Parameterizing Land Use Planning: Deploying Quantitative Analysis Methods in The Practice of City Planning ^W*Aft MASSACHUSETTS 'WBTTE OF TECHNOLOGY OCT 0 7 2014 By Talia Kaufmann B.Arch., Tel Aviv University (2009) LIBRARIES Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in City Planning at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 2014 @ 2014 Talia Kaufmann. All Rights Reserved The author here by grants to MIT the permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly pap er and electronic copies of the thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature redacted Author Talia Kaufmann and Planning Studies Urban Department of August 29, 2014 iynature IeUdateU Brent D. Ryan vPublic Policy and Design Urban of Professoj Associate Thesis Supervisor / A Signature redacted ! Certified by Accepted by d Dennis Frenchman Leventhal Professor of Urban Design and Planning Chair, MCP Committee 2 Parameterizing Land Use Planning: Deploying Quantitative Analysis Methods in The Practice of City Planning By Talia Kaufmann Submitted to the Department of Urban Studies and Planning on August 29, 2014 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in City Planning Abstract Planning a city is a complex task. In particular, the practice of land use planning, which determines the quantities and locations of land uses we find in a city, is a highly complex process. Planners, developers and citizens involved in this process need to consider the multiple components of the urban system which are intertwined and connected in a complex network, and cannot be studied independently. While cities were extensively studied as complex adaptive systems over the last 50 years, showing universal patterns across countries, cultures and times, the practice of land use planning hasn't advanced as much and still deploys the rigid, macro-scale and local tool of zoning. This thesis will present a LEGO game planning methodology for urban land use that harnesses our understanding of cities as interconnected networks to enable a fine-grained, modular, incremental and universal development tool. Using a dataset summarizing the fine-grained location of commercial and public land uses in the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the U.S., this research will construct a catalog of urban models exploring similar patterns and their deviations across American cities. Utilizing the emerging patterns, this thesis will outline a methodology to produce quantitative planning guidelines in two main aspects: First, a method to assess land use quantities to support population levels will be demonstrated by implementing the scaling relationships found in cities from the Bettencourt et al research (2007). Next, a method to evaluate the spatial organization of cities will be presented by calculating co-location pairwise distances between amenities within city centers. The research will show that some co-location patterns are similar across cities, independent from land use quantities and urban density while others fluctuates between cities and depend on local characteristics. The LEGO game methodology will demonstrate an evolutionary iterative process to evaluate the liveliness of each urban environment, and explore the infinite possible assembly options of urban building blocks from various types and quantities, to enable a genuine datadriven decision making process for land use planning. 3 Thesis Supervisor: Brent D. Ryan Associate Professor of Urban Design and Public Policy Department of Urban Studies and Planning Thesis Reader: Cesar A. Hidalgo Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Sciences Program in Media Arts and Sciences Thesis Reader: Andres Sevtsuk Assistant Professor of Architecture and Planning Singapore University of Technology and Design 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Five years ago, when I started my journey towards parametric land use planning, this moment seemed like a dream. This is a precious moment, of recognizing the amazing opportunities that have been opened to me and the world of ideas I entered by joining MIT. Even more importantly, this is a moment of realizing the privilege I had of learning from and with inspiring people, and how fortunate I was when I was given the opportunity to come here. I owe this moment to the devoted professors who walked me through the first steps in materializing my vision. First, to Brent Ryan, for fully supporting my ideas and efforts throughout these excruciating two years. Second, to Cesar Hidalgo, for giving me an opportunity that I will forever be thankful for and also, for dedicating the time to introduce me to a whole new world. Third, to Andres Sevtsuk, with whom I found a common language, for opening my mind and guiding me. This moment was not possible without the help and support of the dedicated staff of DUSP and the Media Lab, especially Linda Peterson, Sandy Wellford and Eran Ben-Joseph, head of DUSP I am incredibility thankful for all your efforts. And Lastly, to my parents, for allowing me this wonderful opportunity and supporting me through thick and thin, forever believing in me. Thank you. 5 " Patrick Geddes, Cities is evolution, 1915 "..Idealism and matter of fact are thus not sundered, but inseparable, as our daily steps are guided by ideals of direction, themselves unreachably beyond the stars, yet indispensable to getting anywhere, save indeed downwards. Utopia, then, lies in the city around us; and it must be planned and realized, here or nowhere, by us as its citizens each a citizen of both the actual and the ideal city seen increasingly as one. 6 CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION 1.1 The urban LEGO game 1.2 Planning for complexity 1.3 Parameterization of land use planning 1.4 Summary of chapters 9 9 11 14 16 2 THEORY 2.1 Theories and practice of land use planning 2.1.1 The establishment of planning regulations 2.1.2 The practice of land use planning: The process shaping our cities today Population levels required to support urban activities Zoning and subdivision ordinance 18 18 18 19 2.2 Alternative planning processes: the question of how a city should be planned Jane Jacobs's approach to urban problems Christopher Alexander's vision for planning and designing cities Kevin Lynch's perception of urban theory and 'good' city form 25 2.3 Modeling the spatial organization of land uses in economic geography 2.3.1 Planning for economic development 29 21 23 25 26 28 31 2.4 Planning Support Systems: Analysis and assessment tools 32 2.5 Cities as complex systems 3 METHODOLOGY 7 34 3.1 Data sources and structure 38 39 3.2 Choosing a set of building blocks 3.2.1 Analysis method: urban scaling relations 3.2.2 Assessing a set of building blocks Extracting population thresholds 42 42 46 46 3.2.3 3.2.4 Assessing levels of land use quantities Deviations from scaling: exploring urban models Constructing planning guidelines 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks 3.3.1 Analysis method: Calculating pairwise distances 3.3.2 Deviations from a shared distribution: exploring urban models 3.3.3 Constructing planning guidelines: examining the span of pairwise relationships 4 EVALUATION 4.1 Parametric land use planning: Forming the urban LEGO game 4.2 Methodological limitations of parametric land use planning 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY 6 APPENDIX Appendix A: Scaling exponents for all land use types vs. city size 8 48 50 53 55 56 57 69 73 73 76 78 82 Appendix B: Scaling charts for selected land use types 84 Appendix C: City rankings by scaling residuals of all land use types 87 Appendix D: Co-location range matrix for selected land use types 90 Appendix E: Atlas of cities - Parameterizing land use quantities and co-location patterns 92 1 INTRODUCTION The Urban LEGO game Planning a city is a complex task. In particular, the practice of land use planning, which is the task of determining the quantities and locations of various land uses we find in a city, is a highly complex process. Planners, developers and citizens facing this task need to consider the multiple components of the urban system which are intertwined and connected in a complex network, and cannot be studied independently. 1.1 The complexity of this task derives from the planning object itself, cities. The enormous body of empirical research from over 50 years has shown the nature of cities as complex adaptive systems. Jane Jacobs was the first to define cities as problems in organized complexity (Jacobs, 1961), adapting Dr. Warren Weaver's definition for problems that deal concurrently with many variables that are interrelated and in constant simultaneous change (Weaver, 1958). Jacobs' definition marks the start of a quest to understand cities as complex systems, in which recent studies were successful in proving that cities manifest universal, quantifiable features, spanning across time, cultures and nations (Bettencourt et al., 2007). This thesis will attempt to answer the question of how can planners harness our understanding of cities as networks of connections to transform the practice of land use planning. So how does one go about planning the land uses of a city? Think of the practice of land use planning as being similar to playing a Lego game, where players choose a set of building blocks and than consider the m ultiple options to assemble them together. However, unlike a regular Lego game, in land use planning the players' role is to determine the rules and allotments that will limit the assembly options of the Lego pieces in a way that will benefit as many interests as possible. Urban Lego blocks embeded with essemmbly game rules Source:Talia Kaufmann The pieces of our urban Lego game are the functional building blocks we find in every urban environment. These are the amenities and urban establishments we use everyday as restaurants, banks, churches, schools, parks and many more. The bank of building blocks is potentially infinite, but in reality is constrained and determined as a product of a city's population requirements. Still, the mix of building blocks in each city is affected by several forces, in part created naturally by market forces and partly shaped by central planning efforts. The mixture and combination of building blocks are key factors affecting the character of every urban environment. 1.1 The urban LEGO game 9 In the Lego game analogy, when players assemble pieces together, they usually follow a physical or mental image of the object they would like to produce. Similarly, when planners face the task of planning a new area or revitalizing an existing one, they explore different urban models and choose the one that best serves the planning purpose. However, the available assessment tools for planners today are mostly qualitative and limited in their ability to allow for comparison. Quantitative analysis methods can equip planners with metrics to assess various urban models by their set of building blocks and compare the models' spatial patterns by their combination of blocks. The Lego game is not just an analogy in this case; it is a comprehensive methodology for the process of planning land uses in cities. A Lego game is an open-ended system that does not try to define a finite product, but rather provides the building blocks and game rules to enable endless possible outcomes. Researchers have used the Lego game approach of combinatorial modeling in the past to model processes such as adaptive evolution and innovation, and also understand the mechanism that can produce infinite possibilities (Kauffman and Levin, 1987; Weitzman, 1998). In the planning realm, a Lego system can introduce modularity and flexibility to the planning process at the most fine-grain of scales, for the assembly options of land uses. Here, our understanding of cities as complex systems to model the relationships between land use types can be utilized to define the combinatorial rules for the spatial organization of cities. Combining the open-ended manner of a game with the quantitative approach of modeling interactions introduces an opportunity to transform the way we practice land use planning. Approaching the practice of land use planning as a game will enable a kind of development that has been envisioned by theorists for years (Alexander, 1987; Lynch, 1984; Jacobs, 1961). A game methodology for planning can enable incremental, flexible and bottom-up urban development, allowing projects to be developed in stages and making the building venture accessible to everyone, from residents to big developers. The kind of envisioned incremental development could be achieved here by using methods from complexity science to model the effect and implications of any additional building block in the system on the built environment. In this approach, the creation of planning rules for the distribution and location of land use types will take the form of planning interactions rather than a final outcomes, as defined by the words of Michael Batty: "...location is, in effect, a synthesis of interactions" (Batty, 2013). With assembly rules defined by planners and the Lego game framework embedded in an open technological platform, the practice of assembling building blocks will be available for everyone: a city resident wishing to locate his home, a city planner aiming to regenerate an area or a developer wanting to built his high-rise. 1.1 The urban LEGO game 10 This thesis will explore how quantitative relationships between urban components can be harnessed in the planning practice by introducing a set of analysis methods and assessment tools. These measures will guide the land use planning process and assist planners in their decisions about the quantities and spatial distribution of land uses in cities. While this thesis outlines a comprehensive view of analysis methods and implementation tools, it only marks the start of an enormous endeavor. There are still numerous parameters left uncovered and countless relationships left untangled. Moreover, implementing the offered methodology in the daily practice of land use planning might be the biggest effort of all, which will bring enormous challenges through the process of managing change, a task that for now remains untouched. The implementation process encompasses the major transformational potential of this endeavor - which is the opportunity to change the way we think about and practice land use planning. But before we move to future ventures, let's first discuss the problems and challenges in the current planning process. 1.2 Planning for Complexity " is time we start thinking about planning interactions in cities Batty, 2013 rather than locations, switching from thinking simply as idealized morphologies to thinking of cities as patterns of communications, interaction, trade and exchange... thinking of them as networks." Throughout history, the quest to plan better cities has been framed in the way we might manipulate urban activities physically and geographically from the point of view that cities can be studied and represented in models, maps and pictures of locations. But the fact of the matter is that plans, which in their nature are based on moving activities and their land uses into ideal configuration, or on imposing constrains on what activities can locate where, rarely deal with the question of what cities are and how they function and evolve. Locations of urban activities only represent a fraction of the urban eco system, not revealing the relations and interactions between population that represents the rational for living and working in cities and also the dependencies between the various activities (Ibid). 1.2 Planning for Complexity 11 As Batty claims, a paradigm shift is long overdue in the practice of city planning. The current zoning ordinance, a legal devise used by planners to implement land use plans, has been practiced for almost a century now; This is a tool that is local in its approach, rigid and fixed in its nature, and defines a general and macro-scaled set of rules for the location of land uses. In the highly urbanized, global and interconnected world we live in, there is an urgent need for a tool which is: first and foremost modular in its nature, allowing for maximum flexible open-ended development; a tool that models land use relationships at the micro-scale and fine-grained level; and a tool that can serve across nations, cultures and countries. Let's explore the prevalent zoning tool in light of the complex nature of cities while envisioning a new methodology for land use planning. First, a zoning ordinance provides a finite product, dividing the city into districts with permitted uses, intended to guide city development for at least a couple of decades into the future. Zoning presents a naive approach when onlytaking into account the location of different activities while excluding their dependencies on one another. Moreover, the nature of the tool poses a huge obstacle for development in its inability to allow for change, when every amendment to the zoning ordinance requires multiple bureaucratic procedures. However, if we analyze a city as a set of interactions between components, we should strive to plan these interactions, by modeling the reciprocal effect between different components. When planning the interactions and multiple assembly options rather than a finite morphology, change can becomes a value rather than an obstacle. & Second, although zoning is a very inflexible tool in the general sense, it leaves a high level of flexibility when defining zoning districts. A district can be zoned to one of five basic categories of residential, commercial, business, industrial, mixed-use and open spaces, while the list of permitted uses for each zone clarifies the fine-grain resolution of the type of business, commercial service, etc. However, the composition of uses in each zone is not defined, leaving the character of each zone to be determined predominantly by market forces. Alexander tackles the macro-scale problem in the definition of zoning districts in "A New Theory of Urban Design". He claims that in today's development process the question of what shall be built in any given place is answered almost exclusively in economic terms (although written almost 3 decades ago, this claim still holds true in most planning agencies) (Alexander, 1987). Owing its origin to protecting uses from one another, zoning has forced urban planners to think in terms of separation and dispersion of uses rather than promoting viable urban environments (Duany Talen, 2001). Nevertheless, if we can equip planners with metrics to understand the co-location patterns of land uses in the finest of resolutions, we would enable them to encourage certain types and qualities of development for their land use mix and relationships between components. 1.2 Planning for Complexity 12 Finally, land use plans and consequently zoning ordinances tackles urban issues in the local level, where every problem is typically examined and treated as an independent issue. Moreover, the analysis methods used to identify problems only examine the city, neighborhood or region level that the plan encompasses. As a result, remedies for urban issues differ between cities, states and across nations. Modeling different urban environments by the relationships between their components while taking into account the multiple parameters of the urban system and their dependencies, can assist planners in understanding the cause and effect of every urban model and deploy desirable models as remedies in other cities. In addition to harnessing the modularity that exists between different urban models, variations between city areas can also be modeled to understand the interplay between land use types, taking the modularity as a potential urban remedy to the next level within cities, in a very fine-grained scale. A quantitative methodology for land use planning can serve the multiple players involved in the development planning game which include market players, government officials and advocates of community and private interests. Contemporary planning processes are complex and competitive, where all players seek to achieve the future land use pattern that best suits their needs. A planning process can be thought of as a community game in which the values and interests of many players are at stake, where players are interdependent and rely on each other to forge coalitions in order to achieve their goals. The planner's role is to facilitate and balance the competing interests in a planning process that will result in a win-win outcome for community stakeholders and a desirable future land use pattern (Hoch, 2000). Quantitative metrics can assist planners in their role of managing the development game by equipping all players with measures to understand the potential implications of land use quantities and location choices on a city's character. The metrics can serve as a grounds for discussion, helping players negotiate their interests in a data-driven decision making process. However complex the process of land use planning is, its' actual power to shape land use patterns is somewhat limited. Zoning, the legal tool for implementing land use plans, has the potential to correct inefficient land use patterns and guide future growth to more sustainable directions. Nonetheless, zoning only controls for the macro-scale development, while economic forces of the free market shape the fine-grain resolution of land use patterns. Zoning defines the constrained framework in which developers and retailers act, while determining the areas they can choose to locate in or develop their property. However, within these areas, market players make location choices to maximize their profits and support successful businesses. The quantitative measures presented in this thesis can shed light on the land use patterns shaped by zoning in the macro scale, and by market forces in the micro scale. Understanding these complex land use patterns is key for paving the way to a genuine data driven decision-making process for land use planning. 1.2 Planning for Complexity 13 Not one solution, but multiple ones This thesis will follow the definition of planning as an optimumseeking activity rather then as an optimization process. Planning was first recognized as an optimum-seeking activitywith the emergence of Planning Support Systems during the 1990s, when it became clear that planning problems have almost an infinite number of possible solutions and cannot be optimized and solved sufficiently with computational methods. A major challenge in optimizing plans is providing accurate measurements for desirable goals to use as criteria that need to be met by a given plan. The definition of goals might fail due to the hidden or undeveloped criteria of choice of all parties involved in the decision-making process. This situation does not meet the conditions of optimization methods in general, which usually seeks one well-defined criterion and presents a single best solution at the end of the process (Harris, 1989). Nowadays, after years of attempts to model the built environment and solve the complexity of a city for <x>, it is clear that no single mathematical process or automatic aids can fulfill every aspect of the planning process. However, what we do know is that first, a complex physical system as a city can be described in an abstract manner and, second, that empirical analysis has an important place in guiding and supporting the planning and design of cities. Alexander articulates the role of quantitative analysis in the planning practice in the following words: Alexander, 1966 "Whilst it is impossible with architectural problems to generate a range of feasible complete and finished solutions by a similar single uninterrupted predetermined procedure of a mechanical nature, there is no objection to a stepwise process in which the first hypothesis is evaluated, the terms of the problem revised and the second series modified and tested again" This statement emphasizes the importance of adapting an evolutionary approach for an iterative planning process, in which every possible solution is evaluated and tested while modifications of the parameters and relationships in the analysis method are made (Martin & March, 1972). An iterative process can be constructed by deploying a genetic algorithm that will mimic the process of natural selection. In this process the fitness of every possible solution will be evaluated versus a set of choice criteria determined by planners, from which the algorithm will create an improved generation of solutions from the parameters of chosen solutions (Holland, 1992). Let us explore how the parameterization of land use planning can introduce an iterative process with an evaluative nature to the planning discourse. 1.3 Parameterization of land use planning Bettencourt & West, 2010 quantitative understanding of cities may well be the choice between creating a "planet of slums" or finally achieving a sustainable, creative, prosperous, urbanized world expressing the best of the human spirit." 1.3 Parameterization of land use planning In the quantitative sciences, parameterization is the process of deciding and defining the parameters necessary for a complete or relevant specification of a model or geometric object. Parameterization of a line, surface or volume, for example, implies identification of a set of coordinates that allows one to uniquely identify any point (on the line, surface, or volume) with an ordered list of numbers. This process also defines the degrees of freedom of the system or model in question and the range of the specific "... The difference between 'policy as usual' and policy led by a new 14 phenomenon. By borrowing this noun from the quantitative realm, this thesis will explore a process by which we can first describe an urban phenomenon across cities in terms of a set of parameters and then explore the range of this phenomenon using empirical metrics to assess and compare various urban models. As mentioned previously, quantitative studies of cities during the last decay have shown that cities share fundamental properties that can be observed in similar patterns occurringacross nations, countries and cultures (Batty, 2008; Bettencourt et al, 2007; Louf et al., 2013; Louail et al., 2014). Most of these studies found that a city's population size is an aggregate proxy for a set of general processes facilitated by the co-location of people and services within cities. However, these agglomeration laws only provide the expected average characteristics that a city of a given size should manifest at the absence of any specific local features. But it is exactly those local unique features, which can be observed in the deviations of certain cities from their expected baseline behavior, which are the most interesting for planners and policy makers (Bettencourt et al, 2010). Our discussion about shared patterns across cities and their deployment in the practice of land use planning will be conducted in two stages: First, we will present an observed similar pattern and provide recommendations to the extent it can be used to create planning rules; Second, we will focus on the manifestation of the same pattern in various cities while emphasizing how the deviation from this pattern can be used to construct local metrics for a city, representing its success and failures relative to other cities (Bettencourt et al, 2010). This methodology will demonstrate how a set of rules can be formed, for which every rule has a range of values for planners to choose from when creating the specific urban model of their desire. Similar to Alexander's Pattern Language, the sequence of rules will create a base map from which one can choose the rules that are most useful for him, leaving them approximately at the same order they are listed here, and creating a language for his own urban Lego game (Alexander, 1977). Let us examine how the Lego methodology can serve the different stages of the planning process: from the macro scale of choosing a set of building blocks for a city to the micro scale of co-locating the blocks within intense urban areas. From the macro scale onwards, the analysis process would only focus on the most intense of urban environments, which could be found in city centers of various types. This will allow the research to first answer the question of what kind of relationships generates vibrant and lively environments as those found in city centers. 1.3 Parameterization of land use planning 15 How many building blocks? The first step of each land use plan requires estimating future population growth for a given city. After target population levels have been set, the proportional number of units and square feet of each land use type essential to sustain these population levels is estimated. Here, we will explore an empirical method to assess the required units using the scaling relations found in the study by Bettencourt et al. (2007). Deploying the scaling relations between total population size of a given city to the total amount of units from each land use type can reveal the expected average of units required to sustain a predicted population growth. Moreover, exploring the deviations from the scaling relationships can reveal the local characteristics of each city that are independent of city size and can shed light on the impact of different land use types quantities on the urban environment, resulting in various urban models. How to co-locate the building blocks? The fine-grain scale of the planning process requires thinking about the spatial organization of land uses within a given city center. This is a stage that the zoning ordinance lucks and a form of planning that is not practiced today. Nevertheless, this micro scale of planning has the potential to transform the way we plan our cities, equipping planners with a crucial understating of how to plan cities from the bottom up. Here, we will calculate the pairwise median minimum distance between various land use types to reveal the co-location patterns of urban activities and explore an emerging pattern all cities share. We would explore the co-location patterns in both the macro scale, using aggregated land use categories as defined by zoning, and in the micro scale of all land use types in our dataset. Using both scales of analysis, we would explore how different colocation patterns result in various urban models. Finally, we would show how planning guidelines could be constructed using the co-location metric, using the range of every pairwise distance to form a distance matrix with multiple possibilities to assemble urban building blocks. 1.4 1.3 Parameterization of land use planning 16 Summary of chapters The next chapter will review three major fields of theory and practice this research encompasses. First, we will review the practice of land use planning exploring its goals, origins and the implementation tools of zoning and subdivision. Through reviewing the historical development of the planning practice, we will highlight previous attempts to quantify and codify land use planning. Secondly, we will review the work of three of the great urban theories that offered their approach for understanding the city and its complexity while also discussing how and if cities should be planned. Although a lot more theories have been written throughout the years with an alternative view about what cities are and how they evolve and function, the reviewed theories of Jacobs, Lynch and Alexander were chosen due to their attempt to identify the important parameters of the urban system and offer their view of how these parameters interact to form a city, while also articulating principles for planning using those parameters. Thirdly, we will review models and methods that attempted to: (1) solve the spatial organization of cities in the field of economic geography; (2) understand cities using methods from complexity science; (3) support the planning system by offering a technological platform for decision-making processes in city planning. Reviewing this immense body of research will convey a comprehensive view for the enormous endeavor of envisioning a new planning methodology while also exploring the tools and techniques that could assist and support this mission. Chapter three will first describe the methodological approach and the dataset analyzed in this research. Thereafter, it will turn to layout the analysis of the micro and macro scale of the planning process by: analyzing urban phenomena; observing emerging patterns across cities; exploring different urban models and how they deviate from the average patterns and finally reviewing the construction of planning guidelines using the observed urban behaviors. After introducing the methodology structure for an alternative planning process, the final chapter will turn to envision the formation and implementation of the Lego game methodology as an open platform for the use of planners, developers and citizens. The discussion section of the chapter we will review two main topics: (1) methodological limitations of the research design and future analysis methods for the spatial organization of cities; (2) offer final remarks regarding the future development and sustainability of the offered planning methodology while mentioning the opportunities and risks involved in the process of implementing it in government. 1.4 Summary of chapters 17 THEORY The core challenge in city planning has always been determining the quantities and locations of land uses in the most beneficial spatial pattern, by developing a strategy to achieve desirable goals or solve existing problems. While planners focus on problem solving by a decision making process, emphasizing the desirable goals and attributes of the produced urban environment, scientists and economic geographers focus on modeling the interactions between different urban components, explaining the spatial patterns they produce and their implications. Both fields have originated from substantial theories dating back from the beginning of the 2 0th century and developed separately until the 1950's when they begun to overlap and support each other around efforts of planning. Starting from the 1980's, theories from social sciences has been gradually implemented in city planning in the form of technical tools, as planning support systems. With the emergence of complexity science in the last two decades, the understanding of cities as complex systems had become the forefront of urban quantitative studies, although their implications in the practice remains elusive. Although the literature covering the connections between the practice of planning and the optimization ideal practiced by the social sciences is limited, this review will attempt to bridge the two disciplines with the aim of covering all grounds to create a comprehensive approach for land use planning. Constructing a methodology for land use planning first requires understanding the process of planning and its origins while asking questions like: what k ind of a problem a city is; if and how should a city be planned and if so, using what theories, analysis processes and support systems that should take part in the process of land use planning. To answer these questions and many more we will first define the process of land use planning and then turn to explore theories from urban planning, spatial models from economic geography, assessment and analysis tools to support the planning process and finally methods from complexity science to reveal universal laws in the behavior of urban systems. 2.1 2.1.1 2 18 Theory Theory and practice of land use planning The establishment of planning regulations The desire to transform and improve the urban physical fabric in search of a spatial order marks the start of land use planning. 'The darkside of urban spatial disorder'was brought into the lighttowards the end of the 19th century as American cities expanded as places of production and consumption and simultaneously deteriorated as places for human life and activity. The over intensive utilization of land and uneven spatial development of the early 20th century resulted in high rents but low property values. This phenomenon gave rise to the regulation argument, claiming that in order "to preserve the value of land, and the value of buildings it is essential to regulate type, height, and area of land covered by buildings" (Purdy, 1916). The 1916 zone plan for New York City marks the official regulation of zoning in the united stated. The city was divided into zones with permitted uses, classes of heights were set and design guidelines were established. In other American cities land was also being classified into districts and distributed according to use specifications and height regulations. Slowly the American city was learning how to secure real estate from destructive congestion and to discipline nuisance land uses that reduced its land values (Boyer, 1986). The regulation of zoning ordinance along with the reform planners of the 1909 plan of Chicago and utopian visions at the turn of the century gave rise to the foundation of the modern planning profession. While utopian planning visions of Ebenezer Howard, Le Corbusier and the City beautiful movement suggested a grand plan for the ideal city, planning was established as an intervention with an intention to alter the existing course of events, by replacing uncertainty of the free market with the logic of a plan. The duality between planning and the market is a defining framework in planning theory, where the relationship between the private and public practice and how much should government intervene are evaluated (Campbell and Fainstein, 2003). So what is 'the science of muddling through' of modern planning versus the ideal model of economic activities and forces that shape urban spatial pattern? We will now define the goals and process of land use planning and then introduce the fundamental approaches in economic geography. Rem Koolhaas, 1999 The practice of land use planning: the process shaping our cities today "The [1916] Zoning Law is not only a legal document; it is also a design project. In a climate of commercial exhilaration where the maximum legally allowable is immediately translated into reality, the "limiting" 3-dimensional parameters of the law suggest a whole new idea of Metropolis" 2.1 Theory and practice of land use planning Land use planning and zoning ordinance are the administrational procedures that shape our cities. But as Koolhaas wisely defined, they are not just bureaucratic processes; they are design projects in which every definition of a limiting parameter has an immense influence on the final design of our cities. Let us review the every day practice of land use planning to understand its goals and the different stages of the process. 2.1.2 19 A land use plan is an outcome of a development planning process which: (1) translates the community's vision for future growth into a physical pattern of neighborhoods, commercial and industrial areas, roads, and public facilities; and (2) includes the policies and regulations necessary for plan implementation. Land use planning seeks to influence the location, type, amount, and timing of future growth. A primary goal of land use planning is to ensure that all long-term public interests are given adequate consideration, while helping to mitigate the effects of ad hoc and nonintervention market decisions. The process of development planning sets the goals, objectives, policies, and action programs needed to achieve the long-term vision desired by the community. This planning process goes by various names as land use planning, comprehensive planning, or growth management. Regardless of what it is called, this process revolves around community development, which is collaborative and aims to balance competing interests, with a broader focus than simply land subdivision or public facility provision. The multiple players involved in the development game all compete to achieve their desirable land use pattern, while planners work to facilitate an efficient and equitable development process that balances stakeholder interests and results in a land use pattern acceptable by all players. The major participants in the development process are: market players which include landowners, developers, builders, financiers, businessmen and others seeking to profit from development by (1) selling and buying land or (2) financing, building, and marketing real estate; government officials which include elected and appointed officials at the federal, state, regional, and local levels who frame laws, invest public funds, administer regulations and make decisions on plans and projects while seeking to maintain their power bases and appointments; Advocators of community and private interests which include representatives of neighborhoods, environmental organizations, economic development organizations, farmers' groups, taxpayers' organizations, and associations promoting various social and political goals, all of whom view development on light of their group's particular values and seek government decisions on development that will support their aims (Hoch et al., 2000). 2.1 The practice of land use planning Facilitating and balancing all competing interest is a complex planning task. When facing such task, most planners use a rational decision-making model that adapts versions of a scientific inquiry as a guide for decision-making. The model follows four basic steps: 1. Identify the problems preventing the fulfillment of these goals 2. Identify alternative solutions to the problems that will fulfill the goals 3. Compare the relative advantages of each alternative as a solution to the problem While the rational model works well for problems of causal analysis as in matters of traffic and water, most planning problems are much more complex than that. Many relationships that contribute to urban problems do not follow a simple economic model of cause and effect. In addition, different political interests, social agendas and theoretical approaches challenge the norms of objectivity and efficiency on which the rational model relies. In fact, elected officials rarely use the rational model for public decisions (Ibid). The rational modelto solve urban problems is the preferred approach by theorists, but in practice, the successive limited comparisons is in fact the approach taken by both planners and elected officials. Although the analytical approach of identifying problems and performing an in-depth comparison of possible solutions might seem like the right approach for planning, it only reveals several aspects that may influence a decision about a planning project but neglects the values and the non empirical mean-ends routs that hold great values in the eyes of decision makers. However, due to the non-empirical nature of the successive limited comparisons approach, it tends to overlook or consider possible outcomes of a project, as well as alternative planning policies and other important values (Lindblom, 1959). The planning process goals, whether by the rational or comprehensive approach, are executed by two main planning stages: firstly, determining the quantities of land use types needed to support future population growth; and second, spatially arranging and distributing the quantities across the city, a stage implemented in the bureaucratic tool of zoning and subdivision ordinance. Let us explore the problem each planning stage faces and the tools planners use to tackle these problems. 2.1 The practice of land use planning 21 Population levels required to support urban activities Estimating future population needs begin from population projections, which are vital for all elements of planning. Forecasting for land use planning is a hard task due to the long-range forecast requiring planners to plan ten or twenty years ahead at a minimum. In addition, land use planners sometimes focus on small urban areas, which make the projection task much more complicated due to volatile and unpredictable economic and demographic dynamics. The role of population forecasting is to provide a reality check for vision planning because it defines the limits within which key ratios can be altered. Planning agencies use population projections as an index for future needs in functional areas. Simple ratios are often used to convert population projections into other future impacts. For example, the number of future housing units can be derived from the future population divided by the ratio of people per household. These calculations can be improved when taking into account the different population subgroups and their specific needs. For example, home ownership, employment rates and transportation behaviors all vary substantially among different demographic groups. Some analysis of past trends is involved in the assessment process for future needs but there is also valuable weight for judgment calls of planners and citizens involved in the planning process. A vision for a city or sub-area plays an important role in setting quantities of urban activities. When a city is interested in attracting young families for example, planners may enlarge the quantities of public facilities as schools, parks and health services to facilitate this future growing population group (Hoch et al., 2000). Throughout planning history, there have been two comprehensive attempts to quantify the total area or units required of each urban activity for any given future population growth. The first attempt appears at the first addition of Time-saver standards for housing and residential development from 1984, but actually originated at the rapid urban expansion at the beginning of the last century. At that period, developers were acquiring vast land areas for large housing development projects at the outskirts of major cities. These developments were funded by loans from private banks across the country. Due to the scale of the projects and the large sums of money invested, bankers wanted to make sure that the developers were expending the funds wisely. Thus, the banks put together a set of standards for population levels required to support urban activities. This set of standards defined population thresholds for various urban activities of education, institutional, health, employment, transpiration, recreation and commercial facilities (De Chiara et al., 1995). 2.1 The practice of land use planning 22 The second known attempt to create a method for estimating required land areas for urban activities was of Harland Bartholomew in his book from 1932 Urban Land Uses amounts of land used and needed for various purposes by typical American cities; an aid to scientific zoning practice (Bartholomew, 1932). Bartholomew conducted research to provide a method for estimating the total area required for each particular urban use for any given future population in the range between 5,000 and 300,000 people. He aimed to provide planners with a quantitative estimation method, as an aid for a scientific zoning practice, that will allow the practice to avoid the speculation in real estate market and decisions based on conjectures. The research was based on land use data from 22 American cities that Bartholomew collected in his years as a planner and studied them with respect to population data from the census of 1920 and 1930. The research classified cities to 4 population levels and divided the cities to self-contained and satellite cities. The method used in the research examined the ratios between land use types quantities and population size in each city, examining how many acres of a specific land use type existed per 100 people and the range these rations change between cities. The results of the study were astonishing - fitting the population size of the examined cities to the area in acres of each land use type, Bartholomew was able to show a high correlation between the factors, discovering a trend and normative values to implement as land use multipliers. The research revealed that there are definite laws of absorptions or norms for single-family dwelling, multi-family dwelling, commercial uses, and combined industrial and railroad property. Moreover, the study remarkably showed that the proportions of total developed area increase with respect to city population size, in a linear fit. As for the implications of this vast study, Bartholomew emphasized the need for a detailed survey of present city development in the start of any zoning plan. The survey will be used to assess the current situation and will be compared to the norms revealed in the study in order to estimate the required additional quantities of each land use type. Bartholomew aimed for this research to provide a guideline of norms for land use quantities as a comparison to the survey of a given city. The comparison will then be used to arrive at a satisfactory norm for future growth of a city. It was Bartholomew's belief that zoning plans that are rooted in actual requirements will fully realize their purpose as comprehensively conceived and economically organized cities (lbid). Zoning and subdivision ordinance When a local government adopts a comprehensive plan, the two most common legal devices to carry it out are the zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations. A zoning ordinance divides a community into zones and regulates the permitted land uses of each zone, the density of each use, and the dimensions of buildings on lots. Subdivision regulations on the other hand, govern both the division of land into lots, parcels, or sites for buildings and the location, design, and installation of supporting infrastructure. Together, these regulatory devices unsure that (1) the goals for land use patterns set in the comprehensive plan are achieved; (2) specific land uses as homes are shielded from incompatible land uses such as heavy industry; (3) development is adequately served by infrastructure and public facilities; and (4) environmentally sensitive areas such as floodplains are protected from development. Zoning ordinance separate land uses into 5 basic categories: residential, commercial, business, industrial, mixed-use and open spaces. Minimum lot sizes are applied to regulate residential density, which is the number of dwelling units per acre. In commercial and industrial areas, intensity is controlled by limiting the number of square feet or floor area that can be built for each square foot of land in the building lot. Zoning also enforces building height limitations, lot coverage restrictions and building setback or yard requirements. 2.1 The practice of land use planning 23 A number of governmental entities are responsible for establishing, authorizing and emending zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations. These entities include the state legislature, the local governing body, the planning commission, the board of zoning appeals, the zoning hearing examiner and planning staff. A zoning ordinance is usually drafted by the planning staff and brought to approval bythe planning commission. Every petition for site-specific modifications are referred to the board of zoning appeals (BZA) which is authorized to grant variances for an individual property or use variances for uses not listed in the zoning ordinance. A zoning ordinance document is comprised of a map showing the zoning districts and a report that includes: " Definitions: listing the terms used throughout the report " General provisions: describing the purposes of the ordinance " Zoning district regulations: a table listing permitted uses - Special development standards: describing provisions for building dimensions The list of permitted uses for each zone differentiates between single-, two-, and multifamily homes. The permitted types of commercial, business, industrial and public facilities uses are listed, giving each zone the flexibility (which can also be interoperated as indefinite) to develop multiple uses. Although the uses are mentioned in the fine-grain scale of food establishments, religious institutions, schools, type of industries and much more, the composition of uses is not defined leaving each zone to develop its own character based on market forces and developers interests. However, due the detailed level of permitted uses listed, each change or revision to the ordinance is a bureaucratic hassle, which demands multiple hearings and administrational procedures. The zoning district regulations also include the floor area ratio (FAR), which is the ratio of permitted floor area of a building in relation to the size of the lot. Some criticisms of zoning and particularly the rigid framework of conventional zoning have prompted the need for more flexibility in land use regulations. A number of specialized zoning techniques have evolved that permit more creative approaches for development as planned unit development (PUDs), overlay zones and inclusionary zoning (Hoch et al., 2000). Critics of zoning claim that the pursuit of divergent land use goals is imbedded in a capitalistic system with distinctive historical features, when individual and corporate investors aggressively pursue their capital investments across rural and urban space. The history of successful and unsuccessful attempts at implementing land use regulations in the United States in one of conflict, which has taken various forms, including racial conflict, interclass conflict, and intraclass conflict. The need to seek the "public good" has been a source of much discussion in planning, law and policy literature. Under capitalism, what is called the public good or the generalized public interest is a community interest, since socio-economic and racial differences do not allow for a general consensus on most issues of urban development and land use controls (Haar and Kayden, 1989). As a consequence of this constant conflict, concerns regarding class and racial separation which started to arise after world war I eventually gave rise to the idea of Inclusionary zoning. 2.1 The practice of land use planning 24 Amongst the critics of zoning, the economists are among the severest. They claim that through its basic operation, zoning interferes with the workings of the marketplace of land. For economists whose disciplinary orientation depends on the utility of the marketplace to measure and fulfill the needs of people, zoning is problematic because of its substitution of government judgment for that of the market (Ibid). Zoning has been called the doctrine of the statistically ordered city. It can be described as a planning survey in which uses are quantified, sorted out and zoned into particular areas; population densities are assessed and growth and change predicted (Martin & March, 1972). Let's explore planning theories that offered an alternative to the systematic process of zoning while also thinking about the nature of cities and the problems they pose. 2.2 Alternative planning processes: the question of how a city should be planned This thesis represents the constant stress between the two main assumptions lying at the base of the planning profession. This is the tension between the idea that a city needs to grow organically without central planning versus the idea that a city is visually ordered and should be controlled by artificial plans. Three of the great urban planning theorists of the twentieth century Jane Jacobs, Christopher Alexander and Kevin Lynch discuss this extreme tension and share their view of how cities should be planned. The three theorists take on the question of what makes vital, lively and holistic cities, quantifying their components in a search for analysis methods to understand functional cities and offer principles to plan them. They all shared the belief that planning is an act that should be practiced by all people, not just qualified planners, but each theorist gave his unique explanation to the nature of cities and the source of their complexity. "Vital cities have marvelous innate abilities for understanding, communicating, contriving and inventing what is required to combat their difficulties. ... Lively, diverse, intense cities contain the Jacobs, 1961 2.1 The practice of land use planning 25 seed of their own regeneration, with energy enough to carry over for problems and needs outside themselves." Jane Jacobs transformed the way we think about and understand cities in her revolutionary book "The Death and Life of Great American Cities". Her critique of grand urban visions from the turn of the century shook the planning world from its core, but it was her methodological systematic thinking about the nature of cities and the problem they pose that was the most influential for years to come. At the last chapter of her book, Jacob raised the question of 'what kind of problem a city is?' in a quest to develop new strategies for thinking about cities. She turns to scientific thinking methods and adapts Weaver's (1958) definition of organized complexity to cities, claiming that cities happen to be problems of such type. This statement and its importance in the development of a science of cities will be discussed later on in this review, when we'll turn to review how complexity science has been applied in the studies of cities. Jacobs' life quest was dedicated to decoding vital, vibrant and diverse cities. She believed that diversity is a dominant and crucial feature in creating successful cities, and looked for analysis methods to understand their components and develop thinking tactics that can be practiced by both planners and ordinary citizens. She saw the clues for how to plan for such diversity as embedded in the urban environment around us, just waiting to be noticed as the right clues. Jacobs laid out the unique features and advantages of big cities while offering four major needs of a city to create diversity: a mixture of land uses in each city quarter; short and walkable blocks; old historic buildings; and urban density of diverse population. When discussing how should one think about cities, Jacobs offered three important habits of thought: (1) to think about processes, their temporal dimension and search for their catalysts; (2) to work inductively, from the bottom up, reasoning from interactions among unique combinations of particulars to the general; (3) to seek for 'unaverage' clues involving very small quantities, which reveal the way larger and more 'average' quantities operate. The three offered thinking tactics are dedicated to help urban dwellers understand the complexity of their environment and shed light on the important generators of diversity in them, making these cities successful and vibrant. "... The city is not, cannot, and must not be a tree. The city is a Alexander, 1964 2.2 Alternative planning processes 26 receptacle for life. If the receptacle severs the overlap of the strands of life within it, because it is a tree, it will be like a bowl full of razor blades on edge, ready to cut up whatever is entrusted to it... If we make cities which are trees, they will cut our life within to pieces." Christopher Alexander made his life's work about decoding the elements and development process that created old towns and cities and gave them life, with the aim of utilizing them to heal modern cities. In his groundbreaking paper "A city is not a tree" from 1965, Alexander made his first attempt to characterize the complexity of vibrant old cities by making a clear distinction between 'natural' and 'artificial' cities and the abstract ordering principle behind them. He argued that all cities are structures of sets, which are collections of elements that can be combined together in sets in various ways. Alexander showed that while 'natural' cities, which developed incrementally over many years have an ordering principle of a semilattice, allowing endless possibilities for combinations of sets and creating a potentially more complex and subtle structures, 'artificial' central-planned cities have an ordering principle of a tree, limiting the number of possible combinations and creating simple and rigid structures, where no element can be distinctly connected to another except through the set of elements as a whole. The most important difference between the two structures is defined by the possibility of overlap between sets of elements. While semi-lattices contain overlapping sets, tree structures does not allow for an overlap to occur. When referring to cities with tree structures, Alexander gives the example of pre-planned cities that are organized in segregated neighborhoods, were land uses as work and housing are totally separated by zoning and even recreation is disconnected from everything else in the form of fenced playgrounds. According to Alexander, the humanity and richness of the living city are embedded in its complex semi-lattice structure, which will be destructed by the compartmentalization and dissociation of tree-like modern plans for cities. 2 d 4 4 3 2 123454 2 3 6 6 The structure illustrated in diagrams a and b is a semilattice while c and d is a tree Source: Alexander, 1964 Alexander, 1987 2.2 27 Alternative planning processes It is only in a later work from 1977 where Alexander laid out the semi-lattice idea of how a city should be planned, in the form of "A Pattern Language". This book is essentially a 'cookbook' for the most successful patterns of urbanism that together form a new design language. The patterns are written as recipes instructions for ordinary people to be able to design their own homes and neighborhoods for themselves. This innovated approach to design originated in the idea that most of the wonderful places of the world were not made by architects but by the people that used them. Each society will have its own unique pattern language and so will every individual in that society, partly similar and shared with others. In this sense, the language presented in the book is the archetypal core of all possible pattern languages, which can make people feel alive and human. The elements of the language are patterns, each describing a problem of our environment and its core solution in such an abstract way that can be used a million times without ever doing the same thing twice. All patterns are connected in a network, but every pattern should always be used in a sequence, moving from the larger patterns in which it is embedded in, to the smaller patterns that are embedded in it, still allowing for infinite variety of combinations. The language represent a holistic approach, demonstrating that nothing is ever built in the world in total isolation and any act of building must also repair the world around it and within it, so that the larger world becomes more coherent and more whole. "An urban process can only generate wholeness, when the structure of the city comes from the individual building projects and the life they contain, rather than being imposed from above. " 6 Alexander presented his complete methodology to the process of urban design and planning in "A New Theory of Urban Design". Here, he explored the idea of growing a whole in the urban context and suggested seven detailed rules of a growth process that creates wholeness in a city. The overriding rule in the process suggests that every increment of construction must be made in such a way as to heal the city. This includes not only the repair of existing wholes already there but also the creation of new wholes. In addition, Alexander defined that every new act of construction must create a continuous structure of whole around itself. The seven intermediate rules elaborate the multiple layers of creating wholeness in a city. As we review Alexander's work throughout the years, we can observe that he started his journey with abstractly defining ordering urban structures, laying out fundamental thinking principles for understanding the complexity of the urban system from the bottom up. As his work progressed over time, he presented more and more efforts to define the particular components of vibrant and rich cities while specifying deterministic values and quantities, rather than identifying parameters to measure and generic principles to follow. Alexander's vision originated from a general analysis method for the spatial structure of the city and overall concept of how cities should be planned. It evolved into the specification of urban patterns and a possible language of instructions for how the patterns should be used to plan. Finally, his work resulted in a deterministic theory for urban design, naming mainly the features of the desired environment rather than the general elements that comprises it. Lynch, 1984 "The fundamental good (in a city) is the continuous development of the individual or the small group and their culture: a process of becoming more complex, more richly connected, more competent, acquiring and realizing new powers - intellectual, emotional, social and physical." Kevin Lynch posed the question of "what makes a good city?" towards developing his vision of measuring city form. Though an abstract question, Lynch explored it by connecting city form to human values and the process of development to objective relationships. He believed that if we could only articulate whywe feel a certain place is less than satisfactory, "then we might be prepared to make effective changes". Unlike Jacobs and Alexander, Lynch reframed himself from making general claims about what cities are and what makes them 'good' or 'bad', as he saw these claims as specific in time and place, totally embedded in the culture and values of that place. Therefore, his quest was to create a general normative theory of city form, composed from a set of performance dimensions to evaluate any given city or development plan and locate it on the dimension scale, whether by number or estimation. The dimensions offered are performance characteristics deriving mainly from the spatial features of a city and set a measurable scale for any community, individual or planner to prefer a satisfactory position on. 2.2 Alternative planning processes 28 Lynch offered five major performance dimensions, each referring to a cluster of qualities for the spatial form of cities, share a common basis and can be measured in a similar way. The five dimensions to measure the quality of goodness in an urban environment are the following: (1) Vitality - the degree to which the form of the settlement supports the vital functions, the biological requirements and capabilities of human being, protecting the survival of the human species; (2) Sense - the degree to which the environment, our sensory and mental capabilities, and our cultural perceptions match each other; (3) Fit - the degree to which the behavioral settings of a settlement sufficiently support the quantity of actions its' people want to engage in including the adaptability to future actions; (4) Access - the ability to reach other people, activities, resources, services and information, which are many and diverse; (5) Control - the degree to which people using services in settlement are controlling the use, access and modification of these services. In addition to the five performance dimensions, Lynch added two meta-criteria that are totally dependent on the prior five dimensions: (6) Efficiency of cost for any level of the listed dimensions and (7) Justice in the distribution of resources. Together, the seven criteria are the comprehensive measures of settlement quality by Lynch. Each society can prioritize the measures and by applying them, can evaluate the relative goodness of its environment, thus having some indications for how to improve or maintain that goodness. Throughout constructing his theory, Lynch raises various questions and doubts regarding the level of sufficiency, objectivity and interdependency of his suggested measures. Moreover, although his measures offer a method to quantify social and cultural values, he himself notes that their integration should be left to personal and social judgment. 2.3 L6sch, 1954 Modeling the spatial organization of land uses in economic geography "The real duty of the economist is not to explain our sorry reality, but to improve it. The question of the best location is far more dignified than determination of the actual one". The question of how to determine the spatial organization of lands uses in cities has long been the interest of planners and economic geographers. The idea of modeling the urban environment, whether qualitatively or quantitatively, with the goal of finding the ideal location for land uses given a set of constraints appeared as the solution for optimizing the performance of the built environment in multiple aspects. 2.2 Alternative planning processes 2? The fundamental approach of economic geography is the bid rent functional approach, which was first introduced into an agricultural land use model by Von Thinen (1826) and later extended to an urban context by Alonso (1964). This approach focuses on land as a commodity that is completely immobile and therefore associated with a unique location in geographical space. Urban Economists employ the bid rent function approach to determine the equilibrium location of each household in the city as well as the equilibrium approach and optimal land use patterns of the city. A bid rent function essentially describes a particular household's ability to pay for land at each location under fixed utility level. This approach enables economists to graphically analyze the competition for land among different agents in the urban space (Fujita, 1989). In the central business district (CBD) of the city, the bid rent function considers all land uses of retail, office and residential as competing for the most accessible location in the city, when the highest bidder for rent per square feet will locate at the most central spot and all other uses will create concentric rings around the CBD with rent decreasing as a function of distance from the central core of the city. Relationship between location rent and the spatial organization of land uses within an urban center Source: Lloyd & Dicken, 1977 Thus, according to the bid rent model, we would expect to find offices and commercial services at the heart of the CBD, which are establishments that would benefit the most from locating in the most accessible area for customers along with maximizing the proximity to other similar establishments to benefit from positive externalities. At the outer core, we would expect to find industrial land uses of manufactories, willing to pay enough to be close to central transportation arteries and marketplaces, but still requires larger lots, which are available at the outer core. The farthest we move from the CBD's inner core, the attractiveness of land for industry and retail establishments decreases, leaving rent prices cheaper and appealing for residential uses, which are less dependent on transportation linkage and proximity to marketplaces. RAN" HOL The spatial distribution of retailers across the city was formulated in the work of Walter Christaller (1933) and August L6sch (1954) on Central Place Theory (CPT). Centralistic order was defined by Christaller as "the crystallization of mass around a nucleus... the elementary form of order of things which belong together" (Christaller, 1933). In CPT, locations are determined by range, which is the maximum distance a consumer will travel to purchase a good and threshold, which is the minimum demand necessary for a store to stay in business. CPT defines the catchment area for amenities included in central places, categorizing them to either higher order or lower order. Higher order central places include central functions serving larger regions while lower order central places include functions of local central importance to the immediate surrounding. The combination of range and threshold leads to a regular hexagonal pattern of retail locations, where the maximum range consumers will travel and the minimum threshold for a retail activity determines the size of the hexagon. - THRE Market ares of identical stores in Central Place Theory Source: Sevtsuk, 2010 A ^ Overlapping market areas of hierarchical centers in Central Place Theory Source: Sevtsuk, 2010 2.3 Modeling spatial organization 30 The two approaches we mentioned explain land use patterns observed in central locations by describing location choices as expressing the tradeoff between land and travel. Both models simplify the analysis of spatial patterns by assuming a homogenous environment while eliminating the role of transportation networks and urban form. However, the reality of the built environment is much more complex. The irregularity of the urban street network and the variety of three-dimensional buildings in lot sizes, heights and shapes carries an important effect on the spatial distribution of centers in the intra-urban settings. Another example for such simplified model is the one-dimensional model of DiPasquale and Wheaton for store location from 1996, which assumes that retailers distribute evenly along a straight line in an identical distance from each other as a function of retail facility, transportation costs, purchase frequency and buyer density. However, if we take into account the complexity of the urban environment, noticing that the density of customers is affected by building heights, we will find that the relationship between retail and customer density is not linear. Therefore, doubling the population density of an area reduces the distance between retailers by less than half (Sevtsuk, 2010). 2.3.1 Planning for economic development Models of economic geography equip planners with the ability to understand spatial patterns in order to repair markets failures and predict future growth. Spatial patterns are the product of the interaction of economies of scale and transportation costs. Economies of scale are the savings achieved in per-unit cost as the level of output increases. This means that the larger the size of the output necessary to achieve production efficiencies, the greater the concentration of activity in few places. Moreover, transportation costs can cause economic activities to cluster or disperse, depending on the circumstances. That is to say, the higher the costs of transporting goods, the more likely that the activity will serve a small geographic area. Another challenge planners face is economic growth. The economic base model uses a multiplier to link changes in regional economy to (1) changes in export activity, as employment or income and (2) changes in demand for more local activity. The model assumes that money earned through exports generates demand for more local activity. This base model allows planners to identify the industries that are over or under represented in an area. While overrepresentation of one industry may make a region vulnerable to nationwide changes in employment patterns for that industry, the presence of an underrepresented industry creates the potential for growth. Location quotients (LQs) assess the local distribution of national economic activity by comparing an industry's share of the local economy with that same industry's share of the national economy. This measure allows for comparison of the performance of different urban areas in respect to the national average. However, it does not investigate how and why economic variations occur, a question that requires other analytical tools. One such analysis tool is an input/output analysis, understanding the links between the flow of incoming money to a region versus the flow leaving the same region. This tool also sheds light on the dependencies between industries and enables planners to identify the industries that are more likely to strengthen inter-industry linkages, and hence create more substantial clusters of related economic activity (Hoch et al., 2000). 2.3 Modeling spatial organization 31 2.4 Planning Support Systems: analysis and assessment tools & The term Planning Support Systems (PSS) encompass a wide range of technology-based solutions that aim to facilitate a 'new' planning practice, by implementing the diversity of methods, techniques and models from academic research in the analysis and decision making processes of urban planners. Most available geo-information tools do not fit the changing needs of the planning practice and are far too general, complex and rigid to facilitate planning tasks, oriented towards technology and theory rather than the planning problems themselves. This mismatch between demands of practitioners and the supply of methods and techniques gave rise to the diversity of planning support systems related to geo-information technology and are primarily developed to support different stages of the planning process including: problem diagnosis, data collection, mining and extraction, spatial and temporal analysis, data modeling, visualization and display, scenario-building and projection, plan formulation and evaluation, report preparation, enhanced participation and collaborative decision-making (Geertman Stillwell, 2004). Before the development of PSS, the rational comprehensive model of problem solving and decision-making emerged in the fields of planning theory and economic geography during the late 1950s and 1960s. This model was based on the idea that one ultimate formula could be produced to solve the spatial organization problem of the city in the form of a 'What if' simulation modeling. During this period, idealistic models were developed with the goal of optimizing city plans to redefine the urban reality for the better. When city data became available, it was clear that all models suffered from limited empirical validation and could not be calibrated to represent the reality of the city. However, optimization remained a viable goal when PSS started to emerge during the late 1990s but planning had to be recognized as an optimum-seeking activity and the optimization argument had to be shifted to a concrete consideration of optimizing methods (Harris, 1989). The theoretical quest was scaled down to the level of identifying spatial patterns and understanding the process that produces such patterns in an attempt to predict future ones. 2.4 Planning Support Systems 32 Britton Harris coined the term Planning Support Systems in his landmark paper "Beyond Geographic Information Systems: Computers and the Planning Professional" where he argued that standardization optimization methods could not work in the context of city planning, but offered ways by which the study of optimization can help guide the planning process. Harris showed that most large planning problems are "NP-complete", which are problems that have enormous number of possible solutions (Cook, 1971) as in the case of the spatial organization of only one city block, and cannot be solved in a satisfactory manner by computational methods. However, he claimed that optimization methods could be useful when applied to certain sub-systems in the metropolitan region by using algorithmic resources to solve distinct problems as Harris, 1989 finding the shortest path between two urban activities. Moreover, it is the nature of NP-complete problems to have many local optima and Harris outlined how by comparing such local solutions which reveal certain urban patterns, the planning process can be supported by computational methods to achieve a satisfying plan. The comparison and evolution process can take the form of an evolutionary approach, where both the computer algorithm and planners offer minor improvements to every alternative and test its performance by measures of spatial interactions such as congestion, land rents, accessibility, density and amenities service. In Harris's words: "a true planning support system must have the capability to employ locational and spatial interaction models, both to produce parts of plans constructively and to provide diverse measures of planning effectiveness. Such a capability goes beyond the analysis of coincidence, contiguity, and proximity supported by standard forms of GIS" The development of PSS gained momentum towards the end of the 1990s and today the field includes a diversity of PSS that differ in aims, capabilities, content, structure and the technology they use (Geertman & Stillwell, 2004). Types of PSS include: retail planning support systems that deploy spatial-interaction models to predict retail turnover in shopping centers and shifting market shares of existing centers; transportation models of travel demand that traditionally have been used to assess investments in new highway development, but more recently are also utilized in the context of transportation demand management. The four step model of transport demand first predicts the number of trips generated for a series of traffic zones, allocates the demand to transportation modes and destination zones, inputting the origin-destination result table to a simulation model to understand traffic intensities in different parts of the city; cellular automata models which for an array of cells, characterize different agents and by enforcing transition rules, letting the process run iteratively resulting in spatial patterns that emerging showing how cities are likely to evolve over time; integrated land use transportation models that assess the quantities of population and employment corresponding to land use quantities and then turns to allocate the activities to zones according to their potential (Timmermans, 2008). 2.4 Planning Support Systems 33 The application of PPS in planning practice has been the subject of much debate and there seem to be evidence to substation frustration about an assumed lack of dissemination of models to the planning practice in literature on the subject. The application of models in every practice is a process that requires sufficient resources of time, money and qualified personal. The dissemination of models in the planning practice is a process that needs to be managed in itself. It requires cooperation between academics and practitioners and an incorporation of a given model in the working habits and routine procedures of planners. Though the reasons for a government agency to adapt a planning model are diverse and numerous, a dominant reason is that existing tools and practices fail to give answers to new policy questions leaving the planners in need for new decision-making tools. Moreover, the dissemination process over a wide range of planning agencies requires some leading players that will create a positive wave for other agencies to follow, sometimes taking a change in generation (Ibid). Nowadays, there is much less consensus than there was 50 years ago about how cities grow and evolve. Fragmented theories have made technique dominant in the field of PSS and thus developments in computational technologies drive the field rather than innovative large-scale models (Batty, 2007). Nonetheless, nowadays complexity science emerges as the key approach for understanding and modeling the development of cities. Modeling cities as complex systems is leading the forefront of urban studies while used to develop comprehensive theories about how cities grow and evolve. 2.5 Cities as Complex Systems Simon, 1962 "Roughly, by a complex system I mean one made up of a large number of parts that interact in a nonsimple way. In such systems, the whole is more than the sum of the parts, not in an ultimate, metaphysical sense, but in the important pragmatic sense that, given the properties of the parts and the laws of their interaction, it is not a trivial matter to infer the properties of the whole." This quote by Herbert Simon implies that complex systems are more than what they seem by the naked eye. This idea is long-standing in science and traditional systems theory. The unique definition of complex systems is the idea that to understand the whole, it is the dynamics of how the systems' parts behave in relation to one another that is important. Weaver first defined problems of organized complexity in the 1958 "Annual Report of the Rockefeller Foundation", a definition that was later adapted by Jacobs (1961) to describe cities as problems of organized complexity. Modeling cities as complex systems is grounded in the thesis that these systems have many variables that are interconnected and in constant simultaneous change. According to Jacobs, understanding how interactions in a network of individuals shape their surrounding urban environment is key to plan better solutions for urban problems (Batty, 2005). 2.4 Planning Support Systems 34 At her time, Jacobs was actually arguing against the theories that were becoming the contemporary wisdom. The contemporary theories of the social sciences of the 1950s and 1960s were essentially positivist and assumed that cities were systems that moved to equilibrium rather quickly and thus can be modeled with one comprehensive formula. These idealistic models were developed in an attempt to change the planning paradigm completely and redefine the urban reality for the better, dealing with urgent problems of massive urban growth and new transportation systems that were transforming cities. When city data became available, it was clear that the models all suffered from limited empirical validation and could not be calibrated to represent the reality of the city. Starting from the 1970s, the social scientists and economic geographers redefined the theoretical study and scaled it down to identify the spatial patterns in the city in addition to understanding the process which produces such patterns in an attempt to predict future patterns, while leaving the notion of temporal dynamics almost entirely absent. The need to think about urban dynamics to provide more than a descriptive explanation of how various economic and social forces "could" work, gave rise to the concern for nonsmooth dynamics explaining discontinuities around 1980s. But it was the conception of thinking about cities in terms of actions of individuals, agents, stemming from ideas about disaggregation and heterogeneity, that actually change the face of modeling urban systems, opening the gate for agent based modeling and simulation models around 1990s. It took development not in theory but in computing and data to propel these models forward. The major transformation of modern computing and available data in the last forty years was the dominant factor in enabling processing for urban systems models, allowing the feasibility of models based on a large number of units in the micro level of disaggregation in space, time and location of urban activities (Ibid). Nowadays, we stand on the verge of a cultural shift in the way we perceive data and its ability to help us solve the fundamental problems of the city. The rise and development of the sciences of complexity in recent years have changed the direction of studying systems theory from top down to bottom up, treating systems as a product of an evolutionary process, rather than that of a grad design. This approach enables us to study cities as not being centrally ordered, but as systems that evolve mainly from the bottom up as the product of millions of individuals and group decisions, with only occasional top-down centralized actions (Batty, 2013). The result is a set of ordered patterns that emerge from the actions of countless individuals. The patterns observed in complex systems as cities, which self-organize into clusters from the bottom up, manifests themselves by a set of rules, which are established at the lowest level and repeat themselves at larger or higher scales. PlEAILE CITES .11 ." ... Data from 360 US metro areas show that metrics as wages and 35 crime scale similarly with population size & Source: Bettencourt west, 2010 2.5 Cities as Complex Systems Recent studies attempted to establish a predictive quantitative theory of urban organization and development using the vast amount of accessible data while applying methods from complexity science. Most of these inductive studies set population size as a proxy for multiple variables in the urban context. A study by Bettencourt et al. (2007) was the first to present empirical evidence showing that important demographic, socio-economic, and behavioral urban indicators are, on average, scaling function of a city's population that are quantitatively consistent across different nations and times. The urban indicators are divided into three H 0 0CA Scale independent ranking of residuals for US metro areas by patenting (red denotes above average performance, blue below) Source: Bettencourt et al., 2010 -gas .. . ... -.. -- --. -I The temporal evolution of scale independent indicators for patents displays long-term memory over time (1975-2006). Shaded grey areas indicate periods of national economic recession Source: Bettencourt et al., 2010 2.5 Cities as Complex Systems 36 trends: quantities reflecting wealth creation and innovation show increasing returns to scale, scaling superlinearly with city size; quantities accounting for infrastructure demonstrates economies of scale while scaling sublinearly with city size; and individual human needs as jobs, housing and household water consumption show linear scaling with city size. These findings suggest that there is a universal social dynamic at play that underlies all characteristics of urban life and which can be used to predict growth and the pace of life in cities. Moreover, in a study from 2010, Bettencourt et al. show how deviations of various cities from the universal average behavior can be used to understand the strengths and weaknesses of every city, showing the local characteristics of each urban environment. Another approach for modeling the temporal and spatial dynamics of cities to understand the networks of interactions between millions of individuals is by looking at universal patterns in human urban mobility. Studies analyzing pedestrian mobility flows from recent years were able to prove that human mobility flows in urban environments share a similar power low distribution as physical distance decreases between two locations in a city (Noulas et al., 2012; Gonza'lez et al., 2008). The dependency of human mobility on distance shown in gravity models is inspired by Newton's law of gravity and validates the idea that density of people and services in urban environments generates movement. Moreover, a study modeling the transition between monocentric to polycentric cities found that the number of subcenters and total commuting distance within a city scale sublinearly with its population, when measuring the traffic congestion in cities (Louf et al., 2013). All these studies and many more using substantial datasets to model the complex networks of cities has the potential to assist city planners in developing operational planning tools grounded in extensive empirical data. A new science for city planning can inform questions connecting city size to scale and shape through information, material, and social networksthat constitutethe essential functioning of cities (Batty, 2008). In their piece "A unified theory of urban living" Geoffrey West and Luis Bettencourt (2010) emphasize the need for an integrated, quantitative, predicative, science-based understanding of the dynamics, growth and organization of cities. They claim a 'grand unified theory of sustainability' of cities and urbanization must be developed, requiring collaboration across science, economics and technology, including business leaders, scientists and practitioners to work together to create a new science of performance-based planning: "by coupling general goals to actionable policies and measurable indicators of social satisfaction, successes and failures can be assessed and corrected for, guiding development of theory and creating better solutions ". Paving the way to develop a grand unified theory of urban living and scientific tools to plan cities requires developing urban metrics to compare and contrast the performance and functionality of cities in various dimensions. Such metrics can help us identify the connections between dominant factors at play in each city, the diversity of factors and their combined effect on the overall performance as captured by the metrics. This analysis process is similar to identifying the building blocks or Lego pieces available in a city and the urban model their combination produces. SINGAPORE HOUSTON xSAN FRANOISCO LL 0.24(.)-o 2 Iff' .. -. ....... io' 102 ]02 101 RANK Human movments driven by the density of the of the geographical environment showing a trend of decreasing movements as a function of increasing ranks (defined as the no. of closer loc ations in a given path) Source: Noulas et al., 2012 The Lego game methodology or combinatorial model approach has been used to capture measures of complexity in various fields as economics, theoretical biology and mathematics. In mathematics, Kauffman and Levin (1987) developed the NK model, a general theory to understand the process of adaptive evolution and the optimization process it involves, measuring the fitness of variables in incremental steps, the complexity of the system and optimizing the overall size and characteristics of the system by adjusting its' parameters. The NK model has found application in a wide variety of fields, including the theoretical study of evolutionary biology, immunology, optimization and complex systems. In economics, Weitzman (1998) developed a recombinant growth model to understand innovation through the way old ideas can be reconfigured to make new ideas, providing a production function for the creation of new knowledge that depends on the various new ways to recombine old knowledge. Another example for a Lego game methodology in economics is the work of Hidalgo and Hausmann (2009) that provides measures to capture the components of economic complexity, by looking at growth and development and connecting products to the countries that export them. The model of economic complexity developed in this research captures the capabilities of a country to develop a particular product by measuring the diversity of capabilities and their dependencies in one another to understand the country's level of productivity. The combinatorial models reviewed here have major implications in various practices and can be deployed to advance the productivity of multiple entities ranging from countries and their economic development to firms and economic models. The planning methodology outlined in this thesis will attempt to bridge the gap between academic research and the planning practice, by providing a Lego game methodology to develop the efficiency of land use patterns and flexibility of the planning process. This thesis follows the approach of modeling cities as problems in organized complexity to reveal universal patterns in the quantities and co-location of land uses in cities while also untangling dependencies between land use types. Moreover, using the combinatorial approach of a Lego game, the modeled interactions and dependencies between land uses will enable planners to create game rules for the infinite number of assembly options of land uses while understanding the implications of each combination. 2.5 Cities as Complex Systems 37 METHODOLOGY This chapter will introduce a quantitative methodology for land use planning. We will review stages of the planning process in the scale and scope of the problem they face while offering an analysis method to reveal quantitative relationships. These relationships will then be used to construct a set of planning guidelines. Implementing quantitative methods in the practice of land use planning will allow us to introduce a dimension of modularity to the field by offering planning guidelines that enable multiple solutions for choosing and assembling a set of urban building blocks, in the form of a Lego game methodology. The idea behind creating a Lego game methodology for planning is driven by the quest to find the right mixture of components and their spatial organization that defines a successful urban model. Analyzing the mixture and arrangements of urban components is a thinking process we all exercise when we choose the city we want to live in, the neighborhood we want to raise our children at or the urban area we enjoy for leisure. Think about how one will describe his favorite area of a city: he'll talk about the vibrancy and liveliness of the area, the leisure activities he find there as restaurants and shops or the recreation activities as parks and zoos. A parent trying to find the best neighborhood to relocate with his family will describe the quality of schools, the handful of open spaces and the health and public facilities a neighborhood has to offers. These are all descriptions for the right set of components that together compose a desirable urban model. Urban planners engage in the same thinking process in their daily practice, in an attempt to analyze good urban models and extract the planning guidelines that will recreate them. But how does one define a good urban model? Kevin Lynch defined a model as: "an adjective meaning 'worthy of emulation'... a picture of how the environmentought to be made, a descriptionofa form or a process which is a prototype to follow"(Lynch, 1984). Lynch argued for the necessity of models in the planning process and characterized how one should construct planning guidelines from desirable models. He defined performance statements as the right method to construct guidelines as such that describe the underlying effect of a desirable product, while leaving the means flexible and open for innovation. While the flexibility of performance statements are the quality making them suitable for a general planning theory, Lynch claimed that connecting the statements to specific mental pictures of an environment and the method by which they should be implemented are key to their success. 3 38 Methodology We will attempt to follow Lynch's definition for planning guidelines in constructing the Lego game methodology. We will offer flexible guidelines that define a range of possible values, while also exploring closely particular urban models as mental images to follow. We will examine various urban models to understand what makes one city differ from another, asking questions like how does Boston differ from New York and does Los Angeles resembles Washington. Here, analyzing urban environments as complex systems will enable us to characterize cities by a set of parameters and the relationships between them, identifying key parameters in preferable urban models. The construction of the Lego game methodology will explore the practice of land use planning with a set of several assumptions in mind: (1) Cities as complex adaptive systems manifest similar patterns of behavior; (2) These patterns can serve as guidelines for the expected average urban behavior; (3) Planning guidelines would be drafted as relationships between components, offering a range of possible values; (4) Consolidating a set of parametric planning guidelines to model an urban environment offer multiple assembly options for the spatial organization of land uses. To establish the Lego game methodology, we will review each planning stage and the problem it faces following four main steps: 1. Analyze an urban phenomenon from a wide perspective: to reveal similar patterns across cities 2. Observe an emerging pattern: to define the average behavior a city should manifest 3. Explore different urban models: to identify unique urban characteristics as manifested by the deviations from the baseline average behavior 4. Construct a set of planning rules: by choosing a single value or range of possible values for each urban relationship We will begin by outlining the offered methodology from the macro scale of choosing a set of building blocks for a whole city and then zoom-in to the micro scale of distributing and co-locating the building blocks in intense urban environments as city centers. The findings from each analysis stage will allow us to explore the modularity in choosing a set of building blocks to create various spatial organizations for a city. 3.1 3 39 Methodology Data sources and structure To demonstrate the quantitative planning methodology we needed to analyze a dataset that is consistent across cities with a unified index of land use categories in a very fine-grain scale. This kind of dataset is challenging to collect for several reasons. First, although the general structure of land use data is similar across cities, there are multiple variations between cities in the indexing of particular land use types. Second, there are numerous differences in zoning ordinance indexes due to specific definitions of zones and special overlay districts defined by each city. Third, land use data is collected and organized by an aggregated index of top land use categories for necessary simplifications. This index typically includes six to ten categories, providing a very low-level resolution of the quantities and distribution of land uses in cities. Our analysis required a high-level resolution dataset with a disaggregated index of uses, in order to have the ability to describe the realistic, fine-grained land use patterns we observe in cities. Due to these reasons, we chose to use the Google Places API dataset that presents a unique opportunity of indexed categories, which are consistent across the world and includes a high number of land use types in a very finegrain scale. Each data point in our Google API dataset marks the location and type of amenities in the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the US, ranked by population size. The criterion of largest metropolitan areas was adapted for data availability reasons, attempting to include indexed cities that contain as many points as possible. The availability of data presents a challenge since the data points included in Google maps are mostly user generated and thus, the most populated cities in the US have a better chance of including more data points with better accuracy. The original index of amenity types included 96 different categories. We cleaned the dataset and filtered out the irrelevant categories for land use analysis: establishment, route, point of interest, locality, sub-locality, intersection, colloquial area, neighborhood, and natural feature. We also filtered out categories that were not well represented in the data and had less than a 100 points overall, in the entire dataset. The cleaned dataset we generated have an index of 78 unique categories, including all land use types, except residential and industrial uses (see full list in table 2). 3.1 Data sources and structure 40 The unique Google Places dataset also has its limitations. First, land use data is generally collected in area units as square meters or feet, describing the total land area allotted or occupied by a particular use. Data in total land area provides a measurement for the volume of each particular use in a city, even more so when the data is measured in floor area, providing a genuine threedimensional volume of land uses. However, the Google Places dataset presents land uses as points, providing a different measure of volume for land uses, possibly less accurate for practical planning purposes. Second, since the data included in the dataset is partly user generated, there are potential accuracy issues, shortcomings and biases of the data that might create a misrepresentation of reality versus the true situation on the ground. User-generated data can potentially be more accurate in larger cities in comparison to smaller cities, where more users have access and are aware of the technological platform of Google maps. In addition to usergenerated data on Google maps, Google also incorporates data collected from location information that appears on Internet pages, which are unverified sources that can also potentially skew the data. Moreover, Google maps also serves as an advertising platform in addition to being a navigation tool. This fact can also potentially skew the data in favor of businesses wishing to promote themselves through this platform. However, since the data is mostly provided by licensed businesses, it is more authoritative and reliable compared to data collected from private contributors. Also, Google has moderators who try to verify the accuracy of data provided from and changed by contributing users (Helft, 2009). Our chosen unit of analysis is the metropolitan area of a city, a concept known as the "functional urban region": a flow of people, goods, energy, information and capital connected by ground transportation paths. In the U.S., this definition corresponds with the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) defined the MSA as one or more adjacent counties or county equivalents that have at least one urban core area of at least 50,000 population, plus adjacent territory that has a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured by commuting ties. Population data for metropolitan areas was collected from the US census bureau, from the 2010 American community survey. Let us now demonstrate how this dataset can be used to analyze urban environments by their land use composition and spatial distribution, and use the results for the purposes of constructing planning guidelines. 3.1 Data sources and structure 41 3.2 Hoch et al., 2000 Choosing a set of building blocks "Planning efforts revolves around people: people create the need for planning functions, and they experience the effects - for better or for worse - of these efforts. The anticipation ofpopulation change is essential to planning that can effectively meet future needs." The first stage of drafting a land use plan is crucial for meeting future needs as it involves estimating future population growth or change of a city and the corresponding functions required to serve this population. In this estimation process, the amounts of units or square feet from each land use type required to sustain the predicted population growth are assessed and quantified. This estimation process is similar to choosing a set of building blocks that together make up the addition part of the city. This set has immense influence in determining the effects of the planning effort - the volume of every land use type has substantial implications on the functionality and character of the planned area. Hence, the first planning stage can benefit significantly from the ability to assess the implications of a given set of blocks on an urban environment. The assessment process of land use quantities tends to vary between nations, states and cities. The variations occur due to an assessment process that heavily relies on economic development models and analysis of past trends that are studied in light of local context. These local assessment methods produce coefficients or simple ratios for people per required urban activity and are later implemented as guidelines for planning by governmental and local planning agencies. Let us explore a quantitative method for assessing population requirements and their future implications that can be consistent across cities worldwide. We will consider Bettencourt el al. claim that all city indicators scales with population size (2007, 2010) as an analysis method to: extract population thresholds; assess required units of land use types; and review possible resultant implications of land use quantities on the urban environment by examining the deviation from the scaling behavior in different urban models. 3.2.1 3.2 Choosing a set of building blocks 42 Analysis method: urban scaling relations Bettencourt el al. presented empirical evidence showing that important demographic, socio-economic, and behavioral urban indicators are, on average, scaling function of city size that are quantitatively consistent across different nations and times. These findings suggest that given a population size of a city, we will be able to predict the quantities required from all urban indictors. Bettencourt et al. identified three main trends for scaling relations from which land uses, the topic at hand, showed sub-linear scaling with city size. This kind of sublinear scaling suggests an economy of scale in urban activities - for any additional population growth in city size, a city requires less urban activities as stores, banks, libraries, etc. per person. To validate this claim by Bettencourt el al. with our dataset, we transformed all types of land use data to logarithmic form and fitted them using Ordinary Least Squares to the logarithm of population for all 50 metro areas in our dataset. Using population size, N, as the measure of city size, the power law scaling equation can be written as: Y(N) = YN# Where Y is the intercept; # is the scaling exponent reflecting the different trends at play across cities; and Y(N) defines the quantities of various urban activities for a given population size. Our results revealed that most quantities of land use types do show a good fit to population size (see figure 1), demonstrating a high value of adjusted R2, which evaluates the goodness of fit. However, while the majority of land use quantities in our dataset show sublinear scaling (fl < 1) as found by Bettencourt et al., quite a few land use quantities as parks (see figure 2), schools, supermarkets, restaurants and many more show linear scaling (f ~~1) with population size, with a scaling exponent ranging from 1.00 for dentists to 1.09 for art galleries (see full scaling table and in Appendix A). Our results reveal that while about 60% of all land use types included in our dataset show sublinear scaling with population size, 25% show linear scaling and 15% show superlinear scaling. These scaling exponents demonstrate the average behavior a city should manifest, if it were to follow the common pattern shown in urban systems around the world (see Scaling charts for land use types in Appendix B). #= 0.94 R2= 0.75 1066 IN-_y-k Los angeles 10W TMiaa Las Figure 1: Sublinear Scaling of all land use types vs. American metropolitan population 43 .m-. 10 IndiaSenod ILouivia iMOMPhIS ,Nihv-le Virginis be-0 :HWttord 10'- 3.2 Choosing a set of building blocks m veghinas IV~ le, loll Poilo size 0"" 1072 adjusted intercept Table 1: Scaling exponents for land use types vs. city size 3.2 Choosing a set of building blocks 44 Land use type cemetery airport courthouse bank church funeralhome lawyer shopping-mall storage localgovernmentoffice roofing-contractor cardealer museum stadium accounting carwash police doctor library moving-company firestation store carrepair nightsclub dentist school furniturestore post-office park hospital plumber restaurant clothingstore bakery liquor-store meal_deliveryjtakeaway totalamenities (YO) -2.00 -2.61 -2.75 -2.03 -1.48 -3.05 -1.81 -3.06 -2.92 -2.50 -2.77 -2.63 -3.92 -3.97 -2.85 -3.90 -4.10 -2.10 -3.87 -3.28 -4.47 -2.49 -3.22 -4.32 -3.32 -3.39 -3.95 -4.62 -3.79 -4.70 -4.28 -3.35 -4.09 -4.81 -4.98 -5.24 -5.91 -1.41 slope (P) 0.59 0.65 0.66 0.71 0.72 0.78 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.86 0.86 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.93 0.96 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.08 1.09 1.14 1.17 1.25 0.94 95% CI [0.28,0.89] [0.42,0.88] [0.41,0.90] [0.53,0.89] [0.55,0.89] [0.53,1.03] [0.64,0.93] [0.60,0.98] [0.56,1.02] [0.65,0.95] [0.59,1.01] [0.61,1.011 [0.67,1.04] [0.69,1.03] [0.73,1.07] [0.69,1.11] [0.63,1.18] [0.74,1.07] [0.71,1.10] [0.74,1.11] [0.66,1.26] [0.78,1.14] [0.80,1.17] [0.79,1.20] [0.80,1.20] [0.84,1.17] [0.82,1.19] [0.85,1.18] [0.79,1.25] [0.87,1.22] [0.86,1.23] [0.90,1.21] [0.92,1.25] [0.86,1.32] [0.95,1.33] [0.92,1.41] [1.08,1.43] [0.79,1.09] k2 0.22 0.39 0.36 0.55 0.59 0.45 0.70 0.58 0.49 0.69 0.53 0.57 0.63 0.68 0.70 0.61 0.47 0.72 0.64 0.67 0.45 0.71 0.71 0.66 0.67 0.75 0.71 0.75 0.62 0.74 0.72 0.79 0.78 0.64 0.75 0.65 0.81 0.75 P= 1.01 R 2= 0.62 10 10' I f ~10 *~dnoa Ilenespo 0"' .*..v._ Figure 2: Linear Scaling of parks vs. American metropolitan population .Los-ngwbs ***of ed-m 10' . .NanOA.Tans 6" lit to, lo" 4-8" 10" Poplaon iz 10' - #= 1.08 R 2 = 0.78 .Lok_sngel- 1o~- I .poue e.*89 . .am .o--rd . "" . o"*"'" MW.ask. .... .0 Oeft 1op . 10" ''''0' il: to' - 1o'~ 3.2 Choosing a set of building blocks 45 ,.&Uj-- 10' - Figure 3: Superlinear Scaling of clothing stores vs. American metropolitan population - a log Of total Population 1Dr,2 3.2.2 Assessing a set of building blocks As an expected baseline behavior, the power law scaling equation can be used to calculate average population thresholds, which are the minimum number of people in a city required to support various urban activities. The scaling equation can also be used to assess the rate of development in growing cities. These assessment measures together can serve as a unified and consistent planning guideline for new development projects and also in the construction of new cities. Considering the accelerated urbanization process that our world is experiencing today, when new cities are planned and constructed in a rapid pace (Watson, 2013) and existing cities are expanding in unprecedented volumes (Un-habitat, 2010), this method hold great potential to help guide development around the world. Extracting population thresholds When planners and developers engage in the process of constructing a new city or a large housing development project, they estimate the levels of population required to support various urban activities in order to choose which land use types will be constructed in which development stage. Consider a scenario when a new city is constructed in a location where there are no accessible services or commercial establishments essential for everyday life as supermarkets, banks, gas stations or hospitals. All these urban establishments need a sufficient amount of potential customers to support their financial activity in a sustainable manner for the developers to justify their initial investment. In this scenario, developers need a recommended measure of population thresholds to assess how many people their development project has to house in order for it to sustain a type of urban activity. The thresholds for land uses in a city can be extracted when applying the scaling equation on the collected data. By inversing the logarithmic binning of the scaling equation and solving it the for Y(1), the required number of people, N,, to observe the first activity of type x in a city, can be calculated using the following equation: Nx=10 3.2 Choosing a set of building blocks 46 With this equation we found that for example, a city needs approximately 210 people to observe the first doctor, 640 people to observe the first convenience store and 720 people to observe the first bank branch, demonstrating possibly the most essential activities for everysmall developing project. To observe the possibly less essential daily activities, the thresholds levels are much higher as for example 1,500 people to observe the first restaurant, 2,000 people to observe the first beauty salon, 2,300 people to observe the first school, 7,200 people to observe the first gas station and 32,100 people to observe the first hospital. Possibly the most 'luxurious' of urban activities are observed when a town or city is well established and has a sufficient clientele to sustain land use types as a museums (38,000 people), amusement parks (43,600 people) and take-away and delivery food establishments (51,800 people) (see full thresholds list in table 2). Land use type church lawyer doctor store insurance-agency generalcontractor conveniencestore bank health finance local-governmentoffice accounting restaurant pharmacy car_dealer car-repair beauty.salonspa dentist school veterinary-care cemetery realestateagency physiotherapist roofing-contractor movingcompany atm departmentstore lodging storage park home.goodsstore bar Table 2: .p i painter electronicsstore for ershlids Therhold for hardwarestore gas~station shopin all land use typesshopping-maill types groceryorsupermarket 3.2 47 Choosing a set of building blocks Population Threshold 110 200 210 390 590 590 640 720 900 1,400 1,400 1,500 1,500 1,700 1,800 1,900 2,000 2,100 2,300 2,400 2,500 2,600 2,800 2,900 3,400 3,400 3,600 3,900 4,900 5,100 6,000 6,100 6,200 6,500 6,500 6,900 7,200 7,400 7,500 Land use type funeralhome electrician furniturestore hair_care airport laundry plumber university courthouse library florist jewelrystore car_wash night_club bakery movietheater bookstore art-gallery shoestore rvpark liquor_store hospital police postoffice carrental parking museum cafe stadium amusement.park firestation meal_delivery.takeaway gym travel-agency pet~store movie_rental bicyclestore synagogue embassy Population Thresholds 8,000 8,200 8,200 8,700 10,100 10,600 12,300 12,700 15,700 18,600 20,500 21,600 21,700 21,800 23,300 23,500 23,600 26,100 26,500 30,800 31,000 32,100 35,200 35,200 36,000 36,700 38,000 39,000 40,200 43,600 45,100 51,800 54,800 58,400 65,700 132,300 192,300 195,100 412,500 Assessing levels of land use quantities In a similar manner to calculating thresholds, we can use the power law equation to also assess levels of land use quantities required to support population growth. This is a method that can be essential for every master plan drafted for an existing city or for assessing the current growth in rapidly expanding cities as cities of the global south (Un-habitat, 2010). The observed scaling pattern in cities with respect to their population size can provide an aggregate proxy to assess how well a city is supporting its growing population with required services. City officials or developers engaged in managing growth can estimate their city growing rates using the power law scaling equation. By placing their city's population target of 10z in the scaling equation, the estimated quantity of Y for any given land use type x, can be calculated using the following equation: Y= 010"IX Where Z is the exponent of 10 for a target city size and f, is the scaling exponent of the estimated land use type. For demonstrating purposes, we calculated the required average land use quantities for a target population of one million people (106). Our c alculations showed that one million people require, by average, 700 churches, 1,000 restaurants, 220 parks, 140 supermarkets, 30 post office braches and 43 coffee shops (see full estimations list in table 3). The presented method of assessment can equip policy makers and developers with a quick and simple understanding of whether the master plan of their city or the actual pace of development in the field is enough to sustain the expected population growth and allow them to make changes in exiting plans or promote further regulations in order to meet future needs. 3.2 Choosing a set of building blocks 48 It is important to mention that because our dataset only provides data about number of units of each land use type and not total amount of square feet, the thresholds and assessments numbers need to be taken with a pinch of salt. A more detailed dataset with measured square feet quantities using the presented method can potentially help provide a more accurate measure of population thresholds and required building blocks needed to meet population demand. However, the presented method of assessment only provides a measure for the expected average of land use quantities given a certain population size. It can be used to understand a general direction of development and to this purpose it holds great potential, but it cannot be used to give a detailed and accurate measure of required land use quantities to meet the needs of a certain type of city and its population. To understand how specific cities deviate from expected average with respect to their particular population requirements, cultural differences, urban environment and much more, we shell now take a closer look at the deviations from the scaling relations and explore what types of urban models they produce. Land use type embassy bicyclestore synagogue rv-park mrovie_rental courthouse airport firestation police amusement~park pet-store museum stadium cemetery carwash movietheater parking carrental post~office Table 3: Estimation of required land use quantities for a population size of 1 milion 3.2 49 gym funeralhome gasstation library cafe bookstore hospital travel-agency meal_deliverytakeaway shopping-mall art-gallery night_club shoe_store university departmentstore liquorstore jewelry-store florist storage hardware_store Choosing a set of building blocks No. of Land use units for 1 million people 3 7 8 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 70 70 Land use type bakery veterinary-care haircare roofing_contractor bar lodging painter electrician homegoods-store furniture_store plumber grocery-or-supermarket bank conveniencestore physiotherapist car_dealer pharmacy park moving-company local-governmentoffice electronics_store laundry accounting atm clothing_store finance realestate-agency school insurance-agency dentist carrepair beauty-salon-spa church health general_contractor lawyer restaurant store doctor No. of Land use units for 1 million people 70 90 90 110 110 130 110 110 140 130 100 140 170 200 160 170 230 220 190 190 200 160 340 260 250 440 410 440 540 500 480 530 700 710 780 790 980 1,900 2,100 3.2.3 Deviations from Scaling: Exploring urban models So far we have explored scaling relationships in cities and discussed the potential planning implications of the observed trends, allowing us to calculate the average behavior that a city of a given size is expected to manifest. However, while observing the scaling charts of each land use type, one can clearly notice that while some cities appear as points on the regression line, other cities appear above or below this line. These are cities that deviate from their expected baseline behavior and by that deviation reveal some of their 'true colors'. Analyzing how specific cities deviate from the expected pattern can illuminate some of the local characteristics and dynamics of those cities and allow for a meaningful comparison between cities that rely on relative quantities and is independent from city size (Bettencourt et al., 2010). These deviations enable us to parameterize the characteristics of each individual city and consider the implications different quantities of land use have on a city. Deviations from the regression line are quantified by the residuals from the logarithmic fit and are expressed as: K Y(N,) Where Y represents the observed land use quantity for each city and Y(N,) represents the expected average behavior. Ranking cities by the magnitude of their deviations reveals how cities perform in terms of their land use quantities and can demonstrate the possible implications of more dominant urban activities. Plotting the residuals by category show no population bias when 7 from the top 10 cities in rankings for banks, airports and schools are small metropolitan areas, ranking for services that heavily depend on population size. Moreover, compared to per capita indicators, 15 of the top 20 cities in the arts and culture index by Forbes are amongst the 20 biggest metropolitan areas by population, while our ranking for museums and art galleries show less than 10 of the biggest metro areas ranked in the top 20. To understand the impact of one dominant category on a city's atmosphere, we can examine cities with positive deviations from the base line behavior for that category. For example, vibrant cities have more than the l=log average amount of restaurants as Las Vegas (ranked 3th), Salt Lake City (ranked 4 th), New York (ranked 6 th), San Francisco (ranked 1 th) and Miami (ranked 11 th) (see figure 4). However, also smaller cities are ranked high for restaurants, a fact that might suggest that these cities have more restaurants then their population actually needs as Portland and Buffalo (ranked 1 th and 2th, respectively), or might point to bias in the data. 3.2 Chosing set of 50 Another method for plotting the deviations is by city, showing the unique patterns of the city's functioning. This kind of plot can be referred to as presenting the measures of the city, similar to a blood test results showing how a human is functioning relatively to the norm. Examining these deviation plots by city, one can observe that for example, Boston shows an equal number of positive and negative deviations from the average, and has more land uses as parks, museums, libraries, universities and cemeteries (see figure 5); In contrast, a declining city as Detroit shows positive deviations from the average behavior in almost all land use types except universities, stadiums, movie theaters, art galleries and bike stores (see figure 6), possibly providing a snapshot of the problematic situation of having more supply than demand for services in a declining city. An example for a possibly struggling city that is underperforming is Tampa, which shows less quantities of every land use type except RV parks, a measure that might point to having more demand than supply for services in the city (see figure 7). The observed deviations present a visualization of the underlying dynamics at play in every city, but it is hard to distill the impact of a specific land use deviation on a city's character, due to the high levels of complexity and interconnectivity of different components in the urban system. However, the measure of adjusted R2 can shed light on how sensitive are different land use types to local variations, by explaining the percentage of variance in a land use quantity that is predicted by population size. A high level of adjusted R2 as found in restaurants (0.79), food delivery and take away establishments (0.81) and universities (0.81) suggests that these land use types are less sensitive to local factors while multiple public facilities as cemeteries (0.22), courthouses (0.36) and embassies (0.46) are exposed to stronger local influences and show a wider distribution of residuals (see full list in Appendix A). Above. average Below average Figure 4: Scaling Residuals of Restaurants for all 50 US Metro areas 3.2 Choosing a set of building blocks 51 0 l i2 Rank Above average 0.50- 0.25Below average 0.00 -0.25 4.0 4.75- ............................ . Figure 5: Residuals for all land use types for Boston Metro area 0.5- 0.4- 0.3- 0.2- 0.10.0- Figure 6: Residuals for all land use types for Detroit Metro area amenity I 0.00- -. 25- -0.50- Figure 7: Residuals for all -00- land use types for Tampa Metro area 3.2 Choosing a set of building blocks 52 a"-* 3.2.4 Constructing a set of planning rules Now that we have analyzed the observed scaling behavior across cities and understood how each particular city deviates from the baseline behavior, we have created a range of possible values for each land use type, together forming a catalog of urban behaviors and their potential implications (see figure 8). The catalog of urban models demonstrates the possible implications of a deviation from a baseline behavior of a particular urban activity on a city's local flavor. Moreover, observing all the deviations of one particular city together reveals the possible implications of a particular land use composition on a city. For example, if we examine cities we know as vibrant and lively as New York, San Francisco and Boston, we'll find that most of them have more than the expected average of land use quantities that play a major part in the liveliness of a city as cafes, restaurants, bars, night clubs, museums and art galleries. In contrast, in declining cities as Baltimore and St. Louis we'll find the same categories with a negative deviation from the expected behavior. The relative range of values we defined for each land use type presents an opportunity for planners to define the character of a city they wish to create or regenerate, inspired by other cities, and than pick the appropriate value of each land use quantity to support this desirable local flavor. When planners face the task of creating a new master plan for a specific city, they can first assess the land use quantities their city contains in its current condition with respect to the city's population size, understanding whether the city follows the average scaling behavior or deviates from it. After setting a target population level for future growth, planners can then use the scaling equation to predict how many additional units of each land use type is essential to serve the expected population. Given that the first analysis found that the city presents deviations in several land use quantities, planners can decide whether or not they would like to adjust this deviation by adding more units of a certain type or subtracting from the additional units. Finally, when considering the master plans goals for their city, planners can use the catalog of urban behaviors to choose which quantities of land use type they would like to enhance and which to reduce, in order to give their city it's desirable flavor. For example, If a city like Washington would decide to create a new master plan with the aim of regenerating the urban street life in the city, its' planners can use the catalog of various urban models to match the city's land use quantities as restaurants, bars, stores, parks and night clubs demonstrating deficiencies to the levels observed in San Francisco or New York, relative to the population of Washington. 3.2 Choosing a set of building blocks 53 To conclude, understating the expected baseline urban behavior is a powerful tool that planners can adapt to their daily practice. The possible implementations of this analysis tool are much greater than the ones discussed in this thesis and call for an in-depth research of this tool in comparison to the available metrics we have today to measure performance of cities, mostly by economic activity as Forbes and The Economist. In addition, considering that our findings suggests that most land use quantities are sensitive to local fluctuations and are not fully explained by their population size, it is important to investigate further what are the local dynamics at play influencing these land use quantities other than population. We can hypothesize that cultural differences, daily commuters to the city and climate or geographic conditions play a crucial part in the dynamics effecting land use compositions. Finally, and maybe most importantly is to study how deviations from scaling distribute across the city in relation to different population groups of age, income and race and understand the level by which these communities are served by various land use types. Figure 8: Boxplot of residuals for all land use types for all The scalability of all urban indicators with respect to population size holds true even when land uses are distributed randomly in the city and contain no information about the relative position of each land use type. However, urban activities often cluster, co-locating to form patterns that may contain information about the dependence of activities on each other, shared demand, or similar infrastructure and transportation requirements. We will now present a method of analysis that can shed light on the clustering and co-location of urban activities, holding great potential to transform the practice of land use planning. Metro areas Residuals 3.2 54 Choosing a set of building blocks 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks The question of land use location might be the hardest and most influential of all in the process of city planning. Location is everything when it comes to cities, even in the globalization era (Fujita &Thisse, 2013). Though a lot have been studied about location theory, the question of how to co-locate different urban activities in cities as a tool to regenerate urban areas still remains open. Nevertheless, urban planners still make daily location decisions using zoning as their primary tool to distribute different land use types across the city. However, zoning does not allow for the fine-grain placing of various urban activities, rather only for district allocations, leaving location choices entirely at the hands of market forces (Alexander, 1987). Moreover, since planners are not equipped with metrics to understand the implications of location choices, they are left exposed to intense political pressures, without having the tools to react to them (Altshuler, 1965; Duany & Talen, 2001). Zoning was first introduced to the field of urban planning as a tool to shield residential areas from incompatible land uses and guarantee that development is served by the proper public services and infrastructure. Since then, zoning became the primary tool for implementing revitalization initiatives, plans that set their goal to regenerate urban areas experiencing decline, and also growth master plans, when all these plans usually include urban vibrancy and active street life as one of their primary goals. But what do we really know about the factors that generate active and lively street life? Jane Jacobs was the first to articulate the relationship between mixed land uses and social interactions as a generator for lively and active urban environments (Jacobs, 1961). Jacobs claimed that when housing is co-located with places to work, shop or recreate, social interactions of different incomes, races or ages are encouraged since people will tend to walk more and drive less. The mixture of residential and commercial land uses creates a multipurpose environment in which lingering is encouraged, intensity of human interactions is generated and liveliness in the public realm emerges (Talen, 1999). New Urbanism has tried to quantify and research the meaning of proximity in an urban environment, as facilitating closeness by arranging space appropriately. The movement introduced the concept of the 'Transect' to characterize how the built environment is transformed on the range between urban to rural as a function of distance from the city center. Every human habitat along the Transect is captured by the integrity and coherence of the combination of its elements, creating a method to allocate elements along a geographic cross-section (Duany & Talen, 2001). Attempts to test the claims of New Urbanist showed some support to placing parks and retail activity in a walking distance from homes as a generator to increase levels of pedestrian activity (Lund, 2003). 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks 55 Social science studies from the past decade were able to detect universality in human movement using widely available geo sensor data to understand mobility patterns across cities. These studies were able to show that the flow of individuals decreases with physical distance between two locations, while factoring in the accessibility of resources along the chose path, verifying that urban density is a driving force of urban movement (Noulas et al., 2012; Gonza'lez et al., 2008). Detecting universality in mobility patterns can educate planners of how people move around cities. However, they still do not supply an answer to the important question of what are the dominant urban activities effecting human movement, making a particular urban environment more desirable than others. Let us introduce a method to quantify the distances between urban activities as a measure for the intensity of an urban environment. We will examine an emerging pattern across cities, showing similarities in the co-location patterns of US cities. We would also examine different urban models to understand what are the relationships between dominant components in every urban environment that can generate liveliness. Finally, we will show how planners can use the co-location analysis findings to construct planning guidelines that are modular and deploy them to plan the spatial organization of cities in a fine-grain resolution. 3.3.1 Analysis method: Calculating pairwise distances To explore the co-location patterns of urban activities we calculated the minimum pairwise distances between all land use types for all cities in our dataset. A minimum pairwise distance is measured from every land use point to the closest point from the same or different land use type. Using this method we calculated for example the minimum distance from a bar to the closest night club, from a night club to the closest convenience store and so forth. Geographic distances were computed in meters as great-circle distances representing the shortest path between two points on the surface of a sphere. Latitude and longitude coordinates for every point were converted into spherical coordinates, taking into account the radius of the earth (r= 6371 km). Given two points in spherical coordinates p, (0,, ,) and p2 (02, v2), the surface distance between them, S1 , can be can be calculated using the following equation (Gade, 2010): SL2 Calculating minimum pairwise distances from every point to the closest point from the same or different land use type 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks = arccos(sin p, sin p2 + cos(p, cosqv 2 cos(01 -02))* r After computing all minimum pairwise distances for a given city, we calculated the median pairwise distance for each pair of land use types in a city and formed an asymmetric distance matrix for each city. The asymmetry manner of the matrix stems from the asymmetrical spatial organization of cities: the median closest restaurant from a store is not equal to the median closest store from a restaurant. The distance calculations revealed that for example, the median minimum distance from a restaurant to a clothing store is 38 meters in New York, 52 meters in Boston, 76 meters in Los Angeles and 103 meters in Houston, possible depicting the level of compactness in each city (see matrices for cities in Appendix D). Plotting the probability density function (PDF) of all calculated pairwise distances for each city as a function of distance (transformed to log binning) revealed that surprisingly, all cities share a similar distance distribution, regardless of population size, density or land area (see figure 9). The Gaussian distribution showed that most distances in all cities range from 100 meters to 10,000 meters, with a mean of 1,270 meters and a standard deviation of 1,280 meters. Given that the measured average walking speed of humans is 1.4 meters per second (Levine & Norenzayan, 1999), we can understand from our findings that the closest urban activities will be located in approximately 1 or 2 minutes of walking distance from each other and the majority of activities will be located in about 25 minutes of walking distance. Considering our results in light of the half-mile (= 800 m) radius established for pedestrian walkability limit in transitoriented development (TOD) in the United States (Calthorpe, 1993), we can argue that people are willing to walk greater distances for certain urban activities and support the claim that fluctuating boundaries for city centers should be considered in the practice of land use planning (Canepa, 2007). The observed pattern of unified pairwise distance distribution across cities can serve as an average baseline behavior that cities are expected to manifest regardless of local characteristics. This measure can help guide developments of expanding cities around the world and specifically in developing countries to assess their spatial organization and aim to stabilize their pairwise distance distribution to align with the emerging pattern of American cities. Unified distance distributions across cities are observed when we plot all pairwise distances in all land use types. However, when we take a closer look at the distribution of the six aggregated categories as defined in land use planning, our data reveals that while commercial and service establishments demonstrate a similar distribution in all cities, offices and public facilities demonstrate fluctuations between cities. Moreover, open spaces and parking facilities do not share a similar distribution and while exhibiting a similar range of distances, distributions vary from city to city (see figure 10). The four categories showing variations present an opportunity to explore more closely the co-location patterns in different cities and understand the dominant components affecting the liveliness of urban environments. 3.3.2 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks 57 Deviations from a shared distribution: exploring urban models The emerging pattern of unified distance distribution serves as a baseline behavior for all cities, regardless of size or density. Nonetheless, every urban spectator can observe with his naked eye that US cities differ in their spatial organizations. To understand how different cities deviate from the common pattern we will first take a closer look at non-unified distributions of some land use types in our dataset and then analyze how these variations result in different co-location distance matrices for different cities. When observing the various distributions of land uses in the fine-grain resolution of all 78 land use types, one can detect the dissimilarities across cities in multiple types. While services as banks, beauty salons, doctors and insurance agencies demonstrate similar pairwise distance distributions across cities, public facilities as cemeteries, courthouses, embassies and museums show extreme fluctuations in distributions between cities (see figure 11). Distanc iilbsions for al ois 1.0Ch.l 7- 0.5- - Figure 9: Distributions of calculated median minimum pairwise distances between all land use types, by city Ph- "I'llp so-fts Jtm-M 3M..f. 0.0- 10' 10, 0 'St to' Log o Diice(M) I A~n. NnhMe Now owo Odisea 506001 WWiMe CRY 5.0- Figure 10: Distributions of calculated median minimum pairwise distances by city, aggregated by top land use category 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks 58 C* PhNWWi MIMI)s ""T,- T'._YZ'7 1* Hodo Miluot- Dabs .ladcISCOWl SmdagaO Smrlc~co (WMM SmJoa [LBYear 50 lop iot lee ~(M) t' Log of owtmte ftro ut Se lop o, IS o' ic ice SKWRk S--P ityo LOILMO seam00.6 Losissl StLois MllwktU I yagsfta PDF J- 1 CL f Ilk LA E Figure 11: Distributions of calculated median minimum pairwise distances by city, for each land use type 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks 59 R MF7 CL G0 From the full list of 78 unique land use types, only 22 percent show similar distributions across cities, which are wide distributions with a smaller mean, compared to the general distribution, ranging between 100m and 1,000m. Analyzing the list of types showing similar distributions reveals that the majority are types classified as services, expect from 5 commercial establishments. On the other hand, most land use types that demonstrate extreme variations between cities are public facilities, with a large range of distances starting from 1,000m and ending at 10,000m, deviating to the right from the majority of distributions. This behavior possibly indicates that public facilities are often large establishments with substantial presence in the urban environment and hence their location is usually determined by central planning agencies and not effected by market forces as other land use types. The fluctuating distributions of public institutions demand for an in-depth analysis of their co-location patterns when exploring the pairwise heat maps of different urban models. To construct planning guidelines, we first need to examine the co-location patterns of different cities in the aggregated level, as defined by land use planning, to shed light on which types of activities tend to cluster. Examining the clustering behavior in the macro scale will allow us to interpret the more dominant land use types, which tend to co-locate closely with other types and hence carry an influence on the particular character of each city. To generate aggregated pairwise distance matrices for each city, we calculated the median distance of each land use category, producing a six by six heat map for each city. Comparing the various cities, we can observe that overall, heat maps of denser cities (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010) as New York and Boston present smaller distance values and 'warmer' heat maps, while car dependent sprawled cities as Houston and Dallas show higher distance values and 'cooler' heat maps (see figure 12). As we first observed when plotting the distributions of top land use categories, offices, public facilities, open spaces and parking facilities differ the most when comparing heat maps. 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks Exploring closely the co-location patterns of public facilities with all other land use categories, we can observe that in New York, San Francisco, Boston and Chicago public facilities co-locate with other public facilities and also offices, while in Atlanta, Houston, Dallas and Los Angeles the same matrix cells show the lowest distance values, suggesting that these functions do not co-locate. When observing the co-locations patterns of open spaces, we learn that they demonstrate smaller distance values to all other land use types in cities as New York, Boston, Atlanta, Washington, Chicago and Dallas while in cities as Houston, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles open spaces are furthest apart from services, commercial establishments and public facilities. One might think that this finding suggests that cities where open spaces co-locate with all other uses simply have more parks and open spaces. Yet, when considering the deviations of these cities from the scaling behavior, 0 (D 0 ro 3 '5 i t, V .0 M HO (D 0D 10 (A Mt D ow 0 .1 '2* () P. .0 P 0 a) w w (D 0 (D La () H (D En 0 C fn offices U services z CM I i 74 public facilities commercial law open spaces parking 3 (5 I CLC ____________________ offices services public facilities K0 commercial open spaces parking offices EM services 0 public facilities commercial open spaces K0 parking IA offices z V), services public facilities z commercial open spaces 0 Jparking Z Figure 12: pairwise distance heat maps at the aggregat- ed level of top land use catagories 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks 61 of fices c0 services 01 I public facilities commercial open spaces parking we can determine that this pattern does not stem from high quantities of parks in cities as Washington and Atlanta. Moreover, cities where open spaces do not co-locate with other uses as San Francisco and Miami have more quantities of parks compared to the average scaling behavior, suggesting that parks are dominant and well distributed in some cities regardless of their quantities and density index. After examining the co-location patterns in the macro scale, we will now turn to explore the micro scale heat maps, showing all land use types in our dataset. Planners can use the process of scaling down gradually in land use resolution to first understand which land use types tend to co-locate and what environments these co-location patterns create in order to distribute the types to different areas of the city. For example, if planners aim to follow the patterns of San Francisco (see figure 13) as a vibrant and lively city, they can choose to locate offices in zones with other offices and open spaces, and also cluster public facilities together. Second, to understand which particular types of offices tend to co-locate and in what manner, planners can use the disaggregated heat map of San Francisco to observe that accounting, finance and law firms co-locate with a minimum median distance ranging from 90 meters to 160 meters apart. 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks 62 Taking a closer look atthe microscale heatmaps of Boston (seefigure 14), New York (see figure 15), San Francisco (see figure 13), Houston (see figure 16), Los Angeles (see figure 17) and Washington (see figure 18) we can observe that in all cities land uses as restaurants, stores, beauty salons, health services and accounting firms tend to co-locate closely with all other land uses, while publics facilities as stadiums, synagogues, courthouses and airports tend to locate further apart from all other land uses. These heat maps reveal a similarity in the co-location patterns of six cities that are generally perceived as very different from each other: while Boston, New York and San Francisco are cities that are characterized by a dense core, narrow streets and efficient public transportation systems; Los Angeles, Houston and Washington on the other hand, are sparse cities, characterized by big lot sizes, wide streets and are heavily car depended. These surprising similarities may suggest that in the finegrain scale of co-location in the most intense urban environments, the dependencies and proximities between amenities are similar across cities, regardless of density or sprawl indexes. Moreover, these co-location patterns are not affected by quantities of land uses, whether closely or distantly located with respect to all other types. Examining the land use quantities by their deviations from the average scaling behavior reveals that even when cities have more units of a certain land use type as in the case of courthouses in New York (ranked 1th) or synagogues in Boston (ranked 7*), the extra quantities do not effect the co-location patterns when these land use type do not locate in close proximity, on average, to all other urban activities. The independence of co-location from land use quantities is also demonstrated when cities have low quantities of a particular land use type with respect to the average behavior, as in the case of restaurants in Washington (ranked 4 5 th), Los Angeles (ranked 3 9 th) and Houston (ranked 38 th) or accounting firms in Boston (ranked 3 9 th), San Francisco (ranked 3 0th) and Washington (ranked 4 7 th) (see full ranking table in Appendix C). The presented findings show that some co-location patterns are not simply expressions of variations in land use quantities or rather the compactness or sprawling nature of a city, but represent the unique co-location behavior of a land use and its significance in urban environments. This is a valuable finding for urban planners, providing a performance measure for the importance of some urban activities. Figure 13: pairwise distance heat map of all land use types in San Francisco r1st-rant trane IgenCY r ,afiIo rt r many, 11 iI l dniur tor entalt doi shpig l rr curare gramr 1g oark 51 11 R i ra yer armerts tore a funnour t sallspwo store haDwet-store sfoageu movieretal prOracy coneenc sorie 'a dging bank arterallerym unive 111ty ebakssy gas0statoy el1office Cal wash poClice packing cemetery MEN ONE. m M mum M 0 ME ommoo m on ESSN MENow"a ImNmmummm n MEEK N ................ sMBmagoon a MNo NE 'NE MMuE S EKE UEEE ;icrstation bicycle store MnE mP mmo * m I Am na m a mmmm mmm OsMm muso e mNmE Iiaf01e mmmm mma oU u won@ m &um ummmmom mm mmmmnmmmmamm EENISM MMO X E aI 2 amk W t M mEo ?bE MOORE M 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks 63 amenity B m LOW amenity A io HIGH aa a y 4uOWe HDIH m M01 flW I] 4uawe t9 S Ofq 6upnq ay 6ui~ecDo1-o0:S moons EEEEEE EEEEEEMEEEEUENEEEE~uEEEEE ,onmsomonmaE...U.. 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EEEEMMBEMMBMMEMEEEEMMuE uuuuuuu N OMEN 0 EmmommmmEEEEEEnrnuurnumummuEU..EUUEmaEUMMMMMBEUUE:E aMEMEaME"EEM EE wilooMEMMMEMMMEMMMMMMMBB mB moommEB almomemsomonMM ME omEmaEEESMMEEE MonUEEE EEUu onuEusEEUEEEounuuu..uuMuu EmE EE EUE AAB AYANA Bom ON MMSuEEmuouuons UunuEMEuuuiMEu auuuuuumuusmEMuM M EaIMM IAIAaEMM asmmosoBmmums osoRmEmmummEmEmamom MEMMMM RmoomMmEmmm MMEASURMEmmsE I EMOE a 8iiA A A- EEEEUEUUEEMBME.MMEEMUEUEUEEEuEEEEEEEEMMMuE..EMMEEEMMEBBMEEuEE.EEEUEEEEUE. smannem MMMRMEMMMEMEMMMBMMMEMBMEN 0 mmommnsMMMM MMEM MMEMNE MEEMEEUMEuuEuuMMMEuEEUEMuEuuEuuuuuuuuuuuuuEuEEEuu..U...Uuuuuuuuuu EEEUEEUEEUUEEEEEEEUEUEUEEEEEEMuEEEEEEEEEEEEEEUEEMMEMMMMMEEEEUUMMEMMEEE A AM I I A A A A A A AAAA AA A AMAEM N m o m-AmmA A A A AuAAsAA A A A A A A AEEE MME A on 0 MMEM Ao A MEESam ON A A A A EAMA AMEA so S s a moommommemnsensmm~:V !dMMNM asiMu!ed Figure 15: pairwise distance heat map of all land use types in New York emMM~nneM s. -9T 2 L, 2 E 2 w- r > anmeMMM m I *UEEEUUEEUEEEUEEUEEEUUEEUEmEMEEEUEUUEEEUUUEEUUUEUUmmEUEUE I I L, G LMMMM .E.............. ... mu....EEEEnamMME....u.EEE..Enu.E...EEMu..Emeu............sME.KamuEEE...E..E U mE EEiEEEEEU *EEEEEE *EUEEEEEE EUEEEiMMME MME... 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Paka an a *EKEEEEEEUEEEEn EE UM EEEEEEM M *EEEEEEEE EEEEEU K E EMM *UMEE 'n Juce EU EEUon msmutm ana EEEUEUEUEI4D humdwarm store r-rntaloa E UEE 1 E Eu U mmT a aEE u au OES oUEEEEUEEEE EU~ INSE t SN M U hateoon~U gy am= SE SNUEE man so EMMOES MEMEEEUMMEME *MMMEN mi mum moo e M u a UE EUE EUEM "Ier Emm 0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM EEmma EUEEE Smuuuuurnuu EKE noi uW NEEU a m an mommam-o aam MAIIIII Nonan 0 aman ON N U ENEN E E *UE*mmEE EM*EOMEM SEN MUEUNO NE M WMENM No MN NUMM MMMMMMM EEE E EEM EuO ouuummm EUE... EMMONS EEUEEEEUEEMEEMEE 0 no a M EU 05 ME osms boksor NESEN SmoanM MMO aUEEUE RUU aEUE*. No M 0. Imen ISO a an mBmmmommomm amEmmmoomEmmEmoss a YAM Ma MS vt1rrEEEE amusement_park U m n M Is EUEm EU o E EmoEn E ME EM biyl-t K EE & E esynag sE ogEENEE 3.3 Co-ocating the building blocks U S, poi ce ENo 1E Mn othouse E EEEEEEon OE I kngMONK an N MEr E M ISM N U librarm 65 M L mo E a a a s 2- EEEmEEM NE UE EE u o on L' NE UEEU mE oE 8 0E EEEEEE MEENENESEEs Edg mg 99 "NO 0 Eu a , EE EEEEMEEEK EEUEE a o EE EE ME on U E -E a 7 EEEEEN oaM UUEEEE **SMEONUEE MsEEEE EEEEM Sm mf 0Um Wg o E NonaEMMEM EEEEE EEEEuEEE " 0M omm a 0 an 0 MEMNON stadiEEmU. noE E EEEEEEE mm a E EEE Eno MmmaE aE EE MEN MuNuEFF E u E .EmEEEM iiE** * E* 100 EEMEMEE..IMMIEEE EEE. E.. EEU EEMMMMEMMEE MMEMM EE.EEEEEEMMEEME university EU numswoons USamon mam uu o MOuN au a RMMMMMMMMEEMMMMMMMMEMMMEEMMMMMMMMMM ENOW masns B BM~unsnos MEE manmENEEEn 9111 En EEUKEMEEE a~a~nn nMM aM annnseMM E on 0 MMa MM mElmEEEEEm EMSSEON SIM EMEMMM NEou E a hg s E e 0 a a MENNEN oE EE U1, a a, a K 9 mEEETAMM ONO .Mlp; El mAEm . Em E u..E*EEUEE amenity 8UEUEU LOW E EEm K ESEE HIGH Ns EMEN amenity A EEE an a rnmmo o Figure 16: pairwise distance heat map of all land use types in Houston ta ste -||||| ||||||||||||||E|||EE|||EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEUEEEEElEEEEEEEiEE ||E 2e t ME a f -m SEUEEEEUEU UEEEUEEmumEmomEEEEEEEEE EEUEouEEEEEmm UEEE E*E essomo resturnt 00M OE no MBEME M nMMM .E!...E............. EMMM M MMM ncyMMM .... !8!.....!......8.8.8i!...i....... 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'I OWNER ON u Flrs Ifoo npi MMMM MMMEXMM EMNONE MJMMg MOMMOR M -immims Fa E M R a 47 EU a Emom UEmEUEEE oE.0o M m aUU E a o mmu j MQ;y-%o M isNWMENun MMBRMMBMBMMMMEMMMMEMEMNO faaosmmsmosmmoEm mmusm MEE NNE MM EEMu EEEE Eu E MM E uuuuu uu u uuu 8 uu EEME Eu E M ~ hijar sonommussaws a mams gyma0 we w aMttE3EEE EE3 EEuuuu E-amEuuuuuuuuuu V 0 0 uI CM MONSOO s33 EE.EME EEE EEEE EuuumM EE ono muu baa e EWEIM EEEEE e E E EEa a E E uEu 4 SM3fM im a CKv a w t ass lEm if mamma 7c ae an a Mom TEMEMEM a uuE EEEER E R EMENEUEM EMNEE MN U MEU M EU .UEU M3EESEEE EulIE Nnw aUE E gas M 14 offmMuasoanam ol: K EE oEm aR m mus uuuuuuIa uuuuuuEuu uuuu EE E N UME E uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 11UE1131E *MEERMEEEM EEm MEEEE m -- on EE UEWI U EUe. EVEEUEUU EE M MED s Min M -VM a so ME UE oU o UUEEUEEEE EUa ag a M ve M aUU E,, UWS UEUU U UEM E DUN EEEuEEUEEMEMBEMuMMuMEEEUEUEEEEEEUUuEEEEEE.EEEMEMuEEMomEMgaMMEMMo i t I u 0 E E EE E E is u u M ca,"ie-' ting a~~th EmuuEuy 0 go'MMM _ & MMMMMMMMMMMMEEMMMBMENMEMM a SOM aMMM 0a E asm a- tt biding O.NaaaMN b acks ama MM Emm a uns y UEE aU 6E 41, na ga 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks 66 EUEMED 0 E s U ' EENE uNE 0ESEENEsoEE U UEE UMMEE u E Kou U U M MMM LW ON Eu MEUM EKE M EKKEt MUE S a onE 0umu EmeniE Mj M O" E NE MRU 0yUMA Eu r EW E M HG How N% ME SME MEYE 6E E PP P aS EE EE a Elm % movie ME U E. O yum u. amenity B LOW HIGH amenity A U UEE E Figure 17: pairwise distance heat map of all land use types in Los Angeles oEE.EEEEEEE.MEEEEEEEE.E.EE.E.EEEEEEE..E...E.EEEEEE..EEE.EE...EEEEEEEE.MMM3E .EEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMEEEEMiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ium smmon mossummossim men mining, in MMMEMBMMMMBMM BOEMMUNNNMME ftwffx 9 E*EEE.E.EEEE..EEEEE.EE.E..EME...MEMEEEEE.E.mmmmMOONSEEamosEE mmEEmE EparEkEEE.EuE..EEEEE.EEEE..................... Epm mommoom oMMmmummoismmu MM M M mmsEMMMMMMEMMMMEMMMMMMM EEEEr*E*EE*E.EEEEEEEE.EEE.EEEEEEEEEEEE.EE..EE..EE...WE..........u............. 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NOMMMMMMMEMMMMMMMMMMONOMENIMMMMMMNWA U ntDDED DED moe tre comties EE U DRUERDEDE EEWyE EW EE WEW DEE DREDEED N U DEDEDDEDDEE WEE WE ED U U EU D WDEEEEEMM M MM E M ME M M MM M EEEE EEE EEEE UEEM M M EEEEEWEEE EEWWDEEE EE 8,00 No a a 4 a a NMMM mon'so no flung on an anman pokre -eMoe U E V11MONNOMMEN#0MENENM If ngggggggggon on 2 111 maggggggggggg asnownsoEmmONE smax as MM MMEMMMMMMMMMMMEEMMMMMMMMM,.Mn Urvrst 1 U U Ea E la WEE a a angg IIIMMM aET M MM MM m ommi EMR t DEW ao nammm in9I ola m m 6 los DsNEE Msgoujffffi an vtrnrcare oAMURRMMUSMEMogME l EEEEr an aDyEan10111111EX1as E EDIBM was&E EEE E Monosson a P111 smene ssaMmanMEDEson Ea E 9 aonaoNulls E EEmEmmE EEMO oo m gi IB QIM a IF onMM Mn coiarhaa cey EEWEEEEEEWEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWEEEEEEWEEEDDEEDEEEEEEEWEEEEEEEEuaa o cemetryON am NONE EnumoWom nE U WEE EWEM EEEEEEE policoe EE NAM g E 4wmga D asgg -,ENE E ,-,gv irorte EEEMaMEEM MONOSSON arlot~ EDW EE E EEMom W E aEgEoEEMEDESOND WE E EM E WM RM GEEU E WE WE WEEE EDEEE WEED WE DDEM UW E corhue a poofc mnn paint 16 0 Go Maomuseum Makn Ma T In 0 e s m A 3. o-oatin thMeRMMMMMMMMMMM building blocks 67 s 0 noM 6 i li0w ao m omonon 6 ix as a n a RifnBIN M M a a -M an P IBMM MMM M M " M rm A ausg MA iglo E04", 'MAN 'M BE. ameam MEAN LOW ;go mmnit amnogm on ew HIGH a W,111111 som ao go RMNL 1- mnnm N on " ma no amenity Figure 18: pairwise distance heat map of all land use types in Washington MMMMMMMMMMMMMEMMMMuMEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEMMEMMM00MM 1 isstoreaithingst*re ** MEN** 0 sh''ppg phy,, a NM mus uu=num so ammuuuamosommummuu aggg~gg~gg agg t-erast ag now nogMM 7 anM anM onE MEg~gg onMM INEEIIIM MNIMUMIEIIEIRHMflHUNINIHIU doctor muuu EKE EU Eu.. *UE *EUUUEEEUEEUEUEMMMMEEEUEUUU EEUE EEEUMuEEEEEEUEEEUEEUEEUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEUEEEEEEEEEEUEEEEUEEEEEEEEEEUUEE smonumum iliiu uuumluuuM inu.Ulmuuuuuuu ........EE.u m E EE E EEu1u i a i aINiI niii i 1111111Uommo N MESMEMOMMMMMEMENS phi mo g itactor 33 * EU *E E u ruu1u u sonaEMmMMMMEEMMMMMMBBB EUNEEEUUUE E UEEor uE11E EUME U pa Mno E RE EUN N a painterEu.,, a 0 a 1111Ia umuuuuuuuumu~euMEMOunouuuuuuu.uuisuuuuuuumumuuuuuEomuumuun Vwl a, * an SMONNNNo 19 omiu on MMM on 'mi niglitM clu 7 M 7 aMM a UEnowE 1111,MMM m IM B aM P M 9 M aVa mono M1RmMPMM1M 1 a aM 33 NAEE on ME*EE aE on ,Nmg w a EEm flr~n man",MMMM "ME MMNMM ER BMRMBM M .. i...i.... =INSMMMM MMM * storage ,qoieuentz1 L& ....... MEM11110i . . .... n. OREMME .:.... .. u ..... coen ar M MEM MMMEMMMMEMMMMMMMMMMMMMEM uuurnuuuuuunm 11111111111V BM M MM anno Eanman EZE EMN SEEmE agoEU a RO MINEMINO 0 8 a Wo Mai MEM on E 0*uON..E.uM NEKEPEE m m MMMMEEEUEEEME mu.. aa1ma u m a a No ONm M ONNO MM MMMM M INa M uMmuuuuuuuu EE 00 No 3 Mu*c uurnuuu u urn. EMMMmu. rnm urnM 3 E smEUEUU ONEU ENSE ONESmNMMuENMMMMNm *uuuum u MEmuuuuuuuuumuuuumuuummuERmmmuEammumuuumuuuuuu MEmNEM a SEEEn *muEMuuMENS uu MEmmuuumuuuumuuumuuE L * M I a an aa m an waEs *umium muuuu s u * mu a .w uuuuuuuuuuuuuomunuumnuuammuuanumm uuuamumuuume* mmmumummummB mumuRAmNmmm u oeM,.*, pta MEMO *mj MOEN u me u s . ......... umuummmmurnu. a 0 so P EMMONS ..uuMumEE - Wila. a mu s ao so E uEmm a muew mu~uu n o vU~ u m u M a aomm EEMM Men mKm mU m **EM um Um * a~ am U U mum *U 4 0 m m:E m m mu u u u aM a 0a mo wNU M EE o K USE EE EE EM.. *ummuu so a UoEUEUUEUUEEE a , a s s o o IMImM u u u u E- 0 asma 0 U EM E MSEMSES ummE *uum mm umum m MMa w. .mum.ummmusum *muomommum smmammu S ang a.uu...~mummmMuM uNE a MNawal mm qkiiiim' m a pNg No a No OEM we Na wm, m 4g Noa soon EUon' ,,a Oi iU oT a MWjI U UA Uiv, 1);,,,kl-ng MMis Lan2S 0 Mmn m no mEmom I o sMMMM~eMmanM 5 111111 Oa 'X On L ..11 M M MM o r u mmL, - M uM LL' "n- _C M M a M No MM wasMMAMM MMMMMM MM MMMMMMMMEM~~~~~a om-yaaN o MM NNo*uu1 MEN mu Inau aN Imol U *g, u s oe wons S MMEMOEEN OM E M M MM M M MM eMM~M MO uuU mr M t0 MEN 0,ag no MNLE IN_0 an ?, , 'oma i Noa .' f S n 0A11110a 10 EN NONE M M aS ONEa on No MEN a -aMaM MMMM a- 3.3 Co-locating the amenity B Mn building blocks LOW 68 SmM MEN gUsa umumm MM aI HIGH amenityA Nonetheless, some co-location patterns do depend on land use quantities. Fitting the residuals from our scaling equation to the mean of the matching row type in our co-location matrices, transformed into logarithmic form, we found that some co-location patterns correlate with respect to land use quantities (see table 4). Our calculations showed that the mean distance of types as bars, cemeteries, fire stations, embassies, liquor stores and cafes from all other types decreases as the quantity of the same land use type increases. In other words, when a city has more of these land use types, they tend to co-locate closely with all other types. On the other hand, land uses with similar co-location behaviors across cities, as restaurants, hospitaIs and churches indeed show no correlation to land use quantities. However, the correlations we found show low values of adjusted R2 , implying that there are other dynamics at play in cities affecting land use patterns. We will now take a closer look at the fluctuations in the co-location patterns as demonstrated in different cities and the range they create for possible positioning of urban activities, considering their implications on an urban environment. 3.3.3 Constructing planning guidelines: examining the span of pairwise relationships Now that we have revealed an emerging pattern in the spatial organization of cities and reviewed dominant urban components and their implications on different city models, we have created a catalog of urban behaviors and their possible implications. We were able to quantify some of the relationships that hold a possible effect on creating a vibrant urban environment and thus, created a catalog of models 'worthy of emulation', as defined by Kevin Lynch (Lynch, 1984). We will now turn to describe how the urban catalog can be used to form modular planning guidelines and explain the process by which the guidelines can be deployed in the practice of land use planning. When we plotted the probability density function for each land use type separately, we observed that although cities vary in their distribution behavior, all cities share a common range for every particular land use type. Hence, although the variations in distributions between cities are manifested by means of different standard deviations, mean values and skew of the curve, the range of distance values for each land use type is similar across cities. This finding is crucial for our ability to construct planning guidelines for co-location of urban building blocks. Clocating the 69 Using the observed range of median distance values, we can construct a matrix summarizing the span of possible values for each pairwise distance in a city (see full matrix in Appendix D). This matrix includes the minimum and maximum values for each relationship between two land use types, for which possible effect on an urban environment can be found in the catalog of urban models. Together, Table 4: Regression results of land use quantities vs. co-location patterns adjusted adjusted intercept Land use typ 2.91 3.46 museum 3.05 cafe 3.13 library courthouse 3.54 2.89 bar bicycle -store 3.46 parking 3.32 3.02 travel-agency 2.86 park movie_rental 3.38 cemetery 3.35 funeralhome 3.18 nightclub 3.15 synagogue 3.55 rv.park 3.60 stadium 3.48 fire_station 3.30 3.24 petstore police 3.30 jewelrystore 3.02 art-gallery 3.11 2.77 grocery-or-supermarket 3.76 embassy gas_station 3.15 amusement-park 3.34 2.87 bakery meal delivery-takeaway 3.00 3.10 gym 2.91 physiotherapist 2.96 lodging florist 2.97 3.11 bookstore lawyer 2.65 shoe_store 3.09 airport 3.45 post_office 3.10 painter 2.90 storage 3.06 3.3 70 Co-locating the building blocks slope -0.51 -0.47 -0.47 -0.46 -0.43 -0.42 -0.41 -0.38 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.36 -0.36 -0.35 -0.35 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.32 -0.31 -0.30 -0.30 -0.29 -0.27 -0.27 -0.23 -0.22 -0.21 -0.20 -0.20 -0.20 -0.19 -0.18 -0.18 -0.17 -0.16 -0.15 -0.15 R2 0.40 0.31 0.36 0.33 0.43 0.49 0.38 0.17 0.23 0.32 0.29 0.48 0.43 0.27 0.33 0.68 0.20 0.43 0.32 0.43 0.20 0.19 0.14 0.43 0.40 0.22 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.13 0.13 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.05 0.14 0.03 0.09 0.16 adjusted Land use typ veterinary-care university roofing-contractor local-governmentoffice electrician hospital laundry hardwarestore doctor carrental movietheater plumber shopping-mall conveniencestore health restaurant dentist home-goodsstore carwash clothing--store car_repair bank finance school cardealer furniturestore pharmacy church general_contractor electronicsstore departmentstore beauty-.salonspa atm accounting store moving-company insurance-agency hair_care intercept slope 3.06 -0.15 -0.15 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 3.19 2.94 2.90 2.90 3.18 2.68 3.02 2.35 2.55 3.20 3.18 2.91 3.10 2.73 2.39 2.24 2.66 2.80 3.16 2.66 2.54 2.76 2.53 2.55 2.92 2.82 2.76 2.56 2.43 2.66 3.07 2.43 2.58 2.59 2.07 2.80 2.52 2.89 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.13 -0.12 -0.12 -0.12 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.11 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.09 -0.09 -0.09 -0.09 -0.09 -0.07 -0.06 -0.05 -0.04 -0.04 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.01 0.17 0.01 0.13 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 -0.01 0.00 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.01 -0.02 the two documents can be used as a manual for planning the colocation of urban building blocks. For example, if planners wish to create a culture district in a city, including art galleries, museums, cafes and shops, they can use the summarizing matrix and examine the range of possible distances between a coffee shop and an art gallery (135 meters to 1071 meters) and then turn to the catalog of urban models to understand how these values play out in an urban environment (see figure 19). The minimum median distance between a caf6 and an art gallery is observed in New Orleans, followed by San Francisco, Portland, Washington and Chicago with distance values of under 300 meters, while the upper range include cities as Orlando and Dallas with values above 900 meters. Hence, if planners aim to induce a dense and vibrant district they will choose a value from the 25 percentile, but they can also choose multiple distance values that together produce an average below 300 meters. Moreover, since art galleries and cafes show fluctuations in the co-locations patterns with respect to all other land use types, planners can use these patterns to explore the dominance of art galleries and caf6s in cities. For instance, San Francisco and New York have more art galleries and caf6s that tend to co-locate closely with all other land use types, which in turn affect the vibrancy of the city, while in Washington these establishments do not co-locate closely with all other activities but the city in general has less of them, suggesting that adding more quantities of these types can enhance the liveliness of cultural districts. To conclude, exploring the span of pairwise distances between multiple land uses introduces a dimension of flexibility to the practice of land use planning by allowing for versatile assembly options of urban components. This level of modularity signifies a transformation for the objective of the planning process from a finite product of one solution to an open process that aims to plan the relationships between components rather than their final juxtaposition. Enabling this level of flexibility in planning guidelines calls for a transformation of the whole planning process: from a closed practice that aims to envision and control the final outcome of a city by means of central planning to an open platform for which planners set land use quantities and ground rules for their assembly while opening the final location choices to all citizens and developers in a controlled manner. Moreover, an open platform with game rules will allow for a kind of incremental and some what organic development process, where small developments can occur in a gradual and slow process, enabling the urban building blocks to assemble in stages while also controlling for their possible implications. 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks 71 Our method of calculating the minimum pairwise distances allow for an in-depth examination of the spatial organizations of cities, a measure that is independent from predetermined parameters that can effect results, as in clustering analysis and other analysis methods for spatial datasets. Hence, it reveals the patterns created naturally in cities, by market forces or central planning, enabling a novel comparative method. However, since this is a method to measure the average behavior across a city by calculating the median minimum distance rather than the precise measure of distances, it is important to study the method in predefined urban areas, as a comparative method of compactness or intensity between different areas in a city. Comparing the minimum median pairwise distances from a restaurant to a store in several centers of the same city will allow planners to understand what is the performance measure that meets their planning goal and follow this measure to locate the next store in a given area with the aim of regenerating it. Moreover, comparing the minimum median distance between different areas of the city, as an inner-city neighborhood versus a suburb of a city, will create a new measure of density or compactness of an area, while not relying on average density across a large area but quantifying the performance of an environment by the relationship of its own urban building blocks. Another important point to emphasize is that the land use patterns we revealed characterize American cities and might not be immediately applicable in other parts of the world. Land use patterns are rooted in the history and culture of the urban environment, revealing the development process the city has experienced throughout the years. Although we have found similarities in colocation patterns between American cities that vary greatly in their population density, age of the city, climate conditions and car dependencies, we also found variations between them that might be explained by the variation in the physical, historical and cultural conditions of those cities. Moreover, the high level of economic development in American cities and consumption habits might be similar to those in western cities around the world but very different compared to cities of the global south, South America or Africa. In addition, American cities are relatively 'new' compared to cities in Europe and some big cities in the global south, a dominant factor in the physical morphology and driving habits of these cities that also affect land use patterns. It would be interesting to compare the co-location patterns found in US cities to patterns of cities in Europe, the global south and South America, a study that is very much applicable given the availability of Google maps data from those regions. Figure 19: /l~l The range of possible minimum distance values from a cafe to an art galley 3.3 Co-locating the building blocks 72 (in) 4 4.1 EVALUATION Parametric land use planning: Forming the urban LEGO game Understanding how to deploy quantitative analysis methods in the process of land use planning is a complex task, which has ignited the minds of scientists, urban planners and economic geographers for most of the last century. This is the task of modeling the urban environment given a set of constrains, with the goal of finding the ideal location for land uses in cities. Our view is that modeling cities as problems in organized complexity, by unraveling the connections and dependencies between multiple urban components, is key to forming a quantitative performance-based science for planning, as argued by Jacobs (1961) and also recently by Batty (2013) and Bettencourt and West (2010). This thesis has offered a LEGO game planning methodology for urban land use that harnesses our understanding of cities as interconnected networks to enable a fine-grained, modular, incremental and universal development tool. The LEGO game analogy helped us form the parametric argument for identifying what are the city's building blocks in a fine-grained scale; choosing which and how many blocks will be included in a set for development and than constructing game rules to limit the infinite number of possible co-location assembly options. We offered a methodological approach to analyze emerging similar patterns across cities, examine the deviations from these patterns to construct a catalog of urban models and by discussing the variations between them - formulate flexible planning guidelines using the range of possible values for each emerging phenomenon. Using this approach we structured a planning process that allows for flexibility and incremental development while adapting change as a value, by planning the interactions between land use types rather than a finite and rigid morphology. 4.1 Parametric land use planning 73 Parametricland use planning provides an alternative methodological process to the prevalent zoning and subdivision ordinance. This methodology presents assessment and characterization metrics to evaluate cities and utilizes them to construct planning guidelines for the development and regeneration of urban environments. Using an evolutionary approach for an iterative planning process, we offer a method to evaluate the liveliness and vibrancy of each urban environment versus a set of choice criteria determined by planners, to create improved solutions for urban environments. Here, we preferred not to expand on the set of criteria for choosing 'good' urban models but rather leave this choice at the hands of urban planners. We created a catalog of urban models characterized by our metrics, enabling planners to understand various urban environments by their parameters and their effect on a city. Our developed measures offer planners the ability to parameterize their desirable urban models with the aim of developing or regenerating their city by emulating quantities and co-location patterns that compose a desirable urban model. The metrics also offer all players involved in the development game tools to identify the problems of urban environments while establishing grounds to facilitate a data driven decision making process. This research did not articulate the choice criteria for vibrant, diversified and lively urban environments, or in the Kevin Lynch's (1984) terms -the performance measures to evaluate the 'goodness' of an urban atmosphere. Although choice criteria are fundamental to the evolutionary approach since they provide a measure to determine the fitness of a model, they are extremely hard to define. Thus, we adapted Harris'(1989) definition of planning as an optimumseeking activity and tried to find multiple local optimums of land use patterns who satisfy various conditions rather than a limited set of best characteristics. Moreover, the adaptability of an urban model that satisfy specific choice criteria is not solely dependent on a particular set of parameters and the relationships between them. As in biological systems, adaptability is measured with respect to local surroundings, when the same gene set can survive in one environment while go extinct in another. Similarly, the success of a particular set of building blocks is first and foremost dependent on the population groups it services. Surely, socio-economic factors along with cultural values and environmental conditions are key to understanding why some sets of building blocks flourish in one city and fail in another. We would explore these points further when we come to discuss the limitations of the LEGO methodology. 4.1 Parametric land use planning 74 The planning methodology takes the form of an evolutionary iterative process characterized by a network structure, where multiple parameters are intertwined and in constant simultaneous change. Hence, our metrics of land use quantities and co-location work simultaneously, affecting one another with respect to dependencies and sequence of steps, when a decision regarding land use quantities can affect co-location patterns and vice versa. The methodology process follows a strict sequence of planning stages, using estimated future population growth as an input parameter to capture: (1) the current level of urban service - its deficiencies and surpluses; and (2) the estimated average level of services needed to sufficiently support future population growth. These two measures are estimated as a function of universal scaling laws and are used as a base map for decision-making regarding which particular land use quantities to increase, preserve or decrease with the aim of creating a desirable urban environment. At this point of the process, planners will turn to the catalog of urban models to browse through the range of possible values for every land use type and pick the value most suitable to induce their planning goal in regards to the city's character. The use of the catalog can be regarded as a nonautomated version of a genetic algorithm, where every possible land use quantity is evaluated for its effect on a city's atmosphere versus subjectively defined choice criteria that meets the goals of a land use plan, while only the most suitable quantities are chosen to form possible combinations for a given city. After a set of building blocks are chosen and assessed, the next step is to plan their distribution across the city. Here, once again planners will work according to their own choice criteria to emulate particular co-location patterns. While some patterns depend on the quantity of a land use type (when more common types co-locate closely with all other types), some patterns are similar across cities regardless of land use quantities or a city's density. Therefore, the decision to choose particular co-location patterns can imply in some cases that the corresponding land use quantities should be increased or decreased. For every given city, planners will first need to consider the land use types that co-locate similarly across cities. If those types demonstrate quantities that are under or over the average behavior for the city they are considering, the decision to increase or decrease a quantity will depend on a desirable urban model to emulate. For example, if restaurants co-locate similarly with all other land use types across cities, increasing the number of restaurants in a city showing low quantities can potentially have a positive effect on the city's liveliness. However, for co-location patterns that varies across cities, planners will use the scaling exponent from our quantities versus mean distance equation to calculate how many units of a land use type should be added to increase its' co-location distance with all other urban activities in order to vitalize the city. 4.1 Parametric land use planning 75 Let us demonstrate the use of our parametric land use methodology to create a regeneration plan for a city using our developed metrics and urban catalog in an evaluative planning process. As we observed in chapter 3, the metropolitan area of Washington demonstrates deficiencies in almost all of its land use quantities (see appendix 6.E.3). If the city of Washington will decide to create a new master plan to guide city development for the next 20 years, the parametric land use tool can be deployed to assess land use quantities and colocation distances with the aim of revitalizing central Washington. Let's hypothesize that the city expects to have a positive population growth estimated at a 10 percent rate change, expressed by an additional 600,000 people moving into the city. Using our scaling equation, planners can first estimate how many additional land use quantities are needed to support this population growth. Next, to decide which land use quantities should be increased to induce the liveliness of central Washington planners can turn to the catalog of co-location models. For example, New York and San Francisco can be used as models to emulate, as cities that are famous for their bustling streets, vibrant cultural and recreational city life . In the case of land use showing similar co-location patterns across cities as restaurants and stores, planners can choose to match the quantities of Washington to the high quantities observed in both cities, which are significantly higher than the quantities estimated by the scaling equation. In the case of land uses showing variations in co-location patterns and are correlated with land use quantities as cafes (scaling exponent of -0.45) and bars (scaling exponent of -0.4), planners can use the low co-location values these types show in San Francisco and slightly less in New York to induce an environment of vibrant streets in Washington. To conclude, we have shown how our metrics can equip planners with quantitative methods to understand the components of urban environments and utilize them to make decisions regarding land use quantities and co-location distances in cities. Future research and analysis can add additional land use metrics to the methodology capturing important land use patterns as clustering behavior and land use distribution in relation to socio-economic groups' distribution, to name a few. These'future metrics will follow the important features the methodology process offers of fine-grain measures and modularity for planning, using a range of possible values for every land use pattern. The LEGO game methodology offers a unique approach for land use planning, holding great potential to transform the practice to an open, flexible and datadriven process for planning cities. 4.2 Lynch, 1984 Methodological limitations of parametric land use planning Before outlying his theory of good city form, Kevin Lynch (1981) discusses the limitations and possible objections to creating a general normative theory of city form. By doing so, he creates a discussion over written pages with his opponents, reminding himself and his audience the problems in a general theory while also grounding the needs for a theory in spite of these objections. I shell use these general objections to evaluate the offered methodology, its limitations and shortcomings. Objection 3: "Physical patterns may have predictable effects in a single culture, with its stable structure of institutions and values. But it is not possible to cons truct a cross-cultural theory. It is even dangerous, since it will inevitably be used to impose the value of one culture on another." This objection emphasized the subjective nature of a physical urban pattern, which is highly dependent on local characteristics as social and cultural values, environmental conditions and economic structures. Surely, the fact that all metro areas in our dataset are large global cities, all rooted in American culture and values played a crucial part in the common land use patterns we observed. To establish our findings of universal patterns as purely objective, local features at play must be analyzed and compared. Lynch, 1984 Objection 4: "Regardless of any influence it may or may not have, physical form is not the key variable whose manipulation will induce change." Lynch emphasizes the objective insignificance of physical change 4.1 Parametric land use planning 76 while also stating that it might help induce social change or more accurately, support it. Social change is a gradual process, as Jane Jacobs (1961) claimed in offering her first thinking tactic, motivating urban dwellers to think about processes and the temporal dimension of urban phenomena. Our current analysis only offers a snapshot into the present reality of cities in the United States. For us to have the ability to isolate the generators of urban patterns and distill the catalyst parameters responsible for creating vibrant environments, we must analyze land use patterns over a long time period, to find their starting point and articulate their development over time. Lynch, 1984 Objection 6: "...There is no such thing as the "public interest", even within a single culture and a single settlement. There are a plurality of interests, all in conflict. The only proper role for a planner is to help clarify the course of that conflict by presenting information on the present form and function of the city, predicting future changes and explaining the impact of various possible actions." This statement by Lynch was later supported by Harris' (1989) claim regarding hidden choice criteria and conflicting interests of players involved in decision-making. We offered a methodology that follows Lynch's description for the proper role of the planner. By using the structure of an open-ended LEGO game, defining only rules for assembly options rather than a finite plan, we tried to tackle the issue of multiple conflicting interests in shaping land use patterns. Nonetheless, the difficult role of the planner as balancing conflicting agendas still exists in our methodological process. However, we do believe that by parameterizing as much as possible of the cause and effect of urban phenomena, we allow planners to be as objective and knowledgeable as possible in order for them to manage urban change successfully. Objection 8: "... city form is intricate and complex, and so is the Lynch, 1984 4.2 Methodological limitations 77 system of human values. The linkages between them are probably unfathomable. Not only that, cities are so complicated that, while you can design a house, you can never design a city. And should not." Adapting Lynch's approach, we did not offer a methodology to design cities. On the contrary, we only offered rules to guide the development of cities, suggesting flexible ranges for every parameter at play in the network of land uses. However, the complex linkages Lynch describes between land use types and the effect they might have on human values are key for developing a substantial parametric approach for land use planning. 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CITY SIZE adjusted intercept 6.A Appendix A:Scaling exponents table 82 Land use type cemetery airport courthouse bank conveniencestore church rvpark departmentstore veterinary-care gasstation funeralhome lawyer shopping-mall storage local-governmentoffice roofing-contractor cardealer insurance-agency pharmacy museum physiotherapist stadium hardwarestore lodging movietheater university general_contractor accounting amusement-park carwash police doctor library bar finance moving-company health painter haircare (YO) slope (f) -2.00 -2.61 -2.75 -2.03 -2.02 -1.48 -3.28 -2.60 -2.56 -2.96 -3.05 -1.81 -3.06 -2.92 -2.50 -2.77 -2.63 -2.34 -2.77 -3.92 -2.96 -3.97 -3.31 -3.18 -3.88 -3.67 -2.48 -2.85 -4.17 -3.90 -4.10 -2.10 -3.87 -3.49 -2.90 -3.28 -2.76 -3.57 -3.70 0.59 0.65 0.66 0.71 0.72 0.72 0.73 0.73 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.85 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.94 95% Cl1 [0.28,0.89.] [0.42,0.88] [0.41,0.90] [0.53,0.89] [0.53,0.90] [0.55,0.89] [0.26,1.20] [0.55,0.92] [0.53,0.98] [0.53,1.00] [0.53,1.03] [0.64,0.93] [0.60,0.98] [0.56,1.02] [0.65,0.95] [0.59,1.01] [0.61,1.01] [0.65,1.04] [0.65,1.07] [0.67,1.04] [0.65,1.07] [0.69,1.03] [0.66,1.07] [0.67,1.10] [0.70,1.07] [0.77,1.02] [0.70,1.09] [0.73,1.07] [0.68,1.12] [0.69,1.11] [0.63,1.18] [0.74,1.07] [0.71,1.10] [0.68,1.16] [0.74,1.11] [0.74,1.11] [0.77,1.01] [0.74,1.14] [0.81,1.07] k2 0.22 0.39 0.36 0.55 0.55 0.59 0.15 0.56 0.48 0.46 0.45 0.70 0.58 0.49 0.69 0.53 0.57 0.60 0.58 0.63 0.57 0.68 0.59 0.59 0.65 0.81 0.63 0.70 0.57 0.61 0.47 0.72 0.64 0.54 0.66 0.67 0.72 0.64 0.82 adjusted intercept 6.A Appendix A:Scaling exponents table 83 Land use type firestation store bookstore homegoodsstore atm electrician night-club dentist school furniturestore grocery-or-supermarket beauty salon-spa realestate-agency post-office park carrental hospital plumber electronicsstore florist restaurant jewelrystore parking art-gallery shoestore pet-store laundry bakery embassy movierental cafe liquor-store gym bicyclestore synagogue mealdelivery.takeaway travelagency totalamenities (YO) -4.47 -2.49 -4.21 -3.67 -3.44 -3.84 -3.22 -4.32 -3.32 -3.39 -3.95 -3.91 -3.34 -3.45 -4.62 -3.79 -4.72 -4.70 -4.28 -3.99 -4.54 -3.35 -4.62 -4.90 -4.09 -4.81 -4.82 -5.30 -4.48 -4.98 -6.45 -5.90 -5.31 -5.24 -5.62 -6.44 -6.54 -5.91 -6.28 -1.41 slope (P) 95% C 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.14 1.15 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.19 1.22 1.24 1.25 1.32 0.94 [0.66,1.26] [0.78,1.14 [0.80,1.13] [0.78,1.15] [0.81,1.14] [0.78,1.18] 10.80,1.17] [0.79,1.20] [0.80,1.20] [0.84,1.17] [0.82,1.19] [0.84,1.18] [0.86,1.16] [0.82,1.21] [0.85,1.18] [0.79,1.25] [0.86,1.21] [0.87,1.22] [0.86,1.23] [0.86,1.23] [0.88,1.22] [0.90,1.21] [0.87,1.26] [0.88,1.26] [0.92,1.25] [0.86,1.32] [0.91,1.27] [0.85,1.35] [0.94,1.29] [0.95,1.331 [0.79,1.50] [0.94,1.36] [0.93,1.39] [0.92,1.41] [1.01,1.37] [0.96,1.48] [0.95,1.52] [1.08,1.431 [1.10,1.54] [0.79,1.09] R2 0.45 0.71 0.74 0.69 0.73 0.66 0.71 0.66 0.67 0.75 0.71 0.74 0.78 0.69 0.75 0.62 0.74 0.74 0.72 0.72 0.75 0.79 0.71 0.72 0.78 0.64 0.75 0.61 0.77 0.75 0.46 0.72 0.67 0.65 0.78 0.64 0.60 0.81 0.75 0.75 6.B APPENDIX B: SCALING CHARTS FOR SELECTED LAND USE TYPES o. y--IA+O.9-A, A=O.80U *Nowyook *Cftw "Aftrft .84sn'-dia" 03W_11&k*_c-1y Figure 6.B.1: Scaling of Restaurants vs. American metropolitan population M 10*P '6'm -V-Zd 4TOMB j8dwonv" AMiftft "MM10 WgVfkt-h ,Mwfwod 010 t0- 10l 10"l log of tow pop 10" 10' 10" 10 ,0l *won y--1.6+0.72-x, ?=O.AS 10 10- io- PhM1Md90Nhd W.*Q w- 111111OCNWAM 081firo" Figure 6.B.2: Scaling of Churches vs. American metropolitan population 6.B Appendix B:Scaling Charts 84 *M T Ohwwaunorooldmon 0Aaw, ~so 10'- 10o0 -ovdenc Har#H~ 1000 10" lap, I" of bftfl pcpiiioo 100~ y -+01.7 -x, ?=O67 10' 30 9NBWymlt Figure 6.B.3: Scaling of Banks vs. American metropolitan population jo". ,P'Losrloell *Pm* ,' 10" loll y-4i.+Q*6-z. 10" 10" log of total 10' popula0on r2=O*SS *N-wYoft Figure 6.B.4: Scaling of Museums vs. American metropolitan population "''ar"e* -ahogo 10' ,WPt '" l -s'"' Ban-" ~i-de --- #Rn$d tr~ar*Some 10' 7 I0 lop, ,0'-6 y --2.1+0.9-z. 10' loll log of toW population 2 r = 0.22 ONOWymok 1 -1-.L" -e .oston n - loll . 12 1. * -H-for - Figure 6.B.5: Scaling of Doctors vs. American metropolitan population *Mgonnlad .N-h. 10'- 6.B Appendix B:Scaling Charts 85 10" 10" log oftotal population 10" 10' 10" y--43+1-x. ?=0.706 10. ,.,..*k .--..... 10' Figure 6.B.6: Scaling of Beauty Salons vs. American metropolitan population .M. .... ,A0--po acwhrmlbu-C &AAA~l~d IOU- I0 le, 10'-' log of le, toal popuon y-4.3+1-x,?=0.725 10'7 Newyork - 10 LOS ange"e 10"*-'0-I-- Figure 6.B.7: Scaling of Churches vs. American metropolitan population 6.B Appendix B:Scaling Charts 86 Memphtio 10' ^ maea NaWDlle 10 10" log of Mat popuhion 10'-' 10' 9L 0 3 '- m8 6u!leos Aq s6upluei 'Al]o::) xipueddV :)9 3; 6 a0 a-i 0 . C L )Q t.t t t U'. 1 X,* 0 -,r 2I- 0 00 i; t t W (~ W4 .~~~ -~ ~ 8: t8: t 1 13:~ NJJ _ Lrn o-. N3 wo 14 -t VIc L I I: 4: t&:8 14 c LI) NJ 0- co N J trn ~Cj N NJ .. J-- ) - NJ8 t: P. w 12 (A , :j: Ln Ln CAI .40 4 -0 N3 W: * ~ ~ 88 6uile:)s Aq s6upjuei 4!::) xqpuaddV :)9 Q0. 0 0()-(3 bi '4 t Nrl t -N8o;8W (3Jz N)33 0 -NJ ) 0 W 4- 93 C3) (33333 C3)- W1 ea N) NJ3 J -0NJ- J JO NJ-- 0. ~J 8ZZ;Z 0 0 --.- (n t- Z3z! aZ W 8 (3 -,o ~Q JJ( ) ~ - N 0 (3) 0,- (3, " -- - 8 IL. o9 wIN W3)~ ON V 9 L, z (1^O1 Wa N - N- t J w It (;; 8 %N C) -0--lw 3 s ;: ; ZN (, wJ 0. - 4- (3) ;! ' Z -3w) ww wN ------o U) oe~comes-------'N M s s e ssN i04Ra fu It3N- U 't m 10 ; N C rl 1 - 9, ::i A 2F Z 8A R V LQ 2 0 m' -d- N0 Nf -- xamman at It 'oe t2 Nn NM ossa0, '0- E O eu '0u Re2 ~ r - a ' ) g C IN IR-4 m mm NLn4r V g .- R') !2 )N '0 R mL !5 Qj F R P! ?2 A Imo se - RRP R) nA sA tX ;;; ss N 0,ag n ga s aNC'n C') -- C-) NeMa eC') K L0 9 2 OR R con 10 - es CN :- 2 :: 0, ?QQ t NC gesO4 04A 01, 5 ,CQ mmassm I N 2 ma U' me tM4 ! 4 R s 0, 4 -MO LMO P; !-- 1 Rssse *e " C- 0. ?! ~, 1am eg m r L2 --- N om C14 l-ge e Im - gI 2 mR A K 0, S e a as e a vq) R M If; 44 4 w t : OAsN 4v L 8z Co 0 '0 N-- o- UNom qM* CNA 4v v! 0r MOLrA R ! -m t 4wo W Id 4R A o-2 O-M NO a a q &Lfo)% :2 ) 4A i!! 4 ns z W s - 0, C') : W mm n: RsP4"eo4 -;2I ,t N I. -t tQ - o, E 0 A I 6.C Appendix C: City rankings by scaling 89 Lt m - "f tem~-a-a F 2 q n o "accounting 0 UY- 12U4 ) r+ 3 mn airport art gallery bakery :3 0bank 8 church store 343 - 13i)1 418 - 25O2 doctor 56-259 427- 2637 1883 - 5664 84 - 4238 471 - 2674 881 - 3927 316-2112 241 - 3282 40- 227 142-517 146- 2075 234-1397 253-2373 291 -3414 - 1818 290-1789 1227- 8377 1174-7173 308 - 2688 285 - 2448 303-1497 321 -1375 709-4773 543-5251 45- 139 27 - 154 159- 484 165-465 691 - 2542 460-2656 281 426 - 2026 25 - 115 142 - 428 156-1773 258- 1220 209- 4584 226-1865 561 - 5078 168-536 178-558 135-361 154-436 1125-8504 1797-5269 1813-5284 1361 -6940 55-1167 262-2032 316- 1835 149- 1864 1YI - 12Y4 1YI- 1152 165 - IUb4 152 - 1lU1 151-754 168- 710 257 - 878 132 - 571 112- 815 152-1047 236 - 1752 237-1434 92 - 539 81 - 249 49-253 63-236 135- 1071 160- 2273 160-2250 114- 1619 162-641 199- 598 212- 595 168 - 556 75-673 147 - 530 103- 557 130- 617 91 - 354 77 - 234 93-310 98-245 197 - 1001 191-846 159-936 162- 1010 563- 2308 718-3042 668 - 2689 543-2014 clothing 150-383 194-467 318-741 196-462 189-559 1886-5066 1128-6330 1894-4576 1556-5813 1524-5047 342-2664 210-2079 551 -4523 235-2141 380-2098 433 2298 174 - 929 364 - 1236 150 - -1120 9 259-812 203-634 632 - 1260 229- 806 312- 710 265 - 1762 146- 917 514-2606 182-1143 403-1208 26 - 122 67 -244 197 -603 111 - 405 52- 194 201 -3006 157- 1882 620-3148 137 - 2235 289 - 2089 72-319 152- 543 182-569 206-680 208 - 500 108-505 373 - 945 129- 476 40- 216 225 -659 80- 223 154-619 63- 209 78-286 0 176 - 826 166- 978 259-1067 169- 1096 262-1096 754-2631 453-2146 970- 3933 523 - 3080 506-1770 301 - 1677 251 -1793 621 - 2394 224- 1735 507 - 1983 1474-7224 798-6971 1407-5882 871 -7375 1098- 7099 403- 2328 213-2229 733-2634 282 - 2548 523 - 2357 341 - 1431 307 - 1405 312- 1580 351 -1380 253 - 1351 972 - 5744 266-4705 1326-4832 393-7136 833- 4656 29- 109 32-102 148-504 33 - 107 96- 279 142-511 163 - 435 153-471 161 -578 171-494 751 - 2530 409 - 2060 971 - 3147 559 - 2556 718 - 2420 beauty_salo * Summarizing the range (min-max) of the closest pairwise distances in meters) from 50 US cities bank 295-736 374- 2285 bar 431 - 1889 529-3569 beautsalon-spa 95-316 358-2091 cafe 323-2818 421 -4387 church 206- 509 391 -1194 305- 1638 225 - 632 doctor 173- 1916 76- 238 grocery_.orsupermarket 252-1092 565- 1956 hospital 926-3142 855 - 5383 meal_deliveryjakeaway 422 - 1804 630- 3063 museum 1515-7629 608-10678 nightsclub 460-2774 332 - 3646 park 350-1413 506 - 3888 parking 924 - 5807 101 -5739 restaurant 71-230 100-1131 school 368-1111 180- 470 university 798- 2695 860-6146 bakery %40 bar P~ cafe' accounting airport art-gallery 6.D APPENDIX D: CO-LOCATION RANGE MATRIX FOR SELECTED LAND USE TYPES* b } p' 466-2221 262-1681 524-4424 98-351 178-481 477-2071 318- 1649 1045- 4564 182-478 822-2651 47 - 204 123 - 496 155 - 829 419-1065 416- 2048 89- 359 350-2816 129-490 246- 753 253 - 1793 1851 -4772 442-3258 501 - 2378 hospital 836- 3662 425-1821 1340-6830 3 0 210- 723 441 - 4948 394-2335 279- 1407 227 - 860 373-1432 152 - 447 335 - 1538 192- 595 234-819 1- 47 271 -1175 88-1088 436-2346 933-7717 246 - 554 ar-+ accounting airport art-gallery bakery bank bar beautysalon spa cafe church clothing_store doctor groceryor-supermarket hospital meal_deliverytakeaway museum night-club park parking restaurant school university grocery or-su permarket 01. 5> 296 - 883 348 - 1828 115 - 448 315-2814 210- 622 189- 795 115 - 369 263-1145 817-3084 378 - 1728 1317-8053 522 - 2577 360-1615 883-3717 52 - 255 180- 547 785 -2342 261 -1265 1607 - 4907 307 - 2680 mealdelive rytakeawa y 196-759 museum 148- 782 667-6391 232- 1821 337-1695 193- 1024 244- 1195 172 - 650 237 - 3261 141 -580 228-1381 124- 585 321 -1385 588 - 2694 363-2130 63- 2858 227 - 2342 164-778 265 - 3027 70-627 179-616 350 - 2208 155- 566 801 -8512 155-2641 144- 1230 175 - 806 63 - 1183 69- 329 120-3161 153 - 584 81-599 77 - 355 132 - 832 436 - 2629 208- 1790 333 - 4409 76-2084 255-1691 170- 5034 25 - 155 130- 545 331 -2060 night club park parking restaurant 484 - 828 179-934 184-461 1806 -4934 524- 12057 1706-4768 670-2468 181 -2624 274 - 2052 619-1586 200- 1049 185- 1033 694 - 1238 173- 1049 246-760 649- 1863 157 - 1187 210- 1419 406-684 126- 794 64- 199 648- 2574 150-1450 150-2272 261-605 193 -792 189 - 559 528 - 978 152 - 1113 131-445 272 - 609 91-690 102-244 485 - 1150 225 - 1158 151 -897 1119 - 3037 355 - 3092 619-2697 762 - 1914 269 - 2646 320- 1724 1537-7065 301 - 3755 1126- 7175 898-3001 185 - 3535 291 -2191 32-241 203- 1653 289 - 1536 1160-4957 101 -1311 513-5056 279 - 604 59- 380 27 - 111 290-516 148 - 540 169-434 1022 - 2808 275- 1625 588 - 2280 school 341-725 2012- 4994 549 - 3594 386-2132 577-1171 580 - 2232 257 - 588 538-3434 175-468 372-881 177-512 343-1097 957 - 3575 551 -1988 1537-7815 709-2640 324 - 1534 1336-4758 166 - 505 114 - 336 1028-2559 - 1055 89-318 291 - 1208 459-2344 407 - 2642 242-6195 430-2133 232 - 1289 211 -3702 110- 368 158-650 80 - 938 261 245-2120 337- 1658 228 - 798 276 - 1339 212- 619 236- 1766 182 - 656 683-6842 university 309-925 6.E APPENDIX E: ATLAS OF CITIES Deviations from scaling & Co-location heat maps 6.E Appendix E: Atlas of cities 92 6.E.1 New York Residuals and pairwise distance heat maps for all land use types 0.4- I -OA- Above average Below average amenity nI s*ummmmmummmu mmm mmmmmmmmmmuiumm mu mmuImuloummm a em s ... E..E .... ... .... .U............. UE.E.E . m*** .m.umm. ... ..*.....m...* .................... ... ........................E.............EEUEEEUEEEEUEEUEEE.EENEUEEEEEEEUEU m............. m.. mm ...m... ... .mu...... .. u........... i!!!!!!!a Noun, a mann!!Iissammsmi!!!M!liniIi!I!!!i! a memr mm fle m u mu m m lmom nsu m mum umm a umUarU*mmmu. muaammm *umuumummmaEma ............. ammamumem *3...............................fl*3...3*.3........E.. .U..... .umm *mmmmu ,EUEmEU~UUUEE* *mmmummmmmmmummmmr ~ MmmI m '"IumMuINOR1:110m onmmmmuumum mmns 1minumumum *umuu ago s masms Eum ~aMONEDNO m ou m a onsm umm lmm nowuu .nNoau.. M .mmumuummumm Mami a .one .um .....m ..umm ua. mm..u..................mmm.. I.........m .............................. .mm..mmmmmuummumuSOmfl~uMuuuE~EEE*E a mommmm::~mumu ; mu.ity, m yMO ApedimxEmm 6.E HGHmm ummum Atlms fcitmmmmm ONmmuumm mm mOR mu IN mm A m a u mm on im an m amu N6 _ m mAPN on mW N m mmmNm iinofa Omamaa iua ma 80maof m muXME m mumumamu IN an m * umm ami mosmmos m ausu owns OMMON mm umm mu Umum.e~ *anmmm mumpi umu mms uummmum m 0 m% inu pom ummummufmwm RMmmu s a mm 0mummmummmu mum mmmmmummum mNm mmmu amumooUAON0 a ama aem on manm mon2m, muns mOU mo mnm a asgmmumivmuaummmmmmumummmmmmns omanou mmoon Rus m unn mu Immmuum mass manamgm ORONmmOsa wom Nomi san mmo ammun mmumuuuNEW uuMN a auumumuu a 4 am" a auumumm MEE U umgmosmm u mmamms a a muIna mam oil n so um Mmmuffo 6.EApendn Ata oacame 93 Ewn LO aHoan"wn osHl a aEM 1 mumsnmumuumonmsmmummu 'mmSmMaum ME&0 w0'lpummu um ame 0m mlgn I ma in X mMEN U1 uMason m M summon amnit A 6.E.2 Boston 0.W0 0.26- Residuals and pairwise dis- tance heat maps for all land use types 00- w uUIiEU I2 or -0.50- Above average Below average I.%Ini..ii!!....!!."""*...* ".iinhIliiiuiiiii =use~u-:mnmea===s mn: ilan ill *.......,.m.. *Eiiimii in=umin EU . J a11 ou..uE soe BEjjuu1 . !|iiiNE ---- n UmU auEI. No . ..... nwa m*UUEUUE uEEE nininini sa . u....*...:. .. IiIlIllI --. 0:18Eii-"---.SON"". moomm""jliOMMOggs MU ao1E ilfl miuss . ******-***: -aa .I...m.... ms -E g. o =====|=========-n L ElE man11111 *....m ..qp nq"Pn I -IN Ume-oo. nslliiisi na ***** i-nm m-um:ms .- s: U... mnumumu .....:E............ nr:. -u. * .. ** i.uuy.nrn..I..igru.r. -*:.:I. *.!....:...'..uiu'.rr:-!ii ==D=U .. I UUUE UEmum mm1 .A!r IIIUIIIIHIIIIIEU!!IEUUUUEii .k -z 6.E Appendix E: Atlas of cities 94 .a UENunm . *.33.*mm***nnlin"*** IiU IEEE.UU...uE**..:::.......*......*. *.-A* i"................. .***" a...m.. nanu!ci iiEEEnvuui:E:Ii:m: amenity B. . amenity A LOW HIGH 6.E.3 Washington Residuals and pairwise distance heat 05 32 di III'M' maps for all land use types ii. iini 0 -0 Above average Below average amenity E...E.....E.. ..................... .mu..................................... u******** WON*******mu* IiIiIIIIIII~lIIIIImE~IIhImIIiII,I gI3I.EIIIIIiIiihuihuI *msmmmungummmmmauummumnuuummmnm ........... u.I ... .rMrE :uu La ma siool S. :::=.: .. ..a --Nm 0- 1 ==mq=u -=:s-a Imamm So Nm -IMm. unrn=nu anaam man mamFamPa mmamma. m-m a ammmmaammmm m m m.m I.En*..qI+pu ummIajml BRaEamEN Emmmm as *q m ma* ammmm amaul...rm.II:-:** II. -rUUUrEUUEEE..: wUH.E-EE 1 10111110 1mily.. a a a so m m .e umm~umma L *I a mm n m a m unn mav n mm, X Mnna m Emman o 111,11aln MaU mm a . .. u. a 1111,o n ail a a . .. ..... ............. mmuurmInin MEN as ma -tmake on0i~i1w l Ein .mim annmmmms 0 i osmmE eEUEE mmmmm 111:m oN* mmmmmm .ii. mosi igMaawsmannnw IMB11L MIIIIIIIIItI,: U EMMM a U Nun U a mm ******m m r :.BlownamA r s.. ..n .. n urn. ..-. m .nmuamo mu: -:.. a amamaa amNn ME a.,mu mm ma asmEmuu nionum mmnmonummmmm pmEE E a NJ an E U . U a I Imn a V1i p a "a m u mma aniammmmmUmEEmm mmm 1Basinmoi mm am a -- -~im a Ia a a a . mME asa ENNOMMMUNNOmmm mu aam &===UEEU a m mmaum uu nnam un u~ m m mm u ma m m m n m m n m a~~ - ~r m Monm 0..If= an so ~ r ara r urn m o u a Ima una m. u a uum 0 Uunm.usn u u m u nuu m n n m m annua mlammum.V MENNE:N= 'ano mNun ::* ma maE-==rJu :--.a *mma =r-rmau:L:n-m:=n. nmmmimrnrnmm anmum a~aaaman a mmmmmm *mmuammmnmuunm am .al.l...ow::.S mass am msm 0 a Vu aU on 2:ing a a mmon sams0n aa mEso=K11"1"!!i": son man omem a os IN* *iNumenmmmmn mummama. RONnmmuaNMNmuNNN rt~ram NUNas mm.asn mooaan Atlasa go .e:t~ . .r ann am. NUNm111m ho.Eta Ap en i Atlasof ciies 95 LOWHIG E:an a -a,: :11c.it1es HBai:manHOno T,ommi ty TAF a W .1 :1." .r0..fl:.1: a a U nu "H H " EUU T*No=*ON mem.Na.mem a ma fmoomlesso EU m a a U .,.. KEHEE non mey V /Aiuawe H01H sna AA01 *om a AjIuawe 9 UEa* a .U.U a. Mm E. ~ U ~ ~E~E~E U sa!lp pO 96 selivi :] xipuaddv 3-9 U U U4 *mm0m ....... 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EW77UU sedki. esn puel lie ioj sdew jeaq q:)uej -sip eS!ied pue slenp sad oospuej ues V9 6.E.5 Los Angeles 0.3- Residuals and pairwise distance heat maps for all land use types ~ait3hJ 0.0 -0.3 IAbove -0,6 average Below average amenity lil || IA wti, _;3 .1 .1 Z' z Z Pllllil liilil muiniiliinin ininiiiniiiniiiiiniminin uuuum!muuiuinu***u!! beaua iiii iiiII~nilii.I"II.linliii....iiiin... imilili. .i iiii ill lsonsommon IHiliHHIRilow 6 HIHIH lil 4 H~~iiiii ME ............... U........... 8.:....;:.....uggn......-.-........ Il"jjjjllj""lEME liR mimiiiininiiniin~inininin.Iainiin sm.Im...m .m...........N... !20 is!!ln lii| ||!1 ............ 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