = fopen("spsn.pas·,·w·); 1* 1* If the '{' is 1YI1SSln~ from the input and print the error lYIessa~e *.1 strin~ set the fla~ (.:, :I. '".. E'~ -( printf("Error in input stream\n\n"); ;;,~:::: t ; "} ., .f" } 1* 1* If there were problelYls and print a messa~e *.1 openin~ the files, set the if (*fin==NULl)-( printf("Error openin~ %s as input\n\n",temp); ~.~::::t ~ } if '*fout==NUll)-{ printf("Error oF'enin~ files \n\n"); z::=:I. ; } .'\. ) Y'E·'tl..l 1'1""! (7) ; 1* retl..l1'n th8 fla~ *1 fla~ *1 *.1 - 1*** **- S':I<:;tE!m ** Pro a **- P ~.:.l Y' : Spanish to English Pascal Translator n2~1TI(::' IT, n a IT, (.:.) Dat!",: 5/1 (?/Bf.> T'Cl!'.l T'2lmlTl(':> r· *- This function comp~res the string that has been terminated with any nonalphabetic character to ~n array containing all the Spanish Pascal keywords. If the string is eoual to one of the keywordsy then the corresponding element of the F n ~.:.ll i ':; h p~! ~:; C ;:>. I k p ~:I ~~, n r' cl a Y" T' a '::1 :i. "; 0 u t F' '.1 t t D t. h p temporarY file in place of the Spanish keyword. Df"'::;cr'iF,-I:,ion :1< *" ::f:: *- * **11:: >1 I... i nk.::igf.·) *:1< lI< * Pf·)tU *lI< I... '::; t. ':;k(":"::lCfI, F' ( h'.lffp T' '.' k 0::" ':1 I,} 0 "I'da Y" ra'::l 9 CDunt;:; Y' 1'<'1'::1 ) ch.::i r- bl.lff!:~"f'[:1 *k e'::lt..Joy'da r r<:l~:l r 1 \l :i. nt c Dunl. ,:l y. T' ,:>":! [ :1 ; 'I • I· T'n .:~ CDcl(·:·'·:::. 1..1 F·' r:.l i:i -1-. (0-) ~~ lI< r1odific;:ition H :i. '::; t (J r' ~:l * * * ***/ ! Typed in function and debuggpd Changed comparison and added comments Added more comments ~.:i/:I. ~'i/8 !.=.i/lb linclude (stdio.h) linclude (ctype.h) :11: el (.:.) f i ni!.~ :I~ . . .i (;;:' f :!. n (.:" YE!3:1 N() 0 Idefine SIZE 100 /lI< ,,;tandi:>' r·(.l :i. r·,:·;' clpc 1 a rat :i. Dn~:; */ Ill< string manipulation functions and macros /lI< cif.·'f in(·:··,·.l fnr (.:., ;:l"!:; :i. (;.) T' I..I~.(.:.) w:ithi 1"', thp F' T' 0 '.:.l r- ·::lIY, )/V /lI< r:.lf-'f :i npij f r) y. (.:., ·::l 's:i (." r' U'::·f:' f.,J :i. thi n th~" p rO'.:.i r- ;:In, :"V Ill< . . .1€.:'f :i. npr:i -1:,0 r.\('·) u<:;I!.-' . . .1 fn r- thE' :i.f"lPut. a T\ r ,:l '::1 */ */ .Ill< ;:l 1',' a~:I,,; F-·a~:··:::·('" (.1 b':: thp ChE,'ck .... l:.ll..1f funct :i. eln char buf[]y*rpgkey[:1v*spankeY[]; FILE lI<felut; /* nutput fill!.-' pnintl!.-'r- */ .{ /* nubscr-ipt to the ar-r-ays and flag *1 k :::: 0; .Ill< for- pach in the kl!.-'ywor-d array *1 if *1 /* PBualy increment the appr-opriate elpml!.-'nt 1* in thl!.-' count array *1 ~ll!.-'lTIent 1* compar-I!.-' it to the string in bl..lfy */ for (J=O;J(270;J++){ if (l(str-cmp(bufvspankpy[J]»){ fputs(rpgkpy[J:1?fout); k :::: :I.; }}. 1* */ If thl!.-' character 1S not PQual tel onf-' of the :1</ :if (lid fputs(buf~fout); .\. •J /*** *S ::I< :"J r F'.,..' 0 ** Pr-o ~:.~ r i:l rr, mp l' T' 1. El r(, n "llTll':" )1< * [tp,,;c Spanish Pascal Translator n <'lIT! 1::' '"!S t. E'IT, This function dpterminE-'s if thE-' charactE-'r is the bE-'~innin~ of a comment, str-:i.n~ or constant. If it is it calls the appropriate function to handlE-' whichpvpr casp it is. It thE-'1""I chE-'cks thE-' charactE-'r rpturnpd bs thos8 functions to find if it is alphabetic or another of those sPE-'cial characters. It does this until thp character is not one of the special char-acters 01""" a ll"'habpt :i. c. :i. p·t :i. nn * * * * * * ** I... :i. :¥ * * . urn cocl€·'". »: * L.;:::<:;t updatE' * :i. f:i. cat on n';;pc-:·'c 1"1 a .. nk.<:l!.~E-' char=insppcial(c.prpvc,f:i.n,fout,re~kes,spankes); FILE *fin,*follt; char c,p1"""evc,*r-e~kE-'s[J,*spankes[]; F~;:;.'t * ~'~()d ! 5/:I."7/f:j6 Hi <:;tc'r':i Tsped in function ~5/:I. j + r.:- I'") Debu~~ed ... J.' .<.. :>I:: Added some comments. Put in more comments. ~519 * * ***/ ~:.i/ tincludE-' (stdio.h> tincludE-' (ctsPE-'.h> :11: Of:: f i rt€-: :H:clf2f:i. n(·:' :H:cic·:,·f:i.!"'IF.' /* /* /* until it compilE-'d with no pr-o~ram p)~l'ors. Y[~3 :I. NO () f:lIZE :tOO 1 "7 standard inputloutput declarations */ manipulation functions and macros /* str:i.n~ 1* */ 1* 1* df-!f i npd for E-'a~:; :i. E-' T' 1..1<:;1::.:' I,.-,I:i. t.hin the·' F' rD!.:.i T'am *1 cipf:i.f"lP(1 for' €-:;:>.,,"' I.J ~::'I·~! 1"I:i. th:i.n th(:·' F' yo. 0 ~:.l T" a HI */ /:>1< elf.·,·finp,.-i t.n t:l (-': 1..I,,;prJ for "\"..h(·:·:· i nF'ut .aT" r- a ~:~ */ ··./Br:i.abl(·? fOT' ·thf~ il·,r:'ul, cha'I'act,(·:'r ;:::1"1 el thf:' */ c h a f' act P '!' F' r (:,' \.' i C) I .I ~:; 1 ~:I i n put, f :i. 1 p F' 0 i n t p r ,,; and kpyword arrays *1 */ FILE *fin, ll<foutv c h ;;>.)" c, F' r (,:,~ ',) c !' ;1<: r E·' ~:l k (:,:. ':1 [: :1 " y *, ; F' a n k (.:" ~:I I:: ::I V "\. It perform thp Ol..ltpr loop until thp charactpr rpad is not It onp of the sF'Pcial char;;>.ctprs */ */ while«'a'(=c 1& C<='2'): :('A'(=c 1& c(='Z'):: *")): ( C' :::::::: ' ~;. , ) : : (c :::: :::: ' \ ' , ) : : (C'""::' \ R , ) : : ( ( p r f:~ v c"::::: ' ( , ) &&: ( c :::: :::: ' ( c:::::::' -(' ) ) -{ /* if thE-' character is alphabetic, chpck to <:;eE-' if it is the be~innin~ of a keyword *1 if«'a'{=c gg c{='z'): l ('A'{=c && c{='Z')l l(c=='%'» c=check_wrd(c,re~ke~,sP3nkey,fin,fout); fF'I ..ltc (c, fout) 11 It if the character is the be~innin~ of a constanty call *1 It the aPFropriate function the handle it tl :i.f 1* ( (":::: :::: ... ' \' ". ) if the character is the he~innin~ of a <:~F'F' rOf-"'f' :i. ,:,:tr·) fl.lnct. :i. on t. 1'1 f·:·' h;:lI", cl1 (:., it It t.·he if (c:::::::: strin~, */ call *1 '\"') c=instrjn~(c,fin,fout); 1* if the character i~ the be~innin~ of a comment, call /* the appropriate function the handle it *1 i'f" (c::::::::' -( , ) 0: C 'I f :i. n, fOllt) ; -{ if «prpvc == '(')&& (c=='*'» c=incomment(c,fin,fnut); c:::::i. nCDmril~::?I"I+'. el~.p .,.f· } fput,c (c, fout) ; l"€d,I"lrn (I~') ; )- -- 1* return thp last character read *1 *1 /:+::** * t ** Pl""'c)<·<:lm ** P T'D<:.! ral'fIITI(':" r *:+: * ** ~::; '::! <:, Spanish Pascal Translator f?m n ,:i mE' t ran<:;I:.l3ck 1"Ii:~IYlf:) : This is the lYiai.n function fol""' the translation of the .LIS file back into Spanish. It calls a 11 of thif:' nt.hE·' T' fl.lnct i Ol"l~:; tn F··(,' T"i"'n rl'fl th.o) ta<::.k. Df.~<::.cri)::·tion lI< * '* *t ** t * * * I... i. nk * ** Hetu rn ('o;:.i (.:.) * L. t. ('.1 +, * Moci :i. c,:::t :i. on * H :i. t . r' *t .::~ :!{; '.:.1(.:., <:. ol ~~ t .I <:; .:l ::., c, This function reads nne character at a tilYie from the input file. If the character is it. f...,lil1 c.::>.ll ,:l \"·out.:i.nE' to g'~:.,t c h 2l r ,:l C t. p r ' '; I In til ;:>. 1"1 (') n alp h a t:.1 (.'., t :i. c c haT' i:l c t E,) T' • If the character is nonalphabetic, it could be thE-' [:"'E".:;' :i.!"In i 1·1~:.i nf ,::: cOn'Irt'II'·'nt, s t T' :i.n!.:.l y 0 T' con~:; tant. Tl;f'.'r(·)f(lri:·:'~ "l fl.lnct:i.on :i.~:; c'::llli!.·)d to d(·:~tpT··m:i.n(,·) if an~ of these possibilities has occurred. transback(ar3vvre~ke~,spanke~); char non;·:·' ~:;/l'?/n{, 'f':i ~::i/3 0 !"j/4 '::! *arsv[l,treske~,tspanke~; ~:.:.i/:1. 2 ~:i/l'? T~ped in fUl"lction Debusged until error-free cOlYlpilation Adclf.',d COITlmf.~nts Added more comments t * **t/ linclude <stdio.h> linclude <ct~pe.h> /t standard input/outPut declarations lI</ /lI< strin~ manipulation functions and macros :I!:;j(·:)'f:i.l"li!.·:' YES :1. /* :1~d(:·'f:i.I"I(·::' Nn :'~dE·f :i. ne 0 SIZE :1.00 */ deinfed for easier use within the prosram t/ /t deinfed for easier use within the prosram t/ /* df:·):i.nff.';j to [.1(-:' 1..1 <:;;:,'(l for' thp :i.npllt ;:>'1"T'a'::! t/ transback(ar3v~reske~,spankey) ch?r *ar3v[J,treskes[1,tspankes[1; It arras ho]din~ the arsumpnts from thp command line */ / t thp arra~ of English kpyworris and Spanish keswords t/ .r\. FILE *inf, *outf; ch.::;:r c,r,:·r(·:~vc; :i.l"lt :i.!' I"t ~ :,:~, :i. ncom; I /t pointers to the input ~I"td output files */ /* vari~ble fur the input character and thp character previously input */ /* counters and a control variablp t; • !' /* error /* fla~ to be set if an error occurs */ Call set_Jef to open the necpssars files for this operation */ l:>l< i f .::~ n f~ 1"' r Ci Y' h a ,,; (] c cur- Y' (.:., ('1 l:>l< of the prCi~ram >l<l - :i. f (;:.~ P ::::::!' i nth f·:- :i. n F' 1..1 -1:. <:; t )". (.:., ,:lITI Y '.:J (" t.. out.. >I< l :1.) y'(·:·'\,c::::FOF? l:>l< rf:~F' (:., i:l l. t.. hE':- 01..1-1:, (.:~ Y" 1. oo}'" 1>1< thp FOF chaY'acter >1<1 I,·J h :i. 1 p « P r' r;,:- \J C I:::: F () F) & ? I .In-l:. i 1 thp ch i:l '('. ,:lctp r :i. <:; « c::::'f' '.:,i (:.~ t C ( :i. n f » I:::: >I< l F Cl F ) ) { l* if the charactpr is 21phabetic Dr a '%' thpn call *1 1* the function to check if it is the be~inning of :>1<1 1* i:l :i.f «'a' k(·:·~~::~IAIO F.. y'eVC rei <= *1 c &X c <= '7')::('(.':,' ::::::: c && c <:::: ':1.')::(c , .v =:: ".. •1 ., ..... :i.f thp rhaY'2ct0T' is not alphabetic OY' a '%', then *l /oJw *l ,',.. i t could be the bp~innin~ of a stT'in~, constant Ci:lll n':;F'c:i.i'l1 t.() fi.nd Dut. *1 /:>1< OT' cOITIITIPnt., .' I'J". " } ·fclQf:;f~(ol..ltf) fc 1. O~:;f'! ( :i. nf) ? }- ; '%') )( /*** * tPITI n"l111 * F' Y' alTI a ITI (."., *:\< P J'o:=.lraIYimeT' * Des.cT'ipt:i.on ** S\:I~::. Spanish Pascal Translator f":' l' 0 ~.:.! ,,;(."·'t .... cl.::··f 1"1 Di:>.t€~: ':; (.:., t .... d (.:.~ f ( ,,>. T' '.:J C' y .::>. yo ~.~ \1 Y i 1"1 f :i. 1 (:.~ F' Cl i 1"1 t. ~:.~ Y' v 0 1.1 t f i I (~ poi n t e l' ) FILE *infilepointervnutfilepointeY'; i nt. ;:lP<.:.ic; char *,,>. T':=lv [ ]; *:t: ** * I:::et n * I.. lr:'ci"lt,(::, * l"1oci:ifiC':lt.:i eln * H :i. t * ,:l,,; ,\:, ~:; (:.• r roy' f:l. i:l ::.:.! CD d(·:·'~:' 1.. ~:j/l,?/8b 0 '(' \:! ~.:j/8 ~V4 ~:;/:l lil"lcludp {stdio.h) lil"lclude {ctspe.h) :I~ d f:~ f' :i. f'I €.~ 4!:d(:?f:i.nE' :lJ:d(·:.,f:i.!"If>' 9/86 This function takes the argument list and opens a temporal's file with the same namp as the input file. It also opens thp .I...IS file created in the p r·(,·~v i. DU '::. <:;(."l ct. :i. on of th(:.:' I':.. T'n'.:.~ palTI eli:; :i. nput • *** I... :i.l"lki!::~§p 1..1 l' ~::j/1. '? 7 Tsped in the function and debugged Debussed some more Added more comments and debuSged some mol' ./iI< s taniJa T'rJ i nF".lt/ d(·:·'c 1 i:! Y'at :i. on<; */ ./ iI< <=.. t 'j' i 1"'1 '.:.!; IYI ,:, 1"1 :i. F' 1. 11 i;>. t i. 0 1"1 fun c t. :i. 0 1"1 !:; an cl 111 a c l' 0 SI:ZE :tOO .... r:.i f!! f <: i!l r ~.! v y :i. 1'1 f , out f ) j=' I L. E ::(<::+: i n f ~ *::+:: Cli. It f ~ ./ f j :I. i:.' ~., () :i 1"1 t P Y" ~:; f Y' c) ITI t. h (.".1 m<:~ :i. 1"1 fun t i char *aT'Sv[]; 1* arSl..lmpnt list */ * 0 f'I * ./ (. ··t. int :.:.::y i YF'(~T'yj~ char tf:'!I'II:::'[?~";] Y 1* control variables */ I::{<: tpmporaY"s arras of charactpY's *1 /:+: set. fl a i.:.! tn () )/;' I /:t: <:;/-:·:·t '1"1. a i.:'! to 0 t / ",or :i. r- :::: () ; ":: :l.; !::+:: cops thp input file name into tpmp. Th€·~n chf.·'ck to *! / t if it had a default pxtel"lsiol"l or a Siven extension */ I f :i. t has; n 0 1':' :-: ·t (.:., n <:;. :i. () n y i:~ cl,..; t h (.~ • T MF' t Cl t. h t·,) (:~ n IJ n f .I /* thp file name. If i.t does? write over thp / t pxtpnsiDI"I. *./ /* * for (J=O;J{strlel"l(arSv[i]);jtt) ti!:!IYIP [ . j ] ::" a 'j'~.;!v [:i. ] I:: ; foT' (J=O;J{stT'lpI"ICtpIYIP);Jtt){ if (tr:"I'fIP[,i]:::::::: ',. ') F' ;:,,' l' }- *./ ./iI< elr·' i nf(.":'ci fn Y' (.:.:, ;:~ .~~:. :i. (,:,'r u~:;p t...) i th:i.n th~:~ F' Y' 0 ~.:.! T' a ITI *./ /* ('.\(."" :i. nf(·:·'",.! f () Y' (.:.~ .::~ ~~:. :i. €.~ r 1..1,,;(:,' ~Jith:i.n t.h(,·' F' Y'D<.:.! r'am */ /* elf.,'i nfC:-'jJ t.o t.'lf.-' 1..1,,;(-:.:,(,.1 foy' thp input. ar- T' ,:l ':! */ Y[!:; :I. NO 0 !:; (.,~ t F: (::! ~:; :::: 1;: */ :i.f (Ipf:·r){ j ::= <:; t, T' I r~ n (t t . pm:-:·· [:.j::l :=:' t€'I1'IP[ ,.i+1 ::I::: t(!'ITIF' [.i+2] f:) 11'1 F' ) ; I I, • ' ;) F' =:: I a I ; I <:; I; L.i+ 4 ]:::: ' \ 0 ' ; t.(:~I1'Ir-:-[j+3]=:: t E·' 11'1 P }- i - (strlen(temp» tf·rlIP[:i.] 'I', E'~ HI P :::: r: :i. +:1.::1 3; ''1','; :::: 'I'il';) t I':" IYI f·> r: :i. +::.> ::I :::: 'l-''';) *inf = for-:-en("<:;","r"); *outf = fopenCtempy"w"); /* if an error has occurred in or-:-enin~ the file<:;y */ /* print a me<:;a~e ~nd <:;et the flas to 1 */ if «*inf == NULL) r-:-rintfCHError 1 1 1 , nr-:-enin~ (*nl..l·tf :::::::: NULI...» { files for transback"); } l'pt. U)~n(::::) ; } /* rpturn the error fla~ */ Itt*, *'* f:;'::J,<:; namE' *'* P r a nail, * ** * * * *' ***' I...inka'.:.l('·' Spanish Pascal Translator t.(,·~m (J !i.\ Y' IT, T' k E·' ':J, C ITI P ~:.~ DatE-! 419/Bb Pro~:;rall,mE'T' •• : This function compares the strin~ that has bppn terminatpd with a non alphahetic character to all the ke~words for the En~ljsh Pascal lan~ua~p. If the strin~ is P8ual to one of the kp~words, thpr"t t.hp co l' T'p<sponr:.l:i. n'.:.i f:;p;:ln:i. <:,.h kp':}"..,lo Y'(l :i. ',> wl' i tt('~n to the output filp instpad of thp En~lish one. D(·':i.ption l' k (:., ':IC 1"1, F' ( 1:.11 ..1'('" f r·:·' Y' ~ Y" E' :".lk (,:' ':l ~ ~:~ p a nv.. F!'::! , out f i 1. (,:) ) char buffp1'[J?*rp~ke~rJ?*spanke~[J; FILE *; ~{ *lI< *' H€~turn '*'* La,,;-\:. * t1 * cod("!',:. ~::j/:l.7/8f.:, UF-"r:.Jc~t.p C) r:.l :i. f :i. c·::, t i H :i. ~,; t C) r' '::1 ~.'jj 0 1", ~:j/:t. *' *' *,**1 ,.l* lincludp <stdio.h> lincludp <ct~F-"p.h> :H:dE~f y[~:; :i. 1""1'::" :H:dpf inE~ :fl:d(,,'f:i. 1""1(::' Ill< /lI< 7 passed ,,;t;:;r'lclarc! :i.nF'ut./OutF'l..It. (IE~claratiol"·'·::; */ manipulation functions and macros /* r:.i(·:~f i r·I(·"d Ill< d(·,'fi 1""1(':"'-:'\ t.n h~ debus~pd strin~ p.':l";:i. \"., r ,..1':::.('" , u~:;e(l fo T' / t (\pf :i.n(·::,d fo r Pcl·:::.i f.,'r 1. ND 0 SIZE 1 00 arra~s T~ppd in function and Addpd mo1'P comments Addpd more comments 4 ~.:j/<t fD'I~ I:) (." JSE~ within the prD~ram within t~e pro~ram the input arra~ *1 the chpck_buf function *1 char buf[]Y*re~v..e~[]Yll<spanke~[J; FILE *fol..l-l:.; l:t. Ol.ltput f:i.1F' F. ():i.ntf~r lI<l -{ 1* subscript to thp :i.nt k,.,.iy arra~s *l v.. :::: 0 f /* for pach element in thp En~lish ke~word arra~ */ /* compare it to thp strin~ in buf, if lI</ /* E·:' GIJ ;:ll 9 F".Jt out i:,i""(':~ co l' r(·" ":·F'Cl r'l cl :i. n'.:.j f·' 1 (.;> rllE'nt of *1 1* Spanish kp~word arra~ and spt k to :I. lI</ for (.,.i=O;.,.i<270;.,.i++){ (I (~:;t J'C'tnF" (buf~' r'f·!'.:.iIq~~'::IL..i ] ) ) ) { :i. f (·:::.pnnkp'::l[ ,.il, fout..) ? 1.;; fputi:'. k co:: )- } /lI< if thp strin~ did not paual one of thp kp~words */ */ */ */ 1* put out the :if (lid strin~ fputs(buf9fout); }. that was passed */ Spanish Pascal Translator ** Pro~:.iT'.::>'IT' n,,;pc :i. a I namc:·~ * PT'n'.:Jr;:>.mlTl(·'Y"· * Dc:·'<:,.c r :i. pt i on * * * * * * ! •• ~J(]~;f.~F.. t·l 1 (-~ This fl..lnctiDn determines if the character is the be~innin~ of a comment? strin~ or cnnstant. : If it :i", it ci,lll'"; the appropY'" function to handle whichever case it is. It then checks the char2cter returned by thDse functions tD find if it is alphabetic or another of those special ~haracters. It dnes this until the character is not one nf the special ~haracters or ;:>.lr:,h;:>.t:.lf>tic,. *"'r· 'j,' * :i.nka<.:J(::' * ** R r nco 1:.1 E·' * UF'()atc,·' ** MoclificatiDn * H:i.s·l:-or'"1 * * ***/ 1... (.:.~ '1:. 1..1 St..e(-~ <:; charactpr=nspcial(c"prevc?finvfout,re~key,spankey); FILE *f:i.nv*fouty char c?prevc,*re~key[J,*spankey[]; 1 ;:>. ~::. t C ha l' ;:l C t.~? T' I...a~";t ':j( tinclude {stdiD.h) linclude {ctype.h) d ~:~ f' :i. n ~~ :It- ci (::~ f :i. n c·:~ Y[f:; :1. NO 0 :1I:(\c·,)f:i.n(,·) cr~r ....... i.. ::. :11= T\:IF'f·'...-.1 in function n(.:., t:.l 1..1 :::.1 ~:.i c·:·, d prns!r;:>.m unt.:i.l it compiled with no (·,'r·Y'oY's. Added snme comments. ~"i/:t :? ~:.i/1. 7 Put :i.I"·, 11,OY'f" CDIT,ml:.·~nt<:;. ~.:;/f:l ~.:j / 9 /* ·,;tandar-t:.\ inF'l..It/DutF'I..I-1:, clr::'clar·;:>.tions t./ strin~ manipulation functions and maCY'DS */ /t. :i. n (., . .-.) for f..~;:>. ", :i. c:.~ Y" 1..1',,(.:.' '.,J:i. th:i.n th(;~ p r Cl ~.:.i Y' a IT! cl (.:~ f :i. n (,.~ t:.l for (:.~ a <;, i (-:~ l' us~:~ l->d th:i.n thc:' P PO".! ram /* dc-:·)f:i. npd t.n ))P 1.I"'Plj fflr thE' inF'l..It .a Y" l' <:~ '::? t./ /* /t. :tOO C) E·' f nspcial(c,prevc,fin,fout,re~key,spankey); t rp < E,":! [" J , lI<sP<:lnl~ (")'::1 [ FII...E *f:i.n!I c·ha f' C ~ P T'~,)Vc ~ /lI< f:i.l(·) ] F'Cl:i.nt~:·)Y'~;; lI</ ~ /t variable for the input character and the charactpp previously input and thp keyword arrays*! -( /l'{ /* t.hE·~ DutF.'r TDDF' 1.ln'I·.:i.1> charactE'Y' :i.s not nnf? of t/ special charactprs *1 P(~'Y'fDr'IT' whilp«'a'{=c &1 c<='z'): :('A'{=e II c<='Z'):: (c=='%')l lCe==""): :(c==""'): :«preve=='(')&&(c=='t'» (c::::::::'{'»{ /lI< if the character is alphabetic, check for a keywnrd lI</ :i. f ( ( I d l <: :::: (:. && c <: : ' :.:.~ , ) : : ( '()' {:::: C g & c <: : ' Z I c=chck_wrd(c,re~key,spankey,fin,fout); ): ( c :::: :::: I ~x. ' )) */ */ fF'ut. c(c?fout) y /* /* if the character IS the be~innin~ of call the appropriate function */ :i. f (c :::: :::: I \ ! , d constant? then i / ) c=incons(c?fin,fout); /* 1* :i.f if the character is the be~innin~ of a call the appropriate function */ (c:::::::: strin~? then */ '\"') c=instrin~(cYfin,fout); 1* if the ch2racter is the besinnin~ of a comment? then It call the appropriate function i'f *1 (c==:::: f -( f ) c=incomment(c,fin,fout); (,·'1',,1'" -( if «prevc == '(')&& (c=='*'» c=incomment(c,fin,fout); } } fF'ute (c? ; r(!·~tu Y'n )- (c) ;'i 1* return the last charactpr read */ *1 /*** *:+: *- Spanish Pascal Translato"i' ni:lrflP ~;,,!<:;tPITI * *;4< Pro"Jri:':mrflPT' ;4< ;4< Pro:ST',7~1TI fI(·:·~~:;C"i' chk .... t.-Jr·ci n,:>.rfI'::·' : This function rpsds characters until the character read is not alphabetic. Whpn this occurs~ the function is callpd to compare thp character strjn~ to the En~lish kpywords i pt i on ,I, it· }\( *;4< * :i. nka<jp * * Rptur-n cnd(:·';;:. (:·hi::: r'i:" C '1'. f'~ r' :::: i.:: hk ... \.J rd ( ch y r (:·'''\k P':! , ,,;pank('·~'::! ~ f :i. n y fout ) Ii f :i n y ;4< f () U t y c h;:i r- c h ~ if l' (:.~ ':.! k r:' ':! [: 'J 'J )\( s F' a n k i':~ ~:! [: ::I ; i... )\( * ** i··1ClI.":iificatiCln * H:i.,".tor',·! * I ...:::: ,,:. t C h.;::: r' i::: ct. E' r· I":,' .::>. cl 5/17/f:l6 UP(;~,t.(:·, L.d,:;t F TI... E Typed in function 5./~·) flebu~~pd 0:5/ t t :* (.:.:1 5/12 }\( ~:; /1"7 ! ){<: r· r' C) r' ~:; p1'O~1'arfl until it cOrflPilpd with no ~ Addpd some comments. It in fil n l' F:' C o JT,IT'i,:'nt..::; ,. PI. ;4<**/ 'include <stdio.h> *include <ctype.h> /;4< standa1'd input/outPut declarations ;4</ /)\( str:i.n~ maniPlllation functions and macros if/ :I~"')f:!f :i. :1I:ijpf:i. nE-' :I~d(·'.'f :i. rl(':-! i:.1(·:·:,f :i n(,:,'d t'C) r· :i. F-' r u<::·e w:i.thin thp pro~rarfl */ dE,f i 1'-1("'0.\ fn r I·:·~ .~~ .:::. :i. F.I r- 1.1 <:; within the pro~ram ;4</ /* /* c\(·:,'f :i. npd l.e. hi:.! u·:;:.(':'(l fDr- the input array ;4</ YE~3 nf~J /}\( :I NO 0 ~3 I ZE 1 00 (.~ ~;~ ~:~ ,:.:~ chck .... l..j rei (ch y r'p:"lke':::! ,,:.r:,·ankf:":!" 'J /1: f :i. 1 F' r', C) i n t . (.:, r ,,:. y i:>' r r' a':! ,.:. i) '1" :i. n y ) f k (.:.~ '::1 ~..J D I' (.1 ';;? ,:~ 1"1 (i C h a r- i;) c t (.:., Y" lI<: / char ch,)\(re~keYr],lI<:spankey[:::I; FILE *fin,*fout; -{ ~har :i. 1'", t. chavbufrSIZE1; .j i; ..i :::: 1; 1:.1uf r ()] ::::ch ; /t str:i.n~ */ /;4< set subscript to :1. */ put the passed character in the first position of thE" t1uff(·:~r' )\(/ 1* /* perform outer while /lI<: buffer to hold character /* subscript variable lI<:/ IDOP «cha=f~etc(fin» until the character rpad is EOF 1= }\(/ EOF){ if thp character is alphabetic put in thE-' buffer */ if«'a' <= cha && chs <= 'z')l le'A' <= cha II cha .... 'Z')){ 1:'-'l..If[..iJ .... Ch;:lv ., ..i++' ( It if the character is not alphabetic put in thp NULL */ 1* terminator and compare the else{ buf[J] = strin~ with the ke~words il '\0'; rke~cmp(buf~re~ke~,spanke~?fout); return(cha); } } 1* if the FOF charact~r happens to be read before a nonalphabetic *1 It character is reached? check that buf[J] = '\0'; rke~cmp(buf,re~keyyspankeYYfout); return(cha); strin~ tl /*** **- t (." * Pro *;-.}: P T' a *t Dc·, i t* * ** ~:; ."! <:;. n "lilt ~:.:, ~.:.! T' ~ll1l T' C) <.'.1 <:;c Y' Pascal TT'anslator- n "3m (:., 111 iYl me·' F··t ..1D <:; e p h r ~3 t. ~:., (.:., 1 (.:., T h i <:; f 1.1 net ion c a 1. 1 ,,; i'!l 1 Dof' t. h ~:.~ of' 1..1 net :i. 0 n .::; n peE' <:;.,; <:3l"' ':! to translatE' thE' prrDrs in thp .LIS file from En~lish tD spanish. i on ThE-' funct i on T'pa..-l,,; chi'! r·.::lclp T' i. nput. 01'1(," cha ractp T' at. a time, fT'Dlltt the .TMP fi1p cr~etE'd in the transback section Df the pro~ram. Thpny dependin~ Cl n t. h (:~ c h ·::3 Y' i::: C t. c·, r' r f' .::; (I t :i. c a 1. 1 ':; \! a T' i 01..1 ,,; fun c t :i. 0 n ,,; for- F' r- 0 c (.:.:..::; .::; :i. n ::.'.1 (. "* '>l:' t: * "* * P (.:., l, r' nco d **- a,,;l, * 1:1 :i. of' :i. C tiD t r' a n <:; r:..~ T' T' l...:i.l"! I..IF'(lal.(·:·~ I... »=: »=: ) ; nDne ~:., ~::. 1..1 .: d T' :".1 \: *B T·· [ ::I? ch<"l l' t'lo ;:3 Typed in function Typed in er-r-Dr BY'raYS and dpbl..l~~ed .::ld . . .IE· . . .1 <:;OlilC"! (·"rrnr-·:::· l . hat l:.licln't ~:.lf·~t F.. ut ~:;.I/ n Histor-'::! ~:'j/j() !".;/ll *' * *' :i. n * F" r c·· '. / i Cl U ~:;. 1. '.:1 call to check 8ddpd commpnts ch~n~pd : 5/14 5.117 *- ***.1 t :i. n c 11..1 (1 (.:., <: ':; t. eli 0 • i' \ ':: 'include <:ctspe.h) .I:~( .:;; tan . . '.i'! /t :". t :If: . . i (~~ fin (,., :Ij:r:.i(·:·:·f :i. n(·:~ :I~ loJ.::' f :i. n (:.• .It rJpinfed for E'i'lsipr- use within the pro~ram t.l /t deinferJ for easier use within the pr-o~ram t/ I»=: rleinfed to be used for- the input ar-ray */ YE~; j NO 0 ::;I7.E :100 t ran~; t~ r r ( .:;: r :::.1 v ) c·h.::::!" *.::IT'<.1vfJ; array I' :i n ~:i :i output. r:.lf·:·c 1. i'l T'i:lt :i. on~:; t.l man :i. P IJ "I. i:l t .. j. n '''I fun ct.:i n n .:::. .::l n d In i'l c r (\ <.-, r-ci the haldin~ ar~uments *.1 from the command linp .,/ .r'.. /* file pointprs t.l .It variable for the input character and the Chi::: y-. act t' r' P r c·:" v :i. C) 1..1 ,,; 1. '"I i 1"1 F' 1..1 -t... t / /t; countr:.:'r<; anlo.! a cor-lt.-ro1. v<:lr:i i:i/")l(·" t / :i. n t. :i. ~ n ~ :z , :i. nco 11, ? ./ * /:t: i:l r r .;::: '::1 D f i:l:l:l nf t. h (:., .:~ I) I::· r c,·, . j :i. ;:, t .j n n ,,; f Cl"(' t h F' P "l ~::. C i:l 1 C () ITI F errors */ :i. :I i:l t. inn */ ~";tati.c Chi:: Y' *r r: 1 ::·:·f " An!:;,~ I J ri f'J CCl N" • • p, CCt1 F T1·1 CON" • " ACT H(1 S N0 F P MI. " • " ACT MU I.. TP L " "ACTPASCNVTMP","ACTPASPDTMp·,"ACTPASSI7TMP","ACTPASWPTMPH, "ACTPPMOPD",nADDTWRDAI JGN"."ADDIWRDSTZE","ADDRFSVAp n , "(.:ILICJNtlUTO" I' "(.)1. TnNFNCr~F~:)", "(.:'11 IDNTNT" I' "ALJTI'·!VALPPf"-1"j' "AI...I...PRMSAM"."APARMACTDFF","APTTHClPNDP[O"."ARRCNTPCK", f' <.:.1 (", T' T' ·APPHAUST7"·"ARPMSTPCKn,hARRNOTSTP"."ASYPFOASY·~ * "(,,~:;YF:[D')ClL"!, ",~,T:rNTIJN~:l"', • ('I T T P C 0 1'.1 F LTC T" " " (., T T F' n N l "(..lTF'FXTFF'N"\' "ATTF~CONCt1DLNF" ~ Y F' " • II AUT (') GT I:~ t1 t, X T 1'1 T" " • BAD [' ETC MP • ~ • nI NOCTHFX" !' • Fli I{NOTFNfI· y "BL.I<TDDOFCF'· y "BNDt'tCTDIFF R y "BNDCNFF:LIN II y "E·:t·m~:;UHOF'O" ? "BOOI OF'F~Ff~" !.' HBOOSETHFO· !' "BYTFALIGN","CARCONMNGLn",·CASL.ABEXPR","CASORDRFL.PTR", ·CASSCL.DPD","CASSRCStl","CASTARST7","CDDABOHT", ·CDDBADDIR","COOBADPTR"."CDOBTT"."CDDBLNKZCRO", "CDDCOI.Mt,,J(lf~" y ·f'~nnItFPTTFM"', "r:nnnFLO(..lTH!, "CDDFI"DV("\PACDn" , "CDDGFLn{~T". "Cnn1II .. tIFi=~H, nCDDINITU(~II..", "CI'IDt1INClCC·? n CDDDNI. YTYP" " • CDnpnHT..JU~:;T" , "CDD~:;CAL.F" y "cnn~;I:~CTYF'F n , n CDDT(,Cmn:Y" !' "CDDTAC,)U{:IP II " • CIHIT(lOnFFT'· , "CDDTRUNCF~FF n , • CDDUN!::;T',{P" 'J "cnD'') I HTU(~IL • , • CLSCNF')AL." , "[I ~:;NOTtILI.. \'.1" !' "CMTBFFEOF",aCNFCANTCNF","CNTBFAPRCMP","CNTBEARPlnX", HCNTBFCAST","CNTBFCNFCMP",·CNTBFCNFIDX","CNTBFCNFURY", .CNTBFCOMP",.CNTBFCONST"."CNTBFDFFDFCL"."CNTBFDESPARM", ·CNTBEFXFSFC","CNTBFF1LCMP","CNTBCFUNC",·CNTBFIMMPARM R , " Ci···.ITBFLr-)BEL " \' • CNTIlFPCI<CNF" • H O!TFn:T"n;:B(l~:;" , "CNTBFPFCFL.D" , "CNTBFREFPARM"·"CNTBFRTNDFCL","CNTBERTNPAHM". ·CNTBFSFTRNG"~"~NTBrSTDPARM","CNTBFTAGFLn","CNTBFTAGTYP", "CNTBETYPDEF",·CNTBFTYPE"."CNTBEVALPARM","CNTBEVAllJF", "CNTBEVALVAR","CNTREVAR",aCNTBFVARBLC","CNTBFVARPARM". " CNTBF'v'P ,([I'':f' • , " CDt1CONFL:r C T " :' " C~:;TI~:H(':,nTYp" !' • C~:; TF~COM I ~:; ~:; • " " CSTF;:NDl)F'~.IT" 'J " C:~; T F;:P [F '!:It,F'R" " "C ~:; Tr;:F~ FF ,; TNT" !' H C ~:; T F~ F~ F F f.ll... F~n " \' "CSTHREFANEGR,"CSTRTOOMANY","CTGARRDFSCH","DEBUGClPT", • DFFPTi\IP{:lP~l" 'J • DFF~)(~F;:PAPi''l" ~ "DFbCROI:~CNF 11 , "DF~:;CTYPCnN" " "D:rF:CD,···!'..):r~:;JFl"', "DnNTP,~CI··;ut11:~· ,,"nUF'I .. t'lLTC·)'···)". aftUPLtll...L.DC·, • DLI P!... (.:',TTF;: " !' "OI.Jr:'LCI.i0<:::~:;" • "flIIPL D()UHI...F R • • nUPL.GF~LNi~rl" " "tIlIPLt'lFCH"" "DI..IPI .. liPT"" HDI.IPI <:;I7F" " ·DUPt.t.):r~:;IF:"', "nUPTYP,':tt.I"!, "DUPTYP!''1LI. " 'J • nUPTYPf-; TP", "DIIPTYPD[<:; R " "nl.IPTYP~:; T 7" " "DUPTypt)I:=;"!, "FIFDI!Tr~NFi·, "Ft~PTYCtlnF·· "FN!.)FRRClF,II!, • FI···ll)F t, T ,-::,1. • " • F 1"·1',)('11.. O'·}FI:~ " " "FN'''I,JAr;~N • ? " FF'r\FALCN~:)T II , "ERRNONPDS","ERPDRI..IMIT","ESTBASYNCH","EXPLCONVRFQ", "[XPPARITH","FXPRARRTDv"."EXPRCOMTAG","EXPHNOTSFT", "FXTRNALI..DC","rXTRNAMDTFF","EXTRNCFI.CT","FILFUAL.ASS·, "FILDF'HDRED", "r:·IL.'·.)i~F;:F·TL·!' NFl nlt·'}F'Cl~3"" "FLflONL.YTXT", "FI..DWDTHINT","FORACTORD","FORACTVAR","FORCTLVAR", " F 0 F: T ,. . !r:: X p F' " '.' II F F:: I'i I F' F~ n n [ ~:::; C " \' "F r:: MI.. F' F~ ~'j 1 N C 1'1 P II " • F P ~1 L P F: t·i N p, t"l • , " F PMI .. j==' F: t'i~; T Z " \' II F F~ ML F' r;: ~1 T Y P II :' • F I:;: c;Tpr~i'1~:;T F: • , U FF: STpr~ M,.,) (~" r;: y " , • FU,,·ICTPF':;"j'VF'" " n F{JNF'F~:;TYF''' • "F~JOHFPtiTPL'~;T" , • FklnF'FF'PRi"lL~:;T· , /I FI,HmEF'F'Fc;TVF''' " "FI.•JII!. . lti:::;FUNC" \' "FIA.IDl,JA~:)F'F'OC" , "DOTClNOTAI...L " , "(!Tr;'3?fl J T~:)" !J • HI Dtl TflLITr::r;:" !' • I I:IFNTGTr;:3:1 II ~' II I DXNDTCOl1Ptl T" " "IDXF'FODKFY","IDXRFQKFY","JMMFDBNDRDU","IMMFDUNBND", "IMMGTR32","IMMHAVSI1","JNCMF'BASE","TNCMPOPND", "INCMPPARM","lNCMF'TAGTYP","INCTOODFEP","INDNOTORD", • :r 1'. 1I "j't··.IUF\(T" \' " I N I TI'-IDFPML " !.' " I t~F'NnTOFCI .. " , " I ')ATTF, 8 , " J 1..)t,I.ITClI··1ClD" :' " :r '.)CHt;:OPT " 'I " 11.)(': 01'10 F I.. D (1 T " , • T '')D I F,:FCT T '')F" " II :r ''')FNt) I I:;: ON I! , U I '')FI.INr:" " " J 1..)rHUNC(.~LI." " U TI.)FUNC I D II , " :r i·)t(F Y~)t)L 1<[ 1: NIl 1\ • I' • J V1'< F Y~J [) r;:n" " • TI.) N(~l T (:HTYP" , " I '')()PT1''lOP T " \' " I !·)D!...Ii~d.F I I.. F" !' " n'nUDCH{~r:: • '.' " I UF:,':tD T XDGI T" • " T '')HFDFCL " !' " I t)PFDFCL. F'FC " \, • I ~.' F:FD [: F " • " T!)llnF tIL T r~N 11 • II J \)U~:;F t,l .. I... Or: " y " I \.'U~:; E (:, TTF;:" " " I '.)I.J~:;F (, TTHI. ;:;T" y • T I...IUSFBND T D" " " I \'}U ':\FDE~:; R v • I'·.}U'::;FFNTD",," I 1..)[1(:;[;:; 17 " • "I<FYTNTF~NG· v "KFY'···l(JTtlL.IGN"!, "KFYDHDSTR","KEYPCKREr","KEYRE'nECL","KFYSIZ:I_2_4", "t;:FY'::;TZ7 4", "1<FY'::;17~::)TI:?·, "I<FYI.JNtILTGN" l,"1 (':iBnFCI~1(':,L.R, • L(.l}HNCTAG" 'J "I ,YFn~ClTFrm" !' "L tlBPFnr:::CL" \. "LAE1F~N[lTi~IG" :' II Lt,BTClDFlTC, " !' "L,~r:Ut-!DEC", "Ltlr~tINf-;t,TI:IFC::I...";, "L.lnF'::;Tt~Br;:LIB":, "L.ISTONFNft"" "I. :r~;TIIC;[f.1F:C!":, "1...NFTClOI...NG"" "LClI.AIGTr~H:rGHn y "MAXL.FN1NT",IIMAXLFNRNG","MECHFXTFRN" , "MTSSINGFND" , n l"iCinOFNFGNtH'I" ') "r1STBF(iPF'i:)'{· 'J II ~1~;·T"BFi~PF',.·'Fn" " "W;TBFBO()I..." '.' "MSTBFRE'C·, "MSTBFRECURY". "MSTBFSTAT", "MSTBFTFXT", "MULTDFCL","NrATOAn~"NFWQUADAGN·,·NOASSTnFNC", " N[) II F CI. \} ;~I P" • " r· 1f') '1"1 ~; C' F: Fr::· " " N f) Fl. n r:: Fe" , • Nn F P MT N 0 F CL. " !' "NOTNITEXT"."NnINITINH","NDJNITUAP",IINClLISTATTR", "NOREPRE","NOTAFUNC"y"NOTASYNCH","NOTATYPE","NOTAVAR·, "NOTAVARFNID","NOTBFADDP","NOTBEASSIGN","NOTBECALL", "NOTBECAST","NOTBEDEREF H • H NOTBEDES","N8TREEVAL", "NOlBEF I I..ClP • ~J "1·,ICl THEF!. D·" • NOT PFFt·1CP F;r1 R, " NClTnFFDF~CTL " , "NOlBEFOROFS","NDTBEFnREF","NnTBFJADDR","NDTBFIDX", HNOTBEIMMED","NClTBFNFW·,HNOTBENSTCTL","NOTBERFAD H , • NO T BE rUT " ~! ~·lCITBFF'DnF"~::;" , t·lClTBfJ~ orop· , • NClTIq::JWV(.ll:;:" , • NOTtJFTfH leI-! " t··.!flTPF\.Itd:;:· ~! N[nnEl-JODF!:;" , " NDT FlEIJJOFClP • , "~.ICTBFL•.IOI·)rd:;.~" " • NClTHFf,,!I:n· '·) j\JOTHYTDFF" NClTDFCU:;:ClU " " II 'J U • R "1"·!c!TTN:rTT,~1 '! 'J • " 'J ." "NnTT(·!':~NfJ",' "r·1ClTf:;(~t'jTYP", "NC'TUN.FlDUND"~' ~J "r.lOTI'}Cll tl T J I.. E" ~} " NOI IN!::(l TflFCL " , "NUMFRMI. PtlRM " f"-.lCiT')I~I:<N(jr'l" " ~' "NXTACrDIFF","0LDDFCLSYN","0PNDASSCOM","OPNDTINT·, " 0 F: DOF' NII PF nil, • Otl·r Nfl TD FC L " "Of) r;:ft:r~);.' FI:~Cl· " " P I~ CI< ~:; TPI.ICT " ~! ·P(if;:i"1(~CTI"IFF" ·p,~pr-jCI (.\~i(::,T"~' "P,~F;~MLTMTT" y "PAF::M!:)FCTNf~T"~' ·PASPRFILL".·PASSFXTFRN"."PCKARRBOO","PCKUNPCKCON", "POSAFTNONPOS"y·POSALIGNCON ."POSINT".·PPEPEQPRMI..ST"y " P F' 1"1I<I.'J N~3 J".7 " , P F: (") F' F;: i··j F: X T " PROP I~: i'"iF I I.. PPClPF:M I i···l H " ~. '! '! I II 'J " U • • ·PRClPRMLEU","PSECTMAXTNT·."PTRCMPEQl~",·PTRFXPRCClM·, "QUOBEFEOl","QUOSTRTNG","RADIXTFXTR,RREADONLY", P E til. U,l::; nn N(J • ,; • F: F tl L elF:' i,1 1:1 R F Cl" , " R F C 1··1 (oj ~:lF II... F " ~! F' F C L. F N:r NT· "F<FCL.El"",lt1NDLf:;" ': "F'FDFCL" ~, • F~FnFCL.t,TTF~" ~.' "F~FnFCLFLD" \' " F: C I p.! TTlv' tl F' " , P FPC t, ~; I tl F~ F: F F' F· (, C ? E F~ n " • "1:< F nCI... t, Cl P NC tl· • F;:EOCI...!:; " RFQPI<DtlRP" '.' " r;:For;:F I~ D'·')(~F;: F~Enl,jR:r TFL FI"1 ~' RP F II P NT L. (~P" :' " F: T(.! ::; T "("I F <:; CF: " " "!:; [ j'·l :n <:) P R" , "<:; F D1 1 F· Dr;: T • ;' !I R It R 'J • " y '! H , • H It R<:)FTBASCOM","SETFLFORD","~FTN(")TRNG","SIZACTftTFF", "SIZARRNCA","SIZATRTYPCClN","S17CASTYP","SIZFDIFF", ·SIZEINT",·SIZGTRMAX"."SJZMUlTBYT","SPEOVRDECl.". " SRCFhF'Or:(:~ ':;h~CTX T TGN!~:n" , • ~;T Dr:)CT T1··.le/iP " S TDt) TTFI L!:;T" ~, " ~:)TDB T nL(.lBFI . " , "::;TtlBL (.:lNr:pti 0" , " (:;TnC() 1 I.. FtlNC " y " ~:;TDC(If:)T • " ·STDCNFARR",·STnCONcAT"."STDCONST","STDCTLDECl", • ~;TDDFCI (:;FC " " • c;TnnF FF' I!iF t·-1" '.' (:;Tnn TPF CTit, n ~:;TDFnF'Ci~·I~;L f:; T " ~! "STDFMPPAPM·,·STDFMPREC"·"STDFMPSTR","STDFMPVPNT", "STDERRPARM" ,"STI"IFXPON", "STDFYTSTR", "STDFORMECH", "STDFUNCTRFS"."STDTNCLUDF","STDINTTVAP","STDMATCHVPNT", ":;:;T fii"'!UflCTL. " :J " f:)TD~10nUL F· , " ~3TDN TLCON ", • !:;TDNOFI:::i"jL " " 11 .. " '! " R ·STtlNONPOS","~TDOTHERn.·f:)rnpASSPRF·.·f:)TDPCKSET", "STDPPEDFCL","STDPRFTyp·,"STDRADIX·,"STDRDBIN", uSTDPDENUM","~TDPDHEX"."f:)TDRDOCT·,·STDRDSTR", "STDRFDFCLNII","STDRFM","STDSIMCClN","STIISPFCHAR", "~:;ITI~;H;~COMPtll··" ~:n·D~:;TF:!.ICT" , "STDf:;YMI . . ,')BFI... " ~. • STDTAF)FI... D" , '! " S T D1..1 r1nti F:· F " 'J " • ~::, T DU~:; F nC NF " , R~; T n1.. 1 ~:; F DP C1< " '.' "~:; T nI) AI. UE" ~! "STDVAXCDD",·STDVRNTPART","STDVPNTRNG"."STDWRTBIN", "STDWPTFNUM","STDWRTHEX","STDWPTnCT","STRFQLLFN", "STROPNDREQ","STRPARMRFQ","STPTYPRFD",·SYNASCII", "SYNASSERP","SYNASSIGN","SYNASSSFMI","SYNATPCAST", "9YNATTTYPF","SYNBFGDECL ",·SYNBFGIN","SYNCClASSEPp·, "S YNCOFLF'n" , "~;YNCClI . COi''IF:P • , " ~:;Yi'··!CDL ON· ~, SYNCDMCOL " ·SYNCOMDO"."SVNCOMMA",·SYNCOMRR"."SYNCOMPP","SYNCOMSFM", "SYNCONTMFSS","SYNCOSERP","SYNDIRBLK",·SYNDIRMTS", " 3YND o· , • SYNEI. T PS J ~:) " ~:;YHF L~:;F~:;Tr1T" " ~:;YNEI···.ID " , " ~:;Yr-.!FQL. " ~, ·SYNFRRCTE"y"SYNFXPR",·SYNFXSEOTFN",·SYNFUNPRD", U 'f '! ft " "SYNHFADTYP","SYNIDC~FND·,"SYNTDCARP·,"SYNIDCASER, "SYNJDENT","SYNILlEXPR"."SYNTNT","SYNINVSE", " ~; y t··l I I) (:1 T F;: L ~:) Til, " ~:; Yhi I I) P I~ F~ i-I" , R 3 Yt-1 TI.) F' r~ t1 L f:; T " , II ~:; YNJ ~)~; '( M" ~ H'::::Yi\II'·)f)tiF:"~' 'f:)YNI...I~IlEL Q~, n~;YNLHF~i~lC" l' II(:;YNI...PI~F:ENH!, "SYNLPASEM",·SYNLPCOPB"~"SYNlPSFCO",·SYNMECHEXPR·p • ~:;YNNFI.!J~:;Ti'-iT II ~! R!=lYNClE n " "~:;YNF't,F;:i·11 . ~:;T" , "r:;YNPAI:::M!3FC " ~:; YNF'Ff:::r no II ~! y (I F'F;~Cl~iDn " ~ " ~;YNDllnE TP II , " f:;YNI:::BF'(:IC II ~f 'SYNRESWRD","SYNPPARFN","SYNRPASFM","SYNPTNTYPCNF", ·SYNSEMI","SYNSFMIFNO","SYNSFMMODI","SYNSEMRB U , (:;Yi\lc;FClTFN " , "3YNTHF·N", "!:;YNTOrIOt,)N" ~J "f-~YNTYPCNF·. "~;YNTYPID·, II , " ,::; II " (;' V N TY P F' t:. Ct:: " n YNTY P :::~ PFe" y n ~:; Y N 1.1 N[X II F CI • \' • S YNUN TIL" !} "~~NxtRA~rNJh,riTAGNOfO~n",IITOOlnXEXPR·,"TYPFILSIZ·, • TYPHt,:::;F I LF' 11 'J "TYPHr;inNi'}I}F:NT· :' "TYPPTI;:F TL " , "TYP~:;TDFf:;CF;:· '! • !} T'{F'I.)AFYCHF'" "UN,'iI. J GNFD" , • I.. INBPNTI:~FT f.l" , • UNDFCLFF:ML • , ·UNDECIID",·UNSCNFVFY",·UNSFXCFNG","UPIEVELACC", "UPLFVFLGOTO","USFDBFDFCI","UIDYNARR"."VIDYNARRASN", "VIMISSPARM",'U1PARMSYN","VIRADIX","UALOUTBND", n 'I "1)(ILUFlt..iIT"!J "1·.)I~L.U[TClf)t:{:rG·" "1·)i~)LUFTYP"!, "1),"iLUFI)Tr;:rP"!! ·UARCOMFRMl","UARNOTEYT","VARPRMRTN","UARPTRTYP", • \.) i~F;:YFL D~3 " !! • \) T '::; (,:, U T nco N· !! " I):r (:; C!L 0 Fl [:)< T • " " IJ.! D T HDr·IF: F t,1. II " I) r-:: I T F D1'·1 L Y " !! " XT F~ () F R F;~ DF;: ~::;" ? " ,., r) C n;'1 T I ,'.,,, !' " B tl nP PTe L " , !' "r'!OCClF:t,TT"!! "Pt,DCDF:! .. F',J"~, "LTTFF:tlL~:;" 9 "NOFOF;:M(~T", nB(')DFOr~M(IT"!! " ui'n~·T tiC I L " " " I. !J F:T ('11.. F i I'I • , " I···!n!.rr··lr~ TH· Pt1DLFNDTH " !! " tI00FF~3ET • !.' 'I P UF F ~::; F T " , "!J i\! t1 LTG NEIl • !} " F: l~tlHI ti S E·, " NOT COM F' tJT " , " n t) Dn I Ci I T~)" !' • T H :r T 1·1 t,I .. " ~ • n,~ n T t1 GI) A P" ~ " 1"1 F ti :0 AnT YP R ~ " 1',1 no I)FP L t: '(" '.' " F:(.:l DCl 1.)[ r:: L i'i Y " y "hi Cl L 01,1 FP" ~' " NDUPPF I:~ • ~, H Nn~; T F::r DE " !o' u • «: "PADSTRIDE","BADOCCURS"·"TAGUAlUFS","BADREFFR", " r:: ErE r:: F 1'· 1 CF" '! • FtlIiI .. TTPNG· • " B PI II ~~ r (,:, L [ " , • B f~ n PDT J U ~:) T" , • n AD B L NI{ Z E P" , • '! .. NOI·)PF TFl. \if;· !1 H NClT l~r)I)Ar~"}- (: "TF~IJNCI~1 TF It arras of all of the Pascal cOMPilation errors that have tl It been translated into Spanish *1 static char *spanerr[l={nDireccion absoluto/conflicto de alineacion", "Fspesifico ACCESS. METHOD choca con documento or~ani7acj.on de archivo" 'Parametro actual no tiene un parametro formal " F' .::~ l' alii f:~ t T' D " C D n '...' P r <::. i () r ."j c t. I. I ;::. 1 P a,,:· 0 : "Formal reGuire ntc·~" F' '::. r·: (.:.~ ,:,. i fie .,:J ::,: C til;:! 1 \-:H;; IT! ;::: <:; '1:. p (1 (.:., 1..1 n corrpspondiente", \I E":7 " ~, a r 11, r' 0 r' i:< :I T' .;:., '", 111 t. ant (,.," " Paramet1'o actual es temporal resulta accpsoinstruirio~ !.' resultante", PST'smetro actual es temporal "h(;:'(:.i:i da tempor~l "FoY'mal nte n!! 1"';:':',,:.1.11 t;:1 t. r' 0 .::< (" t I I ;:,: :I. t. :i (:., n (.:.~ C~ 1.1 fe' C" '". t ;:1 1" n 1" din i:1 1 " , "ANADIR_TPABAR T'PGuiere vari2b:l.p ~on alineacion p21ab1'a", " ':'::i l' .:::: I'll P " tl 1'.1 (1 D J F: ... T F: A B r; P l' ('::' G 1..1 :i. r· ('., 1 6 .... t r 0 :.:.:~ n ". J:.< Y':i "l f.l 1p • !! "Un VARIABLE p2r2metro~ direccion es ilp~al·, "Alinp2cion mas dp ? chnra con asi~nacion automatico"v " til :i. n C' a c i 0 I", H:::l·::· d (::, 2 I", () con c p d (., P n p ,~., .::; 1.1:1 t. a (.\ () d p fun c i D n !o' F >~ F' P ("! .:;,. i D n i:>. lin l~\ .:::, t :i (.:., n (., f·) 1.1 P (:., .::; taT' F N T F I:~ n v 2 :I. n r (., 1"1 f i l;:l 0 ,.• 9 n "Alineacinn mas de 2 no concpd0 pn paramptro valor"v " T D;j D ::; ::. ,:l l' ;:1111 (.:.~ t r Cl ';::.::>. f U 1"0 C :i i') n -I.. :i. ('.\ 1"/ (:., c.> 1..1 ('., <:; F·' l' E' 1 1T1:i. ~:; Ili 0 t. :i. po !' II II l' rI " P i:' r a ITI ('., t. T' 0 i:! nor, :i iYI C) '! not. :i. f.\ 1"1 (.:., i::: C '1'. , .I ;::: 1 C) f f i:l :I. t i::" • "Aritmetica 1'PGuiprp·, ·'::;(·:·'!':i.F' " F;: (.:.:, c·l'.I:i no r'1.IF'r:.l(" Y" (.:., C·) I. I (.' ~:~ FI:~ Ll END", J F c nn :.:> on (.:., nt. ~:, 'I'..:i (:., 1", (.~ <::.(.:.\1" C C) ITI F' i 12 .... t :i. f·'1YI F' D r:.l ('-' conne f:' Y' IT! ('., r:.I:i d.::! • , "Sp1'ie tiene Gue SPY' I..LENO", "f:;r~T':i.p no p<::. 1.ln ("uE"1'rl;:>, t:ipo" y fUl"lci()n T'(,:·c~ui('·'r(::' nIIF,' flln'-''i.Cln P<::tE! ASTNCF'DNTCD " t: ~:; NCF: D1,·1 I CCl furl C :i. 0 I", T' f·' U 1.1 :i. P 1" f·' i,' U f' f I J n c inn P <::. Vn I. AT T L " I' " ()() i:.iiracc·:i.on +.:i.('-~nF' CF.lE' <:;f'T' 1..11", FXTFFnlO 0 !:;TNFH~~iAI~: V::>.lCH·" Y t.:i.PD "ACTNCI:~ONTcn :r tambip,...", :i. (:.11..1 t c) c' C) n c (:;' (:.\ E' (.:.:, 1"1 T' uti n i:l (,:., ~< t F~ T'n i'l • y r i. f) U t. C) C D n t. Y';:l r:J i C F' :I t n (.;., i:~ d F·' 11, .::~ 1"1 ....\ a toe 2 'I :i fie i:l t :i. v (1 "At1'ibutn cnnflictn", "Cl?sp dp dps("Y'tptnr ?t1'ibutn ps no concedp pn esp tipo", • t:::: :'.·:::·~::·:i. on d.:-:·' f'.Inc·:i fln c ;:~ 1..1,,;;:< .::!I.ltom::' t :i f'n ;:~ ·llTii:>.cPI"f ::~" j(~, (' ~< C (;., C\ '''.:' T' i"lt1XFNT t. T'D7 n {It r " (1 t. 8 no;:;." ~ n< S 11 ~ F <:; F' 1'" " (.:1 'i' C 1"1 no permite en f' .=\ 1"1 d n Ii T N tl P :r n. t \l n bIn (.) I. i ,:.' d (.', C"I cnmp~r3cjnn neT til. n .;< Y" .:::; de , Pn~ast~1'''~ H F X :r n F C: Tri tl L • " nF I. (.) 1'·1 T F P n F·' 1"1 .::>. rCh t v0 (.:\ ,,:. (:., ::< t. Y"::>' \! :i d (j C). y • f{] 0 P 1..1 E~ ",. ..\ p l' 'i n i:l n'i -"l <::. ,..\ ;:~ ,..\ (.1 ITl .;:' c:. :i. "LilTlites do serio do 8-tlJal i:l 1"\ 0 h C) n d n • ~ difi1'o desdp estos P2ramptros en la lTlisrna" "Limitos do conformante SERIF no ~onoce hRstR corre-tiernpo", 1... i ril :i. t C~ ';:; c· >~ :::. 1"' (-;:. ':: :i. n n f..~ .:::. c> n <::. U 1:.\ i:~ 1. t c·, r' 1", () f i "I. .,:, t.:i. r:.. n t. i (., n (.:.1 c·~ I I P '::' P r () Y"" c\ :i. n a 1 " "BOOLEAN 1'08uio1'e", "BOOLEAN 0 ENGASTAR reQuiere", "TiF"C1 l"il3 '.::. <.:.!r.'~nd(·":.' d,·? :~? t.r·n::·~i)<'" PI.If.:·'df·1 p<::-J-..:",r F'Cl<·'ion ,,;010 (."·'n 1..11""1 t1·::!t.. (,·1 l:i.m !I i t.f) n !} " C('1 P r.: I r~ GE _.. CONTPOI. F" "EtiGl..lota de s C3S0 " C D !Ii P :i. :I. .::i .... t :i. (.:. n' F' 0 :i.CI:c· n f ,:>. y-. ·::l rllF' t. "f'n c' .: :. <:;:i 1""1 <::. (:"1""1 t. i (.\ 0 "".1 <:l Y" t .. iF,' D rJ p .::; r' ~ h :i. v 0 " , seleccionador dp easo exPY""esiones no son eornpatihl I..! !""! (i :i. (' i (] n CD n c (.":. d (..:, '''. n 1. n (.:., n t . r' c·, IYI ':::' ,...1 i i::: <::. ("i r' 1"\ :i. 1'1 i:l l~· Y' P i:l :I ':! :i n (\ i! j, C) r: ·::l i'j n"j"' d pc·:::: ,,; 0 "" >~ ::'. f' ,7'> .:,:. 'i (J n t . :i. (.:,. n p GII E·' <:: P Y" I Inn r (\ :i. n ,:; 1 t. :i. po" '! "F·I..II:o·nti::':' t:i. F'O ,·, un;,>. ft.lf"Ici·i C" :i. on t'i (,-:'1"11::" C~IJ'.::· t(:·'r·I':·' r 1.lna 11"1 (:·'d :i dB cnnncp a 1 COlT, ;::. i :I. a .... t :i. f:~ HI F' Cl" i! " () b ...i (.:!I:. i . . .1 D t. i F' D (.,; F' II 1"1 ;:l f '. I 1'1 d:i r:' i ,) I", t. -j F' I", fl G 1..1 (:.1 +. (.:., I"r E' T' U n i:~ ITI f.I d ·i:. iJ i:l C n 1"1 n c F' .::j 1 C DI"iI F' i :I. ,::: .... t . :i. ,?~ !T! :::, 0" , " (:; ,~" :I. c·:::· c "%DICCTONAPIO prDcpsando de CDn pxpedientp definicion abo1'ta"~ "%DICCIONARIO directivn no concede en COMPRENDIDO m~s hnndn"~ "InvalidCl indice era psppsific2r pn CDD e~pedipnte descripcion". 11 U (.:" <;:. C D n () c (':' .::: f·' HI b r' ·:"i r:.i n d P t y-. 0 ':.' ;') ':::' n f: nn c·, : ~ ;::., (., d:i (.:., I ',1. (:.. ci (:.1 ~::. c l' "i. F' C :i. 0 n· .. "DeSCDI"IDCe blanco cera at1'iblJtn pc.pesific2 en CDn pxppdjente dpscripci Dnll :.1 " C' DD ;":.1 (::..,::. ':::. r :i. }".". c :i Ci !"! (.:.:. <:; p Fl ,,; i f :i c· ;'< I. II"r <=. ;';.' r :i i':'~ cl (.:.:. c n 1. u 11"1 n .::l .... In (.:, .j n T' • ,. "Desconnce ppnde itprn atributo 0spesifica pn eDD Flxpedientp dpscripcjn nil := " F' :I. D t. d (""D II n t (.:., C 0 I) d :;> t . ') ',: t i ~.., () ,,:., r i:l i.:·' ,,> :::. (.".1 ,,:. i f·j C .::l r C U ;:ll"l i".l 0 C n ITI!'"-' :i 1 '" n i ! () con G... F L [l tl T I !.J "Descripc:i.on de expediente cnntienp semhradn(s) dpsPlles de cnn variant c]. ;3IJ~::.l..ll i3 • ~ (.:.:. • F 1 D +., <=::1"1 t. (.:.~ CD D d ;:It 0,,; t :i. PO p r- .::l C.J R ,...' .::: ,':.. (;. <:: if i r::- .:,)" (".I.:;'i""Ii:in en r'IF' :i. 1. ;:l con NOn .. FLDtl TIN }' "Alinea serie e:l.pmpntos nn puedo spr reprpspnta, reponiendo con [TR07D (1"1)] EXPED!ENTE FIN", "Desconoce pr-imerD valor esppsific2 en CnD rlesrripcion de exppdipnte", r f) ~:; C D n D C f' HI :i. n i IT! 0 D C 1..1 r' r e ·::l t r :i h t.I t n e :::. F' i0 <" :i f "i. C" .::, '::" n en n ,..j (:.~ .:::. C" l"' :i }".". C i. 0 n (") f-' (."., >: p II (::.d:i.i::.ntf)" ~. "o;;'DICCIDN(.':IPID F,uE·r:.1E·' a}·:'·:;lrpcpr f'n un TJr:'Cl ,Jr::·f"inicion r:".::lrtc·'" ~! " Ii co !::. CD!", DC ....) d :1. E·' <::. t r n ,i 1..1':::. t. i f .i. c." C .j ("1 n"~'~ "f' oj 1.11.1 r n E' ": p p c. oj 'f:i C·.8 P n en It (·.i p <:; c r :i. r:. c :i. Cl n de expedientp", " DE> ::;connCi:'~ :::.- (..,so ::::+ r:i hl.1 y. n f:'<:: F" F' <:; i f :i. c a E'I""' r:nn f"ifl";C l' :i. pc:i i') I"! d(·::· C:';<PF'iJ"i "'::'1""1 +.,::: " ., "Descunoco fwente tipo atrihutn pspp<::ific2 on cnn dp~rriF'cinn de exped :i. ('::'I",tE~" i! " enD des C Y' :i. }"'. C :i. 0 I' ,:~ n i . . .121 V .::l r' ian +. I.'.' ,,; iJ P In .", ,,:. "i. ,:1 (\ 0 ,", C) n . . \ (1 II !' II !:I C·! .:::. con 0 C c·:· h (.:., r r (.:.:. t E-' Vi::: r- :i. ::llOl1. P '.. : C·'.I.:··:"! ,...:. ui (.:, r hE':' r r (.:., t (.:~ ~:; 'v';;; 1. c) T"" (.:., <; p ~::. F' (."-' ,,:. 'i f:i CIt It ci ~:. ::; c r i F' C :i. Dr, • C It It d (.:! ~::. c l"' :i. F·' C :i. n n . . .1E·' (,.; ~{ F' e C i:l ,..i :i p I'! l. f.' II '! .;? 1'1 :i. d "1 ,..1,·::,1'1', .::; c. :i <'1,.. \ (1 h D I", (1 D " , II Pef (,} j"' E'I'IC :i. '::, r: I 'F' '('i", .":. CI.! ;": l "'~I.I :i. (c., Y' .:·1 c':·; c·, dp"("· ::l!::j;-'i Ci:l T' ,:::ct. E· )"":; h i:l t. r I..Inc.::>.dn n i' II !:) :i. :": d ::., D '::' C C It II :0.1 a t n '::. t :i. :::. D " i' n I:i !.? .::: c' 0 n 0 C i'" v :i. Y'"I:. I. I a "I. (."-\ >~ F' F:' "'.1 i (':.1", t. C' I:'·' neD n d f' <:; C l' "i. :.:, C':i D n d (.".". ":': ;.~ r:. (..' ci 'i f.' n t. p • , n C I... tl ~3 ~:; .... ~:; (.., ~::. .:,:. C) :I 0 V ·::1 1 :i. ,..; D e n n c o I", f' n r- 1l"I::l r , +. ;:.' <::. (" ! .I f-' "j"' (\ ;:; .::, '::.. F' T' ....'\ 0 n il \! i:l 1. c) T' • , "ND concedp en un F'ararnptrn riP p~e ti:::.-n", ·Conl'~·!r·,t,::lr·:i.D nD t.PY'·I"i!:i.rl.::; ,::·,[·,t.;",,, de·' fin (:.le:' (-:,:·n"l:.r·,:;.;:\;:;"!, "CDrnpClnente de I...! FND r8nfn1'm2ntp eSGUf'ma nn puedp spr conformantp". II I"'! C) c C) n .:::. (.::. ;:.i (;! '::' 1..1 n '::;. P r :i. (.:., cOin F· D 1"1 ·,:i n t. (:. " y n i\! I:) CD!"' ( :. (.:.) r..:i r~ (-:.~ n 1..11"1 ~:; (.:.~ r :i. I::~ :i. n d :i. C' f:~ " !) II i\! '.::' c C' 1"1 C c:' ;:.1 E' p n II 1"I:,i f , .I n d :i. c' "i. 0 1"1" V "ND conC·f:'f".i;.:; (:·'n UI""I ,"·nr·,f())'ril.::!n-i:.p ";PY"j I::' COITIF'Or"!(':"l"Itr:. H., ,'! II (IU c' t) I"i I.:~.;:'dp ":"f"! un conf (") r'ITI;'l 1"1 t i·:' .:::.(.:., r' :i. ;:.\ in (·.\:i C'p " v f'l"I "No concede en un confor-mante varianto componenteft~ "No concede en una unidarl de cGm~lictnn·, "No cDncc·(J(O~ pn '.In COl\I~:;TANTF F';:5 r+ F-' d.:·' d(0fi. n i cion· ~ "No concede en cualauier definicion 0 p~~te de declaracion", " p.IO C Dr-:e ('~ i:.i (.:" E'n I..In DESrp I PlOP j·:·,>::t r .::>,,.·, .. i(.:.~ 1'0 II' penn i ~:.In,·, "·':.l·I'.::>'rf,.::!t. T'O· , " I'·.! 0 c C) ,.., C f:') 1.".1 (.) ('.:' l""t I.! !"'! ,3 ,,:. (.:.) c c :i. <:) n f·' .j (.:. C '. I t ..::>. ~) :I. (.:. n ., " p.! D CD r',e:' (-:;'(.1 (,.) (·:'1', un a reh i 'v'O Cor(,F··on ('., r·,l c·, " ., " (! C) c C) n '::: e 'J (':' (:.~ ,.., un r- c· '":. '.11 t;::: 1.".1 D I::, j.:, f u ,.., c ion • y " No CD,." C (.:.:. ;:' (':. j::' n I.J n ::', ;::: r :c:: ri, i:·' t . r n F' f-' r Ii n :-', .::, 1.' i""1 i!"l, ,0::. r:.l:i .::, t. 0::) F·' ;" .:::..::>. dOll, ('., C ;:>.,.., i ,,:. In 0 " No con C E·' d (:.) C' nun .: ,. E T T(":, UF T A F' a r 1:. F' (1 E' d (:., eli:,: r ::~ i··· inn • ., "No concede en un LLENO confnrman~~ sp~ie co~ponente·. "No concede en un b;:::so de indicp", "No concede en un sembr-ado de expediente". c' (.:.:, .-:.1 (.:.:1 (-:' n " !\! D con c E,) iJ (" PI", If 1"~~ Ct "No II h! C) C () n conced~ C ::) n c C~I (3 c:' "Nu "No "No "No "1···10 cOl"lcc!cic! " f"-.! (J C· i) 1"., C (." .....i E' concud~ concede conceGe con c(·:·:' cl (.) " r···.! C) con c E' '.'.1 c' "r·.lo conc';':·'i:.!f:' " i'.! u e C) n c (:.) . . l (., II ND C' 0 r! C '::::. f.:i (-::., u 1"'1 :::.. a r ~:~ HI r:' -1.': .,... D :::., .::~ -p r:.~ n n ;::' 'J n ~:~ r- (:.:l·f r (-'.:1 r', c' i ;:~ : ." :':: .:::. ;:~ 1_'1 n I)", c· .-~ . . ::~ n :i. -:::. rtt () II t: un·,::: ioJ ,;,:,' c 1 d Y' e c :i. CI n rl .I t 1. n ,:; " ~I en un pardmetro rutjn~·, !::.! n I .I r: ~:~ f:i.:I. ~::: ':-:.:1 n .;.;.~ .::~ ~::. -1.-...:::: r H ~.i CI..!FP'CItlDFSCP IF-TOP (::,~:+ r ,:~n .. ir:.' r C\ :::·,:l ralY,(·:·:,t. I'n l¥Ii:·'c::::n:i <::.ITlD" " en un vari3nt~ herrete sembradD" en un vdI'iante herpeip ti~C\". pn un tipo defincion", E' ,.., 1..11"", T I PO r:.lpf i 1"", i c:i Drl F' .:::. r t .. : , " I' (,~ nun r:' .,: : f' ':llf,"·' t. po \. . .::i 1 Ci r' • I' c'n un '·)i~,L.DP :::'.::>.rt,(·:·:· (:.\(::, "i.r·,il::·:L.::l] i:.:·v;:::c:i.cin". (", 1"", un·...· ,3 T' :i. ·::l h :I. ,: .:, (:.1 f:' ~) AI .nF' II f:' 1"1 i.J r·, I) t, PI,':; BL F F·· .:::: Y' t c·, . ·.i c:' d (.:0 f ·i r·, :i c i un· !.' (.:.:. 1.1 r', \/ .: :- ro i .::~ t:-, J i::~I" ~.. en un P2 p amptro de UAPIABLF", ,;:!! I.'r·, 'i r'j "No concede II r..! nco n c (.:.:1 c.) (.:.:1 (.:.:ll"l 1..1 i"' f: ("I m::.., c; n j.:', n t. c·:· \..' .::~ r :i..:::: n t (.:.~ II ~.' "CDMUN chc)c.;::: CCq", '.H·, ', ("(')1"'111(.1 () P(:;FC'T dF! rf,i'::r(to noml·.if'f·'·" C0 rJ": t l' U c t C) r';' ,,; () :I. 0 ~) Tr-;' TE!, F ';( F' F n "1: r NT F , F" I) !"'~ .'1 (::; T t·, I:;: t'i F' Ii· "Constructor: cnmponente falta H , " Con .,:, t. r '..I c· '1:. Dr! rt () .j 'J(·:·:·<;.l 0 \1 i:i r:i i:i n t ,...:,. ;' n F.:::: c t· D r- (~ (.:.~ r (.~ :::.. f! t. i c' :i. n ro, (:. C) r", c (.~ (.) (::. -:::. () :I. (:', r:, n ~:; F F~ T Fen 1"i ~::. '1:. r· l..I c· .~. Ct T ~:. "Factor de r-epoticion tienp GU0 spr- ENTERO", "Factor de repeticion demasiadn ~rande", "Factor de repoticion no puede spr- i""1p~ativn·. "Constructor: demasia00 COffiF'OrJpn+us". "Conti~uo serie descriptor no p'Jorla dpcrribir- mFdid~/aline2 '! II tI "/I"lDOPTI~11ZE II " ,. ~:; \:1 n t ~1 >: con lDFBI.JnR? r::::!"i, ,: .:. t. r D n () c ,.:. n C i-::' d ,:.:. " prDprip~arl Y'(','CDIYIPncl,:l :i. ,::. cl f' fa 1 t i:,: F' a i·::' 1", F'"l r· .::, IT! E' t r C) co:· r , .: t .. j n .:::::::. • " "Ssnt.::>.~is de faIts p.::>.r-ametro no concede en parametr-os VARTABIFS". "Concede sDlo on DESCPIPTOP serc-ion dp paramptrns () en ~snuem~ ronform antE:'· !' • [ 1 ::': ~~ c' d ~.:.) i:.i (".:". C r :i. :0-' t. D J' .I t. i F n c Co n f:l :i. c t, D " " " [I (.:., r E~ c t :i. '/ C) C C) 1"", t r ::>. (1 :i c ;.,:, i:': l. r i hut, i:>. \1 i ,,; ·i. l·, ·i. J :i ,.J .::: r:l " • " F: ., :. i 1. f) ~.:~::ll, '\0"' ~:: l" :i. i:>. t, 1 F·f n D F' U (.:.:. i j i::' .:,:: F' a r f' c· f·' r (:.:. ,.., u r·, c c' r·, t, (.:.::: ~ t n 1. 1 F' nCo" I' "Alinea sa eSPosifica", "Asi~nacion s.::>. eSF'esifica", "Atributo sa uSF'esifica R • "[lase de descriptor Ha espesifica u , "PrecisiDn doble sa espesific;:::", "DupJicddo nombre sluba:l." , JV'j (.:.:, can :i. ;::. ril 0 :::.. a ~:: :: '; (j D ';:~ ::~ r:' .::; F·· (.:.) .:::. :i. f i c' .;::: " " D F' t. :i. h' i :~: . ,:. C :i. C) r·, '::.~ ;::: c' .::. :.:.' (.:., '::. :i. f :i c ,::: " 'i If !} "Medida sa espesiFica", " ,..' i ~::. i t:.., i 1 i·j a ...-.i ':;!::: (.:.:, ~::. :::, .:.;:' .:;:. :i. "1"' "i c· .::::" :' tl :I. i n Q ,:i ~.' :". c' ;:,. :'" (. ~::. :i. ·r·' :i C~ .,::: c c· r c· .::>. t. t :::, n i. d fe' 1", t :i f :i. C .::i " " sa eSPPsifica cerC2 ttpG idpnlifica", 1I At r· :i. b IJ to'· . ::. (.:., ": :.', (::. <::.. i. 'f :i. c.::' C (::, r c:;, +.:i ::.: n .j t·-; ,.:.' r', t :i. f i. , . :;> R '.' 1\ "Asi~nacion d '::, d p .:,:. C T' i :::., t. 0 ,.. '..:!':' F' .::. :::. (:.:, <::. i f',; c· n r i"'::' +.'1 :.:. ;.. .j '·.i .':.' ,", t 'i ·r :i "" .:;. " "Medida sa pspesi¥ir3 cerea tipo ,dentifica"· " T i r:' 0 i iJ f~ rd', :i. fie ·:;l '::k: 11 c·~ '../ ;:, !..I,", .:,:: '1:. '1' i i", ;-t. i:;: ":i. ,,:. i J--.\ -j 1 i ,1.::::('.; " • "Elemento fuera de fila", "Vacio cuerpo de caso", "Ambiente resulta de una compilarion ron errnrpsR. "Ambiente resulta de una compilacion can errorns f?tal0" " C 1'3 ;::,. r:' C" ;::. II n y" f.) m;-:) :i. f~ n t. (.:.:, (.::, 1", .:::: II C T"' c (.::. '("' c' ~::: c-:' .:::: r un F' f:"i ~~) f"' t'! I.. I.) tl X (:. c. m;::r·j t.) 2 ] <:~ ~l )"'. (:.i .:' C'I 1"(1 ::.'{ .j "::~ }':" n f.:::: 1,./ E') yo, y "Ambiente resulta de una complicarinn ron avisns". "Error en constante real: Didito 0spera", "ERROR parametro puede espesificar solo con ~snt~~'~ "Error limite, analssis fuente termina", "ESTABLECER reeuiere eue ser ASINCRONICo", " C D n \.! (I.':' I' <;;. i 0 t. i (.'-', ::.:: :::; 1 i c' :i t. 0::;: ri L1 '::' ,i,:, POl'(; .:;' ,,:. i" (.::, C' 1..1 '1. I:'::' r (.:.:, nnnposirt8n~1", II :.' "Expresion tier'e eue ser aritmetica", "ExpresiDn es incompatible con indire tjpo de no lleno serip", n E;.;;::, r p ~;:. :i. D n (::.' .,::. :i. 1"1 c· 0 In :::.. a t. i b 1 r·' c 0 t.·i :.:; n cl r:' h (:' r- r· j.:.:, t \.:, i", II !.' "Exprpsion no es un tipo ENGASTAP", "Atributo asiSnacion choca can vj~jhi]idad rXTFRNO" , "Nombres extprno ~on rleferentes·, "Conflicto can visibilidad EXTERNn" , "Evaluacion de ARCHIVD!2si~nacinn no ?s conceder", "o2erando dp ARCHIVo reeuiere", " PaT' ,,11'11 C' t. I' Co c.l ';:':- tl F: CHI I) D... I..) t, F: I (', Bf F t :i. p n 1-::' (-i I ,p ':,; i·:! .,.. ioJ r:,' t. i F' n ,::)". ('" t· , i .... n • " "Sembrado es pCosjciona ile~al·, "Anchuro de sembr~rlo concede solo ruanda escribp a 2~c'hivo dp TFYTr", !! (.:, n c i···11..! r 0 c.l f:~ ';:;. f! H,!'.l r i:>. iJ 0 I::,) >~ p r (:- .:;:. :i. n n +.:i (:.' n j.:., (.:! I.i ';:.\ .::: d '::., t.:i. '::. CI [N T F n n· ,0:' '('. " "PoR curva mando variable tiene GUO ser dp lin tiP0 ordinal" " PO F;: C I..! r . . ';;, Ir,S!"1 ci D t . :i. f~ n E' n U i·:·:' <::. j.:., r 1..1'''1 ".' i'>' ,':i i::: 1.'.11 (.:.~ \J c·, Y' d i:~ d" • nEs un variable mando de PORn. " E ::.,: :::., r f! ~;;. :i. e, 1"1 c' ',; inc C) ITI :::, ·:;i t . i 1:.1 I (-;~ c n n \J p r :i. ;,< 1.'.1 l E' rii i:~ 1"1 ;...j (') ,j F·' C I I r- . .' ;:l r' n F;: • "Pal'amptros fnrmales usan formatns dp difeY'pntes descriptnr~H "Rutina fDr-mal parametros nn son rompstihlp". "Parametros formales tienen nomhres diferentes·, " Par;;) ITI f.;' t r C) ~:; f Dr I1li;:: ::. (.:.:, ':;;. -1:. i ('., n F' ri .,::: t. r· :i. t, 1.1 t n ;:'. d ;.::- HI ;:::- f::i i d.::, .:: '.1i f c·:· r· (.':, ,", t ,:::' <::•• ;' " F:' 2 r i:) rll (.:.) t r 0 .:;:. for HI·,::: 1 1;:.' ,,:. t. i (~) n (":'!"I t . i F· (');:; d :i. f P y. (.: , 1"1 t. F' ;::. " " L. E: [: P I) r' (.:.~ C·ll..! i j.:.:, r c' i.:.:, 1 r:' r :i. In E' r· F' ;::: yo <::: HI 1;:., t. r (! ,::. i:·' '('. , I 1", ;::: (.:.:, >~ F' r' j.::, '::;i () r', i:l F" C , I P ,'. r1 .::l " !' "ESCRIBIRV rpeuiere el primpY' p~ramptrG spr un~ variahle riP ti~(: VARTA NT!:::" !' " T i (", nee;! 1..1 l-:.' cl C·) c 1 a r i'l r r' u t. :i. n .::>. eDIT, ;::: F 1...1 NC I Cl t,1 F' i:>. r i:, (.,- ,,; ::'; (:.' ;::.i f i e ,:': r I. 'n -I';.j :.:. n ... 11:.:- 'i' (:., 'I (I <:;.1..11 t.;;>." !.' " F:I..I~;;.I.J I ti:>.~;; de-? fune: :i. nnE',,:· ·:;:·nn " I) (.?! C :I. a Y"::>' ('.1 (.:.> 1.::~ nt. (:;' r (); F: PF' :i t . .::>. t . :i. F'n'::; cl :i. f E·' 1"'(':"1"1-1:.(-:-,,;: " i:.J (.:.:, :I:i. ":. t C) ,,>. t. r ::. 1.'.11..1 t. C) "Declara delanterD; Repita dp p2r~metro '! '''I C) c· nne (::'clp II " formal listel no concede", F' r D ~ P ".:, F' :i to::: .....1F-' y. F' ":.1.1 J t. i:i t i F' Cl n n t··· () i", C.. (.' (1.,:·:·:," -, "Di::'c1;;>.rsc:i.Drt DFI...(':)NTEI:;:D eT'~; FI. .INCIOi'·j"!.' "Declsracion DELANTERo era PRoCEDTMTENTO", " I F: tl n D con c (,.~ iJ f~ .:::.::! 1 t ..=>. r a 1..1 n '::l F- >: F' n ,,; :i. c :i. nnE·' <:; t . r 1..1 C' t I.' r i:: " !.' "No pupde acpptar P?ramptros m2S ~rande de ~2 trC70S'" " [:)( C[) ND I I) n 1. E" <.'.i i:>' 1. .:;:. () :I. 0 p n ,..j p f :i 1"1 :i. C' :i. nI"l (:., <::. ':'. d F' c· T;', Y'::>. !:: :i. n 1"1 e ':: 'I .,": "1 (, ". " Df2 C :I. ,:3 Y' i:'- d (.:.:, 1 .:::. ''', t C' ;':' t r (.:., IYI ;'j .:::. " "Identifica mas ~r-ande de 31 C2'i'2cteres pvpdp r·ap~e::i.~3d d0 co~~i'2n, "Tipo indice no e~ compatible con dpc1arscion", "Crea Drsanizacion INDICE rPGuiere 112nes densn~", "Crea Drsnaizacion INDICC rp8llipre ARCHIVO DE EXPFDIENTF cnn 21 LI...t,I)!::: (0) " !" :r 1", iT, c·~ . . .l :i. ,::: t; () rn 11.-' C·::>. n i ~;:.IYI () cl p r...:;:: ,:; i:>. " F: 1..1 tin .; : :i. 1"1 !'il \':, ij :i..:;:: -1:; c; F' ;;;: '";..;::: " I n m C-~ i.'.l :i. i'>' t. D C ~:., yo c: ;;>. :.:,:::..,;:::>. 1"1 CI F' '. I (:., d c' !11 F' :i. ,,; In Co :.:; d ~::..:::: n D C Ci n c· (.) c.l (::, :i rlHlf~d :i. at. D rn c·! C' an i "'·ITln l1i:.' rf, e c ;:; n 1..1 <::.::, i:·' I", './:::: T :i. F'O F';::,~::;::: d(:" F· i:::;:,. .::>. PO rnedida de cancer", "Incompatible con haJn tipo de ENGASTAR", "Incompatible operandos·, II II F' ~:~ r ~:;: m(-:,1 t . r () inc: D nI!::·' .;::: "_'.. :i. i:".) ]. f.~r r n ;;>. Y" I. I t. i. n i >. -1', :i. c·:, n c·, ell..! (.:., ;::. (..:, F·' 1"1 c'''· 1"1 :i. .:::. IYt 0 'I 1. c, r· (,.' .:;:. t. :i. ("-nE' n !' "Tipos de variante herretp son incomPRtiblps", r :.~ ::) III i:>' <::. t:.J (.::, nl.IF' t (:, 1"1 f·: 1" 1 :i. :" :i t. f·' " <;:. I j ('., ] t. 0 t. " ft ') i' Cl·;·~ C' <0:. " '! ('nnIF· 'j. :I i:>' .... t :i. C'l'il " r:: CJ ivi P F: E: (1 n I DCJ i I' C, c' t :i. \! U ,.: ,;;. n I'"J:::: r', 'i rj .':' i:.\ F' In ;;~ ::; "i. .: :, i.".: (', hi" "Tipo inriece tiol'"JO Que ser un tipo ordinal ". ,.'.1 " :r N J C J ?:j!." I :7 l', c :r D1'-1 r', 1".1 n ("i f' <::. C(I 1", n (" .-:, " '! '! :i n .::: r', (I F·' U (:, ,j ,:.:,:::. .:::' 'f" F X T [ F' N Cl " ~, r'l .:;:' t, :1. ':::' i"! r:' c·! u (.:., -I- E' 1"1 E·' r I", n :I. i·:::. +,::>, n () ,:,1 (-' cIa r ,::>. I:·:' 1"1 t i t I. 11 0 " '! 'f '. I t. " I N I C J f,j L. I :7 f,) (:: :I: DN r· u +. i ...1(.::, F' .:::: ~" .::: IT: !!.:, -1-, r- (', f 0 ,'JrI :::: 1 ft E (.1 T PAD f) Atr-ibutc desconocido", IJ a l" :i.:::: 1:.-.1 : .:.:' "":: U-L 0 :rl"l t :i. i:' Cl fe, ,,: i. I (-'.~ '''i;;' 1 (-'-~ I"; F,l 11 i::: n () 10.' ~.: t. r F'I'ilO d pur', n Dn! .IL 0" ~! DeSCDI'"JOcidD opcion de r-est~icion", CD ITILI :i. n i:l c :i. 0 r! i 1 c·~ <.:i ;"'- J '-.i Ce' tt." f J i:) t i'' n t E' ':::~ C .... fIn t. ,:::: 1"1 t I!·' • " Dir-ectivD desconocido"9 Amhiento -Lienen for-mato i]e~al, ter-mina la nI'"J31isis de fuent0"' "Uss invalida de funcion"" "USE invalida de 113ma funcion", " U .::: i:>. :i. 1"1 \,! .::.>. 1 :i ('1 ::: r.:; E' :i '.'1 (.:., 1', t i f i c ,:: f '. ! n c :i 0 n 9 "L.L.AVE_VALDR no puede ser 111"1 serieCotro aue LLENO SERlE [1 .1"1] ttF CARA '! II CTEP) " ;.' ·Clave palabra extr-aviado 0 desconocido"~ f'·~F;··) n GTp· " F' a r <:>'1'1, p t. r-D ,j.::, ."JI..JEc-J0 .,,·r 1: F'D a F:t-.!CClNTPtiP!·:: t :i. (.:.,1"1 r:· C;~Ui:" «:·f·'" Fi)L " D E' !:; con 0 c i c.i 0 0 r:· c i 0 1', ...:i (.:, D F' T Tt'i T'7 ti C TnN " " "CcIificado ilegal en spec~ficacion rie Rrchivo", "Ile~al car-acter de no estampacion dentrn dp citas", "Di~ito ile~21 en binar-io, octal 0 hexidecirnal CGI'"J~t~ntpU, "Rodeclaracion ile~al da si~nifiraci~nps multip]ps", " F;: (.:.:, d r' c :I. '::l 'j" ::,. i 1 (.:, ::.:;i ;::: 1 :'1;:: ,,::.·i c. :i. n l": :'j n :i. f i c' .:::: C i U I", (.:., .:::. In' .1 J -1', :j F:" 1 (.:.:, <" (.:.:, n :::' ,.: (:., f" '! ':< :::, (::, (oj .j. (i-~ I"i t ....... " '! "Redefiniciun j10~al da si~nific2ciones multiples·, "Usa invalidn de atT'ibuto de aljneacinn", 'Usa invalida de atr buta de asi~n2ciol"i". "U<;:.;;l r:." ..Itu" !lU<;:.;::: :i.n . . . . ;:::l id.3 i. ':;:. t. 0 1.'.1 c' un "Usa ile~al de ident fics limite", " U ~::. i? i !", 'v'::>' 1 :i. ('.1 d .....1(..:, at. "j' ;-'-'-'1..1 t. D c.·j (.:.:, (:1 (,,' .:::. C r i :.:, t () r c J i:l ,:: F' " !' "Usa ilp~al de ident.lfic2 funci.on", " U~:; i:l i I", \J ;;) 1 :i. 1.'.1 d c! P ;:l ·t 'f' :1. l:'1 '. ! -1.-.. ':) ,:,\ E In (.:, ,:.1 :!. cl::::" " '! " 1···.11..1 In ~:.:, r D t . :i. (i-' n P C I... (.i l) E 0 U E' ',:; (.'-. r !II", "CL.AVE sembrada no es aJinpa", "CL.AVE concede solo en ordina1ps " C!... f~ll) E s ~;:, IT, Ll r.::,. i.'.1 0 E'I"I '.. ' .,:,. JD y r F 1'·1 T E F~ D (.:.:, 1": f :i. 1" i)....~? ~::! l!-· " rr:prdas fir-me-lon~jtl..ldps 1 1 (.• no (.:., ::<:::' (.:.~ 1.'.1 :i C,' n t. i·:·' t :i. (.:.• 1"1,::, r:, '.. 1E' t.!-:-· n F' r 1 .1 s0mbrad~sn ,t j",::: t. r i I"" j'; ;:" 1 :i 1', (:' :::, ciDn"~! " \..11..111'1 <:~ r Del a 'v' (,:' (.::, <::. ,J r~ f :i. n f.-~ 111 U 1 t ... j :::.. 1 ("," " " ri (.:.:, iJ i c.i a .-j \:~ 1..1 r, c 1 ;" \.' cor ,j 'i. n ;? 1 -1-. :i. f~ 1", C, U 1.1 (.:.~ ~:,. (.,~ T' 1:, ~:~ () 4 LI '::! t . (.:., .:::. " '! "Medida de 1.11"1 clavp de nosi~n enter-o tiene aue ser 2 0 4 bstes", " t'i c, . . .i :i. c:i a ,j (.:, '..1 n c J .:;>. \ ... C:' d (i" C 1..1 (::, r ,..\::, I", n F" .1 ,." d F:' "')E ~:; (':'~IT,b j'" ai:.iu 1",0 F.. u(-:'d(·:·~ ,,:.(.:., 'j' NCltlL I i'-1F A" (.:., ~< C' (.:.:, d F::'),,' ::? !:,',; ~:.'.i t·, ':::' -1-. i'-' <::. " y l' "NI..IJrlero de etiQueta tiene Que ser- expr-esa en r-a"i.z decim~]"~ "Tipo de etiQUot3 caso variante no os cornpatthJe con tiPG herr-pte", "j'.IO ;::iE,f :i. 1", i c :i. d ('-~ (:"t.:i. GI.IPt.. ,:~ Dr-, (.'J r! :::, ,:; )"·t.F' ei,"" (\PC 1. ,:,. j"·.::;C .j r)r, II '! "RedefiniciDn de etiQueta", "Etiuueta de coso variante no traha 12 fila "EtiQueta es mss de MAXENT", II F t :i. n '..I (.:.~ '1:,::>. n C) (0 ". .....1 (,.~ c 1 ,:,. r .:::: II l' "Declaraciun no satesfecho de p-I-iaueta no " [:3 T (-) B LEe E 1";;:: ;"1 n C'::: (" Ii re, :.....::; t. :i t·, :I (:.> (' ,) 1'1 I} ,:~, Y local", p~ F' tl (:; C () L '.1'::: ,::, F' r- c, ,::" ,.:.:, ,'J :i. (., Ii', (.::,!,,! t. n E~:!Tt,:B'... ECE":, " tl t r' :i. t. . I .I t .:;; . . :i c: I... T::) T tl C [) !": C (':' ('.) e !:'. D 1 () e 1"1 f:i. n ,:>. :I for I'll a l r:' .::>. .,... i:>. In E' t 1" n • !' " F' .:::: r 21'11 (·:·:,t 1"0 Tn T'lild 1 t:i. e:I"1 (:.:' L J ~;T (.:, ':>.t r 'i. i:.lut a'! 1.1'::; ;::: of UI"IC':i. () !"I '::.. r (.>dE' c·1 ,:>, 'r-:::: t.n· ~! "Linp2 demas:!.adn lar~o, es truncal' n 255 car-actor-es". "Bajo-:l.imite excede alto-limite"· II t1;;l ::< .. " 1. 0 n ~.:J :i. -I:..I..1,...i t. :i. (.:., I", (.:.:, c' '. ! j.:.:, ,::. c:' j" !.J n \.' .::~ 1. () r dc, t. :i. P () F N T F P Cl II " " Ma ~-:: ".. :I. D 1"1 ':.~ :i. l U ....J t :i. (.:.:, 1"\ (.:., n u (.:.) <:; (.:.) r- (::, ''', f :i. 'I. i:>. t .:. ,. /. '."; '.::; :. ~ ~.:; II '.' " 11 (,.~ C .::>. I", :i..:::. I'll n (.::, >:: t, r' .::~ r', ...i (i.:, r "No i~ual D cl E' (.':, ',:. :::, f':::· i f' :i r: ,'>' C () I": C' (i:' .....1 (.'0 ::; n] 0 i::, n r I. It.. :,i. ,.', ,:>. .::; 1'(, ,:,. +, F' l'it ::' t :i ::" i:\" " '! de FIN, esper-a proximo de Jinea", " Vi 0 D1...11... D r:.l (.:.:, , J 1"1 H! c) .....l 1..11 C) I", P <:~ ;::: t. i . . ,! i", I": C:' -I- :i. ,;.' I", (:, "TiPD lienp Gue ser SFPIE", "TiPD tiene nup so, SFPTE 0 VARTANTF", "'.1 i':::' f:1 ,.',:j c':i n I " l' ,::>, r :'::;'. I iT,e·' 1"1 " E: ~< F' I' ,", .:::. :i. C) 1', r::i (.:., +. ·i H, .:;; I", r::i ,) ,'.:, I", ,;., c·., '..I F' .:::. i:·' ·C· ("j r., t.:: :::., i) nn01 .I':: tl n· 'J "TipC) tiene DUe seT [XPEDIENT~", "Tipo tiene Due ser EXPFDIENTE n UARIANTF H • " I'-.! 0 F'U I"! d ,,'! :i n i c i .:'ll :i. ::.~ ·:'l r', 'i r , .... F :::; TAT I c' n 'v' i:l r i i:ll", 1,7:, .::,. II • "ReDuiere ARCHIVO_VARIABLE de tipo TEXTO", "Tiene multiple conflicto declaraciones", "No ;:;'I..I<-:-'cl(·:·:, forn,;· cDntc:'rll.'::O de C!. (.:)~:~F NCt, dp:::.~::·'('i.~··tDr A .... 1..1 ;::ct.'.I·:;:I "'.1(·:·' ;:;:'" CI (~,~:)F: n " T :i. F' C) b a'::; C) f·! ~, I~ I... 1: NF (''t ~ NI.! F I.) ClI.· Dei::: (1 L :r NF {,:, ( :.3 ) a 1 i) Il'I i:i ,,:. n '! " B :I. D ClU (.'.'0 no c: 0 n tiE' 1"1 f' 1..11", i:i <;; :i. :::.l n ·::l C :i ()!"I a un·::'. r i:·' <:,. 1..1:1 1-. ", r::i C-' ·f U r,I':' :i 0 1"1 " " "No (.'.'os declara en un VARIABLE s(.'.'orriol"l" , "No clasp de descriptor POI' ttF'O EXPFDIFNTF". liND sembrado en tipo FXPEDIFNTF", "Declaracion de paY'all'letro !"IO sl..Imi!"listra lista d2 parametro formal"· " In :i. c :i. a:l. i :::..;:>, c :i. Cl!"J n D co 1"1 c' C' ('1 f' E' !', './::! 'f' :i..::; h 'I. E'S F XT F P N(). " " I n :i. c i ,::: 1 :i. Z .:,: C :i. () 1'1 no COl', C E' iJ (.:., F' n v·::, r :i. a L. 1. i::, .:::. h (.", T' p C) i:i " " • 1'. .1D F' U f~ d I·:·' :i. 1", :i. c :i. ali ';.:.: a........ 1"1 Co P :::. ,....i E' c· :I .::; y-. i::, '.1 ''', \l ;". r· i ~:, (':, '1 p " '.' n F' .::: )" a H, E' t. y" c< ;:'. c ~:; t f' fun c' ion F' I' (:;, iJ (:., c" '::l r '::l t. 'j. c·, 1", (:, ('-i 1..1 (.'.:, '1:- (.:.' I", i:.' 'j' .::; + . . ·i ; ... , 1+. c, ! . T(; T 0) " " h! 0 r ;::., p. I' (!:~ .::,. E' 1"1 -1:, <:: c: :i. C) 1"1 t f' ::< -1:.. 1.1 .::;: 1. F' C'I f' './ .,,;: 1 0 '(" (.:.: <::. ('.i (.:.:, i·::, "; t. F' t:i. p. 0" • "No PS dpclal'<::: 1..11"1 fUl"lcion" , "No os ASINCRONICO", "1'..,10 c;~::· un :i.dc.'l"Itifici:>' t:i.F'C'" ~1 "No os df'clar2T' 1.11"1 variablp". " 1·· .1 0 E' ~:; iJ c' c :I ;:'. ('..") 'j' , J 1"1 'v' "" T' :i .;:, L, 1 f! 0 I II", i:': f '. 11"1 C' :i (') 1"1 i d ('.! 1"1 t :i f i c',::> " , "No puprie ser F'aramctro a DIRFCCTON". "No puedp spp 2si~n2cionn, "No puedc llam21' como una FUNCION"y No pucde ~pr tipo de tirada", No pupJe SOl' 0eT'efrpncia", 1"·10 P I..IE'ij C~ }':' ,:'..:::. ,::: '[. (.If:.' PF!:;CR TF'Tf1F: unto :i. r:· n" No F'I..I(:~ .....iF' (:~\!::i]'.1':<'j'"', ~.' '! NDr·-I..! (:.:. (oj (.::1 U ';:: No puede '1\10 II j'f C) H U .~:~ r f:\ n e,. !o":: ~.:.:, r' a ( :- SCI' sembr~do F'l..Il·.' .....i(·\ :::,··::::·:::.i:i y. F'I..J (~() (-::, p- '..1 f~ ci E' U :::..::;: reD n, C) r·o a ~~~ .:;:' r e o rr, () N() ND F·' 1..1 (.:~ 1,·1 U F' 1..10::":' ':.; C:' C'OI'flD 1..11", 1•. / :i. CI r', (.) (.:~. .:::: r c' j-'i :i. \..' C: n ~! selecto", r:'a r2I1,I'-:''I'. rc) cl(·:·' Fl.INC TOhl " ~' r :i. _:: : t:.-. J (.:.:, (,) (~.) F' fl P c~ 1..1 r t./ ::;: II ~ l.J n r:·- -:::: r .:::: IT! (:'! t. r- () r,; F·:· d ,:.:~ ~::. C T" i ;::. t. C).,..· .::~ t l' c) i"~ '.~, r (.:.:, f r E' ,", C oj .::~ No F'uede spr paramptro a TDTRFCCION H , No pupdp ser indicp", d (.~ en H, 0 F' .::1:::· ~l '('. F' e ~::. '::: r i:.l E' U I", :::, .,:: ,,:. i:>. :::' iii: l' i::: l'if ':c' i)', (.:, c' ::~ I", :i. <:,. !'il D d (::, I .II", t. :i. :::, 0 (.::; ',': t yo. E':,;: t. :i. I"IIYI f·' ....i:i ::i n ',. i f'~ r- n Y' ,::: :":. i I::, " ... :) " i:~ m(.:. I", t. (f.:," II ~ '! ;.' No F'uede pscribir en NUEVAJ", 1'. 10 puc,dc' .::;p r !"l 'j ,:, 'j. 'i. dh]' f' i:.i(.'·) m;::: I"; ....:io F'D Y'. 1..11"1 PClF' cu)"· \' .::>. 'i. nt.c' r:i n Y' " :' No F'uede cscribiY'pn LEFRN", N0 F' 1,,1 E' iJ E' F' " '. '::;. ;:; '( ":.i :I.c' F· i:;: .:,; C, j';, '.:' c' a,"; :i. <:,. HI c, i:i (.::, '. II", t :i r· n )" c·:' f '(' (.:.:, 1"1 C :i. .,>. ~, 'No puede pasar como l.ln F'arametro p::<tranJcY'O de LFERSOLO descriptor", " ND :::.. 1..1 c, i:.l C:' F' i:i .,:..::,. I' C 0 IYi n U 1"1 :::, ;:; 1" ."; II, (:.:, t. )" r::, (.:., >~ t ..(' i:i I", ,.i E' r D I:.i I·:·' I... E:: F: r;: (:; nL n )'" c:' f '('. (::' I", c :i ,:; " ~! H " H0 F' ·':i~:: ·::1 F'I..I (.:.) i:.l (.:, r c C) 1'iI C) 1.11"1 P a)" ;:>'II' i::·' t. r 0 .....1 c:' I .. [' F F: ~:) Cl L n '.) (., I::: T (0) n! r.:.• , Ippr/modificar/pscribir". /I /".1 C) r' u .:.! .-.:i c' r:' a;::· ::>. f' C 0 l'i' 0 1..11"1 F' .,:; 1" d IY' Ic':' t. r n d (.:., "No pucdp pasar como un parametro T' I) (.~ F: T (0 B I... F H :' extral"l~iero de ESCRIBTRSOl.Cl descriF'to i·::, ~< t Y' .::>'I",,j (.:., 1" ,:", d (':' F !:; C F: I D TF: (:~ n L C1 H " (1 () F·I.J (:~ d fe' }.;. .:::: .:,:. ':::' r c· U I'fI n 1..11"1 :::.. ;:; 1" .:::: If! ;::.' t r D 1"1:;' ·f r (.;.:, ,", c"i ;::: /I • No F' 1..1 (:.! iJ (.:.) F' a ~::..::; r c' D 1'(, I) 1..11"1 :::,;:~ r '::lln E' t 'j' n io.i ;.::. F ,::~C F' T f{ T r:: ,::~n' . n '.' 10 F;: T (, r: I .. [: II " No:::, 1..1 (.:.! ci p .: ,. (.:.) yo ::. d 1" ':::: Ii'! c·:' -1:. r Ci ·3 F b [ F: TP J r;: I.) II , "Sembrado PS no slinea en un limjtc de bytp", "No I':')~::' d(·:·)c:l. a ra "No es INTCIALIZA", II I.) ;:>.1 0 1" I'i 0 t r;:l h::: '1 i:;: f :1. :1.'::1 (i p :I. t :i y:, n h (.':, )" 'j .. I·:·:' t. (.:., " • "No es el mismo tipo·, "No es NOI...IMITEX"; /I /I Par .':>' IYI c! t r c ,':,: , C·) <:; t. E:' '::.:i.IT!Plp"? " F::; r , D l"! .... I.) Cll... (1 T :r I. " 'f" u ~ .. ! c :i. D :"1 p·),,· Eo ;:i E' C :I. ,"~ 'i';'i '1:. :i. P 1"1 (.:., F! !..I E lE' I! () I! D (.j i":~ C 1 ,:: NUITIE' )",0<:: 1',:>, !., (:j'i i i) r'j ,.. i' 1"10 f (:, '('Pl"it.. (::'·::; ',:..::;. t ri (':, :i. '::. f ,,:;, c h D ('.1 (.:.:, c·:' t. :i. n' 1(,:' t. ;:>. " " F'i'! r' ':"'IiI("'\'.. '("0<::' f Cl PITI.::>' 1 F' <:,. n ,.. <i:. (:., Y'. :. : I", ;", n Ii', ~J Y'. f·' f'i ,~.' \,! i', Y" :i i:\ t..., " PI:;: Cl >:: I t"j U ij E' c- r !n :. ., i) 1", F' ,", l. i·:.' C) (.:., ·::1 (' +. i. , ·0: :I ,..l:j ·f·:i. i.'; j"- f~; c1 c-:. <i:. rl ,.:.:- i:' .,,:. i:·' 1".1 c n t i' 0::: ::... OJ:, r II I} OJ:: In (.".\ t rei ". en la mism2 seccion", "Anticuado P3rametro declaracion sinta~is", "Operandos no son asiSnacion compatible", " DF'C:-: r an;::io':;: t . :i. r'nf~ FlU\-:,' ",. F' r ClEo 'I:,:i. F'C) Ft··.ITFPO c> ~::. T'··IF TI:;.: i'1t, F' " ;"Dperandos ordinales son re0uiere", " ~; tll... I II (, n D c1 i,'" c' :I. ", r d ~:.! !"! t . :i. l. 1.1 I ;:)" ,II I rOt u n (:i .;:;: c' i D r', c:i:i. \l i ,=) ~::. :i n r'~ r:.i f'l C' C·) Y'' ,::', (.:.:, n c·~ :.': F' r (.:.~ ~::. i [) r', c1 F'~ "T i F'O cic~ c-~::.t r·l..IctlJ r·::,. L.I..ENO";· "P a r-::lmE·t I'O f C) "j"'IIi .::,.:1. nD -1", :i. f"I,C' ....:i (.:.:. " ~:) (.:., c c :i. 0 1"1 ;:~c t. '.I ::, I 1", i f .::l·1 t.;::: ::. , ~,: r' a In F' t. ?'. D c"I.;:>. ',i.•::.' ,::. I", 0 F' Hi F' i:l r E' . ..i .::,. u \' n C i") mF· :i. J .::: .... t. :i (.:.) m:::., C '! "VAX-II limite arFluitectonico de ?~S psrametros excerle", II :i.../ :i. ~":. "i. 0 n E·: 1"1 <i:. r::.' c c :i. Dn f·' ~,:. F' i:l y-. a rn pt. rD':,:· 1"1 (""0 (. III F' i:' r' F- . i.::," " Pasando predec:l.ara es ileSa]", 11 (.:,. c i:l n :i. ';:; HI D r:.l (.:.:. ::.. i:l .,,:..", I " oj D C 0 r'l c f·' ....:i f' .:::. C:' 1 n (.:., 1"1 r , .I t . i 1""1 ;::: (.:.:. ':< -!: c·, r 1"1 i:l ':; " L.I... [NO ~)F F: I F O[ DDOLFtlr·l F' .::,: r- al"il (.:., t . . ·0 ("':':F'("" j"i:>.· " L.L.FNO/l"lollenD conflicto"~ F' .::; r ;:>. In (., t r n F' 0 <:: :i. C" i n 1", i:l 1"1 D F' 1..1 c· . . 1(.:.:. <i:. r::.' <:~ I I:j run F' .::>. r::>. III (':. t. T' (") non p n <i:. :i. c :i. Cl r-: .::l 1. n "F'osiciona alinea conflicto", " F' D ~:) I"':' >~ F· r (.:.:,,:,. :i. or', -1:, i (,.~ n (~: (~I..I F' <,:. E' I' I. I r', . . .::>, J () r . . .1(~, EN T F r;: n F' 0 <,:. :i -1", :i C)" .. " P a'::, ",: n d 0 F' r c· i:.i E' c: 1 .::,: r .: ,: )". r:· n I..! :i. (.:., 'j"' (.:., f D l"' 11", .,:l :I. i i"l C I, .I .:.! F' ] i :,: t ..::>. iJ F> i' ,::. "1"' .,::: 1"(; (.::,1:. r' C) n " F' a r d III (.:.: t. rot :i. (,., r'! (,.:. (;, 1..1 (.:.:. t.. (.:., I"! F' r· '. I 1"1 .::,. IYi (.", iJ :i. d i:,: (J (.:., COl", 0 C (":'"j' .::; ... Cr m::"':i 1 i:,. .' . t :i.•,,:. m:..:, 0 " l' "Declaracion es EXTFPNO-- Archivos de pal"'mmetro ~l"'o~ram~ tiel"le 8'Ie ~~i ~.:!.I"I;:lr local", "Param(")tro proSrama tiene Flue ser 1.11"1 variabJe de ARCHTVO tipo·, "Dec:l.aracion es hereda-- al"'chivQS de parametl"'D pl"'Q~l"'amd I:,jPGe FI~IP msts 'f ! \.! 'J ni:;r IDeal" y " F' <:l r a Ii'! ('.. t r c ,::' r' c· :'.'; rail, ,,:: n D C' ',:; . . :i .". C ). .::;: 'j' .::,. C· n 1)"1 Cr 1..11"1 ·v· i.::; j-:) 1 ('., i:; 1 1 J ;:>. n Cr "AsiSnacion causa PSFCT exceder MAXENT trozo~H, "Valor de indire pl..lede ser compara por isualidarl", "Expresiones dp indices no son compatibles", " C1..1 f:! r d a c :i. -1", a 1", (I (' .::,. t (.:., 1"" :i. n .::, . . .1() .::>. 1", t. (.:.' <:: dE' (:.\ 1. f:i 1"1 (j (' :I. :i. 1"1 i.:' .::>. " , Cl..lerda cita espera", F 1"1 1:, r::, (I a F~:: "i'::: i ;:.:.: 'i' (.:.~ c~ u iii' )". :i. (.:.:. y-. F' t! F' C II T I.) D .. U () F' T 1"0 B I .F ij i:·' t. :i. ::. , 0 (.:.:, :.: t. l"' c·, 1", 0 " ,! T F: 'l Tn" , I...E:[P~:;ClI...D":J CCi 1", .,::. t a 1"1 t, (.:.:. F: E' c·~ 1..1 i (~ 1"" ('.' :I n CI t:" .:::. r;.:., n f:i. 1 .':>' r' .::; I I ..... i C: r (.:., .,:>:1 ( c; D !. . T F r;: n ,! "j"' (.:.:, ,,; 0 }". c: nDel .E n e U (':1 0 P U F' L r:' :. " ., Fxpediente cor-:tiene lomas componpnies de Apr~1TVO. pn~ PS ile~2] H? [; XP[ DI [1'·.!T[ .... I...UND I TUD c·:.:::.-' r (~·:,:.:i C) 1'1 -1:,:; (.:. . 1',(:·:· n '.i(':" .::; ':...:' r . .1I,·:' t:1 :''''(""1 FNTFF~()"·! EX P E DIE p.! T E: . . 1... C) NrJ I T 1...1 D :::. a 1"' .:~~ IT! (~.:" t . r () n C) t . :i. r·:· n (.:.~ ~::.:i ::.:.~ n :L f' :i c .:::: ~.:.. j CI n c' n n c' :i. d ("'j +. i F·' C) j'; F.I a reh :i. \"'0" ,.' "Declaracicn sa existe", "[xpedientc sa contiene 1..11"1 sembrado", :i.n:i.c:i..:,~l:i.z.::,:n:, "Y"i " I.) i:~ 1 r:::r r " ~:) (.:.:. r' :i. (.:.: .::: Cl...ti~:;E .... ..... :" )". (.; L" (.:. COli' Co U ,", (.:.; t . :i. n 1..1 (.:.:. t. ·:'l (.:.:. 1'"1 (:., <:; t r~ C(:) ~:) D . . .1 (."-; c 1. .:::: y-. i:>, c- 'j n n • " . . .1c· r (':~ F' :i. t :i. c :i () n no:':' I.! I,:·:' ci c' ',:, (:.:. r :I. i:l f II 1"1 c:i ("I 1"1 C F F~ n" 'J .:::: C c:r 1", f 0 I'll, i:ln'l:, r:;:. <:;',! (!> <,:. t f!:' ::"'·3 r· ·,:l FI (.", t r n t.:i F' 0 r c..• (;-1' !'i c·, . . . p C· ;:~ ....j;::: C!. j~l~) F: ,:1 a;::· " F '" C -1:, C) r NCf.I· .. " E ~; eli:) r' P <:; ReD HI r.-) :i. n a c i 'OJ' D C 1..1 E' r . . .1i:,: <,i. .....1 /'.., (\ (\ F' ,:l r· i:l m(.:., -1:.. r n l :i. F' Ci r (:.; n u:i (. ., r F·' C I. '~I ~:~ r: f~ n ,f C U F r;: D ti n F S C F' T P T () P T' E' n' .I'j f' 'j' P : .i 1"1 I. I. F N q (:; F P T F' n F' (,.:, .:::. l. ('., n 1.'1 (:. C L. tl ~:; [: " ~:; .::! CARACTFR estr-l..Ictura", II F: E·! G 1.1 :i. c' r E' a IYI E' n D r 1..11"1 \.' a r :i. ~l t"1 :I t..! 1 (."-' r:.> r (."., 1"1 t. Y"" iil I' " ~ .. E~:; CF: I B I F: r' (.:,. 0 l..I:i (,.! r (.".! ;::: 11, ~:.! 1"1 Cl r '. Inn p .: :. C r :i h :i. r .... 1. :i <::. t. ;::: ... (."-, 1. ('::'Il, (...! n t. C1 " " II I.) i:i]. D r i:l F' -3 rep cnmo 1..1 n I':" t . :i. c, (.:.) t i:>' f:' n (:.! ,,:. t. i·Y' F' a l ' t (."., ,.... <:~ ';' :i. ::~n t. F'" Y II Put :i. n 3~:· no :·"'11(·,'1:.1.:-:.:. F' <:>(j; <'l r 1I'''3ni"lo CI.IFPJ)t·,DFf;CP I F'TClr.: • , " CCJ 111 P :;. ].;:; F f r- () '," Tnt. f-' Y' i 0 1"" C 1..1 -"'- n ci 0 F' r Dec·; ,,;"l n d n 1 ;:,: r I. I t :i n <'l U "Dir-ectivo eSP0siftc3 SEOll tr-ata cnmo t~31..1lmente ? FORTPAN directivo" 'J "FNGASTAR basD tipos no son compatiblp". " 1~:NGtIST f.1F: p]. ("'I"fl(:!nt 0 P~';F' T'('" <:; :i. Df"! t:i (':"I"I....:.! C·'I.I(:·\ ,,:.(.".• "(' ....:io::, t i :::. (:"1 Cr rd:i n;:~ 1 " " "F:NDASTAF: elC'li'!ento no C's en O •• ?5S-, "MEDIDA de actl..lalps diferenle d0 los DirDs p<'lr2mptros en 1.s misma spcc :i. on n , n f-'i c·! . . .1:i. (1 e (.:., ::< t . :I. i c:i t. (:r E' ,", ('i :i. HI (.::. 1", ~:; :i. (:r 1", d i··' "Atribl..lto de mpdida/tiPD ~:; F F;: conf:l.i~tn", JE hd C f:· C L. tl ~:~ F .. i'·.1 C t) rei d r'l C).::>, t ..::;: 'r i. I) " '.' " j·...i (.:.) d:i. (1.::>. . :.1,;:.:, \.1.:" Y"' :i. ;:::b I c' con·f J :i. ct. ;:>. "·:·01""; t. . . l.::, ,., C" 0 ,. 1 (:.\ .j"' 1..1 nd i c·:i i)r·, t. :i. r·. () " "Medidas son difeY"'cntes", " E:: ~< F" r '". ) .:::. i u r , (".1 C:' II! c·,:, iJ i 1.".1 i::: t. :i. r:-:' n f·:' C·111 (:.:, <:; E' l' I.J n \J i::: 1 D r d f\ EN T F P f) F" 0 ,::. i t .j •... C)" 'J "Medida excede MAXFNT tro7Ds", " t1 F' iJ i rl i:>. (J c: CD II, F·· 0 n E' I·: t, r·::' ,:1 c·, ':; (:.; "j' :i. ,~., Fe ;:.• ,,:..:,>. C ('.' T· ("' i::: (.1 (.::, <::. C r'.j }':.. tor' n n c· .::; 1..11""1 1"11 '.11 t. :i. F· "I. i:·' 'J J I.:i (.:.~ j-:) '::!- t. t:~ ~;:. • ~} "Especifica de extranJpr'c) mecani~mo r'P8l..1iere SilPedtt2P 1a decJaracton clE) p<:lr<:lITl(-2tro"!' "Errores fuentes prohibe continua cC)m~t]? - corre~lle s recompj]a", " T f:)::< t,n f 1..1 (·"nt,,:~ ~:: F:! <.'.i 1..1 :i. (:-!ndo f:i. n (iF' com F·· i 1 i:>.C :i. or', un :i ......i;:l (J i:.!C·'<::ci:-rnoc (," " "Nonnnrma: actual no es nOlTlbre compatible con otrns ~?r?metrns en ]~ m :i. ~:; IT, ·::l ~::. (.:.: c c ion· , "Nonno rma t l:i. ~:.l 0 at. r :i.l::rutn· , " Non no T'ri' i:::! 1"",1..11l,(.:.' rD (·.le E,t :i. G'.lf:·t::" IT';c.~<::· elf' 99<?{') R , " r·.! 0 n 1"", () Y' m,? t p i::: :1. :!. (I D···· "I' e I :I p n n U ,::. i:l iJ 1..1 r· ant. p C) F" E·; r· i:l C':j 0 !".j d f·:· C , .I E,) Y' (103· Y "1···!c:rnno rilla; :I. 1 .: : IIi i:l f '. Inc i 0 r·, COlli 0 '. I r', :::.. r· ') c P iJ .j F'm p n t . (.:.;" y "Nol"",nC) ·nfl2 t opprator de tipo fundicion", "Nonnorma: sintaxis de serie conforlTlantp", "Nonnor'ma: opprator conc?ntenacion", "Nonnorma: constante" , " Nnnno I""n,a: 'v'i:l r:i. .:;it.... :I. (.::, 1"11 i:l r·, cic) r·,o ...-lpc 1 .::; r· :::. F'n !'}AF' T t.l HI F ,,: pee :i. or·, " '.' " Nonno rlTl ,,;! ("li;,~c 1.::>. r·;:~("' :i. Drl\-:.~:; !::·pcc :i. ont·:',,:· ;:5Il"iho<:; no ·:::.nn E·;rl 0 r-- dF'n i"i f.".i'.Ir·li c· .::::" , "Nonnorlna! par01T1ptro falta declaracion". "NonnD 1'11,;:::: (J i "I"'(·:'c-l.". :i. \)0" y "Nonl"",o PI"II.::::: \)2cio caso-·listo plpITIPnto·, • NDr·, 1'., C) r' 1"1,::>': '...... a c :i 0 :::.. D '::. :i. c "i. n n . . .1P F' ,:~ r i::: In E·' -\:, r n ::>. ct. '. I a 1. " , "Nonnorma: vacio seccion dp pxppriientp", "NonnnrlTla: vacin cuerda", "Nonnorma: V3CjO \)ariante", "Nonno )"'m·::>. t parametro de pr"l"'or-rpcobro", " /'·1 () n n C) )"' II, .,,:: : operator exponenciacion", " NCl 1"", r', 0 r· HI a t sintaxis dp cuerda extendido", "Nonno )"'rH.::::! (.:~ ~:; F·' (-;., ~::, i. f :i. C i:> C) (.:.~ tTl (.:.~. C; ,::s rOt'j ~::.IYI n i;:·~ >~ t i"~ .::~ ri j i:'":1 r C) " "Nonno Pin;:,,: F U1'·1 C I 0 r-·1 i:.l EO' 'v". I (:::. :I. '-.! E' un \J i:>. :I. C) r r:.l ('.; t:i r:' (") 11", ;:l :I. .:::. • , n Nor·, 1", 0 r IT, a : COMPPENDIDO dirpcti\)oH, "Non!""!!:) "I'III;:'·: :i. n i c :i. i:>. 1 :i. ;:.~::>. c :i. 0 1'., .;::. :i. r·, t.::>. ;.; i '::, E·' n I,) I~ I:~ T I~ B 1. F ,,:. p C C i. C) r·," ~' "Nonnorma: no i~ual ptiGupta variantpH, "Nonnorma: potencial llano mas arriba modificacion ppoh:ihp como vari?b :I. (": 1"11 i:>. n (i 0 " , "NonnDY'lna: t100UI...O dt::cli:::rac:i.on"~· "i'·lonnoY'm;:; : usa dp pa"l.8hr--a r--pservad2 NADA como un constantp·, HNOnnOT'Il'i:5: dpclar3cion dp parametrn no tiene un 1istD par?metro for--mal "Nonnopma: "Nonnorffia: "Nonnopma: "Nonnorma: "Nonno rlT,i'l! " No 1", 1""1 D l' In a : "Nol",f"lo T'ma: "NOnnOl'rf;.::>' : "Nof"ll""lu r'ma ~ " 1'-! U 1""11""1 Cl r IT, a ! "NDl""lno rlTl;:) t " No 1""1 r, C) r 111 .::~ : nonposicional parametpo sintaxis·, DISTTNTO clausa", paso prpdpclara", cominacion de I...LENO ~ nollpno cnlpccionps" , P l'f·)df'C 1.:::: r·,:>.,'.:Io" ~J t i \.... 0 F' r E' ..:.\ f-'.p :i 1""1 ~:l" con·::·,t. (·:, Y' a i z " ? ~ binario pntrada dpsde apchivn TEXTO"? tipo Pl""lumerado pntrada desde un archivo TEXTO"v pntrada hpxidpcima:l. desdp un archivo TFXTO", (:.:'ntl'ada Dctal dp·::;(lf' un aY'ch:i 'JO cie' TFXTCl", entrada cuprda dpsde un a1'chivo TEXTO", T'pdeclar--acion dp palabP3 rpsPl'vad? NADA"y COMENTARIO operator", solo constantes simples (opcional si~no) 0 PI""I idpntifica"? "Nol""lno r ITt a ! "Nonnortna! "NoI""Il""loY'm,,>.: "NonnnY""ma! uNonnoT'lTIa! c 1..1 f·' l' i:J a C 0 Il"I F" ·::l t :i. f:·, 1. :i. (1."; d· !' "Nonnc) T'!"f!i:" ~ ttpos no tipnen :I.? mismo nombrp·, "Nonno rUI i'l t ptiuupt2 simbolicD"' "Nonl""lo r·ln;:>, ~ '.I.::; a i 1""1 v::>, 1. :i. I"i.::>. . . .1c·; S PHI h T' i:l d D h P r' T' P t (:., " ? "Nonnorril'::>'! INSFGURO compatibilidarl", • 1'-.lonn n rlI,::>' f·:::.,':,· r :i. (.:.:, cunf·o rm ant.(·:·:, 13·;::·('1 COlliO un ("up 1"" (j.::>, " ? " N Dr·, nor· IT, i:>,! I... L. r::: N() ~) F F' I F I:: :I:. ,. :I J nF CAr:: (:, CT F r-~ U.::; i::: .-:: C1 ril c. , ,n ("' u (.:.; r (".\.::;. " , '"S'" ,n.," • Nonno rlll ~l! I) til.. DP :i 1"1 :i. C ,,:'1 i. 7·::: (: :i. (, n <::. PC' r::':i nn· %DICCIONAPIO dire~tivD·' "Nonnorrna: vacio parte de variantp·, "Nonnorrna: etioueta variante no cubre la fila de el tiPQ herretp", t··.) 0 n 1"1 0 I' 111 a: <:;. ,:l J t (J a i":) :i. n "i rio a un·;', r c h :i. \.1 D TF XTCl" , "Nonnorrna: usa definido tipo enurnerado salida a un archivo TEXTD", "Nonnorrna: salida he~idecirnal a un archivo TEXTCl", "NonnoI'ma! salida octal a un archlvo TEXTCl", "Cuerdas valores tiene oue ser de lon~itud i~ual", "Cuerda (CARACTER, LLENO SERlE [1 .n] DE CARACTFR. 0 VARTANTF) operand 'I nNonnorrna~ II o r(·::'(:iu:i.f~rt:-!"' "ruerda (CARACTER, LLENO SERlE Y'(:'~(:luiE'ri:-'"' " C 1.1 E' r d;:: (C (I PAC T E r;:, n] DE rARACTER, 0 VARTANTE) pararne\ R TEl:: :1. ,. ,n ::I DE Ctl PAC T F p, 0 \) I~ [ l •• l~O (-i U :i. t:·~ L L F N() ~::; F r;: T01 NT F) t. :i. p n Y' \,:,," , "IleSal ASCII caracteres·, " f:; :i. n t a ;.; :i. ". : "Sinti'l~';:i.s;~ " S :i. n t .::l;': i·;;;. t " f:) :i. n t a >~ :i. <:;. ! ~3 :i. n t a ;: :i. ~~ : "S:i.nt':l;.;:i.·;::. iII " S :i. n t E; >': :i. ~;;. i"!3 i nt. a;.;:i. S;.: " S :i. n t a;.; :i. '::; ~ U !:; :i. n t. i:l ;.~ :i. ~;;. i• f:; i n t i:': ;.; i "'. t ":3 :i. n ·t c' :''; is: " f:) :i. n'l:, ':' ;.; :i. ';;;. : \'" II : ::::\ n y \ n ; \.. (J '\" " ) \ n (::1 ":::. r:.-;;:.! r'ar.iD \ -'. If "II ~'"'' "" ~} \ \ ... II~\.n~, .. ~·V\. H \lIy"..... " ~I \'" 11]\ I' (,:,~ ":::. F: E:' P () \"]\" (.~~I ":::. :::.. (:.~ f'~ ~:~ F" (::.~ 0(" .:::: (:i C) \ .. H !} \. .... II !' '\.... R n " ... ~"". t:i (".~ D ::~ (1 D II " S :i. n t d :i. r i? c t. :i. \i C) ~ Y' " ~I n y \",\" 0 \"J\" esperado·, \.", \" 0 \ " ) \ " f:' ';;'. F" (.:, l' a c1 () " I' \",\" 0 \ " ; \ " f:'sperado·, CONTINUA 0 MENSAJE pSPf:'rado·, ,,; H !' o \":\" espprado", o HACFR esper2do" , U '. \ r" "Sintaxis: " ~; :i. 1"1 t a;.:::i ';;: "Sintaxis: "Sintaxis: ,:3 .'< :i. n !' esperado", \":=\" D \ " ; \ " esperado", at 1':i huto l:i ·:;;.to no cone'f·'d . ·:> ,,·'n I.In fund :i. c:i O!"I -1:, :i. F'O· atributo-listo 0 tipo espesificacion espprado', EMPEZAR 0 declaracion psperado·, EMPFZAR esperado·, \ .. n~I\.n \":~\", \";\" 0 \")\" esperado·, \":=\" h :I. 0 0 (-) I. ! P P ';;. F' P T' ,;1 do· " "Sintaxis: dir0ctivo pxtraviado, FXTFRNO asumido", "Sintaxis: HACER esperado", "Sintaxis: \" •• \" esper-ado·, " f:; :i.l"lt a;.,: i ~;:.: DTF:D 0 ':;oi·:.) T'C"<:'.,'l1 t D cl(·:·' d f·! C' 1 ;:>. Y'i;:' c :i. 01"1 n UF''...' .;;" P'::;Pf' r.:,.(j D • !I Sintaxis: FIN esperado·, Sintaxis: \"=\" esperado", ErrOl en compila-tif:'mpo exprpsion", ~:; :i. n t. a;.; :i. ~;; iexpresion esperado", f:) :i. n t .;;,. ;< i ~::. i. expresion, \.;\", DISTINTO 0 FIN espeI'ado", ~3 :i. 1"1 t a;.:: i·::: : FUNCION 0 PROCEDTEMFNTE esperado" , ::) i nt,a.'< i,;;;,: -1:.. i t. I. ! 1 i;;: 'j" 1..1 t i 1"1 ·::l C) t. i F' U :i. ('.1 ~:ll"t t :i. f :i. C .::>. f:· <:; F" (.::. r a "".1 0 " !' S:i.nta:<:i.<:; : :i. ,'J (':' 1'1 t. :i. fie a!1 CAf:; () C) F I ~··l f' <;;. :::.. (:.! r ;:\ cl 0 " , ::):i.nta;·::i.';;. : identifica, CASCl 0 \ " ) \ " esper~rlo". i r:.l (:.~ r I t :i. f :i. C i'l r; C(.1 ~:; (] (:., ';;. :::, (:,' Y' i::: do" Y !3:i.nta.'<i~:; : f:; :i. nt;:;,;.: i·;;'.: identifica esperado", !:) i n t i:l >: :i. ~:; : malo-formado pxpresion", !:) i 1"1 t a >~ :i. s : entero esperado", S :i. n t .::l >: i·;;; : invalida si~no separador", " S :i. n t <3 >: :i. ';;;. : • !:) :i. 1"1 t a >: :i. !;; : II S :i. n t. a ::< :i. <:: : ·Sintaxis: "Sintaxis: "Sint2xis: "Sintaxis: n ::; i n t. <:1 >~ :i. ''''. ~ "Sintaxis: "Sintaxist 11 f.-:~ i n t . .::~ >~ :i. ~:;: " !:) :i. 1"1 t El >: :i. ,;;:.: lIE·:::.l,;;:'!. 1.:i.<;;.tn ciE" ile~al paramf:'tro :i. 1. (-:-~ :.,l .;;;: :I. 1 :i. ';;; t 0 .::!lY'··ibut. o" ~ actl..lal·~ ('.1 E' P i:' r ,,,: ITt P t l' n i;;' C t. I I .::,:1 n ~. simbolico·, ile~8l variable", eti8ueta esperado". \"[\" espprado" , ile~al \. H ( \, (.:.; ~::. p n \"(\" 0 I::' Y' a d () \B(\", ". \. ••.... H ~ \ n ("'" u ') (,:! ';;;. F' P ~;;. .... U ". n !}.., :i. f :i. C i'l " ~I esperadD", \";\" n \"]\." () ....... II : '\ n (.:.:_ Il'I P C ;'j 1"1 :i. <:; I'll () (:) R S F' (.:.~ '(\ .:::: ('.1 D n ~! E·' ';., F' Y' E' "'. :i. ('11"1 (,.! ~:;. P (:., T' ;,,. d (") " !' I' E·' "Sintaxist Sintaxis: Sintaxis: Sintaxis: Sintaxis: Sintaxis: Sintaxis: Sintaxis: S :i. n t. ,,~ ;.:: :i. <:;: Sintaxis: Sintaxis: Sintaxis: rai:.)C) II sobrealto de una declaracion nueva esperado", DE esperado", listo de parametro actual", seccion de parametro esperado" , \"0\" esperado·, PROGRAMA 0 MODULO esperado", cuerda cita esperado" , \"J\" esperado", pal i::: t:.l r' a 'f' (.:., ,,; E' r· '..' i'l c.l i'l 1"'1 0 r:, I. 1(:,' (1 E·' .::; (.:.) r- 'I" (::, i:.l (0' f :i. n :i. 1'.1 ;:,:. y \")'" esper-ado", \";\" 0 \ " ) \ " esper-ado", tituls de 'l"utina, tipo identifica 0 pS8uema conformantp ese ~I "Sintaxist \";\" esper-ado·, "Sintaxis: \";\" 0 FIN esperado" , \"~.\\" o \"['" "Sintaxis: \";\U 0 'B]\" esperado", "Sintaxis: \.;\U, DISTINTO 0 FIN esperarlo u , "Sintaxis: ENTONCES esperado" , " !:) :i. 1"1 t a;< :i..:;;: r~I'4 0 I{i~ J AF:A 0:-:.' <:,.:..' !".., r- i:-ldn • , " ~) :i. 1"1 1:, a >~ :i. ':;: t :i. F' () :i. 1'.1 F' n'l:. i f :i. C E: n E' ~:; <:-l I Ir' I'I! .::" eon for' man t (.:., (.:., ~::. F' I,:' Y" ;:l (1 0 " "Sintaxis: tipo identifiea esper-ado", "Sintaxis: solo SERlE, ARC.1IVO, EXPEDIENTE, 0 FNGASTAR tipos puede spr I... I... I: HD " , Sintaxis: tipo espesificacion esper-ado", Sintaxis: declar-acion encnntrado in seccial"! eJecutable" , Sintaxis: HAST A esperado" , Sintaxis: \"; OTRO\· no es valida Pascal, OTRO empareJado con SID, Sintaxis: Herrete tipo tiene <:-lue ser un ordinal tipo". O(':')IYlaS i a :i. n,....i :i. C(,·) ;:.";'~P Y"'i!.',,:. :i. on~:~~::.:) t . i F'O t:i (." 1"1 F' ,,; c. I n c1 :i. InF'n <::.:i or·,p'::. • I' Tipo contiene uno 0 mas ARCHIVO componentes. medida alributo es ile~3 'J Tipo contiene uno 0 mas ARCHIVO componentes", Tipo contiene no parte variante", Tipo tiene <:-lue ser un indica de ARCHIVOS·, "CUERDADESCRIPTOR no concede por eso lipon, "COITlF'onE·'ntp t . i}·· . o elp \)tlf~IANTF t . :i (·:·'nF' DI.If-:' ";O:-:"Y' C,'4f~(,:,CTFF:·~; "E,,; NOI...INEt,DO" , "No es NOL IMtTIDO-- solo 32-t'l"ozo direccion de entrada punta devnlvida ", ·Parametro formal no dpclarado", "Identifica no declsradan~ "INSEGURO atrii.luto no concede en conformantp VARIANTE psauems", "NOFIRMAR constante excedp fila"? "Nolimitp impide arribsllena scceso", "Nolimite impide arriballena IRA", "Usa antes de estaba declarar", "Decomptido Version 1 dinamico serie tipo", "Decometido Version 1 dinamico sP'l"ie asi~nacion·. "Decomptido pxtraviado parametro sintaxis: (~nrrect0 anarliendo coma", "Usa de sin apoyo VI omitado parametro sintaxis con nueve V? 'l"as~n(s)" "Oecomptido Vprsion 1 raiz salida pSPPsificacion", "Valo'l" ser asi~nado es fuera dp limitp·, "VALOR variables tiene Que se'l" inicialido", "X"') II t.)!~11...0R at. r i hutn nu concpc'!':'" (·,'n nt. . ,.i(·,to<::. 1'11'::)<:; <.'J l"i:lr':rl(·" t. '(' () :;:.: D':;; " IIt.)(:,LClF: cc'nc~~d(·~ ~::.Cil0 ';':,;1"1 nrdin'::ll D r·i·:"al t.·jPD(l;" , "GLOBAl... 0 EXTERNO visibilidarl es reauiere con el ',I(it ClF: at. '(' i !:.lutn "Variable no PS compatible con parametro fO'l"mal" , "Va'l"iable tipne 8ue ser de tipo TEXTO·, "Formal VARIABLE parametro no pupde S2r un rutina", ~ ••I ••••• '! II ~' "Variable tiene 8ue ser de un indice tipoa, "LONGITUD s CUERPO son el sembrados solos en un VARIANTE tipo", "Visibilidadl AUTOMATICO 3sj~nacion conflicta", "~) :i. ~:; i ~::.b :i.l :i. ei ad 0:·:::· no <::on GLClBtlL ./[YTFPNO 0 FXTFr~t·.ln/FXTFr-;:Nn a , "Anchura de se~undo sembrado concede solo cuando valor es de lin tipo r (."1<:1:1. n !) "Es ESCRIBIRSOLO", "Dia~nosticos ocurrido en este linea", "Continuacion improprio despues de 11na condicion no continuable", n Puti:1nolTlb r·p rID dE'·,::. :i. :':.lnB un rlDelc) con F' rot.Dcn:l. D Ci()culTIl~'n·l:,()·!} " D(~: ~:; c rip c :i. () n (\ f:> d D C I..IITI F' n t. 0 n D p ;:; F' (.:.; <=; :i. fie ;,~ :I. 1 .:;~ n u T".::~ 1""1 U c· :I. (.:.; 0" ~' " DF:: ~::. c r :i. p c :i. () n iJ E·:' d D C 1..1 HI P n ·t C) (", .:::. F' .::., "'. :i. f "i c a una I 1 ·:'l n 1..1 r· ·;;l r·,1..1 c 1 P C) ,,:."i. n a F·· 0 ';;~ o· ~, "Esta dpsconocipndo los definiciones de literals in dpscripcioon de do CI..1 111(':: n"\".. 0 " , r· :i. F'C i or·1 d(,·: r:.iocUll"l(·,)nt. C) no (·:·)~;;·F'(:';<;;· :i. f :i. ca un To r·rll;:>.t. 0 dncurll(:·'ntn"!) "D.::·:<::.c Y' :i. F'C i on d(·:" iJocUm(,~nt.D esP(·:·";;· i f :i. Ci:l un fo Y'I"lla-1:,o CiOculflPnto i I"liF·· r-OF' r :i. 0" , "Esppsific'a facilidad dpsconocido para extraccion de dpscripcion de do cum(·?nto" ~. "Esta desconocipndo la dpscripcion dp spmbrado virtual", " D(·:·)~:;c l' :i. PC i on el(" ~;;.o?:'mbI' acio no ~?~:;P0)~:; i f :i. c;:, 1 nn".! -j t.ud" , " DE' ~;;. C r :i. F' c ion cl (.,! ':; \~.) 1"11 b r· i'i d 0 P .;;;. :.:., (.? <:; :i. f' :i. cal n n .:.! i t, I. IiJ :i. ITt F' r 0 F' r· :i n " ~ "Dpscripcinn de sembradn no espesifica una comppnsBcion R , "DescI'ipcion dp sembradn psppsifica una eompensacion impropr-io", nDescI'ipcion de sembrado pspesifiea una alinea~ion de sembrado improPY' n DE.:~;;.C :i.o" !' "Descripcion de spmbrado eSPPsifica un basp ot.I'a cos a 8lJe 2 0 " D(,:'~:; C T' i F'C i on d(·:·' ·";0)1!!b T'.:::'i:.iO (:., <:;:::.. f·) '::. i fica un ;:!t T' :i. hl.l·t n n U I"IIF' r i cn F·· C) T' nl..lmf:~ r :i. CO!:; " l"y (i.::>.to~::. no l' "Descripcion de sembrado espesifica un numern de numpros di~itos impro F'r:i.o" , "Est~ desennociendo el pI'imero valor en la deser-ipeion dp sembrado", "Descripcion de sembradn espesifi~a im hprretp pnr un sembrado dp no-e "Dpseripcion de spmbrado psppsifica datostipn por spmbrario con mipmbI'o ~; H 11 "Descripcion de sembradn nn eSPPsifica una cap a por un c;embrado de cap .::>' If !J DDescripcion de spmbrado eSPPsifica una capa par unn sembrado de no-ca nD0~~::cripcion elf',~n~:;:i.on no E·"! ~::. F'" F-;\ S i fi ca un "I :i. m:i. t..l" el(,:, IYla!'; l.".lc,.,io· y "Descripcion de dimension no p!::·pp,,:· :i. f:i c;;:, un 1 i m:i. tp elF' ril'::~E elevado", "Dpscripcion dp dimension no ~:.~ "::; F" (.:.! "::; :i. fi C~:~ un tp;:>.ncD " , "Descripcinn de dimpnsion pspesifica un t.ranco imprnpI'io", "Dpscripcion de dimensinn psppsi~i~a improprio un ncurrencia minimn"y "Esta descnnocipndo Ins valnrps dp herrptp pn dpscri~cion dp capa", "Descripcinn de sembradn espesifica una refrpncia por ur~ spmbrado de n o :i. n r::i :i. C t,:' " !! "Esta desconocipndn la rPfrencia en dpscY'ipcion dp capa" , "Dpscripcinn de spmbradn eSPPsifica una pscala mas ~rande dp precision "No····t..e::-:-1:..o d(·')!::.e r :i. F··C i on . . .l,::~ ~.;; (O~I"fI~·:O r·;:,.do (")·:::·F' (.:., .:::. :i. fie ;:,. . . .1:i. (:·!,:;t ro .jl..l~:. t. i fie ,:)f":. :i. on R ~ "No-dl"cimal dpscripcion de sembrado psppsifica blanco-cl.lando-cpr-o", "Litpral 0 fila contiene cpro 0 mas dp dos valorl"s", "CuPI'da 8Ul" contiene mas dl" 255 caract.erps ha t.runcado", "Una capa contipnp no sl"mbrados" , "Cap2 espesifica valorps dp hprrete por un spmbpado sin variable dp he Y' r (.:.:, t (,.~ ") to :::.. 1'('.;''/[: :~.~ :::: 0 .... ~ It open flIes fnr use in this procpdurp tl Dut ,"..,..... ~ It of the proSram *1 if (z == 1) prevc=EOF; 1* repeat the outer loop until the character is the EOF character *1 while «prevc 1= [OF) && «c=fgetcCinf» != EOF»){ 1* if the character is a '%' then it mas be the besi.nning *1 1* of an error line~ so check *1 if (c '%'){ prevc = ' , .9 } 1* the character may be the beginninS of a comment,constant, *1 1* or string, so check *1 } fc·loseCoutf); fclose(inf); } /t** *:1: * Spanish Pascal Translator ria ITlf~ 8':1"; t. F'111 PT'o~.iy'am s .... t:.l(~f n·31T1f.·~ *11< P Y' D ~.:! r i;) rillTl e r **- np~:;,c : This function takps OF' E' n ~:; an 0 I.lPI..! -1-. f :i. 1 ('.~ an .LIS pxtension. filp created in the r' :i. pt i on 11< * * * ** * F:E·'t. uT'n cndl'''';:. * * t'1 (1 :i. f :i. cat :i. () * H :i. ,,; to * ****/ ! Linka~-:iE~ :1,( L;:l~:;t. : FILE Chi:l l' :8: d (.:~ f :i. n t:J YF':3 "I. :1I:d,?:·· :1I:clE'·f:i.I"",(·:J NO nut f i :I. E·' P n :i. n t. (.:.~ r ) *infi.lep()inter~outf:i.lppnintpr; *,;l r< I:: .., ~ E'rr'OY' fli'!'.:.i .,.. 1::- ,.J I f Tsppd in thp function and debuS~ed npbu~~ed some moY'P Added more cOlTlments and debu~~ed Added more comments C) I..J ~;/:10 1":'1 -::: ~::. ·t d P T' , for input. • II :I: inc 1 U cl ('!! :! ( a r' ~:.~ 'v' ¥ i n f:i "I E:' :::. 0 i. n t ancl t:.\ut (,,' • TI··1P + uf','d,3t(O~ 0 ~::..... el ..:· f the arSulTlent list of thp S8mp namp, It also opens thp transback spction ~:)/ ~.:.i/ :12 1."i' ,,; t.::::ncla r,..~ i nr" ..It/ outl·:,ut clf:'c 1."" T'i:"t :i. on':; */ strin~ manipulation functions and 1YI;:"CT'O~:; :i. Co • h:> ~. ) :i. th:i.n ti')E'~ F' T' C) ~.:.l r' a ITI i nf(::·'cl for (·:·~a~:; :i. (.:.:1 r 1..1 nfp(l (·:·~a{::· :i. i::~ '(". th(:·) FI Y'·o~.:.l ram 1 for' /* '" dF,:i nff:·'cl t.o b€' u~:;E·)d for t.hE' :i. nF'I..I·L aT'r·,,>.':! i:/ /* 0 ,...11'." ~:; (:.~ U<::.E~ "* SIZE :100 s_dpf(,outf) /* FILE **,**outf; char *i:1l"'~;ivl::]; /* .r ,. filp pointers from the main funtion ar~umpnt list */ */ l* tnt per,zvi,j; control v~riablps */ char temp[25]9tpmpr[2~J; /* temporars arras of charactprs :;·~::::O ; F"(':'~ Y"::::O i .... 1. /* , l* ; .. ~:; ~:.~ t fl Cr.":'•• SE··t fl a~:.~ '\, .-{ to 0 to () *.. ' *./ /* cops the input file name into tpmp, thpn chpck to sep /* if the filp namp had an pxtpnsion or not *l for (j=O;j-:::strlen(3r~v[iJ);j++) -!:,E:'·ITIP[.j] :::: a·("iv[:i.J[,.i+1.]; f (:) 'i' (,j :::: () ; ..i -::: <:; t, r 1 P n ( t f:·' ITI P if (tpmp[J]== ' . ' ) .,..r F' (;~ ) ; J ++ ) -( r' :::: 1.;; Ii: if thp file name had no ext,pnsinnv put onE' in */ :i.f (Ipi"))""'){ */ */ */ *l */ t r 1 (."·'n (tPIYlP) II t (.:., ITt F' I:: ,j :1 : : ' • I ? t (.:~ 1)·1 F·· r: ,j +1 ::I :::: l ~::, I II .j"::<,: t(;"IYIP[,j+2"]::::' a Y t.. (."~ ITI F' r: j + 3 :·1,;:: ':; \I "I.".. (;·,IYtF[..i+4J::::'\O' \I I l , .\. It Fut the .TMP and .LIS extension on the file nRlYte and tl It open thelYt as input.. and outFut respectively tl i ~ (strlenCtelYtp» - 3; strCFy(teIYtFrytemp); t (,:. HI P ¥' r: :i.] :::: .' t I ; tempr[j+lJ = 'm'; tempr[i+2J = 'p'; t P 1"(1 P [ i J ::: ' l ' ; :::. ':i.'; +2::1 .::: '<:;'; t('"~ln:::,r::i.+l] t,C·'IYlF·· r: i ;f i. n f :::: f n F' E' n ( t (~ 111 F' T' ¥ " l' n ) ; ;faulf = fnpen(teIYtP,RwR); It if an error occurs while npenin~ the files print a *1 It messa~e and set the fla~ *1 if «(*inf == NULL) NULI...»{ (*outf printf(RFrrnr openin~ files for transerr H I J :.:.~ I I :::: 1. ; )P€·,tu 1'1""1 (7) } II 1* Y'E'tl.lY'1"I P1')"·OY·· fl<:l<.:.l */ ); /*** *S na * P r a n IYII'?" * P rc * D(·:·!'::.c i pt. :i. on lie: <:~ rfl l' C) '.:.1 y-. c) !i.l Spanish Pascal T1'anslato1' 111 (~~ '::1 <:; '1:. (." 111 t rlilll(" T' This funct.ion compares the st.rin~ t.hat. has been determined to eoual a Pascal error abbreviat.ion with all the Pascal error abbrpviat.ions. If a is found, t.he cor1'espondin~ Spanish prror HI (.:., ':; ~:; a '.:.l (.:.~ :i. ::; out. P 1..1 t t () t. h (" 0 I. J t r~' 1..1 t f :i. ll':'~ , l' * *** * L :i. nka;:::!p * * t. + ,. )\( ek0scmp(bl..lffe1'Y1'e~erryspanerrYf()ut,fin~cha); * c h arb u f f (.:.) r [ :1 !! r E·' '.:.! (.:.) r r I:: :1 , )\( ';; Pi!>. n F' Y' P \:: ::t , c h a FILE )\(fin,t.fout; )\( I:~ I?·~ 1..1 l' n last character 1'ead c D cl E·' '::. )\( >!< Lac.:,i:, updat.(~ t. t. t·1od:i. f'icatiol"l * S/:l7/Bb + • Tsped in funct.ion and debu~ged Addpd morp comments Changed the number of compapisons Addpd mope comments !."j/1. () ~:.i/1.1 H:i.~;t()r~! )\( ~.:.i/:I.) )\( ~.'j/:l. "7 ***/ nc 1. ud(·,' .::: :::.t,iJ:i Co. h> tinclude ':::ct.ype.h> l)\( ';; t.i'>.ndi~ rd /* stpjn~ :O:clpfi n€·~ '(Ef:> :I. /:~( n(:.! :\!:,.:i(,·!f:i.n(,·! ND 0 /* cli':"f' i np".l foY' (·:,'a<;;·i p r u!::' f.., wit.hin the P1'og1'am iJ(·:·'f i 1"1 (.:.,;J fOl' pi!l<:;:i e1' u';;p within the ppog1'am i:.l i·:·' f . . .l t.n hi,' us;pd fnr' thp input ar1'aY */ :\1::1. :I~def:i. 1* SIZE: 1 00 :i. nut.put df..)c Ie>. Y'at :i. on!:;. t./ manipulat.ion functions and macros t.1 /* a r r<:>":I~:; F-" ,:>. ~:; !:;~:~cl b~:1 t. he O:::'h(~!ck .... buf funct :i. on */ It. file pointers and character t.1 char buf\:::1'*Y'e~p1'r[],*spaner1'[:1,alphan; FILE *fnut,*fin; { :i.nt n,k,j; C :::: It. subscript to the ar1'aYs *1 '\0'; l:t. i.f th(~~ <;:.t.r·:in<:! pOI.l':>.l,,; 'i::h~!:;CI~I...' thpn an PT'ror' he"!:; t./ 1* be encounte1'ed )\(1 if ( I (strcmp(huf,·i::PASCAI...·»){ fput,,> (hl..lf'!J fDut) y fputc(alphan,fDut); for (n=O;n~);n++){ c::::f::jpt. c f }':, I .1 t "'. •J . C ( (f in) ; c y f nut ) ; */ */ l* thE) F,ut. (~'rr'or,:,'vi,::::t:i.on :i.nt.,() t.'.luf */ ":: 0; n while «c=f~etc(fin» t:.H,.I'f [: 1"1 :1 .... 1= ','){ c; 1"1++ V )- It put out the error abbreviat.ion and the comma *l bl..lf[l"I:1::::'\O' ; f~,>ut,,<::. (buf, fou't) ? fF'utc (c, fout.) 9 ;* l* while the character bein~ read is not alphabetic, put out the character *l while««(c=f~etc(fin»< fF'Ut..C ;* ('z'<c»&&«c< 'A') 'a') *1 (':1'<c» (c, fout ) ; read ch2racters, but don't put them out until the newline character. This ~ets rid of the en~ljsh error */ /* while(d=f~etc(fin) l* 1= *l '\1"1') determine the correct messa~e to print out and print jt out for (J=O;J<603;J++){ .i. f (! (~:;tr·cm;~:'(l)'.lfY T'(7~~~eT'T"[,...i]»)) fputs(spanerr[J]vfout); " .,i0 C· :::: f \ ... 1"'1 I ? " .r /* :i.f the> '::;tr:i.n<j r:.loF~s; nDt F'Gual '::::F'ASCtll...' put DU'''' the s;tr:i.n<.=.l pI':;.!;' fputsCbuf,fout); ;* return the last character read '\, .J ) *1 *l *l /*** ** s~~s terr! * Spanish Pascal Translator narr!f" Pr·o~:.i·f'21Yt nalYlE' ! :i.n<:;pc l t JO';;.f·!ph st(·'!P 1 (.:~ :/( ** II e'::; C l' :i. :::, '1:, ion This function dE'tE'rlYtinps if thE' character is thp hp~innin~ of a cOIYIIYtE'nt. strin~ or constant. : If it is it calls thp appropriate function to : handle whichever case it is. It then checks thE' chi'! ract(·:·, T' r-I·:·:·tl.l l' 1"1 I·:·) d h'::/ tho';:;('::' fl.lnct. i. ons to find if it is alphabptic or another of thosp sppcial characters. It l'iops this until the character is not one of the sppcial characters or-a I ph a h (.'., t :i. C • if. * * * ** *if. **- I... * * char-acter=inspcl(cyprevc,fin,fout,re~ke~,spanke~); :i.l"lk.a:::.~p FIL.E *f:i.n, *fnut; char- c,prpvcv*r-e~er-r[l,*spaner-rrJ; * . last + :/( 1~:(,:"·h.ll"r·1 codp<:. * I...a·::.t * 1'1 I'i :i. f :i ca'\'.. :i. () * H:i.·::;'\'..O·I'··" ** * ****/ 5/:17/86 uF'i.'.iat(:.~ Co charactpT' read ~;/:1 1"1 T~ped in function D(·;!t.'.lU'.:'!'.:;f:·ci prn<.:,iY'·i:jl¥l unt:i.l :i.t com:::':i.lpci 1.J:i.t.h no (·:!r1'o'('·::;. Addpd SOIYtP colYtlYtpnts. Put in 1Yt0rp colYtlYtpnts. :1 ~.)/:1? • 5/14 5/:17 lincludE' <stdio.h> lincludp <ct~pe.h> !* stanl'iar-d input/outPut declar-alions */ ! t 'f' -j 1"1 ',,: Jrl i:l I", :i. F' U 1 at :i. D 1"1 f 1..1net :i. 0 1"1 ~:; ,:! n i.'.i ITt aCT' 0 :i. 1"1(:-' :i. n ("! :Iti.-:lr:·f:i.n(·:·' ./*' 'I~ci(·:·!f '{E:~3 on: r:.i (.:., f NCl 0 ("T'lr \::-., ... ::. :1 00 1 * "; 1* /* <:; */ dpf 'i. 1"1 (:.\ (::\ for (.:~ a~:; :i. (':->T" Ij":.p 1;,li th:i.n '\'..h~" F·' r·D';.! ralYi if./ io.\ f·:· f :i. n(.'>ci 'f' (I r- (.:.! ,:~ ':;. :i. Y" U!:;(·:·' hl:i.thin th(·:·! F" r·o~.:.1 r-am */ r:if:'f:if'lPi.'.i t.n b(·:·' u<;pd fnr the :inF'u'i:. arra':i */ (.:~ /* variablp for the input character and thp *1 /* Ch;:>'l'i:>.ctf·! l' Fo' 1'E'\! iou':;.' ',.,! :i. l"iFut thE' <-:.'1' rOT' a r T'a~~<:; */ /* and filp pointE'l's */ FILE *fin, *fout; char c,prevc,*rE'~erl'rJ,*spanerrr]; -{ /l ()utpT" loo}'." I.lnt:i.l 1',1'1(.:., charact'''.'T' rl':.'aci ('.io(·;'<:; not.. ("Qual It.1 / t onp of the special charactp1's *1 PE~T'f()Y'IYI whilp C(c=='%'): :(c=='\"): :(c==,\n,): (c:::::~:'{/) 1* if thp charactpr is ~ '%' then ./ * h p ~:.~ :i. n n :i. n ~:.l C) f p n (.:., .,.. T' C) 1'" :i.fCc::::::::'%' ) «prevc=='(')&&(c=='*'» ){ *./ chpc~ to sep if it thp *1 c=check(r,re~err?sP8nerr9finYfout); f)"utc (c y foul,) ~ .It. :i.r c·h.::n'act(·:·'r· :i.!:; the bd,,-!:i.nn:in~:l of /'* al··:·;:·:· ','OP P :i. <:d:.€~ funct i on */ :i. f (c:::::::: <:! const.ant, call i:l ~:; t. ¥' */ t.hE·~ '\") c=incons(c,finyfout); c hay' ;:>. c t ~:.~ l' :i. <:; thE" b d <J :i. n ,", :i. 1"", <.:.l 1* appropriate function *.1 / )\:: :i. f :i.f (0::::::::::: 0 f :i. n <.:~' cal 1 t. h E~ */ "\"/) c=instrin~(c,fin,fout); 1* if 1* :i. f ch~racte1' is the bdSinninS of a comment, call the appropriate function */ (c::::::::' -{ , ) C':::: i nCOIY,l1lf·'nt (c. f :i. n, fout ) ; -{ if «prevo::: (·:~ls('~ == '(')&& (c=='*'» c::-" inc' () 11, IT! (i' n t ( c , f :i n , f n II t. ) ; } }- fputc(c,; Y' ~" t IJ l' n }- (c ) t .1* return last character read *! *! - /;1<** *S ** P * P r a mIT,!·:·, * fte<:;c l" i :i. ** * * * I... * * R€ltu rn cod(·'<;; ::1: \:1 S t.f~ IT, Spanish Pascal Translator 1"1 ~~I'I" E·' y'o~oll"aIY' ch€lck n<:~llIe Y' 0 <:.1 nat.~:·~: Y' ~.:51:1. 9/tl6 ;1< F,t. This function reads characters until anon alphabetic character is encountered. Then it calls the compare function to determine if the strin~ is the be~inl"lin~ of an error or not,. 01", :i.nk;:l~.:.IF.' ;1< •• ,1.· ;(. rhararter:check(ch,reS€lrr,spanerr,fin,fout); FILE *f:i.n,*fout; char ch,*re~err[J,*spanerrr]; last charact€ll" read ::+:: * L~l~:.t uF,dat.(,~ * Mod :i. f :i. cat, :i. * H:i.';:.tOl"'::! * * * * . ] 5/1.7/86 ~.'i/ 0 I', 5/1.~:i , ./* :I. 0 NO fEZE :I. 00 r' l' 0 pro~ram until it compiled with 1"10 'f' ,,; ,. Added sOllie comments. Put in mol'P comments. ~."o/1. 7 1* <:; t ;:l 1"1 (1 ,:l < '::' t.1.'.1 :i. () , h:> :11: i. nc 11..11.'.1£' <: c t '::1 F' n • h:> ./ YF::) nebu~~ed ~:.! :I : l n c .. Ui,'.l;';' :1t-cIE,f i !"Ie :I~c;(·:·)f·' :J1: . ..i!':!fi 1"1(.) Typed in function :1:1. ~.'ii':l3 * ·c:. +. r i 1"1 <=.i Y'd :i. 1"1 F·". It ,./ n 1..1 t p 1..1 t IY' a 1"1 :i. F'I..I1 i:il :i. 01"1 f 1* *./ 0':.1 p c 1 3 Y' a t :i. Cl n,,:· t :i. D n ~:; and mi:l C T' () ..,; 1..11", C . . .lpfi n(·'(\ '1"0 r :i. c·, Y' 1..1 ':; (.,~ within thp pro~ram ./>l<: dc:'f·'d for' (·:";:l~::· :i. pr 1..I<::.p within the pr()~ram /* r:\,::·'f:i.I"lPcl t. f) be' u·:::.(.':!d for the input array */ (.:.~ .::~ ~::. ;1<./ *1 charactpr, erY'Ol' aY'Y'ays and filp pointeY's *./ char ch'*Y'p~eY'r[],*spanerrrJ; FILE *fil"l,*fout; (' \. char ir!t j .::::lph?i~.·"lfr~~IZE]; ~ 1* j ::" 1 ~ t:o '..1 f [0:1 ::::ch 9 1* ./* ./:+: 1:.ll..lffE'T' to put ~:;t.T'in<:.! :i.nto arY'3Y subscript 1* *1 *1 set sl..IbscY'jpt to 1. put passed charactpr into first position of buf perform outpr loop until EOF is Pl"lcounterpd while 1* *1 «3Iph=f~etc(fin» 1= *1 *1 EOF){ if thp charactpr is alphabetic add it to thp buffer *1 if(e'a' <= aiph && alph (= 'z'): :('A' <= aiph I I alph <= 'Z'»{ buf[j] .... ~\lph; .j++ ; 1* if th~ character is not alphabetic send buf for comparison *./ E·lsf.·!{ l:1 '..I f' [ ....i ] :::: / \ .. () l tz alph=ekescmp(buf?re~err.spanerr?fout9fin,alph); T'f.~i:,uT'n( alph) V }}- /* if EOF is found hefore a nonalphabetic strin~ before ending execution /* f::'l..If[.j] *; :::: character~ '\0'; alph=ekescmp(buf,re~err,spanerrYfout,fin,alph); retl..lrnCalph); .\. ..' /* return last character read */ check the */