A Comparison of Spider Populations Between Remnant and Reconstructed Prairies Gregory R. VanNostrand and Rupert Giles Department of Entomology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa Abstract As Iowa land is restored to natural prairie, we need to know just how similar the reconstructed prairie areas are to the natural prairie areas still in Iowa in terms of biodiversity. In this study, an attempt is made to compare the biodiversity between remnant and reconstructed prairies by looking at spider populations as indicators. Spiders were identified from sweepnet samples taken monthly from eight prairies. The study was conducted from MayAugust 2006 and May-August 2007. The data showed a difference between individual numbers within spider families between the two prairie types. In addition, there was a slight difference in overall numbers of spiders caught (favoring the remnant prairies) but the difference was not large enough to make a solid conclusion and we determined that further research is needed. Introduction Much of the land in the state of Iowa was originally prairie. Today, very little of that original prairie is left and as it disappears the natural flora and fauna of Iowa diminishes. Many have seen the value of maintaining the natural biodiversity in the ecosystem. As such, laws are in place to ensure that no more prairie is lost in Iowa. As a condition of the conservation laws in the state, if prairie land is developed an equal amount of natural prairie must be constructed elsewhere to compensate. In addition, many private land owners have converted land back to prairie to increase natural habitat in Iowa. With these events happening in Iowa, a question that should be addressed has arisen. Do the reconstructed prairies have the same quality and biodiversity as remnant prairies in Iowa? In an effort to answer this question, we will look at members of the Arachnida class. We theorize that reconstructed prairies will contain fewer arachnid populations than comparable remnant prairies. 2 Materials and Methods Eight prairies were selected for this study. There were four reconstructed prairies and four remnant prairies. The reconstructed prairies we sampled are Stargrass prairie located in central Iowa near the city of Ames, Colo Bogs prairie near Colo, IA, Mama prairie near Newton, Iowa, and Airport prairie located in the Chichaqua bottoms area of Polk County. The prairies sampled to represent remnant prairies are Liska Stanek prairie near Fort Dodge, IA, Turtlehead Fen prairie located in the Chichaqua bottoms, and two prairies from the Story County area – Doolittle prairie and Boone Railroad Prairie. These prairies not only represent reconstructed and remnants, but are also examples of both private and state maintained prairies. Each of the eight prairies was sampled during the summer months of May through August. This study was conducted for two years; year 2006 and 2007. When sampling for each prairie, three random locations were selected in the prairie that maintained a distance of at least fifty feet from the borders. For each location, a tape measure was extended in a random direction to a length of eighty feet. Once the tape was laid down, we took a sweep net sample of twenty sweeps spaced evenly over our eighty-foot sampling area. The contents of the samples were placed into ziplock bags and labeled appropriately. The arachnid specimens were later sorted out of each sweepnet sample, identified to Families, and placed in ethyl alcohol containers in labeled for each sample. The data obtained from the sweepnet samples spanning the two summers was analyzed and is shown next in the results section. Results Table 1.1 2006 Sweepnet Samples Remnant Reconstructed Salticidae 76 81 Thomisidae 76 46 Oxyopidae 23 19 Araneidae 150 62 Linyphiidae 61 15 Lycosidae 5 1 Philodromidae 12 17 Tetragnathidae 11 2 Anyphaenidae 0 0 Clubionidae 0 1 Dyctinidae 0 0 Unkown Spider 1 2 *Opiliones 5 1 Total 421 247 Table 1.1 compiles the number of specimens from each Family from the remnant and reconstructed prairie sweepnet samples in 2006 3 Table 1.2 2007 Sweepnet Samples Remnant 92 45 5 211 5 1 6 11 2 0 22 Reconstructed 175 52 7 154 1 1 19 8 9 1 2 Salticidae Thomisidae Oxyopidae Araneidae Linyphiidae Lycosidae Philodromidae Tetragnathidae Anyphaenidae Clubionidae Dyctinidae Unkown Spider 6 8 *Opiliones 3 2 Total 409 439 Table 1.2 compiles the number of specimens from each Family from the remnant and reconstructed prairie sweepnet samples in 2007 Table 2 Combined 2006-2007 Sweepnet Samples Salticidae Thomisidae Oxyopidae Araneidae Linyphiidae Lycosidae Philodromidae Tetragnathidae Anyphaenidae Clubionidae Dyctinidae Unkown Spider *Opiliones Total Remnant 168 101 28 361 66 6 18 22 2 0 22 7 9 810 Reconstructed 256 98 26 216 16 2 36 10 9 2 2 10 8 691 Table 2 shows the combined specimen count from each Family for both years Specimens Identified Specimens Identified 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Thomisidae Oxyopidae Araneidae Linyphiidae Lycosidae Philodromidae Araneae Families Tetragnathidae Thomisidae Oxyopidae Araneidae Linyphiidae Lycosidae Philodromidae Aranea Families Figure 1.2 shows specimen samples collected in 2007 from remnant prairies only. Salticidae Tetragnathidae Figure 1.2 2006 Remnant Praires Figure 1.1 shows specimen samples gathered in 2006 from reconstructed prairies only. Salticidae Figure 1.1 2006 Reconstructed Prairies Anyphaenidae Anyphaenidae Clubionidae Clubionidae Dyctinidae Dyctinidae Spider Unknown Spider Unknown *Opiliones *Opiliones 4 S p e c im e n s Id e n tifie d lt d ic i ae o Th m d isi ae Ox yo d pi ae Ar an a e id e y L in ph a iid e Ly co r od om Te tr e i da n ag at ha yp ae An d hi Aranea Families h il e P a sid e ub Cl e da ni io d ni ae Dy c ae id Sp id ti n e n rU k w no n Figure 1.3 displays the information from the previous two figures for a side-by-side comparison. Sa 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Figure 1.3 2006 Sweepnets *O p ne il io s Rconstructed Remnant 5 Specimens Identified Specimens Identified 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 ae id is m o Th ae id op xy O ae id ne ra A ae id hi yp n Li e da si co y L ae id th na g tra Te Aranea Families ae id m ro d lo hi P ae id is m o Th ae id op xy O ae id ne a r A ae id hi p ny Li e da si co y L e da hi at n g tra Te Aranea Families ae id om r d lo hi P Figure 2.2 shows specimen samples gathered in 2007 from remnant prairies only. ae id tic al S e da ni ae h p ny A ae id en a ph ny A Figure 2.2 2007 Remnant Prairies Figure 2.1 shows specimen samples gathered in 2007 from reconstructed prairies only. ae id tic al S Figure 2.1 2007 Reconstructed Prairies e da ni io b lu C ae id on bi u l C e da ni ty ic D e da ni ty ic D n w no nk rU de pi S n w no nk rU de pi S s ne lio pi *O s ne lio pi O * 6 Specimens Identified 0 50 100 150 200 250 S ae id om Th is ae id i op xy O e da A e da ei n ra ae id hi p ny Li ae sid o c Ly ae id ae id th a gn tra e T Aranea Families il Ph m ro od yp An i en ha e da Cl ae id on i ub Figure 2.3 displays the data from figures 2.1 and 2.2 for a side-by-side comparison. tic al Figure 2.3 2007 Sweepnets Di ae id yn t c U er id p S wn no nk *O s ne lio i p Reconstructed Remnant 7 id lt ic T m ho ae d isi y Ox ae o d pi a Ar ae n p in y e L a e id h a iid e e di a d hi t a ae Aranea Families a sid e e es ae wn n in d o in da n ida ilio m y o kn e o t i p o c n a c b dr gn Ly *O Di ph C lu rU y ih lo rt a e n id A P Te Sp e Figure 3 combines the information from Figure 1.3 and from Figure 2.3 to show the full data summary of the study. Sa 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Figure 3 Two-Year Sweepnet Remnant Reconstructed 8 S p ecim en s Id en tified 9 *Opiliones is included, but not an Araneae family. It represents another order of arachnids and contains the closely related “harvestmen” spiders that were counted in this study. Discussion Tables 1.1, 1.2, and 2 show the numbers of spiders identified sorted by Araneae family. As shown in the results section, there were eleven families found in the sweepnet samples. The spider unkown category consists of specimens that couldn’t be identified to family due to one of several reasons; and as noted at the end of the results section, Opiliones are a different order of arachnids that are closely related and were also counted in the study. There was a significant difference between remnant and reconstructed prairie data from 2006. With about one hundred-seventy more spiders caught in remnant prairies, it appeared as though remnants contained larger populations than the reconstructed prairies. However, there was little difference between spider populations from either group of prairies in samples from 2007. When combined, the data from the two-year sampling still shows more individual spiders caught in remnant prairies, but the difference is low enough that no strong conclusion can be made. Our original theory that remnant prairies contain higher populations of spider due to higher biodiversity may still hold, but further research is required. Sampling from an even greater selection of prairies and conducting it for several more seasons would be ideal for gathering data to confirm or reject our theory. One interesting trend that can be seen with the data is the apparent difference between the families that are found within each prairie. The major representation of this can be seen between the families Salticidae and Araneidae. Salticidae is the family that claims the jumping spiders and is the largest family of spiders. Araneidae is the family for the orb weavers and many are familiar with the large, round webs theses spiders make in their gardens. The two families display two different hunting strategies, Salticidae are active hunters while Araneidae are trappers. From this data, it seems that Araneidae are better competitors than the Salticidae in remnant prairies. Likewise, Salticidae do better in the reconstructed prairies. One possible explanation for this relationship could be that web-building spiders are slower to establish in an area than the spiders that actively hunt. Again, further study like what is discussed above will be more conclusive as to why this difference appears. 10 References McCauley, E., W. G. Wilson, and A. M. de Roos. 1996. 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It includes the sections: Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, and References. While this scenario is fictitious, the data I used came from data collected for a different study conducted here at Iowa State that I was a part of.