Crystal Radio: An Historical Survey An Honors Thesis (ID 499) by Christine D. Craddock Thesis Director ~ 1( (., '- ;;t;;:: ------------------~--~-~------Ball State University Muncie, Indiana "arch 24, 1987 Expected date of graduation -- May 1987 ~;~~,~. LD dif'e'1 .1.t~ - I CjS'7 . C.r'/3 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCT ION • THE CRYSTAL RADIO • • • • • 1 • 4 • HISTOR I CAL DEVELOPI"IENT . • 7 • CONCLUSION • 13 B IBL IOGRAPHY • • 14 Books • • • 14 Articl.s • GovernMent - • Pub. ie.tiona . • 15 • • 17 LIST OF" FI6lRES - 1. Da~.d 2. UndaMped Waves • • 2 3. Crystal Radio In Sch. . .tic • 4 4. Oscillation and Rectified Oscillation Wav• • • • • • • • • 2 6 - CRYSTAL RADIO. ~1:.n!M..BA~!.2 AN HISTORICAL SURVEY is a n... gi ven to on.. of th.. I i est for . . of radio receivers known to science. It co.e. frOM the sa.. era a. the original ·spark-gapM radio tran.mitter -- the age of Heinrich H..rtz, GuglielMO Marconi, and Nikola T... la. In a short ti ... it grew to know a widespread popularity, both in the hOMe and in the lAboratory, and then finally it was overwhelMed by the technological r ..volution of World War II. Today it has becoa. an archival relic, obsolete in its siMplicity, known only a. a children'. toy if it is known at all. In the beginning, all radio operated on th.. principle of MRllt!::me..!MHlY!ni£!! (NO broadcasting. Nt broadcasting is the process of varying the aMPlitude of a radio-frequency wave to reproduce .aund. Thi. proc .... was once further divided into two broad catagories. The early spark-gap tran_issions known as vi.uuu-1t.ltilr-hv, because they were created with a telegraph key. The waveforM so produced consisted of groups of oscil'ations repeated at regular intervals, with the AMplitude of the oscillations within .ach group continuously. - called ~OY ... , Th.... tranSMissions were and they produce-d in the re-c.i ver telegraphic dots and dashes of a single audio tone. A later 2 radio, H was then cAli ed ~i rt!U!Ltelm-hgo~, frOM its use of a telephone-type Microphone to iMPose chAnges in aMp I i tude on a continuous osci Ilation. an outline or This produced YlUilMRtS;L!tAXU. with which varied according to the waveforM ~~t!2R~ of the sound waves or speech patterns entering the Microphone. Both vire ..... telegraphy and wireless telephony variations in the aMplitude of an oscillation. ,. r" r n J~ "fv J '" Figure 21 UndaMped Waves Crystal radio was invented while the world was still wireless tel"graphy exclusively, but it was later - discovered that it would receive either form of AM 3 trans.i.sion. The r.ception of an ~ broadcast involv•• three funda.ental step. -- 1) a. the radio p ••••• the a.rial, the oscillation MUst b. transf.rred to the wire of the receiving circuit. 2) the tliU!:nninL!altLut so produced in the circuit MUst b. that it ~~t!!1~. bec~s dtr~1-~Yr.r:.ent or half of it removed. so pul •••• and 3) the direct current puls.s MUst be .ad. to produc. audible sound. A MOdern electronic receiver viii -.plify the voltage in the circuit at SOM. ti •• during this process, to incr.ase its capabi Ii ty to produce sound. The crystal receiver. on the other hand, depends on the pow.r of the tranSMitting .tation to provide sufficient energy to produce the sound. This is the . .Jor r.ason crystal radio ha. such a li.ited rang. of reception. It ts also for this reason that the crystal receiver i . unique aMOng radios of every era. ~ broadca.ting was a .ilestone in the history of COMMUnication. "any .en labored long years to bring radio to the forefront of an unprepared world. Fro. a scientific curiosity it beca•• a .eans to bring people together, and to bridge oceans, MOUntains, and those parts of the world that lay as y.t un.xplored. The history of the crystal receiver is concurrent with the history of radio it.elf. of the first great COMMUnication between peopl. sinc. the invention of the telegraph. FrOM its beginning. to the age of the technology that was to cast it a.ide, her. then is the story of crystal - radio. 4 In its siMPle.t fora a crystal receiver is cOMposed of four parts -- th .. Mria! or antenna .s it is now called, the ~!.2IiH....LtC~i vi.!HLur.s.Y!1 containing inductance and capacitance which are both variable, the which acts as • dt!.~t2!:.' ~ts1!~tD~~~1A! and the MtHlRb2Dt!! which r..,roduce th .. radio broadcast in audible sound. In a MOre cOMplex for. of crystal receiver the.e •••e cOMponents MAY be elaborated on and the size of the circuit incr ..ased, but th .. ir individual functions reMain the SAMe. illustrated in ~igur .. Figure 31 The A~i.§! The basic circuit i . 3. Crystal Radio In Sch. . .tic absorbs the incident radio wave. frOM a transMittinv station, thereby ... tting up electric oscillations in the wire. The wave energy captured by the rec .. ivi,ng aerial is partly diSSipated a. heat in the aerial itself and in the ground connection, and partly transferred - to the rest of th .. receiving circuit. In the crystal receiver, where there is no a.plifying force to suppleaent 5 - the energy of the radio wave., the capability of the aerial to absorb the wave energy and transfer it to the rest of the g~. the aerial beCOMe. the driving ca.ponent of the circuit. To circuit beCOMe. critical. Tovether with the capitalize on its function. the Ca.MOn crystal receiver aerial t. a long wire strung either vertically or horizontally. The MOst efficient form of aerial has a length of one-half the de.ired wavelength of reception. Once the wave energy through the aeria'. it enters the S I ~~t.KJti:ii.nL.9.!£Y1!. or associated ~AI.iAb..!t_C~~t2[., ltmILUrcy!!. i.!:!iL~!m_~U and which i . now referred to as a It function. as a t.~9D'-! cOMponent. deter.i.ning the radio frequency or frequencies to be received. Oscillations of Many frequencies enter the aerial. The tuning circuit provide. aaximua voltage to the rest of the reeei ver wh..,. the frequency is its t..t!l!Slft-tlMl1 !~~. By adjusting the inductance and capacitance of the circuit, its resonAnt frequency can be varied to correspond with a set of desired radio frequencies. This tune. the receiver circuit to different broadcasts. Without this cOMponent, the crystal receiver always responds to the stronge.t radio signal entering the aerial, as it will provide the greate.t voltage. The current in the receiver at this point is still AC or §llCI.uUtUI-S.YI.rmi. MUst be .r.Ktlfi~ To produce sound in the headphones it or converted to II1r~-sYr.t.m!. (DC). large nuMber of naturally occurring .ineral. rectify A 6 altern.ting curr.nt at v.ry low voltages such •• those produced in a crystal receiver. The efficiency of the.e r.ctifying .inerals ••••• proportionally.s the voltag. The.e .in.rals are all poor conductors, and . r . MOstly ••tallic oxide. or sulphides .ueh as galena (PbS), iron pyrite (FeS~), chalcopyrite (Cu~SFe~S~), MOlybdenit. (MoS), and copp.r pyrite (FeCuS~). zincite (ZnO), In light contact with a ..eta I wire called a "cat's whistcer," or in SOM. cases with the pressure contact of a scr.w, a rectifying crystal .erve. as a ~~~ in the receiving circuit. Although it has b.en rectified, the signal retains its out I ine or envelope which was forMed in the i.age of the sound patterns trans.itted. Becau•• the env.'ope of an oscillation is identical in both directions, none of the out I in. has been lost by .liMinating on. direction. way the· original progra. .ing i~osed on the oscillation has b ••n transf.rred froa AC'to DC, which will lat.r produc. sound. Figure 41 - In this Oscillation and Rectified Oscillation 7 The sound is produc~ in . .gnetic headphone. by activating And deactivating the e.ectroaagnet. There have been MOre MOdern for.s of headphone• • ince the Magnetic type wAS invented, but it still works the be.t for cry.tal receivers becau.e of it. high iMp~ence. Low resistance headphones are not suitable for crystal radio work due to the high re.istance of the detector, which .ay be .everal thousand ohMs. Headphone. for such use should have an iMPedence nearly equal to that of the detector. Ordinary Magnetic headphone. frOM 1,000 to 2,500 ohMS illPedence in each side can be efficiently u.ed. The headphone. and the detector are connected with each other in .eries, and then together in parallel across the tuning circuit for .aximu. efficiency. The crystal radio ca.e in when ·wirele•• • wa. bright and exciting, and .tay~ in World War II. through the darkne•• of Hitler's Europe It. technical siMplicity wa. behind both it. ti.ele•• popularity and it. bru.que de.ise. While now thought of MOstly a. a toy, it has .een action in all walks of life. Even today, if it serves no other purpo.e, an understanding of the technology of crystal radio iaparts an understanding of the fund . .ental. of AM radio reception. During the developMent of radio apparatus in the late 1890's and early 1900'., the U. S. Patent Office was kept 8 busy with inventors prot.cting finds. In the fi.ld of radio det.ctors were such na. . . as S. W. Pickard, General H. H. C. Dunwoody, and 8. W. Pi.rc.. Exp.ria.ntal radio stations were just beginning, as Heinrich Hertz had only conducted hi. experi . .nts on electrOMagnetic wav •• in the early 1890's, and Nikola Tesla worked on his spark-gap .xperiMent. in the latt.r part of the . . . . decade. In the ear I y 1900' s, magaz i ne. such •• §£Lent Uts. ~!~4D were beginning to explore the science of "wireless telegraphy." Radio was still very MUch a scientist.' fi.ld. Another decade would pa.s before the ca..on Man would enter the field of crystal radio construction, and begin to listen to the apark-gap trans.issions around hiM. FrOM the itY! i:.n of the U. S. Bureau of Standards in 1908 ca... the first real analysiS of ucontact· in terMS of H.rtz'. electrOMagnetic waves. The old theory of ther.a41'lectric curr.nt action, appl icable to the known sciences (since Hertzian wave. were still very new), was difficult to av.rcOIM even through the next dIKade. It would be as late a. World War II before the flow of scientific change would begin to MOve a. fast as it is seen to MOve today. The 1910'., while in SOMe respects still reluctant to shake away the old science, forged ahead bravely into the new realM of "wireless u cOMMInication. § published. lengthy treati.e in 1910 on the construction of a crystal radio capable of receiving a five-kilowatt 9 broadcaster over a di.tance of 500 .ile.. Today.any stations broadcast with ten tiMes this MUch power. De-1ln.~' in its D~artaent Tht For Juniors, carried a column frOM "The Junior Wirele.s Club Of AMerica," now -- under an~h.r n . . . -- the olde.t radio club still in existence in the nation. Overseas, the "Physical Society Of London" was examining contact rectifiers and "electrotherMal u phenOMena. Although their theory was wrong, they still .ade a valuable contribution in their app.ndix to the article, in which they elabor.ted on the use of such a device as a ~@!t~tgc. ~@di~l~eRb A later article compared detector types and rated their sensitivity. Back in the State. again, the fi.,d of industrial education was b~inning to pick up what would be a great MOveraent in the 1920's -- the teaching of radio reception in industrial arts classes. SUrprisingly, it would be found in cla••es fro. such diverse are.s as electricity, metal working, and even wood working. Newspapers and fa.ily magazine. were bevinning to cover the topic that would becoa. a hous~old project in the next decade. And at this . . . . ti . . , the U. S. Navy was using the first docwaented 19u9~n crysta' receiver, a 'and.ark not only for being the first, but also siMply for being documented. Recorded evidence of crystal radios actually being used for .ongwave reception is spar.e at be.t, de.pite dOCUMentation of it. theory_ - The Roaring 20'. were truly the decade of crystal radio in the hoae. IbLbltel:.At.X-Di.sUtJll led the way with a detai led 10 radio department in every issue, covering events at hoae and around the world. si~'e The fads were to see how smail and/or a radio could be . .de and .till have any kind of reception range. Contests were run, prizes offered, and every newspaper and Magazine large enough to afford it entered the game. It was a -boys' technologyU now, having co.e around the circle frOM a highly controversial scientific experiMent. Now the latest designs were COMing frOM the dining roo. table. Or~e young man designed a set in a billfold, consisting of thr ..e induction coils with a capacitor, and a crystal -ail constructed whil. recovering in bed from a long illness. A young Man of twenty-one captured another contest by designing the whole radio on and around a cardboard corn . . . 1 box. SoMe little time later, bi!t~~~Di~~l reported the first publicized incident of two girls building a receiver they had copied the corn .eat box design frOM the former issue -refUSing all help from father and brother. M But the smallesit radio actually designed in the 1920's MUst have been Alfred Rin&hart's ring radio. It contained only a crystal and single coil, with the crystal and coil taps (by which its inductance could be varied) mounted on top of the coil it.elf which was worn around the finger like a ring. Using only an umbrella for an aerial, it received WJZ in Newark, NJ, frOM Elizabeth, ~, SOMe five or ten aile. away. By the 1930's, industrial education wa. already looking back at the crystal receiver as a Mproject for the younger 11 boy,- in favor of the vacuum tube technology. The whol. world was very MUch taken with the vaCUUM tube -- the faMily aagazine. w.r. quick to drop the crystal radio fad in favor of this new technology. Science MAgazine. still carried the old t.:hnology to SOMe degr.e, but it was clear the fad had gone as quickly as it had ca.e 80.e that radio itself was forgotten. ten y.ars before. Not Th. dining rOOM table was still occupied, only now it was covered with tubes and batteri... was in it. first exp.riMental stage., Made possible by the advent of the vaCUUM tube. The science of ·wireless COMMUnication- was beginning to MOve faster now, and new ideas taken up and as quickly cast aside as another ca.e along. It was the beginning of a whole new world. World War II in Europe began in the lat. 1930's. As Hitl.r MOved •••• ingly unch.cked across the land, the .'I-but-forgotten ·children's toy· ca.e back to the p.ople again. They n.ed.d an .asily hidden, e.sily asseMbI.d, no-powe-r radio receiver that coul d be Made cheap' y out of hou.~old parts, and the crystal radio served th . . w.ll. Th. Dutch lMderground had a preference for putting them in t.'ephones and hanging BOut of Order- signs ov.r th •• for the Nazis. They lifted the receiver to hear the radio broadcasts fro. Atlied nations and Und.rground trans.itters. Th. French Underground sent to the BBC in London for crystal radio sch . . . tics using loop aeria's. It i. unfortunate that the BBC no longer has records of the specific scheaatics. And in 12 what •• y have been the radio's MOst iMportant application, prisoners in POW caMps and soldiers in foxhole. Made receivers with a razor blade and pencil lead for a detector. In the U. S., perhaps fueled by warti . . rationing and civilian preparations for potential e.ergencie., crystal radio reappeared in two places. Articles about emergency radio receivers began to appear, with crystal radios figuring prOMinently. And on the lighter .ide, popular Magazines began to design crystal r~ios in tin cans for boy. on bicycles. usinv the bicycle fra. . as a ground. diode, today consider~ !~ The gerManiUM crystal detector, was a product of warti.e technology and not released to the public until well after the height of the fad had passed. While the Allied world was fighting the war, Ecuador, South A.erica, who had not yet chosen sides, was building it. very first radio station. In the 1940's, HCJB, "The Voice of the And ..... built and distributed quantities of crystal radios to the Indi.ns in the MOUntain regions of the country who had no access to COMMercial .et.. As it happened, a great nuMber of Ecuadorian residents had no COMMercial .ets. and this fact was prOMptly Made known to HCJB. ready country for this inexpensive syste.. Ecuador was a Through the technology of crystal radio, HCJB spread the gospel of Jesus Christ over aile. of "unreachable- terrain. Kanya MOre-iMpressive technology can boast a I ••s-honored lineag. than the siaple crystal receiver. 13 With the relea.e of World War II's solid state technology, the crystal radio was history. relegat~ to the annal. of There was a minor wave of revival during the 1970's when the .elf-sufficiency and environ.entalist Move.ents began, but neither it nor they gained .uch momentuM. After a certain lap•• of ti.e, it takes a great deal of energy to search out the uncataloged technology of another era, and that is what crystal radio is. Without the COMplete knowledge of the 1920's dining roOM hobbyist at hand, the 1970's dining roo. hobbyist never ca.e to be. IDOved too far too fast. There are few people today who would go back to that technology if they could. too perfect. Technology has Modern science is The flaws of a previous era, exciting and cha"Mlging then, have becoae too inconvenient to the modern hobbyist. SOMeday, if there is a need, the crystal radio May rise again like a phoenix fro. the ash.s of MOdern technology. But if there is no need, MOdern Man will never willingly seek out the -hotae-brew" technology. Perhaps it has yet to be discovered that when the technology of the pioneers has been forgotten for a long enough time, it becomes a pioneering technology again. Its use belongs once MOre to the enterprising pione.r who wish •• to make a state.ent to the - rest of the world. SUch now is the crystal radio. 14 BIBLIOBRAPHY AI th, ltax. ~llect!Qg.-Q!!!-BAsti~mlLl;;[J'l!taLS.tlb. Wallace-Ho.e.tead Book Co., De. Hoin •• , Iowa, 1977. 5!R!!~~-K11~u_RUi.2=Itltxi si.s!oL~1 ",--31 __bt!i.2-iUl{l ItltXisLoo-Cir.s.Y!ts.l!. ChicAQo, IL, 1958. Coyne Electrical School, Inc., an". BateMan, AI 1i£2!l9ais.-1!!ntJ:.ti._Dtil2!!i.~h_~_H.a. Wiley ~ Sons, Inc., NY, NY, 19~. John Bucher, Elmer E. IbLWiu~.£mt!:.!MnU!:!.Ln.oYAl.l!. Wirele.s Pre•• , Inc., NY, NY, 1920. Cook, Frank S. §,t.stLlnJ.he_tli.!!{I. The Wor I d Radio "i.sionary Fellowship, Inc., Cpa Locka, FL, 1982. Dun I apr Orr i n E. Jr. R..u.2!..§_LOO_tLea:..2!J}c-1tnU.l!. B,·others Pub., NY, NY, 1944. Harper Ie H!u!!'§!b2Dn_aJjN.l~k QjLFoLMU!Uz-g.taz-md_ln!Qr-.tLq]L_2nd~ Benn Ecc I eSI' W. H. B,·others, Ltd., London, EnG., 1918. Edwards.. K. E. R~!ga_Th.LtJ2ds-EQ! CC)., Be • .ont, CA, 1977. Hope Ie Allen Pub. FI" .1. A. ThLPr!nc-1Rl.U-2Lfit£tr.icJjavLI.tI ~tm~ J!l'td_It1tilt!otrlz-ik.!Ltd.l!. LongMana, Green, ~ Co., LondCN1, Era9., 1916. F I . .i ng, J. A. IbLWi Ltl *§JL!t1tilt:_.tli.lIt!..LPoc-ktl-D201!.-o f The Wireless Press, Ltd., London, En9., 1915. ~~Uz-E2!:1RIU1!HL~~y!'atLOQ.L. Harlow, Alvin F. ClLILWiL"' Century Co., Inc., NY, NY, 1936. D. Appleton- Hawkhead, J. C., and H. H. Dowsett. Handf:!QgJs-2LTecJm!~! !!:!..!Ilr.~t i 2!l.i2r.-t:liLt!u__ T eLem:@Rb! The Wi. rei e.s Pre•• , Ltd., London, Eng., 1915. Jones, W. R., and David Wi II iAlDs. ft1ur~I._Aml-1!int!:...l ~R9.~~ Oxford University Press, London, Eng., 1960. 15 Locais, Mary T. BA!I!2_~r~Lng_JIRtt.!~ Publishing Co •• Wash •• D.C., 1925. ItorVAn" AI fred P. LOOMis lU.U!.tS~-I~tilrYh_Cgnstr.yd.ion_E.2t. Mateqr.h~-!t_.t4.L D. Van Nostrand Co., NY. NY. 1913. Pi erce, George W. er i~i.R!.H_2.f.....HiLt.!UL~J..tQr..Q~:. MCGraw-Hili Book Co., NY, NY, 1910. Ri.s, .... inrich. ~Q!l9!9i.£.~1 ~z._ 4ttLtih s.:ms, Inc., NY, NY, 1910. John Wi I.y Ie Robison, S. S. B2t!!~LtLADYal....2LBM!2-hUm:@Qbx_and ItlHtLao.xJ2r.....!h .....Ys"....2!_ty~LEI t£.tr i ci.!M:lAz._~tLtQ:. The U. S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, HO, 1919. Sle..per, H. B. 8ts.t.i.nt.L. Dnism-Ra....!L!2L8MI!2-Ir.tmuUbr.• ....M!d Th. NorMan W. Henley Pub. Co., NY, NY, 1922. S I.eper, H. B. Ibt_BAd-12-Exg ..r iL..ntr..!.• ..J::tI&nd_B~:. Noraan W. .. y Pub. Co., NY, NY, 1922. Taggart, Arthur F. tbM:L.~-t....2Lmrut!:a_1 Rl:.usiWl.:. ~ Sons, Inc., NY, NY, 1945. The .John Wi ley HFerri-Loopstick Crystal Receiver. H ~i.2~-It!txi 1Ii on_~e\fJb. .Ju I y 1953, pp. 42, BB. Aaoros.k, Joseph D. BeilMAn, Clarence H. HLong Distance Crystal Receivinv Set. H lndus....!r iA!.-EdYc~tl2!1.Jja-iilU.i.nh March 1925, pp. 272-4. ·'Big Town' Bike Receiver. p .. 144. II ~-1tH:.-!!t"btln!~L HA Detector Based on t8w Principle. II ~y 13, 1916, p. 305. Dec. 1943, ~!.m!i.!k_~t.!~-L Dexter., Guy. HEMergency Radio Rec.ivers. 1943, pp. 2B-29, SO-51. U 8Fig_L~.L Jan. Faber, .John F. HChart of Standard Radio Syabols." !~t.r.iAL&:tsJla-SJBi.ntL Teaching suppl . . .nt r.;s, May 1927. Sreen, Char les. HSr andpa' s Whi sker. • ~!tMDHt.X 1;;!..te....!r9t!!a.t.. Sept. -Oct. 1978, pp. 59-61, 96. Bro.hong, F. H. HBg~!Qe-L "Radio Receiving Set.· !ndust.r.!ALEdY£.at!gn July 1924, p. 22. 16 HA Wirele•• Guilford, Edward H. Station." July 23, 1910, pp. 53-4, Oct. 8, 1910, pp. 229-30, Oct. 15, 1910, pp. 246-7, Oct. 22, 1910, pp. 268-9. Tel~raph Sc;~ti.!!~_AIl!:tlL~§ygg~4l1l1L Harvie, Bordon A. "The Construction of a Crystal Detector Receiving Set." IMutriaL6I:UJ!!lh Aug. 1923, pp. 316-17. "How To a Loose Coupler." 1922, p. 28. IIlLblt.~ut.X-DiJJuL. Jun. 10, Hug•• , F. Clarke. "Crystal Radio -- A Project For the Ycx.mger Boy." !wlY.atriA_'Educat~"A9AZi!ltL Oct. 1930, pp. 138-9. Junior Wireless Club of AMerica. "How Boys CAn .... k. Their Own Wireless." !he-Dt!i.n. .~ Aug. 1911, p. 134. K~t., Charl.s. ~~!DtL .1..... "A Crystal R.ceiver." Dec. 1923, p. 483. l~tria_I_~t.. Keonnedy, HAn Aaateur Wireless Set... tIBsIniDtL Hay 1916, pp. 189-'92. l~tri.AL&!:.t. Kneltel, TOM. -Radio Secret. of the ~rench Undervround.H ~ul ..r..J&W!YDic@!Loru!L Oct. 1985, pp. 17-19. "A Crystal Receiver. H !D9YA~i.A_I_Arts~~ ~UiOOJ!_'~dy£niot!.L Nov. 1948, pp. 373-5. Kosloff, Albert. "-cFareand, Anson. 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Radi 0 PaMphlet .40, U. S. of Standards (for Signa' Corps, U. S. ArMY), 1922. C(~ication BAdio_{mltruftJlt!l____!L!k.ayL~..,t§.L CirculAr .74, U. S. Bureau of Standards, Mar. 23, 1918. §gyr.s.u-9L~.!!t!!taa~i.Q-Infor!Yt i2Dl-~tiI.L Ci rcul ar .122, U. S. Bureau of Standards, Sept. 12, 1923. -