THE EFFECT OF CRANK ARM LENGTH UPON THE ANAEROBIC POWER OF COMPETITVE CYCLISTS AN HONOR'S THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS for the degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE by ANDREW R. COGGAN ADVISOR: DR. D.L. COSTILL COURSE: 10 499 BALL STATE UNIVERSITY MUNCIE, INDIANA NOVEr'1BER, 1981 -. - Intr-oduction The cycle er-gometer- is widely used as an exer-cise testing and mode define the in devil:e physiological for- its ideal conditions r-esear-ch. use, var-ious resear-cher-s pedalling y-ate (BanisteY- and Jackson 1967; Dickinson 1929; Hagbey-g et al. 1981; attempted have SeabLlr- y et to deter-mine 1977) a I • the seat height (Noy-deen-SnydeY- 1977; (1967) Shennum and deVy-ies 1976). SimalaY-ily, Hamley and Thomas and Fay-ia et al. postuY-e on (1978) have sub rna 1; i ma I e:/;i:wdned the effect and variables. positioning on an that has effect not been the pedal cy-ank ay-m. include cy-ank detey-mination of (1982) and Goto ay-m length the effect E~t er-gometeY- oy- extensive y-esear-ch length of of the clf upper- body al. clf seat ar-m bicycle is thE' Thomas (1967), length i ovey- a I t1 hE'ight. Cay-michael et al. (1982) hav+2- examined thE' effect of cy-ank on vay-iables but this been The i nv~?-st i gat i on, thE'y-efoy-e~ was to diffey-ent cy-ank ar-m lengths (160, peak exey-cise, toy-que, i.e., 45 examine 170, second sprint this the effect dur-ing bouts on by- i e f, a cycle competitive cyclists study aftey- giving theiy- of 180, and 190 mm) on and fatiguability Fouy- highly-tr-ained this pur-pose mean rna:·d rna I ey-gometey-. pay-ticipated in informed consent. Their- physical characteristcs are in Tab shown 1. It:" was .-, det erreai tled ..::. work dur i tlg an braked ergometer using cyclists had test on a Collins electrically- an automated gas analysis road experience, extensive racing system. AI I competed regularly in track racing. Testing was cycle Fitron performed on a modified (90) rpm was by a variable-orifice measured by a Cybex Corp.,N.Y.). very narrow limits of single channel efforts. recorder by incorporating a pressure potentiometer into the ergometer, work was determined with a Cybex Digital total the hydraulic valve, with to the subject's resistance variable and proportional Torque Lumex Di v. , ergometer Pedal ling rate was maintained within selected hydraulically-braked while Work Integrator. The system was calibrated prior to al I testing with the input of known torques. Repeated calibrations using this method indicated variation in the output et a I. determination of total work of 1.6%. This system has been described previously (Ivy 1979). The Fitron cycle was equipped with racing-style handlebars, saddle, and pedals with toe-clips and straps. their cleated racing from shoes fOl' a I I the subject's racing bicycles height and horizontal relative to the pedal position. axle; The cyclists wore trials. Measurements taken were used to establish seat AI I measurements were made thus leg extension was kept constant throughout the range of crank arm lengths. All enci of testing was conducted the cyclist's over a competitive four week period at the season. The subject's were Table 1. Physical Characteristics of Subjects Age (years) Years Competing Mean S.E. Range 2-7.3 2.5 23-34 ..,.. ~ c- 1.3 2.5-9.0 "-"'. Height (cm) 181.3 1.8 178-183 ght (kg) 69.8 4 ...... '') 60.2--72.2 4.72 0.06 4.65-5.20 68.3 4.2 66.8-80.2 WE~i (L/min) 1'1aN VO " Ma}·{ -1 2 (ml/kg*min VO 2 ) instructed to maintain and to refrain from test. At least exercise for the hours 72 the Ad d i t i on a I I y, their training during 24 hours preceeding intervened of order al I between trials was for mean test-retest correlation coefficient this time period each trials. al I raridomized. The power for paired trials in pilot work was r=0.91. two trials using .. Each subject performed lengths: crank 180, and 190 160, 170, the ergometer, the subject was al lowed approximately va 50% max. After a each of the mm. After adjustment of five minutes warmup one minute pause, at the 2 subjects began pedal ling to go verbal " a ll-c•u t" from on command. II instructed of the test, and strong given to insure a maximal the beginning encouragement was "al I-out Subjects were pa.:i ng stra.tegy' has work production during cycling <Katch et al. was to used 1976), calculate percent fatiguability curves (see resul t in greater tasks 36-60 seconds in work production during mean power, while peak torque were determined manually from duration the test and torque analysis of significance. variance was used to determine Student-Newman-Keuls A analysis was employed to locate any significant differnces. P=(:I. (:t5 An Figure 1). Two-way statitcal Tc.tal been showti to effort. level was used for all significance The testing. Pesults The 180 mm crank arms resulted in significantly higher mean FIGURE 1 SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION OF TORQUE CURVE T o R A Q U B E ~-----------45 SECONDS---------~ TIME A = PEAK TORQUE B = FINAL TORQUE FATIGUABILITY (X) = (1.00 - (B/A» X 100X - power over the crank 45 second period when compared to length tested (see arms, the shortest the 160 mm Table 2). No sig- nificant differences existed, however, between the 160, 170, and 1 '30::' .:r ank raUII arms or betwe,en the 17(:', making selection 18(', 1'30 film and length on the .:rank arm of an optimal crank basis of mean power alone difficult •. The ,trial peak torque generated at the very was significantly greater for the lengths compared to the torques for the higher 180 and than for the 170 beginning of each longest crank th~ee arm 160 mm crank arms. Additionally, peak 1'30 mm crank arms were mm crank significantly arms. However, account the length of the lever arm used to produce this torque, the calculated peak force that would a right angle to the longest crank than appro:.-;imatel y Peak pedal for the decreased other the roughly three. No in fatiguability r~lationship compared subject's 50% OVer increasing for the forces are bo:odyweight. the 45 second non-significant, crank length. was found between any of the variables when with crank length leg length or t.;:.tal with lE'sS These duration of the sprint, showing a general, but ,i ncr ease be generated at was significantly three-fourths to:orque have to expressed as a percentage o:of upper leg I "mgth. DISCUSSION Although no physiological data was obtained in this data from eyc ling several task was sources support predominantly the assumption anaerobic. Inbar study, that the et al. Table 2. Results Crank Length (mm) Mean±S.E. 160 _ 170 180 576.5 589.6 601.6 586.7 +28.5 ±17.0 ±28.7 ±26.6 86.5 91. 1 95.0 94.2 ±5.2 :1:5. 1 :1::4.6 ±.5.3 190 a Mean Power (watts) a Peak torque (n: IT!) d PE:ak force (n) Fatiguability (%) a,b d a,b d 540.5 535.8 526.8 495.8 ±32.5 ±30.0 ±25.6 ±27.9 49.0 49.3 50.9 51. 5 ±5.3 ±6.1 ±5.9 ±6.5 --~--------------------------------------------------- ---------- a Significantly greater than 160mm value b Significantly greater than 170mm value c Significantly greater than 180mm value d Significantly greater than 190mm value (1976) have demonstrated that oxygen cyc ling Jacobs tot same powt-r Assuming protocol. in output the vo Thert- energy the have t-fficiency, study required €;-videnc€;- is second shown ft-malt- subjt-cts in constant prest-nt of (1982) a I. si!l;-fQld incrt-ast- in Tllusclt- . lactate the ,:j I. 1 ,"\·, only represented test Sirld I ari I y, requi red • uptake during a 30 a using the mean approximately t- f f i c i that tH1C y 2 dt-creases as r€;-~uirement anaerobic metabolisM increases, thus the energy is possibly €;-ven higher (Wojcieszak et al. 1981). The subj€;-cts in the prest-nt study aVt-raged 588.6 watts al I trials. This Katch et similar al. tQ is greatt-r than (1976) during tht- than tht- watts 578.6 for physical (1981) 665.0 watts (1981). I€;-vel st-cond r€;-portt-d dt-vt-loPt-d watts reported by ergometer by education students. a 20 second isokint-tic al. a 60 the 488.3 tt-st, Wojci€;-szak It is by untraint-d cycling sprint for but et al. It-ss, however, subjects r€;-ported by during Sargt-ant tot Thest- difft-renct-s art- probably due to tht- training and t-xPt-rit-nce of the subjects, and/or the duration of the wor k bOLd:;. Th€;- linding that M€;-an power d€;-cr€;-ases with €;-xct-ssiv€;-Iy long crank~::; is dt-Monstratt-d vt-Iocityof not t-ven with constant the hip and crank knee length. conSUMPtion also cranks. As maximal GOtO that with incrt-asing oxyg*n surprising. a result forct- that tot pedal Intt-9rate-d (1982) rpm? joints incr€;-ase-s EMG have- tht- angul <.\r cur~alint-arly I activity incr€;-ast- disprQPortionatt-ly of this incrt-ast-d sPt-t-d can be al. and with long of movemt-nt, the g€;-nerated is reduced (Sjoggard 1982) Kaneko and Yamazaki is work also increased output fatiguability has of movement factors excessively with (Sargeant at al. s~all power Additionally, with higher rates and non-significant. a crank short of arm is also Despite equal or greater apparent from the present data. generated reduce 1981), although the differences. in using too penalty for to ar-ms. to increase the present investigation were The combine crank long shown been increases, reducing limb velocity as these of All efficiency. mechanical have shown that internal (1982) force at the pedal, the peak torques resulting from the use of 160 mm or 170 mm crank arms were significantly less than that generated the with 180 mm and 190 mm crank arms, a direct result of shorter lever Apparently a arm. compromise applied and the length resulting lo~ger while in peak crank arms shorter ma:-: i mal Hence, between the of the lever arm power production. result in crank arms power At a not force reduced. that can be is reached at 180 a decrease in do was allow mm, constant pedal rpm, the ma:·: i ma.l maximum force, leverage. The finding that the optimal length is longer than that common a.l. use is quite different from the results of Carmichael et (1982), tar-ms of \"Jho demonstrated that the subma;.: i mal efficiency normally employed. Carmichael's significant relationship upper leg length. between We have lengths in is data optimal crank leQgth sr-torter also optimal not observed relationship, although this may o·f leg in be due than indicate crank in that in a length and any such to the limited range our subjects (89.2-93.5 cm). -----_._------- The finding that work is not th~ similar to the results greater work length for the optimal crank for submaximal work is most efficient of Katch et al. production with an efficiency are who demonstrated (1976), cyc ling cadet1ce, "all-out" despite the reduced efficiency that results. sub ma !/; i rna I short-term apparently more Factors other than important during supramaximal work. The present results indicate an• optimal crank arm length of 180 mm rates may for supramaximal yield dependent on the More research stature and work at different velocity of with a 9·" results, rpm. as Different pedal ling power production movement (Sargeant wider range of subjects et al. in is 1981 ) terms of training status should be undertaken. .,I -------- Banister, E.W., Jackson, R.C. (1967) The effect of speed and load changes on oxygen intake for equivaleht power outputs during bicycle ergometry. Int. Z. Angew. Physiol. 24:284-290 Carmichael, J.K.S., Loomis, J.L., Hodgson, L.J. (19~2) The effect of cranklength on oxygen consumption and heart rate when cycling at constant power output. Med. Sci. Sports Ex. 14:162 "" Dickinson, S. (1929) The efficienl:y clf bicycl e pedal I ing as affected by spe~d and load. J. Physiol. 67:242-255 Faria, 1., Di7~' C., Frazer, C. 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