Evaluation of the PV technology for rural electrification improvement: China market focus By MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHN-OLOGY Kyoung Suk Cho M.S. Polymer and Fiber Science in Engineering Seoul National University, 2000 JUN 15 2011 LIBRARIES SUBMITTED TO THE MIT SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT IN PARTIAL FUFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT IN STUDIES AT THE ARCHIVES MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE 2011 @ 2011 Kyoung Suk Cho. All Rights Reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author: MIT Sloan School of Management May 6, 2011 Certified By: Henry B. Weil Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management Thesis Supervisor Accepted By: Michael A.Cusumano SMR Distinguished Professor of Management Faculty Director, Master of Science in Management Studies MIT Sloan School of Management [Page intentionally left blank] Evaluation of the PV technology for rural electrification improvement: China market focus By Kyoung Suk Cho Submitted to the MIT Sloan School of Management on May 6, 2011 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Management Studies ABSTRACT Energy use, especially electricity, in China is rapidly growing, but China faced two challenges in developing new energy supply: global climate changes and unbalanced economic development between urban and rural regions. Considering its geographical limitation and climate change problem, electricity generation using renewable energy source will be useful. Among various renewable energy technologies, photovoltaic (PV) is the most viable option for the rural electrification in China. First, sunlight, which is source of energy for PV, is sufficient in rural regions in China. Second, technically PVs can be installed in various sizes and can be applicable to individual houses or towns. Third, the cost competitiveness of PV with low labor cost and scale of business is achieved. However, low income of rural population and low level of awareness are barrier to implement PV system in rural region. To solve the issues Chinese government intervention is necessary. In this thesis, we first reviewed rural electrification with various angles - market, PV price, PV applications, and technologies. Then more specifically we researched energy usage, PV industry and PV market in China. History of rural electrification activities and results of them in China are also presented. We analyzed China's success and failure factors of rural electrification through the value chain analysis, Porter's diamond model, and system dynamics analysis. We suggested the business strategy as to the level of government intervention based on the analysis. Thesis Supervisor: Henry B. Weil Title: Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management [Page intentionally left blank] Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Professor Henry B. Weil. He has not only supportive to preparing my thesis, but also has helped me think one step further about the problems and taught me how to use analysis frameworks for constructing valuable and practical solutions. Despite of his hectic schedule, he has always been available to meet with me and has given valuable feedbacks. I am also grateful to Chanh Q Phan, Program Manager of Master of Science in Management Studies, and Julia Sargeaunt, Program Assistant of Master of Science in Management Studies. They have provided all help to meet expectations from MIT Sloan School of Management and organized various activities throughout the program. With their supports, I can enjoy the life at MIT and Boston. I have had a chance to know beautiful and smart people from various programs at MIT Sloan School of management, and I have made great new friends. It would be unfair to others if I mention only a few of them so I would like to name of group. I do want to thank to people in Sloan Korean Club and I will never forget a farewell trip at Pinehills. Especially graduation present was really meaningful to me. I am also happy to be a friend with 1st year MBA students from BU pre-MBA. Last summer we had a great and fun time together at Boston. Last but not least, MSMS 2011 will be my precious lifelong friends. Finally and equally importantly, I want to give special thanks to my beloved wife, Eunkyoung and my sweet son, Suan, and my parents. My wife postponed her studies at law school and came to Boston in order to support my studies and family. From now on I will support her as best as I can. Whenever I was tired owing to class preparations, team meetings and thesis, my son has always cheered me up. I am so happy that he has settled into the new and unfamiliar surroundings very well. The optimism and challenging spirit inspired by my parents helped me start studies at MIT, shaping what I am and who I am today. Studying at Sloan and working on this thesis with exceptional faculties have been a wonderful experience in my life. It was lucky for me to meet business leaders in the past and in the future at MIT Sloan School of Management. Being a member of Sloanies is certainly something to be proud of. Kyoung Suk Cho Cambridge, MA [Page intentionally left blank] Table of Contents Abstract------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Acknowledgements-------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Table of contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 List of Tables--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 List of Figures---------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 I Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------11 2 Overview of PV for rural electrification-------------------------------------------------14 2.1 Rural electrification market 2.2 PV module price---------------------------------------------------------------------18 2.3 Electricity access and poverty relationship----------------------------------------------20 ----------------------------------------------------- 14 2.3.1 Advantage of PV rural electrification--------------------------------------21 2.4 Barriers of renewable energy penetration -------------------------------------------- 22 2.4.1 Finance schemes for rural electrification-------------------------------------23 2.4.2 Investment subsidies vs. operating subsidies--------------------------------24 2.5 PV products for rural electrification ----------------------------------------- 25 2.5.1 Solar lanterns---------------------------------------------------------25 2.5.2 Solar home systems (SHS) -------------------------------------------------- 26 2.5.3 Healthcare------------------------------------------------------------28 2.5.4 Drinking water pump-------------------------------------------------28 2.5.5 Mini-grid system----------------------------------------------------28 2.5.6 Others -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.6 PV application in developing countries-----------------------------------------29 2.7 PV technology options---------------------------------------------------32 2.7.1 PV technology barriers and solutions-------------------------------------32 3 Key energy indicator of China--------------------------------------------33 3.1 Energy production and consumption of China--------------------------33 3.2 Necessity of renewable energy development in China-----------------------35 3.3 PV market and industry of China----------------------------------38 3.3.1 China PV industry-----------------------------------------38 29 3.3.2 China PV market------------------------------------------------------------------------41 4 Overview of China rural electrification----------------------------------------------------------45 4.1 History of rural development of China-----------------------------------------------------45 4.2 China's rural electricity market------------------------------------------------------------47 4.2.1 Quantitative analysis of rural electricity market------------------------------------47 4.2.2 Renewable energy policy in China---------------------------------------------------48 4.3 PV program of rural electrification in China------------------------------------------------51 4.3.1 Brightness Program of China----------------------------------------------------------51 4.3.2 Sending Electricity to Townships ---------------------------------------------------- 52 Issues and lessons---------------------------------------------------------------53 4.3.3 Golden Sun Program-------------------------------------------------------------------54 4.3.4 Other activities of China rural electrification----------------------------------------55 5 Results of program and implication---------------------------------------------------------------56 6 Lesson from China case----------------------------------------------------------------------------58 7 Competitive analysis - Porter's Diamond analysis---------------------------------------------59 8 Analysis via system dynamics - reinforcing and balancing factors for rural electrification in China-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------66 9 Conclusion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------78 Bibliography---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------81 8 List of Tables Table 1. Number of installed SHS per country------------------------------------------------------ 27 Table 2. Total primary energy demand in China--------------------------------------------------------35 Table 3. Features of Golden Sun Program---------------------------------------------------------------54 Table 4. Features of BIPV program---------------------------------------------------------------------56 Table 5. Key variables and loops of system dynamics analysis on PV industry-----------------71 Table 6. Scenario of rural electrification in China---------------------------------------------------74 List of Figures Figure 1. Global energy poverty---------------------------------------------------------------11 Figure 2. Sunbelt area---------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 Figure 3. PV investment attractiveness map------------------------------------------------------17 Figure 4. Growth prediction of PV market segments----------------------------------------------18 Figure 5. Levelized cost of energy comparison---------------------------------------------19 Figure 6. Relationship between electricity access and poverty----------------------------21 Figure 7. Examples of rural electrification-----------------------------------------------22 Figure 8. The price of lighting with kerosene and electricity-------------------------------26 Figure 9. Total energy production and consumption in China-----------------------------34 Figure 10. Coal usage and carbon dioxide emission in China-----------------------------34 Figure 11. Electricity generation mix and gap in 2010 and 2020----------------------------36 Figure 12. Provincial distribution of per capita energy consumption in rural China-----------37 Figure 13. PV supply chain and China's industry position---------------------------------39 Figure 14. PV Technology innovation system of China------------------------------------------40 Figure 15. Annual new and cumulative installed PV in China---------------------------42 Figure 16. Comparison of PV potential for Sunbelt countries--------------------------44 Figure 17. Total and per capita energy consumption in the whole rural China--------------46 Figure 18. The scope of the Township Electrification Program in China----------------53 Figure 19. Regional electricity access------------------------------------------------57 Figure 20. Value Chain------------------------------------------------------------62 Figure 21. Diamond Model for PV development--------------------------------65 Figure 22. PV industry in China-SD analysis----------------------------------69 Figure 23. Business strategy without government intervention----------------------76 Figure 24. Government leading PV market development model---------------------77 Figure 25. Government leading PV market development and FIT--------------------78 1. Introduction Photovoltaic (PV) technology can be used for both on-grid and off-grid electrical applications. However, PV is the most practical solution to meet the requirements of people without electricity in rural areas as an off-grid form. About two billion people in the world still cannot access the modem form of energy and they depend on primitive types of energy such as wood and waste from agriculture for cooking, heating, and lighting (Borle, Dymond, & Nayar, 1997). If they have access to modem energy sources, it will improve their quality of life. Because of its convenience, cleanness and impact on life, rural electrification is one of the most important political issues in developing countries (Doig, 1999) and governments of developing countries have developed energy development models (Urban, Benders, & Moll, 2007). According to F. Urban et al., the model should be modified according to the various contexts (Urban et al., 2007). QMamn 0 of P..0&. W10MMBeut -e-ig of eople an -amou Source: (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004) Figure 1. Global energy poverty Considering the high cost of grid extension and low population density in rural areas, electrification through grid extension in this area cannot be a viable solution. However technologies for off-grid rural electrification can provide cost-effective and reliable alternatives to the grid extension and conventional generator sets in rural areas (Byrne, Shen, & Wallace, 1998). We also need to understand that people live in rural regions where the population is growing most rapidly so the demand for energy will increase dramatically in the future. Access to electricity impacts rural life in several ways as seen in the research by the World Bank. First, rural electrification can improve living standards. For example, women can spend their time in more productive activities instead of collecting water for drinking and wood for heating. Children can study at night under bright lights, giving them opportunities for education that will be able to reduce the economic gap between rural and urban regions in the future. Second, it can reduce the negative impact of energy use on health and the local environment. Rural people can use electric light bulbs instead of kerosene lights which give off harmful gas fumes. Refrigerators can keep nutritious foods longer in summer and store vaccines for treating disease. Regarding the environment, PVs which generate electricity from solar energy can reduce the carbon dioxide and sulfur and nitrogen compounds in the air. Third, it can create the jobs of both supply side and demand side. Many experts argue that renewable energy is not only economically viable but also an ideal solution for the rural region. The World Bank has estimated that electricity needs of developing countries' will reach 5 million MW (Painuly, 2001). Conergy, which is a system integrator as well as PV component manufacturer, suggests that offgrid PV is a natural market and independent from subsidies and its profit margins are higher than those of grid business (Jan Oliver Kessler, from presentation, 2008). Considering that price reduction can be realized through stiff learning curve and potential market for rural electrification is high, if there are proper policies, PV technology can provide solutions for rural electrification in the near future. However, there is also skepticism about using PV technology for rural electrification. The skeptical suggest that since most PV projects in developing countries depended on external funds from multilateral organizations or government concessions until now, those projects could not have attracted enough private investments owing to the few economic incentives and suspicions about the sustainability of the projects. Additionally, PV is one of the many renewable energy technologies currently available; therefore the market for PVs could become small in the future owing to the development of other renewable technologies or other energy efficiency improvements (Philips & Browne, 2001). Historically, a lot of innovative renewable technologies require investments in small scale production systems at the initial stage. However, initial investment has been ignored by capital market (Wohlgemuth, N. & Madlener, R., 2000). We believe that the skeptical view should not be generalized for the renewable technologies considering the positive impact on the environment and the future. The focus of the PV project, as well as other renewable energy technologies is to roll out proper policy for sustainability to attract the attention from people, government and private investment sectors. Research shows that there is a great potential in electricity market in China's rural areas. First, we can consider the changes in the demand side. Although energy consumption in rural regions is low now owing to low income levels, the need for electricity in the future is high. NREL estimates that the potential PV market of China is 200MW to 1000MW. Ming Yang concludes that annual electricity demand in the rural areas in China will increase with a 1.4%-15.6% rate depending on provinces (M. Yang & Yu, 2004). Second, we can how the policies in the Chinese government has progressed. Research shows that (figure 1.) a population of 18 million live without electricity, but the government has an obligation to provide all people with equal basic necessities. In 2002, the Chinese government also declared that rural electrification is one of the key issues in China and established "For Principles of Facilitation" to develop the rural electrification market (M. Yang, 2003; M. Yang & Yu, 2004). Besides, the Chinese government amended the renewable energy law in 2009 and initiated various PV programs to emphasize the importance of renewable energy development. Last but not least, the environmental and natural resources are the important factors behind using PVs for electrification. Sunlight as a resource in the rural region in China, especially in the western province, is ample. Grid expansion is costly now, so off-grid systems can supply needed electricity in the rural market. China is also under high pressure regarding global climate change. China is the second largest green house gas emitter in the world. To sustain its competitiveness in industry, a stable energy supply without compromising the environment will be the biggest challenge, so renewable energy development is not an option but mandatory. This thesis mainly focuses on the rural electrification market and activities in China using PV technology. We discover key success factors for PV electrification in China through value chain analysis and Porter's diamond analysis which has been adapted to the wind system expansion. Using system dynamics model, we can find reinforcing factors and balance factors. We intend to suggest that the demand-side stimulation method will be the most effective way for rural electrification in China through PV technology. 2. 2.1. Overview of PV for rural electrification Rural electrification market Currently about 2-3 billion people in rural areas live without modernized electricity and this figure is not likely to improve until 2030 (Hoffmann, 2006). According to Sebastian G6lz, rural electrification is a multi-billion dollar market, but the success of a project in these areas depends on social factors such as income, background knowledge of the users, financing methods, and local ability of maintenance (G6lz, 2005). People in rural regions have limited incomes and knowledge, and social factors are different from region to region. Without information about the needs of each region, providing electricity to the region cannot be sustainable. Lorenzo suggested the concept of basic and perceived needs of the rural people. Perceived needs are greater than basic needs (Lorenzo, 1997) which should be considered in deciding the installation capacity of PVs. Rural electrification itself cannot create economic results. Beyond installing equipment, rural electrification projects should provide people with service. The rural electrification market should include not only the PV module set but also operation and maintenance if the equipment is owned by a third party. Tapping electricity to the rural regions is just the starting point of rural electrification; therefore the main purpose of rural electrification should be eradication of poverty, removing unbalanced development in rural and urban regions, and helping the sustainable growth of the rural economy. The electrification rate and the number of people who have no access to electricity will continue to diverge among regions (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004) because of various factors such as policy, economic circumstances, GDP, etc., differences will exist from region to region. However, the number of the unelectrified people will stabilize after 2025 owing to urbanization programs which make electricity available to reach people more easily. As incomes of poor families in developing countries increase, they can afford modem conveniences such as TVs, radios, lights, so they demand more and better energy (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004). In 1980's private companies suggested that there was a market for PV technology in rural regions for small-scale lighting and entertainment services. The households were willing to pay commercial prices for a Solar Home System and several reports found that PV technology was more cost effective than grid extension or diesel mini-grid for rural regions (Miller & Hope, 2000). According to the World Bank's research in Bangladesh, 82% of rural unelectrified households are interested in Solar Home Systems if there are some favorable financing measures (Islam, Islam, & Rahman, 2006). Over the next three decades, developing countries need new electricity generation facilities which will require an investment of around $2.1 trillion (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004). An interesting feature is that these unelectrified people are concentrated in the 'Sunbelt (Figure 2.)' area. High sunlight radiation enables PV electrification to be competitive to diesel generator electrification in cost effectiveness. According to the EPIA research, almost 80% of future global electricity demand will come from this area. In the 'Sunbelt' region, 5 billon people live and they will consume 6800TWh, which is 37% of the total electricity generated in the world (European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), Unlocking the Sunbelt, 2010). However, despite the large demand for electricity, it has been hard to attract private investors. The main reason is that the return on investment is uncertain owing to unstable governments and the fast-changing policies in developing countries. Currently 9 out of 10 active PV markets - Germany, Italy, Belgium, France, Spain, Czech Republic, United States, Japan, South Korea, are located outside the Sunbelt and only China is located in the Sunbelt region. The PV market potential from the resource point of view is high. 80% of the electricity demand growth will come from this area. Source: European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), Unlocking the Sunbelt, 2010 Figure 2. Sunbelt area In the Sunbelt area electricity consumption is expected to grow 150% in 20 years (EIPA, 2010). However, the infrastructure of those countries is poor and many countries currently depend on imported fossil fuels for electricity generation. Even if the government invests in electricity generation plants and related infrastructures, it is hard to meet the demand for needed electricity on time. The gap between supply from conventional electricity generation and electricity demand should be filled with other energy resources. From the resource point of view, the PV will be a good candidate for the electrification ini those regions. However, even though there is eno rmous untapped solar potential, a low level of awareness of the PV technology has hindered PV market growth. When we assess the attractiveness of PVs in rural regions, we should consider four major criteria: the size of the electricity market, electricity consumption growth, electricity distribution and the coverage of electricity network (EPIA 2010). The attractiveness of PV business in China, India, Mexico, and Australia is superior to other non-Sunbelt countries based on those criteria. Moreover not only is the economic potential high in these countries, but they have a policy favorable to renewable energy. Their abundant solar energy source is another key benefit for electricity price from PV (EPIA 2010). In rural electrification, China and India will be the biggest PV markets. h1eangPV High 0 0 0. Low Country invWestrert attractvress High Source: European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), Unlocking the Sunbelt, 2010 Figure 3. PV investment attractiveness map When it comes to PV market prospects, developing countries have the highest potential in the near future (Hoffmann, 2006). However, without a proper support scheme or subsidies from government and without private sector investments for rural electrification it would be hard to make it sustainable. ........... ..... ...... . .... - .. . . ..... ... ....... 2000 -150 - 1600 Grid-conneed 1200 - C - o 2 0 %0 elopingcountries 1400 - Consumer 0 1998 70 Remote industrial,-6 800 00 - 2000 2002 2006 2004 2008 20 /----0 2030 2010 Year Source: (Hoffmann, 2006) Figure 4. Growth prediction of PV market segments. 2.2. PV module price The manufacturing costs of PV modules will fall from $6 per peak watt to less than $3 per peak watt in the near future which will help the spread of PV modules (Philips and Browne, 1998). In terms of price per kW, the levelized cost of energy of PVs will reach $6.5-$15.6 per kWh (El = $1.3) by 2020 and will drop to $5.2 - $10.4 per kWh by 2030 (European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), Unlocking the Sunbelt, 2010). The levelized cost of energy of PV is already competitive to diesel-gen set without subsidy in 2010 and by 2030 in a low fuel price scenario, PV will be more competitive than other technologies in the Sunbelt region (European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), 2010). 0 0 PV - Diesel - Gas 0- 0. 2010 2020 2030 a. Low fuel price case 0 .......................... M - PV - Diesel C 00 0 - Gas . 2010 2020 2030 b. High fuel price case Source: European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), Unlocking the Sunbelt, 2010 Figure 5. Levelized cost of energy comparison 19 2.3. Electricity access and poverty relationship Regarding the development process of industrialized countries, access to modem type energy, especially electricity, is closely related to social and economic development (UN energy, Worldpower, 2000). To overcome poverty, people need sanitation such as clean water and adequate hygiene, and a good education infrastructure (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004). All of these require cheap and reliable energy. As the graph of IEA (Figure 6), shows, poverty is significantly associated with electricity access. In case of China, the access rate ranked in the highest level, but about 60% of the population has lived with less than $2 per day which means that the access rate and poverty eradication is not related well in China; even if the government has been trying to invest in electrification, it could not help people, especially the rural population, to increase income levels through electrification. From the result, we can assume that electrification in China has not been working efficiently, or stability and price of electricity were not good enough to generate new income. Wan, G and Zhou, Z. researched income inequality in rural China based on regression model. Their research shows that the income gap between urban and rural people has worsened and geography explains around 40% of this gap. The income of the rural population is closely related to natural resources and conditions (Wan & Zhou, 2005). To overcome the geographic difficulties and income inequalities, information and infrastructure developments are necessary, and before that, electricity supply to all should be the first and urgent task. Modern energy enables electric lighting which helps children study at night and helps people work in the evening hours, increasing productivity. The TV, computer, and internet enriches the quality of life of people and enables them to have access to news and information. Additionally street lights, telephones, medical applications (light, water pump, refrigeration of vaccines, etc) can be available in remote areas, enabling people to be better off (Lorenzo, 1997). Additionally according to the Alliance for Rural Electrification, use of electricity in rural areas has positive impacts (ARE website) such as safety measures: street lights, warning signals, preventing natural disasters by acquiring weather from communication facility, disaster monitoring system, and fostering productivity - water pumps for irrigation, ice making for food or seed preservation, etc. More detailed examples of rural electrification will be explained in later sections. 100 - Molova Armenia 10China Rbmanha RlJus 31JElara6Oco Egj* Tri*~ & nez * *b Egp Araria goUaan *Csa Brazil kmenisln Estonia n~tunora . h* #Uruguay Kzakhstan Tunisia Jo dan Jamaica Colo Euor 80 * *Thaind + SElSavdor Gua SouII AWlrica ++Zimbabwe Naribia Nigeria Senegal Bangbdesh 20- Nep Burkina Faso , 100 Babvia comon + #Eoai I 90 * + Madagascar 0 Dominica nRepublic Col. d'voire India 40 - la iia libWe Indoima Pakcistan Morocco Paanoma 80 Tanaa eenya '" 70 60 % of 50 40 30 20 10 0 populatfon below $2 a day Source: (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004) Figure 6. Relationship between electricity access and poverty 2.3.1. Advantage of PV rural electrification Renewable energy based systems for rural electrification can satisfy both environmental problems and local economy development. PV is already competitive compared to diesel generators for small village electrification. PV utilizes ample solar energy and can satisfy the growing electricity demand in rural regions (EPIA, Unlocking the Sunbelt, 2010). PV module s can be varied by size but its efficiency is not changed so it is useful for large to small capacity generation. As PVs can generate electricity from both scattered light and direct sunlight, it can generate electricity even on a cloudy day. Moreover it doesn't need various mechanical parts so maintenance is relatively easy and durability of PV module is over 25 years for the current technology (Hoffiann, 2006). The low operational cost of PV is beneficial for local industry to consume relatively less electricity. However, the module price of PV is still expensive compared ................. .............. .... .- -------- to conventional energy sources and a high up-front installation cost is necessary. If the battery is attached to the PV, the generated electricity can be used at a time when there is no sunlight (EA 2002). A hybrid system using PV and wind power can be useful solution (Byrne, Zhou, Shen, & Hughes, 2007). Figure 7. Examples of rural electrification The two most prevalent types of PV systems in rural areas are Solar Home system (50W) for small electronics and Village Electrification (40-50kW) (G61z, 2005) and the costs are around $500 for individual homes in rural areas (Philip, M., Browne, B.H., 2001). PV manufacturing and PV policies differ from region to region (EPIA 2010) because renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro are different from region to region. To maximize the benefits of rural electrification, the option of renewable energy should be flexible based on regional conditions. 2.4. Barriers of renewable energy penetration Although developing countries, especially the rural areas in these countries, are the potential candidates for renewable energy installations, it also has several barriers for the renewable energy deployment (Painuly, 2001). " Market failure/imperfection: in developing countries, a top-down approach was adapted for the fast energy networks installation. As governments controlled most of the energy sectors, information was not spread to the public which caused a lack of awareness in the public about the renewable energy development. * Market distortions: favorable to conventional energy and unfavorable tax schemes for renewable energy make renewable energy options costly. Immoderate government involvement can distort the market, hindering energy efficiency improvement. " Economic and financial barriers: renewable energy is still more expensive than conventional energy sources. High up-front cost lengthens the payback period. People in rural areas find it difficult to finance the purchase of renewable energy generators owing to the lack of financial institutions in their regions. A lack of credit history of the people also hinders financial institutions from being involved in rural electrification projects. e QA lack of technical standards and skilled persons: without technical support and standardization, it is hard to supply good quality service through renewable energy facilities. " Political uncertainty, perception of high risk in renewable energy technology 2.4.1. Finance schemes for rural electrification Even though disposable incomes in rural households have increased, financial problem is a key factor that hinders the successful implementation of rural electrification using renewable energy technology. Because of the high up-front cost of PV technology, rural people find it hard to finance needed capital for PV systems. According to Wan et al, the total inequality in income in rural regions arises from the lack of capital availability and capital input will be the most important factor to improve the situation. (Wan & Zhou, 2005). Additionally, economic incentives for operators are the most important factors for the sustainability of projects. Considering the high risk associated with rural electrification projects, proper financing schemes should be selected for the sustainability of PV projects through the socio-economic analysis of the region. Huang Liming researched financing channels for rural electrification through renewable energy in China (Liming, 2009). Government financing aims to improve social inequality of rural regions. The Chinese government initiated various national programs and provided financial incentives to the Western region. International funding acted as incubation funds for rural energy development. Commercial banks and non-bank financing institutions were well developed in rural regions; however they were not willing to be involved in renewable energy development. Stock markets and private investment is involved in renewable energy development but their activities are quite low as yet. The researchers also categorized financing schemes for rural renewable energy development (Liming, 2009). Grants are providing cash directly to the project owners. It is designed to be marketed as a commercial project in a short time. For the small scale development, "renewable energy service companies (RESCOs)' is an appropriate model. The RESCOs can collect consumers, rural residences, and then provide services and collect monthly fares. Joint ventures, asset financing, and private equity are successful in specific renewable energy projects. Subsides are similar to grants. The Chinese government also provides reduction of duty for test equipment and tax reduction depending on the type of renewable energies. 2.4.2. Investment subsidies vs. operating subsidies Broadly there are two subsidy methods to help renewable energy installation in rural areas: investment subsidies or operating subsidies. Each method has pros and cons so it will be applied depending on the circumstances of the region. Investment subsidies could be a form of direct subsidies. Tax credit is another form of direct subsidy. Direct subsidies can be provided per kW generated or as a percentage of total investment in the project (Wohlgemuth, N. & Madlener, R., 2000). Direct subsidies are so simple that most private investors are in favor of direct subsidies. It can dramatically reduce the burden of the initial investment of the investors. However, there are no economic incentives for maintenance after installation of the system so subsidies providers or related organizations such as the government must monitor whether execution of budget and maintenance are properly delivered. The tax credit method is similar to direct subsidies in that it reduces the capital expenditure by reducing taxes on the project. This method can attract companies paying a lot of income tax. However, if the companies are more interested in tax credit rather than the project, the renewable energy project's success will be compromised. Another issue of the tax credit scheme is that if the company doesn't generate enough taxable income, the benefit from tax saving is limited so the efficiency of the scheme will be low (Wohlgemuth, N. & Madlener, R., 2000). Considering possible problems from direct incentives, even though it could attract more companies to renewable projects in the initial stages, operating subsidies which paid per kWh of electricity generation are more sensible in that it could enforce the companies to operate more efficiently and cost effectively. But the operating scheme also has a drawback that if project operators cannot trust a stable support in the future because of political uncertainty, they will not want to be involved in the project (Wohlgemuth, N. & Madlener, R., 2000). 2.5. PV products for rural electrification To assess the relative advantage of PV for rural electrification, we need tor look at the economic profitability and social benefit for rural populations (Lorenzo, 1997). Many products using offgrid PV can give those benefits to rural communities by increasing productivity, living standard, and convenience. 2.5.1. Solar lanterns Solar lanterns are single units with a lamp, battery, and a solar PV module which can be detached to lanterns so as to increase exposure to the sunlight during the day. Solar lanterns are more appropriate for rural lighting tools than kerosene lamps because the real cost of solar lantern is cheaper than kerosene lamp in terms of cost per lumen and it doesn't have a bad odor, and harmful fumes and fire risk (Lorenzo, 1997). 0 5 E 4 n C 3 -*-Electricity 2 -1--Ration Kerosene -de- . .1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Market Kerosene 10 Income deciles Source: Expanding electricity access to remote areas: off-grid rural electrification in developing countries, Worldpower 2000. Figure 8. The price of lighting with kerosene and electricity The light system is closely related to the education and local business productivities improvement. During the night children can study, and local factories can produce products. As the impact of education on rural-urban inequality is significant and rural areas need more skilled and better educated people, the effect of education on income growth in rural regions will become important (Wan & Zhou, 2005). 2.5.2. Solar home systems (SHS) SHS is one of the most common applications of off-grid PV. Given the convenient installation and availability of portable size systems, many rural populations buy SHS for their electricity needs. In rural regions where grid extension is not feasible, SHS will be a cost effective solution. SHS consists of a fixed PV, battery, battery charge regulator, lamps and a socket for small electronic appliances such as television and radio (Worldpower, 2000).The relative advantage of SHS, are first, it can replace the dry battery which is relatively expensive for a rural family, second, it can give rural people access to information via communication tools such as television, radio, and even telephone. The total reported number of SHS is more than 1.5 million (Lorenzo, 1997). The size of SHS is dependent on the number of appliances a residence uses. In 2000, there were many developing countries who installed SHS for rural electrification (Table 1.) Country Bolivia Chile China Dominican Eritrea Ethiopia Ghana Honduras India Indonesia Kenya Kiribati Lesotho Malaysia Mali Mexico Mongolia Morocco Namibia Nepal Philippines RSA Somalia Sri Lanka Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Tunesia Uganda Zimbabwe Quoted Number (x 1000) 20.0 5.0 500.0 3.5 1.0 8.0 4.3 2.0 235.0 100.0 180.0 0.6 4.0 2.0 4.0 80.0 5.0 80.0 2.6 39.0 3.0 50.0 1.0 45.0 1.0 1.2 25.0 28.0 10.0 91.0 Year Population in 2001 (x 1M) 1998 2001 2002 2000 2003 2003 2002 2002 2003 2002 2003 2003 2001 2000 1998 2000 2001 2001 2000 2003 2000 2000 2003 2003 2003 1998 2003 1999 2003 1998 8.5 15.4 1271.8 8.5 4.2 65.8 19.7 6.6 1032.4 209 30.7 0.08 2.1 23.8 11.1 99.4 2.4 29.2 1.8 23.6 78.3 43.2 9.1 18.7 31.7 1.1 34.4 9.7 22.8 12.8 SHS per 1000 Population 2.35 0.32 0.39 0.41 0.24 0.12 0.22 0.3 0.23 0.48 5.86 7.19 1.9 0.08 0.36 0.8 2.08 2.74 1.44 1.65 0.04 1.16 0.11 2.41 0.03 1.09 0.73 2.89 0. 7.11 Source: TaQSolRe data base Table 1. Number of installed SHS per country 2.5.3. Healthcare Rural healthcare centers need electricity for medical uses such as for lighting, water purification, sterilization, refrigeration of vaccines, etc (Worldpower 2000). Healthcare application is beneficial to rural residents by improving their quality of life. The storage of vaccines is critical for reducing fatalities of infants and seniors. Water purification can reduce the chances of outbreaks of contagious epidemics through water. The pump is located far from the grid so PVs can be useful for a small village, reducing labor for collecting water. Sunlight in rural areas is ample enough to pump water and the PV system can be modified depending upon the electricity needed for the pump (Worldpower 2000). 2.5.4. Drinking water pump Water resources are scarce in large areas of Africa and Asia. The shortage of water and its bad quality causes two major problems. First, it makes women and children walk several miles to obtain water for life with 3-4 hours per day spent on collecting water. Second, it causes disease from drinking contaminated water (Lorenzo, 1997; Omer, 2001). It is also used for desalination system (Richards & Schafer, 2003) where the fresh water is extremely limited. The water requirement in rural regions is around 20L per day per person and 30L per head of cattle (Lorenzo, 1997). Despite the problem of reliability and efficiency, a PV pump is a good solution for rural water supply (Short & Mueller, 2002). 2.5.5. Mini-grid system For consumers in remote regions in small villages where the central grid may not be served, an isolated mini-grid system will be economically viable. The resource used for generating electricity using PVs will vary according to the village profile, energy availability, and fuel transportation (Worldpower 2000). A mini-grid system is applicable from basic to complicated usage. However, the wider availability doesn't necessarily mean an immediate improvement in electrification in villages (Lorenzo, 1997). But as the research of A. Chaurey shows, mini-grid (or micro-grid) is economically beneficial to the village when it has features such as a flat geographic terrain, more than 500 households located closely, using 3-4 low power appliances per day (Chaurey & Kandpal, 2010). 2.5.6. Others PV systems also can be used as battery charge stations, telephone chargers, etc. Although a battery charge station is an effective way to collect fees, and users in Thailand have changed their lighting systems from wood and kerosene to battery powered lamps (Sriuthaisiriwong & Kumar, 2001), battery charge stations are not yet widely popular in the rest of the world (Lorenzo, 1997). 2.6. PV application in developing countries Three main criteria determine a good PV market. First, the countries or regions must have an inefficient gird system to create demand for complementary electricity sources. Second, the rural population should have easy access to electricity within a region so as to achieve costeffectiveness. Third, a majority of the population in rural regions have sufficient income to make the minimum payments. If income is not sufficient for payments, proper financing schemes or subsidies are necessary for the PV program. When people have income, the SHS providers can sell the product directly to households. The SHS is simple and is easy to install in any house. However, to attract potential consumers, who don't have enough income but want to buy PV systems in rural areas, microcredit financing will be needed (Byrne et al., 2007). The car industry's financing scheme will be applicable for microcredit financing, but it needs support from the government or multilateral organizations to reduce the high risk of default in rural regions. If we assume that affordable payment for electricity in rural areas ranges from around $8 to $12 per month and the cost of a system is around $500 and the lowest interest rate for the loan is 5% for 5 years, the monthly payment is $11.89 which is close to the top end of affordable payment (Philip, M., Browne, B.H., 2001). However, most people in rural areas don't have credit history so it is hard for them to borrow enough or have full capital for the system purchase. According to the EIPA research on the Sunbelt region (European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), 2010), 9 out of the top 10 PV markets are located outside of the world's Sunbelt (see Figure 2.). This means that the high PV potential market remains untapped as yet. Expected energy demand growth will come from the Sunbelt region, and China will be the biggest market among them under a Paradigm Shift assumption that China will decide to unleash the full potential of PV to 4% share in power generation by 2020 and 12% by 2030 (European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), 2010). However, without a proper financing method, the PV system is not affordable for rural residents; therefore the first solution will be government subsidies or grants, but for market sustainability from the long-term perspective the financial method will be better. The financing scheme using local social networks will be useful in expanding renewable technology and be beneficial to low income consumers (N. Rangaswamy and S. Nair, 2009) The effectiveness of PV for electrification for rural or isolated regions is accepted by many researchers (Bekker, Eberhard, Gaunt, & Marquard, 2008; Islam et al., 2006; Miller & Hope, 2000). We have some common findings and challenges from various literatures. First, favorable financing tools are necessary for spreading PV systems for rural electrification because of its high up-front cost for the system. Many successful programs executed in developing countries incorporated financing support from multilateral organizations or developed countries. Beside financing assistance from outside, policies such as taxation, subsidies, and long-term loans for the project are also necessary. Second, cost reduction activities also play an important role in rural electrification process. These activities are closely related to the R&D in PV technology. From crystal silicon manufacturing to module assembly, we can reduce the cost in all of the value chain. However, currently, silicon feed stock supply is the main critical issue in cost reduction process. Finally, industry standard setting is helpful for improvement of quality and reliability. Most of the manufacturing and supply process, and standardization is beneficial for manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of the PV system. Most research emphasizes the role of private sectors in PV installation in developing countries but it is hard to come up with a proper incentive system to attract them. Shortage of credit and high default risk in rural regions hinders private companies from initiating programs even if the renewable business opportunities are promising. Transparency of government policy is another requirement for the participation of private sectors. As rural electrification is a highly political issue in developing countries, sometimes unrealistic promises could be made. This can ruin ongoing PV off-grid project (Miller & Hope, 2000) as well as long-term prospects of project. However B. Bekker also suggested that policy uncertainty was necessary for the success of rural electrification (Bekker et al., 2008). According to his research, a radical policy change could generate a good result and small project based program could not be sustainable in the case of Africa. The World Bank, multilateral organizations, are working extensively in rural electrification to relieve poverty. The bank has found that rural households which cannot access to grid system were willing to pay prices for PV systems and such systems could be cost-effective alternatives for current tools (Miller & Hope, 2000). However, to accelerate PV systems in rural area policies should be designed to encourage both supply and demand side of rural electrification. On the demand side, policy incorporates local communities' involvement in decision making process and ownership. With this, local contents could be maximized (DANIELSEN et al., 2009). In the case of supply side, more equipment dealers and service providers are necessary for higher quality of services for consumers in rural areas. Still the awareness of PV systems in rural regions is quite low and the market for PV installation is developed in limited areas. However, China's status of rural electrification has several distinctions from other developing countries. China has enough sunshine, is the world's top solar cell manufacturer and possesses technologies which enable the supply of good quality PV products promptly and cheaply. Additionally, the Chinese government realized the necessity of renewable energy to reduce coal dependence in electricity generation (EPIA, 2010;(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004); (Chang, Leung, Wu, & Yuan, 2003; Cherni & Kentish, 2007). More detailed analysis and research will be suggested in section 3. 2.7. PV technology options Three major types of PV technologies are divided by raw materials or generations - organic: dye-sensitized solar cell and inorganic: silicon and III-V compound, and also can be divided as 1 st, 2 nd, and 3rd generation based on photon-energy conversion mechanism, and it is quite certain that PV technologies are evolving and can provide diverse options for solar energy usage. PV technology is taking two approaches - cost-reduction and increasing efficiency. For the expansion of PV installation, in addition to the manufacturing cost and efficiency improvement, stability, reliability, and raw material supply issues should be solved (Hoffmann, 2006). Until recently, crystalline silicon base PV system was a major product and Hemlock, OCI, Tokuyama, Wacker, etc. provide raw material. However, the feedstock supply is still not sufficient. To reduce the material cost in PV modules, a thin-film technology using silicon becomes important (Frankl, Nowak, & International Energy Agency, 2010). Liquid crystal display manufacturers considered the application of their product manufacturing process to thinfilm PV because LCD manufacturing process can be applicable to thin-film PV cell (Shah et al., 2006). The cost of PV installation includes raw materials such as poly-or amorphous-silicon, module assembly such as interconnection and encapsulation, installation cost, land, etc. Because some costs are proportion to the size of PV system, efficiency improvement becomes more viable for the cost per unit electricity generation than cost reduction of manufacturing. So high efficiency PV system using 111-V chemical together with concentrator technology gains popularity even though its raw material is highly expensive (Frankl et al., 2010; Green, 2004). 2.7.1 PV technology barriers and solutions PV technology enables to generate electricity from sunlight, but, the technology has limitation; without sunlight PV cannot produce electricity. For the stable supply of electricity, electricity should be available in all possible conditions. For example, the lighting system is usually used during the night or cloudy day. Other appliances, such as refrigerator, cooker or TV should be available during the less sun shine time and at night. To overcome the limitation PV system needs to combine with other technologies. First, we can consider incorporating battery in PV system. During the day when the sunlight is the strongest, PV system can reserve surplus electricity into the battery and people can use the electricity charged in battery without limitation. Battery system is also applicable to battery charge station. Local battery charger station (or battery charger system owners) can recharge the battery with PV system and it can provide local people with battery charging service. Second, hybrid system is useful to compensate intermittency of PV (Byrne et al., 2007). Considering the high price and relatively short lifetime of battery, hybrid system can be another solution for the intermittency of PV. Distribution of wind and sunlight can compensate each other so electricity output of combined system will be more stable than PV system. The most prominent solution will be hybrid system with battery. However, in this case the cost for the whole system is much higher than PV and battery system. Additionally the maintenance will be more complicated than PV and battery system. Lastly, the size of battery for PV system will be varied to circumstance of each house's appliances or facility size of local business. 3. 3.1. Key energy indicator of China Energy production and consumption of China China is the most populated nation in the world, with about 1.3 billion people, over 20% of the total world population. It is also the second largest energy consuming country. Since 1971 its GDP has increased 8.2% per year and was $4.9 trillion in 2000. As a result of its economic growth, the demand for energy in China has been surging, accounting for more than 10% of the world's total primary energy demand (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004). Total rural energy consumption has increased substantially from 307Mtce in 1979 to 977Mtce in 2007. Per capita energy consumption has increased at a steady rate of 4.53% (L. Zhang, Yang, Chen, & Chen, 2009). 19W ~ ~106,U199 lo M 104MI lo * " W2 0 0 2M4 6lw100 U90 MINI"I b. Energy Consumption a. Energy Production Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), http://www.eia.gov/emeu/intemational/contents.html Figure 9. Total energy production and consumption in China t 1 s9 isr YeO IM M M M ~~omasnt Yt~ a. Net coal export/import M M I M o to Is w tw 10% Y" 111ww M awenoX yebtcm~bMwbeemi b. Carbon dioxide emission Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), http://www.eia.gov/emeu/intemational/contents.html Figure 10. Coal usage and carbon dioxide emission in China Still, China's major energy source is coal which is the major source of electricity generation. Also, China has a large reserve of natural gas in Shanxi, Kingjian, and Sichuan. The government initiated the West-East gas pipeline project to exploit the resource (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004). However, technology of exploration, exploitation, and utilization is still low (Chang et al., 2003). Coal is distributed unevenly across the regions and its major deposits are the North (Shanxi and Inner Mongolia), Southwest (Guizhou and Yunnan), and Northwest (Shanxxi) (Ma, Oxley, & Gibson, 2009). Coal usage is mainly in other developed regions. In the near future, coal still plays an important role in energy supply in China. Coal Oil Gas Nuclear Hydro Other renewables 1971 192 43 3 0 3 0 2000 659 236 30 4 19 1 2010 854 336 57 23 29 4 2030 1278 578 151 63 54 9 Source: (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004) Table 2. Total primary energy demand in China (unit: Million tons of oil equivalent) 3.2. Necessity of renewable energy development in China Per China's Electric Power Research, even if China uses the fullest capacity of coal, hydro, and nuclear energy as planned, there will be a gap in electricity supply and demand (Li J, Wang S. China solar PV report in 2007). Li and Wang suggested that this gap should be filled with renewable energy but there is no clear policy for it. 100% 80% 60% - Gap -- U Nuclear * Hydro 40%/ n Coal 20%0% 2010 2020 Source: Li J, Wang S. China solar PV report in 2007 Figure 11. Electricity generation mix and gap in 2010 and 2020 China has two major issues with energy. First, the economy of China heavily depends on coal which is abundant in China and is cheap to extract. Coal meets around 70% of China's energy demands and represents 90% of fuel usage for electricity generation. However, as the consumption of fossil fuel is dramatically increased, its carbon dioxide emission has also surged. China is already a major contributor to global carbon dioxide emission, 3 billion tones in 2000 (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004). Second, China's economic disparity among provinces is also a critical issue (Wan & Zhou, 2005); (M. Yang, 2003). Economically prosperous cities such as Beijing and Shanghai and North-eastern provinces where heavy industries dominate enjoy high income and stable energy supply. However the central agricultural province and Western provinces suffer from shortages and unstable energy, especially electricity supplies (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004). aaw da A 1.7 5.~ kk Lt~ o f X-('! 0 195390 W. &A 780 1.170 Kmv Source: (L. Zhang et al., 2009) Figure 12. Provincial distribution of per capita energy consumption in rural China To relieve China's energy problems, the government developed an energy policy and the objectives are to diversify the energy mix, to ensure energy security, to improve energy efficiency, and to protect the environment. In 2009, at a U.N. Climate Change Summit, President Hu Jintao declared that China would incorporate climate change measures in its economic and social development plan and take more effective measures for the promotion of renewable, energy, increasing non-fossil energy shares up to 15% by 2020 (K. Sichao, 2010). Over the recent years, renewable energy sources are expected to be not only solutions for climate change but a key economic growth driver. China's PV market is still inactive, but PV costs are expected to decline owing to price decline of silicon in 2008 so the Chinese PV market is expected to grow dramatically in the future (H. Yang, Wang, Yu, Xi, Cui, & Chen, 2003b); K. Sichao 2010). Moreover, currently, the Chinese government is initiating and developing new schemes with financial support to invigorate usage of PVs and other renewable energy for the domestic market. 3.3. PV market and industry of China 3.3.1. China PV industry The development the PV industry in China is outstanding. Since two major PV manufacturers, Suntech Power and Tianwei Yingli began their production, China's PV production has grown rapidly. China's production growth rate is 70% which is almost double that of the rest of the PV producing world. However, over 80% of Chinese products are exported (Marigo, 2007). Therefore we can see that PV makers in China are driven by global market demand, the same as many other products. To meet market demand between 2003 and 2006 in Europe, especially Germany which has the feed-in-tariff for PV, PV manufacturers in China increased their capacity. In 2006 China's PV cell production capacity was greater than that of United States and Europe (Marigo, 2007). According to Eric Martinot and Li Junfeng, in 2009, China supplied almost 40% of all PVs worldwide (E. Martinot , Li, Mastny, & Worldwatch Institute., 2007; E. Martinot, 2010). China has about 4GW/year of manufacturing capacity and more than 500 PV companies exist (E. Martinot, 2010). The first generation of Chinese PV companies are state owned companies and their technology level was low. Most production line equipments were imported from USA, although, current companies are equipped with their own designed product lines through technology development. However, China has invested limited money in R&D compared to other countries, and its main R&D focus is in module manufacturing to maximize its cheap labor cost. Because of low technology development, PV products by China have a lower efficiency than that of products from the rest of the world (Marigo, 2007). Currently, most installed PVs in the world are silicon based PV cells - mono-crystalline silicon and poly-silicon and most of the produced PV modules in China are crystalline silicon based. Even though China has shown dramatic growth rate in PV cell production, its sustainability is questionable because of an unstable supply of silicon feedstock (Marigo, 2007). Figure 14 shows China's PV industry position in the supply chain. It has been positioned in the downstream side in cell and module production. Raw material, silicon feedstock, production needs relatively high technology and investment as well, and causes serious environment contaminations during the manufacturing process. However, the rapid PV market expansion has been restricted by a shortage of silicon feedstock (Marigo, 2007; Maycock, 2005). Usually PV module companies in China make a long-term supply contract with raw material suppliers to meet demand from customers. Overall China's PV industry can achieve outstanding progress in quantitative aspects, i.e. module production, however its qualitative side, i.e. efficiency and upstream side, is mediocre. (Maycock, 2005) High Poly-silicon Installation roduction C Supply chain Chn Chn Modl PrPr ucuc n Waf Production low low Technology High Figure 13. PV supply chain and China's industry position To overcome biased PV industry structure, technology innovation is necessary in China. Guo et al. suggested technology innovation system for photovoltaic in China (Ying Guo, Donghua Zhu, & Xuefeng Wang, 2009). They identified five factors for leading technology innovation: external force, government, R&D, market, and manufacturer. External forces, which can facilitate PV technology improvement, consist of an abundance of solar resource, global PV market growth, climate change, and oil prices. According to Guo's framework, the government plays an important role in PV distribution. Several programs such as Village Electrification Programs in 2002 and Measure of Financial Subsides for Solar PV Building in 2009 helped in the rapid expansion of the PV industry in China. Most R&D institutions including private and research institutes perform with solar cells at the laboratory level. Guo et al. state that China is ranked at the top among the range of singlecrystalline silicon solar cells and poly-crystalline thin-film silicon manufacturers, but as mentioned, China's R&D is focusing on module manufacture, so its technology level remains low. Until now, the PV market in China is mainly in communication, industrial application, rural and remote areas, and grid-connected PV system. Around 54% of the PVs are for commercial markets and the other 44% belong to the market which needs government and policy support. Internal markets came from rural electrification but the major driving force comes from overseas markets such as Europe and U.S. The PV technology innovation system of China is illustrated in Figure 15. Stin Cw'in'm +4-------- ExbrmlFme nlate Cerdral Governnt Sector: NDRC, MF, MHUD ... Pivmillrtilirs.. Fians St- te SGlobal nket iieasing SAbuzde sae * Chlae Cliam~ *Oil price irimeasing Naliomi Energy Developet nt amirg (NEDP); Clim Rernwable Emrgy L (CPEL) Village Electification Pfgamnme 973 HarRing; 863Plarn-i ...... Stiuai Danestic of-grid urailarhet I~~~ 0 Irdenstioml an-grid Mkets (8)% of fiin f Mkfeell/nodule Developers ReseawhConnunnity 0 S * Climse production is expcaba) Univeniies Feedback rtutesh Meufactuars Nice rs R&D St Stinudate rratioml) Source: (Ying Guo et al., 2009) Figure 14. PV Technology innovation system of China nAlet application 3.3.2. China's PV Market As mentioned in the prior chapter, most products made in China are exported to developed countries which have a strong incentive program for PVs. Still, electricity prices from PVs is around $0.45-0.73 per kWh' in the region (Byme et al., 2007); PVGroup, 2009). The price is more expensive than conventional resources. Moreover, the price of electricity in China is cheap and income levels of rural and urban population is not enough to pay a premium for renewable sources yet (Liu, Wang, Zhang, & Xue, 2010). For China's PV makers, therefore, the export market is more attractive than the domestic market. If China has a significant incentive system such as feed-in-tariff or installation subsidies, the PV market can be invigorated. By the end of 2005, according to Liming, H., PV installation in China was over 70MW. About 50% of the capacity was used for rural electrification and the market would grow 20% per year (Liming, 2009). China's PV market mostly depends on export, not on the domestic market. Even though the cost of PVs are decreasing rapidly, without a support system like subsidies from government or organizations, it is hard to sustain (The Economist Apr., 2010). R&D institutions including private and research institutes perform on solar cells at the laboratory level Although China initiated several programs for PVs or hybrid types, the project size was limited so the impact was not significant. But we can sense that government policy could lead market growth. When we look at Figure 16, we can see the rapid installation growth from 2000 to 2002. In 2002, the National Development and Planning Commission the Township Electrification Program started (Not Available & National Renewable Energy Lab., GoldenCO (US), 2004b). The program was for relieving electricity issues in seven Western provinces and in 700 townships that could benefit from the program. In a short period, the program could boost the PV industry in China. * annual fixing - -accumulative total *o ~ 80000 90000______________ 70000 0=EV 0000 c 50000 C- 40000 o 20000 e .c 10000 __ 1976 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2002 2004 2005 2006 Year Source: (Liu et al., 2010) Figure 15. Annual new and cumulative installed PV in China Still, electricity prices from PVs are more expensive than that from conventional sources. Without a proper subsidies program it is hard to install a PV for electricity generation. Until recently, most PV consumer markets are in developed countries, especially EU. However, because of the recent economic recession, many countries cut their subsidies for PV. Moreover after recovering from a recession, to slow down the overheating of renewable energy market, the governments tried to reduce subsidies for renewables and this impacted negatively on the Chinese PV industry. The Chinese government understood the importance of revitalizing its PV industry and realized that developing the domestic PV market is a key solution. The Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Urban and Rural Development introduced a national subsidy program in 2009. Soon the government will revise its PV generation target for 2020 up to 20GW (K. Sichao, 2010; PVGroup News by Song. M, 2010). Historically, rural regions in China heavily depend on biomass. People obtain energy through combustion of biomass for cooking and heating. But China has a strong potential PV market in rural areas. In Western China, there are more than 3000 sunshine hours per annum and the low population density makes PV systems more cost effective than grid extension. PV technology can make available size variations from home system to plants. As mentioned in section 2.2, the PV market potential in China is the biggest in the world (European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), 2010). The total installed capacity of PVs in China reached 22MWp at the end of 2002 (H. Yang, Wang, Yu, Xi, Cui, & Chen, 2003a). The status and future of PVs in China hugely depended on government policy. Until now major products installed in China are silicon based products and its efficiency, 10% to 14% varied according to environment conditions and types. Thanks to the cheap labor cost in China, Chinese PV module manufacturers can achieve competitive advantages in price, but they suffer from a shortage of silicon supply. However during 2009 some companies tried vertical integration from silicon feedstock to PV module manufacturing. The production capacity of PV modules reached 8000MW and produced 4000MW, representing of 40% of total global production in 2009 (PVGroup News by Song. M, 2010). LOW Country investment attractiveness High a. PV potential for Sunbelt countries by 2030 in paradigm shift (GWp) 700 600 500 400 U China 300 *15 middle market 200 100 0 Paradigm shift Acce lerated growth scenario Base scenario b. Comparison PV potential for Sunbelt countries by 2030 (GWp) Source: European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), Unlocking the sunblet, 2010 Figure 16. Comparison of PV potential for Sunbelt countries 44 4. Overview of China rural electrification In China, both the electricity access rate and poverty level of people are high (Figure 6). This could be explained as that income generating activities from electricity is not efficient. Even though most people can access electricity, they cannot use it for their commercial activities. We can also assume that electricity supply is not stable or secured well and it is not cheap enough for people who want to use it. So we cannot confirm that electricity access really increased the living standard of people in China yet. The rate of electricity access was varying from province to province. According to Ming Yang, China had over 20 million people who had no access to electricity (M. Yang, 2003). Moreover, around 500-660million people depend on unreliable power supply (Byrne et al., 2007). According to J. Byrne's survey in Western China, people who live in this region believe that renewable energy is regarded as a reliable source of electricity. According to the research, PV market size of tested regions, which are Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Qinghai Province, and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, is up to 22MW (Byrne et al., 2007). Rural electrification driven by the Chinese government has two major features. One is encouraging retail competition in rural electrification market and the other is continuing government program. For example the "Brightness program" (M. Yang, 2003) and "Golden Sun Program" was led by the government. From the example, we can assume that the Chinese government adapted top-down approach at first, and then moved to market efficiency through competition. 4.1. History of rural development of China Total energy consumption in rural China has shown a trend of steady increase, and several different phases can be found. The first stage is from 1979 to 1995, reaching the first peak at 649Mtce in 1995. During this period, energy consumption grew steadily. From 1996 to 2000 the energy consumption remained stable or was even slightly reduced owing to energy efficiency enhancement. After that period, the energy consumption of rural areas dramatically increased (L. Zhang et al., 2009). 1100 ---- 1000 Total consumption -0- Per capita consumption 1600 1400 1200 81000 600 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 00 -------------E~ - - - - 4- - - - 4co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 40 400 300 - -- ---- ---- ---- --- -200 0 200 1: 1 11011Year Source: (L. Zhang et al., 2009) Figure 17. Total and per capita energy consumption in the whole rural China We can also see the changes in energy structure and institutional changes in China's rural electrification process. Electricity consumption is an essential indicator reflecting the economic development and energy structure in rural regions. To what extent energy is used usually is determined by the extent of accessibility and rural economics. According to the research of Peng, at the end of 1940's the government was not very active in rural electrification. Rural electrification required high delivery cost, but rural residents didn't have enough income to pay for the electricity usage. Most of all, private investors had little incentive to invest their money for rural electrification owing to high default risks. There were short of capital, technology and proper management system for rural electrification in China at the initial stage. Between 1949 and 1977, the Chinese government moved to a vertical system for rural electrification. It controlled all electrification activities through strict central planning (Peng & Pan, 2006). However, at the end the 1970s, the Chinese government turned to the decentralization policy and the central govermnent handed over the management of rural electrification development to local governments. By changing central planning to a market oriented model, the decision power of local governments increased sharply. Local level management was the most effective implementation for planning of rural electrification because the local government understood their economic and environmental conditions well. But it also caused several problems. For example, some local governments used up the tariff for collecting various fees. In 1997, the Asian financial crisis caused a reduction in foreign investment so the central government adopted an expansionary fiscal policy. Rural electrification was led by government control again. The final stage, between 1998 and 2002, the institutional structure was to separate local electricity supply from local governments to facilitate commercial operation (Peng & Pan, 2006). 4.2. China's rural electricity market 4.2.1. Quantitative analysis of rural electricity market According to research by Yang and Yu, even though the Chinese government had spent $46 billion for the rural and urban electricity market, China's rural electricity market remained underdeveloped (M. Yang & Yu, 2004). To quantify the rural electricity market of China, they selected and grouped three different regions according to the economic and geographic conditions. They revealed the factors effecting to rural electricity demands. First, rural electricity demand could be divided by industry sectors and households in rural regions (M. Yang & Yu, 2004). n EDt= EDit + EDHt EDit VAit EDHt NHt x xGDPt+ x xPOPt VAit GDPt NHt POPt = = Elit x Sit x GDPt + EJHt x INHt x POPt I: Sector, t:time period, ED: Electricity demand, VA: Value added, GDP: Gross domestic product, EDH: Electricity demand of household, NH: Number of household, POP: Rural population, El: Electricity intensity, S. economic share of sector, ElH: Electricity demand of household, INH: inverse number ofpeople per household The first equation could be rephrased by several factors. From the equation, we can identify factors for rural electricity demand. El (=ED/VA) factor explain which rural industries' electricity demand is high or low and how much value the industry can add to the region. Low electricity intensity means the efficiency of industry. The El can be varied to the rural region owing to the difference of industry mix. S is the economic share of the rural economy in each industry sector. From the S, we can figure out which industry has what portion of the total rural industry. Most common industries in rural regions in China are township and village enterprises, agriculture, county level industry, and others. The term GDP (gross domestic product of rural economy) explains that with the growth of rural economy, the demand for electricity is going up too (M. Yang & Yu, 2004). EDH is determined by electricity needs of households and rural populations. Ming indentified structural effect, sectoral effect, rural activity effect, population effect, number of people per household, and electricity intensity per household as demand change factors (M. Yang & Yu, 2004). However, considering that China's market electricity is strictly controlled by government or country, we should add policy change factors in electricity demand changes. As low electricity prices affects labor and machine usage in industry, if governments or counties enforce the policy for the rural electrification and provide people with cheap electricity, the demand can increase significantly. Given that the income disparity between cities and rural regions in China is large and that electricity is one of the basic resources for life, the government should be strongly involved in the rural electrification market. As mentioned earlier, however, for the efficiency of rural electrification, the role will be divided by central government and county level. The main policies, legislation, funds and follow-up control should be supported by central government but specific management should belong to the county level for invigorating the market. 4.2.2. Renewable energy policy in China Still, as renewable energy is more expensive than conventional energy, it seems inevitable that the government is involved in energy development. Usually energy policies are supported by law. All laws are designed to overcome barriers for renewable energy distribution. Judith A. Cherni and Joanna Kentish identified the barriers: high cost of developing renewable energy, factors that have prevented renewable energy connecting to the grid, institutional barrier, and lack of international investment generation and the factors for the barrier (Cherni & Kentish, 2007). China extensively depends on foreign resources, oil, even though it is the world fifth largest oil producer. To avoid the risks of volatility of oil, China has considered that development of renewable resource to relieve the demand of oil; therefore, it has developed renewable energy laws and policy. Regarding the law and policy, it has developed several programs for rural electrification and tax or incentive schemes. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) plays a major role in developing policies and programs. In 2001, NDRC launched an energy based rural electrification known as Sending Electricity to Township. In 2007, NDRC also issued the first policy statement on climate change. It released Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Renewable Energy in China the same year. In 2008, Enterprise Income Tax Law provided tax incentives for companies which are involved in energy conservation and C02 emission reduction. (Su, Hui, & Tsen, 2010). China introduced laws for rural electrification: Energy Conservative Law and Renewable Energy Law are representative. Especially Renewable Energy Law specified renewable energy target, mandatory connection to grid system, structuring of power price arrangement, tax incentives and subsidies, and renewable energy development fund and discouraged direct biomass burning and the usage of fossil fuel (L. Zhang et al., 2009). However, the Renewable Energy Law could not solve the problem of connection between rapid expansion of renewable energy generation and central grid system which lead to the amendment of Renewable Energy Law (Su et al., 2010). In 2009, NDRC adopted Renewable Energy Law Amendments which was effective in 2000. It addressed inadequate coordination between national energy policy and renewable energy development, lagging development of power grid for renewable energy, and interconnection between renewables and grid. (Su et al., 2010). According to Zhang et al. the rural energy policy in China has shown three major points (L. Zhang et al., 2009). First, China's rural electrification policies are divided, centralized and decentralized, but implementation is mainly initiated by central government. Second, policy for rural energy development has been less effective than regulation policy. Third, environmental factors play an important role in policy change as the climate change issue becomes critical. China is under the high pressure to reduce green house gas as well as to solve rural electrification at the same time. However, there are no clear solutions for securing rural electrification and green house gas reduction besides renewable energy development. Through policy development, rural energy consumption has improved and the consumption structure transformed from noncommercial to commercial usage. This upward spiral structure could increase the demand for electricity in rural regions, because socio-economic development is a critical factor for the spread of rural electrification (L. Zhang et al., 2009). To manage the risk of rural electrification, policies should be incorporated for dealing with shortand long-term risks. Currently, there is no feed-in-tariff for photovoltaic generation in China. Considering that the feed-in-tariff has been a strong instrument for the financial risk management in renewable energy generation, standardized interconnection between renewable and existing grid becomes important. In contrast to electricity from conventional resources, the fluctuation in electricity generation from renewable sources could cause technical problems; therefore interconnecting technology and law should be considered for the feed-in-tariff policy. As mentioned, Renewable Energy Law Amendments could provide a legal foundation for the grid connection in China (X. Zhang, Ruoshui, Molin, & Martinot, 2010). According to Wang et al., passing Renewable Energy Law exhibited China's commitment to renewable energy development and under the law, renewable energy market capacity grew rapidly. However, there are still three issues in renewable energy development. First, renewable energy capacity in the total electricity generation capacity has reduced, owing to the fast growth of fossil fuel generation. Second, electricity generated from renewable sources is not properly used because of lack of connection to the grid. Lack of storage technology is also a problem. Third, the efficiency of renewable energy generation is still so low that electricity prices cannot compete with conventional ones yet. They suggested a market-based mandatory renewable portfolio and a strong regulation to the grid company. By increasing efficiency, power producers can achieve low cost and cheap energy. A strong regulation can ensure access to the grid for renewable energy power producers (Wang, Yin, & Li, 2010). 4.3. Programs of rural electrification in China Starting in the 1980s, the Chinese Government began rural energy construction work that focused on renewable energy. The Chinese Government has undertaken a series of national activities and programs to promote the development and utilization of its ample renewable energy, especially in rural regions. These include the Comprehensive Rural Energy Planning and Construction Program; the Rural Electrification Program; the Brightness Program; the Township Electrification Program. In recent years, those activities led by government have increased the development of renewable energy industry to a much higher level than before. The main applications of PV in rural regions are in household PV system and industrial systems for communication, and household application is growing faster than industrial usage (Ling, Twidell, & Boardman, 2002). The regions concerned are northern and western China. Population is dispersed over a large area and population density is as low as 3person/km2. Most of them are categorized as minority and at below the national poverty income level. The Chinese government has tried to relieve poverty in rural regions by supplying electricity (Byrne et al., 2007). However, the cost of grid extension is $5,000-$12,750 per km. For example, in Xinjiang where population density is 10 persons per kilometer, the electrification cost via grid extension is around $32,500. Considering the grid can supply electricity for 20 years, the annual cost of grid extension is $1,625 per household. These facts have prevented the government from investing in electrification through grid extension in rural areas and have made the government focus on renewable energy development for rural areas (Byrne et al., 2007). 4.3.1. Brightness Program of China (Not Available & National Renewable Energy Lab., Golden,CO (US), 2004a) The Brightness Program includes the Township and Village Electrification Programs and is designed to supply electricity to rural areas and to help alleviate poverty. China is focusing on its efforts in the western provinces including Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Qunghai, Gansu, and Xinjiang. China's Brightness program provides electricity for 23 million people in remote areas in China using PV and wind generation. The objective of the plan is to speed up the activity of decentralized electrification of rural areas. Under the leadership of the State Development Planning Commission, the projects were launched in 2000. In 1996, China's former State Planning Commission formulated and put forward plans for the Brightness Program. The program was to use hybrid system - PV modules and wind power systems to sufficiently supply power for daily needs to the rural population who could not have access to electricity. These people are spread out over nearly half of China's total area. A considerable proportion of them suffered from poverty. As the Brightness Program is a project that addresses poverty alleviation, the project has large scale and input a relatively high level of investment. As to the estimation, the total investment in equipment and services to achieve the project goals was about ten billion Yuan. Implementation was to focus on the provinces of Western China - Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, and Tibet. The program has attracted the attention of the world. The government of Holland is providing support in Xinjiang and the German government has given technical and financial support. 4.3.2. Sending Electricity to townships (Ku, J. 2003) China secured electricity access for almost 700 million people in two decades, achieving around 98% of electrification rate in 2000 (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004). Despite its impressive electrification, 20 million people still don't have access to electricity (Not Available & National Renewable Energy Lab., Golden,CO (US), 2004b). As extending grid system to remote areas is not economically viable, the use of renewable and micro-grid program, US $340 million plan, one of the largest renewable-base rural electrification programs in the world, is an appropriate solution. The Township Electrification Program, known in Chinese Song Dian Dao Xiang, is funded by Chinese government (Ku, J. 2003). The township program was launched in 2001. 706 villages operate using PV and PV-hybrid system, with total of 20 MW. National Development Reform Commission selected 1061 township where the grid system extension was unfeasible. @J No. ol uishios Source: Ku, J. 2003 Figure 18. The scope of the Township Electrification Program in China (The number of township using PV or PV-hybrid systems) The system integrator guarantees the system for three years. Specialized companies will operate the system commercially, with users paying a reasonable tariff. Issues and lessons The Provincial Development Planning Commission selected system integrators who designed, procured and installed system and service companies who operated and were responsible for maintenance of system. However it is unclear who will own the system. System selection and design cannot be maximized as intended if there is no ownership. Rural electrification could improve income generating activities, but it would require a larger system. Tariff and repairing fee should be set through investigation of willingness to pay, ability to pay, cost of operation and maintenance. Consumers in rural regions should understand the capacity of PV system so as not to overuse electricity and damage the system. If there are system standards, it could enhance the installation and maintenance by reducing parts inventory and time. Regarding the local environment, PV systems should incorporate other types of renewables such as wind or diesel generator for reliable and secure supply. Trained local service companies are necessary for high quality service to remote areas. 4.3.3. Golden Sun Program (PVGroup, 2010, Solar Plaza, 2010, Solar Feeds, 2009) After the Chinese government realized the importance of China's PV industry and understood that the domestic market is key for PV industry's revitalization, it announced the second national solar subsidy program, Golden Sun. In 2009 the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development initiated the program which provided upfront subsidies to both on-grid and off-grid system. Application System size Subsidy Constraints Investment size Others On-grid and off-grid (rural region) Over 300KW 300 projects proposed, total 640MW 50% of total cost for on-grid 70% of total cost for off-grid Construction period less than 1yr Running period over 20yrs Around RMB 20 billion (U.S. $2.9 billion) For grid connected system, on-site consumption is encouraged. Excess electricity would be sold to the utility companies and rate is calculated based on local coal-fired grid price. Source: www.pvgroup.org/events/ctr_031358 Table 3. Features of Golden Sun Program The Golden Sun program sets a cap of 20MW per province. If all 34 provinces take part in the program, the total installation by 2011 will be 680MW. However, considering the PV module price, government subsidies alone cannot satisfy expected return of investors. In result, support at the county level should be incorporated in the program. Last year, the Chinese government tendered 13 large projects, totaling 280MW. The main bidders are state-owned utility companies, independent power producers, and private renewable energy producers, but mostly state-owned bidders take projects because of their low bidding price. In light of the bidding result, privatization of electricity market is not fully realized yet, the issues of efficiency and clarity of projects still remaining. The 20MW of cap is not good enough in the development scale and the programs' emphasis on on-site consumption of electricity from PVs cannot generate a proper virtuous cycle from rural electrification. Because electricity itself is the basic substance of life, it cannot generate direct extra income or value to rural population; therefore the higher capacity would be better for the rural development in China. However, considering China's circumstances, its cautious approach is fairly reasonable. Still the level of PV technology is low, and the government and PV companies do not have enough experience in efficient planning and processing of big of electrification projects yet. Considering these circumstances, the Golden Sun program will provide the government with base line of PV project. Also, considering that over one million rural populations cannot have access to modern grid-system, supplying electricity through various methods to as many people would be a top priority. As the Chinese government experienced difficulty in making a profit from wind system owing to oversupply, it will not want to make the same mistake in PV electrification even though the government realized that renewable energy will significantly reduce dependence on fossil fuel in the future. To achieve sustainable growth over the next few years, the government should focus on developing reliable technology roadmap, metrological data while proceeding with PV projects, reliable monitoring system, and clear and efficient policy application. 4.3.4. Other activities on China electrification S. Ling et al. researched local PV business activities and accessed the household PV market in Xining and Qinghai province where unsubsidized free markets exist (Ling et al., 2002). They concluded that widespread application of renewable energy technologies could help organize a more successful market than government driven program. They also argued that subsidy programs could distort the long-term growth of the PV market. In addition to the Golden Sun program, the Chinese government initiated building-integrated photovoltaic program (BIPV). BIPV used to replace conventional building material with photovoltaics (PVGroup, 2010). The suitable places for installation in a building are the roof, skylight, and facades. Application System size Subsidy On-grid roof-top and BIPV system Over 50KW RMB 15/W for roof-top RMB 20/W for BIPV Conversion efficiency requirement: 16% for mono-crystalline 14% for poly-crystalline 6% for thin-film Source: www.pvgroup.org/events/ctr_031358 Table 4. Features of BIPV program 5. Results of program and implication China's electricity access is for over 900 million people in over 50 years and it has achieved an electricity access rate up to 98% (Figure 20). This electricity access growth rate is closely related to economic growth, poverty alleviation, and increasing industrial activity in rural regions. Especially, it is vital to integrate rural electrification into poverty alleviation and a development plan which has readily made government support. The Role of the local government and private investor is also important for special loans and education of rural people. International collaboration, equipment supply, technician training, and financing were more readily available has led to capacity increase in the domestic market. 900-a - 800- South Asia (India) 70 0" Sub SaharanAfrica 600U 50 0 . 400 300 200 0 East Asi (Chin) 100 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Source: (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2004) Figure 19. Regional electricity access Standardizing system and domestic production played important roles in cost reduction, which created more favorable condition for rural people who lacked financial support and enough income. As the demand for electricity increased because of the purchase of additional appliances in rural households, we should consider load growth factors. For the Chinese government, renewable energy development is beneficial in that it can provide positive solutions to environmental issues. By promoting renewable energy, the Chinese government can achieve poverty eradication in rural regions and reduce usage of fossil fuel or direct use of biomass burning. Once enough mass market of renewable energy is created, it can also create sustainable and robust renewable energy infrastructure and related industries and businesses. However, a small scale of renewable energy systems have shown mixed success. Much of the failure comes from the lack of proper institutions and infrastructure to support the programs. In case of rural electrification, the density of renewable energy installation should be high enough to increase the local business activities. For this, proper operation and maintenance system are necessary and training system is also a critical issue for operation and maintenance. Electricity supply through PV should be fit the regional conditions of each township. If a township has a small business and needs more electricity, a household PV system is not enough to help its business activities. It is also considered that programs should not distort the growth of the PV market by providing townships with excessive resources. Developing feed-in-tariff system in PV is critical to the success of PV technology expansion in China. 6. Lesson from China case China has achieved steady development and considerable rural electrification rate than any other country in the world. How could China make this progress? The government's emphasis on rural electrification and favorable policy could be the possible answer to that. However the more important factor is to realize the rural electrification, besides government's strong support for it, the government helps to increase the demand of rural electricity through boosting local business activities. Active local businesses can enhance the commercially sustainable electrification. The main target of rural electrification is to encourage social, economic, and cultural development for the maximum function of electricity. In China, the rural energy consumption structure has already shown considerable changes from non-commercial to commercial energy. When it comes to policy, we could find two distinctions. First, Chinese government deploys a combination of centralized and decentralized system. China has a vast territory and each county has unique feature in environment and socio-economy. To satisfy different needs and conditions of each region, even though the implementation is somewhat top-down method, the central government extensively cooperated with local government. Second, environmental factors became important issues in energy policy in rural electrification, which is reflected in newly launched policies. China is subject to green house gas control so it needs to improve energy efficiency technology and to invest more on renewable energy sources. The answer to the question, how China can secure rural energy supply and cope with carbon dioxide reduction at the same time, lies in renewable energy development. Especially the western regions in China have environment incentives for PV systems. 7. Competitive analysis - Porter's Diamond analysis Porter's Diamond Model can deliver an effective methodology by analyzing the competitiveness advantage of a national industry or a company (Zhao, Hu, & Zuo, 2009). Factor conditions explain the initial advantages including availability of human resources, access to research institutions and universities, physical, administrative, and technological infrastructures, natural resources, and accessibility to capitals. A firm strategy and rivalry provide the level of fairness in competitions, intellectual property protection, transparency, law system, and meritocratic incentive systems. Demand conditions are a measurement of demand of a specific regions or area: sophistication of local demand like appeal of social value propositions, demanding regulatory standards. Supporting industry are measures of availability of local suppliers, and presence of clusters (Porter & Kramer, 2006). Porter's Diamond Model is already used for wind power development in China (Zhao et al., 2009). Z.Y. Zhao et al. formulated an analytical model to find factors that have a significant impact on the local industry of wind power generation. They suggested that the Chinese government's role in speeding up the wind power generation and for this turbine localization is necessary. We believe that considering the circumstance of renewable energy development in China, the government's role will be a key factor for the expansion of PV, in the same way as for wind power. In this paper, we already researched various programs of PV applications in China so we can conclude that the Chinese government realized that the government led policy for the renewable energy expansion is the best and fastest choice for the growth of PV. Before using Porter's Diamond Model, analyzing the value chain of PV industry in China can give us is the negative or positive impact to the development of PV. The value chain depicts all activities an organization such as the government and companies engage in business. Inbound logistics, operation, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service are primary activities, which are supported by firm structure, human resource management, technology development and procurement activities. Here, through value chain analysis we can find how each chain helps to give a positive impact to the rural electrification using PV technology (Porter & Kramer, 2006). Primaryactivities * Inbound logistics: this is about transportation, raw material handling and storage, information system, and testing. In the case of PV in rural electrification, all aspects from supplying poly-silicon feed stock to module manufacturing & installation and all transportation for all raw and medium products are included. The strength in PV module manufacturing industry in China is that it will have a positive impact to the rural electrification using PV technology. However, supplying poly-silicon feed stock and its cost are the negative factors for PV electrification. * Operation: PV can produce electricity without compromising the environment. Given that China is the second largest country in carbon dioxide emission in the world, expanding renewable energy is essential. The PV module can be used over 20 years, reducing carbon emission dramatically. People living in rural regions where a grid is not available can afford electricity necessary for their basic life. However, the upfront cost is expensive for the rural people whose income is low. * Outbound logistics: Most manufacturers of PVs are located far from rural regions, which will make it less easy for rural people to install PV systems. * Marketing and Sales: PV and PV installation programs of China are not well known to rural people. Price is also a critical obstacle to the expansion of PVs in rural regions. The market in rural regions is not well established and not efficient. The awareness of PV systems is quite low in rural regions. * Service: Maintenance is not complicated for a PV system for the house. But small PV plants for village electrification need continuous maintenance. Monitoring of PV systems and collecting data on the electricity produced from PVs can provide a basis for the improvement of the program and can help to decide a level of feed-in-tariff depending on electricity usage and installation cost. Support activities e Firm structure: Most programs are led by the central government. However, to increase efficiency of the program, decentralized system is adopted because a province or a county understands its condition and needs well. Transparency of process is not well established, leading to cost increase and bad impression on the renewable energy program in China. " Human resource management: For the maintenance of PV systems and after-sales service, qualified technicians are essential. For small PV plants for village electrification, education programs will be able to provide good quality of electricity. " Technology development: China does not yet have technology for upstream PV industry such as poly-silicon production. Most PV manufacturers in China have focused on lowering cost through using qualified and cheap labor. The government should support R&D activities on the PV technology, which will lead the electricity cost reduction from renewable resources, sunlight. " Procurement: The Chinese government allows tax reduction when companies import the machines or tools for PV manufacturing. The PV module manufacturers hedged feed-stock shortage through long-term contract with poly-silicon manufacturers. The primary activity of PV electrification in the Chinese rural areas has both strengths and weaknesses. To improve the effectiveness of PV electrification, we suggest that the government and industry solve the problems of shortage of poly-silicon feed stock, awareness of PV technology, and training qualified technicians. Support activity is quite well organized because of the top-down method of the Chinese government. Renewable energy development cannot be sustained without government subsidies even in developed countries. Considering the situation, top-down method increases the speed of the project and provides the companies involved with reasonable profit. firm infrastructure human resource management technological development procurement 2 .2 ;a Source: (Porter & Kramer, 2006) Figure 20. Value Chain In addition to understanding the impact of value chain, PV rural electrification requires an understanding of the competitiveness of the PV industry of China. Porter's Diamond Model will illustrate the competitiveness of PV electrification in China. Even before the PV program initiation by the Chinese government, the PV industry in China had strengths. Traditionally China could lead the manufacturing industry by using ample cheap and qualified labor force. The price competitiveness of China enabled Chinese companies to dominate manufacturing sectors. In the case of PV industry, the Chinese companies have taken an advantage. Additionally, the high price of oil and the concerns with the environment make people seek the development of renewable energy. With strong subsidies or feed-in-tariff, developed countries led the renewable energy projects. In this business context, the PV industry in China could enjoy enormous profits and enlarge production capacities in PV module production. However, the financial crisis halted the majority of renewable energy projects in Europe, and the Chinese PV module makers could not avoid lay-offs and reduction in production. The Chinese government, who believed that the development of renewable energy is critical for its pollution reduction, watched the shrinkage of industry. Realizing the important role of the domestic market and the untapped rural areas, the Chinese government became aggressively involved in renewable energy development. In China, as the government is the leader and executive of the industry, it has a direct and significant influence on other elements. In addition, factors of chance are included in the model. As mentioned, in the Sunbelt region, China has ample light resources in rural regions which can reduce the price of electricity and provide stable supply. " Factor condition: More than anything else, cheap and qualified labors are the strongest factors in the PV industry in China. As the most prominent PV module manufacturer, they have supplied PV modules to the world at a low price and their market share is around 47%. The top 7 PV manufacturers' capacity reached 4GW per year. Even though energy conversion rate of the Chinese product is slightly lower than developed countries, the Chinese product dominates in the world market owing to price competitiveness. With a stiff learning curve in module manufacturing and the enormous capacity China can reduce cost significantly. Their R&D activities mainly focus on PV module assembly, but nowadays some companies are strengthening their competitiveness through vertical integration. " Supporting industry: In addition to vertical integration in PV manufacturing, companies take part in PV installation programs led by the government. * Demand condition: As countries in EU developed the PV market, PV manufacturers in China have shown fast growth by satisfying needs from developed countries such as Germany, Spain, etc. However, as the demand from EU slowed down, the companies' over capacity could not be sustained. The Chinese government realizes that developing the domestic market is beneficial to take a lead in renewable energy in the future. Moreover, to meet electricity demand from a fast growing industry, the government needs new sources other than fossil fuel. Coal can be an easy and cheap resource for electricity generation, but the government is under pressure given the problem of climate change. Given those circumstances, the renewable energy development will play an important role in electrification in China. The Chinese government has emphasized that rural electrification is an imperative issue to eradicate poverty between rural and urban regions. In rural regions, PV electrification is more cost effective than diesel power generation. * Firm strategy: Most prominent PV companies are Suntech, Yingli Solar, Trina Solar, and LDK Solar. At first they focused on scale of business; using cheap labor, they increased their manufacturing capacity. As Suntech is the largest company in crystalline PV manufacturing, it has facilities worldwide. After IPO in U.S., it also focused on R&D. Yingli Solar developed its competitiveness through vertical integration. The company hedged poly silicon feed stock price volatility and vigorously took part in the government led projects. These four factors are the main reasons behind China's competitiveness in the PV industry. However, the export dominant PV industries are vulnerable to economic turmoil. In 2008, the financial crisis affected renewable energy projects in EU, PV manufacturers in China experienced a shrinking of their business and some small and medium sized companies could not avoid lay-offs or bankruptcy. The Chinese government has developed several PV projects in China, but after realizing the important role of the domestic market, it develops both ongrid and off-grid programs. " Chance: In China, two factors could provide a good chance to boost the PV industry. First, the natural resource of PV, sunlight, is ample in rural regions. As to the EPIA, China belongs to the Sunbelt region. The most untapped market is the rural region in China and the government needs to supply electricity to relieve poverty in those regions. " Government: It is hard to generate economic profit without government support through electrification via renewable energy. Several PV programs finished and the result was not promising. However, the government led projects could have a positive impact in the short period. If the Chinese government set feed-in-tariff for PVs, the speed will be faster. a. Status quo of the Chinese PV industry and market b. Improved Diamond Model of PV Figure 21. Diamond Model for PV development 8. Analysis via system dynamics - reinforcing and balancing factors for rural electrification in China System dynamics has been used for planning the electric power industry. Applications are building national models, individual companies and states, the policy of pnivatization and deregulation, electric cars and utilities, and emerging areas (Ford, 1997). In this paper, we develop loops for rural electrification in rural regions in China (Figure 23) under the socio-economic facts. Reinforcing loops from 1 to 4 are generally accepted feedback loops. The first loop in Figure 23 explains the role of the awareness of PV. If rural people get information about PV electrification and its usefulness, the demand of PV will go up. This will increase the potential of the PV market in rural regions. The companies see the growth of demand as a business opportunity in rural electrification. Moreover, the natural resources, here usable sunlight in rural regions in China, is enough to produce stable electricity for small or basic appliances in rural life. Therefore, the demand growth from awareness of rural people is reinforcing the demand of PV installation. Second loop is about the scale of business and cost effectiveness. Still the price of electricity from PV modules is higher than the conventional method. However, investment in PV manufacturing can reduce the unit price of PV modules through the scale of business. Some leading PV companies in China expand their module production capacity, enabling them to have price competitiveness in the world PV market. If domestic market is developed through the government programs, the demand will be enough to sustain PV manufacturing capacity which will reduce the price of manufacturing. Third loops show the role of R&D in PV industry. Various R&D activities are involved in efficiency improvement and cost reduction in manufacturing. Efficiency itself is closely related to cost of electricity generation via PV technologies. The subsidies from government, even if it is direct or indirect, will be over some time. With time, PV manufacturers have to reduce the cost of PV modules and to increase efficiency in order to have price competitiveness with conventional types of electricity. Here, R&D activity is critical. Joint R&D with universities and worldwide laboratories set up by companies can provide improved solution. Especially thin film technologies will be critical in cost factors because it can dramatically reduce the consumption of poly-silicon which takes up a high portion of PV module price. The fourth loop explains the learning curve in the PV industry. Traditionally various companies can benefit from their cheap and qualified labor forces. Once installed bases are expanded, their experience can reduce learning time, enhancing productivity. Regarding the PV industry, the same phenomena took place. Still the performance of PV products from China is behind the world's best, but soon it can catch up through fast learning curves. Adding to that, the fast growing domestic market will give opportunities to the companies in PV manufacturing as well as electricity supply business through PV technology. By experiencing the value chain from PV module production to electricity supply, the companies can maximize their profit because the value will increase as business goes downstream. The fifth loop is the most important factor in rural electrification in China. One of the main purposes of rural electrification is eradicating poverty in rural region. The electricity can help local businesses or entrepreneurs to develop new markets or new facilities. Income generation from their business requires more electricity, increasing the demand of electricity and expected return of PV investment. As mentioned, the population growth in rural regions is the fastest so disposable income growth will be the most important factor in rural PV development. The first balance loop is about the government subsides. Electrification in rural area needs large investment from the government because the current income level of rural people is very low. With government's various programs, the rural people can increase their living standard. Lighting, water pump, improvement in hygiene directly benefit rural life. But the most important factors will be activating rural businesses. However, once the government thinks that there is a bubble in the renewable energy development, it will reduce the size of subsidies. For the sustainability of business, private and free competition will be better. As mentioned above, the government subsidies could distort the health of industries and make them vulnerable to the volatility in the market. Feed-in-tariff could also be a catalyst or poison for renewable energy development. Currently the Chinese government has not decided the tariff level for the PVs and it has a plan to develop an appropriate level of tariff. Several EU countries, especially Germany, could get an impressive result through feed-in-tariff scheme in PVs. For calculating the tariff, ongrid system is necessary, however, in case of rural regions on-grid is not a viable solution. Several countries in Africa could set feed-in-tariff system for off-grid with the help of World Bank and other organizations. China also has to set its own system considering their socioeconomic circumstances. Nowadays, Germany and Spain have cut off tariff owing to budget deficits and bubbles in PV development so the feed-in-tariff should be controlled to sustain appropriate levels of industry development. Subsidies and feed-in-tariff may be helpful for both consumers and electricity suppliers using renewable energy, but from a long-term perspective, it may cause market distortion. A less competitive environment led by the government will eradicate the R&D investment, compromising the price competitiveness in future. industry Technology + R&D investment PV industry PV industry cost capacity -h&Expected profit frxn PV + Pv installed cap ruralren Solar energy resource otential PV;K market + + Awareness of Electrici opulation Electricity dennd 0 Busiess growl rural pouain +Buiesgot rural region Rural population popu+ growth Dispos ible incane Subsidies fro government Figure 22. PV industry in China-SD analysis No. Loop RI Awareness R2 PV industry investment R3 R&D investment R4 Experience (know-how) Description Rural population's awareness of PV technologies. The more people understand the benefit of PV for the electricity supply, the higher PV market potential To achieve cost competitiveness to the other option or to reach the parity price level, PV industry's investment is necessary. To achieve low cost from PV, R&D activities are important. New type of PV, i.e. thin film or PV using materials other than poly-silicon is example. Managing PV plant or SHS will need experience. Education or better program can be developed through PV projects. R5 Rural business growth BI Subsidies from government Rural business will cause demands of electricity. Electricity will help growth of rural business through IT or other technology available. Cash grant or other type of subsidies from government helpful to initiation of rural electrification, but it can diminish the R&D activities or distort electricity price which cannot pull the development of PV. B2 FIT FIT scheme can give incentives to investors but in the long run the tariff should be reduced in order to lead company to investment in technology development. No. Key variables (alphabetical order) 1 Awareness of population 2 Business gro in rual region 3 Disposable income 4 Electricity demand of rural . population 5 Electricity supply 6 Expected profit from PV Description The level of awareness of rural populations about the PV technology and its electrification application. Local business growth or created local business through rural electrification. Wealth of local community is generated from local business. From local business or entrepreneur business income is generated. Extra wealth after deducting money for basic life. The magnitude of electricity demand from rural region in China. It is affected by population and socio-economic factors. Amount of electricity supplied from PV The companies expected profit from PV business. This affected by policy or market changes. Several EU countries develop FIT scheme for the fast spread of PV technology. Mostly the scheme is applicable in on-grid system but some under-developing countries adapt FIT in off-grid system. In German case, FIT is one of the strongest tools for the renewable energy adaption. FIT scheme is not existed in China yet. 8 Potential PV market 9 PV industry capacity 10 PV installed capacity in ______rural region II PV industry experience 12 PV industry investment 13 PV manufacturing cost 14 Rural population growth 15 R&D investment 16 Scale of PV business Future rural PV market growth. The total manufacturing capacity of PV module and related industry, which includes all components in value chain in PV module manufacturing. Cumulative capacity of PV module in rural area in China. Through all business activities companies can accumulate experience in PV technology and electrification business. Learning curve is related to experience. The investment of PV companies to increase manufacturing facilities. Include variable and fixed cost for manufacturing PV module. Rural area is the fastest population growing region in China. Necessary energy or electricity is growing as population increases. Total capital investment in R&D activities. Scale of business is closely related to manufacturing cost of PV module. Generally scale of business is realized through large investment. 17 Subsidies from government 18 Solar energy source For the rural electrification using PV technology, government initiated various programs and for this several types of subsides are granted, accelerating the PV business. However, once the installed capacity reaches to some extent, the government reduces the subsidies. Average sunlight per day or per year in rural region in China. This affect to the unit price of electricity from PV module. The more sunlight, the more produce electricity. 19 Technology improvement Enhancement in technology in PV. Generally if input more capital in R&D activities, the more outcome expected in I technology development. Table 5. Key variables and loops of system dynamics analysis on PV industry Historicalview through system dynamics analysis Historically, Chinese government and PV manufacturers had focused on PV industry investment (R2) and R&D investment (R3). These two was so powerful that the PV companies have been providing good and relatively cheap PV module; they could achieve scale of business and its cheap and skillful labors could add more value, strengthening competitiveness in PV module market. However, in the R&D investment loop, their R&D achievement remained in module manufacturing so the effectiveness of R&D was limited. To overcome the price fluctuation of poly-silicon feed stock in market, some companies tried to achieve vertical integration and are willing to strengthen this reinforcing loop. The major problems of PV electrification in rural region for business side is that most of PV manufactures have not have experience in PV installation in rural region. There are not enough companies which have experience in developing micro-grid or off-grid system in rural region. The factor of PV installed capacity in rural region is so weak in China that the companies were inexperienced in electrification business in rural region, and rural population's awareness of PV technology was so low. Awareness loop (R1), experience loop (R4), and rural business growth loop (R5) are starting from PV installed capacity in rural region which could be followed by PV industry capacity, but there was a delay between them. To strengthen the link or to remove the delay, government policy will play a critical role. Still the PV module price is expensive to the rural customers, and they don't have stable or enough income to purchase the PV products yet. This is another major problem of PV electrification. If government policies can reduce the economic burden of rural population or can support PV manufacturers or system providers, the PV installed capacity increase dramatically, strengthening those three weak reinforcing loops. Chinese government already realized that the importance of PV installed capacity in rural region. Even though the size of programs was not large enough to attract many investors, it initiated several rural electrification programs which were for strengthening PV installed capacity. In section of 4.3 Programs of rural electrification in China, we explained several programs managed by Chinese government and all programs had limited success. As to the system dynamics analysis, the government intervention was good starting point but it could not strengthen the linkage between industry capacity and installed capacity in rural region. The program could not raise the awareness effectively owing to its small size of projects. Moreover, the program was aimed for poverty alleviation, but it could not provide the solution except supplying electricity to the towns. In case of Golden Sun Program the system size increased but still it does not have solution for the local business creation or income generation through the electrification yet. Without electricity, it was impossible to grow the local business development, but without income of rural population, the electricity supplying business is not sustainable. Besi/worst case scenarioof ruralelectrification in China Through the system dynamics model, we develop the worst, moderate, and best scenarios. We assume that all other fuel price and appliances are not changed. The worst scenario: We assume that awareness of PV technology in rural region is not improved, and there is limited government intervention through government subsidies or policies for the rural electrification. Income of rural population is not enough to pay for the PV system, and there is no decent local distribution channel for the PV system; therefore awareness of people in rural region is low. PV markets in developed countries are stable and larger than China domestic market, and the governments of developed countries have sophisticated incentive system for PV technology so the needs of PV modules are higher than China. PV module makers in China focus on profit from exporting the modules to developed countries. PV industry investment loop (R2) and R&D investment (R3) remain but others are not developed well. The moderate scenario: In addition to the worst scenario, we assume that government initiates or develop policies to relieve rural electrification, increasing PV installed capacity in rural region strengthen the linkage between PV industry capacity and PV installed capacity in rural region. Subsides are designed for encouraging all value chain development in PV industry and support PV makers take part in domestic market development as well as overseas market. Rural population in China can have information on the PV technologies for their electricity access, and the PV distributors and makers can gain experience in developing rural electrification business. The best scenario: In addition to the moderate scenario, we assume that government develops policies to encouraging local business development through electrification. Adding to basic appliances such as TV, cookers, and lightening system, information technologies also are provided as a package. Computer or mobile phone system can be a good candidate to help rural population access to the market with their products. Especially as time is critical for the agricultural or fishing products, market information can be beneficial to local business. Disposable incomes increase the purchase power of rural population and the needs of more electricity, leading more PV technology spreads. SHS can move to micro-grid systems and finally micro-grid systems can link to central grid system. For this, more sophisticated technology, conversion DC to AC and transmission technologies, should be developed, which results in enhancing PV industry experiences in all value chain. Scenario Sn o(from 1. Worst 2. Moderate Key features and constraints system dynamics graph) R2 and R3 only. Limited government intervention was battle neck of developing PV market in rural region. Ri, R2, R3, and R4. Increasing link between PV industry capacity and PV installed capacity in rural region. PV and related technology developed through business expansion. All reinforcing loops and access to central grid system. Industry experience in all value chain is improved. Table 6. Scenario of rural electrification in China Strategiesfor ruralelectrificationin China Strategy for the worst case: Bottom up approach The only market player is PV module makers and the demand of electricity in rural region is high. Without government incentives or subsides, it is hard for the companies to make enough revenues and profits to recover investment. However, to prepare for the overseas market downturn the PV module makers needs other market as a back-up: domestic market. If the companies have experience in electrification business with renewable energy sources, it can improve whole business competitiveness in PV electrification business and technologies, which will help to enter into third world such as Africa; therefore PV makers in China may want to develop the PV market in rural region along with minimizing cost. As there is no incentive system in China, the companies cannot invest aggressively. In worst case scenario, the companies should focus on strengthening PV installed capacity factors first through PV product differentiation, small size and inexpensive, SHS, and then move to strengthen the awareness loops. However, the resources are constrained so the companies consider the cost side of business. The companies can develop distribution channel for the rural region with inexpensive PV system such as SHS. By organizing middle vendors which will contact local distribution channel, the company can sell PV systems, get the data of the size of rural PV market and can increase the awareness of PV technology in rural region. Alternatively the PV companies can build assembly facilities in rural region where the transportation cost can be minimized. The labor cost in rural region is also lower than that in urban region so the companies can reduce the price of PV system. The company can utilize the domestic market as a test place for the electrification with PV technologies. Gathering data such as efficiency information as to the environment conditions, costs and effectiveness test, off-grid system development, building incorporating PV module, etc will be beneficial for the technology development. Once the installed capacity in rural region is increased, the demand of PV modules and market attractiveness will be able to be enhanced. Especially the facilities in rural region contribute to raise the income of rural population, leading the demand increase. Through this process, all reinforcing loops can be strengthened. However, the weakness of the bottom-up approach is that it will take much time to develop PV market in rural region, and generally, longer time in process means high risk in business development. This risk can be reduced through government intervention. Business Product differentiation Distribution channel Cost reduction Small scale test Figure 23. Business strategy without government intervention Strategy for the moderate case: Top-down approach As the company can get subsidies or incentive from government, the risk of business can be reduced dramatically. The companies will be able to take part in various programs initiated by central government or local governments. In here, the major players are the PV companies and government. Government strategy: Chinese government can control the rural PV market development through incentive or subsidies scheme. However, the size of incentives should be designed not to distort price of electricity. The incentive system also should be planned to encourage the companies to develop technology which can reduce the price of module and price of electricity from PV module. The major focus will be increase the PV market potential. For this, the government should develop policies to invigorate local business using electricity and information technologies. Business strategy: the companies should focus on cost reduction through R&D investment. Government incentive or subsidies will be so attractive for both overseas and domestic companies that without cost competitiveness it is hard to win the bid. The scope of business should be not only PV module manufacturing but also electricity supply business through PV technologies, especially off-grid system. Once they accumulate the experience in PV business, they can expand business region to third world such as Africa. Government and business strategy will reduce the time of implementation of PV into rural market and companies can reduce the risk dramatically. Local business can increase the income of rural population. Through the strategies all reinforcing loops can be strengthened. The disadvantage of this strategy is that if companies are interested in only selling the PV products, the quality of service and product and technologies cannot be improved. If PV companies in developed countries which have better technologies and capital, the local PV companies can lose the competitiveness in domestic market, which will be another concerns for China. Government Set the rule of business Set subsidies or incentives Assist local business Efficiency Business Cost competitiveness Expand business scope Figure 24. Government leading PV market development model Strategy for the best case: Top-down approach and FIT development Adding to the strategy for the moderate case, the companies also develop grid connection technologies and policy, FIT. Incentives for off-grid system is usually cash grant or cash support to system installers, but once the off-grid connect to the central grid, the government can apply FIT scheme. It is well known that FIT is the most successful tool for the renewable energy development. However, as to the system dynamics analysis, FIT can be also balancing factors to renewable energy development. If the FIT is not well designed, it can distort electricity market. Government Set the rule of business Set subsidies or incentives Assist local business aximiz value ch Business Cost competitiveness Expand business scope Feed-in-tariff Figure 25. Government leading PV market development and FIT 9. Conclusion Energy use, especially electricity, in China is rapidly growing, but China faced two challenges in developing new energy supply: global climate changes and unbalanced economic development between urban and rural regions. China's rural electrification has been so successful that its electricity access rate has reached almost 99%, but its operation is still mediocre; many rural populations cannot rely on grid extension owing to its lack of accessibility and poor stability. The inefficiency despite of electricity accessibility in rural regions in China is caused by a poor performance in the power sector and a lack of appropriate operation and maintenance, limited capital investment from private sectors and geographical hindrances for grid extension. Considering its geographical limitation, electricity generation using renewable energy source will be useful. PVs can be installed in various sizes and can be applicable to individual houses or towns. Sunlight, which is source of energy for PV is sufficient in rural regions in China. After installing off-grid system, it is possible that excess electricity is connected to grid system. Offgrid PV system can provide enough electricity for the basic appliances in rural households. The weakness of PV technology, intermittency, can be solved by attaching battery system or hybrid system with other type of renewable technologies. Having independent power producers in townships is also a good solution for rural electrification. Traditionally, China's strength is in the manufacturing industry and the PV module industry in China is also competitive in price. To sustain its competitiveness, the PV industry in China needs a new market for their growth and the domestic market will be the best place. Until now, it depended on overseas markets, such as Germany and Spain where the Chinese PV makers have make sufficient revenue. However during the financial crisis, the export of PV modules to these countries faced a decrease in demand owing to budget cuts of government. The balance between exports and domestic use can be beneficial to the PV manufacturers in China. Steady growing PV business can help keep investments in R&D for the PV technology which will help the PV companies in China reduce the price of electricity with the PVs. Using the value chain analysis, Porter's Diamond model, and system dynamics analysis, we can find key success and failure factors. We conclude that low income of rural population is a barrier to implement PV system and without government grant or subsidies electrification models with PV cannot be sustainable in China. However, the PV module business in China could achieve the cost competitiveness using low labor cost and the scale of business, which will be the key success factor for the rural electrification. In our analysis, we can see that business strategy of PV rural electrification is subordinated to government policies. Considering the PV industry in China and its position in the value chain, the Chinese government can provide the starting point of PV electrification for the rural regions in China. Without government subsidies or incentive system, the rural electrification using PV technologies will consume a lot time, increasing the risk of business. Government policies can be divided by two layers, policies for business development and for income generation in rural region. The former is for increasing the electricity access of rural population with low cost. It also provides stability of PV manufacturing business in China by diversifying markets. The latter is for growth of PV domestic market by invigorating demandside of electricity. To realize both of them, Chinese government should lead cooperation among PV manufacturers, IT companies, local government, etc. Business strategy can be varied to the level of government intervention. If government intervention is low, the business strategy will be product differentiation; the PV module companies produce small and cheap PV products in order that rural people or household can purchase the PV device within their low income. If government intervention is high - providing cash grant or subsides, business strategy moves to achieve cost competitiveness through technology innovation. Scope of business should be diversified as to the government invention level. If government strongly supports the PV rural electrification with incentive scheme, the PV manufacturers can develop electrification business by managing off-grid type PV plant. As mentioned, the income levels of rural people in China is quite low so government's subsidies or PV programs will be critical for the PV industry to implement the electrification business in the domestic market. The access to electricity does not necessary mean increasing the quality of life and the standard of living in rural areas. Regarding our system dynamics model, the most effective way to implement the PV electrification for rural regions is stimulating the demandside through local business and invigorating the entrepreneurial activities. Assume that the main business of rural regions is primary industry such as agricultural industry and fisheries; information access to the market will play a critical role. In general, as the primary products are easily stale, the market information for the sale is important. Excess production in rural regions can be an income source for the rural population if it can be stored or sold promptly. Therefore, adding to the electrification, internet or mobile network will be essential for the rural business development. Nowadays, in many developing countries, the cell phone use becomes common which will provide adequate information to the rural residents. We reviewed the PV industry and its potential in rural regions in China. Considering all factors the PV industry in the world and China, socio-economic changes, environmental issues, unbalanced income distribution in rural and urban regions, and geographical problems, the PV technology is one of the best solution for the rural electrification in China. 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