Reproductive Success of Oak Woodland Birds in Sonoma and Napa Counties, California1 Mark Reynolds,2, 3 Thomas Gardali,4 Matt Merrifield,2 Robin Hirsch-Jacobsen,4 Amon Armstrong,4 David Wood,2 Julia Smith,5 Emily Heaton,6 and Gretchen LeBuhn3 Abstract Birds are often used as environmental indicators because they are conspicuous, they have a very broad constituency, respond to change at multiple spatial scales, and are sampled by standard protocols. However simple counts of birds may provide an incomplete picture of the response of bird populations to environmental change in rapidly changing landscapes like California’s oak woodlands. Demographic data such as reproductive success provide a better measure of habitat quality and response to landscape modification. We collected reproductive success information on 398 nests of 38 species of birds nesting in oak woodlands of Sonoma and Napa counties in 2003 and 2004. We found no evidence that the extent of vineyard at the landscape-level had negative effects on the number of nests, frequency of nests per nest type, nor nest success. In fact, high vineyard-influence sites had slightly higher nest success. Our results suggest that remaining oak woodlands in vineyard landscapes, if properly managed and of sufficient size, can still support a diverse and productive avifauna. Introduction California’s oak woodlands are undergoing rapid change with threats from habitat conversion and fragmentation from rural residential sprawl and vineyard development, altered fire regimes, livestock grazing, as well as sudden oak disease, and lack of regeneration (CPIF 2002, Standiford and others 2002). Developing efficient, robust biological indicators of landscape change is a challenge for conservation, especially in rapidly changing landscapes like California’s oak woodlands. Birds are often used as indicators of environmental change (e.g., Carigan and Villard 2002), despite some well-founded concerns (e.g., Morrison 1986), because they are conspicuous, they have a very broad constituency, respond to environmental changes over multiple spatial scales, and standard census protocols have been developed. Studies of bird communities in California’s oak woodlands highlight the ecological connections between oaks and birds through acorns, nest cavities and habitat features (Blockand others 1990, Tietje and others 1997, Verner and others 1997, Sisk and others 1997). 1 An abbreviated version of this paper was presented at the Sixth California Oak Symposium: Today's Challenges, Tomorrow's Opportunities October 9-12, 2006, Rohnert Park, California. 2 The Nature Conservancy, 201 Mission St. 4th floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, 3 Department of Biology, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave., San Francisco, CA 94132. 4 PRBO Conservation Science, P.O. Box 1157, Bolinas, CA 94924. 5 Holy Names University, 3500 Mountain Blvd, Oakland, CA 94619. 6 Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. 433 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 Although there are a few studies of oak woodland bird community response to habitat fragmentation (Sisk and others 1997, Merenlender and others 1998, Stralberg and Williams 2002), research on demographic effects of conversion and fragmentation of oak woodlands is lacking. To begin to fill this gap, we collected field data on 398 nests of 38 species of birds nesting in oak woodlands of Sonoma and Napa counties in 2003 and 2004, and analyzed nest number, nest type frequency, and nest success relative to the extent of vineyard conversion in the surrounding landscape. California Oak Woodlands and Avifauna The nine species of Quercus oak tree species that occur in the state contribute to forest, woodland, and savannah vegetation structural types formerly covering over 10 million acres (> 10%) of the state (FRAP 2003). Oak woodlands are thought to be the most species rich of any terrestrial habitats in the state supporting more than 330 species of vertebrates (Mayer and Laudenslayer 1988), hundreds of vascular plants and unknown numbers of invertebrate species. Over the last 100 years, much of California’s oak woodland habitat has been converted to rangeland, agriculture, urban and sub-urban sprawl and, recently, vineyards. About two-thirds of the original extent remains, 85 percent of which is privately owned and has an uncertain future (FRAP 2003). Oak woodlands are used primarily for livestock grazing and some fuel wood-cutting, activities that are not economically sustainable in the face of development and vineyard conversion. Only 4 percent of California oak woodlands are protected at IUCN level I-III protection, making them one of the least protected of all terrestrial habitat types in the state, and consequently a focus for much conservation planning, prioritization, and protection. A booming wine market has recently led to the rapid expansion of vineyard development in oak woodland habitats in northern and central coastal California (Merenlender 1999, 2000, Merenlender and others 2000). Much of the recent vineyard expansion has been in intact oak woodland and on hill slopes (Merenlender 2000). Acres of vineyard increased in California by 40 percent in the 10-year period from 1992 to 2002 to nearly 500,000 acres (The Wine Institute, Although some vineyard development supplants other agriculture, most recent vineyard development in coastal California is occurring as conversion of woodlands and grasslands (Merenlender 2000, Heaton and Merenlender 2000). California’s oak woodlands are intimately intertwined with their avifauna (e.g., Block and others 1990, Tietje 1990, CPIF 2002). Oak landscapes provide important habitat for birds including species that are year-round residents, summer breeders, transients, and winter migrants (Pavlick and others 1991, Tietje 1990). Some 75 species of birds regularly breed in oak habitats, one of the most diverse terrestrial avifaunas in the state (Miller 1951). Acorns are consumed by at least 30 species of birds. Three species, the Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivora), Western Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma californica) and Yellow-billed Magpie (Pica nuttalli) regularly cache acorns in the ground and thus play an active role in regeneration and range expansion of oak habitats (Carmen 1988, Koenig and Mumme 1987, Koenig 1990, Reynolds 1995). These bird species, along with the dominant oak species, are keystone species for oak woodland ecosystems in California (CPIF 2002). Recently, the bird conservation group California Partners in Flight has identified a suite of more than 20 bird species representative of California oak woodlands as “focal” 434 Reproductive Success of Oak Woodland Birds in Sonoma and Napa Counties, California— Reynolds species for monitoring and conservation planning (CPIF 2002, Chase and Geupel 2005), 15 of which were detected in our study area. Methods Study Sites We selected study sites in Napa and Sonoma counties that were in low-elevation (below 500 m), gently sloping oak woodlands dominated by blue oak (Quercus douglasii) with varying degrees of surrounding habitat conversion and fragmentation, verified by aerial photographs and GIS vegetation and topographic layers. We collected nest monitoring data from six sites, two sites in 2003 and five sites (with one site sampled in both years) in 2004 (fig. 1). Figure 1—Location of study sites. Extent of Vineyard Development To determine the extent of habitat conversion and alteration around each of the six sites, we established a 1-km buffer area around the centroid of each site. Within this buffer area, we calculated the extent of habitat conversion to agricultural land uses (in ha) from the 2002 California Farmlands Mapping and Monitoring Program (California Department of Conservation 2002). The overwhelming majority of habitat conversion to agricultural land uses in this area of Napa and Sonoma counties is to vineyard. Our extent of agriculture calculations are, for comparative purposes, equivalent to the extent of vineyard development. We used these data to categorize study sites as being either “high” or “low” vineyard influence, based on the amount 435 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 of agricultural conversions within a 1-km radius from the centroid of the study site. The amount of agricultural conversion with the 1-km buffer (total area of a 1-km radius circle = 314 ha) averaged 63.7 + 74.5 (SD) ha, or 20.3 percent, agricultural conversion with values for the six individual sites of 0 (0 percent), 1.4 (0.5 percent), 19.1 (6.1 percent), 54.3 (17.3 percent), 125.6 (40 percent), and 181.6 ha (57.8 percent) of agricultural conversion. We assigned sites with greater than mean value of conversion a priori as “high” vineyard influence. Using this scheme, two sites were categorized as “high” and four were categorized as “low” vineyard influence. 38°29'41"N 1km 38°29'11"N 38°15'50"N 38°16'19"N 38°30'11"N Site 2 38°15'22"N High Vineyard Influence Sites Site 1 122°31'41"W 122°31'12"W 122°30'43"W 122°30'14"W Agricultural Area 122°26'8"W Natural Area 122°25'38"W 122°25'8"W 122°24'38"W Urban Area Figure 2—High vineyard influence sites. Nest Monitoring Nest finding and monitoring followed specific guidelines outlined by Martin and Geupel (1993). Nest finding began in mid-March and continued through mid-July. Plots were searched every two to four days, and individual nests were checked at least every four days until outcome could be determined. Much of the data was recorded based on observed parental behavior or direct visual observations. The outcome could usually be determined by timing data, conditions at the nest, or by observing fledglings near the nest. Nests were located at all stages (construction, egg laying, incubation, and nestling stage). Nest data were recorded including observation notes, number of eggs or young, nest attempt, parental elusiveness, cue used to find nest, and a mapping description. Nests were checked carefully to minimize human disturbance. These precautionary measures included keeping visits brief, minimizing disturbance to area around nest, and staying clear of nest sites when predators were detected nearby (Martin and Geupel 1993). Analytical Methods We estimated daily and total survival rates using the Mayfield (1961, 1975) method. Exposure was calculated according to Mayfield’s midpoint assumption. We used non-parametric tests and ANOVA (SAS Institute 2005) to determine if nest number, 436 Reproductive Success of Oak Woodland Birds in Sonoma and Napa Counties, California— Reynolds frequency of nest types and nest success varied with extent of vineyard development. Because of the difficulty of interpreting unequal sampling across years, we solely used 2004 data collected at five sites to analyze the effects of extent of vineyard development and nest type on nest success. Site 1 38°21'42"N 38°24'58"N 38°22'12"N 38°25'26"N Site 2 38°21'12"N 122°19'12"W 122°18'43"W 122°18'14"W 122°17'46"W 122°31'38"W Site 3 122°31'8"W 122°30'38"W 38°21'12"N 38°24'12"N Site 4 38°20'12"N 38°23'12"N 38°20'42"N 38°23'42"N Low Vineyard Influence Sites 38°24'29"N 1km 122°23'8"W 122°22'38"W 122°22'8"W 122°21'38"W Agricultural Area 122°32'8"W Natural Area 122°31'38"W 122°31'8"W 122°30'38"W Urban Area Figure 3—Low vineyard influence sites. Results Overall Nest Success We monitored 398 nests of 38 species (2003: 2 sites, 240 nests, 32 species; 2004: 5 sites, 10 plots, 31 species; complete species lists and datasets are available at A total of 272 nests (68.3 percent) of 398 monitored were successful in producing at least one fledgling (2003: 157 of 224 nests successful = 70.9 percent; 2004: 115 of 174 nests successful = 66.1 437 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 percent). Pendulous nests (i.e., Bushtit Psaltriparus minimus and Bullock’s Oriole Icterus bullockii) and cavity nests had higher overall nest success than cup or ground nests (table 1). Table 1. Total nest success by nest type 2003-04. Nest type Cup Cavity Pendulous Ground Total nests 135 237 12 14 Successful nests 63 193 11 5 % Success 0.47 0.81 0.92 0.36 Daily and Total Nest Survival Probabilities We had adequate sample sizes to calculate nest survival rates using the Mayfield (1961, 1975) method for five species (Violet-green Swallow, Oak Titmouse, House Wren, European Starling, and Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco) including four cavity nesters (Violet-green Swallow Tachycineta thalassina, Oak Titmouse Baeolophus inornatus, House Wren Troglodytes aedon, and European Starling Sturnus vulgaris), one cup nester (Oregon Junco Junco hyemalis) (Oak Titmouse and European Starling are also Oak Woodland Focal Species; CPIF 2002). Daily survival probabilities for these species were all above 90 percent and total survival varied from 0.38 to 1.00 with wide and mostly overlapping 95 percent confidence intervals. Oregon Junco, a cup nesting species, had lower total nest survival than any of the other four species in 2003 (table 2). Oregon Junco and Oak Titmouse had lowest total survival in 2004 (table 2). Other species and year combinations had overlapping 95 percent confidence intervals with the exception of House Wren, for which there were no nest failures in either year (table 2). Table 2. Number of nests monitored, number of nests failed (losses), number of exposure days, and daily and total nest survival probabilities (Mayfield 1961, 1975) for species with adequate sample sizes in Sonoma and Napa counties in 2003 and 2004. Species N Losses Exposure days Daily Survival (SE) Nesting Period Total Survival (95%CI) Violet-green Swallow 2003 2004 23 21 4 8 660 489.5 0.994 (0.003) 0.984 (0.006) 38.5 38.5 0.79 (0.63-0.99) 0.53 (0.34-0.82) Oak Titmouse 2003 2004 17 18 1 7 181.5 203 0.994 (0.006) 0.966 (0.013) 40.5 27.5 0.80 (0.51-1.00) 0.38 (0.18-0.77) House Wren 2003 2004 21 13 0 0 - 1.000 1.000 - 1.00 1.00 European Starling 2003 2004 17 25 2 3 260.5 436 0.992 (0.005) 0.993 (0.004) 37.5 37.5 0.75 (0.50-1.00) 0.77 (0.56-1.00) Oregon Junco 2003 2004 23 18 13 7 163 203 0.920 (0.021) 0.966 (0.013) 27.5 27.5 0.10 (0.03-0.34) 0.38 (0.18-0.77) 438 Reproductive Success of Oak Woodland Birds in Sonoma and Napa Counties, California— Reynolds Effects of Vineyard Extent We hypothesized that high vineyard extent may result in greater isolation of sites from large, intact areas of oak woodland habitat, resulting in reduced immigration and consequently nest density. We used the number of nests found and monitored at a site as a proxy for density. There was no significant effect of vineyard extent on the number of nests at a site for all nest types (fig. 1, Mann-Whitney U – test, U = 1.5, p = 0.38). We also hypothesized that high vineyard extent may alter predator and nest competitor communities with asymmetric negative effects on different nest types (e.g., greater competition for cavities, greater predation on cup nests). We found no significant effect of vineyard extent when we included the frequency of nests per nest type with number of nests at a site (fig. 2, ANOVA, p > 0.05) for cavity and cup nesters (sample sizes of ground and pendulous nesters were too small for inclusion in this analysis). 80 70 Num ber of nests 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Hi Low Vineyard extent Figure 3. Effect of vineyard extent on mean (+) SD number of nests per site (Mann-Whitney U – test, p > 0.05). 439 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 50 45 40 Number of nests 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Cavity Cup Ground Pendulous Figure 4. Mean number of nests by nest type for high (black bars) and low (open bars) vineyard extent sites + standard deviation. Both vineyard extent and nest type had significant effects on nest success, and there was a significant vineyard extent nest type interaction on nest success in 2004 (table 3). Nest success was slightly higher in sites with greater surrounding vineyard extent for all nest types (fig. 3, Student-Newman-Kuels post-hoc comparisons). Both cavity nests and pendulous nests had significantly higher nest success than cup nests (fig. 3, Student-Newman-Kuels post-hoc comparisons). To determine whether high nest success of European Starlings, which compete for nest cavities with native species, may have biased results toward higher nest success in high vineyard influence sites, we excluded them from the model with no effect on results. To determine whether higher failure rates for the small number of ground nesters (n = 3 nests in 2004) was biasing results we excluded ground nesters from the model. In this model, both vineyard extent and nest type were nearly significant (p < 0.07), but there was no significant vineyard extent-nest type interaction on nest success (vineyard extent F = 5.4, p = 0.068, nest type F = 5.3, p = 0.058, vineyard extent-nest type interaction F = 1.4, p = 0.3). 440 Reproductive Success of Oak Woodland Birds in Sonoma and Napa Counties, California— Reynolds 1.2 1 Nest success 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 Cavity Cup Ground Pendulous Figure 5. Mean nest success by nest type for high (black bars) and low (open bars) vineyard extent sites + standard deviation. Table 3. ANOVA results of effects of vineyard extent and nest type on nest success. Variable DF SS MS F-Value P-Value vineyard extent nest type nest type * vineyard extent residual 1 3 3 6 0.583 0.368 0.386 0.117 0.583 0.123 0.129 0.020 29.93 6.30 6.61 0.002* 0.028* 0.025* Discussion The conversion of oak woodland habitat to vineyards may affect bird communities through several mechanisms, including reducing the amount of habitat, increasing the amount of habitat edge, and decreasing the quality of remaining habitat by altering predator, nest parasite, non-native cavity nesting communities, increasing nest predation and nest parasitism rates, and increasing competition for nest cavities (CPIF 2002). The magnitude of these effects is thought to depend on the scale and distribution of habitat conversion (Sisk and others 1997, Merenlender and others 1998, Stralberg and Williams 2002). Of particular concern is that remnant habitat will function as an “ecological trap” (Chasko and Gates 1982) in which remnant habitat attracts nesting birds which, because of low-habitat quality and predation, experience high nest failure. 441 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PSW-GTR-217 As oak woodlands are converted and fragmented by vineyard development, we predicted that remaining oak woodland habitat would show declines in species richness and nest success. This is due to reduction of area of continuous habitat, edge effects, increased competition, and predation, particularly from increased competition from European Starlings for nest cavities and increased predation by Scrub Jays and other edge-dependent species. Our results show that remaining oak woodlands in vineyard landscapes can still support a diverse and productive avifauna. We found no evidence that the extent of vineyard at the landscape-level had negative effects on the number of nests, frequency of nests per nest type, nor nest success. In fact, high vineyard-influence sites had slightly higher nest success. Our methods were sufficiently robust to detect differences in nest success between cavity, pendulous, and cup nesting species suggesting that we should have been able to detect landscape-level effects on nest success, if they were present, as well. Although the negative effects of fragmentation on nest success are well known (e.g., Wilcove 1985), not all studies have shown high nest failure in fragmented habitats (e.g., Tewksbury and others 1998). The lack of any landscape-level negative effects of vineyard extent on nesting birds may have been a result of several factors, including adaptation to natural fragmentation and high ecological integrity of remaining habitat. California oak woodlands are highly heterogeneous habitats often interspersed with chaparral, bush, and patches of grassland (Griffin 1977). Many bird species nesting in oak woodlands use these other habitats for foraging and are otherwise adapted to natural levels of fragmentation and habitat heterogeneity, and will perhaps show some amount of adaptation to fragmentation by vineyards. Our sample of oak woodlands, although differing in landscape context, still contained relatively large areas of oak woodland habitat. Our sample areas may still contain areas of continuous habitat above any threshold size, as yet unknown, at which edge effects and area limitations are expressed for oak woodland bird communities. Our daily and total nest survival estimates, when compared with other published data (e.g., Flashpohler and others 2001 study of 383 nests of 8 species found total nest survival estimates between 0.36 and 0.85, compared with this study of 196 nests of 5 species with total nest survival between 0.10 and 1.0) indicate that, regardless of landscape context, these oak woodlands are very productive habitats for nesting birds. Conversely, because much of the habitat conversion associated with vineyard development in Napa and Sonoma counties is relatively recent (within the last 10 years) local extinctions of populations may not yet be detectable – a phenomenon known the “relaxation time” during which populations adjust, decline, and go extinct before reaching a new habitat-limited equilibrium (e.g., Diamond 1972, Brooks and others 1999). Based on the predominance of total, rather than partial, nest failure, we suspected that the main cause of nest failure was predation and that the pattern of nest predation may account for the higher nest success in high vineyard-influence sites. Hilty and Merenlender (2004) show that the amount of vineyard conversion and isolation of remaining habitat patches alters the predator community from predominantly native to predominantly non-native species, including domestic cats, consistent with the “mesopredator release” hypothesis (Crooks and Soule 1999). If this is a general pattern in vineyard landscapes, perhaps nests in patches with less vineyard influence are actually subject to higher rates of predation from a more diverse native predator community. 442 Reproductive Success of Oak Woodland Birds in Sonoma and Napa Counties, California— Reynolds Oak woodland bird communities have high spatial and temporal variability. Determining the effects of large-scale habitat conversion and fragmentation such as those associated with vineyard development in Napa and Sonoma counties will require large-scale and long-term monitoring and experiments. Although large, unfragmented expanses of oak woodlands should remain the highest priority for conservation, oak woodland within the vineyard matrix may have conservation value as well. If large patches of oak woodland retained within a vineyard landscape can serve as reservoirs of avian diversity and productivity, there is hope that careful conservation planning of networks of core, buffer, and connecting habitat can retain this ecologically important component of California’s oak woodlands. Acknowledgements We gratefully thank the many public and private landowners who allowed access to their property for field data collection, including the Chateau St. Jean (BeringerBlass), Quintessa Vineyards, Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars, the Sonoma Developmental Center, Sonoma Valley Regional Park, and the Veterans’ Home of California at Yountville. We also thank D. Luther, formerly of the Southern Sonoma Resource Conservation District, for helping with access to these landowners. Thanks to A. Merenlender and C. Brooks for help with study site selection and G. Geupel for helpful discussions during the course of the study. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the University of California’s Integrated Hardwood and Range Management Program, San Francisco State University, The American Bird Conservancy, the USFWS Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act, the Schulz Donor Advised Fund of Community Foundation Sonoma County, and The Nature Conservancy for funding. 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