RATIONALIZATION OF BATHROOM SERVICE SUB-SYSTEMS IN HIGH-RISE PUBLIC HOUSING By Wang, Chi-wei B.S. Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan 1977 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science In Architecture Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June, @ Wang, Chi-wei, author hereby grants to The distribute publicly to and in whole or in part. Signature of 1983 Author...... 1983 permission to M.I.T. thesis copies of this --------------- Department of May 6, 1983 Certified reproduce document --------- - chitecture By............ ---------------------------Eric Dluhosch, PH.D Associate Professor of Technology Building Thesis Advisor / Accepted By.... N. John Habraken, Chairman, Departmental Committee for Graduate Students otch MASSACHUSETTS INSTIT TE MAY 26 1983 LIBRARIES OF BATHROOM SERVICE RATIONALIZATION SUBSYSTEMS IN HIGH-RISE PUBLIC HOUSING Wang, By Chi-wei Submitted to the Department of Architecture 1983 in partial fulfillment of the on May 6, requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Architecture Studies. ABSTRACT quantity of the increasing demand for a large Because has public housing in Taiwan, construction productivity of elements, Among those building an important issue. become bathroom has been accused as presenting one of the more the severe bottlenecks in production, due to the great number of decrease seriously which operations "looped" called so overall and particular in efficiency assembly bathroom general. in productivity building construction various developed have countries foreign Many assembly on-site improve to systems bathroom industrialized concepts These systems have adopted different efficiency. which categorization subsystem and design bathroom towards their in efficiency assembly increase to supposed are operations "looped" of elimination the Since contexts. assembly same purpose; i.e., to achieve higher the serves the task to lead also may it that clear seems it efficiency, subsystems bathroom conventional redefining conceptually of that are currently being produced and used in Taiwan. first situation that, in Taiwan, we should the Given of instead methods construction our rationalize to try which situation a ones, industrialized into directly leaping the taken for granted by both the government and been has private sectors as a remedy for the current housing shortage conventional rationalize to tries thsis this dilemma, the examining by processes assembly bathroom Taiwanese a as subsystems bathroom to relation in operations "looped" assembly-efficient rationalized, more for study pilot industrialipossible eventual or and designs, bathroom zation. Thesis Advisor: Title: M.Arch., Eric Dluhosch. Associate Professor of Architecture. Ph.D. p. 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I help am grateful to many people for and guidance in thesis. their the production of this Eric Dluhosch was a very open patient advisor. His and experience in building construction process industrialized in helping me identify proved invaluable thesis subject and in directing me to pursue aspects of problems I had not considered. I also thank Robert D. G. Irwig, Department, Architecture answers to professors of Waclaw Logcher and Henry Civil Zakewski, Department, of Engineering professor their questions and comments on of time, this thesis. I extend my appreciation to teachers and friends who have variously inspired, directed and conjoled me: Ranko, Kathy, Jane, Jone and Dorrit. Special help this thanks to Libby. Without and support, I could not have thesis. her finished TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. CHAPTER 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1: INTRODUCTION. METHODOLOGY. CHAPTER 3: DESCRIPTION OF CONVENTIONAL ---------------------BATHROOM SUBSYSTEMS. 3.1. 3.2. -------------------------------Classification. of Subsystems. -------------------Description External Envelope. ---------------------3.2.1. ---------------------Sanitary Fixtures. 3.2.2. Plumbing Core. -------------------------3.2.3. 3.3. Interfaces 4.3. 4: 18 ------------------------------- 2: 4.1. 4.2. 7 12 15 Productivity.-------------------The Objective: The Background: Housing Shortage ------------The Problem: looped Operations.------------------- CHAPTER CHAPTER 6 ------------------------------- -- Between Subsystems.----------------- SUBSYSTEMS AND LOOPED OPERATIONS. --------------------------------- 25 26 27 27 31 34 36 40 --------------------------------Introduction. Assembly Analysis of Three Sanitary Fixture Installation Operations.------------------------------------ 41 Bathtub Assemblies.-------------------4.2.1. 4.2.11. Workflow Analysis.------------------4.2.12. Network Analysis.-------------------- 43 43 49 Washbasin Assemblies. -----------------4.2.2. 4.2.21. Workflow Analysis.------------------4.2.22. Network Analysis.-------------------- 59 59 64 Lavatory Assemblies. ------------------4.2.3. 4.2.31. Workflow Analysis.------------------4.2.32. Network Analysis.-------------------- 69 69 75 Conclusion. ------------------------------------ 81 43 p.4 CHAPTER 5: FOREIGN EXAMPLES: TRANSFORMATION OF SUBSYSTEMS IN RELATION TO LOOPED OPERATIONS.---------------------------------- 88 90 5.1.Introduction.-----------------------------------------------------------------Classification. 5.2. Assembly Characteristics 5.3. of Subsystems. --------------------------------- CHAPTER 94 Element. --------------------- 5.3.1. Functional 5.3.2. Functional Core and Function Envelope -----------------Functional Unit and Total Unit --------- 5.3.3. 6: Hybrid Element 94 98 103 107 CONCLUSION. -------------------------------of 87 ---------------- 6.1. The Forming 6.2. The Transformation of Component Interdependence.----------------- 108 111 BIBLIOGRAPHY. p.5 c. CHAPTER 1: 1 INTRODUCTION. p. 6 1 C. PURPOSE OF STUDY. 1.1. to rationalize bathroom methods to provide a higher The objective of this thesis is sub-system construction service and living standard and/or potential industrialization of many academic for possible housing in Taiwan. of housing, especially the in low-income public housing, has been recommended area remedy a towards step further industrialilzation The as greater productivity institutes and for the current housing shortage in the Taiwan area, reasons: the following 1. Substantial increase in productivity of labor and the substantial reduction of manpower necessary to carry out the large scale construction projects ( especially the reduction of high-skilled, specialized workmanship.) 2. Ability reduce 3. Ability to reduce costs of and per unit. overall 4. Ability to secure standardized products. It officials to speed up construction, its dependence on climate understandable then that is in a as officials government by so as to conditions. housing, high quality housing Taiwan have displayed great both agencies and in the interest p. 7 c. concept further of industrialized am convinced that before fully and utilized of advantages This thesis attempts to housing. However, this construction method. the success of adopted 1 industrialized gain to possible the four aspects mentioned previously, How big 2. How skillful 3. Is the development on the economic level compatible with the heavy investment required by fully industrialized systems? 4. What is the existing level of service and social infrastructure of the context? myth particularly to large, officials but efficient than and to distinguish industrialized housing, who import sophisticated plants of factoring industry, these questions in developing areas, invites many dangers that countries prerequisites labor? is existing and reality concerning housing manufacturing is ask frustrate In the market for these systems? 1. Failing without there as: are many pre-requisite questions to be asked, such between can be systems greatest the I for into and a their costly the highly industrialized the process not establishing also into more all the only a efficient new one own housing countries secondary type (i.e., of more the existing one.) the range of industrialized housing partially-industrialized construction techniques, the technique called p.8 c. "rationalization" as first, of technology, simple, relatively intend take construction introduction without an a to a productive of large adverse the long run industrialized or greater housing the than imported systems without balance of disruption of eventually which fully It promises equal which by nations payment immediate additionally situation, established and conventional construction. Terner, opportunity the in radical methods of mind provide highly but technologies, methods. of the same time can but to changes technical may be adopted advantage gains production at inexpensive, developed to creating and methods Rationalized less construction comes eventually to fully industrialized methods. approach leading have housing requires less radical it existing 1 in and concept of his book, "Industrialized The Problem in "partial Housing. Developing Areas.", industrialization". The raises He points out that: "industrialization is a composite of which is immediately process, part appropriate and useful in developing areas, and part of which are not."* * Ian D. Terner, "Industrialized Housing. The Opportunity and The Problem In Developing Areas.", Department of Housing and Urban Developmemt, Washington, D.C., January, 1972 p. 9 1 c. The as a described can industrialization of process composite process embodying four be variable independent aspects: 1. 2. 3. 4. to composite nature of uses full variables industrialization and is used full some Conventional satisfy have found all four that it technological and "partial industrialization" construction further and four these methods may is some developed ones and even hard and also impractical variety constraints. strategy is suitable for these nations to improve their productivity of combinations variables due to a economic all these variables. Many developing countries, well, have to fulfill levels or patterns of partial represent different include very few or none of while four variable aspects mentioned while different aspects, that others. industrialization will idustrialization. as strategy aspects, industrialization according to the Thus, these from postponing the use of avoiding or above, industrialization derives manufacturing or production a describe selectively of of partial concept The the Systemization. Labor Specialization. Concentration of Products. Mechanization. to advance in of social, The concept of thus to a especially current building an orderly fashion towards industrialization. p. 10 c. concept the of the best illustrates (Fig. 1) diagram following The 1 "partial industrialization". In this diagram, by industrialization is represented whole evolution of two supplementary characteristics: 1. 2. Product Technology. Manufacturing Process. TECHNOLOGY PRODUCT Habitat '67 mobile home FULLY INDUSTRIALIZED PRODUCTION 6A 0 Fig. AREA PARTIALLY INDUSTRIALIZED NEEDED z I Industrialization of process compared to product technology. Source: Ian D. Terner, U HANDCRAFTED Spairc.craft The Opportunity and The In Developing Areas. " HIGHProblem TRADITIONAL "Industrialized Housing. INTERMEDIATETECHNOLOGY PARTIALLY LINDUSTRIAlIZED INTERMEDIATE TECHNOLOGY The central suitable position industrialization of, or wherein indicates the product of partial characteristics most cell in and industrialization and it is the whole for those countries that are not it process is not feasible to maintain the of range capable the four variable aspects mentioned previously. p. 11 c. THE BACKGROUND. 1.2. From my personal it 1 has Taiwan experiences in architectural practice, in been clear to me that the construction industry is yet not method for industrialized prepared fully to accept a fully the following reasons: 1. There is still an abundance of unskilled, ( Unskilled labor inexpensive labor represents almost 70". of the total construction population.) 2. Except for foundations and heavy construction, the industry is still labor-intensive and uses less mechanized construction methods. 3. Government investment in housing, which is a very important prerequisite for industrialized housing, has been very low, especially when compared with that of the adjacent countries which have a similar geographical and environmental situation but which have adopted fully industrialized housing methods, such as Japan, and to some extent, Singapore as well ). ( Table. 1 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 1973 ------------------------------------------------------------Japan Singapore Taiwan 8.82 7.97 3.08 8.09 8.16 2.80 7.75 7.75 3.20 7.86 9.17 3.29 8.52 8.43 3.59 7.41 5.92 4.22 7.34 5.21 4.49 -5.52 4.51 ------------------------------------------------------------Table 1. Housing Investment as Precentage of GNP From 1973-1980. (Source: Statistical Yearbook On The Council 1982, Republic of China, For Economic Planning and Development, Executive Yuan. ) p. 12 c. 4. No modular coordination of building materials and coordination of the different parties involved in the building industry has been Without nationwide product established yet. standardization, the possibility of producing "open" systems is not likely and the situation would result in developing only "closed" systems which essentially invite high risks and heavy Unless there is a strong capital investment. incentive, i.e., vigorous government financial support in the early stage of industrialization, is nearly impossible for "closed" system it Since producers to survive financially. government participation in this area has been non-existent, and with poor modular coordination of the various participants in the building industry, it is clear why most of the industrialized building manufacturers in Taiwan have shut down since the 70's. However, there granted this in is needed country. those addition to building industry labor-intensive of difficulties, of a whole labor low-cost In urbanization*. factors, the production system as housing for unskilled The a huge amount to rapid due potential great a gradually decreasing; is housing that Taiwan has these nevertheless is industrialization force 1 is of changing the from towards technology-intensive methods, which per units current public housing demand is 60,000 The * goal period (from 1982-1991 ); if this year over a ten year is to be reached, the productivity of construction labor has to be increased by 1.5 times within this ten year period. p. 13 1 c. means that Thus, the progressive manage this of industrialization to be an seems certainly construction in the well. building way effective situation new emerging as expensive costs are becoming labor to building construction industry. Nevertheless, seems necessary and improvements, to products and this to thesis, rationalization has been to introduce an example of namely, be obtained conventional of way this construction time future discipline of such a of process industrialization ideal candidate for sub-systems in the bathroom as a case study partially by available time for thesis, and, more the critical for full bathroom service also was determined recognition of overall the chosen which seems to be an completion the of processes. housing. The choice of example the pave leading eventually to full rationalization; public current rationalize industrialized methods and In benefit processes by means of partially industrialized construction processes full housing construction method can industrialized it the before influence of and cost important, such in by the sub-systems on public housing projects. p.14 c. 1.3. 1 THE PROBLEM. Bathroom inefficient so-called smooth assemblies and characterized time-consuming work flow "looped" by their problems, i.e., operations which seriously in the assembly process, and which lead to severe productive construction delays in conventional of the trades and environment impede the flow involved are construction and tend to generate chaos in the industrialized work process. These assembly interfaces and the result subsequent "looped" operations, are not of process, only the conflicts between various traditional disciplines involved in the overall building perceived constituents. and and defined bathroom the parallel the need traditional for higher environment physical for in particular and the perception of bathroom constituents in general introduced between construction assemblies if trade When facing a rapid growth of public housing productivity, changed, the construction but also the result of assembly conflicts traditionally demand between bathroom components, industrialized construction housing methods bathroom industry's have to be are be to as a better or more efficient way to manage the current housing dilemma. p.15 c. In this thesis, try to examine the conceptual to bathroom constituents in relation of transformation I shall 1 increase of bathroom "looped" operations efficiency assembly and component by analyzing in interfaces the current bathroom constructions in Taiwan. "Looped" operations, as defined by Nuttal*, are: the "type of operations which require to halt before a trade or gang finishing work in a construction site, later complete it at a to and return time." (Fig. 2) WORK FLOW 2 \Fig.: gA ADE C ; or decreasing the number of these types of Eliminating operations and Looped operations. - Several visits by trades for completion of one operation. means rationalization with higher requires the examination of the productivity, various interfaces between bathroom components and their assembly sequences. network used and diagram analysis of the assembly process will to examine where these "looped" operations take how they * Nuttal, of Building Work can J.F., be reduced in relation to A be place bathroom "Some Principles of The Production Control ", IF Accession, No. 2497. p.16 c. 1 subsystems. high-rise residential In buildings, the impact of operations on construction flow and nature the due significance special construction time are of to the repetitive of tasks carried out such and on different floor recurrent locations in same building, and to the much higher productivity that by: could easily be gained by 1) maximizing the use of the learning curve " 2) the minimizing of moving task trade and each task trades off and on to a site once his task has 3) the minimizing of starting and stopping begun (on task trades on each flow of similar tasks of locations)."*. floor the population density Since the government's projects instead to encourage up is high, high-rise it is housing The low- to medium-rise apartments. operations in bathroom assemblies to high-rise residential rationalize speed of "looped" elimination of to policy in Taiwan building construction construction duration for solving the shortage dilemma thus becomes virtually and housing important. The "Construction Planning - Beyond * George S, Birrell, Division, Construction Journal of The ", Path Critical September, 1980 p . 17 c. CHAPTER 2: 2 METHODOLOGY p.18 c. Since this is written in the hope that the bathroom assembly processes in Taiwan could be more current in order to make public housing more efficient rationalized and thesis 2 affordable, it is believed that the more Taiwanese bathroom conventional assemblies should be first analyzed to get insights into assembly interfaces between trades, tasks and components involved in the process, and looped operations mentioned previously. Before bathroom this analysis, a conventional Taiwanese conceptually into its These subsystems are generated in such a way doing will subsystems. be subdivided that each contains components which: 1. have similar assembly characteristics, i.e., components of each subsystem are assembled a) b) c) by the same trade discipline, by using identical tools, by using the same material. 2. cause similar assembly interfaces with components of other subsystems. 3. serve similar bathroom functions. p.19 c. According to these principles, a Taiwanese conventional into three Chapter 3 will subdivided conceptually be can bathroom 2 subsystems: 1. Plumbing Core, 2. 3. External Envelope, Sanitary Fixtures. Following this subsystem categorization, between a describing on concentrate the role each of result Chapter in a generate clear detailed operations and and about the in the bathroom are interfaces between these subsystems, the extremely important to the the of 4. also serves another 3 Chapter about looped operations Since most this chapter is in description the on picture general them has on the other two the of only a these three subsystems plays, process. assembly analysis to establish each of influences Chapter to form stay However, this discussion will level subsystem the characteristics the three subsystems when they come together bathroom. the interface the basis and set of component assembly important function: definitions of analysis component interfaces, to be dealt terms of to for looped with in 4. p.20 c. in Chapter 4, 2 detailed component assembly interfaces and looped operations will be analyzed in terms of a network This diagram externalizes the assembly precedence diagram. of tasks involved in a specific operation (Fig. 3). LOOPED OPERATION INTERFACE 5I Fig. 3 A network diagram for identifing looped operations. Three "operations" will be analyzed. They are: 1. 2. 3. washbasin installation. bathtub installation. lavatory installation. reasons The analyzing for choosing these three component assembly interfaces for operations and looped operations are the following: 1. All the components in a bathroom are essentially assembly-interrelated; the examination of one component will have to cover almost all the others. 2. The completion of each of these three sanitary fixture operations usually has to involve the completion of most of the component assemblies of the other two subsystems. p.21 c. 2 These three operations will then be analyzed by using a task order. three operations in their sequential these is tasks usually executed by one trade *; are which executed, consecutively identified. trade are can looped operation thus a two not be the looped operations in the three sanitary All installation fixtures a in Since therefore,if out by the same carried looped the involved presenting the tasks by explicit operations makes The network diagram diagram. network operations will this be analyzed in manner. Since categorization of bathroom the related closely to efficiency, I shall subsystems these analyzing the subsystems and the assembly interfaces is assembly keep examining how the categorization of has affected the assembly relationships between efficiency each by subsystem categorization and perceived looped operations. In the meantime, possible improvements for eliminating looped operations assembly will also be analyzed by reorganizing the sequences in such a way that the number of looped * A network diagram is constructed on the basis of tasks one more than rather than trades; one task may involve in trade. However, experience has shown that in general, floor constructions, due to the relatively small bathroom apartment area a bathroom occupies relative to that of one unit, a task uaually involves only one trade. p.22 c. can be minimized operations be 2 and the component simplified. These the improvement point of bathroom also strategies are developed purely from major determinants differentiation included in this thesis. existing of cases Taiwanese conventional efficiency, given as examples, be will systems looped 5, in practice Again, these systems will believed the more assembly-efficient determinants typical examples are well examples will have been current contrast terms of subsystem of be first reducing categorized in terms which they fall industrialized a system it will bathroom assembly interfaces. industrialization, that in to foreign to the capacity relation operations and component levels of are in achieving overall studies and are not Chapter physical which other software* variables components; In the assembly of view of an efficient require further of can interfaces be, assuming that managed. For each into. is, It is the more other software category, several be given to demonstrate the ways these adapted to achieve on-site bathroom * The term "software" here refers to general economic, sociological and environmental aspects of a context in which a system is developed. Such issues as building codes, trade disciplines, technology level of the building industry, and hygienic habits of the population are some of the major elements considered as software. p.23 2 c. efficiency, assembly subdivided looped are conclude this thesis by reviewing the way the these into subsystems. 6 Chapter concept systems and of will bathroom subsystem recategorization to eliminate recategorization will further examined suggestions Several operations. will be discussed be raised for and areas that as well. such need a to be Two issues will be the stressed: forming of "hybrid" 1. The 2. The transformation of interdependence. elements. component p.24 c. CHAPTER 3: 3 DESCRIPTION OF CONVENTIONAL BATHROOM SUBSYSTEMS. p.25 c. 3 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBSYSTEMS. 3.1. A bathroom can be conventional devided conceptually into three subsystems: 1. External Envelope. 2. Sanitary Fixtures. 3. Plumbing Core. PLUMBING FIXTURES Fig. 4 Each which Schematic classification and hierarchical locations of conventional bathroom components. of have these three subsystems consists of similar characteristics. assembly principally components On-site interfaces subsystems functional, meet. mainly material assembly of a components or assembly bathroom in positions where the three Thus, efficient assembly of a bathroom is concerned with reducing the interfaces of causes different subsystems and the various operations resulting from these interfaces between looped (Fig. 4). p.26 c. DESCRIPTION OF SUBSYSTEMS. 3.2. EXTERNAL ENVELOPE: 3.2.1. The vertical external envelope subsystem includes at least four windows, components. refer components. horizontal can (Fig. 5). only to finished, When two Space separating components walls or simply partition doors, components These components and separating space floor/ceiling be 3 rough they are and unfinished refered to as "finished" external envelope components. 3 5 &6: HORIZONTAL ENVELOPE COMPONENTS 1 - 4: VERTICAL ENVELOPE COMPONENTS 5 2 6 In adjacent two other is high-rise Fig. 5 External envelope components. residential buildings, the bathrooms apartment units are usually attached to of each and at least one vertical bathroom envelope component shared by two adjacent apartment units as a party wall. p.27 c. The plumbing always is core envelope component vertical 3 located (Fig. 6) adjacent this to economize in order to on both the plumbing service space and the plumbing material cost (if each apartment unit had its own vertical duct, the material cost of pipes would be doubled.) <-P ARTY WALL _T+- Fig. 6 PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EXTERNAL ENVELOPE COMPONENTS. 3.2.11. Conventional assemblies rely components as given Locations of plumbing cores and bathrooms of adjacent apartment units. later assemblies). Taiwanese heavily reference the in the erection of planes (details on this analysis of Sometimes on on component fixture sanitary a the sanitary Taiwanese be will bathroom component fixture the completion of two or envelope even three assembly depends envelope components. sanitary fixture component depends as a reference plane and Those (one or several) on which a p.28 c. plumbing lines penetrate to connect the the which outlets 3 components",, "primary external envelope others are called "secondary external the called are the fixture envelope components". instance: For as mentioned earlier, the assembly of a bathtub in a bathroom construction depends on the completion of at least two envelope components; but only the one that is adjacent to the plumbing core has to be penetrated by the pipe interferes only external with words, this component envelope both the plumbing core subsystem and the fixture components, while the other one interfaces sanitary with other In lines. the bathtub itself. component" envelope component" a "primary "secondary external The former is and the latter a (Fig. 7). COMPONENT PRIMARY ENVELOPE COMPONENT ENVELOPE SECONDARY Fig. 7 Primary and secondary external envelope components of bathroom sanitary fixtures. p.29 c. 3.2.12. 3 PRODUCT VS. PROCESS OF ENVELOPE COMPONENT S. and Brick component cement are the main materials for construction in Taiwan. Bricks are transported assembled the factories to various sites and directly from they mainly site into four vertical envelope components; on envelope represent on-site two "direct application" *, since no pre-assembly process involved horizontal concrete-made, external and are (Fig. 8). independent other The components envelope of or off-site the are vertical assemblies of vertical envelope in terms of overall building construction process because these two horizontal envelope components bathroom assemblies. workflow of buildings. are 8 workflow Instead, they are included infrastructure construction in in of the high-rise PRODUCTS MATERIAL Fig. included in the not external AT Product/process matrix showing direct application of envelope components. E N T COMPONEN UNIT BUILDING F FORMINlG ASSEMBL SASUB * Direct application is defined by Kenneth Claxton as "systems which are assembled on site from components.", while indirect application is defined as "systems which are assembled from elements and spatial units.". * Kenneth Claxton, "Application of Components", A&BN, July, 1977. p. 30 c. 3.2.2. 3 SANITARY FIXTURE COMPONENTS. fixture components are all located within the Sanitary envelope external of and are affixed to at least one the external envelope components. mentioned As residential high-rise previously, have each of their service plumbing cores buildings Thus the most rational and by two adjacent apartment units. economical layouts shared of the sanitary fixture components are which are arranged in such a way that all the primary those envelope external associated components (i.e., fixtures are virtually the same component) acting separating wall at (the party wall) one integral as time same the with the sanitary envelope apartment (Fig. 9). PARTY WALL & PRIMARY ENVELOPE 1,2. COMPONENT OfFIXTURE PARTY WALL SNARED BY ENVELOPE COMPONENT. ALL FIXTURES ASPRIMARY PRIMARY ENVELOPE COMPONENT OF 2 UNIT r 3- 2 3. FIXTUREI t yi - UNITi UNIT 2 J UNIT 2 CASE. B V CASE. A PRIMARY ENVELOPE OF COMPONENf 5. FIXITURE Fig. In this thesis, analysis 9 will be on concentrated p. 3 1 c. the assembly process of rationalizing Fig. Case 9. "irrational" 3 (a) shown because of excessive consumption of in Fig. 9. the case is in its inefficient (b) shown in considered itself use of materials and construction time. PRODUCT VS. PROCESS OF SANITARY FIXTURE COMPONENTS. 3.2.21. Sanitary fixture level of other subsystems. off-site prefabrications among components system components have reached However, most be considered as may interchangeability and of the the highest the components sanitary "closed" in the of fixture of sense interface adaptability. They are made to their own specifications, to match dimensionally only certain plumbing We can specific fixtures hardly coordination types of compatible brand-name or other proprietary sanitary find any general or universal fixtures. dimensional and/or compatibility between existing sanitary fixture components. In terms standardization, fixture overall of rationalization these components current level prefabricated offer of little help and "closed" for component sanitary upgrading the bathroom assembly efficiency. p. 32 c. are as of But, regardless many conventional accessories and/or these sanitary washbasins and bathtubs, which interface 3 fixtures on the lavatories incorporate there "closed" components, more other and related compatible compatibility between each such market, standard other. These conventional components are routinely assembled on the site with envelope components and plumbing fixtures into external complete or more bathrooms. less pre-assembling being before relationships Some of integrated off-site pre-assemblies, the plumbing sold on between Most them are for direct indirect the initial of primitive form of and prefabricated Figure application the components involve such faucets with bathtubs off the market. fixtures of these sanitary fixtures 10 these these application, except which involve some as site, shows the sanitary fixtures. for degree some of application *. PRODUCTS EIA LR PART COMPONENELEMENT SPAAL BUILDING PA F F Fig. * 10 F FORMINlG SA SUB ASSEMB[Y PA PREASSEMBLY Process/product matrix showing direct and indirect application of sanitary fixture components. See page 30 for definition. p- 3 3 c. 3.2.3. PLUMBING CORE COMPONENTS. The fixtures as 3 plumbing core is mainly such as pipes and fittings. of These are The enclosure that forms components. basic composed plumbing considered the duct containing these plumbing fixtures is categorized as part of the envelope subsystem, rather than as part of the plumbing core subsystem. The plumbing core mainly only contains plumbing vertical i.e., components; vertical waste and supply lines. In the case are lines LINES INTEGRATED INVERTICAL ENVELOPE of horizontal Taiwan, plumbing I RUN BENEATN LINES ABOVE NOI NAL E PE usually either integrated in the vertical external components, envelope usually the primary one, or are placed underneath or above the external component CEILING Fig. 11 horizontal envelope (Fig. 11). p. 34 3 c. As lines can see from the we run the within or underneath above the do component (see Fig. have branch not 11). through beneath the floor to reach the vertical wall right to connected the sanitary fragmented locations lines and smaller then above in such lines a way of the other side of located on fixtures component be thus can easily using without long concentrates interfaces between the envelope components in a These horizontal the the bathroom to situations may lines run within be the vertical penetrate through the primary envelope component, necessary envelope or envelope be eventually connected to the sanitary fixtures; not Fig. or run affixed to the same piece arrangement This of lines then external primary area where assembly contingent the minimum. to envelope lines and behind the fixtures and lines. duct external the fixture outlets. lines can be horizontal a sanitary (envelope component) they are all i.e., component, plumbing the when In this case, the horizontal same the share they the the wall or components the sanitary fixtures are arranged When wall, only out from the vertical either that floor horizontal the envelope external share the same primary fixtures to above figure, to components have incorporate horizontal in this case, nor do lines the to run beneath or above the floor it into is the horizontal (Fig. 9 and 11). p. 35 c. 3.3. 3 INTERFACES BETWEEN SUBSYSTEMS. The interfaces the three Taiwanese bathroom subsystems defined between in page "reciprocal see in of the previously described existence this Based Taiwan, usually are caused by on so-called component interdependence" that we are going to section. on the linkage organizational subunits, "Organizations in between Thompson, Action"*, identifies of activities in his three types book of interdependence as follows: 1. Pooled interdependence, which occurs in situations where a unit renders a discrete contribution to the overall organizational effort but does not interact at all with a second unit. 2. Sequential interdependence, which exists in situations where the output of one trade becomes the input of a second trade. 3. Reciprocal interdependence, which exists in situations where the output of two trades becomes input for each other. * Thompson, Johns D., "Organization in Action", McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1967 p. 3 6 c. 3 The reciprocal type of interdependence best illustrates the characteristics of component assembly interfaces between the three Taiwan, where dimensional between components of different subsystems coordination poor. in subsystems In such a case, dimensional contingency is is created by an earlier trade operation for a subsequent one, and many adjustments have to be on-site dimensional positional mutual carried out trades by adjustments create as many required or additional ad These hoc. assembly component interface situations and eventually require frequent returns of operations. and thus lead to unnecessary looped trades instance, the installation of a medicine cabinet on the For wall may create not only an extra assembly interface between the wall and the cabinet, but may also lead to operation in occur these if dimensional terms a of the wall erection work. two reciprocal components are of looped This may positional interdependence, or if a or recessed space larger than the actual dimension of the cabinet has to be provided contingency in the for the wall in order to subsequent assure cabinet the needed installation adjustment since the cabinet installation is usually carried out Aside have space only after the completion of the wall erection from this, the workers of the wall erection task to return to patch up the reserved extra around installed: the cabinet after the cabinet work. may "tolerance" has been thus a looped operation is created. p.37 C. most of the assembly processes in Taiwan, this type In of 3 reciprocal component interdependence exists in positions subsystems two components belonging to two different where join with each other. In creating case of Taiwan, two main factors are the this reciprocal type of component interdependence: 1. Functionally interdependent assembly components. 2. Dimensional incompatibility. Bathroom components of different conventional Taiwanese subsystems are not only functionally interdependent, in that without the completion of the one component, another one may not be reserved also and interdependency functional the Improvements interdependence of these two aspects, of i.e., component functional interdependence to sequential type. definition of sequential interdependence, each other, component incompatibility, would mean reciprocal subsystems Both "looped" operations. and dimensional transformation be dimensional are critical to the reduction of interfaces and elimination of different dimensionally a previous trade for the subsequent one. by incompatibility a are fitting contingency has to dimensional interdependent: the They installed. As outlined in components tend to be assembly-independent with little dimensional fitting contingency; from the of from the p.38 c. sequence of tasks of more flexible and type of 3 a particular operation bathroom systems as we shall see thus made This sequential thus can be pre-planned. component interdependence exists is in most foreign in Chapter 5. p. 39 c. CHAPTER 4: 4 SUBSYSTEMS AND LOOPED OPERATIONS. p. 40 c. 4.1. 4 INTRODUCTION. this In chapter, we shall look at operations looped in extent these the to in relation subsystems, as defined conventional what about come to examine how in detail Taiwanese bathroom assembly process conventional the Chapter 3, three to see to of bathroom subsystems, while we are transformation the "looped" operations have influenced trying to increase the assembly efficiency. were operations Three of complexity interfaces assembly component In assemblies. bathroom complexity of operations qualify due analysis the operations for detailed analysis, so that the the to three in conventional sanitary themselves the fact that of context the most eventually involve these operations will of analysis of selected on the basis fixture to be chosen Taiwanese the Taiwan, installation for the installation detailed of these three sanitary fixtures are usually among the last few tasks in the fact overall that they are located location of subsystems * bathroom construction and the conventional hierarchical See Chapter 3, in the Fig. 4, also due innermost Taiwanese locations *. Thus, to the hierarchical bathroom three the completion for reference. p. 4 1 c. of these process complex three of operations exhibits bathroom assembly and but virtually will be sanitary fixture analyzed by using a discussed. chance to assembly subsystems installation network operations diagram, and possible scheme for reorganizing the assembly operations will This scheme should provide us with examine interfaces in of analysis. sequences to eliminate interfaces and looped be looped also the most interesting characteristic three subsequently a whole largest number of the three bathroom subsystems chosen for These the involves not only the most interfaces and the assembly operations, 4 the and relationships the three between conventional a good component bathroom relation to bathroom assembly efficiency in Taiwan. p.42 c. 4 ASSEMBLY ANALYSIS OF THREE SANITARY FIXTURE INSTALLATION OPERATIONS. 4.2. 4.2.1. BATHTUB ASSEMBLY. 4.2.11 WORKFLOW ANALYSIS. Bathtubs building occupy systems a because with special components requirements imposed (such components as portion unique they are structura l, on their external in large, residential prefabricated service and performance joints with envelope surrounding components and plumbing core components). Bathtub to the largest number of thus create the most serious looped operations compared other sanitary fixtures. A envelope 12). involve interfaces with walls, floor and plumbing systems component and assemblies bathtub interfaces with four pieces of unfinished components and the plumbing core components Two trades - the plumber and the bricklayer (Fig. - are involved in the assembly process of the tubs. p. 43 c. 4 to supposed components*, tubs envelope of size the by important; the between to designer building accommodate The external envelope components which interface with the tub assembly. the at to and the space provided the Fig. 12 be affixed three least are bathtubs the Since the tub become most difference any and tub size width of space provided extra work for the the causes bricklayer( Fig. 13). A r Fig. are closely Ii; The relationship between: 1. the size of the tub (ad,e) 2. the space provided by the building and designer (a+b), 3. the accuracy of the piping work (c,d), 13 related; any incompatibility creates extra or more looped operations. The assembly workflow of a washbasin in a Taiwanese bathroom is typically as follows: * They external secondary are primary external envelope component, external horizontal and one envelope component envelope component. p. 4 4 1. PIPE ROUGH-IN (THE PLUMBER). I ENVELOPEI SUPPLY LIKE This WASTE LINE the task asks for an accurate positioning of all pipes outlets the in after order to connect them to the tub the primary envelope component bathtub has been installed. of All the plumbing fixtures are connected and the pipes cut on site. COR SIZE Fig. 14 2. ENVELOPE COMPONENT ERECTION (THE BRICKLAYER). SUPPtY LINES LINE WASTE Fig. Lii 15 This task includes the erection of all the envelope components that have not been previously erected. The primary envelope component included in this task. is always 3. BATHTUB PLACEMENT All (THE PLUMBER). the pipes that have been previously set up by the plumber in Task I are connected to the correct DIFFERENCE inlet of the tub. SIZE ACTUAL BETWEEN OFTHE BATHTUB plumber usually has to readjust the AND THE SPACE PROVIDEDThe REFEIENCE PLANE JOINT [SEAL order to match them to the inlet space provided building accommodate actual Fig. the size of by the tub is of the tub. designer normally larger than the tub, because the designer in The to the is 16 usually that not sure about will bathroom assume eventually is that commonly used are not designed. there the exact size of the tub be used at the The are certain the time designers sizes usually that are for bathrooms, but often these sizes compatible with the variety sizes that are actually used on site. -o pipes of bathtub in Consequently, order to make bathtub can be accommodated this Fig. 17 sure that in the designed space, than is usually designed larger space the the actual tub size. ISEALI JOINT 4. BRICK PATCHING In this task, the bricklayer is supposed to patch the space bathtub Fig. between (THE BRICKLAYER). the edge of one side of the and the envelope component with brick and 18 cement a side (Fig. 17). panel, When the bathtub does not have the bricklayer has to side with the same material 5. F ig . 19 EVLPE FINISHING as well cover this (Fig. 18). (THE BRICKLAYER). MlATERIAL FINISHING This task is mainly concerned with the positioning of wall tiles which are the main bathroom wall surface finishing material (Fig. 19). for 4i ,- - - - .- - - . I , 1. %- 1 Wall tiles have , -1, 71 to be cut - - when the reaches the end of or place where the tub meets other to a a piece of operation envelope component, external envelope components. This task cannot be carried out until all the sanitary fixtures are in place. The ceramic tiles also the joint function as joint seal the tub and the external 6. This sanitary as well. cannot Thus, (THE PLUMBER). be carried out until fixtures are between envelope components. THE CONNECTION OF TAPS task for in place and Task 5 Task 6 and Task carried out immediately after Task 4 all the is done 5 cannot is finished. be c. 4.2.12. NETWORK ANALYSIS. According diagram can to the preceding workflow analysis, be constructd Fig. 20 In 4 in Fig. 20. Network diagram of bathtub a conventional Taiwanese bathtub assembly. diagram the as shown above, operations looped two other twice in the bathtub assembly process. locations of of the task bricklayer: the plumbing envelope the while envelope; core is the This is mainly and the outside the plumber located are each the plumber and the bricklayer interrupt identified: because a network the sanitary components are located inside both plumbing task and the sanitary component installations have to be done by the plumber in Taiwan (Fig. 21). p.49 c. 4 interface the From diagram, the installation of Task PLUMBER PlUMBER o the bathtub, depends on 3, the of both primary erection and which is envelope secondary components, which is Task 2, BRICKLAYER Fig. 21 in particular on accurate positioning the of the tubs. In primary be the and secondary external envelope components have As the work has to be completed before plumbing the to similarly, erected before the bathtub can be installed; external the words, in conventional bathtub construction, other primary envelope component can be installed. the plumber, he has to visit the same site to third time after the finishing work is bricklayer to install all done by for the the caps which have to be fixed to the finished envelope components. Thus, between has piping the erection is in it the main become clear and the that primary interfaces various envelope component cause for most of the looped operations the conventional bathtub assembly as practiced in Taiwan at this time. Another serious interface problem, as far as the p. 5 0 c-. bathtub installation oeration of joint the components. reference of and the bathtub has logical the external to envelope positioned in envelope components as implication thus jointing body is that the edges The reason for this is but reference between these two types tends to arise. waste), problem be This problem unhygienic bathroom conditions filthy is should be closely attached to these A problem of components concerned, two external planes, the planes. only a at least a bathtub is between the tub Since to relation 4 moreover, (i.e., of causes not accumulation assembly of inefficiency. as follows. Traditionally, functions served by different subsystems were clearly activities, provide But while bathtubs were designed for jointing becomes a positioning the bathtub moisture insulation they are made to meet and are together, and bathing envelope components were constructed space separation and when where separated; inaccuracies are commonly found two functions/components meet. the adjoining primary and envelope components have never taken functions. assembled big problem. Water to closely leakage and in locations The designs of secondary a external into consideration the "cross" functions those traditionally served separately and created by their meeting in addition to distinctly by different subsystems. p. 5 1 c. principles can be Several joint 4 stipulated for improving the problem: Since network task Seal joints. This principle is commonly used for current bathroom assemblies in Taiwan where no "cross" function consideration is integrated into the design of bathtubs and envelope components. 2. Remove joints to positions where water leakage problems are less severe and assembly can be made more efficient. 3. Eliminate joints. New products which serve not only as a bathtub, but also as an envelope component have to be developed as a unified element. looped diagram, sequence following to see 1. to operations can be identified by means of it should be possible to reorganize eliminate unnecessary operations. schemes are examined according to this what the consequence of such a this The principle eliminations are. p. 5 2 c. 4 (1). - 1 reduces the number of Scheme - one looped the same site. only the plumber has to revisit the task left requires no modification bricklayer to the work But, actually marginal is for his second return operation to only and previously done by the (Fig. 22) TASK PLUMBER 3 Fig. 22 In only has of Assembly sequence reorganization. Scheme 1. this once to finish to install has to visit the Tasks 2-4-5 continuously. site The plumber the bathtub immediately after the completion piping work, then he has to leave the site to perform the same tasks at another site on Following include are Tasks interrupted. already is scheme, the bricklayer 6 being been a package 2-4-5, Since to of the same floor wall be erection completed the installation finished while the wall carried out, or of the upper floor. tasks, which without being bathtub erection package has task the bricklayer does not have to worry p. 5 3 c. that plumber. of visit Task only one, is the work the number of that causes when before, the the second new tool a installation task tub for measuring the tub or edge will the on the tub to make sure looped operations is will tools existing eventually meet the envelope. the number of the mentioned As the plumber a new utilization of the positioning of for before the erection components, which means that envelope require the reduced to relies the bathtub of installation is a new problem is installing the bathtub. he of completion looped operations scheme does create this plumber though 6 the pipes set up by the plumber to the site. Although of ruin the position of his work will the 4 that Thus, even reduced, and the interface between the plumbing core and the primary envelope is and surrounding vertical its eliminated, a new interface between component the bathtub envelope components for tub positioning becomes a problem. - (2). Scheme by looped operations to reorganizing the network diagram of words, Task immediately his 2 reduces the number of work bathtub 6 is removed to the after task 3; position work 1. which In other follows therefore, the plumber can finish in one continuous operation assembly Scheme 0 can be and the rest left entirely of the to the p. 5 4 c. Assembly sequence reorganization. Scheme 2. Fig. 23 Task remove To hard to achieve. not process, 6 Task to the 6 In the available will that be conventional bathtub be installed immediately to accept the envelope installed is Task 3 assembly the taps supply lines and the shower head. the tub with a certain range of of installation left can items two These position following includes only the installation of the cold and hot water of - 23) (Fig. bricklayer 4 finishing the after tolerance material later. (3). Scheme envelope under 3 examines the possibility of components before the completion of the condition of a the constructing non-looped operation plumbing work (Fig. 24). p. 55 Fig. 24 1 Assembly sequence reorganization. Scheme 3. 3 "~ using conventional By seems scheme of without the completion of Task 3, i.e., 4 and Task 3, Task 4 becomes meaningless. can this assembly tools or methods, not possible due to the sequential nature Task bathtub 6 But, on the other hand, if the becomes be modified to the point where Task 4 unnecessary and can be eliminated entirely from the assembly process (Fig. 25),, then becomes scheme this actually feasible. Fig. 25 6 Reversing creates core and the assembly sequence of 2 Scheme some new component interfaces between the the bathtub assemblies, which are hard also plumbing to solve p. 56 c. introduced. of be innovations can to more advanced component some unless 4 instance, this scheme asks for the erection For the envelope first, with the work of plumbing carried out In the conventional assembly method, after. task of work of bathroom construction seems always to be the piping envelope first would require two sets of vertical plumbing (Fig. out carry erecting the the vertical plumbing core; component systems initial the 26). the piping work of the plumbing core envelope has been finished 0 0 BATHROOM 010 2 0 02 1 to Otherwise, it is almost impossible BATHROOM 2 (Fig. 27) the after . ERECTION 1 ENVElOPE 2 PIPE ROUGH-1N BATHROOM BATHROOM 2 1 2 1 ISCOMPLETED WITHOUT RESERVING TilE CORE. TWO SETS OFPIPES ARE NEEDED. IMPOSSIBLE TOCARRY OUT 2. IFI.ISCARRIED OUT FIRST. Fig. Since Fig. 26 using two sets of plumbing units is neither economical adjacent 27 systems for two as nor very rational, previously discussed, the following innovatons might have to be introduced in order to make this scheme possible: 1. Introduce a "functional wall" which satisfies both the function of envelope and plumbing The workflow would be like the one shown core. in Figure 28. p. 57 c. 4 2. Remove the vertical plumbing system to inside one of the two adjacent bathroom units (Fig. 29) In this case, one of the bathroom units that does not have the vertical plumbing system in it will have to adopt the Scheme 2 assembly sequence while the other unit uses the Scheme 3 process for the bathtub assembly. An extra innovation would have to be introduced to the unit that uses the Scheme 3 assembly process: a partition as shown in Fig. 29 would have to be added to separate the vertical plumbing pipes from the sanitary fixtures. This piece of partition may be pre-assembled to the tub in an off-site plant or may be integrated later with the tub. Note either that all combining these innovations involve the components of conventional idea of subsystems to form new elements, or redefining constituents of subsystems, which may eventually lead to bathroom subsystem transf ormatons. (ADOPT SCHEME 2) PARTITION (ADOPT SCHEME 3) 3 8 Fig. 28 Fig. 29 p. 5 8 c. 4.2.2. WASHBASIN ANALYSIS. 4.2.21. WORKFLOW ANALYSIS. essential The in a Taiwanese of weight for the a envelope external for depends in rough component because the As seen in on erection of washbasin envelope the the pipe installation the hierarchical subsystems in relation installation operation, the envelope to the the which interferes with the pipe line three both this Aside from this, the piece three subsystems, and the sequential critical the installation operation is often disturbs the accurate positions of inefficient. these of presence at of to support and consequently renders the washbasin lines, task component support seriously task, the Without washbasin. impossible to accomplish. almost assembly washbasin bathroom depends on the completion component, the washbasin envelope the precondition one envelope component erection task, least of 4 importance and interferes with locations of assembly order to the washbasin component the of of is installation of the sanitary fixtures and the plumbing core as related case of the washbasin assembly operation. p. 5 9 c. accepts more positional such created by previous tasks, contingencies fitting task this that is installation washbasin the regarding feature interesting One 4 as pipe rough-in and wall erection. The can itself the fitting horizontal and/or by with respect adjustment (Fig. 30), primary component that trap and the washbasin "absorb" can between the distance also 30) washbasin "absorb" certain contigencies vertical the that is reason ( "A" certain in to and the Fig. of range vertical positional fitting difference between the ( See Fig. washbasin. However, mainly Vertical and horizontal position adjustment of washbasin sanitary fixture. the 30). finishing for the subsequent envelope attaching tiles to the primary The bricklayer never component. envelope and 30 this feature at the same time creates another problem dimensional task, outlets pipe Fig. knows external exactly where the washbasin is to be eventually located on the wall, thus he has to do the finishing task after the washbasin has finally been fixed to the wall. reciprocal typical looped type interdependence between components in conventional The This represents a Taiwanese assembly bathroom assemblies. workflow of a washbasin is shown in the following pages. p. 6 0 __ - , , . irpft , , - , - w , . , '.. '. '__ ki - 1-1 ,, - I .: 11 - ___ - 1-- __ 1. PIPE ROUGH-IN In A this task, . ., I lines does not - - I the horizontal are set up. their .1-I ' _- - I (THE PLUMBER) lines because .' __ supply and The installation of usually call for outlets are the supply high not waste accuracy immediately connected to the inlets of the wasbasin; usually a distance used CORE SITE Fig. 31 connection outside the wall adjustments installation. can during be the washbasin The waste line has to be accurately in directions because both horizontal once the and for set up vertical subsequent wall erection has been completed, this position becomes fixed and cannot be adjusted to match the basin inlet which hasa strict trap and pipe installation specifications. ,,- 1- 2. ENVELOPE ERECTION This - finishes component Task (A) Fig. 32 the erection task of The position of important to the efficient the washbasin: than a 3. the envelope through whi ch the pipe l ines set up 1 penetrate. is (THE BRICKLAYER). (A) is maximun certain in the waste pipe installation of not supposed to be higher limit. WASHINBASIN INSTALLATION (THE PLUMBER). JOINT ISEAL! This task completes wasbasin. Since the the installaton washbasin of has the strict *FINISHED ENVELOPE 0 ADJUSTABLE installation the Fig. 33 task specifications can (B,C), be effeciently whether or not completed depends A ADJUSTABLE heavily on the depends on the carefulness of work. (D) positional is accuracy of (A), the wall adjustable to absorb fitting contingency. which again erection waste line i 1.4W& ,bo, . h1i "q 0 & LA - - ,.-,"--', i' -- L_ - - , I - . I.-. . - -- - - - ' LI' 4. FINISHING FIISNING -iVmonLP Ceramic .I - - I - -I- I .-.-. . 11.: ' ' . I- - I (THE BRICKLAYER). tiles are often used as a bathroom MATERIAL finishing JOINT ISEALI material. Joints shown in Fig. 34, between the ceramic tiling, envelope component and the Fig. CAP 34 washbasin, waste leakage. when they come function of is and fixed finishing work "a ~AI to component. Cap 35 Ceramic tiles often envelope washbasin Fig. are causing trouble joint meet the is terms of have to be cut washbasin on the Ceramic tiles also serve the seal in the external to in meeting with both envelope the ceramic done (Fig. 35). tiles the components. after the - - 1 1--- c. 4 NETWORK ANALYSIS. 4.2.22. network diagram can be constructed according to A the previous workflow analysis. TASK PLUMBER 2 -- -- Fiq. Network diaqram of washbasin assembly. 3 In each other's work. function in and the washbasin bricklayer the ceramic the a looped Because of interfere again the fact that, in both assembly are reciprocally interdependent, cannot erect the envelope component and tiles in a continuous manner without area reserved envelope component for that purpose on fix worrying washbasin will not be able to precisely fit the unfinished is operation in dimension, the assembly components involved the that diagram, the bricklayer and the plumber identified: with network this 36 into the primary (Fig. 36). p. 64 c. for the plumber. He cannot assemble the with concurrently lines plumbing true is same The 4 the washbasin without worrying that the be washbasin will eventually not on the surface to positioned precisely envelope unfinished prevent use-related washbasin. the the Each has to wait for use the to order in other of stability THE POSITION OF THE WASHBASIN HAS BEADJUSTED TO TO MATCH WASTE LINE OUTLET. assure to and leakage ENVELOPE COMPONENT- Fig. 37 other's output as part of the input of his other's next task. The completely, installation second two following one but the operation tries schemes first with one avoid looped starts the piping the washbasin while the starting the task, to reverse this order, by operations sequence with the envelope erection task. p.65 c. 4 (1). - Fig. Assembly sequence reorganization of washbasin. Scheme 1. 44 Scheme Although in the original existing a new 1 fixture sanitary operation As of washbasin between the and the wall of we can see from the envelope the 38, Fig. the of the washbasin is carried out by the plumber installation immediately looped the assembly sequence, it also creates subsystem subsystem. component eliminates interface assembly 38 after he has finished his plumbing core piping task in order for the plumber to be able to finish his tasks in one operation continuously. are now in place, the bricklayer then can come to washbasin the job erection site to start his task of envelope component However, the question of washbasin using this assembly sequence, there would be to support the washbasin while the plumber is trying accomplish achieve and and finishing. support arises; no wall Since the plumbing and the an his task. increase in In such a case, and in assembly order efficiency, to the p. 6 6 c. earlier-mentioned has to be considered, washbasin perform to able be envelope the and component to the washbasin has function only the also part of but washbasin, not i.e., of concept introducing the of the between function cross concept 4 a being of the function that used be to performed by the envelope component to support the weight of the washbasin. (2). - The Most the site first, followed visits bricklayer plumber. a reverses the assembly sequence of 2 Scheme important, they all single visit 1. Scheme by the can finish their tasks in to the site. Fig. 39 assembly sequence reorganization of washbasin. Scheme 2. 3 a consequence of reversing the assembly sequence of As Scheme 1, finishing visit of the tasks erection and have to be totally completed prior to the external the plumber; envelope component holes for plumbing lines to penetrate p. 67 c. reserved for be must wall the task would site in plumbing Pre-assembled the building between space narrow the plumbing to deal similar situations. also be helpful Scheme Both into which with integrated Scheme 2 is part of envelope, the show the most of tendency that the cases shows and other subsystems in terms the forming of components of countries a plumbing system which its function can be shared by combine from might to be adopted. 1 and Scheme 2 envelope component in primary one if units. Other methods, such as function as part of additionally on be connected to each other and the sanitary fixtures, have been used in many precast concrete panel first inserted that can be trees, and can bathroom two to with cost*, fixtures to assemble plumbing it hard make two between envelope component task as the external completing located economize to units apartment adjacent residential high-rise cores are always plumbing buildings, in that, fact the to Due can the to connect lines to sanitary fixture in advance. washbasin outside 4 two, three or the that integrated new elements, more different subsystems. * See Chapter 3, page 28, for reference. p. 6 8 c. 4.2.3. 4 LAVATORY ASSEMBLY. 4.2.31. WORKFLOW ANALYSIS. envelope Two components are involved in the a vertical one and a horizontal one assemblies: lavatory (Fig. 40). The assembly interfaces with the vertical envelope component involved in lavatory assembly process are similar to involved in interface envelope external the functional the washbasin assembly, except the between the lavatory fixture and those the vertical component does not exist in the case of lavatory assembly process because the lavatory does not depend weight. on the vertical external envelope to Instead, the horizontal support external envelope does Fig. its it 40 PRIMARY COPONENT Interfaces between lavatory sanitary fixture and two external envelope components. NORIlONTAL ENVHOP[ COMPONENT * In the conventional Taiwanese bathroom assembly practice, residential in used seldom are lavatories wall-hung buildings. p. 6 9 c. the assemblies, lavatory can envelope are involved (the But, and the is lavatory and the the components two only because before siphonic-type lavatory interfaces between simpler, bathroom lavatory and the floor envelope (Fig. 42), are component). the interfaces significant, because accurately dimensioned holes in to floor have to be reserved for the waste pipe lines, be provided case, the a If completed be to has an s-type lavatory is used if become the floor be installed. (Fig. 41), used Taiwanese that in conventional implies This 4 during the flooring construction three components of different dimensional assembly of is accuracy subsystems are to critical In this involved efficient the lavatories. B C Fig. 41 The typical A Fig..42 workflow of the following pages. asembly phase. a lavatory assembly is shown in By listing these tasks involved in the process, a network diagram is then constructed. p.70 1. PIPE ROUGH-IN (THE PLUMBER). I ENVELOPE I VERTICAt S LIN UNIFIISHED FLOOR The position important of to lavatory the horizontal the efficient because of fixture functional specifications of Horizontal water waste pipe is of the the dimensional and assembly the lavatory. CORE SilE Fig. supply lines for the water closet 43 are allowed to have some fitting contingency which may or may not affect the installation lavatory. If an s-type of horizontal main waste beneath the positioned lavatory floor and outlet. and lavatory is line will through of the used, the have an to run accurately reserved hole to connect to the 2. ENVELOPE COMPONENTS ERECTION WATER SUPmP VERTICAL POSITION e'~oF WASTE LINE OUTLET ~fWATIEUL Fig. As usual, interface (THE BRICKLAYER). the main problem with with the positions Task 1. this interface only line However, if an becomes this task of lines is set up s-type lavatory is insignificant, that penetrates through since the its by used the envelope 44 component which a is is not relatively the supply influential If a siphonic-type of the vertical, external is as it large range of contigency in relation to waste line, the is allowed positional is makes the subsequent The component shifts the positon of to have fitting used, the position line outlet, both envelope of its position. lavatory important. position horizontal erection often of and the incautiously the required waste pipe, and task hard to carry out. The positional pipes are often generously allow NELOPE UNFINISHED SIPHONIC IYPE LAVAOY intentionally "loose" by the bricklayer mutual adjustments LAVATORY INSTALLATION Since of the vertical the component waste type of the then is line been fixed Fig. 45 waste made quite in order the to subsequent (THE PLUMBER) envelope component does not have to carry the weight of fixing the tasks. plumbing 3. fitting contigency of lavatory to easier. If outlet in the wall lavatory), hole the is the ( in lavatory, vertical envelope (A) once the the case of of the line has a siphonic or the outlet that comes out of in the floor is accurately located lavatory can be efficiently and the back be closely attached of Taiwan the the position correct, in the water installed, closet should be able to to the unfinished the envelope component. (B), surface of 10 -A 46. 0111WAA- 1 '-- "I'll"I'll I'll, --- % - I'll II I '. - Plastic or cement is often used to seal the joint between the lavatory and the floor. 4. - FINISHING (THE BRICKLAYER ) Finishing work tiles the surface of envelope components to FINISHING MATERIALI TILESI with is mainly concerned with attaching covering previous joints between pipe and lines JOINT I[TWEEN INYlOPFINISHINGMATERIAl.AVAORY and the envelope components, or between fixture and envelope components, with tiles or caps. LAVATORY are usually supplied line Fig. 46 the by the plumber, outlets lavatory task, delivered together with the lines and are placed are connected to the fixture. pipe lines when pipe inlets of the Having completed the finishing bricklayer then places the caps and attaches the caps to the envelope components. Caps along finished - - - c. 4 NETWORK ANALYSIS. 4.2.32. Similar to the washbasin assembly, one looped operation is identified 47). (Fig. Although the number of looped operations is the fixture lavatory the lavatory the a makes the Because of this difference, dimensional reciprocal components assembly in the lavatory assembly is very much operation result of a interdependence between the of plumbing core, envelope and lavatory fixture, due than interdependence, and in difference. considerable rather assembly envelope component does not carry the weight of the primary looped lavatory that in the washbasin assembly, the fact that as same in the network diagram of functionally a to the interface between the like reciprocal washbasin in its primary envelope component as discussed earlier this chapter. PLUMBER LF4 /--MCKLAYER 3 Fig. 4 47 Network diagram of lavatory sanitary fixture assembly. p. 75 c. Without the forming of the three primary new elements which bathroom subsystems; envelope lavatory account component installation. one cross interface between component, for all that for can be found in rough-in importance the of we can which still lavatory fixtures and exists the primary envelope component essential affecting at the vertical remains reference This interface condition the washbasin assembly as well. accuracy of Task 1, the task, is of critical placement washbasin can be assembly, adjusted whose within range of tolerence in both horizontal the vertical match supply the the the primary envelope is in contrast with the certain to is necessary to take into position. position assemble without in its correct the leading to the subsequent placing of lavatory This i.e., it cross combine the components of lavatory installations. Dimensional pipe Still, intents and purposes an plane seems concept of the reason anytime function, is, reciprocal the assembly sequence in most the cases is which the functionally of lesser degree the involves to a and function, presence reorganizing interdependence, easier 4 lines even if directions, and the waste a the to pipe the outlets of these lines are slightly out of position Fig. 48 Horizontal position adjustment of lavatory sanitary fixture. (Fig. 48). p.76 c. In the of case its position is dimensionally fixed. vertical direction, lavatory fixture to match they are out possible 1 and correct of no adjustment Task 2 to keep positions, or Given It waste and at can be made in for the the line outlets adjustments very important is and thus This means that only horizontal is this for both supply line outlets in are Task their least the positions must be correct direction. these general we shall installation, features regarding proceed to suggest a the assembly sequence, to test lavatory reorganization the foregoing assumptions and to see how the assembly efficiency - assembly, the supply and waste position; (See Fig. 48). in the vertical of lavatory the The lavatory has to sit on the floor, impossible. if 4 can be improved. (1). Scheme reverses the precedence of Task 3 assembly and 1 Task 2 to a assembly continuous environment create for both the plumber and the bricklayer; no looped operation this case. exists in Fig. 49 Assembly sequence reorganization of lavatory sanitary fixture. scheme 1. p.77 c. assembly sequence calls for This the of presents the the the without that there may be a between gap or lavatory fixture and its primary envelope component, erection of lavatory; the fact that the i.e., a gap or not by the has the function of plane for the If applied, another lavatory fixture correct component, of a reference installation of this scheme to is LA GAP the NOT ENOUGH SPACE FOR ENVELOPE ERECTION be which the Fig. can be referenced for Positional fitting contingencies of lavatory assembly. means positioning, presence L primary envelope component still lavatory. (Fig. 50). envelope component space, are mainly caused enough the for happenning difficulties the external between available the primary envelope component two The space be enough not may there that and danger either envelope However, such a sequence its primary envelope. presence since installed. is first, lavatory the install can we Thus, it its own weight when carry to component As (Fig. 49). primary its does not need fixture lavatory to be executed this can be done in this section, earlier mentioned Task 3 erected the primary envelope is before first, 4 the by without primary has to be formed; cross function concept the 50 envelope i.e., the appears again. p. 7 B c. plumbing line assembly of of the positioning completing lavatory fixtures, and since first 3 continuously eliminates the opportunity of any dimensional contigency to assure the creating connection efficient of efficient outlets is very important for the Task 1 and Task and accuracy dimensional Since 4 between line outlets scheme seems very promising as far lavatory, this interface between envelope subsystem and sanitary accurate and the as the fixture subsystem are concerned. (2). - 2 Scheme of plumber the to bricklayer (Fig. visits job order of the reverses the and site the The 51). bricklayer appears first, then the plumber; the is envelope erected Fig. 51 and only then the first, system plumbing with along lavatory the assembled. Assembly sequence reorganization of lavatory sanitary fixture. scheme 2. is In this case, the situation is almost the same as we had in Scheme 2 of the the washbasin assembly section, as this scheme unique assembly features of the lavatory renders installation p. 79 c. insignificant: the first in any case and erected whether carry the the primary weight 4 primary envelopoe component it does has not matter envelope component has or has of the to any not be more to lavatory. p.80 c. 4.3. 4 CONCLUSION. In previous sections, the the assembly looped i.e., obstacles, difficult component efficient assembly and identified various been have processes and examined and operations the main complicated which interfaces assembly bathroom conventional impede of bathroom components, have also of by means simplified or reorganizing been the trade tasks in three operations to eliminate looped analysis, previous implies may be noticed that on the basis It operations. of reorgazation the task of the sequences that a new categorization of bathroom subsystems is as a result of an attempt to rationalize emerging existing bathroom assembly processes. For instance, the elimination of reorganizing task sequences often looped operations requires the use by of various new hybrid elements, which in themselves may contain several components which have been originally clearly categorized as conventional subsystems, that is, to increase assembly sequences, be efficiency mentioned reorganizing these assembly new sets of subsystems of a bathroom may need to established. bathtubs by One of the examples is the installation of in conventional Taiwanese bathroom assemblies. in Chapter 4, the positioning of the As bathtub p.81 c. depends on completion the 4 of components as reference planes. at least envelope two That means that the plumber has to revisit the site for installing the bathtub after the to two essential of pieces envelope If looped operation is thus identified. a components; want those of completion eliminate this looped operation, one way of we doing this is to reverse the assembly sequence of those two tasks. But given such a situation, the tub would lose its reference planes and thus it would be difficult to install the bathtub But if we can develop a bathtub in such a accurately. that it has two or three vertical panel-type on two or three sides, then the elements molded assembly interface between the tub and the wall can way enclosure original components be shifted to the ceiling or slab or whatever it may be (Fig. 52).* DINT ENVELOPE FINISHING FISATERIAL NT TUS WITH ENCLOSURE MOLDED TUB Fig. * 52 Positional joint shifting to reduce assembly interfaces. This has been realized by the U.S. industry. p.8 2 c. separate reference plane a needs be concept of the traditional that the means But this also as part of as a tub, but been transformed both a bathtub into a only hybrid element; it has the nature of three subsystems their meaning. be to established, between boundaries we if and eventually industrialize the are the losing determining bathroom assembly are Instead, a new set of has rationalize that This means formerly clear-cut boundaries between and traditional it has the envelope component, envelope component. and an to bathroom subsystems has because the new bathtub now functions not changed, subsystems the for positioning and as one continuous operation. place in longer no the tub of finish his plumbing core task together with can plumber tub case, the installation this In 4 going to conventional assembly process. to rationalize conventional However, by new introducing capital substantial of terms approach profit approach this towards In a increased construction of the requires outlays and may be relatively risky and market acceptance, even though can potentially achieve significant reductions operations looped usually elements hybrid assembly processes and component limited, interfaces. rather rationalizaton process, rather than a very base of "active" of radical We might one, the in this of call leading existing transformation its processes and operations. contrast to this approach, another example may show p.83 c. chapter, or any this in earlier operations, installaton other described as the lavatory installation operation at look If we "passive" way of achieving rationalization. rather a 4 fixture sanitary biggest the we may find out that in these operations is to keep the bricklayers from problem shifting arbitrarily the positions of the pipe positions. during the second visit of the plumber to the Consequently, site, he has to adjust the pipe inlet positions to match the cement around these lines, and bricks Thus, since all fixed in their positions after the become have put sanitary fixtures. of outlets it pipes the bricklayer nearly is to adjust the position of these lines unless one impossible decides to knock out or to remove the bricks adjacent to the obviously is This pipes. To improve this, several attempts have been time-consuming. Thus, most of the made in Taiwan to correct this condition. plumber will use the time, larger the several and lines waste diameters with combined, pipe lines which have been accurately set up The bricklayer will then be asked to put plumber. bricks and plastic tubes to within a certain reasonable tolerance range one accommodate or supply the than and irrational extremely cement around the tubes during his by his envelope component erection task. This shifting and cover tube prevents the bricks from fixing and lines the positions of the inner supply and waste makes sure that these lines can remain in their correct positions and thus can be accurately connected to the p.84 c. addition in and fixtures sanitary 4 the positions of adjusted to match easily be also can if the sanitary fixtures, needed. example shows a above The rather it is to be developed or active need or one; is stable and tools even in of pace the approach However, gradual. disciplines, to eventually concurrent emerging; is subsystems the conventional may this case, and not significantly, a new set of boundaries between although In utilization of it all is slower than the active approach but rationalization begins need No new product improve performance; this Given the from assemblies "passive". introduced to a more rationaized materials. be more bathroom conventional rationalizing towards different approach the and affect suggest the nature mixture of the conventional processes leading next chapter, to to tends process, and rationalize towards industrialization. we shall examine some of foreign bathroom systems which fall active and subsystems conventional a more active approach trade tasks, of into the the passive two approachs in order the typical spectrum of to see: 1. How they have avoided looped operations and component assembly interfaces, 2. What subsystems these bathrooms are using, 3. What is the relationship between the 1. and 2.. p. 85 c. These experiences upgrading ex'amples which 4 are valuable in that could turn conventional they may provide out to be very beneficial for processes and bathroom assembly assembly efficiency in Taiwan. p. 8 6 c. CHAPTER 5: 5 FOREIGN EXAMPLES: TRANSFORMATION OF SUBSYSTEMS IN RELATION TO LOOPED OPERATIONS- p. 87 c. 5. 1. INTRODUCTION. bathroom assembly efficiency improving three conventional the elements, which assembly interfaces and this chapter, been used of serve resetting in the exist in manufacturers; the purpose of have different in all are them of assembly rationalizing efficiency. These us to understand the tendency and concept assembly conventional bathroom subsystems in Taiwan for assembly efficiency. discussing these While that mind subsystems in foreign systems, we should keep since functional vary environments neither eliminate subsystems bathroom systems increase to may help improving in variety of by different and processes systems for a to categories of many different and designed looped operations which to by the bathroom systems presented demonstrated countries in many cases may help of composed bathroom assemblies in Taiwan. conventional As breaking subsystems Taiwanese bathroom are of concept the in terms of recategorize new subsystems which to hybrid manifest foreign some use we are going to further to systems bathroom down chapter, this In and 5 from context to context, the a bathroom varies accordingly. intended nor appropriate for us assembly and requirements to design of Thus, it is make direct p.88 c. efficiency comparisons subsystems between systems or Emphasis in this chapter will subsystems. different 5 subdivisions of in relation be put these bathroom systems to the their between elimination on the into their of looped operati ons. p. 8 9 c. 5 CLASSIFICATION OF FOREIGN SYSTEMS. 5.2. Since almost all the foreign bathroom systems have more or adopted less industrialized pre-assembly methods assembly efficiency and to avoid on-site increase to assembly and looped operations, the degree and difference interfaces of efficiency between these systems seem to be proportionate to the which to relative according of industrialization they are categorized. present order level to Therefore, it seems reasonable the systems in this chapter in a hierarchical as follows: 1. Total Unit. 2. Functional Unit. 3. Functional Envelope. 4. Functional Core. 5. Functional Element. (Fig. 53) p.90 PLUMBING CORE ~LU CONVENTIONAL COMPONENTS IL cizzi ENVELOPE SANITARY ~r1 Ir FUNCTIONAL - ELEMENTS FUNCTIONAL CORE FUNCTIONAL ENVELOPE Fig. 53 V FUNCTIONAL UN IT TOTAL UNIT Hierarchical classification of different foreign bathroom systems these items represents: Each of 1) a different level of industrialization, ranging from fully prefabricated bathroom systems, which can be regarded as the products of a full adaptation of the active approach* towards to the rationalization of rationalization, existing assembly methods, which at the other extreme can be regarded as a result of adopting the "passive" approach of achieving higher bathroom assembly efficiency. a different degree of integrating conventional bathroom components with each other to form hybrid elements. 2) A fully-prefabricated under 1, since when compared with the other four cases it is Item characterized conventional by the components number largest to form a of integrated bathroom ready-to-use Item 5 may be represented by the type of bathtub with unit. the function of the external last listed part panels around its enclosure, which perform integrated of categorized bathroom is It envelope component. since fewer conventional bathroom is components been integrated with each other than in the other four have cases. these All characteristics: number * of items higher also share assembly efficiency the and following a fewer looped operations, when compared with traditional See Chapter 4, page 83, for reference. p.92 c. assembly methods any of context, versus domestic examples, it systems these it may not the the of different hardware inappropriate, * See Chapter contexts. to a should be noted that if different a to adapted many looped an assembly efficiency as its would possess in due to software* is This existing of be possible to reduce as system transferred context. is to be to achieve as high operations, nor context. identical the assembly efficiency discussing When foreign in an given 5 own incompatibility native between In other words, direct adaptation foreign context is to be considered unless proven otherwise. 2, page 23, for reference. p.93 c. 5 5.3. ASSEMBLY CHARACTERISTICS OF FOREIGN SYSTEMS. 5.3.1. FUNCTIONAL ELEMENT. reducing envelope external these "functional these functions. them deal with between the subsystems; identified between the and the sanitary fixture subsystems elements" have been developed to transformation The seen be can subsystems the envelope and the sanitary fixture many cross functions have been been on interfaces assembly on-site conventional i.e., Most of different configurations. in market have type this of different contexts and have appeared in developed elements bathroom Various provide conventional of of systems in the bathroom and this category. The finished assembly of be coordinated and functional made to coincide with element often can completing both the an envelope component and the installation erection of sanitary fixture. element a may Thus, finished assembly are fixture assembly interfaces introducing of ready thus to use: are avoided or these functional many a functional the envelope component mean that both sanitary a of and the conventional shifted by the elements. p. 94 c. 4, Taiwan, can answer their find found that the installation we primary envelope to be completed to support wall to between the an own integrated functional but only as a washbasin, not the interface This was component. By which will element its support for also as a eliminated; interependence is this reciprocal weight, its between the washbasin sanitary fixture and external primary the envelope and the attach interdependence reciprocal a functionally washbasin introducing work can not installed. the washbasin has been as refered before its own weight installed, and the bricklayer tiles until In Chapter category. fixture requires the component be systems Taiwanese sanitary can Most subsystems begin to be different of components important, positions. other to shifted is component envelope in of conventional washbasin it assembly foreign those in element in this functional categorized 4, washbasin regarding the conventional Chapter in given example the in encountered problems The 5 integrated with other components, to generate new combined elements. is the system, developed by Elier Company, U.S.A. The typical A III CONCEPT sanitary example fixtures of of a functional this system are designed in that all the fixtures are actually an primary envelope components III elements material; III is element also an integral (Fig. 54). external Each such a part of of envelope way their the CONCEPT finishing having completing the installation of the CONCEPT elements, the external envelope components have been p. 9 5 c. 5 finished simultaneously as well. III CONCEPT the advantage, this to addition In elements can support their own weights without the presence the the primary external of components. envelope assembly Functionally, are of components interfaces more sequential; becoming we can always complete any one of installations fixture these do the first, then move to piping task; or the other way due to the fact around, that Fig. the fixtures sanitary no The COMCEPT III system. depend on the external longer 54 h., support. Moreover, conventional joints the for components envelope the ILU... between fixtures sanitary ELJER and envelope components are their to shifted positions where they become less bothersome in of terms and/or The either assembly bathtub best performance efficiency. illustrates p. 9 6 c. this Fig. 55 shows feature. the conventional the 5 joint between bathtub and the envelope. In the CONCEPT III system, the envelope finishing function is 30 with the bathtub combined being unit joint molded the -T1- is shifted away from outside location to its old the shower space (Fig. transformation This so external the with - -32r-- single and the tub, with envelope a into by 56). of FIHISHIN MATERIAL subsystem constituents results in more meaningful assembly interface and looped operation which reductions, eventually Fig. 55 lead to an increase in Conventional joint between the tub, envelope and the finishing material. assembly efficiency. -JOINTWITH THE ENVELOPE VERTICAL ENVELOPE Fig. 56 The joint between a CONCEPT III bathtub and the envelope component. p. 9 7 c. 5 5.3.2. FUNCTIONAL CORE AND FUNCTIONAL ENVELOPE. Discussing together envelope" elements result the core" and "function exemplifies best the the "functional idea of hybrid and the transformation of bathroom subsystems as a of eliminating operations looped assembly and interfaces. Both with the functional efficient assembly core and functional envelope of only the components deal of the plumbing core, but some cross functions can be seen in these systems in relation to the functions traditionally served by the plumbing and the external words, as a result of solving plumbing assembly problems, of envelope subsystems. part the nature of other conventional subsystem constituents, The function service contained type efficiency both systems show the tendency to integrate mainly those constituent of external the In other of core type of bathroom systems group utilities in envelope subsystems. in a pre-assembled a steel-made frame. The functional increased usually envelope bathrooms are based on the same idea, except the container is usually made of concrete. efficiency core, of all that On-site assembly installing plumbing fittings is significantly in both cases. But the most interesting feature p.98 c. 5 of these two types of bathroom systems in relation to looped operations and assembly interfaces is not concerned with the , but is their built-in nature of being plumbing core at all an external envelope ( as function to able function as wall studs ) - such to as another example of hybrid element and cross function. Case 1 (Fig. 57) is the developed in system, KEP As we can Japan. from see Fig. 57, a steel frame is used to core plumbing The assembly off pre-assembled utilities, site. service the all contain task is completed by Fig. 57 The KEP system. simply connecting the KEP unit another one on the lower with as studs, to which works external envelope envelope erection envelope component completed (Fig. the finishing during are affixed materials FUNCIONAL CORE IFRANEI frame Then, the steel floor. FINISHING PANEL task. An Fig. 58 In bathroom terms is thus 58). of looped operations existing in Taiwanese assemblies, this system avoids both functional dimensional assembly interdependence, not only between and the p. 99 c. and the envelope erection tasks, tasks plumbing producers have designed a system, the also but component type of different of subsystems to avoid unnecessary assembly interfaces: set the subsystems seem to be 3) and panel, 1) functional sanitary fixture. core, 2) finishing The KEP functional integrated part of the nature of an envelope has core component itself, and the rest is taken care of by the finishing into the sanitary fixture subsystem remains the same. panel; The on envelope and The reason is that in this tasks. installation bathroonm fixtures sanitary the between 5 functional envelope, definitely an component, while usually made being after also it of aI±l4 c lum core it Because 59). (Fig. envelope plumbing a as doubles is hand, other the is concrete, put in place Chamberfor vertical water column 9. Drainage ventilation -. wsterheater " entilation s.oet stacks kitcen Vesft stacks bathrso 1.Collective Test staccs :2. Collective sook. ;1 Se stak :2. COldseaer pipes :3. Hot wster pipe. :4. Dra.inage pipe04T 15. Vertical water column 16. .7. 18. 19. Pacid diacnarge pipe 'dater pipes kdtcjisn tboddings.for sealing Zseertlon and Ispection smoke stack it becomes an envelope component. plumbing inside as acts well; of also it Since has utilities all the contained the concrete panel it core as a plumbing thus, it has the nature both conventional plumbing 59 A typical FUNCTIONAL ENVELOPE. core and envelope. capable Fig. of It is also supporting the p. 100 c. weight of the washbasin; neither dimensional functional fitting before concrete is in the off-site trades and are quality controlled of stage pouring an coordinated carefully each the where all factory well since all lines are accurately positoned of nor contingency are encountered, plumbing 5 the at production sequence. Both type of of the functional type dimensionally of line to avoide the functional and has compatible with the functional is conventional 3) 2) seem that most of panel assembly the while the interfaces and envelope type of to be categorized bathroom as 1) envelope component finishing panel, sanitary fixture. different finishing functional subsystems envelope, envelope increasing. the case of a system, envelope sanitary fixtures outlets are dimensionally fixed, looped operation In only certain types of bathroom systems due to the fact plumbing ability functional plumbing systems lend themselves to the development "closed" systems: are core and the performance subsystem Note that this finishing requirements from that in the function core panel of the type of p. 101 c. system mentioned previously. bathroom higher being core envelope; latter requires the provides only the envelope frame, but not standards fulfillmemt than the former, the performance an envelope mainly depends on finishing The since performance functional the 5 requirements the performance of of the panel. p. 102 c. 5 5.3.3. FUNCTIONAL UNIT AND TOTAL UNIT. The systems bathroom spatial are full and unit become functional to plumbing core subsystem, all and tested functional into fixture functional and themselves. total the of between the conventional terms of finished of 2) the functional Obviously, hybrid conventional providing the envelope and fixture unit exterior for most sanitary on-site assembly, there is sanitary and total the bathrooms integrate and Instead, only two subsystems are unit the the other two These number are capable of In except unit types of largest also subsystems. subsystems. core and nature boundary the components of connections. electrical themselves complete to connection after factories, off-site unit and components, no in and plumbing envelope external subsystems are pre-assembled together, conventional to completely Since the fixtures of fixture subsystems. sanitary have conventional containing both finished unit use once connected systems integrate into a two types of all electricity. supply plumbing lines and These of types unit" units which combine core functions and are ready for the the "total and the unit" "functional systems: unit many or 1) envelope left in the the assembly these plumbing total unit interfaces p. 103 c. between existing conventionally 5 and fixture sanitary envelope subsystems can thus be avoided. Japanese The function units together with a functional three earlier in this chapter mentioned units functional perform a can (Fig. 60). specific core system Each of these major bathroom such as bathing, human waste elimination, function, cleaning, etc. _ of set KEP system has also developed a facial Fi The KEP FUNCTIONAL UNITS. of combining any two By or all these, bathroom unit bathroom unit conventional total a or formed; is on-site assembly the between interfaces sanitary them, a partial fixture and the Fig. envelope are totally shifted Assembly interfaces of KEP functional units. to position between functional unit themselves and 61 to position between units and the plumbing core (Fig. 61). terms of eliminating looped operations in Taiwanese In bathrooms, the assembly of a function unit requires only one visit of the plumber to the site for connecting a unit the plumbing line outlets and, connect to if several units are used, to these units to each other. If an additional brick p. 104 c. or enclosure is needed, bricklayers will have concrete site for this purpose, but there is no the revisit 5 and reciprocal interruption to mutual interdependence between the two operations. total The bathroom box with all bathroom and/or contained A variety of molded together. bathrooms a pre-fabricated completely utilities is unit this type of have Fig. the market, such on been The TOTAL UNIT. the Unitte system developed by I. Crane, system U.S.A. 62). (Fig. 62 as 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. This further eliminates the Bottom Section Sub-Assembly Lavatory Section Sub-Assembly Middle Section Sub-Assembly Top Section Sub-Assembly Light Fixture/Switch/Outet/Cable Medicine Chest Water Closet/Tank/Seat ShaowerCurtain Maci/Chain assembly interfaces that exist 16 in the "functional unit" type, the interfaces between i.e., themselves, and sub-units it .19 requires only one visit of the and the bricklayer to plumber the site. The plumber has to 9. To-el Bar (two 10. Robe Hook Shower Curtain Rod 12. Soap Dish 13. Toothbrush/Tumbler Holder 14. Tissue Holder Lavatory Access Panel '6. Sho'er ' ead/Brcket 11. assemble the vertical plumbing 15. supply system first by using a reference rectangle sub-floor (see locate of as Fig. 63) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Vinyl Floor Covering 3/4" Plyocod Base Both Volve/Filler Spout Lavatory Lavatory Supply Fixture/Pop-Up Waste Tub Drain and Overflow Water Closet Supply a to the vertical positions the horizontal pipe lines p. 10 5 c. to the inlets match surrounding done The box. bathroom the box of 5 the enclosure be can conventionally but in a SURRLY continuous manner and thus one REFERENCE needs not unintentionally supply and worry shifting waste about LINES RECTANCIE the line positions. p. 106 c. CHAPTER 6: 6 CONCLUSION. p. 107 c. is not certain it Although be technically eliminated, can higher achieve order yet how looped operations clear that in order to it is assembly efficiency bathroom current recategorize conceptually 6 bathroom have to subsystems in we to: "hybrid" elements. 1. Form suitabe 2. Transform component interdependence from a reciprocal type to a sequential one. THE FORMING OF HYBRID ELEMENTS. 6.1. Certain regarding and steps the directions seem forming of hybrid to be advisable elememts. (A): From the hierarchical and subsystem fixture first the conventional installation step to location of reset the sanitary fixture workflow of operations examined subsystems in the in Chapter 4, the relation to the elimination of looped operations is to form hybrid by the combining subsystem and components of conventional sanitary fixture subsystem sanitary elements, envelope (Fig. 64). p.108 c. plumbing not seem to be with 1 U subsystems, are systems to various prescriptions of subject code and plumbing load the plumbing Combining components requirements. to create the of with subsystem is combining elements by hybrid components large market core plumbing either the one of Fig. other two subsystems in the stage of I PLUMeING CORE 2 EXTERNAL ENVELOPE 3 SANITARY FIXTURE is not advisable to it guaranteed, hybrid closed Unless a elements. would core subsystem plumbing form collaborative plumbing because tend does the two other either of of subsystem core The 6 early 64 The forming of hybrid elements. rationalization. (B): this Within new of the external subsystem subsystems, three candidates, and of these conventional components the the hybrid elements capable of seem to eliminating elements consists surrounding them (Fig. 65). be good assembly (See Fig. 64). of sanitary fixtures and a portion of envelope integrated envelope and the sanitary fixture hybrid more is and of reducing looped operations interfaces Each subsystem, that one of the the envelope As to which part of to integrate into these sanitary fixtures, a p. 109 c. more detailed study on 6 the functional requirements bathroom constituents assembly interfaces between fixtures and their envelopes is and on the various of construction needed to make such a decision; surrounding any rational integration will have to satisfy both. PLUMBING EXTERNAL CORE ENVELOPE SANITARY fIXTURE PLJMBING CORE EXTERNAL + SANITARY ENVELOPE FIXTURE + 1O _1 - ELEMENT 1 -HYBRID HYBRID ELEMENT 2 -- Li HYBRID ELEMENT 3 + ~- Fig. 65 Conventional bathroom subsystems andl components vs. new subsystems and hybrid elememts. Figure 66. is given as an example showing a possible result of this study. In this figure, the envelope surrounding the bathtub behind the is different lavatory performance: the from in that terms former requires a efficiency of moisture and water run-off while the latter does not; terms envelope different components fixture the surrounding interferes with way the from also, efficiency, of assembly how surrounding the bathtub bathtub in the envelope the -.- of higher in HYBRID ELEMENTS a Fig. 66 lavetory interfere with the lavatory. p.110 c. formed btween sanitary fixture and envelope subsystems looped operations should will developed and need to be configurations as shown elements these eliminated, be and hybrid different have This in the figure. be should elements that hybrid decision the Given 6 example shows the idea of generating such possible hybrid elements. 6.2. THE TRANSFORMATION OF COMPONENT INTERDEPENDENCE. mentioned earlier in this thesis, the components in As interdependence. exhibit Taiwan in assemblies bathroom Assembly positional reciprocal fitting contingency is created by previous trades for subsequent ones, as evidenced by the gap left between various envelope components and the (see bathtub exists order of for current Little 4). flexibility in reorganizing the sequence of tasksr trades to overcome unforeseen situations. On-site assemblies type of component interdependence rely heavily this ad-hoc 13 in Chapter Fig. Taiwanese Given the processes, the the trades themselves. by adjustments assembly bathroom on elimination of assembly interfaces and looped operations, by reorganizing Chapter 4, difficulties introduced task would on trade and only the as sequences, impose trades, unless further hybrid and/or the current reciprocal components is changed to a sequential analyzed in conflicts and elements are interdependence of one. p. 111 c. In 6 sequential type of the interdependence, component components become dimensionally and functionally independent with less executed Chapter which of positional in 4, many fitting contingency. desirable sequences. Tasks As and referring to the forming of can be suggested in a hybrid element can function not only as a washbasin but also as part (in order to support its primary envelope component weight), washbasin's washbasin the assembly interface of this its primary component becomes with the hybrid functionally independent, and looped operations can be easily eliminated. Thus the washbasin plumber can finish both the pipe rough-in and installation first in a continuous operation; the then completes his envelope erection task, also bricklayer without interruption. Dimensional coordination between components is another important consideration. sanitary finishing As evidenced by Taiwanese bathroom fixture installation operations in relation to the tasks, almost all the tasks involved particular operation positional fitting contingencies for subsequent tasks, creating in dimensional problems consequently. the accumulated positional followed something the sequence are up. by and The last task 1). to contigencies, or has to a revisit of a different Examples are a creating a particular assembly sequence either has to be able "absorb" be assembly in trade to cover positional adjustments of washbasin mounted on its primary envelope component to p.112 c. "absorb" positional tasks, a with second return of or erection wall of page the final between the gap envelope component, the bricklayer to fill the which in the of the in order that, of conventional rationalize to author the two concepts mentioned have to be conceptually established first. These two bathroom assemblies in Taiwan, are applicable to different contexts for concepts systems The establishment of helpful provide to domestic efficient further, a in industrialized suitable systems and way. bathroom fully systems by into the selection process these two concepts in directly to establishment the adapted, unless they are Taiwanese context. of these two concepts can Only and to achieve more after technical be found to eliminate looped operations to efficiency, and productivity foreign No factory pre-fabricated assembly- particular, in construction more rational or more be selected be factoring relation bathroom these two concepts will increase the overall to general, should more bathroom products vary from context but the physical design, to context. in 2). is the considered opinion it thesis above and 30 on bricks. 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