bv ,1 LflOnQC:l l\orrnance , ,\r"· ",' ., . ' , I re::ommEmC: tfJis trlctJls for acc:eDL':;'YlCe (v t! c dor~oI'S PrO,riJ.m of' ball ,JL~te Univer'sit.,y for ,TaaL;Lttion hit,n hor~ors . '1'1 esis l\a.viser ueuartrr:ent (;1' ,-,en(-;ral and t,x ~'erirr:entul l'SYCllolocY t'refi:lce telepa~ny ~itnin tnc las~ aecade; LOW(;Ver, "[,nt~ JaIl. ,:,ti..tLe 1, t(,i:;Y'cfore, limited IIl,Y d.l.~;cussio:n to tne rcs.:;arC(1 vI'elll,S fy·ou l":;u)-.L/(U. In tnis uaper, 1 ci8h;tca rcfcY'C;llce::; to cirticles dl1U CiU- stracts feom tLe Journal of oy 1'oY'ei,:n YS,yct1olo,'ists. It is possilJlc LUJL or ['sychL·.;trL::ts I ~OU10 flis r.elp ar](j Wt-10 .t::p.l"(:l.(ls!y~nolo, jYJY Y.. Vvilied ~ver'e written cri terion L;cluoea OlLly ~Lose I aelete:, ;.:irticlcs a.r'e noL ,:lemUf::::Y's of' lixe to tndDK my ~dviscr, lJ,'y' l-imerican klC ;~'o,~!c: ol.o,tst.,s j~.trl. Dr. Lamoert Lec~ers, p;":ttience in my ueer)aration of' l.nis ;)dper. for l'hr'oll (lOUt !iisto('y, tle1'c vi duals who iVJv'. tYle futuec. It t:( Y:'1S en I,d. Co oeen ret'crellCt:3 to inci- iftc(J :::.S i:rOUrlcts, seers, or fo1' Oill:! Deerl \'iilllLn t. e Jd;:it luu YCi:;l1's lr,at 8SYC(lic nfJE';nomenaavc; bu rJ f;Ulijccteo to SCit:lLific invcst,i".atior;; and, only \'.ithin trJc' )jast few decaoe:-=, YlEtVC DYICnOnlt:t1i::1 [;(;en cne~;e tested th1'oUil1 rL;orous sC].cnti 1'ic uroccoures. extrd-Sl:ll~~ory The scientific stl)( Y :Ji' paraosYCr,olo, y, tu;re is nsyc.hoKinl=jsis anr (14, P. J). senses (d, al~.)Q tlle s,['vival J' • i3. t1hinc J ). " lEiS .!:-'crLd[JQ inclL.(Ko three nncnomena: reL,lea to;)Lcs of Dr tile pel'sonal ity :::.ftcr deat;n Get'ineu L;:)}- as an d :Tiore cOr~icise is offered by I,Jertrude Schm8i.dlcr: memhering or in1'e 1'1'in,' (14, LLC ue1'cE::ut,ion (L0.l:') 0;-' p. J). "it II II Clcfinitiorl (t.:Sl-') is t,::j.,tC i:i U( L0.i-- oircct re- 'l'Le conce pt of L.::; t' incl.AGes cl,Cl. i l'voyu,nce, le 18 ua tIlY, dna Clairvoyance is tne uwarcrIes,::;: of CJr·ecc), n1 t ion. of b.ll Ot)J2Ct, 01' an evcl,t. is the awareness of lre i'eelill s or' tLOUt;(;ts Dt' 1'e.Le:'leJLti,Y dnot,Hcr l:erSOYl. Preconi t ion is tYle a~'ii::H'cnec;s or fore KnOitJ leo, e of l' ut u!·e (;VCLt; s l:--'syc/lokincsis (U\) i.s tLe bction of mimi on watter wittJout an;l visil)le pr:ysicdl fOI'CC ((), u. 3). l'ne first officia.l reco~r!itiol1 of llsycnic prlCnOLIClli;;i. d;; an area woy-tny of stUG':; ~vas in lc,,:5:::: \IHlen ttiC :SOGitty for j'S'yCIliCf.J..l -2- or self to tr.reckincu; "S~JOntClncous ana exam Lnc t ion of (2) i'1tensive stu(HE::s of abilities (scnsj.tives, peri. IT: en tat i on (ll)-, uni ted 0t~lteG dYl case::;" of ~x:;ycn iG ;menomEona; indivijual!3 wno S8em to nave suecial ;":Lnu , D:;;ycnics, alln rneui.u:ns); dr i tain; is clircctco tli':; in tIle 1.,0 extensive,or,Y of tYlC reSecH'Crl • .Parapsyct1010gy took Cl new uir'ection in I-jjU hhine ,JoineG. william l'iCUOLJc,cdl at CClfDt; ( j) ex - ,'.UCrl reSU.irCrl W~::tS UU1; () • b). anu ;Jrea t :::lcrITClci(ilAt' for (1) Ule rldturdlistic collection researcn: LJU.Ke \'\};Jen J .b. Univer::;ity. the clirect;or of 'Cne 1'ard'sycLulo(S Laboratory at vUlH". CiliJ.n C)'ea votca to mere coJ lec L ion of ' . a La LO trie reseal'cn)' rom a yu.ant;itative inetnO(lS rie arm ani-J.lysLs. card buessing. of tne rCli;ar'y~ao1:-, reSl.tJ.Cs tie ootaL-leo, Ilis worY', attracL.ed trie interest; of t(,O h..!!lCriCdD Fsycl:oloi~ical tho AFA in 193'7, unaer infoI'!l'al !:,'rom an As soc i::t 1:; ion. r~JaS it CO.Ld i l'nt; Af'A suo c.>-c;st;CQ cri.ticisrns for Ci; D['OCfJour'es aati:l. oy (whicn) vJerE::. IrLcorooraCeu j(:~riITlUltal e t ,CCO '\8 i re SedrCn in tnt. univE::.rslty is hc'-'e arc no psycholoc.Y cente J'S G.ev 0 Geo t.o d i vidual. nsycnolo(:.c;ist;3 ma'y cOlltrols ;:;. })." founCL in foreign rdtner trlan In t.t18 UILL tC.Q t Lt18 "collstrlActive UCCOt"l1E3 routine ex nclVC in ['mine's .La.bor'atory (li.)., rsyc,wlot~ical1y-()rj ':)f conc1med C{,at his Y'esulcs were outaineo ~ iOLS. into nEll"Cl.nsycholoroy anc exc~mini:.l.t:,ion l; .:1.1. tr:ou;;n L,J.f reSei'.H'Ct;, 0 rc ,iearClJ at Ci ty (;ollc;.,e York, Clemson Uni ver's i ty, dnd oY'a(ichcs of U. C. L .1L ill inl,ew :1csearc{J -j- centers in the Lmited ,states arc ;,ponst:rco oy tilE LLe lO,i:) of' psycniatr,v ieU,a Dlly~;i,~; researcn centers are: ana tecnnoloccY. ~Sychititrica~~y-orient8Q (1) haillOniues Liosi, in drooklyn; Department of fsYCtlidtry bt tne University ofvir\,inia; anG., tne heurops}cni,atric InstituGe at LJ.(~.L.'l. .t'nysicaJJy- anu tec(]nically-orientt:u rescc~rcn of' .t,ngineering; IJepartr:lent of rioonyslcs i::,t ano, ,seattle (lO, p. l~..: 1 ('J) - !.-fle conLers are: :jocin!~' ~ \)) (1) ~ewarK ttH:; Go~le~e uYiiversity i1:escarcn LcdJo:"otories itl )• Unj,versity vJaS divorced fron tnc 1)e oartment of l-;sjcnoloc.Y in 195u 1,0 end tLe cOLtrOVE::rsy or Ds.Ycnology (l Ci, D. ps.yctlOloi~y CO~{lC, rnLntC) r~:2J'a- 12~)). Since so many eXL,erimc:nts wicn S1., n:lf'icant results fidve otner CjLH::'S t ion to be CtnS~je ceo Ls if Certb.iIl personal:L t.y CI1iiraC L(;ristics correl~te with niGh ~~r dullity (o, the existence of b.,Sr is tcL;C;ll rOY' __;.can:..,ed, p. 13). L)Y ~hercforc, PbI'apsYGllo10i~,iscs. wider rGcognition arnon;~; t(]ose outsioc of tile ;:'ldl'aOSjGtlolotjical field. witn tnis introduction, trJis r,::-aper will l~)o(( urief'l,Y at Cne history of te.Lenathy <.ina Len oetermine triG direction of te.lerkltnic -'.j.- I'csear'c(l in tile UnitecL ;Jtates from 190) LO 1'//0 as it 18 reported. in thE) Journal of rara psy cf10101~Y' 'l'cle pc. tny stuoied. '11,e wor'j{ Gone at Dr. ~.G. ',tJ.'.iS trle firE> t Ly,)c of ps,Ycuic pnenornenon to ue firsL cistiLCi"c UW(C Le~;t Univer'sity tn 1,;)40 Soal in ~nblana l 11, p. of telepatny came the ctLO 93). was L.l.c,er coni'jrmea uy tiO~'JeVC r, i~~ most ctfficult Oi,cnOillenon to te:3t because it OUL to trlC presence of' otiler forms of psi (;), .u. exj~:;t, trw ;)erci~ient nas oeen tne ;idI'Ci. to rule .b'or telcpC:lt!JY 0). or ceceivcr must learn of WnC:ll., tfJe \/H:etner ne v;ip. .es it ur not cOfnmunicete (2, p. 1(;). 1t 8.TlU witnout rnal,dn€j an effort to 'l'hercfore, comnlicdteu urecautions are necessa.ry CJecause tv.O sv,b,JE::cts tlllASt be controlled Cillll nYiJOLneses require (I'eater cornolLcatiol1 of clcsit;;n (1:), p. 112j. In testing te1eDattl,Y, tne agenL cannoL cnoose W:!, Lo cnin.i;{ of because tne CHoice of Lne ti:H'(set mu,y reflect or may be ~;irnilar 'l'ho firs t Le1e oct thy experimeIl t s as re Dortf:;Q Ii 1 s to tne rJerci",ient 's ass'.)cidtions ~y associutiollS (lLI', ~"lrlillt::: p. 5). rOJ.loweu this format: 'Lne s8ndeI', or ai;cn~, selecteo in nis wind b.. hiveIl order for the symbOlS in rli~) fir'sL fiVe t..ri,ds-1eL us say rec LClni~le, star, rectanc;le, wdves, 'vW, v es . l\eeoini~ s,'/,:ll)ol order ui:uly in LinG , he vJOu.i.u concentrate tlis uttenGion on tnt: Cit'st one c...llC si,nal foY' tIle rece Lvcr or cerci .'ient, Lo rna;-.;e a call. flfter tEe rece i ver Lao 'naoe uis C2.1.1 dna it iidQ. c8en r8CO['OCG. L fCD c:LW 01'11.,v CiJ8n 1t~:julc. LI.e ! !ilCll<;c; Lile rccoru of : is fir's::, sym(~'ol. In tni<o VJc.t,') Ll,cre woulu oe no ob.jcctivt: recor'Q unLi1 after lJle receiver's call was recoroeu (), u. 102). -s- tne same table; Later on, his sl . . b,jccts car't.icipalE:.!o in exoerirnents covcrin6 greater distances. Another .r:etl.oc:i for to symbols. tC~;Lin6 telepat,ny was developed by hcha(Jan. '1'ne oigiLs are randoDly entereu in i:i ranuom numoer table and l,e follo'v'JS its order in "s t • Il oiYlc;1I L,e ii,yrnbols of l.:...::lr l'lle subject recoros 011C S.'i ools. corTes pOllciancc is, 1 t snoula Gemonstrate [ll.·re te 1.18 I)'::; tny uecduse clairvoyance woulo convLY aiglt,s noL symuo1s (14, p. Uj. 'l'e1.eoa.tny is one of Lie ;HOst we.ll-J'\]1m'J'Yl for,;,s of .t.::::,}' amoll t , the general puolic. scientific worlu, In order for Le1.eDdL(lic cornrnunicdt.ioYi to exisL, informat.ion must be transmit,tE:d witnout trle use of are n umdn ,':J cli1 it ies oloc;:v a;.d t,.ere (2, o. 1Uj. \tJl ,j Crt are LU1H:nown to psycr.o10 Gy ;:;rf~oro"crties pt'l.J's i- aLU ul' Hkl.tter LUlhnown to Ul1Uerst.alcobbly, scientists are sf'~eptical pnysics of telepa ttlY. between tne yeC.;rs of 1903 ana 19?u, ttlere were only five articles written oy il.Ificricdn nsycnolot..:ists wnicl'l creaIt telepatl1Y in tne JOI)rnal_ of h.~r·aps,ycIloloi).y. two were written by Dr. J. d. 1:11ine (10, w ri Lten by nis wi 1'e, 01'. Louise L. v~itli Ul' ti,c five ar-ticles, ll) a:llC Hhine (12, Ij C;'JO j. ]'oJerc '11lC: lour -6- DOS ides c)v ins a articles 'Oy tne rihincs uricI' (listory of "CclE::- cia t "ly S urnmurizeo the cOIlcl us ions of prior te 1.e pi:::l. tny ex "t;rL,ent. S . ur. J . .0. tihine' S artic1.8s c1iscdssed LLE:: (listory of incluued telepathy. gUarded ly oef inco ~:::iJ.-; v,mien Ur. "nine c.;(uLioneu tl,at teJcoatflY snoulu lC oe~; ni Le tne amount or ev iacnce :.3Upport in~; LnC existence of telepathy. usi comnunication witnout an obJcctjve target ottlcr ttlan t:;at of trie SeYl<ler's ovl/n or'ganisrn as i;e tt1inl(s of tt,e tar;.~ct ne::;:s'J.i'Jcs ['(,e receiver L3 al'.cd to iaentify (11, n. 9:5). !-lis article in tne ,June, ljoc) iS8,<8 WdS a sumrndr,Y of' lJiff"erent oerioos in ES} tnat is re~e2rcn; oI'e~;en"Ccd neave i:rlforiik.J.tion aoout teleodtIlY ec.r.Lier in this oaper. Dr. L.r:.;. IjJ,ine sccrneu to ce COnCeI'ilea with tne urocess if[vOlved in telepatny. ;:)ne found no support fort. e tIF,t tde a,'cnt "seids" a I.!essa c;e to ttJe percipienL; DercipienL WaS usuall;i tne collection c;f s()ontane0I13 GlUe; dSSUllllYt., ion ra t.,ner, tue ini tiateQ tne tGlt:pa"C.tIic ex- cases to cH::tel'j':ine (letwccn tile agent anD tit; per'ci:ient, (J2). t;(18 In rcL'hLiol<s!lip ~-'l'evious ex- Derimcnts, trie Ykiture uf Lfle tclepatLic :::Tocess {lad nOL [,cen tcs"Gea to det(;rmi{lc t1 c: (; i reetion of tile vitlCthe r t fle II aCLio:~. DC rc i nicnt 's cxC)c riencc de penQE:;d on trie f':l.ct tlla t tne d[!elE sene toe tnuui::Jnt or' if {lC coulQ 11Cive :;erceiv8Q it uYJQcr i1is OWYJ iniLiative wilnout LnE:.: a;,;enL'::.; action (..1.2, lier resu.1Ls ind LCi..tleci ~;.2Jo). ttlot telf;putnS seemeQ to occur 'V'<uetner or Ur'. l:e:nine concluQE:;a dS far CiS it, vJi:-1S possiol,c; tue ca,se ;Jt:,uo.y sUDPort.ed tr'jG iuea Liat .L:,;:)f (clQirvoyance,'l, is u sinGle {:rocess wi Ln tlle types o.,{lU ore C0:::,1 1 L lion) ueinr::; a 1ffecellt onlY in tne kinds of ini'ormation they f:erceivc (12, p. 'I.))). E. Dou({las Dean in a annual COl1VEJltioy~ prt:sioential cH.Lciress cefore tlle IGtn of t.Le l-ar'aps,'.'cJlOlo i cal t"iSSOcidtion ~)ummariLeQ the cv idencc regar'o ing: tele))u l,nic exc!lcUic';e: (1) ~ne transfer of information is selective cecause one may no:., receive telc~atnic hif'ormat.iofl from a third :)Cr'SOIl. (2) Ti!e oercipient may ce tl'1e active initiuLor ,-,f t;,e Dsi eXcrl;.in,c2;e. 'l'he dutllor,l s pletnysrfloi;raptl worK snows stronger' G;~.sp response to ndmes of Si[;rlificdnt. oersons to tner'ercipient tnan a~ent IS }'eSC011se to the lJames of significant ')ersons. (J) 'l'ne aistdllce bet.weell t.1:':; d:~Olll:, dlLU tne Lx;rcipient does not impair' usi E:.xCl'LU1;e t.O 2iIly extenL. (4) ~he manner 1n wnicn t.he psi message travels in long oi st~;"Lce comrnunicd Lion is a cornple te unknown. If it, tUlvel~; in a straiisnt 111ie or' Denas arounQ trle earth, eit,ner meLnod poses croulerns ror ph,Ys ical ttleory. (5) It is necessary to deter~:ine t(:8 s;:'ecd of L e of;"ma t ion. traI1~;f'er (0) In spontaneous case mdterial, it woul~ seem tn~t strong emotions see~ to facilit.ute psi transfer. im ex[.'lElYJi.:i.LioIl that 0eCin offers is tr;at r:erriiJ.fs we renross teleputnic powers in OGr everyday life because it. icnplies oc-:nipoter.ce; <:1nu. in U Y'Llsn of emotion, our repressions may oe swept away (1, D. j27-)20). Dean continued by transfer Feynnan tai'~es su:~ esting tr,e possjcility tCb,t teleplLnic place in u rVJ.nner ur'oposcd by FeYl1JJCl.I1 be researcneu. Dro~)osed tllc.t ttlere ure dL;continuities in SjjbCe such that matter (or eneY'C;.'/) rnL;nL Cl:ter at one POillt ariO sirnultaneously emerge at a distant point. in tile JOlJrrml 1/ICre reCE} " it ula t iOIlS oi' nr'cv i ()u;, su ':.·e~~tion us to ti drtic~Jes, In cWCiiLion tc CCLl.Id (~Lr'cc'Gion e be clbssifieu into t,'JU tLeory. In one ex':erimcnt, J t-:f) S rc sea. f'Cr,. r . itur'e tndt Y'e~)E:;i:J..r·cn li!C"Y tca~e. tlle: JourIcdl or'c.p:3,YCliolc,y ex pe ri.fi1cL Lel dj·Ca::.>: t!'i8 effecL or 1 eSCclrcn rio~:;t-(l.'irnotic ol,r:ing three exoCrimeJltaJ. CO;lCJ ~ tions VJ a. e-; stuuied. It ~:ai., V~;JS estioliS fCWle, " 1· 0, tu.r cts; only tr e si~n1ficC:tnt unof:;r' Jucl es L!le I Y'dtin s of trie lypnotic cel cition of d ['est ctf'O, tne non-Ly -netic CroLw \i;er·e s} nificCint a 1/leeH: at rome durin. Or' ii-in tIle ju UlKer' 'Gu£::,: erjou h:cvJJ,iCrl .es' l'oti cOLLo.ition of tni:J. t -';)- The juri.:ec;::; found triat vvhen the neriod t(,OU hts ana 11 cirui:Ti~ in Lnel.r- monitorin i::it c r-ei::ii:'lin rec"dleo OI):"i11: Ci rest or nCi:' ;J. ,roue nen tLC,Y recor'dec tIle '''ieeE ;,i1''(;,r trie se::::sioli (), Cille t{;ro.", I1 1\ri up.ner uxulorU,l tr,t'e; tY,t.' ,. odj. d rCd of' ' 01' i\apio j;ye l'iOVernent (jiLl-!) tcc{d~i'~W.f). Mdimoniucs DrEam to a rc:.ce1ver in as 3 VEr'e y:on-ny;'lncJ~3Lc; mono,rdpn by Ullman teleuiltny bile 1904 orCclrn~3 been some tel:C;:',ltLic excw..;.Yl.;e 'l'elepatny seemeu to (Je dcrnonsLY'c..tco, rJ.ccoroin, (·-.CJ01). to tre ,jUG, es fa:' t:'e Im~'i;es trcr'c ,:)0 i:;JllOLI,AY' "non,,;CDse ;,;Yfruol ll orei'erence for to Ld0or~tory; rocm. uE:tcr';;int~ LIle t...xtU.t of tLE; reccjver's color or t:·o OIl(-: VIas ueviseCi in I.Licn tLe i:.;c'cncer triillSrl 1 1Ltco t;,(, colo!' iiL(j, trle recei,,'er' mas t Vias ;'U:::)(lt'O ':c of ten Cfiosen cutLcn cor-rcspOnCiYL c,v t ,Ie r(::c(: i vel'. taken as fin;:jl. rece i ved sLccei.)~~ru11y; -----------------------.-.._--- to tLe color- re II reccivec~". -lU- form COf:S exist. The experiment by n:eswic,,; ana VOQovnik appeuI's to be tne most me t.;Ylodolo:," i cally so unO.; be collecteo usin~ nO\NeVE:;r, [LOre dd.ta. SHould. different subjects before dny uLfiniGe CCIll.i:iteres t clusions can De drawn. inc~ pOSS i l,il j t.; ies !IOve osen raised regarding tOle fecEibility of usinb nypnosis as 1'E~ lf~~a. ttd of stuclyint; telepatr.y. d ;;'eLnoo c t rGll; sm is c" ion t d s 1e (' ping subjects ooens new c.rei::l.S of stmiy. il.Ylother area of r, vd~'i~bles ~)e0 r'Cl~ WdS Lie effect of rersDLdl i ty In a ressarcn orief Ly ·1'fjI3liTa hoss, UGon telepathy. tJ:1e hYClothesis tldt tclepa-c11.Y is uftcr: experiencec \/.Jd::;n tYle ac.ent is in a stronr~ emotlunctl sL::tl,e ami tne recei ver asleep was tcsteu. I:n eacn ex:;er'imental t:TOUP, relaxed or i~3 i::t Lr,lIisiiiitter was exposeo to sliae episodes wi tn sc)unu ef{(-;cts; eaCH sliue w:::.s to cr'E::~ te a uifferent emot.;ion in tne t.;r(';;:nsI:iittcr. episode, tns tra.[,smittcr recc;.r'oed nls reactions on one cLciIlr·el of a st~reo tape recerder; and images on L~e otneY' cnannel. Her results shovJed Liidt CIlC tne ex :;erimentQlgrou r here while the control L.c receiver recor-ceQ r.i:3 scnsctLions ~roGP j~ control f.;roUf; Wi::t:3 formeQ. ificJ.Lcneo. re:vonses ane sttmG,li for S .i,ni f icanL Cibove tile • CUI level, scored sl~nificantly Delow cnance (pp. ~0)- 2(31.1- ) • Ano l,r~er s t [Joy ,nace ·cy hoss in collaboration 'lJ i t.,rl J. i-\ • Gengerellj dealt with trw Leler;':it:.ic trdLsmi [Osion of elTlo1";iOJ:Jal stimul i. '1'he rc:;ult:c; of l,nj.s cxr;.erirnenL SLOV!eCJ t:lat tne free associa.tion of trie receiver Vlflilc ne is reldxca. relEJted sL:nLficant.ty GO 1";1;e ;.).LC: rcclinin cc is simult(lileOU3 free associ.ctt.lon or Lilt:; -11- transmitter ~'Jnile u: h; exoo~~ed to emoti.ona11y arousiYlc'; vi~u&l und ;:iL,citory stimuJiin anotncr soUnd-[.H-Oof roolYl. co~trols trJe were apolied. sl~,r.ljecu; t : le1)a thy; lme limitation cf tne cotuo_y WaS thCit were selectee uecause tiley t:>elieveo t.,ney fiUci this belief ffiU.y b-ave One abs:ract actcm~te0 sltuatior: for telcnaL..ilY. transmis~::i.:.n LUG. some facili teltin G d'fect. to aralyze teleracny. and a relaxca state of minD :)f' pe,rtLJl AQe'~Lldt;e ~trong motivaLion rccc ~ vcr' credted a favora.ole Lxlf.; iviurrhy (-,ro poseo. tll':1 L cerna DS tile often of [naL..crial or reretition of is due to an unconscious motive not to senu or receive a message ratncr tnan tne difficulty of tne information sug eEtcd ty~at similar; lie {[ormc.l oerceution ane ic~;elf. cd so lie erCE;ucion of loS.!:' are c i Leo dn experiment on s U ol iminal [\(,rce pt ion wn lCll L.::ir-., 0 might, show now unconscious factors may inf'luer.:.ce descarcn on:ersonall ty anu teleputt1Y seemsr.:.o oe ~ :J • .lj)). Uci8cO mainly on trle effect ()f emo c ions und telepcHny. emotional stimulj Cind its effects methods to te;;t tYle nynothcses. Sn01/ieC tilC'.t u~)on u~eci LelepiJ.tL,Y scierlttf'ic 'l'ne results of t;nese stuciies y'elaxed. state cf' mind on the purt of tne r-eceiver G:. r:;rca tly fa c il J. ta tes telf'::D2 tn 't c "Lr3.r'smiss ion. It lfJoul(J uppea r from tne re pcrted. s t uni8S in tne J oUl"Ilal of l'a~:v~£~010;y. tlla t eve ry c1' foct i:::; maee to exnerimental testin;:~: ~ethodology in tDstir~ Lel~paLny. Lit ili:«e sc iUlt i1 ic f'lew me LYlOQS of telepat;:y were sUic.~e~~ted. tIJ[,OU,fl tne usc; of' rlypnosis and tnrougL tne lAse of a st uiics looked d t Uinc; r·y numoer cfloice. i'lost 01' Lne tr:e relb t iCf.sl1 i p oetween stror12; emo t., ion or -12- the receil!er's f'rd,nc uf mind rcuc{}ed we rc ti ic.l. t :;,.LCJ l,tjlej.;cttny • .l'IlC conclld';iullS s t ron;. enot, ion Joe S Lc1Ci 1i ti: . . "GC Lel e "cit, r,y Cinu r'cc(~ivcr's ttL;t it is facilitateCl...t,(;n tne i'rame 01 rninu is relaxed. It \',Joulc see tlJiit t, ere are still drea.S to be sL!Wieo in regen"ds to tE:'.ierldtny. the U.S. on tel e n~::i. t '1' ',~';:~Y'sonalit.y ;'ii'l[; lit,cra.lly no re~>,arCtl cone in traits vd,icll rni,Ylt correlate '.-Jitn I. i ,,,)1 rl i caL i 1 i t Y • is V1([et110r the l.elcodJLic aoLLity of cHi inoiviuual ce,i;';:S bt a ccrtain a.,'c ~J]O 'Crlen (H·;cline;-:; or " :lE:l.i:'er tie FJcility is sLclule tIlf'ou:';nout Lhe inGivioual's lifet.ime. DO all ucuple tel c na t h i cab iIi tic S eu' oe 0 loJ j S tel e na t h'y • ::;t rc on 1 y is it'cn.:ly is it d nsychic prlcnomcnon? rc: ecH'c{~ecl in tele:1ac.ny; CJ. t'y;"C i:..1. f' e Vol or l"lcrc are only trll'OU,Jl :c;cicntific :)roccss c,cln telepathy oe irted wicn tnc e ~.;u:.)limirl'l.L ~:;till tw.:' DO~SCSS perception or mdny aredS to uc ~"lO\tV, trlorOU,;tlly i':J.Y'OUOus ~)t'uic,Q. 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