Rebekah Levine Coley, Ph.D.

Rebekah Levine Coley, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Counseling, Developmental & Educational Psychology
Lynch School of Education, Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
617.552.6018 (phone)
617.552.1981 (fax)
Postdoctoral Training, Demography and Public Policy, University of Chicago, 1995-1997
Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, University of Michigan, 1991-1995
B.A., Psychology, Brandeis University, 1985-1989
Faculty Research Mentor, Lynch School of Education, Boston College, Chestnut
Hill, MA
Visiting Scholar in Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA
Professor, Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology, Lynch School of
Education, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA
Assistant Professor, 2000-2005
Associate Professor with Tenure, 2005-2011
Full Professor, 2011- current
Senior Visiting Fellow and Senior Fulbright Scholar, Social Policy Research
Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Research Associate, Joblessness and Urban Poverty Research Program, and
Program Coordinator, Urban Seminar Series on Children's Health and
Safety, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge,
Research Scientist, The Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy
Studies, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Curriculum Vitae
NICHD Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Population Research Center, The
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Co-Chair, Social Policy Committee, Society for Research on Adolescence
Member, Child Care Policy Research Consortium
Member, Policy and Communications Committee, Society for Research in Child
Member, Steering Committee, University-Based Child and Family Policy
Consuliting Editor, Child Development
Editorial Board, Developmental Psychology
Committee on Research, Policy and Public Information, Society for Research on
Child Care Research and Policy Advisory Committee, National Council of State
Co-chair, Interdisciplinary Committee, Society for Research on Adolescence
Program Committee, Society for Research on Adolescence
Director of Master’s Program in Applied Developmental and Educational
Member, Institutional Review Board, Boston College
Member of Steering Committee, Faculty Program Review Committee in
Counseling, Developmental, & Educational Psychology
Member, Faculty Program Review Master’s Programs Committee in Counseling,
Developmental, & Educational Psychology
Member, Faculty Search Committee in Applied Developmental & Educational
Psychology program
Curriculum Vitae
Member, Faculty Research Committee, School of Education
Member, Boston College Multidisciplinary PhD Research Development Day
Director of Doctoral Program in Applied Developmental and Educational
Member, Faculty Search Committee in Applied Developmental & Educational
Psychology program
Member, Faculty Search Committee in Applied Developmental & Educational
Psychology program
Member, School of Education Educational Policy Committee
Member, Nelson Chair Search Committee in Counseling, Developmental, &
Educational Psychology program
Member, Faculty Search Committee in Educational Research Methods and
Evaluation program
Co-leader, Doctoral Curriculum Committee, Applied Developmental &
Educational Psychology program
Member, Doctoral Student Admissions Committee, Applied Developmental &
Educational Psychology program
Member, Masters Student Admissions Committee, Applied Developmental &
Educational Psychology program
Member, School of Education Research Support Committee
Member, Parent Advisory Committee, Boston College Children’s Center
Fulbright Senior Scholar Award
Research Affiliate, National Poverty Center, Ford School of Public Policy,
University of Michigan
Co-recipient, Social Policy Award, Society for Research in Adolescence
Research Affiliate, Joint Center for Poverty Research, Northwestern
University/University of Chicago
NICHD Postdoctoral Training Fellowship, University of Chicago
Curriculum Vitae
Rackham Dissertation Fellowship, University of Michigan
NICHD Predoctoral Training Fellowship, University of Michigan
Elliott, M. C., Leventhal, T., Shuey, E., Lynch, A. D., & Coley, R. L. (in press). The home and
the ‘hood: Associations between housing and neighborhood contexts and adolescent
functioning. Journal of Research on Adolescence.
Miller, P., Votruba-Drzal, E., & Coley, R. L. (in press). Early child care settings for children
from immigrant families: Predictors of infant and toddler care type. Early Childhood
Research Quarterly.
Shuey, E. A., Leventhal, T., & Coley, R. L. (in press). Housing characteristics over time:
Identifying patterns for low-income families.
Coley, R. L., Lombardi, C. M., & Sims, J. (2015). Long-term implications of early education and
care programs for Australian children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107, 284-299.
Coley, R. L., Lynch, A. D., & Kull, M. (2015). Early exposure to environmental chaos and
children’s physical and mental health. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 32, 94-104.
Lynch, A. D., Coley, R. L., Sims, J., Lombardi, C. M., & Mahalik, J. R. (2015). Direct and
interactive effects of parent, friend, and schoolmate drinking on alcohol use trajectories.
Psychology and Health.
Votruba-Drzal, E., Coley, R. L., Collins, M,. & Miller, P. (2015). Center-based preschool and
school readiness skills of children from immigrant families. Early Education and
Development,26, 549-573. DOI: 10.1080/10409289.2015.1000220
Coley, R. L., Kull, M., & Carrano, J. (2014). Parental spanking endorsement and children’s
internalizing and externalizing behaviors in African American and Hispanic families.
Journal of Family Psychology, 28, 22-31.
Coley, R. L., Kull, M., Leventhal, T., & Lynch, A. D. (2014). Profiles of housing and
neighborhood contexts among low-income families: Links with children’s well-being.
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, 16, 41-64.
Coley, R. L. & Lombardi, C. M (2014). Low-income women’s employment experiences and
their financial, personal, and family well-being. Journal of Family Psychology, 28, 8897.
Curriculum Vitae
Coley, R. L., Votruba-Drzal, E., Collins, M. A., & Miller, P. (2014). Selection into early
education and care settings: Differences by developmental status. Early Childhood
Research Quarterly, 29, 319-332.
Garfield, C. F., Duncan, G., Rutsohn J., McDade, T., Adam E., Coley R. L., & Chase-Lansdale,
P. L. (2014). A longitudinal study of paternal mental health during transition to
fatherhood as young adults. Pediatrics, 133(5), 1-9.
Kull, M. & Coley, R. L. (2014). Housing costs and child functioning: Processes through
investments and financial strains. Child and Youth Services Review, 39, 25-38.
Lombardi, C. M. & Coley, R. L. (2014). Early maternal employment and children’s school
readiness in contemporary families. Developmental Psychology, 50, 2071-2084.
Coley, R. L., Leventhal, T., Lynch, A. D., & Kull, M. (2013). Relations between housing
characteristics and the well-being of low-income children and adolescents.
Developmental Psychology, 49, 1775-1789.
Coley, R. L., & Lombardi, C. M. (2013). Does maternal employment following childbirth
support or inhibit low-income children’s long-term development? Child Development, 84,
Coley, R. L., Lombardi, C. M., Sims, J., & Votrbua-Drzal, E. (2013). Early education and care
experiences and cognitive skills development: A comparative perspective between
Australian and American children. Family Matters, 93, 36-49.
Coley, R. L., Lombardi, C. M., Lynch, A. D., Mahalik, J., Sims, J. (2013). Sexual partner
accumulation from adolescence through early adulthood: The role of family, peer, and
school social norms. Journal of Adolescent Health, 53, 91-97.
Coley, R. L., Votruba-Drzal, E., Miller, P., & Koury, A. (2013). Timing, type, and extent of
child care and children’s behavioral functioning in kindergarten. Developmental
Psychology, 49, 1859-1873.
Jaffee, S., Lombardi, C.M. & Coley, R.L. (2013). Using complementary methods to test whether
marriage limits men’s antisocial behavior. Development and Psychopathology, 25, 65-77.
Lombardi, C. M. & Coley, R. L. (2013). Low-income mothers’ employment experiences:
prospective links with young children’s development. Family Relation, 62, 514-528.
Mahalik, J. R., Coley, R. L., Lombardi, C. M., Markowitz, A., Lynch, A. D., & Jaffee, S. R.
(2013). Gender divergence in health risk behaviors from early adolescence through early
adulthood. Health Psychology, 32(6), 685-694.
Miller, P., Votruba-Drzal, E., & Coley, R. L. (2013). Predictors of early care and education type
among preschool-aged children in immigrant families: The role of region of origin and
Curriculum Vitae
characteristics of the immigrant experience. Children and Youth Services Review, 35,
1342 – 1355.
Votruba-Drzal, E., Coley, R. L., Koury, A., & Miller, P. (2013). Center-based child care and
academic skills development: Importance of timing and household resources. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 105, 821-838.
Bachman, H., Coley, R. L., & Carrano, J. (2012). Low-income mothers’ patterns of partnership
instability and adolescents’ socioemotional well-being. Journal of Family Psychology,
26, 263-273.
Coley, R. L., & Lombardi, C. M. (2012). Early maternal employment and childhood obesity
within low-income families. Special Issue on Parental Influences of Childhood Obesity,
Early Child Development and Care, 8, 983-998.
Schindler, H. & Coley, R. L. (2012). Predicting parental separation: Do parent-child
relationships matter? Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 499-508.
Tang, S., Coley, R.L. & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2012) Low-income families’ selection of child care
for their young children. Children and Youth Services Review, 34, 2002–2011.
Bachman, H., Coley, R. L., & Carrano, J. (2011). Maternal relationship instability influences on
children’s emotional and behavioral functioning in low-income families. Journal of
Abnormal Child Psychology, 39, 1149-1161.
Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Cherlin, A. J., Guttmannova, K., Fomby, P., Ribar, D. C., & Coley, R. L.
(2011). Long-term implications of welfare reform for children and youth. Child and Youth
Services Review, 33, 678-688.
Coley, R. L., Carrano, J., & Lewin-Bizan, S. (2011). Unpacking links between fathers’
antisocial behaviors and children’s behavior problems: Direct, indirect, and interactive
effects with harsh parenting. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39, 791-804.
Coley, R. L., Lewin-Bizan, S., & Carrano, J. (2011). Low-income fathers’ parenting and
socioeconomic resources: Promoting children’s cognitive skills. Journal of Family Issues,
32, 1522-1542.
Coley, R. L., Ribar, D., & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2011). Do children’s behavior problems limit poor
women’s labor market success? Journal of Marriage and Family, 73, 1-13.
Votruba-Drzal, E., Coley, R. L., Carreño, C. M., Li-Grining, C. P., & Chase-Lansdale, P. L.
(2010). Child care and the socioemotional development of economically disadvantaged
children in middle childhood. Child Development, 81, 1460-1475.
Bachman, H. J., Coley, R. L., & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (2009). Is maternal marriage beneficial
for low-income adolescents? Applied Developmental Science, 13(4), 153-171.
Curriculum Vitae
Coley, R. L., Votruba-Drzal, E., & Schindler, H. (2009). Fathers’ and mothers’ parenting
predicting and responding to adolescent sexual risk behaviors. Child Development, 80, 808827.
Coley, R. L., Medeiros, B. L., & Schindler, H. (2008). Using sibling differences to estimate
effects of parenting on adolescent sexual risk behaviors. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43,
Coley, R. L., & Schindler, H. (2008). Biological fathers’ contributions to maternal and family
functioning. Parenting: Science and Practice, 8, 294 – 318.
Coley, R. L., Votruba-Drzal, E., & Schindler, H. (2008). Trajectories of parenting processes and
adolescent substance use: Reciprocal effects. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36,
Coley, R. L. & Coltrane, S. (2007). Commentary: Impact of father involvement on children’s
developmental trajectories: New findings panel for the National Fatherhood Forum. Applied
Developmental Science, 11 (4), 226-228.
Coley, R. L., Bachman, H. J., Votruba-Drzal, E., Lohman, B., & Li-Grining, C. P. (2007).
Maternal welfare and employment experiences and adolescent well-being: Do mothers’
human capital characteristics matter? Children and Youth Services Review, 29, 193-215.
Coley, R. L., Lohman, B. J., Votruba-Drzal, E., Pittman, L. D., & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (2007).
Maternal functioning, time and money: The world of work and welfare. Children and Youth
Services Review, 29, 721-741.
Coley, R. L., & Medeiros, B. L. (2007). Reciprocal longitudinal relations between nonresident
father involvement and adolescent delinquency. Child Development, 78, 132-147.
Hernandez, D. C., & Coley, R. L. (2007). A multidimensional measure of father involvement
among low-income families: Who is a reliable and valid reporter? Parenting, 7, 69-97.
Schindler, H. & Coley, R. L. (2007). A qualitative study of homeless fathers: Exploring
parenting and gender role transitions. Family Relations, 56, 40-51.
Slack, K. S., Magnuson, K. A., Berger, L. M., Yoo, J., Coley, R. L., Dunifon, R., Sworsky, A.,
Kalil, A., Knab, J., Lohman, B. J., & Osborne, C. (2007). Trends in family well-being from
non-experimental panel studies after welfare reform. Children and Youth Services Review,
29, 698-720 .
Coley, R. L. & Hernandez, D. C. (2006). Predictors of paternal involvement for resident and
nonresident low-income fathers. Developmental Psychology, 42, 1041-1056.
Curriculum Vitae
Li-Grining, C. P. & Coley, R. L. (2006). Child care experiences in low-income communities:
Developmental quality and maternal views. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 21, 125 141.
Kalil, A., Ziol-Guest, K. M., & Coley, R. L. (2005). Patterns of father involvement in teenagemother families: Predictors and links to mothers’ psychological adjustment. Family
Relations, 54, 197-211.
Coley, R. L., Morris, J., & Hernandez, D. (2004). Out-of-school care and problem behavior
trajectories among low-income adolescents: Individual, family, and neighborhood
characteristics as added risks. Child Development, 75, 639-657.
Lohman, B. J., Pittman, L. D., Coley, R. L., & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (2004). Welfare history,
sanctions, and developmental outcomes among low-income children and youth. Social
Service Review, 78, 41-73.
Votruba-Drzal, E., Coley, R. L., & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (2004). Child care and low-income
children’s development: Direct and moderated effects. Child Development, 75, 1-17.
Morris, J. E., & Coley, R. L. (2004). Maternal, family, and work correlates of role strain in lowincome mothers. Journal of Family Psychology, 18, 424-432.
Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Moffitt, R. A., Lohman, B. J., Cherlin, A. J., Coley, R. L., Pittman, L. D.,
Roff, J., & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2003). Mothers’ transitions from welfare to work and the
well-being of preschoolers and adolescents. Science, 299, 1548-1552.
Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Moffitt, R. A., Lohman, B. J., Cherlin, A. J., Coley, R. L., Pittman, L. D.,
Roff, J., & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2003). Welfare reform and child well-being: Response.
Science, 301, 1325-1326.
Coley, R. L. (2003). Daughter-father relationships and adolescent psychosocial functioning in
low-income African American families. Journal of Marriage and Family, 65, 867-875.
Coley, R. L. & Morris, J. E. (2002). Comparing father and mother reports of father involvement
among low-income minority families. Journal of Marriage and Family, 64, 982-997.
Coley, R. L. (2001). (In)visible men: Emerging research on low-income, unmarried, and
minority fathers. American Psychologist, 56, 743-753.
Coley, R. L., & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (2000). Welfare receipt, financial strain, and AfricanAmerican adolescent functioning. Social Service Review, 74, 380-404.
Coley, R. L., Kuta, A. M., & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (2000). An insider view: Knowledge and
opinions of welfare from African American girls in poverty. Journal of Social Issues, 56(4),
Curriculum Vitae
Coley, R. L. & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (1999). Stability and change in paternal involvement
among urban African American fathers. Journal of Family Psychology, 13(3), 1-20.
Kuo, F. E., Sullivan, W. C., Coley, R. L., & Brunson, L. (1999). Fertile ground for community:
Inner-city neighborhood common spaces. American Journal of Community Psychology,
26(6), 823-851.
Coley, R. L. (1998). Children’s socialization experiences and functioning in single-mother
households: The importance of fathers and other men. Child Development, 69, 219-230.
Coley, R. L. & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (1998). Adolescent pregnancy and parenting: Recent
evidence and future directions. American Psychologist, 53, 152-166. Reprinted (2001).
Adolescent Behavior: Readings and Interpretations. E. Aries (Ed.) Guilford, CT:
Coley, R. L., Kuo, F. K, & Sullivan, W. C. (1997). Where does community grow? The social
context created by nature in urban public housing. Environment and Behavior, 29, 468-494.
Coley, R. L. & Hoffman, L. W. (1996). Relations of parental supervision and monitoring to
children's functioning in various contexts: Moderating effects of families and
neighborhoods. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 17, 51-68.
Coley, R.L. & Lombardi, C. M. (2012). Dynamics of early maternal employment in low-income
families. In A. Kalil, R Haskins, & J. Chesters (Eds.) Investing in Children: Work,
Education, and Social Policy in Two Rich Countries (pp. 24-47). Washington, DC:
Brookings Institute.
Pittman, L. D. & Coley, R. L. (2011). Coparenting in families with adolescent mothers. In J.
McHale & K. M. Lindahl (Eds). Co-parenting: Theory, research and clinical applications.
(pp. 105-127). Washington, DC: APA Press.
Coley, R. L., Li-Grining, C. & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (2006). Low-income families’ child care
experiences: Meeting the needs of children and families. In N. Cabrera, R. Hutchins, & E.
Peters (Eds.), From welfare to child care: What happens to children when mothers
exchange welfare for work (pp. 149-170). Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Hofferth, S., Cabrera, N., Carlson, M., Coley, R.L., Day, R., & Schindler, H. (2006). Resident
father involvement and social fathering. In S. Hofferth & L. Casper (Eds.), Handbook of
measurement issues in family research (pp. 335-374). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Coley, R. L. (2002). What mothers teach, what daughters learn: Gender mistrust and self
sufficiency among low-income women. In A. Booth and A. C. Crouter (Eds.), Just living
Curriculum Vitae
together: Implications of cohabitation on families, children, and social policy (pp. 97-106).
Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Coley, R. L. (1999). Nonmaternal care and supervision: Prevalence and effects of child-care
arrangements on child well-being. In L. W. Hoffman, L. M. Youngblade, with R. L. Coley,
A. S. Fuligni, & D. D. Kovacs (Eds.), Mothers at work: Effects on children’s well-being (pp.
256-277). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Gordon, R. A., Coley, R. L., Wakschlag, L. S., & Brooks-Gunn, J.
(1999). Young African-American multigenerational families in poverty: The contexts,
exchanges, and processes of their lives. In E. M Hetherington (Ed.), Coping with divorce,
single parenting, and remarriage: A risk and resiliency perspective (pp. 165-192).
Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Hoffman, L. W.,Youngblade, L. M., with Coley, R. L., Fuligni, A. S., & Kovacs, D. D. (1999).
Mothers at work: Effects on children’s well-being. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Coley, R. L., Leventhal, T. (2014). Quality of housing central to childhood development. Habitat
World, the magazine of Habitat for Humanity International.
Coley, R. L., Leventhal, T., Lynch, A. D., & Kull, M. (2013). Poor quality housing is tied to
children’s emotional and behavioral problems. Policy Research Brief. MacArthur
Foundation, Chicago, IL.
Coley, R. L., Katz, I., McDermott, S., McPherran, C., & Yaya, I. (2009). A policy framework for
parenting. University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Moffitt, R. A., Lohman, B. J., Cherlin, A. J., Coley, R. L., Pittman, L. D.,
Roff, J., & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2003). How are children affected by employment and
welfare transitions? Joint Center for Poverty Research Policy Brief, 5(3). Northwestern
University/University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Coley, R. L., Lohman, B. J., & Pittman, L. D. (2002). Welfare reform:
What about the children? Policy Brief 02-01. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
Chase-Lansdale P. L. , Coley R. L. , Lohman B. J., & Pittman L. D. (2002). Welfare reform and
children: Impact of TANF on children’s social and emotional health. Birth23 News
(newsletter of The Birth to Three Project, Ounce of Prevention Fund), 4(summer): 1-2.
Coley, R. L., Chase-Lansdale, P. L., & Li-Grining, C. (2001). Child care in the era of welfare
reform: Quality, choices, and preferences. Policy Brief 01-04. Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD.
Curriculum Vitae
Cherlin A. J., Winston P., Angel R., Burton L. M., Chase-Lansdale P. L., Moffitt R., Wilson W.
J., Coley R. L., & Quane J. (2000). What welfare recipients know about the new rules and
what they have to say about them. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Coley, R. L. (2006). Review of “Family and child well-being after welfare reform.” Children
and Youth Services Review, 28, 227-229.
Coley, R. L. (2000). Review of “Managing to make it: Urban families and adolescent success.”
Social Service Review, 74, 139-142.
Coley, R. L. (Under Review). Marriage policy and early childhood development.
Coley, R. L., Kull, M., & Cook, K. D. (Underr Review). Peer effects on children’s cognitive
skills and teachers’ instructional quality in state-funded preschool programs.
Coley, R. L., Kull, M., & Lynch, A. D. (under review). Residential mobility and children’s
cognitive and behavioral skills: Linearity and timing effects.
Coley, R. L., Sims, J., & Carrano, J. (under review). Genetic and environmental risks predicting
patterns of alcohol use and misuse from adolescence through early adulthood.
Coley, R. L., Sims, J., & Votruba-Drzal, E. (under review). Family expenditures supporting
children’s success across urban and rural communities.
Coley, R. L., Votruba-Drzal, E., Collins, M.,& Cook, K. D (under review). Comparing different
models of public, private, and informal preschool programs in a national sample of lowincome children.
Cook, K. D. & Coley, R. L. (under review). The use of school transition practices and children’s
social adjustment and academic outcomes in kindergarten.
Garfield, C. F., Duncan, G., Rutsohn J., McDade, T., Adam E., Coley R. L., & Chase-Lansdale,
P. L. (under review). Longitudinal study of obesity in young males and the transition to
Kull, M., Coley, R. L., & Lynch, A. D. (under review). The roles of instability and housing in
low-income families’ residential mobility.
Kull, M. & Coley, R. L. (under review). Early physical health conditions and school readiness
skills in a prospective birth cohort of U.S. children.
Curriculum Vitae
Lombardi, C. M. & Coley, R. L. (under review). Early maternal employment and children’s
academic and behavioral skills: An international comparison .
Sims, J. & Coley, R. L. (under review). Independent contributions of mothers’ and fathers’
language and literacy practices: Associations with children’s kindergarten skills across
linguistically diverse households.
Votruba-Drzal, E., Miller, P., & Coley, R. L. (Under Review). Poverty, urbanicity, and
children’s development of academic skills.
ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course
(Australian Research Council). Baxter, Principal Investigator. $20,000,000AU.
Collaborative research centre seeking to advance basic, applied, and translational
research to reduce intergenerational and long-term economic disadvantage and
improve the life chances of poor children and families.
Socioeconomic Disparities in School Readiness Skills and the Role of Early
Education and Care (Spencer Foundation). Coley, Principal Investigator;
Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal, Co-Investigator. $355,724. Assesses the role of early
childhood education programs in ameliorating or exacerbating economic
disparities in children’s cognitive and behavioral school readiness skills.
Housing Contexts and Low-Income Children’s Development (MacArthur
Foundation). Coley, Principal Investigator; Linda Burton & Tama Leventhal, CoInvestigators. $900,000. Employs intensive ethnographic, survey, and
administrative data to assess low-income families’ housing experiences and
delineate connections to children’s health and development from infancy through
middle childhood.
Housing Contexts and Youth Development within Urban Low-Income Families
(W. T. Grant Foundation). Coley, Principal Investigator; Burton & Leventhal,
Co-Investigators. $324,841. Assesses multiple aspects of low-income families’
housing, neighborhood, and family contexts, and tests links with youth
functioning from age 10 to 21.
Health Risk Trajectories Across Adolescence: Understanding Gender Differences
(W. T. Grant Foundation). Coley, Principal Investigator; Mahalik & Jaffe, CoInvestigators. $394,058. Assesses how family and peer contexts affect the
initiation and sustainment of health risk behaviors both directly and in interaction
with genetic risks, with particular attention to gender divergence in such
Curriculum Vitae
Child Care Resources in Low-Income Communities. (National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development). Coley & Votruba-Drzal, Co-Principal
Investigators. $162,593. Assesses child care decisions and the implications of
child care experiences for the health and well-being of low-income children and
mothers using longitudinal survey, observational, and assessment data.
Bidirectional Links between Parenting Processes and Adolescent Risk Behaviors
(National Institute of Child Health and Human Development). Coley, Principal
Investigator. $156,251. Assesses transactional and bidirectional links between
parenting processes and adolescent health risk behaviors (substance use and risky
sexual behaviors), employing large, longitudinal data sets.
Distinguishing Between Family Structure and Family Instability on Child and
Adolescent Well-Being in Low-Income Families (National Center for Marriage
Research). Bachman & Coley, Co-Principal Investigators. $20,000. Assesses
effects of current family structure, recent transitions, and cumulative instability on
low-income children’s cognitive, behavioral, and psychological well-being.
Welfare Reform and the Well-Being of Children: The Three-City Teacher Survey
(Casey Foundation). Cherlin, Principal Investigator. $100,000. Additional
component to the Three-City Study comprised of multi-method assessments of
low-income urban children’s school contexts, educational experiences, and
academic functioning in Boston, Chicago, and San Antonio.
Welfare Reform and the Well-Being of Children (National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development). Cherlin, Principal Investigator. $6,324,019.
Longitudinal, multi-method study on the long-term effects of welfare reform on
children, families, and communities in Boston, Chicago, and San Antonio.
Particular focus on maternal welfare and employment transitions and child and
adolescent well-being.
Fathers’ Contributions to Adolescent Well-Being (W. T. Grant Foundation).
Coley, Principal Investigator. $180,688. Analysis of fathers’ direct and indirect
contributions to adolescent psychosocial and educational well-being, with a
particular focus on low-income and nonresidential fathers.
Father Involvement and Child Well-Being in Poor Families (National Institute of
Child Health and Human Development). Coley, Principal Investigator. $154,500.
Analysis of the influence of fathers’ financial, human, social, and emotional
capital on young children’s healthy developmental trajectories in low-income
Comparing Mother and Father Reports of Father Involvement among LowIncome Minority Families (Health and Human Services Research Development
Grant). Coley, Principal Investigator. $26,242. Methodological research
Curriculum Vitae
addressing the congruence and predictors of congruence between mother and
father reports of paternal involvement in low-income households.
Welfare Reform and the Well-being of Children. (National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development). Cherlin, Principal Investigator. $12,000,000.
Longitudinal, multi-method study on the effects of welfare reform on children,
families, and communities in Boston, Chicago, and San Antonio.
Children, Families, and Welfare Reform: A Three-City Study (Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation). Chase-Lansdale, Principal Investigator. $2,024,465.
Longitudinal, multi-method study on the effects of welfare reform on children,
families, and communities in Boston, Chicago, and San Antonio. Particular focus
on child development for preschool and early adolescent children.
Three-City Study of Family Economic and Social Well-Being After Welfare
Reform (Joyce Foundation). Chase-Lansdale, Principal Investigator. $360,000.
Longitudinal, multi-method study on the effects of welfare reform on children,
families, and communities in Boston, Chicago, and San Antonio. Particular focus
on child care usage and quality among preschool-age children.
Poverty and Place: The Intersection of Income and Urbanicity and Youth Health
Risk Behaviors
Shifts in Poor Families’ Expenditures
Health Risk Trajectories Across Adolescence
A Cross-National Comparative Analysis of Parenting Policies
The Three-City Teacher Survey
Qualitative Study of Adolescents Living in Rural Poverty
Training Better Consumers and Producers of Research: Redesign of Methodology
Courses in CDEP
A Qualitative Study of Homeless Fathers
Predictive Validity of Father and Mother Reports of Father Involvement
Out-of-School Care, Parental Monitoring, and Neighborhood Social Control
Demographic, Psychological, and Family Determinants of Paternal Involvement
Curriculum Vitae
in Low-Income Families
Child Functioning in Single-Parent Families
Adolescent Psychology
International Perspectives in Child and Family Policy
Social Issues and Social Policy
Applied Adolescent Development
Dissertation Seminar in Counseling/Developmental Psychology
Educational and Social Issues and Social Policy
Proseminar on Current Issues in Applied Developmental & Educational Psychology
Social and Emotional Development
Sociocultural Contexts of Development
Elyssa Besen (Chair)
Edward Bowers
Jennifer Carrano (Chair)
Christina Cipriano
David DeWine
Daphne Hernandez (Chair)
Selva Lewin-Bizan (Co-Chair)
Caitlin McPherran Lombardi (Chair)
Theresa Lund
Bethany Medeiros (Chair)
Jodi Morris (Chair)
Darcy Mitchel
Kimberly O’Brien
Elyse Pratt-Ronco (Chair)
Holly Schindler (Chair)
Sandra Tang
Sandee Tisdale
In progress:
Melissa Kull (Chair)
Kelly Minor
Curriculum Vitae
Grant Review Panel Member, National Institutes of Child Health and Human
Development, Special Emphasis Panel
Grant Review Panel Member, National Institutes of Child Health and Human
Development, Special Emphasis Panel
Review Panel Member, Parenting at Risk Conference, Society for Research on
Child Development
Review Panel Chair, Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Risk Taking, Population
Association of America meetings
Grant Review Panel Member, National Institutes of Child Health and Human
Development, Population Sciences Subcommittee
Grant Review Panel Member, National Institutes of Child Health and Human
Development, Special Emphasis Panel
Review Panel Member, Social Policy, 2010 Society for Research in Child
Development meetings
Grant Review Panel Member, National Institutes of Child Health and Human
Development, Special Emphasis Panel
Ad-hoc Reviewer, National Science Foundation, Developmental and Learning
Sciences Division
Grant Review Panel Member, National Institutes of Health Population Sciences
National Center for Marriage Research Grant Reviews
Grant Review Panel Member, National Institutes of Health Biobehavioral and
Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee
Grant Review Panel Member, National Institutes of Health Population Research
Grant Review Panel Member, National Institutes of Health Biobehavioral and
Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee
Grant Review Panel Member, National Institutes of Health Population Research
Program, Special Emphasis Panel
Curriculum Vitae
Expert Advisor Panel, RAND and ACYF, Healthy Marriage Precursors:
Relationship Development among Low-Income Youth and Young Adults
Grant Review Panel Member, National Institutes of Health Population Research
Review Panel Member, Adolescence: Social, Emotional, and Personality
Processes, 2005 Society for Research in Child Development meetings
Grant Review Panel Member, National Institutes of Health Population Research
Infrastructure Program
Review Panel Member, Public Policy, 2003 Society for Research in Child
Development meetings
Review Panel Member, Applied Research, Program Evaluation, and Public
Policy, 2002 Society for Research on Adolescence meetings
Technical Review Panel Member, National Household Education Survey
Review Panel Co-Chair, Men’s Investments, Population Association of America
American Journal of Sociology, American Psychologist, Applied Developmental Science,
Archives of General Psychiatry, Ashgate Publishing, Cambridge University Press, Child
Development, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Developmental Psychology,
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Evaluation and Program Planning, Family
Relations, Fathering, Foundation for Child Development , Journal of Adolescent Health,
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Journal of Family Psychology, Journal of Health and
Social Behavior, Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Research on Adolescence,
National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Parenting: Science and Practice,
Pediatrics, Smith Richardson Foundation, Social Service Review, Spencer Foundation, Violence
Against Women, W. T. Grant Foundation
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
Population Association of America
Society for Research on Adolescence
Society for Research in Child Development
Curriculum Vitae
Co-organizer, The Edward Zigler SRCD Biennial Policy Preconference:
Restoring Opportunity for Children in the Face of Income and Educational
Symposium Chair, Understanding Effects of Residential, School, and Neighborhood
Instability on Children and Youth, Biennual meetings of the Society for
Research on Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Symposium Chair, Child Care Quality and Child Outcomes, annual meetings of
the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Albuquerque,
Symposium Organizer, Differential Effects of Economic Insecurity on Children Across
Rural, Suburban, and Urban Communities , annual meetings of the Association
for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Albuquerque, NM.
Symposium Organizer, Child Care Policies and Children’s School Readiness:
Lessons from Diverse Populations, annual meetings of the Association for
Public Policy Analysis and Management, Baltimore, MD.
Symposium Chair, Social Service Use and Implications among Immigrant
Families, annual meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and
Management, Baltimore, MD.
Symposium Organizer and Chair, Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Risk Taking,
annual meetings of the Population Association of America, San Francisco,
Symposium Organizer, Sexual Risk Behaviors and Outcomes in Developing
Nations, annual meetings of the Population Association of America, San
Francisco, CA.
Symposium Chair, Eary care and education in the U.S. and Australia: Enhancing
the development of at-risk children, annual meetings of the Association for
Public Policy Analysis and Management, Boston, MA.
Symposium Chair, Impact of at-scale early childhood programs on children’s
behavioral and academic school readiness, annual meetings of the
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Boston, MA.
Conference Co-Leader, A policy framework for parenting, University of New
South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
Discussant, Income and services as pathways to child well-being, symposium at
12th Annual Welfare Research & Evaluation Conference,Washington, DC.
Curriculum Vitae
Symposium Chair, Parsing parental knowledge: What produces, affects, and
responds to parental knowledge in families with adolescents? biennial
meetings of the Society for Research on Child Development, Denver, CO.
Workshop Instructor, Welfare, children, and families: A three-city study, ICPSR
Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Workshop Leader, Methodological and pragmatic issues in longitudinal research
with low income families and children, invited workshop, School of Social
Work and Human Services, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia.
Workshop Participant and Project Advisor, How are welfare-to-work and
workplace reforms affecting young people and children at risk in Australia?
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Workshop Presenter, Welfare, children, and families: A three-city study, biennial
meetings of the Society for Research on Child Development, Boston, MA.
Discussant, Innovative Approaches to Studying the Daily Experiences of LowIncome Urban Youth Across Home, School, and Neighborhood Contexts,
symposium at the biennial meetings of the Society for Research on
Adolescence, San Francisco, CA.
Symposium Organizer, Transactional Relations Between Adolescents and
Parents: Who Influences Whom? Biennial meetings of the Society for
Research on Adolescence, San Francisco, CA.
Discussant, Understanding the effects of child care on the development of
children from low-income families: Policy lessons from a cross-disciplinary
approach, symposium at the annual meetings of the Association for Public
Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, D.C.
Discussant, Impact of father involvement on children’s developmental
trajectories: New findings panel, symposium at the National Fatherhood
Forum, University College, MD.
Discussant, Understanding child care effects on the development of children from
low-income families: Cross-disciplinary methods and lessons, symposium at
the biennial meetings of the Society for Research on Child Development,
Atlanta, GA.
Symposium Organizer, Maternal employment dynamics and adolescent wellbeing in low income and single-parent families. Biennial meetings of the
Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, MD.
Curriculum Vitae
Symposium Chair, Nonmaternal care use and quality: For whom is childcare
most important? Biennial meetings of the Society for Research on Child
Development, Tampa, FL.
Symposium Organizer, Family processes as mediators of welfare and employment
effects on children and adolescents: A multimethod view. Biennial meetings of
the Society for Research on Child Development, Tampa, FL.
Symposium Organizer, Multiple components of low-income families’ child care,
Annual meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and
Management, Dallas, TX.
Symposium Chair, Youth and families in poverty: Understanding welfare reform,
Biennial meetings of the Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans,
Symposium Chair, Out-of-school activities and adolescent adjustment across
diverse samples, Biennial meetings of the Society for Research on
Adolescence, New Orleans, LA.
Discussant, Understanding and measuring family strengths and functioning:
Implications for “family focused” policies, symposium at the meetings of the
Association for Public Policy, Analysis & Management, Washington D.C.
Discussant, Welfare reform’s impacts on children: Findings from the Project on
State-Level Child Outcomes, symposium at the meetings of the Association
for Public Policy, Analysis & Management, Washington D.C.
Discussant, Young people’s political behaviour at the turn of the century:
Patterns and contexts, symposium at Adolescents into Citizens: Integrating
Young People into Political Life, Zurich, Switzerland
Symposium Organizer, Understanding welfare reform: What researchers
need to know, Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research on
Adolescence, San Diego, CA
Symposium Chair, Correlates and consequences of adolescent parenting and
welfare use: Implications for welfare reform and adolescent well-being,
Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA
Symposium Chair, Men’s investments in children and child outcomes, Annual
Meetings of the Population Association of America, Chicago, IL
Curriculum Vitae
Symposium Chair, Fathering in urban families: The role of men in the lives of
minority children and adolescents, Biennial Meetings of the Society for
Research in Child Development, Washington, D.C.
Coley, R. L. (December, 2014). Childhood health disparities driven by housing and
neighborhood contexts. Invited presentation, Symposium on Global Public Health: Policy;
Disparity; Disease, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Coley, R. L. (October, 2014) New horizons in early childhood education research and policy.
Invited presentation, Annual Lynch School Fall Symposium, Boston College, Chestnut
Hill, MA.
Coley, R. L. (October, 2014). Housing as a social determinant of children's health and wellbeing. Invited presentation, How Housing Matters conference, National Building Museum,
Washington, D.C.
Coley, R. L. (September, 2014). Contrasting different models of preschool programs for lowincome children. Invited presentation, REL-NEI Early Childhood Education Research
Alliance, Boston, MA.
Coley, R. L. (July, 2014). Research insights into housing quality and healthy child development.
Invited presentation, MacArthur Foundation Roundtable, Boston, MA.
Coley, R. L. (March, 2014). Mixed methods in the study of social settings for positive youth
development. Invited presentation, W. T. Grant Foundation meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
Coley, R. L. (October, 2013). Early education and care and children's skills: Comparing
Australia and the U.S. Invited presentation, Mathematica Policy Research, Princeton, NJ.
Coley, R. L. (October, 2013). International perspectives on early education and care and
children's skills. Invited presentation, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge,
Coley, R. L. (October, 2012). Grant seeking: Tips and tribulations. Invited faculty workshop,
Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Coley, R. L. (July, 2012). Lessons learned from Welfare, Children, and Families: A Three-City
Study. Invited address, Fragile Families workshop, University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Coley, R. L. (June, 2012). Getting the Whole Picture: Using Mixed-Methods in Developmental
and Intervention Research . Invited address, Head Start Conference, Washington, DC.
Curriculum Vitae
Coley, R.L. (March, 2012). Career paths in Applied Developmental Psychology. Invited
presentation to the Northeastern University Psychology Club, Boston, MA.
Coley, R. L. (July, 2010). Lessons learned from different approaches to studying family
processes and child outcomes. Invited address, Science of Research on Families
Workshop, The National Academies, Washington, DC.
Coley, R. L. (June, 2010). Parenting practices and adolescent risk behaviors. Invited address,
MDRC, New York, NY.
Katz, I., & Coley, R. L. (April, 2010). A policy framework for parenting. Invited address,
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra,
Coley, R. L. (November, 2009). Fathers, discipline, and preschoolers. Invited address, Boston
Fathers & Family Network, Boston, MA.
Coley, R. L. (May, 2009). Early childhood education and care as a resource for low-income
children and mothers. Invited address, Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies,
University of Chicago.
Coley, R. L. (November, 2008). Adolescent sexual risk behaviors: Understanding the role of
families. Invited address, School of Nursing, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Cherlin, A. J., Guttmannova, K., Ribar, D. C., Fomby, P., & Coley, R. L.
(August, 2008). U.S. welfare reform: Implications for the long-term development of
children, adolescents, and young adults. Invited address, MacArthur Foundation Network
on the Family and the Economy, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.
Coley, R. L. (June, 2008). Welfare to work policies: Implications for child and family wellbeing. Invited address, Institute of Early Childhood, Macquarie University, Sydney,
Coley, R. L. (May, 2008). Early childhood education and care as a resource for low-income
children and mothers. Invited address, Children and Families Research Centre, Macquarie
University, Sydney, Australia.
Coley, R. L. (April, 2008). Parenting practices and youth risk behaviors: Protection or
reaction? Invited address, School of Social Science, University of Queensland, St. Lucia,
Coley, R. L. (April, 2008). Welfare reform in the U.S.: How welfare to work has affected
children and families. Invited address, School of Social Work and Human Services,
University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia.
Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Cherlin, A. J., Guttmannova, K., Ribar, D. C., Fomby, P., & Coley, R. L.
(April, 2008). Welfare reform: Implications for the long-term development of children,
Curriculum Vitae
adolescents, and young adults. Invited address, Department of Social Welfare, UCLA, Los
Angeles, CA.
Chase-Lansdale, P. L., Cherlin, A. J., Guttmannova, K., Ribar, D. C., Fomby, P., & Coley, R. L.
(April, 2008). Welfare reform: Implications for the long-term development of children,
adolescents, and young adults. Invited address, MDRC, New York, NY.
Coley, R. L. (March, 2008). Parenting practices and youth risk behaviors: Protection or
reaction? Invited address, Department of Psychology, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia.
Coley, R. L. (February, 2008). Early childhood education and care controversies and questions
in the U.S. Invited address, Building an International Research Collaboration in Early
Childhood Education and Care Workshop, Sydney, Australia.
Coley, R. L. (July, 2007). Welfare reform in the U.S.: How welfare to work has affected children
and families. Invited address to the Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, Australia.
Coley, R. L. (June, 2007). Policy implications from research with urban noncustodial fathers
and adolescents. Invited address to the Massachusetts State Legislators, Boston, MA.
Coley, R. L. (June, 2007). Urban noncustodial fathers: A preventive force against teen
delinquency. Invited address to Fathers and Families, Dorchester, MA.
Coley, R. L. (March, 2007). Youth risk behaviors and family contexts. Invited address, Graduate
School of Education, Harvard University.
Coley, R. L. (February, 2007). Youth risk behaviors and family contexts. Invited address, School
of Public Health, Harvard University.
Coley, R. L. (October, 2006). Fathering and youth risk behaviors. Invited address, Lynch
School of Education, Boston College.
Coley, R. L. (October, 2006). Family processes and youth risk behaviors: A two-way street.
Invited address, Psychology Department, Yale University.
Coley, R. L. (June, 2006). Family processes and youth risk behaviors: A two-way street. Invited
address, Child Well-being in the 21st Century conference, UC Davis.
Coley, R. L. (August, 2005). Fathering in low-income families. Invited address, annual
meetings of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Coley, R. L. (June, 2005). Mothers’ transitions from welfare to work and the well-being of
preschoolers and adolescents. Invited address, National Welfare Research and Evaluation
Conference, Arlington, VA.
Curriculum Vitae
Coley, R. L. (May, 2004). Child welfare and welfare reform. Invited address, Children’s
Hospital Matthew Eappen Lecture in Child Protection, Boston, MA.
Coley, R. L. (November, 2003). Fathering roles and child well-being in low-income families:
determinants and effects of paternal involvement. Invited address, Murray Research
Center, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Coley, R. L., & Schindler, H. (November, 2003). Measuring father involvement in the Three City
Study. Invited address, Measurement Issues in Family Demography Conference, Bethesda,
Coley, R. L. (November, 2002). The impact of maternal welfare and employment transitions on
children’s well-being: A look at family process. Invited address, Center on Children,
Families, and the Law, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NB.
Coley, R. L. (October, 2002). Welfare reform and the well-being of children and adolescents.
Invited address, Lynch School of Education’s 50th Anniversary, Boston College, Chestnut
Hill, MA.
Coley, R. L. (February, 2002). Welfare reform and child outcomes. Invited address, Research
Forum on Children, Families, and the New Federalism, Washington, D.C.
Coley, R. L. & Morris, J. E. (September, 2001). Comparing mother and father reports of father
involvement among low-income minority families. Invited address, HHS-ASPE Research
Development Grants Conference, Washington, DC.
Coley, R. L. (June, 2001). Perspectives on child care for low-income children. Invited address,
Public Obligations: Giving Kids a Chance—The State Role in Early Education Policy,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Coley, R. L., Chase-Lansdale, P. L., & Grining, C. L. (May, 2001). Observational and
maternal views of child care: What's best for low-income children and families? Invited address,
From Welfare to Child Care: What Happens to Infants and Toddlers when Single Mothers
Exchange Welfare for Work? Washington, DC.
Coley, R. L. (April, 1999). Urban fathers and their children: An overview of theory and
research. Invited address, Urban Seminar on Fatherhood, Cambridge, MA.
Kull, M. & Coley, R. L. (May, 2015). Early physical health conditions and school readiness
skills in a prospective birth cohort of U.S. children. Paper presented at the Population
Association of America meetings, San Diego, CA.
Curriculum Vitae
Coley, R. L. & Lynch, A. D. (March, 2015). The intersection of poverty and place: Economic
disparities in youth educational outcomes across the urban-rural continuum. Paper presented
at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Coley, R. L., Kull, M. A., & Lynch, A. D. (March, 2015). Residential mobility and children’s
cognitive and behavioral skills. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for
Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Coley, R. L. & Sims, J. (November, 2014). Family ependitures supporting poor children’s
success across rural, suburban, and urban communities. Paper presented at the annual
meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Albuquerque,
Coley, R. L., Votruba-Drzal, E., Lynch, A. D. (October, 2014). Economic disparities in positive
youth outcomes across urban, suburban, and rural contexts in the U.S. Paper presented at
the SRCD Positive Youth Development in the Context of Economic Recession special
meeting, Prague, Czech Republic.
Coley, R. L., Votruba-Drzal, E., Collins, M., Cook, K. D., & Miller, P. (July, 2014). Contrasting
different models of preschool programs for low-income children. Paper presented at the
Annual Head Start Research Conference, Washington, D.C.
Coley, R. L., Lynch, A. D., & Kull, M. A. (May, 2014). Early exposure to environmental chaos
and children’s physical and mental health . Paper presented at the Population Association
of America meetings, Boston, MA.
Coley, R. L.,Sims, J., & Carrano, J. (May, 2014). Genetic and environmental risks for alcohol
use and misuse. Paper presented at the Population Association of America meetings,
Boston, MA.
Kull, M. A., Coley, R. L., & Lynch, A. D. (May, 2014). The roles of instability and housing in
low-income families’ residential mobility. Poster presented at the Population Association
of America meetings, Boston, MA.
Coley, R. L., Carrano, J., Sims, J., Lynch, A., Lombardi, C., & Mahalik, J. (September, 2013).
Genetic and environmental risks for patterns of alcohol use from adolescence through
early adulthood. Paper presented at the 14th congress of the European Society for
Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Warsaw, Poland.
Coley, R. L., Lynch, A. D., & Kull, M. A. (May, 2013). Long term effects of environmental
chaos during early childhood. Paper presented at the World Conference on Psychology,
Counseling, and Guidance, Istanbul, Turkey.
Curriculum Vitae
Coley, R. L., Lynch, A. D., Sims, J.P., Lombardi, C.L., & Mahalik, J.M. (May, 2013). Family,
friend, and school social norms and adolescent alcohol use. Paper presented at the World
Conference on Psychology, Counseling, and Guidance, Istanbul, Turkey.
Elliott, M., Leventhal, T. Shuey, E. A., Doyle A. L., & Coley, R. L. (2013, April). The home
and the 'hood: Associations between housing and neighborhood contexts and adolescent
functioning. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Development, Seattle, WA.
Elliott, M., Leventhal, T. Shuey, E. A., Doyle A. L., & Coley, R. L. (2013, November). The
home and the 'hood: Associations between housing and neighborhood contexts and
adolescent functioning. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for
Public Policy and Management, Washington, DC.
Kull, M. A., & Coley, R. L. (May, 2013). Linking housing cost burden to child functioning:
Examining the role of family investment and stress. Poster presented at the ACF/OPRE
Welfare Research Evaluation Conference, Washington, DC.
Kull, M. A., Coley, R. L., Leventhal, T., & Lynch, A. D. (May, 2013). Housing profiles and
changes in children’s academic, behavioral, and emotional functioning. Poster presented at
the Modern Modeling Methods Conference, University of Connecticut, Storrs-Mansfield,
Carrano, J., Coley, R. L., & Knopik, V. (April, 2013). Cumulative genetic and environmental
predictors of youth alcohol abuse and dependence. Poster presented at the meetings of the
Society for Research on Child Development, Seattle, WA.
Coley, R.L., Lynch, A.D., Lombardi, C.L., Sims, J.P., & Mahalik, J.M. (April, 2013). Family,
friend, and school social norms and adolescent alcohol use. Paper presented at the
meetings of the Society for Research on Child Development. Seattle, WA.
Kull, M. A., & Coley, R. L. (April, 2013). Housing costs as investments and sources of stress:
Associations with low-income adolescent functioning. Poster presented at the Boston
College Doctoral Multidisciplinary Research Day, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Kull, M. A., & Coley, R. L. (2013, April). Linking housing cost burden to child and youth
functioning: Examining the role of family investment and stress in low-income families.
Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Seattle,
Kull, M. A., Coley, R. L., & Carrano, J. (2013, April). Do bidirectional associations between
spanking and children’s emotional and behavioral problems differ across African
American and Hispanic families? Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child
Development Conference, Seattle, WA.
Curriculum Vitae
Kull, M. A., Coley, R. L., Lynch, A. D. (2013, April). Housing contexts in infancy and early
childhood and long-term cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and physical health. Paper
presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Seattle, WA.
Sims, J.P. & Coley, R.L. (April, 2013). Examining the role of early home and child care literacy
experiences: Implications for bilingual children. Poster presented at the meetings of the
Society of Research in Child Development. Seattle, WA.
Sims, J.P. & Coley, R.L. (April, 2013). Associations between early literacy experiences and
later language outcomes among mono- and bilingual children. Paper presented at BC
Multidisciplinary Research Day. Chestnut Hill, MA.
Sims, J.P., Coley, R.L., & Lombardi, C.L. (April, 2013). The long-term implications of early
education programs for Australian children. Paper presented at the meetings of the Society
for Research on Child Development. Seattle, WA.
Coley, R. L., Kull, M., Leventhal, T., & Lynch, A. D. (November, 2012). Profiles of housing
characteristics among low-income urban families. Paper presented at the the annual
meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Baltimore, MD.
Lombardi, C. M., Coley, R. L., & Sims, J. (November, 2012). The long-term implications of
timing, extent, and type of child care for Australian children. Paper presented at the the
annual meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management,
Baltimore, MD.
Miller, P. & Coley, R. L. (November, 2012). Predictors of preschool attendance among
immigrant families. Paper presented at the the annual meetings of the Association for
Public Policy Analysis and Management, Baltimore, MD.
Coley, R. L., Lombardi, C. M., Sims, J., & Harrison, L. (July, 2012). Early education and care
and school readiness: A comparative perspective between Australian and American
children. Paper presented at the Australian Institute of Family Studies conference,
Melbourne, Australia.
Coley, R. L., Lynch, A. D., Kull, M., & Leventhal, T. (July, 2012). Effects of housing
characteristics on low-income children’s cognitive and behavioral skills. Paper presented
at the Australian Institute of Family Studies conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Coley, R. L., Votruba-Drzal, E., Miller, P., & Koury, A. (July, 2012). Deconstructing the link
between nonparental child care and children’s behavior problems in a national study of
American children. Paper presented at the Australian Institute of Family Studies
conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Coley, R. L., Lynch, A. D., Lombardi, C. M., Mahalik, J., Sims, J. (May, 2012). Adolescent
sexual risk behaviors : The role of family, peer, and school social norms. Paper presented
at the Population Association of America meetings, San Francisco, CA.
Curriculum Vitae
Lombardi, C. M. & Coley, R. L. (May, 2012). Low-income women’s employment experiences
and their health, financial, and family well-being. Paper presented at the annual Welfare
Research and Evaluation Conference, Washington, DC.
Carrano, J., Coley, R. L., & Mahalik, J. R. The influence of family-, peer-, and school-level
social norms and gender on youth alcohol use. (March, 2012). Poster presented at the
Society for Research on Adolescence meetings, Vancouver, Canada.
Coley, R.L., Bachman, H., & Carrano, J. (March, 2012). Lifetime family structure patterns and
adolescent psychosocial functioning. Paper presented at the Society for Research on
Adolescence meetings, Vancouver, Canada.
Bachman, H., Coley, R. L., & Carrano, J. (November, 2011). Low-income mothers’ patterns of
partnership instability and adolescents’ behavioral and emotional well-being. Paper
presented at the annual meetings of the National Council on Family Relations, Orlando,
Coley, R. L., Lynch, A. D., Kull, M., & Leventhal, T. (November, 2011). Housing
characteristics and the well-being of low-income children and adolescents. Paper
presented at the annual meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and
Management, Washington, DC.
Lombardi, C. & Coley, R.L. (2011, November). Early maternal employment and childhood
obesity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Public Policy
Analysis and Management, Washington, DC.
McPherran, C., & Coley, R.L. (2011, June). Mothers, young children, and work: Low-income
mothers’ employment dynamics. Poster presented at the Administration for Children and
Families’ annual Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference, Washington, DC.
Coley, R. L., Carrano, J., & Lewin-Bizan, S. (April, 2011). Fathers’ antisocial behaviors,
parenting quality, and children’s behavior problems: Testing alternate models. Paper
presented at the biennial meetings of the Society for Research on Child Development,
Montreal, Canada.
Coley, R. L., Votruba-Drzal, E., Miller, P., & Koury, A. (April, 2011). Further delineating links
between child care type, timing, and extent and young children’s behavior problems. Paper
presented at the biennial meetings of the Society for Research on Child Development,
Montreal, Canada.
McPherran, C., & Coley, R. L. (April, 2011). Mothers, young children, and work: Low-income
mothers’ employment. Poster presented at the biennial meetings of the Society for
Research on Child Development, Montreal, Canada.
Coley, R. L., McPherran, C., & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (November, 2010). Long-term effects of
early maternal employment on low-income children’s functioning. Paper presented at the
Curriculum Vitae
annual meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Boston,
Votruba-Drzal, E., Coley, R. L., & Koury, A. (November, 2010). Prekindergarten and the
development of reading and math skills among at-risk children. Paper presented at the
annual meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Boston,
Coley, R. L., McPherran, C., & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (June, 2010). Does maternal employment
following childbirth support or inhibit low-income children’s long-term development?
Paper presented at the symposium at 13th Annual Welfare Research & Evaluation
Conference,Washington, DC.
Bachman, H., Coley, R. L., & Carrano, J. (November, 2009). Distinguishing family structure
and instability effects for low-income children and youth. Poster presented at the annual
meetings of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington,
Votruba-Drzal, E., & Coley, R. L. (November, 2009). Non-parental care and school readiness
of economically disadvantaged children. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, D.C.
Bachman, H. J., Coley, R. L., & Chase-Lansdale, P. L. (April, 2009). Is maternal marriage
beneficial for low-income adolescents? Paper presented at the biennial meetings of the
Society for Research on Child Development, Denver, CO.
Carrano, J. L., Coley, R. L., Lerner, J. V. (April, 2009). Resilience in low-income urban youth:
An ecological systems approach. Poster presented at the biennial meetings of the Society
for Research on Child Development, Denver, CO.
Coley, R. L., Lewin-Bizan, S., & Carrano, J. L. (April, 2009). Do early parenting and
socioeconomic resources promote low-income children's long-term cognitive skills? Paper
presented at the biennial meetings of the Society for Research on Child Development,
Denver, CO.
Lewin-Bizan, S., Coley, R. L., & Dearing, E. (April, 2009). Paternal involvement and children's
behavioral evolvement: Differences among low- and middle-income families. Paper
presented at the biennial meetings of the Society for Research on Child Development,
Denver, CO.
Coley, R. L., Votruba-Drzal, E., & Schindler, H. S. (April, 2009). Do fathers' and mothers'
knowledge predict or respond to adolescent sexual risk behaviors? Paper presented at the
biennial meetings of the Society for Research on Child Development, Denver, CO.
Votruba-Drzal, E., Coley, R. L., Maldonado-Carreño, C., Li-Grining, C. P., & Chase-Lansdale,
P. L. (April, 2009). Child care and the socioemotional development of economically
Curriculum Vitae
disadvantaged children in middle childhood. Paper presented at the biennial meetings of
the Society for Research on Child Development, Denver, CO.