St. Ignatius Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Location:

St. Ignatius Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Location: Parish Office Garden Level
Time: 7:15 – 9:00 PM
Arrival and social time
Welcome and agenda review **January Secretary?**
January secretary will be selected at December meeting.
Fr. JA’s assignment to St. Ignatius will end June 2016. Just learned this week. Unsure
what next assignment will be but expected to continue working with the
What is it that, in your life here in the parish, you have been asked to let go of?
Many stories of sacrifice. Most were small and what we get back is 10,000 times
Updates from Commissions/parish groups
Liturgy Update – all readings for Advent have to do with abundance and
overflowing of joy. Considering ways to show that. Idea: two different color tokens.
One represents giving joy to someone. The other reflects giving mercy. Would put
the joy and mercy color tokens in collection basket and would exhibit them in a glass
vessel to visually represent the abundance of joy and mercy at Advent.
These tokens could be pink and purple cards that represent joy and mercy. Lighting
of Advent wreath will take place before the first reading. Taize prayer on Monday
Spiritual Life – also working on theme of mercy. Opening the Door of Mercy. JA and
Martha Sullivan will give reflection. Will invite Latino community this Sunday after
Mass. On November 22nd there will be Mass of remembrance. Foundation of
Ignatian prayer is in 3rd week then will break until after Advent. Living the Spiritual
exercise group will come together once per month.
Social Outreach Ministry – Busy time. Fourth Tuesday of October group went to
Shattuck shelter (as they do every month). Cut paper ornaments for the Christmas
giving tree for the holidays. Made 800 ornaments!! Parishioners take one and
commit to return them with gifts. Men’s and women’s fleeces are needed. In January
we will have Arrupe group. Will present about refugee services. Talking about the
founder of Boston Health Care for homeless. May come and do a reading from his
book and do a talk. Sr Diane has received generous contribution for past several
years from a parishioner that she distributes. A second contribution came this
month. Gifts are $500 to $1000 to recipient organizations. Further down the road
goal is to expand impact by finding more organization where we can volunteer.
Those that fit into corporal works of mercy.
Community Connections – first meeting in 6 years last month. Three sub groups:
Hospitality, Communication/technology and Logistics. Communication looking at
web site. Hospitality hosted event for Jesuits. How do we raise visibility of three
groups? Next event is to decorate church for Advent. Working to address strategic
plan and how to make groups more viable.
Faith Formation – Family Arts Based Program (FABP) looking good. New model
with parents teaching. Retreat was day-long and successful.
Paul Melley received 31 responses for new lector and Eucharistic Minister
volunteers. Lectors and EMs who go to a different Mass are encouraged to check in
and ask if help is needed.
Latino community – working on Guadalupe Virgin Mass on December 13. It will be bilingual in upper church. Food and hospitality will follow. Planning to ask people to come
in costume. Those in costume will be in procession. Last week’s Day of the Dead Mass
was one of most attended Masses for this community. It has become easy to coordinate
Masses. Everybody jumps in and helps. Casa de Pedro will donate 100 plates for next
celebration (Guadalupe).
Pastoral transition update
Fr. Ed Quinan has asked what the parish wants next steps to be. Fr. Ed has written letter
to the cardinal recommending a candidate for the new pastor. We have not yet heard the
Cardinal’s response Fr. Ed will return to the parish for a visit. Should there be a joint PPC
Meeting with Frs. Bob and the newly appointed pastor? Should there be some overlap
since JA is now leaving too? How do we provide the community an opportunity to come
to grips with changes? It may feel to the parish as though everyone is being taken away
from us. Can the new pastor come for a weekend and experience the church before
becoming pastor? New Pastor should be named sooner rather than later; until the
Cardinal officially appoints the new pastor, these conversations are hypothetical. We
need an active dialogue about how to move forward. It was agreed that the parish
council will invite the new pastor to attend the council’s Day of Reflection in January.
Discussion: The Ignatian Way in a Year of Mercy
 Fr. Bob hopes that in his final year people become more in touch with the Ignatian way
and spiritual exercises. Bob will be writing a script over time communicating this to our
community. Many in our parish do not know the story of Ignatius or Ignatian
spirituality. Who was this man, and what did these events mean in his life? Possibly
exhibit Sammy Chong art in garden level of parish office during the break in Faith
Formation at Christmastime. Loyola Press has lots of materials on the life of Ignatius.
Can also reach kids through web site.
Discussion: Young adult group
 Leadership of young adult group has moved on.
Group is not strong and needs
Conversation to continue at next meeting
Next PPC Meeting: Advent Party, December 8, 2015
130 Beacon Street
6:30 – 9:00 PM
PPC Day of Reflection
Saturday, January 9, 2016
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM