Searching for the Past: How to Trace Your Family Tree An Honors Project (HONRS 499) by Rebecca A Niles Sheryl Swingley Thesis Advisor Ball State University Muncie, Indiana July, 1992 .sl~{' 0 /I '"tIle '; .'~ t-. T} r :. . • ,. Purpose of Project There are so many things that can be learned by studying the past. Through the study of past peoples we learn what life was like before we were born -- what people enjoyed, how they met, things they did and mistakes they made. The search for the past is more meaningful when it involves a search for your own family roots. There is a vast difference between tracing your family roots and doing your family history. A family history is a story about the events and lives of members of your family. It is an in depth look at life. It takes a lot of time to gather the information for a family history and often limits the information to those who are still alive. Tracing your family roots, known as genealogy, is a narrower look at your family. It contains only basic information such as names, birth dates, marriage dates, death dates and locations of these events. Information can be gathered from living relatives as well as the many public records available about ancestors. The process is not as hard as believed. Doing genealogy should not be frightening. The longer you wait, the harder it is to trace your family tree. The time to start is now. You do not have to be an expert genealogist or experienced researcher to do this work. There are many resources and people who make the work easier. In doing research for this topic, I discovered that there is no easy guide available to beginners. Some books are very difficult to understand unless you are a practiced genealogist. It is important to have a step-by-step guide in order to get started. This project is a do-it-yourself guide for beginners who want to trace their family tree. Along with the guide is a sample questionnaire which can be sent to members of the family to gather basic background information about the family. Also included is an example of a family - genealogy in progress and copies of the forms to get started. - MY OWN GENEALOGY - Instructions for Personal Genealogy Folder The pages of this workbook were designed by Rebecca Niles at Ball State University and were created in Aldus Pagemaker. Feel free to copy them as you see fit. I encourage you to make copies for your family and friends. To supplement this workbook, you may want to place it in a three-ring binder with sheets for pictures of people ~nd events in your family. Reasons to do family geneaology If you have five children and they have five children, who also have five children, for 16 generations, there would be 869 billion descendants in 500 years, not counting in-laws. It is your responsibility to keep a perfect record of your family. The longer you wait, the harder it is to start. The time to start is NOW!!!!! -You can identify your ancestors by following these three steps: 1. Fill out a Pedigree Chart Begin with what you already know. • Full Name • Date of Birth • Place of Birth • Date of Marriage • Name of Spouse • Date of Death • Place of Death After your form is complete, you will know how all of your ancestors are related! - 2. Fill out a Family Group Sheet The Family Group Sheet ties the family together with more information. It allows you to see all the information about the whole family. Be sure to include: • Children in order of birth • Other spouses Create a new family group record for each husband and wife on your pedigree chart. 3. Look for more information • Full Names • Christening dates and places • Names of children's spouses - Sources of InforlTIation - Vital Records Location Birth certificates Marriage certificates Death certificates Divorce decrees Tax records Deeds of trust Property titles Mortgage certificates Baptisim records Christening records Confirmation records City directories Census records - Mili tary records WWI Selective Service records State or county agencies State or county agencies State or county agencies County courthouse County courthouse County courthouse County courthouse County courthouse Church records Church records Church records Public library University or public library or borrowed from National Archives regional branches National Archives (need full name, war and state enlisted) Federal Records Center (need full name, date of birth and county of birth) Home Records Family Bible - contains information on • births • deaths • marriages • baptisims Diaries Journals ,...employment records .vilIs Deeds Insurance policies School records Military records Church records Baby books photo albums scrapbooks home movies - Where can I go to find the information I need? The fIrst place to go is family members. Parents and grandparents can give information about themselves and about their relatives. You may not get everything you need, but you can often get names and birthdates. Many families keep copies of birth, marriage and death certificates. They may also have journals, letters, scrapbooks and obituaries of past family members. Government records are a good source of information. They have birth, marriage and death records, census records, copies of wills and cemetery -records. Much of this information is available on microfilm or fiche. Family registries are available in some locations as well as the International Genealogical Index. Begin by recording your OWN life!!! FOUR GENERATIONS OF MY FAMILY My brothers are: My father is: My SIsters are: My name is: ~------ My mother is: /'-........ /"" My grandfather is: My grandmother is: My grandfather is: Great grandfather: Great grandfather: Great grandfather: Great grandfather: Great grandmother: Great grandmother: Great grandmother: Great grandmother: My grandmother is: I ( ( My Life History My name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ My birth date is _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (mo) (day) (year) Iwasbomat ____________~______________ (time) (place) Special circumstances surrounding my birth I was the _______ of _ _ _ children born to my parents. My father's name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ My mother's name is __________________ (maiden) I have _ _ _ sisters and _ _ _ brothers. (list names starting with the oldest) 1. _________________ 6. _______________ 2. ________________ 7. _________________ 3. __________________ 8. ________________ 4. ___________________ 9. _________________ 5. _______________________ 10. _______________________ My Father My father's name is ___________ His birth date is _ _ _ _ _ _ __ He was born at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ His father's name was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ His mother's name was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Some memories of my father My Mother My mother's name is ___________ Her birth date is _ _ _ _ _ _ __ She was born m ___________________ Her father's name was ------------- Her mother's name was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Some memories of my mother My Education I started school at age _ at _ _ _ _ _ _ Elementary School in _ _ _ _ _ __ My favorite teachers were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ My best friends were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Some of my memories are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Other elementary schools I attended _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I attended _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Junior High/Middle School in _ _ _ _ _ _ __ My favorite teachers were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ My best friends were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Some of my memories are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Other junior high/middle schools I attended _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ My Education I attended _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ High School in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I graduated on My GPA _ _ __ My Major _ _ _ _ _ __ School colors _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ School mascot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ My best friends were _____________________________________________ My favorite teachers were _______________________________ Some of my memories are ____________________________ I was in these extra-curricular activities I received these awards and recognition _____________________________ Prom and graduation memories ______________________ Other high schools I attended _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ My Education College College Name Major Degree Graduated GPA Activities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Other educational opportunities (trade school, special courses) Military Experience I served in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from _ _ _ _ _ _ to _ _ _ _ __ My highest rank was _ _ _ _ _ My basic training was at _ _ _ _ _ __ Highlights _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Courtship and Marriage I met my spouse _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ We met on I was age ____ and he/she was _ _ __ We met like this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Our first date was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ We were engaged on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ The question was "popped" like this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ We were married on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ourattendan~were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Some special wedding memories _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ourhone~oonwasat-----------------_ _ _ ___ Somehone~oonmemories----------_____________ Ourfusthomewasat ___________________________ Our Family Our children are born at born at born at born at born at born at born at Information about our children On the Move Places we have lived --------------------------- Occupations Jobs I have held _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Miscellaneous Who can I write to get the information I need? Federal Records Center East Point, Georgia 30044 The Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 50 East North Temple Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 • check to see if there is a branch library in your area Military Service Records in the .~ational Archives of the United States National Archives Washington, D.C. 20408 ,- National Genealogical Society 1921 Sunderland Place N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution 1776 D Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 - Bibliography 1. American Genealogical Research Institute Staff, How to Trace Your Family Tree, Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1975. 2. Doane, Gilbert H., Searching for Your Ancestors, Minneapolis, l\1N: University of Minnesota Press, 1973. 3. Kelley, Harold,In Search of Your Family Tree, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1977. 4. Kyvig, David E., Your Family History: A Handbook for Research and Writing, Arlington Heights, IL: AHM Publishing Corporation, 1978. 5. Lichtman, Allan, Your Family History, New York: Vintage Books, 1978. - - Family History Questionnaire 1. Name (First) (last) 2. (Middle) 01a iden) (state) at home (county) other Da teo fBi r t h (mo) (yr) (day) Place of Birth (city) Where were you born? ____ hospital - 3. Religious preference 4. At what age did you first attend school? 5. Highest 6. List people who resided in your household when you were a child: level of education other relatives father mother brother sister grandparent 7. border other nonrelatives Date of marriage (mo) (day) (yr) Name of spouse Place of marriage 8. Number of children Name (list in order of birth) Date of birth 9. If you have immigrant ancestors. where did they come from (country and city or town if possible), approximately when did they arrive in America, and where did they first settle (city and state)? Mother's side Father's side - 10. Other than through marriage, have you or any of your ancestors changed your last name? Original name New name 11. Which of your ancestors or relatives are you named after? middle name first name Can you relate any stories about the history of your first or last name? 12. 13. Please supply the following information about your spouse. Date of birth (mo) (yr) (day) Place of birth (city) (state) (county) Religious preference - Highest level of education If your spouse has immigrant ancestors. where did they come from, when did they arrive, and where did they settle? Mother's side Father's side Full name of spouse's parents Father Mother - Please supply the following information for your parents and grandparents. Mother: 1. Name (maiden) (middle) (first) ( las t ) Date of blrth (day) (rna) (yr) Place of birth (state) (city) 2. (county) Date of death Age at death (rna) (day) (yr) Place of death (state) (city) .- 3. Religious preference 4. Highest level of education 5. Number of children (county) Father: 1. Name (middle) (first) (last) (maiden) Date of birth (day) (rna) (yr) Place of birth (city) 2. Age at death (state) (county) Date of death (rna) (day) (yr) Place of death (city) 3. Religious preference 4. Highest level of education 5. Number of chi ldren (state) (county) - Maternal grandmother: 1. Name (first) ( I as t ) (middle) (maiden) Date of birth (day) (rna) (yr) Place of birth (city) 2. Age at death (state) (county) Date of death (rna) (day) (yr) Place of death (city) (state) 3. Religious preference 4. Highest level of education 5. Number of children (county) Maternal grandfather: - 1. Name ( I as t ) (first) (middle) (maiden) Date of birth (day) (rna) (yr) Place of birth (city) 2. Age at death (state) (county) Date of death (rna) (day) (yr) Place of death (City) (state) 3. Religious preference 4. Highest level of education 5. Number of chi I dren (county) Paternal grandmother: 1. Name ( I as t ) (first) (middle) (maiden) Date of birth (rna) (day) (yr) Place of birth (city) (state) (county) 2. Date of death Age at death (mo) (yr) (day) Place of death (county) (state) (city) 3. Religious preference 4. Highest level of education 5. Number of ch i I dren Paternal grandfather: 1. Name (first) ( I as t ) (maiden) (middle) Date of birth (yr) (day) (mo) Place of birth (state) (city) 2. Age at death Date of death (mo) - (county) (yr) (day) Place of death (city) 3. Religious preference 4. Highest level of education 5. Number of children (state) (county) Please supply the same information for any children over 25 and for any ancestors you have information on after your grandparents. Use additional sheets of paper. Remember: Even a partial history is useful. Do not be frustrated if you cannot supply all the information requested. Again. thank you for the time you spent filling out this questionnaire. Those who come after us will thank you as weli. - HUSBAND ;g .... ~ u -: ._------------_._-_ .. Born Place Chr. Place Marr. Place Died Place Bur. HUSBAND'S FATHER HUSBAND'S OTHER WIVES Place HUSBAND'S MOTHER B WIFE c c .~ Chr • Place c. ~ Died PlacB J:I ~ Bur. WifE'S FATHER Place . -: WIFE'S OTHER HUSBANDS en E ;, c "0 c . E Born SEX M F Place WIFE'S MOTHER CHILDREN Lilt each ctuld Iwhether living or d_eU in Otdllr of btnh Given Names J:I Sumame WHERE BORN WHEN BORN DAY MONTH YEAR TOWN COUNTY STATE OR COUNTRY D~~O~ F~R~ ~A~~A~E I ... 1---------- I 2 f---------- I ..c. 3 1---------- I c. 4 f---------- I 5 f---------- I 6 ---------- I ---------- I c <J :: ' .," !i a. ~ > ·E .. .:! ~ '0 7 u 8 ---------- I 9 ---------- I ---------- I e.... .. c c: . co :2 :E u 10 -: 11 .... ~ co .':! "0 : WHEN DIED MONTH TO WHOM 1 X DAY r-------- I OTHER MARRIAGES SOURCES OF INFORMATION ... 0 o ~Q.a: -::;)0 :EOu «a:w r'l tT' . ( ( ( YEAR PEDIGREE CHART DATE .- 16 8 BORN WHERE NAME OF PERSON SU8MITTING CHART STREET ADDRESS DIED 80RN WHERE WHERE STATE CITY WHEN MARRIED NO.1 ON THIS CHART IS THE SAME PERSON AS NO. DIED BORN WHERE. WHERE 19 DIED WHERE BORN 20 WHERE 10 WHEN MARRIED BORN DIED ( 18 9 2 ON CHART NO. 17 WHEN MARRIED 4 WHERE WHERE 21 WHEN MARRIED 5 DIED BORN WHERE WHERE DIED 22 11 WHERE BORN WHERE 23 DIED BORN WHERE WHERE 24 WHEN MARRIED DIED BORN WHERE WHERE DIED BORN NAME OF HUSBAND OR WIFE WHERE WHERE WHEN MARRIED SOURCES OF INFORMATION DIED BORN WHERE WHERE WHERE 28 BORN WHERE WHERE 29 \.... WHEN MARRIED 7 DIED BORN WHERE WHERE DIED WHERE 30 ..... 15 BORN WHERE Printed in USA r- 14 DIED 1MM 27 DIED 3 BORN 7/62 26 13 WHERE ( 25 WHEN MARRIED 6 PFGS0040 r- 12 DIED 31 '- PEDIGREE CHART DATE 8 NAME OF PERSON SUBMITTING CHART "dWell' l.nD .... A.. 4~ L hA.n WHEN MARRIED DIED STREET ADDRESS Y1*". WHERE l'hoeril¥ 91 Gs{.\)ex: STATE CITY rflWlY11U1 l'lllCb COY fl3l&> , An"2.· 18 DIED NO.1 ON THIS CHART IS THE SAME PERSON AS NO. - - - ON CHART NO. _ _ _ __ 2 tS,Ctord ho.rrmure BORN J'I..L'~ WHERE ChtltlC011\e I Off 3/ WHEN MARRIED I WHERE WHERE. NileS ,'1 'fO WHERE 20 .A-prll ,;1, Iq/l~ 10 BORN DIED ( WHER~ WHERE 51 JVtat~ Allt.c.. DIED WHERE WHERE 1 BORN WHERE WHERE Od I Nil 23 DIED /0, Ig~ WHERE An~ers>n lInd. WHEN MARRIED 22 11 DIED BORN 21 WHEN MARRIED H~\~I ~ 80RN WHERE 19 DIED 12~ Ue.c.. rA I /Cf1D 24 BORN DIED WHERE WHERE ]3ebeC& AnnYen ry 6 NAME OF HUSBAND OR WIFE WHEN MARRIED SOURCES OF INFORMATION 31 S BORN WHERE DIED \o..rd Su.\\j I'" 01 ) 1'131 DIED WHERE 13 I b er±ru~e NlX." Sho.w DIED BORN WHERE WHERE 26 27 DIED St'f't ICi "Q'll WHERE /I'IJ blt't\'(a!)+tt 25 WHEN MARRIED r BORN feb. 10 , Iqog WHERE Pla.irtr,e Id ) Y\lI,.\,1 I ... 14 I E 28 ~ 29 13 WHERE 71 ( bJ;J:lOQ( )'1Qne 1"\ \ l!Am BORN N~ 3 1 ) ,Q,3 WHERE t.'jn'\\.u.(~t) DIED IN 15 LCIO,CQ. ". _t~±b~~l -.)mdh .r._. 30 I WHERE 311 PFGS0040 7/62 1MM Printed in USA DIED L PEDIGREE CHART 16 DATE 8 NAME OF PERSON SUBMITTING CHART . 4 STREET ADDRESS J?OU 1 ]')a.vid .:"PennI . DIED WHERE STATE 1WHERE IWHEN MARRIED NO.1 ON THIS CHART IS 2 ON CHART NO. 12, \tV oW+ BORN 18 9 DIED THE SAME PERSON AS NO. 1.7 WHEN MARRIED I BORN CITY BORN WHERE BORN WHERE. WHERE 19 DIED Jd, Iqq I Ml1.Yio~ ,ohIO MARRIED :Jll..\'l I, ICtlid "TO-ll WHERE WHERE WHEN DIED ( 20 10 BORN I WHERE WHERE WHEN MARRIED cmos 5 BORN DIED WHERE WHERE 21 22 111_._ . __ DIED 11 WHERE ,~ L...1...~>o!...l---L_ AllIj BORN WHERE BORN No". 10, /4 t:'1 WHERE C.ha1l-a.noo:f WHEN MARRIED""DeL I _ I - 23 ::ru..\\j DIED 1 Aql ) WHERE ,eon. ..<C?) ,qqo e.on 12 ,tt I I DIED 24 ~3 /ehn. WHEN MARRIED J"u.\'i lct ,I '&')c DIED J"ru\. Il.c!) tQI/.3 WHERE WHERE 'Bober+- Po..uJ N,Ie.s 6 NAME OF HUSBAND OR WIFE WHERE '&odd\{ I TO'II'! . 131 C'tnt\t)ta :t:5a bel .. SOURCES OF INFORMATION BORN WHERE DIED BORN Sept. d'5/",45 CXi.\. -tta..ro03 Q I Tenn. Ii - 26 .~rt\ DIED WHERE 3 25 n I liS 1-\o..Y"f\~cnl Tam· 27 oct. '1 ,ICf.;lq WHERE 'Socki~ WHE RE I Tem1· ~ '7)...... 28 DIED WHERE ~ 1_· ~ . D~!A. n I c:.€ 1) a...V,.5 7 ( BORN ~ MOIl. cJlI, ,Qo3 WHERE OlEO WHERE l;ni~'1 I T€Hr1. 30 15 1.-L..!....::c..:::L~ BORN Su.."~ let WHERE PFGS0040 7/82 1MM Printed in USA _ _::::-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ I 1~"7q Se<tun'l {, 7Er/rl· di.P IlqL/~ DIED.JM W~~RI= t:::1'.l'\ri, I 1;- 1.1,1 31 HUSBAND Born Q (..t-. Chr. 'KoDu+ - PQl~~ 112 J 19 InZ Place Place <91 ) 1900 Marr.J:);:,C Place Bur. J: u . .I -------~-.-- IndiQ,}Q----- - -- --------- ------ ------------- N I ; tJC.i e. - .~i j1 cllQJla. I Place Died :!! t'mOtl~<){)11 ~~~~~~o·s . RI( LrJ. VII'Ylore ""s Place N; HUSBANO'S OTHER WIVES HUSBANO'S MOTHER So.Y11 .y~J:]' f2.r.l/l Qvd ~ WIFE llehe~cCl AnD NC::N. lQ I 10. ~q '" .~ c J: ~ 8 !'! le'(J'jf Born Place Chr. Place ~ <II C. . ~ Died Place Bur, Place E -;;'~~~~R .0 .." c £ u c . 'E Kbhei'+- Wtt"ne WIFE'S MOTHER I CHILDREN .0 Surname DAY MONTH M~ Ana 5m'ltb WHERE BORN WHEN BORN Lit••""" chIld (whother IIv~ or doodl in ordor of binh Given Names 7f> nt1e.,csee Pt'J1YV WIFE'S OTHER HUSBANDS SEX M F Cm·ttQ nCX )8a. -} YEAR TOWN COUNTY STATE OR COUNTRY O~~O~ F~R~ ~~~A~E I 1 1---------- I 2 ---------- I 3 ---------- I 4 ---------- I 5 ---------- I 6 ---------- I '0 7 ... . 8 --------- I f---------- I f---------- I x c .'" . u ~ C. :> !'! c ~ a. ~ :> 'e .! <II J: DAY WHEN DIED MONTH TO WHOM ~ (; u C C co :!! i:u . 9 ---------- I 10 ~ £'" ~ ~ :0 c 11 ~--------- I OTHER MARRIAGES SOURCES OF INFORMA nON a ~ o ~Q.a:: -:;:)0 :EOu ct~~ ( ( ( YEAR HUSBAND Born (fk6£cl ""JQ~ Vlt - rtuN Place Ma{,orl .:fox, iW,j§i.iC ~ ~u J' I I I &iOrl ~CUvd~ Place --::::-:-;---:----;::;---;---~r-----;-------r--,..-------;----~--;--------------Place I PlacB ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chr, Marr, Died ____ ,()bi O Silver- S;:rinqs, lCl(cQ2 ~~~'BAND'S Place HUSBAND'S OTHER FATHERWIVES Narv1ru?d L Jw(~~'~r~'5J-~~LL~e~/~lca~ __'7JLJh~O~n11UGtS~ ~ =======================================~~~~~~~~~~~-;~~Il.~--~~;;;;;;=======================================: Born ________________________________ HUSBAND'S MOTHER ___\ ' \ . . ' ~ WIFE-JiO''11~~s Srudh "". CbaJJo.mogQ, lim1f;ssee, e~ '5 Moni9o)Y) erv (QuniV ,.:V)f) Place I t/.OJlI'dfCn Cl)/'vWj Chr, ~ Died Placs ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~ Bur. Place .0 § WIF E'S FATHER c: -5 .. WIFE'S OTHER HUSBANDS i: SEX'~ ---CHILDREN ~ M ~ 1 .. 2 -- 3 c 4 WHEN BORN lit._hcholdf_livingor_lInordorofbWdl Given Names F : WIFE'S MOTHER Sumame DAY MONTH ,~ i " I WHERE BORN YEAR TOWN : M l):\.v'1 cI ! Ma r'l 'Reatrl ce 1:0 VIS F= F DATE OF FIRST MARRIAGE _________ • COUNTY ~6t1e.-~~ DAY WHEN DIED MONTH YEAR TO WHOM t1Veeh Te.1VI -rX ~,/-fDn Teno Elmore Td 'Woxl Oh'D --- ------ --- -- -- - - CI ~~ Ctlio i f- - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - f- - <II .::; - - - - - - - - ~---------- ~ ~7~----------------------~----------~------------------~----+----+------------~-------------l) I- - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - ~ 1~8-+----------------------~-----------+----------------~~----~---+------------~-------------- .. c: 1--------- il: I r---------~:---------- . f- - - - - - - - - - i f"f I ¥ OTHER MARRIAGES SOURCES OF INFORMA nON t--- ...L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ u n - o ~ o ~Q"a:: -;:)0 ~OU cta::W , CI a:: ( ( ( HUSBAND Born Chr. Marr. Died ~ .<: u ; .<: o .~ ! .~ 1l feb. I S¥. I~~~·~~~O'S I /eVln€S,see ·~-~/-Iatft\ HQn.n~C~1)~/1ilm~6tbt_---=== __ Place ~,........-...--_:::=--------_;_;___::_;_;--=_-_:__----------------------~ /~) 19/}.:1.. Al\eVl ~d.'4 ) lfnhe5Sec f-!a.n.,\ 11D11 County Place Place _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NOObleon SmiJh r U ---~~-~~~~O's C~-n-t-~-Jfa +~beJ 'T 1-bY'dllfcn H)t/5OJi'S ~ (1[HlIQ t i Born Chr. Plac8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Died Plac8 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bur. ~!ji~SER __I_f<J.lQ"'..oI...I~Lllooa.~--""L'-'eoc.e""---------------------____ W·,ll'tD.WI tlll,fu.s ]XW;5 WIFE'S OTHER HUSBANDS CHILDREN '0 .~ ,903 IWI F E MM ~oo..tric e "bAvis NDV· £:, Jif03 Place:50 itS'll Temes.W-- I~;:T~~R .. -S I .<: i HUSBAND'S OTHER WIVES E :J C SarI 711c l}1C6 SEX M F .. .c List __ chIld (who_ I;"ing or _ , In ordor of binll Given Names Surname I I WHEN BORN DAY MONTH WHERE BORN YEAR TOWN I COUNTY I ~b~~\~~ IO~~O~F~R~~A~~A~EI _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ x DAY WHJ~N~I~O YEAR TO WHOM as!' 1"'1 1 '1 '7oc.r .. c lJ ~ ::l. .. :> .;; ..c'" ~ ~ .. If l ..... vlV- kl.-L, YJDITT) IQ()I IYUY· IIJ..... ('1)((,""1 Iror.!:Invn I If'! InlayH'a cro"'Cf':> ~(rvn > 'E ~ .. 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Place I Place _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . Died PlacB _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~ Bur~=_--------------~~------~=__ 5 ~ Co E .0 :J C ., -= '0 '= J: .. WIFE'S FATHER WIFE'S I CHILDREN SEX M .0 WHEN BORN Ult • .en ctnld (""Mm., living or d..-I "' ordlr of bir1tl Given Names F Sumame DAY MONTH '" N . WHERE BORN YEAR TOWN X M< I __________________________________ I DATE OF FIRST MARRIAGE I COUNTY I ~b-'0!'''r~O TO-W;;O~ - - - - - I DAY WHEN DIED MONTH YEAR - Madl St:fl :c .,.. El MOTHER~~~eouuO~OULL__~~~Q~y~lfL_~~~'ua~tn~ WIFE'S OTHER HUSBANDS 2 u 2 ~h3:t~~~~~~~~~--~~~dL~~~~~~UL------~~~~~~---------.--------- ~ a; ~~~ III. < 4 ~ :!!~~t------------:r-------t--------~--~--~-----.----------15 > ·E~t__---------------t---------r------------~---4--+---------~r--------------~ 16 ..o.. 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DAY MDNTH TOWN f1~ G~1 (l.a.~+te 1> A40 ~ re.eJi1l ,~L'J+ Ie rPLd·natlt I~ !lUi}'?-\) lIkl \i 0 Lee. ~lo tKALLR({~ Jmn ~ kwoJ e. I~ SeDt-. , Iyatl GrM\Wstle I 2 IBAI.L~'b Mar\\\Jr1Vl Sa hi " ;:fCLYl Ani,l I COUNTY Y~AIt I .; 3 ~ .!!c it •Q. ! /;c\D().V"MClil Dr! SEX Z~: •c •. • is. Place WI,.E·S FATHER .;;.;;~ NOXi'Hl Place ~i ~ ~:;"O .5 Mllile HllelVYl ;;:-ce b ~ ~hw:S±j:I ~c "u ~ Place Bur. ;j 1 bPvl-rurie Mali ShaUl I OTH~" WIY~. I WIFE [leOJrlQr ... c.. :~;:~:D'S T"~~l1o&1I\i1Vd ~ .! Henrincks COlin-tv Plac. Di.d Ji ~ la I t:lrfe Id I, T nd ic.Hl~ Plac. Chr. .TAT~ 0" COUNTRY IN IRthum IN YEA" ~,"''''''''Su'l ",,~L~LLr1~{g.!L l R\rLlIlrri L.lli1~rL NlilS ---------- I • of 6 ~ ---------- 0 z· .. -~~ 7 -< - ~ -< Q. •r. ~ -< ~ 8 -< -00"0 .- •......... .,,= ...... -< • I __________ L ~ ..... Z MONTH .!! !!? .... WHEN DIED DAY __________ L 'E 5 Q I ---JiIJJL I IN iMf. ~~ __________ J ~ UoO ~~ ~~I~~M~"~~~ TO WHOM __________ l __________ L 9 wQ .. ~ 1O ~ .l! "0 .5 :. --------,- 1 ---- ______ 1 " SOURen 0,. INI"ORMATION ~&.~ -::;)0 ~iU :!o= t OTHER MARRIAGE. ( ( C 19M The Geneelo9 icel Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Leller-dev Seints. Inc. HUSBAND ~eOVQe. i;.w, nQ :• ~, lorn ~ n ; 7iL~ u )lace Place C"', • Marr. '" J:JI ~f. ,2,,(; J fl37 Place Died ~~/{l::D'S ~~H~':~~~: .,; ~ wcutev ... II' c c . . -c . VI r(fl~iQ oJ WIFE Ma.~ Alice Place Place -; i ..,.- lur. Place ~ z~1 ... WIFE'S OTHER HUSBANDS ~~"c SI!II .. _, :c <II <II • M F ...... .0 ::I!U. ««)c ~ • ii. .; DAY MONTH WHERE BORN YI!AR 31 A 'fO 2 iNILbS ; : 3 ! 4 ; WHEN BORN CHILDREN Llai Each Child (Whether Llvlne or Dead» In Order 01 Blrth SURNAME (CA,.,TAL,ZI!D) GIVIEN NAMEs NILE:5 Klrrull~ LoYIrrt.()tt>_ c f1:;;JV,e.c. Caro tI ne Snrifh .~. WIFE'. MOTHER TOWN I z~: • An!"'" ~" Torra¥lfl£.. WIFE'S FATHER O c c ~ 2 • -<o~ :~~=~:D'S Rl¢ Place Died . LN Ha:fJeq :>. i / Place Niles r:-a..V LDWe.. I Chr. c ~. :BI tlgion "RffI\CUM'1V1 ;• .! lorn ~ SI III 'I ua 11 C!..our:rbj. /je.I}.] /.-e1tY:J.kl {)fl t Lti. Place lur, .. NlJes.-.lL 'RDbert bWtm -=1iiJeJ 13 ~ul\J Chi IIIcoii1e DATE 0,. F.RST MARRIAGE COUNTY STATI! OR COUNTRY .dml T 1--------- fClliJ. ~ E Q on ... 0 % .. ---------- L 6 ---------- z~~ -~~ 7 -c-e ~ ." ---------- .. .,,:: ...... .c ...... u I ~ • i · .. ~ 10 1---------- 1 :; o __________ L II SOURCES OF INFORMATION ... ~ ~ iSS ~(,')= 1 __________ L 9 u ,5 1 - - - - ______ 1 a~ « C ~« -"If ,-= a Q "AR 1 5 :!. • .c MONTH ---------- I Q. .o WHEN DIED DAY 1---------- 1 ,Q'15 t 0< III J I Of/ID ~lL~4_,~:-lq~_ < W. .raJ/le ,(1 \\-tlrd U lAlIL~ --------TO WHOM ( OTHER MARRIAGES ( ( "- @ 19104 The Genealogical Society of The Church of Jesus Chris! of latter-day S.ints. Inr