Status Report of DOE Review Chunhui Chen 1 Introduction Ø Search for NP beyond the SM using boosted W/Z/H jets ü Major analysis focus of ISU group in last 2 years ü Primary analysis focus in Run 2 by ISU group • Not the only analysis interests of ISU group Ø Finished Run 1 analysis: ü Boosted W/Z cross section measurements • SM measurement • Validation of a pheno proposal by ISU group • Also a potential model independent search for NP • Aim for application of NP search in Run 2 ü Search for heavy resonance decaying to diboson final state Ø Planned Run 2 analysis: ü Updated diboson resonance search using Run 2 data ü Search for H->bb in associated production of W/Z ü Search for dark matter using boosted H->bb jets Chunhui Chen 2 Boosted hadronically decaying particle Ø Most NP models predict heavy resonance (~ TeV) decay into W/Z/Top: T 0 ! W b, X ! W W, W Z, tt̄ ü Boosted (high pT) jets in the final decay states ü The hadronic decay product are highly collimated Ø Traditional jet reco. relying on one-to-one jet-to-parton assignment not adequate Ø Solution: reconstruct multi quarks in a single jet (boosted W/Z/Top jet) ü 2 quarks for W/Z decay, 3 quarks for top decay ü Better (only way) to search for certain NP models Chunhui Chen 3 How to identify a Boosted W/Z/t jet MC simulation Jet mass: invariant mass of jet Problem: QCD jet (1 non top quark or gluon) has non-zero mass, its production a few orders higher ! Jet pT>300GeV Conventional method: Smaller jet inside big one Solution: jet substructure Exam the topological distribution of jet energy cluster information Chunhui Chen 4 Our Proposal: Jet Substructure in CM Frame Ø Boosted object (jet): A new analysis idea/techniques ü Significantly improve sensitivities to search for heavy new particles • In the decay final states containing W, Z, Higgs or top quarks ü One of the hottest HEP theory and experimental researches at LHC era • Many new theoretical and experimental papers on the subject • Annual workshop devoted to boosted object since 2009 (SLAC, Oxford, Princeton, Valencia, Arizona, London) Ø All existing jet substructure: energy cluster distribution in lab frame Ø Our idea: jet substructure using energy clusters in center-of-mass frame of jet ü Jet CM frame: jet 4 momentum = (0,0,0,mjet) W/Z->jj t->Wb->jjj QCD Chunhui. Chen, Physical Review D 85, 034007 (2012) Chunhui Chen 5 Jet Substructure in CM Frame Jets / 0.02 Ø A new idea to study jet substructure ü Nearby clusters in lab frame may not be close in CM frame ü Using full momentum information of the energy clusters Ø Significantly improve sensitivities to search for heavy new particles ü In the decay final states containing W, Z, Higgs or top quarks 0.24 0.22 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0.5 ATLAS QCD jets -1 s = 7 TeV, 4.6 fb p > 320 GeV W/Z jets Data 2011 T η < 1.9 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Thrust C. Chen, Physical Review D 85, 034007 (2012) C. Chen, Physical Review D 87, 074007 (2013) C. Chen, Physical Review D 88, 074009 (2013) ATLAS, New Journal of Physics 16, 113013 (2014) Chunhui Chen 6 Hadronic W/Z Signal (single jet) at ATLAS 25000 1800 1600 Signal + Background fit 1400 Background fit component 20000 Signal fit component Jets / 2 GeV Data 2011 Data - Fit bkg Jets / 2 GeV pp ! Z/W + anything and W/Z ! q q̄ 0 /q q̄ 1200 1000 800 Data 2011 25000 Signal + Background fit ATLAS s = 7 TeV, 4.6 fb -1 Background fit component p > 320 GeV |η| < 1.9 Signal fit component L > 0.15 T 20000 600 400 200 15000 0 -200 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 15000 Jet Mass [GeV] 10000 ATLAS s = 7 TeV, 4.6 fb -1 10000 5000 p > 320 GeV |η| < 1.9 T 0 L > 0.15 5000 0 50 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 ATLAS, arXiv:1407.0800 100 150 200 Jet Mass [GeV] 250 Jet Mass [GeV] N W +Z = 14200 ± 1300(stat) Chunhui Chen Fit χ2/ndf=41.4/38 χ2 probability: 32% χ2 probability < 10-7 if assuming no signal peak 7 Jets / 2 GeV Hadronic W/Z Signal (single jet) at ATLAS 10000 Data 2011 Signal + Background fit 8000 ATLAS s = 7 TeV, 4.6 fb -1 Background fit component p > 420 GeV |η| < 1.9 Signal fit component L > 0.15 T First measurements of boosted W/Z production rate at pp collision W +Z = 8.5 ± 0.8 (stat.) ± 1.5 (syst.) pb Consistent with theory 6000 W +Z 4000 2000 ATLAS, arXiv:1407.0800 0 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 = 5.1 ± 0.5 pb ü Validation of our proposal to use jet substructure in the jet rest frame ü Test of SM: excess of the production rate could be a hint of NP effects ATLAS, New Journal of Physics 16, 113013 (2014) Jet Mass [GeV] Ø First ever boosted W/Z signal (W/Z+jet production) reconstructed in single jet ü Only successful signal observation among all proposals at LHC ü Selected as NJP highlights of 2014 ü Select for inclusion in IOPselect: Substantial advances or significant breakthroughs, A high degree of novelty, Significant impact on future research Chunhui Chen 8 Application: Search for X→WW/WZ u d W/Z X p e/μ p W ν Ø For heavy graviton (>1TeV), boosted W jet ü Conventional/old experimental technique fails ü W jet: known mass and momentum Ø One missing neutrino can be reconstructed ü neutrino: 3 unknowns (momentum) ü Energy conservation in transverse plane: 2 constraints ü W mass constrain: 1 constraint Chunhui Chen 9 Search for di-Boson heavy resonance Ø Benchmark models for optimization/interpretation: ü A spin-2 Kaluza-Klein (KK) graviton for WW final state ü A spin-1 gauge boson (W’) of sequential SM for WZ final state Ø Analysis sensitive to narrow resonances decaying to WW/WZ in any NP models Sample W/Z + jets tt̄ + single top Multijet Diboson Total Data G⇤ signal W 0 signal Chunhui Chen LRR 104800 ± 1600 37700 ± 1600 13500 ± 500 5500 ± 270 161500 ± 2300 157837 7000 ± 500 6800 ± 600 HRR 415 ± 10 271 ± 13 84 ± 9 96 ± 6 870 ± 40 801 36 ± 6 318 ± 21 MR 180 ± 20 42 ± 7 29.3 ± 2.9 43 ± 7 295 ± 22 323 5.5 ± 2.3 70 ± 4 10 Final Limit Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:209 Chunhui Chen 11 Analysis Plan of Run 2 Chunhui Chen 12 Update search for di-Boson resonance Ø Interesting hints from search using all hadronic final state in Run 1 ü 3.5 sigma excess (local significance) ~ 2TeV Ø Single lepton channel has highest sensitivity ü Expect 5 sigma sensitivity with 5fb-1 13TeV data if the excess is real ü Francesco Lorenzi (ISU) is leading the Run 2 effort as contact person ü Now an analysis aim at early data/publication by ATLAS management Chunhui Chen 13 Search for WH/ZH, H->bb Ø No evidence of H->bb from run 1 analysis (7+8 TeV) ü 1.4 sigma significance Ø Analysis suffer from very large background from ttbar, W/Z+jets production ü Sensitivity is not very good even with sophisticated multi variable analysis Ø Need significant data from run2 in order to have observation ü Require complicated multi variable analysis Chunhui Chen 14 Our proposal to search for VH, H->bb Ø Using boosted topology: H->bb reconstructed in single jet ü Substructure in the center of mass frame of jet ü Double b tagging in a single jet Ø May significantly improve sensitivity ü Ongoing Pheno work, no realistic detector MC yet, assuming 100 fb-1 data ü Expect more detail studies using official ATLAS MC Chunhui Chen 15 Search for DM using boosted Mono H->bb A natural extension of search for ZH, Z->nunubar, H->bb with similar experimental signature Chunhui Chen 16 Summary Ø One of primary analysis focus at ISU: search for NP using boosted W/Z/H ü We propose a new idea to explore jet substructure in jet rest frame ü C.Chen: PRD85,034007(2012), PRD87,074007(2013),PRD88,074009(2013) Ø Play leading role in 2 Run 1 analysis ü Boosted W/Z production at 7TeV: NJP 16, 113013 (2014) • Done by ISU group: F. Lorenzi is contact person, editor ü Diboson resonance search: Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:209 • Using single lepton channel wit 8TeV data • Primarily done by ISU • A. Martinez is contact person, editor (also C. Chen) Ø Plan for Run 2 analysis ü Updated diboson search in single lepton channel • F. Lorenzi is leading the effort as contact person ü Start search for production of W/ZH, H->bb • Proposed new method with improved sensitivity ü Extend the boosted H->bb work to look for DM Ø All three faculties actively involved with Run1 and planned Run 2 analysis Chunhui Chen 17