ELMHURST MEMORIAL HEALTHCARE GREEN BUTTON CONNECT MY DATA THE ELMHURST MEMORIAL HEALTHCARE MAIN CAMPUS Location 155 E. Brush Hill Road, Elmhurst, IL Groundbreaking May 2, 2008 Opening date June 25, 2011 Campus size 50 acres Hospital size 866,000 square feet (7 stories) Number of beds 259 private inpatient suites Medical office building size 80,000 square feet SPOTLIGHT ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY Elmhurst Memorial Hospital, founded in 1926, became a comprehensive health system—with numerous locations throughout Chicago’s western suburbs—in 2011 through the expansion of both its size and its services. With the opportunity to create a unique healthcare experience in a new intelligent, integrated hospital, the hospital’s vision incorporated the latest trends in advanced technology and healthcare design to ensure the patient experience would be an unparalleled one. The end result was an inviting campus bringing comprehensive medical services together in one convenient location, with easilyaccessible buildings for office visits, diagnostic tests and inpatient care. Healthcare facilities operate 24-7 and are one of the largest users of electricity in the commercial sector; even small gains in efficiency can therefore lead to significant energy savings. To help achieve such savings, EMH installed energy efficient equipment for heating and cooling and advanced lighting controls to minimize lighting in areas not in use. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a 10% reduction in energy costs for an average hospital can increase their profit margin by 16% annually. “At EMH we’re committed to not only state-of-the-art medical care, but we also embrace new technologies and opportunities for energy efficiency,” says Gene Farb, Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare Director of Facilities. In order to pinpoint additional energy savings opportunities, EMH took advantage of ComEd’s Smart Ideas® Retro-Commissioning (RCx) program. A fullyfunded analysis of EMH’s commercial building energyusing systems was conducted. The recommendations resulting from ComEd’s RCx analysis offered low-cost and no-cost improvements to building operating practices to help EMH lower facility operating costs while improving the comfort and productivity of facility visitors and occupants. ENERGY INSIGHTS ONLINE—AN OVERVIEW EMH also helps manage their electricity consumption and reduce energy costs by using customized reports from ComEd’s Energy Insights Online. A free Webbased energy analysis service, Energy Insights Online monitors electricity consumption and converts the data into simple, easy-to-understand usage graphs and reports that can be accessed online. With this information, energy consumption between facilities can be compared, best practices shared, and irregular usage spikes or wasteful trends identified and corrected. LEVERAGING THE TRANSPARENCY AND INTEROPERABILITY OF GREEN BUTTON DATA In 2012, the utility industry-led Green Button initiative was launched in response to a White House call to action. The intended outcome was to encourage utility companies to voluntarily provide energy usage data to customers in a secure and accessible format. With standardized readily-available information, customers would be in a better position to make informed decisions about how to directly reduce energy consumption—and save money. Today, more than 60 million households and businesses can use Green Button to access their own energy usage data from their electric utility, and an increasing number of companies such as ComEd and Schneider Electric are offering products, services and apps that utilize Green Button data. GREEN BUTTON “CONNECT MY DATA”— ENHANCING ENERGY DATA ACCESS AND VISIBILITY Savvy energy managers such as EMH know that managing electricity consumption can return huge savings. There is a growing buzz about how analytics is the next tool to help energy managers continue to improve energy performance. But the area of energy analytics can be complex and, until recently, specific measurement of energy consumption meant significant investments in hardware, software and installation services. For commercial customers such as EMH, thanks to Green Button Connect My Data that is no longer the case. ComEd customers benefit directly from the enhanced functionality Connect My Data provides within the existing Energy Insights Online service platform. As an energy manager, with Connect My Data EMH can grant third-party service providers direct access to facility energy usage. Leveraging this access to existing energy data being tracked via Energy Insights Online enables analytics to be performed on an even deeper level, so that customized recommendations specific to EMH’s facility energy usage and performance can be provided. SUCCESSFUL PARTNERSHIP, SUCCESSFUL SOLUTIONS— AND RESULTS EMH capitalizes on the benefits and incentives under the Smart Ideas® Energy Efficiency Program. Using Energy Insights Online and authorized third-party service provider Schneider Electric, EMH leverages their existing infrastructure and measurement/data analytics system— with zero additional investment. Through the utility interface provided by Energy Insights Online’s Green Button Connect My Data service, electricity usage information from various sources is combined with information compiled via Schneider Electric’s cloud-based Building Analytics solution from multiple sensor points within EMH’s HVAC control system. This comprehensive analysis results in the compilation of useful detailed information related to EMH’s energy consumption, such as actual versus expected electricity usage. It also enables the identification of low-cost and no-cost operational improvements—behavior, equipment and/or system changes—that if implemented will help EMH optimize both facility energy performance and efficiency. BENEFITS OF GREEN BUTTON CONNECT MY DATA “The Green Button Connect My Data functionality provides increased visibility into electricity usage, which is one of the easiest and most efficient ways ComEd can help its commercial customers produce energy savings on a large scale,” observes Val Jensen, ComEd’s Senior VP of Customer Operations. EMH’s Gene Farb agrees. “I don’t have to conduct the actual analysis myself, wade through overwhelming data, or even necessarily try to interpret the analytics. Our partners do that efficiently for us.” Farb concludes, “Recommendations are supplied based on both Green Button smart meter data and building automation data, backed by measurement and verification. That allows us to compare energy usage history and trends—and reduce electric consumption by implementing customized energy efficiency measures.” For more information about ComEd, Energy Insights Online and Green Button Connect My Data go to ComEd.com/EIO. © Commonwealth Edison Company, 2015 Smart Ideas® is funded by ComEd customers in compliance with Illinois law.