Request for Proposals - Entrepreneurial Senior Design Projects 1. General Information Based on feedback from industry, faculty and students, the Washkewicz College of Engineering is piloting a program where senior students can utilize their Senior Design Capstone Course to develop their own product and potentially launch a startup company. Entrepreneurial Senior Design Projects will mimic our regular Senior Design Projects and fulfill the capstone course requirement. We envision the College supporting one or two Entrepreneurial Senior Design teams for the 2016-17 academic year, and the selection process will be coordinated by a committee of College faculty, staff and industry representatives. 2. Eligibility College of Engineering students who are eligible for and will enroll in the Senior Design Capstone Course beginning Fall 2016. 3. Award Selected teams will receive up to $3,000 to use towards their Entrepreneurial Senior Design Project expenses (materials, prototype creation, etc.). 4. Application Applications can be accessed at and are due by Friday, April 1, 2016. Only online applications will be accepted, one application per team (min 2, max 4 team members). 5. Key Dates February 9, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm, Compton Lounge (103 Fenn Hall) Entrepreneurial Senior Design Project Kickoff Luncheon (Register) Opportunity for students to interact with entrepreneurs and business leaders, learn more about the opportunity, ask questions, win prizes, etc. March 3, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm, Compton Lounge (103 Fenn Hall) New Product Development Seminar Rebecca Bompiedi, former senior product development executive with General Electric, Philips Lighting March 22, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm, Compton Lounge (103 Fenn Hall) Entrepreneurship 101 Seminar Katie Van Dyke, Director, Ohio Small Business Development Center @ Cleveland Heights Library April 1 – Written Applications Due (Applications Completed Online) April 15 – Oral Presentations made to Selection Committee, Compton Lounge (103 Fenn Hall) April 22 - Entrepreneurial Senior Design Project Awardees Notified For more information, please contact Paul Pawlaczyk at 216.875.9754,