Red and Alive 2007
Red and Alive
• Red and Alive is a sexual health awareness and
involvement campaign managed by DHIVERSE,
a local HIV and Sexual health Charity in
Cambridgeshire to coincide with World AIDS
• Red and Alive compliments national and
international messages round World AIDS Day
whilst also creating a local focus, providing
broader messages about sexual health and
preventing unintended pregnancies.
Why Red and Alive?
• Negative connotations of ‘AIDS’ as terminology
• Current messages enforce idea that HIV/AIDS
relevance is for one day only
• Providing balance to negativity of existing
messages – living well with HIV
• The need to address HIV related stigma
• Need to make link to global issues in order to
widen the relevance of the message
Objectives of the campaign
• To provide specific information about the transmission of
HIV, STIs and contraception and protection
• To raise awareness of local services including sexual
health services for young people
• To provide mechanisms and opportunities for people to
find out about local awareness events and activities
• To encourage more people than ever before to get
involved in planning awareness events on or around 1st
• To reach specific audiences including young people
through targeted resources and web presence
Campaign development
• The campaign is funded by Cambridgeshire PCT with
support from the Cambridgeshire Teenage Pregnancy
Strategy and Cambridgeshire Chlamydia Screening
• Campaign managed by DHIVERSE, the sexual health
and HIV charity.
• The campaign has been informed by the Cambridgeshire
TP Campaigns group, a multi-agency campaigns group,
which is facilitated by DHIVERSE on behalf of the TP
• The local TP action groups/sexual health forums have
also been involved each year in developing the
Key Audience and materials
• Campaign has significant take up across schools,
youth services, community and voluntary groups,
pharmacies and health settings. The campaign also
aims to engage licensed premises, shops and
businesses in the local community
• Key materials:
• Event planning packs for schools
• Red ribbons, stickers, flyers, posters, leaflets
• Pocket sized cards
• Website –
Dedicated campaign website – last yr 35k hits
Specific actions for
employers, schools and
pubs/licensed premises
More print resources
available than ever
More than 30 events
already promoted on the
website – with many
more to follow.
Packs sent to in
excess of 3,000
businesses, pubs/clubs,
voluntary organisations,
health projects and
youth/schools groups in
Media and Promotion
• Engagement of media is a key component of the
• Media launch 1st October – coverage BBC Look
East, local BBC and commercial radio and print
media as well as BBC website.
• To promote the campaign to professionals the
local PCT, hospital trust and local authority used
internal communication channels to promote
across the organisation.
• Last year campaign achieved more than 22
media hits across range of media channels.
• Red and Alive 2006 saw more than 100 awareness
events organised, 50% of these organised by partner
agencies, increasing the capacity and reach of the
campaign. More than 50% specifically targeted at young
• More than 30,000 print resources supplied free of charge
to support events.
• The dedicated website received over 30,000 hits.
• Evaluation is carried out with all those ordering
resources, this has shown an increase in take up of
events and high satisfaction ratings for ease of planning
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