The Indian Ocean? Rise of Islam to 1750

Craig Gallagher
Indian Ocean, c. 1400-1900
w/ Prof. Parthasarathi
The Indian Ocean?
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The Indian Ocean before Europeans, 1100-1500
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The Portuguese in the Indian Ocean, 1500-1650: Change or Continuity?
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Craig Gallagher
Indian Ocean, c. 1400-1900
w/ Prof. Parthasarathi
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The Dutch in the Indian Ocean, 1600-1700: Trade or Production?
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The Indian Ocean Economy: On European Sea(s) or Asian Land?
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The English East India Company, 1600-1757: Economics or Politics?
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Craig Gallagher
Indian Ocean, c. 1400-1900
w/ Prof. Parthasarathi
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British India, 1757-1833: Trade or Taxes?
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The Indian Ocean in the Nineteenth Century
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Cotton Textiles, 1200-1850. Pasold Studies in Textile History 16. New York: Oxford
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Chap. VI: William Gervase Clarence-Smith, "The Production of Cotton Textiles in Early
Modern South-East Asia," 127-143
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