Global average energy balance GEO 101, Feb. 11, 2014 Any questions about Ozone depletion? Surplus Greenhouse warming? Deficit Tropics Temperature and pressure Mid-High latitudes San Francisco St. Louis Washington DC How can Earth move energy from surplus to deficit areas? (Methods of heat transfer) 2. Conduction Only important at Earth/air interface 1. Radiation All bodies above -460°F (-273°C) (0° Kelvin) radiate energy. Lower body temperature, longer wavelength. Thermal infrared wavelength energy radiated by Earth heats troposphere. 3. CONVECTION Vertical currents 4. ADVECTION Horizontal currents 1 Temperature & phase change energy requirements for water 100 cal/g 20 cal/g Temperature (sensible heat / energy) Temperature depends on … Depends On Three Things… 2. Reflectivity (albedo) of surface 1. Insolation Intensity x Duration angle of sun’s rays latitude atmospheric transparency season altitude Temperature depends on … High albedo: energy reflected, surface cool Low albedo, energy absorbed, surface hot Most land has low albedo. It absorbs radiation and heats up 3. Whether surface is land or water (continentality) 2 Relative rates of heat flow into soil and water Temperature varies over time 5°C 10°C 20°C 40°C Freezing Summer Solstice Soil Winter Solstice 1990 Daily temperature ranges Minneapolis-St.Paul Water is transparent, mixes, reflective, evaporates Water heats up (and cools down) slower than land CONTINENTALITY Temperature varies vertically. In the troposphere, it usually gets colder as you go up. This normal change in temperature is called the “normal” or “environmental” lapse (change) rate. The normal lapse rate would be like having thermometers tied to a tall tower that reached to the top of the troposphere and taking a temperature reading at each thermometer at the same time. Troposphere Temperature inversion: it gets warmer as you go up. An inversion traps pollutants near the ground level Altitude in meters Surface inversion (starts at surface) Degrees Celsius 3 Temperature varies horizontally Based on insolation and continentality Altitude in meters Inversion aloft starts above surface Degrees Celsius Temperature varies horizontally Based on insolation and continentality Winter 40º Horizontal variation in temperature Average sea level temperature °F in July Summer 0º Summer Atmospheric circulation redistributes heat and moisture (latent heat) across Earth’s surface. Atmosphere accounts for 87% of heat redistribution. Ocean circulation moves the remaining 13%. Atmosphere moves because temperature differences cause differences in atmospheric pressure What is atmospheric pressure? Can be thought of as weight of column of air above you Winter Atmospheric pressure measured with a barometer Atmospheric pressure at standard sea level ≈ 29.92 inches of Hg 14.7 psi 1013 mb 1 bar = 29.53 inches of Hg at 32°F at 45°N 1000 mb (millibars) = 1 bar 4 500 Atmospheric Pressure varies with: Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude 312 mi 1. Altitude 400 Altitude (km) Air molecules 300 200 Air density 100 62 mi Air pressure 90% in first 10 mi Cool temperature, molecules close together, so more fit, column is heavier, pressure is higher. Atmospheric Pressure varies with: 2. Temperature Temperature down, pressure up 10 mi Warm temperature, molecules far apart, so fewer fit, column is lighter, pressure is lower. Temperature up, pressure down Relative temperature of Season Insolation Land Water Relative pressure of Land Water Atmospheric Pressure varies with: 3. Moisture content of air Moisture up, pressure down Moisture down, pressure up Average water molecule weighs less than average air molecules Summer Atomic weight of molecules N2 = 28 = 78% of air Winter O2 = 32 = 21% of air H2O = 18 5 PRESSURE GRADIENT FORCE determines speed of wind Differences in atmospheric pressure cause wind. WIND: horizontal movement of air (advection) Low pressure Air molecules flow from high pressure to low pressure Low pressure 960 960 970 970 980 980 990 PRESSURE GRADIENT FORCE determines speed of wind 1000 Difference in surface pressure over given distance 1010 Similar to slope (rise / run) 1020 990 1000 High pressure Steep gradient = faster winds 1010 1020 High pressure PRESSURE GRADIENT FORCE determines speed of wind High pressure does not move toward low pressure… Difference in surface pressure over given distance Air molecules flow from high to low pressure areas 80 60 40 20 0 Winds named by direction they come FROM! Windward: side the wind blows upon For us, North wind is cold…comes from the north Leeward: side the wind blows away from South wind is warm…comes from the south 6 Local Winds set up by daily temperature variation Land / sea breeze Local Winds set up by daily temperature variation Day Land / sea breeze Day Night Low High Warm High Cool Low Warm Cool Local Winds set up by daily temperature variation Local Winds set up by daily temperature variation Day Mountain / valley breeze Day Mountain / valley breeze Night Low Low Warm Valley Breeze Warm High High Cool Mountain Breeze High Low Warm Cool Wind is the mechanism by which Earth system… Balances pressure Cool High Divergence aloft Low Convergence aloft Transports moisture onto land Transports energy toward polar deficit areas in atmosphere as latent heat Rising air Descending air by driving ocean currents Low Converging air High Diverging air 7 Coriolis Force: an apparent force caused by earth’s rotation that deflects freely moving objects from their path of motion. To right of path of motion, in northern hemisphere To left of path of motion, in southern hemisphere Coriolis Force is strongest near the poles, weakest near the equator. The faster the object moves, the greater Coriolis Force acts upon it. Rotation Because wind is a freely moving object, the Coriolis Force affects it. Surface air flow Northern hemisphere Low 960 970 Surface air flow is deflected to the right of its path of motion and crosses the isobars at about a 45° angle because of the Coriolis Force and friction with the earth’s surface. Rotation North Pole 980 990 1000 1010 1020 High Surface air flow Southern hemisphere Low 960 970 Surface air flow is deflected to the left of its path of motion and crosses the isobars at about a 45° angle because of the Coriolis Force and friction with the earth’s surface. 980 990 1000 1010 1020 High Air flow aloft Northern hemisphere Low 960 Air flow aloft is deflected to the right of its path of motion until it flows parallel to the isobars because of the Coriolis Force and no friction with the earth’s surface. 970 980 990 1000 1010 1020 Geostrophic winds High 8 Air flow aloft Southern hemisphere Northern Hemisphere High Low 960 970 Air flow aloft is deflected to the left of its path of motion until it flows parallel to the isobars because of the Coriolis Force and no friction with the earth’s surface. 980 990 H 1000 In northern hemisphere, high pressure cells rotate clockwise. Called anticyclones. 1010 1020 Geostrophic winds High Northern Hemisphere Low Southern Hemisphere High H L In southern hemisphere, high pressure cells rotate counterclockwise. Called anticyclones. L In northern hemisphere, low pressure cells rotate counterclockwise. Called cyclones. Southern NECESSARY CONCEPTS Hemisphere Low 1. Pressure is indirectly related to temperature. In southern hemisphere, low pressure cells rotate clockwise. Called cyclones. 2. Air flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. 3. The Coriolis Force deflects air flow to the right of its path of motion in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left of its path of motion in the Southern Hemisphere. 4. Surface low pressure has converging surface air flow, rising air, and diverging air flow aloft. 5. Surface high pressure has diverging surface air flow, descending air, and converging air flow aloft. 9