-p Research Project SOA 78-416 Final Report, September 1979 NUCLEAR ENGINEERIANa READING ROOM1 MIt MIT-NE-238 A COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE LMFBR AND ADVANCED CONVERTER FUEL CYCLES WITH QUANTIFICATION OF RELATIVE DIVERSION RESISTANCE ia Principal Investigator Carolyn D. Heising 44 4 Prepared by MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 A COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE LMFBR AND ADVANCED CONVERTER FUEL CYCLES WITH QUANTIFICATION OF RELATIVE DIVERSION RESISTANCE Research Project SOA 78-416 Final Report, September 1979 MIT-NE-238 Prepared by MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Principal Investigator Carolyn D. Heising Research Assistants I. Saragossi P. Sharafi Prepared for Electric Power Research Institute 3412 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, California 94304 EPRI Project Manager R.F. Williams Nuclear Power Division ABSTRACT Three advanced reactor technologies and their fuel cycles were compared with respect to their relative economic potential and diversion These systems include the LWR once-through cycle with and resistance. without extended burnup, the LWR and LMFBR on uranium/plutonium recycle with and without CIVEX reprocessing methods and lastly, advanced converters in symbiosis with breeders on a denatured thorium cycle. To quantify relative diversion resistance, a method based on multi-attribute decision theory was applied. Economic potential was measured on the basis of a simple mills/kWh fuel cycle cost model. indicate that the LWR-LMFBR (U/Pu) Preliminary results cycle can be made as diversion re- sistant as the LWR once-through cycle if CIVEX-like methods are utilized. The denatured thorium cycle shows no obvious diversion resistance advantage and exhibits some economic penalty when compared to the other alternatives. The economic calculations show that the choice between cycles is less likely to be affected by direct economic considerations than by institutional factors such as fuel cycle implementability on an industry-wide basis, acceptability to U.S. regulators and the final prospects for their adoption by U.S. utilities. i CONTENTS Page I. II. III. SUMMARY................................................ 1 A. Alternative Nuclear Systems for the U.S . .......... 1 B. Alternative Fuel Cycle Strategy Economics.......... 3 C. Economic Results.................................... 5 D. Alternative Fuel Cycle Diversion Resistance........ 6 E. Results/Conclusions................................ 10 INTRODUCTION........................................... 13 A. Purpose of Study................................... 13 B. Study Analysis Approach............................ 13 C. Historical Perspective............................. 15 DESCRIPTION OF FUEL CYCLE STRATEGIES................... 19 A. Basis for Choice of Reference Fuel Cycle Strategies 19 B. Description of Strategies.......................... 21 C. IV. V. 1. Strategy A: LWR Once-Through with/without Extended Burnup............................... 21 2. Strategy B: Plutonium Recycle in LWRs and Breeders...................................... 23 3. Strategy C: Denatured Thorium Cycles in Advanced Converters and Breeders.............. 27 Review of Previous Studies......................... 31 ALTERNATIVE FUEL CYCLE ECONOMICS....................... 39 A. Busbar Electrical Generating Cost Model............ 39 B. Key Assumptions/Cost Data.......................... 41 C. Results and Sensitivity of Analysis................ 43 ALTERNATIVE FUEL CYCLE DIVERSION RESISTANCE ............ 49 A. Diversion Resistance Quantification Methods........ 49 B. Application of Diversion Resistance Quantification Method to Fuel Cycle Strategies.................... 53 C. Results and Sensitivity of Analysis................ 75 ii Page VI. CONCLUSIONS........................................... A. Comparison of Economic Costs and Diversion Resistance Between Strategies..................... B. C. 81 81 Regulatory, Institutional and Industrial Acceptance Aspects............................... 83 Study Recommendations............................. 90 91 REFERENCES APPENDICES Appendix A: Support Calculations for Electrical Generating Costs Comparison.............. Appendix B: Support Calculations for Diversion Resistance Comparison.................... Appendix C: A-1 B-1 A Comparison of Available Diversion Resistance Quantification Methods........ C-1 I 4 iii ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Page Alternative Nuclear Power Strategies for U.S. Deployment (1980-2050)....................................... 2 2. Relative Economics of the Alternative Strategies............. 6 3. Strategy A: Fuel Cycle for 1000 MWe LWR on Once-Through Uranium Cycle................................................ 20 4. Strategy B: Fuel Cycle for 1000 MWe LWR on U/Pu Recycle...... 22 5. Strategy C: Fuel Cycle for 1000 MWe Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor.............................................. 6. 22 Flow Chart of PUREX Process for Treatment of Low Enriched Uranium Fuel........................................ 24 7. Modified PUREX Process with Pu-238 Spiking and Np Recycling.. 28 8. Flowsheet for On-Site Facility Based on the AIROX Process.... 30 9. Flow Diagram of the Tin-Nitride Reprocessing Scheme.......... 30 10. Flow Diagram of Strategy C with ACRs Only..................... 32 11. Flow Diagram of the Symbiotic System with Separate Processing of Blanket and Core Spent Fuel (T1 )............... 12. 32 THOREX Process T1 : Separate Processing of Blanket and Core Fuel......................................................... 34 13. THOREX Process T 2 : Coprocessing of Core and Blanket Fuel..... 34 14. Chemical Flowsheet for THOREX Process........................ 34 15. Results of Economic Analysis................................. 46 16. Determination of Development Time............................ 60 17. Isotope Composition of Reactor Grade Plutonium............... 61 C.1 Possible Combinations of Selvaduray's Safeguard Parameter Sub-Attributes............................................... C-4 I 4 V TABLES Page Table 1. Economic Assumptions Used in Calculating Total Electricity Generating Costs of Each Strategy (1975 $)..... 2. 3 Assessment of Diversion Resistance Attributes for Selected Alternative Fuel Cycles........................... 8 3. Pareto Weights on Diversion Resistance Attributes .......... 10 4. Pareto Weights on Diversion Resistance Attributes.......... 52 5. Strategy A: LWR Once-Through Diversion Resistance ......... .56 6. Time Table for Reprocessing Spent Fuel..................... 7. Strategy B: LWR w/Reprocessing Diversion Resistance ........ 64 8. Strategy B: LWR w/Reprocessing: Clandestine PUREX Plant Diversion Resistance....................................... 9. 10. 58 66 Strategy B: LMFBR w/Reprocessing Diversion Resistance ...... 68 Strategy B: LMFBR w/Reprocessing: Clandestine PUREX Plant Diversion Resistance....................................... 70 11. Strategy C: Denatured Thorium Cycle Diversion Resistance... 72 12. Comparison of Strategies................................... 74 13. Ranking of Alternatives (Non-Crisis Environment) ........... .78 14. Ranking of Alternatives (Crisis Environment)............... 79 B.1 Strategy A (Non-Crisis Environment): Support Caluclations for Table 5.............................................. . B-2 B.2 Strategy A (Crisis Environment): Support Calculations for Table 5.................................................... B-2 B.3 Strategy B (B1): Support Calculations for Table 7...s......B- B.4 Strategy B (B ): Support Calculations for Table 8.......... * B.6 Strategy B (B2 ): Support Calculations for Table 1.........B-12 B.6 Strategy B (B2) Support Calculations for Table 10 ........ B.7 Strategy C: Support Calculations for Table 11.............. B-20 C.1 Overall Proliferation Risk Index (PRI) for Three LWR Fuel Cycle Options (Silvennoinen's Method)...................... C-7 C.2 B-10 B-10 B-16 Numerical Assignments Associated with Qualitative Rating (Heising's Method)......................................... C-9 vi List of Tables (cont'd.) ...... C-8 C.3 Correspondance Between Method Attributes............... C.4 Final Resul .3: Rankings Placed on Pathways to Weapons Usable Material....................................................... C.5A-G C-10 Application of Diversion Resistance Methods to Sample Problem..................................... C-12 I L vii NOMENCLATURE C= C~u C E e ap ef e. e et fb F. fs7= = = = = = = = = = = unit price of ith fuel cycle step, 1975 $ cost of plutonium product, $/gm Puf, 1975 $ cost of urnaium, $/lb U 0 , 1975 $ energy produced by batcR, kWh capital cost contribution to busbar cost, mills/kWh levelized fuel cycle cost, mills/kWh initial core contribution to busbar cost, mills/kWh operating and maintenance cost, mills/kWh total busbar electricity cost, mills/kWh debt fraction discount factor applicable to ith fuel cycle step equity fraction = transaction quantity involved in the ith step of the fuel 1 cycle = effective discount rate r rb = rate of return to bond holders = rate of return to stock holders r = irradiation time of steady state fuel batch, hr t = time at which payment of credit for step i will occur, hr t. V (x.) = value function of ith attribute Vtx x 5) = total value function to proliferator of a diversion route = ith diversion resistance attribute, i=1-5 x x = development time, yrs = warning period, fraction x2 = 2log0 of the radioactivity level, R/hr at lm from source x 31 = sta us of information, dimensionless x 32 = criticality problem rating, dimensionless x-33 weapons material guality, dimensionless x 4= = monetary cost, 10 1975 % x5 = ith attribute weighting function, dimensionless X. = tax fraction T Ms I. A. SUMMARY Alternative Nuclear Systems for the U.S. Recent events have emphasized the need for further study into alternatives to the LWR-LMFBR plutonium based fuel cycle because of increased concern over nuclear proliferation risk. 1,2 Discussions on this topic, however, have not been based on thorough analytical studies of the relative risk associated with the LWR-LMFBR and alternative nuclear systems. Risks associated with the once-through cycle, the alternative to closing the LWR fuel cycle, have not been quantified nor have the relative risks of denatured thorium alternatives been compared quantitatively with those of the LMFBR. Proponents of the denatured thorium alternative have argued that such a system would alleviate the near-term need for a breeder reactor while simultaneously 3 4 decreasing proliferation risk. , However, these arguments have not been put to the test of a careful, quantitative comparative analysis. It is the purpose of this study to analyze and compare available nuclear systems through the application of quantitative risk analysis and costbenefit methods. Three alternative nuclear systems available for implementation by the U.S. government have been singled out for comparative analysis in this work: (1) the standard light-water reactor (LWR) once-through fuel cycle operating under either normal operating conditions or on extended burnup, (2) the LWR and liquid metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR) on a U/Pu fuel cycle utilizing either PUREX or CIVEX reprocessing methods, and (3) the LWR combined with advanced converter reactors (ACRs) operating with or without fast breeder reactors (FBRs) on denatured thorium cycles (Fig. 1). The CIVEX methods examined in this study which have recently been proposed5 include for LWR fuel: (1) denaturing of plutonium with a Pu-238 spike as outlined by Allied Gulf Nuclear Services (AGNS),6,7 (2) the Rockwell International AIROX method,8 (3) coprocessing with actinide partitioning,9 and (4) the tin nitride pyrometallurgical process. For breeder 2 Figure 1 Alternative Nuclear Power Strategies for U.S. Deployment (1980-2050) Description Strategy LWR (once-thru) with extended burnup up to 60,000 MWO/MT+ permanent storage of spent fuel A. LWR Once-Thru without extended burnup CIVEX 8. LWR+LMFBR with U/Pu Recycle LWR(U/Pu) CIVEX (ireprocessing alternotives) N LMFBR(U/Pu) PUREX PUREX LWR w/o Recycle + ACR (denatured C. ttMorium)+ FBR(U/Pu LWR (once-thru) ACR core, Th blanket) (reprocessing alternatives) HWR (U/Th P cciei FBR (U/Pu core, Th blanket) ITGRU/Th) Other Nuclear - system (e.g., fission-fusion hybrid) (reprocessing alternatives) PUREX/ THOREX fuel, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) CIVEX scheme,10 which utilizes Zr and Ru spikes, has been compared with a standard PUREX-based LMFBR fuel reprocessing method. In examining the once-through alternative, we consider the effect of extended burnup on economics, uranium resource utilization and fuel cycle management. The Carter Administration has tended to favor those manage- ment schemes that can lengthen the uranium resource base for LWRs. Attention is concentrated on the potential for extending the burnup of LWR fuel examining the time frame for widescale introduction in addition to regulatory and/or institutional problems that might arise from commercial introduction. Preliminary work by Fard and Driscoll has shown that the extended burnup alternative could significantly prolong the uranium resource base while not introducing major economic penalties. the material integrity of LWR fuel under such conditions However, is only now being tested,12 and safety-licensing problems might likely eliminate any advantage of this alternative. 1 3 With respect to the third alternative--the denatured thorium fuel cycle--the impact of introducing advanced converter reactors was specifically analyzed. In particular, the high temperature gas reactor (HTGR) and CANDU heavy water reactor were examined following the "evolutionary" strategies suggested by Dahlberg, et al. at General Atomic and Feiveson et al. at Princeton University. 6 3 Table 1 Economic Assumptions Used in Calculating Total Electricity Generating Costs of Each Strategy (1975 $) a. Financing Data = tax traction = 0.5 ts = tb = 0.5 rb = .03. rs = .08 d. Fuel Cycle Cost Data Thorium: 33 S/kg Enrichment: 85 S/SWU Fabrication/Refabrication (S/kgHM): - LWR U5-U8 95 277-315 Pu-U U5-U8-Th 114-187 360-710 U3-U8-Th b. Capital Cost Data 690 S/kWe LWR: 1.2 x LWR HWR: 1.15 x LWR HTGR: 1.3-1.7 x LWR LMFBR: - HTGR c. Capacity Factors Assumed HWR All Others 0.75 0.85 Planned CF 0.65 0.75 Actual CF B. 343-565 733-1335 180-290 U5-U8-Th U3-U8-Th Th U Blanket Th Blanket - LMFBR PUREX 300-450 EPRI CIVEX 330-495 THOREX (for Blanket) 200 95 95 Reprocessing (S/kgHM): - LWR PUREX 200 AIROX 50-60 Coprocessing 200 Pu-238 Spike 210 THOREX 200 - HTGR (THOREX for U-Pu-Th) 440-990 - HWR (THOREX for U-Pu-Th) 215 - LMFBR 550-850 Pu-U8 Core Spent Fuel Shioment (S/kgHM) - LWR: 13. HTGR: 73. HWR: 10. LMF8R: 69 Waste Shipping and Disposal Cost (S/kgHM) - LWR (U/Pu Recycle): 65, LWR (once-thru): 185, HTGR: 85. HWR: 65. LMFBR: 140 Alternative Fuel Cycle Strategy Economics The economics of the alternative fuel cycles were analyzed by calculating the total busbar electrical generating costs for each strategy based on the following simplified model: + eic + ef + e (1) et = e cap ic fom The fuel cycle cost was calculated based on the following formulation: 1000 0 E (2) ef f where (3) and (4) r F .= = (1+r) l-T Z i= i i i (tf /2)-t T l-T (1-T)fb rb + f r This model assumes that: investment, M.CiF. (2) (1) fuel expenses are treated as a depreciable the rate of return does not include an allowance for inflation (constant dollars are assumed), (3) revenue and depreciation charges for each batch occur at the middle of the irradiation interval, and (4) only equilibrium batches are considered. Reprocessing costs are estimated based on the cost of modifying a reference PUREX plant to the specifications required by the particular CIVEX process under investigation (Table 1). 4 Reactor capital costs are estimated as the cost of a typical light water reactor multiplied by a factor defined as the ratio of the capital cost of the advanced reactor type divided by the capital cost of a reference LWR. The resulting expressions for the total busbar electrical generating cost as a function of nuclear strategy are: Strategy A: LWR Once-Through (5) e = 21.00 + 0.096 C t u (6) et = 20.78 + 0.087 C t u (normal operation) (extended burnup) Strategy B: LWR on U/Pu Recycle (7) et = 20.92 + 0.074 Cu (PUREX reprocessing) (8) et = 22.02 +0.080 Cu (AIROX reprocessing) (9) et = 21.3 + 0.077 Cu (Pu-238 Spike) LMFBR on U/Pu Recycle (10) et = 26.24 + 0.123 CPu (low value, PUREX) = 33.42 + 0.123 CPu (high value, PUREX) where CPu is the fissile plutonium value that renders utilities indifferent between consuming plutonium in LWRs versus LMFBRs: (11) C = 0.65 Cu - 37 for low FBR capital cost = 0.65 Cu - 80 for high FBR capital cost (12) et = 26.54 + 0.123 CPu (low value, EPRI CIVEX) = 33.88 + 0.123 CPu (high value, EPRI CIVEX) Strategy C: ACR on Denatured Thorium (13) e = 22.36 + 0.054 C (low value) t. u = 24.0 + 0.054 Cu (high value) u 6 6 5 C. Er:onomic Results On the basis of these relations, busbar electricity costs have been calculated for the three strategies as a function of U 3 08 cost (Figure 2). At From these results, several preliminary observations can be made. 40 $/lb U 3 0 8 , the LWR on either PUREX or coprocessed reprocessing appears the most aconomically attractive alternative. The economic penalty asso- ciated with the AGNS Pu-238 spiking scheme is small and virtually insignificant; for U 3 0 8 costs above 60 $/lb, this alternative becomes more economic than the LWR on extended burnup although the trade-off between the two is highly sensitive to assumptions on reprocessing costs and the ore savings attainable by reoptimizing the fuel for extended burnup. The cost penalty associated with the AIROX scheme, mostly due to enrichment penalties, appears significant. cycXl The reoptimized once-through LWR is preferable to the AIROX scheme until very high ore prices are reached (>180 $/lb U3 0 8). The range of uncertainty associated with the self- sufficient breeder economy is quite large. The median electricity cost we calculate of 30 mills/kWh (1975 $) is higher than the reoptimized once-through LWR until a uranium price of over 100 $/lb U 3 0 8 is reached. The breakeven point is reached at 55 and 145 $/lb respectively for the low and high values of the LMFBR electricity cost range. These results are not significantly affected when the EPRI CIVEX reprocessing scheme is used In the early period of the deployment of advanced instead of PUREX. converters (Strategy C), high costs may be observed because of high costs of thorium reprocessing and refabrication due to their recent commercial introduction. However, experience in time would tend to decrease costs as economies of scale become realized and the industry matures. At 40 $/lb U 3 0 8 , the thorium alternative appears to cost only 5% more than Strategies A or B--a small penalty. It is also important to note that Strategy C exhibits the lowest costs as uranium price increases because of lower U308 consumption rates. apparent in the This effect would probably not be early years of system deployment when the growth of the system would be greatest because of the large initial inventory of uranium that would be required. 6 Figure 2 Relative Ecomomics of the Alternative Strategies 35 30 Al LWR Non Reoptimized A2 LWR Reoptimized BI LWR Purex B2 LWR Coprocessing B3LWR Airox B4LWR Pu-238 Spiking Cl HTGR (Denatured Thorium) C2HWR (Denatured Thorium) 25 40 80 120 160 Cu($/lb U3 0 8 ) D. Alternative Fuel Cycle Diversion Resistance Fuel cycle diversion resistance was quantified using an assessment methodology developed at M.I.T. by Dr. I. Papazoglu et al.14 The metho- dology is based on the principles of multiattribute decision analysis 1 5 wherein a set of indices or attributes which characterize the proliferation resistance of nuclear systems is defined and evaluated for alternative systems. Diversion resistance is expressed in terms of a set of five attributes that must be considered in a potential diverter's decision to use a particular technology to derive weapons material. These attributes are: (1) the development time, or the time it takes from start to finish to develop a nuclear explosive using diverted nuclear material, (2) the warning period, defined as the percentage of the development task left to ) 7 complete at the time of detection by outside agents, (3) the inherent difficulty of utilizing the technology as a source of nuclear fissile material defined further by a breakdown into three sub-attributes--the radioactivity level of the process, the status of scientific and tech- nical information know about the process by the potential proliferator and the level of criticality problem associated with the process, (4) the weapons material quality, defined as the type of nuclear material diverted (i.e., either weapons or reactor grade plutonium, or enriched uranium (U-233 or U-235), and lastly, (5) the development cost of the explosive construction attempt. Each of these five attributes has been preliminarily assessed for the three fuel cycle strategies examined in this study. are given in Table 2. These results To derive a quantitiative indicator of the relative diversion resistance of each strategy, a.value function for each attribute has been defined so that a dimensionless numerical indicator for each route can be calculated. The numerical indicators for each attribute are then multiplied by weighting factors (A ) and summed over the number of attributes to arrive at a single numerical indicator for each fuel cycle strategy. Basically, the purpose of the value function is to provide a numerical measure of the relative attractiveness of the various proliferation pathways available to the would-be proliferator. Assuming preferen- tial independence between attributes (i.e., the proliferator's value placed on each attribute is independent of the value placed on any other attribute), the value function is: 5 (14) V(x -x5 . V = Because the third attribute (inherent difficulty) is divided into three sub-attributes, the above expression becomes: (15) V(x -x5 1 V 1 (x1 ) + 2 V2(x 2 ) 3 + X j=1 + 3j V3j (x 3 j 5 V5 (x 5 + X4 V4 (x 4 8 Table 2 Assessment of Diversion Resistance Attributes foir Selected Alternative Fuel Cydles Fuel Cycle Strategy Strategy A: LWR Once-Thru - Covert Reprocessing Facility and Covert Diversion - Covert Reprocessing Facility and Overt Diversion -Overt Indigenous Reprocessing Facility and Overt Diversion Status of Information* Warning Period (Level of Science. Development (% of Task to Level of TechTime (Yrs.) be Completed) nology) Radiation Level (R/hr at im Weapons Development Overall Ranking from Material Cost 5 Source) Criticality Quality (10' S) I V 2-4 1 E(2,2) , 33 2-4 1-3 E(2,2) 33 40-70 E(2,2) 33 1.5-3 Medium Reactor Grade Pu Mediim Reactor Grade Pu Medium Reactor Grade Pu 6-16 -.23 6-16 -.24 6-16 -.36 *Status ofInloanation: This attribute isassessed asaseparate ranking ofbWh thelevel ofscience andlevel ottechnology known about aparticular technology. Thelevels are:I. known. 2 readily available and3=unknown orclassified. Theletters refer tooneoftheninepossible orderings ofthese levels: A(1.1)= bestknown. 1(3.3) = least known. Fuel Cycle Strategy Strategy 8: LWR and/or LMFBR on U/Pu Recycle Status of Information Warning Period (Level of Science. Development (% of Task to Level of TechTime (Yrs.) be Completed) nology) Material Diversion Overt Covert - 81: LWR (U/Pu) without LMFBR -PUREX Commercial Plant .5 5 -Coprocessing Com. Plant 1 5 -Pu-238 Spike Com. Plant 100 100 -AIROX Commercial Plant 1.5 5 -Tin Nitride (Pyrometalgy.) 1.5 5 - 82: LWR + LMFBR (U/Pu) -PUREX Commercial Plant -EPRI-CIVEX Com. Plant Fuel Cycle Strategy Strategy C: Denatured Thorium Advanced Coverters and Fast Breeders (U/Pu/Th) -Diversion from LWR Spent Fuel Ponds with covirt PUREX Plant Built Indigenously with Commercial THOREX Plant inCountry - THOREX Commerbal Plant with Separate Processing of F8 Blanket and Core (T1) -THOREX Commercial Plant with Coprocessing of Core and Blanket (T2) - Build Clandestine THOREX Plant to Process ACR or FBR Fuel .5 5 1-1.5 5 Overt Covert (Independentof overt or covert operation) 1 1-3 100 1-3 1-3 A (1,1) 8 (1.2) I (3.3) E(2.2) E(2.2) 10-4-10-6 .66 104-10-6 6.6 .66 Medium Low Medium Low Low R.Gr.Pu R.Gr.Pu R.Gr.Pu R.Gr.Pu R.Gr.Pu 2 3.5-6 1000 5.5-8 5.5-8 1 40-70 1 1 A (1.1) A (1,1) 10-4-10-6 165 Medium Medium R.Gr.Pu R.Gr.Pu 2 4-12 Material Diversion Overt Covert Overt Covert 1 5 1-3 1 1 1 1.1 1.1 55-77 T1 1 4-6 (Independent of overt or covert operation) 8(1,2) 33 Medium R.Gr.Pu 8 (1,2) E(2,2) T1 8(1.2) -.09 -.18 -- 1l -.19 -1.0 -1.0 -. 11 -.23 -. Is -.23 -.09 -.18 29 -.22 - Radiation Level (R/hr at Im Weapons Development Overall Ranking from Material Cost 5 Source) Criticality Quality (10' $) 1 .V 0 - T1 1-1.5 Overt Covert 1 50 100 90 90 Status of Information Warning Period (Level of Science, Development (% of Task to Level of TechTime (Yrs.) be Completed) nology) .5 1 Radiation Level (R/hr atlm Weapons Development Overall Ranking from Material Cost 5 Source) Criticality Quality (10* S) I XV 0 0 Medium High Enriched U-233 Medium R.Gr.Pu Medium High Enriched U-233 4-12 Overt Covert -.15 -.21 2 -.08 -.10 4-12 -.31 -.i6 3.5-12 T1 .L -. 9 -Attributes assessed assuming a commercial THOREX Plantoperatngin NWSat timeofconstruction of clanoestine plant of typeTt or T2 matenaldiversion is assumed to takepace covertly - 9 where the value functions for each of the five attributes are: development time: 1, e (16) V (x) (16 1.83 .49 non-crisis, crisis =1 warning period: (17) V2 (x2) = eYX 2 - 1, y 6.93 = radioactivity level: (18) x 31 0 V31 (x31 0 1 -.02 2 3 -.16 4 -5 5 -.84 6 -.96 -1 status of information (x3 2 referring to levels denoted as A, B, C...I): 32 (19) x32 Al V32 (X32 0 D -01 B -.05 E -.16 G C H -.84 -.67 -.37 criticality problems (x3 3 either "High," (20) V 33("Low") = 0, V3 3 ("Med") = -. 5, F I -.95 "Medium," -.99 or "Low"): V 3 3 ("High") = -l weapons material quality (x4 refers to type of material): (21) V4 (r.g.Pu) = -1, V 4 (H.E.U-233) V4 (w.g-.Pu) = -. 5, = -.25 and V4 (H.E.U-235) = 0 and finally, for monetary development cost: (22) V 5( 5 = -ax S; 5 a = 2.6 x 10 a = 10 Weighting functions (A) -5 , -4, S = 1.27 non-crisis S = 1.9 crisis derived from interviews with selected experts utilizing a standard Delphi technique were assessed for two hypothesized divertor decision environments--non-crisis and crisis (Table 3). 10 Table 3 Pareto Weights on Diversion Resistance Attributes Weighting Function Non-Crisis Environment Development Time A1 .13 .31 Warning Period A2 .15 .07 Status of Information x31 .38 .37 Radiation Level A3 2 .16 .16 Criticality Problems x33 .04 .04 Weapons Material Quality A4 .03 .01 Development Cost A5 .11 .04 Attribute Combining these weighting functions with the value Crisis Environment functions described above, the final numerical indicators (E A V ) were calculated as shown ii in Table 2. Note that on a scale that varies form -1 to 0 the more negative the final indicator, the more diversion resistant the technology. Thus, a ranking of -.08 would indicate a very low diversion resistance while a ranking of -.8 a very high degree of diversion resistance. E. Results/Conclusions The assessment shows that the LWR-LMFBR (U/Pu) fuel cycle (Strategy B) can apparently be made as diversion resistant as either the LWR on the once-through cycle or any combination of advanced converters operating on a denatured thorium cycle. The final quantitative rankings indicate that through use of CIVEX-like reprocessing methods such as Pu-238 spiking, the diversion resistance of the plutonium-based cycles can be increased to at least the resistance level of the once-through cycle. Moreover, it is evident that unless coprocessing or some other equivalent technology is used to increase the diversion resistance of the THOREX process, the denatured thorium alternative can be less diversion resistant than either the LWR once-through (Strategy A) or the LWR-LMFBR (U/Pu) case (Strategy B). From the preliminary results of this study, it is suggested that the LWR-LMFBR (U/Pu) cycle can be made at least as diversion resistant as either the once-through cycle or any combination of advanced converters 4 11 on denatured thorium cycles if CIVEX-like processes are utilized. This may be achievable, on the basis of our economic results, without substantially affecting the relative economic compe-titiveness of the mixed oxide fuel cycle. We also conclude that the AIROX method is probably not attractive because of its increased costliness and inability to increase diversion resistance vis-a-vis other available CIVEX-like reprocessing methods. Our preliminary study of the institutional problems indicates that the choice between alternative nuclear systems is less likely to be influenced by direct economic considerations (i.e., the total cost of electricity to the American consumer) than by institutional factors such as fuel cycle implementability on an industry-wide basis, acceptability to U.S. regulators and the final prospects for fuel cycle adoption by U.S. utilities. 4 a 13 II. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to quantify the risk-cost-benefits of the LWR-LMFBR fuel cycle in comparison with alternative advanced converter fuel cycles that have been suggested for future use. Emphasis is placed on U.S. nuclear planning alternatives but international implications of fuel cycle decisions are also examined. Risks that are quantified and/or compared include: (1) health, environmental and safety, (2) nuclear theft and sabotage (subnational diversion) risks, (3) nuclear proliferation (national diversion) risks, and (4) institutional licensing - regulatory risks. Primary effort has been directed toward the quantification of diversion resistance between fuel cycles in the context of alternative routes to weapons material attainment. B. Study Analysis Approach This study employs quantitative methods to estimate both the econo- mic costs and relative diversion resistance of three alternative nuclear power strategies projected for U.S. deployment over the next few decades (1980 - 2050). Particular emphasis is placed on the LWR-LMFBR plutonium based fuel cycle, which had been the preferred strategy of choice until economic uncertainties and concern over proliferation brought the strategy under re-consideration. In addition to diversion resistance, dis- cussion is made of the potential differences in other technological risks such as health-environmental-safety and subnational diversion. Also, a contrast of institutional problems between fuel cycle alternatives is made. However, the major emphasis in this study has been directed toward the quantification of the relative diversion resistance between fuel cycle alternatives. Work under the project has been divided into three tasks, which are covered in this report as follows: TASK I (Primary) Quantification of the risk related costs of alternative nuclear fuel cycles, particularly the proliferation-diversion resistance of the LWR-LMFBR plutonium based cycle versus alternative advanced converters on denatured thorium (or uranium) fuel cycles (Section V, VI, Appendix B). 14 TASK II Quantification of economic benefits of a breeder based nuclear economy in comparison with proposed alternative advanced converter nuclear economics (Section IV, Appendix A). TASK III Development of analytic framework for comparison of alternative advanced nuclear fuel cycles (potentially applicable to NASAP and/or INFCE studies) (Section VI). In performing these tasks, appropriate methods have been developed and extended to quantify the relative electrical busbar costs and diversion resistance of the three nuclear fuel cycles under consideration. Also, a review of recent studies that pertain both to analysis of alternate fuel cycles and to diversion resistance quantification has been made (Section IID and Appendix B). In approaching Task I, a multiattribute decision theory model developed at MIT was utilized because it was found to be the most comprehensive method currently available (see Appendix C for a review of existing diversion resistance quantification methods). Institutional problems dealing with the implementability of each fuel cycle was discussed in terms of lead times for development and commercial demonstration in the United States. For Task II, electrical generating costs were determined to be the single most critical attribute affecting U.S. electric utility choice betweencompeting nuclear systems. Electricity cost, as generated by nuclear units, depends strongly on the cost and scarcity of uranium resources. However, capital costs for reactors not presently commercialized in the U.S. are also critical determinants of a strategy's relative economic attractiveness. The approach we have taken to analyze Tasks I and II constitutes the analytic framework we suggest for comparison of alternative advanced nuclear fuel cycles (Task III); we believe that a similar approach should be taken within the NASAP and INFCE studies. Historical background to the NASAP/INFCE studies is given in Section IIC of this report. 4 15 C. Historical Perspective To some, especially those engaged in the nuclear industry, the emergence of the nuclear proliferation issue has occurred at a most inopportune time. Already beleaguered by environmental, health and safety concerns coupled to the less tangible risks of theft and sabotage, the concern over proliferation has seemed only an additional burden to the industry. With the events at Three Mile Island, the public questions the efficacy of nuclear power to an even greater extent than before. But even before TNT, events had led nuclear spokesman Alvin Weinberg to observe that "nuclear energy is in trouble".17 This observation has been reinforced by events at TMI even while concerns over proliferation have only seemed to subside in the wake of public reaction to the accident. In the midst of this unfortunate historical period for nuclear power, it is important that those in positions to affect energy policy strive for a balanced view in deciding the future course of nuclear power. Concern over reactor safety must be balanced not only against other risks such as proliferation, but also against the economic impact of policy decisions. When discussing alternative fuel cycles from the viewpoint of proliferation risk minimization, it is therefore imperative that both safety and economic differences be simultaneously considered so that conclusions can be drawn on a balanced basis. The emergence of the proliferation issue occurred most recently after India's successful 1974 detonation of a nuclear explosive using material illegally diverted from a Canadian imported research reactor. As a result, the international safeguards system was laid open to review. American pressure for change increased further after 1976 when West Germany, Brazil, France, Pakistan and South Korea began to conclude commercial agreements for the international sale of reprocessing technology. However, proliferation has been a continual concern of the arms control - political science community since the advent of nuclear explosivesduring World War II. In the U.S., the history of civilian nuclear power began in 1946 with the formation of the Atomic Energy Act (Acheson-Lilienthal) authorizing the government's key supervisory role in nuclear power 16 commercial development. This early act underlies current Carter Administration positions on the strict control of nuclear materials, 4 then of interest because of the arms race with the U.S.S.R. and now of concern because of the rise of worldwide terrorism and the fear of nuclear proliferation. In 1954, a major revision of the Atomic Energy Act occurred with 4 President Eisenhower's change in policy toward commercial nuclear power expressed in his famous "Atoms for Peace" speech delivered at the United Nations. This policy helped stimulate the world's desire for nuclear research and commercial reactors which were sold at highly subsidized prices. Congress loosened controls over nuclear materials to promote the private nuclear sector and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was organized to safeguard and assist the growing worldwide nuclear industry. During the 1960's, this policy was generally continued. Then, in the 1970's, a resurgence of interest took place in safeguards and proliferation in reactions to increase in terrorist acts around the world, the findings of several investigations that existing safeguards were inadequate, the Indian detonation of 1974 and public concern over the viability of nuclear power as an acceptable energy source. In response to these events, the government re- organized several agencies and passed stringent regulations on the export of sensitive technologies and the handling and transportation of nuclear materials, the most recent being the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 (NNPA). Also, on April 20, 1977, President Carter deferred indefinitely the commercialization of nuclear fuel reprocessing and the plutonium-based breeder reactor. He also called for and created the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation INFCE) and the U.S, government's Nonproliferation Alternative Systems Assessment Program (NASAP) which were to study alternative nuclear technologies and institutional arrangements that might reduce the connection between civilian nuclear technology and the risk of proliferation. These studies were to be completed by 1980 in order to better achieve international concensus on the future of nuclear power. The study that is covered in this report explores three possible strategies the US. could 4 17 adopt with respect to both their relative economics and diversion resistance. This study therefore relates directly to the stated goals of the NASAP and INFCE projects. 4 19 III. A. DESCRIPTION OF FUEL CYCLE STRATEGIES Basis for Choice of Reference Fuel Cycle Strategies Three advanced nuclear power strategies are examined in this study that could be implemented in the United States between 1980 through 2050: Strategy Description A LWR once-through with or without extended burnup B LWR with U/Pu recycle + LMFBR with U/Pu recycle C LWR once-through + advanced converter (HWR or HTGR) on denatured thorium cycle + FBR with thorium blanket As another permutation of these strategies, we also examined the effect of civilian extraction (CIVEX) fuel processing techniques on the relative diversion resistance and economics of the overall strategy, particularly for Strategy B. The following reprocessing methods were examined: LWR LIMFBR/Other FBR 1. PUREX 1. PUREX 2. Coprocessing + Actinide Partioning 2. EPRI-CIVEX: Zr+Ru Spikes 3. Pu-238 Spiking 4. AIROX 5. Pyrometallurgy (Tin Nitride) These three strategies were chosen based on the findings of previous studies and based on current government policy regarding the future of advanced nuclear systems in the United States (Part C of this Section details the results of previous studies). The use of thorium in light water reactors was not examined here because of findings by other investigators30,34,37 that such use was not economic relative to uranium cycles and that thorium is best used in advanced convertor reactors. For the once-through alternative strategy A, the effect of extended burnup (up to 60,000 MWd/MTHM) on economics, uranium resource utilization and fuel management have been examined. The current administration tends to favor those management schemes that can lengthen the resource base for LWRs on the once-through cycle while maintaining competitive fuel cycle economics vis-a-vis coal fired plants. Attention has been directed in this study on the time frame of widescale introduction that is likely for Figure 3 Strategy A: URANIUM MINES/MILLS Fuel Cycle for 1.000 MWe LWR on Once-Through Uranium Cycle [-A F-A F] ENRICHMENT PLANT FABRICATION PLANT OUTSIDE NWS CD FUEL ASSEMBLIES 27,271 kg U 3.3 w/o U235 F-1 a LIGHT WATER REACTOR 1000 MWe THERMAL EFF.: 0.325 EXPOSURE TIME :I1OO DAY BURNUP:33,000 MWD / MT CAPACITY FACTOR-: 0.80 IRRADIATED SSPENT FUEL FUEL STORAGE 150 DAYS COOLED SPENT FUEL INSIDE NWS 21 this strategy and any regulatory or institutional problems that might influence timing (see Section VIB). For Strategy B, we emphasize that LWRs on U/Pu recycle can also be optimized for maximum resource efficiency and/or fuel cycle cost minimization. This point has not been widely recognized among some policy- makers, but is certainly well know among experts in the fuel management area.26 With respect to Strategy C, this study specifically analyzes the impact of Advanced Converter Reactor (ACR) introduction on the U.S. economy and on diversion resistance. In particular, the study focuses on the denatured thorium schemes proposed by General Atomic (HTGR and GCFR utilization) strategies 4 and Feiveson, Von Hippel and Williams 3 as alternative to the plutonium based breeder. chosen for comparison with the once-through alternative evolutionary This strategy is (Strategy A) and plutonium recycle alternative (Strategy B) because of the recent federal government interest in this alternative (Strategy C) and because of the lack of any quantitative comparison to date of the relative economics and diversion resistance of this strategy. B. Description of Strategies 1. Strategy A: LWR Once-Through with/without Extended Burnup Strategy A assumes light water reactors on a uranium once-through cycle with fuel either -exposed to an average of 33,000 MWD/MT or on extended burnup up to 60,000 MWD/MT. A description of the fuel cycle for this strategy is given in Figure For the purposes of the diversion 3. resistance assessment (Section V of this report), it is assumed that only reactors are allowed within the boundaries of a non-weapons state (NWS) with fresh fuel supplied from outside the country and spent fuel stored inside the country for periods of ten years or more. The impact of a policy wherein long-cooled spent fuel is returned to the weapons states to a multinational center located outside the NWS possibly is also examined. 4 22 Figure 4 Figure 5 Strategy B: Strategy B: and U Blanket Fuel Cycle for 1000 MWe LWR on U/Pu Recycle16 Fuel Cycle for 1000MWe Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor; U/Pu Core 16 I I I RECOVERED URANIUM I I I 23 2. Strategy B: Plutonium Recycle in LWRs and Breeders Strategy B is composed both of light water reactors and liquid metal fast breeder reactors allowing reprocessing of spent fuel and U/Pu recycle. This is the strategy originally expected to be implemented in the United States and which is being implemented in France and the Soviet Union. The following figure describes this strategy: IVEX CIVEX LWR (U/PU) Reprocessing Alternatives LMFBR (U/Pu) Reprocessing Alternatives PUREX PUREX Included in this strategy are various reprocessing alternatives that might decrease diversion resistance below the level inherent to the traditional PUREX process. Of course, it is not clear today which repro- cessing technology will be adopted, if any, in future civilian U.S. operations. For the purposes of assessing diversion resistance, it is assumed that Strategy B can be divided into two sub-systems. that Non-Weapons States First, it is assumed (NWS) are restricted to operating LWRs but are allowed to operate commercial reprocessors to process fuel from their LWRs. In this system (B*), breeders are assumed to be operated outside the NWS or not at all. For the second sub-system (B**), both LWRs and LHFBRs are allowed to be operated inside NWSs along with their corresponding fuel processing facilities. The fuel cycle flow diagram for an LWR or U/Pu recycle is given in Figure 4 and for the LMFBR in Figure 5. For the case of LWR fuel reprocessing, the following processes have been considered: (1) PUREX, (2) coprocessing + actinide partitioning, (3) Pu-23 8 spiking (denatured plutonium), (4) AIROX, and (5) the tin nitride pyrometallurgical process. These processes were selected because of their contrasting differences that presumably impact on the diversion resistance of LWR spent fuel reprocessing. are examined: For the LWFBR, two reprocessing methods (1) PUREX and (2) EPRI-CIVEX: Zr+Ru Spiking. These are the only two processes which recently have been suggested for LMFBR spent fuel processing. Each are now described. 4 24 I Figure 6 Flow Chart of PUREX Process for Treatment of Low Enriched Uranium Fuel I FEED SOLUTION FROM DISSOLVER HNO 3 REDUCING WATER SCRUB SOLUTION WATER 0 4 (FISSION PRODUCTS) 4 I I 25 The PUREX process is an aqueous solvent extraction technique that was developed in the late 1940's; it is the only commercially available reprocessing technique today. Figure 6. A flow chart of the PUREX process is given in A solution of 30 vol.% tributylphosphate in a kerosene-type diluent is employed as the solvent with nitric acid as the salting agent. A separation is accomplished because of the extraction of uranyl nitrate and plutonium (IV) nitrate and the relative inextractability of fission products and plutonium (III) nitrate. By changing the oxidation state of plutonium, it can be separated from uranium. The heart of the PUREX process consists of two solvent extraction cycles for gross decontamination of each product: one cycle providing decontamination and partitioning of uranium and plutonium and the second providing further decontamination of separated products. Coprocessing is a PUREX based solvent extraction concept involving recovery of all the actinides in the spent fuel as a product group. It has been shown that this can be accomplished by a simple modification of the PUREX process. The recovered actinide product group can be reconsti- tuted as a fuel for recycle in LWRs (LMFBRs) or liquid-metal fast breeder reactors either by addition of moderately enriched uranium for the LWR or by controlled partial partitioning of uranium in the L4FBR. Potential for proliferation can be reduced for substantial diversion since plutonium is not separated from its actinide homologs nor is the recovered actinide fuel fully decontaminated from the fission products. The Pu-238 spiking concept has been suggested by AGNS and deVolpi at ANL for conventional LWR fuel design, including the option to recycle plutonium in mixed-oxide (MOX) fuels. In this concept, the reactor is fueled in such a way that the plutonium produced during reactor operation contains an unusually high percentage of the isotope as compared to 1%). Pu-238 (about 5% Because of the high heat generation rate of Pu-238, elevated material temperatures would result when significant concentrations of Pu-238 are present. The high temperature encountered during the fabri- cation, assembly, and storage of a nuclear device would be expected to severely complicate weapons productions because the high explosive surrounding the fissile trigger would probably melt. Therefore, the spiking of Pu with the isotope Pu-238 to a concentration greater than 5% by weight 26 would make reactor generated plutonium considerably less attractive for weapons purposes. Unlike other spikes that are being considered to com- plicate the diversion of reactor plutonium (e.g., the introduction of a gamma emitting spike such as Co-60), the heat spike (i.e., Pu-238) cannot be removed by chemical techniques. Also, according to deVolpi, methods by which to separate the isotopes in a mixture such as would be encountered are not well known or available: "Separation of the fissile fraction from the Pu-23 8 , Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241, Pu-242 chain would be very difficult with existing technology... .The relative irreversability of the plutonium chain offers a marked improvement over a relatively reversible diluent such as U-238 in U-233 or even U-235 when starting with a few percent enrichment." A schematic of the modified PUREX process that the Pu-238 spiking scheme requires is shown in Figure 7. Note that Np would be separated out and sent to the fuel fabricator as a precursor of Pu-238 formed during reactor operation as follows: I Pu-238 Np-237 (2 days) Np-2381 (7 days) U-235 --- n-- U-236 U-237 n U-238, n (n, 2n) AIROX (Atomics International Reduction Oxidation) is a relatively new technique that refers to a reprocessing cycle using thermal chemical reactions to cause chemical compound changes. An important aspect from a diversion resistance perspective is that it employs both gaseous and solid materials--no liquids are used. AIROX was initially developed for LWR's in the early 1960's and has gone through several cycles of demonstration, including fuel fabrication and irradiation. The cyclic AIROX 4 process thermally converts UO 2 to U3 08 with air termperature at 4000 C and reduces the U308 to UO2 with hydrogen in nitrogen at 6000 C. Oxidation produces an " 30% volume increase that stresses the compound sufficiently to cause cladding rupture and a breakup of the UO 2 structure that partially pulverizes the fuel material. 4 This pulverization permits release of en- I 27 trapped volatile fission gases, commutes to oxide fuel and provides gaseous oxygen access to the unreacted fuel. Ultimately, a particle size distribution is generated that is suitable for pelletization and refabrication. A schematic of the process is given in Figure 8. The tin-nitride process, chosen as an example of a pryometallurgical process, calls for dissolving the spent nuclear fuel in liquid tin followed by selective nitriding of the uranium. The fission products would either form nitrides or intermetallics that float, whereas the uranium nitrade precipitates would sink along with the plutonium and other actinide nitrides. The uranium is recovered as a nitride which may be either reduced to its metallic state or be converted to oxide, carbide, or halide for enrichment, as the given in 3. case may dictate. A schematic of the process is Figure 9. Strategy C: Denatured Thorium Cycles in Advanced Converters and Breeders Strategy C is based upon the utilization of thorium fuel. It is composed of an LWR without recycle in the once-through cycle, an advanced convertor reactor (ACR) operating on a denatured thorium cycle, and finally a fast breeder reactor (FBR) utilizing an U/Pu core and thorium blanket. Deployment of thorium cycles, development of commercial scale thorium reprocessing plants and thorium breeders have not been commercially established. The proliferation resistance of thorium reprocessing techniques has also not been demonstrated. In this strategy, FBRs act as a fuel factory in addition to a power source by supplying the fuel requirements of ACRs. The symbiotic system is more efficient in its usage of uranium in the long run than are ACRs alone. FBRs are introduced because as uranium cost increase they become more competitive and cheaper to run than ACRs. FBRs might be introduced at the same time as ACRs or after ACRs have been deployed alone. Figure 10 shows the flow diagram of Strategy C when only ACRs are deployed. flow diagram of the symbiotic system is shown in Figure 11. The 0 28 Figure 7 Modified PUREX Process with Pu-238 Spiking and Np Recycling 6' 7 I I ESS U3 08 50% U-236 TO TAILS 4 MAKE-UP U30s 15% Np TO WASTE I 29 There is a tradeoff between the rate at which the symbiotic system can grow and the ratio of dispersed ACRs to confined U-233 generating breeders. Indeed, increasing replacements of fertile U-238 by fertile Th-232 in FBRs leads to: (1) an increase in the amount of U-233 available for ACRs and therefore an increase in the ACR ratio, and (2) a decrease in the amount of Pu produced and therefore a decrease in the growth rate of FBRs which are the factories of U-233. Except for relatively small growth rates of demand for nuclear energy, and given that a relatively ACR large A ratio is desirable (otherwise the purpose of the symbiotic system which is to confine fresh Pu fuels to a few sites U-235 fueled ACRs or LWRs will be required with is defeated), the symbiotic system. - With regard to THOREX reprocessing methods for both ACR and LMFBR fuel, both conventional THOREX and non-conventional, conceptual CIVEXlike THOREX processes have been examined.* We define two separate THOREX processes for use with the FBR blanket and core spent fuel: T : Separate Processing of Blanket and Core Fuel -- In this concept, the core fuel consisting of denatured U-233 and plutonium produced during fuel irradiation in the reactor would be coprocessed such that U/Pu would not be found in separated streams while the blanket fuel containing thorium and the bred U-233 would pass through a THOREX processing stage to separate out a pure U-233 stream (Figure 12), and T2: not Coprocessipng of Core and Blanket Fuel -- This method would produce a pure U-233 stream, thus increasing diversion resistance but impacting on ACR/FBR fuel fabrication economics. In this concept, thorium would be separated out in the first stage extractor. Coprocessing of the remaining fuel would separate the usable products (U-233, U-238, Pu) from the fission product wastes. The coprocessed mixture would then be sent to a refabrication plant for both ACR and FBR fuels (Figure 13). * The only attempt at co-processing uranium-thorium appears to be work being donducted at the High Temperature Iaterials Laboratory at San Jose State University. The wark is a modification of the tin nitride process. It is in a very early stage and there is insufficient information available at this time to be able to make realistic economic cost estimates. 30 Flowsheet for On-Site Facility Based on the AIROX Process. Figure 8 U PRODUCTS CLADDING 4 GASEOUS FISSION PRODUCTS I U-Pu-FISSION PRODUCTS (POWDER) 4 Flow Diagram of the Tin-Nitride Reprocessing Scheme Figure 9 I [METALLIC-URANIUM EOREA.COR F CLUEL SPENT OXIDE, CARBIOE R NITRIDE FUELS ANO CLADOING STOICHIOPAETRic 'CARBON TO REDUCE OXIDE LT .Uj SPENT FUEL (U+ FP) QvOLA IPT ILE INERT ATMOS__ | R" U(WI + NON-VOLATILE FP G , . .- a (SOLIDS) FP TRAP STAGE-A PREMELT 550*C ITROGEN TiN SOLUTION14 1350*C LOOPTO REMOVEFP FRCM SOLVENT METAL (DISTILLATION 8/OR HIGH PRESSURE NITRIDE PRECIPITATION) 4 UN SOLID FP 8 CLADDING -.- JN (TO REAC1ORIF DESIRED) { (N2 OFF) VACUUM Tim STAGE C INTERMETALLIC OF URANIUM AND OTHER ACTINIOES OXIOIZE SOLUT ICN TO FORM OXIOE DISTILL OFF TIN OR ACO Mg TO REDUCE URANIUM SOLUSILITY U METAL . U (REACT TO FORM UFO OR CARBIDE) 31 The THOREX process chemical flowsheet is given in Figure 14. Note that in the traditional process, U-233 is separated out in a pure stream. Unless this stream is denatured with U-238 and/or other isotopes of uranium, the existence of the pure U-233 stream could constitute as a diversion risk as does the existence of the purified reactor- much grade plutonium stream in the PUREX process. The THOREX process is a solvent extraction process which employs tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) as the extractant, nitric acid catalyzed with fluoride ion as the thoriumdissolution agent with either aluminum nitrate or nitric acid as the salting agent. The U-233 product is isolated by ion exchange. Thorium is less extractable than uranium and is recovered in column 1B by contacting the organic product from the previous column with dilute nitric acid. C. The thorium product is concentrated by evaporation. Review of Previous Studies A review of the literature was undertaken to determine previous study results related to each of the three nuclear power strategies examined in this report. 1. LWR Once-Through (With/Without Extended Burnup) 11 1 7 ' The work of Driscoll, Abbaspour and Fard at MIT was reviewed. Strategy A: In that work, the fuel cycle economics of improved uranium utilization in LWRs were estimated. Conclusions were that: (1) increasing core burn- up was economically advantageous so long as the number of staggered core batches was increased concurrently, (2) the thorium fuel cycle in LWRs was not found to be economically competitive, (3) steel clads could- be useful in very dry cores where its superior properties might be advantageous, and (4) increasing the scarcity related escalation rate of ore price or the absolute cost of ore does not alter the mnajor conclusions. In the work of A. Roberts at EPRI 12,13 demonstration of fuel performance at high burnup was reviewed. for LWR fuel at high burnup: He points out three major problems (1) internal pressure buildup due to release of fission products (relates to LOCA effects), (2) zircaloy waterside corrosion , and (3) zircaloy susceptability to attack by fission products generated by fissioning oxide fuel requiring a support barrier be placed 6 32 6 Figure 10 Flow Diagram of Strategy C With ACRe Only I I I IRRADIATED THORIUM Figure 11 Flow Diagram of the Symbiotic System with Separate STORED W.G. PLUTONIUM 4 Processing of Blanket and Core Spent Fuel (T )* I 33 between the UO 2 and the zircaloy inner surface (either copper plated on the inner diameter surface or zirconium co-extruded with the zircaloy). To modify current fuel designs to minimize these three effects, a long and expensive demonstration program is likely. Other work reviewed included Golay, Saragossi and Sefcik's work at MITl8,19 and work done by the DOE on estimating the charge for spent fuel storage and disposal services. 20 Discussion of the conclusions that can be drawn on the basis of this work is found in Section IV of this report. Also, current DOE policy on the extended burnup alternative was reviewed.21,22 2. Strategy B: LWR and/or LMFBR on U/Pu Recycle With/Without CIVEX Reprocessing Methods For this strategy, a review of the literature concerning civilian extraction (CIVEX) processes was conducted.* The work by Pobereskin et al. on coprocessing was used to establish cost estimates on this process, 9 the work by Levenson and Zebroski for the LMFBR EPRI-CIVEX process,10 and the work by Asquith et al. to establish AIROX estimates. Information on the denaturing of plutonium concept was derived from work done at AGNS7 and by de Volpi at Argonne National Laboratory. 6 Other work that has been done in this area and was used as background material included the paper representing DOE positions by Saul Stranch on alternatives to plutonium separation, 25 Eschbach on fuel cycles with reduced proliferation characteristics 26 and the work by the Atomic Industrial Forum on technical deterrents to proliferation.5 Experi- mental work on proving the validity of CIVEX-like processes is being carried out in Italy by Moccia et. al.28 Work on the relative economics of fuel cycle strategies is being done by Manne and Richels of Stanford and EPRI. 2 9 * The term "CIVEX" was coined by EPRI during 1978 studies. 1 0 4 34 0 Figure12 THOrEX Process T Separate Processing of Blanket and Figure 13 THOREX Process T2 : Coprocessing of Core and Blanket Fuel Core Fuel STORAGE OF SPENT FUEL CORE AND BLANKET FIRST STAGE EXTRACTION U-233, U-238, Pu, FP THORIUM COPROCESSING I U-233, U-238, Pu Figure 1.4 I Chemical Flowsheet for THOREX Pvocess 23 3U PRODUCT FIRSOUT PRODUCTS 35 3. Strategy C: Denatured Thorium Alternative A number of studies were reviewed concerning the denatured thori'um fuel cycle alternative, including Kasten et al. at ORNL, Matzie et al. at CE, DeBrogli et al. at GA and a group of Princeton researchers. The work of Kasten et al. at ORNL was an assessment of the thorium fuel cycle in power reactors.30 That report concluded that relative to thermal reactors, better U308 utilization is possible using thorium fuel cycles than can be achieved with uranium cycles. However, thorium use does not change the need for FBRs so long as significant increases in nuclear power generation are needed for long times. They also concluded that the thorium cycle is not economic in LWRs even at uranium prices over $100/lb. Of the thermal reactors, HTGRs and HWRs have the best fuel utilization performance while HTGRs offer the best opportunity for HWR(Th)s have about the same fuel economic use of the thorium cycle. utilization as HTGRs, but at a higher power cost. In FBRs, thorium or thorium/uranium cycles provide a more negative void coefficient of reactivity than does the uranium cycle; also, thorium in FBRs can provide U-233 for both thermal and fast reactors increasing the ratio of thermalto-fast reactors that can be maintained in an FBR economy. The works by Matzie et al. at Combustion Engineering were reviewed. 3 4 ' 3 7 That work covered an assessment of thorium fuel cycles in PWRs and the practical considerations for the development of the thorium fuel cycle. is The report concludes that use of thorium in PWRs not currently economic although, because 20% more energy can be gene- rated per kilogram of plutonium consumed in the thorium cycle, the thorium-based cycle represents a superior way of utilizing plutonium stockpiles. They also conclude that thorium fueling is feasible in PWRs. They note that in order to achieve a significant increase in generating capacity for a given uranium ore resource, thorium utilization must be widespread thus making necessary the use of highly enriched uranium, a problem from a diversion resistance perspective. Matzie also points out that if the presently operating once-through cycle continues as the only authorized mode of fueling LWRs, then thorium utilization should not be employed because the use of fully-enriched uranium in thorium requires 25% more ore. 3 36 Also, fuel cycle costs are much higher suggesting that utilities would not opt for thorium use in PWRs.* The work of Lignon, Brogli, Rickard and Dahlberg of General Atomic was also examined.4'41 In that work, the authors argue 'hat utilization of breeders and advanced converters operating on U-233/Th fuel cycles can provide additional proliferation resistance over that of the LWR-LNFBR (U/Pu) alternatives.Lignon and Brogli examined the economic feasibility of an international symbiotic system based on the concept of comprehensive energy parks. They find the combination can reduce proliferation risk by the operation of a relatively small number of reactors fueled with potential weapons usable material inside secured areas. Rickard and Dahl- berg report on the same concept, based on the work by Lignon and Brogli, in their Science article. They call for a strategy to "-ase the evolu- tion of nuclear power into our energy economy by providing an array of options against future uncertainties.... a symbiotic combination of breeders and advanced converters, based on both the uranium and thorium cycles (is proposed based) on the issues of weapons proliferation, uranium resource conservation, and economics." While the fuel in the core of the breeder would be plutonium in GA's scenario, to sustain its operathe fuel produced for use in thermal spectrum ACR's would be U-233 tion bred from thorium in the blanket of the breeder. The breeder fuel fac- tories, because of proliferation concerns, could be situated in secured facilities. Advanced converter reactors fueled with U-233 and Th would be sited outside of secured areas and near load centers. The authors suggest that because of the intense radiation associated with the U-233, and because of the U-232 produced as a by-product, both fresh fuel for and spent fuel from the ACRs would be self-protected because of the added difficulty in extracting and enriching the material to weapons usable .levels. The related strategy put forth by Feiveson, Von.Hippel and Williams involves the deployment of already developed types of advanced converters * This conclusion provided a basis for this study's exclusion of thorium use in LWRs as a viable altern&tive. 37 (HTGRs and/or CANDUs) which they suggest can be operated effectively on proliferation resistant once-through fuel cycles. Unlike General Atomic, their strategy does not include breeder reactors or reprocessing on the basis of arguments related to extended resource utilization in the ACRs on denatured thorium cycles and reduced demand for nuclear power. 4 I 39 IV. A. ALTERNATIVE FUEL CYCLE STRATEGY ECONOMICS Busbar Electrical Generating Cost Model The releative economics of the three fuel cycle strategies have been compared on the basis of a simple busbar electrical generating cost model. Since the primary differences in the economics of these fuel cycles are due to projected differences in both capital costs and fuel cycle costs, it was thought appropriate to base the economic comparison on the use of a model that could estimate costs to utilities. Projection of differences in costs to society over the long term were also estimated but found to be less conclusive than the results of the simple model described here. To estimate the busbar electricity cost, the following simplified model was used: (1) e + e. = e cap ic + ef + e f OM mills kWh et = total busbar cost in mills/kWh ecap eOM e = = the capital cost contribution to the busbar cost = operating and maintenance cost the levelized fuel cycle cost the initial core contribution to the busbar cost e. iC where, the fuel cost is given by the relation: (2)()e f = 1000 . E i=l M.C.F. iC F t /2 with F. = - t. T (1-T) (1 + r) (1 -T) r = (1 with M C. r= T f fs r r t t E = = = = = = = = = - T)fbr bb + f r s s transaction quantity involved in the ith step of the fuel cycle (e.g., kg SWU or HM) unit price of the ith step in 1975 dollars (e.g., $/lb.) the effective discount rate tax fraction equity fraction debt fraction rate of return to stock holders rate of return to bond holders time at which payment or credit for step i will occur (t. = 0 ++ start of irradiation of a batch) irradiation time of steady state fuel batch energy produced by a batch. S 40 This simple model assumes that: (1) fuel expenses are treated as a depreciable investment, (2) rate of returns do not include an allowance for inflation and therefore reflect deflated costs in constant 1975 dollars, (3) revenue and depreciation charges for each fuel cycle batch occur at the middle of the irradiation interval, and (4) only equilibrium batches are considered. For the capital cost factor in equation (2), the following expression was used: (3) 1000 ec cap K 8760 x L 1 (lT) U~ with: (A/P,x,N) - 4 where: L = capacity factor K = unit capital cost in 1975 $/kWe including interest during construction = annual fixed charge rate (A/P,x,N) = capital recovery factor N = lifetime of plant used for depreciation purposes Assumptions imposed include no salvage value is computed or factored in for retired facilities and straight line depreciation is used in I accounting. The initial core cost contribution to the busbar cost (eic) is treated in the same way as the plant capital cost: (4) e. = $ cost of initial core [cs Le where: K = 1000 4 KL 8760 plant capacity (kWe), and L = capacity factor. The contribution of the initial core to the total cost is significant in the case of advanced converter reactors because of the large fuel inventory needed to reach a high conversion ratio for these designs. I 41 B. Key Assumptions/Cost Data The following data in 1975 constant dollar terms was employed in assessing the relative economics of the three systems: 1. Financing Data T = tax fraction = 0.5 = equity/debt fractions = 0.5 fs =b rb = rate of return to bond holders = .03 r = rate of return to stockholders = .08 S 2. Capital Cost Data ($/kWe) LWR: 6901-3 HWR: 1.20 x LWR (includes heavy water inventory costs) 3 1 HTGR: 1.15 x LWR18 29 LMFBR: 1.3 to 1.7 x LWR 3. Fuel Cycle Cost Data Thorium: 33 $/kgJU Enrichment: 85 $/SWU 4 7 4. Fabrication/Refabrication ($/kgHM) 95 LWR: U5 - U8 HTGR: HWR: LMFBR: 5. Pu-U 277-315 U5-U8-Th(DE) U4-U8-Th(DE) U5-U8-Th(DE) U3-U8-Th(DE) 114-187 360-710 343-565 733-1335 Th 180-290 U5-U8-Th(DE) 70-114 U3-U8-Th(DE) Th 285-456 50 Pu-U8 Core U Blanket Th Blanket 550-850 95 95 Reprocessing ($/kgHM) PUREX LWR: AIROX Coprocessing Pu-238 Spiking THOREX THOREX for U-Pu-Th HTGR: HWR: THOREX for U-Pu-Th PUREX LMFBR: EPRI CIVEX THOREX (Blanket) 200 50-60 200* 210* 200 440-900 215* 300-450 330-495* 200* * The estimates noted were derived to include the modifications necessary to a reference reprocessing plant. 42 6. Spent Fuel Shipment Cost ($/kgHM) LWR: 13 HTGR: 73 HWR: 10 LMFBR: 69 7. Waste Shipping and Disposal Cost ($/kgHM) LWR: 65 (185 for spent fuel storage and disposal in the once-through operation mode) HTGR: 65 HWR: 65 LMFBR: 140 g All cost estimates above (1-7) are adapted from refs. 30 and 31 unless otherwise noted. Adjustments were made to state all costs in 1975 dollars and to reflect more recent estimates such as DOE estimates of spent fuel storage and disposal cost. 8. Capacity Factors Because of online refueling in HWRs, their capacity factor (CF) is higher than that for LWRs. In this study, the values are as follows: Planned CF Actual CF HWR 0.85 0.75 All Other Reactors 0.75 0.65 The planned capacity factor is used as a reference in choosing the fuel fissile enrichment; the actual capacity factor is used to determine the actual fuel batch irradiation time, assuming irradiation until the reactivity limited burnup is reached, and the contribution of the capital cost and the initial core cost to the busbar cost. In determining the relative costs of reprocessing for the different methods examined, a reference PUREX plant is considered against which required changes can be compared. of four cells: The reference PUREX plant is composed (1) head end, (2) separation cell, (3) product conversion cell, and (4) waste treatment cell. The respective contributions of each cell to the total reprocessing cost are 25%, 25%, 20%, and 30%. Obviously, all cost estimates given above are largely uncertain because, in most cases, there has been little applicable experience in the U.S. in building large scale reprocessors or advanced converter reactors. Even for those 4 43 cases where commercial facilities are operating, the costs are still uncertain, though less so, because of the severeimpact of changing safety and environmental regulations.18 In this study, we make the assumption that uncertainties over capital costs of facilities exhibit similar probability distributions and are strongly correlated; therefore, only the expected values of these distributions need be considered. For example, the most likely value of the LWR capital cost was taken as the reference value and the capital costs of other reactor types were calculated by multiplying the reference value by the ratio of the capital cost of the advanced reactor type with the reference LWR capital cost for which there is more agreement in the literature. In the case of fuel reprocessing and refabrication, two estimates were used (see above data): (1) the high value reflects the fact that the first plants are small in size, first-of-a-kind plants and must be used during the first ten years of the deployment of a strategy, and (2) the low value will be approached as economics-of-sdales are realized and experience is accumulated after about ten years of actual commercial operation. C. Results and Sensitivity of Analysis The busbar electrical generating cost equations are now described for each fuel cycle strategy accompanied by assumptions used in their derivation. 1. Support calculations are found in Appendix A. Strategy A: LWR Once-Through Cycle With/Without Extended Burnup For the case of the LWR once-through cycle operating under present core and fuel management practices, the following relation was derived: (Al) et = 21.00 + 0.096 C t u For the case of the LWR once-through cycle operating under extended burnup (i.e., reoptimized for once-through operation), the following relation was derived: (A2) et = 20.78 + 0.087 Cu where Cu = cost of natural uranium in $/lb U308 and et = total electrical generating cost in mills/kWh. These relations are based on the data pro- vided in part B above, and on current studies at MIT 1 1 '1 7 '1 9 which indi- 44 cate that ore consumption and SWU usage can be reduced by at least 15% and 4% respectively by going to higher burnup (e.g., by using axial and radial blankets. % 50,000 MWd/MT) and Ore and SWU savings assumed for the reoptimized case above are based on the 15% and 4% figures reported in those studies. However, to sustain a higher burnup, the fuel will have 12 13 to be redesigned and potentially modified. Therefore, a 50% penalty in fabrication cost has been assumed in this calculation. The reoptimized design is expected to become commercial about 1990 when tests and licen13 sing activities are expected to be completed. 2. Strategy B: Plutonium Recycle in LWRs and Breeders In the past few years, modifications to the mixed oxide fuel cycle The most have been suggested to improve its proliferation resistance. promising schemes to improve proliferation resistance are evaluated here from the point of view of the busbar cost for both the LWR and LMFBR mixed oxide cycles. The following relations have been derived for the LTWR on self-generated recycle as a function of reprocessing method employed:* (Bl) PUREX Reprocessing: (B2) Coprocessing: et = 20.92 (20.96) + 0.074 Cu same as for PUREX reprocessing (B3) AIROX Reprocessing: et = 22.02 (23.77) + 0.080 Cu (B4) Pu-238 Spiking: et = 21.3 (21.5) + 0.077 Cu For the LMFBR mixed oxide cycle, the following relations have been derived, also as a function of reprocessing method employed: (B5) PUREX Reprocessing: et = 26.24 (33.42) + 0.123 CPu (B6) EPRI CIVEX: et = 26.54 (33.88) + 0.123 CPu where CPu is the fissile plutonium value that makes electric utilities indifferent between consuming plutonium in LWRs and LMFBRs, which follow these relations as a function of LMFBR capital cost (in $/gmPu ): = 0.65 C - 37 - High LMFBR Capital Cost: CPu = 0.65 C - 80 - Low LMFBR Capital Cost: C Pu u u * The value in parenthesis corresponds to the high data value for reprocessing and refabrication. 4 45 Note that et increases with C because the purchase of the initial core occurs before reactor operation starts while credit for discharged excess plutonium occurs later and is discounted. Note also that there is cal- culated to be a penalty of 0.3 to 0.46 mills/kWh for the EPRI-CIVEX case over the PUREX case which appears to be a small penalty. Assumptions used in deriving these relations are given in Appendix A. 3. Strategy C: Denatured Thorium Cycles in Advanced Converters and Breeders The total busbar cost (et) HTGR (denatured thorium, -- i§ estimated for the following cases: U-233 recycle, U-235 makeup) HWR (denatured thorium, U-233 recycle, U-235 makeup) (Cl) HTGR: et = 22.96 (24.0) + 0.054 Cmu (C2) HWR: et = 22.26 (23.1) + 0.056 Cu The busbar electricity cost equations derived above for the different strategies are displayed in Figure 15d as a function of U 3 08 price. Clearly, much more work is needed before the present worth of the total cost of generating a given amount of electricity can be estimated. How- ever, expressing economic results as has been done in this study allows several observations to be made as follows: (1) At current uranium costs of 40 $/lbU 3 0 8 (1975 constant dollars), Strategies Bl (PUREX Reprocessing; LWR (U/Pu))and B2 (Coprocessing, LWR (U/Pu)) are the most attractive alternatives. This is the case given a PUREX reprocessing cost of 200 $/kgHM (1975 $). However, this cost is uncertain and higher figures have been suggested in the literature. When the reprocessing cost is assumed to be 350 $/kgHM (1975 $), the levelized fuel cost of Bl and B2 are increased by 0.44 mills/kWh. Moreover, if it is assumed that savings due to recycling of uranium and plutonium are somewhat lower than considered critical, the levelized cost is increased by (0.06 + 0.005 C ) assuming that u SWU and ore savings are 18% and 30% instead of 21% and 36%. The tradeoff between Strategies Bl/B2 and Al/A2 are shown in Figure 15a. Note that when a high reprocessing cost and low 46 Figure -15 Results of Economic Analysis a) Strategy A vs. B b) Strategy B: *LWR (U/Pu) Reprocessing Methods 351-- at 301 millsAWh 1975 $ 251 C.V(C/lb U3 0 8 ) Cu($/Ib U308) 83(High)=High Refabrication Cost B3(Low)mLow Refabrication Cost c) Strategy C: HTGR vs. HWR d) Comparison of Strategies A, B and C 35 Range of U .HTG. -Range of Uncertainty for ifsufficien FBR System m9/Wh- 40 80 120 Cu($/Ib U3 0 8 ) 160 Cut$/Ib U3 08 ) 47 SWU and ore savings are considered simultaneously,.the reoptimized LWR once-through cycle (A2) becomes more attractive until ore costs begin to approach 80 $/lbU 3 0 8 (1975 $). (2) The economic penalty associated with the Pu-238 spiking scheme For U308 prices above 60 $/lb, this scheme is appears small. more economic than A2, the reoptimized LWR once-through cycle. The breakeven point is very sensitive to assumptions about reprocessing costs and savings attainable by reoptimization (see discussion in (1) above). (3) The cost penalty associated with the AIROX scheme (B3) appears significant and is mostly due to increases in enrichment required vis-a-vis the aqueous PUREX-based processes. The reoptimized once-through LWR (A2) is preferred to the AIROX scheme until very high U 3 08 prices (>180 $/lb) (see Appendix A for further explanation). (4) The range of uncertainty associated with the self-sustaining LMFBR economy is quite large. The median electricity cost value of about 30 mills/kWh is higher than the reoptimized once-through LWR (A2) until a U 3 08 price of about 100 $/lb. The breakeven points occur at 55 and 145 $/lb U3 0 8 respectively for the low and high values of the breeder electricity cost range based on low and high capital cost values respectively. These results are not significantly affected when the EPRI CIVEX reprocessing scheme is used instead of PUREX since capital cost- uncertainties so overwhelmingly outweigh fuel cost uncertainties. (5) For Strategy C, both the HTGR and HWR self-generated recycle The CI/C2 lines in denatured thorium cycles were evaluated. Figure 15c correspond to the high and low values of reprocessing and refabrication costs. In the early period of the deployment of strategy C, the high values would probably be observed; later, costs would decrease as economics-of-scale materialize. At 40 $/lb U 0 l cost cost is 1.2 and 0.1 mills kih kWh higher than B1 and A2.' These penalties are small, amounting to only 5% of the total busbar cost. Also, it is important to note that one moves more 48 slowly rightward along Cl than among Bl or A2 since the U 308 consumption rate is the lowest for Cl. This effect may not be apparent in the early years of system deployment when the growth rate of the system is high because of the large initial inventory. From these observations, it is possible to conclude that the AIROX scheme is unattractive from an economic standpoint (although it does exhibit some advantage from a diversion resistance standpoint - see Section V). Since the penalty associated with Strategy C ACRs is small compared to Strategy B LWR (U/Pu) PUREX/Coprocessing, the decision between the two is highly dependent on their relative diversion resistance and commercial implementability and feasibility. I 49 V. ALTEINATIVE FUEL CYCLE DIVERSION RESISTANCE Diversion Resistance Quantification Methods A. In a recent work completed by MIT for the Department of Energy's NASAP program,50 seven methods for assessing the relative diversion resistance of nuclear fuel cycles were compared. That review revealed a surprising degree of similarity and consistency between both attribute definition and quantification approaches employed, finding that all but two of the methods were based on methods related to standard utility theory.* The methods reviewed included work by Science Applications, Inc. contracted by the DOE-NASAP program,52 the diversion path method developed by Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, al. in the Finnish Technical Centre, 54 53 work by Silvernoinnen 'et post-doctoral work by Papazoglu (with the assistance of four advisors) at MIT,55 and in the doctoral dissertaions completed at Stanford University of G. Selvadurary24 and C. Heising.50 Differences between methods are due more to the level of sophistication each analyst strived for in defining their model than to any inherent inconsistency internal to risk analysis procedures. Applications of the methods to a sample probem involving a comparison of both commercial and non-commercial routes to weapons usable material show close agreement of results for those methods most firmly based on utility theory. The two heuristically conceived methods render conflicting results that are probably not reliable. (A detailed comparison of the seven methods is found in Appendix C of this report.) Based on this survey of available methods and the degree of sophistication required for the assessment performed in this report, the method developed at MIT by Papazoglu et al. was chosen as most appropriate for this use. Employing multiattribute decision theory, the method defines five attributes pertinent to diversion resistance against which each fuel * Utility theory refers to work done by Raiffa, Keeney and others on 5 values, preferences and trade-offs evidenced in decision-making. 1 Originally developed for use in business management, the theory has spread into other areas of decision-making, including the governmentalsocial decision making area. 50 cycle strategy can be evaluated. follows: (1) These attributes were defined as the development time or the time it takes from start to finish to develop a nuclear explosive using diverted nuclear material, (2) the warning period defined as the percentage of the development task left to complete at the time of detection by outside agents, (3) the inherent difficulty of utilizing the technology as a source of nuclear fissile material defined further by a breakdown into three sub-attributes - the radioactivity level of the diverted material in the process, the status of scientific and technical information knownabout the process by the potential prolferator, and the level or criticality problem associated with the process, (4) the weapons material quality defined as the type of nuclear material diverted (i.e., either weapons- or reactor-grade plutonium, or enriched uranium (U-233 or U-235), and lastly, (5) the development cost of the explosive construction attempt. To derive a quantitative indicator of the relative diversion resistance of a given fuel cycle, a value function V(x) was defined so that a dimensionless numerical indicator (varying from -l to 0 where -1 is most resistant and 0 least resistant) could be caltulated. The numeti- cal indicators for each attribute are then multiplied by weighting factor (A ) and summed over the total number of attributes to arrive at a single numerical indicator for each fuel cycle. Basically, the purpose of the value function is to provide a numerical measure of the relative attractiveness of the various proliferation pathways available to the would-be proliferator. independence between attributes (i.e., each attribute is Assuming preferential the proliferator's value placed on independent of the value placed on any other attribute), the value function is from utility theory:5 1 5 V(x -x5 1 i l V.(x) 4 51 Because the third attribute (inherent difficulty) is divided into three sub-attributes, the above expression becomes: V(x x5 1 V 1 (x) + 2 V2 (X 2 3 + A 3 . V3 (x3 ) + 4 V 4 (x ) 3=1 + 5 5 (x5 where the value functions for each of the five attributes were derived by Papazoglu by fitting curves obtained from expert interviews: * in years): development time (x V (x 1 ) = e 1 - 1, S = .49 non-crisis, .83 crisis warning period in (%): V 2 (X2) = eYx 2 1, y = 6.93 - radioactivity level (in R/hr at 1 m from source): V3 1 0 V 31 (x31) 0 1 -. 02 4 2 -. 84 -. 16 6 5 -. 96 -1 status of information (x3 2 referring to levels denoted as A, B, C....I): 32 V32 A 32) 0 D -.01 B -.05 E -.16 G -.37 criticality problems (x3 3 either "High", V3 3 ("Low") * = 0, V3 3 ("Med") C -.67 "Medium", H F I -.84 -.95 -.99 or "Low"): =-0.5, V 3 3 "High") = -l itself "Crisis" refers to a decision environment where the NWS finds strife, external or of internal pressed into making the decision because environment. while "non-crisis" refers to a business-as-usual 52 weapons material quality (x4 refers to type of material): V4 (r.g.Pu) = -1, V4 (w.g.Pu) = -.5 V4 (H.E. U-233) = -.25 and V 4 (H.E. U-235) = 0 and finally, for monetary development cost (106 1975 $): = - V (x ax 5S; a = 2.6 x 10 -4 , a = 10- 5, S = 1.27 non-crisis S = 1.9 crisis Weighting functions (A ) derived from interviews with selected experts utilizing a standard Delphi technique were assessed for two hypothesized divertor decision environments - non-crisis and crisis (Table 4). Pareto Weights on Diversion Resistance Attributes Table 4 Weighting Function Attribute Non-Crisis Environment Crisis Environment Development Time A1 .13 .31 Warning Period A2 .15 .07 Status of Information A3 1 .38 .37 Radiation Level A3 2 .16 .16 Criticality Problems A3 3 .04 .04 Weapons Material Quality A4 .03 .01 Development Cost X5 .11 .04 This was done because it was assumed that a proliferator's choice of pathway would be influenced by the environment in which the decision takes place. In a crisis situation development cost, for example, is assumed to become less important to the hypothetical decision-maker while development time is assumed to take a more important stature. In the business-as-usual or non-crisis environment, the weights assume a different set of values. By allowing for possible large differences in the decision- making environment, Papazoglu et al.'s approach can account for a larger number of possible diversion scenarios. 4 53 Combining the weights with the value functions, dimensionless numerical indicators can be calculated that vary between -l and 0 where -l is most resistant, 0 least resistant for each examined fuel cycle. These final numerical indicators serve as relative indicators of diversion resistance B. rather than absolute values. Application of Diversion Resistance Quantification Method to Fuel Cycle Strategies In this section, the relative diversion resistance of the three fuel cycle strategies is evaluated. For each strategy, pathways by which nuclear material can be illicitly diverted from the fuel cycle are defined. Each pathway is specified by the: (1) points of diversion, (2) means of diversion, and (3) modes of diversion. The second step is the evaluation of the five proliferation attributes for each pathway. The value of each attribute is an indicator of the relative proliferation resistance of each pathway. These attributes are: 1. Development cost 2. Warning period 3. Inherent difficulty 4. Weapons material quality, and 5. Development cost The last step is to calculate an aggregate score for each pathway based on the values of its attributes indicating the overall resistance of the pathway compared with the other pathways to proliferation. 1. Strategy A: LWR Once-Through Cycle* There exist two points at which a potential divertor might divert nuclear material in the case of the LWR once-through cycle: * (1) cooled spent fuel from storage tank, and (2) fresh fuel being transported to the reactor. In this study, the difference in diversion resistance between the LWR once-through cycle operating with or without extended burnup is considered negligible; no major difference exists from a diversion standpoint between the two cases. 54 In each case, depending on the political incentives of the proliferator, covert or overt routes may be chosen to acquire material for weapons. In order to gain greater accuracy, the weapon development time is divided into two parts: (1) preparation which includes R&D, some construction and design, and (2) diversion, which includes activities from diversion of sensitive materials to fabrication of the nuclear weapon(s). If the pro- liferator chooses to use spent fuel, an indigenous reprocessing facility, presumably based on the PUREX process will need be built and fuel is used, an enrichment facility gaseous diffusion methods if fresh assumed based on the centrifuge or will need be indigenously built (in this scenario it is assumed that the NWS operates reactors only and does not operate reprocessing or enrichment commercial facilities). Including these considerations, the following nine pathways can be defined as a function of indigenous technology used to process the diverted material, mode of weapons development/preparation, mode of material diversion and material diverted from the fuel cycle:* 1 Indigenous PUREX Reprocessor (Al) 1. Covert Preparation - Covert Diversion - Spent Fuel (A2) 2. Covert Preparation - Overt Diversion - Spent FUel (A3) 3. Overt Preparation - Overt Diversion - Spent Fuel Indigenous Gaseous Diffusion Enrichment Plant 4. Covert Preparation - Covert Diversion - Fresh Fuel 5. Covert Preparation - Overt Diversion - Fresh Fuel 6. Overt Preparation - Overt Diversion - Fresh Fuel Indigenous Centrifuge Enrichment Plant * 7. Covert Preparation - Covert Diversion - Fresh Fuel 8. Covert Preparation - Overt Diversion - Fresh Fuel 9. Overt Preparation - Overt Diversion - Fresh Fuel Note thatovert preparation and covert diversion have not been included because a state that overtly engages in weapons development is not likely to covertly divert from the fuel cycle since a much longer time to acquire the material would be required and the risk of detection would no longer be of concern to the state. 4 55 The least diversion resistant paths which are of greatest interest to evaluate for Strategy A relative to the other stragies are the spent fuel - indigenous reprocessor routes (A1 , A 2 and A 3 above). For the purposes of this study, therefore, the enrichment plant-fresh fuel routes are not included in the evaluation. Each of the five attributes defined in the MIT division resistance method have been evaluated for the three pathways A1 , A 2 and A 3 (Table 5). An overall ranking on a scale of -1 (most resistant) to 0 (least resistant) is computed in the furthest right-hand column. Details of the attribute evaluation for each pathway is given in Appendix B; the evaluation for Path A is presented here as representative of the procedure employed throughout this section of the report. The analysis indicates the relative diversion resistance of the three paths given conditions of crisis and non-crisis under which the non-weapons state must make a choice between options. The overall ranking indicates that the LWR once-through cycle is more resistant (by a factor of 1.2 - 1.7) under crisis conditions than under normal conditions because of the relatively long development time required for each pathway. Relative to each other, Paths A resistant with A , the overt case and A2 appear equally being most resistant (by factor of 1.5) under both non-crisis and crisis conditions. A sample calculation showing the derivation of the values in the table is given in the following pages. * 36 Table 5). Factor of 1.5 = .24 (see ) al (e This is a significant factor in terms of increasing the overall diversion Recall that "0" is least resistant and "-1" is resistance of the system. most resistant so on this scale, a value of -.36 is significantly more This does not, however, resistant than -. 24 by about a factor of 1.5 times. mean the risk is reduced by that factor as a risk evaluation would need take into account other factors such as the probability that a NWS will make a weapon in a~particular year, effects of sanctions, effects of noncommercial routes to weapons material, etc. Strategy A: Table 5 LWR - Once-Through Diversion Resistance. Diversion of Spent Fuel is Accomplished from the Storage Pond and the Weapon Material is attained from the PUREX Plant Independently Built by the Non-Weapons State. Pathway C-C-SF C-O-SF 0-0-SF A A2 A3 Development Time (Yrs.) Status of Warning Period Infor% mation Radiation Level* Criticality DevelopWeapons ment Cogt Material Quality . (10 $) Overall Ranking** 5 E x V n nn Non-Crisis Crisis 2-4 1 E(2,2) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 6-16 -. 23 -. 4 2-4 1-3 E(2,2) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 6-16 -. 24 -. 4 ,2 ) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 6-16 -. 36 -. 44 1.5-3 40-70 E( 2 * in R/hr at 1 m from the source. ** given for crisis/non-crisis environments hypothetically faced by NWS decision-maker(s). M~J as 57 Al: Covert Preparation - Covert Diversion - Spent Fuel (C-C-SF) In this scenario, development and construction of an indigenous PUREX reprocessing plant is assumed to take place in a covert mode; the divertable output of the PUREX plant will be reactor grade plutonium with some 60% Pu-239. The required amount of reactor grade plutonium for a weapon will be assumed 10 kgs. Attribute 1: Development Time. The process of developing a weapon is divided into five steps, namely, research development and design, construction of facilities, diversion of nuclear material, processing of material, and finally, fabrication of the weapon. a. t (RD&D time) the estimate for years, whicA breaks into: t ranges between 1.5 - 3.8 (1) Organization and personal allocation (1 month). (2) Literature search (2-3 months). (3) Equipment acquisition on a laboratory scale (1 month). (4) Experimental work (1-3 years) and (5) Design, which includes design of the reprocessing plant as well as the nuclear weapon(s). Some stages of design can start simultaneously with the R&D. Our estimate is 4-6 months additional time viewed after the end of the experimental work. (construction time) For a small PUREX plant capable of b. t processing enough material for a few weapons per year, construction time of between 4 to 6 months is estimated. (diversion time) The proliferator is assumed to require c. t . Each PWR fuel assembly in the storage Dond 10 kg of Pu for a wea (burnup of 33,000 MWd/14T) so the proliferator has about 5 kgs of Pu will need two fuel assemblies. In this patflway with covert diversion assumed, it is estimated to take the proliferator approximately four years to divert enough material with a reasonable probability of not being detected, equivalent to a rate of half an assembly per year. (processing time) Processing time is the shortest period d. t in the deveopment of a weapon. When the plant is ready, it will take less than a week to process enough spent fuel to acquire 10 kg of Pu. An estimate of reprocessing time of 52 hours based on work done at A processing time Oak Ridge National Laboratory is given in Table 6. assumed. also of one week is e. t5 (weapon fabrication time) Assuming that construction and design of a weapon has been completed prior to diversion of material, from the time that enough plutonium is obtained to final fabrication of the weapon is %l week. The reason for this rather long interval between the two limits of development time is because of uncertainties in success of research and the long diversion time required (Fig. 16). I 58 Table 6 Time Table for Reprocessing Spent Fuel Saw Fuel I Underwater-pressure cut-off saw 8 hr (1 assembly/day) Dissolution Transfer sheared fuel to dissolver Add HNO 3 8 hr Extraction and Shipping Transfer dissolver solution to extractor. Pump organic solution through extractor and stripper. 4 10 hr Ion Exchange Pass strip solution through ion exchange. Wash column - elute columns. 14 hr/cycle (2 columns) Fluoride Precipitation Reduce to Pu-239 ascorbic acid. Add HF. Filter (buncher funnel) dry cake. 4 hr/batch, 4 batches/day 4 Metal Reduction Add iodine and calcium metal. Tamp mixture in crucible in steel. Reduction bomb. 4 Evacuation and Backfill-Argon Raise temperature to 600 0 C. Cool and remove metal. '%8 hr/batch 4 batches/day Total: 4 52 hours 4 a 59 Attribute 2: Warning Period During the development of a nuclear weapon under the conditions mentioned above the only stage in which a high detection probability exists is during the diversion of nuclear material from the fuel cycle. RD&D stages require very limited manpower and a small chemistry laboratory can be a sufficient cover for any secret activity. Also, the construction of a reprocessing plant does not change the detection probability, mainly because of the very small amount of reprocessing that is required. The quality of the applied safeguards on the spent fuel temporary storage pond is the only major factor determining the probability of detection. At the present time, most of the IAEA inspectors are from the same country that the plant or nuclear facility is operating in; thus, there is a finite possibility of convincing the inspector to falsify records. In the case of non-NPT countries, semi-annual or annual accounting summary reports of the nuclear material under each agreement must be submitted to the IAEA and delay times of more than 90 days are pracIn the case of NPT countries, the average time interval ticed. between the time the information is received by the IAEA is around 46 60 days and a data-processing time of 10-30 days has been observed. In the case of an NPT state, more than three months are required, and in the case of a non-NPT state, more than one year is required before any diversion may be detected. An IAEA report indicate2 5 that diversion of two fuel assemblies Taking this into account, a procan be detected in 2-3 months. liferator can either wait until the end of construction and steal the two fuel assemblies required for a nuclear weapon, which means by the time the diversion is detected the weapon is already fabricated (since reprocessing time is 111 week, the same as fabrication), or they may steal a smaller amount of material during the research and construction period with a very low probability of.detection. Our best estimate is that, under these circumstances, the warning period is very small approaching a value in the range of l% of the total weapons development time (i.e., 99% of the development is finished at the time of detection). Attribute 3: Inherent Difficulty a. Status of Information. Status of science and technology are The information ranked E(2,2) which refers to "readily available".* relating to PUREX exists in the open literature and can be acquired by training scientific personnel in advanced countries at universities and/or government laboratories. * Status of Information: This sub-attribute is assessed as a separate ranking of both the level of science and level of technology known about a particular technology. The levels are: l=known, 2=readily available, 3=unknown or classified. The letters refer to one of the nine possible orderings of these levels: A(1,1)=best known, I(3,3)= least known. 60 I Figure 16 Determination of Development Time 4 4 1.5 < t1 RD&D (up to 3.84 yrs) t Construction of PUREX Separator 4-6 month 4 t Diversion 4 yrs ' .- t4 Processing 1 week 5 time = 0 Weapon Fabrication 1 week 4 4 T to tal = 2-4 yrs E I 4 61 b. Radioactivity. Radioactivity of the materials involved in the separation process is considered as the activity measured at 1 m from the material in the most contaminated processing stage. In this case, material is diverted from the spent fuel pool and is assumed stored ten years. At this a e, the radioactivity of typical PWR fuel produces a dose of 33 REM/hr / which is mostly gamma radiation (neutron dose for spent fuel at 10 years is negligible compared with the gamma contribution). c. Criticality. This measure refers to the potential for criticality accidents during the separation of the fissile material. Since access to pure plutonium is not available until the last stage of the process, serious criticality problems are not faced. The aggregate value for criticality is evaluated as "medium". Attribute 4: WeaponsMaterialQuality This attribute indicates the type of material that is used to make the weapon and, in this case, reactor grade plutonium (R.G.Pu) is assumed used with the composition shown in Fig. 17. 48 Isotope Composition of Reactor Grade Plutonium (%) Figure 17 (Fuel Burnup of 30,000 MWD/MT) Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Pu-242 1.5 58 24 11.5 5 Attribute 5: Development Cost Development cost is estimated somewhere between 6-16 million dollars, which breaks into: Manpower cost 2.5 to Chemical cost negligible Construction cost 3.5 to 11 million $/yr Total 6 5 million $/yr to 16 million $/yr 4 62 2. Strategy B: Plutonium Recycle in LWRs and Breeders I Two alternatives are defined within Strategy B that might be adopted by a non-weapons state for which diversion resistance must be sepfrately assessed. These are defined as follows: B*: LWR Reprocessing; Recycle of U/Pu Only With No LMFBR B**: LWR/LMFBR with U/Pu Recycle I Each of these alternatives are now analyzed with respect to their relative diversion resistance. 4 a. B*: LWR Reprocessing; Recyle of U/Pu Only With No LMFBR In this system, the non-weapons state is assumed to have operating an imported commercial reprocessing plant under IAEA full-scope safegu, Is. To acquire weapons usable material in this system, the proli- £ ferator can either divert material from the operating reprocessor or build a separate clandestine reprocessing facility in which diverted LWR long-cooled (> 10 years old) spent fuel could be processed. These two pathways are denoted B * and B2 * For B1 *, the following pathways are defined: B *: Using Imported Commerical Plant for Processing of Material for Nuclear Weapon(s) 6 (a) Overt Preparation - Covert Diversion (b) Overt Preparation - Overt Diversion In this case, preparation of the weapon is assumed to take place overtly since a commercial reprocessing plant is already present in the country from which diversion is defined to occur. Depending on the type of commercial reprocessor assumed imported and operating in the nonweapons state at the time of diversion, the following pathways can be defined (O=Overt, C=Covert; material diverted is from stream in plant containing reactor-grade plutonium): PUREX Commercial Reprocessor B* B* lal 0-C-SF 0-0-SF (SF refers to LWR spent fuel processed in the commercial processor noted) 6 4 63 0-C-SF Coprocessing 0-0-SF Coprocessing 0-C-SF Pu-238 Spike 0-0-SF Pu-238 Spike B* la4 B* lb4 B* 0-C-SF AIROX 0-0-SF AIROX 0-C-SF Tin Nitride B* 0-0-SF Tin Nitride B* la2 B* lb2 B* la3 B* PUREX-Based Commercial Reprocessor lb3 Non-PUREX Based Commercial Reprocessor 1a5 lb 5 Results of the analysis for each of the ten subpathways in system B * are given in Table 7. The procedure followed to acquire each of the table entries was the same as that described for Strategy A and is documented in Appendix B. For B2*, the following pathways are defined: Processing of Diverted B2*: Building Small Indigenous PUREX Plant for LWR Long-Cooled Spent Fueld (a) Covert Preparation - Covert Diversion (b) Covert Preparation - Overt Diversion In this case, preparation of the weapon is assumed to take place -covertly since, by definition, the building of the small indigenous PUREX plant is a clandestine operation. In the case that the proliferator is operating a PUREX or PUREX-based CIVEX type plant, it is assumed that the weapon development time will be decreased since the clandestine reprocessor will require less RD&D time. Also, it is assumed the cost of research and development for the clandestine plant is reduced over the case where no commercial reprocessor is present (Case A, Table 5). The following ten pathways are defined for System.-B * again dependent on the type of commercial reprocessor assumed operating in the non-weapons state: Table 7 Strategy B: LWR wI Reprocessing Diversion Resistance. Commercial Imported Reprocessing Plant Used to Divert Material. lal PUREX 0-0-SF B* lbl Copro- 0-C-SF cessing 0-0-SF Ba2 lb2 Dev. Time (Yr) W.P. 5 1 A(l,1) 10~ -10-6 Med. .5 <1 A(1,1) 10~ -10-6 B(1,2) B(l,2) 5 1 (%) 1-3 50 Inherent Difficulty_ Status of Information Rad. Criti. ExV Cost NonCrisis Crisis R.G.Pu 2 -0.18 -0.34 Med. R.G.Pu 2 -0.09 -0.14 .66 Low R.G.Pu 3.5-6 -0.18 -0.36 .66 Low R.G.Pu 3.5-6 -0.11 -0.22 W. Q. oIs Pu-238 0-C-SF Spiking 0-0-SF Ba3 lb3 A-C-SF Ba4 AIROX 0-0-SF Bb4 0-C-SF Tin Nitride 00S 0-0-F * S0' la5 lb5 100 100 I(3,3) 10~4-10-6 Med. R.G.Pu 1000 -1.00 -0.98 100 100 1(3,3) 10-5-10-6 Med. R.G.Pu 1000 -1.00 -0.98 5 1-3 E(2,2) 6.6 Low R.G.Pu 5.5-8 -0.23 -0.37 E(2,2) 6.6 Low R.G.Pu 5.5-8 -0.18 -0.29 E(2,2) .66 Low R.G.Pu 5.5-8 -0.23 -0.37 E(2,2) .66 Low R.G.Pu 5.5-8 -0.18 -0.29 1.5 5 1.5 90 1-3 90 SF refers to fact that R.G.Pu comes from the LWR spent fuel processed in the commercial reprocessor noted on the left. a 0 65 Type of Commercial Plant Located in Country at Time of Clandestine Reprocessing of Diverted Spent Fuel 2al PUREX B*2b 2 2a2 B* B2b2 PUREX Based B* 2b3 B* B* 2a4 2b4 C-C-SF PUREX C-0-SF PUREX C-C-SF Coprocessing C-O-SF Coprocessing C-C-SF Pu-238 Spike C-O-SF Pu-238 Spike C-C-SF AIROX C-O-SF AIROX C-C-SF Tin Nitride C-O-SF Tin Nitride NonPUREX 2a5 B* 2b 5 (SF signifies that it is LWR spent fuel being diverted from the fuel cycle for use in a clandestine reprocessor.) Results of the analysis for these ten pathways are given in Table 8 with details provided in Appendix B. Table 8 Strategy B LWR with Reprocessing, No LMFBR. Weapon Development is through Development of a Small National PUREX Plant for Reprocessing of Diverted Long-Cooled Spent Fuel, C-C-SF PUREX C-0-SF Copro- C-C-SF cessing C-0-SF B* 2al B* 2bl B*b2 2b2 B* 2b 2 Dev. Time (Yrs) W.P. (%) 5 1 A(1,1) 1-1.5 1-3 5. 1-1.5 Inherent Difficulty Status of ExV NonCrisis Crisis Criti. W. Q. Cost 33 Med. R.G.Pu 3.5-12 -. 19 -. 35 A(1 , 1) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 3.5-12 -. 14 -. 26 1 B(1,2) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 4-12 -. 12 -. 37 1-3 B(1,2) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 4-12 -.16 -. 27 Information Rad. 0' 0' Pu-238 C-C-SF Spiking C B* 2a3 2b3 5 1 E(2,2) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 6-16 -.26 -. 41 1.5 1-3 E(2,2) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 6-16 -.21 -. 33 5 1 E(2,2) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 6-16 -.26 -. 41 1.5 1-3 E(2,2) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 6-16 -.21 -. 33 5 1 E(2,2) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 6-16 -. 26 -. 41 1.5 1-3 E(2,2) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 6-16 -. 21 -. 33 C-0-SF 2a4 AIROX Tin Nitride C-0-SF 2b 4 -C-SF 2a5 ,-0-SF 2b5 a M 67 b. B**: LWR/LMFBR with U/Pu Recycle In this system, the non-weapons state is assumed to have operating both LWRs and LMFBRs on U/Pu recycle with commercial reprocessor(s) and MOX fabricators also operating in the country. It is further assumed that all nuclear facilities are imported although the inevitable effect of having these facilities on the enhancement of technological, scientific and experimental knowledge of the potential proliferator is also considered. It is again assumed, as it was for System B*, that the proliferator can decide to divert material from the existing commercial breeder fuel reprocessor(s) (B1 **) or develop his own clandestine reprocessor (B2 **). In the case of B1 **, the proliferator is assumed to-divert, material from the breeder fuel reprocessor, assumed either an EPRI-CIVEX or PUREX reprocessor. Two modes of operation are also hypothesized: (a) Overt Preparation - Covert Diversion (b) Overt Preparation - Overt Diversion Again, overt preparation refers to the proliferator using an existing commercial reprocessing plant to acquire weapons-usable material. this case, Commercial PUREX Plant in NWS Commercial EPRI-CIVEX Plant in NWS four pathways are defined: * lal 0-C-SF(LMFBR) IB** 0--SF(LMFBR) B*a 0-C-SF(LMFBR) B**2 0-0- SF (LMFBR) ja2 The results of the analysis for these four possible pathways is in In Table 9 with details presented in Appendix B. given Table 9 Strategy B; LWR-LMFBR, Recycle U/Pu. Imported Commercial Reprocessing Plant is Either PUREX or EPRI CIVEX; Diversion Takes Place in the Operating Reprocessing Plant. DevelopInherent Difficulty ment Warning Criti- Weapon Time Period Status of Radiation cality Material (Yrs) (%) Information Level Level Quality Pathway 0-C-SF PUREX 0-0-SF L B** lal B** 5 I A(ll) 104-10 -6 Med. R.G.Pu 2 -. 18 -. 34 .5 1 A(1,1) 10~ -10-6 Med. R.G.Pu 2 -. 09 -. 14 5 1 A(1,1) 165 Med. R.G.Pu 4-12 -.22 -. 38 40-70 A(1,1) 165 Med. R.G.Pu 4-12 -.29 -. 36 lbl EPRI- 0-C-SF -a2 B** CIVEX I0-0-SF B** lb2 EXV Cogt NonCrisis $) Crisis (10 1-1.5 SF here refers to LMFBR spent fuel processed in the reprocessor noted at left; reactor grade plutonium is the material diverted (either in pure or coprocessed form) from commercial reprocessor. Oo 69 For case B**, it is assumed that the proliferator develops his own 2 indigenous clandestine reprocessing plant to process diverted nuclear spent fuel for weapons purposes. Again, considering PUREX and EPRI-CIVEX as the possible existing commercial breeder fuel reprocessing plants, for the two modes of operation (a) and (b) defined earlier, four different pathways are defined as a function of the type of commercial reprocessor assumed operating at time of diversion in the NWS (where FLMFBR refers to LMFBR fuel being diverted):* PUREX B** 2al C-C-FLMFBR B** 2bl C-0-FLMFBR B** C-C-FLMFBR B** 2b 2 C-0-FLMFBR 2a2 CIVEX * It is assumed in this analysis that the existence of a commercial reprocessing plant inside a non-weapons state can increase the status of information concerning the know-how for constructing a clandestine reprocessor. This is the reason for the assumed difference between case A, A and A where no commercial reprocessor o3u is assumed operating andis the2 cases examined under Strategy B. Table 10 Strategy B: EPRI-CIVEX. Operating Reprocessing Plants: PUREX or LWR, LMFBR, U/Pu Recycle. Weapon Development Through Construction of a National PUREX Plant. Diversion of Fresh Breeder Fuel (FF) or Blanket Fuel (BF) Pathway C-C-FF PUREX 2all C-O-FF PUREX 2bll C-C-FF CIVEX 2a21 C-0-FF CIVEX 2b21 C-C-BF PUREX B** 2a12 C-O-BF PUREX 2b12 C-C-BF CIVEX 2a22 C-O-BF CIVEX 2b22 Development Warning Time Period Status.of Information Radiation Criticality Weapon Quality Cost Non, Crisis Crisis 1-* 1.5 1 A(1,1) Negl. Med. R.G.Pu 3.5-12 -. 12 -. 24 I 1-3 A(1,1) Negl. Med. R.G.Pu 3.5-12 -. 12 -. 21 1-1.5 i A(1,1) Negl. Med. R.G.Pu 4-12 -. 12 -. 24 1 1-3 A(1,1) Negl. Med. R.G.Pu 4-12 -. 12 -. 21 1-1.5 I A(1,1) Negl. Med. W.G.Pu 3.5-12 -. 12 -. 25 1 1-3 A(1,1) Negl. Med. W.G.Pu 3.5-12 -. 12 -. 22 1-1.5 I A(1,1) Negl. Med. W.G.Pu 4-12 -. 13 -. 26 1 1-3 A(1,1) Negl. Med. W.G.Pu 4-12 -. 12 -. 22 0- K a 71 However, the proliferator at this stage can either divert -fresh fuel from the LMFBR and reprocess it to acquire reactor grade putonium or divert blanket material to acquire weapons grade plutonium. These possibilities for diversion of LMFBR fuel double the number of pathways (FF = fresh fuel LMFBR; BF = blanket fuel LMFBR): B** 2all C-C-FF 2b11 C-0-FF B** 2a12 B** 2b12 C-C-BF B** 2a21 C-C-FF Commercial B** C-0-FF EPRI-CIVEX B** 2a22 B** 2b22 C-C-BF Commercial PUREX Plant in NWS 2b21 Plant in NWS C-0-BF C-0-BF (Last index refers to fuel type: 1=FF; 2=BF) Results of the analysis referring to the above eight pathways for System B * are given in Table 10 (details in Appendix B). 3. Strategy C: Denatured Thorium Cycles in Advanced Converters and Breeders A country which is operating Strategy C facilities has three routes by which to develop a nuclear explosive capability through use of these facilities: C1 : Build a Clandestine PUREX Plant and Divert Spent Fuel from an LWR Spent Fuel Storage Pool C2 : Divert U-233 (or Mixture Containing U-233) from Commercial Imported THOREX Plant C3: Build a Clandestine THOREX Plant to Process ACR Fresh Fuel or FBR Spent Blanket Fuel to Acquire U-233. Table 11 Strategy C: Denatured Thorium Cycle: Diversion from THOREX Plant and/or Spent Fuel Ponds Development Warning Status of Time Period Information LWR Spent Fuel Ponds Radiation Criticality Weapons Material Quality Cost EAV NonCrisis Crisis Ci 5 1 B(1,2) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 4-12 -. 21 -. 37 C-0-SF LWR C12 1 1-3 B(1,2) 33 Med. R.G.Pu 4-12 -. 15 -.25 0-C-U3 C2 al 1 1 B(1,2) 0 Med. H.E.U233 2 -. 10 -. 22 0-0-U3 C2 bl .5 1 B(1,2) 0 Med. H.E.U233 2 -. 08 -. 15 0-C-U3 C2 a2 B(2,2) 0 Med. R.G.Pu 4-12 -. 18 -. 30 55-77 E(2,1) 0 Med. R. G.Pu 4-12 -. 31 -. 35 1 B(1,2) ~0 Med. H. E.U233 3.5-12 -. 19 -. 25 1-3 B(1,2) 0 Med. H.E.U233 3.5-12 -. 12 -. 25 CC-SF LWR T1 T q o u C2b2 T 1.1 C-C-F C3 al 1-1.5 C-0-F C3 bl a I 1-1.5 #a a L -4 73 Depending on mode of operation, the following pathways result: C : Covert Preparation - Covert Diversion Covert Preparation - Overt Diversion C2 : Overt Preparation - Covert Diversion Overt Preparation - Overt Diversion C3 : Covert Preparation - Covert Diversion The type of commercial imported THOREX reprocessing plant assumed operating in the NWS also influences the relative diversion resistance of Strategy C. In Section III, part B.3, two THOREX methods were described (denoted T1 and T2 ). These alternatives add to the number of conceiva- ble pathways for cases C2 and C3 as follows: C2 : This scenario calls for diversion from the commercial THOREX plant. Since two different THOREX methods might conceivably be imported, four pathways are possible (BF(FBR) refer to the FBR blanket fuel containing the U-233 that is processed in the THOREX plant noted): C2al: O-C-BF(FBR): T C2b1: 0-0-BF(FBR): T1 C2a2: O-C-BF(FBR): T2 C2b2: 0-0-BF(FBR): T 2 For C3 , the same argument applies (except only process T C3al: C-C-F(ACR/FBR): C3bl: C-0-F(ACR/FBR): T1 is considered): T1 Thus, for Strategy C, a total of eight possible pathways have been defined. Results of the analysis for these eight pathways is given in Table 11, with details found in Appendix B. 4 74 Table 12 Comparison of Strategies Fuel Cycle Strategy Strategy A: LWR Once-Thru - Covert Reprocessing Facility and Covert Diversion . Covert Reprocess;ng Facility and Overt Diversion - Overt Indigenous Reprocessing Facility and Overt Diversion Status of Information* Warning Period (Level of Science, Development (% of Task to Level of TechTime (Yrs.) be Completed) nology) Radiation Level (R/hr at Im Weapons Development Overall Ranking from Material Cost 5 Source) Criticality Quality (10' S) X V. 2-4 1 E(2.2) 33 Medium 2-4 1-3 E(2.2) 33 Medium 40-70 E(2.21 33 1.5-3 . Medium Reactor Grade Pu Reactor Grade Pu Reactor Grade Pu 6-16 -.23 6-16 -.24 6-16 -.36 Thelevelsare i = known,2 = ready knownabouta particulartechnology rankingofboththe levelof scienceandieveloftechnology as a separate T nsattributeis assessed -Statvs of information = least known. or classifiedThelettersrefer to oneof the ninepossibleorderingsoftheselevels:A(1,1) = bestknown,1(3.3) availableand3 = unkinown Fuel Cycle Strategy Material Diversion Overt Covert Overt Covert B1: LWR (U/Pu) without LMFBR -PUREX Commercial Plant -Coprocessing Com. Plant -Pu-238 Spike Com. Plant -AIROX Commercial Plant -Tin Nitride (Pyrometalgy.) .5 5 1 5 100 100 1.5 5 1.5 5 1 50 100 90 90 1 1-3 100 1-3 1-3 82 LWR + LMFBR (U/Pu) -FUREX Commercia! Plant -EPRI-CIVEX Com Plant .5 5 1-1 5 5 1 40-70 1 Strategy 6: LWR and/or LMFBR on U/Pu Recycle - - Status of Information Warning Period (Level of Science. Development (% of Task to Level of TechTime (Yrs.) be Completed) nology) 1 A(1,1) B (1.2) 1 (3,3) E (2.2) E (2.2) 10-4-10-6 .66 104-10-6 66 .66 Medium Low Medium Low Low RGr.Pu R.Gr Pu RGr.Pu RGr Pu R.Gr Pu 2 3.5-6 1000 5 5-8 5.5-8 -.09 -. 18 ..11 -.19 -1.0 -1.0 -. 11 -.23 -JA -.23 A(1.1) A(1.1) 10-4-10-6 165 Medium Medium R.Gr Pu R.Gr Pu 2 4-12 -.09 -.18 -. 29 -22 Fuel Cycle Strategy Strategy C: Denatured Thorium Advanced Coverters and Fast Breeders (U/Pu/Th) Material Diversion Overt Covert 1 5 Overt Covert 1-3 1 Radiation Level Weapons Development Overall Ranking (R/hr at Im 5 Material Cost from xX V Source) Criticality Quality (10' S) 33 Medium R.Gr.Pu 4 I I I 4 Overt Covert (Independent of overt or covert operation) B(1.2) 4 Overt Covert (Independent of overt or covert operation) Status of Information Warning Period (Level of Science. Development (% of Task to Level of TechTime (Yrs.) be Completed) nology) -Diversion from LWR Spent Fuel Ponds with covert PUREX Plant Built Indigenously with Commercial THOREX Plant inCountry -THOREX Commercial Plant with Separate Processing of FBR Blanket and Ccre (Ti) -THOREX Comr-trc Plant with Coprocessing or uire and Blanket (T ) 2 - Build Clandestine THOREX Plant to Process ACR or FBR Fuel* Radiation Level Weapons Development Overall Ranking (R/hr at1m 5 Material Cost from X X V (10' S) Criticality Quality Sourcel 4 4-12 -.15 -.21 4 .5 1 1.1 1.1 1 1 8 (1.2) 0 55-77 4-6 E (2.2) 0 Medium High Enriched U-233 Medium R.Gr.Pu 2 4-12 -.08 -.10 - 31 -4 4 T1 1-1 5 T1 1 T1 B(1.2) 0 Medium High Enriched U-233 -itiiutes assessed assuming a commercial THOREXP ant operating im Nws at time ot construction of ciar'estine plant of type Ti or T2 materia j; ers'ofl 3.5-12 Tl -.1z -. 9 isassumed to take;ace coverily 4 75 C. Results and Sensitivity of Analysis A comparison of the results found in Tables 5 -11 12.* Table is found in Comparing the computed overall rankings found in the furthest columns to the right for each of the fuel cycle strategies indicates that the LWR-LMFBR (U/Pu) fuel cycle, Strategy B, can be made as diversion resistant as either the LWR on the once-through cycle, Strategy A, or any combination of advanced converters operating on a denatured thorium cycle. It is also the case, however, that the PUREX commercial plant pathways of Strategy B are relatively least resistant. Yet, the most resistant pathway for all strategies is that of the Pu-238 spiking commercial plant with an overall ranking of -1 (the highest diversion resistance ranking possible). Even if a special THOREX plant that coprocesses the core with the blanket of a breeder reactor operating in Strategy C is assumed deployed, the overall ranking is only -.31 for the overt case and -. 18 for the covert diversion case, which is not as resistant as Strategy A, the oncethrough LWR (comparable overall rankings: -. 36 for overt and -.23 for covert). Thus, according to this analysis, the denatured thorium alternative does not improve upon the resistance of the existing LWR fuel cycle, and is not as resistant as the best CIVEX alternative possible for Strategy B. This result is based on the fact that U-233 is easier to isotopically separate out from the natural uranium it is coprocessed with than Pu-239 is from the many isotopes of plutonium it can be combined with. One possibility that requires further examination is the denaturing of U-233 with additional isotopes of uranium, such as U-236. The economics and even the scientific feasibility of a THOREX plant operating under such conditions are not known and have not been studied, while the plutonium denaturing alternative has been more extensively investigated. Even without denaturing the plutonium in Strategy B, other CIVEX-like methods can improve the diversion resistance of the U/Pu cycle to at least that evidenced by the denatured thorium cycle operating with * Table12 shows results for non-crisis environment only. 76 THOREX coprocessing (T2. For example, Table 12 shows that, for both AIROX and tin nitride processes, the resistance improves from -.09 in the overt diversion PUREX case to -. 18 and from -. 18 in PUREX case to -.23. thecovert diversion This is an increase in resistance of between a factor of 1.3 to 2 over the PUREX case.* that these values are relative. Again, it is important to note The analysis shows that the diversion resistance of the fuelcycle can be increased above the level determined for the PUREX process. The different pathways analyzed for the three strategies are ranked from least to most resistant for the cases of crisis and non-crisis decision environments (Tables 13 and 14). crisis environment, The table shows, under a that the PUREX process for LWR fuel is least resis- tant followed by the THOREX process for breeder fuel where blanket and core are separately handled. Some of the most resistant pathways include the AIROX and tin nitride processes for LWR spent fuel processing, the EPRI-CIVEX process for breeder fuel, and the once-through LWR cycle. However, the Pu-238 spike process is rated as most resistant by about a factor of three times. In contrast, the denatured thorium alterna- tive is ranked in the middle of the diversion resistance range with coprocessing of spent LWR fuel showing greater resistance than the I THOREX plant alternative (T2 ). For the non-crisis environment case, the least resistant route was found to be the denatured thorium pathway where U-233 can be diverted in relatively pure form from the blanket fuel processed in a (T1 ) type of THOREX plant. This pathway is followed by the commercial PUREX plant route where R.G.Pu is diverted from the process stream for LWR spent For the non-crisis case, some of the most resistant pathways in- fuel. * It is important to note the overall rankings calculated are relative. This study does not analyze whether or not the PUREX process is already satisfactorily diversion resistant. The analysis does show, however, that the diversion resistance of the fuel cycle can be increased beyond that determined for the PUREX process (See Section VI for further discussion). 4 77 clude the EPRI-CIVEX, AIROX and tin nitride processes followed by the LWR once-through cycle (all three pathways), and the denatured thorium alternative where blanket and core fuel are coprocessed (T2). Again, the most resistant pathway by a large factor is the Pu-238 spike alternative. Implications of this analysis are that, if it is deemed desirable to improve the diversion resistance of the mixed-oxide fuel cycle, plutonium denaturing is a promising alternative, Other implications are that the thorium alternative does not appear to have any significant advantage over the once-through or recycle CIVEX alternatives from a diversion resistance standpoint. Further discussion of the implications of these results is provided in Section VI of this report where the economic results are compared and contrasted with the results reported in this section. 4 78 Table 13 Ranking of Alternatives (Non-Crisis Environment) Least Resistant 4 Overall Ranking Mode of Diversion Fuel Type C 2 bl B*bl -. 08 0-0-BF(FBR) THOREX (T1 ) -. 09 0-0-SF(LWR) PUREX Blbl -. 09 0-0-SF (LMFBR) PUREX (3) C2al -. 10 0-C-BF(FBR) THOREX (T1 ) (4) B*b 2 -.11 0-0-SF(LWR) Coprocessing (5) C 3 bl -. 12 C-0-F(ACR/FBR) Clandestine THOREX and T (6) C1 2 -. 15 C-O-SF(LWR) Clandestine PUREX plant (7) B* -. 18 0-C-SF(LWR) PUREX (1) (2) lb 1 lal B* Fuel Processor Used Ba2 B*lb4 -. 18 0-C-SF(LWR) Coprocessing -. 18 0-0-SF(LWR) AIROX B* -. 18 0-0-SF(LWR) Tin Nitride B** -. 18 0-C-SF(LMFBR) PUREX C2 a -. 18 0-C-BF(FBR) (8) C3al -. 19 C-C-F(ACR/FBR) THOREX (T 2) Clandestine THOREX and T (9) C1 1 -. 21 C-C-SF(LWR) Clandestine PUREX plant (10) B a2 -. 22 0-C-SF(LMFBR) EPRI-CIVEX (11) B* -. 23 0-C-SF(LWR) AIROX la4 Bla5 A1 -. 23 0-C-SF(LWR) Tin Nitride -. 23 C-C-SF(LWR) Clandestine PUREX plant -. 24 C-O-SF(LWR) Clandestine PUREX plant -.29 0-0-SF (LMFBR) EPRI-CIVEX -. 31 0-O-BF(FBR) THOREX (T2 ) -. 36 0-0-SF(LWR) Clandestine PUREX plant -l.00 0-C-SF(LWR) Pu-238 Spike -1.00 0-0-SF (LWR) Pu-238 Spike Bb5 lal 2 (12) (13) A2 Blb 2 (14) C 2b 2 (15) A3 B a (16) B* Bb3 g Most Resistant I 79 Table 14 Ranking of Alternatives (Crisis Environment) Least Resistant (1) Overall Ranking Mode of Diversion Fuel Type -. 14 0-0-SF(LWR) PUREX -. 14 0-0-SF(LMFBR) PUREX C 2 bl B*b2 -. 15 0-0-BF(FBR) THOREX (T -. 22 0-0-SF(LWR) Coprocessing C 2 al -. 22 0-C-BF(FBR) THOREX (T 1 ) C1 -.25 C-0-SF (LWR) Clandestine PUREX plant -.25 C-C-F (ACR/FBR) Clandestine THOREX and T -. 25 C-0-F(ACR/FBR) Clandestine THOREX and T B*b 4 -.29 0-0-SF (LWR) AIROX B* lb5 -.29 0-0-SF (LWR) Tin Nitride C2a2 B* lal -. 30 0-C-BF(FBR) THOREX (T2 ) -. 34 0-C-SF(LWR) PUREX -. 34 0-C-SF(LMFBR) PUREX B* bl lbl (2) (3) (4) 2 C3al C3 bl (5) (6) (7) lal Fuel Processor Used ) (8) C 2b 2 -. 35 0-0-BF(FBR) THOREX (9) Ba2 -. 36 0-C-SF(LWR) Coprocessing -.36 0-0-SF (LMFBR) EPRI-CIVEX -. 37 0-C-SF (LWR) AIROX lb 2 (10) B Ba5 C1 1 -. 37 0-C-SF(LWR) Tin Nitride -. 37 C-C-SF(LWR) Clandestine PUREX plant (11) B*a -. 38 0-C-SF(LMFBR) EPRI-CIVEX (12) A1 -. 4 C-C-SF(LWR) Clandestine PUREX plant A --. 4 C-0-SF(LWR) Clandestine PUREX plant -. 44 0-0-SF(LWR) Clandestine PUREX plant -1.00 0-C-SF(LWR) Pu-238 Spike -1.00 0-0-SF (LWR) Pu-238 Spike (13) (14) 2 A3 B* B* Bb3 Most Resistant I 81 VI. A. CONCLUSIONS Comparison of Economic Costs and Diversion Resistance Between Strategies This study has attempted a quantitative comparison of the relative diversion resistance and electrical generating costs of three advanced nuclear fuel cycle strategies. The nuclear alternatives examined included three strategies for implementation between now and the year 2050: (1) Strategy A -- the LWR once-through cycle operating with or without extended burnup, (2) Strategy B -- the LWR and LMFBR on a closed, mixed-oxide fuel cycle utilizing one or more of a number of available reprocessing technologies (e.g., PUREX, AIROX, coprocessing, etc.), and (3) Strategy C -- the LWR on a once-through cycle combined with an advanced converter reactor (ACR) either on a once-through cycle or joined in symbiosis to a breeder reactor (FBR) on a closed U3/Th cycle. The motivation for comparing diversion resistance with relative economics has developed out of concern over nuclear proliferation risk: o Diversion Risks. These include mostly national but also to some extent subnational diversion risks whereby a previously non-weapons state might illicitly acquire nuclear material from the commercial fuel cycle for crude explosive construction. However, minimizing proliferation risk by maximizing fuel cycle diversion resistance may result in a net increase in consumers electricity costs. Therefore, a critical attribute of these systems affecting the choice by electric utilities and the government is the electricity generation cost, a factor that must be balanced against the risk of diversion: o Electricity Generation Cost. This includes the capital, operating, maintenance and fuel cycle costs of each system which can differ significantly between strategies. Results of the comparison between the relative diversion resistance of the fuel cycle strategies show that the LWR/LMFBR (U/Pu) fuel cycle can be made as diversion resistant as the once-through LWR cycle or any combination of advanced converters operating on denatured thorium. is possible if CIVEX-like reprocessing methods are implemented. This Use of methods such as AIROX or tin nitride pyrometallurgical processes can 82 increase the LWR mixed-oxide cycle diversion resistance to levels approaching that of the LWR once-through cycle. Similarly, use of EPRI-CIVEX like breeder fuel reprocessing methods can accomplish the same objective for LMFBR mixed-oxide fuel. It was further found that denaturing plutonium (in the case examined, through increasing the percentage of Pu-238 to above 5 weight percent) can increase the diversion resistance of the LWR mixed-oxide cycle to beyond the levels exhibited by the once-through LWR cycle given that plutonium isotopes cannot be easily isotopically separated and that once-through fuel cannot be denatured unless reprocessing occurs. For the case of the denatured thorium cycle, it was found that coprocessing of breeder blanket and core fuel would need proceed so that the bred plant. U-233 would not constitute a diversion problem in the processing If such coprocessing was not implemented, a stream of relatively pure U-233 would be produced causing the symbiotic thorium system to appear no more diversion resistant than the PUREX-based LWR-LMFBR combination. However, by coprocessing the core with the blanket fuel, the diversion resistance is (Strategy A). increased to levels achieved by the LWR once-through cycle Even for the case where thorium fuel is not recycled, a case found to be uneconomic relative to the symbotic system, the diversion resistance of Strategy C cannot be increased to that achieved by the denatured plutonium alternative. This result is based on the fact that denatured uranium, a mixture of principally two isotopes (U-233 and U-238 for Strategy C) is not as resistant to isotopic or chemical separation as is denatured plutonium, a combination of several plutonium isotopes (Pu-236, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, Economic conclusions include (1) Pu-241, Pu-242). the following: At uranium costs of 40 $/lb U308 (1975 constant dollars), strategies B1 (PUREX reprocessing; LWR (U/Pu)) and B2 (coprocessing, LWR (U/Pu)) are the most attractive alternatives given expected reprocessing costs and SWU/ore savings. Only when high reprocessing costs (> 350 $/kg HM (1975 $))and low SWU/ore savings (18% and 30% instead of 21% and 36%) are simultaneously assumed does the reoptimized LWR once-through cycle (A2) look as attractive. Moreover, only after ore costs of 80 $/lb U308 are exceeded does A2 become less attractive in the high reprocessing cost case. 83 (2) The economic penalty associated with the Pu-238 spiking scheme appears small. For uranium costs above 60 $/lbU3 0 8 , this scheme is more economic than the reoptimized LWR (A2). (3) The cost penalty associated with the AIROX scheme appears significant and is mostly due to increases in enrichment required vis-a-vis the aqueous PUREX-based processes. The reoptimized once-through LWR (A2) is preferred to AIROX until very high ore prices are reached (>180 $/lb). (4) The range of uncertainty associated with the self-sustained LMFBR economy is quite large. The median electricity cost is higher than the reoptimized once-through LWR until ore prices of >100 $/lbU 3 08 are reached. The breakeven points occur at 55 and 145 $/lbU3 0 8 respectively based on low and high capital cost values respectively. These results are not significantly affected when the EPRI-CIVEX reprocessing scheme is used instead of PUREX since capital cost uncertainties dominate. (5) For the ACRs of strategy C, higher electricity costs are observed than for either Strategy A or B although these penalties amount to only 5% of the total busbar costs. From these observations, it was concluded that the AIROX scheme is attractive from an economic standpoint. un- Also, since the penalty associated with the ACRs of Strategy C is small, the decision between Strategy B and C is highly dependent on their relative diversion resistance and commercial implementability and feasibility. Comparing both the results of the diversion resistance and economic analyses, it is concluded that use of CIVEX-like reprocessing methods can increase the diversion resistance of the LWR-LMFBR mixed-oxide fuel cycle to levels at least as resistant as the once-through LWR fuel cycle while maintaining an economic advantage over both Strategies A and C. If plutonium denaturing is adopted for those reactors operating inside nonweapons states, the LWR(U/Pu) fuel cycle can be made at least as resistant as the LWR once-through cycle. Moreover, this alternative is found to be more economic and conserving of ore resources than the reoptimized oncethrough cycle (A2). B. Regulatory, Institutional and Industrial Acceptance Aspects The choice the U.S. direct its even all faces is one of RD&D strategy: efforts toward implementing Strategy A, these. In this section, should the U.S. B or C some of the regulatory, or perhaps institutional and industrial acceptance aspects of each strategy are discussed. Since 6 84 Strategy B has been found most attractive from both an economic and diversion resistance perspective, the comparison is carried out between The following points are dis- Strategy A vs B and then Strategy C vs B. cussed: (1) stage of development and development differences (e.g., (2) development times), regulatory/safety aspects, and (3) industrial acceptance aspects in the U.S. and elsewhere.* 1. Strategy A vs B With respect to development, Strategy A clearly requires less since the LWR once-through cycle is currently the system "status quo". However, temporary and permanent centrally located fuel storage facilities are yet to be designed, built or operated. It is estimated that these facilities technical difficulty given could be designed and built with very little a government decision to fully implement Strategy A. These facilities With regard to reoptimization could feasibly be operational by the 1990s. of the current LWR core designs for extended burnup purposes, nical difficulty exists. little tech- Most forseeable problems relate to fuel integrity under extended periods of operation, but many designs will solve most of these problems. experts agree that new fuel However, increased failure rates could erase the economic advantage of going to higher burnup because of longer forced outage rates. This is perhaps the largest key uncertainty surrounding the implementability of Strategy A on extended burnup. Strategy B, on the other hand, will require design and construction of not only appropriate fuel processing and re-fabrication facilities but breeder reactors as well. and fast flux facilities MOX fuel designs. Fuel tests on MOX assemblies in both thermal haveproven the integrity and operability of these Uncertainties in Strategy B relate mostly to capital The degree to which governments of supplier nations and international organizations will have to be directly involved in the creation and support of new industrial infrastructures is strategy dependent. The degree to which the U.S. government will have to intervene in utility decisions in order to insure an orderly and efficient deployment of a Coordination between countries with strategy is also strategy dependent. different and sometimes conflicting objectives may be very difficult to Such coordination, however, is necessary if the proliferation establish. advantages, if any, of a particular strategy are to be realized. INFCE is a first attempt at such a coordination. * 4 85 cost projections for commercial breeder reactors and reprocessing facilities. The earliest date at which the first U.S. commercial breeder prototype could be operational is in the early 1990s. Appropriately designed re- processors and fabrication facilities could also be commercially demonstrated by that time. However, relative to Strategy A, uncertainty looms larger around Strategy B in terms of both final economics and technical design. both Strategy A and B may In terms of regulatory/safety aspects, face similar problems. One of the more prominent is the degree to which regulatory difficulties will delay decisions on the final disposal of spent fuel and/or high level waste. This problem could be of more immed- iate concern for Strategy A where larger volumes of waste will need be handled because of the lack of fuel reprocessing. However, waste disposal regulatory problems are not thought to present such a major difference between strategies that the decision between them could be based on such considerations. Possible regulatory problems may arise in the licensing of reactors for use of extended burnup fuel because of arguments related Intervening actions could well to fuel performance and impact on safety. hold up the implementation process for Strategy A on this basis. Argu- ments may be raised against a reoptimized LWR core design because of increased fuel costs (new fabrication designs with copper lined tubing may cost twice as much as conventional fuel). The probability of increased fuel failure rates as a result of higher burnup may place regulatory establishing the relative safety of these personnel at a disadvantage in new core designs. the older, Sentiment may arise on such grounds for maintaining yet more well known, the United States is Industrial acceptance in for either Strategy A or B. In use of extended burnup fuel in penetrating the market. system for the future. French, fact, not a major problem Strategy B does not preclude the the early stages where MOX fuel is For many years, just the LWR-LMFBR was the expected This combination is the accepted choice of the Soviets, Germans and Japanese and is later dates in Brazil). fuel designs. likely to be implemented at other countries pursuing nuclear development (e.g., As for the supporting fuel cycle, several companies in Korea the U.S. and 4 86 already have a strong, vested interest in these technologies and could be expected to be enthusiastic over a government decision to pursue the LWR-LMFBR route (Strategy B). International implementation of Strategy A is already well along; and store the spent fuel at the several major countries operate LWRs reactor site. To minimize diversion resistance, long-cooled spent fuel would need be shipped to a multi-national center located outside a nonweapons state. Arrangements for such transactions would need establish the economic incentives for such an operation from the perspective of the non-weapons state involved. For Strategy B, many alternatives for inter- national implementation exist, some of which require more and others that require less negotiation than for Strategy A. Multinational reprocessing, fabrication and disposal centers have been suggested yet many countries are skeptical of the final economics of such ventures.57 With the adoption of CIVEX processes, reprocessors and fabricators might be sold to NWSs avoiding problems associated with multinational ventures while ensuring that the recipient country feels in control of its own fuel cycle. 2. Strategy C vs B Development of Strategy C in the United States would require a far greater effort than for Strategy B since neither thorium-based converter reactors or breeder reactors have been tested or demonstrated on the scale that has been the case for Strategy B. In particular, the choice of a heavy water converter would require importation under license from a foreign vendor or the creation of a new design by an American vendor. Either alternative is likely to take longer than a commerical demonstration of a U/Pu based LMFBR. THOREX-based processing is also far less developed than are PUREX-based processing methods and again would delay the time at which Strategy C could be fully implemented (2000-2010 vs 1990-2000 for Strategy B). The deployment time affects the relative competitiveness of Strategy C vs A or B, and would have an impact on the economics of the strategy. For example, ACRs alone may not make a significant difference on uranium resources consumed if by the time the ACRs are deployed most high quality ore has already been consumed. Again, use of HTGRs would improve the out- look for the strategy vis-a-vis HWRs but could present a similar problem. 4 87 Designing an LMFBR that would use a thorium blanket would not be a major problem but probably would delay the commercialization date of the first breeder in the U.S. to the end of the century. This would probably not adversely affect Strategy C given ACRs can be implemented as planned. With respect to regulatory/safety aspects, the thorium alternative will require more regulatory activity than will Strategy B as not only will reactors and reprocessors need be licensed but front-end facilities as well; thorium mines and mills will need be deployed. Reviewing the safety aspects of these new thorium reactor types would also require much time and effort; much debate could be expected if this country were to implement a thorium alternative. Although certainly not insurmountable, these regulatory/safety related problems could considerably delay the commercial introduction of such systems decreasing the relative economic and ore usage advantages of this alternative. Industrial acceptance of Strategy C is certain to be a major roadblock in implementing this strategy at least inside the U.S. nuclear industry is heavily committed to a uranium system, uranium-plutonium systems. The American and in the future, Although General Atomic may be favorable to such a strategy, it is a small component of the U.S. atomic industry. The largest American reactor vendors are not expected to be supporters of such a strategy, and it is.probable American utilities back such an initiative. would also not Twenty years of development and planning have perhaps made it unlikely that American industry will willingly accept a government mandate for implementation of a thorium-based strategy.* Proponents argue that Strategy C has less nuclear proliferation risk than Strategy B. Their argument can be summarized as follows: Weapons grade material cannot be separated by chemical processes from fresh fuel. Since chemically separable fissile material, plutonium, is only present in the spent fuel and in * An example of how difficult it can be to introduce a new reactor system into a country whose industry is already committed to a different system is that of the United Kingdom. In that case, LWRs After many studies and much are the "new" system to be introduced. the issue remains utilities, and industry between debate internal unresolved. 88 small amounts (1/5 to 1/7 of the amount in spent fuel from uranium fueled reactors) the denatured ACR's need less international control than more "sensitive" facilities like reprocessing, refabrication and U-Pu fueled FBR's which should be under closer international or multinational control. Since direct international control is restricted to fewer facilities in strategy C compared to strategy B, it is more likely to be accepted and implemented. Even if such direct international control turns out to be unacceptable or infeasible, the number of "sensitive" facilities is substantially smaller in strategy C and therefore may imply less overall proliferation risk. However, increase concerns about security of Th and U-233 supply may incentives to pursue one of the following options: (1) (2) no denaturing of U-233 to increase the conversion ratio and shift to the U-235 fuel cycle with recycle of U and Pu. Schemes Both options will result in an increase in proliferation risk. such as a U-233 and Th stockpile security of supply problem. might be part of the solution to the Clearly the proliferation advantage of this strategy, if any, is conditional on the existence of stable and smoothly operating markets for Th and U-233. To deploy either the thorium-based symbiotic system or the LWR-ACR combination on an international basis, a commitment by several of the That is, major suppliers of nuclear technology would be necessary. nonproliferation advantage of strategy C is tance throughout the world. conditional on its the wide accep- Even if the U.S. choice is to develop and demonstrate only technologies in strategy C, the choice does not guarantee that strategy C will be the one chosen for deployment in the rest of the world (or even in the U.S.) by the year 2000 when commercial demonstration programs would be complete. In order to get the strategy so well deployed as to begin to really impact on proliferation risk, it is likely a commitment to the strategy would be necessary by all major suppliers. lihood of such a commitment taking place is very small. The like- Even given the possibility for such a joint commitment to materialize, many decisions previously taken independently will have to be coordinated. This coordin- I 89 ation will be required at two levels: (1) between natio'ns and (2) between utilities in countries where there is no central planning of capacity expansion decisions. goals: is (1) Coordination is necessary to reach the following to maximize the fraction of the demand for nuclear power that produced by the symbiotic system and (2) to get a value of the ratio of ACRs to FBRs as large as possible compatible with, for example, strategy C. Starting with ACR's and then evolving toward symbiotic systems, the ACR/FBR ratio and the conversion ratio of the ACR's and FBR's will have to be determined by a federal authority in order to maintain optimal fissile stockpiles. Some coordination at the international level would also be needed for the same reasons but also to provide assurance of supply of fuels to consumer countries (in particular, LDC's). Western Europe and Japan proceed firmly with tbe RD&D needed to deploy strategy B (U/Pu LWR-FBR).' If Western Europe &ploys strategy B and exports LWR's and.FBR's but not the fuel processing facilities and guarantees MOX fuel supply (multinational ownership of facilities located in Western Europe might provide some assurance) then the penetration of strategy C will depend on how it competes with strategy B in terms of cost, fuel supply assurance and capital requirements. fail If the industrial countries to agree now on a common strategy (B or C), they are less likely to do so in 2000 when the technologies will be demonstrated and the test of competitiveness will be unavoidable. Competition between strate- gies B and C is likely to result in less cooperative effort to set up the institutional and technical arrangements to control proliferation (international fuel stockpiles, safeguard methods, etc.) since such arrangements are strategy dependent. Agreement now on a strategy will not eliminate competition between several ACR's and/or between several FBR's but such competition is less likely to mitigate cooperative efforts to set up institutional arrangements to control proliferation since an agreement on the nuclear proliferation problem and on its relation to civilian nuclear technolgies will be difficult to obtain. In summary, in making its nuclear RD&D choice, the U.S. must consider the effects of a disagreement between industrialized countries when assessing the nonproliferation advantage of strategy C. 4 90 C. Study Recommendations This study has found that through the application of reprocessing technology based on designs that minimize access to reactor-grade plutonium (CIVEX processes), the LWR-LMFBR mixed-oxide cycle can be made as diversion resistant as the LWR once-through cycle. The need for the intro- duction of a thorium based fuel cycle based on proliferation arguments was found to be unnecessary given CIVEX-like reprocessing methods are adopted for the U/Pu mixed-oxide cycle. Based on these findings, it is recommended that the government continue efforts in the reprocessing area with greater emphasis placed on processes that can maximize fuel cycle diversion resistance. Since these technologies are already scientifically proven, pilot demonstration plants can be designed and built on a reasonable time schedule that would not justify a delay in the breeder reactor program. Clearly, greater emphasis should be placed on breeder reactor development. Continued support should be maintained for advanced converter reactors as a possible back-up system to the LWR-LMFBR combination. How- ever, this support should not interfere with that provided for the breeder program which should be continued on a top priority level. Work to extend uranium fuel utilization though re-optimization of standard LWR core designs should also be continued, but again not at the expense of a full breeder reactor demonstration program. Delays in the breeder program are likely to increase the likelihood of higher uranium costs in the long term while also increasing the likelihood that the United States may find itself dependent on foreign advanced reactor imports if other advanced electricity producing technologies do not materialize as expected of the 21st century. in the early years To guard against these downside risks, prudent in- vestment in advanced reactor and fuel cycle processing technology is recommended in a program that can demonstrate these technologies before the end of this century. 4 4 91 REFERENCES 1. Nuclear Power: Issues and Choices, 1st ed., Ballinger, Ford-Mitre Study, 1977. 2. Greenwood, T. et al., Nuclear Proliferation: Motivations, Capabilities and Strategy for Control, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977. 3. 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Gruemm, H., "The Present Status of IAEA Safeguards on Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities," IAEA Department of Safeguards, January 22, 1979 (reprinted in ALI-ABA Nuclear Export Control Proceedings, Washington, D.C., March PRRs, EN-77-C- EPRI NP-359, Tech. The Role of Thorium 28-29, 1979, pp. 271-326.) 46. Farris, G., Gmelin, W. and Shmeler, V., "The IAEA Safeguard Information System," ANS Winter Meeting, San Francisco, November 1977. 47. Heising, C.D. and Connolly, T.J., Analyzing the Reprocessing Decision: Plutonium Recycle and Nuclear Proliferation, EPRI NP-931, November 1978, pp. 6-14. 48. Selden, R.W., "Reactor Plutonium and Nuclear Explosives," Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1978. 94 49. Private consultation with Prof. G. Selvaduray, Nuclear Metallurgist, San Jose State University, April 9-13, 1979. 50. Heising-Goodman, C.D., "Quantitative Methods for Assessing Nuclear Fuel Cycle Diversion Resistance," M.I.T. Nuclear Engineering Department, August 1979. 51. Keeney, R.L., Operations Research 22(1), 1974. 52. Kendrick, H., et al., A Preliminary Methodology for Evaluating the Proliferation Resistance of Alternative Nuclear Power Systems, SAI Report No. SAI-78-596-WA, June 15, 1977. 53. Maltese, M.D.K., Goodwin, K.E. and Schleter, J.C., Division Path Analysis Handbook, Vol. 1 - Methodology, Vol. 2 - Example, US ERDA, Division of Safeguards and Security, October 1976. 54. Papazoglu, I., et al., A Methodology for the Assessment of the Proliferation Resistance of Nuclear Power Systems, MIT-EL-78-021, September 1978. 55. D'Zmura, A.P., An Approach to Comparative Evaluation of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Proliferation Risk, Novemb-ar 29, 1976. 56. Albert, T.E. and Straker, E.A., "Analysis of the Proliferation Resistance of Alternative Fuel Cycles," RP-620-24, SAI-77-872-LJlF, December 6, 1977. 57. Heising-Goodman, C.D., "International Arrangements for Spent Fuel Reprocessing--the View from Developing Countries," ANS Transactions 32:365, June 1979. a A-1 Appendix A SUPPORT CALCULATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL GENERATING COST COMPARISONS A. Derivation of Relations for Total Electrical Generating Cost (et This section offers greater insight into the application of the economic model presented in section IV by presenting the case of LWR self-generated recycle based on PUREX reprocessing. Defined in section IV was the following simple model: M= transaction quantity involved in the i fuel cycle C = step of the unit price of the ith step F. = discount factor E = energy produced per batch tr = t = time at which payment for step i occurs irradiation time of a steady state fuel batch Numerical values used in the calculations are: Plant Capacity = 1150 MWe tr = 3 yrs (3 batches) }- E = 7.21 x 109 kWh The fuel cost component is calculated as follows: I z M.C.F. e 1000 1 E where: M 3 C t F. lb CU$/lb -2 yrs 1.35 99 103 SWU 85 S/SWU -1 yr 1.25 SFabrication.-UO2 24000 kg HM 95 $/kg -0.5 yrs 1.19 * Reprocessing & Spent Fuel Shipment 30000 kg HM (200+15) * Waste disposal 30000 ig HM 65 $/kg e U 30 8268,10 * Enrichment -Pu02 6000 kg HM 277(315) $/kg $/kg 5 yrs 0.7 6 yrs 0.62 A-2 Thus, ef 2.9 (2.94) + 0.056 C Assuming an operating and maintenance cost of 15 $/kWe (including insurance and property taxes), then 4 eOM + e OM cap 17 .4 2 mils kWh Given an initial core of 820 x 103 lb U30 8 requires e. = 0.6 + 0.018 C . 78 xlO3 SWU. This implies Adding all these factors together renders: et= 20.92 (20.96) + 0.074 Cu For the other reactor - nuclear fuel cycle combinations the procedure is the same. The additional assumptions made in these other cases are as follows: (1) LMFBR (U/Pu) (1000 MWe plant) Initial core 3084 kg Pu 30500 kg HM Core Blanket 48000 kg HM (axial + radial) tr = 2 yrs (core + axial blanket), 5 yrs (radial blanket) (2) HTGR (1000 MWe plant) Initial feed 7440 kg HM (U235-238) 27460 kg HM (Th) 313 ST U 3 08 304 103 SWU Annual refueling 1240 kg HM (U235-238 makeup) 4580 kg HM (self generated recycle with Th) 4 80 ST U 3 08 75 103 SWU 3510 kg Th t7 = 6 yrs 4 A-3 (3) CANDU Initial feed: 110000 kg HM 102000 kg HM (Th) 297 ST U3 0 292 10 Annual Refueling: SWU The procedure used here was to find the value of U-233 for which there is equality between the levelized fuel cycle cost of U-233 consumer reactors (no U-235 makeup) and producer reactors (no self-generated recycle but U-235 makeup at 20% enriched fuel). For consumer reactors, the annual flows are: 800 kg U-233 (charge); 700 kg (discharge) 47200 kg Th 53800 kg HM (includes U-238 for denaturing) For producer reactors: 175 ST U3 08 167 103 SWU 48800 kg Th 53800 kg HM 457 kg U-233 (discharge) Most of these data were taken or adjusted from Ref. 31. B. Assumptions Used in Deriving Relations for Strategy B 1. Bl: LWR PUREX Self-generated recycle leads to ore savings (36%) and SWU savings (21%) compared to the non-reoptimized once through mode. More ore and SWUs could be saved by reoptimization of the recycle mode. However, preliminary calculations indicate that less can be gained from reoptimization of the recycle mode than from reoptimization of the once through mode. The busbar costs calculated here for the recycle cases (PUREX, AIROX, etc.) must be compared to the busbar cost calculated for the non-reoptimized once through mode. We also assume that MOX fuel elements constitute 25% of the fuel reload. Also, studies at MIT 11 '1 7 ' 1 9 indicate that the presence of U-236 in recycled uranium result in a 20% reduction in the value of recycled uranium. A correction for this effect was included in this calculation. 2. B2: LWR Coprocessing The flowsheet of the coprocessing plant is almost identical to the flowsheet of the reference PUREX plant. However, the design of the coprocessing plant would have to be more complex to preclude production of separated plutonium without significant process modifications. This is not expected to add significantly to the reprocessing cost. I A-4 3. B3: LWR AIROX Only fission products volatile at 400 0 C are separated in the AIROX process. Rare earths are not removed from the recycled material. To compensate for the poisoning effect of the remaining fission products, the recycled material is blended with enriched uranium (10.75 w/o U-235; 4 kg of recycle material are blended with 1 kg of enriched uranium) to obtain a fuel containing 3.45 w/o in fissile isotopes instead of the 3.0 w/o required when the recycled fuel is completely decontaminated. Ore and SWU savings associated with the AIROX scheme were estimated and are displayed in the following table: ore saving A SWU saving I Compared to non-reoptimized once through cycle (Al) Compared to reoptimized once through mode (A2) 23% - 8% 10% -12% 4 There is a SWU penalty associated with the AIROX scheme because of the highly enriched uranium needed for blending. For estimates of reprocessing cost it is assumed that: o the head-end treatment is minimal (fuel disassembly and punching) o the separation process is simple compared to PUREX o no need for product conversion o no liquid or solid high level waste are produced. AIROX to PUREX Cost Ratio Fraction of Total PUREX Reprocessing Cost Head-End 0.50 0.25 Separation 0.55 0.25 Conversion 0 0.20 Waste Treatment 0 0.30 4 4 Given the assessment of the AIROX to PUREX cost ratio for each part of the plant, it is estimated that the AIROX reprocessing cost is about 25% to 30% of that for PUREX. I Because of the high gamma and beta activity of the recycled fuel, remote refabrication is required. Because of this factor, the same refabrication cost as for U-233/Th fuels is assumed: 360 - 710 $/kg HM. 4 A-5 4. B4: LWR with Pu-238 Spiking 5 ' 7 This concept involves the addition of U-236 and/or Np-237 to the uranium fuel loaded in the reactor in such amounts that the Pu in the spent fuel will contain a high percentage of Pu-238 (5 to 10%). Because of the high heat generation of Pu-238, the fabrication, assembly, and storage of a nuclear explosive is seriously complicated. We review now the impact of this scheme on the fuel processing costs and on ore and SWU requirements. Assuming that 5% Pu-238 in Pu is enough to complicate severely the fabrication of a nuclear explosive (this is still uncertain and depends upon the level of sophistication of the diverter), then the quantities of Np-237 and U-236 to be included in the uranium fuel are respectively 0.075 w/o (percent of heavy metal) and 0.31 w/o. To compensate for the poisoning effect of U-236 and Np-237 the uranium fuel enrichment must be increased from 3 w/o to about 3.2 w/o. Because of this, ore and SWU savings due to plutonium and uranium recycle are reduced from 36% (ore) and 21.5 (SWU) in the reference PUREX scheme to 33.8% (ore) and 13.3 (SWU) in the Pu-238 spiking scheme. For uranium fuel fabrication, existing plants may require backfitting depending upon the effectiveness of existing ventilation and filtration systems because the maximum permissible concentration in air and water of soluble Np-237 ore lower than those for uranium. Although new facilities could be designed to satisfy the imposed MPC levels with modest additional cost, backfitting existing plants can be an expensive exercise. We assume a fabrication cost penalty of 5 to 10%. For MOX fuel fabrication, the thickness of concrete shielding must be increased to protect against the higher neutron, gamma and alpha activity due to Pu-238. Some parts of the plant normally expected to include "hands on" operation or lightly shielded gloveboxes have to be redesigned for remote operation. A 10% fabrication cost penalty is assumed here. In reprocessing, to recover Np-237 from the spent fuel, an additional stage would be needed in the separation cell of the reference PUREX plant. If a 20% penalty is assumed for the cost associated with the separation cell, the total reprocessing cost is increased by only 5%. 5. B5: FBR PUREX An advanced oxide LMFBR with a compound doubling time of 12.5 years, a fissile plutonium core inventory of 3084 kg Puf/GWe and annual reload of 1286 kg Puf/GWe-yr was considered as reference here. One must, however, keep in mind that such performance is still to be demonstrated. If the compound doubling time is such that the growth of electricity demand can be satisfied completely by the growing breeder economy, flows of plutonium occur only within the breeder system and therefore do not have to be accounted for in calculating the busbar cost of the breeder system. The busbar electricity costs (in mills/kWh) under different conditions are shown in the next table: 4 A-6 High Breeder Capital Cost Low Breeder Capital Cost High Fabrication and Reprocessing Costs 33.42 27.57 Low Fabrication and Reprocessing Costs 32.28 26.24 6. B6: LMFBR EPRI CIVEX 5 In this scheme, uranium and plutonium are coprocessed and contaminated with fission products. The EPRI CIVEX plant will differ from the reference PUREX plant in several respects: (1) the design is more complex to preclude production of separated pure plutonium without major process modifications, (2) new safeguard instrumentation needs to be developed because of the low decontamination of the product, (3) unless the spent fuel is reprocessed and returned to a reactor core within 300 days after discharge, separation of Cesium-137 from the high level wastes for addition to the Pu-U product is required to provide long term radioactive contamination; this is going to add a new step to the separation cell of the reprocessing plant, (4) there is no purification of the Pu-U product and (5) more shielding is required in the conversion cell because of the low decontamination of the product. Considering these points, a 10% reprocessing cost penalty is estimated for EPRI CIVEX. In refabrication, the thickness of concrete shielding must be increased to stop the energetic gammas from the fission products. It is estimated that the core refabrication cost penalty associated with this scheme is -20%. Additionally, it is assumed that the presence of fission products has negligible effects on core reactivity in fast reactors, as has been.shown by Eich et al. at EPRI for the EPRI-CIVEX process. 7. Cl/C2: HTGR and HWR on Denatured Thorium Cycle The denatured U-233 spent fuel contains Pa-233, the precursor of U-233. Since Pa-233 has a short halflife (27 days), after a 200-day cooling period, most of it has decayed to U-233 and there is no need to separate Pa-233 from the fission product stream. Irradiated thorium contains Th-228 which has energetic beta and gamma emitters in its decay chain. For this reason, if thorium is recycled for refabrication, remote fabrication will be needed except if the irradiated I A-7 thorium is stored for about 18 years to reduce the activity level to the level of natural thorium. When irradiated thorium is mixed with very radioactive U-233 (denatured), remote fabrication is required. When it is mixed with fresh make-up U-235, the penalty associated with remote fabrication is due to the thorium; in this case, it is more economic to use fresh thorium and dispose of the irradiated thorium. In this study, it is assumed that the irradiated thorium is discarded. This results in an increase in waste disposal charges but also in a simplification of the reprocessing plant since thorium is not separated from the fission products. It is further assumed that the increase in waste disposal cost affects the reduction in reprocessing cost. Since both costs are given in dollars per kg HM, it is unnecessary to estimate the change in waste disposal and.reprocessing cost. Uncorrected cost estimates given in the literature for reprocessing can therefore be used. Since plutonium is generated in significant amounts in denatured U-233 a U-Pu fuels, the traditional THOREX flowsheet must be modified to add partitioning step. A plutonium purification step has also to be added to the separation cell of the plant and a plutonium conversion step has to be added to the conversion cell. These changes are estimated to result in a reprocessing cost penalty of about 15% compared to the reference THOREX reprocessing cost which is estimated by Kasten et al. to be equal to PUREX reprocessing costs. 3 0 4 4 I 4 B-1 Appendix B SUPPORT CALCULATIONS FOR EVALUATION OF FUEL CYCLE DIVERSION RESISTANCE A. Evaluation of Attributes for Strategy A (Table 5 ) Al: Covert Preparation - Covert Diversion-Spent Fuel (C-C-SF) (see text, Section V B) A2 overt Preparation - Overt Diversion-Spent Fuel (C-O-SF) The value of attributes in this pathway are essentially the same as for pathway A1 . 1. Development Time Since most of the development time is spent on RD&D and construction of the reprocessing plant, which in this case is similar to pathway A done in a covert mode, we estimate the same development time for C-O-SF and C-C-SF. 2. Warning Period much from case A The value of the warning period does not differ because diversion of material in this case is done after finishing construction of the reprocessing plant. The last two steps toward the completion of the weapon, (i.e., processing and fabrication) take a few weeks. However, if diversion is detected immediately, the weapon will be approximately two weeks away from completion. Con- sidering the total development time of 2-4 years, this translates into a 1-3% warning period. 3. The value of this attribute is independent Inherent Difficulty of the mode of operation and therefore is the same as for case A . 4. Weapons Material Quality This attribute is the same as for case A1 : Reactor Grade Plutonium. 5. Development Cost Again, the bulk of development cost is for RD&D and construction which in this case hasn't changed from the requirements for case A . Development cost is therefore estimated at %6-16 million $ (1975). A3: 1. Overt Preparation - Overt Diversion-PWR Spent Fuel Development Time In an overt scenario, the proliferator is assumed able to intensify his efforts on RD&D and hire more experts, thus decreasing the research time. time. Also, he can shorten the construction However, the development time is estimated not to be reduced dramatically and will fall somewhere between approximately 1.5 to 3 years. TABLE B.I STRATEGY A (Non-Crisis) Development Time x A V(x) x A2 V(x) x A3 V(x) A Warning Period % Status of Information Inherent Difficulty Radioactivity Criticality Weapon Material Quality Development Cost E(2,2) 33 Med R. G. Pu 6-16 (-.07) (-.16) (-.09) (-.5) (-1) (-0.01) 2-4 1-3 E(2,2) 33 Med R. G. Pu 6-16 (-.77) (-.13) (-.16) (-.09) (-.5) (-1) (-0.01) 1.5-3 55 E(2,2) 33 Med R. G. Pu 6-16 (-.67) (-.9779) (-.16) (-.09) (-.5) (-1) 2-4 (-.77) .13 1 .38 .15 .04 .16 .03 ELAv -.24 (-0.01) -. 36 .11 TABLE 8.4 STRATEGY A (Crisis) t7j Inherent Difficulty Development Time x V(x) x A2 V(x) x 3 A V(x) 2-4 (-.92) 2-4 (-.92) 1.5-3 (-.85) .31 Status of Information Radioactivity Criticality Weapon Material Quality E(2,2) 33 Med R. G. Pu 6-16 (-.16) (-.09) (-.5) (-1) (-9.5x10~) E(2,2) 33 Med R. G. Pu 6-16 (-.13) (-.16) (-.09) (-.5) (-1) 55 E(2,2) 33 Med R. G. Pu 6-16 (-.9779) (-.16) (-.09) (-.5) (-1) (-9.5x10~) .04 .01 .04 Warning Period % 1 (-.07) 1-3 .38 .07 aba .16 ,&I dh Development Cost (-9.5x10 4 ) dl' ELAv -.39 B-3 2. Warning Period Under overt conditions, a rather dramatic change occurs in the value of the warning period. In this case, the proliferator is not primarily concerned about detection and may be detected in the middle of R&D. This will result in a warning period of ,40-70%. 3.-5. The value of the other attributes will be the same as for pathways A and A2 * 1 Worksheets for Table 5 B. are provided in Tables B.1 and B.2. Evaluation of Attributes - Tables 7-10 B.1 Evaluation of Attributes for B* (Table 7 ) Ba 0-C-SF lal 1. Strategy B Development Time PUREX In this case, the only major contributor to development time is diversion time. In this scenario, covert di- version is assumed such that the NWS diverts material in such small quantities that they are not assumed detected. a MUF of < .1%.45 An IAEA report suggests Considering this MUF and assuming the PUREX plant has a capacity of 300 MT/y, at a capacity factor of 80%, the production rate will be n10 kg Pu/day. We allow the proliferator a diversion of 10,000 gm x = 10 gm/day without detection and assuming a nuclear device requiring '\'20 kg Pu (reactor-grade) the following diversion time results: t 3 (ivesio) - t3/(diversion) = 10 20,000 gm d x 365 d/y 5 years The design of the weapon can be done during this period and fabrication time can be less than one week. 2. Warning Period Covert mode of operation in this case guaran- tees a low warning period assumed to be less than 1%. 3. Inherent Difficulty (a) Status of Information: the tech- nology and science for PUREX is known to the proliferadrig country B-4 assumed to be operating a commercial plant is ranked A(l,l), (b) Radioactivity: so status of information In this case, very low levels of radioactivity aie dealt with because PUREX decontaminates the spent fuel to a high degree (DF - = 6 10 ), '10 (c) Criticality and is therefore estimated at: - 10-6 R/hr at 1 m. In this case,.criticality is similar to Strategy A: medium level of criticality problem. 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Cost Reactor Grade Plutonium. There is no cost for RD&D in the case of the commercial reprocessing plant since it is already operational. The only cost that applies arises from the design and construction of the weapon which is estimated at-2 mi-lion dollars (1975 $). Bb 0-0-SF lb 1 1. Development Time PUREX For this pathway, the proliferator is as- sumed to be unconcerned about being detected. It is therefore assumed that he can acquire enough Pu for a weapon at any time. The most likely scenario is that the proliferator will design the weapon, which is assumed to take six months from the moment the proliferator decides to acquire a weapon, and at the end of weapon design and construction divert the material. The total development time is therefore estimated at a 6 month duration. 2. Warning Period The research and design of the nuclear device is very unlikely to be detected. Also, the time from stealing nuclear material and completion of the weapon is short (<1 week) so that by the time the proliferation effort is detected, the weapon is already built. Therefore, a warning period of <1% is assigned. 3. Inherent Difficulty 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost will not change from B* 1a1* Reactor Grade Plutonium, same as B* lal' A B-5 B-*a2 0-C-SF Coprocessing 1. (Bal)), Development Time the only major development time is for diversion of nuclear material from the plant. for Bal. In this pathway (the same as for PUREX The diversion time is estimated the same as However, in this case the proliferator may develop and design one partitioning column to separate plutonium from uranium and also to decontaminate the nuclear material. Since the proliferator is already operating a PUREX commercial reprocessing plant, the only time involved in building a partitioning column will be the construction time which is estimated at x.5 yr, well under the range of the diversion time of ,.5 years. 2. Warning Period Since diversion is done in a covert mode, and since there is a very low probability of detection for construction of a partitioning column, the warning period is estimated at 3. Inherent Difficulty (a) Status of Information: 'l-3%. Since the country is operating a PUREX-type plant, the science is known and technology is readily available (B(1,2)), (b) Radioactivity: If it is assumed that spent fuel with radioactivity of 660 R/hr and a DF of 103 for coprocessing, then the product from the coprocessing plant will have a radioactivity of: 660 1000 (c) Criticality: - .66 R/hr at 1 meter. Low because of uranium content. 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost plant to be "l.5-4 million $. cost = 2 million $. B* Total: Reactor Grade Plutonium. We estimate the cost of the separation Also the weapon design and fabrication 3.5-6 million $ (1975). 0-0-SF Coprocessing =-lb 2---- 1. Development Time In this pathway, development time consists of the time for construction of the partitioning column, design and construction of the weapon, processing of material and finally fabrication of material which will take "l year. B-6 2. Warning Period Since development of a partitioning plant is overt, we estimate that it can be detected somewhere in the middle of the process so the warning period is estimated at 3. Inherent Difficulty Information: the same as B*a: la2 (c) Criticality: B* The same as B(1,2), Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost 1. 2 . 50%. (a) Status of (b) Radioactivity: .66 R/hr, Low. 4. 0-C-SF Ba = Reactor Grade Plutonium. 3.5-6 million $ (1975). Pu-238 Spiking Development time Pu-238 produces heat In -this pathway, spent fuel that contains making handling and processing very difficult. However, even if the material is processed to acquire Pu, it will still have a rather high concentration of Pu-238 which is not tenable in a weapon. This means that if the Pu is used, an isotope separation scheme for Pu would need be devised which has not been done anywhere in the world before. Thus a development time of 100 years is assigned indicating the difficulty, though not the impossibility, of the task. 2. Warning Period With a development time of 100 years, the warning period looses meaning; therefore, a 100% value for warning period is assigned. 3. Inherent Difficulty (a) Status of Information: The pro- liferator would need do much research on new techniques for separating Pu, which is presently an unknown science and technology rated at 1(3,3), (b) Radioactivity: In the Pu-238 spike scheme, a high decon- tamination factor is assumed comparable to that of PUREX because the fuel is heat spiked, not radiation spiked. of %10~ Therefore, a radiation level to 10-6 R/hr is assumed, (c) Criticality: 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost medium. Reactor Grade Plutonium. Because of the uncertainty in development time for this pathway, 1 billion dollars is assumed to be the development cost for this pathway (in 1975 dollars). 6 B-7 B-*b3 0-0-SF 1. Development Time 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty as Ba3 B*3 , B- Pu-238 Spike The same as Ba The same as B* la3* (a) Status of Information! same as (b) Radioactivity: the'same as B*a3' (c) Criticality: medium. octv 4. Weapons Material Quality: Reactor Grade Plutonium. 5. Development Cost 0-C-SF 1. 1 billion $ (1975). AIROX Development Time A development time of 5 years is estimated for this pathway (mainly diversion time). It is also assumed during this period that the proliferator will carry out enough R&D to construct a PUREX plant to process diverted material. 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty 1-3% (the same as B* la 2 * (a) Status of Information: For a pro- liferator who has not worked with PUREX the status of information will be E(3,3) which means science and technology is readily available in the open literature , (b) Radioactivity: products are the only wastes disposed of. 45 tamination factor is ~1004. In AIROX, volatile fission The estimate for the decon- Therefore, radioactivity level = 660 Low. 100 = 6.6 R/hr, (c) Criticality: 4. Weapons Material Quality Reactor Grade Plutonium. 5. Development Cost In this case, a cost of 5.5 to 8 million $ is estimated which breaks into: 1. Weapon Design & Construction Cost 2 million $ 2. RD&D 2 3. Construction of Separation Plant 1.5-4 " Total 55.8 million $ (1975). TABLE L.3 B Inherent Difficulty Development Time Warning Period % B* lal 5 1 (-.91) (-.98) (-.07) (-.07) B* lbl .5 (-.22) (-.34) B* Status of Information Radioactivity Criticality Weapons Material Quality A(l,l) (0) (0) 10-10-6 (0) (0) Med (-.5) (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) 2 (-6.72x10) 10 ~-10-6 (0) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) 2 (-6.72x10~) < 1 (-.07) A(1,1) (0) -0.09 -0.14 -0.18 -0.36 3.5-6 (-2.19x10-3 -0.11 -0.22 R. G. Pu 1000 -1.00 10 -.98 9 -) (-3.4) (-5.0) R. G. Pu (-1) 1000 (-3.4) (-5.0) -1.00 -.98 -. 23 -. 37 1-3 B(1,2) .66 Low R. G. Pu (-.13) (-.05) (0) (0) (-1) B* lb2 1 (-.39) (-.56) 50 (-.13) B(1,2) (-0.05) .66 (0) Low (0) R. G. Pu (-1) Ba 1a3 100 100 1(3,3) 10~-10 Med -.99) (0) 1(3,3) (-.99) 10~-410-6 (0) Med (-.5) (-.) . 3.5-6 (-2.19x10)-3 B* lb3 100 (-1) 100 (-1) B* 1a4 5 (-.91) (-.98) 1-3 (-0.13) E(2,2) (-0.16) 6.6 (-0.016) Low (0) R. G. Pu 5.5-8 (-1) (3.6x10-3 )(3.8x104 1b4 1.5 (-.52) (-.71) 90 (-1) E(2,2) (-0.16) 6.6 (-0.016) Low (0) R. G. Pu 5.5-8 (-1) (3.6x10-3)(3.8x10~) E(2,2) (-0.16) .66 (0) Low (0) R. G. Pu 5.5-8 (-1) (3.6x10 -3)(3.8x10~) R. G. Pu 5.5-8 (-1) (3.6x10-3 )(3.8x10 B* la5 5 (-.91) (-.98) B* 1b5 1.5 (-.52) (-.71) 90 (-1) E(2,2) (-0.16) .66 (0) Low (0) NonA crisis .13 .15 .38 .16 .04 .03 .11 A Crisis .31 .07 .37 .16 .04 .01 .04 1-3 (-0.13) Crisis ZAv -. 34 5 (1)( Non-Crisis Exv -0.18 (-.91) (-.98) (-1 Development Cost ) ) -. 29 -. 23 -. 37 -18 -.29 - ooi R-9 B* 0-0-SF -lb4r 1. AIROX Development Time In an overt preparation-diversion mode, the proliferator may spend %'\1.5years for RD&D and construction of a reprocessing plant and divert material at the end of construction. Comparing this case with A, it is considered that the presence of commercial nuclear facilities in a state will enhance the scientific knowledge and experience of the NWS technicians so that they may be able to design a PUREX-type plant in a shorter period than otherwise might be the case. 2. Warning Period In this case, overt preparation (RD&D) can be detected in a few months by international intelligence forces. Considering a development time of 1.5 years, this translates to a 90% warning period. 3. (b) Radioactivity: B* (b) (a) Inherent Difficulty 6.6 R/hr, (c) Criticality: 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost 0-C-SF E(2,2), Low. Reactor Grade Plutonium. 5.5 to 8 million $ (1975). Tin Nitride The same as B* 1. Development Time 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty 1a4* The same as B* la4* (a) Status of Information: E(2,2), Radioactivity: The estimate for the decontamination tin nitride process is Criticality: factor of the 10 Radioactivity (c) Status of Information: = 660 1000 .66 R/hr Low. 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost 5.5 to 8 million $ (1975). Reactor Grade Plutonium This is assumed the same as for AIROX: TABLE B.4 B* LWR with reprocessing, Imported Rep. development of weapon through national PUREX. Inherent Difficul ty bevelopment Time U 0 Warning Period % $tatus of Information activity Criticality Weapons Material Quality Radio- Development Cost B* 2a1 5 (-.91) (-.98) 1 (-.07) A(1,l) (0) 33 (-.09) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-) 3.5-12 (-4.48x10 B* 2bl 1-1.5 (-.46) (-.65) 1-3 (-.13) A(1,1) (0) 33 (-.09) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) B* 2a2 5 (-.91) (-.98) 1 (-.07) B(1,2) .05) 33 (-.09) Med (-.5) B b 2 1-1.5 (-.46) (-.65) 1-3 (-.13) B(1,2) (-.05) 33 (-.09) 2a3 (-.91) (-.98) Non-Crisis EAv Crisis EAv -.19 -.35 3.5-12 (-4.48x10-3) -.14 -.26 R. G. Pu (-1) 4-12 (-4.48x10 ) .21 -.37 Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) 4-12 (-4.48x10 3 Med R. G. Pu 6-16 -.26 -.41 (-1) (- .01) ) 0 B* 5 1 E(2,2) 33 .16) (- .09) (- .5) 1-3 (-.13) E(2,2) (-.16) 33 (-.09) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) 6-16 (-.01) -.21 -.33 1 (-.07) E(2,2) (-.16) 33 (-.09) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) 6-16 (-.01) -.26 -.41 (-.91) (-.98) B* 2b4 1.5 (-.52) (-.71) 1-3 (-.13) E(2,2) (-.16) 33 (-.09) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) (-.01) 6-16 -.21 -.33 B* 2a5 (-.91) 5 (-.98) 1 (-.07) E(2,2) (-.16) 33 (-.09) Med (-.5) R. (-1) G. Fu 6-16 (-.01) -.26 -.41 B* 2b5 1.5 (-.52) (-.71) 1-3 (-.13) E(2,2) (-.16) 33 (-.09) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) 6-16 (-.01) -.21 -. 33 .15 .38 .16 .07 .38 .16 (-..07) (- 0 B*1.5 2b3 (-.52) (-.71) B*5 2a4 ________ A Non-Crisis .13 A Crisis .31 _______H______ ______ .04 .04 .03 .01 .11 .04.. -- B-11 B-*b5 0-0-SF Tin Nitride 1. Development Time 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty (b) Radioactivity: The same as B* lb4' The same as B* lb4* (a) Status of Information: E(2,2); .66 R/hr; (c) Criticality: Low. 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost Reactor Grade Plutonium. 5.5 to 8 million $ (1975). The worksheet for system B* is given in Table B.3. B.2 Worksheets for B2 are given in B.3 B** lal 1. 8 ) Evaluation of Attributes for B* (Table Table B.4. ) Evaluation of Attributes for B** (Table 9 0-C-SF (PUREX) Development Time (RD&D) = 0; t2 (construction) t = 0 because the plant already exists; t3 (diversion) = 5 years (the same as for pathway Bal; t (processing)and t5 fabrication) each 1 week, Ttotal n, 5 years. Same as for Strategy A and B*: 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty < 1%. a) Status of Information: Status of information is A (1,1) because the proliferator is already operating a reprocessing plant. b) Radioactivity: In case of a PUREX plant, the radiation level is estimated at: 10 Same as for case A - Medium. c) Criticality: 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost - 10-6 R/hr at 1 m. Reactor Grade Plutonium. If the existing PUREX plant is used, the only cost will be for design of the weapon and fabrication which is estimated at 2 million $ (1975). B~ 1. 0-0-SF (PUREX) Development Time done in a matter of one day. If material is diverted overtly, this can he However, a development time of 1/2 year is TABLE B.5 Development Time 5 B** lal (-.91) Warning Period % 1 (-.98) .5 (-.07) Bf* Inherent Difficulty Status of RadioInformation activity Criticality Weapons Material Quality A(1,1) 10~4-10-6 Med R. G..Pu 0 (0) (-.5) (-1) (6.7?x10~) Med R. G. Pu 2 1 A(1,1) 10-10-6 (-0.07) (0) (0) 1 A(1,1) (0) A(1,l) Development Cost (-.34) 5 1-1.5 B** lb2 X Crisis (-.46) (-.65) (-0.07) 40-70 -. 98 (0) -.018 -0.34 -0.09 -. 014 -.22 - -0.38 (6.72x10~ ) (-.5) (-1) 165 Med R. G. Pu -.23 (-.5) (-1) 165 Med R. G. Pu 4-12 -. 23 (-.5) (-1) (-4.48x10-3 4-12 BIk2 (-.91) (-0.98) Crisis Ehv 2 Blbi (-.22) Non-Crisis Elv (-4.48x10-3 .13 .15 .38 .16 .04 .03 .11 .31 .07 .37 .16 .04 .01 .04 -0.29 -0.36 B-13 assumed which includes design of the weapon and fabrication time. < 1%. 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty b) Radioactivity: c) Criticality: A (1,1). a) Status of Information: Same as radioactivity for B** lal Medium. 10 -4 - 10 4. Weapon Material Quality - Reactor Grade Plutonium. 5. Development Cost R/hr at 1 m. 2 million $ (1975). 0-C-CIVEX B** la2 1. -6 The output of anEPRI-CIVEX plant is not Development Time desirable for weapon purposes because of the high uranium content and The proliferator would need low decontamination factor. to build Since the technology of EPRI-CIVEX is very a partitioning column. the proliferator may have a relatively easy task in similar to PUREX, building a partitioning column. However, the diversion time is as-sumed the same so that the development time is estimated at 5 years (same as case A). Other activities ( RD&D) are assumed completed during the diversion sequence. 2. Since the detection probability for RD&D Warning Period and construction is very low, and processing and fabrication times are negligible by the time the diversion is detected, the weapon is assumed already fabricated 3. A (1,1). is implying a warning period of Ou 1%. a) Status of Information: Inherent Difficulty b) Radioactivity: 1 660 R/hr at 1 m. for 1 yr old spent fuel, the radioactivity Products of CIVEX will still contain 25% of their radioactivity (DF = 25%): 660 x .25 = 165 R/hr. of radioactivity requires remote handling. This level c) Criticality: In terms of criticality, there is not much difference between EPRI-CIVEX and PUREX products; therefore, the criticality level is assessed as medium. 4. Weapon Material Quality 5. Development Cost R&D money is Reactor Grade Plutonium. This is similar to case A except that less required and also the- reprocessing plant doesn't need to have a dissolver section. must be added. However, some expense for remote handling of material Therefore, the cost is case A) to be 1,4-12 million $. estimated (considering 6-16 million $-for B-14 B** -b2 0-0-CIVEX 1. In this pathway, development time consists Development Time mostly of RD&D and construction time. Comparing this case with strategy A, it is realized that the proliferator has a higher level of information. Therefore, RD&D time is much less than for strategy A and the total development time will be 2. % Warning Period 1 - 1.5 years. Overt RD&D and construction can be detected so this case is similar to A3 warning period = 40 - 70%. 3. A (1,1). a) Status of Information: Inherent Difficulty 165 R/hr at 1 m; this level of radioactivity b) Radioactivity: requires remote handling. c) Criticality: 4. Weapon Material Quality 5. Development Cost Reactor Grade Plutonium. 4 - 12 million $ (1975). Table B.5 contains the worksheet for Table 9. Evaluation of Attributes for B**(Table 10) B.4 B** 2all 1. medium. C-C-FF (PUREX) Development Time t (R&D)~ 6 months since a PUREX commercial plant is assumed already operating in the NWS. t2 (construction) ~ 4 months. t3 (diversion) r% 7 months since, in this scenario, LMFBR fresh fuel is assumed diverted which contains 10-15% r.g. Pu. Assuming a MUF of 0.1% and 20 kg r.g. Pu required per explosive, a MOX fabrication plant with a capacity of 1 ton/day, the necessary amount could be diverted in 7 months: 1,000 kg/d 20 kg = 200 days 1 7 months. x .1% x 10% t4 (processing) T total l week, t5 (fabrication) 1 1 week (see case A1 ). Thus, ~ 1-1.5 yrs. 2. 3. Warning Period Same as for A1 . a) Status of Information: Inherent Difficulty b) Radioactivity: c) Criticality: A (1,1). Since fresh fuel is used, radioactivity level is negligible. Medium as for other PUREX-based processes. 4 B-15 4. Weapon Material Quality 5. Development Cost Reactor Grade Plutonium. Development cost is the same as for B*: 3.15 - 12 million $ (1975). B** -2b11 C-O-FF (PUREX) 1. In this pathway, material can be diverted Development Time in one day. Therefore, Ttotal = 1 year. 1 - 3%. 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty a) Status of Information: c) Criticality: b) Radioactivity: negligible. B** 2a21 4. Weapon Material Quality 5. Development Cost to B** 2a1 Reactor Grade Plutonium. 3.5 - 12 million $ (1975). Development time in this case is similar Development Time 1 - 1.5 year. Same as for A1 . 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty b) Radioactivity: a) Status of Information: negligible. c) Criticality: 4. Weapon Material Quality 5. Development Cost A (1,1). medium. Reactor Grade Plutonium. 4 - 12 million $ (1975). C-O-FF (EPRI-CIVEX) The same as development time for B* 1. Development Time 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty b) Radioactivity: B** medium. C-C-FF (EPRI-CIVEX) 1. b2 A (1,1). 2a21 -1 - 3%. a) Status of Information: negligible. c) Criticality: 4. Weapon Material Quality 5. Development Cost A (1,1). medium. Reactor Grade Plutonium. 4 - 12 million $ (1975). C-C-BF (PUREX) 2a12--r The same as B** 1. Development Time 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty b) Radioactivity: 10 2a11 a 1-1.5 year. The same as B**l 2a11 - a) Status of Information: 10-6 R/hr at 1 m. A (1,1). c) Criticality: medium. 1-1.5 year. TABLE B.6 Development Time Warning Period % Status of Information B2 Inherent Difficul y Radioactivity Criticality Weapons Material Quality Development Cost Non-Crisis EAv Crisis Elv B** 2a11 1-1.5 (-.46) (-.65) 1 (-.07) A(l,l) 0 0 (0) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu -1 3.5-12 (-4.48x10~ ) -.12 -.24 b11 2b 1 (-.39) (-.56) 1-3 (-.13) A(1,1) 0 0 (0) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) 3.5-12 -4.68x10-3 -.12 -.21 1-1.5 (-.46) (-.65) 1 (-.07) A(l,l) 0 0 (0) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) 4-12 -4.68x10-3 1 1-3 (-.13) A(1,l) 0 0 (0) Med (-.5) R. (-.56) G. Pu (-1) 4-12 -4.48x10-3 -.12 -,21 B** 2a12 1-1.5 (-.46) (-.65) 1 (-.07) A(1,l) (0) 33 (-.09) Med. (-.5) W. G. Pu (-.5) 3.5-12 -4.48x10-3 -. 12 -. 25 B** 2bl2 (-.39) 1 (-.56) 1-3 (-.13) A(1,l) (0) 33 (-.09) Med (-.5) W. G. Pu (-.5) 3.5-12 (-4.48x10-3 -. 12 -. 22 B** 2a22 1.5 (-.52) (-.71) 1 (-.07) A(l,l) (0) 33 (-.09) Med. (-.5) W. G. Pu (-.5) 4-12 (-4.48x10-3 -.13 -.26 1 1-3 (-.07) A(l,1) (0) 33 (-.09) Med (-.5) W. G. Pu (-.5) 4-12 (-4.48x10-3 -. 12 -. 22 B** 2a21 b21 2b21 (-.39) F** (-.39) (-.56) A .13 .15 .38 .16 .04 .03 .11 A Crisis .31 .07 .38 .16 .04 .01 .04 F_- 0' B-17 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost Weapons Grade Plutonium. Blanket material has a very high concentration of Pu239 (97.7T Pu239 ).48 3.5 - 12 million $ (1975). this case is not different from that of B** because the same systems 2a11 are developed. The cost in Since blanket fuel is irradiated for a short time (5000 MWD/MT) it is not very radioactive and therefore does not appreciably increase handling costs. B** -2b12 C-0-BF (PUREX) 1. Development Time 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty b) Radioactivity: B22 2b11 The same as B** 2b11 low. = = 1 year. 1 - 3 %. a) Status of Information: A (1,1). c) Criticality: 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost medium. Weapon Grade Plutonium. 3.5 - 12 million $ (1975). C-C-BF (EPRI-CIVEX) 1. Development Time 2. Warning Period., The same as B*a 2 1 3. Inherent Difficulty - a) Status of Information: b) Radioactivity: low. B** The same as B** The same as B** 2a21 c) Criticality: 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost , 4 - = = 1-1.5 year 1-3% A (1,1). medium. 'Weapon Grade Plutonium. 12 million $ (1975). C-0-BF (CIVEX) -=2b22-= 1. Development Time 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty b) Radioactivity: low. The same as B** 2b 21 The same as B** 2b21 = = 1-1.5 year 1 - 3%. a) Status of Information: c) Criticality: 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost A (1,1). medium. Weapon Grade Plutonium. 4 - 12 million $ (1975). Table B.6 is the worksheet for Table 10. 4 B-18 C. Evaluation of Attributes (Table C1 : 11), Strategy C Build Clandestine PUREX Plant and Use LWR Fuel From Spent Fuel Storage. C11: C-C-SF This case is similar to B* 2a1 except for the fact that since a PUREX plant is not operating, the status of information will be B instead of A: (B(1,2)). 4 However, THOREX uses the same basic principles that are used in PUREX, namely ion exchange. Cl2: C-O-SF This case is similar to B* 2b1 except for the status of information which is Bf1,2)(known science; readily available technology). C2: Divert U-233 From the Commercial THOREX Plant C2al C2 with Overt-Covert Mode of Operation & T 1. Development Time the diversion time. THOREX Process. The major contributor to development time is U-233 can be diverted from the THOREX plant and %7kg of U-233 is needed per explosive.48 indicate that in the blanket: Sample data for the LMFBR (Th/U) 31 Radial 5500 kg contains 140 kg U233 Axial 7687 kg contains 132 kg U233 Total 13187 kg contains 272 kg U233 or ~ 2% U233 is in the spent fuel (blanket) If a throughput of 1 ton/day is assumed: 2 1000 kg/day X2E- = 20 kg/day U233 100 Assuming a MUF of .1%, the amount of material divertable without being detected is: .001 x 20 = .02 kg = 20 gm/day. For a weapon with 7 kg U233, one year is needed to divert enough U233 in a covert mode. during this period. The design and construction of the weapon can be done Only a couple of weeks after diversion is required to fabricate the weapon which implies that the critical time is T = 1.04 years. (We assume that diversion is from the U233 stream which goes from the THOREX plant to the fabrication plant in THOREX case T 1 ). 6 B-19 The warning period is very low. Warning Period 2. The argument is the same as for Strategy B: 1%. is a) Status of Information: The science Inherent Difficulty 3. known (ion exchange) and since the te'hnology is b) Radioactivity: ranked at B(1,2). Weapons Material Quality 4. Since THOREX output is is it pure U-233, medium. c) Criticalit-. radioactivity is very low. not developed, High enriched U-233 is used because the blanket is mostly U-233. Development Cost 5. The cost of weapons fabrication and design was estimated earlier for Strategy B at 2 million $ (1975). C 2bl : C with Overt-Overt 21 Development Time 1. 14ode of operaCion & T THOREX Process. Development time is the time required for design and fabrication of the weapon and since material is diverted overtly, almost zero. the diversion time is The & -ign time of the weapon is thus assumed to be 5 years. Warning period is negligible (% 1%). 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty b) Radioactivity: a) Status Of Information: negligible. c) Criticality: 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost B (1,2). medium. Highly enriched U-233. The same as C2al = 2 million $ (1975). C 2 a 2 : C2 with Overt-Covert gbde of Operation & T ' 2 1. Development Time Around 400 kg (6%) of the LMFBR core output 60 kg Pu/day assuming a 20 MUF & .1% and a total Pu requirement of 20 kg implies 60xO1 = 333 days (6500 kg HM) is Pu. - For a 1 MT/day plant, 1 yr diversion time. 1000 x 0 One year is assumed enough time for the proliferator to develop a separation column and design the weapon given 1 month for processing and fabrication. Total ~ 1.1 year. Warning period is low ~ 1%. 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty a) Status of Information: Since the proliferator is not operating a commercial PUREX plant but must develop one (a partitioning column) the status of information is taken as E(2,2); readily available. b) Radioactivity: negligible. c) Criticality: medium. 4. Weapons Material Quality Reactor Grade Plutonium. TABLE B.7 STRATEGY C Inherent Difficulty Development Time C 5 Warning Period % Status of Information Radioactivity Criticality Weapons Material Quality Development Cost (-.98) 1 (-.07) B(1,2) (-.05) 33 (-.09) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) 4-12 (-4.48x10-3 (-.56) 1-3 (-.13) B(1,2) (-.05) 33 (-.09) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) 4-17-3 (4.48x10 ) 1.04 (-.48) (-.58) 1 (-.07) B(1,2) (-.05) 0 (0) Med (-.5) H.E. U233 (0) 2 (6.72x10 ) .5 (-.22) (-.34) 1 (-.07) B(1,2) (-.05) 0 (0) Med (-.5) H.E. U233 (0) 2 (6.72x10 ) 1.1 (-0.42) (-0.60) 1 (-.07) E(2,2) (-0.16) 0 (0) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) 4-12 (-4.48x10-3 C 1.1 (-.42) (-.60) 55-77 (-.99) E(2,2) (-0.16) 0 (0) Med (-.5) R. G. Pu (-1) 4-12 -3~~ (-4.48x10 ) C3al 1-1.5 (-.46) (-.65) 1 (-.07) B(1,2) (-.05) 0 (0) Med (-.5) H.E. U233 (0) 3.5-12 (-4.48x10 3 C~bl 1-1.5 (-.46) (-.65) 1-3 (-.13) B(1,2) (-.05) 0 (0) Med (-.5) H.E. U233 (0) 3.5-12 (-4.48x10 ) 1-.91) C1 2 1 (-.39) C C 2bl C A Non-crisis .13 .15 .38 .16 .04 .03 .11 A Crisis .31 .07 .38 .16 .04 .01 .04 rA Non-Crisis EAv Crisis EAv .21 .37 .15 .25 -.10 -.22 -0.08 -.15 --. 18 -. 30 . 0 -. 35 -. 19 -. 25 2 .12 -.25 . - B-21 We estimate development cost as 4-12 million Development Cost 5. $ (1975). C2b2 C2 with Overt-Overt Mode of Operation & T2' The diversion time is zero but one year is Development Time 1. still needed to do R&D and construction and fabrication. Therefore T = 1.1 yr. Warning Period 2. It is assumed that overt activities can be detected during the first half of the task. b) Radioactivity: negligible. c) Criticality: 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost C 3al 77%. E(2,2). medium. Reactor Grade Plutonium. The same as for C 2 a2 = 4-12 million $ (1975). National THOREX Plant - Covert-Covert bde of Cberation & T In this scenario, the proliferator divpvts Development Time 1. Therefore WP = 55 - a) Status of Information: Inherent Difficulty 3. 1 month for processing and fresh breeder fuel which has a 12% U-233 content by weight. Again we assume that the fabrication plant has a through-put of 1000 kg a day: 1000 x .12 = 120 kg U-233/day. 7 x . 1 120 x .001 of 7 kg implies: = Assuming a MUF of .1% and U-233 requirement 60 days. Since the country is already operating a THOREX plant, it is assumed that the total development and construction time will be " 1-1.5 years and that during this period, the proliferator can divert enough material in a covert mode. ~ 1%. 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty b) Radiation: negligible. a) Status of Information: c) Criticality: 4. Weapons Material Quality 5. Development Cost medium. Highly enriched U-233. This is similar to the case where the proliferator has a PUREX plant and builds a clandestine plant: C3bl: B(1,2). ~ 3.5-12 million $ (1975). 3 with Covert-Overt Mode of Uperation & T Like C 3bl: 1-1.5 yr. 1. Development Time 2. Warning Period 3. Inherent Difficulty b) Radioactivity: Very low (1-3%). a) Status of Information: negligible. c) Criticality: 4. Weapons Material'Quility 5. Development Cost B(1,2). medium. Highly -Enriched U-233. 3.5-12 million $ (1975). The worksheet for Strategy C is given in Table B.7 supporting Table 10 in the text. 4 4 6 4 C-1 Appendix C AVAILABLE DIVERSION RESISTANCE QUANTIFICATION METHODS Introduction Several methods have been developed to assess the relative diversion resistance of nuclear t'echnologies. The review presented in this appendix (1) SAI's "CHARM" method, compares seven of these methods including: (2) HEDL's diversion path method, (3) SAI's ranking method, (4) Selvaduray's (Stanford) heuristic rating-ranking approach, (5) Silvennoinen and Vira's (Finland Technical Research Centre) vulnerability index, (6) Papazoglu et al.'s (MIT) multi-attribute decision theory model, and (7) Heising's (StanfordEPRI) risk-benefit approach. Each of these seven methods are described in this appendix* and are then applied to a sample problem to generate a comparison of the methods. Application to the problem involving a comparison of commercial/non-commercial routes to weapons usable material show close agreement of results for those methods most firmly based on utility theory. Heuristically conceived methods render results that are probably not reliable. A. SAI's "CHARM" Method The Charm method was outlined in 197656 and views proliferation risk as the attractiveness of the fuel cycle as a target for adversary actions leading to the fabrication of a nuclear explosive device. This "attractiveness" is determined by a collection of characteristics which are reduced to a single number called "Charm". This factor is defined in the form of an equation: T. N .A.P.S.D. i=1 where i i i X = charm factor, N = number-of diversion points, i T. = duration of appearance, S. = self protection factor of material, such as radioactivity level, etc., A. = minimum number of locations from which material 1 is diverted, P = effort to process and produce a device from stolen material, and D. = risk of detection and the risks due to the nature of the material. * Except for Papazoglu et al.'s, which is described in the main text, section I.A. C-2 B. HEDL's Diversion Path Method The diversion path method based on subnational safeguards problems was developed by HEDL to quantify the proliferation risk of fuel cycles. 5 3 The approach taken is quite similar to Charm. The proliferation risk of a fuel cycle is derived from the equation: TPWF = MAF x DPF x RMF where TPWF = total proliferation weight factor, MAF = material attractiveness factor, DPF = distribution parameter, and RMF = removal mode factor. The MAF term is heuristically defined as: MAF = MTF x MDF x RHF where MTF = material type factor, MDF = material description factor, and RHF = radiation hazard factor. Also, DPF = /Q/Ms where Q = mass of material and Ms = material mass required for one explosive. The removal mode factor (RMF) is intended as a means of assigning a value to the method used to divert the special nuclear material. Three paths were considered: C. RMF Path 1 Simple Theft 0.75 Substitution of Inert Material 0.1 Substitution of Isotopic Material SAI's Ranking. Method Development (ERDA) SAI developed a preliminary method under ERDA auspices for eval2ting the proliferation resistance of alternative systems as part of NASAP. An initial attempt in this program was the development of the Charm method described earlier. Further work evolved a multiple attribute method. This method defined several attributes to be assessed to determine a multiple criteria factor as opposed to a single factor through six indices: time, resource requirements, weapons production, inherent difficulty, detectability and interruptibility. The last three are combined into a single factor called the failure index. A weight factor, to be determined by a decision maker is then assigned to each index to rank the fuel cycles. Albert and Straker 0 C-3 further elaborated on these six indices in their report57 by defining time from decision to first weapon (yrs), time from material nine indices: acquisition to first weapon (yrs), cost to produce first weapon (dollars), professional personnel to produce first weapon (number of personnel), material unattractiveness, material safeguard-ability, difficulty, detectability For each and interruptability (the last five indices being dimensionless). of the five dimensionless indices, quantitative figures-of-merit were assigned to determine "Low", "Medium", and "High" values shown in the final results table. The figures of merit appear to vary from 0 to 25, but no explanatian is given in the work to explain the method used to assign these figures. Also, in Albert and Straker's application of the methods, quantitative weighting factors were not determined although a short discussion was made (p. 55) concerning the impact of equal weights placed on quantitative factors and the possibility that such weights would not influence the analysis applied to their particular sample problem. However, such weighting factors might need be determined for applications to problems other than the one addressed by SAI. D. G. Selvaduray's Heuristic Rating/Ranking Approach Dr. G. Selvaduray of Stanford University has developed a method for evaluating the inherent safeguardab ity of various reprocessing methods In that work, Selvaduray devised as one part of his doctoral thesis. methods for thermal reactors reprocessing fourteen some which by a method one of which included parameters, eleven to respect with could be compared In assessing the aspects. materials nuclear strategic safeguardability of (or attributes) subparameters five defined Selvaduray safeguards parameter, method heuristic a to according rated be could the combination of which included: sub-attributes five These he developed independently. (1) ability to extract pure Pu from process stream without additional processing necessary after diversion occurs, (2) location of reprocessor (defined as either "on" or "off"-site from one or more reactors) which impacts on transportation considerations and the size of the reprocessor that therefore affects the material flow through the process streams, (3) decontamination factor, a measure of the radiation level inherent to the process stream from which material might be diverted, (4) labor intensity, defined as the number of persons able to gain access to process streams (measured either as "high" or "low"), and (5) the number of process streams (measured either as "several" or "few"). Using these five attributes, Selvaduray created tables that rated the 48 possible combinations of the five attributes (see Fig. C.1). The rating (r) assigned to each combination was allowed to vary between 1.00 to 10.00 where each of the 48 possible combinations assumed a These separate rating value (e.g., 1.00, 1.17, 1.35, 1.52, etc.). ratings (r) were then multiplied by a ranking (R) placed on safeguardability as one of the eleven main parameters used in Selvaduray's analysis. The formula used to arrive at a final numerical "performance factor", E, as set up by Selvaduray, is: I C-4 Figure C.1 Possible Combinations of Selvaduray's Safeguard Parameter Attribute 1 I Attribute 2 Pure Pu Location I Extractable Sub-Attributes Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Decontamination Factor Labor Effluent Intensity Streams I Attribute 5 I High Yes 4 I High I On-Site Several I I Low No 7 I Few I Off-Site 4 i A 4 C- 5 11 .Z r.Ri j 1 10 E R. i=1 \i = 1, 11 attributes j j = 1,14 processes where the denominator represents a normalization factor as derived by Selvaduray. E. Silvennoinen's and Vira's Vulnerability Index 54 used a multi-attribute The work of Silvennoinen and Vira in Finland approach to assess proliferation risk for several fuel cycle facilities (spent fuel storage, enrichment plants and an independent pathway followed The authors defined six criteria by the non-weapons state clandestinely). to which they assigned a quantitative value. These six criteria were (1) the minimum cost of the weapons construction defined as follows: once the fissile material is available, (2) the minimum time required to produce a weapon, (3) the marginal cost incurred when a commercial civil power program is amended to contribute to weapons production, (4) quality of the separated material for weapons production, (5) detectability of the conceivable clandestine weapons production and (6) accessibility and accountability of source material or weapons-grade material. Each of thse criteria was assigned a value from 1 to 9 using a scaling method for The diversion priorities in hierarchical structures as outlined by Saaty.* following criterion each of view in judged then was paths the of resistance 47 Heising. by used approach the The first step in the quantitative evaluation comprises the relative weighting of the six criteria. The criteria are then applied to each proliferation pathway in terms of the type of material that could be diverted (1) enriched uranium fuel in a system with no enrichment (seven in all): facility of its own, (2) fresh MOX fuel, (3) recently discharged spent fuel, (4) long-stored (15 yr old) spent fuel, (5) spent fuel in a final repository (>15 yr old), (6) spent fuel in a sealed final repository not intentionally retrievable, and (7) separated reprocessed plutonium (PUREX based reprocessor no alternatives to PUREX were considered). Pathways 1, 3, and 4 were further split into two routes - military and civil facilities to obtain weaponsusable material. Each pathway was evaluated separately for each of the six criterion xj as a function of the amount yi of the source material. The relative values x1 -x 3 were derived from data used and collected by Heising. 3 2 The values for x4-x6 were deduced by judgmental techniques 31 The overall vulnerability index for each of the based on Saaty's method. seven materials examined was computed by summing up the ratings for each attribute xj, j = 1-6 and dimultaneously weighting each attribute as follows: Un .) [T . 1+X Iw uJ (y.) j=1 * Saaty, T.L., "A Scaling Method for Priorities in Hierarchical Structures", J. Math. .Psychol., Vol. 15, No. 234, 1977. - C- 6 where u(y.). = vulnerability index of material flow level y . j = 1-7 ~ for material type j, 1 w. 3 = weighting factor on jth attribute, j = 1 to 6 (n=6) A = free parameter to normalize w. This relation was derived explicitly from Keeny's work on utility theory 5 1 such that 1 for all j; u) For the case where Z w. the familiar form: . 3 1, A = [ v (1+X w) j=1 -- 1 1. 0 and the equation above simplifies to n u(y.) w. u = (y.) j=1 n Silvennoinen et al. observed the condition E j=1 w. = 1 for their subjectively 'J assigned weighting factors wj. In their work, the authors consider the military-civilian/commercial options as a choice a NWS could make when deciding between the seven material types available to them. In their work, they assume equal preference for military vs civil in computing their final results. In a slightly different approach to calculating the vulnerability indices (or total value functions) for each of the seven material types, the authors suggest the use of "fuzzy integration" as reported in Sugeno's work. * Instead of a weighted average, the index is taken as a fuzzy integral uF(yi) over all the criteria xj, j = 1-6: uF(yi where X = f(y., X) g(-) {x }, a(y.,X) = u (y.) and g(') g is a measure of integration. One interpretation of the fuzzy integral above is tantamount to maxmin 34 algebra: n uF(yi (yiV x.) A g(F.) 3=1 where V and Adenote maximum and minimum operations, respectively. The set Fj and the structure of g(-) are taken from the theory of fuzzy sets. The measure g(F) is defined by a parameter A as follows: * Sugeno, M., in Fuzzy Automata and Decision Processes, M.M. Gupta, Editor, North Holland Publishers, New York, 1977. 0 C-7 T max {u(y (t) } dt + DRI J (1+r)-t PRI = T (1 + r)-t dt where DRI = risk of irretrievable phase (1+ rD)-t u(y6 (T )) dt T where (1 + rD) t is a time preference factor, rD is a discount rate and y 6 (T ) is the total amount of spent fuel disposed; T is a given time horizon, u(yi) is the vulnerability index calculated earlier, and r is a discount rate not necessarily equal to rD. This formulation was applied to assess the difference between three LWR fuel cycle options with results shown in Table C.l. Table C.l. Overall Proliferation Risk Index (PRI) for Three LWR Fuel Cycle Options Measured as Function of Time and Discount Rate (r)* r = .04 r = .02 1. Once-Thru .41 .6 2. U-Recycle .28 .28 3. U- and Pu-Recycle .45 .45 * 0 signifies most resistant, 1 least resistant. F. Bayesian Decision Analysis: Heising's Risk-Benefit Approach to Quantifying Proliferation Risk in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle EPRI-sponsored work at Stanford University involved C. Heising et al.'s a cost-risk-benefit approach to assessing proliferation risk from a given fuel cycle. 4 7 The work followed a Bayesian decision analysis approach where uncertainties on both economic parameters and national security were defined as probability distributions. The overall proliferation risk of the fuel cycle inclusive of the impact that plutonium recycle and breeder introduction in the United States might have on non-weapons states (NWSs) was compared with the risk already existing from non-commercial routes to nuclear material attainment. The analysis of diversion resistance was limited to an examination of the relationship between the number of commercial reprocessors built and Table C.3 Correspondence Between Method Attributes VII Heising's I CHARM 6 7 8 9 10 III Diversion SAI Path (HEDL) Attributes 3 4 5 II 3 2 4B 4A -- 3 1C -- 2 --- -- 1B -- 4 -- 5 1 4 1A/B -- 5 2 3B/C 4 5 2 3 -- -- VI V Silvennoinen Papazoglu et al. MIT Finland 1,2 -- 4D 4C 3 2 1A la-c/lb IV Selvaduray Stanford -- -- 6 --- 3 4 3A 3A 1 The correspondence shown is approximate as determined from the attribute definitions given in the papers Heising's attributes are defined as follows (see Table VI): (3) Capital, O&M Costs, (4) Suitability for Clandestine Operation, (5) Difficulty of Technical Implementation, (6) No. of Weapons Attainable from Material Flow, (7) Quality of Weapons Material, (8) No. of Technical Personnel Required, (9) Level of Support Technology and Industry Required, and (10) Time Required to Construct Facility. 7 C- 9 operating in a NWS and the likelihood of a NWS successfully constructing a weapon. The analysis does not include an examination of success of internationally applied sanctions or timing considerations that impact on sanctions success. As in the other methods discussed in this-report, the emphasis lay in establishing quantitative rankings representing the relative attractiveness of available routes. This was accomplished by defining 10 attributes considered to influence the NWS in making its decision. (1) Domestic Availability of Technology (compares the present global distribution of various technical routes; e.g., research reactors are owned and operated by over 50 countries while no commercial reprocessors are operating anywhere in the developing world); (2). Import Availability (compares the relative importability of one option over another; e.g., research reactors are far easier to import than are, say, enrichment plants); (3) Capital, Operating, and Maintenance Costs; (4) Suitability for Clandestine Operation; (5) Difficulty of Technical Implementation; (6) Number of Weapons Attainable from the Material Flow; (7) Quality of Weapons Material; (8) Number of Technical Personnel Required; (9) Level of Support Technology and Industry Required; and (10) Time Required to Construct a Facility. The procedure followed was to make numerical assignments on each key attribute. The first two attributes (domestic and import availability) were treated separately because of dependence on the time period examined. The other seven attributes were compared simultaneously to determine an overall ranking for each route deemed the "technical attractiveness" factor. Data on each attribute was extracted from the literature but was qualitative in nature (e.g., information was often expressed in terms of "high", Therefore, if the data revealed a "high" cost for a "medium" or "low"). particular route in comparison to the other alternatives, a rating of .3 = (1-.7) on a scale of 0 to 1 was assigned to indicate the relative economic attractiveness of that particular route. Thus, even qualitative statements made regarding, for example, the degree of organization or detectability of the operation were placed into quantitative terms through this assessment procedure (Table C.2.). Numerical Assignments Associated with Qualitative Rating Table C.2. Qualitative Rating Very High High Medium Low Very Low Numerical Assignment .9 .7 .5 .3 .1 Table Final Results: C,4. Rankings Placed on Pathways to Weapons Usabe*Material (in.._ Method Route to* Material VII Heising' I CHARM Method 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 22.5 21.7 6.6 4.5 6.6 10.6 9.0 7.0 11.0 7.1-21 10.4-43.5 0 0 2.6-6.3 27-42 5.4-6.9 9.3-34-9 0 II Diversion Path (HEDL) 6.1 25.3 1.6 3.6 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 .1 III SAI D IV Selvaduray Stanford V Silvennoinen Finland VI Papazoglu MIT 18.6 18.9 23.6 23.2' 5.3 2.6 6.6 11.8 9.0 9.0 9.0 20.1-24.7 19.4-23.0 .4 .4 10.9 16.0 11.6 11.6 11.6 f-4 .8-3.0 .05-1.0 5.5-8.0 15.2-20.8 12.0-15.8 14.5-18.9 8.9-11.7 The routes to material are: (1) Research Reactor + Minimum Plutonium Recovery Plant (MPRP), (2) Production Reactor + MPRP, (3) Power Reactor + MPRP, (4) Power Reactor + Commercial Reprocessor, (5) Diffusion Cascade, (6) Centrifuge, (7) Aerodynamic Jet, (8) Electromagnetic Separation and (9) Accelerator. a ak C C-11 Then, for each technological route to weapons usable material, the numerical assignments for each attribute were summed to arrive at an overall numerical assignment for the particular technology. This procedure corresponded to the following equation: N Tj = V m .j n n .l1 i (x i E V .j j=i where VTj = total numerical value calculated for route j; m E VTj = sum of total numerical values for each route j=1 j = 1 to m; j, N . = normalized total numerical value for route j, m E NT. = 1; j=1 A. = weight placed on attribute i; in this case SA. = 1/n (equal weights assumed for each attribute); V.(x ) = numerical assignment made on attribute i assuming value x. (high, med, low, etc.). The value functions Vi(xi) used were based on a linear hypothesis; it was assumed that the value placed on a "high" outcome for an attribute was equal to 1 minus the value placed on a "low" outcome - symmetry of values was assumed. Also, equal weights (Xi) were assumed for each attribute; each attribute was assumed equally as important as any other - no single attribute was considered more significant than the others. This was based on the assumption that, for a particular Nth country, all attributes would be considered equally as important in influencing their final decision regardless of the decision-making environment they might find themselves in. G. A Sample Problem Comparing Methods To gain further insight into how the various diversion resistance methods compare, it is useful to examine a sample problem. The problem examined is taken from the author's thesis in which nine currently available routes to weapons material were analyzed and compared with respect to their diversion resistance to obtain indicators of the relative probability that a non-weapons state would choose one route over another. Using the data of Table V, it is possible to place all methods on an equal footing to compare results. The approach taken is to determine the correspondence between the eight attributes defined in the author's work and the attributes defined in the other methods (Table C.3.). Then, the other methods can be applied Table C.5A 1. CHARM Method N M1 F . X x* r-1 M R6ai PD 1D1 la lb Mass Flow of Material (MT/yr) M Pathways 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MF ,. Ms , Fraction Divertible w/ or w/o sfgds le 2 Simple Device Mass(MT) F 1-4 10-20 10-20 30 2-20 2-25 2-20 4-20 1 or less M 3 Self Pro-. Cost to tection Fabricate Factor (R/hr) Weapon(10 6 $) S . 100 100 105 105 1 *1 1 1 105 ' P 4 Time Required to. Produce Device (yrs.) Charm D 10 10 1000 1000 1000 100 500 100 500 1-3 1-5 2-11 5-11 4-7 3-16 3-16 3-23 3-16 - X % 3.3-40x10 2-20x10- 3 7.1-21 10.4-43.5 9-18x10-9 2.7-6 x10- 8 2.9-50x10- 4 1.25-83x10- 3 2.5-133x10- 4 4.3-670x10- 4 .. 25-7x10- 9 -%0 -0 2.6-6.3 27-43 5.4-6.9 9.3-34.9 -0 Notes: Attribute (la) corresponds to the "Q" factor in the HEDL diversion path method, (lc) to the "Ms" factor and attribute (2) to the "RHF" (see part II of this appendix). Attribute (2) is rated the same way as for the diversion path method on a scale from 0.to 1 where 1 represents a very high level of self protection (radiation level v, high). Cost to fabricate weapon (factor P,'attribute 3 here) is also rated on a scale from 0 to 1 whore a very low cost corresponds to a very high attractiveness. Also, the time required to produce a weapon is rated on a 0 to I scale as was done in Silvennoinen's and Heising's work. MxF - Q in HEDL method. C-13 consistently to the available data. Final results showing relative rankings in % of the nine pathways to weapons usable material are given in Table C.4. Support calculations for this table are found in Tables C.5-C. These results show a close agreement between the methods of Heising, Silvennoinen and Papazoglu et al. The Charm and diversion path results are significantly different but are probably not reliable because they are based on heuristic methods. Selvaduray's method is more firmly based on mathematical theory than are either Charm or diversion path methods, but again is not as firmly based a- are those of Heising, Silvennoinen or Papazoglu. Note, however, that Selvaduray's results are not much out of agreement. An interesting result forthcoming from this exercise is that, given the validity of the data base, the commercial power reactor - commercial reprocessor route (#4) consistently is ranked as being very unattractive to a would-be proliferator, and is far more diversion resistant than most of the other available routes. The research reactor/production reactor + MPRP (routes #1 and 2) are consistently indicated to be the more attractive routes with enrichment routes, particularly the centrifuge (route #6), being the most attractive. theory To conclude, it appears that those methods based on utility render similar results. Method IV is probably less reliable than V, VI or VII since, although it bears a close resemblance to utility theory, it is not a formal application of the theory. Methods I and II must therefore be viewed very cautiously because they are not based on any confirmed theoretical process. I C-14 Table C.5B II.- HEDL Diversion Path Method I (1) TPWF MAF T DPF x RMF (2) -MAF MTF x NDF x RHF (3) DPF - Q - 4 mass. of material in fuel cycle, Ms mass required for single device R.G. Pu 30 kg HE U-235 35 kg W.G. Pu 10 kg (4) RMF Path 1.0 0.75 0.1 Simple Theft I Path 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Subscitution of Inert Material Substitution of Isotopic Material Material Type MTF R.G.Pu W.G.Pu R.G.Pu~ R.G.Pu 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .8 * .8 .8 .8 1.0 H.E.U-235 H.E.U-235 H.E.U-235 E.E.U-235 R.G.Pu MDF RHF .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .7 .7 .1 .1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .1 (MT/yr) (JMT) Q M .03 .1 .1 .3 .105 .105 .105 .105 .005 .03 .01 .03 .03 .035 .035 .035 .035 .01 DPF RMF 1 3.2 1.83 3.2 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73 .71 0.75 1.0 0.75 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 MAF .56 .56 .08 .08 .64 .64 .64 .64 .08 TPWF Z .43 1.79 .11 .256 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 .06 6.1 25.3 1.6 3.6 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 .1 4 I - 7.086 (5) RMF (Removal Mode Factor): Simple theft of material is possible only in case of commercial reprocessor where Pu is obtainable. Military routes require no diversion and therefore are not prone to be detected. Therefore, we modify the HEDL method here to include a category of material with the same rating as the simple theft path; that is, the path wherein material is derived from clandestine military operations outside of IAEA safeguards. In routes (l)-(4) and (9) Pu MDF (Material Description Factor): (6) nitrate solutions will need be handled in the PUREX MPRP and commercial In routes (5)-(8), binary comprnmds, gases, etc., will reprocessor. need be handled in the enrichment processes. (7) _MTF: It is assumed uranium is 6 enriched to 80% for enrichment routes. Q is defined as the mass of material that can be diverted without (8) detection during one year. III. 4 61 SAI's Method SAI's method did not describe a way to convert qualitative/ quantitative data on attributes to quantitative single factors. Therefore, the SAI method is not applicable to the sample problem. 0 6 C-15 Table C.5C IV. Selvaduray's Method Attributes Covert Pathways 1 Research Reactor + SIndep. U235AJZ?:,2 Location Pu Streams? huitability (Weapons Material Clandestinel Quality) Operatiorn Yes (High Quality) 3 Decont. Factor (Opposite of Radiation Level 4 Labor Intansity (same as Stat. Of Information) Rating 5 Effluent Streams (No. (10-r % of Weaoons) 1 High High V. Low Few (8.83) 18.6 1.17 High High Med Several (9.00) 1.00 18.9 P.FF.? 2 Yes Produc(Very High tion Quality) Reactor + . . MPRP ?ower Reactor, MPRP No Low Quality) ( .17) 9.83 LoUr V. Low High Several Low V. Low V. High Several .4 4 Commer- No cial Reactor (Low Quality) ( .17) 9.83 .4 Comm. Reprocessor 5 Diffusion Cascade Yes (Med. Quality) Low V. High High Several (5.17) 4.83 10.9 6 Centrifuge Yes (Med. Quality) High V. High Med Several (7.61) 2.39 16.0 Med Several Aerodynamic Jet 8 Electromagnetic Separa--. tion 9 Acceler- 52 4.48 Yes (Med. Quality) Low Yes (Med. Quality) Low V. Low Med Several (5.52) 11.6 4.48 Low V. Low Med Several (5.52) (Med. (Med Quality) Q4.48 V.High 11.6 11.6 Z(1-r)-47.51 C~16 V. Silvenncinen et.al's Method (Finland) xl Pathways. 1 (C) V(x 1) x2 x3 V(X2) V(X3 ) V.Low Cost 1.00 '~ - V.Low .UU ~kS~ 4 (C) C 6 (M) 9 (M) - Low High High 1.00 .75 - .75 .75 Low V.Low High V.High I.UU Med. .5 V.High 0.00 Hi.- .75 V.Low 0.00 V.Low 0.60 1.00 Low .25 Low .25 Low Med. .5 Med. .5 0..00 0.00 Low .25 Low .25 High .25 Med. .5 High .25 Low .25 - Med. .5 - V.Low High .25 V.High U.0 8 (M) V(x 6 ) Med. .5 V.High - - - V(X5) High~ .25 Med. .5 - Vi. thg . (M) x6 Med. .5 V.High Cost 0.00 V.High 0.00 /ti~ 5 (M)l X 4) x5 .' High.25 High .25 Hi9 g .25 V.High 0.00 - 3 (C) x4 Table C.5D a .25 Med. .5 Med. .5 Med. .5 Med. .5 4 ZXV(X 1) . x .74 23.6 .728 23.2 .165 5.3 .08 2.6 .2075 6.6 .37 11.8 I .2825 9.0 .2825 9.0 .2825 9.0 *Silvennoinen et al's method characterizes a process by the source material available and the material flow rate achievable. Therefore, pathways here are described by source material type and expected flow rate to be consistent with the uiethod here applied: (1) Res Reac + MPRP: Material Flow: R.G. Pu from spent fuel, flow rate:<< 30MTHM/yr, short cooling time. (2) Prod Reac + MPRP: Material -Flow: W.G. Pu from production fuel, flow rate: up to 30 MTHM/yr, short cooling time (3) Pow Reac + MPRP: Material Flow: R.G. Pu from spent flow rate: up to 30 MHTHM/yr (probably less), cooling time to reduce radiation hazard (spent fuel assumed diverted from spent fuel ponds located in NWS that may be as old as 10 yrs.) (4) Pow Reac + Com Rep: Material Flow: R.G. Pu from com. PUREX plant process stream assumed located inside NWS, flow rate: up to 30 MTHM/yr (assumed standard size commercial reprocessor), radiation level low because of high decontamination factor (4106 for PUREX). (5) -(8) Enriehment Plants: clandestine plant. (9) Accelerator: Raterial Flow: Material Flow: W.G. Eigh Enriched U-235 passed through Pu; flowrate: up to 30kg Puf produced per year. The authors define two sets of weights, one for civilian(C) routes and other for military(M). X is assessed for M but not for C; X is assessed for C but not for M: 15 Unsep. R.G. Pu. X4 X3 X2 X Pu C M .11 - - .20 .15 .10 .17 - .30 - . 9 .35 The ratings are based on a 0 to 1 scale where 0 means the value to the non-weapons state if a path is least attractive and 1 most attractive:. 0 .25 V. Low Attractiveness " Low .5 Med .75 1 High V.High " it Table C.5E M. EapM-olju et. al.'s Method 3 Inherent Difficulity Covert Pathways Research Reactor Development Time (Yrs.) Warning Period (2) Status of Information Radiation Level (R/Hr Criticality Weapons Material Quality Development Cost 6 (10 $) High R.G.Pu 10 Low V. High W.G.Pu 10 105 High Low R.G.Pu 1000 1(3,3) 10 High Low R.G.Pu 0 00 11(2,3) 0 High Med HEU-235 1000 Med HEU-2 5' 100 1-3 < 10 1-5 < 5 E(2,2) 10 2-11 ,15 F(2,3) > 50 30 'A(1,1) 10 2 Low AM 2 Production Reactor + MPRP 3 Power Reactor + 4 Power Reactor 2 5-11 + Commercial Rep. 5 Diffusion' Cascade 6 Centrifuge 7 Aerodynamic Jet 4-7 15 3-16 25-50 8 Electro Magnetic Separation 3 Accelerator 25-50 C- Crisis Environment NC- Non- Crisis Environment > 30 > 50 30 - E(2,2) E(2,2) 0 0 E(2,2) 0 E(2,2) 105 Med High High Mod Med 1EU-235 500 IN-235 100 EU-235 500 Table C.5F VI. Papazoxlu et.al.'s Method Attribute : 1 Results of Papazoglu's Method: 2 3a 3b Normalized Results In Right-Hand Column 3c 4 5 0 r 10 (1+E) Normalized (1) C -17- -28 NC -05- -1 -. 03 -. 07 '0 -. 026 -. 026 0 0 0 0 0 --226--336 -.146- -:196 .774-.664 .854-.804 6.64-7.74 8.04-8.54 .19-20.8 .247-20.1 (2) C .17- -3 NC-.05- -12 -. 02 -.04 -. 06 -.06 -. 026 -.026 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.276- 406 -.176- -246 .724-.594 .824-.754 5.94-7.24 7.54-8.24 .*T3-. 05' .23-.194 (3) C -.25- -:31 NC -. 08- -. 13 -.04- .07 -.09- .15 -.35 -.36 -.154 -.154 -.04 -.04 -.01 -. 03 -.04 -.11 -.884--.97 -.864- 974 .116-.03 .136-.026 .3-1.16 .26-1.36 .009-.03 .008-.03 (4) C r31 NC -.12- -. 13 -.07 -.15 -.38 -.38 -.154 -.154 -.04 -.04 -.01 -.03 -.04 .. 11 -1 -.984-7994 0 -. 016-.006 0 .16-.06 0 - 0 .005-.001 (5) C -.31 NC -11- -. 13 -.06- -. 07 -.13- -. 15 -.32 -.32 0 0 -.04 -.04 -.005 -.015 -.04 -.11 -.775- 7785 -.725--.765 .. 225-.215 .275-.235 2.25-2.15 2.75-2.35 .07-.06 .08-.055 (6) C ,28- -:31 NC 71 - -13 -.095 -.098 -.06 -.06 0 0 -.02 -.02 -.005 -.015 0 -.02 .46-749 -.323--353 .54-.51 .677-.647 5.4-5.1 6.77-6.47 .157-.137 .208-.152 (7) C-:31 NC-,13 -.06 -.13 -.06 -.06 0 0 .-.04 -.04 -.005 -.015 -.04 -.11 -.515 -.485 .485 .5 5 4.85 5.15 .14-.13 .158-.12 (8) C -28 NC '-1 -.07 -.15 -.06 -.06 0 0 -.04 -.04 -.005 -.015 0 -.02 -.455 -.385 .545 -.615 5.45 6.15 (9) C -r31 NC 713 -.06 -.13 -.06 -.06 -.02 -.02 -.005 -.015 -.04 -.11 -. 649 -.619 Cc-Crisis Environment NC-Non-Crisis Environment 0 W.154 -. 154 .351 .381 3.51 3.81 4159-.147 .189-.145 .102-.094 .117-.089 Table C.5G VII. Heising's Method Applied to Problem Expressed with Papazoglu et. al.'s Attribute Definitions 1 3 2 4 5 Inherent Difficulty Covert Pathways Research Reactor + MPRP 2 Production Reactor + Weapons Materia: Development Information Radiation Level V. High .9 Low .7 Low . V. Low .9 Med. .5 Low .7 Low .7 Med .5 V.Low-Low .2 V. High .1 High .1 Low .3 V. High .1 V. Low .1 V. High .1 High .1 Low .3 High .3 High .3 Low .3 High .1 Med. .5 V. High .1 V. High Me4. Med. Med. Med. Med. .5 .5 .5 .5 High .1 Development Time V. Low .9 Status of Warnino Period Low .7 Low .7 Criticalih Quality .$' I. yg F:1 Cost Normal -ized High .7 V. Low .9 5.5 .225 V. High .9 V. Low .9 5.3 .217 V.14; .j 1.6 .066 1.1 .045 1.6 .066 .5 2.6 .106 Med. .5 High .3 2.2 .09 1.8 .07 2.7 .11 MPRP 3 Power Reactor + High .3 . MPRP 4 Power Reactor + High .3 V. High .1 Commercial Rep roc4AAer_______ 5 Diffusion Cascade 6 Centifuge .1 -Na- 7 Aerodynamic Jet Mt -5 High Med. .5 -na- V. High .1 Med. .5 -na- High .1 Med. .5 Med. .5 High Hed. V. High Med. Med. High .3 .5 .5 .5 .3 8 Electro Magnetic Separation V. High .1 9 Accelerator Med. .5 .1 .3 0 2 .7 .'~4 k'.. 'A At.. I 6 C