Proposal: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) I. Title Page Title: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model Subtheme this proposal is responding to Subtheme 1b: Modeling and decision support tools for multi-objective forest management Principal Investigator and Receiving Institution Co-Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator Grants Contact Person Dr. William Elliot USDA-FS Rocky Mountain Research Station 1221 South Main, Moscow, ID 83843 Phone: 208.883.2338 Fax: 208.883.2318 Email: Dr. Erin Brooks Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of Idaho P.O. Box 442060 Moscow, ID 83844-2060 Phone: 208.885.6562 Fax: 208.884.8923 Email: Drea Traeumer Em Hydrology, LLC 1165 Hunter Lake Dr. Reno, NV 89509 Phone: 775.750.0472 Fax: 775.322.8345 Email: Sue Major Grants and Agreements Specialist USDA Forest Service, 240 West Prospect Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 Telephone: 970-498-1395 Fax: 970-498-1396 Funding requested: $197,046 Total cost share $ 28,335 1 Proposal: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) II. Proposal Narrative A. Project Abstract Now more than ever there is a great need for scientifically defensible upland decision support tools in the Lake Tahoe basin. The recognition of the excess build-up of forest fuels and the continued struggle with maintaining or improving clarity in the lake has put enormous pressure on decision-makers in the basin. Managers are faced with stiff time constraints to meet TMDL requirements while thinning forests to reduce the risk or intensity of wildfire in the basin. The proposed research will develop an upland decision support tool to assist managers in the selection and assessment of site-specific management options to reduce forest fuel loads and to evaluate effectiveness of sediment mitigation practices. The proposed online Tahoe Pollutant Source Model (TPSM) will be based fundamentally on the WEPP model and will be parameterized using existing Tahoe experimental databases. TPSM will be a flexible webinterface tool which will assess the effects of site specific management practices on sediment transport and delivery from a treated hillslope to a channel. One of the primary focuses will be on developing step by step training materials that clearly describe how to apply the tool to many of the common fuel management and sediment management practices employed by decision-makers in the basin. The web interface will be developed such that new information can be incorporated into the tool as it becomes available from on-going research in or near the basin. TPSM will have an immediate impact in the basin as it provides the scientifically defensible predictions that watershed managers in the basin so desperately need. B. Justification Statement The Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program is moving into the implementation phase with the goal of reducing fine sediment particles (FSP) (<16µm) loadings by a total of 65%, and a 15-year interim goal (the Lake Clarity Challenge) to reduce FSP loadings by 32%. Concurrently, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency is implementing a five-year strategic plan with the goal of meeting environmental thresholds developed for water quality. To meet these goals, regulators, managers, and implementers need tools that utilize the best available science for evaluating forest upland baseline and expected FSP loads at the project- and watershed-scales. Our proposed project will develop an online Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM), based on WEPP technology and local data. The TPSM will provide regulators, managers, and implementers with a single, easy-to-use tool to predict upland forest baseline and expected fine sediment (< 20 um) loads at the project-scale. The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) is a process-based, spatially distributed hydrology and erosion prediction model that is the best available science for predicting runoff and sediment yield. It can be applied at the project- and watershed-scales (GeoWEPP). WEPP internet interfaces for forest erosion predictions have been developed in response to agency needs to apply the complex process-based WEPP model to support management plans that are frequently challenged in court (Elliot, 2004). We have found these customized internet interfaces for complex prediction tools to be highly effective. For example, the Forest Service Tool (Elliot, 2004, contains three interfaces to aid in predicting road erosion, and three for disturbed forest and rangeland hillslopes. It is accessed by thousands of users every year, making nearly 100,000 model runs annually to aid in reducing sediment from roads, rangelands, and forests. We propose to develop the TPSM for application at the project-scale describing Tahoe-specific topographic, soil, climate and vegetation conditions for input into the WEPP model. Developing a watershed-scale tool is beyond the scope of this project, but it should be noted that the Tahoe-specific WEPP files developed as part of this project can also be used with the current GeoWEPP and WEPP Windows interfaces, and the future online GeoWEPP watershed interface that is currently under development by the USFS, ARS and Washington State Univ. under an agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers. 2 Proposal: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) Table 1. Attributes of PLRM, LSPC and WEPP models PLRM LSPC WEPP Scale Catchment Subwatershed, Watershed Hillslope, Watershed Spatial Distribution Area Weighted Area Weighted Hillslope OFEs Erosion/Erodibility EMCs Deposition RUSLE K Factors Rill and Interrill* Erosion Mechanics* Sediment Transport Theory* No No Sediment Transport Theory* Sediment Delivery EMCs EMCs Sediment Tranpsort Theory* Sediment Load <16um Calculated with Pollutant Delivery Factors < 63um Calculated as % TSS Five size classes allowing calculation of < 20 mu Sediment Load Average Annual Average Annual Single Storm, Average Annual, Return Periods as requested Climate SNOTEL SNOTEL CLIGEN, PRISM, Future Climates by lat, long, elev. Spatial Adjustment (Precipitation) PRISM-derived Scaling Factors No PRISM or manual Spatial Adjustment (Temperature) Tahoe Lapse Rate 0.002 °F per ft. elev ∆ Tahoe Lapse Rate 0.002 °F per ft. elev ∆ PRISM Lapse Rate 0.003 °F per ft. elev ∆ or manually adjust Evapotranspiration Penman Method w/Crop Factors Penman Method w/Crop Factors Penman-Monteith Method* Plant Growth/Decomp No No EPIC Model* Snowmelt (no rain) Temerature Index w/Snowmelt Factors SNOW Module Modified USACE Snowmelt Eqn.* Rain on Snow Simplified Heat Balance Eqtn SNOW Module Modified USACE Snowmelt Eqn.* Soil Freeze/Thaw Dynamics No No Heat Flow Theory* a b * Indicates process-based, non-empirical a b EMC = Event Mean Concentration (TSS) Tahoe LSPC Watershed Model replaces RUSLE K Factors with EMCs C. Background/Problem Statement The problem faced by watershed managers within the Tahoe Basin is estimating the effects of specific management practices or mitigation treatments on the delivery of FSP loads to Lake Tahoe. Some of the current tools used to estimate upland forest FSP loads during the TMDL development phase do not meet the needs of regulators, managers, and implementers as they move into the TMDL implementation phase. Tools that can be applied at the project-scale using the best available science and current or future climate scenarios are needed to design and implement the most effective management strategies to meet fuel reduction goals, the Lake Clarity Challenge, and TRPA environmental thresholds. The PRLM and LSPC models are widely used within the basin; however, their empiricism and scales of application do not meet the needs of regulators, managers, and implementers who need to evaluate the effects of individual fuel management treatments or other forest upland disturbances at the project scale using the best available science. Table 1 provides a comparison of the attributes of the WEPP model to the PRLM and LSPC models. It shows that generally the winter hydrology is similar among the three models, but that WEPP uses 3 Proposal: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) Table 2. Output of sediment delivery and size distribution directly from a typical WEPP run (100-ft skid trail uphill, 100-ft forest buffer downhill) from the current prototype interface (Figure 1). III. OFF SITE EFFECTS ---------------A. B. OFF SITE EFFECTS ---------------- OFF SITE EFFECTS ---------------- AVERAGE ANNUAL SEDIMENT LEAVING PROFILE 0.001 kg/m of width 0.052 kg (based on profile width of 0.000 t/ha (assuming contributions from SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS AND ENRICHMENT 100.000 0.610 m) ha) Sediment particle information leaving profile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Particle Composition Detached Fraction Class Diameter Specific --------------------------------- Sediment In Flow (mm) Gravity % Sand % Silt % Clay % O.M. Fraction Exiting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 0.002 2.60 0.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 0.026 0.026 2 0.010 2.65 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.170 0.170 3 0.030 1.80 0.0 77.8 22.2 11.1 0.180 0.180 4 0.300 1.60 75.3 13.4 11.4 5.7 0.299 0.299 5 0.200 2.65 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.325 0.325 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- physically-based processes to estimate erosion and sediment delivery, whereas PRLM and LSPC use delivery factors to estimate erosion and sediment delivery. Because of the complexities involved in the sediment generation and delivery process, the estimation of these factors is problematic for PRLM and LSPC. The WEPP model, however is process-based so the user provides details of soil properties and surface cover as well as topography and site-specific climate, and sediment delivery is calculated for five particle size classes (large and small aggregates, and primary sand, silt, and clay particles)(Flanagan and Nearing, 2000). Deposition within WEPP is preferential, with sand particles depositing first, and clay particles last. The other three classes are dependent on flow conditions. From the distribution of the five particle size classes (example output in Table 2), it is possible to readily estimate the concentration of clay particles ( < 4 um) and silt particles (between 4 and 50 um). In the example shown in Table 2, the delivered sediment size distribution is the same as the detached sediment. The table shows that the sediment delivery from a 100-ft long skid trail, across a 100-ft wide buffer would average 0.001 kg/m width per year. Assuming the skid trail is 2.5 m wide, the predicted total sediment delivery is 2.5 g. From the distribution given in Table 2, and assuming that about half the silt fraction is less than 20 um dia, (exact fraction is available from an NRCS soil survey) it can be determined that about 25 percent of the delivered sediment is less than 20 um dia, or that on the average, this skid trail will deliver about 0.6 g of fine sediment for the year of the disturbance. Our proposed interface and documentation will explain to users how to make this determination from the output of the proposed tool for a wide range of management conditions. It is clear from the above example and Table 1 that the WEPP model is superior to other tools now used in the basin for predicting impacts of forest management and mitigation strategies at the project scale. One of the common criticisms of the WEPP technology is the difficulty of applying it. We therefore propose to develop a Tahoe Basin-specific online interface to estimate delivery of fine sediment at the project scale for management activities and mitigation practices at disturbed sites. Figure 1 shows the current prototype for the simple input screen of such an interface. The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Model (Flanagan and Livingsotn, 1995) The WEPP model can be run for a hillslope or a watershed. The base model is designed for a hillslope, predicting surface runoff, soil erosion, and sediment yield from a single hillslope profile of any length up to about 1000 ft. A hillslope can have a complex shape, and include numerous changes in slope steepness. Each hillslope can be divided into multiple overland flow elements (OFEs), which provide a spatiallydistributed representation of unique combinations of slope, soil, and vegetation management (Figure 2). Flow is then simulated from one OFE through the next, such as flow from a burn pile footprint through undisturbed forest before reaching a channel. 4 Proposal: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) The WEPP model is based fundamentally on principles of hydrology, soil physics, plant science, hydraulics, and erosion mechanics and sediment transport theory. It simulates both Hortonian (infiltration excess) and variable source area (saturation excess) runoff. This capability is important for predicting erosion and sediment delivery on shallow soils and in snowmelt-dominated climates. This feature is especially appropriate for the highly erodible shallow, volcanic soils in the Lake Tahoe Basin, which have been identified as a significant FSP source. Processes in WEPP include rill and interrill erosion, sediment transport and deposition, infiltration, soil consolidation, residue, and canopy effects on soil detachment and infiltration, surface sealing, rill hydraulics, surface runoff, plant growth, residue decomposition, percolation, evaporation, transpiration, snow melt, frozen soil effects on infiltration and erodibility, climate, and effect of surface random roughness. The WEPP model computes soil loss along a hillslope slope and sediment yield at the end of a hillslope using governing equations for sediment continuity, detachment, deposition, and sediment transport capacity. A total sediment yield is computed, and five particle size classes exiting the hillslope are calculated using a procedure involving the analytic solution to the governing sediment continuity equation to model sediment particle sorting on interrill areas and during rill depositions (Flanagan and Nearing 2000), as shown in Table 2. The WEPP model can be run as a continuous simulation for 50 or more years of stochastic or observed climate to generate mean average annual predictions. WEPP can also generate single event return period predictions (such as 2-, 5-, 10-, 20- or more year return periods) for precipitation, runoff, erosion, and sediment delivery events. Disturbed WEPP Online Interface The Disturbed WEPP online interface provides runoff, erosion, and sediment delivery predictions at the hillslope-scale from forest conditions that include: skid trails; prescribe fire; wildfire; and early years of vegetation and soil recovery. Disturbed WEPP has two OFEs, so that users can study numerous combinations of uphill and downhill disturbances, such as a skid trail or harvest area above a buffer zone, or a burned area above a riparian zone. Our proposed interface will be customized from the Disturbed WEPP interface, which has already been used by Forest Service specialists within the basin (for example Loupe and Downie, 2008). Disturbed WEPP is linked to the Rock:Clime interface, which allows users to build custom input files for the CLIGEN weather generator (Flanagan and Livingston 1995). The CLIGEN database is supplemented with the Parameter-elevation Regression on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) monthly precipitation values estimated at a 4-km grid for the entire U.S. (Daly et al., 1994). The online interface also helps users to adjust monthly average maximum and minimum temperatures by adiabatic lapse rates. Precipitation and temperature values as well as the average number of wet days in a month can be further adjusted manually if the user desires. Project Team Dr. William Elliot will serve as Lead PI. Dr. Elliot has been involved in the development of the WEPP technology since 1986, and is the WEPP Project Manager for forest applications. In recent years, Dr. Elliot he has focused on developing the first online WEPP interfaces. ARS scientists have followed his lead, and have since developed a number of their own online interfaces. Dr. Elliot is currently the PI for a SNPLMA Round 7 project to assess and develop the WEPP model for evaluating fine sediment transport in the Lake Tahoe Basin for forest management practices at the watershed scale. Dr. Erin Brooks will serve as Co-PI and Technical Lead. Dr. Brooks has had extensive experience with the WEPP model, developing online WEPP interfaces for forest conditions, and developing scientific management tools based fundamentally on complex hydrologic processes. Dr. Brooks is currently a CoPI on Dr. Elliot’s SNPLMA Round 7 project, described above, and a Co-PI on Ms. Traeumer’s SNPLMA Round 8 Project, as described below. Ms. Traeumer will serve as Co-PI and Technology Transfer Lead. Ms. Traeumer has 12 years of 5 Proposal: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) technical, research, and regulatory experience, the fields of surface water quality and sediment transport modeling. Ms. Traeumer has been involved in the application of WEPP technology since 2000, and is currently the PI for a SNMPLA Round 8 project to locally-optimize the WEPP model, and to predict nutrient and sediment loadings from prescribed pile burning at the hillslope- and subwatershed-scales. Mr. David Hall is a computer specialist under Dr. Elliot’s supervision with the Rocky Mountain Research Station. Mr. Hall has been the lead programmer on all of the current Forest Service online interfaces to the WEPP model, and has been consulted by the ARS and other agencies to assist in the development of their online interfaces. Mr. Hall’s role will be to develop the Tahoe Basin Interface, and in particular, to develop the code to automate the determination of the fine fraction of eroded sediments. D. Goals, Objectives, and Hypotheses The goal of this project is to develop the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) online decision support tool that will be used by forest managers and planners in the Tahoe Basin to assess hillslope-scale fine sediment (<20 um) loads for the most common forest upland management practices in the basin under current and future climate scenarios. The hypothesis to be tested is: the TPSM generates reasonable fine sediment predictions for forest conditions and management practices. The primary objectives of the project are to: 1. Compile a database of existing upland rainfall, runoff, and erosion experiments in the Tahoe basin. 2. Develop WEPP input files from existing datasets in the basin for the most common forest upland management practices. 3. Develop a climate generation tool that creates current and future climate files for any project location in the Tahoe basin. 4. Develop the TPSM with user friendly protocols for evaluating the effects of alternative management practices on fine sediment loads. 5. Validate TPSM loading estimates for sine sediment (<20um) from current and proposed monitoring projects within the basin (like the proposal submitted by Hogan et al. with Elliot as the Admin PI to Round 10). 6. Publish results in a peer reviewed journal E. Approach, Methodology and Location of Research 1. Tahoe Experimental Database The Tahoe Basin is relatively rich in publications and datasets describing the fundamental soil, vegetative and climatic factors controlling sediment transport in the basin. In particular Grismer and Hogan (Grismer and Hogan 2004, 2005a, 2005b) and Drea Traeumer (SNPLMA Round 8, in progress) have collected much of the data necessary to quantify the relationships between soil type, slope, vegetative cover, and plot-scale runoff and sediment loading. The initial task in this project will be creating a database of these experiments. The database will be organized by location, soil type, vegetative cover, topography, and type of management practice in a standardized format. This database framework will allow for quick assessment of data gaps in the existing datasets, and will be a useful tool for directing future field experiments to ensure the necessary information is collected to calculate critical soil and vegetative parameters used in process-based models such as WEPP. 2. Soil and vegetative management files Critical soil and vegetative WEPP parameters will be calculated from the experiments available in the Tahoe experimental database. These critical WEPP parameters include: effective hydraulic conductivity, inter-rill erodibility, rill erodibility, critical shear, soil depth, percent surface cover, surface residue biomass, canopy cover and surface roughness. The effective hydraulic conductivity and interrill erodibility will be calculated in a stepwise manner from rainfall simulation experiments following the approaches of Foltz et al. (2007). In this approach, an objective function (sum of square errors) is used to first fit the effective 6 Proposal: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) hydraulic conductivity to observed runoff volume and peak runoff rate. Rill erodibility and critical shear may calculated following a similar approach using simulated and observed sediment load, or may be determined from simulated rill erosion studies using methods described by Robichaud et al. (Under Review). The method will depend on the detail of the data. The residue biomass and percent cover are dependant primarily on recent and current vegetation and residue decay coefficients. The existing decay coefficients will be tested and modified if necessary. With the Tahoe experimental database, we will adapt existing (or develop new) soil and management files for roads, wildfire, harvested lands, burn piles and broadcast burning. We will also develop mitigation files to model undisturbed soils and re-vegetation treatments including hydro-seeding and variable levels of mulching. These core soil and management files will provide the information necessary to simulate most of the common upland management practices in the basin. The complementary documentation will aid users in selecting appropriate input data to describe onsite conditions. 3. Climate Generation Tool The hydrologic response across the basin is greatly affected by spatial variability in climate. We propose to develop a climate generation tool that will provide both current and future climate files scaled to any point in the basin. Similar to the existing climate generator interface available through the FS-WEPP interfaces (Rock-Clime), users will select a base weather station and then be given the option to scale precipitation and temperature based on 4-km resolution PRISM maps to account for elevation and orthographic effects (Daly et al., 1994). The interface will provide the option of generating climate files or using existing climate files for a project’s specific location, including future climate scenarios being developed by the SNPLMA Project “The Effects of Climate Change on Lake Tahoe, and Implications for Design of Best Management Practices”. The PIs of that proposal state “the modeling results will have applications to other problems … and will be made available to other investigators.” Other sources for future climate data will also be evaluated, as the above proposal was limited to only two of at least seven possible future scenarios (Rehfeldt et al., 2006). 4. Disturbed WEPP Applications The primary focus of the project will be in the development of the TPSM online decision support tool, which will be easy to learn and flexible enough to be useful for a wide range of applications. The TPSM will consist of a dynamic user interface that clearly describes the steps to apply and compare a variety of management applications. Figure 1 is a prototype of the single input screen for this tool. These applications may include restoration of ski runs, road decommissioning, water bars, pile burning, broadcast burning, restoration after wildfire, cut-to-length, whole tree logging, and mastication. A survey of managers and consultants within the basin will be used to prioritize treatments for inclusion in the TPSM. The treatment boxes in Figure 1 show the place holders for these treatment alternatives. The interface will allow for direct comparison of the effects of baseline conditions and various treatments on average annual fine sediment loads, or under specific design storm conditions such as the 20-yr, onehour storm. With features from the current WEPP technology, users will be able to quantify reinfiltration and deposition down slope from disturbed regions in SEZs. The interface will be designed such that critical WEPP management parameters can be updated as new information on management practices becomes available. The interface will be designed to incorporate new management files as new techniques for fuel reduction or erosion mitigation are developed. It will be housed on public servers maintained by the Rocky Mountain Research Station, who are committed to keeping the site active for at least five years, and likely longer. Current online RMRS web sites have been operating continuously since January, 2000, and have provided tens of thousands of users with hundreds of thousands of erosion predictions. 5. TPSM Validation Much of the data that have been collected are from plot-scale rainfall simulation studies. Validation data will be collected from existing hillslope and small watershed monitoring sites required by various Tahoe Agencies (Manley et al., In Press). This approach will ensure that the validation data sets are different from the data used to parameterize the initial model. Results of the validation exercise will be published in a peer-reviewed journal article describing the Lake Tahoe management challenges, the proposed TPSM decision support tool, and the validation results. As it is likely that many of the monitoring activities 7 Proposal: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) will measure no sediment delivery (Elliot and Glaza, 2009; Robichaud et al., 2009), much of the validation will be comparing zero or near zero predictions with zero observed delivery. F. Relationship of the research to previous and current relevant research, monitoring, and/or environmental improvement efforts The project will utilize the following previous and current SNPLMA research projects and monitoring data to the greatest extent possible to develop, parameterize, and validate the TPSM online decision support system as expeditiously and cost-effectively as possible: SNPLMA Projects “Assessing the Sources and Transport of Fine Sediment in Response to Management Practices in the Tahoe Basin using the WEPP model”; “Improving Road Erosion Modeling for the Lake Tahoe Basin and Evaluating BMP Strategies for Fine Sediment Reduction at Watershed Scales”, “Nutrient and Sediment Loading Predictions for Prescribed Fire Using Optimized WEPP Model”, and “The Effects of Climate Change on Lake Tahoe, and Implications for Design of Best Management Practices”. Reports by Grismer and Hogan (2004, 2005a, 2005b) from earlier Tahoe Basin studies will also be referenced to aid in building the TPSM input databases. Our proposed project will complement these current projects, and will build on some of them as information generated by them will be used to develop the input soil, vegetation, and future climate files for our proposed tool. G. Strategy for Engaging Managers /Obtaining Permits We will hold a workshop in the basin during the first quarter of the project with regulators, managers, and implementers. The primary purpose of the workshop will be to establish working relationships with managers and implementers, and identify the priority management practices they wish to evaluate with the TPSM. Following the workshop, field surveys will be conducted with managers and implementers to gain the on-the-ground knowledge necessary for developing Tahoe-specific files for the TPSM. Co-PI Drea Traeumer resides in Reno, NV, providing the local presence and scheduling flexibility to conduct these field surveys. At the conclusion of our project, we will deliver a User Manual and present a one-day Training Workshop for regulators, managers, and implementers. This will provide the technology transfer necessary for successful implementation of the TPSM. H. Description of deliverables/products and plan for how data and products will be reviewed and made available to end users A database summarizing previous studies and the interpretation of these studies for developing WEPP input files will be completed by the end of the first year of the project. This database will be available for immediate use by specialists currently using WEPP Windows or WEPP GIS technology in and near the basin. An online interface will be available on a public web site, along with documentation on how to use this interface for a wide range of project analyses on impacts of upland management and mitigation on fine sediment delivery within the basin. The TPSM online interface and detailed User Manual will be presented to regulators, managers, and implementers in a one-day workshop to be held in early 2012. A peer-reviewed publication will be prepared describing Basin needs, the TPSM model, its application, and its validation. Final publication will likely not occur within the time constraints of this proposal due to the lengthy review process. 8 Proposal: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) III. Schedule of major milestones/deliverables Milestones/Deliverables Start Stop Quarterly Reports Q1 Q8 An initial list of conditions that should be included in the TPSM database Q1 Q2 Tahoe Experimental Database Q1 Q2 Soil and Vegetative Management Files Q2 Q4 TPSM Interface Q3 Q6 Climate Generation Tool Q4 Q5 TPSM Validation Q5 Q7 TPSM Manual Q5 Q7 Training Workshop Q7 Q7 Peer-reviewed paper Q7 Beyond Q8 Description Submit brief progress report to Tahoe Science st program coordinator by the 1 of July, October, January and April. Prepare summary of annual accomplishments in January A short report from an initial meeting and subsequent survey of potential users within the basin, specifying which conditions will be modeled with the first release of the TPSM interface A synthesis of research and monitoring data collected in or near the Basin that can be used to develop the soil and vegetation input files for WEPP A set of ascii files for input to any version of the WEPP model describing Tahoe-specific conditions An online interface to the WEPP model with a database made up of Basin-specific soil and vegetation files. Figure 1 is the prototype input page A complement to the TPSM interface to assist in generating stochastic climates that are site specific for current or future climates A summary report, perhaps a meeting proceedings, that validates the TPSM model using monitoring data from the basin An electronic manual to complement the TPSM interface providing guidance on describing how to model a list of conditions within the basin identified from a survey during the first quarter of the project A one-day workshop during the final winter of the project training potential TPSM users and receiving feedback on ways to improve or enhance the TPSM model. A peer-reviewed paper describing Tahoe conditions, the TPSM model, and the validation of the tool 9 Proposal: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) IV. References Daly, C., R.P. Neilson and D.L. Phillips, 1994. A statistical-topographic model for mapping climatological precipitation over mountainous terrain. J. Appl. Meteor., 33:140-158. Elliot, W.J. 2004. WEPP Internet interfaces for forest erosion prediction. Jour.qw of the American Water Resources Assoc. 40(2): 299-309. Elliot, W.J and B.D. Glaza. 2009. Impacts of Forest Management on Runoff and Erosion. In Procs of 2008 Third Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds Estes Park, CO. 8 - 11 September, 2008. Denver, CO: USGS. 117-127. Flanagan, D.C., and M.A. Nearing. 2000. Sediment particle sorting on hillslope profiles in the WEPP model. Trans of the ASAE 43(3): 573-583. Flanagan, D.C., and S.J. Livingston (Editors), 1995. WEPP User Summary. NSERL Report No. 11. National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, West Lafayette, Indiana, 131 pp. Foltz, R.B., H. Rhee, and K.A. Yanosek. 2007. Infiltration, erosion and vegetation recovery following road obliteration. Trans of the ASABE 50(6): 1937-1943. Grismer, M.E. and M.P. Hogan. 2004. Evaluation of Revegetation/Mulch Erosion Control Using Simulated Rainfall in the Lake Tahoe Basin: 1. Method Assessment. Land Degradation & Dev. 13:573-588. Grismer, M.E. and M.P. Hogan. 2005a. Evaluation of Revegetation/Mulch Erosion Control Using Simulated Rainfall in the Lake Tahoe Basin: 2. Bare Soil Assessment. Land Degradation & Dev. 16:397-404. Grismer, M.E. and M.P. Hogan. 2005b. Evaluation of Revegetation/Mulch Erosion Control Using Simulated Rainfall in the Lake Tahoe Basin: 3. Treatment Assessment. Land Degradation & Dev. 16:489-501. Loupe, T., and D. Downie. 2008. USFS LTBMU proposed methodology for evaluating the sensitivity of SEZs I the South Shore Fuel Reduction and Healthy Forest Restoration Project to mechanical th equipment operations. Presented at the 4 Biennial Tahoe Basin Science Conference, Science as a Tool in Lake Tahoe Basin Management: Making Sense of Complexity. March 17-19, 2008, Incline Village, NV. Manley, P. N., W. J. Zielinski, M. D. Schlesinger, and S. R. Mori. In Press. Evaluation of a multiplespecies approach to monitoring species at the ecoregional scale. Ecological Applications. Rehfeldt, G. E., N. L. Crookston, M. V. Warwell. and J. S. Evans. 2006. Empirical analyses of plant climate relationships for the western United States. Int. J. Plant Sci. 167(6):1123-1150. Robichaud, P.R., L.H. MacDonald and R.B. Foltz. 2009. Fuel management and erosion. IN Elliot, W.J., I.S. Miller and L. Audin (eds.). Cumulative Watershed Effects of Fuel Management in the Western United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-231. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 80-101. Robichaud, P.R., J.W. Wagenbrenner, R.E. Brown and W.J. Elliot. (Under Review) Measurements and mechanics of rill erosion in disturbed forests: Part II. Accepted pending modification by Water Resources Research. 10 Proposal: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) V. Figures Figure 1. Prototype of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model Interface showing climate options for current or future conditions, and place holders for evaluating management practices like pile burning, ski slopes, etc. (Treatment 1, Treament 2, etc.) ( 11 Proposal: Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model (TPSM) Figure 2. Example of three overland flow elements describing the combination of two vegetation conditions and two soil types (Elliot, 2004). 12