COMPUTER-AIDED ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR HYDROGEN MANUFACTURE by L. B. Evans and J. E. Strong, Jr. MIT Energy Laboratory Working Paper No. 86-013WP June 1986 COMPUTER-AIDED ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR HYDROGEN MANUFACTURE by Prof. Lawrence B. Evans John E. Strong, Jr. Department of Chemical Engineering M.I.T. June 1, 1986 PREFACE This informal working paper documents the results of a study to demonstrate and assess the applicability of flowsheet simulation or a screening tool to aid in process research planning. Very crude models were used for three processes for hydrogen manufacture. Because of limitations in the model the process and economic results presented herein should be used only as an illustration of qualitative trends. We have not checked the data on which these results are based and make no claim for the exact numerical values. The study demonstrated, however, that rigorous flowsheet simulation using ASPEN PLUS with preliminary process economics is an excellent tool for evaluation processes at the research stage. If more time and data were available, the models could be readily upgraded to give realistic quantitative comparisons. 2 ABSTRACT The development of new chemical proce sses is ofteIn hampered by exhaustive research into many var iations several alternative production methods. There is a in real need for a tool which can provide early infor mation to he:1 P guide the selection of the most promising rou tes and identify the critical areas of research to ma ke the final process most efficient. This study uses the example of hydrogen manufacture, considered very importa nt for the future of synfuels technology, to demonstrate how computer flowsheet simulation can fill this need. Three different hydrogen production processes were modeled with the ASPEN flowsheet simulation system. Steam reforming and partial oxidation of methane were studied separately and then compared. For each model the process efficiency, defined in terms of product purity, yield, and cost, was analyzed as a function of the operating conditions. Trends in behavior were plotted and methodologies for process optimization found. On comparing the processes, steam reforming was i dentified as the more cost effective process. Partial oxi dation, although resulting in lower initial capital i nvestment for the same size plant, has higher operating cos ts associated with the need for a pure oxygen feed. This p rocess is competitive with steam reforming only if a very low cost source of oxygen is available. Th e third process simulated was electrolysis of Th is demonstrated the method by which flowsheet simulati on can be used to compare processes based on very differen t technologies. It was found that because of the cost of the large amount of electricity needed, electrolysis produces hydrogen at several times the cost as that of the steam reforming process. In addition, the capital expenditure for a large scale electrolysis plant is much higher than the same size steam reforming faci lity because of the high cost of the necessary electroly equipment. This suggests that electrolysis is not a viable alternative for hydrogen manufacture on the scale n eeded water. sis for future synfuels processes. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. . . . . . . . . . . .* Steam Reforming of Methane Partial Oxidation of Methane . Electrolysis of Water IV. . SIMULATION RESULTS Comparisons CONCLUSIONS . SOURCES CONSULTED . . . . .. .. . . . 4 . *17 * * *. 8 ASPENPLUS FLOWSHEET SIMULATION Process . 3 13 . Steam Reforming of Methane Partial Oxidation of Methane . Electrolysis of Water . . III. . PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS Steam Reforming of Methane Partial Oxidation of Methane . Electrolysis of Water II. . ·. . . . . . . . .· .* . . . . . . . 21 25 27 . . . . . . . . . .* . 30 47 62 66 . . 71 . 73 APPENDIX: ASPEN Input Files Listing 1: Steam Reforming of Methane . Listing 2: Partial Oxidation of Methane Listing 3: Electrolysis of Water 76 81 86 4 INTRODUCTION Although it is the third most abundant element by atom, hydrogen does not appear naturally anywhere on earth in its pure form. Generating hydrogen therefore requires the chemical decomposition of a heavier material containing hydrogen, followed by the separation of the gaseous hydrogen from other side-products. (9) feed stock in the chemical has been a very important petrochemical is typically money industries quite and because expensive, used to generate the production and of it a great deal of work and and optimization has gone into the development processes Because hydrogen hydrogen. of the In the future hydrogen should become an even more important raw material, for although there at this time, the is a world oil surplus certainty of long-term limited resources suggests the eventual need for large quantities fuel or in synthetic of hydrogen gas production. either as a (4) The oil crisis in the mid 1970's focused the world's attention on the problem of limited resources and the need to find alternative inexpensive energy sources ways to insure for the future. reliable (9) and One of the critical areas identified was the need for efficient, cheap, high-volume hydrogen production. As a result, an explosion of research ensued on many fronts. People from 5 private industry, universities, and the United States all began large scale research government looked at production methods hydrocarbons improving 4, involvi ng partial and s team reforming (e.g. 1, 4, 7, 11, and 13). of Some looked to make the simplest method, direct electrolysis water, cost competi tive despite inefficiency of the inherent thermodynamic electrolytic cel ls (e.g. some explo red revolutionary including for of ele ctricity generation and the high capital cost of high-volume Finally, of oxidation Others looked at 11). the now f avored process: hydrocarbons ways (e.g. 1, 2, Some projects. 3, and 4, 5). production methods, the once highly promising thermochemical cycles involving complex multi-reaction systems in which water is broken into its elements materials. reaction through the use of recycled (e.g. 4) Among the many advancements forwarded by this volume of work has been one fact inherent to hydrogen there is a vast number of production production: and separation method combinations and no efficient way to compare and choose among them. Some studies involved detailed design and cost calculations for different processes method (4), but the inflexibility becomes of this "brute-force" clear when one faces the task of repeating all of these calculations when a break-through for example, the physical reliability temperature reactors. is made in, of very high Another comparative approach has been the use of detailed computer models to predict operating conditions and ultimate process costs (11). Here 6 again an inherent the process inflexibility is modified exists in that every time in some way, a new computer program for the new process must be generated. In the hydrogen industry, then, there is a clear need for a tool to aid in the study and selection alternative process pathways. of An efficient method must be developed by which processes which are vastly different in concept and stage of development equal footing. can be compared on an With this tool, early development could be guided so as to eliminate improbable work processes and point out directions of greatest need for viable, low-cost production methods. is not exclusive need in the whole The desire for such a comparative to hydrogen chemical production: industry tool there is a general for an efficient methodology for process comparison. This study focuses on one answer to this need: computer flowsheet simulation. With flowsheet simulation, the user is given a list of unit operations from which may select. By taking those unit operations the chemical process under study and connecting he which are in them appropriately with material flow streams, a flowsheet simulation is quickly developed. The user then has an efficient means of studying the effects of any relevant process inputs on any results of interest. The flexibility of this method over "brute-force" calculations and dedicated computer programs is clear when one considers the ease with which the unit operations can be moved around, inserted, or replaced in order to more fully explore 7 process alternatives. the power The goal of this study is to demonstrate of flowsheet simulation in studying, comparing, and optimizing alternative processes. Various means of hydrogen production, including steam reforming of methane, partial oxidation of methane, and electrolysis of water, because of the have been selected for this demonstration real and immediate need for this tool in this field as described above. The flowsheet simulator ASPENPLUS, devel oped at M.I .T. and now licensed by Aspen Technology, Inc., Camb ridge, MA, was used for this work. simulator simulating costing ha s al 1 of the unit operations t hese hydrogen processes This necessary for and has a comprehensive pack age with which capital and operating expenses can be easil y ca l culated. It s that while every effort houl d be noted made to use real istic operating simulations, the emphasis methodology of flowsheet operating and cost numbers has been in these of this work is on the simulation and not the specific an d cost conclu sions found for hydrogen production. It is hoped that this demonstration will sh ow the flexibil ity and appli cability of flowsheet simulation to the study of alternative will use simulation processes, in conjunction and that engineers with actual data from existing or experimental facilities to make intelligent choices for the future. 8 I. PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS STEAM REFORMING OF METHANE The first process to be simulated was the current favored method for hydrogen production: steam reforming. There are many variations on this process, variety of ways of treating the reformer the synthesis and of separating side products. including in gas produced the pure hydrogen Figure 1 shows a typical a from the configuration, chosen because it is not overly complex and yet represents the average process in use today. The heart of this production furnace at the top of the flowsheet. unit operation: steam and methane. be used as the hydrogen method is the reformer Two feeds enter this Other hydrocarbons can source, but methane was selected because of its common use and because of its high hydrogen After the feeds enter the reformer, to carbon ratio. heat up and reaction 2 shows the reactions The top of Figure reformer. occuring inside. in the and water react to form hydrogen Methane carbon monoxide. takes place over a catalyst and The carbon monoxide can then react with water to produce more hydrogen and carbon dioxide. overall reaction they is highly endothermic, furnace must supply The so the reformer heat to force the reactions to go _ __ k s s- 9 STEAM Q out Q out CO 2 Q out Qin RECOVERED MEA WATER . MEA F I GURE 1' Process Flowsheet for Steam Reforming of Methane . . ODUCT . 10 * REFORMER REACTOR: CH4 + H2 0 4--- 3 H2 CO+ H20 -* C0 2 + + CO H2 Temperature = 900 - 1250 K * Pressure = 10- 50 ATM Steam: CH 4 = 3.0 - 5.0 SHIFT REACTORS: CO + H 2 0 * - CO2 -I H2 Temperature = 600 - 750 K (HIGH), Pressure = < 80 ATM 450 - 600K (LOW) METHANATOR: CO2 + 4 H2 4 CH4 + 2 H 2 0 Temperature FIGURE 2: = 600 K Chemical Reactions for Reactors in Steam Reforming Process 11 toward completion. Also indicated reformer conditions. the effective The temperature range is limited by range of the catalyst, is in part controlled hydrogen on Figure 2 are broad ranges for the compression range by the need for high pressure at the end of the process high throughout and the pressure the process at the end). (i.e. keep the pressure to avoid the costs of The steam to methane the reformer is generally about 4:1. helps drive both reactions toward ratio into The excess steam the right, favoring greater hydrogen production, and also helps prevent carbon formation on the catalyst inside the reformer. The next step in the process, is a series of cooling reformer as shown in Figure and shift reaction steps. 1, The exit gases are cooled and sent to a high temperature shift reactor. converted shift (1) to hydrogen reaction. over a catalyst The center reaction involved. Here some carbon monoxide is via the water gas section of Figure 2 shows the The exit from this reactor is cooled again and sent to a low temperature shift reactor where most of the remaining carbon monoxide is converted to carbon dioxide and hydrogen. ranges in operating shift reactors. conditions Also shown in Figure 2 are for the two temperature The temperatures are again limited by the catalyst constraints. This two step shift process is favored because of the reaction equilibrium and cost of catalyst versus the process temperature. Low temperatures favor near complete 12 conversion of carbon monoxide, but the catalysts active at low temperature tend to be more expensive to use. (11) The high temperature catalysts are cheaper, making it more cost effective to shift some of the carbon monoxide catalysts and use a low temperature catalyst over these only as a final, clean-up step. The stream leaving the low temperature shift reactor should contain a large fraction of hydrogen, some carbon monoxide, monoxide some methane, on a dry basis. The next step, as shown in Figure 1, is to remove the impurity product stream. and a small amount of carbon Many methods carbon dioxide from the are in use, but for this simulation absorption with monoethanolamine (MEA) has been used. Here the gaseous multi-stage product stream basis with the amine. Essentially carbon dioxide is removed in this way. heavy with carbon ultimate recycle. dioxide, is contacted on a all of the The exit amine, is sent on for recovery and Usually, recovery is handled easily by simply heating the MEA and driving off the carbon dioxide. (4) The product stream, now stripped of carbon dioxide, contains hydrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide on a dry basis. This stream is heated up so that the small amount of carbon monoxide which was not shifted in the shift reactors can be reacted final product. taking place in a methanator The bottom of Figure in the catalytic to produce the 2 shows the reaction methanator. A small amount of hydrogen is sacrificed to react with the carbon monoxide 13 to give methane the water As shown in Figure and water. 1, all of in the product stream from the methanator is removed, and the final product, consisting only of hydrogen and methane, emerges. PARTIAL OXIDATION OF METHANE Another method for hydrogen production, which has is partial by steam reforming, essentially been replaced oxidation. This process was selected as the second to be simulated, for it is similar to steam reforming, providing an easy basis of comparison, and it was hoped that the simulation would demonstrate why steam reforming is favored. 3 shows the partial oxidation Figure The only major used. the steam reforming at the top. difference this flowsheet between one shown in Figure Because both processes flowsheet and 1 is the oxidizer a synthesis generate gas after their primary reactor, the exact same recovery process was used downstream. The feed to the oxidizer oxygen, used, of methane, Here too, other hydrocarbons and steam. including consists coal, as the hydrogen source. can be Methane was selected simply to provide for easy comparison with the steam reforming results. desired reactions oxygen The top of Figure 4 shows the taking place inside the oxidizer. is used to oxidize and carbon monoxide. the methane to produce The hydrogen The steam reacts with the carbon 14 Ik row ! I Ai I STEAM Qout Qout CO 2 Q out Qin RECOVERED MEA WATER MLA · FIGURE3: Process Flowsheet for Partial Oxidation of Methane · O')IMT r _ _ _ 15 * OXIDATION REACTOR: CH4 +(1/2) 02* CO 4 H20 2 H2 Co 2 + + CO H2 1050 - 1300 K Temperature = Pressure Steam: CH4 = 1 - 30 ATM = 0.5- 1.5 0.5- 02: CH4 1.5 * SHIFT REACTORS: CO + H2 0 - CO2 + H2 Terrperature = 600 - 750 K Pressure * = < 80 ATM METHANATOR: CO2 + 4H2 4 CH 4 Temperature + 2 H2 0 = 600 K FIGURE4: Chemical Reactions for Reactors in Partial Oxidation Process 16 monoxide to produce more hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Figure 4 also shows some ranges conditions. in operating Depending on these process conditions, the overall reaction may be either exothermic or endothermic. This points up the real advantage to the partial oxidation process: unlike steam reforming, little heat input is required in this primary reactor, providing for savings on capital to build the reactor The disadvantage operating. and fuel costs while is the need for relatively pure oxygen in large quantities. This usually requires building an on-site oxygen plant as well, making the oxygen an expensive feed stock. (11) The steam to methane ratio for the oxidizer less than that in the reformer in the primary reaction. because water Generally is far is not needed a ratio of around 1.0 provides the necessary water to drive the second reaction toward the right. generally first The oxygen near 1.0. reaction to methane It must be high enough to allow the to take place but cannot allow full oxidation ratio is also be so high as to to take place, burning off the desired hydrogen. The remainder as indicated of the partial oxidation in Figures flowsheet, 3 and 4, is the exact same as that for the steam reforming process. 17 ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER The final hydrogen generation process simulated with this study was direct electrolysis well known that electrical in an electrolysis hydrogen when applied It is to water cell, causes water to split into gaseous and oxygen. way to generate current, of water. This process is by far the simplest hydrogen and has the advantage of producing almost 100% pure product with a minimum of separation equipment. associated the large It suffers, however, from the high cost with the large amount of electricity capital costs required for electrolysis necessary for high volume production. selected for study used and so as to compare cells Electrolysis was to the catalytic methods of reforming and oxidation with the completely different approach of electrolysis. simulation would demonstrate It was hoped that the the advantages and disadvantages between these processes, allowing for an intelligent selection of the appropriate process for future development. Figure 5 shows the simple flowsheet involved with electrolysis. The water is fed to a cell where electricity is used to split streams, oxygen oxygen created it into its elements. and hydrogen, The the product are then taken off. can be a bonus, however The pure the high cost of liquifaction needed to economically ship oxygen any great distance negates this advantage unless the oxygen can be used on site. (4) 18 WATER ELECTRICITY OXYGEN HYDROGEN FIGURE 5: Process Flowsheet for Electrolysis of Water 19 0 ELECTROLYSIS CELL: H2 0 + electricity F I GURE 6: -* H2 + (1/2)02 Reaction in Electolysis Process 20 Figure 6 shows what is happening chemically inside the electrolysis cell. Again, process makes it attractive. the simple nature of the The major complexity is involved with the electrolyte which is used inside the cell. Some systems use liquid electrolytes solutions of potassium hydroxide. such as In order to improve cell efficiency (theoretical power required divided by actual power used), some work was been done to develop electrolytes simulation, is converted such as solid polymers. it has been assumed to hydrogen cell efficiency is 85%. (4) newer For this that all of the feed water and oxygen and that the overall 21 II. ASPENPLUS FLOWSHEET SIMULATION STEAM REFORMING OF METHANE All of the simulations in this study were done with the ASPENPLUS flowsheet simulation system. For each process, the flowsheet was divided into its individual unit operations. For each unit operation, corresponding model or "block." a given flowsheet flow streams. operations are selected The operating are entered The simulation has a Those blocks appearing in and connected conditions by material for the unit and the feed streams can then be executed, results accessed. ASPENPLUS are specified. and the desired In addition, ASPENPLUS has a comprehensive costing section which allows the individual process units to be costed, total capital investment. leading to a calculation The costing of the section also calculates utility and raw material usage, labor, overhead, and depreciation so that a total operating cost can be reported. Figure 7 shows the ASPEN block diagram steam reforming process. This shows all of the ASPEN blocks used in this simulation represent. for the and the types of models Listing 1 in the appendix ASPEN input language for this process. shows the actual Comparison of they 22 FEED REFORMER _~~~0 (RGI BBS) I STEAM I _ . II I I~~~~~~~~~~~~ Qout 4 I ,\,# COOL 1 (HEATER) II 'I _ HTSHI FT (RGIBBS) Fg - Qout 1* J COOL2 (HEATER) - p /V, ~~~~~~ I X ! LTSHIFT (RGIBBS) Qout ii C02EXIT COOL3 (HEATER) I - METHATOR ... I MEA- REC (RSTOIC) WI -- .4 (SEP) Immiii,.i. HEAT 1 I I (HEATER) . T I SCRUB (SEP) · . lIII .. I , ] v ., 4~~~~~~~~~ H20-SEP (SEP) RMEA C EXIT H2EXIT LMEA FIGURE 7: . Ir PRODUCT ASPENblock diagram for the Steam Reforming Process 23 Figure 7 with Figure 1 shows that the translation of flowsheet to ASPEN block diagram consisted of matching each step in the process with the appropriate ASPEN model. The main reformer reactor is modeled with the ASPEN reactor block This is a model which uses Gibbs "RGIBBS." free energy to find the final equilibrium the product stream. of composition The components which are present - carbon monoxide, and carbon methane, water, hydrogen dioxide - are entered in this block as are the operating conditions in the reform er. Optionally, the temperature approach to equilibrium can be entered to simulate incomplete reaction. to equilibrium approach -15 Fo r this simulation, for the methane the temperature reaction was set at C. (8) All of the heaters and coolers "HEATER" blocks. are modeled with These take as input the desired exit temperature and pressure and calculate the necessary heat duty based on the inlet stream conditions. is then accessed exchanger by the costing and utility This heat duty section to determine heat needs for the heating or cooling step. and low temperature Both the high temperature reactors are also modeled with "RGIBBS" blocks. Again the species present and operating conditions are entered. both blocks a temperature was used for the shift approach reaction. to equilibrium For of +10 C (8) It was assumed that 100% of the carbon dioxide removed by the monoethanolamine shift (MEA) in the scrubber. is For 24 this reason, this step was modeled as a "SEP" simply block. This block takes the incoming product an d MEA and directs flow of the gaseous the individual species present to the out:let streams with given separation this simul ation For 100% of the MEA exits with the stream going to the MEA recovery dioxide. fractions. unit as does 100% of the carbon This stream goes to another "SEP" block, "MEA-REC" which removes the carbon dioxide and returns the recovered MEA. a ll scrubber The remaining gaseous materials in the exit to the heater and on to the methanator. Th ie methanator modeled wi th "RGIBBS." carbon monioxide reacts ggoes reaction is the only reactor which is not It was assumed that all remaining to form water and methane to compl etio n). For this; reason, (i.e. the the ASPEN reactor mcidel "RSTOIC" was used This model takes as input the stoichiometry occurring conversion of the reaction rate of that reaction. and the Here, a conversion rate of 1.0 was used. The last unit in the flowsheet produce in which a pure, dry product stream. all of the water is directed stream and all of the hydrogen removes any water to This is a "SEP" block to the water exit and methane is taken off as product. The costing section of the simulation accesses the important variables from around the flowsheet to calculate capital and operating size units costs. The heat duties such as the reformer and the heating furnace, are used to the cooling steps, step, and the utility rates, in terms of 25 steam and fuel oil are calculated. such as methane discussed purchase in the results the costing Raw material cost, is also found. section, rate and operating production cost per million As will be one of the key uses for section of the simulation production usage, was to take the cost and determine BTU of hydrogen the for various operating conditions. PARTIAL OXIDATION OF METHANE Because of the similarity between the processes, the ASPEN simulation for partial oxidation was built directly on that already developed for steam reforming. Figure 8 shows the ASPEN block diagram for the partial oxidation process. Listing 2 in the Appendix corresponding ASPEN input language. is the The only real difference is in the first block - as mentioned downstream processing For this process reactor. of the synthesis the oxidizer above, the gas is identical. is modeled as a "RGIBBS" Instead of just methane and steam, though, an additional presence feed of pure oxygen of oxygen the steam simulation reformer is used. In the block, is added to the list of species reactor. that the reactions It was assumed taking the found in for this place go to equilibrium before exiting. The remaining ASPEN blocks, input language, and operating conditions are the same as those discussed above 26 CH4 -------- No OXIDIZER ---------- 02 (RGIBBS) STEAM Qout pc iiHEATER (HEATER) _~~~~, 1* i_ HTSHI FT (RGI BBS) _il _ Qout 7v COOL2 (HEATER) - _ 1 1 . LTSHI FT (RGIBBS) -- - Qout ,v' Ii d ,i - C02EXIT 1 COOL (HEATER) . Qin METHATOR MEA-REC I (RSTOIC) w · F (SEP) .4 II I p_ - (HEATER) -- imL I j SCRUB S (SEP) II RMEA " C" HEAT 1 1 . H20-SEP imml I (SEP) __ - I1 LMEA H20EXIT r PRODUCT FIGURE 8: ASPENblock diagram for the Partial Oxidation Process 27 for steam reforming. ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER Electrolysis, being a fairly simple process, yields block diagram, a simple ASPEN 3 in the Appendix as seen in Figure specified. water of water reaction going to hydrogen the conversion and oxygen fraction is for this is set at 1.0. Because only one exit stream block, "RSTOIC" easily Here the that all of the feed Since it has been assumed is separated, cell the electrolysis which is modeled with an "RSTOIC" reactor. stoichiometry Listing for this shows the ASPEN input language The feed, water, enters simulation. 9. separated the block the fact that hydrogen for an and oxygen are at the opp osite electrodes is modeled with "CELLSEP." of the hydrogen is allowed This is a "SEP" block which takes all and puts it in one exit stream while taking all of the oxygen and putti ng it in the other exit stream. Because occasionally liquid water can be entrained with the exit gases, knock-out drums are put in the flowsheet so that the product streams wi 11 be pure and dry. The costing section of the simulation primarily of the capital ex penditure for the electrolysis cell and the cost of the el ectricity literature data, consists used. the instal led capital on the basis of $300 per kw hydrogen Based on some cost was calculated heating value. (4) 28 FEED (H20) PRODUCT(H2) 02EXIT FIGURE9: ASPENblock diagram for the Electrolysis Process 29 For the operating produced due to the fact that additional be necessary assumed cost, no credit was given for the oxygen to liquify the oxygen investment for shipping would and it was that there would be no use for oxygen on site. 30 III. SIMULATION RESULTS STEAM REFORMING OF METHANE The simulations developed for these hydrogen production processes representative have been executed results and to demonstrate flowsheet simulation. the performance rate. of First, there is the purity of Generally, this stream will consist of and methane, the better. the potential There are several ways to measure of a system. the product stream. hydrogen to show some and the closer it is to 100% hydrogen Second, there is the hydrogen production If the feed is held constant and the operating conditions varied, not only will the purity change, but the production rate of hydrogen possible, for example, will also change. to run the process to get 95% pure hydrogen It might be in such a way as product while producing lower rate than the potential. at a much This would occur if a great deal of carbon dioxide is produced, which is subsequently removed. measures So both the purity and production of how efficiently into hydrogen. rate are the feed is being converted Also of great importance in measuring the performance of the system is the operating cost per unit of hydrogen produced. effective. This will tell if the plant is cost All of these results will be looked at for the 31 simulations developed. There are many parameters in the steam reforming can be varied process which the reformer Because the system. of the performance to change reactor is the heart of the system, however, only the operating conditions associated with this unit have been studied. These include the reformer temperature, reformer pressure, and feed steam to methane ratio. Figure 10 shows the fraction of hydrogen in the process product stream (i.e. the purity - the remaining is all methane) fraction Three curves temperature. different as a function steam to methane of the reformer are shown, each representing feed ratio. a It is clear that as the temperature increases the reformer reactions are driven toward the right, and the purity of the product stream increases. approaches 1200K. It is interesting to note that the purity 100% under all conditions This suggests that operation at temperatures above above 1200K does not gain much and research into higher temperature catalysts and materials is not of great importance. Figure 10 also shows that the higher the steam to the greater the final purity. Again this is methane ratio, because the excess steam tends to push the methane reaction toward completion. Figure 11 shows the product stream hydrogen purity versus the reformer pressure. Here the purity drops as the pressure increases, suggesting that higher pressure inhibits the reformer reactions. This is in agreement with 32 R A C .95 H Y .9 D R O .85 G E N .8 N .75 P .7 R 0 D U .65 C T .6 900 1000 1100 1200 REFORMER TEMPERATURE FIGURE 10: 1300 (K) Fraction of hydrogen in the steam reforming product stream versus reformer temperature for several steam to methane mole ratios with pressure = 20 ATM 33 F . R 1 A 99 C H Y .98 .g7 D R .96 G .95 0 E N .9 4 I .93 N .9 2 R .91 0 9 D U .8 9 C T 10 15 20 25 REFORMER PRESSURE (ATM) FIGURE 1: Fraction of hydrogen in the steam reforming product stream versus reformer pressure for several steam to methane mole ratios with temperature = 1100K 30 34 literature published feed ratios show steam to methane representing different that excess steam helps lines Again the different data. (1) to make the product stream more highly concentrated in hydrogen. Figure fixed methane same trend 12 shows the hydrogen production feed versus the reformer in Figure as observed rate from a The temperature. 10 is seen here. Higher temperatures favor hydrogen production as do higher steam flow rates. Figure 13 shows a similar plot for hydrogen as a function production of reformer comes into direct conflict that high pressure process should be run at low pressure. often done, however hydrogen with high This suggests rates from a given feed. production It is clear pressure. the desirability that the Indeed, this is of high pressure becomes a problem. at the end of the process Rather than investing in the compressor necessary to produce this high pressure product, usually the pressure throughout the process production rate. is kept high at the sacrifice The suitability of one method of or the other depends on the required condition of the product stream. For these simulations pressurized hydrogen this pressure is desired is achieved it has been assumed that (15 ATM or so) and that in the process and not with an additional compressor. Of primary concern in a process such as this is determining the operating conditions which will produce hydrogen in the most cost effective manner. To do this, 35 H 2 400 P R 0 350 D U C T 300 R A 250 T E 200 m s c f 150 / d a Y 100 900 1000 1100 REFORMER TEMPERATURE 1200 1300 (K) FIGURE 12: Daily hydrogen production rate from the steam reforming process versus the reformer temperature for several steam to methane mole ratios with pressure = 20 ATM 36 H 2 P R 0 D U C T 370 360 350 340 330 320 R A 310 T E 300 290 m S 280 C f 270 d 260 a y 250 10 FIGURE 13: 15 20 REFORMER PRESSURE (ATM) 25 Daily hydrogen production rate from the steam reforming process versus the reformer pressure for several steam to methane mole ratios with temperature = 1100K 30 37 the cost of hydrogen the operating reforming reformer production variables. operating is plotted versus each of Figure 14 shows the steam cost per million temperature the steam to methane BTU versus with the pressure ratio at 4.0. the set at 20 ATM and The cost drops as temperature increases but reaches an asymptotic limit at about 1100K. With the pressure and steam rate set accordingly, then, the optimum reformer temperature would be about 1100K. In this way the temperature would be the lowest possible while still producing the least expensive hydrogen possible. Figure 15 shows the hydrogen function of the pressure and the steam to methane production with the temperature ratio set at 4.0. cost as a set at 1100K Because of the decrease in production associated with high pressures, the operating cost rises with pressure. There is no way to look at this curve and select an optimum pressure. As discussed above, the pressure must be selected from a trade-off between cost and necessary exit pressure. the purposes reformer of this simulation, For a value of 20 ATM in the has been assumed to be best - with pressure drops in the process this yields about 14-15 ATM product. Figure 16 shows the hydrogen the steam to methane 1100K and pressure ratio increases, cost as a function ratio with the temperature set at 20 ATM. the cost drops. set at At first, as the steam This is because, as observed before, excess steam helps push the methane reaction toward completion. of However, above a ratio of 38 H lb Y D 14 R G 13 E N 12 C 11 0 io T 9 / 6 m b t U 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 REFORMER TEMPERATURE 1200 1250 (K) FIGURE14: Cost of hydrogen produced by the steam reforming process versus the reformer temperature with the reformer pressure = 20 ATM, Steam:CH4 = 4.0 1300 39 9 I I I f I I 15 20 H Y D R 8.5 0 G E N 8 C 0 S T 7.5 7 / 6.5 t u 6 10 25 REFORMER PRESSURE (ATM) FIGURE 15: Cost of hydrogen produced by the steam reforming process versus the reformer pressure with the reformer temperature = 1 OOK, Steam:CH4 = 4.0 30 4.0 8 H Y D 7.9 R 0 G E 7.8 N C 7.7 0 S T 7.6 $ / 7.5 m b 7.4 t U 7.3 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 REFORMER STEAM:CH4 RATIO FIGURE 16: Cost of hydrogen produced by the steam reforming process versus the reformer steam:CH4 feed ratio with reformer temp = 1 1OOK, pressure = 20 ATM 5 41 about 4.0 the cost begins to rise. the increased requirements purchase due to cost of the steam and the heating for bringing temperatures. This is probably the incoming steam up to reaction The gain associated with excess steam above a ratio of 4.0 is outweighed by the direct operating costs. and pressure With the temperature then, the optimum steam to methane set as indicated, ratio for the reformer feed is 4.0. It should be emphasized that the optimizations discussed above are reasonably simplified. was optimized value. individually In a real process, Each variable with the other two fixed at some all three would have to be varied simultaneously in order to obtain the overall process optimum. With the reformer informative operating conditions to look at a "cross-section" see what is happening. of the process to Figure 17 - obtained with data from a run with the temperature at 1100K, the pressure ATM, and the steam to methane cross-section. set, it is at 20 ratio at 4.0 - shows such a The dry mole percent of each species is plotted versus the position in the process. As indicated, reformer, the methane the feed is pure methane. percent has dropped hydrogen is the dominant species at 75%. and carbon dioxide concentrations are present at 10%. After the to about 5% and Carbon monoxide in about equal In the shift reactors the carbon monoxide is converted to hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Figure 17 shows this, for the carbon monoxide curve drops 42 100 P E 90 R C 80 E N T 70 60 N 50 S T 40 R E A M ,0 30 20 10 0 FEED REFORM FIGURE 17: HT SHIFT LT SHIFT SCRUB PRODUCT Species profile of steam reforming process. The lines show the mole percent of each species in the streams exiting the indicated unit operations 43 while the carbon dioxide and hydrogen curves rise. stays the same, for it is considered Methane an inert in these reactors. After the scrubber, the carbon dioxide percent for it has been removed. drops to zero, dioxide was acting as a diluent, percentages its removal of all of the other species of 95% hydrogen perform economically steam reforming carbon process, it is informative cost as a function to look at the of the plant capacity. Figure Because of the wide range of plant (10 mscf/day areas emerge on this plot. economy of scale size plants will As a final look at the differently. 18 show such a plot. to 300 mscf/day) At low capacity, is observed. units such as reformer furnaces, and operating three distinct a sharp There are minimum below the limits of these units, rates). The to rise. and 5% methane. It is well known that different (high capital causes the The resulting product consists monoxide by the methanator. sizes covered carbon shows the removal of all remaining product stream hydrogen Because sizes for and if the process is run it will be very expensive cost spread over low production Thus the cost drops as the size increases for low production rates. In the center of the figure, region is observed. Here the process a relatively flat is being run at rates easily handled by the equipment available. Increasing production simple increases the capital and operating costs proportionately, and the resultant hydrogen cost stays 44 H y D 7.55 R 0 7.5 G E 7 .45 N 7.4 C 0 7.35 S T 7.3 7.25 m 7.2 b 7.15 t U 7.1 0 50 100 150 200 250 PRODUCTION RATE (mscf/day) 300 FIGURE 18: Cost of hydrogen produced by the steam reforming process versus the plant capacity with the reformer temp = 1 1OOK, pressure = 20 ATM, steam:CH4 = 4.0 350 45 about the same. At high production rates, however, larger pieces of equipment are necessary. size increases, larger and As equipment the costs tend to rise more quickly. rates the costs are increasing at high production than the hydrogen produced, Thus faster and the unit cost begins to rise. As a basis of comparison the actual cost figures summarized. medium with the other processes, for a selected plant size have been 19 shows this summary. Figure size facility of 300 mscf/day As indicated, was used. reformer operating conditions are indicated. operating a The The total cost was found to be $7.43 per million BTU of hydrogen which is in agreement with some representative literature data. (9) As the pie chart indicates, pieces of the operating methane cost are raw materials and feed steam costs) and utilities The remainder and cooling water). the major (e.g. (e.g. fuel oil of the cost is split fairly evenly between labor, overhead, and capital depreciation. Also shown required in Figure 19 is the capital for a steam reforming investment plant this size. The total bill would be about $300 million, split between process unit purchase costs, setting labor, other directs such as land, contingency, working capital, and start-up costs. 46 PLANT CAPACITY: 300 million scf per day OPERATING PARAMETERS: Reformer Temperature = 1 OOK = 20 ATM Reformer Pressure Steam:CH4 =4.0 OPERATINGCOST= $ 7.43 per million btu hydrogen OPERATING COST BREAKDOWN: Depreciation - 4.5% Overhead 5.3% \ Labor 4.2% CAPITAL COST SUMMARY: Process Units Other Directs Setting Labor Contingency Working Capital Start up Cost TOTAL: $ 69,901,000 34,885,000 50,953,000 45,538,000 75,223,000 55,816,000 $ 332,316,000 FIGURE 19: Operating and capital cost breakdowns for a 300 mscf per day hydrogen plant using steam reforming 47 PARTIAL OXIDATION OF METHANE A similar analys is of the partia 1 oxidation process has been made. In this wa y, it is possi ble to compare steam reforming with par ti al oxidation. Again many operating parameterma in this proces s can be changed affect the system performa nce. As with the reformer, to this study concentrates only on those operati ng conditions associated with the primary reactor: the oxidizer. These operating parameters include the oxidize r temperature, pressure, oxygen to methane feed ratio, and steam to methane feed ratio. to methane To li mit the scope slightly, the steam ratio was set a t 1.0 througho ut to eliminate this variable. as a function The perfor mance of the s vs tem was studied of the remai ning three operating co nditions. Figure 20 shows th e hydrogen function of the oxidizer product t emperature. purl ty as a The three curves represent different oxygen to methane feed ratios the reformer, rises. as the temperature increases the purity They all begin to reach an asymptotic temperature slightly over 1100K. that the higher the oxygen limit at a This graph also indicates to methane purity of the product stream. As with ratio, the higher the This is because excess oxygen drives the methane reaction to the right, eliminating the methane from subsequent process streams. Figure 21 shows the hydrogen function of the oxidizer pressure. product purity as As with the reformer, higher pressure tends to inhibit the reactions, decreasing 48 F R A C H .9 Y D R 0 G .8 E N .7 N. P R 0 .6 D U C T .5 900 1000 1100 OXIDIZER TEMPERATURE 1200 (K) FIGURE 20: Fraction of hydrogen in the partial oxidation product stream versus the oxidizer temperature for several oxygen to methane mole ratios with pressure = 20 ATM 1300 49 F R A C .95 H Y D .9 R 0 G .85 E N I .8 ,e N p .75 R 0 D U C T .7 ~r, 10 15 20 25 30 OXIDIZER PRESSURE (ATM) FIGURE21: Fraction of hydrogen in the partal oxidation product stream versus the oxidizer pressure for several oxygen to methane mole ratios with temperature = 1100K 50 the concentration of hydrogen in the product. This graph suggests that higher oxygen to methane ratios not only produce more pure product, but also tend to limit the adverse effects of the higher pressures (compare the slope of the 02:CH4=1.5 Figure line with the 02:CH4=0.5 22 shows the total hydrogen versus the oxidizer temperature. increases line). then begins production rate The production rate to level off at some point. shows that similar to the reformer process This there is no great advantage to using temperatures above about 1200K for partial oxidation. It is important figure shows that low oxygen higher production to note that this to methane feed ratios yield a rate from a set methane one of those cases with the production in which the product rate (compare feed. This is purity conflicts Figures 20 and 22). Excess oxygen forces more methane to react, increasing the purity, but this same excess oxygen causes full oxidation to take place, burning up some of the desired Figure 23 shows a similar plot for hydrogen production rate versus oxidizer pressure. pressure drops the production hydrogen. rate. Increasing the This highlights again the conflict between production rate and desired product pressure. Also shown is a confirmation of the fact that higher oxygen to methane feed ratios give lower production rates. The effect of the operating conditions hydrogen cost will now be examined. Figure hydrogen cost per million the oxygen BTU versus on the 24 shows the to methane 51 H 2 250 P R 0 D U 200 C T R A T 150 E m s 100 C f / d a y 50 900 1000 1100 OXIDIZER TEMPERATURE 1200 1300 (K) FIGURE 22: Daily hydrogen production rate from the partial oxidation process versus the oxidizer temperature for several oxygen to methane mole ratios with pressure = 20 ATM 52 H 2 160 P R 150 0 D 140 U C T R 130 120 A T E 110 100 m S C 90 f 60 d a y 70 1C s15 20 25 30 OXIDIZER PRESSURE (ATM) FIGURE 23: Daily hydrogen production rate from the partial oxidation process versus the oxidizer pressure for several oxygen to methane mole ratios with temperature = 1100K 53 10.5 H Y D R 0 G E N 10 9.5 9 C 0 8.5 T 8 / 7.5 m b t 7 u 6.5 .5 .6 .7 . OXIDIZER .8 .9 1 1.1 OXYGEN:CH4 RATIO FIGURE 24: Cost of hydrogen produced by the partial oxidation process versus the oxidizer oxygen:CH4 feed ratio w i th oxidi zer temp= 1 OOK, pressure=20 ATM 54 feed ratio with the temperature pressure set at 20 ATM. rates, increasing hydrogen cost. set at 1100K and the Because of decreasing the oxygen to methane ratio increases is no way to select an optimum curve. There the This is also in part due to the increasing cost of the oxygen which must be supplied There production is a trade-off between to the oxidizer. ratio from this cost and desired product purity which can only be solved when the purity is specified. steam In order reforming about 95%. pressure, Figure to compare process, to the results the desired purity was set at Based on this, for the given temperature the necessary oxygen to methane and ratio is 1.0 (see 20). Figure 25 shows the hydrogen the oxidizer temperature at 1.0 and the pressure the temperature reformer lowest from the at which optimum temperature pressure. of to steam ratio set The cost drops as and then levels off. temperature the cost is a minimum. oxidizer increases. set at 20 ATM. the optimum Figure 26 shows oxidizer with the oxygen increases process, cost as a function As with the was taken as the From Figure 25 this is seen to be about 1100K. the hydrogen cost versus The cost rises steadily the as the pressure Again, an optimum cannot be determined without a specification of the desired product pressure. For comparison with the reformer process, an oxidizer pressure of 20 ATM was selected. Figure 27 shows a cross-section of the partial oxidation process similar to that presented for steam 55 22 H y D R 20 0 G 18 E N 16 C 0 S 14 T 12 $ / m b t 10 8 U 6 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 OXIDIZER TEMPERATURE FIGURE 25: 1200 1250 (K) Cost of hydrogen produced by the partial oxidation process versus the oxidizer temperature with oxidizer pressure=20 ATM, 02:CH4 = 1.0 1300 56 10 H Y D R 9.5 0 G E N 9 C 0 8.5 T 8 $ / m b 7.5 t u 7 10 15 20 25 OXIDIZER PRESSURE (ATM) FIGURE 26: Cost of hydrogen produced by the partial oxidation process versus the oxidizer pressure with the oxidizer temp= 11 OOK, 02:CH4 = 1.0 30 57 100 P E 90 R C 8o E N T 70 60 N 50 S T 40 R E A 30 M20 % 10 FEED OXIDIZER HT SHIFT LT SHIFT SCRUB PRODUCT FIGURE27: Species profile of partial oxidation process. The lines show the mole percent of each species in the streams exiting the Indicated unit operations 58 reforming. oxidizer The feed is pure methane, the methane a dry mole basis. concentrations shown, concentration drops to less than 5% on The carbon monoxide and carbon are about equal at 20%. for it was found to completely oxidizer. and after the Oxygen is not react in the This leaves hydrogen at about 57%. this to the steam reforming dioxide Comparing result shows that more carbon oxides are formed in this process, yielding less hydrogen from the primary reactor. The two shift reactors show the carbon monoxide being almost completely converted to carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The scrubber removes all of the carbon dioxide, and the methanator monoxide. reacts the trace amounts of carbon The final product stream, as desired, is about 95% hydrogen and 5% methane. Figure 28 shows the cost of the hydrogen function of the plant capacity. as a Three curves are shown, each representing a different oxygen purchase cost. been suggested that the primary reason It has steam reforming is favored over partial oxidation is because of the investment necessary to produce be translated the effect As would the oxygen. into the oxygen (11) purchase can cost in order study of this cost on the viability be expected, of the process. this graph shows that cheaper oxygen produces a cheaper hydrogen product. compared This investment These curves will be to the one from steam reforming later in this section. The same general cost trends as those observed in 59 14 H Y D 02 Cost = 0.08 $/kg 13 R 0 G 1 2 E N C 11 0 S T Io $ 9 02 Cost = 0.016 $/Kg / m b 8 t 02 Cost = 0.00 1 $/kg u -7 _ 0 I 50 I IJ I 250 200 150 100 PRODUCTION RATE (mscf/day) - I I 300 350 FIGURE28: Cost of hydrogen produced by the partial oxidation process versus the plant capacity for several oxygen purchase costs with oxidizer temp=1 lOOK, pres=20 ATM, 02:CH4 = 1.0 60 steam reforming are seen in Figure rate there is a sharp economy increases, the costs hydrogen partial oxidation The operating of scale. rise faster and the breakdown is quite different supplied The operating for this process reactor (a raw material) the heat is supplied externally cost than that of and This is because the heat in the primary cost - about $1.30 The major cost is raw materials by the feed oxygen reforming BTU hydrogen take up less of the cost. oxidation in Figure 29. are shown and the operating than steam reforming. reforming. utilities costs for a 300 mscf/day plant have been tabulated conditions more expensive oil Yet as production than the capacity and capital is seen to be $8.74 per million partial At low production cost slowly rises. The operating steam 28. in is while in steam by burning fuel (a utility). Figure 29 also shows the capital for a partial oxidation investment plant of this size. summary The total investment would be about $186 million - $150 million lower than the steam capital reforming process. The fact that the is lower for partial oxidation to the fact that the primary reactor is in large part due is far less complicated, requiring a lower purchase , setting, and start-up cost. 61 PLANT CAPACITY: 300 million scf per day OPERATING PARAMETERS: Oxidizer Temperature = 1100K = 20 ATM Oxidizer Pressure Oxygen:CH4 Steam:CH4 = 1.0 = 1.0 OPERATINGCOST = $ 8.74 per million btu hydrogen OPERATING COST BREAKDOWN: ~~-Depreciation 0.5% ~'- Overhead 0.6% Labor 0.5% CAPITAL COST SUMMARY: Process Units Other Directs Setting Labor Contingency Working Capital Start up Cost $ 10,937,000 4,924,000 6,120,000 6,427,000 96,225,000 62,005,000 - TOTAL: $ 186,638,000 FIGURE 29: Operating and capital cost breakdowns for a 300 mscf per day hydrogen plant using partial oxidation 62 ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER In the electrolysis simulation there are no real operating conditions which can be varied. temperature and pressure can have some effect on the cell efficiency (4), for simplicity simulation was assumed parameter rate versus the cell efficiency constant of interest, at 85%. Figure in this The only operating then, is the hydrogen the feed flow rate. relationship. Although the production 30 shows this As would be expected, the production increases linearly with the water feed rate. can be used to find the necessary This graph water feed rate given a desired production rate. Figure process. 31 shows the cost performance In the oxidation the key cost factor. critical. process of this the price of oxygen was Here the cost of electricity is The three curves shown in Figure 31 represent different electricity purchase prices. In all cases the cost of hydrogen increases with the plant capacity because of the accelerating cells. cost of high capacity It is interesting is observed electrolysis to note that no economy at low production rate. of scale This is because unlike reformer or oxidizer reactors, electrolysis units do not really have a minimum cost of electricity, Figure size. As expected, the lower the product 32 shows the operating the lower the hydrogen and capital cost. cost breakdowns for an electrolysis plant producing 300 mscf/day hydrogen. The necessary feed rate is shown and the 63 H 300 2 P R 0 D U 270 240 210 C T 180 I 0 N 150 120 m s 90 f 60 c / d 30 a y 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 WATER FEED RATE (kmol/hr) FIGURE 30: Daily hydrogen production rate from the electrolysis system versus the water feed flow rate 30000 64 45 H Y D R Elec Cost = 0.06 $/kwhr 40 0 G E N 35 C 0 S Elec Cost = 0.03 $/kwhr 30 T 25 / m b Elec Cost = 0.01 $/kwhr 20 t u c 15 0 ~ -------L I ~~~ 50 II 100 150 PRODUCTION RATE FIGURE 31; ~ ~I1 ~ ,,I, 200 ~~ "I 250 (mscf/day) Cost of hydrogen produced by electrolysis versus the plant capacity for several electricity purchase costs 300 65 PLANT CAPACITY: 300 million scf per day OPERATING PARAMETERS: Water Feed Rate = 30,000 kmol/hr OPERATINGCOST= $ 28.95 per million btu hydrogen OPERATING COST BREAKDOWN: . Labor 14.8% / CAPITAL Raw Materials 0.2% Overead \ Deprec 18.7%S COST SUMMARY: Process Units Other Directs Setting Labor Contingency Working Capital Start up Cost TOTAL: $ 1,179,678,000 447,250,000 369,746,000 583,823,000 289,498,000 259,989,000 $ 3,129,984,000 FIGURE32: Operating and capital cost breakdowns for a 300 mscf per day hydrogen plant using electrolysis 66 resulting operating cost is $28.95 - much higher than either of the other two processes. operating However, A large part of the cost is the utility bill (i.e. electricity). an unexpectedly labor, overhead large part of the cost is in and depreciation. These costs are all associated with the capital investment investment leads to high depreciation (e.g. high capital costs), and as seen at the bottom of Figure 32 the capital for this plant is huge. For a plant this size running only on electrolysis units, over $3 billion would be required, and over $1 billion units excess of it would be spent on enough to handle the capacity. large electrolysis These costs are far in of those from the previous processes. PROCESS COMPARISONS One of the advantages as a tool is the ability to using flowsheet to easily compare alternatives look for viable versus impossible processes. shows a comparison of steam reforming based on plant capacity. simulation and Figure 33 to partial oxidation Two partial oxidation curves are shown, each representing a different oxygen purchase cost. The dashed line represents reforming. Clearly, if the oxygen cost is high, steam reforming is much more cost effective than partial oxidation. oxidation However, if cheap oxygen is available, the partial process can become competitive. This figure shows that if the oxygen cost was -57 9 I I 1 - I H Y D R 8.75 G E N 8.5 0 " Partial Oxid: 02 Cost = 0.016 $/kg 8.25 C 0 S 8 T 7.75 7.5 m b t 7.25 \ Steam Reforming U 7 _ 0 I1 50 ·I 100 I· 150 1I 200 i1 250 I 300 PRODUCTION RATE ('mscf/day) FIGURE 33: Cost of hydrogenversus production capacity for steam reforming and partial oxidation 350 68 about $0.001 reforming per kilogram, would yield partial oxidation and steam about the same cost hydrogen. So a decision of which process is better to pursue can be made based on the expected Figure 34 oxygen cost for the site. shows similar compiarison of steam a and electrolysi s. reforming inexpensive Even withi relatively e lectricity, electrol ysis steam reforming at these cannot compare to producti on raites. The high co mbined with the electrical capital cost of electrolysis utility cost make electrolysis on this scale prohibitive. This su ggests that in terms of hydroge.n production scale, electrolysis Finally, is not Figure operati ng and capital plant f or the three terms of a vi able 35 prov ides ternative. a comparison of the costs for a 300 mscf/day hydrogen processes s tudied. As indicated, in operating costs steam reformi ng is favored somewha t over partial oxidation favored over electrolysis. partial al on this and both are greatly As for capital investment, the oxidation plant, using a less complex primary reactor, is least expensive. The steam reforming plant is somewhat more expensive, and the electrolysis extremely expensive compared to the others. plant is 59 30 I , I I I I H Y 27.5 D R 0 Electrolysis: Elec Cost = 0.03 $/kwhr Electrolysis: Elec Cost = 0.01 $/kwhr 25 G E 22.5 N 20 C 0 S T 17.5 15 / m 10 b t 7.5 Steam Reforming . I I , II U 5 - 0 - I --- 50 100 IiI i 200 250 150 PRODUCTION RATE (mscf/day) i I 300 FIGURE 34: Cost of hydrogen versus production capacity for steam reforming and electrolysis -I 350 70 · OPERATING COST COMPARISON FOR 300 mscf/day Process Steam Reforming Partial Oxidation Electrolysis · PLANT: Hydrogen Cost ($/mbtu) $ 7.43 8.74 28.95 CAPITAL INVESTMENT COMPARISON FOR 300 mscf/day Process Steam Reforming Partial Oxidation Electrolysis PLANT: Total Capital Investment $ 332,316,000 186,638,000 3, 129,984,000 FIGURE35: Operating and capital cost comparison for the three hydrogen processes simulated 71 IV. CONCLUSIONS Three different hydrogen production process have been simulated and analyzed. Two of them, steam reforming and partial oxidation, were similar enough for direct comparison results. of many of the operating The third, electrolysis, parameters and showed a completely different type of technology, yet through the simulations, it was possible to compare the ultimate cost performance of this system with the other two. With the steam reforming processes, it was demonstrated and partial oxidation how the simulations used to set the primary reactor operating to achieve the most cost effective could be conditions product. so as This optimization not only helps to determine proper operating conditions given the process, but also the optimum cost results could be used during the design process to select the best process results research above pathway to follow. from the simulations work. For example, 1200K yielded In addition, the could be used to help guide in both cases, no advantage, temperatures so work need not be done on catalysts for higher temperatures. The final comparison of steam reforming to partial oxidation showed that steam reforming is favored, primarily because pure oxygen is not used in the process. As had 72 been expected, unless the oxygen very cheap, needed in partial oxidation, imposes a high operating cost on the process. The electrolysis simulation showed that steam reforming is much more cost effective than electrolysis. This occurs even at low electricity the capital cost associated of 300 mscf/day results cost, suggesting with electrolysis is the prohibiting can guide research. factor. that on the scale Here again the The key need is not for cheaper electricity or more efficient electrical production. Instead, research should be concentrated on manufacturing a high capacity same or better efficiency electrolysis at a fraction cell with the of the capital investment. This study has demonstrated simulation as a tool in technological the power of flowsheet development. By combining process and cost performance, several process alternatives, even based on different technologies, can be readily compared. This comparison aids in eliminating improbable processes early in development and deciding on which process is the most viable to pursue in the future. With a process selected, flowsheet simulation further helps in driving the research necessary to make the desired process possible and cost effective in the long run. 73 SOURCES CONSULTED 1. W. Balthasar and D.J. Hambleton, "Industrial Scale Production of Hydrogen from Natural Gas, Naphtha and Coal," Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 5, pp. 21-33 (1980). 2. D.F. Balz, H.F. Gettert, and K.H. Gruendler, "Production of S ynthesis Gas by Partial Oxidation and High-Pressure Sh ift Conversion," Plant/Operations Vol. 2 , No. 1, pp. 47-49 (1983). Progress, 3. R. Bidard and U. LaRoche, "Modern Technology Electrolysis for Power Appication - I. Fundamentals of Efficient Thermolysis of Water," Int. J. 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MET MET SYS-OFTIONS INTERFRET= 7 COMPONENTS COMPONENTSH2 H2/C02 C02/C0 CO/H20 h20/CH4 PROPERTIES CH4/DEA C4HlIN02-1 SYSOF3 FLOWSHiEET DATA 9 FLOWSHEET BLOCK REFORMER BLOCK COOL I BLOCK HTSHIFT BLOCK COOL2 BLOCK LTSHIFT BLOCK COOL3 IN=FEED BLOCK HEAT1 BLOCK METHATOR BLOCK M20-DEP ItI OUT=HTSFTOUT OUT=LTSFTIN OUT=LTSFTOUT iN=LTS-FTIN IN=LTSFTi UT BLOCK SCRB-MIX BLOCK SCRB-SEP BLOCK MEA-HEAT BLOCK MEA-REC uUT=REFOUT OUT=HTSFTIN STEAM IN=REFOUT IN=mTSFTIN IN=HTSFTOUT IN=SCRUBIN LMEA I N=SCRUBCOM OuT=SCRUBIN OUT=SCRUBCOM OUT=iMr-A SCRUBOUT N=HMEA OUT=MOTMEA IN=MiTMEA OUT=RMEA C02EXIT I N=SCRUBOLT OUT=MOTSCRUB IN=HOTSCRuB OUT=WET-PROD I N=wET-FROD OUT=H2EX IT PRODUCT INPuT STREAM SPECIFICATIONS STREAM FEED TEMF=500 PRES=20 NPHASE=1 PHASE=V MOLE-FLOW=10000.0 MOLE-FRAC CH4 1.0 STREAM STEAM TEMP=550 FRES=20 NPHASE=1 PHASE=V MOLE-FLOW=40000.O MOLE-FRAC H20 1.0 STREAM LMEA TEMP=320 PRES=20 MOLE-FRAC DEA 0.0b84/ I NPHASE=1 PHASE=L MOLE-FLOW=50000.0 H20 O.9316 BLOCK DATA FORTRAN SET-INIT DEFINE XFM TREAM-VAR STREAM=FEED VARIABLE=MOLE-FLOW DEFINE XC1 CBLOCK-VAR CBLOCK=CHTS SENTENCE=SIZING-DATA &VAR I ABLE=CAP DEFINE XC2 CBLOCK-VAR CBLOCK=CLTS SENTENCE=SIZING-DATA & VARIABLE=CAP DEFINE XC3 CBLOCK-vAR CBLOCK=CMETH SENTENCE=SIZING-DATA & VAR 1ABLE=CAP F XCI=xFM F F XC2=XFM XC3=XFM EXECUTE FIRST BLOCK REFORMER RGiBBS R NATC, h 3 EC=2,_ _ 2' . C'32/ Ch4! H] AT m ATOP' h STOIC i / j ! / 0 i *_Y_i i / l / koui 1 1 / 4 / 1 H20 I i _ / i) / CO / i1 -i/ C, -1i H20 -i/ Ti, i .! / 2 _'O 1 '4 -1/ 77 3 H2 i hZ C02 TAF-r EC 1 -15 ' C TAFP-SF'EC bLOC:. ET COOuL PEES=, NPSE= i PHfASE=v PA~RA TF=&O BLOCK HNTS!ri r SS PARAM(!I TE- 'b=7 E=-2 FMASE=i VFOR=! & NHTOM=.3 NREAC=2 f;_/C_02,C'" H20/ F'RTO hZ/; ATMS C4 uU C LC4 i I '_" i STGiC 1 C, -i/ 0 i i ©_ STOIC 2 Cd4 -I/ EXTEN T-SECL r / -i J. H20 -1/ 0j / /i 1 -U i tr-mr:! i / I i/ i , . i 2 li CO .__ 1 ' 3 1 .i BLOCK COOL2 HEATER FR;wF TEM=40 :' RES=0 rNPhiSE= FPRASE= BLOCK. LiTS IFT GI S PAFiHf TEMS=4?7 FtES=-2 NATOM=3 NREAC=2 FROr H 2 ; ATOMS ATOM STOIC 2 / CH4 CO,' CO VAF'OR=i & NFrlSE=1 -1 O H2 CH4 CL i 1 i C 1 i / 4i 0! C. 1 C02 1 1 Ci 2/ 2/ i i.C i 1 CO -1/ u0/ / / 20C -1/ H2 1/ C02 1 TAFP-SPEC 1 10 TC 2 CH4 -1/ r20 -/ EXTENT-SPEC 2 BLOCK CL3 HEATER FARAM TEMP=320 PRES=O BLOCK SCB.E-MIX CO 1 t1H15 . NPHASE=I PFASE='v HEATER PARAM TEMP=320 PRES=O BLOCK SCSB-SEP SEP FRAC STEEAM=MEACOMPS=DEAC02 h20 FACS=1.0 FLASH-SPECS SCRuBkuT NPF'ASE=1 PHASE=V BLOCK MEA-HEAT EATER PRES=O PARAM TEMP=400 BLOCK MEA-REC NPHASE=1 PHABE=V SEP FRiACSTRE=RMEA COMPS=DEA FRAhS=1.0 1.0 0.5 Fk;H: TMP-=58.v: F 'rRES=,J Ni'-.S'=1 F'HAE=v 78 BLOCK.MiETHATr:STOIC F'RA: STOiC CON TEM'=o.': 1 mixED PRES=-2 CO -1/ i MIXED CO NHASE= F'HASE=YV 2 -3/ CH4 1/ H2G 1 . ELSi'::: H20-SIF -' F'_ STREm=H20EXIT COMiFS=H20FRA!=i .o ; _:.-TI'G SECTION CBLOGCK CTS USER SI Z i NG-"ATA LA=`:, S i Zi iN-DATA CNEu O.IF,=i COSTiNGDATA USER-CORR REF-COT=! USER-COiRR REF-CU=15 T MI N-CA,=1 00C.'0, REF-CA=5.":: :iC,:, RE-C_Pz=5o00Ji EXF'ON=O.5 & EXFON=0.5 0) MAX-CAF = 1 .E CELOCK CSCETu, u,-T ER: SIZ iNG-DATA DIM5FT CNT COSTIN G-T TE ES=5 TEM=3 = NEUIU=iF= T USER-CORR REF-COST=5 0Ci REF-C=50O) EXPON-'0.&5 100 MiX-CAF = 1, C.,E¢ M I -CAP= TRA-TOWER^ D i kM=5FT > NTR, CBLOCi. CSCRBU S I Z I N-ATA = 1, ES=5 TMF'=350 IhiEQiOIP=1 ON COSTINC-LATA T YE=rue:' I TF'T CBLOCK CNOC.k V-VESMSEL SIZING-DATA COST IN-DATA DIAM=5-.FT NE2CuP =1 CELOCti. CMEA H'ETX REFERENCE SELL REFERENCE TUBE Si Z ING-D T CBLOCK CCGOL TT-LENGTH=1TH 10FT'. TEMP=50(.. FRES=5 LTILIiTY=STM1 LCCk=MEA-HEAT U=35t. ETU./HR-SCFT-R rHEATX REFERENCE SHELL TlLITY=COOL-H20 REFERENCE TBEE BLOCKi=COL1 SIZ ING-DA U=50)..EiTu/H R-SFT-R.R> CELOCK CCOOL2 HEATX REFERENCE SHELL UTILITY=COOL-H20 REFERENCE TUBE BLOCK=COOL2 SI ZING-DATA U=50<BTU/HR-SQFT-R> CBLOCK CCOOL3 HEATX REFERENCE SHELL UTILITY=COOL-H20 REFERENCE TUBE BLOCK=COOL3 SI ZING-DATA U=5'i<BTU/HR-SQFT-R> CELOCK CHEAT1 EATX REFERENCE SELL UTILITY=STM1 REFERENCE TUiE BLOCk.=HEAT1 SI Z ING-DATA =50<.BTU/HR-SQFT-R.> FORTRAN REF-DUT DEFINE XD1 LOCK-VAR BLOCK=REFORMERSENTENCE=F'RAm & ~Li'E± i jEt fL __r_.-vi. EC L L i-I .- 1- - S~= I I -LiT &I 79 V RiLE i- =DO GF i X=X C8~C~: RE:T hiNACE uTA=I,0i SiZi -- DTA C:-STiNG-LAT TYPE=REF0FRmERF FRS=E UTiiTY GAS=FUEL-hAS STi UL-TY STEAM OiuCE F ':uCimASED F OFERTiES E YSO-P12 FARMi COMPONENT=i:H20 TIN=70)C TOUJ=700 FRES=15 COST FRICE= .CE-3$/.LB> UTILITY FUEL-GAS GAS SOURCE FiURCmASEO COST i</k:hR.> FRICE=Ol!1 :. UTILITY COOL-m20 wWTER SOURCE PURCHHSED PROPERTIES SYSOF12 FRAM COMF'ONENT=H2 COST FFRICE=1.2E-4$/L > RAW-MATERiAL Cm4- I REFERENCE STREAMr=FEEL. COST FRICE= .Ci$5(/LB, RAW-MATERiALSM-iN REFERENCE STREAM=STEAM COST F'RICE=2 ..E-3..$,/LB> UNIT REFORM CBLOCKS CREF CrTS CLTS CMETH CSCRB NOCK CMEA CCOOL1 CCO L2 CCOOL3 CMEATi OPERATI NG-COST OPERATiNG-LADR AVAILAiILITY NOPER=2 RATE=10 .00 FACTOR=0.5 PROJECT-DATES START APRIL 19%= LABOR-COSTS WAGES RATE=20.0 JOB-CONDITION LOCATION=MiT COST I NG-OPT I ONS OFER-COST SENSITIVITY RESULTS DESCRIPTION 'STEAM REFORMING RESuJTS' DEFINE S1 MOLE-FLOW STREAM=FRODUCT COMPONENT=H2 DEFINE S2 MOLE-FLOW STREAM=PRODUCT COMPONENT=C4 DEFINE S3 OFER-COST-VAR SENTENCE=RESULTS & VAR iA LE=NET-OF-COST DEFINE S4 GF'rER-ClST-VAR SENTENCE=AVAILABILTY VARIABLE=FACTOR 9; F : F t F URIT: ULCULATE 5 = ' i S1+ j CALCaULATEVOLUME FER DAY FRODUCED (SCF): 6= 110 CALCULATE F .0*24. 0*S4*0 .791/ Eo COST PER 7=S3i S i iu MILLION STU: .0*24.0*3o5.0*54*27 1 .3/1Eb) & & TAiBULH2E i 5 CO-L-uhktBEL= ' iN 'PFRODCTi 'STREAM' TBUL'A'E 2 SO COL-LbEL=' FDUCT' 'RATE 'OF H2' ' LNiT-LA~E;"= MsCs riA TSdJLATE 3 57 C_-LAs.EL ='PD3'J ' ST UNiT-LABEL=' VARY STREAM-vAi STREAM=STEAM VARIABLE=MOLE-FLOw RAN6E LIST=2C!C $ 2300.j0300v0 35 ii) 4000't) 45000 50000 80 /MET 81 LISTING 2 --A F RiHL AILTN JC]OiHr E. ~S.TAO'if:, JR. -iLLOGEN MANUFLkCTE : SB TiTLE hT'LOcGEN MANUFACTUREBY FATiAiL OXIDATlON OF HYDROCABONS' ltSCF-TI- IO "T iS FLOWSHEET MODELS THE MiAN'FkCTuRE OF HYDROGEN E, MEANS OF FARTI IAL OXIDATIOiN COF HTfDOCARi3ONS: r-EL: LCAN iNCLDEL METHANE = CH4 iNA~'HTHA= C .," COAL = CH . i IN-UNITS ET ET i NTER:FET=Co OUT-UNITS S'YS-iT -TION RUN-CONTROLMA-T IME=500 COMPONENTS COMPONENTSH2 DEA Cm11 PROFERT IS 2/C02 LC02/C C20 H2/CH4 CH4/02 02/ NO2-1i rS fSOF3 FLlW.SmiEET DATA II t LUWr:E BLOCK OXiDIZE R BUOCK LL3.2 BLOCK BLUICK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK TSHIFT COiOL S5CR-M i X SCRB-SE MEA-mEATH MEA-REC BLOCK HEAT1 BLOCK METHATOR BLOCK h20u-SEF iN=FEED ST EHM OFEED OUT=GXOUT iN=OXOUT OUT=HTSFTIN iN=HTSFTiN IN=HTSFTO'T iN=LTSFTIN IN=LTSFTOuT IN=SCRUBIN LEA IN=SCRuBCOM OUT=HT FTOUT OUiT=LTFTIN OuT=LTSFTOUT OuT=SCRuBIN OUT=SCRUBCOM OUT=IHMEA SCRUBOUT iN=HfEA OUT=OTMEA iN=HOTMEA OUT=RMEA CO2EXIT iN=SCRUBOUT OiT=HOTSCRUB iN=HOTSCRUB OUT=wET-FROD IN=WET-FROD OUT=H2OEXIT PRODUCT INFUT STREAM SPECIFICATIONS STREAM FEED TEMP=500 PRES=20 NPHASE=I PHASE=V MOLE-FLOW=10000.0 MOLE-FRAC CH4 1.0 STREAM STEAM TEMP=550 PRES=20 NPHASE= PHASE=V MOLE-FLOW=10000 MOLE-FRAC h20 .0 STREAM 02FEED TEMP=500 PRES=20 NFHASE=1 PHASE=V MOLE-FLOW=1000) MOLE-FRAC 02 1.0 STREAM LMEA TEMP=320 PRES=20 NPHASE= MOLE-FRAOC EA 0.0684/ H0 : PFHASE=L MOLE-FLOW=50000.0 0.9316 BLOCK DATA BLOCK OXIDIZER RGIBBS PARAM PRES=20 TEMPF=10C,)NPHASE=1 VAPFOR==i& NATOM=3 PROD H2/ C/ ATOMS ATOM H2 1 C02/ CH4/ H20/ 02 C (/ H 2 O -0 - . ' ; Cb4 i F; i . .' i i -,' 4i. ii ( /i i/ 2 _2 1 0t. / ± Ii5 82 BLOCK COO L hEA-ER FARAv; i TEiF'70 PRES= ) NFiHASE= 1 Pi4SE= /' BL-OC: HTSHIFT RGIBBS F'ARAM TEP=670 FP'RES=-2 NPrHASE=l NM.TOM'!=3NREAC=3 H20/M4I/ ii/ F;RDDH2' 20/ C2/ ATOM!S C / 4 / ( ; i 0 U CM4 1 2!Z,2 ;AFOF:=1 & / / _1 / 1 TAPFF-SP·E STOIC 2 C4 EXTENT-F'EC ; 1 1 -,/ h.' 2 .0 STOIC 3 r2 -- r, E T E'-. .- -i/ 20 2 -.. 1 BLOCK COOL2 HEATER PARAM TEMPF=470 PFRESI= NPHASE=l BLOCK LTSHIFT RG6iBS PARAM TEMP=470 PRES=-2 NMTOM=3 NREAC=3 PROD H2/ C0/ 02/ H20/ ; ATOMS ATOM / -. O 1 H2 3 NPFHASE=1 VAPOR: H C 1 / 2 / 4 i I C2 1 / 02z 1 i / H20 i O/i 02 1' 0 / STOIC i CO -/i H20 -1/ TAFP-SPECl 1 14 & CM4/ 02 C H2 CH4 PAISE=V 0 / O 0 / H2 ii 0 / 0 / 1/ 2 / /1 2 C02 1 STOIC CH4 -ii H20 -1/ CO 1/ M2 3 EXTENT-SPEC 2 0.0 STOIC 3 2 -2/ 02 -1/ EXTENT-SFEC 3 0.0 BLOCK COL3 HEATER PARAM TEMP=320 PRES=O H20 2 NPHASE= PHASE=V BLOCK SCRB-MIX HEATER PARAM TEMP=320 PRES=O BLOCK SCRB-SEP SEP FRAC STREAM=HMEACOMPS=DEA C02 H20 02 FRACS=1.0 FLASH-SPECS SCRUBOUT NPHASE=1 PHASE=V BLOCK MEA-HEAT HEATER PARAM TEMP=400 PRES=O NPHASE=1 PHASE=V BLOCK MEA-REC SEP FRAC STREAM=RMEA COMPS=DEA FRACS=1 BLOCK EAT 1 HEATER PARAM TEMP=580 PES=O . NPHASE=1 PHASE=V 1.0 .. 5 1.0 F'LrA. TEF'=o.C. ~ F'r:-:E=-2 NFMASE=i F·'ASE=., ..M1' -3 STOIC 1.,C.2-i !ESR C it"... i 'ii: 83 CH4 1/ H20 1 ,': _ > ti' -!.. k_'!--,i _ _-_ _ _ _ tz PCMPS=HO M= E i xIT r RE S FRACS=1 .0 -,GTINGSECTION COS;7IN CLOC. CT LSEf CoST NG-DATA I NEQLii=, CELOCKC CLTS USER T .O'tJ;At USER-COST PURfCllr-T=52: COSTI NG- TAHNC:U I F= 1 l CBLOCK ClETH LiESE USEF-COST PJRCH-COS5T==1 iCiih,':,u COSTI NG-ATA I F= 1 NE. CBLOCK CSCRUE TA.:F-TOwER SIZINel-IT Z, ih'= F NTR=10i r;FT. ,PRtS=COSTING-EL AMT TTF0E=SORFTiOlN NECQ!UIP=1 C'.KNOCr V-vESSEL DH Li==5<FT.' CiOSTi NG-DAT * E'Q. IF=1 TEMPi=35O CBLOCk SIZING-iTIA C'LOCK CMrEiA TT-LENT-=1'::. FT> TEMF=500J FRES=5 .EATX RE.EN .E rlEL UTliITi=ST!: REFEENC.E TEE GC..=MEA-EAT S.i ZI-OA C _LOC.. : u=35J. .. . u/-tFT-.. Oi .ETa uTI Li=CO.'.-i2 T = BLiOC.=COOL1 REFERENCE HELL REFERENCE TE SI ZING-DATA U=50K<BT/HR- -FT-R> CELOCK CCOOL2 HEATX REFERENCE SHELL uTILITY=COOL-H20 REFERENCE TUBIE LOC..K=COOL2 SI ZING-DATA U=50<BTU/HR-S!FT-R.> CBLOCK. CCOOL3 HEATX REFERENCE SHELL UTILITY=COOL-H20 REFERENCE TUBE BLOCK=COOL3 SI Z ING-DATA U=50<BTU/HR-SQFT-R CBLOCK CEATI HEATX REFERENCE SHELL UTILITY=STM1 REFERENCE TUBE BLOCK=HEATI SIZ ING-DATA U=50<BTU/HR-SQFT-R> ,FORTRAN Ox-DUTr DEFINE XD1 BLOCK-vAR BLOCK=OXIDIZER VAR I ABLE=CALC DEFINE XD2 CBLOCK-VAR VARIiABLE=DUT! XD3=xE! CBLOCK=COXID SENTENCE=PARAM & SENTENCE=SIZING-DATA & .... ;UJr, - _ 84 U,,iL'i'-'E CLLOCK COXiD FRNACE SiZiNG-LTAi DiuT Y= (i TYFE=F.OCH C'STiNG-4AT UTILITY GAS=FUEL-GAS UT I LTT F ES=t= STm1 STEAM SOROCE PHURCHASED FRF'ERTiES SYSOF12 PARAt COrM'RONENT=H2 TIN=700 TOUT=700 F'RES=15 CE=2. E-3$/LB COST F' UTILITY FUE_-GAiS GAS SOURCE F'URC ;;HASED COST F'RI CE=i:. UTILITY SOURCE OOL-20 1 .. FW MR> wATER 'dRCHEASED PROFERTIES SF 12 FARAM COMF;O,!NENT=i2- COST RICE=1 .ZE-4:..$L 5 RAw-MAiTERIAL Ci4-IN REFERENCE STREAM=EED COST F-RI E=C.(i:5. iLb. RAw-MATER iAL REFERENCE ST- I N STREAM=STEHM COST FRICE= 2.E- 3 .$LB.l> RAW-MATERI AL 02- i N REFERENCE ST7R EAm=]r' COST FRiCE=.t0l7" .:$, L)'> UNIT REFORM CELOCKS COXID CHTS CLTS CMETH CSCRUB CKNOCK CEA CCOOL2 CCOOL3 CHEAT1 OPERAT ING-COST OPERATING-LABOR NOPER=2 RATE=10.00 AVAILABILITY FACTOR=0.5 PROJECT-DATES START MAY 1 So LABOR-COSTS WAGES RATE=20.0 JO-COND ITION LOCATION=MIT COSTING-OFT IONS OPER-COST SENSITIVITY RESULTS DESCRIFPTON 'PARTIAL OXiDATiON RESULTS' DEFINE S1 MOLE-FLOW STREAM=FRODUCT COMPONENT=H2 DEFINE 52 MOLE-FLOW STREAM=PRODUCT COMPONENT=CH4 DEFINE 53 OFER-COST-VAR SENTEiNCE=RESULTS & VARIABLE=NET-OF-COST DEFINE 54 OFER-COST-vAR SENTENCE=AVAILABILiTY & VARIABLE=FACTOR F IF(S1.EQ.O.0) 51=1.O 2=1. IF(S2.E0).C.) F ; CALCULATE PURITY: A=SS .' i ! F CCOOL1 & F So=S * i 00 i*. C,*;4*j. 71 1 Eo TE COST PER MILLION BTU: S7=S/(Si*i0i0.0i*24.O*3bS.0*4*271 3/IE 85 CALLL F .. TABULATE 1 5 COL-LABEL=i% H2' 'iN' 'PRODUCT 'STREAM' TABdLATE 2 S CO-LHbEL='PRDLiL-TT TE' 'OF H2' & UN7T-LABEL='MSCFiDYAY TABULATE 3 7 COL-LABEL=PRODULCT 'COST' UNiT-LABEL='$/METU' STREAM-LAR STREAM=2-FEED VR I ABLE=MOLE-FLOW 9RANE L ST=5000 10000 15(500 VAR VARY L5--.-VAR BLGCK=OAiDiZE RANGE LIST=i0 15 20 25 30 R SENTENCE=PARAM VARIASLE=FRES 86 LISTING r YDROGEN MANUFACTUE -- i: Bt : 3 ELECTROLSSIS JOHN E. STRONGl, JR. TITLE 'htDROGEN MANUFACTURE BY ELECTROLYSiS OF WATER' DESCRIP iihD "H IdS FLOWSHEET MODELS THE MANUFACTURE OF HYDROGEN BY MEANS OF ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER" IN-UNiTS MET OUT-UNITS MET SYS-OFTION23 INTERPRET=O : COMPONENTS COMPONENTS H2 H2/02 02i20 PROPERTIES H20 S fSOP3 FLOSnMEET DATA FLOWSiHEET BLOCK CELL IN=FEED OUT=GASES BLOCK CELLSEP IN=GASES OUT=H2UP 02uP BLOCK M2t.NOCK I N=m2UP OUT=FRODUCT BLOCK : 2KNOC. iN=02uP INFUT STREAM OUT=O2EXiT SPECIFICATIONS STREAM FEED TEMF=340 FPRES=1NPASE=l MOLE-FRAC M20 PASE=L MOLE-FLOW=30000 1i. DATA ;Z BLGOC. BLOCK CELL RSTOIC PARAM TEMP=340 PRES=l STOIC 1 MIXED H20 -1/ H2 1/ 02 0.5 CONV 1 MIXED H20 1.0 BLOCK CELLSEP SEP FRAC STREAM=H2UP COMPS=H2 FRACS=1.0 BLOCK H2KNOCK MIXER BLOCK 02KNOCK MIXER ; COSTING SECTION FORTRAN COST-SET DEFINE XF STREAM-VAR STREAM=FEED VARIABLE=MOLE-FLOW DEFINE XC1 CBLOCK-VAR CBLOCK=CCELL SENTENCE=USER-COST & VARi ABLE=PURCH-COST DEFINE XC2 CBLOCK-VAR CBLOCK=CCELL SENTENCE=UTILITY & VARIABLE=ELEC-RATE F F XCl=20000.O*xF XC2=93.47*XF EXECUTE BEFORE CCELL CBLOCK CCELL USER COSTING-DATA NEQUIP = 'ii 1 2Y : E t-t E=;OCuE t=O..' 87 UNi T EECTOi _;'! CELOtC:.S CCELL UTILITY PFJwER ELECTRICITY SOURCE PFOuChhASED uCOT FIh E=i.03 RAw-MATERI-L REFERENCE 20-IN STREAM=FEED COST FPiCE=2 .3E-4:$/LB> OFERATI NG-COST vAiLHBi.iT FACTO=.5: OFERATiSG-LABORNOFER=i ,RttE=1 .0' FROC.ECT-DATES START M io LABOR-COSTS wAGEt Ri-TEs`T':i .00 JOB-CONDL I u!iO LOCiATiON=M IT COST I NG-OFPTNS OF'ER-COST SENSITIVITY RESULTS DESCRIPTION ELECTROLYSiS RESULTS' DEFINE S MOLE-FLOw STREAm=FRODUCT COMFONENT=H2 DEFINE 53 OPER-COST-VAR SENTENCE=RESULTS & VARIABLE=NET-OP-COST DEFINE S4 OFER-COST-VAR SENTENCE=AVAILABILITY & VARIABLE=FACTOR CALCULATE VOLUME PER DAY PRODUCED F (MSCF): R1=Si* 100. (O0*24.0*S4*0 .791i1E6 CALCULATE COST PER MILLION BTU: F R2=53i/,Si*100(0. 0.*24.t0*365.0*S4*271.3/1E6) TABULATE 1 R CL-LABEL='FRODUCT' UNIT-LABEL='MSCF/DAY' TABULATE 2 2 COL-LAEL='PRODUCT' 'RATE' 'OF H2' & 'COST' UNIT-LABEL='$/MBTU' VARY UTILITY-VAR UTILITY=POWER SENTENCE=COST VARIABLE=FPRICE RANGELIST=.C1 0.03 0.0b VARY STREAM-vAR STREAM=FEED VARIABLE=MOLE-FLOW RANGE LIST=500 1 $ v00 2500 5000 10000 20000 300,0