USA Process Improvement Committee OUTCOME DOCUMENTATION FORM February 8, 2016

USA Process Improvement Committee
February 8, 2016
Improvement Number: 83-A
Original Improvement:
Renewal of Graduate Faculty Status
Final Outcome
The Office of Academic Affairs states the timeline of graduate faculty renewal for Associate and
Full Members, (3 & 5 years respectively), is a requirement for ongoing compliance with SACS
accreditation requirements for the University.
One of the major purposes for the timeline is to assure graduate faculty are actively
participating in teaching and scholarly activities, and thus, continually creating new knowledge
and research and nurturing graduate students.
The new form is currently online and does not require the breath of paperwork of the older
form. Faculty has the option of attaching a current CV as documentation of their work.
University of South Alabama Webpage
Search engine type: Administrative Appointment Form