A! iIJLI-LILJ by 4T Jeffery Schantz -F777! Bachelor of Fine Arts Massachusetts College of Art Boston, Massachusetts 1982 Submitted to the Department of Architecture in partial fullfillment of the requirements of the degree Master of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. i\ I \/ I /"N 6/' J ~ \Q -~ II I 'II II June 1985 @ Jeffery Schantz 1985 The Author hereby grants to M.I.T permission to reproduce and distribute publicly copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. - a A Signature of Author Jeffery Schantz Department of Arch i ecture (May k, 1985 Certified by Profjsor Te s/ S ,f Halasz Archi tecture ryjisor Accepted by Jul ie Me ervy r-r Cha i rma "" .. Depar tment C mmittee for Graduate tu nts MASSACHUSETTS INSTirE . . .. . OF TECHNOLOGY Rotcn JUN 0 3 1985 LiBRPAB!E3 ..i TOWARDS A DESIGN PROCESS FOR MICRO-BASED COMPUTER-AIDED DRAFTING SYSTEMS by Jeffery Schantz of Department the to Submitted partial in 1985 8, Architecture on May fullfillment of the requirements of the degree Master of Architecture. ABSTRACT the change will things Few profession in the coming architectural wholesale the than more years the into of computers introduction made process that has, been design of development the by possible affordable micro-based CAD. This thesis is a case study into how the current state of the art will affect the process of design. Based on this I hope to -find out if they will study, make us better informed as designers or just more -productive. How will they help us solve problems and create better environments? Thesis Supervisor: Imre Halasz Title: Professor of Architecture . ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to: Amie for putting up with me Imre for having faith in me Steve for the means Everyone in the computer lab Rosie,Louie,Jennette,Norman, and Sondra . iii (Com)Momne 1 Part 1 2 4 -Introduction -Assumptions i -Wh -baed rAAD -A brief description of the software Part 2 - Definitions -Libraries -Fragments -Rules -Consolidation Part3 -architectual languages and building vocabulary -assembly and composition -ways of ordering -making buildings - Documentation -A computer based design process -Creating libraries -Description of the building system -Rules -Assembling fragments -Consolidation -Program description -Design documentation -Conclusions Part 4 - - a changing environment Role of the computer Role of the designer Appendix - Three proposals Bibliography Footnotes 6 8 10 12 16 18 19 20 21 23 25 30 33 37 39 40 45 48 50 53 56 57 67 68 iv ID)Mf ]l 1 Introduction it is computer apparent micro refinement, representation I the has arrived as a tool for conception, general that of design and ideas in and architecture in particular. became curious as to how these tools would affect the way designers work think the and about the process of. design.1 was also curious possibilities about the formal that might be revealed by such a process. My or-iginal a design intention was to engage in process using a currently available micro-based software, document the process, experience. this, issues. 2 then As a write result of about the pursueing I've stumbled on a host of other began with a lot of assumptions on I The first how the process would happen. parts documents those seeks to the second part documents the process. The working many essentailly the third part is result of a device I hours did not on same. The proposals in presenting designer 's system.I 'm them perception is of kind that by This not should is the advances yet to to say that become programmers, imperitive that we become be come. architects but it is informed users. and My intention offer to a a design not a "computer person", way, affected will some are that I do not program or or write In inevitable that we do on the state of micro CAD the direction it might go. is which understand, sympathetic to others who me thoughts archaic clarify my sometimes language, makes and assumptions It in code. I consider this to be a at a of "second generation" look computer-aided process. 3 Assumptions I began this the under study following assumptions: Computer-aided 1) differs from computer drafting (CAD) aided design (CAAD) in that CAD is a production tool, CAAD a design tool is solve problems. hel ps that to ava ilable Currently programs for micro-computers do nct yet qualify as design tools. 2) Extending computer from assistant to desirable. software extend process. role of that a design the of assistar t is working for existing applic ations is the most expedient the micro- proc uction Developing methodologies 4 the computer's role way irn to the Current Micro-Based CAD Il--ll........ Desired Micro-Based CAAD *UuUssesu 3) development of a The takes advantage of process that software 's the abilities as a drawing editor holds the greatest promise. process Any 4) say to currently involving assemble that the process revolves access and building elements from a data the around ability to key to in designing the drawing editor is the development of "form language" or a a "building deployed in an additive fashion. 6) The requires assembly of that this vocabulary the designer adopt some 'rules" that will guide him. 7) Futher exploration of these systems by designers as well as programmers will base. 5) the vocabulary" of elements that can then be available systems is library based. That is based, Because the process is library help make a better tool. 5 NEW Why Micro-based CAAD? The explosion has programs conceivable of CAD packages to become ever more sophisticated. that coming generations of in conjunction with an increased ability drafting tables. computers This has ,interactive for PC'S. graphics Micro-based CAD is modular, and can be supplied by range of hardware computers 6 and This is impressive. been made possible by the development of affordable becoming super-micros, and will continue It been architects will apprentice on instead of use the in software themselves integrate applications packages will soon give the micro-based system much of the capability Eventually both the of something larger. price and capabilty the micro-based and larger of stand alone systems will meet. The Another quickly micro-based options. are to focusing on systems is more people can reason for participate in their development. means that those who use these This machines have the oppourtunity to develope ideas that might otherwise not be developed. Micro computers are affordable, you need not be a large office to own they become more widely used, one. As designers and architects will have to start coming to terms with computers. Until then, we really haven't got a tool. 7 A Brief Description of the Software The software used for this exploration was version 2.0 of AutoCad published by Autodesk, California. It dimensional, aided is drafting essentailly a Inc., Sunnyvale, a vector (tm) menu-driven based, 2- computer- package. It drawing editor that is has the ability to edit drawing way a word processor would handle text, The editor drawing stores and files accesses the the files from a data base that can be thought of as a library. One can then edit, assemble, manipulate any of and the graphic information in your library. allows AutoCad freedom to "customize" its structure user, 8 a certain to by the amount proceedural preference grouping of commands of the into the has also It programs, by attribute files and assigning or other to information alphanumeric send to ability it is that this just at a sophisticated cutting and pasting way of graphic do information. It does not offer a new way a to perceive space ,it offers a different Graphic organized onto layers, environment in which design takes place. Layers paper. colors, of for the assignment linetypes, and other graphic qualities allow is important to remember really more. similar to using tracing circles, etc. a you to allows drafting table and a bit information It arcs, modes and in its' current configuration is the things you would do of that create lines, creating, Conceptually, drawing commands of a system graphic file. many series with are created creating converting by files Drawing the structure. of its menu 'customization" by or routines, or "scripts" that help to visualize. Editing ability to given part erasing, include functions transform arrays by or distort moving, (repetitive the any copying, copying), and so on. 9 ITOre 10 Definitions en: to consolidate gains. -. i. 3. to unite or combine. 4. to become firm. [< L consoliddt(us) (ptp. of consoliddre). See CON-, SOLID, -ATE] -Con-sol-i-da/tor, n. con-sol-i-da-tion (kan sol/i da/gan), n. stance of consolidating. 1. an act or in- 2. the state of being consolidated. 3. something consolidated. 4. Law. a. a statutory combination of two or more corporations. b. the union of two or more claims or actions at law for trial or appeal. [< LL consoliddti3n- (s. of consoliddtiD)] -con-sol/i-da/tive, adj. 1. a part broken off or defrag-Iment (frag/mont), n. tached: scattered fragments of rock. 2. a portion that is unfinished or Incomplete: fragments of a poem. 3. an odd piece, i. 4. to disintegrate; collapse or break into bit, or scrap. -. fragments. -v.t. 5. to divide or break (something) into pieces or fragments. [ME < L fragment(um) a broken piece, remnant = frag- (s. of frangere to break) + -mentum -MENT] li-brar-y (ll/brer/E, -bra rE, -brE), n., pl. -brar-ies. 1. a place, as a room or building, containing books and other material for reading, study, or reference. 2. a public body organizing and maintaining such an establishment. 3. a commercial establishment lending books for a fixed charge; a rental library. 4. a collection of manuscripts, publications, and other materials for reading, study, enjoyment, or reference. 5. a series of books of similar character or alike in size, binding,. etc., issued by a single publishing house. 6. Computer Technol. a collection of standard programs, routines, and subroutines available for solving a variety of computer problems. (ME libraire < MF librairie < ML libraria, n. use of fem. of L librdrius (adj.) of books. See 2 LIBER , -ARY) rule (ro~d), n., v.. ruled, rul-ing. -n. 1. a principle or regulation governing conduct, procedure, etc. 2. the code of regulations observed by a religious order or congregation. 3. the customary or normal condition, occurrence, practice, etc. The definitions attempt to critical basis for therefore stated here are an language and became the design in this study. It is the clarify position that nessecary to present them before discussing the actual process. 4. control, government, or dominion. 5. tenure or conduct of reign or office. 6. a prescribed mathematical method for performing a calculation or solving a problem. 7. ruler (def. 2). 8. Print. a thin, type-high strip of metal. for printing a solid or decorative line or lines. 9. Law. a formal order or direction made by a court, as for governing the procedure of the court. . 10. Obs. behavior. 11. as a rule, generally; usually. --. t. 12. to control or direct; exercise dominating power, authority, or influence over; govern. 13. to decide or declare judicially or authoritatively; decree. 14. to mark with lines, esp. parallel straight lines, with the aid of a ruler or the like: to rule paper. 15. to mark out or form (a line) by this method. 16. to be superior or preeminent In (a specific field or group); dominate by superiority. -. i. 17. to exercise dominating power or influence; predominate. 18. to exercise authority, dominion, or sovereignty. 19. to make a formal decision or ruling, as on a point at law. 20. to be prevalent or current. 21. rule out, to refuse to acknowledge or admit; eliminate; exclude. (ME riule, reule < OF riule < L regul(a) straight stick, pattern) -Syn. 1. standard, law, ruling, guide, precept, order. 4. command, domination, sway, authority, direction.. 12. RULE, ADMINISTER, COMMAND, GOvERN, MANAGE mean to exercise authoritative guidance or direction. RULE implies the exercise of authority as by a sovereign: to rule a kingdom. ADMINISTER places emphasis on the planned and orderly procedures used: to administer the finances of an institution. 11 Libraries -architectural language and building vocabulary \ ht bne Q r Conceptually ,a library is more than a data library base.The representation formal of "vocabulary". symbols, a graphic or an architectural kind of "language", have is Because it is a it could be said to syntax and grammar that tic.,', form the "rules of composition". Formulating a vocabulary requires that a building be described in terms of its' elements. and delineation It is the of articulation building elements that sets the framework for the creation of a vocabulary. The operative definition of elements in this study can 12 Sentence diagram Graphic diagram Graphic sentence cof" e be stated as such - Buildings consist of elements or parts. The first type could be said to be "types" of two basically elements those architectural designer's a organize vocabulary that They buildings. in are the persistent of primary elements that patterns tend --- to reappear in succesive transformations the because buildings use the patterns of has a subtle continuity of that demands familiarity. These elements tend to be primary structural systems, very long lives, Sketches for a building vocabulary unique to particular and can be said to conditions relative site, or to to have be the particular normative or stylistic notions. 13 C - - WI, I - [Tm It, r- ae 3. ' £ 1- -_ 7c* ' -~-:~k '. l. ~ *J2 6 5LA ~ %AC '~;LO'Car --'L? '0I (40 Sketches of vocabulary and components 14 140 LID N4& It -S (..1 # (,at.4e j-I "4='nP:P. These components. catalogue mass enough changeble wear the technology are off-the-shelf parts They from available are part ones that or get replaced as advances. be the are of buildings, elements out of "type" second The manufacturer 's a or repetitive parts that produced for buildings to acheive an economy of They are secondary, systems, such as U3 MLh-fl MQDE]WW I MEDU can large scale. II1III~L infill, and closure stud arrt partitions, Un building skins, doors and windows. a' ~5~I ~ £9 5 r'l- 3 15 Fragments - assembly and composition They that are patterns can and sub-patterns be expressed by assembling vocabulary into "sketches" that larger not. a suggest buildings ,but by themselves are The concept is in appropriate metaphorical as well as practical terms. Methaphorically, fragments represent chards of experience. They are pieces in our memory that are selectivly recalled, Fragments appearing architecturally as are Fragments vocabulary They of an extension notion to the middle become the vehicle the scale. for the evaluation of design solutions, allowing the designer to generate, test, and yet places. familiar they experience act as a and bridge machine an between memory. They allow the "assembly of experience" in manner vocabulary. elements in the editor. similar to the compare alternative possibilities of his 16 become vehicle in this environment appropriate because They incomplete assembly a of Roy$ T DJ!L D C II I Fragment Sketches 17 Rules - ways of ordering There which are many ways and sources from to generate assembly. By rules the rules definition in this study, are the syntax and grammer of the language. Certain relationships amongst elements are deemed "good" because meet certain architectural rules, what articulating elements. being of criteria. is the They both visual, added spatail,or By is a developing means relationship are a means criteria and they to of amongst order, method. What then becomes the issue is a) What is the source of the criteria? and b) What is the method by which they are satisfied? 18 b" -Fr Consolidation - making buildings The try purpose and of consolidation is incorporate (ie:appropriate) as many to good -N 'N / ( ideas as possible into a chosen scheme (1). The consolidation of design ideas into buildings involves the assembly and 'N elaboration appropriate way, it notions fragments level becomes of vocabulary, enough of of detail. an extension fragments happening and to an In that of the 2 building at a point when possibilities have been explored to satisfy curiousity about the building vocabulary. Consolidation presents the oppourtunity to recycle decisions. a lot The of assumptions ( N -1~~' and process of recycling is one of incorporation and transformation in a progressive fashion. 19 Imanr 11 20 Documentation A micro-based computer-aided design process The process I engaged in happened in definition of a applies that process familiarize myself drawing editor. design conceptually strategy I that required the 1) of a micro-based Development five overlapping "phases" : at with the all Adopting this "protocol" as a method and levels ; a 2) a articulating vocabulary and resource hinderance thought building a library ; to the evaluating a vocabulary by 4) becoming a natural flow of ,I editor. have found: the assembly of library parts into fragments, consolidating the fragments from while designing in the Towards that end 3) it kept 1) To a large degree, the process occured in an additive fashion. Because into alot of what o ccurs is the selection of buildings, and; parts 5) recycling decisions. of assumptions about from a data base , it is very natural to work in an additive way. 2) Since any process involving 21 currently based, available systems is until understood a library is library produced, ,and made operational the , machine offers little advantage ; Although the graphics editors 3) various CAD systems may differ in capability they ,and speed, size, conceptually, all tend to handle information the same way. layers, menus, functions The universally. system libraries, seems to of and have appropriate brought on by an editing evolved vocabulary uniatural interface and design following a natural train of thought. 22 done on the machine and some off. Most of the conceptual work took off the computer, while most place of the experimenting and testing occured on it. This became a kind of dialogue that what to use and how to use it. and,b) how to overcome the uncomfortable feeling best of As such, many of the basic is an were to 4) As a result, the issue then becomes what it became apparent that somethings in concepts should apply to other systems a) As I began to work with the computer, many of the decisions I made led about Creating libraries The shapes can be distorted, elevation. designers' preference. hand, could have a highly one On the other defined that pre-determines a building strategy system, the deployed according to or rotated, construction type, therefore a vocabulary. style and It is therefore possible to have libraries suitable for different senarios. A The selection of a vocabulary giving take many depending on forms, how library is made by operational can it a structure and putting in a a menu format. There are three general design strategy is defined. For example, rules if one is working at a high level of way of I have found helpful when creating libraries : abstraction and preconceptions, little in the it is possible to work 1) keep the building with a vocabulary of generic shapes that graphically allow drawings from becoming memory intensive, could ultimate be footprints, used freedom.These to represent section cuts, shapes building or veiws in simple. elements This will keep the and will allow for futher elaboration. 2) create all the elements in plan, 23 listing t listing plan planer elements ----- tables. 2chairs r------------J closure infill furniture .............. typical components pan skylights plan 3 --------- listing . . pl.... partition. tension columns - wndow esn plan section elevation frame system 2 windows doors elevation i listing se section construction lines listing rms chir : desk bed cabinent- : cn.. elevation p lean elevation plan section ... . plan .... section, eleaton in elements building a vocabulary articulating in of a proved useful library, most buildings are actually a One could treat a bit of both. little Library structure for a building vocabulary my assumptions about types While kitchen baths stairs elevator*..... -J .. building as totally unique or as totally off the shelf. The catch being that the former is usually too expensive to build and the latter is to boring to be section and elevation. This will make it considered interesting architecture. The easy to jump from view to veiw. library had to include both. 3) try structure advance to of loosely the define libraries of customizing menus. It simply make things easier to find. 24 the in will of vocabulary the designer, formal Some parts are unique to the represented in some normative ideas and some parts are off-the- shelf stuff of catalouges. The building system .. . . . . . FFFFFr'....r ... .... I..min . . . . . . U . .. .. . ... ... . .... . .. . ' The exploration masonry skin. system used building represented steel light and panel The a is parts as for this frame, with metal panel the system were drawing files and of delineated into catagories of elements: 2) Construction lines (treated of a as and materials of representative A ... I. ... .. elemen ts Planar composites vocabulary of elements of my own pref erence). 3) A frame system 4) Components design, 1) 'I'..l.l but (also find their of my own reference in available products). 25 additive consistency of dimension in an process,l adopted a proportional modular appropriate It system. ordering an as reasons. two for provided second by the acheive and, not have "a" standard unit of measurement,it It four. has knows one unit that it along its X and Y fragment multiplying factor. series of a given size compatible another or Since I , could by size a known the numbers in the size" was are known ,the "next always available ; 2) use regulating lines as a means of ordering. I then could then menu 3 basic calls an inch or a millimeter. distorting configurations, By by dividing all a in axis If I had a part or predictable fashion. First, does because this software library a software my distort any of the elements in seemed because it offered an alternative to the grid 1) for need the to due Mostly using a proportion as a rule ,it easy to keep the dimensions of the them as needed , creating a range of sizes. This was provided building system creation to consistant from means a dimensional visual continuity. proportions and the used were the square root approach allowed me to: 26 of -acheiving variety , while allowing deployment.The its' of its' golden mean two. This a 1 . ........................... Construction or regulating lines .................... ................ 2 3 I I I 12' 9' 8' I ++CH 4' li drawn 112drawn 8'x 4' 8'x 12' 9'x 15' Planar elements 12'x 36' 113 outine 27 Detail of tension system I Il 24' 18' 15' |l 12' + iI II . 1 il Il H I 1g Asembled frame section 8' 12' 15' / 18' i Frame and tension system 0 o0 colS coU12 28 4' I3 / N 60lI f-me bs5"leted bm8 bm12 bmI18 24' H dr-1 w; n - dr--2 wn - win -4 win-3 dr-4 dr-3 Windows win- 6 win-8 win-7 bw-1 dr-5 dr-6 dr-7 win-5 win-9 win-10 win-11 bOw-3 dr-8 . Doors Bay Windows L - I I I I ," 1/ Closure elements / / / \ "' 'I I I I I Skylights sk-1 sk-2 sk-3 29 Rules deals mostly territorial issues. and use criteria that is 3) dependant, and spatial with criteria became the modifers of These a process based on three methodologies : In terms of defining my own "rules" or syntax ,three design methods and sources have criteria of in helpful been formulating a process of working in The sources of criteria drawing editor. which on I the the based of assembly elements were: 1) or criteria that is form issues ; criteria that is building with connections, issues and library elements; 30 dependant, construction method specific, deals by design of are - outright selection iteration or imitation ; 2) - "selective" design by borrowing and selection iterative idea 3) design transformation an of or "pattern matching" by invention variations or "original" which deals mostly with visual 2) 1) - new ideas. The computer made it possible to test many variations and cominations of these system methods and which clarify in criteria, by my own mind the helping me degree to applied to structure and which these inherent in the design decisions that were mostly of "rules" are visual or architectural nature. a When the working in the process iterative drawing becomes and in all in editor, some ways - 1L ways 4 44 cumulative. Decisions should be orchestrated because the software remembers the sequence input and assignment to is that layers. What this means made early on are sure to come back undesirable of moves to haunt you. As a result, there are times when it is more appropriate to select or borrow, then it is to invent. creation differs and from Hard copy pen plots of early fragment "sketches" For instance, the assembly of a the process of library selection that occurs when "using" it. Composing a component process into an elevation is of "borrowing" or more a "pattern +++++ matching",that is then transformed. Pattern appropriate matching way becomes of designing in -T TH -- Hj an this 31 environment because "it is less a ~I1g U. prescription for the perfectly designed * environment as it is a convenient format for formulating design editor way of dealing elements conceptual in with the fashion, highly library a in some defined a more disparity that pattern matching tends to lessen. 0 a S U U I into the developmental stages of process requires that we have 32 - drawing the ~ * * concepts"(2). Extending the capabilities of a - ~ ** * a in.J I - ~71 .1~ ;,~,,*** * U * - U! U - I Fragments because I informed about felt confident the and vocabulary well I was using. Fragments play a number of roles this kind of process. in They are not only The speed also the the generator of the complete design. the investigation assembly" took fragments was this was where most of of the place. "rules Since were less than buildings of time. It was also the point memory can create drawings that intensive, regenerate making them slow and precarious to into same where quickly easily explored,it became efficient larger ideas became Consolidation very By design machine library, of can or be consolidated thereby building a "patterns", easy This the vocabulary typical rooms (such interplay fragment,and off can then become part of the of typical rooms. to evaluate many of them. to ,it Because and save. are creating fragments, the buildings' final bathrooms or kitchens), could be limited, assembly of a vocabulary into large computer proved to be the most valuable. alternatives are the possible to display a plan,section, and elevation on the screen at the a As the memory and of micro computers buildings Conceptually, of fragments alsolhad practical side to it. a means of evaluating alternatives, they become notion as and arrangments between consolidation element, became the dialouge for design at all scales. 33 L. Pen Plots of fragments I U I I I I U I L~=J I 34 I L~J F11-i II'-Y 4 S I- -JL JL I L Ii I LL IL -IL- I. h LLiIttIEEW I' F if -I f 11 IF .1 1 T_ Fir -_1 1_F1F. 1 1 !I i i -I _I A. 1---A-T 12 1 1 1 1 ' 35 - I- f-7' rI- ~i W ) [Q -JACIrI t - LLJ 36 - -=.o I Consolidation I found it usefull to be free of the point. Since intensive to this library at highly memory textual or drawing editor, it depict in material qualities the remain fragments the is graphically simple. For myself ,this was a more a than benefit hinderance. Keeping the fragments graphically simple reasons, practical aformentioned the For consolidation of building a designed on a micro-based system is best done be off the machine. This problem can addressed by the addition of to the system, an option. practical but in this case was not There are also some reasons not-so- for doing the stages off the machine. practi'cal memory The softwares' limitations are in many its' artistic limitations. final ways comfortable point allowing to me studies occur to elaboration allowed the in enhance the process, building drawing traditional by at techniques. One of the most important aspects this was phase "connective fragments. that tissue" These design to the between areas are the conceive the of a design together holds difficult the without of "g I ue" and are having 37 As a result, fragments in front of you. the tissue" of this "connective study also took place off the computer. also became the Consolidation decisions reworking of notions. fragmentary from Many in designed were fragments made each other, means in the of the isolation so consolidating was a means of testing how or if the really * *O-se ,e e ee fragments came together. compelling Another bringing the for argument design together machine is sense of scale. working on If off one a large building or at * the is the site size ,it is easy to lose a sense of scale because the image on the is not displayed to scale. fragments at consolidation an can architectural take better sense of size. 38 By place monitor plotting scale, with a Plan sketch that led to final design Program description Since the focus of this study is the is program secondary. The synagouge located on a rural It calls for a Mass. Dover, somehow is program process, the for a site in sanctuary for 350 people ,offices ,school rooms ,a function room and retreat residences. , The site is on a ridge approxamatly 380 feet in elevation with a commanding veiw of Boston. program was chosen for its' size The -and complexity. small easily accomplished quite Larger, not. A more Part involved building on is AutoCad. structures 'are of the intention here was to deliberatly test the software's limits. 39 -~-L r --- rrA t ~ uIIkr I- I f I -j __j I I 1 -1 1 1 -B -... Plan drawing made by consolidating fragments 40 IL I I I -t 11 s' -- f1 xA L L.. L. - .. A. I PlnFraintatrhesgnof"cneciv tsse and elaboration 41 VL Section at sanctuary as drawn by plotter 42 I.. .. .............. .......... ............ ......... ....... ........... ............. Same section rendered by hand L- ---, ............................. ..... ...... ...... 43 Hand drawn axonometric 44 Conclusions The experience of developing a design process for a micro-based CAD system has to led me to three conclusions about the current state of these systems ,and how they affect the process. to needs thinking be stated is that change the occurs when using a The system. observation thinking about how to design a highly becomes compartmentalized. reinforced the that conclusion obvious most The is in CAD that building defined and is futher This by the structured nature interface between the designer of and the computer. 45 On the design process The logical correlation between the in general. As computer-aided techniques conceptual structure of CAD and ideas of become institutionalized, suppliers will building have vocabulary and form is striking. the actual languages Having not participated in design of the software can't say if that was an intention. it The certainly appears to be format graphic for accessing ,I symptom. and editing information in this environment To that end, I think it is a good thing. In a lot of ways, information On micro-based systems The kind of thinking that we in as designers is not as to environment delineation of buildings into elements. This fact holds system the that strongest computer 46 indication of will shape the design chaotic how the process as As a result ,a progressive approach towards is the engage we'd like to believe ,but it is also not developing on about products in a similar as rational as the computer demands. one's ability and fashion. take full advantage of this kind of tool predicated products But a is largly responsible for this. incentive to format a better would micro-based look at and it's interface. a strength micro-based the entire Which means systems' is potentailly CAAD its' greatest greatest weakness. With all the various functions being performed many by programs from sources, coordination into an integrated many of requires the interface system packages ,with the discovery of routines that will make the system user freindly. will computers Micro and improve continue they that it is my guess to will become the tool of chioce for small architectual offices. or this In the six-months write so it took to investigate and thesis products has indicadating interest in , a arrived an multitude on active improving the the and of new scene, growing micro-based design environment. 47 ITO 48 r Changing Roles With the widespread use of in the design process ,the role of professional will change. a computers the In many ways, computer becomes like another partner in the process. And like any member of a design team ,it will do some things better than others. What those roles are and will become is still evolving. scope of this study was to take depth look computer at one of many currently an roles The in the plays,production assistant. 49 Role of the Computer "-a data varibles structure describing consisting the of relevant properties of potentail solutions, - a set applied of operators which may be to varibles to change the state of a data structure.., -a set of objectives constraints which define...a and set /or of acceptable solutions , and, -a In order to fully integrate soluton generation proceedure the which produces a set of potentail computer into a process of design, it is solutions for consideration." helpful to look at the roles the machine currently plays ,how those roles affect indicating the allocation of resources , and how it for will redefine the role of the purposes: A computer-aided design problem can characterized following(3): 50 designer. as consisting of any be "-To the computer machine... that a computer may be combination of the used following store and retreive data.. .the is processing used as a data -To automatically solutions by to well executing defined a program which generate for design. problems between operates effort was reportedly devoted to work by upon a data structure... -To test for.. .consideration... by a program mathematical that operates British executing Department a model of a proposed design study of investigating cost and consultants. conducted A by Environment the , (1974) the allocation of man-hrs showed a similar pattern (4). solution..." Yet the acheive An total engineering solutions on - 40% of 20% outside potentail The later survey also noted ability of an office to the economies made possible by ideal system would to some extent, computers is not as simple as just Until the play all three of these roles. most Currently, software concentrates on the most implementing automation. introduction of CAD micro-based very sophisticated labor machines ,the process of design may have intensive parts of the process.Surveys conducted by (1950 to the AIA , 1970) the total be modified somewhat to realize full potentail. confirm that nearly 25% of ask time expended on a given project at the Concurrently , one must what price to the quality of is design? devoted drawings to , the production of working as compared with about 15% 51 As such , stages. presented is question This time gained from the to is production of construction documents this of focus major the introduce well spent on design. study. If the use of the computer can be design the into the range of the quality of design should not and development phases of schematics design ,it will enhance the coming of automation. increase process in two ways : is that development is the strongest in productivity to incentive from will make the transition develope design It the this potentail 1)it suffer a with buildings this an observation that will prevail and is extended Hopefully , a working that technique construction to integrates des ign development as much as redundancy, documents easier ,eliminate possible with current capabilities of and help to realize futher economy ; and the machine. not can time be spent in the is such that its str ongest role is that design of a Poor 1y considered decisions that are in the earliest stages of process often end up becoming the costly miscalculations 52 data processor . generator development phases. made in the CAD current state of micro-based ,more qui te as labor intensive be The will phase the production 2)since the most later Its role as a and tester of solutions could quickly become a reality as we enter the era of concurrent operating systems "expert" software. and As such, micro-based CAAD should be thought of in terms of an integrated system. limited was relates to to What then becomes an issue is:How This study , however process the working in the as it graphics we and richness place in a design environment that could any where limited couse be edi tor. sense of a maintain do of this ability my found at any , to time? In the study, I have with that deal question lies in three sources: Role of the Designer computer-aided As the possible roles of systems play increases ,the role the computers designer will (of him/herself course) ; change.For work nicely for now, well-defined problems, repetitive tasks ,and problems library or the 2) design designer the 1) "vocabulary" of elements that process environments can from achieve a design a and the development of 3) interesting small reletively vocabulary of elements. to which typical patterns or patterns of solutions rubs seen. can found. How much of off on the designer remains to this be Since the machine could not have human the range of experience possibly as counterparts ,we can't expect its to 53 its memory ir utilize ways a designer might. aspect overwhelming associative the is eye this of design on is current generation of micros by selection. an As a result, A sensitive and selective this is Since the amount of memory limited, one must be selective about the vocabulary be must that fills it, discerning when just as Ideally sensitive operation would have a "appropriate" of , a number vocabularies on that could be deployed as the demanded. an choosing from that source. element one hand situation Variation in the relationship the elements then becomes the key to of richness. these 54 will into turn Which starts to point to an evolving role of the designer. computers As ,the institutionalized become more new roles that will emerge will be that of "designer of systems" design and "maintainer of design systems" (5). The first -role will be important only in that it requires a sound and general architecture ,but a knowledge competance computer sciences and/or This a good reason why based is systems offer the the ,accessible , in in applications. oppourtunity to architects. affordable not microgreatest Micros are and relativly easy to become fluent on. The ability to Architecture process. limitations advantages. design an asset at all levels of process. them, is defined by its As the process of working with machines informs the making of integrate roles technologically revolutionary professionally will effect on the have and a practice, proceedure , and quality of our working environment. 55 Al]P[gmdln 56 Three Proposals The experience machines has made of working me of a well thought out These three proposals are some working shortcomings these appreciate value on on of the interface. observations the environment ,and some current thoughts on future capabilities. They are proposals concerning aspects of: -integration of applications software, -the man-machine interface -design intelligence or knowledge. 57 Another draw back of this Integration of application programs the is As the CAAD system consist of more seperation of fact from artifact ie: in It consists of a order to "test" a solution generated in than a drawing editor. number applications of thought the by integrated an earlier, stated micro-based of discontinuity arrangement that packages In order to build share information. a that process a drawing is brought editor ,you must and completely editor on leave the run the and appropriate program in a serial fashion. interpretes data ,you need at least four While the coming of concurrent operating programs - a drawing editor ,a data base systems will help in this respect that edits ,analyses ,tests system ,a computational model in the form of won't help sort things. In either an "expert" system or spreadsheet ,and a text editor. be "linked" sometimes requires must or routines at The programs together, writing the an least knowledge of an operating means aquire that and themselves. 58 an architects configure then keeping with the modular the of have a "tool of that are "smart" routines designed specifically to CAAD environment. This a office must dealing systems kit" of to aid with the exchange of non-graphic data in system. these approach micros ,it would be usefull which intimate ,they It would help in with one of the paradoxes of an automated design environment - too much information.Designers should concentrate on design ,not information tool kit would allow the flow. This configuration of "filters" that have the ability to : believe much this will make easier integrated and the design the interface concept of assistant an more acceptable for micros for three reasons1) Run constantly as a backround operation ,updating descriptions, 2) 1) Automatically "route" data to the appropriate file or program that application , 4) Allow data be an backround operation enormous would improvement on a conceptual level, graphic information to be from changes made in a not are architects Most 2) updated base as a that is constantly updated ,which Automatically format it for 3) a It would make it possible to have data programmers and cannot afford to be one. file. This 5) "tool kit" would pre-package Have the ability to determine the routines execution sequence of ,allowing users to simply say applications what ,when ,where and how by simply It would programs. installing In other words, provide the "tool routines that make generated "reciprocal" in the with kit" would information drawing other editor programs. I the module. an operating system in that it would provide more sophisticated and complement interactive to routines that are support specific designed program 59 configurations. The As stated earlier ,the coming 3) almost requires the creation automation a new role for of for the system. of maintenace of an Small responsible someone offices CAAD office usually cannot seperation the technique sense ,making this tool persons the definition and maintenance Man-machine interface drawing is kind a of desirable for life drawing ,it second is not problem is the lack of of scale that is created dimensionless screens. of a system much easier. While that from for design drawing. kit be the of the drawing surface responsive The would problem is created by veiwing area. afford the manpower ,let alone the cash. It first While by the representation of monitor the instaneous jump in scale is one of the nicest features of these systems ,present display are simply not adequate. options Drawing with a light pen on larger monitors is one Beyond issues that are related to the software of this design environment, are a host of issues relating to how we physically interact with the computer. I have two real problems available hardware. 60 with currently a of long addressing way natural from way this ,but it is still ideal. A interface could be much a more accomplished by combining the veiwing screen with the digitizing surface in a large ,flat horizontal format that resembles a desk. The pointing surface would be large ,say 72"x 56". Design Intelligence The video image would be rear projected on to a touch sensitive device The coming generation of CAAD research that is activated with cordless pen that can accommodate a variety of media. The tablet software would be calibrated actual architectural scales to ,allowing will be method, in areas of design knowledge, areas of expertise. In terms of micro-based systems ,this indicates that zooming ,drawing ,and veiwing that gives areas a 'component" programs that can be sense of size. include The tablet would also limited sketch recognition things such as plumbing and for electrical symbols. on paper on his desk at the time he is encoding a drawing would could file. make it easier to integrate same It CAAD workstations into the office environment expertise be distilled into easily plugged in to a given system. An. "expert system" synthesis In this environment ,a designer draw of the that is meant to aid of design ideas will identification and in require encoding of "design primitives" that become part a the of body of design knowledge used in test and generate procedures. What it means to have design knowledge by making them physically easier to deal is with. issues not designers easy to pin down become mind. because inter-related What this in many the short 61 of 1) a basic knowledge about how to spatial proposes description encoding is way a It is understand spatail relationships. based on using notions of territory as a spatial synthesizing of means Hall "Hidden the relates formal people the same way as In our affects needs and how that territorial society. Dimension",Edward our spatail sense to elements aspects of architecture at the 'most basic same kind of public/private "zones " .It level objects the himself and other it is applicable at all Zoned Objects all the formal objects in relationship our vocabulary of understanding 62 Objects would be the a series of concentric the zones.The zones could then be assigned a between space,the built and each a and series of concentric other.The boundaries .assumptions these had people. value environment a relationship "territoriality" also forms for scales of design. assigned basis of range a form, mak'ing the two integral, and, characteristics. This as 3) it describes space as created by design between interaction dimensions, not absolute dimensions; Suppose to understand the 2) it is a way of describing spaces is this sense of territory that allows a person~ of between people and their environments. 4) the of buildings have the between configurations of graphic "objects". In describing it is a way of in presenting this are: , making it possible to recognize of when they overlap.The overlap with of "associated" a verbal or numerical the description space created between objects. on would then be to degree the two A message would then be passed either designed the user or to act on that a Zoned object routine statement.This would allow the computer to "understand" space in a way similar to the way a person does - as a series of overlapping relationships range of that are determined by dimensions and not a absolute Two objects showing , overlapping territories r vgIuv 0 values. A senario of how such an idea work might read like this: would be innermost attributted would three zones.The zone being assigned the value "public".For dimensions now, shall remain Iytc Each object "intimate",the second "private",and third A secfes of OWtAtIVS the -' n recogerl a the actual arbitrary.When Pattern of territories created by objects 63 the two innermost zones of two described as could objects between space overlap,the intimate , could be the two or "understood" be connected.The machine could then message or simply a pass objects to be either connect the two.If zone 1 and 2 overlapped,the space be described as private, could and so on. By "reading" a pattern of overlaps, the machine now has a framework for the understanding of the spatial relationships implied or created by formal elements of the the building.The encoding of the relationships might read something like this: 64 If zonel=zonel,then connect; If zonel=zone2,but not I or 3,space intimate; If zone1=zone3,but not 2 or 1,space private; if zone2=zone2,but not 1 or 3,space semi-private; If zone2=zone3,but not 1 or 3,space semi-public; If zone3=zone3,but not 1 or 2,space public. is is is is is As the spaces are generated by overlap territories,a type of are assigned, The application of this method would As the be a useful "design primitive" computer- be the design can displayed as a pattern of uses. The uses could "proper" adjacency. acheive This understand their work.The machine to "taught" be zoned objects types) dimensions of built world. the to these "patterns" (formal elements) , spaces , values and between zoned deliniated into types, understood as (actual objects).Each these classes of entities could intelligence about how we understand the by three classes of entities- generated (use some could understand relationships by reading the design system that posesses more tend designers talented aided way,the level at a time,which is one way to could be "understood" at building than be manipulated then manipulated as groups or individuals. use of could be assigned to the spaces. uses the so could that patterns be they or 65 66 Bibliography Alexander, Christopher - "The Timeless Way of Building" 1979 , Oxford University Press New York Alexander, Christopher - C.M., et al. Handel, Steven - Lasea.u, Paul Eastman, Mitchell, William C. Various Authors "A Pattern Language" 1977 , Oxford University Press New York - "Spatial Synthesis in Computer Building Design" , 1975 John Wiley & Son , New York - Aided -"A computer-aided participatory design M.Arch thesis M.I.T. system" , 1975 - "Graphic Thinking for Architects and Designers" , 1980 Van Nostrand Reinhold , New York - "Computer - Aided Architectural Design" 1977 , Van Nostrand Reinhold , New York - Daidalos 5 (Berlin Architectural Journal) , "The First Sketch" Sept. 15, 1982 Bertelsman Facchzeitschriften Gmbh,Berlin 67 Footnotes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 68 - "Graphic Thinking for Architects and Designers" Laseau Ibid. Mitchell - "Computer Aided Architectural Design" Ibid. Ibid.