2011-2012 Graduate Council Actions 2011-2012 Graduate Council Actions Degree Program Request Type Council member replacement Council member replacement M.Ed. Special Education Nature of Change Council approved a replacement for Marius Boboc‟s (Education) sabbatical year Council approved a replacement for Bette Bonder, Faculty Senate rep, who is on administrative leave Grad Council Action Date Action September 8, 2011 Brian Harper was appointed September 8, 2011 James Marino was appointed Proposed a grouping of courses for undergrad & grad students to help in preparation for PRAXIS II To help students achieve HQT (Highly Qualified Teacher) status upon passing PRAXIS II September 8, 2011 Council objected to a number of cross listings (100/500, 200/500, 300/500) and requested a resubmission with corrected listings Graduate Council elections Committee member appointments; discussed & finalized September 8, 2011 Approved Program Review summaries—Art, Physics, Political Science, Sociology Council discussed findings; agrees with cross-listing concerns, low enrollment cancellations September 8, 2011 Dean Weyman will submit Council‟s input for each review September 8, 2011 Approved Graduate Council representation/By-laws changes Graduate Council representation/By-laws changes Graduate Council representation/By-laws changes Graduate Faculty status New/Renewal Summer Volunteer “Special” Council members (UCC, University Admissions & Standards reps) will be chosen from general Council member body & voted on by all grad faculty Graduate faculty member chart will be revised to include „regular,‟ tenure-track faculty By-laws revisions Graduate Faculty Renewal Committee received 20 applications; recommends 19 approvals, one denial due to lack of terminal degree Graduate Council representative to University Research Council September 8, 2011 September 8, 2011 New chart will be emailed to Council; vote at next meeting By-laws wording will be finalized for Council vote at next meeting September 8, 2011 Approved September 8, 2011 Peter Bubenik volunteered 1 2011-2012 Graduate Council Actions Degree Program College of Urban Affairs College of Urban Affairs Request Type Change course prefixes Change 2 ENV courses numbers (UST 551 to UST 542; UST 550 to UST 540) Graduate Council representation Each program in Urban has it‟s own course prefix (ENV, NAL, PDD, PAD); request is to change all to UST 2 ENV course need number changes to align with undergrad course & avoid duplication 3 chart options presented for voting (Option #1 preferred--each unit gets 1 rep and additionals per 40, after initial 40; ‘special’ members not included in bylaws chosen from within Council) Grad Council Action Date Action October 11, 2011 Approved; send informational email to Program Directors October 11, 2011 Approved October 11, 2011 Approved; send for all graduate faculty vote Graduate Council representation By-laws wording finalized October 11, 2011 Approved; send for all graduate faculty vote Graduate Council representation Decided not to change By-laws 8.4.3 October 11, 2011 Approved November 10, 2011 Approved November 10, 2011 Approved November 10, 2011 Approved M.S. Biomedical Engineering Revisions M.S. Biomedical Engineering Revisions B.S./M.S. Chemical/Biomedical Engineering New 4+1 Graduate Council representation Graduate Faculty Status New/Renewals Fall Master of Public Administration (MPA) Nature of Change Management & Labor Relations Request to change department name Urban Studies New specialization Graduate Faculty Status criteria; College of Business Change admission requirement minimum GRE score from 80% to 70% Increase requirements for those without B.S. in Engineering Bachelor of Chemical Engineering/M.S. in Biomedical Engineering Voting results Graduate Faculty Renewal Committee received 42 applications; recommends 38 approvals, 2 denials, 2 pending additional information Change to Department of Management November 10, 2011 November 10, 2011 152 total votes, 139 “yes,” 10 “no,” 3 “abstention”; proposal forward to University Faculty Affairs Approved 38, 2 denials; 2 additional brought later with received information December 6, 2011 Approved New specialization in collaboration with College of Business, “Public Financial Management” December 6, 2011 Approved Change “appropriate graduate degree in relevant field” to “doctoral or terminal degree in field” December 6, 2011 Council is asking for the change 2 2011-2012 Graduate Council Actions Degree Program MSN School of Nursing M.A. Creative Writing (English dept.) Request Type Program revisions to align with newly released requirements from accrediting body (AACN) Revisions M.A. Sociology Revisions B.A./M.A. Political Science New 4+1 program M.Ed. M.Ed. MUST STEM CASAL Clinical Mental Health Counseling Nature of Change Adding new course (NUR 510); redistribute course credit hours; renaming courses; aligning all courses with AACN criteria; total credit hours decreased for specialization tracks; changes phased in over time, beginning Fall 2012 Delete ENG 512; reduce elective hours to include Workshop sequence—new courses ENG 591, 592, 593, 594 GRE score admission requirement; SOC 698 (research paper) change to elective; revise content of SOC 651; add new statistics course SOC 652; remove SOC 650 as prereq for SOC 651 International Relations and Global Interactions, 4+1 Incorporate recent modifications in undergrad math & science licensure (CSUTeach) into Master‟s for teacher licensure Modifications to more closely align with accrediting body DRE Engineering Revisions Revisions to clarify & adjust requirement & program language M.A. Psychology Consumer and Industrial Research Specialization Revisions to exit options Graduate Faculty Guidelines Graduate Faculty Status New/Renewal Fall Dr. Zhu provided information on surrounding, local universities‟ graduate faculty status guidelines; all have more than one level; revisions to our guidelines are being proposed One additional Fall 2011 application presented for approval Grad Council Action Date Action January 19, 2012 Approved January 19, 2012 Council requested revision and resubmission; Approved January 19, 2012 Council requested proposal be tabled pending dept representative to answer questions; Approved January 19, 2012 Approved January 19, 2012 Approved January 19, 2012 Approved January 19, 2012 Following discussion & clarification, Approved January 19, 2012 Approved January 19, 2012 Committee formed to work on By-laws revisions and changes to graduate faculty status guidelines January 19, 2012 Approved 3 2011-2012 Graduate Council Actions Degree M.A. M.A. Program Creative Writing (English) Sociology Request Type Nature of Change Informational item Rosemary Sutton presented a draft of proposed changes to university deadlines for curriculum modifications as a result of multiterm registration and the new catalog system (Acalog) Input/feedback sought, graduate assistant contracts 1) using tuition money for undergraduate courses, 2) using tuition money for ESL courses Revisions to bring program more in line with national marks Re-submission Revisions Council questioned making SOC 698 “Master‟s Research Paper” an option, not required Graduate Faculty Guidelines Subcommittee status Input from Council Graduate Faculty Guidelines‟ revisions Certificate Advanced Fundraising (Urban) New certificate Certificate Health Care Compliance (Law) New certificate Committee is working on revisions; currently a three-tier model is being discussed A new, electronic curriculum approval process is being discussed at the administrative level. It will be centralized with controlled access A draft was proposed for Council input. Certificate includes 3 required courses, 2 electives, creating 1 new course UST 691; total 15-18 credits Available to JD and non-JD students, 2 new courses created (LAW 627/LAW 617), total 18 credits Grad Council Action Date Action February 7, 2012 Council suggested linking to Graduate College web site once finalized February 7, 2012 Discussion—should set cap for undergrad courses covered by GA allocation; ESL courses should be covered to have grad students become proficient ASAP February 7, 2012 Approved February 7, 2012 Council suggested adding “statistics and research” to course title; Approved February 7, 2012 Will present a draft at next meeting March 8, 2012 Council members are generally supportive of this initiative March 8, 2012 Suggestions/clarifications will be added to the draft; Dean Zhu will present draft to all Deans for sharing with their faculty April 16, 2012 Approved April 16, 2012 Approved 4 2011-2012 Graduate Council Actions Degree Program Master‟s Accountancy-tax track Master‟s (M.Ed.) EducationEducational Research Master‟s (M.Ed.) Education-Gifted and Talented Learners Health Sciences Request Type Revisions Revisions Revisions Nature of Change Includes ACT 532 dropped as a level I prerequisite, ACT 600 or ACT 321 as Level II prerequisite, dropping business elective from Level III; Level III reduced to minimum of 30 credit hours; revisions to streamline Additional track (Data-Based Decision Making & Assessment); New course EDB 704; title change to M.Ed.-Educational Research & Assessment; 15-credit Certificate available along the way Revisions to streamline—new course EGT 582, which includes dividing EDG 580 into 2 courses, 582 including action research; mak existing courses 3 credits, except for practicum & culminating action research project Revisions to Health Sciences courses Graduate Faculty Guidelines revisions Graduate Faculty statusNew/Renewal Spring Council meeting dates for 2012-2013 Graduate Faculty Guidelines revisions Convert traditional lecture only courses to lecture/lab (HSC 516517-518-535-59-589 Draft sent to Deans, Dean/faculty input received; input shared with Council members Graduate Faculty Status Committee received 86 total applications, 65 recommended, 13 denied, 8 returned for further information Grad Council Action Date Action April 16, 2012 Approved April 16, 2012 Approved April 16, 2012 Approved Approved conditionally, pending information received about April 16, 2012 possible lab fees; info rec‟d no lab fees charged, approval stands with one “no” vote Changes incorporated, draft April 16, 2012 will be circulated to Council members April 16, 2012 Discussion of alternating days for meetings May 1, 2012 New draft was circulated to Deans and college faculty; feedback received May 1, 2012 Committee‟s recommendations approved Council members will be polled in August for available times; dates will be set for the year from availabilities Two grammatical changes were made for clarification; Dean will investigate next steps to continue process 5 2011-2012 Graduate Council Actions 6 2011-2012 Graduate Council Actions Degree Program Request Type Nature of Change Grad Council Action Date Action Revised 7