29th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2015 Fr. Robert VerEecke, S.J.

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2015
Fr. Robert VerEecke, S.J.
When you were a child did they call religious instruction “Catechism
Classes”? Or “CCD”? (That was so popular that people still use the term but
who knows what it means?) Religious instruction now is often called “Faith
Formation”. This shift represents the idea that faith is about much more than
learning the “what” of faith but as well the “who” the “how”, the “why?”
One of the most engaging ways in which faith formation happens here is a
program called Family Arts-Based Faith Formation. Yes, it involves families
and learning and experiencing faith through plays, dance, music,
photography, journalism. It’s a model that was begun by a Jesuit from
Paraguay. It was brought to this parish by Maria Rodriguez, a parishioner
who teaches at Holy Cross and who received her own faith formation this
way. Tomorrow, they have their day-long retreat and the theme is Pentecost,
the coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.
You may not know that over the years I have written many ritual plays for
children and families. I was asked if I had one for Pentecost that they could
use. I didn’t, so I asked the Spirit to inspire me. I’d like to share this play
with you this afternoon/morning. Yes, I know it’s not Pentecost but aren’t
we always waiting for the Spirit to come and enthuse us, show us the way?
In today’s gospel, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, are bold, demanding
and very impatient. They want the kingdom of God NOW and they want it
their way. Not Jesus’ way. In Mark’s gospel, the disciples rarely “get it”.
Even after the resurrection, as they wait in the upper room for the Spirit to
come, do they get it?
Prelude to Pentecost
John, son of Zebedee: I’m dying of suspense! I don’t think I can wait any
James, son of Zebedee: I’m just bored! It’s been ten days since Jesus told us
to wait for something to happen in the upper room. I’m really getting tired of
waiting! I just want to go out for a while.
Thomas: Well, you can but I’m not leaving this place. Remember what
happened the last time when Jesus came and I was out? Boy what a fool I
made of myself. How embarrassing when Jesus told me to put my fingers in
his wounds. No way I’m leaving!
Salome: You men are so impatient! If God had made you a woman and a
mother you would know the joy of waiting. That’s the problem with you
men. You’ve never given birth so you don’t know what it is to wait!
Mary, the Mother of Jesus: Salome is right you know. Those nine months I
was carrying Jesus in my womb were some of the most precious moments in
my life. As much as I may have wanted to rush ahead, I needed to be patient
and cherish the life within me.
Mary Magdalene: I haven’t given birth but we women are much more
patient than you. After Jesus died on the Cross, you all were convinced that
it was all over. Onto the next thing. You wouldn’t wait to see what could
unfold. We are the ones who went back to the tomb to anoint the body of
Jesus, only to find that he was Risen. We women disciples had our women’s
intuition that in God’s time, all would be made new.
Peter: Mary, I have learned so much from you! You should really be the
leader, not me. You are the Rock on which we all depend. But yes, I know
the times we live in do not give women their just place. Maybe thousands of
years from now women like you will have their rightful place.
Thomas: I doubt that! Not that you don’t deserve it but it’s hard for men to
let go of control.
Salome: Wait, does anyone else hear something? It sounds soft but it seems
to be getting louder and louder?
John: Yes, I hear it too? Where is it coming from? It seems to be coming
from somewhere in this room but where?
James: I’m dying of suspense! Where can this sound be coming from? Is this
what we’ve been waiting for?
Mary the Mother of Jesus: Oh wait! This is the sound that I heard the night
that Jesus was born. I thought it was Angels’ singing!
Magdalene: Oh wait! This is the sound that I heard coming from the tomb
when I was waiting outside weeping and then I heard Jesus’ voice call my
Peter: Oh wait, this is the sound that I heard resounding across the waters
when I was with the disciples fishing and Jesus was waiting for us on the
Thomas: I don’t doubt any of this. The sound is getting stronger and stronger
almost like a driving wind….
Is this what we are waiting for?
Now you may think that I’m not being fair to the male disciples by
contrasting their impetuousness, impatience and imprudence with the
constancy, compassion and cooperation of the women. I can be accused of
gender bias. But the fact is that in Mark’s Gospel, the male disciples are the
ones who most often don’t get it. They are all about power and position, not
service and humility. Jesus is constantly turning the tables on them whether
it’s the rebuke to Peter (“Get behind me Satan”) or today’s: “Can you drink
the cup I’m to drink or be bathed in the baptism I am?” James and John say
they can without knowing the real cost of discipleship.
And the bishops in Rome at the Synod on the family? I wonder if they will
take this Gospel to heart? Hopefully they have learned something from the
early disciples and are not jockeying for power and position, making sure
they get their agenda to be the one and only. Perhaps if there were more
women disciples around the table in Rome there would be a better balance?
Our faith is a treasure and we want future generations to receive the Good
News, which is more than dogma and teachings. It’s about God in Jesus
Christ and the men and women he calls to follow him. Not to be the greatest
but to be the least.