- BETTY BAKER HOUSE an honors thesis video .- produced by Erin Baker - - ABSTRACT This video is a brief exploration of the life and experiences of Betty Baker House, an eighty-three year-old mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother whose unique opportunities and decisions since 1914 have distinguished her as an educated, resilient, and caring woman. As a woman who has been surrounded largely by men during most of her years, both personally and professionally, Betty Baker House's dignity and selfrespect has inspired her four grand-daughters to try to follow her example. Her personal dedication to education and educating also serves as an inspiration to Betty's family and peers. Although her life experiences have not been terribly extraordinary, they have been unique enoug,h to shape Betty Baker House into an extraordinary woman. This video provides some insight into the happenings, both horrible and happy, both irritating and educating, that shaped one long life, that of Betty Baker House, into something to look back upon with sentiment and with pride. - ARTIST'S STATEMENT This thesis began as the result of insomniatic panic. It was Christmas break of my final year at Ball State, and I still hadn't conceptualized a thesis that would satisty my impending graduation requirements. So, at somewhere between three and four in the morning, a ve:ry dark time of the day in late December in Indiana, my half-conscious thoughts drifted to the topic of my grandmother, Betty Baker House. People think about weird things when they are laying awake, half-delusional on dark, dark winter nights, but I really wasn't expecting to be faced with my grandmother at that hour or in that setting. Somehow, my mind couldn't escape her, no matter how hard I tried. So there I was - thinking of Grandma, and occasionally the pre-graduation anxiety would sneak up in the back of my mind saying, "What are you going to do for your thesis, Erin? You know, you're not going to be able to graduate!" These thoughts, peppered with others intermittently, plagued my head and robbed me of sleep that night. Sometime not far from sunrise and very near to delirium and exhaustion, those two thoughts forged a union, and I finally had a thesis. However, even in the months to come, sleep remained a rare commodity. What caused me to do a video thesis about my grandmother was actually an assignment I had completed for a class I had taken in the fall semester. In my advanced video class we had produced a video about a Holocaust survivor, Lily Polcz. Mrs. Polcz - reminded me a great deal of my grandmother, and it occurred to me that to complete a video about her would be a terrific way to preserve for myself and my family her stories and her considerable influence over our lives. Her dedication to education, her ability to take strides for women when surrounded by men, and her strength and perseverance through life's hardships has made her a role model to friends and family alike. Unlike many women of her era, my grandmother has spent her entire life surrounded by men. She had five brothers, many of her childhood pals were boys, she went to a college of predominantly males, and she began teaching before that profession was dominat(:d by women. Despite this predominance of men in her life, Grandma has always been a woman who understands women, serving as an example of grace and dignity for tbe women of her family, her two daughters-in-law and her four granddaughters. Grandma even founded the Speedway chapter of Tri-Kappa, a philanthropic sorority for the women of our community. Despite over 50 years surrounded by mostly men, Grandma's personality remains appealing to both genders. One of the most impressive attributes possessed by my grandmother is her desire to be educated and to educate. This is an issue that has transcended the generations in my family. My grandmother's mother was largely self-educated despite the fact that she possessed little more than an eighth-grade education. Grandma was the only of the Duncan children to ever receive a college degree, and is, to this day, very proud of her accomplishment. Education became her profession in 1936 and continued to be so through 1973. Through the years she has seen to it that both of her sons completed college and has strenuously voiced her opinion that extended education should be at the forefront of her four granddaughters' thoughts. -- People of my grandmother's generation seem to be more resilient than those who followed them. Perhaps this is due to the hardships they endured that people of a younger age could never really understand. My grandma lived for ten years in an Indiana farm house without electricity. An era that knew nothing of penicillin took the life of her eleven year-old brother. She endured the Great Depression where it hit the hardest, on the farm, and numerous wars have been fought during her eighty-three years. However, it isn't the world's tragedies which she has endured, but her own life's difficulties, that have proven my grandmother to be a person of incredible will and strength. Grandma has survived the loss of both her husband and her youngest son to a disturbing family trait that she unknowingly married into, depression. When she was married to my grandfather, Grandma knew that his father had tried to take his own life as a result of the hardships ofthe Great Depression. Then in 1973, my grandfather took his own life without any real indication of his intentions. This loss was understandably terrible for .- Grandma, and she got past this hardship by keeping herself busy. However, in 1982, when my uncle Tom took his own life as well, my grandma's worst suspicions were confirmed; Depression and suicide runs in our family like heart disease or cancer might run in others. In the wake of Uncle Tom's suicide, Grandma maintained her composure and again was a pillar of fortitude even in that dark hour of our family history, but nothing would ever help her get past the inexplicable death of her youngest child. Grandma told me that there is nothing that can get a person through the loss of a child. She said that there just comes a point where you accept what has happened and move on, but you can never get past it. Although time has helped to alleviate some of the pain, it is apparent from the tears that well up in her eyes, even now, over fifteen years later, that the death of Uncle Tom nearly broke my grandma and proved to be the ultimate test of -. her strength. As the years have passed, opportunities and decisions made by my grandmother have distinguished her and her life as something to look upon with sentiment and with pride. However, she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in January of 1996, and it is only a matter of time before her heart, that has survived so much, can't find the strength to keep beating. My hope in producing this video was to preserve, to some degree, what my grandma stands for and how she hopes her future generations will represent her long after she is gone. Some aspects were captured more fully than others, but even the opportunity for me to sit down with her to discuss her views, her stories, her memories, and her hopes was priceless. All it took was to sit down one long weekend and listen. All too often we hear our grandparents selectively and look for the easiest way to avoid spending too much of our valuable time in their company. It is only when - their company is no longer available that we think to regret our short-sightedness. I realize that this video may not be of particular interest to many people beyond my immediate family, and maybe even my family would find it a bit laborious; however, it was incredibly educating for me, and I'll always value the opportunity I have in sitting and talking with my eighty-three year-old grandmother. Therefore, it is my hope that the viewer of this video will understand the realization that has been twenty-two years in the making for Betty Baker House's third grand-daughter, what an incredible woman my grandmother is and always has been. fY6' J Project: EDIT LOG PI c-ruf2-2S A -r Title: ~ tl6-S; S Editor: _ _ _ _ _ __ Director: - - - - - iVector Comments,OK/NG Tape #IScene # jTake#-1IN_P~int q_U_T~Point D~~~;i~~rt-1'/ p If~r - -rs~~-nd jq3L ________ f1.oo.j-'}_~Ql il.., DO: !.J-J/L /:£:~t'1-0Ylp~CJ:c(;JL<h(.!,cltJ~J. NJA _ I t-~--+----I-- \>( -J9._~_()~_?~~i]- ~_Q.9...:-,-'3~8 - ~m-pp.ch-~r C1!N4<d t - - - - - - t - - - . --I------.-----I-() '90. ~-:5_o.:E3 ~ OC'_ l?A- L~.d ~ grruJ:"'Ii.r ._.~_~ __ . 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