D E C E M B E R 14, 2014 T H E T H IR D S U N D A Y OF ADVENT THE READINGS FOR THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT ARE: 2SM. 7: 1-5 ROM. 16:25-27 LK.1: 26-38 Please Pray for Sunday, December 14, 2014 8:00 Charles Robert Doyle 10:00 Mary Morra Noon Angela Maffeo & Graziella Alfonso 5:30 Timothy Smith Tuesday, December 16, 2014 12:15 Gerard Stanton 5:30 Robert Killian Saturday, December 20, 2014 9:00 Theresa Bourque 4:00 Primo Lorenzoni Sunday, December 21, 2014 8:00 Chevaun Doyle (Healing) 10:00 Joseph Leo Mullen Noon Edward Xavier (Living) Noon Sp. Clarisa Mesa 5:30 Mary Dafarra Christmas Reflections Fr. Bob will raise the curtain again on a performance of Christmas Reflections that celebrates the true meaning of Christmas through story, music and dance. Christmas Reflections weaves together new works and favorites from A Dancer's Christmas with Irish Step dances choreographed by Helen O'Dwyer. The Cast includes nearly 100 dancers of all ages, including students of the O'Dwyer School of Irish Dancing. Friday, 19 th at 7:30 pm - Saturday, 20 th at 3:00 pm – Sunday, 21 st at 3:00 pm For Tickets call: 617-552-4002 or online: www.bc.edu/offices/robsham/tickets.html Reserved Seating: $20 Groups of 10 -$15 Robsham Theater Arts Center Boston College www.blde.org A Romantic Christmas Wines from France, Italy, Spain, Portugal A festive Reception will follow the 3:00 PM December 20th performance at the Jesuit Residence, 130 Beacon Street from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. A $75 per person donation includes a ticket to the performance and the reception. Please contact the Parish Office 617- 552-6102 or email: ignatius@bc.edu BECOME AN ELF FOR CHRISTMAS! Come help decorate the church for Christmas on Wednesday, December 24 starting at 9:00 a.m. Come for a little time or come for the whole time: All ages and experiences are welcome to come and help! For more information, contact Catherine Downing at 617-782-5812 or at cfdesq@hotmail.com 1. th THE PARISH SUPPORT PROGRAM Each year at this time, we ask you to consider how you are able to financially support the ministries of St. Ignatius throughout the coming year through The AMDG Parish Support Program. This program enhances our ability to project our income throughout the year and not have to worry about those Sundays and summers when many people are away from the parish due to the vagaries of weather, travel, vacations, etc. As our parish continues to grow, so also do our expenses. If you are a new parishioner or have never signed on to the program, we would be more than grateful if you would join the more than 500 families currently participating in the program and show your support for this remarkable parish. We are so grateful for the stewardship of these parishioners who contribute more than 70% of our operating income. If you are already a participant, your annual donation will be renewed as is, unless you desire to change it or you need to change your information. For those of you who have not yet signed on, you can check out the brochure on the parish website to find out more about the program. HTTP://BC.EDU/STIGNATIUS ! Pledge cards are available at the entrances of the church or call the parish office to receive one. 617-5526102. OUTREACH MINISTRIES ANOTHER THANK YOU IS IN ORDER to everyone who played a part in our holiday outreach through the Shattuck Holiday Meal and the Gift Drive. Both efforts went very well and we know that there were, and will be, smiling faces and grateful hearts galore! JOY OF THE GOSPEL GROUP DISCUSSION If you would like to gather with other parishioners to share your thoughts and reflections on the Introduction and first section of Joy of the Gospel, we invite you to join us on Tuesday evening, December 16 , in the Parish Offices at 7:15 pm. th POINSETTIA DONATIONS For Christmas, we invite you to remember your loved ones by making a donation to purchase a poinsettia in their name. These plants will be used to make the Church shine for the season and an acknowledgement of gratitude will appear in the bulletin. If you wish to donate, please fill out the form below and return it with your donation by December 23 . rd Yes, I would like to donate $________to remember: Name of person to be remembered: ___________________________________________________ Name of Donor: ___________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. La Página Hispana Oración Virgen Santísima de Guadalupe, Madre de Dios, Señora y Madre nuestra! Venos aquí postrados ante tu santa imagen, que nos dejaste estampada en la tilma de Juan Diego, como prenda de amor, bondad y misericordia.!Aún siguen resonando las palabras que dijiste a Juan con inefable ternura: "Hijo mío queridísimo, Juan a quien amo como a un pequeñito y delicado," cuando radiante de hermosura te presentaste ante su vista en el cerro del Tepeyac.!Haz que merezcamos oír en el fondo del alma esas mismas palabras.!Sí, eres nuestra Madre; la Madre de Dios es nuestra Madre, la mas tierna, la mas compasiva. Y para ser nuestra Madre y cobijarnos bajo el manto de tu protección te quedaste en tu imagen de Guadalupe.!Virgen Santísima de Guadalupe, muestra que eres nuestra Madre. Defiéndenos en las tentaciones, consuélanos en las tristezas, y ayúdanos en todas nuestras necesidades. En los peligros, en las enfermedades, en las persecuciones, en las amarguras, en los abandonos, en la hora de nuestra muerte, míranos con ojos compasivos y no te separes jamás de nosotros. Un Padre Nuestro, Ave María y Gloria...en agradecimiento por el milagroso Retrato, milagro y continuo testimonio. DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH? ¿HABLA ESPAÑOL? The parish is presently organizing a program for Conversation Partners for anyone who would like to help members of our Latino community improve their English. If you have some free time once a week to meet with a native Spanish speaker, please let Fr. Bob know. Or if you would like to learn Spanish in the process, that would be possible too. 4. SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA 28 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE – CHESTNUT HILL, MA 02467 PHONE 617-552-6100 E-MAIL IGNATIUS@BC.EDU FAX: 617-552-6101 WEB: HTTP://BC.EDU/ST-IGNATIUS THE PARISH STAFF REV. ROBERT F. VER EECKE, SJ, PASTOR REV. JOHN ALLAN LOFTUS, SJ, ASSOCIATE PAUL MELLEY, ASST TO THE PASTOR, BC LIAISON FRVEREEC@BC.EDU JA.LOFTUS@BC.EDU MELLEYPA@BC. EDU 617-552-6100 617-552-6100 617-552-6113 MICHAEL BURGO, DIR. OF MUSIC MINISTRY TIMOTHY ZIMMERMAN, ASSOCIATE DIR. OF MUSIC SR. DIANE VALLERIO, MFIC, DIR. OF OUTREACH SUSAN STUART, DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION KATHY MAHER, FAITH FORMATION MIDDLE SCHOOL JONATHAN GALO, FAITH FORMATION ADMIN. ERNESTO REYES, CONFIRMATION COORDINATOR DIANA GAILLARDETZ, ADULT FAITH FORM./ RCIA BURGO@BC.EDU ZIMMERTA@BC.EDU VALLERIO@BC.EDU LANGINST@BC.EDU KATHERINE MAHER @BC.EDU GALO@BC.EDU REYESHEE@BC.EDU GAILLADI@BC.EDU 617-552-6108 617-552-611 617-552-6107 617-552-6105 617-552-6112 617-552-6112 617-552-6102 617-552-6103 RICHARD MOYNIHAN, BUSINESS MANAGER ELIZABETH MCLAUGHLIN, ADM. ASSISTANT WALTER FOTHERGILL, FACILITIES MANAGER MOYNIHAR@BC.EDU IGNATIUS@BC.EDU WALTER.FOTHERGILL @BC.EDU 617-552-6117 617-552-6102 617-552-6119 KATHY MAHER, CAP TEAM MEMBER, CHAIR REV. JOHN ALLEN LOFTUS, SJ, CAP TEAM MEMBER MARC GERVAIS, CAP TEAM MEMBER MARY SANTAPAULA, CAP TEAM MEMBER KATHERINE MAHER @BC.EDU JA.LOFTUS@BC.EDU MJG@GERVAISDAVENPORT.COM THE CELEBRATION OF EUCHARIST SUNDAY WEEKDAY SATURDAY UPPER CHURCH 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 NOON, 5:30 PM LOWER CHURCH 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, FAMILY LITURGY 12:00 MISA EN ESPAÑOL EN LA CAPILLA LANNON 12:15 PM - 5:30 PM – LOWER CHURCH – 12:45 PM FRIDAY, ADORATION LOWER CHURCH 9:00 AM, UPPER CHURCH 4:00 PM (Vigil) THE SACRAMENTS BAPTISM Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults. Infant and child baptisms are by arrangement. FIRST EUCHARIST Preparation begins in Grade 1 and includes classes, retreats and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in 2nd grade. CONFIRMATION Our Confirmation program begins in the 9th grade. Students are confirmed in the Spring of the 10th grade. Young adults who have been catechized but are not yet confirmed should contact the Parish Office for an alternative program. MATRIMONY Must be registered as a parishioner six months prior to beginning Marriage arrangements. RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:15 – 3:45 PM Upper Church or by arrangement ANOINTING OF THE SICK by arrangement. 5.