50 that made it one of the stronger houses on campus. According to Pat Lemieux: "People were diverse and stuck together, but the membership became cliquish and an element took over that was more concerned with partying than what was going on or the principles for which the fraternity stood. People asked, 'Why did I get kicked out? I didn't do anything.' That was the problem--apathy." (Lemieux 1996) During the 80's, the "Bones" mentality of those members who attended the Bones Banquet divided the chapter into two distinct groups, those who wanted to party most of the week, and those who wanted something better for the fraternity. The later group tried their best to keep the chapter in good standing with the university by increasing their G.P.A.s and organizing community service projects, but their actions were overshadowed by those of the "Bones" group. (Harris, R. 1996) Only a select group of members from the chapter could even get invited to the Banquet. In order to get invited, a member would have to write a letter to the "Bones Board" telling them of his outrageous exploits. The dinner banquet was held in the fraternity basement and a dance was held afterwards. Large trash barrels would be filled with mixtures of hard alcohol and fruit punch. Pledges then serve pitchers of the "hairy buff" to those attending. Many times the pledges would have to drink the pitcher at the request of an active. During one of the last Bones Banquets, the containers of Hairy Buff were spiked with LSD by one of the members. .. (Harris, C. 1996) 51 The final Bones Banquet brought the Indiana Gamma chapter a lot of unwanted press coverage. Television and newspaper reports compared Indiana Gamma to the movie "Animal House". The chapter was brought up on charges of hazing, alcohol violations, and other risk management infractions. One of the pledges that served alcohol was taken to the Ball Memorial hospital for alcohol poisoning. The chapter members knew they were in trouble this time, but they did not realize the severity of the penalties that would be placed on them. (Harris, C. 1996) The university was fed up with continued problems and liabilities that were caused by the Indiana Gamma chapter. Dean Don Mikesell called Sigma Phi Epsilon headquarters and the chapter's alumni board. Ball State demanded that they fix the problems of the chapter before the university had to get involved. (Mikesell 1996) The alumni and members from the national fraternity organized a review board to assess the problems. process lasted nearly a month. The review The first thing this board did was to suspend all of the chapter's executive officers. The entire chapter was then suspended and each member had to apply individually to reenter the chapter. The members had to fill out a written questionaire and be interviewed by the review board. (Van Treese 1996) The review board then made a decision on who they wanted to invite back to the chapter and who they wanted to leave suspended. Suspension meant that the members could not identify themselves as Sig Eps by wearing the fraternity letters or come 52 onto the chapter property until after they had graduated from Ball State University. The review board decided to ask back forty-eight members, eighteen of which decided that they would rather stay on suspension. (Kinney 1992; Van Treese 1992) Members who were suspended and living in the chapter house were evicted and given two days to move out. Some members began to vandalize the newly remodeled house, so the alumni board hired two off-duty police officers to patrol the house and prevent further vandalism and fights between members who were suspended and those who chose to stay. (Mowery 1992; Van Treese 1992) The suspended members did little to constructively protest their anger about the situation. A heated campus discussion took place on the editorial pages of the Ball State Daily News. Many of the letters from the suspended members accused the fraternity of turning its back on its membership, and according to Joel Hackleman, "[The house] still has the letters, but it is not Sigma Phi Epsilon." (Anderson 1992; Kinney 1992) In Keith Robert's letter to the editor, Keith addresses several of the university's charges against the chapter: " ... We have the alcohol abuse accusation. This one I cannot deny. Sadly, I saw it occurring all through the night. People spilling their booze left and right, what a waste. I agree that this sort of waste should be stopped immediately ... Finally, we have the infamous 'Animal Houselike behavior' accusation. I've seen 'Animal House' at least 10 times, and their cream puff toga party had nothing on us ... Of course, our nationals caught wind of all of this and basically said, 'Fat, drunk, and stupid is not the way to go through college.' Our only defense, 'we ain't fat.' ... [Quoting Neil Young] 'It's better to burn out then fade away.'" (Roberts 1992) 53 The campus reacted with a less than favorable opinion of the chapter's statements. In her letter, Jodie Jawor states: "I have been told that fraternity members are to be pillars of the student community. And let me tell you, I'm real impressed by a bunch of stumbling drunks who, as a group, let their GPA drop 3 percent ... You aren't getting a quarter of what you deserve." (Jawor 1992) The university felt that the alumni board and national fraternity had taken strong enough measures to cure the problems of the chapter. Ball State continued to recognize the chapter for a probationary period of two years. Any violation of university policy would bring immediate withdrawal of the fraternity from campus. The university stated that it expected the chapter to follow its three-year plan (See Appendix G) which included banning the chapter from having alcohol on the property, participating in intramural sports, and requiring every member to complete ten hours of community service each semester. (McConkey 1992) An alumni advisory council was established by the national fraternity to make sure the terms of the chapter's probation were met. This council had to approve all undergraduate officers elected. It was the national fraternity and the Indiana Gamma alumni support that eventually pulled the chapter through the entire ordeal. Rich Harris states: "The thing that really saved the house was the Sig Ep national officers who came in, and instead of giving lip service like some other fraternities, they were serious ... Given the chapter's past history, the fact that the chapter is here today and in good standing is nothing short of a miracle." (Harris, R. 1996) 54 Many alumni agree that even though it was a very rough period to go through, the house cleaning was probably one of the best things that could have happened to the chapter. With the renovation almost complete and the positive direction that the chapter was starting to head in revitalized the fraternal spirit of the alumni. (Harris, C. 1996; Lemieux 1996; Muckridge 1996; Scagnoli 1996; Van Treese 1996) Monetary support was donated to the chapter's newly formed Martin-Riverside Society. The Society has supported many of the chapters educational endeavors, such as the implementation of the Balanced Man Project, the renovation of the Clifford T. Loder Memorial Library, and undergraduate registration for the regional leadership academies. (Banta 1995; Park 1996) For the members remaining, the task of rebuilding the chapter membership and its reputation seemed insurmountable. Members tried to help finish the renovation of the chapter house, while dealing with vandalism from suspended members and members from other fraternities. Suspended members would also drive by the chapter house yelling fraternity secrets for everyone to hear. (Harris, C. 1996) The members pulled together and sacrificed their time to help the chapter get back on their feet. With the help of the alumni and nearby university chapters who came to the aid of Indiana Gamma, the chapter pledged twenty-five members during fall rush. Through their efforts, the chapter has once again become the largest fraternity on campus with over a hundred members. Indiana Gamma consistently ranks as one of the top 55 fraternities in academics, and has continued its philanthropic involvement in the Muncie community. Though the process of change was very difficult for the entire alumni and undergraduate chapter, the reputation of the Indiana Gamma was restored. (Harris, C. 1996; McQuinn 1996; Muckridge 1996) 56 THE BALANCED MAN PROJECT Since the fall of 1992, Indiana Gamma has followed a strict non-hazing pledgeship. To further the chapter's commitment to a positive membership development plan, the men of Indiana Gamma began discussion of the Balanced Man Project (BMP) during the 1993-94 school year. The program was developed by the Sigma Phi Epsilon national headquarters as a method to improve the overall quality of its chapters by improving each individual members. To implement the project, the chapter was briefed by officers from the national fraternity and 90% of a chapter vote had to be in favor of becoming a Balanced Man Project chapter. The BMP has strict guidelines set up by the national fraternity, however, each individual chapter can adapt the project to meet the needs and the local (non-hazing) traditions of the fraternity. Realizing that once a chapter voted to implement the BMP it could not change back, the undergraduate members of Indiana Gamma voted to carry out the program in the spring of 1995. (Tebo 1996) This program removes the familiar pledge-active relationship, and it encourages men of the chapter to stay involved by creating four challenge stages that last the member's entire college career. It is easy to see the benefits of this four-year development plan, yet understanding how the program works within the chapter is a difficult task. Project has four basic challenge stages: The Balanced Man the Sigma Challenge, Phi Challenge, Epsilon Challenge, and Brother Mentor Challenge. (Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Inc. 1994) 57 Each stage is set up to help the member to help the individual member through different periods of his college career. Every stage ends with a Rite of Passage ceremony. Many of the local ceremonies practiced by Indiana Gamma have been incorporated into the BMP. The Phi Rite of Passage takes the member through the very beginning of the Ritual, which they see in its entirety during the Epsilon Rite of Passage. The Brother Mentor Rite of Passage is a re-written version of an original ceremony practiced by the national fraternity founders. (Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Inc. 1994) During each stage, the members choose a mentor, set three goals, and develop an action plan to achieve the goals. mentor can be any member in the next stage. The At Indiana Gamma, a new member's Sigma mentor takes on the role of "Big Bro", and even though the member will have different mentors throughout his college years, the special relationship created with Big Bro tradition lasts. In the case of the Brother Mentor Challenge, an undergraduate will choose anyone outside of the chapter. This person, who can be an alumni, faculty, or community member, is usually in the career of the member's field of study. (Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Inc. 1994) A mentor helps his mente set and achieve his goals. places the mente's membership standing in his own control. This If he chooses not to fulfill his goals, he will be brought before the standards board and expelled from the fraternity. On the other hand, if the man makes great strides in his development, he may 58 move on to the next stage. (Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Inc. 1994) When a new member joins the chapter, he is considered an equal member from day one. This puts more pressure on the older members to rush each prospective member with an increased amount of scrutiny. The new member enters the Sigma Challenge and is given a Balanced Man pin. This is not a new version of a pledge pin, but a pin that every member has and wears. (Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Inc. 1994) The Sigma Challenge lasts from 4-6 weeks. During this time, the "Sigma" becomes acquainted with the men in the fraternity. He is taught the local and national history of the fraternity and introduced to the chapter's philanthropies. Even though it is not a pledge class, the Sigmas work together to complete the stage as a group. (Tebo 1996) The Phi Challenge lasts from 12 weeks to a year. During this stage, the "Phi" is introduced to the chapter's internal workings: executive board, committees, standards board, etc. The Phi learns about risk management policies and etiquette. Once this challenge is completed, the "Phi" participates in the full Ritual. badge. active. The Epsilon can now wear the heart-s~aped Ritual This would be the time that a pledge would be considered The difference is an "Epsilon" cannot slack off from his responsibilities to the fraternity, which happens so often with. a majority of the "active" members who work hard to get through pledgeship and quit participating. Inc 1994; Tebo 1996) (Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, 59 The Epsilon Challenge (lasting 12 weeks to a year) and Brother Mentor Challenge (lasting until the end of one's college career) focus less on fraternity involvement and more on community service and career development. As an Epsilon, a member is required to take an active role in another campus organization and he must design and implement a 30 hour community service project. A Brother Mentor's main goal is to finish his college studies and begin a career after he graduates. Brother Mentor's are instructed on how to write a resume and to prepare for a job interview. (Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Inc. 1994) The Brother Mentor may decide that he wants to declare his intent to become a Sigma Phi Epsilon Fellow. The Fellow stage is an optional challenge that a member may choose to undertake during his senior year of college. In order to meet the requirements for the Fellow Challenge, the member must have at least a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, served as a leader in at least one campus organization, and he has to submit his proposal for a community service project that must be at least 60 days in length (500 hours) and focus on the benefits of society. (Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Inc. 1994) Making the transition from a pledge-active system to the Balanced Man Project has not been a perfectly smooth process. The chapter has worked very hard to iron out the problems that members have with the program and to adapt the program to the strong traditions of the Indiana Gamma chapter. As many members will attest, the benefits of the program are already enhancing the chapter, even with the problems. The increased use of 60 ceremonies helps promote the feelings of brotherhood within the chapter, distinguishing it from the other fraternities on campus. 61 CONCLUSION While looking back at my four year experience as a member of the Indiana Gamma chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon, I am reminded of a quote that I came upon while studying for an exam in my social theory class: "Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly found, given, and transmitted from the past." -Karl Marx When I joined Indiana Gamma, I knew relatively little about the events that had nearly destroyed the chapter only a few months before my arrival. The fact that I actually joined a "fraternity" that only had twenty members who could not have alcohol, experienced frequent acts of violence and vandalism from other fraternities and suspended members, and under the constant scrutiny of the university surprises me to this day. My brother and I had grown up listening to my father and his friends talk about their days at. Sigma Phi Epsilon and how wonderful it was. The chapter that was before me during rush did not fit my perception of what my father had told me of fraternity life. As I was to find out, I was both absolutely right and wrong. The fact that my father was a Sig Ep had little to do with my decision to join the house. Before leaving for school my father, still upset with what occurred in the spring, said, "You should go through rush just to see what it is like, but I could care less if you join that place." Instead of feeling required 62 to join Sig Ep, I really wanted to join the chapter more than any other house, which made it special for both of us. I liked the idea that I could join this organization and have an immediate impact, but it was the strong brotherhood that was quite evident amongst these twenty men that really appealed to me. These twenty guys had to watch their best friends become suspended from the fraternity, yet they knew that it had to be done if this chapter was ever going to get back on track. They were committed to starting over and I wanted to help them out. Lucky for me, 25 other guys decided to join with me in that fall pledge class. Neither I nor my entire pledge class single-handedly saved this fraternity. We participated in the fraternity's activities, and we did more than what was asked, just like everyone else. I can recall many times when I would say to myself, "Why did you join this place so soon? If you just would have waited a semester or two everything would have been so much easier." Like Marx's quote states, the fraternity did not get to choose the circumstances in which we are given, the chapter just had to do the best it could with the resources that it had. Those resources included over 1300 hundred alumni who have always been supportive of the undergraduate chapter. They had given up their time very unselfishly so that this fraternity could thrive. times. Everyone pulled together and weathered the rough The chapter is now ranked at the top of fraternities in membership and academics. We are still trying to find that super athlete that will win the all sports trophy for us, but until 63 then, everyone is participating in sports for the fun and brotherhood that it fosters. It is easy to overlook the positive benefits of the fraternity because of the problems that it has experienced. all fraternities, and bad times. Like Indiana Gamma has gone through cycles of good It is the feelings of brotherhood that this chapter has given the nearly 1500 members (See Appendix J) has remained constant through the years. Many alumni have stated that their best friends have been fraternity brothers, even though they do not see or hear from them very often. The alumni will also agree that the fraternity has given them leadership and organizational skills that have been instrumental in their future successes. The commitment to this chapter has benefited greatly by the dedication and support of its alumni members. When I participated in my first Grand Chapter at Ball State in the spring of 1993, the diminished chapter attended in full strength, in spite of the fact that our charter was suspended and the terms of our strict probation prevented us from being a "social" fraternity. When it came time for role call, each organization let everyone know they were (or were not) there by making noise, Indiana Gamma stood up and shouted in protest, "Present, but not recognized!" I am happy to say that everyone on campus now knows that Sigma Phi Epsilon is present, contributing positively to the university environment, and plans to continue its return to the outstanding chapter it was in the past. Appendix A Pictures Members of Zeta Chi at the all campus leaf rake in the fall of 1948. Front Row (L-R) M. Mann, W. Hofmann, K. Mills, D. Mallas, D. Kendrick. Back Row (L-R) R. Powell, W. Mathews, J. Bishop, G. Wood, P. Miller. Photo provided by William Hofmann. The badges of Zeta Chi (as painted by Dale Kendrick) and Phi Delta Pi. (Ball State Teachers College 1952, pg 122) - -----.~ The menbers of Zeta Chi at the "Button and Bows" Dance held on January 14, 1949. Front Row (L-R) J. Boiles, D. Shondell, Dr. Park Wiseman-faculty advisor, Tom Chaulkus-honorary advisor, R. Moore, K. Miles, W. Hofmann, R. Powell, A. Schooler. Back Row (L-R) D. Kendrick, R. Barnhart, L. McCarty, M. Mann, G. Wood, J. Bishop, R. Broman, P. Geese, K. Michaels, M. Smith. Photo provided by William Hofmann • . it 1·--,,---, j ''" I ·.. ·• j~r .,.",0. ~ .... ~ I' ,.,. .., 111111111 ..."" ~ , .-- . - . i .. " North and South Hall. (Ball State Teachers College 1948, pg 17) ...= ..... - -- I .------.'.): - --' Gregory Day's lithograph of the Indiana Gamma Chapter House. Copy provided by Dan Van Treese. The original house at 526 Martin Street. ("Phi Delt Heart Beat" 1952, pg 1) The pledge hat was one of the first things new members were given after Pinning Night. (Ball State Teachers College 1957, pg 223) Photo of Pinning Serenade. (Ball State Teachers College 1956, pg 198) The Zollinger House: by Brent Carroll. Sigma Phi Epsilon national headquarters located in Richmond, Virginia. Photo provided .,,- ..•. '>- . . Dr. James A. Albertson. (Specht 1969, pg 27) ., President Emens breaks the ground for the new addition to the Indiana Gammi house. (Ball State Teachers College 1963, pg 296) One of many first place Homecoming floats. (Ball State Teachers College 1963, pg 29) This picture of the Spring pledge class of 1966 with the active chapter is one of the more interesting picture-, because it shows David LE'tterman Clower right hand corner) as a Sig Ep pledge at Indiana Gamma. He depledged two weeks into pledgeship and joined Sigma Chi. Photo provided by Phil Sizelove. The Sigma Phi Epsilon pledge pin Cleft) and the Balanced Man Project pin (right). Provided by Brian Hancock. Sigma Phi Epsilon wins the Magnabosco traveling trophy for best overall participation in the 1968 Bike-a-thon. (Ball State University 1968, pg 189) Selling tickets to the Sig Ep Carnival. (Ball State Teachers College 1962, pg 44) With Betty Woods smiling in the background, Mom Kinder hugs Steve Reed after winning Bike-a-thon. Ph-oto provided by Lewis Gi llespie. Ty Kozuma (left) and Gary Green (right) interrupt the Ball StateAkron football game by having Miss Nude Universe run out onto the field wearing a Sigma Phi Epsilon t-shirt. (Indiana Gamma Alumni Board Jan.-Mar. 1973, pg 4) )ave Magner takes a victory lap after winning a :hariot race. (Ball State University 1970, pg 58) 1991 Bike-a-thon team. Front Row (L-R) P. Lemieux, Chris Bell-Sweetheart. Back Row (L-R) B. Carroll, w. Sanford, D. Tudor, D. Alexander, D. Halbig, T. Rodak. Photo provided by Brent Carroll. 1~88 Images of the "Skull 'N' Bones" to decorate the house before each Bones Banquet. Photos provided by Brent Carroll. After members were evicted from the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity house for their actions during the spring of 1992, members placed a sign in the front lawn to ask for a place to live and to protest their suspensions. (Ball State University 1992, pg 346) Picture~ ~f the House Fully Renovated. (Indiana Gamma Alumni Board Spring 1992, pg 2-3) Foyer Pool Room Restrooms Main Entrance Mary Hunt Lounge TV Area Alumni and undergraduates attendi ng the Homecomi ng and Re-dedi cati on ceremoni es on October 10, 1992. (L-R) D. Magnl~r, G. Schenkel, J. Banta, L. Gillespie, C. Gullion, B. Gillespie, S. Midkiff, F. Hancock, J. Browl~r, T. Quick, S. Newlund, S. Roe, G. West, J. Woodworth, K. Light, D. Walling, B. Carroll, J. McCarthy, J. Skelton, S. McCarthy, T. Lower, D. Van Treese, 8.5~c;~, A. Smith. (Indiana Gamma Alumni Board Winter 1992-93, pg 1) Kent "Oz" Nelson recei ves the Si gma Phi Eps i lon Ci tati on, an award gi ven to a brother who has excelled in his chosen career, at the 1995 Sigma Phi Epsilon National Conclave. CL-R) ]. Skelton, K. Nelson, D. Van Treese. Photo provided by John Skelton. Dan Van Treese presents a memorial plaque to Carol ar::: T.C. Loder (Right) in the Clifford T. Loder Memorial Library (Left). The dedication ceremony was held on March 16, 1996. Photos provided by Blian Hancock. A painting and plaque memorialize the Mom Kinder Sui te (Left). The ChaJ:ter of the Indiana Ganuna Chapter (Right). Photos provided by Brian Hancock. The "Old Farts Club" semi-annual reunion at the Carmel American legion on April 25, 1992. Those attending and pictured in no particular order included: J. Badger, J. Suiter, O. Lucas. O. Bookout, G. Sweet, O. OeCraene, M. Kerestury, Oon Park, I. Stumier, W. Lantz, O. V,ln Treese, S. Rathka, T. Jackson, 1. Kunze, P. Mendenhall, O. Lambert, R. Hinkle, R. Sprague, G. Botts, D. Beer, D. GorsJch, l. Yazel, P. Shelby, D. Wolfe, C. Covell, G. Connors, B. Whitlock, R. Hutson, LBriggs, J. Brand, T. Schurr, A. Th(~pson, J. Turner, N. Jones, K. Bennett, T. Baumgartner, J. Jenkins, M. Pozdol, J. Jennings, K. Nelson, J. Horein, D. Koon, F. Hamilton. R. Prescott, S. Roth, K. Payne, C. Stahly, R. Scoggins, F. Bienas, R. Cook, T. Shoppell, L Conley, P. Schall, R. Melton, D. Clark, D. Marsh, R. Eichenauer, M. lawrence, G. Weiss, J. Wiseman, H. Toleman, N. Jones, M. Keppler, T. Fulhart, J. Dupont, R. Beehler, C. Strecker, D. Oertel, J. Brunso, S. Nash, R. Prescott, C. Arch, L. Barkdull, K. Dubie, O. Coddens, S. Shoemaker, T. Burleson, R. Mauck, G. Farquhar, C. Crowder, J. Hendrix, C. Uesseler, T. Barnhart, ]. Armington, l. Pinkerton, T. Teightmeyer, K. Payne, M. Constantinou. Dave Park, C. Helfley, D. Haines. and L. GillespiE •. Other guests included: O. Magner, B. Carroll. P. Lemieux, P. Costin, L. Weinerman, L Skelton, C. Muckridge, and Oon Mikesell the only non-Sig Ep to be a member of the "Old Farts Club". Photo by Dave Magner. (Indiana Gamma Alumni Board Winter 1992-1993, pg 6) 1995 Sigma Phi Epsilon National Conclave at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Clockwise from top left: M. Sullivan, M. Mouse, M. McGraw, B. Hancock, C. Hightowl G. Smith. Photo provided by Brian Hancock Appendix B The Charter of Indiana Gamma Sigma Phi Epsilon Be it known that the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity founded at Richmond College in the City of Richmond, County of Henrico and State of Virginia in the year A.D. Nineteen hundred and one, Chartered under the Laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the year A.D. Nineteen hundred and two, has granted this Charter to Indiana Gamma Chapter located at Ball State Teachers College in the city of Muncie, County of Delaware and the State of Indiana to the following who are to be known as Charter members Donald Clement Brinks Norman Patrick Haverkos Wallace Wayne Sacks Donald Burton McClurg Robert Paul stotts Marvin Daniel Pozdol Max Eugene Lynch Ralph Van Harrell, Jr. Charles Eugene Swain Lyman Ray Randall Robert Stanley Nash Howard Edwin Liggett Dewey Eugene Hall Robert Popovich Gary Lou Weesner Danald Dean Pauley Kenneth Charles Eckert William Zearl Lantz, Jr. Engelbert William Herman Richard Eugene Prescott Roy Clarence Tribbett William Fredrick Mathys Wallace Dean Wolfe Chester Raymond Kubit Edwyn Earnest Zimmerman Charles Edward Hassell William Richard Wile Elden Ned Yaney Richard Bowen Jay Wood Overmyer Clarence Wesley Gullion Mickey Joe Mathias Ned Brown MacPhail Robert Lee Watson Clark Gordon Osterhoff Weldon LaVern witters Whereas these Brothers having been duly and truly initiated into the mysteries of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, they are hereby empowered and authorized by the Grand Chapter by virtue of this CHARTER to conduct the work of the Fraternity according to the Ri tual Constitution and Laws and they and all others who may hereafter become members of Indiana Gamma Chapter shall henceforth exercise this privilege and shall be honored and greeted as Brothers by all Brothers in Sigma Phi Epsilon and it shall be their right to enjoy all the Benefits, Honors and Privileges which are the heritage of this Fraternity, so long as they shall guard and uphold the precepts held sacred by this Brotherhood, keep inviolate their sacred, solemn and binding oath of obligation and abide steadfastly by the Constitution and Laws of The Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. Given under our hands and the seal of the Fraternity this the twenty-first day of February in the year A.D. 1953. Frank H. Hamock (signed), Grand President William W. Hindman (signed), Jr., Grand Secretary Edwin Buchanan (signed), Grand Treasurer Appendix C Charter Members of Zeta Chi Jim Bishop Ralph Broman William Hofmann Ronald Huntszinger Dale Kendrick Maurice Mann William Mathews Kenneth Michael Kenneth Mile Phil Miller Dan Mallas Richard Moore Richard Powell Donald Shondell George Wood Appendix D Charter Members of Phi Delta Pi John Bailes Ralph Broman Paul Gesse Virgil Hawn Dale Kendrick Dan Mallas Louis McCarty Kenneth Miles Phillip Miller Richard Miller Richard Moore Roger Neimeyer Richard Powell Irwin Pratt Robert Schooler William Schooler Robert Showalter Donald Shondell Max Smith George Wood Appendix E Members Petitioning into Sigma Phi Epsilon Paul Arnold Thomas Barnhart Richard Bowen Donald Brink Kenneth Eckert Ralph Garrell Clancy Gullion Dewey Hall Chuck Hassel Norman Haverkos Bert Herman Chet Kubit William Lantz Howard Liggett Max Lynch Joseph Mathias William Mathys Donald McClurg Ned McPhail Ronald Menges Stan Nash Fred Nauenstein Gordon Osterhoff Jay Overmeyer Donald Pauley Robert Popovich Marvin Pozdol Richard Prescott Lyman Randall Wallace Sacks James Shorey Robert Stotts Gene Swain Roy Tribbett Robert Watson Gary Weesner William Wile Dean Wolfe Ned Yaney Elwyn Zimmerman AppendixF Program for the Sigma Phi Epsilon Installtion Activities Febuary 20-22, 1953 Installation Officer ........••... J. Russell Pratt, Grand Historian Assistant Installation Officer ..... Charles F. Stewart, Grand Guard Assistant Installation Officer .... M. Matt. McBride, Field Secretary !J~o/ INSTALLATION TEAMS INDIANA ALPHA INDIANA BETA Dave Paker !J~q~e~ John Adams Dale Bartizal Charles Kelly George Radich Don Gardner John Smiley Tom Lunsford Bob Carlton Dick Mory Jim Warren Jack Liebenthal Albert Berglund Don Fishel Len Niepokoj Dick Carabine g~pIuC~ q.~ BALL STATE COLLEGE CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESENT Dean Wolfe ........• Lyman Randall ...... Don McClurg ......•. Don Brink •.....•... Gene Swain .....•.... Charles Hassel ..••.•. ELECT President •.•...•.••..• Vice·President ......... Comptroller •. .••••.••• Historian ..••..••.•••• Secretary •.••...•••••• Cuard ..•..•.••••.••.• Marshall ............. Marshall ............. Gordon Osterhoff .... Pledgemaster ...•....•• Bill Wile ............ Ass't Pledgemaster ...•. Chaplain ....•••..•••• Bob Stotts •.....•.... I.F.C. Representative ... Gene Swain Stan Nash Dick Prescott Hoy Tribbett Gordon Osterhoff Clarence Gullion Howard Liggett Ned Yaney Bill Jay Bill Bill Wile Overmyer Mathys Wile February 20-22, 1953 INSTALLATION PROGRAM Friday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Feb. 20, 1953 8 :00 p.m ..... Informal Chapter Meeting Chapter House Feb. 21, 1953 8 :30 a.III. . 12:00 p.m. ••.•.• Initiations 1 :00 p.m.· 2 :30 p.m. Arts Building Feb. 21, 1953 11 :00 a.m. . 1 :00 p.m. ...••. Luncheon Chapter House Feb. 21, ] 95:~ 6 ::iO p.m. ......... Installation Banquet L. A. Pittenger Student Center Ballroom Feb. 21, 1953 9:00 p.m ............. Installation Ball L. A. Pittenger Student Center Ballroom Sunday, Feb. 22, 1953 lO :00 a.lIl. ..... ChapLer House Sunday, Feb. 22, 1953 2:00 p.m .. 4:00 p.m., Campus Reception Chapter House Formal Chapter Meeting HONORED GUESTS Dr. John H. Emens, President 0/ the College Dr. Oliver C. Bumb, Administrative Assistant to the President Dr. Richard Burkhardt, Dean 0/ the College Dr. Howard Johnshoy, Dean 0/ Student Affairs Mr. Kenneth M. Collier, Director of Men's Activities Miss Martha Wickham, Director 0/ Women's Activities Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Sigma Alpha Alpha Sigma Tau Chi Omega Delta Sigma Epsilon Delta Zeta Pi Beta Phi Pi Kappa Sigma Pi Zeta Sigma Sigma Sigma Phi Sigma Epsilon Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Tau Gamma Kappa Sigma Kappa Kappa Alpha Psi Theta Chi CHAPTER SPONSORS Dr. Royal Morsey Dr. Arnim Hummel Dr. Richard Caldemeyer Mr. Donald Lawrence INSTALLATION BANQUET OF INDIANA GAMMA CHAPTER 6:00 p.m. L. A. PJTTENGER STUDENT CENTER BALLROOM Invocation •.•...•••••..••.•.. Dr. Arnim Hummel, Chapter Sponsor Welcome .•.••.............•.. Mr. Dean Wolfe, Toastmaster College Administration Representatives .•........... Dr. Oliver C. Bumb, Administrative Assistant to the President Mr. Kenneth M. Collier, Director 0/ Men's Activities 1Vliss Martha Wickham, Director of Women's Activities Dr. Richard H. Cal demeyer, Spokesman for Chapter Sponsors Indiana Alpha Representative ... Mr. David Parker, President Indimw Alpha Chapter Mr. Dale Bartizal, President Indiana Beta Representative .... Indiana Beta Chapter Central Office Representative .. , Mr. M. Matt. McBride, Field Secretary Grand Chapter Officer .......•. Mr. Charles F. Stewart, Grand Guard District Ten Representative ..... Mr. Walter M. Edwards, District Governor Charter Presentation .....•.... Mr. J. Russell Pratt, Grand Historian Mr. Dean Wolfe, Toastmaster Adjourn ..........••..•..•..• BANQUET MENU Swiss Steak Scalloped Potatoes Whole Kernal Corn Tossed Salad Cloverleaf Rolls and Butter Coffee - Tea - Milk lee Cream Appendix G The New Indiana Gamma Three Year Plan \)V \ THE NEW INDIANA GAMMA TBREE-YEAR PLAN March 16. 1992 - Mav 1. 1992: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Suspension of charter. Appointment of new executive and alumni corporation officers. Alumni advisory council (membership review) with suspension, expulsion and eviction of problem members. Suspension of all social activities Sunday through Thursday nights and no alcohol present on Fraternity property or events where alcohol is present through May, 1993. Insurance surcharge of $700. One-and-a-half day drug and alcohol seminar by Prevention Research Institute of Lexington, Kentucky. Chapter and alumni retreat. Creation of alumni mentor program. Seminar on sexual harassment and hazing. Formation of a community evaluation board including administration, sorority advisors, and other community members with two meetings prior to summer break. Scholarship Screen Program. Monthly staff visit. Elimination of Skull & Bones traditions including the skull in the front of the house. No bike-a-thon 1992. Recruitment standards in writing to the alumni, university, and national Fraternity. May 1. 1992 - December 20. 1992: • Sigma Phi Epsilon Focus Chapter-two alumni and two undergraduates brought to Headquarters for a summer development program. • Creation of a positive non-alcohol centered activities program. • Strict recruitment standards submitted in writing to alumni, university, and Headquarters. • Ten hours hands-on community service per member and pledge per semester. • Etiquette and male/female relationships seminars with Nonnie Cameron from Dallas, Texas. • Semestedy retreats for goal setting and leadership development. • Resident scholar and housemother living in the chapter house. • Monthly evaluation of progress with the community board. • Written and distributed member development program for pledges and members. • Academic standards implemented and enforced. • Monthly staff visit. January 1. 1992 - May 1. 1992: • • • • • • Drug and alcohol seminar with Prevention Research Institute. New officers approved by alumni corporation, and retreat with Headquarters staff. Fifteen members in attendance at the Regional Leadership Academy sponsored by Headquarters. Alumni corporation retreat. Major review by the community board and implementation of recommendations. Monthly staff visit. May 1. 1993 - May 1. 1994: • Create an outline for the termination of the alumni advisory council and the implementation of any action recommended by the alumni and community. Appendix H List of Chapter Presidents Zeta Chi 48-49 Maurice Mann 87-88 88-89 Samuel Bachman Dennis Szorcsik Phi Delta Pi 49-50 Richard Moore 50-51 George Wood 51-52 Herman Shirar 89-90 Sigma Phi Epsilon 52-53 Dean Wolfe 53-54 Charles Swain 54-55 Dave Hinkley 55-56 Dave Haines 56-57 David Bryan 57-58 David Bryan 58-59 Dave Beer 59-60 Mic:<: Kepplar! Jac:<: Badger Sum. 60 Don Park 60-61 John Calhoun 61-62 Jim Bradley 62-63 Joseph Scagnoli 63-64 Phil Burgan! Fredrick Cooper 64-65 Donald Fields 65-66 Fred Cooper 66-67 John Yount! Thomas Engle 67-68 John Yount 68-69 Tom Engle 69-70 Gre<:I Schenkel 70-71 Ted Quick 71-72 Tim Clark!Larry Klein 72-73 Donn Walling! Lar::y Cardwell 73-74 Scott Newlund 74-75 Douglas Lange 75-76 Pat Costin 76-77 Wil Florin 77-78 Thomas Avila 78-79 Allan Wright 79-80 Steve Haas 80-81 Scott Lockhart 81-82 Richard Cochran 82-83 Richard Ballengee! Mark Keisler 83-84 Mark Keisler 84-85 Gregory Wood 85-86 Bria.n King 86-87 Jef:::rey Klee 92-93 93-94 Dennis Szorcsik! Thomas Michael John McClure Pat Lemieux! Brent Carroll Chuck Harris Todd Scoggins! John Weidler Mike Sullivan Greg Smith 90-91 91-92 94-95 95-96 IFC Presidents 68-69 Stephen Hammer 95-96 Kirk Tebo Appendix I List of Indiana Gamma Chapter's Awards and Honors *Note: This is an incomplete list which has been compiled from these various sources: The Orient, Ball State Daily News, personal interviews, and chapter records. All championship teams are the Steins unless noted otherwise. 1949-50 -Volleyball Champions 1950-51 -1st Place Spring Sing -Tennis Champions -Volleyball Champions 1951-52 -All Sports Champions -1st Place Spring Sing -Tennis Champions -Volleyball Champions 1952-53 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float -Bowling All Fraternity Champions -Swim Heet Champions -Volleyball Champions 1953-54 -Football All Fraternity Champions -Soccel~ Champions -Swim Meet Champions -Volleyball All Fraternity Champions 1954-55 -Basketball All School/All Fraternity Champions -Football Champions -Soccer Champions -Volleyball Champions 1955-56 -Basketball Champions -Flag Football Blue League Champions (Sig Ep Mugs) 1956-57 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float -Splashket Ball Champions -Swim Meet Champions ---·-ErFC-- 1957-58 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float -Basketball All School/All Fraternity Champions -Football All School/All Fraternity Champions -Swim Meet Champions -Tennis All School/All Fraternity Champions -Volleyball All School/All Fraternity Champions 1958-59 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float-"Fiesta" -Bowling All School Champions -Swim Meet Champions -Track Champions -Volleyball All Fraternity Champions 1959-60 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float-"Political Rally" -Bike-a-thon Champions -Basketball All School/All Fraternity Champions -Volleyball All Fraternity Champions 1960-61 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float -Bike-a-thon Champions -Basketball All Fraternity Champions 1961-62 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float-"Spirit of '76" -1st Place Spring Sing-"Sitting on the Corner Watching All the Girls Go By" -1st Place Var'iety Show with Sigma Delta (Sigma Chi), Sigma Kappa, and Sigma Sigma Sigma-"Music of Love" -Basketball All School/All Fraternity Champions -Football Champions -Golf All School/All Fraternity Champions -Splashket Ball Champions -Volleyball All School/All Fraternity Champions 1962-63 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float-chariot -Pi Beta Phi Dance Best Dressed Fraternity Pledge Class-"Hitch Hiking Hillbillies" -Track Champions -Volleyball All Fraternity Champions 1963-64 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float -Golf Champions 1964-65 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float-"Cop a Victory" -Excelsior Cup for Most Outstanding Chapter received at Conclave -Soccer All School/All Fraternity Champions 1965-66 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float -1st Place Spring Sing-Medley of Patriotic Songs and "The Eagle" -Bowling Champions -Football All School/All Fraternity Champions -Golf All School Champions -Soccer All School/All Fraternity Champions 1966-67 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float-"Stage a Victory" -All Sports Champions -Magnabosco Traveling Trophy for Best Overall Participation in Bike-a-Thon -Basketball All Fraternity Champions -Football All Fraternity Champions -Softball Champions -Wrestling Champions 1967-68 -All Sports Champions -Magnabosco Traveling Trophy -1st Place Uniforms for Bike-a-Thon -Basketball All Fraternity Champions -Cross Country All School/All Fraternity Champions -Football All Fraternity Champions -Golf All Fraternity Champions -Soccer All School/All Fraternity Champions -Softball Champions 1968-69 -All Sports Champions -1st Place Spring Sing with Alpha Chi Omega -Magnabosco Traveling Trophy -Basketball Champions -1st Place Chariot Race with Alpha Omericron Pi -Cross Country Champions -Football All School/All Fraternity Champions -Golf All School/All Fraternity Champions -Wrestling Champions 1969-70 -All Sports Champions -Bike-a-thon Champions -Magnabosco Traveling Trophy -1st Place Uniforms for Bike-a-Thon -1st Place Phi Sig Chariot Race -Cross Country All School Champions -Football All School/All Fraternity Champions -Softball Champions 1970-71 -All Sports Champions -Magnabosco Traveling Trophy -1st Place Uniforms for Bike-a-Thon -1st Place Phi Sig Drag Race won by Pledge Class -1st Place Sigma Alpha Epsilon Chariot Race -Basketball All Fraternity Champions -Cross Country All School/All Fraternity Champions -Football All School/All Fraternity Champions -Golf Champions -Softball All Fraternity -Track All School Champions 1971-72 -All Sports Champions -1st Place Theta Xi Variety Show with Chi Omega, Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi Beta Phi, and Sigma Sigma Sigma -Magnabosco Traveling Trophy -Basketball All School/All Fraternity Champions -Cross Country All Fraternity Champions -Golf All Fraternity Champions -Gymnastics Champions -Track All Fraternity Champions -Wrestling All School/All Fraternity Champions 1972-73 -All Sports Champions -Cross Country Champions -Football All School/All Fraternity Champions -Gymnastics All School/All Fraternity Champions -Softball Champions -Splashket Ball Champions -Track All School/All Fraternity Champions -Wrestling Champions 1973-74 -All Sports Champions (9 time in the past 10 years) -Bike-a-Thon Champions -Football All Fraternity Champions -Softball All Fraternity Champions -Splashket Ball All School Champions -Swimming All School Champions -Volleyball All School/All Fraternity Champions -Award for Largest Pledge Class 1973-1974 1974-75 -Bike-a-thon Champions -1st Place Fraternity Division in Theta Xi Tug-o-War -Cross Country All Fraternity Champions -Soccer All Fraternity Champions -Softball Champions -Volleyball All Fraternity Champions 1975-76 -Cross Country Champions -Golf Champions 1976-77 -All Sports Champions (11 times in the past 13 years) -Magnabosco Traveling Trophy -Cross Country Champions -Softball Champions -Volleyball All Fraternity Champions 1978-79 -All Sports Champions -Bike-a-thon Champions -Manpower Award from National Headquarters -Volleyball Champions -Wrestling All School Champions 1979-80 -1st Place Delta Tau Delta/Alpha Chi Omega Watermelon Bust Fraternity Division Champions -Wrestling All School Champions 1981-82 -Excelsior Cup for outstanding Rush Performance -Football Champions 1982-83 -Excelsior Cup for outstanding Rush Performance 1984-85 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Bed Race 1988-89 -Flag Football Tourney Champions 1989-90 -Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Manpower Excellence Award 1991-92 -Excelsior Cup for Manpower at Carlson Leadership Academy, Ft. Wayne, IN. 1992-93 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float-"Celebrating 40 Years at Ball state University" 1993-94 -1st Place BSU Homecoming Float and Banner -Excelsior Cup for Recruitment/Health & Well Being and the Harry D. Krutz Membership Recruitment Award at Carlson Leadership Academy, Cincinnati, OH. -Delta Zeta Turtle Tides Overall Winner -1st Place Greek Week Variety Show (Group Instrumental) 1994-95 -1st Place BSUHomecoming Float-"Play Hard-Tackle Your Future" -Bike-a-thon Fraternity Champions -Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Manpower Excellence Award -IFC Scholarship Award-Greatest Improvement in GPA -BSU Greek Week Overall Team Winner -1st Place Greek Week Variety Show (Group Instrumental) 1995-96 -Sigma Phi Epsilon Dean's List -1st Place Greek Week Variety Show (Group Instrumental) Appendix J List of Members by Chapter Role Number This is the list of every initiated brother of the Indiana Gamma Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon. are due to record keeping errors. by Numbers which are left blank Members whose name is followed indicates that he is a Sig Ep who has transferred to Ball State Uni versi ty from another Indiana Gamma chapter. college and affiliated with the The schools from which they affiliated from are: (%)-Iowa Beta, Iowa State University (!)-Indiana Eta, Inidiana Institute of Technology (@)-Inidana Epsilon, University of Evansville (#)-Inidiana Iota, Vincennes University ($)-Indiana Kappa, Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Brink, Donald C. H8\IeI1(os, Norman P. 55 56 Sacks, Walace W. McClurg, Donald B. Stotts, Robert P. Pazdol, Marvin D. Lynch, Max E. HareII, Ralph V. Swain, Char1es E. Randall, Lyman K. Nash, Robert S. Liggett, Howard E. Hall, Dewey E. Popovich, Robert Weesner, Gil)' L. Pauley, Donald D. Eckert, Kenneth C. Lantz, Willian Z. Herman, Engelbert W. Prescott, Richard E. Trilbett, RoyC. Mathys, WiRiIlll F. Wolfe, Wallace D. Kubit, Chester R. Zimmerman, Elwyn E. Hassel, Charles E. Wde, William R. Yaney, E. Ned Bowen, Richard Overmyer, Jay W. Gullion, Cla-ence W. Mathias, Mickey J. MacPhail, Ned B. Watson, Robert L Osterhoff, Clari< G. Witters, Weldon L Barnhart, Tomkins E. Chapin, Donald B. Bloomfield, Leonard E. Brunso, John P. Buczkowski, Leonard E. Brumbaugh, Dennis W. Corney, John B. Carson, Robert D. Cruzan, Donald E. Silverburg, Herbert A. Grove, .lmmie K. tfratt, James L Hinckley, David P. Harris, Dale E. Hughes, Larry R. Kamafel, Raymond W. Lasiter, Car1 W. Gibson, Jack D. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Lindberg, Ear1 F. Mavis, Donald W. Pari<, David G. Hitchcock, Larry E. Richardson, Jack K. Mullins, Conrad J. Boss, Beryl E. Speicher, Daniel E. Bivens, Donald R. Haines, David F. Mauck, Randal L. Cook, Ralph R. 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Dickerson, Myron W. Miles, Kenneth W. Weisse, Paul H. Schneider, William G. Rux, Thomas W. Strohl, William L. Vanzo, James M. Hauenstein, Frederick B. Schmeltz, Jack D. Niemeyer, RogerC. Smith, Dean O. Pendleton, James G. Eller, Jack E. Cline, Roger M. Robertson, Charfes W. Hefley, Charfes W. Phillips, .lmmie L Landfair, Stanley D. Weiss, Gary A. Armington, James H. Bennett, Keith L Watkins, Richard C. Speer, David R. Dellinger, Richard E. 92 Bond, WiIiam L 93 Hiett, Frank E. 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Layton, Max M. Conrad, Larry A. Whiflock, John J. Fisher, Jack M. Zirkle, WilHam D. Spitz, George E. Shondell, Donald E. Showalter, Robert G. Rapp, John K. Jennings, Gerald L Hendrix, Joe L Pearson, Merecith G. Stumler, Irvin R. Williams, WaiterO. 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 Lad(!, Leland L Foster, Verle E. Camren, Alan K. Biddle, John E. Knox, Donald W. Ecker, Edwin D. Kessler, Louis A. Toth, Michael G. Mattingly, Robert L Roney, Marvin G. Dupont, James M. Roland, Russell D. White, Charles E. Menges, Ronald L Rydzinski, Paul B. Bach, Ralph V. McManama, Jerre L Crowder, Wsren A. Edwa'ds, James L Dickover, Richard D. Smith, Thomas L Witters, Randall L. Schurr, Kenton T. Nossett, Stanley F. Hamilton, Frederick M. Buczkowski, Casimer A. Jones, Nont18I1I N. Bums, Edmund C. Fox, Glenn W. Farquhar, Gordon M. Hess, Stanley I. Faust, Richard A. Beehler, Roger L Suiter, James Arnold Norton, Clyde M. Bryan, David L. Murphy, James G. Broadwater, Terre R. 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 In 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 1956 195 196 197 198 199 200 Sweet, Roy G. 201 Wiseman, Jeny F. 202 203 Tribbett, Paul E. Fletcher, James L Folta, Bernarr P. Kelly, Willard B. Bankson, Jeny L Coddens, Donald L Gross, John L. Bookout, Dart L Biggs, Donald A. Barkdull, Leslie W. Worthman, Richard M. Slavin, Charles N. Fratus, Ervin S. Padgett, BiRy M. Zimmeriee, Joseph R. McClure, John D. Teders, Philip J. McClintock, Lestie H. Esteile, L!IT)' L Shoppell, Thomas L Coons, John L Owen, Charles B. Gerber, Dean F. Gorsuch, Deen R. Uesseler, Carl E. Brisco, Raymond T. Dubie, Kenneth M. Beer, David E. Wortham, Robert C. Jenkins, John D. Himelick, Byron L. Clark, Donald R. Botts, Bary L. Loucks, Dennis H. Yazel, L!IT)' B. Smuts, Lynn S. Yockey, Leland K. Eichenauer, Roger A. Stahly, Clark G. Wilson, William L Horein, James R. Williams, Donald E. Ecker, Louis G. Pinkerton, Lsry L Gordon, John C. Reeve, John R. MiUer, Jakie B. Surowiec, Richard T. Nusbaum, RichIrd A. Constantinou, Michael Shelby, Philip H. Cherty, Charles E. Walkins, Elmer L Reed, Robert G 1957 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 FuHhart, Ted L MiDer, Gary L Arch, Charles E. Spraque, Robert W. Wolfe, Leland S. .r. Skelton, David R. Koon, Duane Wood, Melvin J Savini, LaMs Holmes, Norman C. Hinkle, Ronald R. 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 Roth, Sian F. Schneider, Cyril R. Johnson, Thomas N. Dotson, Hugh D. Godfray, Donovan E. Seip, David J. Marsh, David A. Keppler, Michael F. McFa1and, Jack S. Ray, Ralph D. s. Snyder, Paul E. Wood, Tomas A Hodges, Jerry L Roberts, Donald E. Turner, Janes A Spaeth, John W. Covell, Leonard H. Brunso, James A Hughes, Ca1es P. Baumga1ner, Thomas L. Gilbert, Lyle D. Hilgendorl, Thomas D. Oertel, David A Grossman, Robert E. Shoemaker, S8IIluei P. Ba-e, Richard W. Connas, Ga-y H. Brand, James L. Briggs, John B. Noller, James E. Judkins, David C. Lehman, Gerald J. Augsburger, Jerry D. Cress, Ronald J. Erickson, Ronald G. Burleson, Travis L. Haman, Arthur L Rieth, John W. Nelson, Kent C. 1958 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 Waters, Robert o. Hutson, Richard W. Calhoun, John M. Badger, Jack G. Grose, Jon W. Bragg, Charles F. Payne, Kenneth L Phillabaum, Paul E. Hopper, Raymond W. Stralkowski, David S. Taylor, George M. Thornburg, Thomas R. Brunbaugh, Neil A Shank, Fredrick D. 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 2n 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 McGee, WiIam M. Caster1ine, Roger D. Eltzroth, Larry J. Park, Don L. McKeel, Jon S. Lawrence, Michael L. OtoIski, Richard J. Hachet. Ronald A. Bishop, Michael J. O'Connor, Donald K. Hamilton, Ronald A Bartlett. Janes L. Graper, Emert H. Godby, Neal A Ebersold, Robert A Jenks, Ronald L. Dale, Ronald E. Lucas, David G. Smith, Thomas W. Molebash, Kirk L. Thatcher, James E. Toimen, Harry D. Conkright, John D. Kiefer, Larry D. Gazdick, James S. Weiss, Ronald W. GllTinger, Cha1es R. Brown, Tommy L Orbaugh, Jeffrey A Pogue, Ea1 G. Wagner, Paul F. s. 1959 Betterton, Harry O. Melton, Richard L. Cronin, Michael T. Bing8lllan, John W. Newell, Ted F. Newell, George P. Hoffinan, Philip E. GoIfiher, Jon D. H8IIlmerman, WiIIan M Scoggins, Richard C. Henman, David C. Payton, Elbert F. Hibschman, Richad D. Sacchini, Michael J. C8IIlpba/l, Richard H. Whitlock, Robert C. Scott, Tany M. Kennedy, John G. Ganshorn, Jerry L McQuiliian, David A Shirley, Willian E. Rogers, Ronald M. 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 Mendenhall, PIiIip E. Roesener, Ch~es F. Strecker, Cha1es G. Drake, Wlllisn E. Wilkison, HOWEI'd A. Lsnbert, Donald A. Murphey, George L Garr, Anthony E. Welter, Edward P. Stahly, Dean W. Hyman, Jack J. Bryan, Berton H. Doba, Wdfisn A. Wiseman, Janes S. Zielinski, Janes R. Janeson, Jerry W. Deegan, Janes R. 1960 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 3n 373 Payne, lawrence T. Neat, Thomas l. Austin, Barrett E. Seager, Jerry D. Schall, Phillip l. Davis, Cha1es R. Darby, Larry F. Crousore, Paul E. Schiebel, Michael N. Brown, Willian E. Thompson, Ennis G. Beer, Norman W. Beery, Michael E. Beasley, Ronald l. Gast, Paul C. Kerestury, Michael C. Ingle, Robert l. Weliever, John R. Bashia, Ronald K. Bye, Melvin C. Enmons, Cha1es J. DeCraene, Richard P. Brackins, Harold L Scegnoti, Joseph R. DeVault, Michael R. Long, David W. Henry, Myron S. Feeney, Michael B. Hoskins, Ronald F. Grahsn, Thomas Robert Ruddick, Robert E. Sl John, laTy A. McCune, Robert P. Rassi, Janes l. Webster, Richard C. Keller, Bernard E. 374 Lattiner, Michael G. 375 376 Oakes, John D. Fisher, laTy E. Johnson, David W. Montgomery, Kenneth M. Weiseman, William M. Davis, Jerry E. Wolverton, Stephen L Kunze, John W. Bergquist, Arnold E. Hines, Robert E. S. Casteriine, David L Wetnight, Robert J. Zinmennan, Ks1 F. Bradley, Janes M. Jackson, Terry l. Cheek, Terrrence l. Hibschman, Melvin J. Allen, Douglas D. Lookabaugh, Stephen D. Hay, Ernest E. Hines, Tom L Randolph, Robert O. Bowen, John R. Guidone, Ronald A. Lesman, Robert G. Glenn, Jerry l. Goodnight, Merfin R. Rathka, Steven F. GoIIaIz, Chs1es F. Overmyer, Jay A. Musto, WiIian M. Bienas, Frank J. George, laTy L Toole, Jerry E. Ginther, Frederick J. Kase, Ronnie l. Chachulski, Gerald Johnston, Thomas R. Sherrick, John F. Dial, Ks1S. Pritchett, Robert S. Reale:, Jack E. Fairben, Chs1es T. Speicher, laTy G. 1961 3n 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 a 1962 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 Sexton, David P. Renbarger, David L Beerman, Thomas S. Mawbey, Basil L Blackburn, Thomas G. Johnson, Robert A. GiUespie, LeNs E. 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 MedIand, RicIwd H. 479 Undenberg, Thomas A Resler, Herbert E. Miller, Roberte. Waters, Donald E. Poorman, Peter A Thompson, Allan R. Guina, Robert E. Lockiea-, Frank M. Parente, Frank P. Chudzynski, Ronald E. King, John D. Goodale, Paul R. Kinzel, Robert J. W. Soper, Blake N. Burgan, Phil 0 Fields, Donald K. Jones, Robert 8. Buckmaster, Tomes S. McNaughton, John W. Blankenbaker, Haley J. Parsons, James M. Kranmer, Dennis L. Cochran, Thomas C. Cooreman, Thomas H. 400 1963 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 Brownholtz, Joesph F. Nee!, James A. Meilstrup, Thomas A Watrous, Melvin L. Perkins, Wilmert E. Stults, Forrest S. Joesph, Jerry L Skelton, Jack S. Gamen, Richard S. Roesener, Stephan R. Schroeder, Ronald C. Conway, Jamas F. Gonsiorowski, Arthur J. Ailes, Charles M. M,*>" Thomas E. Buehler, Rance V. Scott, Emerson E. Rettenmund, Mervin W. Gray, David L Woods, Robert C. Leonard, Charles F. Ritchie, Ronald L Van Treese, Danny M. Gray, Philip J. Logan, John W. s. Guidone, Stephen J. K8CZITIa'ek, RaI~h E. Jones, Robert L. 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 510A 81is, Janes A Miller, Max E. Cooper, Fredrick P. Miller, Wynn D. DoH, Steven E. Macri, Janes V. Ma1in, Robert E. Pusey, Paul F. Bivens, Thomas F. Sack, Robert L. Loder, Crrfford T. Smith, Gary E. Kaylor, Gordon B. Lyons, Charles R. s. Roscoe, John L Nuggent. Charles E. Tonsoni, Donald B. Hettwer, John A Wardrop III, Thomas Reeves, Davie L. Amrhein, Gnth A Buckmaster, Jerry L. BarXhaus, Robert S. Tyson, Rae J. WiUiamson, David L Ralston, Glen A Bishop, Jet D. Schroeder, Dennis L. Chambers, Dennis D. Bippus, Stanley L Alexander, David L Alford, Patrick L Erickson, John (%) 1964 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 Pa1ce, Richard L Lamb, Timothy J. Teghimeyer, laTy E. Bowell, Gerald C. Linvile, Roscoe D. O'Hn, David B. Wetmore, Allyn C. Porter, TllTlothy E. Sharpe, Donald C. Renner, Christopher L Schurr, NichIas R. Resler, HII'llId D. Hayth, Thomas R. Hammel, James R. Gill, Edward T. Burmann, Richard C. Adee, EugeneC. Holtzinger, James T. McKibbin, Dawn D. Gallo, Paul 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 Hochsleller, Rkhsd A Long, David H. Bowman, Steven R. Nephew, Stephen E. Pippenger, David W. Pippen, Pabick L. Pontins, Steven F. Houk, William F. McCarthy, Joseph J. 1965 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 Radtke, James L Campanella, Peter F. Chapman, Charles R. Irvin, Donald E..... Shore, Richard G. Brooks, Tex L. Riddle, Charles T. Sutton, John R. Cooper, Stephen L McVicker, Jeny D. DiGiuseppe. Ronald A Daum, Daniel J. Estep, Lance E. Maxwell, Wdliam C. Franlz, Michael M. Harding, George A Jackson, James M. Keller, John T. Kirby, Michael C. Under, Paul H. McKibbin, Willian H. Midkiff, Stephen P. Conrad, Rodney W..... Oakes, Randy B. Rossiter, Ronald J. Shipley, Edwin D. Alexander, Michael J. Silet, Richard B. CifareIIi, Charles R. Clark, Aaron J. Tonsoni, John M. Brower, Joseph N. VBpatic, Andrew J. West, Dean W. Bruemmer, Norman R. Yount, John B. Furimsky, PaU M. McCarthy, Paul T. Sparrow, Philip W. Hamilton, Stev8ll L. 1966 580 581 582 Swank, Michael E. SII'OVek, John H. Staak, Thomas W. 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 Underhil, Phillip D. Vaughn, Virga E..... Bogucki, John A Hamilton, Steven L. Davis, Ronad K. Evans, Richard E. Fearheirey, Frederidc F. SParXs, James L. Balenger, David L Paulus, Jerry D. Brummit, James R. King, LEn)' W. Mia-s, Junior E. Cook, Henry A Schnyder, Eugene R. Anderson, John B. Roberts, Jess O. Curtis, Gary L. Alley, Edward B. Chandler, Terry A Bayless, Hal F. CasceIla, John J. Sizelove, Philip G. Chittum, Michael J. Wilhelm, David M. Smith, Daniel G. Engle, Thomas C. Brown, Richard H. Wuetirurtch, LenyL Park, David S. Gerrard, John D. Brown, William A Kelsey, Geage A Trush, William E. WieIgos, Dennis J. DeIfox, Shannon McCay, Frank B. S. Howenstine, Kent J. Gehrig, Theodore L 1967 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 633A 633B Courtney, Steven E. Shuey, WiBiam J. Quade, WiIIiIm A Edwards, Douglas J. Snyder, WiIian A HEW1man, Steven C. Estabrook, Slaven M. Stonns, Michael H. Tole, Michael E. Argeroplos, Wdliam J. Kitchens, Samuel C. Pickhardt, David H. Riehl, Ralph L O} Bensmam, William F. (!) Murr, Thomas R Hurd, Charles G. StarX, Dean W. Gulfion, Alvin C. Woodke, Dale E. Girdley, Forrest M. 687 640 8erger,~S. 693 641 642 Price Herbert W. Diehl, Gordon R .... Andres, Jeffery A. Blades, Herbert F..... Weaver, Max L Sternberg, Donald I. Broytes, Lee D. Cripe, WJIiam W. StBnm, Glenn A. Hodges, David S. Meyer, Richard W..... 634 635 636 637 638 639 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 Jenkins, Jan M. Sorrell, John S. Cox, BiBy D. Cripe, Dennis W. Kea-ns, Janes M. Hail, Bany J. Hammer, Stephen L 1968 659 660 Gullion, Cavin V. Campbell, Ronald J. 661 Pianowski, Michael A. 662 Johnson, Vemon L. .... Hancock, Frank M. Goebel, Samuel W. Peirson, Kevin M. Zubler, Michael P. Voland, Sanuel J. Schenkel, Gregory A. Ramsey, Willian S. Stanley, Kenneth E. 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 McMahan, Brian J. Santisteban, Roque J. Popa, Sidney D. Anderson, Rickey J. Cenova, Tmothy P. HoIherr, Philip M. CruB, Robert L .... Dunkelba'ger, Richard R. Frayer, David W. Glendening, Janes G. Banta, Janes M. Caughell, David L Hunter, Charles M. Keller, Terry W. NowfeI, Brian J. Muir, Robert S. 688 689 690 691 692 Green, Gay M. Kadinger, Stephen McCollum, Jsnes E. Copeland, Janes E. SchwaIenberg, Mate Resfer, Don I. Mullin, Janes D. 1969 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 Bayles, John B. Rice, Robert A. Shepherd, Danny J. Hayden, Richard K. Housh, Michael J. Hennen, Glen W. Savickis, Charles A. Morgan, Jsnes C. Snyder, Radden C. Brownell, Jay M. Smith, Steven A. Crowe, Douglas M. Canada, Richa'd L Sullivan, Michael J. Popadak, WiIiam A.L Bur1<e, Edmund R. Tumer, Wallace R .... Brock, Janes G. Hinners, Dave W. Smith, Larry D. Bahler, John T. Walker, Robert P. Lengyel, Phi&p E. O'Farrell, John M. Bruce, Robert T. Holder, Roger A. Magner, David L Brown, Robert G. Giambrone, David A. Holmes, Steven W. Naagon, Kent E. FIeshood, Ronald L Sopko, Jsnes P. Kantroski, Julius E. Oswalt, David D. Zerbe, Ralph R Quick, TadR Cline, Donald G. Glass, Gregg R Gladfelter, Jsnes L CIartc, Gregory R Penning, Richard R Snith, David V. Green, Kerry H. Sieffennan, S1even H. Talbott, Robert L 1970 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 no m n2 m n4 n5 n6 m n8 n9 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 Hostetler, Gregory A. Fulton, Stephen H. Plaisance, Kim C. Clark, Timothy G. Maisenbacher, Richlird L Saws, Michael H. Comb, Mark S. Rehwinlde, Rebert D. Smith, Donald B. Rains, Randy L HiD, David G. Smith, Donald G. Julies, John W. Delich, David Huffman, HOWEI'd L Pruyn, Richlird L Deane, Dave A. McConviUe, Scott J. Davis, Garry L. Armstrong, Jerry R. Caudm, Isaac H...... Viga-, Stephen L Hostetler, Byron D. 8dridge, Brent K. Busch, Thomas W. Cook, ADan L Hoskins, Michael G. Longacre, Ronad E. Russell, Ph~ip J. Stroud, David A. Hiigli, George A. Klein, Lavnnce J. Kozma, Joseph T. Heig, Curt J. Semprini, Pabick E. Robinett, Judson R. Schermerhorn, Philip A. Hayden, Tanothy M. Yeager, Stephen A. Ba1z, Randall J. H~ Tarry L. Fay, Terrence M. Debrota, Michael N. SIisz, Daniel J. Johnson, Richlird D. HoncheII, Gay L Low, John J. May, Thomas J. Greene, Matthew A. Propes, Ronnie G. 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 B02 803 B04 805 806 807 B08 B09 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 Lower, Tarry J. Roe, Stephen J. Finke, Bruce H. Hall, Floyd A. Woodworth, Jack L Shirl<ey, Bill Schakel, David J. Ziegler, Janes F. Brainerd, Steven C. Ca-dweII, Larry D. Fleener, Chales W. Harris, Janes C...... Ferguson, Richlil"d R. Glentzer, Bradley K. Schipper, Randal E. Deal, Jack A. Henderson, Charles C. Jones, David W. Krieger, Charles D. Bailey, Steven A. Menez, Michael M. Riner, John R. Betz, Donald R. Doughty, Thomas N. Suits, Owen D. Beach, WiUiam F...... 1972 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 1971 842 lauer, Thomas E. . Walling, Donn L 843 844 Clark, Kevin D. Carter, Richlil"d A. Martin, James D. Redmon, Samuel C. Fairman, Jay T. HenriouDe, Ronald A. Rogers, Jeffrey J. Brickley, Robert H. Cripe, Theodore A. D~, DavidC. Bryan~ Randall D. Tucker, John D. Lange, Douglass K. Baldwin, Randolph C. McGrew, Scott E. Newlund, Scott E. Down, Richlird A. Hernmick, John W. Gaits, Robert J. Ken~ JamesC. Edie, John W. HeII"d, Willian R. ..... Shoup, Michael W. Schuerrnav, SIBnIey J. Benner, Tony A. Malay, Tmolhy E. Wilson, Robert A. 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 888A 888B 889 890 891 892 893 894 Banicki, Dennis M. lIias, Ricky F. Wielgos, Wayne R. Galbrath, Timothy A Branscome, Glenn E. Irvine, David H. Bingham, Gary M. Mcintire, Larry W. Cutter, William B. Strickland, Tany K. Spurgeon, James A Robertson, Fooest B. Micinski, Lon 1973 Overman, Marl< W. Roe, Rick Stewart, Ron Cox,Jm Young III, George H. Jesionowski, Gregory B. Janeway, Phil Battishill, Bert L Miller, Scott A Huber, Martin K. Ober, Mark A Setz, David E. Anderson, Allan J. Woodward, Mike D. Yakimicki, Gary S. Read, Steven F. Owings, Ronald E. Roehrborn, Michael H. Jefferies, Donald J. Green, Gary R. Janeway, Timothy L Ahiersmeyer, Larry W. Metro, Louis W. s. Newbold, Michael W. Lechlitner, Philip S. Davis, Micheal E. 1974 Costin, Patrick T. McDaniel, Michael J. Robbins, Gary A Scott, David L. Berg, MarX J. Anderson, Chris W. (@) McGinnis, CUI1is J. ? Kerrigan, Shawn K. Lebo, Gordon all. Hoover, David G. Glorioso, Joseph P. Obertin, Daniel D. Hart, Robert P. 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 901A 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 920A 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 Throgma1in, Jerry W. Vance, Gerald W. s. Ught, Keith R. Lazart, Marl< S. Stillson, Stephen J. Buckman, Nonnan L Shaw, Gayle R. Peabody, Jackson D. (#) Leman, John F. Fairchild, Matthew C. Mcintosh, Tyce W. Kinsey, James A s. Todd, Terry T. Carroll, Robert W. West, Gary L Avila, Ramon A Custer, Dwight J. Frederick, John T. Glaub, Charles V. Ross, Steven D. Undorf, Brian J. Brumbaugh, Steven L Davenport, Kim S. Ring, Carl R. Bertram, Mark Wheeler, Timothy R. Florin, Wilried H. Oates, Reginald K. (#) 1975 Kehoe, Steven C. Waite, Daniel M. Glase, Thomas B. Parker, Jeffrey J. Bilinski, Bryan E. Pearson, Randy J. Seigel, Chris D. Burkhardt, Jeffrey J. White, Christopher D. Voglund, Donald S. Chapman, Joe D. Salchert, Matthew Hess, Charles J. Neese, Timothy F. Lazar, Burt M. 1976 Hacker, Steven T. Usinger, Gerhert T. Johnson, Micheal P. Wasson, Daniel J. Mahem, David L Avila, Thomas D. Barber, Wil6am Y. Wasson, David W. Cook, Monte E. 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 9n 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 Kautz, Bnin W. Copier, John M. Wright, Allan R. Johnson, Terry M. Adans, Wiman R. Hoffman, Paul F. Nevin, M"1ChaeI J. Murrell, David H. Rankin, Jady L Alley, Michael S. Stouffer, Stephen R. Sims, Timothy J. Collins, L~ M. Woods III, Jame M. GerhII1, Russel J. Hall, Kim E. Marentette, BiD P. McManis VII, Walter Simmons, Mak A Kerrigan, Brendian P. Parmertee, David L. Boison, Matthew F. Fowler, Brad A Gerlach, Gary R. Goffinet, Stephan E. Kennedy, Joseph A Van Velzel, Stephen G. Bonner, Richard L. Bolan, Joseph L Melendez, Joseph L Weimer, Theodore J. 19n Nagy, Dale W. Patlak, Joshua C. Mosier, Civisropher J. Kryder, Willian C. Nusbaum, Robert E. Armstrong, Todd A Banicki, Eugene F. s. Boswell, Rex F. Conant, Thomes J. Custer, Kevin E. Darter, Michael J. Dunn, PhHlip R. Fleming, William E. Gerlach, Lyle D. Nuce, Randal L.J. Perry, TllTlothy D. Read, David A Schmidt, Gregory L. Singleton, Daniel A Stump, Daniel J. Swanson, JeIrray w. Vittorio, Edward M. 999 Wedswa1h, Dennis M. Wiley, Jon R. 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 Wilson, Tom A Hanger, Steve D. Broadstreet, Ned A Shoppell, Kevin L Edwards, Gary A Holley, Bob J. Baughman, Brian L. Haas, Steve J. Livingston, David K. Lockhll1, Scott D. Laos, Michael G. Ma-shaJ, Janes D. Owens, Pabick K. Proctor, Preston G. Neuman, Rick R. Taylor, Janester P. Usby, Mark A WoIowski, Bruce A Pletcher, Steven A Wesley, Kevin W. 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 Rnn, Michael D. Sacra, Steven B. Stahl, Michael F. Marlin, Leslie S. Pfeiffer, Michael E. Thap, Janes R. Adans, DaeA BaTix, Robert B. Berry, Brad D. Cochran, Richard P. Cook, ThadA Cotter, Mark R. Cox, Mitchell L Jones, Brian D. K6nger, Janes S. Lee, Jeffrey C. ParmerIee, Stephen B. Poppleton, Eric D. SpIix, N"1ck C. Wilcox, Mark A Huffman, JeIrray S. Higgins, John T. Mortcen, 'Nilan E. Morris, Janes L Singleton, Paul L Tumer, Terry J. Smith, Lany W. Walbridge, Kevin C. Faiconbury, Jeff S. 998 1978 1979 Rowe,~A 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 10n 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1980 Gillman, Charies C. Davis, John M. 80res0n, Christopher L Havlin, Robert E. d-. Achenbach, WiHiam D. s. a.ngee, Richa"d K. Boys, David M. Crane, Robert K. Drummond, Peter H. Eberie, Richard D. Florin, Reinhn J. Flory, Wiliam P. d-. Gates, James P. Marks, Bradshaw C. Misz, John Moore, Kirk L Newkirk, David W. Pauley, Jay K. Coughlin, Kevin M. Snider, Chris B. Stewart, Keith E. Voytik, Joseph A. Windsor, Thomas E. Callahan, Mat A. Delladio, Michael J. s. Larison, Jeffrey D. Newton, James B. 1981 Mittower, Mavin A. Bruner, John D. Mason, Jeffrey L DonkIe, CIvistian K. Milewski, Drew J. Stone, James C. Tanner, Blake D. Ball, Mark W. Griffin, Mike Wible, Jeff W. Black, Brent Hauersperger, Joe Reohrs, John M. Olm, Richard B. s. Sorg, Terrence J. White, TarryG. Keisler, Mark A. Prather, Robert L Blackburn, BIwry A. Foreman, Matthew K. Swingle, Christopher L 1982 Tutsie, Paul G. Presley, Kenneth B~ Balin, Kevin D. 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 Copeland, Tanothy M. Hearon, Robert W. Keirn, Jeffery J. Porter, Anthony S. Rearick, Douglas A. Roehrs, Mark S. Smith, Michael P. Thornburg, Donald T. Wood, Gregory P. Shockey, John W. s. Wright Brian W. Cornett, Robert T. Uvings, Mark M. Phelps, Gregory L Romeo, Bennett J. Hughes, Larry D. Liskey, Michael J. Lohss, Jeffrey J. Marvin, Jon B. Gottron, Jon A. Tanner, RobertM. Owens, George D. 1983 Flanigan, Patrick J. Goodrich, David N. Burdsall, Michael J. Burris, Shane M. Balin, Garry W. 070018, Daniel S. Marsh, Stephen A. Moberly, Ronald E. Welch, Christopher J. Gluth, H. Russell Hodges, John R. s. Johnson, Jeffery Sovich, Timothy W. Cord, Rodney L Smalley, Stephen P. Neat, Dennis R Glaser, Steven J. Helms, Scott A. Love, Jerald J. King, Brian S. Steinforth, Steven S. 1984 Pellen, John D. McDowell, Robert C. Annstrong, Dewey A. Beer, David D. Viscuso, Brian L Adams, PUA. De Reu, Steven J. Guntner, Gregory D. Hismeyer, Brett A. 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 KIee, Jeffrey L Kooyer, Todd J. Little, John K. Ustenberger, Robert W. Matthews, Bryant J. S. Nicodemus, David E. Sabina. RobertC. Shinken, George C. Skelton, John F. Thomas, Jeffery A. Thompson, Christopher D. Shoults, Jason E. Baumgartner, Chris Gomez, Martin O. Lawson, DliWin K. Morgan, Bob .1. Pickett, Bradley S. Gill, Michael W. 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 Smith, Phillip F. Benner, Thomas M. Chifian, Cor! Closa, Mark D. Harris, Carey E. Hedinger, Kevin M. Pontius, John T. Sims, Jeffery C. Smith, Wendell S. Stanley, TllT'lothy A. Watson, Douglas R. Bachman, Samuel B. Joslin, Jaye J. Sickman, Brian S. Beam, David P. Petit, Raymond J. Roller, Wayne R. Nash, Jeffrey A. Ward, Daniel A. MIller, MiIcheII R. 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 Decker, Patrick E. MiRer, Craig J. Corral, Mat A. Bitterfing, Kyle L Kelley, Douglas L Durfey, Michael S. Spencer, Gary S. Watrous, John D. Smith, Allan D. Mcintyre, David A. Graves, Anthony L Doll, Willian T. Kinkade, Kyle E. Terry, Dennis O. S. 1985 1986 1205 Vetter, Philip C. s. 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1222A 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 N"lVens, Lestes P. Ennis, Kent D. Woolsey, Anthony T. Dusza, Michael W. Franklin, TIfJIOthy D. Parry, William G. Templin, Jeffery A. Palmer, Todd M. Bunda, Dennis J. Heminger, Eric J. DeBoy, Daren M. Dobrow, Jeff M. Eichelberger, Jeffrey P. Law, Christopher M. Nicol, DliWin J. Roberts, Keith W. Snyder, Robert B. Tomfin, Todd H. (!l Cortright, Norman E. Corral, Robert M. Hale, Scott A. Szorcsik, Dennis E. Connolly III, Joseph P. Alexander, David J. McGrath, Ruan R. Bechtold, Bryan A. Solmon, Kenneth C. Suttle, Gary E. Langenderfer, Tod T. 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1253A 1254 Murray, Andrew R. Ridenour, Michael J. Michael, Thomas A. Bonae, David P. Combs, Scott A. Roth, Michael A. Brackin, Tmothy D. Demakas, Michael B. Middaugh, Matthew L Hayden, Lome T. Noble, Nathan J. Beckley, Nol T. Carroll, Brent D. Gluth, Randall Harmless, Howard M. Pferrer, Eric C. Sangord, Wes L Sizemore, Michael D. Stanley, Joseph M. Weinerman, David F. Cavanaugh, Sam P. (#) Lemieux, Patrick G. 1987 1988 McClure, John C. 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 Ewen, Larry J. Hazelett, Todd O. Hom, Stephen H. Meyer, Jason W. Roller, Douglass A 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 12n 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 Hicks, Trenton S. Friedholdt, Curtis B. Truitt, WdliamA Parise, James E. .k. Hayden, Shawn M. Black, Kevin M. Chatham, Michael EA Clevenger, Kieth Eneix, Brent A Greatorex, Russell S. Klatt, Christopher J. Moisica, Stefan P. Rodak, Thomas W. .k. Snyder, Steven Tramontana, David L. Tudor. Daniel D. McCarthy, Joseph S. Wood, Pabick L Kinnett, Christopher R. Kern, Jeep Burkhardt, Matthew A Doran, Patrick J. Kruzick. Robert M. Seybert, Daniel P. West, Donald E. .k. 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 Angell, Wirl8rT1 B. Smith, Steven R. Chadwell, Larry Turk, Chs1es J . Muckridge, Christopher A Baker, Jason D. Balclwlrin, Timothy C. GlassIey, Thomas P. Hiatt, Jeffrey E. Hobson, Philip L Kramarzewski, Jack A Lewis, David B. Manahan, Mike E. Mauch, Aaron N. Pontrich, James A Printz, James H. Ramsey, Jeffrey T. Truex, Chad S. Weinerman, Lonnie D. Welke, Chad E. Jeffares, Robert s. 1989 1990 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 Lauer, Christopher T. Cataldo, John O. Daton, John M. Estes, Darron L. Lipkey, Dan M. Tucker, Mike Powell, Timothy M. Van Treese, Dan .k. 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 Primich, Martin D. Willinson, Eric D. Gipson, David M. Faley, AndrewG. Eiteljorge, Robin C. Hams, Chs-les F. Hackleman, Joel Alan Halbig, Daren T. Crist, Adam M. Becher, Gregory D. Connors, Ma-k E. Engle, Michael T. Hansen, Glann W. Hughes, Ken W. Jeffares, Phil A Lauer, Pabick J. Polston, Kevin E. Shields, Donald W. Tudor, Devin J. West, Andrew J. Zuckerman, Steve M. Jedrzejak, Daniel J. Briner, Lee A Russell, Bruce M. .k. Kush, Matthew A Anderson, Brett T. Ulrey, Tod D. Balsom, Michael B. Harms, Jeffrey R. Hughes, Scott P. Lulz, Christopher M. Weyers, Andy J. 1991 1992 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 Brannon, Jeffrey A Dowdell, Scott M. Glassmann, Michael J. Harwell, TImOthy M. Lease, Christopher M. Lenz, Jeffrey W. Lopez, Deryl C. Medlock, Bartley W. Minglin, Lance A Murray, Bradley A Personette, Daniel J. Ramsey, Michael D. 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1365A 1365B 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 13n 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1391A 1391B 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 Rathke, Todd S. Ising, Todd A. Weidler, John A. Purkey, Anthony P. Hahn, Aaron J. G~lespie, Brennan l. Mazurek, Lee E. Houchins, Kent V. (#) Mills, Stan E. (#) Beddome, Douglas S. Scoggins, Todd R. Harbert, Shawn D. Wdson, Nate A. Beeson, Jon B. Carlson, Scott Canillo, Stacy K. Halaschak, Brian Hancock, Brian J. Houk, Brian N. Klinger, RobertC. Leinenbach, Kurt M. Losure, Nathan McQuinn, Matthew R. Rains, Michael J. Smith, Rolf M. Zipperian, Justin D. Duron, Michael Haag, EricM. 1993 Bosley, Sean M. Hauser, Erik 0 Milteer, Scott E. Lawrence III, Staring N. Deer, David J. Klemann, Jeffrey T. Palmer, Jeremy D. Hightower, Chad E. (#) Slaby, Byron (#) Stratton, TlITIothy A. Sullivan, Michael B. Tabo, Kirk L Hartrnan,Jean~.S. Craddock, Scott M. Carter, Chad A. Bachert, Janes G. Dodds, Christopher A. Fainnan, David M. Flake, Elias R. Garrett, Michael L Uston, Matthew T. MiNer, Dion W. Smyth, Thomas W. 1994 Flager, Jeffery A. 1407 1408 1409 1409A 1409B 1409C 14090 1409E 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1453A Knapp, Greg B. Underhill, Sean C. McGraw, Michael W. Burnside, Justin (#) Sichting, Chadwick G. (!) Price, John ($) Voimerding, Matt ($) Dowdell, Brian (#) Ferguson, Robert Smith, Gregory S. Anderson, Donald E. King, Beau M. Lumaye, Troy R. Slrykowski, Chris S. Swartz, K&Vin A. Blankenship, Brandon T. Arens, Daniel Bafundi, Jason ~. Bunton, Scott Bunneister, William R. Cunninghan, Todd A. Donathen, David Edwa"ds, Daniel Fithian, Lance T. Hancock, Kevin J. Heffelmire, Eric M. Hutchinson, Brian McNeil, Sean Mogle, Jesse Mow, AdamT. Peeters, Brian Pierce, Ronald Shaheen, Marc Tracy, RobertA. 1995 ~and, Jason M. SouItz, Ryan A. Jacks, William P. Kidd, Jason T. Predergast, Jason P. Bilger, Zachary L Blackard, Steven A. Brubaker, Mitchell J. Crump, Matthew W. Cupp, Zackary K. Fenters, Ryan D. Fetzner, Robert W. Gumbel, Matthew T. Haire, Joshua S. Hellmich, Seth A. Lattak, ChristopherW. McCoy, Chad S. Plummer, Jacob A. Williams, Rich ($) 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 Ashley, Paul Hirschey, Ted Gary, Jeff Kelly, Scott Winchester, Aaron Rupert, Mat Medvescek, Josh Hopkins, Mike Atherton, Malcom Baldassaro, Jm Brand, Julian Broaddus, Mike Campbell, Mason Chamberlin, Travis Cheek, Derek Court, John Elmore, Eric Keller, Jeremy Laird, Kevin laBarge, Joe Lowe, Louis Maksimovich, Mike Merriman, Travis Narwhald, Chris Palese, Jeremy Peters, Grant Prather, Jeff Prindle, John Schnarr, Ryan Short, Alan Terry, Dave Weaver, Mark Webb, Rick Wilson, Corey Members who have not been through initiation Trice, Chris Wilson, Matt Blosser, Andy Bontrager, Michael Burdick, Ben Collyer, Eric Dack, Jeff Kuczek, Chris Lane, Danny Leo, Joe Lockard, Brian Polston, Terry Sawa, Brian Sinclair, Chris BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderson, B. 1992. Avila, R. "Stepped on Sig Ep Stands Up: To the Bones". Ball State paily News. Mar. 23, Vol. 71 No. 128 , pg 4. (19961 Personal interview. Fall 1985 newsletter, pp 1. Special ed:_tion of 1985-1986 newsletter, pp 1. Summer 1986 newsletter, pp 1. Post Homecoming 1986 newsletter, pp 1. Winter 1986 newsletter, pp 1. Summer 198; newsletter, pp 1. Fall 1987 newsletter, pp 1. Jan. 1998 rews1etter, pp 1. May 1988 newsletter, pp 1. Jun. 1989 newsletter, pp 1. Sep. 1989 newsletter, pp 1. Ball State News. "Fraternity Ceremonies Precede Proposed Look". Jan. 15, 1963. Vol. 42 No. 26, pg 1. "'Button and Bows', First Dance of New Men's Social Fraternity to be Tonight in Recital Hall". Jan. 14, 1949. Vol. 28 No 14, pg 3. "Campus Leaf Rake Slated by SEC". Nov. 5, 1948. "Elections Held by 6 Music Organizations". Ball State Teachers College. Vol. 26, pp 283 (1948) Vol. 28 No.8, pg 3. Oct. 8, 1948. The Orient. Vol. 28 No.5, pg 1-2. Ball State Teachers College (1949) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN. Vol. 27, pp 290. (1950) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 28, pp 294. (1951) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 29, pp 293. (1952) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 30, pp 290. (1953) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 31, pp 292. (1954 ) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 32, pp 296. Muncie, IN. (1955) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 33, pp 300. (1956) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 34, pp 304. (1957) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 35, pp 313. (1958 ) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 40, pp 304. ( 1959) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 41, pp 304. ( 1960) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 42, pp 416. (1961) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 43, pp 368. (1962) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 44, pp 400. ( 1963) Ball State Teachers College Muncie, IN Vol. 45, pp 400. (1964) Ball State Teachers College : Muncie, IN Vol. 46, pp 352. Ball State University. (1965) The Orient. Ball State Universit : Muncie, IN Vol. 47, pp 392. (1966) American Yearbook, Co. : Hannibal, MO Vol. 48, pp 400. ( 1967) Paragon Yearbooks : Montgomery, AL (1968) Benson Printing Co. : Nashville, TN (1969i Delmar Printing Company Charlotte, NC Vol. 51, pp 416. ( 1970; Delmar Printing Company: Charlotte, NC Vol. 52, pp 368. (1971) Paragon Press Montgomery, AL Vol. 53, pp 434. (1972) Paragon Press Montgomery, AL Vol. 54, pp 551. (1973) Paragon Press : Montgomery, AL Vol. 55, pp 418. (1974) Taylor Publishing Company Dallas, TX Vol. 56, pp 440. (1975) Taylor Publishing Company: Dallas, TX Vol. 57, pp 392. (1976) Josten's American Yearbook Co. Clarksville, TN Vol. 58, pp 372. (1977) Josten's American Yearbook Co. : Clarksville, TN Vol. 59, pp 480. (1979 ) Hunter Publishing Co. Winston-Salem, NC Vol. 61, pp 464. (1980) Hunter Publishing Co. Winston-Salem, NC Vol. 62, pp 464. (1981) Hunter Publishing Co. Winston-Salem, NC Vol. 63, pp 448. ( 1982) Hunter Publishing Co. Winston-Salem, NC Vol. 64, pp 464. Vol. 49, pp 436. Vol. 50, pp 488. (1983) Josten's American Yearbook Co. Clarksville, TN Vol. 65, pp 432. (1984) Delmar Company: Charlotte, NC Vol. 66, pp 432. (1985) Josten's American Yearbook Co. Clarksville, TN Vol. 67, pp 392. (1986) Josten's American Yearbook Co. Clarksville, TN Vol. 68, pp 376. (1987) Josten's American Yearbook Co. Clarksville, TN Vol. 69, pp 360. (1991) Walsworth Publishing, Inc. Marceline, MO Vol. 73, pp 352. (1992) Walsworth Publishing, Inc. Marceline, MO Vol. 74, pp 352. (1995) Walsworth Publishing, Inc. Marceline, MO Vol. 77, pp 312 Ball State University, Interfraternity Council, and Office of Fraternity Advising. Anti-hazing form. Banta, J. Beer, D. Letter to Scott McConville. Letter to Brian Hancock. Biggs, D., ed. "Sig Ep Stein". Brooks, T. and Chapman, C., eds. Brooks, T., ed. Cook, R. "Sig Ep News". Provided by Scott McConville. Mar. 16, 1996. May 27, 1955 newsletter, pp 4. "Sig Epics". 1965-1966 newsletter, pp 7. Winter 1996 newsletter, pp 4. Telephone interview. (~996) Darby, L., ed. Dec. 21, 1995. "Sig Ep Stein". Mar. 1962 newsletter, pp 4. Dickerson, M. (1996) Telephone interview. Donaldson, D. "Council Votes to End 'Wet Rushes'". Ball State paily News. Sep. 24, 1985. Vol. 65 No. 12, pg 1. Gast, P. (1996) Gillespie, L. Personal interview. (1996) Personal interview. Gillespie, L. and B. Rice. Letter to Alumni. Dec. 22, 1971. Provided by Lewis Gillespie. Goodwin, D. "Report to the University Review Board Concerning Sigma Phi Epsilon". 1979. Provided by Lewis Gillespie. Harris, R. (1996: Personal interview. Lettel:" to Indiana Gamma Chapter, Van Treese. Harris, C. (1996) Feb. 19, .Telephone interview. Sigma Phi Epsilon. Apr. 18, 1990. Provided by Dan Hofmann, W. Holder, R. (1996) (1996) Personal interview. Telephone interview. Indiana Gamma AIJrnni Board. Minutes from alumni board meeting. Feb. 1, 1960. May 2, 1960. Nov. 4, 1963. Jan. 6, 1964. Aug. 7, 1964. Oct. 5, 1964. Oct. 4, 1965. Summer 1970. Sep. 8, 1970. Oct. 12, 1970. Nov. 16, 1971. Feb. 3, 1972. May 16, 1972. Nov. l5, 1995. Jan. 24, 1995. "Gamma News". Summer 1972 newsletter, pp 4. Jan.-Mar. 1973 newsletter, pp 4. Apr.-Jun. 1974 newsletter, pp 4. Jul.-Sep. 1974 newsletter, pp 4. Jan.-~ar. 1975 newsletter, pp 2. Mar.-May 1975 newsletter, pp 5. Jun.-Aug. 1975 newsletter, pp 6. Winter 1975 newsletter, pp 4. Summer 1976 newsletter, pp 4. Jan. 11, 1960. Winter 1979 newsletter, pp 4. Aug. 1980 newsletter, pp 2. eall 1982 newsletter, pp 4. Aug. 1983 newsletter, pp 4. ea11 1983 newsletter, pp 4. eall 1984 newsletter, pp 2. eall 1989 newsletter, pp 1. Spring 1990 newsletter, pp 3. Summer 1990 newsletter, pp 3. eall 1990 newsletter, pp 3. Dec. 1990 newsletter, pp 7. Fall 1991 newsletter, pp 3. Spring 1992 newsletter, pp 4. Fall 1992 newsletter, pp 4. Winter 1992-93 newsletter, pp 6. Spring 1993 newsletter, pp 4. Jun. 1993 newsletter, pp 4. Summe:/eall 1993 newsletter, pp 4. Mar. :.995 newsletter, pp 3. Sep. 1995 newsletter, pp 12. "The New Indiana Gamma Three-Year Plan". Indiana Gamma Chapter. Epsilon". eeb. 20-22, 1953. Mar. 1992. "Installation of Indiana Gamma Chapter Sigma Phi Program provided by Don McClurg and Lewis Gillespie. Indiana Gamma Standards Board. (1990) Report on the incident in Wisconsin. Provided by Dan Van Treese. Jawor, J. "Sig Eps Got Less than What They Deserved". Vol. 71 No. 152, pg 5. Kendrick, D. Letter to Brian Hancock. Kerrigan, B. (1996) Apr. 6, 1996. Telephone interview. Ball State Daily News. Apr. 24, 1992. Kinney, K. "'Animal House' The DePauw. (1996) Lemieux, P. Lowe, L. il996) Mann, M. (1996) (1996) The Journal of SiQma Phi Epsilon. Personal interview. Let~er to Brian Hancock. Mar. 16, 1996. McClurg, D. Letter to Brian Hancock. Mar. 19, 1996. McConkey, D. Letter to Dan Van Treese. McFarland, J. (1966) (1996) May 23, 1990. Letter to Martha Kinder. Provided by Dan Van Treese. Provided by Lewis Gillespie. Personal interview. (1996) Personal interview. Letter to Tim Baldwin. Mar. 4, 1992. Provided by Dan Van Treese. Mowery, A. "Members Out 'For Having Too Much Fun'". Vol. 71 No. 127, pg 2. Muckridge, C. (1996) Letter to Brian Hancock. Park, D. (1996) Quick, T. 20, 1992. April 17, 1996. Apr. 5, 1996. "University Mourns James H. Albertson". (1996) Red Door Club. Mar. Personal interview. Letter to Brian Hancock. Pointer. The. Ball State Daily News. Telephone interview. Nash, S. Pauley, D. Vol. 94 No.1, pg 3. Telephone interview. Mathews, W. Mikesell, D. Fraternity". Telephone interview. (1996) McQuinn, M. State U. Vol 140 Issue 36, pg 3. Personal interview. Maddox, K., ed. Mallas, D. Alcohol Antics Lead to Suspension of Ball Apr. 7, 1992. Mar. 30, 1967. Vol. 10 No. 20, pg 1. Telephone interview. "Indiana Gamma Red Door Club Newsletter". Aug. 1967 newsletter, pp 1. Dec. 1967 newsletter, pp 4. Spring 1968 newsletter, pp 5. Aug. 1, 1968 newsletter, pp 4. Aug. 15, 1968 newsletter, pp 4. May 1967 newsletter, pp 1. Winter 1968 newsletter, pp 3. Sep. 1969 newsletter, pp 3. Dec. 1969 newsletter, pp 3. Dec. 1970 newsletter, pp 3. tall 1971 newsletter, pp 3. "Animal House Tame Compared to Sig Eps?". Roberts, K. Vol. 71 No. 132, pg 5. Scagnoli, J. (1996) Personal interview. Schenkel, G. (1996) Telephone interview. Shipley, E. (1996) Mar. Ball Sate Daily News. 27, 1992. Personal interview. Sigma Phi Epsilon traternity, Inc. (1994) Ibe Lexjcon. (1994) Ibe Quest: Apr. 1996. Sig ED Perspective. Vol.10 No.3, pg 1,8. Sigma Phi Epsilon traternity : Richmond, VA A Journey of Brotberhood. pp 190. Sigma Phi Epsilon traternity Richmond, VA pp 72. News release Mar. 27, 1992. (1991) A Lifetime Responsibility to Brotberbood. : Richmond, VA (1986) Signa Pbi Epsilon Guide to Brotberbood. Richmond, VA Sigma Phi Epsilon traternity pp 105. "Sigma Phi ::;psilon Campus Difficulties". (1967) tine Books Divison of William Byrd Press pp 178. Edu<'ating for B,otberhood. Charter of ::ndiana Gamma Chapter. Jan. 24, 1979. Provided by Mike Carlone. George Banta Company, Inc. Menasha, WI pp 213. teb. 21, 1953. (1952) "Extracts from the Book of Laws of the Sigma Phi Epsilon traternity Relative to the Installation of New Chapters". pp 2. Provided by Lewis Gillespie. (1952) Smith, A. "tacts to Be Covered in Petition". (1996) pp 2. Provided by Lewis Gillespie. Telephone interview. Specht, E. (1969) Tbe Histo,y of Wisconsin State Uniye,sity at Stevens Point. Publications: Stevens Point, WI pp 27. Stotts, R., ed. "Phi Delt Heart Beat". Alumni Dec. 1952 newsletter, pp 4. Stout, G. Letter to President of Indiana Gamma Chapter. Gillespie. Mar. 11, 1973. Provided by Lewis Tebo, K. (1996) Van Treese, D. Personal interview. (1996) Personal interview. Letter to the Parents of undergraduate members. April 17, 1992. Provided by Dan Van Treese. "What Has Kappened to Indiana Gamma and the Rest of the Greek System?" Provided by Dan Van Treese. Ward, D. (1996) Whitlock, J., ed. Yaney, E.N. Telephone interview. "Sig Ep Blackheart". Letter to Brian Hancock. Dec. 1955 newsletter, pp 4. Mar. 16, 1996. Spring 1992.