AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF DINA NG NG for the DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Name) in (Degree) MATHEMATICS presented on August 10, 1973 (Major) Title: (Date) AN EFFECTIVE CRITERION FOR CONGRUENCE OF REAL SYMMETRIC MATRIX PAIRS Signature redacted for privacy. Abstract approved: Charles S. Ballantine This paper gives a rational method of determining the congruence of real symmetric pairs in IRrixn (S11T1) (ST1) - . and are nonsingular pairs, then (S2,T2) is congruent to . . S11 T1 is similar to S2-1 T2 -1 -1 S1f(S1 T1)k g(S1 T1) and for If (S2'T2) over 7t if and only if and the signatures of (S2 f(S-11T1 )kg(S-1T2 ) 2 k = 0,1,2,,n-1 and for all g(x) E P, are equal where is a relatively small set of real polynomials and is a fixed polynomial. f(x) This result is then extended to singular pairs using theorems on minimal indices. several numerical examples are worked out. Also P AN EFFECTIVE CRITERION FOR CONGRUENCE OF REAL SYMMETRIC MATRIX PAIRS By DINA NG NG A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 1974 APPROVED: Signature redacted for privacy. Professor of Mathematics Signature redacted for privacy. Ch rman of Department of Mathematics Signature redacted for privacy. Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Jolan Eross for August 10, 1973 Dina Ng Ng ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to express my thanks to Dr. Charles S. Ballantine for his valuable suggestions, guidance and encouragement during the working of this thesis. I would also like to thank Dr. and Mrs. James R. Brown, who hosted my visit to Corvallis, and Dr. Thomas J. Mueller for their support and encouragement and for making me feel at home during my stay in Corvallis. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES 1 CHAPTER II. MAIN LEMMA 9 CHAPTER III. MAIN RESULT 28 CHAPTER IV. EXAMPLES 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY 82 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES The subject studied in this paper concerns the real congruence of pairs of and (ST1) (S2' T2 A lar pair if ). nxn real symmetric matrices We say that is a nonsingu- (A,B) is nonsingular; otherwise the pair is called Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for singular. example by Muth [7] for congruence of real symmetric pairs; Uhlig [13] gives a canonical form for real symmetric nonsingular pairs; Turnbull [10], Trott [8], Ingraham and Wegner [5] give conditions for conjunctivity of hermitian and singular pairs. The operations used are in general ir- rational. In this paper we give (using only rational opera- tions) an effective criterion for congruence of pairs of real symmetric matrices. P This criterion uses a finite set of real polynomials whose cardinality is relatively wall. Namely, for T1) nonsingular pairs is congruent to and only if fixed nxn SilTi f(x) E1R[x], (S2'T2) is similar to (S1,111) and over the reals -1 S2 T2 the signatures of (S2,T2), M2 if and for some S1f(S11T1) kg(s11T1) 2 and are equal for all S2f(S1T2)kg(S-21T2) k = 0,1,2,,n-1. and g(x) An explicit construction for E p, f(x) is given depending only on the similarity class of 5) S11 T1.This result is then extended to the singular case, using known theorems on minimal indices. If pair and also if is an (S,T) S-1T f(j) Al1A2,,An, has a distinct simple roots (Ai) then there exists g(x) j = 1,2,, n-1, i = 1,2,,n, for 0 Tog(A)), ±(Sog(A), nonsingular real symmetric nxn such that E p where is congruent (S,T) is the jL1-1- deri- f(j)(x) vative of the characteristic polynomial, f(x), and S0, T A is the companion matrix of f(x) of 0 are any S-01T0 = A. fixed real symmetric matrices such that S-1T; At the present time we are not able to generalize this result to any pair where (S,T) f(j)(Ai) case (S,T) = 0 but are able to extend it to the case for some is congruent to i (ED i=1 (S.,T.) and 1 S, . j (j > 2). 0 T.), where . 1=1 is a nonsingular real symmetric pair and is a companion matrix for In this -1 S. T. i = 1,2,,m. Now we will state without proof some known results in matrix theory which will be used in the later chapters. 3 All capital letters denote matrices unless Notation: otherwise specified. cp Ai = diag (A1, A2, An) = i=1 the field of complex numbers. is the field of real numbers. IR nxm matrices over a field is the set of Fnxm is the determinant of det A F. A. I is the qxq Jq is the qxq matrix with l's on the super diagonal and identity matrix. O's elsewhere. Eq qxq is the matrix with l's on the anti-diagonal and O's elsewhere. C* C t sigA f( is the complex conjugate transpose of is the transpose of . is the signature of is the (x) note f(1)(x) Definition: Let (S1, T1) by 5? C. A. derivative of by f(x). .LL= be in 51, T1, S2, T2 (S2, T2), We will also de- f' (x). is conjunctive (congruent) to (S1, T1) C. over C (F) Cnxm (Rnxn); then (S2, T2), denoted if there exists C 4 in Cnxn (Rnxn), det C over C*S1C = S2 (CtS1C = S2) C*T1C = T2 (CtT1C = S2). A Every Theorem 1.1: to a matrix C, m (A. iq a . I )0(0 ((A q =1 i=1 qki a + 2 m 0 i=1 q=1 j=1 I.Iq +J q 0 (-Z.1 I 2 m m r1 is similar, mxm r2 kg. + J ) q IR where J, i=1 q=1 j=1 = or T mxm in 00 rl J = iq such that 0, q + J ) A.a 1- , = m, 1 i=1 kqi q=1 the A. 'S are the distinct real characteristic roots, and the a. 'S are the distinct roots of 1 1 This imaginary part. having positive is called the Jordan canonical and it is uniquely determined by A form of J A numbering of the roots is determined). A (once the The proof of this well-known result can be found for example in [2]. Theorem 1.2: det S 0 and Let J as in Theorem 1.1. S, T be hermitian in Tmxm with be the Jordan canonical form of Then (S,T) (M,N) over T, S-1T where 5 m 2 e. . 1,q,3 E q (F) kl' (:=1 q=1 j=1 E 2) J®A \i=1 q=1 kqi e 6 i,c1fjEg(AiIq+Jq) 0 N = = ±1 for all i,q,j. A PRImxm see [5]. Proof: Every Theorem 1.3: J', a matrix m [ai iq = X.1's T2 kqi i=1 q=1 j=1 A' . in Iq Ob.1 A.' 4-J 1 q i=1 q=1 j=1 (CD a."L* I +q 12 ) lq ) are the distinct real characteristic roots, the A with denotes the tensor product. is called the real-Jordan cannnical form of and it is uniquely determined by of the roots is determined). Proof: A! CD _b4i) positive imaginary part, and J' to 1(1. m are the distinct characteristic roots of a3.+JJD. This is similar over DR where 000 (r1 the kcal i=1 q=1 3=1 zq iq j=1 6.1,q, and r2 See [6]. A A (once the numbering 6 Let Theorem 1.4: mxm Let pair. (S,T) be the real-Jordan canonical form of J' as in Theorem 1.3. S-1T be a nonsingular real symmetric Then (S,T) = over (141,1\11) IR, where = )0(6 E C. 1,q,j q) i=1 q=1 j= m r1 N' r9m k'. m (r1 0 ED = kqi i=1 q=1 3=1 c. and S Theorem 1.5: and S T in H singular S,T Let Definition: Then qi e ED .0 1=1 q=1 j=1 ED E A! 2q iq i,q,j. It is given by Uhlig [13]. Proof: Then ' for all = ±1 . 1,q,3 Eci(Xi I+Jci) k'. m 2 Ei 2g) q=1 j=1 Cnxn* are isoconjunctive if there exists a nonCnxn, H*=H, Let T be complex hermitian in S,T such that be nonsingular T = HSH. nxn hermitian. are isoconjunctive if and only if (S-11T) = (T-11S). Proof: See [12]. Fact 1.6 (Taylor's Theorem): I = I, J =J, then [2] Let f(x) IF[x]. If we let , 7 n-1 (k) f(AI+J) = k=0 Fact 1.8: Let Let E IF [x] . Then . f(C-1AC) IF = C-1f(A)C [2]. be square matrices over An A1, A2' f (x) over A, C for any square matrices . Then f(x) EF[x]. Let Fact 1.7: Jk (A) k! [2] f(C) Ai) = ED f(Ai). i=1 i=1 complex hermitian (real symmetric) i = 1,2,.,n. matrices for sig( ED sig A. Ai) i=1 1=1 Fact 1.10: A Let Then [2] nonsingular complex her- nxn be an mitian (real symmetric) matrix, of such that Cnx1 aRnxi) x E E+, and E - Fact 1.11: and M1, M2 - Let x*Ax > 0 be a maximal subspace (xt > 0) for all be a maximal subspace such that x*Ax < 0 (xtAx < 0) Cnxl = E+ 0 E E+ for all °ERnx1 = E+ V x E E. 0 E-) Then [3]. be a finite-dimensional vector space be subspaces of V such that V = M1+M2. 8 Then dim V = dim M1 + dim M2 - dim where dim S Fact 1.12: (Min denotes the dimension of the space If is congruent (conjunctive) to S M2), S[3]. T, then sig S = sig T [2]. Fact 1.13: Let f(x) EIF[x], A Then the characteristic roots of , of f ( An) A[2]. where the X's be any square matrix. f(A) are f(X1), f(X2), are the characteristic roots 9 CHAPTER II MAIN LEMMA In this chapter we aim to find a finite set of P real polynomials which will be used in proving the main theorem of this paper in Chapter III. We first prove the following lemmas. Let X1,X2,-1Xr be nonzero Lemma 2.1: vectors over a field [X1'X2''Xr-1] If the F. has rank r-1 nxl matrix nx(r-1) and Xr column can be expressed (uniquely) as r-1 Xr = X i=1 b.X. ii with for any sequence the 2nxr 11'12,---,1r in matrix X1 X2 --- Xr A = y1X1 y2X2---y2X2 has rank r. IF then b for which yj yr, 10 We will show that the columns of Proof: independent. Let a be any sequence in r a2' are linearly A F. Suppose a.X. = 0 11 (1) a.y.X. = 0. 111 (2) y a.X. = 0, (3) i =1 Then yr.(1) X r i=1 (y.-y )a.X. = 0, (2)-(3) r i=1 r-1 i.e., ra. (y.-y )a.X. = 0. y i=1 Since are linearly independent, we have X1,X2,'.,Xr-1 for all ai(yr-yi) = 0 a3 But yr y .; (y j, i = In particular, for r -y r r =- we get = 0. .3) a. = 0. therefore a X r-1 X i=1 From (1), a.X.. 11 Thus r-1 r-1 arX 1=1 i. b.x. = - a.X.. i=1 11 Therefore (since are linearly indepen- X1,X2'...,Xr-1 dent) a lb. r = -a. 1 for all i. Hence, in particular, = 0. a b. = r 3 b But so 0, ar = 0. Therefore, by (1) again, we have r-1 11 a.X. = 0. i=1 Since a. = 0 1 for are linearly independent, we get r-1 Xl' X2' X2 X1 X X y2X2...y r r y1X1 has rank So the matrix i = 1,2,w,r-1. r. Lemma 2.2: Let IF be any field, Xi,X2,,xr be r dis- tinct nonzero column nxl vector over F. Then there exist s lxr row vectors Yj = (aiirctivr), with Yi=(1,1,,1)suchthatforj>2, a (componentwise) product of at most matrix matrix [Xl'X2'r] and r-1 s < 2r-1 rows of the and the snxr . nxr 12 has rank a11X1 12X2 a21X1 a22X2 aslX1 as2X2 alrXra2rXr a X sr r r. r = 1, Proof: The proof is by induction on r. For X/ implies that has rank 1. Clearly we can take 0 s=1 For Y1=(1). and ly independent, then can take [X1] [X11X2] s=1, Y1=(1,1). If if r=2, are linear- X11X2 has rank 2 and again we are distinct and non- X11X2 zero but linearly dependent, then consider the row (a21'a22) of such that [X1'X2] X1 a21X1 has rank 2. X2 a22X2 Clearly we can take which is a product of 1 row of s=2 and Y2 = (,21,a22) [X1,X2]. Assume the lemma is true for k+1 Such a row By Lemma 2.1, the matrix X17X2. exists because a21a22. r=k. Suppose we have distinct nonzero vectors, X1,X2,... ,Xk+1. duction hypothesis, there exist Y1 = (1,1,...,1) such that the By the in- Yj, j=1,2,...,s, snx(k+1) matrix with 13 al2X2....a1,k+1Xk+1a21X1 a22X2..."12,k+1xk+1 aslX1,k+1Xk+1 [R1R2 Rk+11 = namely with has rank >k, pendent. Also we can take k-1 duct of at most If rows of 0, 11 b.R. k+1 = i=1 then some Now consider the row such thatY 11R1 j = s+1, s+2, bi in bi's F, are not zero, say * of 2snx(k+1) Define Rk+1 Y2R2 1k+1Rk+1 = (ajl'j2' 2s-1, 2s=s1 by x.#X k+1 matrix R2 Y ly0. [X1,X2,...,Xk+1] This row exists because R1 k+1. > 2. . (Y1,Y2,'Y k+1) Then, by Lemma 2.1, the has rank j such that R Rk+1 for (X1,X2,...,Xr] If not, then there exist unique i=1,2,...,k, Since s<2](-1, a pro_ are linearly independent, then we are R1,R21..., Rk+1 done. linearly inde- R11R21...,Rk 'aj,k+1) for . 14 as+1,1 X1 a+12 xas+1,k+1 xk+1 .. as+2,1 X1 as+2,2 X2'. 'a s+2,k+1 xk+1 = [Y11111...'Yk+1Rk+11. as,1 Xl, as'2 X2' 'as,k+1 Xk+1 Then R1 R2 L1'1 Rk+1 Y2R2"k+1Rk+1 a11X1 a12X2....a1,k+1 Xk+1 a21X1 a22X2--a2,k+1 Xk+1 aslX1,k+1 Xk+1 as' xk+1 1X1 Clearly 5'=25<22k-1=2k at most k Lemma and each . p = 1,2...,k+1. 2.3: of Lemma Suppose, of the 2.2, the first linearly independent. be chosen <2r-h h r Y, for I vectors vectors Then the is a product of =y'pa.ip a s+1,p rows, because i= as+1,k+1 xk+1 "s+1,1X1 a s+1,2X2 s Xl'X2'r X1,X2'h are of the conclusion can 15 Proof: r=h, Then Lemma 2.3 is obviously true if r>h). the fixed and use induction on h We consider k (of the proof of Lemma 2.2) be Lemma 2.4: and suppose >h With the same hypothesis as in Lemma 2.2, if F the characteristic of (1,1,-4) so let st = 25<22k-h = 2k+l-h.1 and get as before 5<2k-h have (for Then in that proof we will now r=k. Lemma 2.3 is true for r and if there exist rows, 2 (1,-1,1,,(-1)r-1), of and EX1,X2,,Xr], then we can take r-1 2 -1 if is odd r s< r-4 32 for r>4. Proof: For 2-1 r = 1,2,3, Suppose rank 2 because if r if is even r we can take is even and X1 = aX3 r>4. for some there exists a row (1,1)) 1=a. So s=1. Then [X1,X3] has a E/F, X1=X3 then (since which is a con- tradiction to that fact that X13.Therefore we can apply Lemma 2.3, with x2k+1'...,xr-1 h=2, to the 1: vectors Thus we can choose rows, a2,r-1),-.. (asl'as3''as,r-1), X1,X31..., (a 21'a23'...' componentwise products 16 of rows of and hence rows, [X1,X3'...,Xr-1] (a21'a221" a2r);...(a slas2 ' of [X1,X2'...,XrI, ' asr ' ), product of rows such that the matrix Xr-1- X1 X3 a21X1 a23X3 a2,r-1Xr-1 aslX1 as3X3 as,r-1 Xr-1 A = has rank f choose rows and r _2 r-4 =2 2 s < 22 (B B Similarly we can . U3s11's'2'...'13str" ' product of rows of r [X1,X2 such that X X4 X2 ], 622X2 624X4-62rXr B = 13 s'2X2 s 14X4 r r has rank 2- and s' < - 22 strXr -2 r-4 =22 . Define 17 X1 X2 21X1 /322X2 X3 13.23X3 32rXr , s'lX1 (3s'2X2 ISs'3X3 X1 -X2 X3 21X1 22)(2 23)(3 S -(32rXr S r s'lX1s'2X2 e.s13X3, a21X1 a22X2 a23X3 aslX1 as2X2 as3X3 Then M has rank r X r r r a2rXr a X sr r and hence r-4 s' + s' + s-1 < 3.2 M has rank To show - 1. we suppose the columns of r, are linearly independent. IF such that the follow- ing equations hold: a.X. = 0; i=1 1 i=1 13. ji = 0, M Then there exists a sequence not all zero in a1,a2r, 2 j = 2,3,.--,s' 18 i-1 (6) =0 ; i=1 ji 1 i=1 1 i=1 ii = 0, j = 2,3,,s' ; (7) k = 2,3 ,s a.a .X. = 0, kl (8) Then (4)-(6) 11 a . X . i=2 = 0 i even 1= 0, (5)-(7) i=2 i 31 j = 2,3,,s' . i even for Sincel3hasrank-/-.theriNgegeta---0 1 2' Substitute these values in (4) and (8). i even. Then we have r-1 a.X. = 0; i=1 i odd r-1 a. i=1 i odd X. ki1 = 0, k = 2,3,4,,s. But.Ahasrankthereforea.=0 for 1 2' the columns of rank r. M odd. are linearly independent and so Hence M has 19 r Similarly for 4". odd and r>5, we get matrices X1 X3 X5 Xr a21X1 a23X3 a25 X5 --- 2r aXr A= B = 13s'2X2 Xr-1 (3244 2,r-1xr-1 s'4)(4 s',r-1xr-1 r+1 and we can choose r-1 s' < 2 2 s < 2 2 r-1 r+1 -f- , are A, B where the ranks of 2 = 2 2 and r-5 2 = 2 2 . Therefore r=3, a1'a2 Since there exist rows X X ] 22_i 2-1 = 2 X1'X2'X3. such that X3 = a1X1 + a2X2 [X + consider the vectors E F r-1 r-3 s'+s'+s-1 = 2s'+s-1 < 2.22 there exist respectively, r-3 2 r-5 For X sr r X4 X2 (322X2 a as5X aslXsl as3X (1,1,1) then we have . and (1,-1,1) of . Suppose 20 1 = a + a 1 - 2 1 = al - a2 . Adding the two equations, we get 0. So tradiction to the fact that X3 a1 = 1. Therefore has rank [X1,X2,X3] (1,1,,1) there exists rows [X1 ,X2" X. 's 1 Therefore X/. Hence for 3. This is a con- r = 1,2,3, we can With the same hypothesis as in Lemma 2.2, if Lemma 2.5: of X3 = X1. and hence I s = 1. take a2 = 2a1 = 2 are in and (1,-1,1,,(-1)r-1) and if all the components of the X r] then we can take {1,-1}. r-3 2 s< 2-1 is odd r if r-6 3 for r>6. For 2.2 -1 if r r = 1,2,3,4,5, is even we can take s=1,1,1,2,2 respectively. Proof: If, for i,j,k distinct, X.,X.,Xk are linearly independent, then by Lemma 2.3 and as in the proof of Lemma 2.4, rank = rank A = E 2 B for r even. Hence 21 r r-6 2 =2 s < 22 s' ; < -3 2-2 r-6 2 =2 thus ; r-6 s'+s'+s-1 32 < 2-1 22; 2 r-1 S' 2 < 2 r+1 -3 22. B = rank Hence = 2 2 r-7 r-5 2 2 + 2 Let independent. 22 ; 1 Now it remains to -1. distinct, are linearly X.1Xj ,Xk be any scalars EJF. Suppose then 3 1 = a. + a. 1 7 X. 2 -1 = 2 3 3 Xj and a. = -a.. 1 k ak = a.1, (9) . the components of there exists a row a If = r-3 a.,a. Xk = a.X. + a.X.; such that 22 < therefore ; i,j,k show that for {1,-1}, s r-5 r-7 3 s'+s'+s-1 < 2 -2 Since odd, rank r r-1 r+1 A = Similarly, for . (ak' a j' X1.,Xj ,Xk of ) are in [Xk X.,Xj ] So we have = a.a. + a.a. = a.a. - a.a.. ii 3 then (since ii 3 3 1 ai0) (10) 1 Combine (9) and (10), we get a=0. Similarly, if aOai, then ak=-a.andhencea.=0. Both cases contradict 1 1 that Xk 3 ' X.,X. are distinct. 1 22 13 element is Let f(x) f(x). of whose (i,j)-- 3 sgn a = Let Fnxm a1.. in U [x], then R, be any number in a th is a matrix in A = (a..) Notation: 1 if a > 0 0 if a = 0 if a < 0 then . .th is the f(j) (x) 3 -- derivative We will denote f (1) (x) by fl(x). a. = a1a2a3an 11 1i=1 Definition: LetA=(a..)be in 13 is the matrix B = (b..) all b.. = sgn a.. such that 13 then Rnxm; 13 13 f(x) = Let R[x], (x-Ai) II where i=1 real for Assume i = for i Lemma 2.6: Let sgn A = 1,21,r, X1>A2>...Ar nonreal for and consider 0 1 Then the i = r+1, f(X)n_. f(x+t) = j=0 X. = sgn(f (A.),f 1(A.),...,f 1 n-1 1 is A.1 Xi's (A..))t for are distinct, and hence are pairwise linearly independent. 23 We will use the following theorems in the theory Proof: of equations without proof. degree f(a) 0, f(b) O. and n a,b E R, Let Budan's Theorem: f(x) E R[x] Let V(a) the number of variations of signs of f(2)(x),,fn(x) have been discarded. f(x)=0 to V(a)-V(b) for between X1 f(x), f'(x), vanishing terms and b is less than or equal by a nonnegative even integer [1]. Rolle's Theorem: f(Xi)=0 denote Then the number of real roots a between of after x=a, for of Let i=1,2. and E R[x], f(x) X11X2 E IR Then there exists c c E IR, f'(c)=0 [1]. such that X2' and First note that sgn (f0(Ai"fi(Ai)''fn-1(Ai)) = sgn (f(n)(X.), f(n-1)(Xi ),,f(2)(Xi ),f'(Xi )). Since 1 are distinct for i=1,2,.,r, then f'(Xi) 0 the Xi 's i=1,2,---,r. for f(A) = f(Xci) = 0, Clearly X < P Consider such that < X , P X , where r>p>q>1. q hence there exists f' (.) = 0 li E IR, (Rolle's Theorem). Now Xq apply Budan's Theorem to f' (x) and consider the following sequences, f'(X )1 f(2)(A )1ff(n) (A ) ; 24 f(2)(X ),, f(n)(X fi(X ), g Then V(A )-V(A )#0, existence of - ) otherwise it will contradict the Hence we have sgn(f1(A ),f(2)(A 13. f(n) (A ))#sgn(fy(A ),f(2)(X ),...,f(n) (A )), for any p,q, 1 < p,q < r If there exists and a E IR v i. nearly independent for f0 Therefore XP =aX such that #X for , then and Xq p#(1. a=1 be- XP cause sgn f0(A1)=1 Remark: p#q. Therefore p#q. Xp are li- 1 (x) = 1. Let Proposition 2.7: f1 (x) fo(x), f1 (x), (x) be as n-1 in Lemma 2.6. Let P = {g(x)Ig(x) = II f1(x)ii, i=1 ji E {0,1,2}1. g(x) Then there exist gi(x), g2(x),..., such that the matrix P gi(xl) gl(x2) g2(2'1) g2(A2) gi(xr) g2(A) sgn gr(A1) gr(A2) gr(Ar) is nonsingular. Proof: Let Xi = sgn(f0(Xi), f1(Xi".**'fn-1(Ai))t* Then 25 the X.1's are pairwise linearly independent (Lemma 2.6). f (X.)=1 1 0 Since and f n-1 the first row (X.)=(-1)i-1, and the last row of [X1,X2,...,Xr] (1,-1,1,...,(-1)r-l) respectively. are and (1,1,...,1) So (by Lemma 2.4) r-1 there exists positive integer 2-1 s < 2 if is odd; r r-4 s < 3.22_l for h.. E (0,1,21 r is even; and numbers if i E {0,1,,n-1 and 13 E {1,2,,s} j such that, with n-1 . n-1 h. = sgn fi(Xk) j X, E {0,1,2,,s} has rank r. and k E {1,2,...,r}, a22X2 a2rXr a51X1 as2X2 a r 3 where t.,1 the matrix (12) X sr r linearly independent rows of the mat- rix (12) and denote them by Al,A2,,Ar A, = sgn(a 13 k ) X2 a21X1 Pick sgn f.(X 1 i=1 i=0 for h.. lj . f q(X 1 ),a t.,2 f 1<t.<s, 0<q.<n-1 (X . . 3 q3 for 2 ),...,at.,rfq.(Xr)) 3 3 j=1,2,...,r. n-1 a f (X ) =( II sgn f. (X ) m t.,m q. 1 m i=1 3 3 Then So we have hi,t. 3)fci. 3 (Xm ) 26 j=1,2,,r. for f0(Am)=1 V m) Hence (since sgn ati,mfgj(Am) = sgn f.(A II 1 i=1 where h!. E {0,1,2}. 13 . n-1 .00 = g3 i=1 m 13 ) Let h!. f.(x) 13 1 .th Then the 3 row of the matrix (11) is sgn(gj(A1),gi(A2),...,gi(Ar)) h! n-1 n-1 = sgn( R f. (A1)1j, R f 1 i=1 .(A2 ) n-1 h!. R fi(Ar) 17) i=1 h!. 13 i=1 = sgn(at.,ifg. (Al"at. 2fg (A2)'...'Xt rfq.(Xr" 3, 7 = A.. Therefore matrix (11) =[A A A ]t and hence non- singular. Corollary 2.8: Let fo(x),f1(x),,fn_1(x) n-1 Lemma 2.6. Let P' = {g(x)g(x) = E {0,1}1. all iE{0,1,2,...,n-1} polynomials If and all P' in ji f.(x) i=1 1 11 fi(Xj) with is nonzero for jE{1,2,,r1, gi(x),g2(x),,gr(x) be chosen from be as then the of Proposition 2.7 can (which is a subset of P). 27 =sgn f.(X.) Here sgn f.1 (X.)2=1 3 3 Proof: and all i E {0,1,2,---,n-1} n-1 g(x) = h(x) ji=0 f.(x) i=1 1 j.1 63, IT n-1 n i=1 = E j PIF then there is an where Let correspond in this way to the is sgn hi(xj). Thus if ji=ji if ji=1 and such that sgn g(A) = sgn h(X) E 11,2,,r1. of Proposition 2.7. for all {1,2,,r}. 344 ji E {0,2}, if for all f400 j 0 hi(x), h2(x),,hr(x) gi(x), g2(x, g(x) The (i,j)thentry of the matrix (11) 28 CHAPTER III MAIN RESULT (S21T2) Consider two nonsingular pairs, (S11T1) and _ of symmetric matrices in lar to -1 S2 T2. nomial. Let Fluxm such that S11T1 is simi- Then they have the same characteristic polybe this characteristic polynomial and p(x) be the greatest common divisor of gcd (p(x),p1(x)) Define and p' (x). f( x) - Then we have f(x) = p(x) p(x) gcd (p (x) ,p ' (x) ) II (x -Xi), where the X.'s are the i=1 distinct real characteristic roots of -1 S1 T1and S2 T2 for i=1,2,,r and are the distinct nonreal roots for Let us assume that X1>X2>>Xr and let i=r+1,r+2,,n. fo(x),f1(x),,fn_1(x) and the polynomials j=1,2,,r. nomials fk(x) Then and be the polynomials as in Lemma 2.6 g(x) g(x) as in Proposition 2.9 for is a finite product of the poly- 29 g1(X1) g1(A2) g1(Xr) g2(A1) g2(X2) g2 (A sgn g(A2) 2r(A1) *** gr(Ar),_ is nonsingular (by Proposition 2.8). Now we will state an effective criterion for congruence of nonsingular real symmetric pairs in the following theorem. be (S11T1), (S2,T2) Let Theorem 3.1: real symmetric (or hermitian) pairs. n-1 = {g(x)g(x) = f(x) II i=1 Then ST1) to -1 (S2'T2) j4 mxm nonsingular Let ji 10,1,21}. 1 if and only if S11T1 is similar and S2 T2 -1 sig Sif(S, Tl)k g(Si-1 T1)=sigS2f(S2-1 T2)k g(S2-1 T2) for all g(x) and P k=0,1,2,,m-1. We will prove this theorem for the real symmetric case only. For the hermitian case, the proof is similar to the real case. The following lemmas will be used in the proof of this theorem. Lemma 3.2: Let (S,T) hermitian) pair and be a nonsingular real symmetric (or f(x) E R[x]. -1 Then Sf(ST) is real 30 symmetric (or hermitian). Let Proof: E R[x]. f(x) Then f(x) = k=0 a's the = R. Let Let ak(At)k. k=0 A Rmxm be in then , akxk, with f(A) be any natural number; then k (S(S-1T)k = (TS-1TS-1.TS-1T)t = Tt(S-1)tTt.--(S-1)tTt(S-1)tTt = TS 1T...S-1TS-1T = S(S -1T)k. Thus (Sf(S-1T))t=(1 a S(S-1T)k al,S(S-1T)k)t= 1 ak(S(S-1T)k)t= k=0 k k=0 k=0 j" = sf(s-1T). Lemma 3.3: E+ Let Let A A hermitian matrix, det AA. be a maximal subspace of positive definite on that be an nxn E+, E- x*Ax=0 such that A is be a maximal subspace such is negative definite on subspace such that Cnxl E- for all and N x E N. be a maximal Then dim N < minimum (dim E+, dim E-) where Proof: E+ means the dimension of dim S Clearly +NCCl, nx S for any space E+nN=E nN= E+nE = 0. S. Since we have + + n > dim(E +N) = dim E+ dim N (by Fact 1.11) 31 By Fact 1.10 and 1.11, we Similarly, dim E-+ dim N < n. dim E+ + dim E have = n. Thus dim N < n-dim E+ = dim E = dim E+ dim N < n-dim E Hence dim N < minimum (dim E+, dim E). Lemma 3.4: ; . I Let (:::-/) a 23.1 a2 1 A= a2 al:- - a2... -an a. ERyi and a10. Then sgn al if n is odd if n is even. sig A= 0 Suppose Proof: of Rnxl Note that 1 A et ek+1 = a1. k+1 If be the subspace , where .th for j=1,2,...,k and 7 a1 > 0, then Ek+1 n E = O. dim E- < n-dim Ek+1 = 2k+1-(k+1) = k. Also by Lemma 3.3, we have 2k+1-dim e. on the j-- component and O's else- e.Ae.=0 3 E e11e2...e spanned by the vectors is the vector with where. Let is odd. n=2k+1 = dim E- > dim N > dim Ek = k. Hence 32 Thus dim E = k dim E+ = k+1. and Therefore sig A = k+1-k = 1 = sgn al. Similarly, if Hence al < 0, then dim E- = k+1; dim E+ = k. sig A = -1 = sgn al. Suppose n = 2k dim E dim E dim E- = 2k, then dim E Thus dim E+ = dim E < k. dim E and fore by Lemma 3.3, dim E+ > k There- Then dim N > k. is even. Since > k. 2k-k = k and and so sig A = = k 0.1 The above result is also proved by Haynsworth and Ostrowski [4]. Corollary 3.5: Let a' 1 ' ':1 , A = a2 al and let 2 a: a' 2 be the first nonzero number of the sequence ak a11a2n. Then sgn ak if n-k+1 is odd if n-k+1 is even. sig A = 0 33 Proof: Write 1 A= .ak 1 a' k 1 1 ak+1 . 1 .ak+1. . 1 .. ak---ak+1. i n-k+1. a n- and Fact 1.9, Then by Lemma 3.4 k k ..a.. sig A = sig an sgn ak 0 f(X) = 0 is odd if n-k+1 is even . k > q for (since Define Jc1=0 J and X e R with and sig Ef(XI+J)q-ig(XI+J) Proof: and Let E=E,J=J,I=I. Then f'(X). f(XI+J)k = 0 n-k+1 f(x), g(x) E R[x] Let Lemma 3.6: if 0 = I. = sgn f"(X)q-ig(X). By Taylor's Theorem, we have f(XI) = 0) 34 q-1 f(9)0,I1 " J f(XI+J) = 9! 9=1 q-1 f ( 9, ) (X) JR. 2,=1 q-2 f(k) (A) / (9,+l) If' (A) = jf (A) k=0 Jk q-2 = J c J (X) 9,=0 where f(X) co = and ct - (9+1)1f'(X) q-2 f(XI+J) = J ft (X) c J ) ( Hence 1. k . 9=0 Since all Jk = 0 k > q. for all Let we have k > q, for Then E R[x]. g(x) f(XI+J)k = 0 Ef(XI+J)g-ig(XI+J) = EJg-ifV(X) q-1 g-2 ( q-2 CJ 9)-a- 1(g(X)I+q)I (p+1) g p=0 9=0 (A) (p+1)! q-2 = EJq-1V(X)q-1g(X) c ( J9)q-1 9=0 q-1(17-2 EJgft (A) c J 2,q-1,c1-2 g(P+1) (A) ) p=0 9=0 The second term drops out because Jg=0 Ef(XI+J)g-ig(XI+J) q-2 = EJc1-1V(X)q-19.00( c Jk) 9=0 JP) (p+1)! q-1 Thus . JP) 35 = EJ(4-if'(X)q-ig(X)crlIci-1 f,(x)q-lgmajq-1. yxq The matrix in (13) is a is (13) matrix whose (q,q). entry and whose other entries are all zero. f'(X)q-ig(A) Hence sig Ef(XI+J)q-ig(AI+J) = sgnf'(X)q-ig(A). Lemma 3.7: (S11T1), (S21T2) be pairs. (S11211) = (S2,T2), If junctive to Proof: nxn then for all f(x) S2 f(S2-1T2 ) (S11T1) ; (S2T2), Since C Enxn such that S2 = C*S1C nonsingular hermitian -1 Sif(Si TI) is con- E R[x]. there exists nonsingular and T2 = C*T1C. Hence - S2f(S21T2) 1C*T1 C) = C*S1 Cf(C-1S-1(C*) 1 = C*S1CC-1f(ST1)C -1 = C*S1f(S1 T1)C. Lemma 3.8: If pair such that p(x) E R[x], Proof: (S,T) S-1T is an nxn nonsingular hermitian has no real characteristic roots, and then sig Sp(S-1T) = 0. Without loss of generality (by Fact 1.9) we may assume that S-1T has only one pair of complex conjugate 36 S 1T (XI +J q q is similar to (S,T) By Theorem 1.2, ) + (TI (A,B), =4- (x-T)q. and (x-X)q nonreal elementary divisors, +J ), where Then 2q = n. q q where E A = 0 E woo, Eq(TIq+Jq) B= Let 3.2) (XIq +Jq Sp(5-1T) Then E R[x]. p(x) 0 ) [0Eq is hermitian (by Lemma and by Lemma 3.7 rQE Sp(S 1T) = C*Ap(A 1B)C qp(TI q +J ) q = C* [EP (XI +J ) q q q Then K* = E p(TI +J q in C for some nonsingular Tnxn. Hence Let Sp(S 1T) K=E p(XI +J q is conjunctive q). to M = Also we have K* 0- 1 0 0 K* I [0 -I K 0 0 -I q). K 0 37 Hence is conjunctive to Sp(S-1T) Corollary 3.9: pair. If Let (S,T) = (S,T) (Ale A2, are matrices such that -1 A2 B2 Thus sig M=0. sig M = sig(-M) = -sig M. we have M, nxn be sig Sp(S-1T)=0.I nonsingular hermitian Bap B2), where A1,A2,1311B2 has only real roots and A-11B1 are only nonreal roots, then -1 sig Alf(Al Bl) Since sig Sf(S-1T) = E R[x]. for all f(x) sig S f(S 1T) Proof: = sig(Ai A2) fc (A-11 0 A-21) (Bi 0 B2) ) (by Fact 1.12) 1 = sig A1f(A1 B1)+sig A2f(A2-1 B2) 1 = sig Alf(Al Bl) (by Fact 1.8, 1.9) (by Lemma 3.8) . Proof of Theorem 3.1: Suppose for some nonsingular C E Rmxm. CtS1 C = S2 and I CtT1 C = T2 Then S21T2 = (CtS1 C)-1CtT1 C t (C =C -1S-1 1 ) -1 CtTC 1 - = C1 S1-1 T1C so S1-1 T1 and S2-1 T2 are similar. Let f(x), g(x) be as in Theorem 3.1; then (by Lemma 3.7) S1f(ST1)kg(ST1) 38 S2f(S2-1 T2)k g(S2-1 T2) is congruent to and for all Hence P. g(x) k=0,1,2,.,m-1 for sig S1f(ST1T1)kg(S11T1)=sig S2f(S-21T2)kg(S-21T2). Conversely, if sig SilTi Sif(Si-1 TI)k g(Si-1 T1)=sig k=0,1,2,,m-1 and all -1 - S21T2 and are similar and S2f(S2-1 T2)k g(S2-1 T2) P, g(x) for SI1T1 then and have the same real-Jordan canonical form (by Theo- S2 T2 rem 3.1) , k. q m r A.I EDe i=1 q=1 j=1 1 a M. + ED It is clear from Theorem 1.4 that (ST1) = (S2'T2) = (A' A2' B1 9 B2) B1 BI) 2 A'' 1 1 have only nonreal roots. (A1)-1131 2 2 2 ' have only real roots and 1B A1 1B1, (A') 1 1 where ED (A1 ) Let (A1 ,B1' A21B2' B1) 1 1 (A'1 be congruent to r m k. qi k. ql m r 9 .E e j=1 e q=1 9 q=1 j=, iqjqi=1 i=1 , ( r m k. qi $ ED i=1 q=1 j=1 r c!. iqj E q 0 , m k. qi 1=1 q=1 j=1 . E. .E cliqq (X .I +J ) iqjqiqq . respectively, whereE ci qj' cliqj{1,-1} E (A .I +J for ) v i,q,j 39 Let (by Theorem 1.4). g1(x),g2(x),,gr(x) be in 6' such that g1(A1) g1(x2) g2(A1) g2(X2) g(X1) gr(A2) g1(X) g2(X) sgn gr(Ar) Then is nonsingular (by Proposition 2.7). -1 m-1 -1 gs(Si T1) sig Sif(Si Tl) (by Corollary 3.9) = sig A1f(A11B1)m-1g5(A11B1) m ®E f(X.I +J lqg Jci i=1 q=1 j=1 kqi r = sig( ee e E. 1c1 )m-1gs(XiIq+Jc1)) (by Fact 1.12) kqi m r C. y i=1 q=1 j=1 = 1'43 V. k sig[y(xiiqi-Jq)m-1gso.iyiy] . (by Fact 1.9) . TiE i mj sgn(f1(Xi)m-1qs(Xi)) . (by Lemma 3.6) i=1 j=1 -1 Similarly, sig S2f(S2 T2) -1 m-1 g5(S2 T2) k. mi 16'. i=1 j=1 r . im3 Define y' G sp by sgn(fl(xi)m-1gs(x )). 40 k51 . y. lq = E. igj j=1 kqi Ye = 1q3 j=1 "I -1 a (S, = sig S1 f(S1-1T1 )p-1gs1 sp Ti) ,p-1 (s-1T ,. -1 = sig S f(S.., T2) gs' 2 2) 2 Hence we have z r sgn(f1(Xi)m-1gs(Xi)) = a SM y. 1 1m i=1 The coefiicient matrix of this system for s=1,2,,r. of equations is .1 Xl) g1(X1) ft"2) g2(X1) ft "2) sgn gr(X1) ft "2) Since f'(X.) 0 V i, 1 by Proposition 2.7. g2(Ar) y' 1 Hence Yl,m-1 Similarly we have sgn(f'(Xi)m-1gs(Xi) = asm yim = yim for i=1,2,,r. = V! we first observe that as,m-i , gr(Ar) then the matrix (14) is nonsingular lm '1,m-1, (14) m-1 gr(A2)ft (Ar) r i=1 g(A) m-1 g2(X2)ft(Ar) m-1 m-1 ft (X1) gl(X2)wft(Xr) m-1 m-1 ft(A1) m-1 m-1 m-1 f' To show that = sig Sif(S11T1)m-2g5(ST1) =c. m r 41 kqi sig(E f(X.I +J )m-2g (X.I +J )) 4 q IqJ i=1 q=m-1 j=1 r km-1,i ci,m_1,j sig(Em_if(XiIm_i+Jm_i)m-2gs(AiIm_i+Jm_i)) = i=1 j=1 k. r + sig E f(X.I +J ) 1 m m m Eimj 1 X i=1 j=1 Define m-2 g (X.I +J 1 m m s by a. iqps a. = sig Ecif(XiIci+Jci)p-1gs(XiIci+Jci). 3.6) a. iqps ipps ) and we have = sgn f'(Xi)p-1gs(Ai) r as,m-1 = km-1,i 13 1-1,s c.,m-1, . j=1 i=1 r Then (by Lemma a.,m-1,m k. ma. + X i=1 j=1 a. c. 1 ,m,m-1,s lmj r = sgn(f'(A )m-2g (A )) + y. A i=1 =1 i=i im a. 1,m,m-1,s Hence as,m-1 = i=1 Yimai,m,m-1,s 1=1 . Here, s=1,2,...,r. for y! as,m-1 i=1 Since yim = Yim, y! a. ' we have ' is fixed. rn im 1,m-1 s v. '1 m-1sgn(f1(A.i)m-2gs(Xi)) . 1=1 1,m-1 Similarly Si sgn(f1(A.)m-2g (A)). 1 42 i=1 for Yi,m-1sgn(fy(Ai)m-2gs(Ai) =y1,m-1sgn(f1(Ai)m-2gs(Xi)) The coefficient matrix (whose (i,j)th s=1,2,...,r. entry is W(A.)m-2gi(Aj))) is the same as the matrix 7 obtained from (14) by replacing f' (A.)"1 by f' (Xi)m-2, HenceY .i,m-1 = y! 11,m-1. and thus it is nonsingular. In general as,m-k = i= 1 Yi sgn(f' Uti)m-k-1 gs(Xi" m-k ' r m i=1 q=m-k+1 + a. = y! l'm-k i=1 Y.lq sgn(f'(Ai)m-k-1g s(A.)) M r + 1,q,m-k,s y a . q=m_k4.1 lfq,m-k,s i=1 for s=1,2,,r. Since the matrix m-k-1 f'(A1)m-k-1gi(xl) tx ft(A 1 )m-k-1 2' 11 2 f' (x2)m-k-1 gl (A) r (A) gl " r) Xr) (Ar) f,tx Im-k-1 ' 2' g2 X2) I sgn -f'(A 1 )m-k-1 gr(X1) fl(X2)m-k-1 gr(A2) (A )m-k-lgr(Ar) is nonsingular (by Proposition 2.7), we get Yi,m-k = Yi,m-k successively for (S11T1) ; (S21T2). k = Therefore 43 Then Cnxn. S and (T1 ,S) (S-1,T) S, T Let Corollary 3.10: be nonsingular hermitian in are isoconjunctive if and only if T if and only if sig S-if(ST)kg(ST) = sig T-if(TS)kg(TS) and k = 0,1,2,,n-1 and for all and g(x) TS for (Here E P. are defined as above except that P f(x) is replaced S -1 S1.) by Let A ... A l' 2" n' nxn be an (S,T) pair such that A is similar to ST nonsingular real symmetric S-1T has n where the A.'s are real for and nonreal for distinct characteristic roots, i = r+1, Let n. p(x) = (x-Ai). i=1 Then A p(x) is the characteristic polynomial of be the companion matrix of lar to A. such that Let Also let 0 be as in Lemma 2.6. Then S-1T Let is simi- be any symmetric matrices such S0' T0 S 1T0 = A. p(x). S-1T. Suppose f0 (x) f(A1) 0 f1 " (x) ' v i,j; fn-1 (x) then proceed as in Corollary 2.8 to obtain the set n-1 P' = {g(x) Ig(x) = 0 v g(x) E P', Clearly 1 1=1 g(X.) j. f. (x) 1,j. E {0,1}}. II v i. Also, since the characteristic 44 roots of then (Sog(A))- E P', every g(x) = g(A) lAg(A) = S-1T = A for all Lemma 2.7. If (Socog(A), -1 f.(X.) (Tog(A)) (Sog(A)) be a symmetric nonsingular (S,T) fo(x), fi(x), Rnxn; g(A)-1(s-01T0)g(A) E P'. g(x) Let Thus for E P'. g(x) 1 (Tog(A)) Therefore = A. Proposition 3.11: to (by Fact 1.13), i=1,2,,n, 0 is nonsingular for all g(A) pair in g(Ai)f are g(A) be as in fn-1(x) then 0 V j,i, (S,T) is congruent 3 over Tocog(A) IR for some g(x) P', We will first prove the following lemmas. al3.=-1 and V j. al. 13 Then A' be in Let A = (a..) 13 Lemma 3.12: = 13 (1 if to if= A a..=±1 13 a.. =-1 13 . 13 is nonsingular. A is nonsingular. A are linearly independent. R and suppose a.a! j=1 with where A' = (at.), Let is nonsingular if Proof: Suppose Rnxn, 3 . 13 Let = 0 Then the columns of al, a2,...,an be in 45 for Then let i = = 1} K. = {j/a! 1 So for j Ki, 1 a.a! a! .=0. 13 Hence we have n i j EK1 ii 3 a.a 1 3 I = a. = 0 j=1 I = 2j a. = 0 jEK2 EK2 I = 3 (13a) 3 a. = 0 3 j EKn EEC Now multiply each equation in (13a) by We get -1. ctO. (14a) j EKi But a..= -1 13 I so (14a) becomes E K., 1 j (15) a. .a. = 0. 1J 4 _az J for 3 -,'"i_ Subtract each equation in (13) from Y, j=1 a. = 0. Then 3 we have I a. - j=1 3 IsKi We know that if for j 4 Ki. I j a. = 3 Ki, Y xi then a. = 0. (16) 3 al. = 0. 13 Therefore (16) becomes So a.. = 1 13 46 a..a. = 13 3 (15) + (17) jK. 3 i = 1,2,,n. a. = 0 0 A Since j = 1,2,, n. for a. .a. = 0 13 3 3 13 j=1 for V j K. a.a.. = (17) . + a. .a. 13 0 we have is nonsingular, Therefore is also A' 3 nonsingular. Lemma 3.13: F = {1,-1}, F' = {1,0}. Let Then the fol- lowing are true. are groups with respect to multiplication and F,F' 1+1 = 0. addition respectively in which we define Define f: F F' f(1) = 0; f(-1) = 1. by Then f is a group isomorphism. Define f*: Fr by (F')r f*(xl,x2,...,xr) = (f(x1),f(x2),,f(xr)) where F Fr (resp Fir) (resp F'). Then is the product of f* copies of is a group isomorphism, where multiplication (resp addition) in (F')r) is componentwise. Proof: n Immediate by the definitions. Fr .(resp 47 Proof of Proposition 3.11: gruent to (D0' J0 We know that ) (S0 ,T0 is con- where ) e Do = E2) i=1 Jo = diag 1A1iE2A2I e 1ErAr E2Bi) i=1 and c! By proposition 2.8, E {1,-1} y i. g1 (x) = f0(x),g2(x),...,gr(x) G = sgn is nonsingular. E Pi such that g1(A1) g1(x2) "' gi(xr) g2(x1) g2(x2) r(A1) gr(A2) Then g2(A) g r(A r G' = (gli), for g!. = f(sgn g.(A.)) there exist ) where i > 2, gli = f(-sgn gi(Xj)) = f(-1) = 1 is nonsingular (by Lemma 3.10). g(x) Define for i > 2 for i = 1. hi(x) = If we consider the rows of a. s E F', 1 G' (FI)r as a vector space over form a basis for we have f*(xx2," Xr) (Fl)r. F', For some then 48 f(xr)) = (f(x1), = 1=1 ai(gi1'g12'...1gir) = al(f(-sgn g1(X1)),f(-sgn g1(X2)),..-,f(-sgn gl(Xr))) ai(f(sgn gi(X1)),f(sgn gi(A2)),,f(sgn gi + ) ) ) i=2 = al f*(-sgn g1(A1), -sgn g1(X2),..., -sgn gl(Ar)) ai f*(sgn g1(X1), sgn gi(X2),-..,sgn gi(Ar)) + i=2 =1 f*(sgn(hi(X1), hi(X2),..., hi(Ar))) 1=1 a. = f*( H sgn(hi(X1), hi(A2),..-,hi(Ar)) 1 . 1=1 Therefore (by Lemma 3.11 (c)) a. (x1,x2n) = 11 (h. (A ),h.(A II 1=1 1 1 2 r )) ai Let q(x) = H 1=1 hi (x). Then q(x) = (-gi(x)) ai r al gi(x) H i=2 al = f-f°' fxl` a = (-1) " 1 n-1 r ( "L. i=2 1.1 j=1 4 f (x) j 84.a. n-1 f.(x) J1 1 11 n i=2 j=1 r jj") a-; -1" 49 where Let E {0,1}. 31 = y. 3 X i=2 Then 31 al n-1 q(x) = (-1) f.(x) II j=1 3 and sgn q(Ai) = (-1) al n-1 II sgn f.(A j=1 = (-1) y. mod 2. y! h(x) = Then Yj mod 2 sgn (-1)a1 n1711 f.(x) h(x) = ±g(x), = sgn q(Ai). fj(X) Let E {0,1}. yi j=1 Then ) n-1 a1 j1 : Let i . 3 where g(x) Also sgn h(Xi) E P'. Thus (xl,x21.--,xr) = sgn(hi(X1),hi(X2),---,hip.r)) II a.1 i=1 a. = sgn 1,, ( 1=1 r i1 = r a. h.(A 1 h.(X ) 2 a. ' i=1 1 r ) 1) = sgn (q(X1), q(A2),-..,q(Ar)) = sgn (h(A1), h(A2),-.., h(Ar)) cog(Ar)), = sgn (c0g(X1), cg(X2), where c 0 = (-1)al E {1,-1}. Let (S,T) be congruent to 50 (D,J) over where (by Theorem 1.4) R, t D = diag(c1,621-..,cr, et E2) j=1 t J = diag (c1X1, c2X2,...,crArai. E2Bi) , -b.- -a, 3 ] B. = 1 3 a. b. - 3 3- e the non1 3 real roots of xi,x21,xr S 1T for j=1,2,--,t 3 and r+2t = n. Let such that E F (61'62'...'cr) = (El'62'...'q )(xl'x2'...'xr)* Then ,Er).= (662'...'q)sgn(60g(Xl"E0g(X2" - .-.,cog(Ar)). Hence we havec.=c!csgng(A.)1/ i < r. 1 0 1 1 Now consider, for k=1,2,-..,r, sig(c0S0g(A))gk((c0S0g(A))-1(c0T0g(A))) = sig coSog(A)gk(A) -1 = co sig Dog(D-01Jo)gk(Do Jo) (by Lemma 3.7) = cosig(diag(c1,,cpdiag(g(X1),g(A2),..-, g(Ar))diag(gk(A1),...,gk(Xr))) 51 =E 0 ! E. i1 = = sgn(g(X.)g k(?")) sgn(cocig(Xi)gk(Xi)) i=1 = ! E. sgn g(Ai) i=1 sig(diag(el,c2,,cr)diag(gk(A1),gk(A2),...,gk(Ar))) = (ST) = sig S Therefore. Therefore (by Theorem 3.1) (coSog(A), coTog(A)) = (S,T) Proposition 3.12: Let S-1T If real symmetric pair. nxn be an (S,T) n has nonsingular distinct roots, then (S,T) = where - S.1T. 3 ED S., $ T.) j=1 3 i=1 3 is a nonsingular real symmetric pair and (S.,T.) 7 ( 7 is a companion matrix for 3=1,2,,m. 3 Proof: Let f(x) = (x-Ai) II be the characteristic p0- i=1 lynomialofS-1T,wheretheX.'s i=1,2,,r and nonreal for gcd (f(x), f(j)(x)) = 1 = f .(X.) n-3 for 0 V i are real for If i=r+1, r+2, j=1,2,,n-1, then and therefore the proposition 52 such that gcd (f(x), f(j)(x)) j, 1<j<n-1 exists Suppose there m=1) by Proposition 3.11. is proved (with thereexistsiforwhichf(j)(A.)= 0. g1 and let (x) = gcd(f(c), f(j)(x)) because f(x) gcd(g1(x), has only simple roots. g1(j)(x)) = 1 is the degree of not, let for such al[x] Now if where j=1,2,,d1-1, 1 < Hence, eventually in this way, pi(x). such that gcd(hi(x), hi(x)(j)) = 1 < d.-1, j and d. f(x) = h(x) II 1 v j, i, where is the degree of hi(x). Let be any nonsingular real symmetric pair such that (M11N.) 3 -1 M. N. = A. 7 is the companion matrix of Let h. (x). 3 (MN) be congruent to where (W.,V.) 3 3 If Apply i=1 and d1 g1 (x). and so on. g2(x) = gcd(gi(x), gi(j)(x)) h.(x), i=1,2,...,m we get e then we are done with g1 (x), the same process to Then let Clearly gcd(gi(x), pi(x)) = 1 f(x) = gi(x)pi(x). that p1(x) 1, i.e. 3 t. D! = diag(c! ,E1 ,,61.3 31 j2 3 , Pj e k=1 E 2 B 2,3 ' t. ,Et X. KI = diag(0.X. 31 31 32 32 X. 3p. 3p. , e x-1 x3 53 atj B.= azt c' jk E and the numbers {1,-1) V j,k ncmreal moots of Let A-. (S,T) (a .) kj ±ib23 are the be congruent to (D,J), 7 where D = diag(61.62,,6r, R,151 E2) 0 J = diag(c1A1re2X2,.,crXr1 k=1 E 2B ) .411, -b a BR, a2- Then {1,-1} V i. and 1B1,B2,-..,Btl Bzi Ajz E {Al1A21..-,Xr1 y 2,j. By Proposition 3.11, there exist d.-1 k. 1 r.(x) = IIh(.c1/(x) 3c1 3 q=1 k. and c.1 E 7c1 0,11 such that (D.,K.) 3 ±(M.r.(A.), N.r.(A.)), 3 3 3 3 3 3 where 3 t. D. 31 32 E 3 Pj 2=1 ) 2 54 ,.32 diag(Ej6 1 K.= and ,,6. where TrEoNiri(Ai), m e 3 Then E {1,-1}. co and Si=60Mirj(Ai) Let j,k. e T.) j=1 3 e 6 M.r.(A.), ( j=i ° = z=1 E 2B 2,3.), , in S., j=1 = 7 3pi E fel,E2,...,Erl E. t. e 3 DA j=1 c M.r.(A.)) 0 j=1 3 3 e K.) j=1 3 3 3 3 = (D, J) (S, T). Minimal indices: I (ST1) = (S2,T2) mogeneous parameters p,A over R. and consider two families R in First we introduce ho- of matrices, called pencil of matrices, 11S2+ T2. If det (pS1+XT1) real symmetric We will find conditions for singular pairs (S11T1),(S2T2). which nxn Consider pairs of and and 1151-1-ATI det (uS2+XT2) are both not identically equal to zero, then we transform the parameters by the formulas, A = a1X' + a2p' P = 13,1A where ct1,133, a2, Now consider 132 are in + 132PI R and a02 - a2131 0. 55 pS = 1 l + AT 1 S1+(a1A'+a211')T1 X' = P'(2S1+a2T1) X'(1S1-FalT1)' Similarly, pS2 + AT2 = p'(32S2+a2T2)+A'(1S2+aiT2). We can choose and a2132 det(P.2S2 a2T2) Si det (2S1+a2T1) such that 0. 0 Let -= 2 (3s+aT T'1 2 1 1 = 1 S'2= 132S2 + a2T2 Thus we can consider the pairs T ; P.S+ 1 1 = (ST) a1T1 ' 1S2 + a1T2. and which are already considered in Theorem 3.1. (S,T) The above discussion can be found for example in [2, Vol. II, p.27]. It can be easily proved that (ST1) (S2'T2) (S'' l T') 1 (S'' 2 2 T'). if and only if Now we will only consider the case where det (pS1+AT1) equal to zero. ) (S2' T2' and det (pS2+XT2) Obviously, if then det1+AT1) are both identically (Si,Ti) is congruent to and det (pS2+AT2)have t3be 56 both zero or both nonzero. Let u nomials in be lxn a vector whose components are poly- Define X,p. u.(11,2)1 deg u = max {degree of 1<i<n where the are the components of u.'s nxn real symmetric matrices such that all X,p E R. L t A,B det(pA+XB) Then there exists a nonzero vector components are polynomials in and hence u. X,p, such that E u, be 0 for whose u(pA+XB)=0 Let (1.1A+AB)ut = 0. P = {ulu(pA+AB) = 0} m1 m1 = minimum {deg u} uEP is defined because deg ul = ml, where m2 where Define inductively, and u1 E P. Then let and u R[A,P] is linearly independent over with 111}. mk = minimum {deg 1} uEPk-1 Plu Pk-1 = {u span, over the quotient field of {ul,u2,...,uk_111; Suppose uEP 1 P1 = {ulu G P 5'o = P is not empty. = minimum {deg u}, the quotient field of where . uk E P k_l and is not in the linear R[X,p], of deg uk = mk. Clearly 57 m1 <m2x-<..- etc. This process will end, say with We call vectors. the minimal in- 1<s<n, mm2'-..,m5, Define for each natural pA+AB. dices of the pencil number linearly independent n because we have at most k=s, m, m+1; Lm = pA+xB is onjunctive over 0 P e L Lm) \i=1 m. m. C to GM, 1 0 (_.;+1(1.1' = [0] (1x1). A,B are complex hermi- In [10],Turnbull has shown that if tian, then L0 ) 1 wheremisnonsingularandthemi's(m.=0 m.>0 for call M p<i<k) are the minimal indices of a nonsingular core of pA+AB. for i<p, pA+XB. We Since the method he used for the above reduction is rational, then it is also applicable to real symmetric matrices and congruence over R. He also has given [9] a method of determining the smallest minimal index as follows: 58 A M1 M2 B B 0 A B B 0 0 0 A B 0 0 0 A B 0 M3 I etc. p. = rank of 1 M. 1 11.=in-p.(i.e., the nullity [in right hand notation]ofIC). 1 pm+1 Theorem. If sequence 111,1121, minimal index while which are equal to Fact 3.13 11.A+XB mation of m then pm+1 m. is the value of the smallest is the number of such indices [9] Minimal indices are invariant under two kinds of transformation, pencil is the first nonzero integer in the A,p (i) equivalent transformation of the matrix (ii) homogeneous nonsingular linear transforto p,a, i.e., change of basis [11]. Turnbull [10] claims (without offering proof) that the following holds: Assertion 3.14: Let 'IS1+XT pS2+XT2 be hermitian (real 59 Then if symmetric) pencil. 'IS2+AT2' is congruent to 11S1+XT1 then the corresponding nonsingular cores of the two pencils are congruent. We shall use Assertion 3.14 also without proof. (There does not seem to be any routine proof of Assertion 3.14 but it certainly seems plausible enough.) 11S1+AT1 and Then the pencils (S11T1) = (S2,T2). Now suppose pS2+AT2 are congruent over R, have the same minimal indices (by Fact 3.13). PS2+AT2 R be congruent over A1 = i=1 Lc)) A2 = 1-1 L ) o Lm 0 i=p+1 11241 0 Lt. Lm. 0 e .= 1 (61.I m9 ) congruence is an equivalence relation, then congruent over R. Thus - are nonsingular cores. Mi,M2 respectively, where pSi+XT1, 9 ( k ( Let to k 9 hence they Mi is congruent to Al' A2 M2 Since are (by Assertion 3.14). Conversely, if M1 and M2 are congruent over and the two pencils have the same minimal indices, then R 60 PS1 + AT1 rp = p t 0 I, 1=1 /k \ ®e i=p+1 °, J 0 Lm. 1 Lt mi /0 Lt mi S L )S =pt where L \ m. 0 G C M . CtM2C\ j K P Rt(pS2 + AT2)R K, P,C,R,K are nonsingular real matrices and K = (I e o 1/ I2m.+1 i=1 So Lm e i=1 = Kt Lin) 1 0 ) /k /0 \i=1 ®mi 0 (S11T1) = (S2'T2). e C P Now we have the following con- clusion: If (S11T1), (S2,T2) are singular pairs and all A,p E 1R, then nxn real symmetric, det(uS1+AT1) = det(uS2+AT2)= 0 for (S1,T1) = (S21T2) if and only if the two pencils have the same minimal indices and the corresponding nonsingular cores Let M1, M2 are congruent over IR. 61 M1 = pA1 + AB 1 . M2 = pA2 + XB2 Without loss of generaiity, we may assume Then nonsingular. AS1 + pTl' A11B1 (S11T1) = (S21T2) AS2 + pT2 is similar to k, s, Theorem 3.7. where are if and only if have the same minimal indices and A21B2 sig Alf(AT.1Bi)kgs(Al1Bi) for all Al, A2 and -1 = sig A2f(A2 f(x), g5(x) B2)k gs(A2-1 B2) are defined as in 62 CHAPTER IV Example 1: S 1 Let -0 5 0 -1 5 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 __-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 - -1 0 0 0 = r , S = 2 Show that - - - 0 0 0 5 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 - 0 -1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 -5 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 ,I, - T2 (S2'T2) 0 = = - ..., = (S11T1) T1 4 . Solution: 0 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 -5 -1 0 -5 0 .1". -1 S1 = S-1 2 = S2 0- 63 _ -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 q-lm 0001 S1 T1 = -4 0 1 -2 "1= -4 0 5 0100 0010 0501 The characteristic polynomial of -1 Si Ti 0 0 and 0 -1 S2 T2 is . P(x) = x4-5x2+4 p' (x) = 4x3-10x = 2x(2x2-5) (x) - f (x) - p (x) . gcd (p (x) ,p ' (x) ) -1 Since all roots are simple, 4 f.(x)t4-j f(x+t) = j=0 f0 f1 S -1 2 . . 3 (x) = 4x 6x2-5 f3(x) = 4x3-10x Al is similar to (x) = 1 f2(x) = Let S1 T1 > A2 > A3 f3(x) = (x- 1 ) > (x-2) A4 = 2x(2x2-5). be the roots of p(x). Then (x-3) + (x- 1) (x-2) (x-4) + (x-A2)(x-A3)(x-A4). So Let Then sgh. f(A- 31 Xi = sgn X.'s = (-1)1-1. Clearly sgn(f(Ai = 1. (f0(A1),f1(Ai),f2(Xi),f3(Xi))t, i =1,2,3,4. are pairwise linearly independent (Lemma 2.5). 64 Also the matrix (-- has rank Hence the 4. X1 X2 X3 X1 -X2 X3 IS" X4 1 -X4 (in Corollary 2.8) is S" = {g(x)Ig x) = fk(x)f3(x)j, j=0,1 But we need only the following k=0,1,2,31. and g(x)'s e I" to get the Let matrix (11) is Proposition 2.7. go(x) = fo(x), g1(x)=f1(x), g2(x)=f2(x), g4(x)=f1(x)f3(x), g5 (x) = f2(x)f3(x). We will show that -1 sig S2gk(S21T2) = sig S1 g k(S, TI) for k = 0,1,2,...,5. -1 sig Sigo(Si TI) = sig S1 = sig sig Sigi(SilTi) - sig S1(4S11T1) 0 5 0 -1 5 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 = 0. = sig Ti=sig 4 0 0 0 0 5 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 = U. -1 sig S1g2(S1 T1) =sig 2 t- 0 5 0 -1 r- 0 1 0 0 5 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 -4 0 5 0 -51 ii 65 -1- 0 = sig 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 n _ 0 5 0-1 0-1 - -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -4 0 5 0 0 -4 0 5 .-- -5 0 6 0- 0 6 025 0 6 ..-, 0-5 0 5 = sig 0 ( -1 0 0 0 0 ^ -0 -24 0-24 -51 I 25 0 .. - 0 -1 0 5- -1 0 5 0 0 +5 0 -6 - +5 0 -6 0 = sig =0 _ , _ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -4 0 5 0 0 -4 0 5 0 -5 0 2 -1 0 -5 ° 0 0 2 0 -1 0 -8 0 5 0 -1 0 0 -8 0 5 --1 0 0 0 0 5 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 / 2 ow, _ ,- = sig _ 0_ - \ - 66 -20 = sig 0 8 0 0 -17 0 5 8 0 -5 0 0 5 0 -2 = -4 sigS1g4 (SilTi)=sig Sifi (SilTi) f3 (Si-1Ti) = sig 4 T1f3 (Si-1 Ti) = sig [4T12 S-11T1(2ST1)2 - 5 I)] ) )2-5I) =sigT1 (2 (S1-1T1 )2-SI) (S-1T1 1 =sigT1 S1-1T1 (2 (S-11T1 = sig = sig 4 0 0 0 -5 0 2 0 5 0 -1 0 -5 0 0 -1 0 -8 0 -1 0 0 0 -20 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 17 0 5 0 0 1 8 0 -5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 -2 _ -4 0 5 /--20 0 0-17 = sig 8 0- 0 5 8 0 -5 0 0 5 0 -2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 -8 0 -4 0 5 0_i -5 0 0-20 =sig -20 0 8 0 8 0 -5 8 0 1 6 0 0 6 0 25 0 0 -24 0 0 0-5 -24 0 25-) -5 =0 0 67 = sig -92 0 80 0 -35 0 23 80 0 -77 0 0 23 0 = -4 -20_ sig S2g0(S2-1T2) = sig S2 = 0. sig S2g1(S2-1T2) = sig 4 T2 = 0. sig ) 2 S2g-z (S-1T2 -1 = sig S2(6(S2 T2) 2 -5 I) 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0- 2 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 -5 0 0 0 5 0 -1 0 0 0 -4 0 0 =sig 1 0 0 0-\ 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 -0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 _-1 0 0 0_ 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1 0 =sig =sig dm. -1- -1- -0 0 1 0- 0 5 0 1 -4 0 5 0 0 -4 0 0 6 - o oio o -5 Nam ,- -5 0 6 o7 0 0 25 0 6 0 0 -24 0 25 0 0 0 0-24 0 -5 =sig - 0 24 0 5 24 0 -25 0 0-25 0 -6 -6 0 5 0 =0 -1 -1 2 sigS2 g3(S2iT2)=sigS2 .2S 2 T2(2(S2 T2) -5I)=sigT 2(2(S 1T2) 2-5I) 68 -4 0 0 0 -5 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 =sig - , ^ -I 0/ 0 0 1 0 5 0 -4 0 5 0 -4 0 2. \ _ - 0 0 - -5 0 2 0- -5 0 -1 0 5 0 2 o 0 -1 0 -8 0 5 0 o -1 0 0 0 -8 0 -5 - 0 0 0- 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 _0 0 0 1-,/ -5 0 =sig 1 --20 =sig - - 0 8 0 0 -17 0 -5 8 0 -5 0 0 -5 0 -2 sigS2g5(S2-1T2)=sigS2f0(S;1T2)f2(S-12 T2)=sigS2g3(S-23T2)g2 = -4 (S-21T2) _ -20 0 8 0 -5 0 6 0 0 -17 0 -5 0 25 0 6 8 0 -5 0 -24 0 25 0 0 -5 0 0 -24 0 = sig _ =sig _ - -92 0 80 0 -305 0 -77 80 0 -77 0 0 -77 0 -20 = sig -20 -2_ - 0 - = -4 - - 0 8 0 0 1 0 0- 0 -17 0 -5 0 0 1 0 8 0 -5 0 0 5 0 1 0 -5 0 -2 -4 0 0 0 .. (S,,T1),---; (S2,T2) -5_ - 0 20 1 0 8 20 0 -17 0 =sig 0 -17 0 -5 8 0 -5 0 =0 - 69 Note that if c= then r_1 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 CS1C e- 00 5 0 -1 1 0 0 0 5 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 5 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1-s 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 -4 0 0 0- 1 0 0 0- 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 s_ =S2. CC T1 - 1 0 0 0- 0 1 0 5 0 5 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 5 0 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 -5 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 -1 0 0_, =T2 70 Let Example 2: r." - -1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 -1 1 -1- 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 -2 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 -I 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0_ 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0- 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0_ 0 0 1 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Show (S11T1) T1= T2= is not congruent to (S2,T2). Solution: - Si - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 -2 0 _-1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 2 2 0 1 ....-1 -1 0 0 0_, = -1- S-2.1 = S 2 - S-1T 1 1 = S1-1T1 matrix. and --, S21T2 S-1T2 = 2 - -1_ are both similar to the same companion Hence they are similar. 71 = p(x) Characteristic polynomial = minimal polynomial = x5+x4-2x3-2x2+x+1 = (x-1)2 (x+1)3 Pl(x) = 5x4+4x3-6x2-4x+1 = (x-1)(x+1)2(5x-1) g.c.d (p(x), p'(x)) = x2-1 f(x) - p(x)- x2-1 g.c.d(p(x),p'(x)) = (x-1)(x+1) 2 f(x+t) = f.(x)t2-j 1 j=0 f 0 (x) = 1 J f1 (x)= 2x ; -1 Note that f2 (x) = ; f (x) - Therefore f(S21T2) = 0. f(S1 T1)3 = 1 f.(S.-1 T.) = 0 sig S.f(S. T.)k 1 1 1 3 1 1 for k > 3, i,j. sig Sif(Si1 TI)2 fo(Si-1 Ti) e.. / _-1 0 0 0 0 2 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1 ....-1 = sig . 1 2 1 -1 1 0 -1 -2 -1 1 -1 0 0 1 2 1 -1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ 0 0 0 0 0- 1 -2 -1 1 -1- 2 -4 -2 2 -2 1 -2 -1 1 -1 1 2 1 -1 1 1 -2 -1 1 -1- L_ r'..' = sig - -1_, = -1 72 - =sig2 = sig 1 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 _O -1 1 -1 2 1 -1 -1 -2 -1 1 1- \ -1 0 1 2 1-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0._ 0 0 0 0 0,_/ 2 1 -1 1 2 4 2 -2 2 1 2 1 -1 1 1 -2 -1 1 -1 1 2 1 -1 1 1-1 - 1 i =1 sig Sif (Si-1Ti) fo (Si-1 Ti) = sig Sif (Si-1 Ti) = sig 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 -1 1 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0 1 0 0 1 -2 -2 1 0 0 -1 -2 1 -1 0 1 1 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1 1 1 = sig -1- -1 1 =sig 2 sig Sif (SilTi) f1 (Sily \ =-1 --1 0 1 0 0 0 3 3 1 1 3 2 -2 -2 0 -2 -2 1 -1 0 1 1 -1 0 1 -1 73 -1 sig S1f0(S1 T1) = sig sig S1f1(S1-1 T ) S1 = -1 = sig 2T1 = sig T1 = 1 sig S2f(S2-1T2)2 f0(S21T2) = sig 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4 =1 = sig = sig _., 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 =1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 -1 74 - -1 sig S2f(S21 T2)fl(S2 T2) = sig 2 T2f(S21 T2) , =1 = sig 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 -2 3_ -1 sig S2f0(S2 T2) = sig S2 = -1 sig S2f1(S2 T2) = sig 2 T2 = 1 So to (S11T1) (S31T3), . is not congruent to but is congruent (S2'T2) where S3 = T3 Iwo Examples S= 3: 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 -1 0 0-, 1 -1 0 Let -o 0 0 -1 0 1 1 0 1 __3 I T = 0 -2 --' 0 0 0 -2 0 -2 .1 75 r- -1 o 0 -1 1 0 S-1 = _ T S is similar to 10 - 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 --1 0 0 -1 S0 = S 0 - 0 0 0 --3 0 -2_ ' 0 0 0 - 0 -1 _0 -1 where A, - -1 - - _ Let 0 S-1T= 0 - 0 A = 1 T0 = 0- S-1T 1 0 0 -1 0_ = A t_ -1 Characteristic polynomial = s3+x2-2x = x(x-1)(x+2) 3 f(x+t) = f.(x)t3-j j=0 f0 (x) = 1 ; f0(x) = f (x) 3 f1 (x) = 3x + 1 ; f2(x) = 3x2+2x - 2 . sig So = -1 sig SoyA) = sig 2 -1 -1' -1 -4 -3 - -1 -3 0 - = 1 76 sig S0f2(A) = sig Let (ST1) = (S0 f1 (A) ' s ig 2- -4 2 2 -6 -2 2 -2 -3_ =-3 T0 f1 (A)) Sifl(S 11 TI) = sig Sofi(A) 2 = -1 -25 -6 -6 -9 - -4 2 -1 sig S1f2(S,-1T1)=sig S0f2(A)f1(A)= sig Let (S2'T2) = (S0 f2 (A) sig S2f1(S2-1 T2) 2- - 2 -12 -14 2-14 0 - -1 . F 8 = -1 ' T0 f2 (A)). = sig S0f2(A)f1(A) = 2 sig S2f2(S21T2) = sig S0f2(A) = sig -4 -4 -16 -4 Let = -1 f 1 (A) (A) t2' 2 -4 2 -1 -7 - T0 f1 (A)f2(A)) sig S3f1(S-13 T3)=sig S0f1(A)2f2(A)=sig 2 -90 2 -8 = -3 -8 -42 sig S3f2(S-31Tr) = sig S0f2(A)2f1(A) = -4 -16 -52 -4 -52 20 =1 77 sig S = sig sig -1T) (S Sf1 sig S f2 -0 0 0 -1 _1 0 = sig (S-1T) = sig (sig S N . , sotation: 1= -1 0 10 -1 3 0 6- 0 2 0 _6 0 6.... 0 ig S 3.f1(S 3)T 3) 3 = 1 , - .) ) sig S f,j2(S .1T 3 3 =( )sj We have (-1, 1, -3) so (1, -1, -1) Si (-3,-1, -1)s2 (-1,-3,1) s3 (1, -1, 3) (-1,1,1) _so _Si (3,1,1)-s2 (1,3,-1) _so (-1,-3,1) . (S ,T) (S3, T3) = (Sofi (A) f2 (A) , Tofi (A) f2 (A) ) . 78 Let Example 4: ,-- - 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0.. 0-1 0 -1 S1= 0 A 0 p 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 u1 0 -A-p - 0 = 1.5 - p1 = 0 T1 1 0 = rank of - S 0 1 T n2 =9 1 = 2.5 - p2 = 1 1 (S1,211) is congruent to E 0 (S11T1) = pl = 5 S u2 -A-p u. = i.5 - p. 1 1 Notation: rank of 4...0 p F2A det (ASi+pTi) = det T1= 0 o // ex o o oA 0o o 0 o o 0 o o Ao o o e` ci) o )?0 ,e. /r x s, ,..) 0i. 7ie 1?" Xti_ca /"\ /7) )?o .. e\ . .2 I' cP. . e` e. ., A c'÷ rti Q. o o o o0 0 A o0 4 o0 0 'es <,. s% o 0 Ao 80 Similarly is congruent to AS2+pT2 o L o L1 t 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 _1 0 0 Let C2 = Then C2 (XS2 +1..tT2 _ M2 4... ^ 0 A 0 0 p A p 0 (Ct2 = 0 -A-P ...00. 0 Let M2 = _ --p A =A Let -A-p 11 -, _ 0 -1 -1 0 0 A2 = A-1 = 2 01 ' -1 [ -1 B 2 = [ -1 -1 I 1 --A-p P 81 A-1B 2 F = 2 L 0 Characteristic polynomial of Test whether f(x) - sig is congruent to M1 (x-1)2 Clearly M2. p(x) - x-1 g.c.a(p(x),p'(x)) (x) = 1 = sig Al = 0 A1f0(A1-1 Bl) -1 sig Aif (Ai Bi(fo 1r -1 -1 0J L -1 11 F -1 1 L 1 -1 r 0 -11 r 0 -11 0J L 0 0J r 2 L -1 = sig (Ai-1 Bi) = sig - sig A2f0(A21 B2) sig A1-1B1 A21 B2. similar to f0 A2IB2 = = sig A2 = 0 A2 f(A2 IB2 )f0 (A2-1B-) = sig L-1 = sig 10 Lo (Al,B1) is not congruent to M2 (ST1) J (S2'T2) . 0 (A2,B2) =1 is 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY Theory of Equations. Dickson, L.E. Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1948. New York, John Gantmacher, F. R. The Theory of Matrices. 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