Document 11171624

Throughout the Manual wherever the term Architect is used in referring to a professional engaged by the University
for a Particular Project, the term shall be equally applicable to an engineer or other specialized consultant similarly
retained by the University.
Alabama Building Commission (ABC) Form B-2, AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ARCHITECT (or
ENGINEER, etc.) and ABC Form B-2A, and the University’s Article 16, establish the basic terms and conditions which
exist between the Owner and the Architect. Employment of Design Professional will be administered per the
requirements of ABC Design Manual, Chapter 4.
The Owner is the University of South Alabama, but for all operational procedures, the Architect will work with the
appropriate University office that is designated in the Agreement between Owner and Architect as the Owner’s
Representative. For most projects, the Owner’s Representative will be the Director of Facilities. The Owner’s
Representative may designate a representative to act in his behalf (University Project Manager). All communications
from the Architect to the University shall be directed to the Owner’s Representative or his designee.
The University manages the total project budget and requires the Design Professional to design to the construction
budget. Services rendered but not requested by the PM shall not be compensated.
The PM shall manage internal University approvals and instruct the Design Professional accordingly.
The Architect shall designate one principal of the firm as the Architect’s Representative, who will represent the firm
throughout all phases of the Project, and to whom all communications pertaining to the Project shall be addressed.
Any change in the Architect’s Representative during the life of the Agreement between Owner and Architect shall be
made only after the written request by the Architect and written concurrence of the Owner’s Representative.
The Design Professional should provide timely and complete submittals. The University shall review the Design
Professional’s work for programs conformance and constructability. The Project Manager (PM) is authorized to reject
incomplete submittals.
If the Design Professional believes additional services are requested by the University that are beyond the scope of
services defined by the Agreement, the Design Professional must notify the PM and seek approval before proceeding
with the services. Additional fees must be negotiated and an amendment to the original agreement processed
immediately. This also applies to terminated or suspended work.
The Design Professional is responsible for the management and performance of their professional consultants. Delay
of a professional consultant’s part of a submittal is considered an incomplete submittal from the Design Professional.
Delay of a project due to incomplete submittals is the responsibility of the Design Professional.
The Design Professional shall allow two weeks of University review time between submittal of review documents and
the review meeting, unless otherwise directed by the PM. The University considers the milestone achieved only when
the review is complete.
The University shall supply the Design Professional with an electronic copy of the bid form and special conditions.
The PM shall work with the Design Professional to tailor these for the project. The Design Professional shall obtain
required bidding front end documents from the University Project Manager. Ensure that the most current version is
The Design Professional must notify the PM of Owner related delays so as not to impact the design schedule.
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The official title of the project will be stated in the Agreement between Owner and Architect. It is imperative that all
correspondence, drawings, and other project documents be identified with the official project title.
For most Projects, a University Planning Committee is formed. This committee is usually chaired by the Director of
Facilities or his designee and composed of representatives of the using department(s), Engineering Design and
Construction, Safety and Environmental Compliance, Central Utilities, and other administrative offices as appropriate.
The Architect will meet with the committee at appropriate times, usually bi-weekly, during the planning phases of the
Project in order to confirm that the design is developing in accord with the requirements of the University.
Statements for compensation earned under the terms of the Agreement between Owner and Architect shall be
submitted to the Owner’s Representative or his designee. Each statement shall be made on Alabama Building
Commission standard Architect/Statement for Services Form B-5. Invoice forms may be obtained from the Owner’s
Reimbursable and non reimbursable expenses are described in the agreement. Reimbursable expenses must be
approved in advance, shall be paid at cost, and must be accompanied by receipts.
Fees should include all miscellaneous expenses such as, but not limited to, meals, mileage and printing expenses.
The Design Professional’s proposal should identify project milestones, including design review submittals. The PM
shall provide the Design Professional with any University schedule requirements.
All design review meetings should be included in the Design Professional’s basic services fee. Also, unless waived by
the PM, basic services include, as a minimum, a written bid evaluation, a pre bid meeting, a pre-construction meeting,
construction progress meetings, a punch list inspection, and a final inspection.
The number of proposed construction observation trips should be identified by the Design Professional as a part of
the basic services during construction. Also, a per trip unit cost for additional construction trips should be identified. A
trip refers to one person on site for one day and includes the issuance of any related meeting minutes and site visit
Unless a current certificate of insurance is on file with the University, proof of the required insurance specified in the
agreement must be submitted for approval with the signed agreement. The University shall not execute the
agreement or approve payments without approved insurance.
No payments shall be processed unless an executed agreement is on file.
The Design Professional must submit requests for amendments to the agreement, or requests for additional fees,
prior to proceeding with the services resulting in such requests. Under no circumstances shall additional fees be
allowed for services provided during the design phase after award of the prime construction contract.
Submit payment requests to the ED and C PM for services performed. Invoices shall be submitted in the Owner’s
format. Payment requests submitted by the Design Professional must be accompanied by invoices detailing work
completed and must summarize the total bill for services to date, and the amount of the current request.
The Architect shall be responsible for taking notes at all meetings between the Architect and University personnel,
including telephone conversations for all phases of services covered under the Agreement between Owner and
Architect. The Architect shall prepare written minutes of said meetings or phone conversations no later than the third
working day following the meeting or telephone conversation.
University projects normally involve many academic, student, and service groups as stakeholders in a project. The
PM arranges for and coordinates the Design Professional’s contact with these groups.
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Project meetings are scheduled by the PM’s office.
Meeting minutes are kept by the Design Professional and reviewed by the PM before issue. Unless otherwise
directed by the project manager, meeting minutes should be issued to the PM for review within five working days.
Following review by the PM, The Design Professional shall distribute the meeting minutes to all participants.
The Design Professional should conduct effective, productive meetings. The Design Professional should review the
project budget summary and meeting agendas with the PM in advance.
The Agreement between Owner and Architect usually requires the Architect to provide structural, electrical and
mechanical engineering services for the Project. When the Architect contracts with Consultants not in the employee
of the Architect for these services, Owner’s approval is required of said Consultants. Consultants may be approved
by inclusion in the Agreement between Owner and Architect or by the Owner’s Representative after execution of the
Agreement Between Owner and Architect. The latter must be requested in writing by the Architect and approved
prior to the Consultant performing work on the project.
Similarly, the use of special consultants for acoustics, radiation, cost estimating, etc. must be approved by the
Owner’s Representative.
The employment of Consultants does not relieve the Architect from responsibility for the entire project and for full
coordination of services required under the Agreement between Owner and Architect, whether the work is performed
by the Architect or by Consultants.
When requested, Agreements between Architects and Consultants will be reviewed by the Owner’s Representative
before they are finally executed. A copy of each Consultant Agreement shall be furnished to the Owner’s
Representative. The consultants shall be required to be active on the Project through all phases as appropriate, and
attend all meetings where their work is discussed.
Seals of all participating Engineer’s shall appear on the Contract Documents per ABC Requirements for their part of
the work whether this work is done by the Architect’s staff or by the Consultant.
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