STATION BULLETIN 299 MAY 1932 Soils of Chehalis Series and Their Utilization Agricultural Experiment Station Oregon State Agricultural College CORVALLIS SUMMARY Chehalis soil series is the most extensive and representative of the recent stream-bottom group of Willamette Valley lands and includes nearly 200,000 acres. Chehalis loam weighs about 84 pounds per cubic foot and has a usable water capacity of approximately 1.80 inches per acre foot. These recent soils are nearly neutral in reaction and corn- - paratively well supplied with bases such as calcium and potassium. The nitrogen content is only moderate, and crop rotation with legumes is of paramount importance in improving fertility of these soils. The total sulfur content is low. Early spring application of calcium sulfate (gypsum) at the rate of 125 pounds an acre has been found to provide more favorable concentrations of sulfate and of calcium for legumes during a critical period of growth. continued use of sulfur without liming tends to increase soil acidity and to deplete the soil of nearly available or exchange bases such as calcium and potassium. On soils of Chehalis series supplemental irrigation is highly desirable for at least a portion of each farm and should increase yields 60 to 100 percent. Winter grain does not need irrigation, yet a new clover stand may be saved by it. Water can generally be - obtained from surface sources or wells of moderate depth. Where fluctuations in water level occur, the deep-well turbine type of pump is desirable as the power unit can be placed at the top of the drive shaft above the high-water line. Where the surface is smooth, water may be distributed by strip borders or furrows. Where slightly rolling, water may be distributed to intensive crops with sprinklers or portable pipe. One to two acre feet per season appears to be needed. I Water should be measured and applied according to the waterretaining capacity of the soil within the crop root zone. Crop rotation and manuring or cover crbpping are important for keeping up water capacity and fertility and increasing efficiency of water per unit crop. Precautions may be required in clearing or cultivation of cxposed areas to avoid damage from erosion during high water. - TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 5 Physical Characteristics 5 Chemical Characteristics 7 Exchange Bases Comparison of Composition of Soil and Its Colloid Soluble and Replaceable Calcium in Chehalis Fine Sandy Loam Effect of Fertilizer and Supplemental Irrigation on Chehalis Soil 9 Barley 9 10 11 Sulfur vs. Gypsum 12 Effect of Fertilizer and Irrigation on Chehalis Soil Potatoes Supplemental Irrigation 14 14 Effect of Irrigation on Small Fruits Irrigation Fundamentals 17 Utilization and Maintenance of Soils of Chehalis Series 18 17 4 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 299 RELATION OF CLA$S TO FIELDMOISTURE CAPAC ITY S how iig variations in wiltin coeffic- j7JL.PI JI'I 02% moisture d Horizontal & vertical scale. * Usable fieldmoisture capacity. ient and import- ant moist po in Oven Dig Satura ion Point" MuoX & Pea Usable Water Capacity f Moisture Equivalent Excess Coefficient Point Range Wilting Coefficient Hygoscopic Figure 1. Relation of soil class to field moisture capacity. Relations are not strictly linear for coarse soils. (From SoG Sci. 14:163.) Soils of Chehalis Series and Their Utilization By W. L. POWERS and C. V. RUzEK* INTRODUCTION soil series occurs as smooth or slightly undulating, brown- CHEHALIS colored land of the river bottoms in the Willamette Valley and includes nearly 200,000 acres. Chehalis is the most extensive and representative series of the recent alluvial group of soils and includes much of the second bottoms, as distinguished from the first bottoms with their coarser-textured subsoils, forming the Newberg series. The purpose of this bulletin is to present in concise form the accumulated information bearing on characteristics and methods of improvement for this series of soils. The data herein reported have been compiled from soil survey, plant house, and laboratory experiments. Type samples were submitted to the United States Bureau of Chemistry and Soils for many of the mechanical analyses and to the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, for chemical analyses. The Farm Crops department has cooperated in field operations with the field crops. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The Chehalis soil series is derived from basaltic alluvial materials deposited so recently that it has undergone little modification in profile since deposition. These are largely second-bottom soils and are occasionally inundated by backwater from the river. They are distinguished from the Newberg series of t1ie first bottom by having smoother topography and finer-textured subsoils. Chehalis series, as mapped, includes soil types ranging in texture from fine sandy loam to silty clay loam. The surface soils of this series are brown or even rich brown in color when wet, while the subsoils are lighter brown or yellowish brown and only slightly compact. The soils of this series are of good productiveness and have good natural drainage except for occasional overflows in winter, which do not injure dormant crops, such as alfalfa. Grain, vetch, clover, pasture, Jerusalem artichokes, potatoes, corn, walnuts, and cherries do well on the heavier types of the Chehalis series, while alfalfa, hops, peaches, the same row crops, and early truck crops and small fruits thrive on the free-working types. Chehalis loam on the East College Farm fertility plots has a weight of approximately 84 pounds per cubic foot and a range of usable moisture The authors are indebted to Professors J. S. Jones, Agricultural Chemist, G. R. Hyslop, Agronomist in Charge, and F. E. Price, Agricultural Engineer, for reviewing the material herein and giving helpful suggestions. S 6 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 299 from the wilting point of about 12 percent to the excess point of 26 percent. Under actual field conditions, the usable field capacity is slightly less from 13 percent minimum to 24 percent maximum field capacity, or 11 percent usable moisture. Taking 11 percent of 84 pounds gives 9 pounds or approximately 1.8 acre inches per acre foot (see Figure 1). The usable field moisture capacity of the feeding root zone indicates storage capacity for rainfall or irrigation water. Distribution of feeding roots of alfalfa is shown in Figure 2. This soil takes up water readily, handles DISTRIBUTION OF FEEDING ROOTS OF o,. z ' ALFALFA IN FINE SANDY LOAM SOIL IN IMPERIAL VALLEY. NO WATER TABLE WITHIN 15 FT. OF GROUND SURFACE. ! U . WEIGHT OF ROOTS IN GRAMS 310 2t to oi to 2O 5 ") * ,O 26.93 1 43.10 2 7.1 .04 .03 7 4J1z.i 8 4iz .01 978 .004 71 Figure 2. Distribution of feeding roots of alfalfa. (After California Station Bulletin 284) nicely under irrigation, and is fairly retentive of moisture. Studies of the colloid content of a sample classed as fine sandy loam show for the first horizon 22.8 percent colloid or ultra-fine clay, for the second 25.7 percent, and for the third or C horizon 25.1 percent. This colloidal fraction has great absorptiveness for moisture and adsorptiveness for nutrient bases, such as calcium, and may be regarded as the seat of the life of the soil. The mechanical analyses of soils from several counties in the Willamette Valley are presented in Table I. Five textural types of Chehalis soil are represent d in the summary of physical analyses given in Table I. Frequently two or three counties are represented in the type analyses given. The variety of textural types 7 SOILS OF CHEHALIS SERIES TABLE I. PHYSICAL COMPOSITION OF CHEHALIS SOILS County Chehalis Fine Sandy Loam Bent on Polk Yan,h ill Chehalis Loam Washington Claokamas Linn Soil depth Clay Loam Washington Silty Clay Loam Benton mm. Very fine Coarse Medium Fine sand sand sand sand 1 to S .5 to .25 .25 to 1 .1 to .05 mm. mm. Jnchej mm. Clay 005 to 0 mom. Silt .05 to .005 mm. 14.8 10.6 14.9 mm. % 12.5 5.7 42.0 31.6 12.8 17.0 27.5 .1 6.5 .6 54.3 17.7 14.3 23.8 42.3 8.1 15.1 0.1 .0 1.1 .1 2.8 3.6 49.0 56.0 21.5 19.3 18.7 12.9 6.7 7.0 Soil Subsoil 3.2 1.0 12.4 5.1 5.8 3.2 20.0 10.8 11.6 14.2 34.6 48.5 13.0 16.7 1.7 3.2 2.0 4.8 14.2 8.6 17.1 17.7 42.9 44.7 20.9 21.1 25.0 27.0 31.1 13.4 16.0 13.7 35.5 32.0 27.5 16.8 14.8 10.0 13.4 0-10 12-36 0.2 7.1 .1 3.2 0-15 0.1 .0 1.2 18-3 6 Soil Subsoil 15.9 0-12 1.2 12-36 .0 0-6 6-12 12-36 0.4 .5 .4 4.6 4.8 7.1 4.2 4.9 9.6 0.1 0.5 0.4 .0 2 .3 8.1 7.8 24.9 32.5 52.7 45-7 .0 .0 .0 0.2 .0 .0 .0 2.8 16.1 .2 8.1 5.8 24.5 16.5 62.1 52.8 55.5 22.0 Soil Subsoil 0.8 4.1 2.4 2.9 2.2 12.0 8.0 18.2 14.9 42.8 47.8 29.9 24.2 0-18 18-36 0.0 .0 0.3 .8 0.4 1.7 5.0 8.2 11.2 11.9 53.8 43.6 29.4 33.8 Chehalis Silt Loam Washington Soil Subsoil Benton Fine gravel 2 to 1 0-10 10-18 18-36 13.5 18.8 14.4 included in this series ranging from rather light to somewhat heavy affords choice of land suitable for early as well as late crops. CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS The total nutrient elements contained in Chehalis soils determined from official samples collected in connection with the detailed soil survey and analyzed by the Department of Agricultural Chemistry are indicated in Table Li, which is arranged to show the chemical composition by textural types and county groupings. Soils of Chehalis series, being of recent origin, have been only slightly leached and are still comparatively well supplied with bases such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. The total supply is given irC pounds per two million of soil, which is the approximate weight of an acre of field soil to plow depth. One-tenth percent is equivalent to two thousand pounds to plow depth. The supply of nitrogen is somewhat variable and tends to increase with the finer-textured types. This nitrogen supply will vary AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 299 8 TABLE II. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CHEHALIS SOIL SERIES (POUNDS PER TWO MILLION) urn Calcium Magnesium Inches Lb. 0-12 12.36 0-18 18-36 14000 17600 25800 27000 Lb. 51600 40000 Lb. 25800 22600 loam 0-14 loam Vamhill Counts and soil Washington Loam Loam Silt loam Sift loam Silty clay Silty clay Fine sandy loam Fine sandy loam Silt loam Depth Potassi- Phos- phorus Lb. Sulfur Lb. 2400 18800 7800 11200 1520 520 21800 30200 18600 1740 14-36 21000 21600 21400 1380 0-20 22200 58200 9400 980 Lb. 3980 2380 4000 1520 1040 22600 Nitrogen 140 3100 1380 162 940 1400 20-36 22400 25800 58000 15000 8000 14000 680 1140 0-7 19000 46200 34600 1944 152 1920 1860 2900 Polk Sandy loam Fine sandy loam Silt loam Silty clay loam 0-7 0-7 21000 18000 45400 36600 19000 13800 2260 2200 278 406 0-7 34400 14800 11400 2120 398 4320 0-8 57400 57800 48000 40600 25800 25000 20200 1800 1540 0-8 8-42 17800 17800 17000 18400 18500 1980 520 400 500 760 2400 2080 3080 2600 0-8 13200 27600 11600 1660 980 5480 760 3320 5160 .farion Loam Loam Silt loam Silt loam Silty clay foam Silty clay loam 9enkin Sandy loam Loam Silt loam Silty clay 0.15 2100 8-48 11400 23400 10100 1400 0-10 0-18 0-11 21000 20000 16200 52800 41800 49800 9800 5400 17800 1700 2820 2360 700 720 460 1380 2760 3400 loam .inn Loam Silt loam 0-18 28800 17600 9400 2880 440 2960 0-6 0-10 21400 10000 29400 40000 9400 14000 1380 1600 240 320 2600 3600 loam 0-10 18000 18400 6800 7200 170 7400 loam 0-9 15520 50600 18700 2180 440 3100 loam Loam Loam Silt loam 9-44 0.10 10-50 0-10 10-40 14360 14500 14740 16220 15140 51480 42160 36520 58720 46520 22900 21220 2200 5320 480 220 2860 2960 13400 24760 15820 1800 1200 2380 2340 140 360 320 0-10 18340 34840 16820 2460 S20 3360 Silty clay ane Fine sandy Fine sandy Silt loam Silty clay loam 3220 3120 with vegetation as well as crops previously grown. The nitrogen content indicates only a moderate supply of organic matter and suggests the importance of crop rotation with legumes. For maintaining the nitrogen and humus supply legumes are easily grown on this nearly neutral soil. SOILS OF CHEHALIS SERIES 9 The total sulfur content of the soils of Chehalis series, in common with some other soils of the region, is relatively low, ranging from 500 pounds to as low as 140 pounds an acre to plow depth. The limited supply suggests an early need of replenishment. The phosphorus content of this soil tends to increase as we go to the finer-textured soils. It is on the whole of relatively moderate amount, indicating need for replenishment under continued cropping in establishing a permanent system of agriculture. Both soil and separated colloids have been shown by Dr. R. E. Stephenson of this department to have high retentive capacity for soluble phosphates. In reaction, Chehalis soils are nearly neutral and show only a slight lime requirement. The reaction value of samples tested is between pH 5.5 and 7.0. The lime requirement, except for samples in valleys toward the coast, is usually one-half to one ton an acre. Exchange bases. The exchangeable calcium, the essential constituent of lime, in these soils is generally good as indicated by the data presented in Table III, which contains determinations by Stephenson from samples of Chehalis fine sandy loam, and its colloid fraction taken from the East College Farm. Exchange calcium is that form of calcium which is held in loose electro-chemical union with the ultra.clay or colloidal fraction of the soil, and which tends to come into solution from one season to another to replenish the soil solution after exhausting crops. It is a nearly available form of calcium and other bases. TABLE Ill. EXCHANGEABLE CALCIUM, CHEHALIS FINE SANDY LOAM Sample Reaction value (pH) Exchangeable calcium 5.11 % 0.98 0.89 Chehalis Colloids Horizon L II III 5.60 6.00 1.07 Proportion of total calcium exchangeable 92.5 84.8 99.1 Chehalis Soil Horizon I 5.48 1111 5.51 5.51 I II . 0.34 0.40 I 0.41 8.3 9.3 10.6 Comparison of composition of soil and its colloid. The base-exchange capacity and friability of a soil are related to the ultimate chemical composition and particularly the ratio of silicon dioxide to sesqutoxides of iron and aluminum. A high ratio of silicon dioxide to sesquioxides favors large base-exchange capacity in a soil. The analyses indicate more of coarse quartz in the soil than in the colloidal or ultra.clay fraction. The ratio has been computed and is 3.57 for the soil and 2.11 of silicon dioxide to one of sesquioxides for the colloidal fraction of the soil. The ratio of calcium oxide to sesquioxides for the soil is 3.98 and for its colloid fraction is .84, indicating that considerable calcium is tied up in the silicate minerals in the soil. 10 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 299 TABLE IV. COMPARISON OF CHEHALIS FINE SANDY LOAM SOIL AND ITS COLLOIDAL FRACTION Sample and horizon Silicon dioxide Organic matter (SiOi) % Soil I II (Al203) Iron sesQuioxlde (FesOs) Calcium oxide CaO % 5.77 6.00 5.38 % % 1.99 2.09 III Aluminum sesquioxide 1.25 55.64 55.12 55.63 21.08 22.87 20.49 8.37 8.28 9.09 3.72 3.60 2.40 40.01 38.37 41.21 24.80 23.39 25.01 11.37 10.48 12.00 1.48 1.48 4.02 43.34 26.83 10.70 1.05 Colloid I II III 1.51 Average of 45 soilsBureau of Soils (10) Soluble and replaceable calcium in Chehalis fine sandy loam. A study was made by Mr. Harold Larson in the Soils laboratories of this Station of the water-soluble calcium in Chehalis fine sandy loam periodically throughout the growing season. TABLE V. SOLUBLE AND REPLACEABLE CALCIUM IN CHEHALIS FINE SANDY LOAM (PARTS PER MILLION) Replaceable calcium Water-soluble calcium Treatnient Fallow Cropped Mar. 28 May 7 June 18 July29 Sept. 10 Mar. 28 Sept. tO Ppm. P.prni. P.p.m. Ppm. Ppm. 34 50 20 35 2886 3360 3157 3551 18 Ppm. P.p.m. 24 22 27 24 37 The figures in Table V, obtained in connection with part of this study relating to Chehalis soil, indicate a rather low supply of water-soluble calcium, although there is a good supply of total and of replaceable calci- um. ConcentrBtion studies under the controlled conditions of a greenhouse indicate that for good growth of alfalfa at least 32 parts per million of water-soluble calcium is needed and that a minimum concentration for fair growth of legumes is about 16 parts per million. It appears that the con- centration of available calcium may be unfavorably low in these soils, especially at the beginning of the growing season just after the season of leaching by heavy winter rains or overflow. Calcium sulfate provides a more favorable concentration of sulfate and of calcium early in the growing season when young legumes seem to have a maximum requirement for these nutrients. Analyses of soils from a plot receiving sulfur at the rate of 50 pounds a year for five years and also from a plot receiving 100 pounds of gypsum a year for five years, compared to that of an untreated plot, show that these elements operate to increase the concentration of watersoluble calcium and sulfate. Preliminary data also indicate the tendency for continued use of sulfur to decrease the exchangeable calcium and perhaps potassium in this Chehalis soil. Without treatment a supply of exchange calcium after five years was 2,200 pounds per acre to plow depth. With annual treatment it was 1,910 pounds. SOILS OF CHEHALIS SERIES 11 TABLE VI. FERTILIZER AND IRRIGATION EXPERIMENT, EAST FARM, STARTED SPRING 1927 Yield of Barley per Acre 1927 Plot Treatment Check 200 lb. superphosphate, 6 T. manure, 1 T. lime 200 lb. superphosphate, 6 T. 2 3 manure 200 lb. superphosphate Check 4 5 6 muriate of potash Check 250 lb. gypsum 12 50 lb. sulfur, 200 lb. lime 50 lb. sulfur 13 CheckS 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1928 1929 1930 1931 Ru. Bu. Bit. Bu. Bu. 60.41 25.52 29.69 35.9 33.85 66.35 41.97 37.29 68.02 47.39 62.91 39.68 65.00 42.50 33.64 30.73 30.31 100 lb. nitrate of soda, 100 lb 8 11 Dry Bu. Artificial manure 6 F. 100 lb. sulfate of potash Manure, 6 T. Heavy two 5.inch irrigations Medium two 4-inch irrigations.... Light two 3-inch irrigations Dry -Dry 58.43 50.20 5i.60 55.21 52.81 46.66 48.02 48.43 40.00 32.60 33.54 30.21 23.33 27.81 52.29 43.02 38.85 35.52 35.73 33.85 38.64 38.9. 36.9 Not kept sepa- rate 5 yr. Ave. 8u. 37.2 39.4 63.9 47.39 52.1 53.4 59.9 65.5 58.0 54.17 39.27 34.79 54.5 52.7 77.6 54.0 50.2 53.1 67.3 51.87 67.5 58.7 51.1 43.44 57.5 46.9 35.96 66.9 26.34 51.8 28.02 47.1 31.25 37.3 32.60 40.2 31.46 49.2 2.39 37.2 6.14 40.3 30.41 42.6 30.41 48.7 22.81 48.8 34.79 54.9 .9.l7 50.0 30.00 67.7 52.92 35.00 32.50 29.90 52.8 44.7 55.5 62.5 61.4 63.5 57.8 41.0 54.1 39.5 46.8 59.7 52.6 55.2 53.4 41.6 43.1 43.2 45.9 45.8 43.3 37.8 41.2 38.3 100 lb. treble phosphate, 100 lb. nitrate, 100 lb. muriate of potash 71.77 43.23 34.89 100 lb. treble phosphate, 100 lb muriate of potash 58.33 40.10 24.17 7 9 10 Irri. gated 42.29 38.23 41.56 33.33 39.06 40.30 39.06 34.58 35.62 38.02 38.2 42.8 38.1 43.7 EFFECT OF FERTILIZER AND SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION ON CHEHALIS SOIL BARLEY A fertilizer and irrigation experiment was. initiated in the spring of 1927 on Chehalis silt loam of the East College Farm, having four ranges of 21 fifth-acre plots with treatments as indicated in Table VI. The four ranges permit a crop rotation to be practiced, including barley, clover, and potatoes. The fertilizer experiment includes tests of the value of important fertilizer constituents when used alone and in combination, as well as several untreated or check plots used for controls. Plots 9 to 13 afford a comparison of supplying sulfur in elemental form and supplying it in like amount in the form of calcium sulfate or gypsum and also in the form of elemental sulfur and ground limestone to supply the same amount of calcium as contained in gypsum. Plots 17 to 20 are arranged to determine the value of different amounts of supplemental irrigation. The amounts of water and fertilizer used are indicated in the table. A five-year average indicates that complete fertilizer as used on Plot 6 may be expected to result in a maximum grain yield. Good returns have been realized from manure and artificial manure used alone, or manure used in combination with superphosphate. Lime does not seem to be needed as yet on this type of soil. 12 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 299 L Figure 3. Untreated clover on Chehalis soil. SULFUR VS. GYPSUM Legumes are heavy users of calcium and sulfur. Clover is therefore a good indicator of the value of sulfur carriers. In Table VII it appears that during the first five years of this experiment, sulfur has increased the yield of clover seed and of hay slightly more than has the combined form, calcium sulfate. Sulfur has a higher solubility effect than calcium sulfate, but in the long run may be expected to result in an unfavorable accumulation of acidity. If it should release the bases in excess of plant need, it may hasten their exhaustion. It is therefore believed that the combined form, calcium sulfate, can be more safely used in meeting the sulfate and calcium requirements of humid soils, which tend to become acid. A combination of sulfur with lime adequate to provide an excess of base in the mixture would give a concentrated supply of both sulfur and calcium, and in the long run may prove more economical than Figure 4. Effect of sulfate on clover grown on Chehalis soil. SOILS OF CHEHALIS SERIES 13 the use of gypsum (calcium sulfate), provided a good grade of ground limestone can be readily secured on the market. On the same experiment field over a six-year period the increase from the calcium sulfate and from sulfur has been similar where used in field TABLE Vii. FERTILIZER AND IRRIGATION EXPERIMENT, EAST FARM, STARTED SPRING, 1927 Yield of clover 1928 1929 1930 I) C) C) it a St Plot 1931 -V ui"a ii r) Treatment flu. Bu. Bit. Bit. Bu. Eu. Check 2.75 .66 .91 .57 .46 1.07 6 100 lb. treble phosphate, 100 lb. .54 .84 .79 1.05 1.50 1.84 1.66 1.85 200 lb. superphosphate 3.06 6.25 6.25 2.91 1.21 4 5 2.17 5.25 3.62 .42 1.16 1.82 1,25 2.32 3.20 2.05 .75 1.44 4.04 1.92 2.04 1.17 2.18 3.12 1.82 2.07 .83 .83 1.25 1.83 1.90 2.25 2.65 3.87 2.58 3.50 2.17 1.58 3.75 2.40 3.08 2.17 2.12 3.29 2.80 2.25 2.08 2.01 1.67 2.10 3.68 3.47 2 7 8 200 lb. superphosphate, 6 T. manure, I T. lime 200 lb. superphosphate, 6 T. manure Check nitrate, 100 lb. potassium chloride 100 lb. treble phosphate, 100 lb. muri ate of potash 100 lb. nitrate of soda, 100 lb. mum ate of potash Check 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 250 lb. gypsum 50 lb. sulfur, 200 lb. lime 50 lb. sulfur Check Artificial ,nanure, 6 T 100 lb. sulfate of potash Manure, 6 T. Heavy two 5-inch irrigations Medium two 4-inch irrigations Light two 3.inch irrigations Dry Dry Average of 4 checks 3.00 2.50 7.75 7.00 8.75 6.33 3.75 7.75 5.16 7.41 9.00 8.33 6.83 7.50 3.62 2.46 1.92 1.42 1.58 1.66 1.25 2.25 1.58 .83 1.00 1.52 2.87 3.04 3.45 3.16 4.02 2.99 2.86 1.84 2.01 1.55 1.15 2.36 2.50 2.50 3.17 2.25 2.42 2.75 1.33 1.67 3.92 4.58 2.92 1.92 1.40 1.52 4.21 3-34 2.43 3.74 2.48 3.08 3.78 3.55 3.47 3.30 2.14 crops experiments on alfalfa. A six-year average increase of as much as 1.4 tons has been obtained. in these experiments it has been shown advantageous to apply sulfur carriers early in the spring. One hundred and twenty-five pounds of gypsum applied early in March should meet the sulfur and calcium needs of a maximum alfalfa crop or clover crop on this type of soil. Initial applications of fertilizer may be heavier and subsequent treatments lighter as the deficiency is overcome and the nutrient-supplying power of the soil built up. Light annual applications seem advisable under our humid climate and especially with land subject to overflow. The reno- vation or harrowing will hasten the action of fertilizer applied and on meadows should result in cleaner high-grade hay. It has been shown that sulfates increase the protein content of legumes. in some cases where clover has failed, a crop of beans or vetch has been substituted. The yields of these crops show trends similar to those shown by the legumes discussed above, and are not included herein. 14 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 299 EFFECT OF FERTILIZER AND IRRIGATION ON CHEHALIS SOIL POTATOES Results from use of fertilizers on potatoes on Chehalis loam are as yet inconclusive. Some indications of benefit are to be noted for artificial manure, phosphate, potash, and nitrate. Water has been more definitely effective. Three irrigations of four inches each, or a total of 12 inches for the season, appears to be the most economic irrigation treatment used. TABLE VIII. FERTILIZER AND IRRIGATION EXPERIMENT, EAST FARM, STARTED SPRING, 1927 Yield of potatoes per acre 5-yr. Plot I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Treatment Check 200 lb. superphosphate, 6 T. manure, 1 T. lime 200 lb. superphosphate, 6 T. manure 200 lb. superphosphate Check 1927 1928 Ba. Ba. 76.2 277.2 1929 1930 1931 average Ba. Ba. Ba. Ba. 118.1 278.74 109.2 171.9 260.41 226.2 275.92 187.9 233.66 193.7 325.66 171.6 230.7 233.0 220.6 218.8 75.8 407.8 145.2 335.2 221.0 199.2 320.3 156.1 189.2 259.7 147.7 183.5 100 lb. treble phosphate, 100 lb. nitrate 219.5 252.5 144.5 332.25 218.4 100 lb. potassium chloride 100 lb. treble phosphate, 100 lb. niuriate 144.7 260.2 142.2 317.75 214.5 of potash 100 lb. nitrate of soda, 100 lb. muriate 191.7 325.8 228.6 314.75 258.1 of potash Check 250 lb. gypsum 50 lb. sulfur, 200 lb. lime 50 lb. sulfur Check Artificial manure (straw) 100 lb. sulfate of potash Manure Heavy two 5-inch irrigations Medium three 4-inch irrigations Light two 4-inch irrigations Dry Dry Average of 4 checks 166.3 314.2 220.2 290.3 189.5 274.5 163.4 255.0 208.0 295.2 250.0 248.3 208.2 234.3 254.7 282.5 175.1 251.5 164.6 239.2 205.6 160.0 199.2 162.8 118.1 127.3 159.9 286.6 217.4 236.5 256.1 256.9 210.6 267.00 252.0 223.1 312.33 298.7 182.4 211.50 265.2 177.5 224.41 255.4 203.9 217.41 227.7 229.3 170.83 237.7 193.0 78.08 187.3 71.4 19.91 121.3 61.4 32.75 75.0 187.5 168.7 289.9 198.6 247.9 243.2 244.0 288.42 277.34 300.59 296.41 233.4 215.9 263.8 237.0 254.4 252.8 243.1 246.6 266.5 220.4 238.9 215.1 208.3 164.8 114.9 82.9 218.6 SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION Supplemental irrigation is highly desirable for at least a portion of each farm on soils of the Chehalis series. Winter grain does not need irrigation. The stand of new clover may often be saved by it. Water can generally be obtained from surface sources or wells extended into the underfiow in the gravelly substratum, which is usually in more or less remote connection with the rivec. On account of the fluctuation in the water level a stovepipe type of well casing and a deep-well turbine pump seems advisable. The power unit, preferably an electric motor, can be placed at the top of the shaft above the high-water level. The turbine pump is submerged below the low water and is always primed. Where wells are SOJLS OF CHEHALIS SERIEs 15 easily developed, it may be easier to install more than one well than to install long runs of flumes or distribution pipes. Smoother-lying areas of Chehalis soil may be fitted for surface irrigation. Bottom land is often slightly undulating, however, owing to former water courses, and may best be watered by sprinkling. Above: l I * Figure 5. Direct-connected highspeed centrifugal pumping unit for spray irrigation system near Eugene. j At right: Figure 6. Small deep.well turbine, Yamhill county. .J Spray irrigation requires little attendance, is economical in use of water, and is commonly used for beans, beets, carrots, and other intensive crops on sandy undulating bottom land where leveling would be costly. Design of sprinkling systems will vary with water supply, area, and capital at hand. A high-speed centrifugal pump connected to an electric motor by a V-belt drive is a desirable type of pumping unit. A li-inch pump and a 5-h.p. motor with vertical lift of approximately 20 feet should deliver some 90 gallons per minute or cubic feet per second under pressure of 35 pounds per square inch and will apply the equivalent of 1 inch of rainfall to two acres in 10 hours. This will supply 1,800 feet of delivery lines of overhead sprinklers serving approximately two acres at one time. Nozzles are spaced 4 feet apart and a strip 50 feet wide will be watered from one line. 16 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 299 The usual-sized nozzle delivers approximately ten gallons per hour. A one- inch irrigation is usually applied each week or ten days. Some growers secure second-hand pipe for distributaries or reduce cost by use of portable overhead lines moved from one set of supports to another. Permanent pipe lines are placed high enough to permit cross-cultivation. Revolving Figure 7. Distribution pipe attached to riser in lettuce field. sprinklers with portable hose may cost $75 to $100 an acre. Average cost of permanent sprinl<ler outfits on 289 farms in New Jersey is reported as $450 an acre. Because of friction loss main lines will vary in. size with length (see Table X). Pressure at nozzles can be tested with a gauge. A nearly uniform pressure of 35 pounds at delivery points is desirable. Nozzles may be secured which will break the stream into a fine spray. Pipe distributaries will be attached to mains at risers of perhaps 2 inches diameter. The underground main may be laid to place the risers at the center of distribution lines. Pipe may be purchased, drilled and tapped for nozzles or a small machine secured for drilling. Automatic oscillators may be secured. Pipes should be drained before freezing weather. Figure 8. Spray irrigation line with oscillator. SOILS OF CHEHALIS SERIES 17 Meadow crops may be irrigated by means of corrugations or strip borders and row crops with the furrow method. Temporary flumes or ditches may be replaced by underground concrete pipe where irrigation is an established practice. The increase from irrigation of staple field crops on Chehalis soils may be expected to run from 50 to 100 percent and the irrigation require- ment to 12 to 24 inches. Summer-growing crops and intensive crops respond best to supplemental irrigation. EFFECT OF IRRIGATION ON SMALL FRUITS The effect of irrigation on major berry crops grown on Chehalis soil has been studied in cooperation with the Department of Horticulture and previously reported.* Evergreen blackberries produced 69 percent more fruit where irrigated. The net income during the three-year bearing period was more than three times as much and irrigated vines averaged 30 percent larger, while the ripening was hastened as a result of irrigation. Red raspberries with irrigation returned more than double as much net income and were 7 percent larger than berries grown without irrigation. Loganberries yielded twice as much fruit the second and third years from planting and returned an average net profit of $60.26 per acre during two bearing years, while the non-irrigated fruit sustained an average loss of $13.64 per acre per year. Irrigated loganberries were 35 percent larger; the cane growth was greatly increased and canning quality improved. Black raspberries under conditions of the experiment both irrigated and unirrigated were produced at a loss. Irrigation increased cane growth, fruit size and yield, and did not materially affect the quality of canned black raspberries. Strawberries of the Marshall variety gave double the net income where irrigated. Irrigation of Ettersburg 121 did not prove profitable under the conditions of the experiment. The depth of irrigation per season needed for small fruits on this soil appears to be 12 to 18 inches. IRRIGATION FUNDAMENTALS Aim to raise the moisture content of the root zone to the point of field moisture capacity and no more (see Figures 1 and 2). Aim to get the highest possible efficiency per inch of usable water. One cubic foot per second will irrigate an acre to a depth of one inch in an hour. To compute power required to pump 1 cubic foot per second, divide the total lift, including friction head, by 4.4, with plant efficiency taken at 50 percent. A pressure of 30 pounds per square inch is equivalent to 72 feet head. Friction head will vary with size, length, and rate of flow as shown in Table IX. Water is worth more if available at the right time. A plant makes its maximum demand for moisture when setting and filling its fruit, whether in the orchard, garden, or field. Efficient use of irrigation water is necessary to successful use of supplemental irrigation. Crop rotation and the use of barnyard manure eSchuster, C. E.; Besse, R. S.; Rygg, C. L.; and Powers, W. L. Preliminary Rcpoet on the Effect of Irrigation on 1l4ajor Berry Crops in the IYillarnette Va/Icy, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 277, 1931. 18 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 299 each rotation will build up and help keep up the water capacity and nutrient-supplying power of the soil and result in a richer, better-balanced soil solution. Good fertility renders sufficient the least amount of water per unit of crop produced. Figure 9. Measuring weir. UTILIZATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SOILS OF CHEHALIS SERIES In clearing and cultivating river-bottom land some caution needs to be exercised so as not to expose loose stream banks or low areas to the action of flood water. Planting willows or anchoring trees in the stream bank may be effective in checking erosion and causing a deposition of silt so as to make the water restore instead of carrying away fertile soil. Some diking of higher ground may protect against undesirable periodic inundation with objectionable features such as scattering of weeds. Periodic inundation has some compensating features, however, such as destruction of gophers and moles. Supplemental irrigation will facilitate successful production of soilbuilding legumes and hasten the action of soil-building treatments with the needed fertilizers. Crop rotation with legumes fertilized with calcium sulfate and the use of barnyard manure reinforced with superphosphate will go far toward providing a permanent system of agriculture for the soils of Chehalis series. Some crops such as potatoes may be found to pay for judicious use of potassium sulfate, which performs important functions in the nutrition of this crop. The fertilizer experiments herein described, if maintained, should help in developing a more complete formula for a permanent system of agriculture for these lands. 19 SOILS OF CHEHALIS SERIES TABLE IX. FRICTION IN PIPES. PRESSURE LOST PER 100 FEET OF PIPE. (To get equivalent feet of head divide pressure by 0.433.) Size of pipe inside diameter Flow per minute 1" Gallons Lb. 10 16.45 20 30 40 50 60 100 Lb. 5.06 I 18" 18" 2" 25" 3" Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 2.89 4.80 0.62 2.23 4.75 8.13 0.22 0.78 1.66 2.85 4.29 6.02 0.26 0.56 0.10 0.23 0.39 0.60 0.85 2.15 10.16 0.95 1.43 2.01 5.51 200 300 400 7.70 I I I 38" 4" 5" 6" Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 0.15 0.20 0.53 1.91 4.03 6.91 0.18 0.64 1.36 2.34 0.24 0.55 0.17 0.26 0.38 0.96 3.33 7.70 0.91 TABLE X. SIZE OF PIPE FOR MAIN FEED LINE" Length of pipe Water per minute Gallons 50 ft. 100 ft. In. In. 10 20 30 40 1 so Ii, 60 100 200 300 400 500 18 18 18 2 400 ft. 500 ft. 600 ft. 700 ft. In. In. In. In. 18 15 15 15 15 15 2 2 2 2 25 2 25 2 2 2 25 2 2 2 2 2 25 25 25 25 25 25 35 200 ft. 300 ft. In. In. 1 18 15 2 15 15 3 25 3 3 3 3 31, 4 38 4 38 4 38 4 38 4 4 35 4 5 5 6 6 6 25 4 4 4 5 19 21, 6 6 Frorn Sprinkling irrigation on Vegetable Farms, New Jersey AgrI. Exp. Sta. But. 453, by H. F. Hubert and E. R. Goss. 1927. See also: Spray irrigation in Eastern States. U. S. Dept. of Agric. But. 1529, by Ceo. A. Mitchell, 1927. Tests of Spray irrigation Eqzsipsnetit, U. S. Dept. of Agrtc. Ctrc. 195, by F. E. Staebner, 1931. ,- .tigure 10. Irrigation results in fewer small potatoes. Left, Large and small potatoes tram irrigated plot. Right, Large and small potatoes from unirrigated plot. OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION Hon. C. L. STARR, President Portland Hon. Herman Oliver Med/ord Canyon City Hon. Albert Burch Hon. C. C. Colt Portland The Dalles Hon. N. C. Pease Hon. B. F. Irvine Portland .Albany Hon. F. F. Callister Hon. E. C. Sammons Portland Hon. Cornelia Marvin Pierce LaGrande Dr. E. E. Lindsay, Executive Secretary Salem STAFF OF AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION \V. J. Kerr, D.Sc., LL.D \Vm. A. Schoenfeld, B.S.A., M.B.A B. S. Besse, M.S Aldrich, W. W Ass't Horticulturist, Horl. Crops and Dii., Bureau of Plant Industry H. P. Barss, S.M...Plant Pathologist in Chg. F. P. Bailey, M.S...Asso. Pathologist, Insec. ticide and Fungicide Bd., U.S. D. of A. F. M. Bolin, D.V.M...Assistant Veterinarian W. B. Bollen, Ph.D Ass't Bacteriologist A. G. Bouquet M.S Hortscultunst (Vegetable drops) P. M. Brandt, A.M Dairy Husbandman in Charge E. N. Bressman, Ph.D Assoc. Agronomist G. G. Brown, T3.S Horticulturist, Hood River Branch Exp. Station, Hood River V. S. Brawn, P.Sc Horticulturist in Chg. D. E. Bullis, M.S Assistant Chemist A. S. Burner, M.S Ass't Economist (F. Mgt.) J. C. Burtner, T3.S..Asso. Dir., News Service C. 1). Byrne, M.S Director, News Service Leroy Childs, A.B Superintendent Hood River Branch Exp. Station, Hood River Grace M. Cole, A.B Ass't Botanist Seed Lab., U.S. Dept. of Agric. (Seed Analyst) I). Cooter Orchard Foreman G. V. Copson, M.S..Bactes'iolo gist in Charge F. A. Cuthbert, M.L.D Ass't Landscape Architect B. F. Dana. M.S Pathologist, Hort, Crops and Diseases, U. S. D. of Agric. M. Darrow, Ph.D Sr. Pomolo gist in Charge Small Fruit Inve., Hort. Crops and Dis., U. S. D. of Agric. K. Dean, B.S Supersnt end ent Umatilla Branch Exp. Station, Hermiston E. M. Dickinson, D.V.M Assistant Poultry Pathologist W. H. Dreeaen, Ph.D Ag'! Economist T. P. Dykstra, M.S Assistant Plant Pathologist, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture - \V. D. Edwards, B.S Asst. Entomologist A. E. Engbretson, B.S Superintendent John Jacob Astor Br. Es/s Sta., Astoria F. K. Fox, M.S...Assoc. Poultry Husbandman L. G. 0. Gentner, M.S Associate Entoniol. ogsst, So. Ore. Br. Es/s. Station, Talent D. G. Gillespie, M.S Asst. Entoinologiot Hood River Branch Experiment Station L. N. Goodding BA., B.S Associate Plant Pathologist, Li. S. Department of Agric. D. M. Goode, B.A Associate Editor K. W. Gray, B.S Asst. Entomologist 1. R. Haag, Ph.D Chemist (Animal Nutr.) 0. D. Hill, M.S Associate Agronomist F. G. Hinnian, M.S Jr. Entomologist, Stored Prod. Insects. U S. Dept. of Agric. G. R. Hoerner, M.S...A gent Office of Drugs and Related Plants, U. S. D. of A. C. J. Hurd, B.S Ass't Ag'! Engineer R. N. Hutchinson, T3.S Assistant to Supt. of Harney Valley Br. Esep. Sta., Burns G. R. Hyslop, B.S Agronomist in Charge W. T. Johnson, D.V.M...Poultry Pathologist 1. R. Jones, Ph.D...Assoc. DasrJ Husbaisd'n J. S. Jones, M.S.A Chemist ass Charge S. Jones, M.S A sst. Entomologist L. Knowlton, B.S Poultry Husbandman W. Kuhiman, M.S Asst. Economist (F. MgI.) A. 0. Larson, M.S Entomologist, Storcd Prod. Insects, U. S. Dept. of Agric. A. G. Lunn, B.S Poultry Husbandman in Charge President Director l/ice-itzrector irrigation and Drainage Engineer, Division of irrigation, U. S. M. R. Lewis, C.E Dept. of Agric. Asso. Plant F. P. McWhorter, Ph.D Pathologist Jr. Agron. Office of J. F. Martin, TI.S Cereal Crops and Diseases, U. . D. of A. P. W. Miller, Ph.D Assoc, Plant Patholo. gist, Hort. Crops and Dis., U. S. B. of A. Agent, Bureau of Plant H. H. Millsap Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agric. G. A. Mitchell, B.S Assistant Agronomist, Office of Dry.Land Agric., U. S. D. of A. Entomologist in Chg. B. C. Mote, Ph.D 0. H. Muth, D.V.M.Assistant Veterinarian Agricultural EconM. N. Nelson, Ph.D onilot in Charge 0. M. Nelson, MS Animal Hushandman Assistant Animal A. \V. Oliver, M.S Hsisbandman Asst. to Supt., Slier. man County Br. Exp Sta., Moro Asst. Horticulturist B. S. Pickett,M.S (Pomology) Animal Husbandman L. Potter, M.S H. M. Oveson, B.S in Charge Soil Scientist in Chg. Agricultural Engineer E. Price, B.S Editor E. T. Reed, B.S., A.B Superiniendent Sou. F. C. Reimer, M.S them Oregon Br. Exp. Station, Talent D. N. Richards, B.S Superintendent, Eastern Oregon Br. Exp. Station, Union Chemist, inB. H. Robinson, M.S secticides and Fungicides C. V. Ruzek, M.S-----Soil Scientist (Fertility) H. A. Schoth, M.S Associate Agronomist, Forage Crops, U. S Dept. of Agric. C. N. Schuster, M.S Hortsculturist, Hort. Crops and Dis., Bureau of Plant industry, U. S. Dept. of Agric. Economist an Farm H. D. Scudder, B.S Management in Charge Technician, Vet. Med. 0. L. Searcy, B.S H. E. Selby, B.S...Assoc. Economist (F.Mgt.) 0. Shattuck, M.S Superintendent Harney Valley Branch Experiment Sta., Burns J. N. Shaw, B.S., D.V.M Assoc. Veteri. narian 1. N. Simmons, M.S Astor. Bacteriologist. )t. T. Sums, D.V.M Veterinarian in Clig. B. Sprague, Ph.D Assistant Pathologist, U. S. Dept. of Agric. D. N. Stephens, B.S Superintendent Slier. man County Branch Exp. Station, Moro Associate Soil R. E. Stephenson, Ph.D Scientist G. L. Sulerud, M.A Asst. Ag'! Economist Asst. Entomologist B. G. Thompson, MS E. F. Torerson, B.S Assistant Soil Sri en. tist (Soil Survey) B. B. Webb, B.S Agent, Cereal Crops and Dis., U. S. Dept of Agric. Horticulturist E. H. Wiegand, B S (Horticultural Products) Home Economist Maud Wilson, M.A Associate in Dairy Gustav Wilster, Ph.D .tlanuf set uring A. \Vork, B.S...Asst. Irrigation Engineer, Dv. of Trrigsf ion, U. S. Be/st. of Airie. Plant Pathologist H. Zeller, Ph.D 's-V. L. Powers, Ph.D