Jamie Lynn McCartney “Is a Disinterested Act Possible?” Pierre Bourdieu Arguments: One can not do sociology without accepting the “principle of sufficient reason.” Does not mean that one must assume that they are rational…or that they have to act and that reasons are what direct, guide, or orient their actions. Social fields require a relationship to their field that is illusion. Concepts: Illusio: the fact of being in the game; of being invested in the game; taking the game seriously; believing that the game is worth the effort; interest; attributing importance to a social game. Indifferent: agent does not see why they are playing; lack ability to perceive division that is necessary to make distinctions; finds everything the same. Habitus: acquired patterns of thought, behavior, and taste forming from the results of culture or objective social structures through experience Social Space/ Investment Actions Social World Interested/ Social Fields/Universes e.g., artistic, bureaucratic, political Impose tacit entrance fees Illusio Agents Indifferent Atraxia Social Capital