(c) crown copyright Catalogue Reference:CAB/24/66 Image Reference:0012 ^ S i i S L i S J I l l PROPERTY OF HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'B GOVERN ZNT, Y ' W A R ,. 0 A B I H E . T., REPARATION FOR ACTS 0'J? DEVASTATION, Translation of a letter addressed to the British Amp a ssadur in ^J^^i o n d or si n-g a declarat ion of t.he Haiional^ Exeoutri^ro^Cciima"ttoe "for the complete replication oT"7iamag"c c a u s e d by the War. PARIS, 24th September, 1918. ITouveau s i 5 g e social, 25, Avenue de tiessine, Paris 8 e His Excellency, The Ambassador, We have the honour to transmit.to yuu a declaration I. drawn up "by the Board of Management of the National Executive Committee for the oumplete Reparation of Damage oaused by the I V/ar, at its Meeting of 13th September, 1916, concerning steps FUR stopping the destruction of property by the Germans in the I oocupied territories. We beg you to bring this declaration to the notice cf your Government, as it seems to us that its publication j by the Allied Governments v/uuld have the requisite effect \ on our enemies, and '.vould put an end to their vandalism. We have, etc.., The "SecretaireGeneral" . His Excellency, The British Ambassador, PARIS, (Signed) IECLARATICiT OF THE NAT 10ML EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR THE v COMPLETE REPARATION QF MCAGE CAUSED BY THE WAR. (Comite National d Action pour le Reparation des doramages causer, par le Guerre) 1 (dession of the Board 1 3 t h S e p t o 1 9 1 8 . ) The a t t e n t i o n Of the abbve Committee in accordance with its instruct tions has been directed since the beginning of the War to the aoto of destruction, devastation, confiscation, pillage, requisitions and forced contributions which had been carried on without any reasons of military necessity, in the invaded territories and which, in spite of the universal horror and condemnation aroused thereby in the whole civilised world, continue to increaso and become intensifiedt These iniquitous proceedings which revive the memory Qf ages long forgotten, and which are contrary to the most elemental concep­ tions of international law: t h i s Economic exploitation of War, as the ifermans themselves dare t o term their mTliiarF"operat'iens which transform warfare into a detestable system of Purglary (Cambriplage), having for its aim the agricultural, industrial and "commercial ruin of the invaded country; all these must have had official sanction. The sanction $f crimes and acts of violence carefully premeditated and minutely thought out in. all their details, and carried out cruelly and in cold blood are nft less mo ns trover than the crimes them­ selvesc The ancient principle of the 1 e : ^ t a l h o w e v e r repugnant it may seem to nations fighting for"thV"'supremacy "f Justice, Right' and Liberty, is nevertheless the only one that in the present circum­ stances can appeal to a nation which has deliberately placed itself outside the pale of civilisation and which is admittedly in a state of retrogression. On the other hand this principle will leave unprejudiced, for action at the proper time, all prlitical and legal obligations, pecuniary and penal, collective and individual, which Governments and private citizens may desire to put into force,,.. In these circumstances, and considering the unwarrantable aggravation of this scientific savagery, the old law of an Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth i s the only law which can put an "end to the abominable conc"eption of War entertained by the Germans, r The National Committee, on behalf of the interests which it is defending, therefore calls upon the Governments whose peoples are engaged in this Modern Crusade, t-' announce their solemn and formal resolve to put into practice the modernised leaJBalionig. Town for Town, V i s a g e . for^Viilage, , Church for Church; Cgateau, for Chateau. --EsfeatofcFWFaFe.."it is aTofaTiation which the modern barbarlans"""have brought" upon themselves, and is tho only formula which oan make any impression on hearts and minds impervious to any other sentiment than that inspiwd by the fear of a terrible and swift punishment. *