Creating Folders in Foliotek

Creating Folders in Foliotek
You can organize your files in Folders in Foliotek and that is actually a much more efficient way
to do your business. You can create a folder for each of your classes that have the Foliotek
requirement, upload all the necessary files to it, and then just go to your Portfolio, select
required Standards, and just link them to the files that are already residing in the course folder
in your Foliotek account. This way, you can upload the file just once but then can link it to a
number of Standards in any of your Portfolios if that’s the case.
Here are the step by step directions for how to do it.
1. Log into your online course and click the Foliotek/ePortfolio option on the menu.
2. Select the desired Portfolio. Let’s say it is the “Teacher Education Q.T.S.” Portfolio.
3. Click the “Files” tab at the top of the screen. You will see the File storage area of your
account that is similar to “My Documents” folder on your personal computer. In the
image below, the student already has 2 folders and 2 documents uploaded to his
4. Click the “New Folder” button. Type a name for your folder (e.g., EDU 340) and click OK.
5. Now that we have a folder for our EDU 340 class, we need to upload files to it. Click on
the name of the folder.
6. There are no files yet in the folder as you can see in the image below, just a navigation
button [Up one level] that will take you back to the top level of the Files area. Click the
“add” button with a green plus sign in front of it.
7. In the “Add File” window, the “Upload new file” radio button will be selected by default
as shown below. Click “next.”
8. Now click on the “Add Files” button but be patient. It is actually a hot spot that is
supposed to work not only with personal computers but also with tablets, notepads,
and other touch screen devices, so move your cursor around and click it only when your
curser icon changes from a beam to a pointing finger.
9. Your navigation window will open and you need to find the files you must upload to
Foliotek on your computer or external drive devices. In this example, they are located in
the “Foliotek Practice” folder.
10. Select the file you need (e.g., “MindMaps.docx) and click Open. The file will be loaded
and listed above the “Add Files” button.
11. Let’s say we need to upload more files. You can add several files at once saving a lot of
time on this task. Click the “Add Files” button once again and select several files in your
browsing window using the keyboard shortcuts: pressing the Shift key and selecting the
first and the last of desired adjacent files or pressing the Ctrl key and clicking all desired
non-adjacent files. The files will be selected as shown below.
12. Click the “Open” button.
13. The selected three files will be uploaded and listed in your window as shown in the
image above. If you are done with your file uploading, click the green “OK” button.
14. You will return to your “Files” view and see all your folders and separately uploaded
files. Now you need to link your standards to the appropriate files that you have
uploaded to Foliotek. Click the “ASSESSMENT” option at the top of the screen and then
a corresponding category on the left hand menu. Let’s say it’s the Teaching and
Learning category.
15. Once you spot the correct standard to which you are expected to upload a file, just click
on it. In the example below it’s the third standard on the list.
16. We start by clicking the “Add File” button. (It doesn’t matter whether you use the
“green plus” button or the “blue plus” button, they work the same.)
17. Now you need to pay attention and make the right choice. Since we have already
uploaded the necessary files to our “Files” area, we need to check the second radio
button – “Add existing file.”
18. The window that will open will take you to the “Files” view and you will be able to see
all your folders and uploaded files. Let’s click our EDU 340 course folder to find our files.
19. To link 2 files at a time to the same standard, just check the boxes next to the desired
files and click the green button “Add selected files.”
20. You see now both files listed under the selected Standard as shown below. If you linked
any of the files by mistake, you can always check the box next to them and click the
“remove selected file(s)” button to un-link them. That will not delete your file from your
Foliotek account, it will just remove the connection from that file to this standard, so
you can connect the file to another, appropriate standard later, without having to
upload it again. To permanently delete an uploaded file, you need to disconnect it from
all standards, go to your “Files” area, and delete it there.
21. When we click on our Teaching and Learning category on the left hand menu, we see
the number of files we uploaded (connected) to the third standard and the date and
time when we did it. Always check this view to make sure you completed the process.
NOTE: You can easily move your files from one folder to another when you are in the “Files”
area. Just select your file or files by checking their boxes, click the “move selected” button and
choose the new destination folder from the dropdown list in the Folder Name field. Click OK
and you are done.