Summary of the topics to review for Project 3

Summary of the topics to review for Project 3
Properties of Black Holes:
- How an observer near a black hole perceives signals (light,
time, etc) coming from a far-away observer, and how a faraway observer perceives signals from somebody hovering
near a BH.
- How would the world look like while hovering close to a BH
- Gravitational effects of BHs on close and far away objects
Black hole singularities:
- behaviour of the tidal forces near the Oppenheimer-Sneider
singularity and near the BKL (mixmaster) singularity
Spinning black holes:
- basic properties
- trajectories of infalling particles as seen by far away observers
“No hair theorem”:
- what the properties that describe a BH are, and how they can
what it is and how it varies
Black Hole evaporation:
- basic idea and evaporation timescales for BHs of various masses
- what they are and how they can be made stable
Quantum Mechanics:
- wave-particle duality
- Uncertainty principle
- Degeneracy pressure