CHANGE FACULTY INFORMATION PLEASE ENTER FACULTY CODE NUMBER 62 Command :<C:>:ZFACULTY IRec: EOF/4 FIRST NAME: JOHN LAST NAME: JOHNSON SOCIAL SECURITY NO.: 123-45-6789 FACULTY CODE NUMBER: 62 OFFICE NUMBER: 212B PHONE NUMBER: 5508 PRESS CTRL.-END TO SAVE AND EXIT; PRESS ESC TO EXIT EDIT : <C: :>: ZFf~CUL TV : R€:!c:: 1/4 Caps DELETE FACUL T'( PLEASE ENTER FACULTY CODE NUMBER 62 Command :<B:):ZFACULTY :Rec: EOF/l FIRST NAME~ JOHN LAST NAME: JOHNSON SOCIAL SECURITY NO.: 123-45-6789 FACULTY CODE NUMBER: 62 OFFICE NUMBER: 212B PHONE NUMBER: IS THIS THE RECORD YOU WISH TO DELETE? READ : <B: :>: ZFACUL TV' : Rec: 5508 N 1! 1. RECORD HAS BEEN DELETED Command : <: C: :> : ZFACUL.TY Press any key to continue ... : Rec: 1/4 C2\PS RECORD NOT DELETED Command :<B:>:ZFACULTY Press any key to continue ... : F~ec: 1/1 VIEW FACULTY DATABASE *----------------------------------------------------------------------------* <-.-- --_. >UP : Char-: Dt:?l : E:-: it.: Field: Home End : Page: PgUp Pan: A : Help: Fl CURSOR I nser-t Mode: DELETE Ins ····End PgDn : Field: Ay Abort: Esc Record: AU Set Options: AHome : DOWN *----------------------------------------------------------------------------* SSN-------- FNAME----- LNAME---------- PHONE OFFNO F~\CI'·JD -=!""")'7 -::'-":' 8[:3[:3-·-99··-0000 Mf~RY 220:~5 _" ... COOK "-''':''''-' ::::22-<33-4·<1-44 JANE :;~:~:89 JACKSUN 1 1 :~~:B 42 111-22-3333 JAMES St1 I TI·-I 5379 ~526D ':::"'-, d.'::' 1 ::?3--45·-6 789 J CiHN JOHt·~SON ....L--:, ,..:.. 5508 2l 2B ... BROWSE : Rec: View and edit. fields. :", 4/4· ====================~====~~~==~==----~===================================~====== ~OCUMENTATION FOR THE REGISTRATION MENU ==============~---~=========~============================================== \iOU I;JI L.L Del =~===============~==========~=====~======================================= 1. The Main Menu will appear display-: ing the six menu options. 1. Type 3 to access the Registration Menu and press Enter. ~. A screen will appear asking the user to enter the appropriate" . 2. Type in the 3 letter abbreviation of the quarter and the last two digits of the year an d p 1"" t.~~:;':; t.:n t f?r .. (AUTS? should be typed for the Autumn quarter of 1987.) ~::;. 1+ t.he cOY-I'-ect qUi:.,rtF2Y"" ~'"Jd~::; tYPf?d in, the Registration Menu will i:.'p P t:? "3 Y"" " I"f t.hE' i nc:orTE"~c-t:" qUi:":H""b":~r"" was typed in, 2 screen will appear: saying 'DATABASE FIL.E DOES NOT EXIST' dnd press any key to cont.inue. Press any key to return 1".:0 thE? '"'i,:.\J. n i'k~rlu. 3. Type a 1 to add new registration information and press Entf:?r- . 4. A screen will appear asking the user to enter the student's social security number" and the course number"" . 4. Enter the studf:?nt's social secu- A screen will appear displaying t.he fiE!lds; to hE! E:~nt€'=rE>d for thE-' registration information. 5. 5. rity number and course number, prf:?ssing Enter after each. Type in each of the fields for which there is information and press Enter after each. After the last field has been typed in (COMMENTS) . Dress CTRL-END to save the record. DO NOT PRESS ENTER AFTER THE L.AST FIEL.D HAS BEEN F!\Hn;ED I I ! 6. ThE.' FE'cli '::,tr"at i un 1"'IE-r"IU ~"'Ji:l:l. ii:\ppt-:::"":::lY"" displaying the 8 M~nu options. 6. Type a 2 to change registration information and press Enter. 7. A screen will appear askjng the user to enter the students soci al S;E"~cur- i ty i::I"lId cour::;e flUmber""'=;. 7 Type in the student's social security number and course number, pressing Enter after each. 8. Make changes by typing in the new values and using the Enter key to move between fields. A-fter the changes have been made, press CTRL-END to save the chc.~nq€-?s • If the displayed record IS not the one the user wishes to change, press the PgDn key until the right record to change is [-3. t. h ':"? ,:;oc i a 1 ::;fi::~C ur i t \/ II 11mb t.~r- dr", d course number in+ormation exists, a screen will a~pear displaying the! i r",-foY-m"::;ti on wi t!"""1 thE! (]i V€'2n soci E;\l ~':;f:?cul""i t--:'l nUlnI::iE?Y- ~i\nd cour-~:;(? nurnbc}Y- . If the social SEcurity number and course number information does not exist, a screen will appear saying 'SOCIAL. SECURITY NUMBER AND/OR COURSE NUMBER NOT FOUND' and press any key to cont.inue. If found. ZRMENU.DOC PAbE 2 ================================================================================ DOCUMENTATION FOR THE REbISTRATION MENU =========================================================================== YOU ~'J I LL SEE =========================================================================== 9. The Registration Menu will appear displaying the 8 menu optlons. 9. Type a 3 to delete registration information and press Enter. 10. A screen will appear asking the user to enter the student's social security and course numbers. 110. Type in the student's social security number and course number for the course to be deleted and press Enter after each. 11. ill. If the social security number and course numbers exist, a screen will appear displaying the information with the given social security and course numbers. If the given sccial security and course number information does not exist, a screen will appear saying 'SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AND/OR COURSE NUMBER NOT FOUND' and press any key to continue. If the displayed recor·d is thE' one the user wishes to delete, type a y and press Enter. A screen will appear saying 'RECORD HAS BEEN DELETED' and press any key to continue. If the displayed record is not the one the user wishes to delete, the user can either press PgDn to go to the next record and decide to delete it or the user can type an 'N' and press Enter to exit from the delete mode. If the user types an 'N', a screen will appear saying 'RECORD NOT DELETED' and press any key to continue. 12. The Registration Menu will appear displaying the 8 Menu options. :12. Type a 4 and press Enter to review the registration information. 13. :13. Use the cursor keys and the help screen at the top of the screen to move between records and fields in this mode. A screen will appear displaying records having registration information for various students. 14. The Registration Menu will appear displaying the 8 Menu options. 114. Type a 5 and press Enter to view registration information ·for a student. 15. A screen will appear asking the user to type in the social security number of the student whose r··egistr-ation infor-mation i~~ to bE' vi ev-Jed. liS. Type in the student's social security number and press Enter. 16. The View Information screen will appear with the options to view all classes for the student, or view new classes, or view new classes Dr view drop classes for thE' student. :16. Type in the corresponding number of the option the user wishes to choose and press Enter. PA(3E :::;; ZRI'lENU. DOC ================================================================================ DOCUMENTATION FOR THE REGISTRATION MENU =========================================================================== YOU ~'J I LL SEE yOU l>J I LL DO =========================================================================== 17. If c 1 asse~; e;<i st f or- that student: 17. After all of the information a screen will appear displaying has been viewed, press any key all of the courses which fit to return to the screen asking the chosen criteria. the user to Enter a student's If there are ~o courses which social security number. fit the given criteria, a screen will appear saying 'NO CLASSES TO VIEW FOR STUDENT' and pr~ss any key to co~tinue. 18. The Registration Menu wIll appear:18. displaying the 8 Menu options. 19. The Registration Menu wlil appear 19. Type a 7 to add a class and press displaying thE 8 Menu options. Enter. This procedure is the same as adding a new class in option 1. Type an 8 to drop a class and pr"eS~5 Enter. 20. A screen will appear asking the :20. Type in the student"s social the user to enter the social sec-l security number and course numurity number 3nd course number tol ber, pressing Enter after each. Type a 6 to print student information and press Enter. This option works the same as the view option above, but instead of displaying the information on thE screen, the information is displayed on the printer. Make sure the printer is on and the on-line button is on before printing. ch-·op. 21.. The first course satisfving the 121. If the displayed course informgiven information will appear on ation is the course you wish to the screen displaying a format drop, type a 'yo where asked similar to the change registraand pr-e::;s EntE~r. If the dis-' tion information screen. played course information is not the course you wish to drop, either type an 'N' and press Enter to exit or keep pressing the PgDn key until the correct courSE is displayed. 22. If a 'Y' was typed, a screen will :22. Press any key to continue and appear saying 'COURSE HAS BEEN return back to the screen askDROPPED' and press any key to ing the user to enter the c::ontinuf.~. If an 'N' ~.."a~:; typed, social security number and a screen will appear saying course number of the class to 'COURSE HAS NOT BEEN DROPPED' to drop. Continue in the and pr-e~5S any k(,~!'/ to CClr1ti nu(,,'. above manner until finished. WHICH QUARTER DO YOU WISH TO WORK WITH? AUT86 Command :<C:>: Caps *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* REG 1ST RAT ION I N FOR MAT ION :------------------------------------------------------------------------------: 1. ADD NEW INFORMATION 5. VIEW INFORMATION 6. PRINT INFORMATION 2. CHANGE INFORMATION 3. REMOVE INFORMATION 4. REVIEW INFORMATION 7. ADD CLASS 8. DROP CLASS O. EXIT *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* select Command :<C:>:AUT86 0 :Rec: 7/20 Caps ADD NEl..J COURSE PLEASE ENTER STUDENT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 305-86-3377 PLEASE ENTER COURSE NUMBER 100 Command :<C:>:AUT86 :Rec: EOF/20 Caps FIRST NAME: SOCIAL SECURITY NO. REFERENCE NO. : DEPARTMENT NUMBER: SECTION NUMBER: COURSE NAME: LAST NAME: 305-86-3377 DEPARTMENT NAME: COURSE NUMBER: 100 CREDIT HOURS: FACULTY NUMBER: FACULTY INITIAL AND LAST NAME: COMMENTS: PRESS Ctrl-End WHEN FINISHED ENTERING INFORMATION APPEND :<C:>:AUT86 :Rec: EOF/20 Caps CHANGE COURSE INFORMATION PLEASE ENTER SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 111-11-1111 PLEASE ENTER COURSE NUMBER 101 Command :<C:>:AUT86 :Rec: EOF/20 LAST NAME: JOHNSON FIRST NAME: KATHY SOCIAL SECURITY NO. REFERENCE NO. 111-11-1111 : 23 DEPARTMENT NUMBER: 26 SECTION NUMBER: 1 COURSE NAME: LITERATURE TYPE OF COURSE: N DEPARTMENT NAME: ENG COURSE NUMBER: 101 CREDIT HOURS: 4 FACULTY NUMBER: 62 FACULTY INITIAL AND LAST NAME: D. SMITH COMMENTS: PRESS CTRL-END TO SAVE AND EXIT; PRESS ESC TO EXIT EDIT :<C:>:AUT86 :Rec: 6/20 DELETE COUHSE PLEASE ENTER SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 111-11-1111 PLEASE ENTER :OURSE NUMBER 101 Command :<C:>:AUT86 :Rec: EOF/20 FIRST NAM~: KATHY SOCIAL SECURITY NO. REFERENCE NO. LAST NAME: JOHNSON 111-11-1111 : 23 DEPARTMENT NAME: ENG DEPARTMENT NUMBER: 26 SECTION NUMBER: 1 TYPE OF COURSE: N COURSE NUMBER: 101 CREDIT HOURS: 4 COURSE NAME: LITERATURE FACULTY NUMBER: 62 FACULTY INITIAL AND LAST NAME: D. SMITH COMMENTS: IS THIS THE CORRECT COURSE READ :<C:}:AUT86 ? :Rec: 6/20 RECORD HAS BEEN DELETED :<C:>:AUT86 Command Press any key to continue ... :Rec: EOF!19 RECORD NOT DELETED Command Press any key to continue ... :Rec: EOF!20 VIEW REGISTRATION DATABASE *----------------------------------------------------------------------------* CURSOR : Field: Pan: {-- --) UP Char: Del : E:< it.: Home End : Page: PgUp A: Help: Fl DOWN DELETE Insert Mode: Ins ····End PgDn : Field: Ay Abort: Esc Record: AU Set Options: AHorne : *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* SSN-' - -- - --.-... - --. FNAt-lE'-"--"'-"- LNAt1E ---.-.-.------.----.. 1 1 1--1 1·-1 1 1 1 KATHY JOHN~3m·~ 2::::2-2;~--2222 JAME!:-3 BFWv.JN ::~22·-:2~~·--2222 JAt1ES BROv-JN 1'-. .-, r-, "'-. " ..::' .L"'::' -- ..::...::. --- ..::...::. ..::...::. BROv-JN Jf~NES ::::05--86'-3377 ~:::ATHER I I\~E Hr:;RF: IS 50:::-.1--86--3::::77 LATHER I I\~E HARRIS ::::'05-86-:3::::'77 K(HHERlhIE HARRIS :::'05·-86--35T7 KfiTHERIhlE H~iRF: I S :::'05-86,-:3577 ~:::f".:jTHER I hiE HAf~RIS ::::;05--86--357"7 r:::rHHERINE HAF:F: IS ~::;::::;3-~'::;3--3333 JANE St1ITH ,.. •• •- , 1""", rj; BF\oWSE : {C: :>: AUT86 REFNO DEPT NAME DEPTNO CF~SNO SECNO CF:HRS 1 .,., 22() 102 CS .::. 1 4· :':2() 1"1{·:iCS 27 220 1 4 ";:"r-;a "'-"", -._''':101 i"l~i TH L....::'''::' 1 4 5:~; ~~;7 HSC 250 1 4 '--,";0...·iC:: 1 (i() ..:.:.. ...:. ..:;. ...J CS 1 4 -::' ....' 1 4 27 ENG 100 ''1-:1' ..::. ....:, ~)2 MATH 1.02 1 4 1 ,.J "'. I'lfHH 101 108 1 4 4'-': :3~~ 21::::' CC 1 4 CE:; 4 42 15 4~:'5 1 :300 CS ::::'00 44 :t 4 ,_I":,, .. : Rec: View and edit fields. :t 1/19 VIEW ALL COURSES FOR STUDENT PLEASE ENTER STUDENT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 305-86-3377 Command : <c:: :>: AUT86 : Ree: 11; 19 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* V lEW I N FOR MAT ION :------------------------------------------------------------------------------! VIEW t=)LL CLASSES VIEW NEW CLASSES VIEvJ ADD CLASSES "-' . 4. VIEW DF~OF' CLASSES 1. ~. ..::.. .-;~. (I. *-------------------------------- Command ! <C: :>: AUT86 EXIT select (I ---------------------------------* :F\ec: 7/20 Caps Record# 1 ~ L FACNO COMMENTS REFNO DEPT NAME DEPTNO CRSNO SECNO CRHRS CRSNAME 1 4 SYSTEMS ANAL 63 CS 100 ~7 ~~ L~ L~ 27 ENG ~~ ~~ 100 1 4 LITERATURE 62 ~ ~~ ~~ MATH 32 102 1 4 ALGEBRA 62 4 101 MATH 15 108 1 4 MODELS 6~ k NO PREVIOUS ~~ CC 42 213 1 4 VOCAB DVLP 62 LAST COURSE 42 CS 15 4~~ ~J 1 4 LANGUAGES 63 LATE REGISTR ~ MATH BACKGROUND ~ J 6 ~k ATION Press any key to continue. Command :<C:>lTEMP .. lRec: EOF/6 PRINT COURSES FOR A STUDENT PLEASE ENTER STUDENT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 305-86-3377 Command : <c:: >: AUT86 : F:ec : 1 1/19 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* P R I N T REG 1ST RAT ION I N FOR MAT ION :------------------------------------------------------------------------------: PRINT PRINT -:; "-' . PFi: I NT 4. PRINT i. ..., ..::.. CLASSES NElI-J CLASSES ADD CL.ASSES DROP CL.ASSES ?",LL o. EXIT *-------------------------------- Command : <C:: >-: AUT86 select 0 ---------------------------------* : Rec: 11/19 KATHERINE HARRIS 305-86-3377 aut86 Page No. 07l1bi86 REFNO DEPTNAME DEPT NO CRSNO SECNO CRHRS COURSE NAME FACNO TYPE COMMENTS 23 23 101 27 CS HATH HATH ENG CC CS 1'? ,,~ 42 25 32 15 32 42 15 100 102 108 110 213 435 4 4 4 4 4 4 SYSTEMS ANAL AL6EBRA MODELS LITERATURE VOCAB DVLP LAN6UAGES 63 62 62 62 62 63 D A A NO PREVIOUS HATH BACK6ROUND A N A LAST COURSE LATE REGISTRATION Z F·F~i"1ENU. DOC ================================================================================ DOCUMENTATION FOR THE FACULTY CLASS LISTS =========================================================================== YOU l,.tJ I LL SEE YOU WILL DO =========================================================================== 1 .I. • The Main Menu will appear display-: ing the six menu options. 2. A screen will appear asking the user to enter the appropriate quar·ter. '-=!" '-.~ . If the correct quarter was typed in, the Faculty Class List Menu will appear. If the incorrect quarter was typed in, a screen will appear saying 'DATABASE FILE DOES NOT EXIST' and press any key to continue. Press any key to return to the Main Menu. 1. Type a 4 to access the Faculty Class Lists Menu and press Enter. 2. Type in the 3 letter abbreviation of the quarter and the last two digits of the year and press Enter. (AUT87 should be typed for the Autumn quarter of 1987.) 3. Type a 1 to view a faculty class list and press Enter. A screen will appear asking the user to enter the first initial and last name of the faculty to \d E)W. (,J. SI"I I TH i s .:<.n ~?;.: amp 1 e of the way the name should be entered.) If the name was entered correctly and there exists courses and students for that faculty, a screen will appear displaying the course number, last name, and first name of the students belonging to that faculty. Press any key to go back to the Faculty Class List Menu when all students have been viewed. If there are no students to view for that faculty, a screen will appear saying 'NO CLASSES TO PRINT FOR INSTRUCTOR' and press any key to continue and return to the Faculty Class Li st 1"'1enu. Type a 2 to print a faculty class list and press Enter. Pr-oceed as above, maki ng sure that the printer is on and also on-line and the paper is adjustE~d • Type a 0 to leave the Faculty Class List Menu and return to thEe 1'1ai n i"k~nu. WHICH QUARTER DO YOU WISH TO WORK WITH? AUT86 Command :<C:>: Caps *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* F A C U L T LIS T Y C LAS S 1. VIEW FACULTY CLASS LIST 1"1 E N U :------------------------------------------------------------------------------: 2. PRINT FACULTY CLASS LIST O. EXIT select (I *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Command : <C: :>: AUT86 : Rec: 19! 19 VIEW COURSES FOR FACULTY ENTER FIRST INITIAL AND LAST NAME OF INSTRUCTOR: N. SMITH Command : <c: >: AUT86 : Rec: 19/19 Fname Crsno Lname 104 JACKSON ANGELA 108 HARRIS KATHERINE 333 SMITH JANE 435 HARRIS KATHERINE 496 MAIN ROBERT 500 JACKSON ANGELA Press any key t(J continue. .. PRINT COURSES FOR FACULTY ENTER FIRST INITIAL AND LAST NAME OF INSTRUCTOR: N. SMITH Command :<C:>:AUT86 :Rec: 20/20 Caps N. St1ITH AUT86 Page No. 07/16/86 1 COURSE NO. LAST NAME 104 108 JACKSON ANGELA H{1RF~ Kt, THEE I NE JANE 4~~:'5 Hf~RR 496 t1AIN K?HHERU.IE ROBERT ~JOO a~iCKS()N {~NGELA -=!"-:;-:; ...... _.._. Ib SI'1 I TH Ib FIRST t'·J{~1'-1E ZBKUP.DOC ================================================================================ DOCUMENTATION FOR THE DATABASE BACKUP =================~========================================================= 'i'OU WI L.L DO =================~========================================================= i .L • 2. A screen will appear asking the user to enter the name of the database to backup. If the wrong name is entered, an error message will appear saying that the database does not exist and press any key to continue and return to the Main Menu. 1. Type the 5-character database name and press Enter. If the database exists, a screen will appear telling the user to insert the diskette into drive B: and press any key when ready. 2. Insert the floppy diskette into drive B: and press any key to start the backup process. 3. A screen will appear sayinq 'COPYING DATABASE FILE TO DISKETTE'. When finished copying, a screen will appear saying 'COpy COMPLETE' and press any key key to continue and return to the t1a i n t·1t~nu. 3. Press any key to continue and return to the Main Menu. DATABASE BACKUP PROCEDURE ENTER DATABASE FILE TO BACKUP: Command ~ <c: :>! AUT86 Caps