Kim R. Zlomke, Ph.D., BCBA Curriculum Vita (updated March 2012) Personal Information Office Address: Department of Psychology LSCB 380 University of South Alabama Mobile, AL 36688 Home Address: 13 Benedict Pl Mobile, AL 36606 Office Phone: (251)460-6569 Mobile Phone: Email Address: (251) 281-7780 Current Position: Assistant Professor Department of Psychology University of South Alabama Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Mobile, Alabama Education 2010 Texas Children’s Hospital/Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas Post-doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Psychology Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH), Maternal and Child Health Bureau Clinical Supervisor: Jean Doak, Ph.D., Research Mentor: Constance Wiemann, Ph.D. 2008 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi APA-Approved Clinical Psychology Internship, Child Clinical and Pediatric Psychology Research Preceptor: Laura Stoppelbein, Ph.D. Advisor: T. David Elkin, Ph.D. 2008 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge Louisiana Degree: Doctor of Philosophy Major Area: Child Clinical Psychology Minor Area: Healthcare Administration Dissertation: Developmental Consistency of a Cognitive Model of Worry Specialty Examination: Worry and Anxiety in Children and Adolescents Advisors: Thompson E. Davis III, Ph.D., Mary Lou Kelley, Ph.D., Johnny Matson, Ph.D. 2003 Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois Degree: Master of Science Major Area: Behavior Analysis and Therapy Thesis: An Investigation of Problem Gambling through a Relational Frame Theory Paradigm Advisor: Mark R. Dixon, Ph.D. 2001 Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri Major Area: Psychology McNair Scholar Program Degree: Bachelor of Arts Minor Area: American Studies K.R. Zlomke 2 Certifications 2010 Licensed Psychologist Alabama #1634 2009 Provisionally Licensed Psychologist Texas #34477 2008 Provisionally Licensed Mental Health Practitioner Nebraska #8621 2005 Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctorate #1-05-2487-2005 Honors and Awards 2011 2008 2004-2006 2003-2006 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 1997-2001 Fellow, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Summer Research Institute in Applied Child and Adolescent Development, National Institute of Health Carlotta Simons Award in Adolescent Health, Society for Adolescent Medicine Departmental Travel Award, Louisiana State University Graduate Enhancement Award, Louisiana State University Janet and David Stover Award, Southern Illinois University Master’s Fellowship, Southern Illinois University Graduate Dean’s Fellowship, Southern Illinois University McNair Scholar, Saint Louis University Psi Chi Research Award, Saint Louis University Dean’s List, Saint Louis University Ad Hoc Editorial Service Addictive Behaviors Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology Behavior Modification Behavior Analyst Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Journal of Pediatric Psychology Journal of Primary Prevention North American Journal of Psychology Personality and Individual Differences Research in Development Disabilities Professional Memberships 2011-current 2008-2011 2004-current 2002-current 1997-current Southeastern Psychological Association Society for Adolescent Medicine American Psychological Association (Divisions 53 and 54) Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Association for Behavior Analysis K.R. Zlomke 3 Professional Publications Schwebel, D.C., Roth, D.L., Elliott, M.N., Chien, A.T., Mrug, S., Chipp, E., Dittus, P., Zlomke, K., & Schuster, M.A. (2012). Marital conflict and fifth-graders’ risk for injury. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 47, 30-35. Reuther, E.T., Davis, T.E., Grills-Taquechel, A., & Zlomke, K. (2011). Fear of anxiety in fearful adults: An analysis of heterogeneity among phobia types. Current Psychology, 30(3), 268-274. Munson, M., Davis III, T. E., Grills-Taquechel, A., & Zlomke, K. (2010). The effects of Hurricane Katrina on those with a preexisting fear of storms. Current Psychology, 29, 307-319. Olatunji, B. O., Moretz, M., & Zlomke, K. R. (2010). Linking cognitive avoidance and GAD symptoms: The mediating role of fear of emotion. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(5), 435-441. Zlomke, K.R. & Hahn, K.S. (2010). Cognitive emotion regulation strategies: Gender differences and associations to worry. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(4), 408-413. Olatunji, B., Broman-Fulks, J., Bergman, S., Green, B., & Zlomke, K. (2010). A taxometric investigation of the latent structure of worry: Dimensionality and associations with depression, anxiety, and stress. Behavior Therapy, 41(2), 212-228. Zlomke, K.R. & Young, J.R. (2009). Retrospective report of parenting behaviors and their relationship to adult worry: The mediating role of intolerance of uncertainty. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 18, 670-679. Zlomke, K.R. (2009). Psychometric properties of internet administered versions of Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS). Computers in Human Behavior, 25, 841-843. Davis III, T.E., Nida, R.E., Zlomke, K.R., & Nebel-Schwalm, M.S. (2009). Health related quality of life in college undergraduates with learning disabilities: The mediational roles of anxiety and sadness. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 31, 228-234. Zlomke, K.R. & Davis III, T.E. (2008). One-session treatment of specific phobias: Components, mechanisms of change, and efficacy. Behavior Therapy, 39, 207-223. Dixon, M.R., Zlomke, K.R., Rehfeldt, R.A. (2006). Restoring Americans’ nonequivalent frames of terror: An application of relational frame theory. The Behavior Analyst Today, 7, 275-289. Dixon, M.R., Rehfeldt, R.R., Zlomke, K.R, & Robinson, A. (2006). Exploring the development and dismantling of equivalence classes involving terrorist stimuli. The Psychological Record, 56, 83103. Zlomke, K.R. & Dixon, M.R. (2006). Modification of slot-machine preferences through the use of a conditional discrimination paradigm. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 39, 351-361. Dixon, M. R. & Zlomke, K. R. (2005). (Invited Paper) Using the Precursor to the Relational Evaluation Procedure (pREP) to establish the relational frames of sameness, opposition, and distinction. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia, 37, 305-316. Guercio, J., Dixon, M. R., Soldner, J., Shoemaker, Z., Zlomke, K., Root, S., & Small, S.(2005). Enhancing staff performance measures in an acquired brain injury setting: Combating the habituation to organizational behavioral interventions. Behavioral Interventions, 20, 91-99. Small, S., Dixon, M. R., Soldner, J., Sanders, S., Hartman, K. Martin, J., Manzano, E., & Zlomke, K (2004). The potential for organizational behavior management consultation in education: A review of Erchul and Martens’ “School Consultation.” Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 24, 63-70. Dixon, M. R., Guercio, J., Falcomata, T., Horner, M. J., Root, S., Newell, C., & Zlomke, K. (2004). Exploring the utility of functional analysis methodology to assess and treat problematic verbal behavior in persons with acquired brain injury. Behavioral Interventions, 19, 91-102 Dixon, M. R., Dennis, J. M., Zlomke, K., & Halvey, C. (2003). Applications of behavioral methods as treatment for urinary incontinence in the elderly. North American Journal of Psychology, 5, 203212. K.R. Zlomke 4 Dixon, M. R., Dymond, S., Rehfeldt, R. A., Roche, B., & Zlomke, K.R. (2003). Terrorism and relational frame theory. Behavior and Social Issues, 12, 129-147. Dixon, M.R. & Zlomke, K.R (2003). (Invited Paper) On the need for a behavioral analysis of gambling. Making the World a Better Place, Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. Zlomke, K.R. & Zlomke, L.C (2003). Token economy plus self-monitoring to reduce disruptive behavior in youth. The Behavior Analyst Today, 4, 177-183. Manuscripts Under Review Zlomke, K.R. & *Jeter, K. Influence of intolerance of uncertainty in the perception of the adolescent life stressors. *Jeter, K. & Zlomke, K.R. Attentional bias and health anxiety. Zlomke, K.R. & *Cook, N.M. Impact of childhood teasing on adult rejection and evaluation sensitivity *Jeter, K.J., *Murphy, J., & Zlomke, K.R. Effects of Perceived Parental Rearing Style on Health Anxiety and Self-Reported Health Status *Bauman, S.E. & Zlomke, K.R. Parenting predictors of the Broad Autism Phenotype *Lamport, D. & Zlomke, K.R. Broad Autism Phenotype and psychosocial functioning Manuscripts in Preparation The Healthy Passages Research Collaboration. Self-reported quality of life in children with compromised health status: Race/ethnicity and gender differences. The Healthy Passages Research Collaboration. The role of parenting in early adolescent unintentional injury risk. The Healthy Passages Research Collaboration. Parent and child congruence on report of health status. Garland, B.H., Zlomke, K.R., *Talbot, B., Kelley, M.L. Factor structure of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ) in parent-adolescent dyads. Zlomke, K.R., Garland, B.H., *Talbot, B., Kelley, M.L. Parent-adolescent agreement on parenting methods- An investigation of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire. Zlomke, K.R., Garland, B.H., *Talbot, B., Kelley, M.L. Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Adolescent Report Alabama Parenting Questionnaire. Hill, B.D., Zlomke, K.R., & O’Jile, J. Association of anxiety and depression to executive functioning in psychiatric youth: Comparison of in- and out-patient populations. Zlomke, K.R. & *Powell, A.E. Family functioning in families of children with Autism: A review of the literature. *Murphy, J. & Zlomke, K.R. The Role of Worry in the Relationship of Mood and Sleep Quality in Adolescents *Bauman, S.E. & Zlomke, K.R. Broad Autism Phenotype (BAP) and Negative Mood: Perceived Parenting as a Mediating Construct. *Jeter, K.J., *Bauman, S.E., & Zlomke, K.R. Predicting Characteristics of the Broad Autism Phenotype in College Undergraduates: Contribution of Intolerance of Uncertainty and Perfectionism Zlomke, K.R., Stefurak, J.T., *Murphy, J., *Powell, A.E., *Wilson, K. Positive Peer Reporting: Preliminary Effectiveness and Acceptability in a Alternative Middle School Gillis, J. & Zlomke, K.R. Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC) Profiles for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD Zlomke, K.R. & Labbe-Coldsmith, E. An Evidence Based Review of Mindful Parenting: Status of the Literature K.R. Zlomke 5 Grant Reviewer 2012 Cancer and Smoking Disease Research Program, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Grants and Contracts Title Advanced Nursing Education Program: Serving At-Risk Children Project TIPP (Team-Based Interprofressional Personnel Preparation) Authors Majors, S (PI) (Faculty Role) Source Health Resources and Services Administration Amount Date $1,086,073 Under Review Kennedy, E., Wooster, D, Beverly, B., Ellis, D., Zlomke & K. Zlomke, K.R. US Department of Education $1,182,099 Under Review Mobile County Public Schools $68,898 June 2012 Generations Scholars: Multidisciplinary Pipeline for Research on Aging and intergenerational Relationships Effective Measurements for Language Change within Parent-Mediated Language Treatment for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Exploration of Differences and the Role of Parental Stress in Characteristics of Parent Child Interactions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Reducing Health Disparities by Implementing General Developmental and AutismSpecific Screening Tools of Choice Hanks, R.S. (PI) (Consultant role) National Institute of Aging $300,000 Under Review Beverly, B. & Zlomke, K.R. University of South Alabama Faculty Development Council $4,600 Not funded Zlomke, K.R. University of South Alabama Faculty Development Council $4,800 Not funded Swingle,H., Trimm, F., Zlomke, K Autism Speaks Global Autism Public Health Initiative $193, 020 Not funded Zlomke.K.R. Alabama Department of Human Resources $15,250 Aug 2011 University of South Alabama-Continuous Learning Center Collaboration Pilot Study of Parent Child Interaction Therapy for Children with Autism Stefurak, T. & Zlomke, K.R. Mobile County (Alabama) $62,629 Aug 2011 Zlomke, K.R. University of South Alabama Faculty Development Fund $1,500 Jan 2011 Pre-School Evaluation and Assessment Project K.R. Zlomke 6 Effectiveness of Parent Child Zlomke, K.R. & Interaction Therapy for Beverly, B.L. Children with Developmental Disabilities Behavior and Belief Zlomke, K.R. Mediators of Anxiety Autism Speaks Pilot Intervention Grant $120,000 Not funded The National Institute of Health Loan Repayment Program --- Not funded Screening, Assessment, & Evidence-Based Treatment of Depression & Suicidality within Juvenile Justice Evaluating the effect of Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) with children on the Autism Spectrum Barriers and Facilitators of Health Behavior in Adolescents Stefurak, LanghinrichsenRohling, Zlomke, & Bryan Zlomke, K.R. The National Institute of Health $591,926 Not funded University of South Alabama Support & Development Council $1,500 Funded Zlomke, K.R. The National Institute of Health Loan Repayment Program --- Not funded Competencies and Needs of HIV Positive Adolescents Facing Transition Paul, M.E. & Zlomke, K.R. Baylor College of Medicine Center for Aids Research (CFAR) $25,000 Not funded All-Nighters and Buffets: Zlomke, K.R. Navigating the Transition to College with Type I Diabetes Society for Adolescent Medicine $1,500 2008 (Funded) Identifying Sources of Distress in Parents of Children with Cancer Elkin, D., Megason, G., Zlomke, K.R., & Williams, N. Mississippi Children’s Cancer Fund: Chew Research Award $35, 360 2008 (Funded) One Session Treatment of Specific Phobias: Massed vs. Spaced Exposure Davis, T.E., & Zlomke, K.R. Louisiana State University LSU Council On Research $9,980 2006 (Funded) The Profile of GAD in Adolescents: Relative Contribution of Cognitive, Behavioral, and Physiological Response Components Zlomke, K.R. NIMH Kirschstein National Research Service Award for Predoctoral Fellows (F31) -- 2005 (Scored, Unfunded) Creating a Multimedia Graduate Certificate Program in Behavior Analysis and Therapy Dixon, M.R. & Zlomke, K.R. Southern Illinois University Distance Learning Development Grant Program $28,800 2003 (Funded) K.R. Zlomke 7 Professional Presentations (* indicates student) 2012 *Murphy, J. & Zlomke, K.R. The Role of Worry in the Relationship of Mood and Sleep Quality in Adolescents. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA. *Bauman, S.E. & Zlomke, K.R. Broad Autism Phenotype and Negative Mood: Perceived Parenting as a Mediator. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA. *Patterson, L.V., *Cook, N.M., & Zlomke, K.R. Psychosocial Risk and Stress in Families of Children with Autism. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA. *Jeter, K.J. & Zlomke, K.R. Daily Stress and Anxiety: Examining Intolerance of Uncertainty’s Moderating Effect. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA. *Cook, N.M. & Zlomke, K.R. Predictors of Stress in Families of Children with Autism. Poster submitted for presentation at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD. * Bauman, S.E., Jeter, K.J., Zlomke, K.R. Prediction of Broad Autism Phenotype Characteristics in a College Sample: Examining the Role of Intolerance for Uncertainty. Poster submitted for presentation at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD. Gillis, J. & Zlomke, K.R. Comparing the BASC-2 Profile in Children with Autism and ADHD. Poster submitted for presentation at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD. *Bauman, S.E., *Lamport, D., Turner, L.A., & Zlomke, K.R. Exploring the Mediating Role of Parenting in the Relationship between the Broad Autism Phenotype and Negative Mood. Poster submitted for presentation at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD. *Jackson, S.E., *Bradford, M., & Zlomke, K.R. An Examination of Gender Effects in Intolerance for Uncertainty. Poster submitted for presentation at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD. *Murphy, J., Powell, A.E., Wilson, K., Stefurak, J.T., & Zlomke, K.R. Positive Peer Reporting in an Alternative Middle School. Poster submitted for presentation at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD. *Jeter, K.J.,* Murphy, J., & Zlomke, K.R. Effects of Perceived Parental Rearing Style on Health Anxiety and Self-Reported Health Status. Poster submitted for presentation at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD. 2011 Zlomke, K.R., *Cook, N.M., *Jeter, K. Psychosocial Stress of Autism Diagnosis and Family Resiliency. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies. Toronto, Canada. *Cook, N.M., & Zlomke, K.R. Utilizing Parent Child Interaction Therapy for Pre-Parent Education. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies. Toronto, Canada. Zlomke, K.R., *Cook, N.M., *Powell, A.E., & *Ploetz, D. Preliminary Effectiveness of Parent Child Interaction Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies. Toronto, Canada. *Jeter, K. & Zlomke, K.R. Effect of Health Anxiety on Attention: Using Health Information to K.R. Zlomke 8 Prime Attentional Bias to Illness-Related Stimuli. Poster submitted for presentation at the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Zlomke, K.R., Beverly, B., & *Cook, N.M. Training Parents to Manage Disruptive Behaviors of Children with Autism: Applications of PCIT. Presented to 20th Annual Convention of the Alabama Association for Behavior Analysis. Birmingham, AL. Chien, A.T., Denniston, M.M., Low, B.J., Toomey, S., Wallander, J.L., Zlomke, K., & Schuster, M.A. The Relationship between Quality of Life, Health Behaviors, and General Health Ratings in Children. Poster presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Convention. Denver, CO. 2010 Zlomke, K.R., Garland, B.G., *Talbot, B.H. Psychometric Properties and Clinical Utility of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire for Adolescents. Poster presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies. San Francisco, CA. May, A. C., Reuther, E. T., Munson, M. S., Jenkins, W., Moree, B. N., Whiting, S., Zlomke, K., & Davis III, T. E. Determinants of treatment seeking in those with Specific Phobia: Predictors and associated findings. Poster presented to the 6th triennial meeting of the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Boston, MA. Wallander, J. et al. Multidimensional quality of life in African American, Hispanic, and White adolescents with and without compromised health status. Poster presented at the 2010 biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescents. Baltimore, MD. 2009 Zlomke, K.R. Influence of intolerance of uncertainty in the perception of the adolescent life stressors. Poster presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies. New York, NY. Zlomke, K.R. & Hahn, K.S. Cognitive emotion regulation strategies: Gender differences and associations to worry. Poster presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies. New York, NY. Davis, T.E, Zlomke, K.R. Tarcza, E., Munson, M., Jenkins, W., & Moree, B. One-Session Treatment of specific phobias: A comparison of massed and spaced formats. Poster presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies. 2008 Greening, L., Harrell, K., Low, A., McLaurin, Z., Williams, N., Zlomke, K., Stoppelbein, L. Health disparities in childhood obesity. Poster presented at the National Conference on Child Health Psychology. Miami, FL. Stoppelbein, L., Greening, L., Zlomke, K., & Williams, N. Cortisol as a predictor of depression and post-traumatic stress symptoms among mothers of newly diagnosed pediatric cancer patients: A longitudinal analysis. Poster presented at the National Conference on Child Health Psychology. Miami, FL. 2007 Zlomke, K.R., Munson, M., & Davis, T.E. Consistency of cognitive-behavioral model of worry across levels of worry. Poster presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA. Zlomke, K.R., Tarcza, E.V., Munson, M., Nebel-Schwalm, M.S., & Davis, T.E. Behavioral avoidance tasks: Properties and two-week test-retest results. Poster presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA. Vinci, C., Davis III, T. E., Copeland, A., Grills-Taquechel, A. E., Ollendick, T. H., & Zlomke, K. Coping in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: The effects of pre-trauma psychopathology and medication in young adults. Poster presented at the 41st annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA. K.R. Zlomke 9 2006 Zlomke, K.R. & Davis, T.E. Equivalency of internet administered screen for specific phobias and clinician-administered ADIS-IV. Poster presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Chicago, IL. Zlomke, K.R., Nebel-Schwalm, M.S., & Davis, T.E. Catastrophic cognitions, body sensations, and Fear: examining “fear of anxiety” in fearful adults. Poster presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, IL. Zlomke, K.R., Nebel-Schwalm, M.S., Davis, T.E., & Grills, A.E. The effects of Hurricane Katrina on those with and without significant storm fear: How those who feared storms handled THE STORM. Poster presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Chicago, IL. Montero, M.P., Zlomke, K.R., Torres, W.B., Davis, L.C., & Davis, T.E. Quality of life in those with snake and height fear. Poster presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Chicago, IL. Torres, W.B., Zlomke, K.R., Davis, L.C., Montero, M.P., & Davis, T.E. Mediators of functional impairment in those with social phobia. Poster presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Chicago, IL. Zlomke, K.R., Davis, L.S., Davis, T.E., Torres, W.B., & Montero, M.P. Interpersonal satisfaction and functioning in social phobia. Poster presented at the 2006 American Psychological Association annual conference. New Orleans, LA. 2005 Zlomke, K.R., Meyer, K.J., Montero, M., & Kelley, M.L. Validation of Alabama Parenting Questionnaire in an adolescent community sample. Poster presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Association for the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Washington, D.C. Meyer, K.J., Zlomke, K.R., Paasch, V., Davidson, K. Kelley, M.L. Homework self-management for adolescents with ADHD. Poster presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Association for the Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Washington, D.C. Zlomke, K.R., Meyer, K.J., Allen, R., & Kelley, M.L. Group versus individual contingencies in positive peer reporting. To be presented at the 21st annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis. Chicago, IL. 2004 Wingate, A., Kelley, M.L., Laslie, K., Nebel-Schwalm, & Zlomke, K. Attribution processes in motheradolescent conflict. Poster presented at the 38th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy. New Orleans, LA. Laslie, K., Pellegrin, A., Meyer, K., Zlomke, K., Palcic, J., Jurbergs, N., & Kelley, M.L. Comorbidity of ADHD and PTSD among low income urban youth. Poster presented at the 38th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy. New Orleans, LA. Zlomke, J., Chatelain, A., Zlomke, L., & Zlomke, K. Positive peer reporting practices with you experiencing severe/persistent emotional disorders. Poster presented at the 38th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy. New Orleans, LA. Zlomke, K.R., Dixon, M.R., Rehfeldt, R.A., & Tibbetts, P. Creating terrorists with the greatest of ease: A relational frame analysis of the development of prejudice. Presentation at the 20th annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis. Boston, MA. 2003 Zlomke, K.R. & Dixon, M.R. A clinical conceptualization - A Relational Frame Theory account of problem gambling. Presentation at the 19th annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis. San Francisco, CA. Zlomke, K.R., Dixon, M.R.,& Martin, J. Terrorism and the manipulation of relational frames. Poster presented at the 19th annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis. San Francisco, CA. K.R. Zlomke 10 Dixon, M.R. & Zlomke, K.R. Web-based behavioral classes at Southern Illinois University. Poster presented at the 19th annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis. San Francisco, CA. Dixon, M.R., Zlomke, K.R., Martin, J., & Gaston, A. Response allocations to concurrently available slot machines. Poster presented at the 19th annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis. San Francisco, CA. Dixon, M.R., Cuvo, A.J., Dake, J., Zlomke, K.R. & Soldner, J. Do gamblers maximize or match under concurrent random ratio schedules? Poster presented at the 19th annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis. San Francisco, CA. 2002 Zlomke, K.R. & Dixon, M.R. Problem behavior from a choice perspective. Presentation at the Tennessee Association for Behavior Analysis annual conference. Nashville, TN. Dixon, M.R., Fienup, D.M., & Zlomke, K.R. Behavior analytic investigations into gambling. Poster presented at the Mid-American Association for Behavior Analysis annual conference. Kalamazoo, MI. Zlomke, K.R. & Zlomke, L.C. Token economy plus self-monitoring to reduce disruptive behavior in youth. Poster presented at the 28th annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis. Toronto, Ontario. Zlomke, K.R., & Zlomke, L.C. Improving staff to youth social interactions to increase youth treatment environment satisfactions. Paper presented at the 28th annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis. Toronto, Ontario. Dixon, M.R., Fienup, D.M., & Zlomke, K.R. Behavior analytic investigations into gambling. Poster presented at the Southern Illinois University-Carbondale Annual Research Day. Carbondale, Illinois. 2001 and prior Zlomke, K.R. (April 2001). The relationship between religiosity and psychological stress and adjustment. Presentation at the McNair Scholar Symposium. St. Louis, Missouri. Zlomke, K.R. & Zlomke, L.C. (May 2000). The effectiveness of vignettes to illustrate principles of applied behavior analysis. Poster presented at the 26th annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis. Washington, D.C. Zlomke, K.R. (March 2000). The effects of sexual images in advertising on recall and recognition. Poster presented at the 19th annual Mid-America Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference. Evansville, Indiana. Invited Community & Institutional Presentations (* indicates student) Zlomke, K.R. (April 2012). Disruptive Behavior management for Parents and Therapists. Presented at The Alabama Occupational Therapy Association South District Spring Conference. Mobile, AL Zlomke, K.R. (December 2011). Evidence-Based Treatment for Children and Adolescents. Presented to AltaPointe (Community mental health center). Mobile, AL Zlomke, K.R. (November 2011). Coaching for Specialized Parenting: Improving Relationships and Behavior. Presentation for the Alabama Early Intervention and Preschool Conference. Birmingham, AL. Zlomke, K.R. (November 2011). Tools for Identifying Mental Health Concerns in Infants and Toddlers. Presentation for the Alabama Early Intervention and Preschool Conference. Birmingham, AL Zlomke, K.R. (May 2011) Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Pervasive Developmental Disabilities: Current Applications and Future Directions. Presented for University of South Alabama Grand Rounds, Mobile, AL. K.R. Zlomke 11 *Bodiford, S. & Zlomke, K.R. (December 2010). Adolescent Alcohol & Drug Use. Presented to community through University of South Alabama Parent Academy. USA Psychological Clinic. Mobile, AL. *Ploetz, D. & Zlomke, K.R. (November 2010). Toilet Training & Sleep Problems. Presented to community through University of South Alabama Parent Academy. USA Psychological Clinic. Mobile, AL. *Powell, A. & Zlomke, K.R. (November 2010). Help with Homework & School-Home Communication. Presented to community through University of South Alabama Parent Academy. USA Psychological Clinic. Mobile, AL. *Cook, N.M. & Zlomke, K.R. (October 2010). Active Parenting. Presented to community through University of South Alabama Parent Academy. USA Psychological Clinic. Mobile, AL. *Misra, T. & Zlomke, K.R. (September 2010). Using Time-In for Effective Time-out. Presented to community through University of South Alabama Parent Academy. USA Psychological Clinic. Mobile, AL. Zlomke, K.R. (September 2010). New assessments for children, adolescents, and families. Psychological Clinic Ground Rounds, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. Zlomke, K.R. (September 2009). Psychosocial aspects of puberty. Presented to the faculty and fellows within the Baylor College of Medicine, Pediatrics, Section of Adolescent and Sports Medicine and the University of Texas School of Public Health Dallas Regional Campus. Houston, TX Doak, J.S. and Zlomke, K.R. (September 2009). Adolescent interviewing skills and competencies. Presented to the faculty, fellows, and residents within the Baylor College of Medicine, Pediatrics, Section of Adolescent and Sports Medicine. Houston, TX Zlomke, K.R. (June 2009). Transitions and mental health for HIV positive youth. Presentation at the Houston Youth Summit for (HIV) Positive Youth. Houston, TX Zlomke, K.R. (May 2009). All-nighters and buffets: Transitions of youth with IDDM to college. Presented to the faculty and fellows at the Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Research Day. Houston, TX Zlomke, K.R. (March 2009). Help me, but don’t tell me what to do! Motivational Interviewing with adolescents. Presented to faculty and fellows within the Baylor College of Medicine, Pediatrics, Section of Adolescent and Sports Medicine. Houston, TX Zlomke, K.R. & Herndon, M.E. (November 2008). Risk behaviors & emotional well-being in youth with chronic health conditions. Journal club presented to faculty and fellows Baylor College of Medicine Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Research Day. Houston, TX Zlomke, K.R. (November 2006). Anxiety in college students. Presented to the University College Center for Advising and Counseling. Baton Rouge, LA Zlomke, K.R. (November 2006). Psychological issues facing college women- What to look for and where to go. Presented to Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority. Baton Rouge, LA. Zlomke, K.R. (July 2005). Staff-participant interactions- It is the small stuff. Presented to direct care staff at Fort Wayne Developmental Center in Ft. Wayne, IN. Zlomke, K.R. (April 2005). Adolescents, ADHD, and co-occurring disorders. Presented to community members at monthly meeting of Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (CHADD) in Baton Rouge, LA. Zlomke, K.R. (April 2000). The uses of early intervention behavior therapy for children with autism. Presentation at the 16th annual Sharing Our Best, Regional Conference on Developmental Disabilities. Beatrice, NE. Clinical Experience August 2010 Licensed Psychologist, University of South Alabama Psychological Clinic, Mobile, AL K.R. Zlomke 12 August 2008-August 2010 Adolescent Therapist, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX Provide individual, family, and group therapy to youth with various presenting psychosocial difficulties including eating disorders, obesity, chronic illness, HIV infection, anxiety, depression, social skills deficits, grief, and substance abuse. Supervise clinical interns. Develop, implement, and evaluate assessment and clinical outcomes. Supervisor: Jean Doak, Ph.D July 2007- June 2008 Parent Education Program Facilitator, United Way/YMCA of Jackson, MS Developed and facilitated parent education program for families referred by social service agencies. Examined clinical outcomes and modified program according to needs. July 2007- June 2008 Clinical Psychology Resident, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS Conduct diagnostic interviews and complete cognitive functioning assessments, set behavioral management plans, and provide case management, treatment recommendations, and consultation/liaison services for children with medical illness and acute psychiatric difficulties. Supervisors: David Elkin, Ph.D., Lani Greening, Ph.D., Laura Stoppelbein, Ph.D. 2003- 2007 Child Psychology Clinician, Psychological Services Center, Baton Rouge, LA Provided cognitive-behavioral assessment and treatment in an outpatient setting to children and adolescents. Conducted psychoeducational, gifted, and psychological evaluations. Presenting problems included mood, anxiety, ADHD, learning disabilities, and pervasive developmental disabilities. Supervised practicum students and undergraduate research assistants. Supervisors: Johnny Matson, Ph.D., Thompson Davis III, Ph.D.; Mary Lou Kelley, Ph.D. 2004- 2007 Examiner, Disability Determination Services, Baton Rouge, LA Conducted mental status examinations, clinical interviews, and psychological assessment for adults and children presenting with a wide range of psychopathology. Administration of intelligence, cognitive, academic, memory, and adaptive functioning tests for disability claims. Supervisor: Bryan Gros, Ph.D. 2004-2005 Extern, Spring House, Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System, Greenwell Springs, LA Conducted psychological and suicide risk assessment, individual and group therapy in a residential treatment facility for adolescent females in the custody of the state. Provided weekly group therapy session focused on issues pertaining to sexual abuse, friendship, self-esteem, relationships, life skills, social skills, relaxation, and anger management. Supervised a token economy to promote prosocial behavior. Modeled positive staff-youth interactions and consulted with direct care staff on implementation of behavior plans. Supervisor: Roy Allen, Ph.D. 2003- 2005 Pediatric Psychology Extern, Early Intervention Clinic, Louisiana State Medical Center at Earl K. Long Hospital, Baton Rouge, LA. Served as a member of a multi-disciplinary team providing healthcare services to infants, children, and adolescent who are HIV-exposed or diagnosed with HIV. Managed developmental and behavioral care of clientele and provided support and counseling services to parents and K.R. Zlomke 13 children coping with chronic illness. Administered Denver Developmental Screening Test, assessed academic functioning, coordinated school services, provided interventions for medical noncompliance, and provided parent education and training. Supervisor: Mary Lou Kelley, Ph.D. and Karen Williams, M.D. 2002-2003 Assistant Director, Behavioral Consultation Group, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL Conducted functional assessments, designed and implemented behavior plans for dually diagnosed individuals with developmental disabilities and behavior/psychological disorder. Trained staff and parents on behavior management techniques. Supervisor: Mark Dixon, Ph.D. 2002 Practicum, Center for Comprehensive Services, Carbondale, IL Conducted functional analyses of individuals with traumatic brain injuries and write function based behavior plans. Collected data on staff program completion and implemented interventions to increase program completion by direct care staff. Supervisor: John Guercio, M.S. 2001-2003 Graduate Assistant, Project 12-Ways, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL Provided behaviorally based in-home treatment to families with histories of abuse and/or neglect. Conducted behavioral assessment, collect and analyze data. Trained parents within their home in parent-child interactions, child management, routine structuring. Communicated with case managers, social workers, legal representatives, and other service providers. Supervisor: Brandon Greene, Ph.D. 1999-2001 Lead Therapist, St. Louis Special School District, St. Louis, MO Applied principles of behavior analysis in an intensive early intervention programs for children with autism. Collected and analyzed data regarding skill acquisition and generalization. Supervised team of para-therapists in the implementation of behavior plans. Supervisor: Todd Streff, M.S. Consultation Experience 2010- Current Continuous Learning Center, Mobile, AL Provide consultation on student functional behavioral assessments, development and implementation of behavioral support/intervention plans. 2008-2010 Allergy and Immunology Service, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX Provided clinical consultation services and participated in research and program development with the Adolescent Initiative, serving HIV positive teens and young adults. Consulted with medical staff and health educators regarding psychosocial needs of patients and assisted in outreach activities. 2005- Current Pediatric Psychology Associates, Beatrice, NE K.R. Zlomke 14 Consultant to Developmental Services of Nebraska (DSN), Beatrice State Developmental Center (BSDC), and other organizations serving individuals with mental retardation/developmental disabilities and co-morbid mental illness. Served as consultant conducting functional assessments and formation of behavioral support plans as well as provided staff training and development. Provide behavior analytic supervision to trainees for certification as Associate Behavior Analysts (BCABA) 2003-2008 Liberty/Independence Healthcare, Bala Cynwyd, PA Consultant to Fort Wayne (IN) Developmental Center. Served as member of the Behavioral Intervention Committee and as a consultant to on-site psychologists, behavior clinicians, and direct care staff. Assisted with behavioral intervention design for remediating severe behavior problems and for the development of adaptive behavior. Supervisors: Casey Nelson, Psy.D. and John Brandy, Ph.D. 2003-2005 Louisiana State University Earl K. Long Hospital Mid-City Clinic, Baton Rouge, LA Conducted assessment and provide treatment for refereed pediatric inpatients. Provided recommendations to physicians, staff, and patients’’ family members regarding patients care. Presenting problems included: medical noncompliance, suicidality, failure to thrive, child abuse and neglect, adjustment to chronic illness, and pain management. Supervisor: Mary Lou Kelley, Ph.D. 2002-2003 Center for Comprehensive Services, Carbondale, IL. Conducted functional analyses, preference assessments, and reinforcer assessments for children and adults with brain injuries. Supervisor: Mark Dixon, Ph.D. 2001-2003 Project 12-Ways, Carbondale, IL Provided in-home behavioral family support services referred by the Department of Child and Family Services. Primary services focused on parent-child interactions, daily routines, health maintenance, stress reduction, home safety and cleanliness as well as problem-solving skills, selfesteem, and assertiveness training. Supervisor: Brandon Greene, Ph.D. 1997-2001 Special School District, St. Louis, MO Provided in-home early intervention services to children with autism. Developed and administered behavioral plans, direct teaching instructions, and worked directly with national consultants to teach skills to children aged 3-5 years. Functioned as “school shadow” and provided services within pre-school and in other community settings. Continuing Education 2011 Train the Practitioner (Secrets of Modern Parenting), Florida Institute of Technology, ABA Online Program. Instructor: Jose Martinez-Diaz, Ph.D., BCBA-D K.R. Zlomke 15 2010 Structural Equation Modeling, Advanced Methodology and Statistics Seminar, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA Instructor: James Henson, Ph.D. Conducting Therapeutic Exposures with Anxious Adolescents: Practicalities, Pitfalls, and Ultimately Progress, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA Instructors: Ann Marie Albano, Ph.D., Sandra Pimentel, Ph.D. 2008 Leadership Education in Adolescent Health, Baylor College of Medicine Faculty: Albert Hergenroeder, M.D., Mariam Chacko, M.D., Constance Wiemann, Ph.D., Jean Doak, Ph.D., Susan Tortolero, Ph.D., Roberta Anding, R.D., Brenda Binder, Ph.D., PNP, Gwendolyn Adam, Ph.D. 2008 Motivational Interviewing, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS Instructor: Julie Schumacher, Ph.D. 2006 Prolonged Exposure for the Treatment of PTSD, Baton Rouge, LA Instructor: David Riggs, Ph.D. (University of Pennsylvania Center for Treatment and Study of Anxiety) 2006 Overview of Psychopharmacology, Baton Rouge, LA Instructor: Joseph Comaty, Ph.D., M.P. (Louisiana Office of Mental Health) 2006 Teaching 102: Better Teaching, More Learning, Baton Rouge, LA Louisiana State University Center for Faculty Development 2005 Writing National Institute of Health Grants: Practical Strategies for Success, Washington, D.C. Instructor: Michael Otto, Ph.D. (Boston University/Harvard Medical School) 2005 Teaching 101: The Fundamentals, Baton Rouge, LA Louisiana State University Center for Faculty Development 2003 Behavioral Approaches to Values-Oriented Treatment: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workshop, Oxford, MS. Instructor: Kelly Wilson, Ph.D. (University of Mississippi) 2001 Practical Applications in Child Psychology, Nebraska Psychological Association, Ashland, NE Instructor: Edward Christophersen, Ph.D. (University of Kansas/Children’s Mercy Hospital) Teaching Experience 2012 University of South Alabama Guest Lecture • Disruptive Behavior in Children: Management for Therapists and Parents (PT641, Pediatric Examination/Evaluation) • Managing Test Anxiety (NU 412, Decision Making & Delagation) 2010 University of South Alabama Undergraduate: • PSY 417: Applied Behavior Analysis I: Introduction K.R. Zlomke 16 • • • PSY 418: Applied Behavior Analysis II: Methods PSY 340: Abnormal Psychology PSY 480: Health Psychology Graduate: • PSY 532: Psychopathology • CCP 756: Practicum • CCP 772: Child and Family Psychopathology & Intervention Guest Lecture: • Emerging Adulthood (PSY 524, Lifespan Development) 2008-2009 Guest Lecturer, Section of Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX Psychosocial Aspects of Puberty Adolescent Interviewing Skills and Competencies Motivational Interviewing: Applications to Adolescents in Clinical Care HIV in Adolescents: Experiences and Challenges in Emerging Adults Transitioning Youth with Special Healthcare Needs Puberty: Psychosocial Aspects of Adolescence Interviewing Skills: Talking to Adolescents 2007 Guest Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry, Post Graduate Year 1 (PGY1) Course Sequence, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS Adolescent Development Interviewing Adolescents 2004 Guest Lecturer, Department of Pediatrics, Earl K. Long Hospital, Baton Rouge, LA The Management of Pain and Distress in Routine Pediatric Medical Procedures Assessment of Child Abuse and Neglect in a Primary Care Setting 2004-2008 Instructor, Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA PSYC 3083: Psychological Counseling (four semesters) PSYC 3082: Introduction to Abnormal Psychology (three semesters) 2004-2008 Instructor, Office of Independent Study, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA PSYC 2004: Psychology of Adjustment PSYC 3082: Introduction to Abnormal Psychology PSYC 3081: Personality Psychology 2002- 2003 Teaching Assistant, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois REHB 503: Basic Behavior Analysis REHB 509: Scientific Methods- Single Subject Design REHB 512: Legal and Ethical Issues in Behavior Analysis REHB 535: Behavioral Observation Methods Media Interviews and Other Professional Service K.R. Zlomke 17 The Daily Reveille (2006, September 27th ed.). Research examines people’s fears. Baton Rouge, LA Baton Rouge Parents Magazine (2006, August). Seriously stressed out: The epidemic of childhood anxiety. Baton Rouge, LA The Daily Reveille (2006, July 18th ed). Study examines post-storm depression. Baton Rouge, LA. The Daily Reveille (2006, July 11th ed.). Clinic offers treatment for anxiety disorders. Baton Rouge, LA. LSU Today (2006, June 30th ed.). New anxiety disorder clinic established at LSU. Baton Rouge, LA.