Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/wasprometheusunbOOacem Dewey HB31 .M415 working paper department of economics WAS PROMETHEUS UNBOUND BY CHANCE? RISK, DIVERSIFICATION AND GROWTH Daron Acemoglu Fabrizio Zilibotti 95-12 Feb. 1995 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WAS PROMETHEUS UNBOUND BY CHANCE? RISK, DIVERSIFICATION AND GROWTH Daron Acemoglu Fabrizio Zilibotti 95-12 Feb. 1995 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AUG 16 1995 libraries : 5-1^ Was Prometheus Unbound By Chance? and Growth Risk, Diversification Daron Acemoglu Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Fabrizio Zilibotti Universitat Pompeu Fabra February 1995 Keywords: Chance, Development, Diversification, Growth, Risk Aversion, Underdevelopment. Abstract This paper offers a theory of development which links the degree of market incompleteness to capital accumulation and growth. At early stages of development, the presence of indivisible projects limits the degree of risk-spreading (diversification) that the to avoid highly risky investments slows down the idiosyncratic risks introduces high uncertainty in the the typical economy can achieve. The capital accumulation development pattern of a society will and the desire inability to diversify all growth process. As a result of these forces, consist of a lengthy accumulation" followed by take-off and financial deepening and period of "primitive growth. "Lucky" finally, steady countries will spend relatively less time in the primitive accumulation stage while with sufficiently risk-averse agents, underdevelopment. economies We that receive a series of unlucky draws may get locked into also identify a pecuniary externality as a source of inefficiency in the decentralized equilibrium that makes the average speed of development suboptimal. Further, shown that our results generalize to an open economy and that capital flows may it is increase or reduce the rate of industrialization. We are grateful to Dudley Baines, Abhijit Banerjee, Andrew Bernard, Peter Diamond, Jordi Gali, Hugo Hopenhayn, Albert Marcet, Thomas Piketty, Julio Rotemberg, Xavier Sala-i-Martin and Andrew Scon for useful discussion and to seminar participants in LSE, MIT, Columbia University, Rochester, CEPR Pompeu Fabra Tarragona, Virginia Polytechnic, Yale Development Conference and Universitat for useful comments. All errors are naturally our own. Financial Support from (DGICYT PB93-0388) is gratefully acknowledged. Ministry of Education of Spain the 1) Introduction "The advance occurred very slowly over a long period and was broken by sharp recessions. The right road was reached and thereafter never abandoned only during the eighteenth century and then only by a few privileged countries. Thus, before 1750 or even 1800 the march of progress could affected by unexpected events, even disasters. " Braudel (1962), p. F. be still xi. This view of slow and uncertain progress between the tenth and early nineteenth century shared by many economic historians, for instance North and Thomas (1973) who describe the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries as times of "contractions, crisis who Vries (1990) and depression" De 71) or (p. Age of Crisis". The same phenomenon refers to this period as "The is observed is today; Lucas (1988) observes that whereas "within the advanced countries, growth rates tend to be very stable over long periods of time. ..", for poorer countries large changes in growth rates, both up the process of subject to so development is and down. painfully slow. much randomness? The models e.g. Azariadis " . . there are many examples of sudden, Furthermore, for (p. 4). Why ". many of these countries, are the early stages of development slow and of economic development based on threshold effects, and Drazen (1990), may predict the slow progress at the early stages of development but without additional assumptions have no implications about randomness of growth. This paper in contrast argues that these patterns are predicted by the neoclassical growth model augmented with the natural assumptions of micro level indivisibilities and micro level uncertainty. In particular, link the availability of diversification opportunities to the incompleteness of markets depends on the process of capital accumulation. highly random and, by endogenously reducing We start show that will most economies have access projects, thus a significant part of the risks they face of these projects are subject to significant that in turn such links both make the early stages the rate of return from a number of observations the next section. Firsdy, We which we on savings, slow down development. be elaborated and empirically supported number of imperfectly to a large in correlated can be diversified. Secondly, a large proportion indivisibilities, especially in the form of minimum size requirements or start-up costs. Thirdly, agents normally dislike risk. Fourthly, there often exist investment opportunities that are less productive but relatively safe. And finally, societies at the early stages of development have less capital to invest than developed countries. These features naturally lead to a number of important implications, (i) at the early stages of development, due to the scarcity of capital, only a limited number of imperfectly correlated projects can be undertaken and agents will seek insurance by investing in safe but less productive assets. As a result, poor countries will endogenously have lower productivity and this will contribute to their a large part of the savings are invested in safe investments, the undertaken will bear more of the diversifiable highly random. It will also risks. This will slow development, more productive ventures make the earlier stages of slow down economic progress even further, because progress will be stopped by crises and failed take-offs, 1 (iii) (ii) many since that are development runs towards chance will play a very important role; economies enough that are lucky good draws to receive have more at the early stages will capital, thus will achieve better risk-diversification and higher productivity. Therefore, although Prometheus be unbound accidentally, chance will always play a key role in his unchaining and will not condemn him permanent imprisonment. to how much In our model, agents decide safe asset with lower return. However, not projects. minimum may even all The to save rest of the funds are and used how much some of these sectors. money to invest in a to invest in imperfectly correlated risky risky projects are available to agents at size requirements that affect of their all points in time because of the The more "sectors" (projects) are open, the higher is the proportion of the savings that agents are willing to put in risky investments. In turn the higher is the capital stock of the economy, sectors can be opened; thus development goes diversification opportunities. However, this the higher are the hand process economy in imperfectly correlated projects, the is in incomes and savings, and the more hand with the expansion of markets and is full better of perils, because with limited investments randomness and spends a subject to considerable long time fluctuating in the stage of low accumulated capital. At this stage economies that receive grow while those "lucky draws" will will stagnate. As that are unfortunate enough of "bad news" to receive a series the lucky economies grow, the take-off stage will be eventually reached larger stock of savings will be made and a available to be invested in productive investments, or to use Braudel's terms, to "open the sluice-gates " of the economy. Over the course of take-off, the number of projects expands quickly, and the induced financial development provides better opportunities for growth diversification. Eventually, industrial diversified and "the right That take-off baseline economy corresponds to is road thereafter will eventually is reached with idiosyncratic risks being completely will never occur is due be abandoned". to the feature that the equilibrium path unique and the stochastic process associated with and "industrialization"; full diversification stage and they will never abandon it. all it has a unique ergodic set that economies However, we show will eventually reach this that this feature only arises preferences induce a sufficiently low rate of relative risk aversion. With equilibrium stochastic process no longer has a unique ergodic receive a series of unlucky draws will is may be trapped in underdevelopment. quite different technology from others Boldrin (e.g. indivisibilities are (1992), it is more risk-aversion, the is possible, thus they has to be noted that the nature of this underdevelopment trap literature that are Matsuyama the attitudes (1991)). In mainly driven by the form of the our case, although the amount in risky assets and aggregate productivity is to invest low. Theoretically our model corresponds to a general equilibrium commodity space because sectoral towards risk that condemn an economy to underdevelopment; when only a few sectors can be opened, risk-averse agents are willing a limited when This implies that economies that a region from where no escape development in the important, It fall to set. of our the set of traded financial assets (or economy with an endogenous open sectors) is determined in We use the competitive equilibrium concept suggested by Makowski (1980) equilibrium. of economies. This equilibrium therefore We agents are all still is Walrasian conditional upon the number of sectors that are open; kept as price-takers and there are no unexploited gains in any activity. and simple form of the find that despite the innocuous economy competitive is inefficient and undertaken. The underlying problem other open sectors as consumers only do we show result that there is It may be is now two indivisibilities in this economy, the form of too few projects being this inefficiency will take the that each sector creates a positive "pecuniary externality" bear less risks when no decentralized market structure that conjectured that since our mechanism we can avoid also establish the stronger this inefficiency. related to capital shortages, is on they buy the shares of these sectors. Not that the competitive equilibrium is inefficient but We be limited in the presence of international capital flows. identify for this type its validity will turn to this problem in section 6 and would make factors that need to be taken into account. Decreasing return technologies foreign capital flow towards poor economies, and yet, domestic capital would also flow out towards richer countries in order to obtain outside insurance. to a two-country world. In this To discuss these issues, capital flows more economy becomes into richer, the direction of capital flows is reversed and Our model interesting is form matches that at the early stages, one of the countries, thus capital flows create divergence; but as the world that in purpose of outside insurance, which industrialization an development of Western Europe (see Neal (1990)); convergence increases. Yet, we also show the extend our model case the problems that our paper emphasizes do not disappear and the general pattern of development in this two-country world takes the historical facts of the we is many quite and as a result, the rate of cases, the outflow of domestic capital for common in practice, be harmful will to to the welfare of future generations. related to the growing literature on credit and growth (among others Bencivenga and Smith (1991), Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990), Greenwood and Smith (1993) and (1994)). These papers make valuable contributions but derive most of their dynamic effects Zilibotti from the presence of fixed costs. Our model, instead, concentrates on the diversification role of the credit markets (as emphasized by Gurley and Shaw (1955)) and argues that better diversification opportunities enable the allocation of funds to the most productive investments. One result is that in the presence of micro-level non-convexities (but without fixed costs of financial intermediation), endogenous dynamics most closely that link related to ours is economic growth to financial Saint-Paul (1992) who role of the stock market. Saint-Paul's there will be more productive specialization. ways; the degree of diversification market incompleteness and growth randomness in main argument is is is deepening are introduced. The paper discusses the insurance (risk-diversification) that Our paper when differs stock market insurance from his in a is possible, number of important endogenized, the dynamic interaction between the degree of investigated and the implications for the role and evolution of development are derived. Also none of the above papers investigate the links between and international credit markets capital flows. Another literature that relates to our paper pioneered by Allen and Gale (1988,1991) where the incompleteness of markets is is the one endogenized by introducing costs of issuing financial securities (see also Bisin (1994) and Pesendorfer (1991)). In our model too, the market structure and the main focus open diversification on is is endogenized, but without explicit costs of issuing securities the interaction between the incompleteness of markets, the opportunities for to agents The plan of the paper motivation to and the process of development. is this investigation. Section 4 shows why as follows. The next section discusses some historical and empirical Section 3 lays out the basic model and characterizes the equilibrium. the decentralized equilibrium is not Pareto efficient and characterizes the Pareto optimal allocation. Section 5 shows that in the presence of a rate of relative risk-aversion greater than one, poverty traps are possible. Section 6 presents an open economy extension of the model in which international capital flows are allowed. Section 7 concludes. 2) Motivation and Historical Evidence Many economic historians (e.g. Braudel (1962,1979), North and Thomas (1973), De Vries (1990)) emphasize that countries at the early stages of development experienced high degrees of uncertainty. McCloskey (1976) Medieval England the variability was 0.347 and at certainly due calculates the coefficient of variation of output net of seed in that "famines" is p. 3 12) to be itself a symptom of an undiversified economy. in the visible to the failed take-offs. More specifically, " he West when there was an expansion of banking and credit so naked eye (Florence 1300s, Genoa late 1500s and Amsterdam 17 00s)... three substantial successes, which ended every time in failure or at any rate in of withdrawal. on development of industry before 1750 as "subject to halts and and points out the presence of documents "three occasions abnormal as is largely dependent considerable evidence that non-agricultural activities were also subject to large uncertainties. Braudel describes the breakdowns" (1979, was to the fact that agricultural productivity weather, but this heavy reliance on agriculture Additionally, there were occurring on average every 13 years. Part of (1979, p. 392). Also the pattern of these failures is some kind informative; these cities grew gradually by expanding the scope of industrial and commercial activities and the collapse took the form of an abrupt end ignited whose resolution impacts And by a few bankruptcies. This significantly on the rest of the Among suggestive of large undiversified risks economy 1 . also today, poor countries exhibit considerably higher variability of output (and of consumption) than more developed economies. To support 1 is the historical examples of sparks that triggered this claim, we estimate an more widespread failures, AR(2) process we can recall the of 1557 which led to the decline of Genoa and Antwerp (Braudel (1984, p. 153)) , the Clifford bankruptcy of December 1772, the starting episode of the crisis of Amsterdam (Braudel (1984, p. Spanish 271), or state default more recently the Austrian Bourse Crash of 1873 (Rudolph (1972, p.29)). . growth for the rate of the period 1960-85 _ income per capita for each country, using annual data for 117 countries for from Summers and Heston (1991) the a ran the regression equation AlbgGDP., = a(0/) + innovation obtained from this equation, for the corresponding country. whole the set of 1 We (1 we Dataset. Formally, for each country, Alog GDP i ,_, a(2i)AlogGDPil2 + + e The ir then used to calculate the variability of the growth rate e ijt , is consider two different samples of countries. The former includes 17 countries, the latter only a subset of them, excluding those five countries whose estimated standard deviation of the innovations exceeds 0.10 (Iran, Iraq, Gabon, Somalia and Uganda), since we suspect political unrest and wars to have been the exceptionally high variability. In Figure capita in 1960 on the horizontal axis on the corresponding country (tstat = goodness of R =0.208 fit is Analogous for the first results are obtained consider pairs of observations {GDPti R and = je, +1 =0.232, for the second J}, (i.e. Indonesia, -5.74) with the smaller sample. that of the one period-ahead growth innovation in country the is GDP as obtained i The . time at is - 2 by pooling cross-sectional and time , per e iit for very steady rate), the regression coefficient at a 2 GDP of the innovation In particular, after controlling for an outlier grown their solid curve traces the regression line of the (log) -5.41) with the larger sample, and -0.25 (t-stat 2 plot the (log of) of) the standard deviation The the vertical axis. a very poor country in 1960 which has 0.26 we using the smaller sample, and the (log GDP1960. standard deviation on (log) 1, main source of series information. t We and the absolute value above (we have 117x23 such We then fix some threshold income levels and divide the panel of innovations into four groups where according to increasing GDP ranges, i.e. {|e r+I jjGjGROf/i^} iff xk <GDPr r <xM pairs). .. ( jxj k= 1,2,3,4 denote the thresholds. Finally, we compute absolute value innovations belonging to each group. standard error of the first column shows mean in brackets that the (GDP The per capita in average size of innovations is the sample mean for the (pooled) results are reported in table 1, with the US countries). The decreasing with the income range, i.e. Dollars 1980 for all lower income ranges are associated with higher variability than higher income ranges. GDP Range Avg. (innov) No < GDPj < 700 700 < GDPi ,< 1500 1500 < GD^ < 4500 4500 < GDPi t t Table 2 To control 1. Variability Nor for the possible Control FE 0.046 (0.0025) 0.044 (0.0016) 0.007 (0.0048) 0.006 (0.0030) 0.039 (0.0014) 0.028 (0.0013) 0.000 (0.0026) -0.010(0.0023) ° Obs 404 687 894 706 convergence effects in AR(2) that we this cross-sectional regression, we added a ran for each country and this was found not to change did the inclusion of the average growth rate as a regressor change the significant negative coefficient of the initial economies. Yet, FE N of growth rate innovations (panel). deterministic polynomial trend to the the results. control Avg. (innov) GDP. A source of concern may be this is unlikely to lead to as strong interpret the evidence as very supportive of the that measurement error could be larger for poorer 1. Thus we and significant a relation as shown in Figure main implication of our theory. FIGURE HERE 1 we In the second column (Control FE), report the sample averages for the corresponding income ranges after controlling for fixed country and time effects, by subtracting from each observation the respective country and the time deviations from averages, correlation between removed, GDP this finding means (averaged across some observations levels and growth will now be t and respectively). Since i, negative. As we compute the results show, the negative variability remains. Since country averages have been suggests that our results are not only driven by cross-country variations, but 3 the time series variations are also consistent with our prediction . Recent empirical work by Quah (1993, 1994), and Benhabib and Gali (1994) provide further On evidence supportive of the general implications of our model. the very poor countries to achieve growth and improve their condition. a country to experience "set-backs" is a decreasing function of On average (Table 1, p. 431). in four groups according to their GDP income Markov chain difficult for level. Quah transition matrix per capita relative to the world GDP per capita relative to the world average): Prob(=) Prob(t) x<l/4 1/4<x<1/2 1/2<x<1 - 0.76 0.24 0.52 0.31 0.17 0.29 0.46 0.26 Kx<2 0.24 0.53 0.24 2<x 0.05 0.95 - Prob(l) 2. seems Table 2 below report a summary of his results for a 23-year transition matrix 1962-1985 (where x denotes Table it the other, the probability for (relative) its (1993) studies the cross country dynamics of growth by estimating a by classifying the countries one hand Estimated 23-year transition matrix (Quah 1993, p. 431). we report the estimated probability that a country belonging to a In the three different columns, certain group falls to a relatively poorer group, remains in the same group, or moves up group, respectively. Observe that the probability for a country to get worse decreases as to a richer we consider higher income groups (also found by Benhabib and Gali (1994, p. 11)). These findings give further support to the claim that the process of development From growth points a different perspective, at a some It work on at the earlier stages. financial decreasing relation between risk-premia and development. borrowing and lending lagged of perils" recent empirical Sussman (1993), Sussman and Zeira (1993) and 3 is "full rates applied by banks - Zilibotti development and More precisely, (1993) show that the gap between which can be taken as a proxy for risk-premium - should also be reported that regressions of the (log) of absolute value of innovations over the (log of) GDP per capita also give encouraging 0.20 (tstat=-8.91) when only a constant is results. The point estimate of the included, and -0.35 (tstat = -2.6) coefficient of lagged is beyond - when we control for country and GDP, in this case raises some time effects. Yet, note that the non-stationarity of the regressor, the level of inference issues the discussion of which GDP is the scope of this informal analysis. are negatively correlated with the income level across countries, and across regions and time in the United States. These findings give further support to the mechanism proposed in A possible explanation for the decreasing variability (and for the decreasing risk-premia) technological. Countries at the early stages of development are risky and low productivity (e.g. agriculture). The adoption of new technologies is more may This however does not seem to be the whole story. often subject to economic as well as scientific constraints. that were and attribute the failure to adopt these technologies earlier to the lack Hobsbawm (1968) goes even further and asserts that there was nothing - of the technologies of monetary incentives. new in the technology of the and most of the new productive methods could have been developed British Industrial Revolution at 150 years before. On the other hand, as an obstacle to expansion and growth, capital scarcities and limited savings appear important in and that indivisibilities poor many used in improving agricultural productivity were actually known in Medieval Europe that later is only have access to technologies that North and Thomas (1973) and Rosenberg and Birdzell (1985) argue least this paper. countries, there many instances. capital shortages is Bagehot (1873, were a p. 4) more than a century ago argued significant hurdle to overcome, no spare money for new and great undertakings. . ", and finally there capital is is "...in scarce and diffused, the distrust of industrial activities greater pressure for bigness... ". The "...in even when they were very promising. Gerschenkron (1962, p. 14) also echoed the same view in writing; backward country words, in his relatively considerable is size of the required activity a was certainly a relevant factor in the minds of innovators; Scherer (1984, p. 13) quotes Boulton, James Watt's partner, writing to but would be so certain economic if Watt the was not profitable for just a few countries that the production of the engine whole world were the market. In historians, for instance line with the view of capital constraints, Wrigley (1988), argue capital shortages that led to shortages of energy to be the main reason for heavy reliance on agriculture and a key constraint on industrialization, while a large part of the development literature, implicitly or explicitly, defines underdeveloped countries as those that have shortages of capital (see for instance Viner (1958), Singer (1958), Lewis (1958)) 4 . The mechanism which we 4 offer in this paper is The important empirical question of course concerns and the savings constraint definitely will apply. For crucially related to the attitudes towards risk. at what level the be too large for a single village or even town. However, if all or even those of a small developing country today were pulled together, have binding minimum size requirements. indivisibilities (non-convexities) instance, the start-up investment for an industrial activity will On the resources of Medieval Europe it is unlikely that many sectors would the other hand, both actual transaction costs and those created by incentive and enforcement problems imply that the relevant unit of accumulation will often not be a whole continent nor even a whole country. Identification of the relevant unit of accumulation is at the heart of the empirical relevance of this question and does not have an easy answer. The regressions reported above for instance takes relation it may be as given that political borders are related to the size of the accumulation unit quite imperfect. - though this Risk-aversion institutions is recognized as an important factor in economic behavior, witness for instance the developed in many societies to deal with the (Persson (1988), Townsend (1990)). bear, even when this It is problems of insurance and risk-pooling then natural that agents will try to reduce the risk they has a cost in terms of expected return. In our model, when diversification opportunities are limited, agents choose investments which are safe but less productive, for instance, the storage technology chosen because of and the scattering of their relative safety 5 fields widely used in Medieval Europe, both of them Braudel emphasizes that unproductive hoarding (storage) . More frequently occurred in poor undiversified economies subject to capital shortages. he writes (1979, "Every society accumulates capital which p. 3 86); be saved and hoarded unproductivety, or flow was not strong enough its true nature as it to open to replenish the channels and 19th century Britain also illustrates how then at its disposal, either to of the active economy. .. If the was almost inevitably immobilized, in the portfolios between the eighteenth all the sluice-gates, capital were unrealized". The pattern of change is specifically the use of relatively safe assets has decreased as the array of available assets has expanded and the income level has increased, thus giving agents better diversification opportunities through a wider variety of risky assets (see Kennedy (1987), Finally, this paper stresses that at early stages, lack of diversification gives to "luck". In particular, are successful, the we emphasize that if large economy grows, more an important role and risky investments undertaken risk-diversification table 5. 1). at early stages becomes possible and new projects can be undertaken. Here the historical role of the railways can be viewed as an example of the importance of the success of large projects in opening the way to steady growth. For instance, according to Alfred Chandler (1977), development of US railways it was also possible to finance other large scale projects (although the main aspect emphasized by Chandler On a turning point in the historical capitalism because after the efforts of the Wall Street to raise the necessary funds required for the large railway investments, deals). constituted is the other hand, Spanish railroads attracted that Wall Street "learned-by-doing" more than 15 times the other manufacturing in Spain by the end of 1864; but, in contrast to the in the US second half of the nineteenth century were very disappointing and economy the result in all experience, the returns all the sectors of the Cameron "Spain in the 1850's undertook a vigorous program of railway construction promotion not unlike the later was a fiasco which by at least a generation. 5 amount invested suffered turmoil and capital scarcities as a result of these heavy losses in railways (Tortella (1972, pp. 118-121)). Regarding this episode and a similar one in Italy, writes, to cut big " Russian program; set Italy (1972, p. 14) and financial did the same in the 1860's. But in both cases back the progress of industrialization and economic development Another case of a large project's destiny getting interwoven with common that of Medieval Europe and yet McCloskey and Nash (1976) argue that storage was scarcely used but interpret the open field system and scattering of cultivation as an inefficient technology adopted for insurance reasons. Storage is widely believed to be in the whole economy that of the is Dutch versus the English East India companies (see Neal (1990) and an earlier version of our paper for discussion). The Basic Model and the Decentralized Equilibrium 3) We two periods. There the who consider a simple overlapping generations model with non-altruistic agents a continuum of agents normalized to is same generation are The production all identical. 1 in each living generation side of the economy good sector and a continuum of intermediate sectors normalized to live for and agents of consists of a single final 1. The good sector final transforms the capital and labor of the economy into final output. The intermediate sectors transform savings of time t into capital to be used In their youth, our agents of this sector. At the end of decision entails how much this to save at work time t+ 1 in a final sector firm, receiving the competitive in some of how much and of their savings to put in a safe asset. The safe own FIGURE state j. 2 More brought forward to the next period by is is in the uncertainty determined. The final sector firms summarizes the sequence of events and old agents our model. let gj(Fj) *m- this, we assume to 1) and project form of the uncertainty. For likely states (again with formally, t HERE crucial issue concerns the continuum of equally is in their retirement period is rented the rent they receive. Figure 2 The therefore one unit of capital at time r, economy. After the investment decisions, the risky projects of this unravels and the amount of capital that consume rate of capital at time t+1. Alternatively, they can invest part of their savings r units capital that agents wage period they take their consumption and saving decision. This asset has a non-stochastic rate of return equal to transformed into without using labor. measure normalized denote the return from asset j limdjMj —F. if state when an amount that there is a j pays only in Fj is invested. Then: j occurs and Fj>M(j) aj otherwise where R > r. Also are equally likely, if we we will Fj>M(j); then, investing in one state denote the probability density function over states by have v(j)=l, for in a sector is the safe asset (since R>r); second, that there is safety in results of the paper. To start with, ignore the second requirement that equivalent to buying a Basic of nature. This formalization features that will drive all our results; all j. is first, v(j), since all states Arrow Security that only pays adopted for mathematical convenience and captures two the risky investment has a higher expected return than different risky investment projects are imperfectly correlated so numbers. Other formulations with these two features will also yield A convenient implication of this formulation is all the following; a the main $1 equi- proportional investment in a proportion p of projects (thus a total of $p invested) will yield probability p and zero with probability 1-p. Formulated in this economy straightforward: invest is result will also be true in all way the allocation $R with problem of the the savings in each of the risky sectors simultaneously. This more general models as long as all these sectors exhibit decreasing or constant returns to scale. However, in the presence of some projects with non-convexities, a trade-off is introduced between diversification and high productivity. In our case, to the presence of M(j), the implies that all minimum size requirements. Thus, the technology of intermediate sectors exhibit constant returns to scale but certain size (M(j)) before being productive. requirements, M(j), is We This specification implies that of the sectors, the some this minimum all sectors minimum size have no minimum size requirement and for the rest also assume that the distribution of j {»• <y £™} requirement increases linearly. Our results are not however size 6 this linear specification , and the ranking of projects from lower obviously in equilibrium, sectors with smaller Also note economy sectors require a to higher size without loss of any generality and imposes no timing constraint; any project can be adopted others. due given by (see Figure 3 for a diagrammatic representation): M(j)=Max dependent on this trade-off will arise that the minimum minimum size requirements will first, is but be opened before the sectoral size requirements introduced here may be thought as operating at either the firm or the sectoral level. Preferences over final goods The preferences of consumers over E, £/(c,,c where j final goods is defined as M )=logc,+/3 J logc,Vy (i) represents the states of nature which are assumed, as noted above, to be equally likely. Each agent discounts the future at the rate /3 and has logarithmic preferences which will give us a constant saving rate. Note that, although the realization of the state of nature does not influence the productivity of the final good sector, the final consumption of our representative agent depends on this since 6 is it determines Except the result how much we capital he takes into the final will obtain in section 5 that the value of 1 good production stage. for the relative degree of risk-aversion a critical level above which underdevelopment naps are possible. With a different functional form for M(n), the critical value of the relative rate of risk aversion would be 10 different. Final good production technology Output of a typical final good producer is given by y,=AkX~ where lower case letters denote the levels hired by a (2) this firm. Bearing in mind that the labor and capital markets are competitive and that aggregate labor supply equal to is 1, the relative prices of these factors, respectively w t and p„ are obtained as w=(l-a)AK? (3) A V<X-\ P=aAK, Organization of the Stock Market We will think of Arrow each intermediate sector as represented by a set of firms that compete "a la Bertrand" by calling prices (one unit of security entitles the holder to R units of particular how much security and t+ 1 P j for each unit of security capital in state j) and each agent decides of each traded security to buy. Naturally, for the sectors that have binding requirements only one firm will be active but the potential of competition will force below for profits (see the precise equilibrium concept). firms function without using any additional resources. For simplicity we assume The intermediate minimum it to from then lends the consumers (again by size make zero that intermediate sector trading can be thought as a stock market, but for our present purposes this can also correspond to a situation in financial intermediary collects the funds sell the which a selling similar securities) and directly to firms. it we In the analysis of this section, will assume that inter-firm share trading is not allowed. This assumption will rule out the situation where some firm or intermediary can buy-up the whole "security market" and in essence, will act as a restriction that financial intermediaries are only it allowed to offer Basic Arrow Securities. Although no more than a simplifying assumption concept of equilibrium. In section 4, concept will An make this it at this stage this looks quite that enables us to derive the will main ad hoc, it is actually results using a simple be shown that a natural refinement of our equilibrium assumption redundant. immediate implication of competition among financial intermediaries and of ruling out inter-firm share trading is that investors will face a constant (linear) price for marginal cost of supplying it; thus P =1 J for all securities that are traded. each share equal to the To see this note that Bertrand competition will lead to zero profits and in the absence of inter-firm share trading, implies zero profit in each state of nature. If a firm its security, a competitor can enter $R when zero in it is and undercut successful and since firm all states of nature other than j is demands a price higher than $1 this price. The same applies if for any unit of a firm pays less than not allowed to hold shares of other firms, j. 11 this it has to pay The Equilibrium Concept A competitive equilibrium for this economy defined as a proportion of open sectors and is a price function that assigns a price level to each open sector. All agents act as price-takers and the number of open sectors is determined from a zero-profit condition. Definition 1: Consider the vector [n* ,{P* P sectors and J (i) erft (ii) * t prices of securities at time (n,*,P*)=0 for all j <n,* (supply no additional firm can enter and make positive Note that profits we have even J } 0£j£lli n,* formally; denotes the proportion of open This vector characterizes an equilibrium t. equal to is where A More demand in all the open iff (n,*) sectors); at any time, offer a security conditional on a feasible production plan if consumers re-optimize. we defined the equilibrium as a dynamic concept. However, will see that because of the limited intertemporal interaction, the equilibrium prices and the measure of active upon sectors can be determined separately for each period, conditional The generation. relation of this equilibrium concept to others is the earned income of the old discussed in section 4. Individual Maximization Problem We asset by <£, denote the saving of each individual and their investment in sector j by F at j time Since . t t by s„ the amount they devote we have also correspond to their respective aggregate amounts. Also at time t by n,. Each agent solves we a representative agent model, these denote the proportion of sectors open the following maximization max to the safe problem logc,Vy logc,+/3f Jo (5) subject to + 4>t \l FidJ=s (6) t cU=f/ (r<t>l+RF!) t F/=0 for J ' (7) all J j>n, (8) ' c+s<w (9) l and taking w t , n, and also, in writing the j p, as given, p j denoting the marginal product of capital in state t budget constraint of the individual consumer, 12 we have used j at time t. the fact that Note P =l j t for all that j is traded. It is particularly important to note that n, among taking individuals and will be determined by competition aggregate resource constraint that aggregate constraint is obtained by is summing taken as given by these price is intermediate sector firms and the Using (6) across all individuals. (8), this expressed as *FJdj=st -4>, | Finally, the marginal product of capital in equilibrium is (10) determined as ^,=aA(r(j)+RF/) a ' 1 . Individual Decision Rules From logarithmic preferences we directly obtain the following saving rule — s,=— ' 1+/3 rm w, (11) ' In other words, the logarithmic specification implies that the exact risk-return trade-off will not influence their saving rate. Before decision, Lemma we 1: state a Let J(t) The main each individual Therefore, Lemma idea of this is be important throughout our analysis lemma is that, at t; then [ to it ; V jj' EJ{t). , t because of Bertrand competition in the stock market, purchase an equal amount of sectors are open, 7 FJ =Fj facing a constant price for each of these symmetric Basic when j <n, given by that will to the characterization of the individual's portfolio be the set of securities traded in equilibrium would want therefore utility is simple we move will follow that all Arrow securities and the securities that are being traded. F =F Now j . t t noting that the second period log[f/,(RFi+r<l>)]dj=n}og[p](RFt +r4>)]+(l-n)log[p}(r<l> l )] with p's treated as given by the individual, the maximization problem can be written as max n log(RF +r<t>) +( 1 -/2,)log(r<£,) l subject to s t =<£,+n,F, where again (12) l n, is treated as a parameter. Maximization yields the following decision rules; 7 Since we have a maximization problem with respect to a continuum of choice variables, should be read as "almost everywhere". However, proofs of Lemma 1, this technical detail Propositions 1-3, and Corollaries 1-3 are in Appendix A, the proofs of Proposition 4-7 that are longer and more cumbersome authors. 13 all does not affect any of our are provided in the Appendix B, our claims results. Lemmas available The 2-6 and from the — (l-n)R = (13) s, <t>, R-rn. ' R-r ' Vj<n, s, (14) R-rn F/= i VJ>n, Equation (14) aggregate demand grows as the expressed diagrammatically in Figure 3 as a relationship between a pseudo- for each risky asset (solved for the equilibrium price) that are already open. asset is It is clear from both measure of sectors diagram and equation (14) the open that are increases. This is sectors are open, the better are the risk diversification opportunities consumers to further and the number of sectors that the due demand for each more to the fact that the and the more willing are the reduce their investments in the safe asset and increase their investments, F j t , in the risky projects that are available to them. We make an assumption also to ensure that risky investments are sufficiently productive relative to the safe asset. This will guarantee the uniqueness of the equilibrium path. in section 5 that with a refinement of arise and assumption (A) Assumption (A) : will It will be shown our equilibrium concept, multiplicity of equilibria will never now be unnecessary, but for it simplifies the exposition. R>(2-y)r Equilibrium Proposition 1: Suppose (A) holds and let K * characterized by a vector (^,*,{P ^) n</<n .) t (R+ry)- n* =min t be given. Then there exists a unique equilibrium where P * t {R+ryf-Ar J =l for all jG[0,ni*] (R-rXl-y)0(l- a )A D 1+0 a and R (15) ' ,1} {. 2r All security demands are given by FIGURE This equilibrium 3 is (14). HERE expressed as the intersection of the pseudo-aggregate demand of each risky asset with the curve that traces ininimum size requirements in Figure 3. when s value 1 t =D so that there is enough money to open all if can be checked that the intermediate sectors, n,* indeed takes the and thus (15) defines a continuous function as drawn roots of a second order polynomial; It in Figure 3. Note that n,* is one of the assumption (A) were violated existence would be 14 still guaranteed, but the two schedules F(n) and M(n) could cross [0,1], so multiple equilibria could arise Proposition full stochastic is more than once . characterizes the equilibrium allocation and prices for given K,. 1 equilibrium process, range 8 we need to To obtain the determine the equilibrium law of motion of K This . t straightforwardly given as; —-—-RTK" = aB {n*(K),r,R)TK *,> = prob. \-n,* R-rn,* (16) RYK? = oc{n*{K),r,R)YK? where n *=n*(K ) t t is whether the society probability time. As is feature to note when the Moreover, the probability of 1-n,*). economy develops, the can afford to open more sectors, it event, increases. Also from (16), the expected productivity of development and diversification; as proportion of sector n, event also changes over i.e. higher and the n,*, the probability of a lucky an economy depends on its level of increases, the expected "total factor productivity" (conditional open, or on <f(n* ,r,R)=n*o G (n* ,r,R)+{\-n*)oB (n* ,r,R)= the economy. This is - -, (R-rn stock of the increases economy), well. as by given However, *) on good news, aG (n ,r,R), is independent of the a feature of logarithmic preferences as the effect of higher investment in risky assets as n increases invested in projects that did not pay-off. capital — interestingly, the productivity level conditional diversification level of the is depend on risky investments pay-off, this probability of transferring a large capital stock to the next period, that the n,' that the level of capital stock next period will is lucky in the current period (which happens or not (probability n,*) prob. given by equation (15) and r=A(l-a)(3/(\+(3). The important on in the admissible We will exactly offset by the fact that is return to this issue no money was when we consider more general preferences in section 5. To (i) QSSB: formalize the dynamics of development, "quasi steady state" of an sectors invested (ii) QSSG: The by this we define the following concepts; economy which always has unlucky draws economy never in the sense that the pay-off. "quasi steady state" corresponding to an capital stocks corresponding to these economy which always two quasi steady *( KQSSB)) receives good states will respectively r (l- n T=5 Prl>; K QSSB = J r(l-/2*(fg™)) RY QSSB f { Yet, for st <D, uniqueness is R-rn*(K guaranteed even if 15 (A) ) is news . be (17) 1 J violated (see section 5 for more discussion). 1 K QSSC = fffp\-FZ In particular, state; if a point, uncertainty can be completely economy reached, from which the if condition for this steady state to exist is removed (18) (i.e. will n(K QSSG ) = l), From never depart. that the saving level that sufficient to ensure investment in all the intermediate sectors. there will exist a steady equation (15), the corresponds to K QSSG should be Thus a 1 D<T T^R T^ We will refer to this particular case of (18) as When this steady state exists, the pattern At very low in Figure 4. capital levels (region positive growth. Then, there draws - although some when i.e. some of this level time; when is the concavity of the production function guarantees II) in not a steady-state, when bad news the is increase (but bad even when it economy has all it is As grow and finally the K ss grow towards it. On the other hand, bad shocks, and since in case they receive since more is KQSSB is . Yet as good news are draw next period will also invested in risky projects enters region EH, all risks, and 9 Note ). will typically idiosyncratic risks will be invested in all sectors) and we will . established that an specification of the form of is true economy model has economic that the more that receives a series of lucky draws will be the unrealistic prediction that set-backs in the pre-take-off disasters, taking the sectors are open, economy back the less will willing to put in the safe asset for insurance purposes. Therefore, a bad to a very primitive stage be the amount that agents are realization, though now much more unlikely, will have devastating effects. In contrast, the set-backs observed in the historical development process that were mentioned in the introduction do not have this feature. This feature of the model can be avoided by altering the specification for the structure of returns of the risky assets. An example would be to assume that in every period, a fixed measure z > of all possible projects have positive return, with each asset having the same probability of success. In this case the probability gives a positive returns would be decreasing in the z. number of of a catastrophe in which no risky asset active sectors and, tend to zero as But, bad realizations and crises in which a small proportion of the risky assets with positive probability until ; HERE we have of development. The reason will open and an equal amount 4 The current KQSSB are separated by II exposed to large undiversified economy FIGURE stage can only take the QSSB the probability of a lucky is still observe a deterministic convergence to far, and a level of capital stock just above grows, the economy (since all sectors are So K I a point around which the economy will spend economies news now becomes more damaging experience some set-backs. removed which growth only occurs conditional on good increasing in the level of capital stock, the probability of a set-back received, the capital stock will 9 of development will typically look as represented the risky investments paying off. Regions of capital 19) . they are above this level, they will go back to highest that I), a range (region is they are below this level, the probability of is Kss < full diversification is reached. 16 is successful, can n tends still to occur unchained from and its low productivity "primitive accumulation" stage and As Figure 4 industrialization. full may be - which Suppose (19) 1: What will measure happen will take longer it and plim ^ a> (K )=K ss then is satisfied, l is l randomness of the growth process? To answer to the to look at and probabilities n* (1-n*). from clear deterministic = logT determine how considered; (i) + + (a-Ologtig a. on (20) after volatility, the capital stock of the measure evolves as a function of n* (and K). economy develops, more money is as; log (cKn'flQ) removing Vn economy). Two invested in risky assets, the be entirely will Define the conditional variance of a as equivalent to conditioning this volatility as the with respective B (n*,,) <7 induced by the neoclassical technology, determined by the stochastic component is G (n\.) and Then, taking logs, we can rewrite the dynamic equations (16) "convergence effects" conditioning on n* <r equation that capital (and output) growth this this question, the the conditional variance of the "total factor productivity" defined above. Alog(K[+1 ) is in this case is just a point. Therefore, and take-off will occur almost surely, though Let <j(n\.) be a random variable that takes the values It the painfully slow for countries that are unfortunate. Corollary natural exists economy suggests, given the specification of this equilibrium stochastic process has a unique ergodic set no underdevelopment trap will reach full diversification (observe that We want to forces have to be (ii) as more sectors are opened idiosyncratic risks are better diversified. Corollary 2 establishes that at later stages the variance is always decreasing in the capital stock. At early stages the result some parameter configurations may be the first effect dominates is ambiguous; under and early stages of the development process associated with an increase in the variability of economic activity, whereas under configurations, the variance Corollary 2: (a) Vn = (b)-(i) If (b)-(ii) If may be Var{a(n * some other decreasing throughout. ,.) \ n *) = n * (1 -n * )R 2 R(R-r_) ~i 2 R-rn — t<—— 7>_R dV _^<0, then , ,then 3 v£, . K s.t. n*{K)=JL.<\ —.<0, n dK. ,and 2R-r 2R-r VK,>K ' ; whereas —->0, n VK,<K. 8K. Therefore, our model predicts that the conditional variance of the growth rate uniformly decreasing with the size of the accumulated capital (case shaped relation with respect to productivity of risky projects it is (case (b)). much More precisely, if either (a)) 7 is either or exhibits an inverse U- is sufficiendy large, or the higher than that of the safe asset, then the relation will be 17 monotonic. Endogenous Growth It is this straightforward to extend our analysis for endogenous growth and the would be growth industrial To do growth. we drew that the distinction will this now more fit the final y=AkXwhere K, It is between primitive accumulation, take-off and earlier economy nicely since at the last stage the we can simply modify main return from good production function a K?- will exhibit steady (3) to a the aggregate stock of physical capital in this (2D economy. suffices to note here that all our results carry through to this case and the law of motion of the capital stock takes the form; "^—LIrYK, Kr prob. < RYK can be seen that as a constant and 4) n, reaches one, the growth rate increases until the non-random growth 22) prob. n* t It IV R-rn, economy eventually reaches path. Pareto Optimal Allocations and Sources of Inefficiency The Socially Optimal Portfolio Decision In this section we will explain why the equilibrium of section 3 when characterize the optimal allocation and discuss first, it has to be noted that we this type of inefficiency is not Pareto optimal, may be are only dealing with the issue of static efficiency. important. Yet, The additional source of inefficiency arising from the overlapping generations aspect will not be discussed in this section, though we will return to it later. For the purpose of the analysis of static efficiency, a social planner chooses the allocation of resources in order to maximize the welfare of the current generation. will also The planner would also solve the program given by (5), with the only difference that n, be a choice variable and (10) will become an additional constraint. The constant saving rule of the individual maximization will again apply due to the simple form of the preferences. Yet, since it no longer follows that the same amount will be invested in 18 all open sectors, (12) changes to n, max \og{RF{ +r4>)dj+(\ -«,)log(r0,) [ (23) We now characterize the solution to this problem. Proposition Let 2: n FB {s)=n *(s) V s >D. The given be n'CsJ by n F\s)>n*{s) Vst then (15), allocation of funds in the first best is <D and , as follows t 3j;<n FB(s )s.t.Fl=F t l FIGURE 5 ifj<j;;F!=M(j) n FB(s ,)>./,>// if ifj>n FB (s,). and F/=0 ; HERE Figure 5 gives the diagrammatic form of the first-best allocation (represented by the shaded Note area). equilibrium. qualitative properties that the The economy steady growth but progress is still is as a faster externality become more more due make buy (i.e. exist. assigns a price to each demand this for security externality is more of j A full commodity at time t, the risk to reach the additional sector opens, all the and as a diversified) However, it is important to note that economy because non-convex and as a result a is Arrow-Debreu defined as a price mapping P* that equal to zero, and for all the project level full P * > 0, (project) in each time period such that for all concept of equilibrium assigns a price level to result, risk- endogenously determined in equilibrium. this is Arrow-Debreu equilibrium is best can be seen first because the amount of undiversified is not internalized in our edj(P*), more state. As an the existing securities. the aggregate production set Equilibrium does not each economy to missing markets. markets are not assumed to be missing, but indivisibilities dynamic the transition equation looks considerably attractive relative to the safe asset willing to The pecuniary best are very similar to our total return is different in them are reduced risks associated with averse agents are on average. Also for the failure of the decentralized form of pecuniary existing projects first characterized by three stages; primitive accumulation, take-off and complicated than (16), because the The reason of the j all P, j t the excess *=0, ed (P*)<0. Note j that t commodities, irrespective of whether they are being traded or not. The non-existence problem can be explained using Figure 6. In the top part, have the supply and demand of a security for a sector supply is that has no minimum size requirement. panel has the supply and the is demand schedules for a sector with positive discontinuous because at no price minimum size. If as and the market for demand. The horizontal at $1 because competition forces prices to be equal to marginal cost (as in standard competitive analysis) and the marginal cost of investing $1 in this sector supply we drawn in Figure 6, supply x units of this security demand is sufficiently is below 1, excess supply. This 19 low there supply is is $1. The bottom size requirement. we can this security is missing. If price falls If the price is larger than 1, there minimum is is when x below no equilibrium price zero and there the reason is The why is excess a decentralized equilibrium exists only conditional on the number of sectors that are open and the auctioneer has to look for a fixed point of a mapping that has be seen that, because due to the correlation n, in it is however not a surprising (It can also of the sectors, micro level indivisibilities are translated into aggregate non-convexities, lotteries will not This as well as the prices of securities. result, full be useful and in this equilibrium will not Arrow-Debreu equilibrium is be used). too strong a concept for an economy with endogenously determined commodity space (proportion of open projects) and is not normally used in these circumstances (see for instance Hart (1979), Makowski (1980), Allen and Gale (1991)). FIGURE The HERE 6 alternative equilibrium concept that of a competitive situation; in particular, that keeps all offered instead captures agents as price-takers and the salient features all all the gains from trade can be exploited via a decentralized trading procedure are exploited. The main distinction the requirement that for number of open essentially the Makowski non-open sectors edj<0 sectors same as the at P,j =0 is that replaced with the condition that the determined by a zero-profit condition is is 10 . This equilibrium concept is one proposed by Makowski (1980) (also used by Allen and Gale (1991)). defines a Walrasian Equilibrium as a feasible competitive allocation sustained by the set of traded commodities. the it we added condition A Full Walrasian Equilibrium that "no firm sees that it (FWE) can increase assuming that the set of marketed commodities other than can further be noted that the spirit (1976) and in the next subsection, its we then a Walrasian Equilibrium with profits by altering own its of the equilibrium concept is is will its trade decisions remain the same" (p. 228). It also related to Rothschild and Stiglitz will use this idea to refine the equilibrium concept to deal with the issue of inter-firm share trading. Inefficiencies It be related that Under Alternative Market Structures and the "Reactive" Equilibrium could suspected that the failure of the decentralized mechanism to achieve efficiency can to our assumption of no inter-firm share trading. In under very weak and plausible assumptions, there efficient allocation as is an equilibrium. And secondly, we this subsection, no market will show we structure that can support the that with a simple refinement of our equilibrium concept, even in the presence of inter-firm share trading, characterized in Proposition 1 is will first establish the equilibrium the unique equilibrium. 10 The important point of this equilibrium concept we offered as compared to Arrow-Debreu is not that there is no price for the non-traded securities but that this price is not the same as the price that an entrant contemplates to receive if it enters. In our context, there are well-defined prices conditional on entry and an entrant would enter in case it would make positive profits at those prices. There are also prices that would induce the consumers to choose zero demands. However, because of the non-convexity, the marginal entrant is never a "small" player and these two set of prices are not equal to each other. 20 note First, "superintermediary" that we allow if may emerge and buy up absent, the superintermediary it firms would be able all to buy of shares the other firms, a giant of the industrial sector. If further competition were consumers. In particular, to offer non-linear prices to could issue a bond which replicates the structure of returns required by the optimal allocation, and this would destroy our previous equilibrium bond to the previous equilibrium portfolio. since agents prefer a portfolio consisting entirely of this However, no decentralized equilibrium can achieve the not sufficient to lead to efficiency and this is Thus, first-best (without intervention). Corollary 3: Suppose intermediary firms can costlessly trade shares and there intermediate sector. Then is free-entry into the the Pareto optimal allocation cannot be sustained as a decentralized equilibrium. The shown can be given as follows. In the Pareto optimal allocation, intuition for this corollary individual faces equal prices, he would like to we know But in Figure 5, each individual needs to hold a "unbalanced" portfolio. have a balanced portfolio. Thus, it is entrant to enter the no-minimum-size sectors, charge a price sufficiently close to representative individual, hence making positive profits. 1 that if an possible for an and sell to the Therefore with free-entry, the Pareto optimal allocation cannot be sustained. Hence, despite the fact that our model is quite similar to a convex model, there are serious inefficiencies associated with the interaction of the endogenous commodity space and the indivisibilities; and these We can now establish the firm share trading is stronger result that even be avoided by any market structure. when the "ad hoc" assumption of no inter- relaxed, the equilibrium characterized in Proposition equilibrium, provided that reactive equilibrium, inefficiencies cannot we 1 remains the unique refine the equilibrium, concept along the lines of Riley's idea of suggested as a refinement of Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976)'s originally equilibrium concept. According to Riley (1979) to destroy a proposed equilibrium, possible to introduce a contract that more contracts are added concept in our model buy up which can enjoy a profitable and by a new entrant a clear: on the whole, whole or a large part of the the it is (i) is (ii) posteriori. it intuitive appeal seems implausible profit. In fact, this equilibrium must be does not become unprofitable when yet The industrial sector, if it it of this equilibrium that a firm or intermediary will knows that there is no equilibrium at concept can be more formally justified with small costs of making contract offers. Also note that using the same argument of the proof of corollary 3, it can be shown that with our original equilibrium concept and interfirm share-trading, there exists no equilibrium and this suggests that as in the Rothschild-Stiglitz insurance market, the strategy spaces of agents are too large and a tighter equilibrium concept To contracts state our idea more formally, C when consumers have access let 7r(C|CUC) denote the to these contracts 21 is required. total profit and an additional made from set C ' . Then; a set of Definition 2 (Reactive Equilibrium): Consider the vector of open sectors at time and t intermediaries. This vector (i) «/ (n,\C *)=0 all J t t open the is t {C,}) ta0 where the set of contracts being offered to an equilibrium denotes the number consumers by the financial iff <n,* (given the set of contracts, supply of security all j n,* j is equal to demand in (n,*) sectors); C 3 (ii) for is C (n,*, on based VC'MC" a |C*UC'U c// )>0, feasible in the sense of ed j t production feasible tt(C'\C*\]C'{}C")>0 (n'„{C'UC'UC"})<0 such plan , 7r(C'|C*UC')>0 that and and that conditional on C",C remains for all securities j offered by the set of contracts CUCUC". Proposition 3: Suppose intermediary firms can cosdessly trade in shares. Then, the equilibrium characterized in Proposition Since that 1 is the unique Reactive Equilibrium. we have demonstrated that there a potentially important source of market failure and is no decentralized market mechanism can solve policy subsidies or regulation that would support high type of policy is in fact not too different some stages of development in a large required. from the pattern of industrial policy heavy industries Germany, with at the we observe at early state intervention, there was expense of light industries, Gerschenkron (1972)). Towards Risk and Underdevelopment Traps 5) Attitudes Our Cameron in may be indivisibility projects. It is interesting to note that this countries (for instance in amount of capital invested (1962, p. 15), see also problem, government policy easy to characterize and can be seen to take the form of direct The necessary government is this results so far have been derived using logarithmic preferences. This has proved a very convenient functional form as it to be induces a constant savings rate. However, these preferences are very special as they imply that intra-temporal preferences are also logarithmic and thus the rate of relative risk-aversion analysis and it is is that is when Most of our more general results will hold with key role preferences. more general agents have a rate of relative risk-aversion greater than An economy is that receives a series of low that only a limited averse consumers of assets, yet, risk-aversion plays a We this non-ergodic. That unlucky draws number of the economy decide and the productivity of the is, may 1, in our turn to preferences, the only Corollary 2 which proved the ergodicity the equilibrium stochastic process. equilibrium (stochastic) process that sufficiently And instructive to investigate the implications of this issue in this section. exception constant and equal to one. We we may end-up show with an underdevelopment traps are possible. reach a level of capital stock that is risky sectors can be opened. In response, the risk- to invest only a small proportion capital stock 22 is of their wealth in risky endogenously low, and therefore growth is prevented. To illustrate these features, we consider the following preferences logc.+piog^c^y-odj)™ where 0>O. Note (24) von-Neumann-Morgenstern but of that these preferences are not the Kreps- Porteus variety (see Kreps and Porteus (1978)). They are adopted so as to enable us to separate the impact of attitudes towards risk from intertemporal substitution. The form we have adopted rate of intertemporal substitution equal to one, thus a constant savings rate risk-aversion need no longer equal It among can also be noted that 1, but Lemma 1 is 11 still gives but the rate of relative given by 6 which can take any positive value. still applies as it was derived only relying on competition intermediaries and the form of the technology. After some simple algebra, the optimal portfolio can be characterized as (25) max subject to n F +(f>=s 1 l t where n, is again taken as given by the representative consumer. Then; i m *>= (26) r (R-rn^+rnttl-ny) 1 i i [(r(l-n,))~M*-™,)" 7 ]", Fr = i=i r 27> : {R-rnp' *rn {<i\-n)r) < ? l Notice that it is when B-*\, the solution is identical to that obtained in section 3. Yet, in general, not possible to find a closed form expression analogous to (15) for the proportion of open sectors. Also, in this case static multiple equilibria concept, that is rate of risk aversion, 6, is greater than we when we use our original equilibrium all sectors 4 shows that this can only occur when the relative one and the economy has a and more importantly, numbers of open sufficiently high amount of that the multiplicity of equilibria disappears when allow inter-firm share trading and use the reactive equilibrium. 11 Generalizing the preferences to allow for other forms of intertemporal substitution would also be interesting, although as arise there exist alternative equilibrium configurations with different sectors for a given state of the system. Proposition savings to open may more somewhat cumbersome. becomes possible. If there are diversification 23 precautionary savings, for instance, these will fall Proposition 4: Suppose no inter-firm share trading (a) equilibrium of Definition (i) An if 0>1, D> j,>5 if st (iii) If 6< 3 , >s and , >D 1 0>O. all such that, <D then , is n* ,n* Suppose interfirm share-trading - denote the static equilibria as with part start convex when 6 > open sufficient to (a) 1 n= 1. But sectors. Proposition this is cases, F(n) intersects M(n) intersect economic because at is is unique for s all allowed, then for all >D =1 t ; . values of 6, of the sectors open where n,*=max st <D. 3. Since there and {n,*(i)} F(n=l)=s and M(n=l)=D, 1 t This, together with the fact that F(n) when the geometric intuition no longer true for larger levels of risk aversion, when M(n) from below st n=l. Since F(0)>0, at level of n, then is stricfly the stock of savings is not established that, under assumption (A), in the logarithmic =D; some lower <n n* that * * =1. rules out the possibility of multiple crossings , all n,* and go back to Figure case the equilibrium was also unique F(n) at n* open such unique; is characterized in (a) above. always vertically below M(n) when is sectors and exists t Let us F(n) * equilibrium satisfied, the a unique Reactive equilibrium with a proportion n,*(i)'s equilibrium the then there exists a unique equilibrium with and assumption (A) 1 st if then there exist two equilibria with (b) is then; , equilibrium exists for If (ii) 1 allowed and use the concept of is is that M(n) and we prove static steeper than such that in F(n) must also this implies that and therefore, we have is The multiple equilibria. intuition is that if all agents invest a lot in the risky assets, all sectors can be opened and, risks are diversified, the representative agent wants to invest a high proportion of his all savings (in our case, less in risky assets, all and of it) in risky assets. no still if also an equilibrium at which agents invest can assumption (A) did not hold, a similar multiplicity would also apply to the logarithmic case of section (b) is profit opportunities are left to individual entrants (unless they coordinate their decisions). Note that However, part But there 3. of Proposition 4 shows of equilibria only has limited relevance because that, it although interesting per se, this multiplicity can be shown that if we allow interfirm share trading and apply the concept of Reactive Equilibrium as in Proposition 3, the multiplicity will disappear and the economy will always choose the Pareto preferred equilibrium which the highest enter, number of open buy a sectors. Whenever we sufficient proportion of sectors our baseline analysis is the one with are in a Pareto inferior equilibrium, a firm can and offer a larger that the function n*(Kt) will is portfolio. have a discontinuity The only difference from at s t =D, so that take-off will be more abrupt than before. Despite the fact that the of limited interest, we will underdevelopment traps, which static multiplicity now show is more that associated with a high degree of risk-aversion there interesting is is an issue of "dynamic multiplicity" or and robust. The stochastic process associated with 24 equilibrium will be unique but will posses the law of motion for the more than one ergodic capital stock. After some set. To analyze this issue, consider algebra, this can be written as; TK? = oB {n*(K),r,R,e)TK? with prob 1-n, (27) K,rl TK" = aG(n *(K ),r,R,6)TK" with t prob n, (R-rn)((l-n )ry+rn (R-rn) t where T is the t same constant which appeared productivity of the capital stock conditional logarithmic preferences, Lemma 2: it The term on good news and it aG{n *(K),R,r,6) dn >«)0 measures the can be recalled that in the case of turned out to be a constant. In this case 0>(<)1 Lemma in (16). we can state; . 2 implies that with high risk-aversion as the number of open sectors increases, the On productivity of the investment rises. the other hand, decreasing marginal product of capital, thus parameter configurations, the net effect increasing in the level of capital. It is is we have two the neoclassical technology Under some counteracting effects. such that the marginal product of capital then possible to find a region from where the implies is locally economy not be able to escape; in other words, an underdevelopment trap: once the capital stock is will low enough, even in the presence of only good shocks, the economy will not grow beyond a certain point. Also note that in models where the aggregate technology is endogenous growth case discussed above, the marginal product of increasing, thus such traps will be Proposition 5: Suppose (19) (a,A,P,y,R,r,D); Expressed differently, trivial set if capital will be everywhere more common. is satisfied, 3[K\K~], linear in capital, as in the and 9> K+<K"<K SS , 1. Then, for a generic subset of parameter values K E(K\K") s.t. t the rate of relative risk aversion is => K ..e(K\K ++ t ) , V/>0 . greater than 1, there exists a non- of economies characterized by a non-ergodic equilibrium stochastic process. The technical intuition of this proposition conditional can be obtained by noting on receiving good news locally increasing with K,, stock for which APK= 1 is given as that the growth rate of this APK(K) = oG {n*{K),R,r,d)YK?~\ which can be when 6 > 1 , we can have (multiple quasi-steady-states conditional 25 If economy APK(K) is multiple values of the capital on good news). The corresponding dynamics are described by Figure K increasing with K. For when it similar receives only t in the right good shocks, argument using aB , At 7. K ++ the average productivity of capital neighborhood of negative. is a result, [K ,K possibility ++ will ] growth rate K+ of the economy, even different is words, an underdevelopment from a static K ++ A . bad shocks, below which the economy cannot set or in other is fall. trap. As This and captures the multiplicity, development which were pointed out by David (1985) in the context of in different contexts. FIGURE It be an ergodic dynamic lock-in and Arthur (1989) the the productivity of the capital stock in the presence of of underdevelopment trap possibility of , one and is Thus the economy cannot grow beyond establishes the presence of a certain level of capital, + K ++ 7 HERE should also be emphasized that the nature of this underdevelopment trap others in the development literature or elsewhere also for the underlying Azariadis and Drazen (1990), Boldrin (1992), Matsuyama (1991)). is economic different from intuition (e.g. Underdevelopment traps are usually driven by increasing returns. Yet, in our model, at earlier stages of development agents have access to technologies which are as productive as those available to advanced countries. However, the scarcity of capital leads to a lack of diversification opportunities, making the adoption of high productivity technologies risky, and in response to this, agents choose an aggregate technology that is relatively less productive, model micro when hence making the state of underdevelopment permanent. Thus, in our level non-convexities only play a role in conjunction with risk aversion. risk aversion is For not high enough underdevelopment traps can be ruled out. This following proposition (note that corollary Proposition 6: Suppose (19) is satisfied, 1 above and is 0<1 is this reason, stated in the a special case); , then pliml^ aa (K)=K ss . This proposition establishes that with low levels of risk-aversion, underdevelopment traps are not possible, thus 6) International We makes it clear the role that risk-aversion plays in the existence of these traps. Capital Flows and Development have so far dealt with a closed economy and abstracted from the possibility of capital flows. This can be an important omission. For instance, in the process of industrialization of Western Europe, capital flows were important. The areas that emerged as industrial centers were often attached to (or were themselves) financial centers that attracted capital and also subsequently provided capital to from other regions and towns them (Braudel (1979,1984), Neal (1990)). These observations point out to the importance of analyzing the role of diversification and capital scarcity in the context of a model where inter-country capital flows are possible. Such an analysis will also give us an indication of the importance of the mechanisms 26 we have developed in this paper for the development problems today A further consideration Europe are not is more important in the presence of relatively dynamics of capital flows that the easily explained by international capital flows. development process of Western in the Models based on a decreasing returns the standard theories. technology predict strong flows to poor countries whereas models with increasing returns imply the opposite. In practice, the picture more complicated. While is London strong net flows from continental Europe towards nineteenth century, Encouragingly, Before this is the we move open economy and problems, then from direction the all same (see center), were in the Neal (1990) chapter 11). as the basic prediction of our analysis in the next subsection. can flow we can note that if the country we are dealing with is a small and out without any transaction costs or enforceability in our results disappear. This capital shortages more developed (the was reversed of net flows to the analysis, capital in the eighteenth century there of course natural; our main mechanism is and the small open economy with perfect capital mobility seem shortages away. This characterization of events does not however experience of developing countries today. Many derived is assumes capital to accord well with the of those try to attract foreign capital but often are not very successful and also they and even frequently try to limit the extent to which domestic capital is allowed to go abroad. Further, as we mentioned in the introduction, capital shortages are often mentioned as an important problem in the context of development. The findings of very imperfect consumption insurance across countries is another indication that the presence of frictions to international capital mobility. In the rest of this section, free capital flows a) A we will analyze a two-country world with and then a small open economy with enforcement problems. two-country model. Neoclassical technology Suppose That is, that there are two countries with identical technologies as described in section 3. both countries have the same production function and access to the same set of investment opportunities. Therefore if the state of nature countries and also the by equation (l) 12 . We minimum size requirement assume further project is j, of compete a pays a rate of return equal to la R in both M(j) in both countries as given this project is that capital flows as in the previous sections, intermediaries j between the two countries are free. Also, Bertrand in the financial market but the assets sold by these intermediaries can be bought by consumers of both countries. Further, since the do not care whether investors naturally the assets they are investing are domestic or foreign. Let us denote the amount of risky investment in sector of risky investment in sector asset of country 12 It is 1 and <f>2 j of country 2 by which case there will j . minimum be additional gains from from these of country Similarly, let the investment level in the safe of course possible to allow the prefer to abstract F2 j <$> x capital flows than the by F^ and amount These variables should vary between the two countries in ones emphasized. But in in order to maintain the analysis as tractable as possible. 27 the be the investment in the safe asset of country 2. size requirements to 1 this section we have time-subscripts but these are dropped of this section will deal economy country Lemma 3: is two countries is that with perfect capital mobility indeterminate. To we had A final lives for capital, will call the larger same economy in the closed price. The case. prices of traded determined by the technology because of the constant returns aspect. This implies that characterize the individual consumer's decision in a simple form. V (^ max f J'logUW, +RF{) 2 + ' by choosing {F, j }, {F2 j }, <£,, (f> 2 2 i +/?F/)]# + f ^"logUO^,) +p2 (RFi+r<t> 2 )]dj logry, (/•<£,) +f/2 (r(t> 1 )]dj f and subject to the constraint ^'F(dj + ^'^Fidj + ^ + where pi is the marginal product of capital in country open n, sectors in country and 1 + n! is taking the countries as given and as in the closed economy, he different states as parameters. i n2 sectors open equi-probable. Note that the consumer the we avoid these problems, All risky assets that are traded in equilibrium have the securities are and one period most 2. This result mirrors the one we can problem of fund allocation between the two countries. static we move on point to note before the identity of the with the in this section not to complicate the notation since 2 =S in state j. (29) We also adopt the convention that in country 2 and as before all number of sectors that are open the states are in the two treating the marginal products of capital in is although Further, <t> it not important for the consumer's is maximization problem which sectors will be open, as in the closed economy, sectors with smaller minimum size requirements will We Lemma can now 4: (0 (ii) The V V (jj') 1 (jj s.t. ) s.t. j<j' <n =» same F( =F{' =» x is , F{ = this problem. problem more closely; open in both Fi = F^ consumers will problem as subject to 28 j and j' are never be happy to purchase different two sectors are only open 4 we can then write this into the Fi' straightforward. If two sectors price, then assets. Similarly, if Lemma and we have already incorporated n <j<j' intuition of these results amounts of these first characterize the solution to the individual maximization countries and they trade at the hold. Using open in one country, the same will again max« log[Pl (l)(r</. 1+ /fF Fv F2 ,G,<t> v 2 1 1 ) + p (l)(r^ 2+ /?F )] + « log[p (2)(r^ 2 2 2 1 I ) + p (2)(r<A +i?G)] 2 2 (30) <t> + (l-/i -« )log[p (3)((^ 2 1 1 n,(F, where p { denotes n, < j <n, +n2 +nF2 ) +n 2 G+(j> marginal product in country (q) denotes the q=3 and denotes p.(l)= aA(r4> i +RF)''- 1 j > n, +n2 p (2)=p Lemma 5: (i) The capital capital, KF + 1 first = RF2 + r<£, part of the would be higher could be increased. in An we can lemma . ) + p (3)(r^» ))] 2 2 =s +<t> 2 l (3D q where in state i q=l (3)=aA(rcj> i this r p 2 (2)=c^(r^ 2+ i?G)- i (32) 1 maximization problem and substituting for the establish; r<£ 2 (ii) . F2 > F[ and follows directly as > <£, if it <j> 2 . (iii) G > F^ were not true the marginal product of F2 one country and by changing, F, and informal intuition for second part of the , output in the total lemma is all states j that since G country 1 is due than in the states j to the fact that in the states <n, and The general form of equilibrium FIGURE Lemma 6: (i) If n, 8 +n2 -* j for insurance reasons, that is implied by this £ (n l7 n,+n2 ), there it is Lemma is also shown this lemma is that > <£ 2 . G above F,. in Figure 8. HERE 1 , then n[ -* 1 . (ii) If n, < 1 , then n2 > 0. The intuition full diversification, the effect that leads to In words, one of the countries cannot reach full-diversification before the other. of <£, lower return in beneficial to increase is < n, received is in country 2, the insurance role of safe investments in this country is less important, thus Finally, the last part q=2 denotes j<n,, Therefore l l Next, using the first-order conditions of marginal product of 1 when one of the countries is near concentration becomes small relative to the difference between the marginal products of capital in the two countries and the additional value of a dollar sectors open. Therefore, consumers will always is want relatively to invest more more a result, the two countries will reach diversification at exactly the Now combining all these lemmas we can summarize 29 the in the country that has fewer in the smaller country same main and as time. findings of this section as; Proposition 7: The equilibrium of the two-country model always takes the following form; < If s 2D; (i) (ii) One of the No (iii) If s > countries always attracts country opens As s all projects; n, more of the +n2 < all their projects and open more sectors; n2 > 0. 1. approaches 2D, both countries reach 2D, both countries open capital simultaneously. full diversification and each project receives the same amount of capital. Our taking the analysis so far has characterized the equilibrium of the static amount of savings, s t To as given. , problem of fund obtain the full dynamic equilibrium, allocation, we need to determine the amount of savings and also provide the transition equations as in the closed economy case. Because of the logarithmic preferences, the aggregate amount of savings will be a fixed still proportion of wage income and the dynamic transition equations of our economy can simply be obtained by determining wage income. However, overlapping generation structure leads to some from a point of capital scarcity Proposition 7 (or Lemma 6) extreme simplicity of the two-period this artificial results. Consider the world economy starting and equal wealth in the two countries. Then, the implies that more capital will go to one of the countries and thus we can claim that capital flows create forces that work in the direction of divergence. However, j <n, occurs, because and the workers left in will r^, -l-RF, =r<£ 2 +RF2> the two countries will Then in the subsequent period, again of the countries, thus the capital stocks will not be equalized, but all states j as those in the poorer one. realistic direction will allowed here, this avoid problem <n { the , young have exactiy the same output this problem. In particular, will not arise. is more funds it is still if the model there are will be invested level one an unattractive feature of that take it more intertemporal motives for our agents. level towards a more linkages than Here we sketch a simple way of allowing for to introduce bequest in have the same income in the richer country will However, many extensions of complicating our analysis, which utility a state if have exactly the same income, hence there will not be any income inequality the following period. our model that for part of first More without this precisely, the function (2) can be changed to £/(c,,c, where b t+1 is +1 M ,b) =log(c,) +/3£[log(c the bequest that generation t ) M +/dog(fc )] (33) agents leave to their off-springs and fi is a parameter that captures the strength of this impure altruism. In this case, the saving decision changes to (34) i+/3(W) but since it is still analysis applies. constant and independent of the rate of return expected between And, if countries have different income levels at time 30 t, even a t and state j t-t- 1 <n lt , all our does not young of lead to equalization of incomes, since the the richer country will have received more bequests than those of their poorer neighbor. With formulation, the general dynamics of the world this obtain from Proposition 7. First of enough there does not exist all, if countries to reach full diversification, neither country will have news all will affect both countries, but, in general, not symmetrically. us consider a situation where both countries have initial economy capital in the of Thus bad another observation that are small close to each other. In this case, the possibility of foreign capital flows world for both sectors open. its To make endowments are straightforward to and also quite leads to divergence first across countries; one of the countries (in our case, country 2), attracts capital from country However, as n2 becomes the world economy receives a arbitrarily small, historical evidence at the early stages while enhancing it from good shocks, n,+n2 and series of and the two countries the industrialization of start And in the other. n, both approach 1. 1; converging. Therefore, in line with the Western Europe, our two-country model predicts of development, capital flows slow let down development at later stages, the relatively that one of the countries in backward country receives capital imports from the advanced economy, consequendy capital flows contribute to fast (but of course, not immediate) convergence. (b) A two-country model. Constant returns to capital. Romer In the presence of endogenous growth a la at the end of section 3), the rate of return on capital the productivity of the remaining capital. of the world will go to country effects that arise in this type of the poor country flowing 2. This is (i.e. this is straightforward: all the capital obviously unrealistic but is 1 and the young of this also instructive of a set of to capital, all the capital of beneficial for the current old (rentier) generation of both countries and the young of country 2, but as a result of country is economy. In the case of constant returns to the rich country model we analyzed constant and capital flows will not influence The implication of is the version of the this, there is no capital invested in country are impoverished. Therefore, although capital flows are welfare improving from the viewpoint of the current generation, they lead to important intertemporal inefficiencies and as a who result, future generations very high price. In our analysis so efficiency, nevertheless this case far, shows we have are assumed not concentrated that these considerations to remain on in this country pay a the intertemporal aspects of become very important in the presence of open economies and from the viewpoint of intertemporal efficiency, capital flows can be quite harmful. (c) Small Open Economy with Enforcement Problems. Now briefly consider the case of a small open economy. In the absence of transaction costs associated with foreign capital flows and enforceability problems, 31 it is obvious that all the sectors immediately open. However, will it was argued above that this is not an interesting case and does not accord well with the existing observations concerning the experience of developing countries. Instead, suppose that there are enforceability problems. In particular, considering To sovereign, is if has the right to repudiate on the debt and often it the it country that will we are choose to do so 13 . give the main ideas of this case, simply assume that the foreign investment that comes into a country will not be paid back. Naturally, in small open put their economy money of interest because of the capital outflows. Domestic investors can always is still and get a fixed in foreign assets interesting implication is be no capital inflows. However, the this case, there will rate of return (since the country is small). of investments abroad increases 0, and that as the productivity (normally) dimmish, therefore, the rate of industrialization will fall. This is F t An will the static effect of capital flows out of the country which improves the welfare of the current generation. However, the dynamic fall effects are and there is constraints are more harmful even still to development. less capital to limiting the As capital flows out of the country, the wages be invested in the following period. Assuming that enforcement amount of foreign capital that can come in, this process will quickly take the wages in the country to a very low level and future generations will be impoverished and industrialization will be prevented. How enforcement constraints that even are. As effects when strict the in the other case of harmful capital flows, this extension points out in the presence of capital scarcities, the possibility of international capital have adverse 7) on how serious the consequences of this process will be depends obviously movements may other market failures are also present. Conclusion Indivisibilities of development. We and non-convexities are often recognized as important factors in the process argue that the interactions between diversification and indivisible projects will crucially influence the development experience of a country. In the presence of non-convexities, an economy with limited resources will not be able to invest simultaneously in extent that these sectors have imperfectly correlated returns, it will not many and to the to benefit from sectors, be able diversification. This lack of diversification will often bias the portfolio towards safe but projects and will therefore slow it will will the process of accumulation. However, as the economy grows have more resources, because more projects are undertaken, the composition of investment change towards riskier and more productive projects. This to a take-off stage. Take-off 13 down low return will eventually bring the and the associated financial deepening economy will finally result in steady Because of the two-period overlapping generations aspect, the old generation will always want to repudiate completely on the debt. It is possible to incorporate these type of enforcement constraints in models with more forward looking behavior and obtain strictly positive developing countries (e.g. Bulow and Rogoff (1989)). 32 but limited foreign direct investment into industrial growth. In this process random events are very important. Since at the early stages of development, the economy only invests in a few sectors, We long in the primitive accumulation stage. risk-averse, sufficiently "underdevelopment"; at a show draws bad of series also can easily be unsuccessful and spend too it that condemn can Arrow-Debreu equilibrium fails to exist form of too few and Due required government policy to permanent is show and price-taking, there as a result the that this source economy on average of inefficiency is robust across it. The form of in the development necessary to deal with is subsidize large projects as to to sectoral non-convexities, the we observe many economies. Although we argue will We open and market structures and government intervention experience of society in all equilibria with competition sectors being spends too long in primitive accumulation. different a that the investigation of the interactions between risk and indivisibilities be important in understanding the process of development, a number of issues require further thought and research. First, our model allows perfect risk-pooling and yet, indivisibilities limit the access of individual agents to financial instruments agents; it will be interesting income distribution at the to investigate how may also and may prevent risk-pooling across with the evolution of diversification and this interacts aggregate level. Second, our model does not grant a role to financial intermediation, and implicidy assumes that the process of intermediation all are from primitive accumulation. In our model, an interesting inefficiency also arises. inefficiency in the economy agents in this a certain level of the capital stock, the economy will never invest enough in risky projects to take-off is when costless is and efficient at stages of development. In the light of the findings of the recent literature, one could try to consider explicidy the role of credit and stock markets (a step that Third, though we show mechanism, one would suffer from in section we are taking in on-going work). 6 that international capital flows do not necessarily undo our like to assess empirically to capital shortages induced by undiversified what extent underdeveloped countries today A risks. related issue is to investigate part of the high variability of growth rates of poor countries can be reduced by whether diversification. Finally, the most pressing and probably explicitly in such a model and attempt to determine the size of an accumulation unit together with fruitful extension is the degree of indivisibilities that will influence such a unit. reach a much to incorporate Such an extension would enable us better assessment of the empirical importance of this current development problems. 33 enforcement problems mechanism to in the context of APPENDIX A Proof of P{> F All would lead =Fi' , VjJ'EJit) Proof of Proposition PJ-P^'-l P{< to further entry; if of nature j are equally likely and states J t 1: Free-entry implies that in all equilibria the positive profits 1 a loss). thus Lemma all (if then the firm in question makes 1 securities have the same price, QED . Consider the allocation characterized by (n=n* 1: v jj' EJ(t) , , {^=1} 0S - Sni where -) n,* is given by (15), and asset holdings are given by (13) and (14). Conditional on n,*, both consumers and incumbent firms are optimizing. Thus we only need to check whether all opportunities for profitable entry are exploited. First, observe that the entry cannot be profitable unless where v indexes the Next note potential entrant. F'(0= r(R ~ r) >0 assumption F'(n,')<DI{\ -7), (A), V/i,* is have r(R ~ r) F"(Q=-2 , when an in with (Al) (R-rn,') F'(l)= r/(R-r) < which D/(l-y) is implies always less than the slope additional sector opens, the increase in the investment in the not sufficient to cover the no additional firm can come <0 3 Geometrically, the slope of F(.) in Figure 3 . of the M(.) function. Thus risky asset we >1, that (R-rn;)2 Under V P, minimum size requirement of an additional sector. Therefore, Pv (.)> 1. This proves that the characterized allocation is an equilibrium. For uniqueness note that all equilibria have to be characterized by the intersection of F(n) and M(n) or by (R+ri)± (R+ry)2 -4r (*-r)(l-7) (A2) V7/g 2r when s >D, n,* = l and s, is given by equations (4) and (11) in the text. Denote the solutions to (A2) by n, and n2 with n,>n2 When assumption (A) is satisfied, n, > 1 for all values of s < D. But in this case n= 1 cannot be an equilibrium since all sectors cannot be opened. Thus when s<D, there is a unique equilibrium given by n,* as in (15) given by the as long as n,*G[0,l]. Also t . when assumption (A) s>D. Thus when s>D, there smaller root of (A2). Next note that is satisfied, than or equal to is 1, for all This establishes uniqueness. Proof of Corollary 1: the smaller root n2 is greater only a unique equilibrium with n*=l. QED The law of motion (16) implies that for 34 < K < K ss t => K >K tfl t conditional T on favorable Also, (16) implies that for any Ko there exists a sequence of good realizations such that K, reaches K* in finite time, where K* is such that n*(K*) = 1 Once this capital realizations. . Furthermore, K economy converges (16) and (20) ensure that the level is reached, ss is deterministically K ss to . the only absorbing set of the system. Since any finite sequence of "good" realizations occur with positive probability, then convergence to Kss is guaranteed almost surely. QED Proof of Corollary of a(n(K),r,R) The 2: and from Sign{ calculation of (16). Vn follows straightforwardly the definition Then: —dV n * -}=Sign{(l-n *){R-rn *)-n*{R-rn •)+2r(l-/i * dn from *)/i (A y ^ ' =Sign{R-2n*R+rn*} Thus if p n*> , the variance is decreasing in n*(K). We also know that n*>y; therefore, if lR—t p y> , then the variance always decreasing in is n*. Otherwise, it will be non-monotonic zR— (inverse U-shaped, with a maximum monotonic function of the capital stock Proof of Proposition 2: By at n * p =lR—t K, the ). Since n* as determined by equation (15) rest of the proof follows. substituting constraint (9) into the utility of the individual, let us define (A4) J Evaluating V(.) at the decentralized equilibrium </>, from a QED. V{nt ,{Fi}A)=[\og{RFt ^)dj^\-n)\oz(r<l>) for is we the budget constraint, - i.e. at n,=n*, F,j =F * for t all j <n, and substituting obtain '^••^ Q (AS) *,-£„,• Fi and dV(n,',Ft ') dn , =log(/fF,* + r(5/ -/i/ F,*))-log(r(5,-n r *F,*)) (A6) F *(rfr,-/i,*F,>fiF,'(l-ii,')) ^ n A t (RF; + rist -n;F;))(srn;F;) Since we can reduce F j t decentralized equilibrium for is some intra-marginal sector and increase not Pare to Optimal. 35 t^, V(.) can go up, thus the To characterize the first-best, construct the Lagrangean B L(n ,{Fi})= t f log(^/ + J° and differentiate with respect F to we j t , rW (l-",)logK) + obtain the following R first (A7) order conditions -\V,=0 (A8) RFt+r<f> t Now do not have a binding minimum size requirement, i.e. F >M(j), the corresponding Lagrangean multiplier is zero, thus F, =F, for all such j. It is straightforward to see that all sectors with M(j)=0 fall in this category since, by its concavity, V cannot be maximized when no investment is put in these sectors. But for the rest of the sectors (i.e. those with a positive multiplier), F =M(j) must hold. Thus the form in Proposition 2 follows. We only need to show that j* is strictly smaller than n,™. Were this not the case, an equal amount would be invested in all sectors and we would get the decentralized equilibrium which is suboptimal as shown above. QED for all sectors j that j t j j t Proof of Corollary Suppose there 3: exists a Pareto optimal allocation. Take a sector Proposition 2, F" among < P (where P that market structure with free-entry that implements does not have a minimum size requirement. the optimal holding of the asset with the largest is those in which the social planner would invest). This implies that the representative agent facing for the marginal unit of is n and facing for the marginal unit of MP > j j, MP j , is strictly the seller of these securities has to -the Then, by minimum shadow price size that the greater than the price he make non-negative is profits, But then because there is no minimum size requirement for j, an additional firm can come but still above 1. If this price is sufficiently near 1, the representative in, set a price below consumer will want to buy further units of this security, thus the firm will make positive profits. j 1 . MP QED We need to show (i) the equilibrium of Proposition 1 is a reactive no other allocation that can be supported as a reactive equilibrium. For this the maximum price that a consumer would be willing to pay for a us also denote by Proof of Proposition equilibrium; proof, let (ii) there 3: is MP marginal unit of security (i) Let need C to ir(C | be the show set of contracts that maintains the allocation of Proposition U C" ) < 0. by a balanced portfolio some prices that disturbs But by that has C, 3 C" such 1, denote the set of these Now we 1, \ 1 C as an equilibrium. C \J definition, the equilibrium of proposition MP=MP Vj. must be greater than ir(C" that, 1 U C" )>0 We and cannot be disturbed Then consider an unbalanced portfolio to disturb C, thus some of the prices must be be attracted to to make positive profit, securities by the set J. Then for C |CUC')>0, some consumers must but for ir(C lower than C that for every C CU j. thus Vj' such that MP' > 1, C denote the set of these securities by C can be bought two possibilities; (a) different securities in (other hybrid cases can be handled separately; (b) there is only one combined security in similarly). Also denote by nc the number of sectors open with the set of contracts C (i.e. the number of open sectors in the equilibrium of Proposition 1) and nc- the set of sectors open to support the set J'. have to allow for C 36 C. of contracts C For to disturb no balanced greater than r^ (since C and make positive profit we know that i^. must be strictly C and if i^. <nc, the consumers will hold portfolio can disturb a balance portfolio). C" such that in all j'£J\ implies that, the firm offering the set C will not sell (a) some of Consider profitability to is sold at the price 1+e. This any of the securities in J' and since at least below 1, it will make a loss. constitutes have a price P and by definition of the the other securities in J are sold at a price (b) want a unit of security Let the combined security that of C have ' , P> P'>P 1 . Then, consider for all C such that P' = C" 1 +e < P for all j ' 6 J' . The consumer will C offers more of security purchase of the combined security C a level no j6 J and j'GJ', whereas by construction J Thus consumers will reduce their in to greater than F(ncO. But by definition of the equilibrium of Proposition 1, we know that F(nc) is not sufficient to cover the minimum size requirements of sectors n^-no therefore the supply of these securities is equal to zero whereas the demand is strictly positive, thus violates feasibility and than J'. C is C not a valid disturbance to C. 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