The University of South Alabama Student Nurses’ Association Application for Membership Date: ___________________ Expected Graduation Date: Campus: **Pre-Nursing Spring Summer Traditional Fall Accelerated Year:_______________ Name: (Mr. / Ms. / Mrs.) _________________________________________ Jag No: J00_________ Street Address: _________________________________________ ________Apt#: _____ City: ______________________________________ Phone: ( State: ______________ Zip: ___________ ) ___________________________ E-mail: What is the best way/time to contact you? _______________________________________________ If nominated, would you be willing to consider serving on a committee or acting as an SNA officer? YES / NO If your financial situation and schedule permitted, would you have interest in attending State or National activities, seminars, or conventions? YES / NO The Student Nurses’ Association does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation. Signing the application permits the SNA to contact you as necessary to carry out the organization’s mission. Changes to information contained hereon should be addressed to the Secretary (or Associate Secretary). Check or money order in the amount of $35.00 should accompany this application. Membership term is one year, and enrolls you in the University of South Alabama’s Chapter of the Student Nurses Association, the Alabama Association of Nursing Students (AANS), and the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). **Pre-Nursing: Check or money order in the amount of $20.00 should accompany this application. Membership term is one year, and enrolls you in the University of South Alabama’s Chapter of the Student Nurses Association Send this form to: Official Use Only: USA CON 5721 USA Drive N. #3060 Mobile, AL 36688 Amt/Method Pd: _____________ Collected by: ________________ NSNA #: ___________________ Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________________