mss o CH a!

the future in
1109 Experiment Street, BAE Building
Griffin, GA 30223
http ://apps .caes
The Center for Urban Agriculture and Environmental Sciences is housed within
the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences on
the Griffin Campus. It is a non-departmental unit dedicated to supporting U G A
Extension and Research in Georgia’s urban areas. It currently supports extension and
research programs in sustainable turfgrass, urban environment, nursery and landscape,
local food, professional training and certification, and urban forestry.
An advisory group came together to provide advice, gauge future trends, identify
strategic positions, and build relationships. Members were invited from a broad array
of stakeholders that included research and extension faculty, industry representatives,
and other users and benefactors of Center activities. A total of 58 committee members
accepted the invitation to provide input (Advisory Committee, page 14).
Prior to meeting on December 5th, 2014, participants were polled and asked to identify
important issues in six Center program areas. The areas were Sustainable Turfgrass,
Urban Environmental Issues, Nursery and Landscape, Local Food, Professional
Training and Certification, and Urban Forestry. Forty-seven members returned the
survey and 42 were able to attend the advisory group meeting held on December 5th,
The survey results (Topical Summary, page 12) highlighted many common interests
and concerns among advisory group members. Water use, drought management, public
awareness, and agent training were identified as important issues in five of the six
program areas. Organic land care, education, and an educated workforce were selected
in four Center program areas. Certification and training, cultivar selection, green
infrastructure, pollinator health concerns, and storm water management were selected
in three program areas. Safety training was an important issue in Professional Training
and Certification and Urban Forestry. Irrigation was identified as an important issue in
Sustainable Turfgrass and Landscape and Nursery.
The survey also identified issues that are both important and unique to specific Center
program areas. For example food preservation, healthy lifestyles, and marketing are
important issues in Local Food. On-line education and leadership are critical to the
Center Training and Certification programs. The advisory group identified stream
health as an issue in the Urban Environment and forestry judging and wildlife as issues
in Urban Forestry.
On December 5th, 2014 advisory group members gathered together and broke into
program area working groups with the goal of further clarifying critical issues and short
and long term needs. The following pages summarize the working groups discussions.
Sustainable Turfgrass
The Sustainable Turfgrass Working group focused on the need to communicate
scientific facts to homeowner associations, sports field managers, environmental
groups, county and city governments, and other policy makers. They emphasized the
discrepancy between what many people believe about water use, pesticides, GMOs,
pollinator protection, and pollution prevention and the scientific facts concerning these
issues. They emphasized the need to apply science to offset the rhetoric.
The group suggested targeting new audiences with new outreach efforts. Sciencebased Best Management Practices (BMP) should be developed and promoted. The
working group strongly supported applied research and broad educational efforts. They
supported the completion and promotion of the State Pollinator Protection Plan.
2015 Center Advisory Report
Local Food
The Local Food working group also identified the need for science-based information
on the environment, GMOs, organic land care, pesticides, and pollinator health. It
also noted widespread misinformation on these topics. The group identified the need
for education in community garden management and leadership, composting, use
of pesticides and sprayers, and the need for advanced training of Master Gardener
Extension volunteers to better assist in community gardens. Water management,
including rainwater capture, storm water drain labeling, water testing, and erosion and
sediment control were also topics of discussion.
Issues important to local commercial food producers were also identified. These
issues included food preservation and safety, and business management and financial
planning for small producers. The working group identified programs in Agriculture
and Natural Resources and Family and Consumer Science, which address these
issues and urged promotion of these programs at the county level. It was suggested
that regional conferences on specific topics be created, as well as the need to continue
large-scale events such as Pizza Farm. The group encouraged the identification of and
collaboration with other organizations working in local food and highlighted the need
to use technology (videos, blogs, web sites and distance learning) to deliver training and
2015 Center Advisory Report
Environmental Issues
The Environmental Issues working group focused on water conservation and drought
management by encouraging WaterSmart landscaping, increasing irrigation certification
and providing continuing education opportunities. The group expressed interest in
urban water conservation and water quality issues. The need to minimize storm water
runoff and implement erosion control via rain gardens, rain barrels, vegetative coverage,
pervious surfaces, and retention and detention ponds was expressed.
The group members recognized the need to promote and encourage the preservation
and creation of vibrant urban green spaces that encourage well-being and healthy
outdoor lifestyles. They highlighted the need to create increased awareness of waste
management and its impact on water quality. Topics such as management of
pesticides, paint, food and landscape waste, compost and septic systems were discussed
along with healthy habitats and sustainable practices that included increasing awareness
of the benefits of recycling. Pollinator health issues, identifying and controlling invasive
species, promoting healthy urban forests and trees, and developing ecologically friendly
landscaping were supported.
Public awareness of water issues and healthy habitats was discussed, particularly in the
context of Internet outreach strategies. The group identified existing programs that
could meet many of the educational needs identified.
2015 Center Advisory Report
Professional Training and Certification
The overarching goal of the Professional Training and Certification working group was
to grow a qualified professional workforce for the landscape and nursery industries.
The working group recognized the need to show the value of certification to both
employers and potential applicants by developing promotional materials that promote
both the Georgia Certified Landscape Professional Program and the Plant Professional
Program. Once again, the focus was on public awareness.
The working group discussed ways to reach youth and the need to coordinate
youth outreach efforts with existing programs such as 4-H and the Georgia College and
Career Ready Performance Index, which promotes career readiness for Georgia public
school students. Certification programs can prepare high school students for careers.
Participants strongly agreed on the importance of continued growth and development of
the junior certification programs.
Outreach efforts should also include innovative online training and modules
on water quantity and quality that highlight the landscapes ability to clean water and
provide recharge.
2015 Center Advisory Report
Nursery and Landscape
Common themes wove themselves into the conversation of this working group. Water
use and drought management were a top priority. The group suggested reaching out
to Homeowner Associations, the Building Owners and Managers Association, parks
and recreation managers and professional associations. Many existing extension water
programs were identified for use and expansion. The need to target youth and use social
media in outreach efforts was noted.
State and federal funding must be identified for research in new irrigation
technologies for both consumers and producers.
Working group members identified building a knowledgeable and skilled
workforce as a top priority. They suggested partnering with technical schools in
Georgia that have environmental horticulture programs.
Group members noted that sustainability and pollinator health depended on
cultivar selection. Identification and use of an increased plant pallet requires research,
plant trials, and a robust promotional effort.
2015 Center Advisory Report
Urban Forestry
This group focused on the need for education including agent training, Master Gardener
volunteer training, homeowner education, and professional certification. They urged
continued partnering with departments, agencies, and institutions supporting urban
forestry such as Warnell College, The Urban Ag Council, GA Arborist Association,
GA Forestry Commission, GA Urban Forest Council, and others.
The group stressed the importance of increasing public awareness of the need
for certification, the value and importance of urban trees, and an understanding of
legal aspects of tree ownership. Many aspects of outreach were discussed. Holidays
such as Arbor Day and Earth Day should be used to promote tree value, tree care,
and professional certification. The group also urged the creation of Public Service
Announcements (PSAs), e-newsletters, tree signage, videos, email blasts, Facebook
posts, and tweets to create effective promotional campaigns. Youth can be reached by
working with organizations such as Georgia 4-H, Girl Scouts, and many other youth
2015 Center Advisory Report
Post-Meeting Summary
Even though the working groups were focused in distinct program
areas, and discussed diverse programs, research projects and
potential activities, several strong themes emerged from the pre­
meeting survey and advisory committee meeting.
• All aspects of urban water were
more innovation in public outreach.
important to the advisory committee.
All groups identified the need for
The groups discussed best management
an expanded, integrated approach to
practices (BMP), conservation, water
social media.
storage, irrigation, certification,
continuing education, and additional
• Committee members stressed the
research particularly on septic systems
need for increased collaboration and
and urban irrigation systems.
partnering with other colleges and
departments within UGA and other
• Strong support exists for the Center to
institutions and agencies to increase
continue its efforts in agent education
outreach efforts and impacts. They
(Agent Updates and supporting agent
also encouraged increased integration
working groups).
of Family and Consumer Sciences
(FACS) and 4-H programing into
Center programs.
• Committee members showed strong
interest and support for organic land
care, education, certification and
• All groups requested more from
training, and pollinator health.
the Center. The requests included:
seeking funds and spearheading new
projects; marketing research projects,
• Public awareness and outreach is
extension programs and commodieites;
critical. Advisory counsel members
creating white papers; and facilitating
wanted increased outreach and to
university, local, regional, and national
reach out to new audiences (i.e.
homeowner associations, building
contractors, and youth). They wanted
New Positions Recommended
The team members expressed keen interest in seeing two new positions added to the
Center. They repeatedly expressed the need for a position dedicated to and supporting
social media outreach efforts. The person in this position would coordinate efforts
and work with teams to create content on Facebook, Linkedln, Twitter, and whatever
other media comes next. They would oversee the expansion of the HOA (Homeowners
Associations) outreach efforts and develop other similar outreach efforts.
The team members also expressed particular interest in hiring a water coordinator to the
Center to support extension and research in the urban areas. This position would head
up irrigation certification programs, assist agents in outreach efforts, and work closely
with researchers on urban water quality and quantity projects.
Topical Summary
Top 10 issues identified by survey and percentage of
respondents that identified that issue as relevant to the topic.
Sustainable Turfgrass
Water Use (77%)
Drought Management (68%)
Irrigation (47%)
Organic Land Care (45%)
Cultivar Selection (40%)
Agent Training (39%)
Education (36%)
Educated Work Force (32%)
Storm Water Management (32%)
Public Awareness (32%)
Urban Environment
Water Use (70%)
Drought Management (70%)
Storm Water Management (62%)
Organic Land Care (55%)
Public Awareness (53%)
Green Infrastructure (51%)
Education (49%)
Stream Health (49%)
Agent Training (45%)
Pollinator Health Concerns (43%)
Landscape and Nursery
Water Use (75%)
Drought Management (64%)
Cultivar Selection (64%)
Irrigation (50%)
Certification and Training (46%)
Educated Work Force (46%)
Pollinator Health Concerns (43%)
Storm Water Management (43%)
Organic Land Care (41%)
Green Infrastructure (41%)
Professional Training and
Certification and Training (67%)
Educated Work Force (63%)
Agent Training (58%)
Safety Training (56%)
Education (49%)
Leadership (47%)
On-line Education (47%)
Public Awareness (47%)
Drought Management (40%)
Water Use (37%)
Local Food
Food Preservation (77%)
Education (65%)
Public Awareness (65%)
Healthy Lifestyles (63%)
Pollinator Health Concerns (51%)
Water Use (49%)
Youth Education (49%)
Agent Training (42%)
Organic Land Care (39%)
Marketing (35%)
Urban Forestry
Public Awareness (67%)
Agent Training (60%)
Wildlife (60%)
Certification and Training (53%)
Educated Work Force (50%)
Cultivar Selection (50%)
Drought Management (50%)
Green Infrastructure (48%)
Support for Forestry Judging (45%)
Safety Training (43%)
Advisory Members
Debbie Abern athy
Cobb Community Gardens
Doug Bailey
UGA Department of
Mark Holder
City o f Roswell Rec
Patrick McCullough
UGA Department of Crop
& Soil Sciences
Bobbi DeWinter
Atlanta Food Bank
Will Hudson
UGA Department of
Keith Mickler
Floyd County Extension
Mark Banta
Piedmont Park
Sheri Dorn
UGA Department of
Melanie Biersmith
Rock Eagle 4-H Center
Kris Elliott
UGA Agricultural
Leadership, Education &
Kevin Burke
The Atlanta Beltline
Chris Butts
Georgia Green Industry
Matthew Chappell
UGA Department of
Kim Coder
Forestry & Natural
Reserve Service
Ben Copeland Jr.
Super Sod
Mark Czarnota
UGA Department of
Tim Daly
Gwinnett County
Jennifer Davidson
Muscogee County
Mark Esoda
Atlanta Country Club
Kish a Faulk
UGA FACS Program Dev.
Wayne Gardner
UGA Department of
Mussie Habteselassie
UGA Department of Crop
& Soil Sciences
Sheldon Hammond
UGA N W District
Jenny Hardgrave
Simply Flowers, Inc.
Wade Hutcheson
Spalding County Extension
Wayne Juers
Ask the Plant Doctor
Kay Kelsey
UGA Agricultural
Leadership, Education &
Heather Kolich
Forsyth County Extension
Elizabeth Little
UGA Department o f Plant
Kevin Livingston
Douglas County Extension
Jule-Lynne M ade
Northwest District
The Rock Ranch
Alfredo M artinez
UGA Department o f Plant
James Morgan
Dougherty County
Sherry Morris
Georgia Green Industry
Ken Morrow
Sod Atlanta
Allen Nasworthy
Fortson 4-H Center
Donal Nichols
Bodie Pennisi
UGA Department of
Gary Peiffer
DeKalb County Extension
Paul Pugliese
Cherokee County
Melissa Riley
Central Region Ag
Lanie Riner
Thunderwood Farms
Mark Risse
UGA Marine Extension
Angela Rowell
UGA Director, Office of
Communications and
Creative Services
Eric Rubenstein
UGA Agricultural
Leadership, Education &
Mary Carol Sheffield
Paulding County
Dixie Speck
Solterra Landscape
Paul Thomas
UGA Department of
Kim Toal
Fayette County Extension
Susan Varlamoff
UGA Office of
Environmental Science
Clint Waltz
UGA Department o f Crop
& Soil Sciences
Carmen Westerfield
USD A / Natural Resource
Conservation Service
Bob Westerfield
UGA Department of
Mary Kay Woodworth
Urban Ag Council
Tenia Workman
Georgia Golf Course
University of Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture Team
Ellen Bauske
770 233-5558
Program Coordinator
Kris Braman
770 233-6108
Director and Professor
Richie Braman
770 233-6107
Technical Support
Tami Boyle
Administrative Assoc.
770 233-6107
Willie Chance
770 233-6107
Extension Associate
Becky Griffin
Urban Program Associate
770 233-6107
Beth Horne
770 228-7214
Event Coordinator
Todd Hurt
770 233-3251
Training Coordinator
Center for Urban Agriculture