A Database f1anagement Project Using Dbase III A Creative Project (ID 499) by Katherine R. Harris Project Director (advisor's signature) Ball State University flluncie, Indiana August 5, 1986 Summer 1986 0"r:< -- -r ;:p-: : (.( If ';'7 BALL STATE SCHOOL OF MUSIC COURSE REGISTRATION SYSTEM This project involves the computerization of the registration procedures used by the Ball State School of Music. The School of Music uses their own system of registering students for classes before they are actually registered in AD 6. This computer system involves database manipulation, storage, and retrieval of data. This system is divided into four major- paF-ts: 1. Student information - This portion of the system allows for the addition of new student information, update of existing student information, deletion of existing student information, and review of existing student information. The type of information contained in the student database pertains to personal data about each student of the School of Music such as each student's social security number, first and last name, address, phone, and type of degree. 2. Faculty information - This portion of the system allows for the addition of new faculty information, update of existing faculty information, deletion of existing faculty information, and review of existing faculty information. The type of information included i~ the faculty database pertains to personal data of each faculty member of the School of Music such as social security number. first ~nd last name, office address and phone, and faculty coje number. 3. Registration information - This portion of the system allows for the addition of new course information for a student. update of E.'}~i~;t.inq course iflfcwmation, delE,tion of E.':.dst.ing C:ULW'::::-E' information, and reVlew of existing course information. This section also allows for the capabilit.y t.o print out or view on thE.~ scr-een thc-? COLlI"~5P :i. nfot--mat ion f or- a par-t i cuI ar- student and the capabilit.y to add or drup a course for a student. A new database is created for each new academic quarter, thereby keeping each quarter's registration information into separate, logical units. The system allows for the creation of these new databases, as well as the capabjlity to backup each database as needed. 4. Faculty Cldss Lists - This portion of t.he system integrates the above three concepts. This section allows the user to either print or View on the screen all of the students and the courses each are taking for a particular faculty member for a certain quarter. Attached is a sample proposal which was presented to and approved by the t:>chool o-f i-lusi c de:2part.mr.~ni: head. The pLwpose of the pnJPo~::;al ~·Jas to explain what. my understanding of the project needs were and to give an estimate of the length and cost of the project. I was paid minimun wage for the pruject for which 55 hours were billed. I felt that this project was a good experience for me because the type of work it entailed helped me prepare for real-world needs and deadlines. The language that this project was programmed in. DBASE III plus, IS a very popular and innovative language. The experience I have gained from this project has already made me a more marketable person and given me a competitive ed~e over other computer majors without. DBASE experience. Future considerations of this project may involve the following: 1. An option for the user to change the colors on the screen before entering the system. 2. A Help File which the user could use to find out what the facultv codes are for each faculty member of the School of l'1usic. 3. A counting mechanism which would remind the user to backup the database after a certain number of records are in the database . _---------------_._. _._ . .... SCHOOL OF MUSIC PROPOSAL PURPOSE The purpose of this project is to computerize the current registration procedure used by the School of Music personnel. The new system will be primarily menu-driven and user-friendly. The database system will consist of three major database files: one containing student information, one containing facu"lty information, and one containing registration information. The system will consist of five major menus allowing the user to add, change, and delete student and faculty information, update and print course registration information, print faculty load reports, and backup current database files. The project will consist of three phases as follows: PHASE I Program, develop, and design the three major databases and the five major menus as well as their respective submenus. This will serve as a prototype which will be demonstrated to the School of Music personnel after this phase is completed. PHASE II Program and develop the actual code to manipulate the database files through the menu-driven interface. PHASE III Thoroughly test, document, and install the database system. When the system is completed, demonstrate and train the users using the documentation provided. ESTIMATED COST AND TIMETABLE The project will be paid in partial payments corresponding to each of the three phases. The estimated amount of hours and cost for each phase is as follows: PHASE I 10 hours @ $6.00/hour = $60.00 This payment will be due when Phase I is completed and demonstrated during the week of April 28, 1986. PHASE II 30 hours @ $6.00/hour = $180.00 This payment will be due upon completion of this phase during the week of June 9, 1986. PHASE III 15 hours @ $6.00/hour = $90.00 This payment will be due upon completion of the project during the week of June 23, 1986. Further modifications will be billed at the rate of $6.00/hour. TOTAL COST 55 hours @ $6.00/hour = $330.00 DOCUMENTATION AND SCREEN LAYOUTS Z1"1MENU. DOC ================================================================================ DOCUMENTATION FOR THE MAIN MENU ==============~============================================================ '-y'OU YOU WIL.L. SEE t,.<J I L.L DO =========================================================================== 1. Main Menu will appear and will display the six menu options along with the option to exit. 1. Type 1 to access the Student Menu and press Enter. Type 2 to access the Faculty Menu and press Enter. Type 3 to access the Registration Menu and press Enter. Type 4 to access the Faculty Class L.ists Menu and press Enter- . Type 5 to access the Backup Menu and press Enter. Type 6 to Create a New Database and pr-€-:!~;s EntE~r. Ot- Typ~? 0 to E:·: it. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* N A I ".J MEN U :------------------------------------------------------------------------------: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. STUDENT INFORMATION FACULTY INFORMATION REGISTRATION INFORNATION FACULTY CLASS LISTS BACKUP DATABASES CREATE NEW DATABASE O. EXIT 1. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* select Command : <C: :>: AUT86 0 : Rec: 1/20 Caps ZSI'1ENU. :~: ::::: ::::: ::::: :::::::..-:: ::-.::. ::::: :.::.:: ::::: :-::: ::::: ::::: :::: :~::: :::: ::::: :!::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::: :;::::: : :::::. ::::: ::::: ::::: :::: ......._..._.... . DUCUMENTATION FOR THE STUDENT MENU ==============:========= ·([ILl ===== 1. 2. ~==================:=================== t·) I L.L SEE ,====~-======~=======~=============================================== Th t'? ~3t udE'ITI:.: !·1f?fll...1. ~.'J ill ·':;\P p t?~"H·· d i .:~, ..... playing four m~nu options along ~'·.)it!··, thE;~ Clptiofl to ('2;-:it. 1. ~:;;cr··ef::,r·, ~·'Jill t)t;;£, dis'pl"'I·,/E'!j ,,,,,skinc! tht'? user to enter tht'? new student's sClcial security number ,:\nci pr-F:.\~;;s E:ntE':t'·. 2. If the student has not been previously t'?ntert'?d, a screen will appear in which the user should type in t'?ach of tht'? designated fields, pressing enter after each. After the last field is entert'?d (Degree), press CTRL-END to save the information. DO NOT PRESS ENTER OR THE INFORMATION ~,) I L..t- BE I....O~:;T '" After tht'? student's information has been entered and CTRL-END has been pressed, the screen asking for student's social security number will appear again. Press t'?ntt'?r to rt'?turn to the Hi: UCIE::'ITt: IV!E,nu. ~. Type 2 to change a student's infurmatiun and prt'?ss Entt'?r. 4. Type in the social st'?curity numbt'?r and prt'?ss Enter. 5. Use the Enter key to move from ont'? fit'?ld tu another and type in the desired chanqes. To save the changes or leave this screen, press CTRL.-END. DO NUT PRESS ENTER OR THE INFORMATION WILL BE LOST' , ! After tht'? changes have been made and CTRL-END has bt'?en pressed, the scret'?n askinq for the student's social security number will appear again. Press Enter to return tu the Student Menu. {i 4. A scret'?n will appear asking the I f ",In i r·, cor·· t-· F.'C: t. ~=;uc :i. '''\ I '?'f::!C ur·· i t V f·l LImb E,r- h a ~3 b f.~!E!!-l t'?ri t (',,1·- F2d, ",•. rl f:.7:~r r- Of" messagt'? will aopear and the computer will return to the Student ity number has bt'?en entered. a screen will appear displaying the student s information. Type j:::' t-· e s ~; user to enter the student's suc i a1 '3eCI..I.I"· i t '/ numb(;~r·· and pr··E><::;~:; En tE'r. ::::j. Due ====~=========:====================== 1 to add a E: r·, t. E! r· new student and • ZSI"IEhIU2. DOC ::::: :::: :::: :::-:: ::::: ::::: :::: ::::: ::::: ::::-::.:=: ::::: ::::: :::;.: ::::: ::::: ::: ..•.••..•....•~ .. - : ::.: :::: :::;: ::::: :::: ===~========================================== DOCUMENTATION FOR THE STUDENT MENU :::::::::::::::::::::::: ..... ...... _... ~ :::: ::::: ::;: :-.::: ::::: ::::::: _......_._ .. :::::::::::::::::::::::: ------=======~=====~===~===================== lOU llJ I LL lJei .-.:::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'::::::::::: =====--=======--===================================== Type 3 to delete a student's information and press Enter. , A screen will appear askjnq the use~ 7. to enter the student's ~:5uci <,:\1 ":;E~cu.t"·:i. t·~/ r'lumbc~r' o';\rld Type in the sDcial security and press Ente~. numbe~ pr·f:?~;:;'0.") Enter" . D. If thE' studer'lt .~::. ir',-fDt""mcltion ,,3.J ..... 8. ready exists. a screen will appear displaying the student's inform0t i on . I ·f t. h E·? ,~.; t. ud E'3!r-I t ",:; i rl +Or'" m;:;\. l:. :i. on : c:!c)E~~;,; r',ot pr e\/i DU.S;!)' f2:>~ i ':;;-1'.. <:;I.n error message will appear saying that the student was not found. If t h r:::.: u sey" is; S,;UY" e he / ~"hE' \"Jcln t~;; to delete the student's information. type 'Y' and press ~nter. If the user decides not to delete the student's info~mation. type 'N' and press Enter and the information will not be deleted. If the user typed a 'Y a screen will appear saying 'RECORD HAS BEEN DELETED' and p~ess any key to continue. If the user typed 'N' a screen will appear saying 'RECORD NOT DELETED' and press any kf.?'y' to cont i nut":. 9. The screen will appear asking the lE,,;E:'Y' t 0 (7~n t. t":y" t tH"> ",t. uc:l en t sociaJ securIty number. Press Enter when finished deleting students. 10. The Student Me,u will appear. ~:; 10. Type 4 tu look at the information on several students at a time. Use the cursor keys to move from field to field and record to record. Press ESC to exit from this screen and r'Ed:urT1 to thE! Sb..ldent i'1<.'?f'lu. *---------------_._-------------------------------------------------------------* STU DEN T I N FOR MAT ION :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------l 1. 2. 3. 4. ADD INFORMATION CHANGE INFORMATION REMOVE INFORMATION REVIEW INFORMATION O. EXIT *-------------------------------- Command :<C:>lZSTUDENT select 0 ----------------------------------* lRec: 6/6 Caps PLEASE ENTER STUDENT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 111-11-1111 Command :<C:>:ZSTUDENT :Rec: 6i6 Caps LAST NAME FIRST NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NO. 111-11-1111 CITY: ADDRESS: PHONE: ZIP: STATE: / DEGREE: PRESS CTRL-END AFTER ENTERING ALL OF STUDENT'S INFORMATION APPEND :<C:>:ZSTUDENT :Rec: EOF/6 Caps CHANGE STUDENT INFORMATION PLEASE ENTER SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 111-11-1111 Command :<C:>:ZSTUDENT lRec: 4/5 FIRST NAME: KATHY SOCIAL SEC0RITY NO.: ADDRESS: LAST NAME: JOHNSON 111-11-1111 111 ELM ST. ZIP: 47332 CITY: MERRILLVILLE PHONE: 218/553-1818 DEGREE: ASSOCIATE PRESS CTRL-END TO SAVE AND EXIT; PRESS ESC TO EXIT EDIT :<C:>/ZSTUDENT :Rec: 4/5 STATE: IN DELETE STUDENT PLEASE ENTER SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 111-11-1111 Command :<8:>:ZSTUDENT lRec: 4/5 FIRST NAME: KATHY SOCIAL SECURITY NO.: ADDRESS: 111 ELM ST. ZIP: 47332 LAST NAME: JOHNSON 111-11-1111 CITY: MERRILLVILLE PHONE: 218/553-1818 DEGREE: AS30CIATE IS THIS THE RECORD YOU WISH TO DELETE? (YIN) READ :<B:>:ZSTUDENT :Rec: 4/5 STATE: IN RECORD HAS BEEN DELETED :<C:):ZSTUDENT Command Press any key to continue ... :Rec: 4/6 Caps RECORD NOT DELETED Command :<B:>:ZSTUDENT Press any key to continue ... :Rec: 4/5 VIEW STUDENT DATABASE *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* CURSOR ~-- --) UP : Char: OJ::!! I : E:-: it: Field: Home End: Page: PgUp Pan: : Help: Fl DOWN DELETE Insert Mode: Ins ---'-End PgDn : FiE?ld: ·····Y I~bort : Esc Record: AU Set Options: AHome : *----------------------------------------------------------------------------* SSN-------- FNAME----111-11-1111 KATHY 222-22-2222 JAMES 305-86-3377 KATHERINE 333-33-3333 JANE 444-44-4444 ROBERT BROll,lSE LNAME---------JOHNSON BROWN HARRIS SMITH MAIN : <B: :>: ZtlTUDENT ADDR---------------111 ELM ST. 250 FIFTH STREET Rr.::.: 1, BOX 79 CITY----------MERRILLVILLE YORKTOWN F ?~RI'1LAND m<l i"·IUr.~CIE :;205 RES I DENCE PARI<ER CITY :Rec: 4/5 View and edit fields. ZFI'1EI'-IU. DOC DOCUMENTATION FOR THE FACULTY MENU =================----=========----========================================= ================== 1. ==========================~============================= The Faculty Menu will appear displaying four m2nu options along \!.Jitl--: tl-H':" uptiorl to e>:it. 1. Type 1 to add a new faculty member and press Enter. A screen will be displayed asking the user to enter the new faculty's code number and press enter. If the faculty has not been entered previuusly, a screen will appear in which the user should type in each uf the designated fields, pressing Enter after each. (:l-f t (-'~r- t_ hE:! 1. a-::i t f i f:~ 1 d i ~:::, enter-c"'d (Phone Number) press CTRL-END to save the information. DO NOT PRESS ENTER OR THE INFORMATION ~'-J I U__ BE::: I....fEH I I I After the faculty's information have been entered and CTRL-END has been pressed, the screen asking for the fdcultv's code number will appear again. Press F:ntel to r-ptl.tr""n t:o thE~ F<3.cul ty 1'-IE:'r-lu. r - Type 2 to change a faculty's information and prpss Enter. A screen will appear asking the user to entpr the faculty's code number and press Enter. If an incorrect facultv code number is entered. an error message will appear and the computer will return to the Fd(:ul ty ,·1enu. If a correct faculty code number is entered, d screpn will appear displaying the faculty's information. Use the Enter key to move from one field to another and type in the desired change. To save the changes Dr leave this screen, go to the last field on the screen (Phone Number) and press CTRI....-END. DO NOT PRESS ENTER OF THE INFORMATION ~'JI LI._ BE U:'V::;T! I I After the changes have been made and CTRI....-END has been presspj, the screen asking for the faculty code number will appear agaIn. Press Enter to return tu the Faculty Menu. PAGE 2 ZFMENU2.DOC ===================-==========~================================================= DOCUMENTATION FOR THE FACULTY MENU =========================================================================== YOU WILL SEE YOU WILL DO ======================~=======================================c==========:= 1. Type 3 to delete a faculty's info~mation and p~ess Ente~. A sc~een will appear asking the user to ente~ the faculty code r-Iumber' and pn~s==.; EntE?~-. I f the faculty's info~mation exists, a screen will appear displaying the faculty's info~mation. If the user is sure he/she wants to delete the faculty's info~­ mation, type Y and press Enter. If the use~ decides not to delete the information, type N and p~ess Enter and the info~ma­ lion will not be deleted. If the use~ type Y, a screen will appear saying 'RECORD HAS BEEN DE:LETED' '::\Iie:! pr"e'=:'~; Dnd kE'y tu con t i nl.H:;~" If the user typed N, a screen will appear ~:3a \y' i n (J 'RECORD NOT DELETED' cHid pr-es<:3 Dny key to continue. Type 4 to look at the information on several faculty members at a time. Use the cursor keys to move from field to field and record to record. P~ess ESC to exit from this screen and ~etu~n to the Faculty Menu. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* F A C U L T Y I N FOR MAT ION :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1. ADD INFORMATION 2. CHANGE INFORMATION 3. REMOVE INFORMATION 4. REVIEW INFORMATION o. *-------------------------------- Command : <C: :>: ZFACULTY EXIT select 0 ----------------------------------* : Rec: 1; 1 Caps PLEASE ENTER FACULTY CODE NUMBER 52 Command : Rec: 1; 1 Caps LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: SOCIAL SECURITY NO.: FACULTY ceDE NUMBER: OFFICE NUMBER: 52 PHONE NUMBER: PRESS CTRl.-END AFTER ENTERING FACULTY INFORMATION APPEND :<C:>:ZFACULTY :Rec: EOF/l Caps