- PERFORMING AXIS SALLY HONORS THESIS PROJECT ,SARA RENE' MARTIN APRIL 30, I992 ~~~~u DON LACASSE FACULTY ADVISOR - SpC.o I I ThestS ,-,[> " "1-/ '2 'f' ."l./.f I qC1 ~ I.M3'l? HONORS THESIS As a perlormer, I thought that doing an honors thesis was a great opportunity to try an unexplored avenue 01 perlormlng. For me, that avenue was In the style 01 solo perlormance. I have been perlormlng lor over ten years and have never had the opportunity to do an extended solo act. I viewed my honors thesis as an outlet lor that experience. I toyed with the Idea 01 writing my own script, compiling a script Irom all dlllerent lorms 01 literature, and even creating a dance that told a story. I Iinally settled with a published script, entitled, The Girlhood 01 Shakespeare's Heroines. This script was comprised 01 live short plays, each one telling It's own story. I chose - to perform the script entitled, Axis Sally. The Ilrst time I read the script, I knew that I bad to perlorm It. It covered many aspects 01 my lile. The script dealt with many Issues which I have conlronted through the last live years 01 my cottege career. I could relate very easily to the character. The dllllcult part about performing this piece was due to the length 01 the piece. It Is a nine page monologue. I was terrilled 01 lorgettlng my lines. I learned that In solo perlormance, one cannot rely on another actor to cover il one makes a mistake. It is very dlilicult to cover a mistake In solo performance. The concentration level must be exceedingly high. Working on this piece challenged me as a perlormer. Not only ,- because I was the only one on the stage and lorced to rely solely on mysell, but I was challenged In the basics 01 acting. By this I mean, I was challenged with a great deal 01 memorization. The piece lasted lor thirty minutes. I discovered that I am capable 01 perlorming lor that length 01 time alone. Although, I must admit, I have never belore, In ten years, been as nervous as I was belore walking out onto the stage. My heart was beating, visibly, through my shirt. But I survived, and overall, It was a very worthwhile and wonderlul experience. It was good to work with a partner on this project. We worked separately, but In essence, did the same project. The only dilierence Is that Heather, my partner, only perlormed. I took care 01 all the paperwork and technical aspects 01 the perlormance. I learned the value 01 the roles 01 director and stage manager. Their jobs are very time consuming. Perlorming Axis Sally has proved to be one 01 the more valuable experiences lor me, as a perlormer. Ileel that In dOing the piece, I stretched mysell and my talents. I look lorward to the opportunity 01 performing solo In the luture. ,.- TWO SHORT PLAYS FROM THE GIRLHOOD OF SHAKESPEARE'S HEROINES BY DON NIGRO 3:00 P.M. THURSDAY APRIL 30 STROTHER THEATRE AXIS SALLY PERFORMED BY SARA RENE' MARTIN AND HOW MANY CHILDREN HAD LADY MACBETH? PERFORMED BY HEATHER BAKER ,- AXIS SALLY PERFORMED BY SARA RENE' MARTIN HOW MANY CHILDREN HAD LADY MACBETH? PERFORMED BY HEATHER BAKER THIS PROJECT FULFILLS HONORS THESIS CREDIT FOR SARA, AND ADVANCED PERFORMANCE CREDIT FOR HEATHER. SPECIAL THANKS TO JEFF BORYSKO FOR RUNNING THE LIGHTS AND DON LACASSE, OUR FACULTY ADVISOR, FOR ALLOWING US TO WORK ON THIS PROJECT. -- THE GIRLHOOD OF SHAKESPEARE'S HEROINES BY DON NIGRO 3:00 P.M. THURSDAY APRIL 30 STROTHER THEATRE -