LG151: I G I Fall 2015

Fall 2015
Course Goals and Objectives:
In this course you will be introduced to the German language. This course is intended for
students who have no prior experience with German. The objective of this course is to help
students become more proficient in the five skills of learning a second language: oral
communication, listening comprehension, proficiency in writing, reading comprehension, and
cultural knowledge. In-class activities will center on practice in oral communication, discussion
of the relevant grammar, reading activities and group work. The course is 3 credit hours.
Required Text:
 Anton, et. al. Sag mal, including Supersite Plus + WebSAM Code. Vista Higher Learning.
Hausaufgaben (Homework)
Zwischenprüfung (Midterm)
Abschlussprüfung (Final Exam)
Kapiteltests (Unit Tests)
Mündliche Aufnahmen (Oral Recordings)
Mündliche Prüfung (Oral Exam)
Grading Scale:
90%+ = A (sehr gut)
80-89% = B (gut)
70-79% = C (befriedigend)
60-69% = D (ausreichend)
<60% = F (mangelhaft)
All assignments will be given, completed and submitted via the Supersite (go to
<www.vhlcentral.com> to get started; instructions have been emailed to your Jagmail account).
Completed assignments submitted on time will receive full credit (100%), and assignments
submitted late will be given 75%.
Zwischenprüfung und Abschlussprüfung:
The midterm and final exams will be in-class, closed book, closed notes. Students will be tested
on oral communication, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing ability and
cultural knowledge. The midterm will be administered following chapter three, and the final
during the final exam period, which is on the calendar. Details about the content and format will
be discussed in class beforehand.
Chapter tests will be administered in class following chapters 1, 2, 4 and 5. Details about the
content and format will be discussed in class beforehand.
Mündliche Aufnahmen:
Students will record themselves via the Supersite at the end of each chapter, responding to a
prompt provided. Students should speak freely, without reading from a prepared script.
Mündliche Prüfung:
Students will perform interactive skits for their classmates toward the end of the semester and be
graded. Skits must demonstrate linguistic competence and cultural knowledge. Only minimal
notes will be allowed. Students will be graded under the assumption that each group has met
multiple times before the exam time and is well prepared. Suggested topics will be distributed in
class. Failure to appear for a scheduled skit will result in a 0 for the student in question (groupmates will be expected to perform skit without the absent classmate).
Class participation:
Up to 3 bonus points will be added to each student’s final average for the course for participation
as defined below.
3: Absent no more than twice, rarely late, always has book, always makes an effort to
participate in class: volunteers, goes to the board, uses German in group work, always
prepared, attentive.
2: Same criteria as 3, but with 3 absences.
1: One of the following obtains: level of effort is inconsistent, or does not always have
book, or sometimes late AND no more than 5 absences.
0: Often forgets book (this includes failure to obtain book immediately at the beginning
of the semester), usually unable to respond meaningfully in class, rarely volunteers, texts
in class, AND no more than 5 absences.
There is no such thing in this class as an “excused absence.” Failure to attend class will result in
that student being marked absent for that day. (An exception to this policy will be made for
students who have necessary absences due to officially sanctioned university activities; speak to
instructor at the beginning of the semester.) A penalty of 2% will be assessed against a student’s
final grade for the course for each absence beyond five.
Missed test policy:
Being absent on the day of a test will result in a 0 for the test, unless: 1.) student has sent the
instructor an e-mail detailing the emergency or spoken with the instructor on the phone before
the class period in which the test or quiz takes place; and 2.) student can provide written and
verifiable justification for absence (doctor’s note, paid receipt for car repair, obituary, release
from hospital, etc.; verifiable means that there is a phone number of a person to whom instructor
may speak who will verify the emergency). In this case, a make-up test will be given only at the
instructor’s discretion (i.e., the instructor may still decide not to give a make-up).
*The Academic Integrity Policy of the Department of Foreign Languages will be observed and
enforced in this course. Details are available on the Department’s website:
*This course will adhere to the Academic Disruption Policy as described in the The Lowdown.
*Special Needs. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students with
documented disabilities will be afforded reasonable accommodation. The Office of Student
Disability Services (5828 Old Shell Road, 460-7212) will certify a disability and advise faculty
members of reasonable accommodations.
*Help is available! Students encountering difficulties with the course are encouraged to come to
instructor’s office hours or to seek out tutorial help in the Language Resource Center (LRC).
Advanced German students are available in the LRC for free tutoring. The LRC also provides
additional resources (multimedia, audio-visual, textual) for language learning and the media
lounge offers the opportunity to view German television and films.
Unforeseen Changes: written notice will be given for any necessary changes to the syllabus.
The syllabus is also posted on the departmental website (www.southalabama.edu/languages/).