QUANTIFYING THE POTENTIAL FOR A LOW-COST, DISTRIBUTED STORMWATER DETENTION SYSTEM USING LIDAR AND REMOTELY SENSED DATA Integrating Science Theme Subtheme 4a: Understanding current and future resource conditions through analysis of remote sensing data Principal Investigator: Dr S. Geoffrey Schladow University of California, Tahoe Environmental Research Center One Shields Ave, Davis CA 95616 Ph (530) 752 3942; Fax (530) 754 9364; gschladow@ucdavis.edu Co-Principal Investigators: Dr Juanfran Reinoso and Dr Carlos Leon Department of Graphic Expression in Architecture and Engineering University of Granada, Spain jreinoso@ugr.es cleon@ugr.es Agency Contacts: Shane Romsos Hannah Schembri Jason Kuchnicki Dave Roberts Mahmood Azad Russ Wigart TRPA Lahontan NDEP TRCD NTCD El Dorado County Grants Contact Person: Kendra Smith Office of Research/Sponsored Programs 1850 Research Park Drive, Ste 300 Davis, CA 95618 Phone: 530 754-8224; FAX: 530 754 8229; kosmith@ad3.ucdavis.edu Total Funding Requested: $123,602 Total Cost Share: II. Proposal Narrative a. Project abstract The input of fine sediment particles (and associated nutrients) to Lake Tahoe has been identified as a major cause of clarity decline over the last 40 years (Roberts and Reuter 2007). Efforts to reduce fine sediment inputs, particularly from the highly contributing urbanized areas adjacent to the lake, are the main focus of the recently signed TMDL for Lake Tahoe. This project seeks to utilize newly acquired LiDAR data and other remotely sensed data to identify and quantify the potential to develop stormwater detention and infiltration areas based on small-scale patterns of land topography. Utilizing the high vertical accuracy and resolution inherent in the existing LiDAR data set, it is feasible for the first time to identify the hydrologic connectivity and the topographic features of the urban areas and the wildland-urban interface (WUI) areas in the entire Tahoe basin. Based on this information it is now possible to identify the volume of Micro Stormwater Infiltration Systems (MSIS) achievable by small modifications to existing culverts, construction of small retaining walls, and in relatively simple ways utilizing the features of the existing topography. Remotely sensed data and current GIS layers will show whether these MSIS areas intrude on private property, existing infrastructure, sensitive lands etc. The project will (1) quantify the volume of stormwater detention available through this means; (2) test the methodology on an existing urban area in collaboration with a local agency; (3) rank the individual MSIS by volume (largest to smallest) within each basin watershed; (4) working with local jurisdictions assign a water quality weighting to each of the volume-ranked MSIS that indicate the highest influx of fine sediment particles; (5) develop a methodology whereby the accumulated sediment in an MSIS can be sampled, analyzed for particle size distribution and thereby provide firm data for the assignment of TMDL credits and validation of existing crediting tools (such as the Pollutant Load Reduction Model PLRM); and (6) make available a design tool utilizing TERC’s existing 3-D visualization laboratory where agencies can easily view and design these MSIS in an immersive three dimensional environment using the LiDAR data and other spatial data. b. Relationship between the proposal and the sub-theme This sub-theme is directed at the utilization of the LiDAR and remote sensing data sets that were acquired through the Round 10 SNPLMA capital program, and to develop information that can be used by agencies in future planning of capital projects. This proposal meets that goal. It is based on the use of both the LiDAR and the WorldView2 datasets, as well as using other GIS layers that have been developed by the agencies over many years (for example, NRCS soil maps, vegetation maps etc.). In addition the project will utilize products currently being derived from the LiDAR data set under Round 11 SNPLMA Research funding, specifically the impervious surface map being developed by the Spatial Informatics Group and the University of Vermont (O’Neill-Dunne, personal communication). With the products and tools developed under this proposal, agencies will have an ability to consider a broad range of stormwater management options that can be located at the most critical locations taking into account current and future 2 land uses. In addition, it is based on the assumption that there is a significant area of land available for stormwater treatment on small parcel and sub-parcel spatial scales, and that land on these scale would not normally be considered for conventional stormwater treatment projects (e.g. basins, large meadow infiltration, wetlands). It speaks directly to Objective 2c, “map hydrologic networks to inform fine sediment and nutrient pollutant load reduction project planning and/or floodplain management”. It actually goes further than this in that the project not only maps the hydrologic network (i.e. connectivity) it uses this information combined with topographic information to provide agencies with a set of ranked, potential project locations and sizes that they can choose between to meet specific sediment and nutrient reduction goals in the context of the prevailing economic climate. c. Concise background and problem statement Under natural conditions stormwater can infiltrate into the soil, a process which sequesters fine particles, nutrients, heavy metals etc. In urban areas, which are typically dominated by impervious surfaces such as concrete and asphalt, stormwater cannot infiltrate (Roy & Shuster, 2009). On the contrary stormwater travels at higher velocity over such surfaces giving it the potential to accumulate more contaminants from the surface and to cause accelerated erosion if it traverses natural or disturbed soils downstream. Treating stormwater generally entails expensive water treatment processes, similar to domestic wastewater. More often it flows directly and untreated into receiving water bodies such as streams, lakes or coastal zones. The input of fine sediment particles (and associated nutrients) to Lake Tahoe has been identified as a major cause of clarity decline over the last 40 years, with over 70% of those particles coming from urban areas (Roberts and Reuter 2007). Efforts to reduce fine sediment inputs, particularly via stormwater from the highly contributing urbanized areas adjacent to the lake, are the main focus of the recently signed TMDL for Lake Tahoe. There are currently many efforts underway to identify opportunities to construct stormwater treatment or detention/infiltration projects to address this pressing need. What characterizes many of these projects is their large scale, and their associated high costs both in terms of the planning and permitting, and in terms of construction and maintenance. Until recently there was an assured source of funding for many large projects through the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act (SNPLMA) as authorized through the federal Lake Tahoe Restoration Act. However, with the end of both the funding and the authorizing legislation in sight, combined with the prevailing economic conditions in the states of California and Nevada and locally in the Lake Tahoe basin, it is questionable how many of these projects can be constructed in the coming years. At the same time there is the imperative presented by the TMDL (as authorized under the federal Clean Water Act) for measurable progress toward reduction of sediment and nutrient loads to the lake, and the improvement of lake clarity. This project seeks to identify and quantify the full range of small, spatially distributed stormwater detention/infiltration opportunities available in the urban areas and the wildland 3 urban interface (WUI) areas of the Tahoe basin. The types of opportunities we are focusing on have the following advantages: • • • • • • sufficiently small that they are subject to the minimum amount of permitting and planning requirements, location is closer to the stormwater runoff source, utilize the existing infrastructure to a larger extent, expected to have low construction and maintenance costs because of their small size, overcome the issue of having insufficient flat land available for large detention basins or treatment wetlands, and should have minimal influence on the ecology of native fauna since the areas are already small. The expectation is that in aggregate there are a sufficient number of such sites that they have the potential to significantly reduce the total amount of untreated stormwater that drains directly to the lake. The quantification of this last statement (i.e. the fraction of the total urban stormwater that can be captured and treated in this way) is a major task of the present proposal. d. Goals, objectives, and hypotheses to be tested The primary goal of this project is to utilize recently acquired LiDAR data and other remotely sensed data to identify and quantify the potential for small-scale stormwater distribution systems in the Tahoe Basin. Utilizing the high vertical accuracy and resolution inherent in the existing LiDAR data set, it is feasible for the first time to micro-scale topographic features of the urban areas and the WUI areas around the entire Tahoe basin. We will analyze the potential of small depressions in the natural landscape to be utilized to provide detention areas for fine scales particles in order to reduce the quantity of fine sediment and nutrient pollutant that reach Lake Tahoe. These Micro Stormwater Infiltration Systems (MSIS) have many advantages for Lake Tahoe. Part of this goal is to find solutions that require only minimal engineering changes. The corresponding hypothesis is that the available LiDAR data can be used to identify the volume of potential stormwater storage achievable by small modifications to existing culverts, construction of small retaining walls, and in general utilizing the features of the existing topography. The other goal is to understand and map the fine scale hydraulic connectivity in the urban watershed so that projects can be designed efficiently (i.e. without multiple basins “treating” the same water multiple times) and that a balance can be sought between retaining water on the landscape and avoiding under flooding and inundation. The corresponding hypothesis is that the existing Worldview2 data and other existing GIS data will allow for the MSIS to be designed without negatively impacting existing infrastructure. The objectives of the project are to: (1) Quantify the volume of MSIS available through these small-scale features. and compare it to the overall stormwater detention required to achieve the TMDL goals. Other remotely sensed 4 data (e.g. WorldView 2) and current GIS layers will show whether these potential stormwater detention areas intrude on private property, existing infrastructure, sensitive lands etc.; (2) Test the methodology on a specific project area where it is ready to be utilized (this will likely be the Montgomery Estates Phase 2 project in collaboration with the Tahoe Resource Conservation District as part of a SNPLMA Round 12 capital project);) (3) Rank the individual MSIS by volume (largest to smallest) within each basin watershed (4) Work with local jurisdictions to assign a water quality weighting to each of the volumeranked MSIS that indicate the highest influx of fine sediment particles based on a combination of factors such as upstream land use, soil type and slope (5) Develop a simple methodology whereby the accumulated sediment in such small scale detention basins can be sampled, analyzed for particle size distribution from a known contributing area and thereby provide firm data for the assignment of TMDL credits and validation of existing crediting tools (such as PLRM). Because of the spatial distribution and the potentially large number of sites, this data will be far more valuable than measurements at one or two large facilities, and (6) Make available a design tool utilizing TERC’s existing 3-D visualization laboratory where agencies can view and design these detention basins in an immersive three-dimensional environment using the LiDAR data and other spatial data. Software tools to enable agency staff to conduct their own analyses are currently being developed under separate National Science Foundation funding. e. Approach, methodology and location of research The approach is based on using the existing Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data set for the Tahoe basin. These data offer the potential of providing extremely high resolution and high accuracy (at the centimeter scale) topography, as well as discerning areas of impervious (higher reflectivity) and natural (lower reflectivity) surfaces. LiDAR data have been used to determine high accuracy hydrologic networks (Murphy et al., 2008, Liu and Zhang, 2010). This research aims to develop a new technique for treating urban storm water by making use of LiDAR data. In essence it will quantify the potential for Micro Stormwater Infiltration systems (MSIS) by calculating the volume available for water storage upstream of existing road culverts and natural depressions. With minor engineering changes it will be possible to utilize this storage volume to allow for infiltration without increasing flooding potential. Watershed Sciences, Inc. (WSI) collected airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data of land surrounding Lake Tahoe from August 11th to August 24th, 2010. The area of interest excluding the actual lake, resulting in 232,536 acres of delivered LiDAR data. The resolution demands on the survey were such that a very high resolution and high accuracy product resulted, with an average of 11.82 points/m2 and a vertical accuracy (1σ) of 3.5 cm (Watershed Sciences 5 2011). The project will focus on those areas of the basin considered to be either urban areas or the urban wildland interface. This represents approximately 20% of the land area in the basin. One DEM product delivered by WSI as part of the LiDAR data acquisition was a “hydrologically-enforced bare-earth surface model”. The most notable features are the following: a) the hydrologic model has a DEM format, b) Hydro-enforcement enables hydrologic and hydraulic models to depict water flowing under the structures (bridges and culverts), rather than appearing to be dammed by them because of road deck elevations higher than the water levels, and c) the cell size is 0.5 m (Watershed Sciences 2011). Our proposal builds on the use of this previously conducted work. In addition, we will be working directly with the LiDAR point cloud itself and bypassing the need to create the DEM. Software developed at UC Davis (LiDARViewer-2.5) provides an opportunity for the user to view point cloud datasets without sub-sampling or reducing the data. The program will load in a point cloud and display each individual point from the survey. LiDARViewer-2.5 allows the user to select points and extract them to a separate file, extract primitives (plane, sphere, cylinder) from selected points, determine distance from a plane, and navigate in real-time through large datasets (>2.7 billion points). It is a powerful tool that can provide unique perspectives to LiDAR datasets that are difficult to attain through DEMs. To test the potential for MSIS several steps are required. First, the existing stormwater flow patterns need to be determined using the LiDAR data. The available resolution and the nature of LiDAR will allow for the highly complex, dendritic structure to be revealed (even under existing vegetation). Second, the existing road and culvert network need to be overlaid on this (this is currently being performed under a separate SNPLMA Round 11 project). Third, the volume of available water storage behind each culvert and natural depression needs to be evaluated. This has to be done taking into account the adjacent roadway elevation and adjacent property so that flooding of roads and developed property is prevented. The methodology used for achieving the objective is based in the identification of Candidate Areas (CA) to retain the greatest quantity of water coming from urban areas. Our methodology follows the workflow shown in Figure 1. e.1. Determining Global Hydrologic Network Working with the entire hydrologic network with a cell size of 0.5 m requires large computation resources. To reduce the computation effort we will sub-divide the whole Lake Tahoe watershed into sub-basins and process them independently using a down-scaled cell size of 30 m from the LiDAR dataset. The downscaling will be carried out using multi-resolution techniques that have high shape conservation of the original DEM when a resolution reduction is performed (Reinoso 2010). This network is necessary in order to initially identify the intersections of drainage pathways with urban and road areas and to act as a guide for the more detailed analysis. e.2. Determining Local Hydrologic Network For each sub-basin a Local Hydrologic Network will be computed using the full 0.5 m LiDAR DEM. Using this high resolution network it is possible to focus on micro-scale topography and lower order streams (Liu and Zhang, 2010), and the details of their intersection with crossing 6 urban lots or road areas. An estimation of the horizontal error between the 30 m Global Hydrological Network and the 0.5 m Local Hydrological Network can be carried out using the algorithm of Reinoso (2011). An example of the use of this algorithm is shown in Figure 2, where the mismatch between contours generated form the Global and Local networks are evident in the right hand panel. The spacing between the two contour lines is an indication of the error. e.3. Identifying Candidate Areas (CA) With the Hydrologic Local Network we will use two primary methods to detect the candidate areas (CA) from which to refine choices for MSIS. These methods are: - Point cloud grading. Each point from the LiDAR point cloud is assigned a color. This method facilitates rapid detection of CA's in a highly graphical fashion (Figure 3). - LiDARViewer. This is public domain software developed by the UC Davis KeckCAVES, for analyzing LiDAR data in a three-dimensional immersive environment (Kreylos et al. 2008). This project will primarily use the available LidarViewer tools for the identification of CAs. The use of immersive 3-D displays is included in the project budget. e.4. Modify Candidate Areas Using GIS overlays (impervious surfaces, property lines, stream environmental zones etc.) the identified CAs will be modified to avoid interference. For example in Figure 4, two Candidate Areas have been identified where, through the construction of two low retaining structures, almost 900 m3 of detention volume can be created that take advantage of natural depressions in the hill side downstream from an urban area. Once precise property lines are overlain, it may be necessary to modify these CAs in order to meet the land owners wishes or address other sitespecific concerns. e.5. Ground truthing In order to increase confidence that the CAs identified through analysis of the LiDAR data do indeed agree with on-the-ground conditions, a limited number of ground truthing exercises will be conducted. These will comprise of site visits to several of the most highly ranked MSIS sites with the local agencies that are most likely to construct these facilities in the future. f. Relationship of the research to previous and current efforts This project builds directly upon LiDAR data gathered by the basin agencies, through SNPLMA funding, for precisely this type of purpose. It utilizes ongoing research (identification of impervious surfaces) to avoid duplicating effort, and the work is targeted at what has been determined to be the most pressing environmental improvement issue facing local agencies – finding economical and effective ways to reduce movement of fine sediment and nutrients to Lake Tahoe. With the signing of the TMDL by the states of California and Nevada in August 2011, basin regulatory agencies and the local jurisdictions have now entered the phase of undertaking projects that will reduce fine sediment and nutrient inputs to the lake. This research is directed at assisting that effort. The results of this investigation will be useful to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency as it develops projects and implements the Environmental 7 Improvement Plan to meet TMDL load reduction targets. It will also help the California Tahoe Conservancy, Nevada Division of State Lands and the US Forest Service as owners of some multi-purpose yet small parcels to best management these properties. Local governments have received load reduction requirements as part of the newly approved Lake Tahoe TMDL. The results from this study will allow them to better identify cost-effective pollutant reduction opportunities within their jurisdictions. g. Strategy for engaging with managers and obtaining permits No permits are required for the proposed work as it is all computer-based. Numerous agencies have already been briefed on the nature of the proposed work and they fully appreciate the potential and need for the project. During the conduct of the project, managers will be engaged in several ways. First, at an initial meeting mangers will be asked to identify areas of special interest that may be used as future proofs of concept or for ground truthing exercises. Second, at about the midpoint of the project, the expertise of the agency staff will be used to identify the water quality rankings of identified MSIS opportunities. This will take the form of a one-day workshop. Third, during ground truthing, we will work with agency staff. Fourth, near the conclusion of the project we will run a training session to show agency staff how to use LiDARViewer as part of their own use of the LiDAR data and for the design and refinement of MSIS projects. h. Description of deliverables For each watershed, a ranked list of MSIS opportunities will be produced (including surface area, volume, depth, watershed area served, GPS location) and included as part of the final report Sets of maps showing the locations of MSIS and the hydrologic connectivity of the basin, will be produced and made available to end users through either the TERC website or TIIMS. A simple methodology for agencies to take core samples of accumulated sediments in an MSIS in future years and relate the measured capture of fine particles to the drainage area served will be developed. A workshop in which agency representatives will be instructed in how to use the LIDARViewer as part of future project designs will be conducted. Results of the project will be presented at the biannual Tahoe Research Symposium as well as meetings of professional societies. We anticipate that 1-2 peer-reviewed papers will be produced from this effort. The LiDAR data that are used to construct this will be housed at TERC, and agency staff will be free to utilize TERC’s 3-D facilities to analyze data in the future. 8 III. Schedule of major milestones/deliverables in a table with estimated start and end dates (include quarterly progress reports and annual reports) Jul-12 Oct-12 Jan-13 Apr-13 Jul-13 Sep-13 Kickoff meeting Mid-point workshop Agency training Initial list of CA Final List MSIS MSIS map Connectivity Map Quarterly Report Annual Report Final Report 9 IV Literature Cited Kreylos, O., Bawden, G.W., and Kellogg, L.H., Immersive Visualization and Analysis of LiDAR Data, in: Bebis, G., et al., "ISVC 2008, Part I," LNCS 5358, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 846-85 Liu, X., Zhang, Z., 2010. Drainage network extraction using LiDAR-derived DEM in volcanic plains. Area. 43(1): 42-52. Murphy, P., Ogilvie, J., Meng, F. and Arp, P., 2008. Stream network modeling using LiDAR and photogrammetric digital elevation models: a comparison and field verification. Hydrological Processes. 22: 1747-1754. Reinoso, J. F., 2010. A priori horizontal displacement (HD) estimation of hydrological features when versioned DEMs are used. Journal of Hydrology. 384: 130-141. Reinoso, J. F., 2011. An algorithm for automatically computing the horizontal shift between homologous contours from DTMs. ISPRS International Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 66: 272-286. Roberts, D.M. and Reuter, J.E. 2007. Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load Technical Report. Produced on behalf of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection. 341 p. Roy, A. H. and Shuster, W. D., 2009. Assessing impervious surface connectivity and applications for watershed management. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 45(1): 198-209. Watershed Sciences 2011. LiDAR Remote Sensing: Lake Tahoe Watershed, CA-NV. Report to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, January 31, 2011. 41p. 10 V. Figures Figure 1. Proposed workflow. 11 Figure 2. An example of the mismatch in contours produced by using a 30 m DEM and a 0.5 m DEM. Contours from both DEMs are overlaid, so the thickness of the separation is an indication of the error. 12 Figure 3. Color coded point cloud data. The upper panel shows a portion of the south east of the Lake Tahoe basin, with two candidate areas (CA) indicated. The lower panel shows an enlargement of the two CAs that are formed by depressions in the topography. 13 Figure 4. An example of two potential candidate areas for MSIS. With the construction of low embankments (maximum height 1m and 1.5 m respectively) almost 900 m3 of detention/infiltration volume is produced. 14